#retail jobs
whaleiumsharkspeare · 6 months
Me when I have three carts full of stuff to put away and the customers are coming at me from all sides going “ma’am? Ma’am?”
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polyamorouspunk · 2 months
I bring a middle-aged-dad horror video game protagonist attitude to retail jobs that customers and employers don’t really like.
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starfox313 · 9 days
Ridiculously anxious today. Here's hoping customers at work are nicer than they were yesterday🙃
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mugenfinder · 1 year
You know, thinking about retail managers wherever I work, it's they're probably not trying to drive me insane on purpose I realize.
I mean, they probably have to go through some level of brainwashing to be okay saying the exact same things to people who know them.
Reminding employees to ask every customers to sign up for rewards programs every day, and acting like employees don't hear them say it every morning.
The metrics of rewards sign-ups is definitely some kind of socio-economic torture device for retail workers.
Especially if managers get on you about it as if you're supposed to be a legitimate salesman with commissions.
Sign up 10 customers so the company can make maybe 1000 in profit over 8 months, and you'll get 10 dollars in rewards and some Wendy's.
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optistaff · 1 month
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agir1ukn0w · 2 months
Since I don’t see a lot of people saying this, I want my fellow retail workers to know that it’s ok to not like your job, even if you work at a “good” store. I’ve worked at Target for about nine months now and I hate it. Despite the great energy of my team mates and how kind and respectful my bosses are (which initially made me really like working there), I feel like I’m barely powering through most days. I feel tired and depleted and lethargic every time I get home, and when I’m on the clock I’m praying to whatever cosmic force can hear me that I can find another job soon. The reason for all this is because I simply do not have the right energy or temperament for retail. I’m a good worker and I love working with people, but nearly everything about my job irritates me. Most of the customers are nice and very polite, and yet they set my teeth on edge most days. I’m paid fairly well for a retail worker, too, but lately I don’t think that’s enough to make me want to be here much longer. All this is to say, hang in there, and it’s ok to be dissatisfied even if everything else in your life seems to be working out.
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queer-cosette · 1 year
So many people get self-conscious about ordering alcohol via online grocery shopping so I just want all of you to know that we literally just assume that anyone who buys more than two bottles of wine or a four-pack of beer is hosting guests. Literally you don't have to explain it to us. We have seen weirder. We have seen customers way more deserving of judgement. At the store I work at, we got a nine-basket order that literally only included 10kg bags of kitty litter and 1ltr cartons of shelf-stable apple juice. And the dude never showed up to get it. We had to return the entire order. The next week he ordered the exact same thing for home delivery and made the delivery driver cart it all up three flights of stairs to his apartment. Apparently the apartment smelled of piss. We are judging him way more than we're judging you for your four bottles of chardonnay and two 12-packs of Birra Morretti.
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ex1st · 1 year
If you're out shopping today, be nice to the retail workers. It's not their fault you waited until Mary’s water broke to shop.
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gayowlsntitans · 4 months
What’s it called when you haven’t been scheduled to work in 4 weeks,so the system automatically removes you and you have to apply for the job all over again, and go through every step just to be back on the schedule and get hours?
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tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
Filling out job applications again and I always fail those little tests they make you do where they give you little scenarios and ask you to pick the best option for dealing with them.
I’m starting to think at this point that you can’t work in customer service or retail if you have a backbone or half a brain cell tbh
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 7 months
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I love customer service 🙃
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n0xxiie · 1 year
i have no idea how to use tumblr but
do we all have that one annoying coworker that constantly makes passive aggressive comments but starts victimizing themselves when they get the same treatment? because i have been at three jobs, and i met this type of coworker, just different people. idk how to deal with them, tbh 🤷
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orangezeppelin · 1 year
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I know I've been running this whole "holy fuck, how about that storm?" plotline for several strips now but California has been getting buttfucked by storms since the beginning of the year. Today was the first sunny day I've seen in a good while!
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the-sword-lesbian · 1 year
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oasisr · 6 months
after hearing "simply having a wonderful christmas time" by paul mccartney 74 times while working in retail, I came to the conclusion that they shot the wrong beatle
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count-horror-xx · 2 months
Role-play fantasy except its not sexual its me dressed in my retail work uniform as the other person rps as the customer and I just bash them over the head for asking stupid questions.
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