#revamp some of the designs. i know that a lot of animes have similar-looking characters so that'd match the genre but
jackgoodfellow · 2 years
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I made a new suitor for my horror-comedy dating manga concept I Escaped My Genre!
At this community cooking college, majoring in dinner theatre of course means that you must master the art of theatre AS WELL AS the art of cabaret-appropriate foods that align with the themes of whatever show you are doing!
But the college also has a vibrant student theatre scene: Phoenix is actually directing the Drama Club's production of Romeo & Juliet this spring as their end-of-year final! I wonder if Samo will try out! (And I wonder if Phoenix will end up looking romantically into Samo's eyes and finding that in that moment, all zyr carefully-curated bravado drops away, and suddenly, ze is no longer acting; ze is simply feeling, and it changes everything.)
Also, since I put so much work into this character design, Phoenix will absolutely be making an appearance in my graphic novel! (You can find my published scripts and concept art here, if you wanna make my day!)
#when i say cabaret-appropriate foods i mean foods that can easily and cleanly be eaten while ur eyes and body are turned towards the stage#[flashback to eating the world's messiest sandwich at my 1st cabaret show & THOROUGHLY embarrassing myself. the actors saw. it was awful.]#i escaped my genre#my art#phoenix k. phillips#hikari and simon and phoenix all have better and more carefully considered character design bc i drew the cover as a quick joke and i#drew those 3 after becoming invested so they turned out more detailed and interesting looking. if i did make this a real series i would#revamp some of the designs. i know that a lot of animes have similar-looking characters so that'd match the genre but#i care more about my characters having diverse faces and body types than i care about matching the exact style#but it is fine for now. it isn't like they are BAD character designs it's just that i could do better#junji ito#ito junji#horror#horror comedy#alt-text#image description#image descriptions#I've never known of a dinner theatre w thematically appropriate foods but it would be so fun!#i don't think samo is cast as a lead but maybe they're a small part and or an understudy. either way the audition affects phoenix very much#samo is very rarely shown speaking so. but sometimes you need to stand in for an actor who isn't at rehearsal#*very rarely shown speaking so i don't think juliet quite works but idk yet#anyway phoenix is gonna be a delight in The Blacksmith#original characters
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outivv · 2 months
What would you personally love most if changes were to happen? Like with patterns and hair and colors and stuff.
I’m not gonna speak on cultural stuff cause I’m not from any of the cultures that natlan takes inspo from, but I would just love the same amount of effort put into playable characters that Hoyoverse puts into their enemies in terms of diversity.
Most of the characters would look amazing with darker skin, but I think Mualani would look soooo cute with like really really frizzy or like super curly and thick hair. Genshin has an issue with making anything thicker, coats, hair, characters- but I don’t care :3
I’ve seen Mavuika with like markings on her chin- which is a cultural thing that o don’t necessarily know the complete significance of, but in terms of design I genuinely think it looks so nice. I also would love her with darker skin ofc and something done with her hair. Idc if it’s like a protective hair style, or just putting her hair UP I just ehhh idk how I feel about it just like being there but not having anything to it. I saw one redesign giving her like fire hair like Idia from twisted wonderland which I LOVED and then another design giving her like braids which was sooooo fucking pretty, ooo especially if she had like clips or crystals in her hair with braids? Can you imagine??? That would look so pretty, and fit so well for an archon. Overall her design needs a revamp imo though, because while she looks cool, she doesn’t look like she’s from genshin, and she really only looks like some sick ass biker lady who would help me fix my tire while in the middle of nowhere rather than like… an archon.
Chasca needs a whole revamp, but I do LOVE her hair in terms of colors, and I like her ears a lot- but I saw this one BEAUTIFUL Chasca redesign by @ NGreentail on Twitter who also makes some sick ass mods for pc players. Seriously I love his ganyu mod sm- but anyways, he made a really nice redesign for Chasca that is like also what I would’ve wanted for Boothill sigh
Same personal also made a really pretty Citlali design, and I think that was really nice for her- idk I don’t have many comments on her cause she’s not my type of character :’)
Iansan would be great with some actual PIGMENT. NOT JUST BEING GRAY OMG.
I looooove Kachina’s design I think she’s soooooo stupidly cute, and I love the colors- again, not speaking on cultural stuff and ik she has some cultural issues but I think that’s with her animations, but I think some dark skin would do her so much justice in terms of just design. Make it so we can actually see her hair color against her skin, they look too damn similar :/
Kinich is by far one of my favs cause I love my stupid green guys, and he just looks cool as fuck- but obv some dark skin would do him justice. As far as I know his design is fineeeeee(????) and I like his hair how it is, maybe just making it wavier would be nice.
Ororon/ Olorun just… needs to be… fixed… so bad. Give him locks, give him dark skin, bitch actually make him Nigerian if he’s based off of things from Nigeria and a literal African god PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
My fav is Xilonen, and she just like… needs a lottttt. Like she would obv look better with dark skin, she is supposed to be Brazilian because I believe her makeup takes inspo from like carvival makeup? I think, that’s what I was told, I could be wrong- but if that is what it’s based off of then I think she should have like MORE, y’know? Maybe vitiligo in some places like leopard print, claws, all that- I mean there’s a billion amazing redesigns that I’ve seen because a lot of people like her, so I feel like my comment on this in a purely design aspect is ehhhhhhhhhhh since there’s already sooo many people with so many ideas.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
I did it! Finally fucking did it! I 100% the support log for 3H….Holy shit, that took longer than I was expecting, lol. 
(Long rant, so heads up.)
I came in thinking “Oh they finally time-locked the supports, so I don’t have to have the damn cursor mocking me every time I open the menu like in Awakening and Fates, hurr hurr”. No no no no no. At least for Awakening and Fates, it was on my dumb ass for pressing the S-support and saving when I knew I shouldn’t. First off, if they wanted us to regain supports for Byleth in NG+, why the heck are supports for characters like Edelgard, Rhea, Dorothea and Lindhart locked? I don’t mean time-locked like the post-TS supports in a regular playthrough, I mean deadass “you can’t buy this, period” locked. “Oh it’s because you haven’t advanced that far in the story yet”. I can buy post-TS supports for the other characters, what makes El and Rhea exceptions?! The only thing that would be lost is that I don’t have to replay their entire route to get their S-support twice. It’s not like there’s enough differences between Bylad and Bylass to warrant the supports being locked, none of the characters specify a specific gender in their dialogue, and as far as different models go, changing models during a cutscene is coded into the game, so that should be no issue.  
After going through the monastery option enough times, the hubworld is in this weird limbo state where it feels like it was made specifically for Byleth’s benefit (faculty training, recruiting party members, etc,) but the rest of the party seems to benefit from it instead (Instructions, Motivation points, etc). The Explore vs Battle options just don’t mix well, which feels like poor design choice. You can focus on auxiliary battles to raise your party’s level, but at the cost of potentially missing out on more party members. You can instead focus on the monastery to recruit party members, but at the cost of Byleth falling behind due to splitting activity points between recruiting and faculty training, and being in the monastery means less time grinding for levels. This isn’t as much of a problem in NG+, but if a game needs NG+ to lessen a design problem, then that’s more of a sign to me that the idea itself needed more ironing out. 
