#target workers
agir1ukn0w · 6 months
Since I don’t see a lot of people saying this, I want my fellow retail workers to know that it’s ok to not like your job, even if you work at a “good” store. I’ve worked at Target for about nine months now and I hate it. Despite the great energy of my team mates and how kind and respectful my bosses are (which initially made me really like working there), I feel like I’m barely powering through most days. I feel tired and depleted and lethargic every time I get home, and when I’m on the clock I’m praying to whatever cosmic force can hear me that I can find another job soon. The reason for all this is because I simply do not have the right energy or temperament for retail. I’m a good worker and I love working with people, but nearly everything about my job irritates me. Most of the customers are nice and very polite, and yet they set my teeth on edge most days. I’m paid fairly well for a retail worker, too, but lately I don’t think that’s enough to make me want to be here much longer. All this is to say, hang in there, and it’s ok to be dissatisfied even if everything else in your life seems to be working out.
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sentientsky · 3 months
just a friendly reminder that, just because slavery was formally "abolished" in the so-called united states* in 1865, enslavement itself is still ongoing in the form of incarceration, which disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous people
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(*i say "so-called" because the US is a settler-colonial construction founded on greed, extraction, and white supremacy) recommended readings/resources:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
"How the 13th Amendment Kept Slavery Alive: Perspectives From the Prison Where Slavery Never Ended" by Daniele Selby
"So You're Thinking About Becoming an Abolitionist" by Mariame Kaba
"The Case for Prison Abolition: Ruth Wilson Gilmore on COVID-19, Racial Capitalism & Decarceration" from Democracy Now! [VIDEO]
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rubyvroom · 1 month
we can all agree this is unacceptable, right?
“I don’t care that abuse and harassment, stalking is a normal thing to do to people who are famous,” [Chappell Roan] says in the aforementioned TikTok, which has since gone viral. “I don’t care that it’s normal. I don’t care that this crazy type of behavior comes along with the career field I’ve chosen. That does not make it OK. That doesn’t make it normal. It doesn’t mean I want it. It doesn’t mean that I like it. I don’t want whatever the fuck you think you’re supposed to be entitled to whenever you see a celebrity.” [...] Roan is far from the first artist to push back on these expectations. She’s the latest in a string of young, mostly female pop stars, like Eilish, Doja Cat, and Reneé Rapp, who have expressed their discomfort at the parasocial expectations that come with being in the spotlight. It’s a risky sentiment to share in a world where one of the worst things a woman can be is rude. But at this point, it can’t possibly be shocking. In her 2022 documentary, the actor and singer Selena Gomez said, “Everything I’ve ever wished for, I’ve had and done all of it. But it has killed me.” That sums up everything that’s wrong with the current fan–artist dynamic. We are asking too much, and we are chasing a level of intimacy that simply isn’t sustainable. In the process, we reward the stars who try to give us every piece of themselves, and we find reasons to villainize the ones who make an effort to protect themselves.
We're overdue for an internet Come-To-Jesus moment about this
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Wrong Number 4
Steve was eternally grateful that he'd finally told Robin about Eddie. Because now, he could torture her with his outfit choices. Robin groaned and covered her eyes as Steve held out more shirts.
"What do you think? Stripes or no stripes?"
"Steeeeeeve", Robin whined.
"You're the one that told me stripes really shows off my chest."
"Is Eddie a tits guy? Or an ass man?"
Steve put the shirts back in the closet. "I don't know. I don't know Robin and the fact that this is a video call date makes it worse."
"Actually....actually it makes it better." Robin uncovered her face and grabbed Steve's shoulders. "You'll be on the phone the whole time!"
"Yes...We've established this", Steve said, not sure where she was going with this.
"I mean, if you're doing a video call, YOU control what Eddie sees."
Steve stared at her face for a long while as she simply emoted using her eyebrows. "Robin, no."
"Robin, yes. Come on. We're going shopping. You're waaay overdue for this. And I need a couple of things myself."
"Things going that well with Chrissy?", Steve asked right before Robin threw his shoes at him.
"What do you think I'm doing while you're on your date?", Robin grinned.
Eddie's excitement just got more and more intense with each day. By Wednesday he was vibrating any time his hands weren't occupied with something. He only hoped it didn't translate to his texts. Cool as a cucumber, that was his motto when it came to Steve. He couldn't come on too strong.
