#reminder that these are warm-ups and I don't promise they're any good <3
adiduck · 5 months
ok tho for saintspy the kissing behind the knee one is yes good *_*
You got it, dear!
14. Kiss on the back of the knee
Simon has his feet firmly on the ground, and Ethan is most of the way down the ladder up the manhole towards the street, when their pursuers catch up to them.
Above Simon, Ethan freezes, going still and silent all at once, one foot hovering over the rung it was about to fall onto heavily. Below him, Simon feels himself freeze too—his breaths stop and then start again, low and deep; his hands bracketing Ethan’s calves clenching on the old metal to stop any vibration there.
“—way did they go?” one of the goons above them is yelling, clearly at the end of his rope. Well, Simon can relate to that—he and Ethan were supposed to be on vacation, not uncovering secret drug rings in fucking Sweden of all places. Simon’s in fucking sturdy blue jeans, which were not really designed for quick and stealthy movement. Ethan’s in shorts and hiking boots.
“—sure they came this way,” a different goon is saying. “There’s nowhere else for them to go!”
“There’s no exit,” goon three complains, even as he comes to a stop on the grate they are directly beneat. “What did they do, fucking fly over the wall?”
Amateurs. Simon sighs silently, and carefully lays his head on Ethan’s lower thigh—just to express his exasperation with the situation. Above him, Ethan’s shaking with silent laughter.
“They must have climbed it,” goon one says. “Get over the wall now! Move it!”
There’s the sound of something being thrown, and then the thud of pounding feet towards what must be the wall of the alley they’re in, followed by grunting as three grown men—presumably—attempt to haul themselves up and over a wall Ethan and Simon had taken one look at before opting to pry the manhole open instead. Ethan’s shaking intensifies. Simon grins, and presses his lips—a little ticklish—to the back of Ethan’s bare knee.
They wait a solid minute as the sounds of their pursuers fade, and then Ethan grips the sides of the ladder and simply slides down the rest of the way, landing in front of Simon on the metal platform.
“New kiss time,” Simon whispers, and is elbowed in the ribs for his trouble.
“Not the time,” Ethan hisses back, but when he turns around his eyes are dancing. “Why are you thinking about that right now?”
“Kissing you?” Simon asks, as they follow the platform down along the sewer, bent low and ignoring the smell. “I’m usually thinking about kissing you.”
Ethan scoffs. “Good kiss,” he admits. “Not sure how I’m gonna reciprocate that one without this exact scenario happening again.”
“Behind my knee?”
Simon grins. “I mean,” he says, leans over to drop another kiss on the back of Ethan’s head, once and quickly. “I think there are other positions where it’d be accessible.”
In front of Simon, Ethan pauses. “Oh yeah?”
“Mmmmm.” Simon feels his eyelids lower, lets his voice deepen into something of a purr. “This is all very inconvenient, Ethan. If we weren’t currently running from drug runners, I’d say: let’s go back to the hotel room, and I’ll offer a demonstration.”
“Huh,” Ethan says.
“Unless you think we can be finished with these losers quickly,” Simon starts to muse—
He’s interrupted by Ethan turning around, putting one broad hand on the nape of Simon’s neck, and hauling him into a deep kiss.
“First to find their hideout gets first use of the shower,” Ethan says, right up against Simon’s lips—
And then he takes off down the platform.
“Cheater,” Simon calls.
He’s answered by laughter.
Oh, well, he thinks, giving chase. To be honest, there aren’t really any downsides to losing this one.
Send me a kiss for SaintSpy May!
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Buck's favorite words
Just a little idea I couldn't get out of my head so enjoy this ficlet 🙂
Buck isn't sure why he likes the word so much, but every time he says it, it's like sugar on his tongue. It makes him feel warm and fuzzy and like everything is right with the world.
"Sorry, I'm flattered but I'm seeing someone," Buck says to the pretty girl he's just evacuated from a 3-alarm blaze. His voice is kind but firm, a far cry from the Buck of old who might have preened at the attention.
"Oh come on, handsome hero man. Give me your number," she purrs, reaching out to touch his arm.
Her relentlessness gives Buck a little push, and he finds himself using the word for the first time in public. It rolls off his tongue easily, filling him with a quiet pride.
"Sorry, but like I said, I'm taken," he says, gently stepping back. Then, with a smile that's both apologetic and genuinely happy, he adds, "I have a boyfriend."
The word 'boyfriend' sits in the air between them, and Buck feels a warmth spread through his chest.
From then on, he finds himself saying it as often as he can, each time feeling that same warmth, that same quiet joy.
At the flower shop, where he's picking out a bouquet for his and Tommy's dinner date, the florist asks, "Do you need help picking something out for your girlfriend?"
"Boyfriend, actually," Buck replies with an easy smile. "And I'm good, thanks."
At the coffee shop, he leans on the counter, eyes scanning the pastry case. "Do you have any cranberry orange scones? My boyfriend loves them," Buck asks the barista warmly.
Later, at the bar waiting for Tommy, a pretty girl sends a drink over. Buck catches her eye, raises the glass in thanks, and then gently shakes his head. When she approaches, he's ready with a now-familiar phrase: "I'm flattered, but I have a boyfriend."
Each time he says it, 'boyfriend' feels more natural, more right. It's not just a word anymore—it's a declaration of who he is, who they are together. And Buck finds he loves that feeling almost as much as he loves Tommy.
There's nothing better than the word boyfriend. That is, until a new word takes its place.
At a restaurant, the waiter approaches with menus in hand. "Would you like to order an appetizer while you wait?"
Buck's eyes light up, a grin spreading across his face. "No thanks, my fiancé should be here soon." The word 'fiancé' rolls off his tongue like honey, sweet and perfect.
On a work call to a new gym, Buck finds himself pacing with excitement. "Wow! This place is nice. Do you have a free trial? I bet my fiancé would love to try it out." He can't help but emphasize the word, feeling a thrill every time he says it.
Later, meeting with the wedding caterers, Tommy sits right next to him, their hands intertwined. Buck squeezes Tommy's hand as he says, "No, we definitely don't want German chocolate cake. My fiancé is allergic to coconut." He glances at Tommy, catching his soft smile at the word.
With each use, 'fiancé' becomes more than just a title. It's a promise, a future, a declaration of forever. And Buck realizes that while 'boyfriend' was wonderful, 'fiancé' is magical—a constant reminder of the commitment they've made and the life they're building together.
But the magic of 'fiancé' only lasts for so long before it's also replaced with something even more profound.
At the hospital, Buck's heart races as he approaches the reception desk. "Hi, I'm Evan Kinard. I just got a call that my husband was here." The word 'husband' feels both new and familiar on his lips.
The receptionist nods reassuringly. "Oh sure, it looks like your husband has just been discharged. Just smoke inhalation and a minor concussion."
Later, at Maddie's place, Buck finds himself chuckling as Chimney and Tommy argue about movies. He turns to his sister with a grin. "I don't know whose husband is more stubborn, yours or mine."
At the 118's karaoke night, Buck takes the stage, his eyes locked on Tommy. "I'd like to dedicate this song to my husband," he announces, his voice full of love. As the opening notes of "I Can't Help Falling in Love With You" begin to play, Buck starts to sing, his voice soft and sincere. Tommy's face flushes with a mix of embarrassment and deep affection as Buck serenades him in front of their friends and colleagues.
Each time Buck says 'husband', he feels a surge of pride and love. It's more than just a word—it's a testament to their journey, their commitment, and the life they've chosen to share. And Buck knows, without a doubt, that 'husband' is his favorite word yet.
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maybcnksgf · 3 months
I love love love your writting. can you do an enemies to lovers Sirius Black one shot? idk like make it hella dramatic, like fighting in the rain n then they kiss, or like a truth or dare n they have to kiss or sum. again love u sm have a good day stay healthy
— amortentia ; sirius black x fem!hufflepuff!reader 𐙚
summary: one thing about you is that you could not stand sirius black. one thing about sirius black is that he could not stand you.
warnings: swearing, drinking, james is an arse in this sorry :,(
a/n: hi my lovely, thank you so so much for the compliment & the request! i'm so flattered that u love my writing. i love YOU and i hope this did ur idea justice! <3 i also decided to make the reader a hufflepuff in this cause i thought it'd be a cute lil asset, hope u don't mind!
check out my masterlist & send in any requests <3
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One thing about you is that you could not stand Sirius Black.
Everybody seemed to love him. Not just the students, but teachers too; even Professor McGonagall couldn't hide her smirk behind her hand when she often gave him a good scolding.
Really, the only one of the four marauders you could stand was Remus Lupin. Peter Pettigrew was okay, though he was far too much of a tag-a-long for your liking, and James Potter was practically Sirius' right hand man. Remus was your Potions partner and he was, admittedly, as much of a sweetheart as a marauder could get, often helping you study and walking you back to your common room when he caught you asleep in the library during his prefect rounds (which only happened once... or maybe twice).
"They're not so bad," he promised you one Potions class, watching for your reaction with a sheepish grin as Sirius and James messed with Snape's potion at the back of the room. "They're actually really nice once you, y'know, get to know them."
"Nice?" you questioned him, scoffing out a laugh and grimacing at the sound of Sirius' laughter bellowing through the classroom. "Need I remind you what Sirius did to me in third year?"
"I know, I know! But he's changed, Y/N, honestly! He's more... mature?"
Even Remus couldn't quite believe the words that had just left his mouth as you both watched the boy in question actually spit into Severus' cauldron. "Oh yeah, Rem, so mature."
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One thing about Sirius Black is that he could not stand you.
He'd always believed what he did to you in your third year was harmless, something that would be forgotten within a month or two and not to be dwelled on. He knew you harboured a secret little crush on him at the time, so he figured... why not?
He really did mean it when he asked you out, though. Sure, he didn't know you too well; you were really just another Hufflepuff that he shared some classes with. But Remus seemed to like you, so he figured it could at least be a good way to make a new friend if nothing else.
You looked up from your book on Herbology at the rude interruption, and of all the people you were expecting to be standing before you, you were surprised at the sight of Sirius Black. You cleared your throat awkwardly, willing the immediate blush to disappear from your cheeks. "Hi?"
It came out as more of a question than you intended it to, but he grinned at you nonetheless and your face felt warm, was it warm in there?
You did a quick scan of the library in search of any of his smug little friends, but you saw no one. Just him.
He didn't wait for an invitation before pulling out the chair beside you and sitting down, still grinning ear to ear. "You free Saturday?"
You couldn't help but raise your eyebrows in surprise, your yellow tie suddenly feeling far too restrictive around your neck as you somehow managed to splutter out a "yes". Sirius pulled a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back (pink and white roses) and offered them to you with the same lopsided grin. "Meet me at the Three Broomsticks? Two o'clock?"
The only problem was... James had gotten into his head.
That same afternoon, Sirius entered his dorm with an air of confidence, not dissimilar to usual, but he had a different sort of spring in his step.
Remus and James were sat on their respective beds. The former looked up at him over his book and raised a single eyebrow, clearly noticing something different about his entrance, though James didn't look up from the Quidditch magazine he was reading and paid no mind.
"Afternoon, boys," he announced, his voice dripping with glee as he crashed down onto his bed.
"Afternoon, Pads," Remus responded, a curious tone to his voice as he kept his eyebrow raised. "What's gotten into you today?"
"Scored a date," he said, far too matter-of-factly for the grin he was still sporting. "With Y/N."
Remus' book fell shut on the ground with a thud, jaw dropped open and lost for words as James finally cocked an eyebrow. "Who's that?"
"Y/N L/N. Y'know, the Hufflepuff girl in our Potions class?"
"And Herbology, and Charms," Remus finally composed himself, now staring at Sirius with a pointed look, well aware of his friend's... reputation. "Look, Pads. I know she likes you, but you have to be careful about this. Y/N is my friend, and I don't want to see you hurt her."
James suddenly barked out a laugh, finally dropping his magazine as he engaged in the conversation. "Be careful? There's nothing to be careful about, Moony. As if Sirius is actually going to go on a date with a Hufflepuff. Don't embarrass yourself like that, Padfoot."
"Don't be such a dick, Prongs," Remus spat, tossing a cushion at his mate and hitting him square in the head. "She's my friend."
Sirius said nothing.
So the next Saturday rolled around and you arrived at the Three Broomsticks at five minutes to two. Though, five minutes to two became two o'clock, which became two thirty, which became three, which soon became four.
And Sirius never showed.
The next day at breakfast, you'd found him, slapped him across the face, threw the bouquet of pink and white roses back at him and left without a word.
Sirius Black did not like to be publicly humiliated. He decided there and then that he wanted nothing else to do with you.
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It wasn't until your sixth year rolled around that Remus realised things were changing.
Gryffindor had just won their first match of the season against Slytherin and, as usual, there was a huge party in their common room.
You weren't much of a partier, usually preferring to stay in the comfort of your dorm with a book that you and Remus were bound to discuss within the next few days. Of course, you'd attend the parties when Hufflepuff won, but you were never one to join in with the other houses.
Although he knew this, Remus Lupin had a plan.
He was beginning to grow sick of the constant complaining on both sides of his friends. It was always "Come on, Moony, she's so bloody weird" or "Look at him, Remus, how on earth can you stand to be friends with him?" and, quite frankly, he'd had enough.
He loved the marauders, of course; they were his best friends, his brothers. But he also loved you, and though he knew that Sirius' young and dumb actions in third year hurt you, he really wasn't lying when he said he'd changed.
Yes, Sirius would call you weird or strange or annoying to his friends, but Remus knew he was deflecting. He saw the way something in his eyes changed when he watched you enter Platform 9 3/4 on the first day of your fifth year. He saw the way he'd been secretly pining over you for the last year.
Likewise, he knew the same went for you too. No matter how badly he hurt you, your feelings for Sirius never really left. He saw the way your gaze lingered on his friend for just a little bit too long. He knew the way you shook your head and muttered "what a dick" under your breath every time you looked away was a cover up.
The party in the Gryffindor common room was in full swing by the time Remus convinced you to join him. It had taken a lot of begging and a fair few promises to buy you more books before you agreed, and you found yourself awkwardly at Remus' side as you entered through the portrait hole.
It wasn't long until James had found his friend and immediately tugged him away. Remus tried to fight it but found him impossible, shooting you an apologetic smile before you lost sight of him. You made a mental note to demand another promise of more books when you found him again.
You accepted defeat and made your way over to the drinks table, in need of at least something before you inevitably called it a night early and headed back to the comfort of your own common room.
Smoothing the fabric of your dress down, you suddenly felt very out of place in the yellow and white floral fabric, but an unfortunately familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts before you got too caught up in them.
You immediately snapped your head up and fought the urge to roll your eyes at the source of the voice. "Black."
