#request a dank meme
stimboard of kitten with bloodlust? be crazy be insane with it
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(The gifs with the “?” were originally found of discord)
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meme-templates · 1 year
Do you have that "Lad Lead Dad (dead character)"?
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here u go
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the-great-bonkings · 10 months
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Someone please draw this in a much better style I'm a terrible artist but it would be so funny if his mouth was long
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pastelearthling65 · 3 months
yeah idk man my request are open.
Can somebody please start sending me requests for moodboards and pfps and paci edits for ddlc/tdi/camp camp/disventure camp?
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gzanykat · 1 year
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This horrible thing was requested by the DeviantArt user LeoSamurai1.
Is horrible and ugly on purpose, I made it in less than an hour.
I hate it.
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novelbear · 1 year
tearful goodbyes - scenarios for characters seeing one another for the last time
prompt list by @novelbear | requested: @dank-meme-legend
"i'm gonna miss you so much."
an embrace so tight, neither wants to let go
"will i see you again?" "i can't make any promises..."
"hey, no crying...i thought we said we wouldn't cry."
time seeming to stand still as they're staring into the other one's tearful eyes
texting them the moment they leave because they already miss their presence
"i know you said you didn't want to see me before i left but i just couldn't go without saying goodbye."
going home after they've gone and taking their sadness + anger out on everything (ex. slamming their coat down, kicking the door closed)
trying to capture every detail of their face so that they don't forget
slipping a gift/memorable item in their hands to remember them by
"i can't take this.." "i want you to have it. think of me."
"goodbye-" "damn it, i thought i told you not to say that word!"
hard swallows as they're trying not to cry
rocking back and forth when hugging
"i'm sorry...." "don't apologize for doing what's best for you. i'm proud."
final confessions that just shatter the other's heart
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irayoeywa · 1 year
avatar characters as humans headcannons vol.2
part one part three
tuktirey, spider, aonung, and rotxo.
justice and claire's are her favorite stores.
loves roblox and always asking for robux.
blackmails lo'ak into giving her money or buying her robux.
definitely an outside kid, she loves playing outside.
neytiri and mo'at are probably the only people that can say no to her.
she has jake and neteyam wrapped around her finger.
hair always done in cute styles with barrette's, bobo hair ties, or beads.
very tender headed so she hates to sit down to get her hair done. she's wincing and flinching the whole time.
kinda gives zuri from jessie vibes so she probably has imaginary friends.
well he’s already a human so i guess i mean modern.
doesn't have locs bc let's be fr.
since quaritch is his dad, he grew up around military men and women.
they probably let him take a sip of their beer when he was a kid.
did wrestling at one point.
has mommy issues.
played in dirt as a kid and got ring worm a dozen times.
chased people around with bugs so they would run away.
he listens to alternative music.
his grades be all over the place.
was too scared to ask quaritch to help him with his hw after the first "IF JIMMY HAD 5 APPLES" incident.
resting bitch face.
said "i don't know what you see in him" to tsireya when he found out that her and lo'ak were dating.
only person he trust fr is rotxo.
i feel like his parents pay more attention to tsireya so he's always trying his best in both his studies and sports.
on both the basketball team and the swim team.
probably bullied girls he had a crush on.
is a morning person.
listens to travis scott.
he kind of gives me chase atlantic listener vibes.
always rolling his eyes.
a DC fan.
someone said that he was def raised by his grandma and now i can't see it any other way.
was definitely that person in middle school/high school that would go to teachers he didn't have anymore to say hi and give unwanted advice to the students in the class.
listens to tyler, the creator, brent faiyaz, and drake.
dank memes are his humor.
always wearing baggy jeans.
very obvious when he has a crush on someone but oblivious when someone has a crush on him.
somewhat book smart but not common sense smart.
now even though i just said he's somewhat book smart, he reminds me of that scene in outer banks where jj says, "he's straight up like the spanish, just bon voyage" and everyone is just like ???
on the swim team.
tonowari treats him like a second son.
sleeps in class.
doesn't own a folder so all his papers are crumbled up in his bag.
rotxo's is way longer than i anticipated. but i hope you enjoyed :)
i was thinking about making one for the adults, lmk if i should. also if you have any ideas or requests, send them in.
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mrsmothmom · 2 years
so if my blog isn't all my own content, what on earth is it?????? 😨
ok, so you've been told to reblog, and that your tumblr blog shouldn't be only your own stuff... but like...
what goes on there then?
on tumblr, you curate a vibe. folks looking at your blog should see posts that match you, your style, and your energy.
as a streamer, posts on your blog should probably match the energy in your streams and your ""b r a n d"" (i know we all threw up but its fact).
