doctorsiren · 2 months
Have you considered wrightworth, but as old men?
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best I can do is hot middle-aged men 😁
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inkyarcturus · 2 months
here’s an art request!!
in a good amt of severitus fanfics there’s usually a scene where snape is grading harry’s assignments, maybe you could draw a scene similar to that??
please make sure to take breaks during art req and get rest🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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I kept going back and forth on whether it should be Harry actually getting a good grade or failing-
I love Sev being completely thrown off my Harry’s subtle smartness- but also realistically in a lot of situations Harry will fail so-
Hope you enjoy!!! :DDDD
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
Flowah cute
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i think i agree
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Writing Update:
I have a total of 35 work in progress (WIP) Supernatural fanfics.
Of the 35, I have a total of 9 reader inserts with 5 being poly reader inserts and 3 are requested reader inserts.
I have 1 Sabriel WIP fanfic.
1 is a prize someone won and they requested a fluffy poly drabble, with unlisted characters that I’m pretty confident I can write.
24 are Destiel fanfics. 👀
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Life gets in the way of writing and sometimes I get stuck on smut scenes.
If you wanna know the doc or story title, lemme know.
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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Want to support my work or request your favorite blorbo art? Come toss a coin over my Ko-Fi page!✨✏️
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soll-amca · 9 months
Do you have any Alessi headcanons for someone desperate ?🫣 Too shy to come off anon to ask ..
uHHHHHHHH MAYHAps :) Thank you for the ask! I’ve been dying to write for awhile :) !
I legit don’t know what I have and haven’t posted yet since I haven’t been on tumblr for a hot minute but uhhh uhhhhhhhh. There’s lore-dumps near the top, but it gets better near the end I promise
Obligatory song for my headcanon posts. There’s no specific reason for this song, it’s just a banger, and I’m also trying to be very normal about Walid Toufic and not put his music for every single Alessi post
Alessi’s of Lebanese-Armenian descent, but extremely estranged from his Armenian roots due to internal family issues — mostly his father facing scorn from his intolerant side of the family for marrying an Armenian woman. Despite this, Alessi was very close with his mother and, even as a grown man, regrets not learning more from her. Of course, he’s never going to admit this, no matter how obvious it may be that he tries to pick up parts of the Armenian language and culture 
Alessi was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1951, but was eventually forced out due to a civil war in 1975. Though, what gave him the final push to leave was a falling out with his siblings. With both their parents gone, his sister going off to a loveless marriage, and his brother wanting to join the war effort, Alessi loses control of Sethan during a confrontation and turns them into children. This ends up as a strange, happy accident as he would try keeping up the charade for a few days, exploiting their memory being reverted to fake a “happy family” in an effort to keep the last remnants of his old life from slipping away 
Things end horribly for Alessi as his siblings eventually find out and oust him from the home they all grew up in. With nothing left for him, he leaves and dedicates himself to mercenary work throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa to keep himself afloat
With fourteen years under his belt by SDC, Alessi’s considered one of the best in the region. And since he’s well-traveled, he’s proficient in a majority of the Arabic dialects, so nine times out of ten, nothing got past him in Dio’s mansion regardless of where the other assassins were from
The joke is that most Arabs don’t understand North Africans, but everyone can understand Egyptians, so whenever Alessi wants to phase out of a conversation, he’ll slowly change to to a dialect that’s “further out” and difficult to understand despite Levantine being his first
Since French is a secondary language in Lebanon, much more prevalent during Alessi’s time in schooling, and especially North Africa for mercenary work. He knows enough to get around like the basics, but can’t read or write for shit. His little brother was easily more fluent than him, so he has a weird sort of resentment yet fondness for the language. Whatever French he knew definitely came back when he was chasing around Polnareff in the Sethan arc