 As far as using the monastery to raise support points goes, the hubworld definitely needs a revamp. The only (good) options available are Meal Time and Choir Practice, with the latter being limited to once per week and the former making me think that the monastery must eat their own weapons to survive due to how fucking scarce food ingredients are. Getting meat and fish isn’t too big of an issue so long as you have enough money, but produce might as well be an urban legend. There were too many times where I had 60+ fish/meat, but produce was at fucking 1. I get that they wanted to be “realistic” in having seeds grow once per week, but if it’s at the cost of a gameplay element being nigh unplayable, then some more thought needs to be put into it. Sothis is a goddess of life and time, maybe her powers allow Byleth to make plants grow faster. Just something to make this section actually playable. 
The final thing I wanted to talk about when it comes to the monastery is that, for some baffling reason, it is entirely possible to lock yourself out of key events like S-supports or being able to choose CF, simply by skipping to the end of the month. I’m not sure why this is a thing. It’s not like the game was designed with speedruns in mind (I mean, it is possible to beat a route in an hour, but fuck me if I ever succeeded in that), and nothing happens like a prompt popping up that you have to explore the monastery during that month or even limiting your options to just Explore (which the game has done before). This is especially weird for the quest in getting Jeralt’s ring (how to access S-supports), since Byleth is supposed to be sad in this month, so not being able to do seminars or Byleth being undeployable during auxiliary battles would make sense. 
The option to choose CF is even worse though, because at least for Jeralt’s ring it’s a Red Quest that doesn’t allow you to finish exploring unless you complete it. For Edelgard, however? A dime-a-dozen quest prompt you can entirely look over and skip. No prompt by the game, no indication to talk to Edelgard, nothing. FFS, Rhea’s tea time quest was given more thought. At least her quest marker is a unique color. 
(End of rant…sort of) 
…So anyways, that was my experience with the game, lmao. Now you or someone else may be thinking, “nonnie, if you had this many problems completing the game, why did you bother?”, and the answer to that good question is…I’m not completely sure, lol. I know there’s more than one reason why, so bear with me here. I know part of it is due to sunk-cost fallacy (“I’m already this far into the game, I might as well fully complete it”), but I think a bigger reason is because I knew ahead of time that the routes were so similar to each other that there was little point in having a route split to begin with (except for CF, but who gives a fuck about that?). Despite all of my bitching, I do really like 3H even if I admit that it’s my least favorite FE game that I’ve played so far. I guess a part of me just wanted to like the game more despite my issues with it. 
Now that I think about it, maybe the main reason was for fear of future mainline games. People are fear to like whatever part of a game that they wish, but I do think that 3H introduced some fundamental storytelling flaws that I’d rather not see repeated in the future, with me focusing on 3 in particular: 1) The Monastery, 2) Route Splits and 3) Byleth. 
Aside from what I already talked about in regards to the monastery, if we are going to get another hubworld in the new FE title, have it to where it doesn’t conflict with how the rest of the story is presented. Is it better to simply tell us that the Western Church is xenophobic in an easily skippable side quest early on, or is it better to show us? Enemy Western Church NPCs going after foreign party members like Dedue or Petra more aggressively and calling them “animals” or the like, the map having Duscari NPCs locking themselves indoors for fear that the Western Church will persecute them, things of that nature. Is it better to tell us that there has been civil unrest in the Empire and the citizens revolting against Edelgard, or is it better to show us? Enemy Adrestian Civilian NPCs, assassins specifically going after Edelgard in a map, maybe one where a large farmland has been stripped bare. Things like that. 
I’d rather do away with the Persona-calendar/Monastery hubworld, but if they are here to stay then they need enough content in it to keep the player engaged for 20-odd chapters, because there isn’t enough content in Garreg Mach to even hold up 12 chapters. Speaking of more content, if there’s going to be another route split in the next title, then there needs to be enough differences in the routes that actually warrants having a route split. Fates already did this well in having the route split be early in the game, along with the plot and story maps of each route being different, you could even skip to the route split moment on subsequent playthroughs, so 3H’s approach in having to play the same 12 chapters 3-4 times just felt like a massive downgrade. Playing multiple routes should feel rewarding rather than tedious, is what I’m trying to say. 
Finally, and most importantly, I know that no one at IS is reading this but on the off chance that someone is - please, for the love of God, do not make another blank-slate/self insert main character like Byleth. Or at the very least, don’t have them be the focal point of the story, it’s a big reason why AM just works better than the other routes. For a game like FE, “self-insert” and “protagonist” goes as well as oil and water. Now, out of those three flaws listed, the Byleth one is what I’m hard set on. The monastery and route split flaws, my opinion might be flexible within reason, but the Byleth one…not so much, lol. If we really do get another self-insert doll for a main character, that alone is going to make the next game a hard sell for me, because seeing all the praise Byleth got (and has been getting) makes me fear that IS is going to take the wrong lesson from this and think they don’t have to put effort in making their protagonist anything resembling an actual person and their audience will still lap it up. It would be one thing if I just hated the character, but I don’t. I’m disappointed, which is even worse.
…With that said, it’s still better than whatever the heck Cap’n’Crunch is doing. Okay, rant over. For real this time.
I agree with a lot said here! But I do have a few disagreements, though they’re mostly my opinion than anything else lol
And this first one is probably like, extremely unpopular given how much shit I’ve seen flung at this aspect of 3H, but like… I actually really like the Monastery? Like yes, absolutely, it should have done more to not shelter the player from how bad the war is and it should change more with the world instead of being in this mostly limbo state where apparently seasons don’t real. I definitely also have those complaints, but to me, the Monastery was fine for the most part. A lot of the issues you brought up, like supports and Faculty Training and supplies for eating, weren’t a problem for me almost at all. My only real gripe is with how hard it is for Byleth to get training in Flying, Mounted and especially Heavy Armor without NG+ unlocking weapons ranks, since they don’t have access to Weekly Chores. I do believe I still managed to recruit everyone while only unlocking C in Faith on my Maddening playthrough of GD, but it certainly wasn’t easy. But I feel a lot of the problem people have with it are on subsequent playthroughs where they’re trying to do things like 100% any aspect of 3H, which yeah is gonna exacerbate the issues tenfold. Cuz like, while those three weapons ranks I mentioned are hard for Byleth to raise, on Normal mode you have unlimited auxiliary battles to help with all the other ones. 
Like, I wanted to get Claude’s Dex to the max amount right? Just cuz I felt like it. And in doing that I found out just how tedious it is to get levels once a unit gets to a certain point, just cuz while Normal Mode gives you the Retreat option that lets you keep exp so you can drop a unit down on a yellow spot and get a decent boost in exp… you can do that like, twice or thrice on a story chapter. Once if it’s auxiliary (and not the freebie one). And that’s if you even have internet. And using the greenhouse to get Ailiell Pomegranates was a pain because they weren’t really guaranteed even if I used nothing but the right seed - doing that is more consistent, but not always, and I usually only got one anyway. It was annoying! But I was also doing a specific thing that’s gonna heighten the flaws in the system that I never would have noticed - didn’t even notice - unless I did that. The flaws are still there, don’t get me wrong! The Monastery definitely still needs improvement, battles still need to be a little more streamlined for future playthrough, but the flaws can seem a bit bigger than they are once you do certain things outside of a casual playthrough, know what I mean?