Sirius seemed surprised at your presence, his eyebrows raised and an interesting sort of smirk gracing his features as he looked down at you. "And what exactly are you doing here?"
"Remus invited me," you kept your answers short, trying to slow your rapidly beating heart as you reached for the firewhiskey and flashed him a sarcastic smile. "Is that a crime?"
"No." His smirk only grew, seemingly amused at your snap back as he kept his eyes on you. "Not a crime at all, love."
He knew what he was doing. How dare he try and flirt with you now after what he did before.
"Don't call me that," your response came immediately and you felt yourself trying to fight the shiver that was so desperate to creep down your spine. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a party to enjoy and somebody to stay far away from."
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That was an hour ago now, and since then you had already downed way too many cups of firewhiskey for your body to handle. You were so set on trying to avoid Sirius that you tried to make yourself forget he was even there at all.
An hour became two and Sirius ended up finding you back at the drinks table again, barely even holding yourself up as you tried to pour yourself a cup of whatever alcohol was nearest to you. Sirius, though definitely not sober, was painfully so compared to you, and he watched in slight amusement as you managed to get more of the liquid on your dress than in the cup.
"You alright over there?" His voice snapped you out of your pitiful concentration and in turn made you jump, even more of the liquid spilling down you when you did.
"Hello, Sirius," you responded, turning to look at him with a big smile and almost stumbling into his chest, causing him to wrap his arms around you as he caught you.
In your clouded state of mind, you couldn't for the life of you remember that you're supposed to hate this guy, and instead only found memories of the longing gazes when you racked your mind. You'd regret this tomorrow; you most certainly could not handle your drink.
"Hello, Y/N," Sirius raised his eyebrows at your state as he answered you, still amused as he copied your tone of voice. "You look like you've had enough."
You gasped as if he had just suggested you were You-Know-Who himself. "I have not!"
Despite your best efforts, your words came out slurred and Sirius knew Remus would not be happy that you're left out here alone in this state. He cast a quick glance around the common room but couldn't find a single glimpse of his mate in the crowd, and he let out a quiet curse under his breath.
I'm supposed to hate her, he thought to himself, letting his eyes fall back on your smiling face. She embarrassed you Sirius, shoved a bouquet of bloody roses at you in front of the entire Great Hall to see. But why did she have to grow up and be so bloody pretty?
"Let's get you back to your common room, yeah?" He suggested, gently taking the cup from you and placing it back down on the table.
He admittedly felt bad for you. Remus was nowhere to be found and he couldn't just let you get all the way back to the Hufflepuff common room by yourself in this state. You're just being a decent guy, Sirius, he told himself again. You'd do this for anyone.
You either didn't seem to hear him or his words didn't register in your brain, because when he placed a hand on the small of your back to carefully lead you through the crowd and back through the portrait hole, you only spoke with a grin.
"Are we going on a walk?"
"Yeah, love. We're going on a walk." Sirius couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction, but deep down he felt a little tense. With the state you were in, anyone could've taken advantage of you, and he was glad he found you before anyone else did. Maybe it was the little bit of firewhiskey still running through his veins, but Merlin, Black, the fuck is wrong with you tonight?
The walk back to the Hufflepuff common room was slow and quiet, and Sirius ended up wrapping an arm around your shoulders and taking most of your weight against him to stop your constant stumbling.
Once you'd reached the portrait, you muttered the password and allowed Sirius to half-carry you through, still not completely aware of what was going on, and the pair of you only stopped when you reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the girls' dormitories.
He'd never been in this part of the castle before, and he couldn't stop the small smile that graced his lips when he noticed it smelt like a lovely mixture of flowers and freshly baked cookies.
You turned to face him once you reached the stairs and something suddenly clicked in your drunken mind.
"Sirius? Is that you?!"
He chuckled quietly again and nodded his head, raising his eyebrows with an amusement smile. "Yeah, it's me. You're back in your common room now, yeah?"
You took a moment to process his words through the thick fog clouding your brain and nodded your head, still smiling too before looking down at your dress. Your smile fell into a sad frown. "Oh no, it's ruined! It was so pretty!"
The boy in front of you took notice at the alcohol stains on your dress and shrugged his shoulders. "It's still pretty. I mean, you look pretty. I mean-"
If you did notice him stumbling over his words and the blush that rose to his warm cheeks, you didn't show it (though Sirius doubted very much that you did notice in your state). You simply smiled again, turning away from Sirius without another word as you all but skipped up the stairs.
It wasn't until he neared the portrait hall to leave again that he heard your quiet little drunken giggle. "Sirius Black thinks I'm pretty."
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That was months ago now and you and Sirius hadn't even uttered a word to each other about that night.
Actually, if it was possible, you started avoiding each other more.
You were finally starting to admit to yourself that you had feelings for Sirius Black, but that scared you. How could you fall for him again after he stood you up in your third year? He left you there for two hours, your single butterbeer looking pathetic in front of you as Madame Rosmerta shot you sympathetic smiles from behind the counter every now and again.
You hadn't been in there since.
Little did you know, Sirius was avoiding you for exactly the same reason.
Okay, perhaps he was a little embarrassed to admit that he liked you. James was a dick that day three years ago and, although Sirius knew the both of them had matured since then, he couldn't help but worry his best friend just wouldn't approve. He knew deep down that James, especially now older, would just want him to be happy, but he was scared.
Remus had been so angry with him when he stood you up that he was also scared to face him again. Would he even believe him or force him to stay away from you for your own wellbeing?
The rain was pelting down heavily in early February as you trudged into Professor Slughorn's Potions class. The castle at this time of year was sickening, with pink and red paper hearts hovering over your heads in the hallways and fluttering around the tables in the Great Hall as Valentine's Day drew closer.
Even your professors had taken on the Valentine's theme, and you couldn't help but groan as you gathered around Slughorn's desk with the other Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.
"Amortentia," the professor announced, and a group of Gryffindors standing behind you giggled to themselves. "The most powerful love potion in the world. If brewed correctly, the scent will be different to everyone according to what attracts them."
James Potter scoffed on the other side of the crowd and whispered something in Sirius' ear. The latter laughed loudly, pulling the attention of everyone in the room.
"Mr Black?" Slughorn spoke through the boy's laughter, keeping his calm demeanour. "Perhaps, since you find this so amusing, you'd like to demonstrate for us?"
"Don't mind if I do, sir," Sirius just laughed again and made his way through the group, going to stand by the professor with a cocky smirk. "I bet it's just a load of old bollocks anyway."
"Well, I suppose we'll find out, Mr Black. Tell us what you smell, won't you?"
You watched as Sirius leant over the cauldron and you took a moment to take in his appearance. His shirt was untucked and unbuttoned a quarter of the way, his red and gold tie hanging loosely around his neck, and though you willed it not to, your heart couldn't help but flutter slightly.
At that moment, you realised that, if Slughorn was right, Sirius was about to reveal the scent of the one he loved.
"Smells like..." his voice pulled you from your thoughts as he took in the scent of the potion, "vanilla, fresh cookies, and..."
He trailed off, and his eyes suddenly flicked up to meet yours, an unreadable expression on his face as he muttered quietly.
"And, uh, roses."
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Whether it was the intensity of Sirius' gaze or the fact that everybody had turn round to look at you that made you storm out of the Potions classroom, you couldn't be sure.
Not even the heaviness of the rain could stop you as you tried to get as far away from the castle as possible. What the fuck just happened?
You shook your head, refusing to turn around as you continued walking. "Leave me alone, Sirius."
"Y/N, please-"
"I don't want to talk to you right now."
"Merlin's beard, L/N, would you stop and listen to me for one bloody second!"
He'd caught up to you now, throwing himself in front of you to stop you on your course. You'd almost crashed into his chest, and Sirius suddenly remembered how you'd done the same thing at that party four months ago.
"Sirius, please-" you begged quietly, trying to push past him.
You didn't get very far as he gently grabbed your elbow and brought you back in front of him. "No, Y/N, we're going to talk. For the first time, we're going to bloody talk."
"About what, Black? What could you possibly want to talk to me about? You haven't wanted to talk to me for the last three years, why start now?!"
He couldn't help it as his voice raised slightly, and you watched him grab at his dripping wet hair in frustration. "I just openly admitted my feelings for you in front of the entire fuckin' class and you won't even talk to me!"
"Because it's bullshit, Sirius!"
Sirius stopped at this, his eyebrows furrowing as he shook his head slightly. "What the bloody hell do you mean?"
"This is just another one of your plans to humiliate me, just like you did three years ago. I'm not falling for it this time."
Successfully this time, you pushed past him, shoulders brushing together as you did. He tried to grab your wrist to pull you back but you shook it out of his grip and continued walking away from him again.
"Y/N, come on-"
"I said no, Sirius."
"Y/N, I fucking love you!"
His words halted you in place. Neither of you spoke for a moment, and the only sounds you could hear was the violent pattering of the rain and his heavy breathing.
You shook your head slowly, not even turning around to face him. "You can't. You can't do this shit to me, Sirius."
"Why not? It's true!"
His words dripped with exasperation. He seemed desperate now, his body moving back in front of you again and Godric, were those just raindrops on your face or had you been crying too?
"Sirius, I can't- I can't let myself be hurt by you again," your voice cracked slightly as you refused to look at him, feeling your throat clog pathetically. "I liked you. I really bloody liked you and when you stood me up I was so humiliated."
Something in his face softened at your words, and his voice grew quieter. "Y/N, I didn't know-"
"I haven't been on a single date since, Sirius. I can't let anyone even attempt to get close to me like that because every time they do I think they're just gonna stand me up anyway, because that's what Sirius Black did. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to fall in love with you when-"
But suddenly all words were forgotten as his lips were on yours.
Sirius' hands were now on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. He tasted faintly of cigarettes and some chocolate that was no doubt stolen from Remus, and it took a moment to process what was happening. But you kissed him back.
Godric, did you kiss him back.
It was a few moments later when you pulled away, his forehead finding place against yours. Neither of you spoke for a moment and your eyes took their time to flutter open, only to find him already looking at you.
"You love me, you said it yourself. Give me a chance," his voice came as a whisper, his breath fanning against your mouth as his eyes searched your features desperately.
You nodded your head breathlessly, your hands sliding up around his shoulders as you gave him a pathetically pointed look. "You pull that third year shit ever again and you're dead."
"I swear. Merlin, I swear."
You laughed quietly and Sirius broke out into a wide smile. The silence that took over you both was comfortable, the rain providing a settling background noise despite the cold that chilled your bones
"For the record, I would have smelled you too."
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littlemissmaples · 5 months
PAC || Have you met the one? + Advice
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Pile 1 = Bear
Pile 2 = Candy
Pile 3 = Flower
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• Pile 1
Have you met the one?
Of course you have! But I feel like you have only ever seen them in your dreams. It's possible that this is someone that you know of although you haven't met them yet. I dont believe this is a celebrity, so I'm sorry if you were hoping it was (but that may be the fhace doe some of you).
I feel like in order for you to meet the one you need to become more organized, you need to let go of the things that no longer serve you, specially in the long run. This is a divine connection that can happen at any time but you will only end up making this journey far more troubling for yourself (perhaps you're impatient and meeting the wrong people often) if you do not, and I mean this with love, get it together.
I believe in you, hang in there. You know what to do 🌸
• Pile 2
Have you met the one?
I don't know why I wanna make the joke "have you met the two, the three and the four" lmao, you may be black or perhaps african, if not dont worry take what applies, you remind me of a friend. There's an energy here of "fun-ness" for some of you this is your future spouse coming in, he's a funny man. I'm not getting a more fem-presenting energy here. There's a chance he's the one who's black or of african descent (Asian for some of you). I don't believe that any of you have met this person yet but he's really excited to meet you, some of you are likely to meet him very soon, like very very soon, he wants to say that he's "tall, dark & handsome" and that he "writes music", perhaps he plays an acoustic guitar even, haha, he also says he smells good, there's so much he wants to say here. Perhaps I'll do a future spouse reading next after this one. But if you need me to summarize this.
Yes, you have met the one, you have either met them already/recently or you're about to meet them very soon or in a surprising way (I feel like they're right in front of you but you just dont see them, haha, you'll notice each other soon enough. For some of you this will bet at the mall, at work, bank or like a public space where you're busy with something.)
I'm not getting any advice for this Pile. All I'm getting is messages from whoever's fs this is. He says "get ready, sexy." Lmao he is a riot.
• Pile 3
Have you met the one?
No unfortunately you have not, the reason I say "unfortunately" is because I feel like for some of you you have recently gone through a break up. You thought they were the one, but they're not. For some of you I'm getting that this person's friend is the one or perhaps someone who was (or is) friends with you. Some of you have soulmates that are friend but you confuse this for romantic love. I'm also getting for some of you that you pursue romantic love only to find that you're stuck in toxic places. I'm sorry you've had to go through this but you're not alone, and things will look up for you, but you have to give up on this search first, you're more likely to meet the one if you stop seeking shiny things in dark spaces, the entire world shines for you, everything is light by sunlight and I know that makes it harder for you to figure out what's good for you if "he's the one" and all this when everything outside shines so much. But this doesnt mean you gave to go to such cold spaces to find something warm. Maybe you dont have to be warm, maybe the temperature outside is enough. What I'm saying sounds cryptic but this is how I'm getting these messages. Stop seeking love outside of yourself, I promise that you'll find it, but you dont have to go to odd places to bump into it. Sometimes the most precious things are found in the most regular places. Learn to love the mundane things in life, I know the slow-paced-ness of it all fan be kinda frustrating but slowing down is not what you need to do, just let yourself be and what how everything flows to you. Some of you live in New York, idk why I'm seeing the park, but there's a chance you'll be finding yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting this perfect someone, after following a string of events that lead you to this "sunny place." (I kept hearing "sunshine state" I looked it up and I got Florida, someone might be from Florida, some of you might move to Florida or perhaps be meeting the one in Florida or maybe the one IS from florida, haha. Either way there's something here about Florida. ((California & Arizona too for some. Take what applies, my love 💛)) )
Do not be so hard on yourself, you're very strict with how you are. Perhaps you need a routine that's more simple on you, take a walk outside but dont expect anything insane, just take the time to move about at your own pace and see what catches your eye. Follow your instinct. Drink something nice at a nice place. For some of you I'm getting a cafe, maybe you like matcha. Either way, take it easy today. You deserve a break, your mind is too heavy. Some of you might be autistic or perhaps you're in your head often, whatever it is, please let your mind rest, you think too hard, you'll be okay if you take a break for a day. Things dont have to be so complex. (I know this has nothing to do with "the one" but I feel like being kinder to yourself can really help speed that up.)