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look at this blog. perfectly curated to have excellent bug content - [@onenicebugperday]
ok cool but how do i do that? 🤔
first, take your original content and post it where makes sense. you can schedule posts and/or put things in your queue to go up whenever.
second, find some extra stuff to bring to your tumblr page that matches. good memes you have permission to share, maybe some gifs, maybe a quote or two.
lasty, look in tags that contain stuff that makes sense - are you a frog vtuber that likes cake? reblog frogs and cake. do you play minecraft? search for pretty minecraft screenshots. are you a dank memer who makes nasty jokes? reblog cursed stuff.
people following your blog should be served stuff that matches the reason they followed you a few times a day.
ok a y ... but won't my stuff get buried? i have things i wanna promote! 😓
reblog yourself fam
wait won't people get annoy-
reblog yourself
but how often??????
reblog afternoon posts at night for australlia. reblog weekly schedules a couple times a week. reblog your own art always, always, always.
won't the people seeing the same posts again be frustrated tho?!
like, probably not. BUT if you're worried just tag all your self reblogs with something like "#self reblog" or "#posting again". people can filter out a specific tag, so they don't have to see it!
ok but will it always be alright to share/reblog other people's art and stuff?
reblogs do a great job of crediting the original poster. if an artist posts stuff here they want you to reblog it. just make sure that if the blog you get stuff from isn't the original artist or poster, that they have credit and permission listed in the post (you're smart, just be careful).
very occasionally stuff will be specifically marked with a request not to reblog (mostly really personal stuff). you'll find these warnings in the tags, usually.
last question, i swear - what if i want to save/share/reblog/post stuff that doesn't match my ~vibe~?
make a sideblog! thats what sideblogs are for - they're for collecting a different vibe then your main blog and keeping your nasty meme mommy content from getting contaminated with all your visual asmr food reblogs.
you can have as many sideblogs as you want, and you can just let them breathe without worrying about how popular they get or whatever. and hey, no reason you can't self reblog sideblog content to let your followers know they can visit another blog for different stuff (including SPICY stuff uwu).
good luck out there champ - i hope this was helpful! let me know if you have any questions in the notes :)
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hallo :) große liebe für die saarländisch-memes! gäbe es evtl. die möglichkeit, mal in irgendeiner form "grad selääd(s)" (je nachdem wie man das schreibt) zu vermemen? 👉👈 seit einem wikipedia deepdive über dialekte im saarland ist dieser ausdruck ein absoluter fav von mir (als nicht-saarländisch-sprechende) :D (ist auch kein request, nur falls es sich mal ergibt oder so!)
Sorry that this took 84 years 😭
Wenige Dinge machen mich so glücklich wie wenn Leute meine Memes mögen, insbesondere die saarländisch Memes haha also vielen Dank!
Ich wusste ewig nicht was ich dafür nehmen soll aber jz dachte ich mal eigentlich passt grad seläds perfekt zu Pia und Esthers energy :D
Ich hoffe es gefällt dir 👀
Freue mich weiterhin immer über input! Gerne auch Templates/Screenshots, die fehlen mir nämlich immer ^^
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
It Happened So Suddenly (Part two)
Part one
Part three
It’s been six perigees since the night you allowed the cloaked stranger to stay with you. She told you her name was Yarrow Celfie, and she actually wasn’t a bad hiveguest. She only stayed with you about a week that night you met her, but every few perigees she shows up again. Thankfully she doesn’t come in through the window anymore (Which you now check at least three times a night to make sure it’s locked).
That first week, you and your lusus made sure at least one of you was watching her at all times unless she was using the bathroom. You’re extremely relieved she figured out the toilet on her own. You also showed her how the shower works, which she was absolutely floored by. It was actually kind of funny seeing her reaction.
Then she asked if you were going to join her since in her clan everyone bathes together, and you got embarrassed and sputtered that city trolls don’t do that. Which she thought was funny, so you’re even.
She kept writing in some kind of journal, but when you asked about it or tried to sneak a look she immediately hid it. Word of what happened that night spread through the fanbase like wild fire, and there were already memes filling your reddit and twitter feed only one night later.
You were relieved when she eventually went back to her clan. Having another person in your hive to keep an eye on wreaked havoc on your schedule, and she was all anyone wanted to talk about even a week after she left. Eventually, though, things went back to normal, and you all but forgot about her.