(9:45 am) Thinking about those beefy thighs (9:46 am) god i wanna wrap them around my head
Perfect. Smooth. And not too much.
At least he didn't think so at the time. About an hour later Eddie remembered that Steve was at work and possibly reading that text in a room full of prepubescents. And he knew he was going to reap what he sowed when Steve texted him later.
[12:01 pm] You are the ultimate distraction.
(12:02 pm) sry. i forgot you were at work
[12:03 pm] I don't think you are sorry. In fact, I think you need to be punished.
Eddie needed to get a job in coding because there was no emoji that properly conveyed the intensity of the 'boi-yoi-yoi-yoing' going on in his pants. How grateful he was that he didn't need to talk. Texting would cover any stuttering he was sure to do.
(12:04 pm) punishment? 😏 (12:04 pm) what kind of punishment?
[12:05 pm] See me after class, Mr. Munson.
God, four o'clock couldn't come fast enough. Eddie knew that'd be around the time Steve got home from work. He spent about an hour rolling around in bed before getting up, needing to distract himself. He wasn't due for work today, but he went in anyway to loiter.
"I can tell you're horny and I can tell you're just idling until you get your dick wet. Get lost, some of us have actual work to do", Jeff said.
Eddie let out a dramatic gasp. "Jeffery! Jeffords! Jeffaniel! Jeffanie!"
"Are you just going to sit there, making up full names for me or are you gonna get off your ass?"
"I'll replace all the boards and sweep out the alleys for the next two hours", Eddie said, holding his hands together like he was praying to his friend.
Jeff rubbed his chin as he considered it. "Only if you take this next party I have coming in."
Eddie looked at the group arriving. There had to be at least a dozen. And he just knew they only reserved one lane. They always only reserved one lane.
"You drive a hard bargain Jimothy."
"Not even close", Jeff crossed his arms. "And it's this or whatever ants in your pants you'll do if you're unoccupied."
Curse his friends for knowing him so well. Eddie held up his end of the deal, taking care of the party. Turned out it was a birthday party (happy 14th Ashton). But two hours later, the time had passed and Eddie went back home. He still had an hour to spare (he didn't want to leave Steve waiting), so he spent the rest of the time coming up with some ideas for their date in a few days.
[4:04 pm] Are you home?
(4:05 pm) At home and awaiting orders gorgeous (4:05 pm) Have I been a bad boy Mr. Harrington?
Eddie's phone rang and he picked it up as he crashed onto his bed. He knew Steve could hear it when he laughed on the other end.
"You need to keep a tighter lid on those urges. It was a lucky break that all the kids were focused on their dishes that they didn't see the face I made."
"Truly, my bad Stevie. But I can't help what you do to me."
Steve chuckled. "Not even a little?"
"Not one bit. Okay, maybe a little bit. The truth is, I could've said a lot more, but I was holding back."
"Really now? And what would you have said if you weren't holding back?"
Eddie could hear something that sounded like movement in a bed. Steve was getting comfortable too. He thought about the picture he had saved, of Steve's lower body in those shorts. He had been laying in bed then too. Eddie let his mind wander for a bit. What he'd do if Steve were really in bed beside him...
"Baby if you were here right now, I'd have my hands all over you. You'd think I was an octopus."
"Tell me where you'd touch me first", Steve said.
"Well I'm still thinkin' of those legs of yours. You like massages, Stevie? I could rub you down all day."
Steve imagined Eddie digging his fingers into his muscles. That would really hit the spot, especially after a workout. "Mmm, and then?"
"And then I'd wrap them around my head, like I said. I saw what you were packin' in those shorts, baby. I would love to get my mouth on you."
Eddie heard Steve let out a soft moan and he definitely heard a zipper and some shifting. God, the image of Steve stroking himself... Eddie unzipped his pants too, palming at himself while the other hand kept an ever tightening hold on the phone.
"I wanna hear everything, baby. I'm working so hard sucking you off, I deserve to know how good I'm making you feel."
"So good, uh", Steve let out a small breath at the end.
"Yeah? I haven't even told you how I'd rock your world yet", Eddie grinned.
"I just know...You're so good with your mouth."