Very, very curly hair, but he doesn’t take care of it. Back as a kid, when he had his mom, she would help him and he was basically a puff-ball, but as an adult, he doesn’t have the slightest clue on how to style it while also maintaining his hair. If you catch him when he just wakes up, or immediately after a shower, it’s seemingly perfect but then he’ll proceed to douse himself in a can of hairspray 
The gun he uses in SDC isn’t his, it’s his late brother’s. But going into that right now on why and how he even got it should be it’s entirely own post so —
Any endearment at all related to babe/baby will have him throwing up in his mouth. It’s one thing to mention a child, it’s another to somehow relate it back to HIM. Honestly, Alessi doesn’t read as a “habibi” person to me, he’s too bitter to be a “habibi” person. Albi and eini come much more easily to him as petnames to call someone
He’s a sucker for trashy American television. He used to think he was above it, but now if you leave him alone for long enough, he’ll put on TLC and binge whatever’s on. Although back home, he had a thing for spaghetti westerns even if they were horribly dubbed in Arabic
Adding to the Western trend, he was super into Lucky Luke comics as a kid. Since they were really popular in the Middle East, and the translated ones were produced in Egypt. It’s definitely not a stretch that during the 80s and SDC, his grown, mercenary ass sat down to watch cartoons of his favorite cowboy. Would Alessi hog the mansion’s TV to watch Lucky Luke? Perchance. Would he stay cooped up in his Luxor hotel room to watch it? Also perchance
Tintin was popular, too, but I think I need an outside opinion on that. If a Tintin person could come back to me about this please help
Hol Horse fascinates him. Not in an admiration sort of way, but a “holyshit a real cowboy” sort of way. To Alessi, it’s like Hol crawled out of his family television and old comic books
I don’t know who it was, but I want to say back in like,, 2016ish one of the original Dio’s Fuckhouse blogs had a headcanon that Hol was actually from New England or something, but basically nowhere near “the Wild West” or even the South. So the image of Alessi being interested and asking him stuff while Hol Horse is just,, sweating bullets because he’s not a “real cowboy” is hilarious to me
Because of what happened with his sister, Alessi’s very standoffish when it comes to love. He’ll take any chance he can get to mock touchy couples and heckle anyone that he thinks is getting “too intimate” in public, but I think we all know he’s compensating for something
But the moment someone touches him or is very direct about making a move, he flusters and doesn’t know what to do with himself. Cheesy pick-up lines will only embarrass him and he can’t tell whether or not you’re making fun of him
Having gone through wide extremities of emotions when he was younger, and then having to suppress them all as a mercenary, Alessi wouldn’t understand sensitivities. Especially since he’d have to adopt a pragmaticism in his line of work to keep himself alive — and arguably sane. He’d get confused over someone being upset over an inconvenience that isn’t “up to par” to what he went through, but at the same time fly off the handle at small things happening to him since he bottles up all his emotions
If someone cries around him, he falls into the routine of having this initial frustration, stuffing it down to not make things worse, and eventually follow through with a weird shoulder pat — sorta like “there, there”. After that, he’s clueless
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xiaolanhua · 2 years
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Why do you love me until the day you die?
requested by @loveinthestars
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sttoru · 8 months
im super inactive woops
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doctorsiren · 3 months
I loved your headcannons about inukawa, reigen and reigens sister and I would really like to see what you think would happen if mob and reigens sister met and I was wondering if you could possibly draw them :D
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hello yes I accidentally made a comic after seeing this ask yesterday 😁 bro psychoanalyzed her 😨
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jtl-fics · 9 months
All Hallows' Day is the best thing ever!! Some of that pretty please :) 👀👀👀👀👀👀
WIP Wednesday - 12/20/23 (Closed) | FIC: All Hallows' Day
"You're still not here!!" Nicky exclaims loudly into the phone and Kevin blinks.
"Where?" he asks brow furrowed.
"Kevin the Halloween Party started like 10 minutes ago and everyone but you is here!!" Nicky says.
Kevin frowns. God that's right. The Halloween party.