But, for example, when replaying 3H on hard mode and looking to recruit everyone after my no recruitment run, I didn’t come across any dilemma over “recruitment or Byleth being good, pick one.” That was the run my Byleth was usable, in fact - my first blind run that was no recruitment (save for Shamir) had my Byleth be pretty much completely useless while literally everyone else was fine. Also never came across problems with supplies for cooking (or at least not any big enough to comment on). So like, while these (and the above stuff) can certainly be problems for players trying to do everything everything in 3H, at least from my experience I just haven’t come across them. The monastery itself definitely needed a better story implementation, but yeah. I could’ve just been lucky tho lmao
I don’t mind how they implemented trying to get on CF at all tho lol. If you’ve been playing the game like it suggests you do - supporting characters and exploring the monastery  there’s no reason for players to have missed getting on CF. If players wanted to ignore one of the biggest aspects of the game I don’t really feel that bad for them when they miss out on very achievable things. Plus, CF’s requirements are nothing in terms of FE’s madness when it comes to getting on a route. It may be more specific than any other route, but like I said, playing the game as the game tells you to would naturally land you in it (the only thing that might be a bit unfair is that I think if you talk with Edelgard at all that month you have to decide right then and there, and then the whole month is lost. Kinda ass). 
Binding Blade, for example, requires you to do specific things that few first time players would think to do in multiple, random chapters in order for you to get the best ending. With absolutely no warning as to when these chapters happen and what to do in them. And some of these requirements are not fun lmao, I’d prefer how they did it with CF than with how they’ve handled ~secret~ stuff before personally
Pretty much agree with everything else though! While 3H is actually one of my more favored games in the series, I’ll be the first to admit that its storytelling is in dire need of improvement. Having the story and lore of the game just be spat out in lore dumps and this or that NPC just isn’t that good. Or if they are going to do that, at the very least give some visuals to go along with it! Imagine how much impactful Rhea’s story would have been if it was in a visual format, like CGs and/or a cutscene. It still would be an info dump, but at least we can see for ourselves how horrific the Red Canyon was for her! And I do not want another avatar in whatever next mainline game we get, personality or not. We’ve evolved past the need for self-inserts that all the characters Just Like lmao
But thanks for sharing your thoughts!! And sorry that it took so long for me to get to answering ;w; 
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fallenhero-rebirth · 5 years
Okay, let's have a talk about words and their effect on people.
This is mostly tying in to the discord, but since it also has to do with design decisions in general, I am putting it on here.
First of all: I'm old. Well, not really, but compared to most of you. I'm 47, been queer since the eighties, and I've seen some shit. Done some shit too, if I'm being perfectly honest. I'm not perfect. I wouldn't even be bringing this up if it hadn't been brought to my attention from other parties as well (thank you anon from yesterday) and so I thought we might have a talk.
A talk about Chen.
Now, originally, Steel was not intended to be a RO. There was only Ortega and Mortum, but then this fanbase happened, and I started seeing Herald with new eyes, and Argent as well, so I added them. No issues there, the game got longer, but also better for it. People who've been around a while might remember that I was quite hesitant to add Chen, and warned that his romance might be a lot more slow-firing than the others. But, as time passed, and I got around to writing him more, I made the decision to revamp some things, and everything started to slot in place.
Except there was still one big problem.
You see, in my design document I had decided that every RO should be available for romance. This is very close to my heart, I don't want to lock people away from content just because they want to play a particular gender. Hell, this game is all about identity.
But, Chen was also gay.
Now, two things. Yes, this is a fictional character. He is nothing but what I am writing him as. At the time nobody had any idea, I think I had mentioned it in an author AMA, and as everyone knows, everything not in the published game is non-canon. And two, people's sexuality is subject to change. I should know. I've yeeted  myself through most parts of the rainbow spectrum by now it feels like (which is why I use the term Queer for myself). In fact, the way things like that change is very interesting for me, and I've very much liked exploring the various ways Ortega and Herald deals with same sex attraction in what still is a mostly straight world.
So there shouldn't be any issues, should there? I would have no problems writing  Chen discovering his bisexuality, in fact it could be a good way of talking about some things very close to my heart like what happens when your identity changes (went through a similar thing from the other angle, which is why I am no longer a lesbian).
Yeah. No issues. If this was a level playing field and a fair world, which it is not.
Even if I disregard the whole M&M problem with gay representation (if you have a bowl filled with candy and removes one, nobody will notice. If there's only five in the bowl, everyone will) there is still another thing, a bigger thing and this is where words come in.
I was gay online in the late nineties. Anime. Hentai. Yaoi. Fujoshis. I am not going into details here, but there is a VERY real problem with fetishization . I hope everyone is aware of the whole "fucked straight" trope. I am most familiar with it from straight men fetishizing lesbians, the classic "she just need some dick" and way, way worse. This is something I hope everyone agrees on is terrible. But... it's not only men that's guilty of that.
Gay men gets fetishized a lot, and yes, women are guilty of that. Everything from the ' infantilizing uwu cute gays' to the 'men get pegged' to... yeah, the thing we're getting into now.
He just hasn't found the right woman. This is big in real life, and that's a BIG thing in Chen's background. There is a possibility that a F!Sidestep romance route could be read as that, and I am not really okay with it. There is a real and marked difference between two old frenemies realizing they might have feelings for each other and that.
It's like the people modding Dorian's romance route straight in DAI. It's not just about changing a romance trigger to level the playing field (like with Cassandra, or Alistair), it's invalidating his whole background and what his father put him through (trying to use blood magic to make him straight). I am not really comfortable with being seen as catering to those people.
And then there is the last thing. The, for me, even bigger thing.
Yes, I have written a game that is pretty much angst fodder. You are going to get to kill a lot of people in book three, this is all about bad, dark fantasies but some of them should stay inside your head.
I would very much prefer it if you STOPPED joking about Chen not knowing how to perform oral on women, or just in general treating it as angst fodder. Like oh no, straight panic. Look, I will say it again. It is NOT a level playing field, gay panic Ricardo is not not the same as straight panic Chen. It's just not. All you are doing is making yourself sound like the kind of person I am quite sure you're not.
I don't think this fandom is filled with fujoshi's who gets off at fantasizing about  gay men learning that pussy is not that bad. I really don't. But honestly? Sometimes some of you sound like that. I know you're young. I know you learned most of your language around these things online, but the problem is that sometimes the origin of that language is bad, and the people who have seen that origin cringe every time you use it. I know that the top/bottom thing is used very differently now, but I still have to bite my lip not to rant every single time. I know that 'men gets pegged' is a meme.
I'm old. I've got thick skin by now. Not everyone does.
Just think about what you are saying, and how it might be taken. That's all I ask.  And we’ll see what happens with the Chen romance when I write it.
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Please god do you have recommendations on the best series to watch
Some of my personal recomendations that I can list from the top of my head, I will be writing a lot of text below so hold onto your horses.
My Life- NatalieFirexx
Still running to this day and in its 12th season. So amazing to see the growth over the years. The first seasons are so funny in a sense of knowing a little Christian emo kid made them, but later seasons have developed into such an interesting story with beautiful visuals, incredible cinematography and relationships that you end up caring about so deeply. Every season has a new storyline to follow and it's always so wild remembering all that's happened in its 10 year run and thinking up what else is to come. Though season 12 is said to be it's final season and I look forward to seeing what Natalie has in store for us after the finale.
The story of My Life follows the Andrews family and their friends in everyday shenanigans, you know, the usual: teen pregnancy, kidnapping, vampires, murder, identity theft, angels, ghosts, hacked kids and love.
(There's also a My Life Abridged voice acting series of season 1 currently in the works, now at episode 5)
Smooth Criminal - SaltPepperSims1408
I always have fun rewatching this. Its only 2 seasons long and once again, a sims series that evolved over it's run. Following Abby as her life goes from normal (if you can call your illegal scientist parents experimenting on criminals in your basement normal) to having visions of her parent's test subject's past and joining his gang where hes the leader and battles a disease that gives him 10x the strength and intelligence of a regular human being. Catch is, this genetic disease is rare and makes you go insane. Most people with it end up insane by 30.
