#requested by one my friends <3
queenofstelena · 2 years
Summary: Hi, I wanted to request a one-shot where Stefan and Elena are dating and Caroline Jealous and she manipulates and makes Elena insecure. (This is a request I got on Wattpad and I decided that I wanted to post it on here as well!)
Notes: I don't hate Caroline I promise this was just a request! :)
Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes.
Warning(s): Fluffy and Protective Stefan
Rating: General Audiences
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Hope you enjoy <3
Caroline's POV
History Class
'Why is it always Elena, why is it never me? I'm always second choice! Why does she deserve to get the guy and I don't? Caroline thought to herself, I need to do something. But the question is what?' I kept tapping on my desk with my fingers trying to come up with a plan. I looked back at Elena and Stefan they were entranced into each other's eyes as if no one was in the room. Then suddenly I thought if I can't have him no one can, so I'll just lure Elena and feed her some lies about him and vampires in general. But you know what they say to every lie there is a truth hidden inside. Since we're best friends she has no reason not to trust me after all I have her best interest at heart. I smirked to myself as Mr. Saltzman walks into the classroom starting the lesson.
Later after school
🧸 CareBear 🧸
Hey, do you want to come over? I know it's been pretty crazy lately and I thought it'd be a good way to catch up. And by the way it's just going to be us.
Sure! I would love to! What time?
🧸CareBear 🧸
Perfect! How about 3:30?
3:30 sounds great! :)
Later (3:30)
I open the door and Elena smiles warmly. I know I need to keep up the charade so I say "Elena, it's so good to see you come in." I give her a big hug and we walk into my house. I lead her to my living room and we both sit down on the couch. "Elena, the real reason I asked you here was to talk to you about your relationship about Stefan."
"Why?" She asks, confused looking up at me.
"Well, I'm worried about Stefan's intensions."
"Care, you don't have to worry Stefan wouldn't ever hurt me or you." But little does Elena know he already has. "Elena, let me finish I don't want to be harsh but apparently I have too especially since your my best friend."
"Elena he's just using you to pass the time, your his toy, again he's using you, and Vampires don't commit they don't want to live happily ever after or build a family they just want to go and rip someone's head off especially Stefan I mean he is the Ripper of Monterey after all AND your too maternal to not be a mother, Vampires can't even procreate." I say sharply.
"Caroline Stefan isn't like that how you you say that after all that he's done for you?" Elena says looking disgusted.
"Elena you know I'm just trying to look out for you!"
"Look out for me? This isn't looking out for me no even close. And honestly, stop looking out for me because it's not working." Elena says angrily stalking out of the house. I pretended to look worried and upset or even distraught over this fight or talk while running up to the door fame attempting to catch up with Elena. I think it may of worked knowing Elena she think about this conversation over and over. And if my plans defiantly come to pass Elena out insecurities and worry will break up with him.
Elena's POV
God, why'd Caroline tell me this. I don't know what to think. I say running my hands in my hair. I that there are good vampires but I also know there are Vampires like Damon who don't exactly care about Human life at all. Does he even want to be with me? I need to stop but at the same time I can't stop.
I'm confused I don't know what to think anymore, I don't know who to think or believe Stefan or Caroline? I don't know, should I believe my best friend who I've known since I was in diaper's or my boyfriend the person I love most in this world. I carelessly toss my phone onto my night stand and fling myself onto my bed and I cry letting all my emotions set free.
The Next Few Days
I've been avoiding him, I just can't face him, I don't want to lose him but I'm scared I already have. All because of Caroline making me insecure uhhh I hate her at the moment. I'm pretty sure Stefan's been watching me and trying to find the time to catch up with me. But I'm gone before he can especially since he doesn't want everyone to know he's Vampire but if he did he would've just vamp speed to me. I know I sound indecisive but I'm scared to face him I'm scared that he doesn't want anything to do with me, even through the other part of me knows he wouldn't give up that easily. I just don't know what to do.
Stefan's POV
Elena's been avoiding me, I can tell I mean it's quite obvious. I just wish I knew why? She started acting weird after she talked to Caroline...Oh my god she must have said something to her.
Hey, Stef I'm going to Caroline's tonight she wanted to catch up I'd thought I'd tell you
Prince Charming
Ok, I hope you have fun love
Back to Stefan's POV
What did Caroline do?! I need to talk to Elena. I've been watching her, I think I may have found a place where she goes where she doesn't expect I knew. I'm really worried about her, whatever Caroline said wasn't good. I could feel my blood boil just saying the blonde's name, somehow I just knew she had something to do with this.