Take care, y'all 🌤✌
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absolutebl · 7 months
These Weeks in BL - This Is Very Late, Or Right on Time depending on where you sit on the temporal debate team
Sorry I got distracted by work. In my defense: I was paid.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
March 2024 Wk 1 & 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube grey) ep 12 fin - Unfortunately, there was singing. But what can we do?
A soft charming warm hug of a show about crushes and mind reading and self worth, with no-fuss execution from a consummate team and an OG lead pair proving why they remain eternal and deserve to grow up. Look, here’s the thing, Cherry Magic is a great Thai BL in its own right not comparing it to any other iteration. But even when I do compare (and I've seen all the Cherries and read the manga) it still stands. This is a great show, a solid adaptation, and a pleasing take on the original yaoi. I personally like it better than the Japanese live action, but I think that’s because I just really like Thai BL and I LOVE TayNew. I doubted them for this and I shouldn’t have. They did a great job, as did the sides. I will say all the kissing was both present and better than any other iteration. As it should be. Definitely one for the rewatch rotation. 9/10 
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 1 of 8 (10?) - Damn it, I love it. And I don't want to. It’s more classic BL than I thought it would be, and far less Only Friends or Playboyy. (Thank fuck.) We got a big cast and a lot of tropes going down out the gate, including SMITTEN popular hot guy versus nerd with secret identity. (Incidentally, Khem did drop into rude / informal when arguing with his Aunt and defending his ma. Bratty boy.) The leads have good chemistry (First always does), and everyone is very pretty. The main boy reminds me of J-Min's role (and look) in Love Class 2. I am entertained. (And faintly wonder why this isn't a MosBank vehicle.)
To Be Continued (Thai C3 Thailand grey) eps 1-3 of 8- High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite a decade later when both of them have full time jobs (celebrity & doctor). Dr Ji is a familiar face (hi Dream it's been a LONG time) and everyone is way too old for high school, but I guess I prefer this to child actors?
I'm enjoying it, actually, the cast may be older but they're solid as a result and the chemistry is on point for a pulp. Whether our celebrity is on the DL or cheating or something else remains to be seen but he sure is smitten. The way he LOOKS at Ji = hawt.
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Frankly? Celebrity/doctor is a good pairing and this is a solid Thai BL. I hope we have a nice angsty reason for the break-up and we're not in another Promise situation. I like the sides too. Carry on, little show, I'm disposed to be pleased with you.
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 12 - I am enjoying it, actually. It’s incredibly silly. But I don’t really mind. STOP SINGING. 
1000 Years Old eps 3-4 of 12 - I love that these kids basically adopted a vampire pet. And one of them accidentally got a vampire boyfriend. This suddenly turned from a PNR into a family drama about domestic gays opening a food stall and I'm not mad about it. Nothing makes sense and I don't care because... rainbow umbrella!
A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV grey) eps 1 of 10 - I don’t love it. I make no bones about the fact that a pining uke rarely works for me, especially if he’s younger (cute supportive besties not withstanding), the power dynamic isn’t good. I always like Kimmon, he’s a stiff actor but v pretty. (I shallow af.) Still it’s time he started acting his age… literally. Having to watch ads again as well… for this? Ooof. I'm not sure I'm strong enough.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 6 fin - It was very cute. I liked that there was uke instigated kisses. However I have some reservations on this one, much as I enjoyed it.
Adapted from Mayo Tsurakame’s manga, production team included Tadaaki Horai (My Love Mix-Up!) and Takeshi Miyamoto (Old Fashion Cupcake). Essentially Perfect Propose was about finding hope in a person when all other hope is gone. This show focuses on apathy, and perforce is somewhat apathetic and un-engaging especially as the pacing was off (and with only 6 episodes? now) However, this is countered by great visuals, good archetypes, and a clean story of childhood sweethearts reuniting after loosing their way in life. I landed on 8/10 mostly for a demanding younger seme and some great kisses. 
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Unknown (Taiwan Tues Youku YouTube) eps 2-3 of 11 - Oh it’s great. I love it. I’m still worried by how gritty and "Taiwanese short-esk" it feels, but wow does this hit all my favorite taboo tropes and buttons. I also adore the little found fam, they the cutest gay older bros ever. The younger one who wants so bad to grow up and take care of the older one and pushes himself because into self sacrifice that’s the only model of love he has. ARGH. BOYS. Why so much pain, just smooch already! Sheesh. It's on YouTube for some of us, here's the schedule.
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) eps 6-7 of 10 - They remain questionably cute, and that is probably going to be my ultimate review of this show. Awe cameo! (Hi babies, hope the ghosts are leaving you alone.) The irony does not escape me that the person in the relationship with the most emotional acumen is, in fact, the robot and not the human. I'm sure that's meant to be deep.
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Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - A tortured second chance romance featuring a reported and a successful celebrity(?) academic. The kid actors look nothing like their adult counterparts, but they do look much younger. So, okay. Ah the utter embarrassment of first love. Oh I like it a lot, so very messy Japanese emo. Sigh. Here we go again.
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) eps 8-9 of 10 - They are a cute couple. They both trying so hard and so confused and awkward and polite in trying to understand each other but TERRIBLE at communication. 
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) eps 3-4 of 8 - I don’t know how I feel about this. But I do know it’s not my thing because it’s not BL. I’ll finish it because it’s short but… meh. 
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It's done, ready to binge, but I have no time
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master (Vietnam YouTube) - I will try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will watch eventually.
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It's airing but...
Dead Friend Forever (Thai iQIYI) - finished it's run and I won't be watching it. It's horror with BL elements and the ending, well, let's just say that's a "no thank you" from me.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… no. I'm not watching this. I dislike this franchise.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Takumi-kun (2023) movie version AKA Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa released on FOD 3/5/2024. The original project was a 6 ep series. Having seen all the previous iterations and read the (terrible) yaoi I admit to being intrigued. If anyone finds eng subbed please let me know with a link in comments or in a DM? For those intersted in this show, probably the world's first true BL franchise I chat all about it here.
James Supamongkon has withdrawn from the series Love Upon A Time and the NetJames pair is no more. Net Siraphop will continue with the historical BL project alongside a new partner. Can I interest you in Tod Techit... almost as pretty, legs for days...
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The Complete Chronology of the Assault Case Against GMMTV Actor Win Pawin
I'm merely directing your attention to these articles, I do not wish for discussion of this content on this blog. Please don't ask for further info, I don't know the answer, follow the link that's why it's there.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Still Coming
3/21 Two Worlds (Thai IQIYI) 10 eps - announced here. One of those "he's dead Jim so time travel" thingames staring MaxNat. I'm over them but Asia flipping loves this trope and I do adore MaxNat. Phupha (Gun) and Khram (Nat) love each other but Phupha is murdered. Then Khram is pulled to a parallel world where, 12 years ago, Khram and Tai (Max) were in love. However, Khram was killed by Thai’s dad. Now Tai finds alter-Khram apparently alive. But then there is ALSO an alter-Phupha (played by Gun Thanawat who is Khom the repressed butler bodyguard from Unforgotten Night).
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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How flipping adorable is this vampire with his big gay umbrella? SUCH A DORK and we got more vampire dorks coming.
Thailand has found its vampire line and it's awkward and geeky and quite cheerful. 'Bout what we expected, to be fair. It's a good look for them.
And vampires.
In other news...
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That's your random moment of thirst, Lim Jimin shirtless AKA my Just B bias (I mean, I could talk about how good his extensions are and how I love a husky voice in Kpop but really, just LOOK at him). I'm very very very shallow, remember? Full vid is here.
Why am I mentioning Lim Jimin (aside from the obvious)? If Just B doesn't break soon, I could some of them transitioning to BL. Jimin in particular would be a win for us, obvs.
Also, can we talk about Bain (my bias wrecker) KILLING it on Build Up? I had no idea he was that good. Anygay, this has been your Kpop end note.
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Seriously tho, is ANYONE else watching Build-Up?
(Last week - well, 2 weeks ago)
Streaming services are listed how I'm (usually watching) which is with a USA based IP
The tag bragade: @doorajar
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will. Easy peesy.
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starsurface · 6 months
hai hai! Was meant to ask ages ago but I forgor to but could I please get some continuation HCs for the CG Kano and regressor Kabal?-✨
Hi!!! Of course!! Sorry if this ones shorter, wasn't able to check the page count. 👀
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kano w/ Regressor Kabal Hcs pt 2
⚔️ The Black Dragon isn’t a very good area to regress, but Kano’s office is decent!!
🫁 By that I mean he fixed up his office a bit, being able to easily hide his dangerous ‘big kid’ things
⚔️ Kabal mostly slips at home, but sometimes he slips at the Black Dragon Base
🫁 He gets a bit grumpy that he can't touch any of Kano's things, but doesn't push it because he doesn't want Kano to get upset at him
⚔️ It's the one of the few things Kano gets really upset at, since he doesn't want his baby holding anything dangerous (or his booze)
🫁 The rest of the Black Dragon isn't allowed to say anything bad about age regression (Kano and Kabal are a bit terrifying when they're big, and Kano gets super scary when Kabal runs to him teary eyed)
⚔️ No one hurts his baby.
🫁 I made a mention that before I knew who Kabal was, I called him “Keyblade Guy” because his weapons reminded me of Keyblades from Kingdom Hearts
⚔️ So! I like to think Kabal ‘plays’ Kingdom Hearts when he’s regressed <3
🫁 By play, I mean he’s not super into the stroy or lore, but look Dada! They fight with keys! It looks like his weapon!! :D
⚔️ He normally tries to only stick with the Kingdom Key (the main Sora one) but does think the others are pretty too
🫁 Kano praises him for winning boss fights, and has fought some for them (they were just too hard!!! . . . Even if he is playing on Beginner Mode 🥺)
⚔️ Kabal really likes putting bandaids on Kano, just for fun
🫁 Or stickers!!! He's gonna make Dada look all pretty >:)
⚔️ Kano doesn't mind, even if he has the entire disney princess cast on one arm and his actual tattoos on the other arm
🫁 Kabal would put stickers on himself, but sometimes they irritate his skin :(
⚔️ Little Kabal sometimes gets super fussy about his mask, he doesn't like it, he wants it off
🫁 He can take it off for a very short amount of time (an hour most, inspired by @autismoplayden ‘s post)
⚔️ Kano watches Kabal very carefully when he's without his mask, and persuades him to put it back on almost immediately when he notices Kabal struggling to breath or such (even the most tiniest wheeze, he's not taking chances)
🫁 Kabal gets a little fussy when he has to put it back on, but Kano promises him that he can get a bunch of cuddles or his favorite milkshake and he usually calms down a bit
⚔️ Kabal is very clingy when he's small, constantly clinging and hanging onto Kano (especially when he regresses young)
🫁 He could watch himself, or he could bother Dada enough to get him away from his work, only to decide that he wants to play alone now >:3
⚔️ ^ Kabal repeats this until Kano has enough and carries him to the couch for cuddles and tv
🫁 Other times, Kanos just clingy because he wants to he clingy <3
⚔️ Kabal has some long hair, not long enough to style, but long enough to brush!!
🫁 Kano has to be incredibly careful though, because the slightest pull can make Kabal cry (his skin can be really sensitive at times)
⚔️ Kanos a bad guy, but if Kabal and Stryker stay friends (and if we ignore canon <3) I don't exactly think he'd be against watching the both of them
🫁 He's a bit against Stryker at first, but he warms up pretty quickly, especially when Stryker regressed around him the first time (which was a complete accident)
⚔️ Plus, Stryker and Kabal get along really well when they're both small (and big) so he likes hearing his baby giggle
🫁 Kabal usually doesn't regress small enough for padding, but when he's in babyspace, he might need them
⚔️ Especially because he normally only slips that small when he's having bad memory days (although sometimes he does have more happier baby days)
🫁 Kabal gets super fussy about needing padding, but mostly when he's bigger, baby Kabal is pretty okay with it
⚔️ Kano tries really hard to squash any bad thoughts Kabal has about needing padding or regressing in general
🫁 His baby shouldn't be feeling all bad about things that help him, he he's not going to let Kabal drown in his thoughts alone
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I can always make a pt 3!! :D
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enruiinas · 7 months
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Interaction PSA: Shipping
-- Important info for anyone wanting to explore a romantic/sexual/more-than-platonic dynamic with Law. --
♥ I enjoy shipping, but it's an extremely selective thing for me. The mun of this blog is aro/ace and my Law is very demisexual / far more interested in his goals & adventures than he is in a relationship. For these reasons, SHIPPING REQUIRES BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING:
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ 1. ALL SHIPS MUST BE DISCUSSED BEFOREHAND. Even if you write a muse I'm known to have a bias for, don't assume I'm going to ship right off the bat. Please reach out to let me know you're interested in shipping.
-- NOT SURE HOW? Feel free to send in THIS MEME, fill out my INTEREST TRACKER, or if you're shy about asking, feel free to send me an anon ask to see how I feel about a ship! Any I've answered can be found here [will add link if/when I get any]. --
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ 2. SHIPS REQUIRE MUSE CHEMISTRY -- AND -- A GOOD CONNECTION BETWEEN THE MUNS! As a general rule, I only ship with someone I talk to OOC fairly often. I need to be able to bounce ideas and ponder or squeal over our dynamic outside of our threads. Light plotting, outlining, or brainstorming is a must - at least at first.
I promise I'm approachable and don't want this to deter any interest, it's just something I NEED to come out of my own aro/ace shell and properly warm up to a ship / find my footing in writing our interactions!
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎⭐ [ NEW! ⬇️ Updated 10 Mar. 2024 ]⭐
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ 3. Although I do write some NSFW threads within my ships, nsfw/spicy material will NEVER be my "favorite" part of a ship. There's nothing wrong with wanting to only ship or simply to write ships for the NSFW content; however, that is not my particular energy, and if that's your preference I would ask you to please skip by me for shipping interest. It's nothing personal & I encourage everyone to write what they're here to enjoy! I just personally get discouraged when it feels like the NSFW threads are all a ship is about (I need a healthy balance of buildup, emotional attachment, fluff, & feeling expressed in other ways.). Just be straightforward with me and yourself before reaching out a ship, please - that's all I ask.
3b. While all active (agreed upon & gushed over) ships CAN send spicy memes in, I may still be slow in responding to them until I have comfortably reached the level of muse and mun chemistry mentioned above. This largely depends on enough OOC discussion of our thoughts & ideas for the ship to get a feel of how these situations would play out. 3c. Friendly reminder that I (the mun) am aro/ace without a flirty or romantic bone in my body, and that my Law is extremely demisexual. Ships will almost always be feelings first, sex later/second - NOT the other way around. As a general rule, I shy away from writing FWB dynamics or situations where feelings are worked out during or after intimate relations.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎⭐ [ // END UPDATE. ⬆️ ]⭐
♥ General shipping info for Law: Law is bisexual, but again, very demi and unlikely to enter into any sort of romantic or sexual relationship without an established connection to your muse. No ships will be written with any muse under the age of 18; otherwise, age gaps are not a big concern unless they're like... extreme (given Law's age that limits the "younger than him" gap to 8 years - older I'd probably go so far as 10-15, depending.)