He didn't even want to go but he did have a costume prepared.
"When are Neil and Andrew getting back to pick me up?" Kevin asks getting up and heading to his closet, once again feeling like things were missing, but not the thing he was planning on wearing.
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parkitaco · 2 years
35 + Byler 🤞
It’s nice at the lake today, Mike thinks, as he grabs his towel out of the back of his car and follows Will down toward the water. He’s had some not-so-great memories here, but with the sun shining and Will smiling at him from the water’s edge, it doesn’t even feel like the same place. In any case, this is one place where he’s fine with replacing the bad memories with good ones.
“Hurry up!” Will calls, tossing his own towel on the ground as Mike jogs over to him. 
“I’m hurrying,” Mike huffs, as Will strips off his shirt and wades into the water, shooting him a grin over his shoulder. “Hold your horses.”
“Sorry, couldn’t wait,” Will calls from the water, flipping around to face Mike and kicking his feet up toward the surface. Mike rolls his eyes as he dumps his shirt and towel on the ground, before wading into the water after his boyfriend.
It still sends a little thrill through his stomach, using the word boyfriend in reference to Will Byers, which- they’ve only been dating for a few weeks, so of course it does. It feels even more special, under the early summer sunlight, with Will’s hair already going wavy around the edges from the water and his cheeks tinged with a soft pink. 
Mike can’t help but pull him close, when he gets close enough, reaching for Will’s wrist where it drifts in the water and dragging him into a standing position. Will laughs quietly, water dripping from his hair as he stands waist-deep in the water, and Mike’s about to pull him in for a kiss when-
“Holy shit,” he says, as he glances downward and his eyes catch on Will’s exposed torso, where a shiny pink scar stands out against the tanned skin just below his ribcage. “Will, what-” 
“Oh,” Will says, following his gaze, and the hand that’s not wrapped up in Mike’s flits to the scar absently, like he wants to cover it. “That. I forgot you didn’t know.”
“What happened?” Mike asks, aghast, as his eyes flick back up to Will’s. Will looks almost sheepish, blushing and pressing his fingers delicately over the raw skin like he can will the mark out of existence, and he ducks his head before clearing his throat.
“It’s from, uh. From when they burned the Mind Flayer out of me,” he says in a quiet voice, eyes firmly planted on the shimmery surface of the lake. “It wasn’t working fast enough so Nancy jabbed me with a hot poker.”
“Nancy- you- what?” Mike says, and Will’s eyes flicker to him, looking almost amused by his flustered demeanor. Mike’s entire brain is rearranging itself a little, and he suddenly feels very violent toward his sister, which isn’t to say that he’s never felt violent toward her before, but this is a real, burning anger, and Will must see it in his eyes because he arches an eyebrow and tightens his hold on Mike’s wrist.
“She saved me,” he says, thumb pressing against Mike’s pulse point, and some of his indignation subsides. “I didn’t even know what happened until after.”
Mike bites his lip, eyes drifting down to the scar again, and he lifts a tentative hand to press against it, feeling the smooth edges of it under his fingertips. Will shivers, and Mike glances back up at him, hand settling itself gently against his side. “You never said.”
“Didn’t seem important,” Will says quietly, peering questioningly at Mike through his lashes like he’s concerned. 
Mike frowns. “Why wouldn’t it be important?”
Will huffs, glancing away, and Mike’s thumb brushes gently over the scar. “I don’t know,” he murmurs, “Everyone else was already treating me like I was- fragile, or something. I didn’t want you to do it too.”
“You’re not fragile,” Mike says immediately, shifting closer as the water ripples around his waist, and Will shoots him a disbelieving look, “You’re not. You’re the bravest person I know.”
Will blushes pink, and Mike steps closer still, enough for Will to tilt his head down to rest in the hollow of Mike’s shoulder. “Thanks, Mike,” he murmurs quietly, lips brushing Mike's skin, and Mike tightens his hold on Will's hand where their hands float in the water.