A series with a lot of guns, a badass female main protag, death, once again, teen pregnancy (which will be a common sims series theme), fun dream/vision sequences and in my opinion has a great sense of humour.
SaltPepperSims1408 also has a highly recommended voice over series (though incomplete) titled Apokalypsis, a group of young adults/teens trying to survive in an apocalypse.
CINDER - GrayLeeStudios
Based on the book CINDER by Marissa Meyer. Cinder is a beautifully made voice over series, great visuals, wonderfully told it's story, though it is incomplete at 5 episodes, each running 10-18 minutes. Loosely based on the original Cinderella story but in a futuristic Beijing, adding robots, a colonization on the moon and a deadly plague that has affected the Emperor.
The protagonist is the mechanic, Lihn Cinder. Despite how well known her work as a mechanic is, she is looked down on for being a cyborg and is presented for plague research where she and Prince Kai become closer.
Y O U T H - 1998sims
YOUTH is a retelling of Youth, also a sims series by the same creator that reached its second season before discontinuing. Already a series that dealt with real life issues and involved a lot of representation in its characters. YOUTH is a different experience with all new characters, even more representation and everyone still feeling real in a way where their identities don't define them but are in NO WAY erased at all, like they're real people. When comparing the two series you can see the similar storyline but now its so much fresher and with new characters, their decisions in these situations change. Follows the story of multiple characters in their teen years and learning to deal with being a teen or in some cases having to make adult decisions despite that. Currently up to episode 5 but there is still so much more to come.
1998sims is also the creator behind Avoiding Fate, Its Complicated (currently not available online) and the most iconic series that I HIGHLY suggest you watch; My Sims 2 Emo Teen Pregnancy Kidnapping Story
SOUP - SimFilm
This sims 3 voice over series is brand new, as of this month, with one episode released but I'm already in love with it. It has this deadpan sense of humour I can get behind and I'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes. It appears the episodes will be short and sweet but I really don't mind at all.
Our protagonist, Harris Gold, alphabetizes his life's misfortunes like a can of alphabet soup.
I quote "looks pretty decent on the outside, but when you open the can, you'll simply want to kill yourself"
The filming is wonderful, I love the voice actors and how well they play their roles, the story so far is fun and silly but deals with really strong issues other teenagers might have experienced growing up. Kind of like laughing the pain away and I adore it.
Raison D'etre - Cornymio
I haven't watched a lot of sims 4 machinima if im to be honest (since life to death stories are so rampant on YouTube at the moment and I'd rather just avoid them) but this series was very well made. Only 2 episodes but the voice acting is amazing, the sims custom animations are wonderful and at times the sims can be almost perfectly lip synced to the voices. Has an indie film vibe that I adore, very calming and I adore the camera work. This is a revamp of the creators old Sims 3 series by the same title.
Reine Reynolds enrols herself into a new school, here we meet a variety of students who are all relatable in one way or another with different relationships amongst themselves. A nice watch and won't take long to get through.
Marry Me! - Tickled007
This is actually a companion piece to Marry You by Maot Productions. Marry You has more episodes and progressed it's story much further but personal preference I like Marry Me!'s characters and humour better. Not a fault to the creators though, since I believe they wrote both stories together and I do still recommend you go watch Marry You as well, just my personal taste. I also watched this very recently which is probably why it's on my mind rn.
Marry Me! Is a 2 episode long (so far) voice over series that's quite high energy, it's about a loud "bitch" fashion designer called Serafie and a "pushover" called Carmion. Two opposites that somehow cross paths and after a money hiccup, Seraphie demands that Carmion marry her. I love how silly it is, very kdrama inspired. If you can get past the overused swooping sfx in episode one (which drove me insane but will go away in episode 2) I think it's super enjoyable.
Tickled007 is also the creator of Passcode Unknown, Too Popular and And... Obvious.
I feel it unfair not to mention Maot Productions other creations either since they were also a big part of the Marry Me! Marry You project. They created Sense Me Not!, Corrupted Souls, Cruel Temptation and Retribution
Other simmers and their series that I highly recommend but realise this ask is going to get extremely long
Their series tend to have this grungy highschool feel to them but I get behind it. They're known for their more interesting sims style, some people love it, some people hate it but it shouldn't get in the way of the interesting stories. I used to adore their work so much as a teenager!
- Advocated
- Strangers
- Volatile
Made a variety of sims series based on books (before these same books were made into films) such as the Hunger Games. This creator is incredibly talented from filming, writing to composing their own music. You can really see their improvement over the years too. I love their work.
- The Hunger Games
- Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children
- Dimension 17
- Post Icarus
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Their concepts are fun and they have good voice actors. Their filming and editing is nice but their work does have an anime feel if that's more your taste.
- Spotlight
- My guardian
- My guardian- the next chapter
- Seeking Faith
- The last day
Their aesthetics are lovely, they make a lot of visually pleasing machinima. I admire their editing.
- Paper Boats
- Arsonist's Lullaby
- Sounds of Silence
- Machinima playlist
Still works on videos now and I adore their work, been around for 10 years and only continuing to improve. I believe their most known series wou lkd have to be wasteland but please check out their newer works too!
- Scum City
- Wasteland
- Wonderland
- Runaway
There are so much more and i might make a pt.2 or something along those lines one day since this ask is getting long. But I also have a list of simmers and series on my navigation page if you want to search through some more works.
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squirtle-bro · 5 years
Gen 7 Review
I played Sun, Moon, and Ultra Moon and thoroughly enjoyed them my first time through. Though, as I've replayed them, I've found they do move a little slow and are more tutorial-geared than I'd like. It's great to give new players the tools they need to succeed, but it's really tedious when you just want to start a new playthrough and GO. I liked the new pokemon, but looking back there weren't that many I grew a huge attachment to. There's very few I don't like, but the vast majority I'm just neutral towards, and that's not fun. Like, Rockruff is super cute and Lycanrc is really cool and I love the split evolution similar to espeon/umbreon, but I never bothered to try them because Rockruff is hidden behind a Rock Smash wall and you don't find Lycanroc in the wild till late game, plus why bother with generic new rock types when I already have an attachment to Gigalith or I could use one of the dual-type fossils instead? There were just so many great returning Pokemon, I never felt much of a draw to seek out the new ones except for a moral obligation to give some of them a shot. What about the regional forms? Absolutely great additions. Super fun typing changes, great connection to regional lore, and of course it set a precedent for more regional variants into the future. Granted, none of the alolan variants interested me because most were Pokemon that I didn't care a whole lot about the originals so I didn't have that nostalgia drawing me to their new forms. I ended up using Alolan Ninetales on my team and she was fantastic, so I know the variants were great Pokemon. The selection of Pokemon just wasn't for me this time around. But I'm so excited for the potential of one of my favs getting a revamp, especially since Galarian Zigzagoon shows it won't be only Kanto. The storyline worked fine for me. The Aether Foundation rubbed me the wrong way the whole game, but their twists as a group and as family connections still surprised me and it was a great ride. Team Skull was a delightful return to small-scale villains like Team Rocket, while still posing as a decent threat, though comically impotent. I loved experiencing a region at the dawn of its Pokemon League and really seeing all the connections between side characters across the islands. But when it came to all the Ultra Space stuff, I lost interest. It was just too sci-fi for me, but I thought it was still executed well. I liked the Nihilego superboss and ultra Necrozma, but they just felt like average big bosses and I didn't think much more of them afterward. But back to the Ultra Beasts. They worked well and I liked the otherworldly designs, but I wanted more out of them story-wise. They were mostly post-game legendaries and had no in-game lore. Just powerful Pokemon because the team you trained from pups isn't good enough. Many of the ultra beasts look very similar to main characters; I wanted something to happen because of that. Whether it's body snatchers or Lillie is actually a Nihilego, I just wanted more significance from the uncanny resemblances. All in all great game, great animation, and great connection to a variety of side characters! There was definitely a surplus of dialogue but I still enjoy myself. It was a refreshing switch-up from the usual Pokemon formula and I really like the games.