♥ This blog is MULTI-SHIP & I DO NOT (will not) do exclusives. Each ship takes place in its own verse: there will be no one "canonical" relationship. I'm okay with duplicate shipping, so don't be afraid of reaching out even if you already see me writing with another mun's portrayal of your muse. I promise you I'm not writing a ship with anyone that's going to feel "weird" about me writing that ship with your muse, too, and if we go that route, Law and I will love you and your muse as much as we do our existing mun/muse relationships.
♥ WHAT I CONSIDER AN ACTIVE SHIP: I mentioned this in the Memes PSA since MY NSFW MEMES ARE OPEN TO ACTIVE SHIPS ONLY, it's relevant here too. An "active ship" implies we've had the "are you interested in shipping" chat and it's gathered enough traction (either in ongoing threads or our OOC chats) that we both seem to think it's going to take off. If I've told you how excited I am at any point and/or thanked you for writing/wanting to write a ship with me, you're safe to send.
♥ Ship Biases & Ship WILL NOTs: Below are brief lists of ships I WILL NOT write and ones I have a bias for. If a ship is not listed in either category, don't be afraid to reach out - that means it's one I will at least consider to see if 1. I personally can see it working or 2. my Law would ever feasibly end up in. The worst that can happen is I consider it and decide I can't see it working out for whatever reason(s).
In the case of a "no", I'll be honest, but never rude! And even if I don't see a romantic ship working, I will still be more than happy to write other dynamics between our muses. (If you aren't, that's okay, too! Everyone's RP experience should be what they want and I see no fault in "only being here for the ships"! I would just ask you to be straightforward with me & yourself and unfollow or soft block so I know not to pursue any platonic interactions. No hard feelings.)
♥ SHIP "WILL NOT"S: I do not ship and will not write Law with either of the Donquixote brothers, ANY member of his crew (or platonic family), or Luffy. I don't mind people shipping LawLu, but it's not one I care to explore personally.
♥ SHIPS I HAVE A BIAS FOR: A short list, but I'm particularly keen on Law x Nami, Law x Robin, and Law x Zoro.‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‏‎‏‏‎‎
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Other PSAs: Memes, Plotting, On Verses & Verse-Building, General RP Preferences (Coming Soon), OOC interactions (Coming Soon), Mutuals & Affiliates (Coming Soon), ALL PSAs.
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
Hello ivy here for your valentine game
Here's your🦄
Initial PPM
The topics I choose for you
First date ,love language &message for you
First date
The more I think about it you both Will dress like black tie theme I don't know restaurant would be fancy or not but it would be like a typical round table do you have short hairs like I feel on first date it will be he will make you laugh alot you will have drinks too I'm not seeing heavy drinks here but a lighter one wine or beer maybea at the end I mean while saying goodbye it will be kiss on your forehead
Love language
Act of serviceeeeeeeee like this is like big one will massage your legs making morning coffee Doing works that make your day a little lighter he will also be happy to go shopping with you touching your legs while eating or just talking
Message for you
I love your giggling face like to see you from distance your the main character I am just a side character your skin it's so soft don't drink too much coffee
Maybe call you candy floss
Red look good on you
Thankyou I tried my best hope you will like it❣️
❛ love again ; entry #008
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Hello! Thank you so much for joining my game and for following the rules <3 As promised, here's your reading! I hope you'll enjoy it :)  Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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their first impression of you
That Home by The Cinematic Orchestra Right off the bat, I got that you're going to make them feel very at home. They think that you're someone that they feel like they can be themselves freely. They will see that you make people around you feel at ease, and that you're a warm, kind, and chill person. I don't know about you but I'm getting the feeling of the sun's warmth during dusk, and it's just so gentle and warm? Yeah, that's the feeling that you give them.
your first date together
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift It's going to obviously take place in the summer. Need I say more? Kidding, of course I still have more to say. So I'm definitely seeing somewhere in the city, at night. OKAY HOLD UP. I don't know if you've read Paper Towns by John Green but it's reminding me so much when Margo and Quentin went out in the night to get some revenge on the people who did Margo wrong. Of course, there wouldn't be any revenge on your first date lmfao but it's definitely going to be a lot of fun during the night in the city, and I'm also getting that you're both going to be driving around the city just enjoying each other's company and the city lights.
what you should know about them
willow by Taylor Swift Omg. Why is my first thought is that they're manifesting you??? THEY MUST BE. They're a very calm and gentle person, I feel like they are really good at manifesting, to be honest. They remind me of the Magician card, in someway. Because to me, the Magician is like a master manifestor, so that must be something about them! They're doing good in their life at the moment, and they're  also quite busy manifesting their dreams and desires without stressing about it.
what they love about you
Plot Twist by Niki They will literally love who you are as a person. They would really love your personality, I'm hearing. They feel you as a blessing in their life, they would definitely so blessed to have you. I'm also getting asking themselves like, "What did I do deserve you??" They love you make their life beautiful and how you always try to look for the positive even when things aren't right, and looking for ways to fix your problems and never giving in just because it's difficult.
how would they show their love to you
Saturn by Sleeping At Last I quickly got that their love language is quality time. They would take their time in getting to know you better and having deep conversations with you. I'm also getting that they like to teach you a lot of things in order to help you. Oh! That must be something too; they would love helping you whenever you're dealing with something!
signs you see about them
Always You by Louis Tomlinson When they're in your life, you will see signs to know that it's them when you keep on seeing 3:33. OHMYGHAD IT'S LITERALLY 3:33 PM RIGHT NOW. And I also saw this number a minute ago while I was doing your reading. Anyways, aside from that, you might also notice that this person has been through so many places. They just move a lot, exploring new places, and they always like to travel wherever they like.
a message from them
Miles Apart by Nick Wilson Just something to let you know; you might get into a long-distance relationship with this person. Like I've said before, they like to travel a lot. I also noticed that in the previous song, Always You, there's the lyric, "Walked through my door but it felt nothing like home 'cause you're not home" and in this song it's "Whenever I walk too far you'll still be my home." AND DAMN REMEMBER AT THE FIRST PART OF THE READING WHERE YOU WILL MAKE THEM FEEL AT HOME??? OMG ASJDSLHDJSHDKFJSDJFDS "Nothing feels like home where you are. I have been to so many places and I will keep on going anywhere I want to go but with you? Everything feel's right. You make me feel calm and well rested when you're with me. Babe, I could be anywhere in the world but nothing and no one will ever give me the feeling of being home like you do. I will always crave and yearn for your company and your presence. And I will always come running back home to you." Damn. I'm in awe channeling that.
my feedback
For the first date, I definitely think this is the first reading I got where our first date is going to be somehow fancy??? Like oh damn, I'm not really into something luxurious but I would definitely not turn it down! LMFAO. OOH AND YEAH, I DO HAVE SHORT HAIR. I like keeping em short lol. Even though the date that you mentioned was different than most readings I got, there's also something very similar about it; that he will make me laugh a lot. AND I- AAAHH 😩😩😩 I love how that's going to stay the same <333 The rest of the reading somehow resonated, I've also gotten act of service about him, and I think it is one of his love languages! And oh my golly the message?? I got some confirmations before that they like it when I laugh and how they'd like to observe me from a distance LMFAO I don't like drinking though, I guess I take it he might've meant I shouldn't eat too much chocolates? 👀👀 Because I am HAHHA. Thank you so much for the reading! <3
Please don't forget to leave a feedback, tell me what resonates and what doesn't, and whatever you want to add! :)
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
Honestly I just wanted to be sure you were up to a request, bc I have had one rattling around
But. Thinking abt a ill or weakened MC being taken care of by these birbs is a good train of thought. Some soft and excellent content of them just helping take care of a human who's having a bit of trouble for a few days.
A/N: It's no problem at all~. I don't mind doing small things here and there. It's only my 9K or so word fics I cannot do, as I usually open those with a 'throw at me what you got' post. But I can do some like 3 page or so stories and headcanon things. X3 So I'll see about them taking care of MC~.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Getting caught in rain probably wasn't the best idea for you and your health. Having done it many times before, you didn't think it would have any ramifications, but as life would have it—no. Fever, being miserable, and very weakened, it was hellish to even consider moving out of bed.
Well... the bed that the Swatchlings directed you towards, anyways, when they saw you collapse in Castle Town.
You woke to find four of them looming over you in intense worry. One green, blue, red, and yellow.
“They're awake,” squawked the green.
“Thank the Light,” you swore you heard the yellow murmur.
“What... where am I...?” you asked, trying to get yourself to move at least upright in the bed you found yourself within. When you attempted, pain struck through you, making you flinch.
The red Swatchling came to your side, urging you to be still as the warmth of his black feathers kept you still. “Don't move so much, young master. You fainted from a fever. We wanted to be certain you were all right.”
Fainted? The illness from a downpour got that bad? That was odd. Never had a fever or anything struck you down that poorly before. “That's one...intense fever...” Admittedly, you were burning up.
To be certain you were still quite warm for a human, the blue Swatchling moved his hand near your cheeks. His feathers puffed at the sensation. “Still a bit hot for one of their kind.”
“I'll be just a moment,” the red Swatchling insisted with a bow. “I'll return with some water to drink.” He removed himself in haste from the room to do so.
“Is there anything else we can get for you?” The green one was tapping the tips of his fingers together in excitement at what you could ask of him. Being butlers, they lived to serve.
The yellow one chimed in. “Something to eat, maybe?”
You noted the blue one sweating a bit at the very thought. “I don't know about that. They are sick. It would be ill advised to do such a thing. They could become sicker.”
Yellow stifled a low trilling sound in their throat. “Oh, right. More to clean up if that happens....”
Your lips thinned at the very thought of being that sick. So far, you just felt achy all over, a bit sweaty and weak. However, you dared not push the thought of food so soon really. “I'm, uh... I'm fine, thanks.”
The red one returned, bringing the water to your side. “Do you need help drinking it, young master?”
“I promise, I'm not that debilitated but thanks.” At least, you wanted to hope not. Trying to sit upright in bed to even be at a proper sitting position to grab and drink the water so it didn't go everywhere, you found yourself struggling. Those so-called minor aches shot worse pain through your body, reminding you that you were far more ill than you gave yourself credit for.
The blue one began to panic, bringing his balled up hands to his beak with a wide-eyed stare. “Oh, umm, young master? It might be better you not stress yourself.”
Green moved closer to you, ushering his arm behind your neck to assist you into a sitting position. “There. Is this better?”
It hurt to even have him move you, but it was better that someone else let your muscles relax at the very least. “Y-Yeah. Thanks.”
The moment you tried to grab the glass, red moved it away. “It's all right. I can help you myself, young master.”
Hearing such a title felt unbefitting for someone such as yourself. “It's okay to call me by my name.” You told them what it was, making them all simultaneously speak it amongst themselves. It reminded you of a group of birds parroting a word they just learned.
“Well, don't worry then,” red began once more, tailoring your name to his speech. “We will take care of everything from here. Don't you worry about a thing.”
Before you could hope to add anything onto that, red brought the glass closer to your lips to help you with drinking it. The water was just what your body needed. It was the best relief ever...
The moment you motioned away, the red Swatchling did as you wordlessly ordered. “How did that feel?”
They were all peering at you as if waiting excitedly for an answer. It felt a bit suffocating when they did such a thing. “Umm, great.. thanks, uh...What's your names?”
“Swatchlings,” they all answered in unison.
“You all have the same name...?” you asked, a bit confused.
“Well, you can call me Red Swatchling, if that makes you feel better?” the red one offered. “Only our boss, Swatch, has a different name from us.”
That still sounded a bit odd. “Well, what do you call each other?”
They all had a different answer, making you think (even if your head was killing you). “What about...” You pointed to the red one. “...if I call you Phoenix? And you, the blue one, Berry. And you, the green one, Sage. And for yellow...” You drew a blank for a second, wondering what to call them. “I guess...Canary?” It wasn't unique, but it was good enough.
“If it pleased you, we will accept these names,” Phoenix said as they all bowed. “Now, it would be wise you stay put for the moment. We don't need you getting far worse than you are.” It was there he turned towards the blue one. “I need you to watch them for us, Blue.”
“Berry,” you corrected.
“Oh, right. Berry,” Phoenix said with an apologetic bow towards you. “I'll see if boss has anything the human can eat that won't make them worse off.”
Berry's chest puffed up all content like. “At once.”
As everyone left the room, Berry turned to you with a smile as even his blue eyes upturned in excitement. “Anything I can help you with? It's a pleasure to serve you, young master.”
You reminded him of your name. “I don't think there's a thing I can do right now. I feel so awful,” you grumbled, trying to move yourself back down onto the bed.
Berry moved swiftly to your side, grabbing at your upper arms to lower you with elegant ease back to the bed's pillow and mattress. Knowing you were quite hot, it was there he began to use his feathered hands to fan you. “Feel a bit better now?”
It did feel nice but the aches and everything sure weren't gone. “Thank you, Berry.”
The feathers about his collar fluffed with content. “It's my pleasure. Anything to assist you.”
Phoenix returned an hour later, swapping places with Berry. “Here,” he offered, placing the bed tray down properly nearby so that you could access the food. “Our boss insisted you eat one of his homemade soups. He says Lightners appear to love it when they're sick and search for it all the time. It's called chicken noodle.”
“Worry not,” Phoenix insisted, perhaps having mistook your words for worry, “it isn't real chicken, as we could never harm a fellow fowl. It is just lumps of more noodles.”
“Well that's lovely,” you commented, not really sure if you'd even have the energy to grab the spoon. It was sad to admit but you were really sapped of your energy.
He titled his head to the side. “Something else wrong?”
“I, umm.. I just...” Did you want to ask for help? It was so embarrassing to feel this weak and useless. “I think I need help eating it...” You lowered your head in shame to confess that.
“Certainly,” Phoenix chirped with delight, grabbing the spoon for you. Scooping up a good bit of the noodles and broth, he moved it closer to your mouth. “Open wide.”
That made you feel like a toddler, but you had to remind yourself what Kris and the others said: that they came from a computer world that had countless data at their fingertips. No doubt they saw this as just humans feeding smaller humans.
Closing your mouth about the spoon, you gladly ate the small bite you were offered. It was far warmer than you wanted it to be. Why would they serve you something so hot to try and make you feel less warm? Why would even the Light World do that?
“How was it?” Phoenix probed, his words showing he was eagerly awaiting your answer.