Elena was walking in the hallway away from the Women's bathroom at the time she hadn't been looking where she was going and I bumped into her huh how ironic and funny a twist a fate this is how we met except she was coming out of the Men's Bathroom originally and she had already walked a few feet from the Women's Bathroom. But you get my point.
"Stefan" She breathed softly, she had looked like she was crying. "We need to talk." I whisper back softly. She bit her lip but she agreed. I lead her into an empty classroom. I cut to the chase and asked her "What's been going on Elena? Why have you been avoiding me?" I ask. She couldn't look at me in the eye she kept looking in different directions she finally spoke up and said "Caroline, when I talked to her she didn't want to have a girls night of any sorts she sat me down and said Stefan is just using you, he doesn't love, he doesn't want to build a life with you at all your just his toy, and I'm just trying to protect you. I didn't know to believe or think I just didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry Stefan." Elena says with tears in her eyes. My heart broke into a million pieces watching this. I lifted her chin up to meet my gaze, "Elena, never feel like you can't talk to me I will never judge you," I look deeply into her chocolate brown eyes I slowly lean in and softly kiss her putting my hand onto her cheek. It felt as if it had been an eternity since our lips met, everything was complete, everything was perfect. We broke apart, she smiled dreamily at me and vise versa.
"Elena, I want you to know I love you, no matter what and I want to spend the rest of my eternity, my life with you." Before know it felt like eternity before she smiled like this, her face seemed as if a ghost occupied it while I was gone and again vise versa it wasn't the same without one another. We were almost like two hearts together without the other we would feel like a million broken pieces but clearly were now together again.
"I love you too Stefan," This time she leaned in and I was engulfed into a passionate but sweet and blissful kiss.
Narrator's POV
The door bell rang, Caroline came downstairs to open the door to find a vengeful Stefan Salvatore. "We need to talk." Instead his time Stefan wasn't so soft with his words. Stefan then continues "I don't care if you like me or if you don't think Elena deserves me but I love her and she loves me and if you ever hurt her of any sorts I will be ready to snap your neck without a second thought if even you've known her since you were children. In that moment it was as if Ripper or no humanity Stefan was back but of course he wasn't Mr. Salvatore just doesn't like anyone messing with his lady. Caroline nods quickly, "Good, I hope you have a wonderful day." Stefan flashes a smile and stalks off meeting Elena in the car leaving a very surprised Caroline Forbes.
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b1gwings · 10 months
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maybe i have a favorite song from the taz soundtrack
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wtfforged · 2 months
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tossing these separate op doodles from the same drawpile as far as i can . Go fetch
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hrokkall · 11 months
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EDIT: Okay guys I realize I missed the obvious joke here. Here you go
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mblue-art · 11 months
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late halloweeen dooodleee
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endervention · 21 days
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welcome back to trench !
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jetbluebishop · 9 days
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Tf2 is taking up hella space in my brain
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bitternace · 8 months
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manos al aire
[ID: two mixed media images with a digital drawing of strelitzia from kingdom hearts. The background is a photo taken of a purple-blue sky with clouds illuminated ochre, purple and gold by a sunset (taken by ao3 user captainroxas). It's set in a square and two other rectangular sections, the rest is transparent.
On the right of the image, Strelitzia, is shown from the hip up, in her union x outfit, leaning slightly forward. Her body faces the right as she turns her face to the left. Her expression is worried, and mouth slightly open. Light hits her side as she puts her right hand to her chest, fingers resting on the purple stone of her necklace. The second image is a close-up of her face. /End ID.]
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sentrysapper · 4 months
Engineer giving flowers to spy pls
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pokimoko · 3 months
Hey Poki! Happy pride month. I know it’s late but I was curious if you could make and mlm butterfly for me
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A little butterfly just for you 🦋
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quinloki · 2 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: Trafalgar Law Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Government Mandated Marriage AU Prompt: Experienced w/virgin Gift Giver: @mfreedomstuff
Summary: It's your first night together after your wedding, and you're incapacitated in the bathroom with nerves.
Content Notes: Not actually really NSFW. Stops just before it gets to the good stuff. ^^; sorry, sorry, but it was just a perfect place to fade out (and it was getting long )
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You made it.
You made it through the match process, through the weeks of living together before marriage, and through the actual wedding. It was more stress and anxiety than you had expected, but you made it.
Barely, admittedly.