"You like the way I lick you up and down? How I kiss that beautiful tip?" Eddie knew he had a dick just as handsome as the rest of him, never mind that he had yet to see Steve's whole face yet. His hand pumped up and down as he envisioned the weight of Steve in his mouth. He thought about getting drunk on that taste.
Eddie groaned and his eyes fluttered close, his mouth moving faster than his brain. "Do you shave Steve?"
"....No...is that a problem?"
"Ohh it's the opposite of a problem babe. I bet you got a thick bush. I'd sink all the way down, bury my nose in it while you're fucking my throat."
Steve let out the most delicious sound as he came and Eddie wasn't too far behind. It was like he was there, hairs coarse and curly rough against his skin while Steve moaned right into his ear.
"Mmm", Steve hummed. "I know you look good now. My cum dripping off your lips."
"I'd swallow it all, sweetness. I wouldn't waste a single drop." He would take all that Steve gave him and then some. He was a greedy man.
"I know you wouldn't. I don't allow anything to go to waste in my classroom. Have you learned your lesson, Mr. Munson?"
"Maaaybeee. I might need another lesson, Mr. Harrington. Say, this Friday, at eight?", Eddie teased.
"I suppose you'll need more help studying. Don't be late, mister."
For once, Steve didn't linger after work. He made sure the kids cleaned up every last dish before the last period even ended. He even let them go a minute and a half before the bell. When Steve left, he went the back way to avoid most of the other teachers and that pre-weekend conversation. He got home right away and started getting ready. Robin had her own date tonight which meant he had limited time to get her help and last minute input.
When she got home from work, the apartment was a flurry of activity between them.
"Steve, I need the blow dryer!"
"Wait! I'm almost done!"
They both crashed into each other's spaces as they tried using the one bathroom mirror.
"Why can't you use your stupid vanity mirror?", Robin asked.
"That mirror is just for my hair and it's too small."
Robin gave him a side eye. "Is that my eyeliner?"
"Is that my face cream?"
For some reason, Robin insisted on getting dressed in his room, which meant at some points their outfits got switched around and they had to re-dress. The pandemonium finally quieted when Robin left for her date and Steve was at last alone for his. It was at 8:00 sharp that Eddie sent a text.
(8:00 pm) Knock knock 😙
Steve smiled as he started a video call. His heart fluttered at the thought of finally seeing Eddie's full face. So imagine his surprise when he was instead met with a hand that had a face drawn on it. And what could only be Eddie doing a deeper, character voice.
"Hello my love. Are you ready for the romancing tonight? I hope I get lucky, ehehehehe."
To which Steve couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Any nerves he might've had flew away.
"Oh, I don't know. I'm a proper young man. I don't think I could court with someone who was so...handsy."
"I wouldn't lay a finger on you without your permission, lovely. But maybe a few smooches. Muahmuahmuah!" Eddie's hand attacked his phone's camera with kisses and Steve giggled like it was actually touching him.
As his laughing fit subsided, only then did Eddie reveal his face. He took Steve's breath away. He was literally speechless and just stood there staring, which made Eddie start to squirm a little.
"You tryina turn me to stone, Medusa?", Eddie joked.
"Sorry!", Steve apologized when he realized he had been staring. "You just...you look really nice Eddie."
"You don't look too bad yourself, handsome", Eddie smiled.
That was putting it lightly. For the both of them really. Steve felt like he was talking to the perfect man. Eddie felt like Steve had walked right out of his wet dreams.
"So, what did you order?", Steve asked as he sat down at his table. He made sure his phone was angled that it only showed him from the waist up. Robin had the bright idea that since he could control what Eddie saw, he could wear whatever he wanted under the line of sight.
He was currently wearing a blue and white striped polo shirt. And beneath that, some lacy, navy blue panties. Maybe Eddie would find out, maybe he wouldn't. Steve had his phone on the table, propped up against some books.
"I ordered the Munson special. A grilled cheese with potato soup."
"Oh, that's a Munson special, hm?"
"Damn straight. Tomato soup is still a classic, but I'd die for a potato. What'd you get?"
"I have some leftover pasta that I just added some mushrooms too. Nothing too fancy."
"Unless it's one of those truffles", Eddie pointed out.
Steve rolled his eyes as he twirled his fork. "Truffles? On a teacher's salary?"