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Current Project Talk [August 2019]: Part 1 - Starglass Zodiac
Hey all, I’m back with another talk post! This time I will be discussing what I’m working on project wise. I have two projects on the go at the time of this post, hence the split into two parts (Part 2 is here!). Most people who follow my work already know what I’m working on right now (at least when it comes to Starglass Zodiac), but I figured I’d talk about it a bit anyway for clarity’s sake. And it’s fun to talk about in general. :’D
I consider a current project as something that I’m actively working on, as in scripting, drawing, and/or completing in some sort of order. I have numerous story projects tumbling around in this brain of mine that I do make art for in my free time, but they are not active projects as a whole yet, if that makes sense. I also have some that I specifically will not tackle until I get more experience making stories/comics overall.
I likely will not make more posts like these unless I switch and/or finish projects and announce new ones, but I put the date of posting in the titles just in case. I will continue the OC Design Talks for any series I have, regardless if the project they are from is in active status. But for now, let’s talk about Starglass Zodiac! :D
For this part I’ll focus more on what I want out of the project as a whole and discuss the progression of it so far. If you are curious about the comic itself and what it’s about, you can check it out here!
Alright here we go!
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Starglass Zodiac is my first comic project, and I consider it my “big” comic project at the moment, with Moth to the Flame being the “small” one (I cover that in Part 2). By big I mean that the story, world and characters are quite large in scope overall, at least compared to MttF.
I knew this fact going into the project, as with a zodiac theme one is guaranteed at least 12 more characters in the roster outside of the protagonist. This story’s setting has a lot of lore potential and I plan to explore a good chunk of that with the main plot, and perhaps even more with supplementary comics in the future.
And with a larger scope not only comes with more characters and character development, but also quite a bit of worldbuilding. This story keeps a delicate balance between Earth and the Astral Plane, and both need a good amount of “screen time” in order to be established properly in the comic, especially in how relevant they are to the main protagonist. This, in turn, makes the story much longer, and I’ve had to make many decisions on what will be shown and when. The same goes for the characters themselves, as I had to decide the relationships and interactions of each character, and how many of those were plot relevant.
Actually developing these concepts, especially for the backgrounds / environments, is a whole battle field in and of itself. I still have quite a bit of it to do even though I’ve started the comic already. I am far less skilled in background design compared to character design, so I’m hoping that the backgrounds will develop their own unique style over time, similar to how an animated show or movie does.
Hindsight is 20/20 of course, so with the experience I have now I might not have started my comic career with a project this big, but the development of SGZ kind of led that way anyway. I won’t cover the whole story of how I came up with this comic, but I’ll say a little bit about it.
I started developing the idea for Starglass Zodiac in the summer before I went to animation school, and during my time there I was able to bolster my skills as not only an artist but a visual storyteller. In turn, my second year of animation school gave me an opportunity to develop this story and complete work for my character design class simultaneously. I would not have had nearly as much of the design work done without that opportunity, and this is why I was able to have the initial launch of the comic in July of 2017.
I definitely don’t regret starting SGZ when I did (nor do I regret revamping it two years later), but I also understand just how much effort I’ll need to put into it. This comic will take (and already has taken) years for me to complete, and I am content with that. But, I must find a balance between burnout and motivation in order to keep up with it for the long haul.
My main goal with Starglass Zodiac is similar to that of my other story projects: I want to publish it when it is finished. However, with SGZ being my first comic it has the dubious honour of being what I call my “learning” comic. I have never attempted a comic project like this before, and I didn’t really grow up with comics either, so this is still new territory for me. I’m still learning the nuances of character interaction, dialogue, shot composition, page setup, and numerous other aspects that are unique to comics. These are things that I am excited to learn about, but I need to remind myself not to put too much pressure on myself when something doesn’t turn out the way it should the first time around.
Overall I love the story and I love the characters, and that will never change. I just fear that, with the illnesses I’m fighting and the general struggle of being creative right now, I won’t be satisfied with it in the end. But, I need to have more faith in myself overall, and remind myself that I need to finish the project before I can assess its outcome. And because this is my learning comic, I fully expect to look back on these early pages and make improvements afterwards, perhaps even doing a full remaster before publishing.
I hope that with having two projects on the go I can switch between them well enough to not get burnt out on one or the other, but rather use the combined skill and practice to make them better simultaneously. That’s the goal, anyway. In any case, I hope that I can continue to share the stories I love with everyone in a way that makes me proud to call them my own. For now I’ll keep plugging away as best I can. :’)
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lydiaandarry · 6 years
{5 Cartoons That Could Possibly Survive a Live Action TV Remake}
Hello there!
My name is Arabella but you can call me Arry, if it’s easier. I don’t know about you but I basically grew up on cartoons. And it seems to be a new craze in television history for cartoons to be remade into new adaptations for a new audience. It doesn’t surprise me that cartoons are the main source for this as they are noticeable. Recently, Riverdale and Sabrina: The Teenage Witch have been remade into CW Television Shows. And while I find Riverdale to not be that great of adaptation and murder of character. I have heard more nicer things about Sabrina: The Teenage Witch yet never watched it. Despite this and me thinking this television shows have not survived their live-action adaptations. I will be listing five cartoons that I think could survive a Live-Action Adaptation and I will explain my reasoning and how it may be done and also issues that may be concerning. Let’s invade this topic!
(Scooby Doo)
      My favorite cartoon of all time, Scooby Doo. I am nineteen years old and I have yet to grow out of Scooby Doo and probably never will. It is reaching its 50th year anniversary this year and is still a cult classic. We have had four (not including Daphne & Velma) live-action films that have featured Scooby Doo but we are talking about television shows here. I personally think that Scooby Doo could do better as a live-action television show because you can get multiple mysteries, more monsters and the characters will receive more development. You can also have guest star characters such as The Hex Girls. Yet I have my doubts due to how poorly Archie has been transformed with Riverdale. I feel like Scooby Doo will help avoid stereotypes and forced diverse tropes. As the gang is one of the most diverse group of characters ever. It would be extra amazing if they added in the 60’s-70’s fun charm that the cartoon had. And of course, kept it light-hearted and fun yet aiming it for more young adults and less-so teenagers and children. This will open doors. After watching Daphne & Velma, I do have concerns with forced diversity that may murder the characters as Daphne and Velma did not portray either character accurately. In the name of forcing female empowerment yet ignoring the female empowerment that is there. Fred is the brave, kind-hearted, hilarious and slightly clueless jock who is friends with everyone. Daphne is the fashion-motivated, kick-ass and clumsy popular girl whose greatest value is how quick she finds out things. Velma is the intelligent, sarcastic nerd who is an equal to Fred and fits in perfectly. Shaggy is the hippie who is hilarious, a scaredy cat and athletic who has yet to use more than 1% of his power. And Scooby Doo is the animal sidekick who has character development and has an actual snack named after him. It would make a great television show if done properly and written great.