Leaning against the bathroom wall you breathed in through your nose slowly, letting the breath out between your lips just as slow. Nerves and anxiety had turned your stomach into knots and now you were sitting on the floor of the bathroom in your honeymoon suite trying not to lose your dinner.
Law had been perfect in all this. Infinitely patient and understanding. He hadn’t pressured you to sleep together before the wedding, not even in the most platonic of ways. Even though he was going to be the sole bread winner he hadn’t dismissed your preferences and desires, working with you for all the myriad of things that needed to be decided on over the next few months.
Your parents had kept you sheltered to some degree. You had friends and hobbies and you hadn’t been treated like some princess in an ivory tower, but you hadn’t gone off to college, and there hadn’t been any part-time jobs or anything like that. Until your Matchbook had arrived, you’d lived at home.
Learning, if anything, how to be a homemaker.
Turns out enjoying comic books and video games in your spare time made you a good match for the soon to be doctor you’d just wed.
He’d seemed so cool and aloof at first, but the more you got to know him, the more you two shared of one another, the more you knew he was quiet and kind. Awkward, in cute ways. Easy to fluster and able to talk for hours on a subject that interested him.
Just as capable of listening to you ramble on as well, with nary an indication that he was bothered by it. He was just… really the best.
Despite not being big on dealing with people anymore than you were, Law had acted like a shield during the entire wedding. Him and his adoptive father had played the roles of guardian as both your and Law’s massive families had been in attendance.
Your family was large, normal otherwise, but your mother and father both were each one of eight children, that was fourteen aunts and uncles, all with several of their own children. You didn’t even know all the names and faces of your cousins, there were just too many.
Law’s family was, by count, smaller, but his adoptive father’s brother was… something else.
The man’s love of pink was a little jarring, but his presence and personality had been something else entirely. You had nightmares for a couple weeks after the first time you met him, waking up nearly screaming thinking he was going to kill you.
He had made the wedding itself a little rough, going on about family endlessly and loyalty and things that sounded vaguely illegal. But you’d made it through.
Your stomach settles enough that you manage to come out of the bathroom. Law has tea made and light snacks that he’d ordered in. He brushes your hair back from your face gently, and leans down enough to catch your gaze as you both sit at the small little dining table in the room. The suite is massive, and the table is effectively meant just for two, taking up almost no space comparatively.
“We don’t have to keep with tradition.” He assures you, picking a bite or two off the tray for himself. “It’s been a long day. Even without certain people there, it would’ve been pretty exhausting. It’s okay to just… er… rest, together.”
“No! I -.” You pause, feeling the heat rush to your face as you can see the flush of blood in his cheeks. Your gaze shifts to the snack tray and you grab something to eat to give yourself something to focus on. “I want to.”
“Then,” Law wipes his hands off and stands up, holding out a hand to you. You were both making use of the terry cloth robes included with the room. You had your lingerie set on under yours, but only because it had been too complex to bother peeling off when your stomach had started to do flips.
You put your hand in Law’s and he helps you stand, pulling you into an easy hug. He turns you both, a lazy little twirl that had become a common ritual between you before he leans down and kisses you. He told you that as beautiful as you were, it was a nice treat to see you smiling when he was coming in for a kiss. The silly little semi-dance always brought a smile to your face and hence the ritual was born.
When he breaks the kiss he doesn’t move away, eyes finding yours. His gaze was soft, heated, and searching. He would make sure you were okay with everything, one way or another. Another soft kiss, warm and tender, again, softly, slowly, moving past your lips and up to your cheek.
His soft and slow kisses trailed over to your ear as his hands pressed lightly against your shoulders. He shifts the robe down, pulling the cloth belt free. The lights were already low, and it was easy to let your eyes close and trust him.
He moves you easily, laying you down on the bed after he lets the robe fall away. He loved being able to take care of you this way, of getting to be the one you could lean on. You’d been too sheltered to have any relationships before being matched, but Law had a few. Nothing serious, in this world with it’s Match Program, very people risked dating beyond the most casual of settings.
He didn’t realize how much his, admittedly meager, experience would become such a boon. How sweet it had been to cradle your face in his hands and be the first romantic kiss against your lips. How much it made him ache for more when he was the first to see you in all those ways.
But even more than that, he wanted to help you bloom into someone who could give as well as they got.
So long as he got to pamper you now and again.