“It was very good, just very hot too,” you admitted.
“Didn't burn you or anything, did it?”
“No, it didn't.”
“Good, good,” he chanted with an added squawk of delight. “The boss said this will help calm your temperature and feed you in the meantime. I'm hoping for your speedy recovery.”
“Thanks,” you said, looking away as the Swatchling said such a thing so delightedly. “That's weirdly very kind of you.”
“We live to serve, young master,” the Swatchling reminded you.
Once more, you reminded him of your name.
After you managed to eat, you were able to lie down and rest for a bit till Berry came back to check in on you. You didn't notice him at first as they were quiet for giant, muscle like monsters for sure. Being undetectable still, he looked you over with his arms folded behind his back.
“Still warm,” he muttered to himself. “I can feel it a bit from here.” Berry called your name quietly, waking you ever so. “Are you fairing well? It's been a few hours.”
“Has it...?” You were still so tired. All you wanted to do was sleep. On reflex, you glanced out the nearby window only to see darkness.
Right... you were in the Dark World.
“Nearly six to be exact,” the blue Swatchling reminded you. “Would you care for a bath, maybe? I can draw you one.”
“It's not like I could make it to the bath even if I wanted to, Berry.” You were still quite weak. It would take far more than a few hours to just magically recover.
“Well, how about I assist you with one?” he asked with a bow.
Your mind went blank at that very offer. To be honest, you would prefer to have one alone, even if that meant you drowned in the water. Your cheeks warmed worse than before. “I-I can... I can handle myself, thanks!”
Sensing more heat coming from you, Berry's feathered fingers rose to his white masked cheeks. “Oh my, I can feel you're becoming hotter. I should make the bath this instant! Maybe it will aid in your recovery.”
“That's not at all—!”
Too late. He was already gone.
“I don't need this monster seeing me naked...!” you panicked to yourself. However, the second you tried to move, the moment you were reminded of how much it hurt to even consider doing so. One single attempt to try and get out of bed felt like you had run three miles.
Berry returned moments later with a towel that would be suitable for someone human sized. “All right, just allow me to assist you.” With a gentleman's bow, he took to the covers and pulled them off of your body to help in moving you to his arms.
This bird monster was so muscular it was no doubt like you moving your own pillow off of the bed and nothing more. He held you with great caution and a smile to add. You couldn't even encourage your arms to wrap about his thick neck, or rather... it appeared thick... the feathers might have been bluffing that a bit. Who knew, really.
“Being sick is the worst,” you mumbled, resting against his chest. It was weird to confess, but feeling his chest push against your cheek as he breathed was oddly comforting.
“Do not fret. We'll do our best with you.”
With that, he turned and headed to the bathroom.
The moment you were sat down in a nearby chair, Berry began to work on undressing you. What could you even say or do at this point? He was more in control than you were.
You expected for the monster to maybe gasp in horror at your body or something, maybe having never seen a human like this before. But he said and did nothing. He remained professional. Folding your clothes up and out of the way, he returned before you with a bucket of warm water, soap and a bathing sponge.
“Just relax,” Berry insisted with another smile. “I can sense your stress, but there is no need to be so. We're here for you.”
Before you could even respond, he cradled your heel and began to wash the bottom of your feet first.
Still embarrassed by it all, you glanced away. “Th-Thanks, Berry. You're very nice.”
He began to chirp and whistle a song to pass the time, working you from toe to the top of your head. The moment it was over, he carefully dumped the water over you body to wash the shampoo and soap from you. His other feathered hand shielded your eyes, making sure nothing got in them.
With a towel being used to dry you off, he kept you wrapped within it before taking you back into the bedroom with your clothes as well. “Don't worry, dear human. We'll make sure the water doesn't mistreat you this time.”
It wasn't the water that truly could make you sick. It was just the rain that did, but you knew the Swatchling was just trying to help. You couldn't stop yourself but stifle a small laugh at the very childlike naive demeanor they all seemed to have.
“There we go. All dry, unlike last time.” Berry pulled the towel away and then began to put you in cleaner clothing. Well, correction... it was a single white shirt that was probably one of their undershirts.
It was so big on you that it went down past your knees and nearly to your feet.
“Umm, thanks for this...?”
“You're quite welcome! It belonged to Canary. They said you can keep it.”
Your hands were at the bend of where the arm should have been. It was comfortable, really. “It's very sweet of them.”
Berry clapped his hands. “Now then, get back to sleep. We'll check on you in a few more hours. How does that sound? Sage will come in with your dinner soon.” Moving the covers up and over your shoulders, he made sure to tuck you in. “There, all warm but in a good way.”
You didn't feel one hundred percent but, yeah, you felt a good bit better after a bit of rest and a bath. “Thanks again, Berry.”
“My pleasure; my pleasure! It warms me up to know you're doing well.” he chanted with his fingers pyramided before him. “Now, I'll be on my way to let you rest. Be well.”
Once more, the door closed and you were left alone. Even if you were a bit sick, maybe it wouldn't be so bad with the Swatchlings and even Swatch helping you try to recover in the coming days.
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vostokovasmelina · 3 years
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— 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
a/n: these aren't really dialogue prompts, they're mostly just inspirations, so i'll use them to come up with the concept, and won't have the characters actually say these lines. also, please try to stick to one prompt per request!
requests are open
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1. "we snuck into a yacht club party pretending to be a duchess and a prince" (starlight)
2. "nothing lasts forever but this is getting good now" (wildest dreams)
3. "loose lips sink ships all the damn time – not this time" (i know places)
4. "you keep his shirt, he keeps his word" (you are in love)
5. "we can't make any promises now, can we, babe? but you can make me a drink" (delicate)
6. "the taste of your lips is my idea of luxury" (king of my heart)
7. "i don't want you like a best friend" (dress)
8. "you don't need to save me but would you run away with me?" (call it what you want)
9. "take me out, and take me home" (lover)
10. "i think he knows when we get all alone i'll make myself at home and he'll want me to stay" (i think he knows)
11. "i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this" (paper rings)
12. "i once believed love would be burning red but it's golden" (daylight)
13. "and isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?" (invisible string)
14. "all these people think love's for show but i would die for you in secret" (peace)
15. "rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife" (willow)
16. "and the coastal town we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it" (gold rush)
17. "and if you're ever tired of being known for who you know, you know that you'll always know me" (dorothea)
18. "no more keeping score, now i just keep you warm" (long story short)
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1. "but moving on from him is impossible when i still see it all in my head" (red)
2. "and the saddest fear comes creeping in that you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything" (i knew you were trouble.)
3. "and you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest" (all too well)
4. "but you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me" (all too well)
5. "i bet you think i either moved on or hate you ‘cause each time you reach out, there’s no reply" (i almost do)
6. "you wear your best apology but i was there to watch you leave" (the last time)
7. "people like you always want back the love they pushed aside, but people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye" (all you had to do was stay)
8. "tell me that it's not my fault, tell me that i'm all you want, even when i break your heart" (afterglow)
9. "if one thing had been different, would everything be different today?" (the 1)
10. "'cause you never gave a warning sign" "i gave so many signs" (exile)
11. "even on my worst day, did i deserve, babe, all the hell you gave me?" (my tears ricochet)
12. "i remember thinking i had you" (august)
13. "don't call me "kid", don't call me "baby", look at this godforsaken mess that you made me" (illicit affairs)
14. "but you'll find the real thing instead, she'll patch up your tapestry that i shred" (champagne problems)
15. "i won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay" ('tis the damn season)
16. "i know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it" (tolerate it)
17. "i sit and listen, i polish plates until they gleam and glisten" (tolerate it)
18. "no one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you and you know you hurt him too" (happiness)
19. "what's a lifetime of achievement if i pushed you to the edge?" (coney island)
20. "yes, i got your letter; yes, i'm doing better" (closure)
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1. "i think it's strange that you think i'm funny 'cause he never did" (begin again)
2. "we were built to fall apart, then fall back together" (out of the woods)
3. "been losing grip on sinking ships, you showed up just in time" (this love)
4. "i once was poison ivy, but now i'm your daisy" (don't blame me)
5. "you're so cool, it makes me hate you so much" (gorgeous)
6. "for whatever it's worth, i love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?" (cruel summer)
7. "help me hold on to you" (the archer)
8. "i hope i never lose you, hope it never ends" (cornelia street)
9. "hell is when i fight with you but we can patch it up good" (false god)
10. "i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired, and you'd be standing in my front porch light, and i knew you'd come back to me" (cardigan)
11. "your back beneath the sun, wishing i could write my name on it" (august)
12. "and maybe i don't quite know what to say but i'm here in your doorway" (this is me trying)
13. "i don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch" (gold rush)
14. "and i'll be yours for the weekend" ('tis the damn season)
15. "so tell me to run or dare to sit and watch what we'll become and drink my husband's wine" (ivy)
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pettyvxbes · 3 years
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"Can we get two 16oz house drips, one black with two sugars and the other with two sugars and a splash of cream?" He ordered, remembering exactly how you took your coffee, even after all the time you'd been separated. It made you smile, knowing that you still occupied some space in his mind.
"So this is your coffee shop?" You asked, leaning against the side of the counter as you waited for your drinks.
"Yeah, I opened it last year. It turned out pretty cool." He smiled as he looked around the room. You could tell he was proud of it.
"It's badass" You agreed with him.
"If you're hungry, we serve brunch." Colson handed you a menu to peruse. "This is actually why I was at the farmers market. All of our fruits and vegetables are local." You looked over the list of food, noticing all of the fresh ingredients.
"That's so cool. Everything sounds delicious." You said, flipping the menu over to continue exploring. On the opposite side, you found a cocktail menu. Some of the drink names made you chuckle. There was 'the gunner,' 'sex, dope, and cheap thrills,' 'screw me' with its counterpart, 'screw you,' and the 'you know I'm no good.' Without even seeing the ingredients, you immediately thought that the last one sounded like a drink you'd choose.
Colson exchanged the menu in your hands with a coffee cup filled with hot coffee. You looked at him and gave him a weak thank you smile which he inadvertently returned, and just like that, you were taken back to the first morning you had ever spent together.
You woke up randomly as the sun was shining through the tiny window of your dorm room. You were still wearing the same clothes from the night before. It confused you because you hadn't even remembered falling asleep. The last thing you could recollect was laying with Colson in your XL twin bed, which he noted multiple times was fantastic because his tall, lanky ass fit perfectly.
"Good morning," Colson whispered. It took you a moment to fully wake up, but you noticed how your bodies were intertwined when you did. Your head was on his chest, and his arm was holding you close to him. It was cozy.
"Good morning." You repeated, squeezing him and nuzzling your face into his neck. "How long have you been awake?" You asked sleepily, afraid that you were the only one who had dozed off.
You and Colson had agreed to stay up as long as you could talking to each other. After all, it was the first time you had seen each other since Atlanta, and even though you had basically talked every day for the last 3 months, you still had a lot to talk about.
"Not long, maybe like fifteen.. . twenty minutes" He shrugged. "I didn't want to wake you. I just wanted to lay here and hold you a little longer, watch you sleep, smell your hair." He squeezed you, placing a small kiss on the top of your head. "I wanted to memorize all of it because this weekend will be over before we know it, and then It'll be back to facetime calls and falling asleep on the phone."
"Blahhh, don't remind me." You pouted, sitting up to face him. You enjoyed every single second you got to spend with that blue-eyed boy in your bed, and you never wanted it to end. He had quickly become your best friend, your person.
"Sorry. Y'know, you're fucking cute when you're sleepy" Colson smiled at you, no makeup and hair a mess. To him, you were perfection. "Oh, I ordered coffee." He said excitedly as he sat up, reaching for the cups on the table next to your bed. "Remind me to thank your roommate later. She was not very happy when she was woken up by the Doordash driver." He chuckled.
"She'll get over it" You took the warm cup from him, sipping slowly. Careful not to burn your mouth. You immediately spit the coffee back into the cup, scrunching your nose up at the taste. The coffee was sweeter than a glazed chocolate donut filled with thousands of tiny sprinkles. You thoroughly enjoyed coffee, and you liked to be able to taste the flavor in every sip.
"Shit, did I get it wrong?" He asked worriedly. It was one of the topics you had discussed last night, and he had already forgotten.
"Yeah, but we've never had coffee together, so I'll give you a free pass." You joked. "Two sugars and a splash of cream," you reminded him with a small smile.
"I swear I will never forget again." He promised, passing you his coffee to share.
"Let's sit back here" Colson's voice pulled you from your memory. As you followed him to the back of the coffee shop, you noticed photos of different famous musicians on each table.
"What's with the pictures?" You asked, gesturing towards a table with Kurt Cobains' face on it.
"They're all a part of the 27 club." He could tell by the expression on your face that you had no idea what that meant. "a bunch of artists and entertainers that died at the age of 27." Colson explained.
"Oh." you gasped, finally understanding the name of his coffee shop.
Colson led you to a table in the back corner. It was secluded enough to offer a little privacy from the rest of the customers. You took a seat, instantly noticing the photo that was on your table. It was him. Your narrowed eyes and knitted brows caught his attention, and he followed your gaze to determine the look of confusion on your face.
"You're 31." You stated the obvious.
"Yes, but most days I feel like my life ended when I was 27." He let out a small chuckle.
You took a sip of your coffee, waiting for Colson to elaborate further. Quickly getting distracted by the liquid in your cup. When the coffee first hit your tongue, you could taste a combination of floral and fruity notes, but as you swallowed, you noticed a nutty caramel tone. It was unique and unlike any other coffee, you had ever tried.
"Mmm," You hummed quietly, approving of the noteworthy java in your hand. "You remembered how I like my coffee." You said without thinking.
You regretted it almost instantly. You didn't want to discuss your past relationship or talk to Colson like old friends. You just wanted the explanation you deserved so you could be on your way. It wasn't necessary to spend any more time with him than need be. You didn't want to conjure up old feelings any more than you already had by being in this stupid city.
"I said I would never forget, didn't I?" He looked at you like you made the whole world spin, and for a moment, it was like time stood still.
"God. I'm so stupid." His words came out as a whisper as he looked away from you. Shame and guilt wallpapered his face. "I made the biggest mistake of my life by losing you, and it's something I'm never going to forgive myself for."
"Why'd you leave Colson?" You were blunt, and your words were shaky.
"Because y/n, you deserved better." He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "I was laying there with you in my arms that morning thinking to myself, 'how can I possibly love this amazing woman the way she deserves to be loved when I don't even like who I am."
The sadness in his voice was evident, and you could clearly see the pain in his glossy blue eyes. He hurt himself just as much as he had hurt you.