"Any more scars that I should know about?" he murmurs, thumb still pressed against Will's scar, and Will huffs a laugh.
"Uh, I don't know," he says sheepishly, lifting his face and smiling up at Mike. "You were there for most of the- the injuries, I think."
"The Upside Down ones?" Mike questions, kissing Will's cheek absently.
Will shrugs. "Yeah, but the other ones too. Like, remember in fifth grade when I fell off my bike? I had that cut on my forehead for like a month, my mom was so freaked."
Mike's mouth twitches into a smile. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," he murmurs, and his eyes catch on the thin white line stretching from the corner of Will's eyebrow up just past his temple. It's usually not visible, but it stands out now against Will's skin, tanned from the summer sun. "She thought you were being bullied and you acted like it was worse to admit that you were just clumsy."
"Well, I was being bullied," Will huffs, smiling a little, "I didn't want to add clumsy idiot to the list too."
Mike smirks. "Well, as the resident clumsy idiot of Hawkins, I can tell you that it's not that bad."
"You're not so bad," Will laughs quietly, placing his free hand against the side of Mike's neck and blinking up at him with a sweet smile on his face. Mike's chest warms, and he can't help it when he swoops in close, pressing a kiss to Will's forehead right over his scar. His lips linger a beat longer than strictly necessary, and when he pulls back Will is smirking at him, eyebrow raised. "Sap."
Mike grins all teeth, unfazed. "What else is there?"
"What, scars?" Will asks, eyebrow still raised, and Mike nods eagerly, probably making a bit of a fool out of himself, but he can't find it in himself to care when Will grins and kisses his bottom lip. "I don't know. There's, like, the ones on my neck from where the vines got me the week I was trapped."
"I knew about those," Mike murmurs, gaze dropping. The lines are faint, soft and red and disappearing under Will's collar when he's wearing a shirt, but right now Mike can see the barely marred skin against his collarbone. He dips his head down to kiss the scars, and Will laughs as he tilts his head back.
"Mike, you're- this is ridiculous," he says, as Mike trails kisses back up to his jawline, "I'm fine."
"I know you are," Mike says, finally releasing his grip on Will's side in favor of cupping his face instead, cool water trickling down his arm. "But still."
"Still," Will agrees, and catches Mike a little by surprise as he lifts their joined arms out of the water, tracing a fingertip over Mike's arm until it lands on a small mark just to the side of his shoulder. "Remember this one?"
Mike grins. "'Course. Sixth grade. I fell out of a tree."
"I would have tried to catch you," Will says thoughtfully, finger pressed over the scar, "But you were, like, twice my size. I think you'd have crushed me."
Mike snorts. "Yeah, you were tiny. And it was only, like, seven feet off the ground. I don't know how I managed to get hurt."
Will hums appreciatively, and Mike grins as Will leans in and presses a soft kiss to his shoulder, right over the scar. "Better?" he asks, and Mike laughs, hooking his arms around Will's waist and tugging him close in the water.
"Much better," he says, voice soft, and Will's knees knock against his underwater. "Thanks."
He wants to question further, to kiss away every last trace of pain still etched onto Will, but Will winds his arms around Mike's neck and lifts onto his toes to kiss him properly, and Mike forgets to worry. He smiles against Will's mouth, tilting him closer, and when his hand brushes against the scar on his ribcage again, it's not nearly as jarring.
The warm sun shines overhead, and Will laughs as he pulls Mike underwater.