He lays you back onto the bed, hands deep into the mattress as he’s caged over you. Your heart’s pounding in your chest and you can feel heat and anticipation racing through your body. The quiet smile that pulls his lips into a lop-sided expression is full of love, and mischief.
“Don’t hold back,” he murmurs, leaning down and pressing soft kisses into your shoulder. “There’s no sound you can make that I don’t want to hear.” He promises you, shifting his weight onto one arm and pulling slowly, oh so slowly, on the lace bow that held the front of your lingerie closed.
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queenofstelena · 2 years
Break up its your girlfriend, cos I'm bored by Ariana Grande requested by @misschanadlerbong
Edit audio: Meowzic on yt
When I tried to edit the video or add the edited one it deleted which is weird but uh here's the new one! :)
Edit: apparently it didn't delete but okay! 🤭
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Requesting gn reader wanting to go to a wreck room Valeria, Ghost, Gaz, and Laswell 🙏
I hope your little break was good! Hope you're doing okay, have a wonderful day and take as much time as you need! Love your writing btw ✨️
Hey there! My break was well needed, I got really sick during it as well, unfortunately! But oh well! I wrote the request today already since it's the only one in my inbox right now! Hope what I wrote is alright, I've never heard of wreck rooms before, we don't have those where I live!
Going to a Wreck Room with Gaz, Ghost, Valeria and Laswell
Gaz: He has definitely heard of those, but has never had enough pent up anger to actually go to one, it never particularly interested him. He breaks enough stuff as it is during work, accidentally or not, so he’s seen his fair share of broken wood, broken TVs, broken monitors. But when you ask him to go to one with you he won’t say no, thinking the idea to be very interesting for a date. If this is something you wanna do, then sure, but he’d have to get used to the idea of willingly breaking something that isn’t just a bottle. Gaz likes everything in order, and very much not broken when he can. His weapon of choice would be a crowbar, they don’t seem like much but they’re deadly enough to do some real damage. He’s used them before, he knows how to handle one well. However, his second choice would be a bowling pin since the idea of bashing in a printer with one seems hilarious to him. Once inside, he’ll go for the bottles first. While he won’t outright use his crowbar, opting for simply throwing them onto the ground first, he’d love to play baseball with you using some of them if you chose a baseball bat. Lets out a whistle if you actually manage to hit the bottle and break it. Loves just throwing stuff at you, but will ask you for your baseball bat at some point since he, too, wants to use a cassette as a ball. He always likes to think himself as an efficient man, but he has far too much fun breaking everything to be such. Loves taking turns with you while beating up the poor printer. He pries it open, you beat the everloving shit out of it. His one goal inside is to do a bottle flip and then hit said bottle, he just loves all the shards left behind. While a rage room may not do too much for him in regards to letting out anger, he does have a lot of fun and will ask you to come here again when you’re particularly mad about something.
Ghost: Oh, I can assure you, he’s been to wreck rooms before. His past was anything but pleasant, he’s had to deal with violent thoughts and sought an outlet for such. He’s since forgotten those exist as he’s calmed down quite a lot. So when you bring up the idea of going to a rage room, he’ll chuckle, but will comply. The memories that come back aren’t particularly happy, but as long as you get an outlet, that’s alright. He’d go for a baseball bat since they’re easy to handle but still very destructive. Considering Ghost is a very strong guy, he could break just about anything with just a few hits. He’ll watch you at first, maybe stand behind you as you beat a few picture frames, but gets to work soon enough himself. He wouldn’t even need to use his bat to dismantle a printer, but he uses it anyway. His strikes seem rather calculated. It isn’t as much fun to him as it is to Gaz, but he enjoys it anyway, especially if you seem to be having a lot of fun. If you struggle with breaking something rather big then he’ll push you aside and show you how it’s done by a professional. He picks up whatever large item it is, throws it onto the ground with a lot of strength, and then beats it up. Yes, he does simply want to show off, that’s all there is to it. He’s a big and strong guy, he could and would kill any printer for you. Even if he does also really like breaking the bottles. The shards on the ground are somewhat satisfying to look at. A bit unnerving since broken shards usually mean all kinds of danger, but still satisfying in a situation like this. As mentioned before, he’s calm throughout it all, and if you didn’t know any better, then you’d say his trained killer instincts are shining through. He isn’t particularly loud either, it’s somewhat impressive, and kind of scary. It’s a small glimpse into how effective he is as a soldier. Comment on it, and he’ll tell you that you have nothing to worry about. For the most part you don’t, but it’s quite obvious that he’s a dangerous man. However, he’s also a gentleman, so he’ll be the one to pay for the experience. He seems unchanged for the most part afterwards, but the slight grin on his face doesn’t exactly escape you.