"I was the biggest fuck up on the planet. You sacrificed your happiness to be with me, to support my dreams, and be my biggest fan. . .I was selfish, and I took you for granted. I broke your heart, and somehow you still managed to see the best in me. It wasn't fair to you. -- Y/n, I had to go because I knew that staying would have been even more painful for you. I was a sinking ship that was burning, and I couldn't bear to be the reason you went down in flames too." A silent tear slid down his cheek.
You sat there speechless as you listened to the explanation you had waited years to hear. You hadn't even realized it, but at some point, you had started tearing up too. Colson reached over, wiping the tears from your face.
"I hate myself for fucking things up with you." He said, staring at you.
You didn't know what it was about him, but when you looked into those blue eyes, you saw a reflection of your soul staring back at you. He was your person, always had been, and always would be. You and Colson had a once-in-a-lifetime connection. The kind of connection that made you feel alive by just being near him, even the silence between you, was comfortable because you felt complete in each other's presence.
"You are worth so much more than second thoughts and maybes'. I am so sorry y/n" You could feel the emotion in Colson's words. His apology was like rain on a dehydrated garden. Grossly overdue, but miraculously just in time.
You sat in silence for a few moments before speaking. "Earlier, when you said you lost your life at 27, what did you mean?" You questioned.
"Y'know, everyone thought I was overreacting after our breakup. . ." He started. You had no idea where he was going with his response, but you let him continue." what they didn't get was how much of my life you really were. . .You were more than just another relationship down the drain. You were my past, my present, and my future. Y/n, you were my life."
At that moment, you understood why his photo sat on a table in that coffee shop. He was a part of the 27 club, not because he physically perished at 27, but because that was when he lost the only thing that ever made him feel alive, you.
TAG LIST @canyoubuymetoast @ticketstomydaydreams @mvrylee
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vivalavi-daa · 4 years
Fav 2020 K-Dramas
1. Hospital Playlist
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If there's anything I felt happy about in 2020, it's the fact that I've found my next ultimate fav kdramas. More than another, this kdrama feels like a home I could return to every time. Yes, hospital playlist is a slice of life drama that portrays the lives of people in hospital, but there's something about it that is so captivating to watch. I love how it realistically portrays the adults' daily lives & has no major villain of the story that heats things up whatsoever. Instead, I find it easy to emphatize with every character here, even with a patient who appears less than 5 minutes because this kdrama taught us that every life is worth it. And the friendship of the professors... it really has the power to bring joy & warmth to me.
(I also made a post about hospital playlist's characters study on my side blog. Here, if you’re interested).
2. Flower of Evil
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Stories that revolve around someone who isn't capable of having emotions aren't nothing new in kdrama land. But this one, especially, is a gem. This one kept me on the edge of my seat because of how nerve wracking some of the scenes are. The suspenseful dramas, the mysteries, the romance...they're all so engaging to watch. I wasn't sure what to expect from the lead character and therefore it's exciting to see what was going to happen & to see how the characters would develop. And to be noted, I swear the cast who played the villain here gives off really scary vibes. He deserves an award for that alone
3. Mr. Queen
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I'm not usually a big fan of Saeguk drama and yet here I am putting one on my fav kdrama list. I watched it merely to ease my boredom but then I surprised myself of how much I enjoyed this kdrama. The opening video was appealing & I love how entertaining Mr. Queen was. It became my weekly dose of serotonin (though it gets angsty at times). I thought the story's gonna be weird since it's about a man trapped in a woman's body in joseon era but heck, it was worth it; hilarious, and delicious (yeah, the cooking part) to watch. I've always known Shin Hye Sun is great at acting, but she truly nailed it in this one I swear.
4. 365: Repeat the Year
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This drama is gold! It has a promising premise, and the rest of the story went better than I expected. It just never let me down. I thought it's merely about a time travel story, but turns out it's more than that. I never knew what to expect & every time I thought I figured something out, they always have a way to throw a surprise every week. This drama deserves more recognition imo.
5. When the Weather is Fine
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This drama is a pleasant to eyes and heart. Watching it is like having a warm tea during winter days. I wasn't truly engaged with the first eps, but I slowly began to see how beautiful & heartwarming this drama is. Yes, the story pace is a bit slow, but I realized that it's important to make us understand each character deeply, what they suffer from, and how the characters slowly develop. It shows us that the journey toward emotional healing may take time, but it's worth it. Choosing to heal itself is a big step & deserves an appreciation. Another thing I highly praise from this drama is how it implicitly reminds us that if we do suffer emotionally, don't be afraid to ask for help, or to let someone help you.
6. Tale of the Nine Tailed
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From the first moment I knew who would cast in this drama and what the drama is about, it's obvious that I'd love it. And I was right. The first eps had already got me hooked. The stories were amazing & funny at times. It has unique lovable characters that complete the drama. In addition, I love the mystical fantasy vibes and how they wrapped up urban legends in modern settings. Not to mention how adorable Kim Bum's character here. He & Lee Dong Wook's bromance is to die for.
7. Do You Like Brahms?
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I watched it by chance, and then I fell in love the instant I watched the first eps. The drama is just beautifully done. It has soothing music & ambience and mainly revolves around good people. It's appealing how they portrayed the different perspectives between the lead couple--one who doesn't have talent but works hard to achieve her dream, and one who has talent but wishes he didn't have it. Though the lead couple has different dreams, I can't help but rooting for them... as I've never seen a relationship so awkward yet so real and so adorable before them.
8. Record of Youth
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Honestly, it took a bit long for me to be completely enamored of the stories and feel what the characters feel. But as the stories developed, I began to cherish what this drama tried to show us: of how important it is to have good communication & to support each other in our family, of how everyone has different timings in life, and that everyone could have second chance in life. It's also refreshing to see the main couple here & how they interact; we could learn a lot from their communication & relationship. Overall, record of youth is one light & comforting kdrama that's perfect to watch while we need a short escape or need something to cheer us up.
9. Start Up
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Honestly, I have a conflicted feelings towards this kdrama. It started off as great but...I have a hard time making sense of some of the stories afterward. And not to mention how we used to ship-debating every week it was a bit draining 😅. But to exclude it from my last year fav kdrama list seems wrong anyhow because I did love this drama. Idk, it gives off this positive energy that I needed to go through a crazy year. It somehow encouraged me to move forward & fight for my dream no matter what. The story's also quiet creative and relatable in nowadays world, while also educating us about the world of business.
10. Find Me in Your Memory
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I started watching without any expectations and turns out it's really good. It's not hard to love this drama since it has likeable characters with interesting background (a guy who can't forget everything & a woman who forgets some of her important moments). The lead couple's interactions were interesting to watch. They have the kind of romance that grows slowly & when it finally reachs its peak, it burns. I loved every minute of it.
K-drama recommendations: 5/?
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 2 (Gossip that Spreads like Wildfire)
Wattpad Link
Ch. 1, / Ch. 3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Luna is stunned by what she's just witnessed. She'd never expect Matteo to be cozying up so close with a random girl, especially after everything they've been through together. Luna started having doubts and her fears just came rushing over her like a waterfall. She couldn't believe that he would do this, all because she was late
When Matteo sees that it was Luna who opened the door, he immediately got up ignoring Viviana, as if she wasn't there. "Luna, I've been looking everywhere for you. You promised you would be here for my last show and you know how important this is for me. Why were you late.... again? You even promised to watch the entire show this time." Luna just stood there, staring at Matteo. Her rambunctious thoughts were clouding her judgement. She doesn't want to think about it, yet she already is. What if Matteo is cheating on her?
Matteo's face quickly changed when he saw a depressed look on her very pale face. "Que to pasa mi amor? What's the matter my love?" Matteo asks Luna in a very worried tone. Luna shakes her head from a terrified trance. "No nothing, I just came to tell you how proud I am. The arena seemed packed with loads of people. Umm yeah and I also wanted to apologize for being late. Too late it seems." Luna tries to not think about what she noticed yet the random girl staying in the room isn't making Luna feel any better. "I'm sorry who are you?" Luna questions the girl sitting on the couch who seems to not feel bad for listening on their conversation.
"I'm Viviana Marcel. Some people like to call me a very famous actress and rising singer; but if I'm being modest, I've only been in like fifteen movies," Viviana brags to Luna, showing off. "Really. Well sorry I had to ask is just I've never seen you on TV or in anything," Luna says sincerely which brings an enraged frown onto Viviana's face. "Oh, would you look at the time, it's getting late. I don't want to arrive home late since I have a very important meeting at Laix tomorrow. You know the place where famous people work together. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know it since you're not, well a celebrity. Ciao Matteo, I'll talk to you later." Viviana leaves after giving a wink to Matteo.
Luna's depressed look still stays plastered on her face. That girl almost reminds her of a celebrity version of Daniela, and after everything was finally going great for her and Matteo. "Luna, your smile has disappeared all of a sudden and hasn't come back. Please tell me what's wrong. I'm always here for you," Matteo states to Luna, expressing his concern. Luna almost stutters when she says, "Matteo why is Viviana here? What were you doing with her?" Matteo instantly takes a sigh of relief because he originally thought something unpleasant happened to her. "Oh, Luna you don't have to worry about her. She's just a friend I met through Rafeal. It's okay." "Matteo what would've happened if I didn't arrive at that moment," Luna asks anxiously holding on to every word she said. Matteo hesitantly replies, "Nothing. Nothing at all."
. . . . . . . .
Next Morning
Simón and Ámbar's House
Simón wakes up in his Buenos Aires home at eight o'clock in the morning. He's surprised to notice Ámbar is not there beside him. He pulls the sheets to their new bed and marches to the kitchen. Ámbar is sitting in the dining table doing some paperwork while drinking a café con leche. This brings a large smile on his face seeing how hard of a worker his soon to be wife is. "Buenos días mi amor. Good morning my love," Simón declares to Ámbar which also brings a warm smile on her face. "So, how's the paperwork going?" Simón asks Ámbar. "Honestly, it's not looking too good. I don't know if we'll be able to keep the Jam and Roller for so long especially since Vidia is considering on selling it to this company who wants to remodel it as a club and bar. They're the ones with the highest bid and if nobody comes soon to place a higher offer... we may lost it," Ámbar reluctantly replies to Simón.
"I can't believe this. First the separation of the Roller Band, then the separation of the Roller team, and now this. The worst part is how can we even tell Luna about this? How can we tell the rest about this," Simon complains while he and Ámbar give each other worried glances. "I don't know how we should tell her but one thing I know for sure is that we need to tell her soon cause what if she finds out and thinks we were lying to her this whole time. The one thing I've learned from my previous mistakes is that lying does no good and the truth always ends up revealing itself... but we'll think about that later. Right now, let's eat some breakfast cause I have a meeting to get to. Whatever happens, we need to find a backup plan to work somewhere else while I study to become a lawyer."
As Ámbar gets up from her chair, she turns the TV on. The news channel announces, "This just in! Viviana has been spotted AGAIN being very close to Matteo Balsano, the infamous 'Quiero Verte Sonreir' artist, yesterday night at his last concert for his Alla Voy Tour. Could this mean that Matteo has a new girlfriend and broke up with Luna Valente!" Ámbar and Simón both turn their heads and look at each other, shocked by what they just saw on the news. "I can't believe it! I wonder what Luna must be thinking watching this. It's just that this doesn't even make sense. Matteo would never do such a thing to Luna and even so she would have told me by now," Simón states confusingly. Simón and Ámbar are both confused and concerned about what they have just witnessed.
. . . . . . . .
Nina's Apartment
Nina accidentally spills her coffee after hearing what she just saw on the news. Gastón hears the loud noises in the living room, so he runs quickly to Nina from the kitchen to help her. "Que paso, what happened? Are you okay Nina," Gaston asks while helping her clean the mess she made. Gastón arrived last night from his job being an engineer. The company he works at has multiple branches, so he tends to travel all around the globe to set up meetings and build all sorts of new gadgets. Nina had also arrived from Oxford after finishing the semester early. She only has one year left to graduate and can't wait to travel with Gastón as a professional writer.
"Did you hear what was on the news? Apparently, Matteo has been spotted multiple times with this girl named Viviana. News outlets think that he broke up with Luna and replaced her with Viviana. I just couldn't believe it. I was so shocked I accidentally tipped over my coffee. Sorry for the mess," Nina states to Gastón. "No pasa nada. It's okay, the stain easily comes off but going back to what happened with Matteo... is this true, en serio," Gastón wonders, hoping Nina would say a 'no, just kidding' but sadly that was not the case. "Well we don't know if he did break up with Luna but the pictures that they showed of him with Viviana look very real and very close." "Esto no puede ser. This can't be true. I'm going to call Matteo right away. We have to get to the bottom of this," Gastón vividly expresses his disbelief right before turning his head and seeing the TV screen, in which he noticed the girl that's with Matteo. He doesn't for sure know who she is, but that girl appears very familiar to him. Then, Gastón remembered who she is and quickly runs to go call Matteo. After Nina puts her mug inside the sink, she rushes to go call Luna as well.
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*BTW: Thank you guys for the support you've been giving Soy Sol in the last chapter. I really do appreciate it and hope you guys like the rest :D *
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somersetmummy · 3 years
(A/N): This fic takes place immediately following book 1 chapter 11 (after being rescued by Sam from Sofia's closet). 
- I promise the Robin lust that is part three is coming soon! -
Series/Pairing: The Nanny Affair (M!Sam Dalton x MC Katie Hide)
Original characters - all property of PB: Katie Hide (MC), Sam Dalton, Mason & Mickey Dalton, Jenny Blake, Robin Flores (part 3 only)
New characters: (present in part 3) Serena-Rose Warren, Tessa Finch, Lucinda Hansen
Rating/Content warning: PG13, a little bit of lust & desire but nothing graphic
Word Count: 1199
Summary: Katie prepares for a night out with the girls but is distracted by a certain roommate...
- Scroll to the bottom for bonus text message between Katie & Jenny -
Find Part One here. 
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Part Two -
When Friday evening swiftly arrives, Katie tried to distract herself from the excitement building within by throwing herself into her love of cooking and creating an overly elaborate meal for the boy's dinner. While they don't particularly need a full roast dinner with all the trimmings, she's in far too good a mood to care. As is usually the norm when she cooks dinner, the boys sit at the counter half watching - half playing, keen to be around her as much as possible.
There's a certain calm which they feel when they're with her, safe and warm. They'd spent so much time bounced between family, babysitters and tutors over the last few years they relished the opportunity to be around someone so steady and secure, plus she just effortlessly understood them and knew how to put their needs first.
"Suck it Mason!"
Mickey's cheer startles her from her culinary daze as he slams down the last of the cards in his hand with vigour, winning the nail-biting game of snap the boys are playing.
"Mickey, language...please."
Katie glares at him to show that she's serious but can't completely stifle the grin underneath, threatening to give away the fact that she's humoured by the intensity of their game.