(The Jetsons)
      I promise, these are not all Hanna-Barbera shows. Except that all of them could be made into wonderful adaptations. The Jetsons is about a futuristic family who live in 2062 that includes George Jetson, a hard-working father. His wife Jane who shops and takes care of the house. His oldest child and only daughter, Judy whose a teenage girl and slightly rebellious. And his youngest child and only son Elroy whose an intelligent kid. And their dog Astro and robot Rosie. Non-surprisingly, The Jetsons is actually outdated and nothing like the actual future. This adds a lot of fun aspects with mixing vintage and newly futuristic ideas. While introducing new concepts into the already existing plot. The Jetsons unfortunately was limited due to animation budget and short-running time with only two seasons that they weren’t able to expand the universe. I feel as if, a new revival of the show could potentially expand the universe and make the characters a bit more realistic. As they are your average futuristic family who can go through relatable issues while keeping with the theme. They could also embark on making Judy more fashion-forward and gifting us unique character designs for the character. As I know that Judy was my favorite character and definitely someone that I could relate to. And of course, keeping the 60’s charm and having more humor. Less dramatics for TV Remakes please! Embrace the humor. And sci-fi is definitely still selling in pop culture and with the graphics we have nowadays, The Jetsons would look absolutely stunning compared to what would have happened if they had perhaps made one in the past. Again, it all comes down to casting and writing. The real-life aesthetics of The Jetsons would be beautiful cinematography wise. It may seem a bit more impossible due to how high a budget would probably have to be to achieve most of the futuristic aspects like flying cars and in the air scenery. Yet the best thing to take advantage of with The Jetsons is how vintage the futuristic aspects are, they can really use a retro futuristic vibe. The Jetson’s futuristic isn’t on the same level as Star Wars or even typical Sci-fi. The effects do not need to be overly complicated as it is mostly dependant on vibe and charm. They could very much go for an Indie vibe where it could be made with a low budget. Choosing style and substance over realism and overdone effects.
(The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
     Hear me out, as this is a weird one. I grew up with The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy and I lowkey blame it for my dark sense of humor. Mandy was one of those unique characters whose clothes did not match her personality whatsoever. Billy was humorous with how stupid yet straightforward he was. And Grim is… I relate to Grim in my old age. This show was such a creative premise to young me that like I adored it. Of course, I loved all things creepy. But seeing that Billy and Mandy and the other young characters were only 9, it is a realization that it may be physically impossible to have a live-action show where the young actors could react in a way similar to let’s say Mandy and Nergal Jr. However after some consideration, I realized that as this will probably be a revamped version, that they could age up the characters. And we could see how Mandy, Billy and the rest have developed into older ages. This of course brings up a lot of new ideas and concepts, new plotlines, and new character developments. Aging them to be teenagers and even young adults can add a more mature theme while keeping the dark humor. It can be darker yet still keep the fun and theatrical side. As it would no longer be targeted to young children but more so, the audience who grew up with the show. Seeing how our childhood characters have grown up to be near our ages. This could bring up more conflicts, relationships, and dynamics. Especially because a popular ship is Mandy and Billy as they are older, so it would be interesting to see if that would come to screen and if they would be compatible being at least ten years older at most. And of course, the graphics would absolutely fantastic since we have ways to make CGI look realistic and would bring on the creep factor. And perhaps, they could even give Nergal Jr more of a character and more humorous scenes. It could survive a TV Remake in this sense because it would be more so, a sequel and they would be working on newer material and not trying to perfect older material which may come in handy with writing.
(Totally Spies)
     If anyone asked me what my three favorite girl-based cartoons were as a child, I would always respond with, “Powerpuff Girls, Bratz, and Totally Spies”. Totally Spies was my ultimate dream television show, they were my Charlie’s Angels before I discovered Charlie’s Angels. Even in my youth, they were relatable. And I don’t care what anyone says, Totally Spies was ahead of its time and very diverse. You had Clover, the fashion-forward girl with a sassy personality and although her flaw was being shallow, she usually always learned her lesson. Sam, the introverted and intelligent one of the group who figures things out quickly yet is too quick to trust others. Alex, the hilarious and tough one who has problems with being invisible. They were feminine and kick-ass and taught me that I shouldn’t be ashamed to be into clothes or hair or makeup as I could still kick ass. I think Totally Spies has the diversity that Hollywood is looking for as they will not have to force anything into the mix, it can be a relatable and humorous show about three girls who are best friends and spies. They can have awesome character designs, great dialog, and mix realistic issues into the fictional issues of being a teenage spy. While also showing girl power and how to handle evil people. While also bringing back former fashion trends, especially the 70’s that Totally Spies is known for. With cool costumes and cool gadgets. This would be a kick-ass show when given the right humor, writing, casting and charm. No one can prove to me otherwise.
    I am ending this on a rather tricky note as this television show really depends. With the other ones, they’re classics but changes can be made. Daria was ahead of its time and has relatable humor that even fits now. I remember discovering Daria when I was fifteen and going through a tough time and she really learnt to accept myself and my sense of humor. Now while Daria is being rebooted and I have lots of issues with the reboot before it has even come out like the fact it’s called “Daria & Jodie” when Jane Lane was a bigger character than Jodie yet they just ignore her because diversity. I do think if they were to reboot Daria properly, a live-action television show could be great. It will give a new element to the already great show. Of course, casting Daria would be rather hard as you need someone who can remain likeable yet still have a sarcastic aura. And Jane, the slightly more expressive witty best friend. And of course, Trent, the hot older brother of Jane who should have gotten with Daria! Daria is a great show for all ages, especially teenagers to young adults as it really shows the humor of common high school stereotypes. While keeping the complexity of each stereotype in its sense. A lot of Daria’s quotes still hit a string with me to this day. Especially the one where she is at college open-house and responds to the woman asking what goals she has, “My goal is to not wake up at 40 with the bitter realization that I’ve wasted my life on a job that I hate because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens”. That quote still stays by me as I am nineteen now and it’s like my life motto at the moment. And a live-action Daria could play off the nostalgia and have a lot of older watchers which will make it more money than a reboot that may destroy the characters for the sake of diversity. And forgets the true importance of Jodie. I would rather watch a live-action television show than a reboot cartoon as reboots never go well in cartoons.
    Well, that was five cartoons that I feel can survive a live-action remake and how they could. Keep in mind that everything you just read is my opinion and I am not asking Hollywood to look at my post and make all of these into live-action television shows. As the thought of that frightens me. Yet I feel like with the right cast and writers, it can be done. Thank you for reading my post. If you like my post, feel free to follow our Tumblr as I write posts on every Wednesday and Saturday similar to this one. And also feel free to like or reblog the post. I’ll see you on Wednesday! Peace out!  
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jeremystrele · 4 years
A Stylist’s Bookmark-Worthy Guide To Byron Bay + The Northern Rivers Region
A Stylist’s Bookmark-Worthy Guide To Byron Bay + The Northern Rivers Region
Jono Fleming
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Photo – Jono Fleming.
I travelled to Byron Bay with some friends on a road trip when I was in my early 20s. We stayed at a youth hostel somewhere, hit up Cheeky Monkeys for some shots, and drove around taking photos with every large object we could find (the big prawn in Ballina, for example).
Cut to over a decade later, and a trip to Byron Bay and the Northern Rivers region is a little different. While the landmarks and big Australian icons are still there, there has been an influx of amazing creatives and foodies that have set up shop in the area, as well as social media stars sharing every corner of town. But don’t be put off by its ‘sceney’ status, there are a still lots of places to escape to if you want to unwind.