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build-a-stim · 2 months
hey your vocaloid stimblog's inbox is completely turned off even though it says requests are open. is this intentional?? sorry if it's rude to ask here I just prefer not being perceived
ello! sorry this took forever to respond to. but yes, that was intentional we just forgot to change the request status in our title
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dailysarachidouin · 1 year
what are some of your headcanons for sara? I'd love to hear them! ♡
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i'd be happy to elaborate on any of these :] please feel free to ask more questions about her to me!! i think about her a lot ^^
[ID: A drawing of Sara Chidouin with her arms in front of her. She wears her uniform, altered to have a yellow stripe across her lapel and sleeves. Her purple socks have been changed to have small ears at the top, and they are striped now. Several arrows point towards her, reading as follows; "heterochromia! (violet and orange ... like a sunset or sunrise)", "freckles!", "boys' uniform tie!", "stands like this all the time", and "cat socks!". Additionally, a small doodle of her head is on the side. She says; "I'M SO NORMAL", and in smaller text, "please trust". The background is a light pink. The artist's signature is placed beside her, reading; "Tachi!". End ID.]
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wttcsms · 6 months
the tags on your last post, do you really do comms? 👀
yes LMAO, i don’t advertise it bc ik commissions in the fanfic writing space are kinda iffy, but ive had some (literally just 2 from the same lovely person😭🫶🏻) dm inquiries abt them! the time was also not a joke lol, it does take me almost 2 weeks to write a ~25k fic but that is me factoring in the time from the requester sharing their concept and giving me a day or so to create an outline, then she gives me the green light, then i do a first draft, share some excerpts, get her feelings on it, etc.! it’s a very personal process and she enjoys the fics i created, and that’s really the best part of the exchange for me <3 i write to see how my readers are feeling
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The Path to Greatness
35 And Ya‛aqoḇ and Yoḥanan, the sons of Zaḇdai, came up to Him, saying, “Teacher, we wish that You would do for us whatever we ask.”
36 And He said to them, “What do you wish Me to do for you?”
37 And they said to Him, “Grant us to be seated in Your esteem, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left.”
38 But יהושע said to them, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and be immersed with the immersion that I am immersed with?”
39 And they said to Him, “We are able.” And יהושע said to them, “You shall indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the immersion I am immersed with you shall be immersed,a
40 but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.”
41 And when the ten heard it, they began to be sorely displeased with Ya‛aqoḇ and Yoḥanan.
42 And יהושע, calling them near, said to them, “You know that those who think to rule the gentiles are masters over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.
43 “But it is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.
44 “And whoever wishes to be first among you, shall be servant of all.
45 “For even the Son of Aḏam did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” — Mark 10:35-45 | The Scriptures (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Matthew 3:6; Matthew 4:21; Matthew 5:40; Matthew 13:11; Matthew 19:28; Matthew 20:20; Matthew 20:22; Matthew 20:24-25; Matthew 20:28; Matthew 23:11; Mark 9:35; Luke 22:25; Acts 1:7; Acts 12:2; Revelation 1:9
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boundlss · 1 year
@luredeep ( legolas ) / pippin interaction call!
Pippin's cry of the elf's name is both surprised and cheerful---though more cheerful than surprised. It wouldn't be truthful to say he'd expected to see Legolas, despite his surprise, but their presence wasn't something he could rule out, either. After all, Legolas was capable of traveling a fair bit further than Pippin, and more inclined to do so.
Were it, perhaps, a different hobbit, the journey alone might have been more daunting. But Pippin's already experienced it at its worst---and more than that, he's grown into himself as a Took (though that growth was also due to the journey). Between that and the relative ease of the path this time around, it was hardly a miracle he'd managed to make it all the way back to Gondor.
"It's been some time since we've seen eachother! I hadn't known you would be in Gondor!" Pippin exclaimed, though he himself had not written nor sent word through any other means of his own journey, it being a rather more impulsive trip than he otherwise would have taken. "It's just around time for dinner, so I was going to see our mutual friend about getting myself some food---and maybe some extra, for supper, if he can spare it. Will you come with me? Many things have happened in the Shire and we've been without visitors to tell them to!"
If the last part is tacked on a little indignantly and with a strong implication, it's no matter; Pippin doesn't elaborate on it either way.
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