"Hey, you could be secretly rich."
"Oh if I win the lottery, there will be signs."
"Like 5th graders using authentic truffles", Eddie nodded to himself.
They kept talking throughout their dinner and then took each other to their sinks to wash the dishes together. Eddie talked more about his friends. Some of which he worked with and the band he was in. Steve wasn't super into metal, but he liked it enough to be interested in whatever Eddie did.
When they had talked about their date night and discussed their options, they decided on dinner and a movie. Once the dishes were cleaned, Steve took Eddie over to the living room and he sat down between the coffee table and propped him against another set of books as they both queued up the movie on their ends.
"You know it's been a really long time since I've seen this movie", Steve said. "I think I was literally a kid."
"There was a time when this was literally my religion", Eddie said as Quest for Camelot started to play.
Steve knew Eddie was into Dungeons & Dragons, so him being in love with a fantasy movie made total sense.
"Did you have a crush on Garrett when you were a kid?", Steve asked, later during the movie.
"'Did'? I'd still let him use that staff on me six ways to Sunday!"
Steve laughed and he was coming to realize he laughed with Eddie much more than any of his dates in a long while.
"I'm gonna go grab a drink", Steve said as he got up. He nearly asked Eddie if he wanted something. It really was like he was right there with him. Steve grabbed a soda and then came back, sitting down in his spot again when he saw Eddie's expression.
He was silent, which was rare.
His eyes were bulging out of his head and his hand was over his mouth.
Steve was about to ask what was wrong when Eddie's eyes flicked down and then Steve got it. He had stood up. In full view of his phone. And then turned to go into the kitchen.
Eddie had gotten a first rate view of his panties.
Part 6
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
Okay I'm so tired this might not be sensible but I just want to say I am loving what QSMP is doing with the Federation workers. Look at them! They have parties, they have a coffee break room, they have partners and hopes and dreams! And also the unethical human experiementation and the torture and the dystopian regime. And fun posters of each other!
It's such a fun depiction of an evil organization, and I think so much stronger than just moustache-twirling villains. These guys have crushes on people and pick up vocal tics from islanders and get each other with rainbow jelly, and also they can be trusted about as far as we can trust them. It's delicious villains, I am crunching it in my jaws.
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cluelessbees · 1 year
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I was reading the articles that were on the police’s like- cork board (?) at the end of season 1 and-
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The coroner got arrested for the autopsy right? And who played the coroner?
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Shawn Levy.
So within the stranger things universe- Shawn Levy is in prison for falsifying the autopsy.
Do with that information what you will-
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drivemysoul · 11 months
fun fact! sex workers, as the name suggests, are working a job!
you are not entitled to free content just for being “nice” to us! (by the way, we can tell that’s what your intention is, and you’re usually not actually nice, just flirty and uncomfortable)
you are not entitled to any kind of personal relationship with us just because you engage with our content!
we are working a job! it’s not a typical job, but it’s still a job! you are a customer, we are a worker. you’re not entitled to us outside of work, in any way shape or form.
get a fucking grip. learn to treat people with basic respect. you’re a grown adult, start acting like you’ve been socialised like one.
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agro-carnist · 2 months
"Vegans save more animals than the number of humans to have ever lived every year!"
Oh you're STUPID stupid
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irishthings · 1 year
I remember posting on here years ago saying something along the lines of "hey maybe support your small local cafes instead of Starbucks because they're multiplying like fruit flies around a compost bin"
Anyway 2023 we have Starbucks on every street, and now Pret A Manger has opened multiple locations in Dublin and the cycle is beginning again so can we please not end up with 500 Prets
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lunarifie · 6 months
I think my favorite accidental gag in tftsd is how many times sexual innuendo jokes are forced onto poor aroace Mudd.
There are SO many, I plan on making a compilation.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 6 months
Thinking about how western countries stopped funding UNRWA so swiftly our heads were spinning over allegations that had yet to be (and still haven't been) proven. But now they have the actual dead bodies, pictures, video footage AND AN ADMISSION FROM THE SETTLER COLONY OF ISRAEL that they targeted and executed their aid workers IN SUCCESSION and yet...