One of my favourite things about the area is that it’s somewhere you can visit any time of the year. Whether it’s peak summer season or the middle of winter, there is plenty to do and see. The aforementioned creative scene is experiencing huge growth, with new design stores, fashion, accommodation and restaurants opening with every visit. In a year when travel was scarce, Byron has offered a plethora of new experiences and a change of pace to the usual working from home grind.
While the sleepier, more casual Byron Bay of the past has evolved, the town and surrounding area still holds many secrets. You can still explore some of the most incredible nature walks, find small cafes hidden away in country towns and take time out on spectacular drives to see where the rainforest meets the sea.
I go to Byron to get inspired, to take pause and connect with other designers. By no means am I a local, but one of the best things about Byron Bay, is that when you get there, you’re on holiday… but you still feel at home. And on the way out of town, as the sun rises and we brace for an 8 hour drive back to Sydney, I still go past the big prawn at Ballina every time, because it makes me smile and reminds me that I’ve been doing this trip for a while, and it gets better with every visit.
Here are a few of my favourite spots!
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Jono and his partner Ryan at The Top Shop – a hilltop cafe famous for its surfy burgers! Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Whites Beach is a secluded surf spot surrounded by picturesque bushland. Photo – Jono Fleming.
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The Eltham Pub was established in 1902 and sits on the outskirts of the hinterland! Photo – Jono Fleming.
Top Shop
Formerly a corner store and milk bar, Top Shop was converted to a cafe by in 2008 and now serves its famous burgers to surfers and tourists alike. The old weatherboard is a Byron institution, and an essential bridge between the old and new community.
Eltham pub
Established in 1902, the Eltham Pub is a locals watering hole that has recently undergone a bit of a revamp. About 30 minutes out of Byron Bay, nestled amongst the hinterland, the Eltham boasts an impressive menu and classic selection of drinks. A beautiful drive through winding hills leads you to this little oasis of a spot, with a laid back vibe and lots of personality. This has quickly become a new favourite and is worth the drive.
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La Casita is a low-key Mexican cantina by the same owners as Fleet. Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Glorious waves rolling in to the shore. Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Spanner crab scramble at Three Blue Ducks. Photo – Jono Fleming.
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The Farm at Byron Bay: the setting for Three Blue Ducks. Photo – Jono Fleming.
La Casita
For those who didn’t plan a head and get a booking at Fleet in Brunswick Heads, never fear, down the road is La Casita, a Mexican cantina from the same team. Set in a large undercover outdoor courtyard, this restaurant mixes authentic Mexican flavours with a modern dining experience. The tasting menu is extremely good value and nothing kicks the night off better than starting with a Tommy’s margarita.
Three Blue Ducks at The Farm
We’re starting with a classic, and it’s a familiar one but it’s worth the hype. Three Blue Ducks at The Farm is a great way to start off your trip with it’s stunning grounds and impeccable food. The breakfast menu is a fresh mix of classics and some unexpected treats such as the filipino sausage with fried eggs and sambal.
My go-to is the spanner crab scramble, because nothing says ‘holiday’ like having crab for breakfast. And chuck a Bloody Mary in there for good measure. Don’t worry if there’s a bit of a queue; Three Blue Ducks is set on an 80-acre working farm so there’s plenty to see and pass the time, from the fluffy cows and animals to the macadamia grove.
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The impressive new Tigmi Trading HQ and showroom. Photo – Alicia Taylor.
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Inside Tigmi Trading’s new HQ. Photo – Alicia Taylor.
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Formerly a 1990s warehouse, the store and showroom has undergone an extensive reno – complete with sculptures by denHolm! Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Nikau Store is a ceramics mecca! Photo – Jono Fleming.
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All the handmade wares on display at Nikau Store .Photo – Jono Fleming.
Tigmi Trading
Driving through the industrial area just outside of Byron centre can be a bit of a sensory overload. With new shops popping up all the time, there’s so much to see and do but standing out among them is the Tigmi Trading flagship store, a plaster rendered beacon. One of the coolest brands in the homewares industry, Tigmi’s new showroom is filled with beautiful furniture, rugs and homewares, sourced from all around the world. Entering will whisk you away on holidays, while you’re on holidays.
(See TDF’s feature on the new Tigmi Trading HQ here!)
Nikau Store
Run by the always smiling Nicky and Nicole, Nikau Store is a little haven packed with ceramics and plants. Filled with one of a kind pieces by local makers and imported goods you don’t seeing in every shop in the city, Nikau is bright, unique and almost impossible to leave without purchasing a little piece to take home. You never know what you’re going to find in this shop, but there’s something for everyone!
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Sunseeker Motel is the newest, hottest, hippest accommodation in town! Photo – Jacqui Turk for The Design Files.
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A mix of local designers and vintage finds constitute the entire 70s-inspired decorative theme. Photo – Jacqui Turk for The Design Files.
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Crazy paving and Fearon Borthers furniture at Sunseeker Motel. Photo – Jacqui Turk for The Design Files.
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The previously decrepit roadside motel has been given a new contemporary life, while still remaining faithful to its original character. Photo – Jacqui Turk for The Design Files.
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The motel interiors are a showcase for budding Australian design talent! Photo – Jacqui Turk for The Design Files.
Sunseeker Motel
The new kid on the block, and while I haven’t stayed there (yet!), Sunseeker is next on my list when I come to town. Similar to The Bower (another hot local sleeping spot!), this is a renovated motel but with a wildly different design. Filled with retro charm, an eclectic mix of furniture and decor, this is a great example of the new aesthetic that’s sweeping Byron Bay. For those looking for more than the classic beachy white on white, this new accomm is filled with colour, pattern and texture. See you there next time!
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Comma day spa is quintessentially Byron: low-key, impeccably designed, and relaxing! Photo – Lisa Sorgini.
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Left: The interiors of Comma are instantly relaxing. Photo – Lisa Sorgini. Right: The beach is incredible, no matter what time of day you’re there. Photo – Eve Wilson for The Design Files.
If the local wildlife is a bit too much, take a load off and book yourself in for a massage at Comma. Hidden away in the industrial area, this place is exactly the ‘treat yourself’ experience you deserve on a break. With a beautifully minimal interior, some beautiful fragrances and a large offering of treatments, you will leave more zen and  relaxed than ever.
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Killen Falls. Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Minyon Falls rainforest walk on the edge of Whian Whian State Conservation Area. Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Jono himself on the Minyon Falls rainforest walk! Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Scouts Falls are closer to Coff’s Harbor than Byron, but are on the way if you are driving to and from Sydney. Photo – Jono Fleming.
Killen Falls
If you’re looking for a very fun nature experience then jump into the cooling waters of Killen Falls. A short drive out of town, follow the marked path to the lookout and falls and be at one with nature, paddling under the booming water. This recommendation does come with some caveats though. Remember to be careful about leaving the area the same as you found it, and be wary of all sorts of critters you might find living there.
Also pictured are Minyon Falls, accessible via a rainforest walk in-land from Bangalow; and Scout’s Falls, which I visited on the drive back home to Sydney!
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The bubbly, ever-enthusiastic Jono Fleming! Photo – Jono Fleming.
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Walking down the boardwalk at The Pass, Byron. Photo – Jono Fleming.
More Of Jono’s Fave Spots
Light Years, Oma, Orgasmic Food, Keith
Toko Toko, Marz Design, Newrybar Merchants, Pampa, Our Corner Store
Kia Ora Byron Bay, Hobo Homestead, Cactus Rose Villa, The Perch
Whites Beach and Cape Byron Distillery
0 notes
robinswky490 · 5 years
Downloadable games - description Farmers Dynasty
I truly wanted to perform that game for a very long time. If anybody grasp the incident on the activity they may also be aware it was taken drink from Water collection for a period following a controversy with the game being somewhat sued perhaps for printing it. I mean that can also be a good thing. They point out there is no like this when negative PR. I enjoy Farming Simulator franchise when I go Farmer’s Dynasty and contains RPG factors like finding a husband and like I stayed ecstatic. So let's plunge in deeper into Farmer Dynasty.