Of the twins, Mickey has always been the most energetic and animated, he rarely holds anything back and doesn't take any prisoners. Mason on the other hand is a much more sensitive soul, wise beyond his seven years and far more observant about the world around him. They're a real split of Sam's personality and a constant reminder of all the things she loves about him.
Before Mickey can apologise, the elevator dings sparking confusion in the kitchen. Katie pulls her phone out of her jeans back pocket to check the time. 5 o'clock on the dot. Equally puzzled and completely in sync with one another, the boys hold a ceasefire in their game as they all turn to look to the hallway waiting to catch a glimpse of the intruder.
Her heart flips as Sam saunters into the room, eyes sparkling and a wide smile already on his face as he takes in the scene before him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd made it home this early, but something had changed recently, something which made him long to be at home, long to play with his boys, long to live a little. And then he locked eyes on that something. Katie.
"Well if it isn't my three-favourite people."
The sincerity in his voice paired with the adoring look he gives is enough to make Katie's knees go weak. The boys are clearly oblivious to the fact that his fiancé should probably be above her on his list of favourite people but in that moment she's happy to take the compliment, nonetheless.
"What are you doing home so early?"
Sam makes his way over to the kitchen, ruffling the boy’s hair before slipping casually onto the bar stool next to Mickey. The boys in return beam at him, revelling in the novelty of having two grown-ups to shower them with attention.
"You didn't think I'd forget your big night out, did you? I wanted to make sure you had plenty of time to get yourself ready without having to chase these two clowns around."
He winks at her before turning back to the boys. Mason throws Sam a look of mock offence at being labelled a clown, Mickey on the other hand smiles proudly, totally owning it.
After putting the boys to bed, Sam settles himself in the living area, pacing around unable to stay still. Nervous energy tingles through his veins as he waits impatiently for Katie to emerge, already letting his mind run away with the less than innocent images of her in his head of how she'll look when she appears.
Nothing could've prepared him for what he was about to see as she emerged like a butterfly from its cocoon, transformed.
With the wind knocked out of him, his eyes trail over her capturing every detail to recall later. He admires her delicate curves wrapped in a form fitting deep blue sequinned mini dress, so dark it almost looks black until it catches the light and a blue hue shimmers, just like when the moon hits the sea on a clear night. He immediately wishes he could trail his hands along the flimsy spaghetti straps falling gently over her shoulders, crossing over her back revealing the barely-there rear of the dress.
As she confidently flicks her golden blonde hair it smoothly drips over her shoulders like honey, long soft curls bouncing just below her breasts. Her sweeping fringe ever so slightly obscuring her intoxicating blue eyes which sparkle back at him full of conviction.
The whole look gives her an air of unfaltering confidence which he's never seen on her before. This may be the most turned on he's ever been from just looking at her, so much so that his hands seek refuge in his pockets, untrusted not to grab her at the first opportunity.
"Wow, you look incredible!" He throws her a mischievous smile and continues, "If I'd known you'd look this good I wouldn't have been so eager for you to have the night off!"
Noticing the fire in his eyes, she feels conflicted as she allows herself to imagine what might happen if she were to stay at home tonight. The air crackles between them as they hold each other's gaze a little longer than they should.
"Thank you, I'd forgotten how much I like dressing up and looking good!"
The fire in his eyes extinguishes and leaves behind warm sincerity, a small smile crosses his lips as he finally builds the courage to move closer.
"You always look good. I'm particularly fond of your jeans and t-shirt look, but yes, this look..."
Unable to finish, the fire returns to his eyes as they're drawn down to her legs which seem to go on for days, the delicate sequinned dress barely falling past her upper thighs. The intensity of his gaze thrills her.
Taking as much strength as it would to pull two magnets apart, she finally steps away to grab her purse. Ever the gentleman, Sam picks up her jacket holding it out for her. Unable to resist, he takes the opportunity to lean into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. She smells like a breath of fresh summer air, flowers and sweetness dancing in the breeze.
Her spine tingles as his lips graze her neck and his fingers gently fondling soft tendrils of her hair to move them out of the way. His whispered words make the hairs on her skin stand to attention.
"God, I wish you were mine tonight, you don't know what you're doing to me."
The indignant ring of the penthouse intercom breaks the spell they find themselves in and she begrudgingly steps away exhaling shakily.
"That'll be my cab."
He watches her sashay over to the elevator, the sway of her hips captivating him once again. Slowly she turns to face him, winking wickedly as the doors are almost closed.
"Don't wait up."
TAG list: @shewillreadyou @txemrn @silma-words @thefrenchiemama @secretaryunpaid @sfb123
Messages between Katie and Jenny while Katie prepares dinner for the boys.
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seblainelove · 4 years
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A playlist dedicated to Seblaine
For seblaine week, day 3 @seblaineaffairs
I choose songs with lyrics that reminded me of seblaine and wrote a drabble with them.
1. I knew I loved you - Savage Garden
I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life
Sebastian loved Blaine before he even met him at Dalton. He saw his performances with the warblers through videos and fell in love with him. He was hoping to meet him one day. Praying he'd come back to Dalton. When Blaine came back to Dalton it was too good to be true.
2. Whenever you need somebody - Rick Astley
When you're all alone and if you're feeling down
Call me, I'll be around
Whenever you need somebody
I'll bring my love to you
You don't have to say you love me
I just want to be with you
Lost inside your love is where I want to be
I'm just asking you to spend some time with me
Time and time you say you want to be free
And you can have some fun that's okay with me
Sebastian took his chance and invited Blaine for a drink. He told Blaine about him being a legend and that he regreted he missed him. Blaine was happy someone actually appreciated his talent. He was feeling down because he wasn't performing anything at McKinley. Sebastian was a fun and wild loving person. He told Blaine about his life in Paris. Blaine felt happy with Sebastian. Like he finally found someone warm and accepting. Blaine opened up to Sebastian and told him about the hardships he faces at McKinley. Sebastian told him he can call him anytime he wants and he'll listen to him. He can even meet him up anytime he likes.
3. I want you - Joseph Tilley
We can take it slow
They don't gotta know
Focus on my lovin baby let it take control
Dance the night away
Nothing left to say
You and me together baby that ain't no mistake
Blaine told Sebastian that if the warblers know that he's meeting with sebastian alone they'd be hurt because they're all like a big family. Sebastian told him that the warblers shouldn't know about them meeting so no one gets hurt.
4. Pay my rent - DNCE
When you love so good
Wanna give you every hour
If you said you could
I would give you all the power
Blaine and Sebastian started texting each other. The two of them got along so well. they texted every hour and almost every minute of each day. They also hung out together a lot. Blaine was so happy with Sebastian as if he found his soulmate. Sebastian was always flirty with Blaine so Blaine took it that Sebastian likes him. Blaine told Sebastian about his feelings and Sebastian kissed him in the middle of his confession. Sebastian promised him that he'll always make him happy.
5. Love me less - Max
I got too much dirt to come clean
Closets full of skeletons that you don't wanna see
Will you judge me? All my ugly?
I won't blame you if you do
No lies, don't wanna keep no secrets
Even if what I'ma say will leave speechless
No secrets
If I introduce you to my demons, tell me, baby
Would you love me less?
Sebastian and Blaine were happily dating but one time they met a group of boys who were from another school. they approached Sebastian. They seemed to know him. Sebastian just greeted them back and left while pulling Blaine's hand. Sebastian knew that his past would hunt him now and he should come clean to Blaine. He didn't want to keep any secrets away from him but he was worried Blaine would love him less. He gathered his courage and told him he used to date these boys. Blaine was surprised that Sebastian had a lot of ex boyfriends when he is just in highschool. Sebastian told him that he was ashamed of himself.
6. I Believe - Jonas Brothers
Every night, every day, how about every lifetime?
Yeah, I know what they say, and that's fine
'Cause I'm here to stay through the good and the bad times
Babe, you send me to space and you're mine, yeah
Blaine told him that he shouldn't be worried or ashamed. Having dated a lot of people doesn't make him bad in any way. Blaine told him that he'll never leave him ever for a stupid reason like that and he'll always stay by his side. Blaine told him that he believes in him.
7. Don't talk to me that way - Dayon
Say that you will change the way you walk,
The way you talk,
The way you wear your hair.
Change the way you dress, the way you kiss,
Everything cause you are scared that i'm might leave you
Oh why should I leave you
Blaine tries not to let Sebastian exs get into his head but he couldn't. They were all so handsome and attractive. So Blaine decides to change how he looks to impress Sebastian. He puts gel and wears tight clothes. Sebastian got confused by the sudden makeover and realizes that Blaine was insecure. So he tells Blaine that he shouldn't change anything. He loves Blaine the way he is. There is a reason why an ex is an ex it's because Sebastian wasn't into them.
8. Because you live - Jesse mcartney
Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl
My world
Has everything I need to survive
Because you live, I live
Ever since Blaine started dating Sebastian he felt more confident. Sebastian always supported him and cheered him on. He always was the first to attend Blaine's performances. And he always took Blaine to celebrate after each performance. Blaine felt fortunate to have Sebastian by his side. Blaine told Sebastian that he loves him. Sebastian told him that he loves him more.
9. 5:32 pm- the deli
Everyday at five thirty two pm Sebastian makes Blaine a cup of coffee at his house. They sit on the balcony while hugging each other and watch the sunset together.
10. Do you remember the first time we met- 316
Blaine plays this song on the piano for Sebastian. He dedicates this song for him. His life has been from good to better because of him.
Blaine and Sebastian graduate highschool and enter the same college. They live together in the same dorm room. They spend their days studying together and cheering each other on. Sebastian decides to surprise Blaine on their college graduation day. He comes with a plan to propose to Blaine.
11. Never gonna give you up- Rick Astley
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Sebastian leaves the ring box on their desk so Blaine sees it and assume that Sebastian would propose to him today. He takes Blaine to a fancy restaurant. Blaine expects Sebastian to pop the question but Sebastian doesn't. Sebastian then goes to the mini stage they had for performers and announces to everyone that he's dedicating this song to his precious person. Blaine was sure that Sebastian would propose to him now but Sebastian sings Rick Astley's never gonna give you up the whole time then sits down and eats the rest of his food. Blaine was dumbfounded. Was he just rickrolled? Blaine was upset he told Sebastian he saw the ringbox and he thought Sebastian would propose to him. Sebastian told him that wasnt a ringbox for him it was a gift for his mom. Blaine felt embarrassed.
12. I do - 98 degrees
I do Cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don't have to think twice
I will love you still
From the depths of my soul
It's beyond my control
I've waited so long to say this to you
If you're asking do I love you this much
I do
On their graduation day. Sebastian puts the ring in his pocket. Him and Blaine wear their graduation robes and hats. They sit waiting for their turn to get their diplomas. When they got their diplomas they posed for pictures. A lot of their friends came and they were taking a picture of both Blaine and Sebastian. In one of the poses Sebastian kneeled down. Blaine was shocked he looked at Sebastian. In Sebastian's hand was the ring. Sebastian opened it. " Blaine Anderson. In These past few years we had the best times together. So will you continue living the best life with me together as my husband? I'll love you and cherish you until I die"
Their friends were taking a lot of photos and cheering them.
" omg of course, of course I do" Blaine's tears rolled down.
Sebastian put the ring around Blaine's finger and they kiss.
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 4 years
The Truths Found On Petram Viridios IV (3/?)
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A/n: this is a long chapter. Hope you guys like it. In this chapter I referenced @hoodoo12 fic Inked
Read Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 3: Do You?
"Are you having a good time?" he wondered as you were picking at your meal, and drawing faces in it.
"It's been pleasant enough." you admitted; shifting in your seat to sit up properly. "You've certainly made it easy on me."
You appreciated how the time passed so easily with the chemist's want and eagerness for conversation. He was well-spoken, and nothing lacked but whether it was you or your wandering mind, you had the feeling of wanting to go home; to relax on Rick's couch and watch a silly movie, but the night would go on. Intrigued by your earlier statement, V'gha studied you for a moment, not so unlike the way Zeta-7 would. Flexing his thick fingers, and smirking as though he had found the secrets of the universe and not intending on sharing it, he rested his chin on his now clasped hands."Would you care to elaborate?"
"Sure. I believe it's because, despite our differences, you're not so bad. I was worried that you were going to be overly serious, but it's been fun chatting with you."
"Well," he started, "I hope you won't be offended by me saying this, but I thought you were going to be more Neanderthal."
"You know," you giggled. "I get that a lot."
It never occurred to you to expect anything to really happen right now, but through half-lidded eyes, there were flecks of melancholy along with another emotion you couldn't quite detect. It passed quickly as light amusement colored his voice. "Is self-deprecating humor common among your kind? It doesn't matter. You nonetheless contain an intellect that I can only describe as affable. Are all humans this way?"
"I don't know, I can't speak for my kind, but I can speak for myself. I think in my case," You considered with seriousness, trying to refrain from sharing too many details. "it's what happens when you live as I do; close to a mad genius who enjoys his work as much as his garden. No really," you paused, playing around with your cloth napkin. "it's nothing special. I wish I could give you a highly detailed explanation, but I don't consider myself much of an intellectual. I do learn something new everyday. I think that counts for something."
Nodding in agreement, he made an attempt to consume his meal of fried klema paste, but could only manage a small bite as he too gave up on trying to believe it was halfway edible. "If I would've been in my lab, I could've shown you a recipe for a formula that attracts insectoids large enough to feed a family for a month. Even the bitter, old, beetletoids would taste better than what we've been served tonight."
You had a feeling that the meals were chosen by a machine that couldn't determine what would be better; pleasing the taste buds or feeding the vitamin deficiencies; it seemed to be the latter.
"I'm sad to tell you that I don't eat insects or insectoids. Though," you smiled. "I appreciate the sentiment. Where I'm from, you either love them or despise them. There isn't much of an in-between. For my part, I admire them. Like, there's these cute little guy's called roly-polys. They kind of look like little pills and they hang out in dead leaves and stuff. Oh, and don't even get me started on iridescent insects. They're just so beautiful, like living jewels. Too bad I don't have an eloquent explanation to give you."
"Do you mean to say that insectoids or insects as you refer to them, are minuscule creatures where you're from? How fascinating. And stranger still," he gestured at your outfit. "I was just thinking that you appear somewhat iridescent yourself."
He must've been referring to the sequins on your dress which were mildly reflective and multichromatic. "That was the point," you joked readily. "to look as though I could fly away at any moment. At least that's the story I'm sticking with, but don't tell anyone I left my private jet at home."
"Well, it does suit you. Has anyone told you that?"
If he meant either your dress, attitude, or both, then Rick had but you weren't going to tell him that. "No, but thank you."