No condemnations
No sanctions
No plans to stop funding them or sending them weapons
Just business as usual
Western powers and media are actively doubling down and still twisting themselves into pretzels to try to spin this latest war crime.
Yeah. There are lots of things that have angered me over the last 6 months so might as well add this to the pile but fuck the west and anyone defending this.
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sonics-left-shoe · 4 months
Tired of living in a period of enabled overconsumption and the quality of everything being replaced for cheaper alternatives with only higher prices. Tired of corporations being able to get away with selling products that won't last. Tired of unnecessary mass manufacturing. Tired of trends and impulsive purchases being encouraged by companies. Tired of celebrities being worshipped whilst they help destroy the environment. Tired of micro transactions and blatantly invasive advertisements everywhere. Tired of false advertisement, misinformation and clickbait being normalised. Tired of corporate fear mongering and blatant disregard of human livelihoods.
I'm so tired of all the wastefulness and cruelty and how corporations can just get away with it.
#dont get me started on corporations that make millions who don't pay their workers accordingly and give them inhumane hours#or those “doctors” on social media that are clearly just trying to get you to buy products and people fall for it#or “influencers” who you'd swear couldn't lick jeff bezos' boots any harder than they already do with their “amazon finds”#mlm schemes have been around forever but they're getting worse with how they reel people in#the rampant hate and disgusting shit that goes unchecked online makes me sick#especially when posts online are deliberately spreading misinformation just to fuel the hate for minorities#I feel like humanity is going back in time god#the casual racism all the time makes me so sick#and the homophobia#“theres no ethical consumption under capitalism!” yeah but that doesnt mean you need to buy 50 fucking reusable cups from target or whereve#the state of the environment isn't the average person's fault of course but there's no need for all this mass consumption please#yes corporations are literally pouring sewage and litter in the ocean but please just try please#we can't fix it on our own but we can try to not make things worse#please find joy in things that aren't spending thousands on a corporate product#please#I need to lie down honestly#mick squeaks#not sonic#environment#anti corporations#anti consumption#anti consumerism#please don't get all “oh so we can't be happy now??” because this isn't an attack this is a plea
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historic-meme · 11 months
You know its bad on college campuses when my grandmother, who remembers her mother sewing the star on her clothes and her father flushing money down the toilet so the Nazis would not get it when they fled, is asking me if I am safe at school.
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Dr Hilary Cass told the Times she wished to address the “disinformation” circulating about the findings and recommendations handed down by the Cass review when it was published on 10 April. She said she had received online abuse in the wake of the report and had been advised to stop using public transport. The report said the evidence base for gender medicine in young people had been thin and children had been let down by a “toxic” public discourse around gender. Cass told the Times: “I have been really frustrated by the criticisms, because it is straight disinformation. It is completely inaccurate. “It started the day before the report came out when an influencer posted a picture of a list of papers that were apparently rejected because they were not randomised control trials. “That list has absolutely nothing to do with either our report or any of the papers.” Referring to the online abuse she had received, she said: “There are some pretty vile emails coming in at the moment, most of which my team is protecting me from, so I’m not getting to see them.” She added: “I’m not going on public transport at the moment, following security advice, which is inconvenient.” The report said the now shuttered Gender Identity Development Service (Gids) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, the only NHS gender identity development service for children in England and Wales, used puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones despite “remarkably weak evidence” that they improved the wellbeing of young people and concern they may harm health. The report recommended that young people struggling with their gender identity should be screened to detect neurodevelopmental conditions and there should be an assessment of their mental health, because some who seek help with their gender identity may also have anxiety or depression, for example. When the report was released, Cass stressed that her findings were not intended to undermine the validity of trans identities or challenge people’s right to transition, but rather to improve the care of the fast-growing number of children and young people with gender-related distress.
Another day, another woman who believes she can clear her name if she just Explains Herself. But here's the thing: it was never actually about the science, it has always been about ensuring others, particularly women, are too terrified to step out of line (and too alienated from other women to see themselves as the affected woman).
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imgonnabethatone · 11 months
Pac has such a strong victim mindset it makes me sad as hell
"There's nobody to protect me against Cell 100%"
Yes, Pac plays a damsel in distress to flirt and for fun sometimes, but he also genuinely forgets that he is strong and has the means to defend himself against the one(1) thing that really counts and I am so not okay about that.
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