Valeria: She’s always wanted to go to one ever since she learned of their existence, but never had the time to do so. Valeria is a temperamental woman, she has lots and lots of pent up anger she needs an outlet for. She shows it when she’s annoyed, but that’s not even half of what she’s feeling on a normal day. However, she does need to show that she’s in charge, otherwise all those people around her wouldn’t respect her. Her face would light up a bit as you make the suggestion, reminding her of her wish to see one someday. As soon as she has time, you can be certain you’ll be going to a rage room together. Her weapon of choice would likely be a sledge hammer. They’re heavy, they’re not that easy to use, but she needs you to know that she’s a strong and capable woman who can wield such a thing with ease. The bottles, cassettes, plates are just the warm up, her eyes are on the price: A car in the middle of the room. It wouldn’t have been her first time thrashing one in its entirety, but usually she’s more subtle about it, if she’s doing it herself. She’ll leave all the smaller stuff to you, but you can join her in breaking the car once you’re done with throwing mice at TV screens. She’s very violent about it, there’s no thought on how she’s going to break everything, she just does it. Her sledge hammer will hit the car in quick succession with as much force as she can muster. Her eyes show just the smallest glimpse of insanity that she keeps under wrap otherwise. No one would ever see her like this, so this is a sign of trust for her. By the time she’s done the car will be unrecognizable, just scraps lying about everywhere in the room. Panting a bit, with her arms sore from the weight, she’d turn to you and give you a dangerous grin. Don’t take it the wrong way, she’s just satisfied, that’s all. Valeria may not be the tallest woman out there, but there’s a lot of strength behind her blows, so don’t underestimate her. Afterwards she’ll pay as well and already make plans for the next time you’ll be coming here. It won’t become a common occurrence, but you will find yourself here again every once in a while. As a reward for bringing up the idea, Valeria will pay for dinner as well.
Laswell: She’ll turn down the idea at first, simply not interested. Breaking things just because you’re angry is said to be as effective as drinking alcohol when you’re sad. Laswell prides herself in barely having broken anything throughout her life, and she’d like to keep it that way. If you really wanna go to a wreck room, then why not take your friends there with you? You’ll have to be really annoying about it for a prolonged amount of time before she finally humors you with your little idea. But she’s still not very enthusiastic about it. Maybe, just maybe, if you’re lucky the day you’ll be going there will have been a rough day for Laswell and she’ll, ironically enough, break some more stuff while she’s there due to something having gone wrong. Laswell would likely go for something simple, either a bat or a golf club. While she would, at first, opt for watching you as well, eventually she will hit some glass bottles with her weapon of choice. Then she’ll do nothing for a while again, and afterwards she’ll hit something again. This goes on and on until she’s finally had enough of all the waiting and smashes the nearest mannequin she can find. You seem to be having fun, and an hour can be long if you’re just waiting for it to be over. Besides, the money would have been wasted if she didn’t smash anything. It’s not as fun to her as it is to Valeria or Gaz, but she’ll do it anyway. It’s a nice outlet if you really wanna be violent for once, but it’s not particularly for her. However, if you ask her to help you with breaking some of the wind chimes, then she’ll help you out a bit. She doesn’t do flurries of blows, she takes a glance at the object, figures out where its weak points are as quickly as possible, and strikes there. The quicker the object falls apart, the more accomplished she can feel. Laswell isn’t the youngest anymore, but her mind is still as sharp as ever. Once you’re done, she’ll thank you and politely tell you that this was nice, but she won’t bring up the idea of going there again on her own. While it may be easier to convince her to go from here on out, she won’t always immediately say yes. She still isn’t the biggest fan of breaking stuff just because you’re mad or want to.
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l-e-i-k-o · 8 months
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𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓲𝓶 𝓰𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓮
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wolfgirlstuart · 6 days
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“My name is Yamato! I’m Kaido’s son!” ⚔️❤️
Happiest of birthdays to @kkatero !! 💜🥳🥰
Had a lot of fun drawing Yamato, especially their hair and their horns! From doing research on them, they seem like a character I would definitely love! 😝
>Instagram< >Twitter< >DeviantArt<
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drac0line1nn1t · 1 month
Salutations Tumblr,
Okay I'm not going to lie, I got possessed to draw this, and I am not rendering this shit
Have some sketches
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