"Really," he insisted. "I mean it. I…..I can't help but feel as though I know you." Leaning slightly forward, though not so much that it would violate the law, and squinting, he wondered. "Are you sure we haven't met before?"
The multiverse thing was another classified subject on the infinite list of what you weren't allowed to talk about. For all you knew, he might've met another version of yourself or met you in passing in your travels with Rick. "No, we haven't. Maybe I remind you of someone."
Realization struck him, and he dug around in his pockets and pulled out a blank white card. Laying it out on the table, he pressed the corner of it, and it produced a hologram; it was a Salamandrian with vibrant coloring and stripes that made you wonder if they glowed in the dark. "That's why I've been perplexed. You remind me of her; an old colleague of mine."
"She's beautiful."
"Yes, I thought so too. We used to work in the same lab together and were close to a breakthrough which could've assisted with premature aging which my species are prone to, but it wasn't meant to be. We ran out of funding and while working on another project, she collapsed. Before I knew it, she succumbed to rapid aging. Cha'thxa was amiable like yourself and loved to joke around. I believe that's why we were good friends."
"It's always the good ones. I'm sorry."
Replacing the card back into his pocket, he sobered. "It's alright. That was half a lifetime ago, but it's odd how events can trigger these recollections. Thank you."
"For what?"
"For these interactions of ours. It made me feel youthful."
What? Now that couldn't be right. If it hadn't been such an odd thing for him to say, you wouldn't have given a second thought to how he had spoken and carried himself. Really, you thought he was younger than yourself. "How old are you exactly? You don't look mature."
Taking a long sip of his beverage, he admitted with amusement. "Let's just say that the equivalent in human years is roughly 64.322 years old."
"What? No way. I wouldn't have ever guessed, but it shows what I know."
Though you weren't an expert on reptiles either, so how could you have known?
"Would it have really mattered? The only difference it would have made was perhaps in the way you would've treated me. I don't enjoy being treated as though I'm feeble-minded and will collapse at any moment."
"I promise, I wouldn't have."
"If only it were that simple. I've done the same, except I did the opposite and discriminated against someone far younger than I was and believed them foolish, but now that I've seen more of the world, and have familiarized myself with the universe through my travels and mostly through my studies, I realize how wrong I was. These days, I intend to live out the rest of my life to the fullest and to not be ashamed of it. And keeping in mind with that," he paused, ruminating on what he was about to ask. He continued. "I hope this isn't presumptuous of me to ask, but I'd love to invite you to my home planet." And with that winning, sharp-toothed smile, he explained. "Warm bodies are now allowed to visit and I would love to show you my dwelling. I believe you'd enjoy the view of the river. You seem to be the type that would never tire of good company."
It was a shame that he was such a fascinating creature, for you two might've been able to be good friends in a different life. "I do enjoy good company and most likely I would love the river, but under my current circumstances, I'm sorry to say it probably wouldn't be a good idea."
Calmly, he wondered. "Is it because of that human we saw a few hours ago is your mate?"
"Yes," you answered without hesitation. "I would consider him so."
"Forgive me then, for I didn't know, but I should have come to that conclusion." he remarked sheepishly. "You reek of him and your hormones changed every time I asked you about him."
"Look," you sighed, feeling a little embarrassed at the series of events which led up to this. "it's alright. I think it's the guidelines of this event that prevent us from being in each other's presence, but even if it's a crime, I wish he was here. I'm sorry if I acted out of place otherwise."
Giving you a wink, V'gha rose and gently took your hand; not only was it against the law, but against his character. You were going to pull away, but he said in Rick's voice. "Terminate simulation."
You removed the headset you had forgotten you were wearing. "Oh no, did I mess up again? Would I have died of food poisoning? Dysentery? I swear this is harder than the Oregon Trail."
"N-no, you did alright." he said at first, thoughtfully tapping at charts across his multiple screens set up. "Every time you were presented with a-a challenge, you followed the protocols and procedures just as you were instructed, but it's when you depart the ship which has my calculations going all over th-the place. Gosh, I now realize that it - it doesn't matter which of the guests are assigned as your companion. There is a 33.682% chance that they'd take a romantic interest in you, while there's only a 7% chance of you taking interest in them."
"Ricky, what in the world are you talking about?" You were sure that all of it was simply meant to be a learning experience and that none of it was real. However, considering it was meant to be a realistic simulation, the possibility of romance was there, despite how minimal the chances were. "I thought the reason we were going through the simulation was so that I wouldn't jeopardize the mission. Am I to understand that you don't want me to go because you discovered there's a small chance that a guest or two might fall for me?"
He scratched the back of his neck, wary to meet your questioning gaze. "Gee, I wouldn't have phrased it th-that way. I just....I-I don't like it."
"Oh my goodness," you couldn't help but exclaim. "Rick, are you jealous?"
It was always surprising when he was for it happened so rarely, and when it did you were more flattered then concerned. You continued. "I thought these scenarios always end the same way. You know I only want to be with you, even at the risk of my life. Why these aliens would take an interest in me, I'll never know, but it's cool that the people I'm assigned to are fascinating characters. Doesn't it prove that I'm ready for this mission? I kept the sharing of valuable information to a minimum, and I got along with mostly everyone."
"Gee, I don't know. Y-you're almost ready. However," he pointed at his computer screen. "there are anomalies in some of the earlier models which are concerning. In scenario 3, 7, and 15, the chances of my extermination were 18.475% because I-I allowed myself to get distracted from the mission. In scenarios 17, 19, and 25, there's such a minuscule change that we can forget them altogether. Yet, in the last five scenarios, especially this last simulation, it jumped to 42% and I ended it before things w-would've gone sour. Golly, studying the patterns between them all taught me that you're attractive t-t-to multiple species."
"What can I say, must be my animal magnetism." you teased as you wiggled your eyes brows.
Thoroughly worried, he sighed. "It appears so."
"Come on Ricky," you softened. "I'm only kidding. Listen, why don't you disguise yourself as V'gha, while one of your robot clones handles the mission? Out of all of them, V'gha was one of the nicest. We can knock him out temporarily."
"That could work, but that's highly risky."
"How so?"
"Because staying alive means I-I can't do this."
Wrapping an arm about your waist, the beginnings of a smile were taking place. "For this, I'd get my arms chopped off. It's due t-to the fact that centuries ago a war broke out from a single incident that occurred b-between two rivals who fought for the love of a Milleannos grounds protector whose sole purpose was to guard and tend to the bud that would never bloom in their lifetime. So, this kind of behavior between us is a big no-no. At least as non-royals of Petram Viridios IV." And pressing a kiss to your temple, he chuckled. "I don't know what'd happen to me if I did that, but I-I wouldn't want to find out."
"Do the inhabitants of that planet learn their traditions through tall tales?"
"I-I don't know, but it doesn't seem that far-fetched. It's um - it's possible that over time, they've needed t-to learn sets of skills in order to survive in the once harsh terrain, but seeing how they were able to preserve their culture for hundreds of thousands of years, they must be doing something right. Still, knowing all this, I-I doubt I could keep my cool and stay away from you. Apparently, the simulations tell me the same thing."
"In that case," you softened. "I might have to remove myself from this mission. After all, I don't want you to think I'm trying to woo a few strangers."
"Boy, I-I didn't mean it t-t-to sound that way."
"Of course not, but you told me the truth. And you're entitled to it in some respects. Though, while you spoke of data and calculations, you didn't ask me how I felt. Why not dear? I'm not ashamed to tell you."
Yet, he seemed ashamed to ask. "Did - did you feel anything?"
Smoothing out the lines about his mouth and eyes with your fingers, you confessed. "I felt flattered by their attention, and their company wasn't that bad. I felt……well, like a person in society, who meets and meets dozens of people, and only really takes interest when the conversation is somewhat comfortable and familiar, but I wanted you there to enjoy it too. " Pointing towards the monitors, you continued." If you take a closer look at the data on my brain waves, changes of hormones, and heart rate, then you'll see where my mind and heart truly was. In nearly all of them, I saw parts of you. Not so much physically, but there were personality traits that were so much like your own, I almost didn't feel so lonely. Yet, I never stopped searching for you in them, and in the world around me, in silence, in smiles over knowings, and in reminiscences, hoping you would come and could be in my reach."
Resting his hand atop yours, he sighed. "Th-that explains a few things."
"Does it? I know you were watching as it played out. And don't think I didn't know what you did this time around. I know it was you on that stage, veiled, and far away. Was that also part of the simulation? It…it felt so real. Somehow our souls were closer then they'd ever been."
"I added the possibility of being asked t-to play the Tremen orb bush. When played, it does induce a trance-like state, but during that part of the simulation, I-I tried to keep you calm because y-you were in the beginning stages of a panic attack."
It must've been because of the claustrophobic feeling of being in a chamber. So you hadn't been alone. "Dear, did you hold me and keep me safe?"
"In a manner of speaking. Y-you weren't in any immediate danger, but I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. So I - I moved my chair over, held your soft hands," he confessed shyly. "and talked to you for a little while. It must've helped for soon enough your vital signs were back to normal."
Yes, he was that sort of man; the kind who'd want to take care of you, and make sure you're alright; who'd give up a day in his garden to spend a dozen ensuring that within dreams you'd live to see another. What did you ever do to deserve him?
"I see. You know Rick, despite not bringing it up, I'm sorry that I had to pretend not to know you."
"That's okay."
He understood, way too easily did he understand. Digital planes with hundreds of foreign figures, blades of grass duplicated to fill in spaces, dreamland feelings which were wisps of real ones, he withstood them all. Slipping in and out of realities were preparations for the real tests which had and would continue to come your way. You admired his fortitude because till now he's dealt with the hardships incurred purposely and accidentally.
"Even if it was potentially part of the mission, and you knew I had to do it, it didn't feel good. How….how could I hide the fact that I have such a wonderful friend? You've been one of the dearest, closest friends that I've ever had."
Leaning down, he touched your forehead with his; releasing a breath you didn't know he had been holding. "El mayor - el mayor obstáculo para el amor es… es el temor s-secreto de no ser dignos de ser amados."
"But you are worthy." you reassured him.
"So I am." he accepted.
"Dear, in trying to protect what we have, lying was necessary. Yet, I don't want to pretend that we aren't anything. I love you too much to do that. I don't have any sign or mark of belonging to anyone, and that could've been one of the reasons there were misunderstandings. With V'gha and the others, I was only being friendly."
"I-I know."
"Even if you know, I'm still going to remind you." Resting a hand on his chest, his nervous heart seemed to dance. "Underneath my hand, lies the kind heart of an emotional, passionate genius, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world."
Holding you a fraction tighter, his breath ghosted your cheek. "Really?"
"Can I-I tell you something?"
"Everyday with you is better than the last. If we lived on Venus," he chuckled. "our days would've been 5,832 hours long. That's th-the equivalent of 243 Earth days."
"That's a long time. Hmm," you sighed, relishing in the nearness of him; breathing in the scent which wafted off his sweater and labcoat. You thought to yourself, this is how it should always be. "I wish I could've been born sooner so you wouldn't have had to be lonely. If I could've done that much, I would've been able to repay you. Still, despite my disbelief about our relationship at times, it's one of the reasons I carry the necklace. You know, the one you had given me on that memorable day that you were…" you paused as you felt him sag into himself, pulling away from you slightly as though he were ashamed. You continued on. "on that day when those Guard Ricks came because you were needed on the citadel. I regret that I put you through so much stress that day, but I'm glad you don't resent me for it." Pulling out the necklace, you couldn't help but tear up a little. "I look at this beautiful gift every time I need to be reminded that you always believed in me, adored me, and was part of your world."
"Y-you're not part of it, you are my world."
"And you are mine. There's no way I'll ever forget you."
Though, there was a chance you could or that he could have your memories erased; there were things you weren't supposed to know, but did. There had been stranger cases before, and just in case, you had made copies of your memories. "Why, if you ever have to use that memory eraser thing on me or on yourself, I promise I'll remember for the both of us. So please," you urged, giving him a half-impatient, half-loving shake. "don't think that what we have is so easily broken, because I love you and believe in what we are together."
Neither of you spoke for a while after that, but he gave your hands a good squeeze when he came to a resolution. "What if….what if I gave you a sign?"
"I'd think of an Ace Of Base song," you lightly teased. "and then I'd wonder what you could mean."
Rubbing your back, he said above a whisper. "I mean t-t-t-to say, do you…..¿Quieres casarte?"
"What? Did you just…can you repeat that?"
"D-do you want to get married?"
Pulling away from him, you wondered. "Wait, is this real?"
He nodded. "Y-yes."
"And I'm not in a lotus-eater machine right?"
Smoothing out your hair, he confessed. "N-no, I hope not."
After spending days going through multiple simulations, it was easy to assume that everything wasn't real, and was still part of another simulation within a simulation. You pinched yourself and saw that everything was in place. It's not that you weren't happy, it was just that this was a surprise you hadn't been expecting. For his part, he studied you and found that he liked what he saw and pulled out a little box. "I had wanted the moment t-to be perfect, but I don't think that's possible. I can't…..I don't want to be without you anymore."
"I think I need to sit down for this."
Leading you over to the computer chair, you took a seat while he stood before you; antsy and ready to confess. "Mi corazón, I have wanted to do this for so long, but I - I was too afraid t-t-to ask. I think now, I finally can."
Removing his labcoat, and setting it down, he pushed up the sleeve of his sweater; displaying the tattoo he had gotten a few years ago; a single sunflower with such detail it almost looks three dimensional. If it weren’t for the curve of his arm, it would appear that he took the bloom, shrunk it down, and simply laid it on his inner forearm. "When I got this, I wanted something as beautiful as you with me, always, and - and sunflowers are your favorite. You told me they were the epitome of happiness."
You nodded. "My best memories are associated with them."
"I suppose that still holds true, so I'm going to put my faith in that. To explain, I would like to tell you a few things concerning happiness. Everyday I-I go to work, I look forward to the moment I get to see you when I return. Though, when I come home, and the house is quiet, it's easy to remember that I live alone. However, when I see that the pillows have been rearranged in a way I um - in a way I hadn't left them, or find a mug in the sink, or piles of books that hadn't been read yet, I know I'm not alone; that y-you've been here. Gosh," he sniffled, doing his best not to cry. "when I see your sleeping figure on the couch or in the hammock outside, I think to myself that I want this t-t-to be my life. T-to be our life. You're what's missing in th-the equation to my happiness. When I met you, it's like the sun finally came out and I could finally bloom. We might carry bits of - of happiness, but I-I feel incomplete without you by my side. And I think y-you feel the same."
Taking hold of your left hand, he kissed it and his voice was colored with happiness again. In earnest, he wondered. "So, my beautiful little sunflower, as far as getting married is concerned, do you - do you want to?"
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