Then she came back for the second time two perigees later, though this time she knocked on the window. You were editing the latest “Try Not to Laugh” video you finished recording about half an hour ago. When you heard her at the window, you were surprised to see her again. You decided to let her in but told her to knock on the front door next time. You didn’t want your neighbors gossiping about you letting people in through the window.
Your lusus was practically glued to her much like he was the first time she stayed, but you were a little more lax. You even invited her to say hi to your fans, which she declined. You didn’t mind much, but your fans were disappointed.
That time around, you taught her how to use your old palmhusk. The bottom corner or the screen was cracked, so you couldn’t trade it in when you bought your new phone. It still worked, so you just had the number on it changed and gave it to Yarrow since apparently she was going to be a recurring guest.
She didn’t understand how any of the apps worked, but texting and calling went much better. By the time she was ready to leave again, she was basically a pro at it! ... Well, sort of. Okay not really at all, but she was getting there.
Now it’s her third time visiting, her last visit having been four perigees ago, and you find yourself actually looking forward to seeing her. This time around she actually joins you in a video, and your fanbase goes nuts. Within the hour there’s shipping art and memes with the two of you. Yarrow asks you what they mean, but you simply tell her your fans are being dorks.
Unlike the last two times, however, she doesn’t simply leave after about a week or so. She wants to take you to her home in the forest since you’ve been so nice teaching her about the city.
This is not a request. You’re going.
You spend the next two weeks roughing it in the middle of nowhere, and it’s easily the worst two weeks of your life. You spend the whole time sweaty and dirty and jonesing for internet access like an alcoholic going through withdrawal. There’s so many bugs, and every night you wake up with something crawling in your clothes whether it’s ants or a beetle or, on one occasion, a snake. Washing up in the lake is disgusting. All you can think about is all the fish poop and animal backwash you’re wading in.
Oh God, and the undead are worse out here than in the city. Yarrow’s cave is dank and dark, but the undead don’t go near it for whatever reason so it’s the best place to be. You can’t sleep well out here, and waking up during the day and hearing the groaning and shambling of the mindless undead is incredibly unnerving.
In short, you hate it here.
“You need to toughen up, Hyleem! You’re as soft as a newborn wriggler,” Yarrow teases as she guts a large creature she hunted. You can’t bear to watch, so you stand several feet away with your back facing her. Sure, you know where meat comes from and all, but you prefer it already butchered and neatly packaged so you don’t have to think about where it comes from.
“I’m not soft! I’m plenty tough! This place just sucks!” you complain and grumble under your breath. On paper it makes perfect sense she’d want to show you how she lives since you showed her how you live. However, you live surrounded by convenience and ease, and she lives completely off the land with all the difficulty that comes with it. You miss your hive.
“You should be watching so you can learn better survival skills,” she chides. You look back at her and shudder.
“Noooo thank you! Even getting over how disgusting that is, do you know how hard it is to eat something after seeing it alive first?? I might do the vegan thing after this,” you whine, but you know you’re still going to eat it. Honestly, fresh meat tastes better than the stuff in the store, but the trapping, killing, and carving you have to do to get it isn’t worth it.
Once your impromptu camping trip to Hell is over with and you’re back home, you pray she never makes you do that again.
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meme-templates · 1 year
hello do you have a reaction image that's like an ms paint-esque (not a stick figure though) drawing of a person on their hands and knees crying with tears dripping onto the ground? the person is just outlined in black and the tears are solid light blue (i think). thank you very much for your service here btw :)
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i have thse and i have that
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https://twitter.com/metdors_jjal?s=20 this is the link to the profile of artist second image
also, pro tip: the search "crying reaction image doodle" on pinterest will get u good stuff
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syrups-edit-corner · 2 years
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A Big Chungus x 11 y/o!self-insert moodboard with themes of dank memes and among us
Requested by: Anon
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iconsncaps · 2 years
From Kimi ni Todoke
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Just pm me if you'd like sawako soft icons and I'll be glad to send it to you!
thank you so much guys! i love you all! take care always!❤️
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achanceforfaramir · 3 years
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How come there’s a greater chemistry between Denethor and his tomato than between him and Faramir? Absolute disgrace.
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shingekinodank · 7 years
Can you make berserk eren memes
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Berserk Eren takes no prisoners!
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lilsusaf · 3 years
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Wow taylor
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