I survived always a follower of farming and development games. Games like Farming Simulator and Building Simulator are among the favorite. And you should do not say me. I not say the weird VN games you keep on playing. Farmer’s Dynasty offers you a mix between developing and fixing your other farm and also farming industries and preparing help other characters. Who would get imagined that?
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Farmer Dynasty too allows about RPG ingredients like doing searches for new player in exchange for presents and developing connections with them. People gain away through inheriting your grandfathers farm which is a huge mess and it is up to you to bring it back to the glory. You a city boy with zero farming and design feel. I remain really it will all work splendid.
First thing I did when I leave playing remained near trying to repair the farm. For some reason it is thus enjoyable to take some time and secure it then look back on top of the farm and notice come back to lifetime. To revamp you just come near the surface you want to healing also carry out clicking. I know it does not sound like fun, but expect myself it moves top with age. So at least to me it performed.
You will also require materials to fix the farm. To get them there is a store that provides different backgrounds like real, tiles and so on. You can completely renovate the farm to help the liking. I not experience why has no other game though of doing similar to this, although I do appreciate it has eventually reached.
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I am like I told enough on construction and it is time to control to farming. People leave away with approximately none of the farming equipment with no money to get another one. To get admission to the farming equipment you will have to do favor for various other NPCs which will in return "present" you their childhood equipment that they no longer take any use.
After a few tedious quests have been performed with you have all your farming equipment you can start doing your own fields. Keep in mind this undertaking is boring and Farming Simulator 2020 Download will take a lots of time. All of the units have about no operating range and it will take you sooo long to have everything done i gave up halfway depression then traveled to do more construction gear for NPCs.
All of the mechanisms are simple function and disciplines are clean. There are not many choices to use, unlike Farming Simulator so everybody can easily enter it.
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Apart from farming you can also take care of animals. You will have to handle them daily and frequently you may get results you may either sell or store in your kitchen for the future wife to make people delicious meals.
There is besides a greenhouse where you can increase vegetables but there is not much interaction with it. You water this and disappear that to do its stuff. Whole lot more attention to detail may have gotten with it also made it a lot more realistic and difficult.
Around the place you may get NPCs that can be interacted with. They will give people various quests or you can only speak to them then enrich your connection with them. The RPG part of the game is still very entertaining with will not think fully fleshed out.
You can and receive married, but it is very simple. Only go on spamming some type of conversation with a firm NPC until you get their points higher adequate and BAM you can get married. I want it worked like that in real life.
You can have child, but I have not really gotten to that use in the entertainment yet. It is a refreshment and impressive we have not gotten in this type.
But it is not most clear. The road is big and experiences very empty. All of the machines you earn for the start are sooo slow it will lead you years to get through sense A to spit B. The NPCs become most pretty much identical and look insanely ugly.
Also the one thing that could possibly prevent that game going for years is not there. Modding. The reason the hell do you not let modding. This competition is going down for the ability to be able to mod this. I propose only look at the Farming Simulator games. Area is going on even some of the big games alive even now. It is just a bit I cannot forgive.
Farmer Dynasty offers great fresh in the kind that was the same shit for days. But it still to this day then past 2 times of expansion does not think complete. You may have fun, for sure, but clearly the energy alone will operate (pun want) you nuts. If you want to get it watch for a lower.
0 notes
stargazersastronomy · 7 years
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Scorpio & Pisces: Two Sides of the Same Coin
I’ve said before that if I wasn’t my own sign (Pisces) I’d rather be either a Scorpio or Sagittarius. This post will be similar to my Virgo/Scorpio sexuality post instead focusing on Scorpio and Pisces and their similarities. Part of this is because 1) my boyfriend has a Scorpio rising; 2) my father is a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, and Venus MC; 3) my mother has Taurus-Scorpio duplicated; 4) I’m part of the Pluto in Scorpio generation; and 5) because of one of my favourite astrologers crimson deep astrology. It doesn’t hurt that as far as I know there’s no other Music Astrology blogs on here, that Crimsondeep (Tarja reference) is a Scorpio herself, and that I’m a Pisces. (BTW, thanks for the  graphics inspiration.)  
Scorpio and Pisces are often considered the most misunderstood signs with good reason; other than Gemini you never know what to expect with the latter water signs. Part of this is because their represented by multiple animals. Scorpio by the scorpion, snake, and phoenix (also caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly); and Pisces by the fish, chameleon, and wolf. The first animals of each sign are the lower vibrations of their potential with the final animal their realized potential. Although this explanation is simplistic the middle animal is the connection of the signs. Snakes aren’t all venomous with some of them that love their fellow reptilian families. (Harmonia’s Necklace was in the design of two entwined snakes.) Wolves aren’t inherently solitary and form tight bonds with those in their pack. The Snake and Wolf are highly creative and passionate they just need to create a balance within themselves though.
The words I associate with these signs are transcendence, transgression, transformation, and reflection primarily because of their planets and houses. Eighth house is sex, death, shared resources, and security; twelfth house is the tale’s ending, rest and recuperation. (A lot of this is because Taurus and Virgo are their opposite signs since they already have security and comfort in abundance; the water signs need to learn these lessons on their own.) Pisces and Scorpio in this case are the character types where their houses are settings – the planets would be the lessons or plot. Now why do those four words describe these signs?
Pluto rules both of them: it is Pisces’ esoteric ruler and Scorpio’s modern ruler. Pluto is the transgression and transcendence. Scorpio is momento mori, aka “remember that you will die” you cannot escape death. You kill your darlings to better your story and to better yourself. Pisces is the end because it takes that message and says, “Yes, you rise and fall. Yes, death is inevitable. However the story goes on and repeats again. Though we don’t know how life continues.” You don’t have to believe in an afterlife but you know that after you’re dead the world keeps going. Neptune, which is Pisces’ modern ruler, is about breaking boundaries then merging the line that separates reality from illusion. I compare Neptune to cinema: when watching the film we want to become part of the story and if done well forget our reality. Yet Neptune is also what goes on behind the curtain, seeing how the trick’s performed. Example: I’ve always hated Sleeping Beauty but I would suffer through it just to watch the behind-the-scenes at the end of the tape. We also need to consider the other planets that are strengthened in these signs.
Venus is exalted in Pisces while detrimented in Scorpio whereas the latter is dignified in Mars and does adequately in Pisces. Venus Pisces is agape love, an endless love. What comes to my mind is Nightwish’s ‘Shudder before the Beautiful,’ “Deep silence between the note/deafens me with endless love.” Scorpio Mars is similar it is Eros and is passionate but also patient unlike an Aries Mars. In a relationship – doesn’t matter if it’s friendship, familial, romantic, or sexual – these signs are very in tuned to their partner. They actually are quite open and open-minded however they need trust in order for them to show this side of themselves. Scorpions aren’t sex addicts or evil, sometimes they might come across as prudes, but they’re obsessive, for wont of a better word, over good sex – same with Pisces. Both want the petite-mort-I-Just-Died-In-Your-Arms-Tonight sex. It’s their way of letting down their guard with those deserving of them. Overall, not matter the relationship TRUST IS ESSENTIAL to them.
Yet Venus and Mars isn’t just romance, sex, and what kind of partner we desire; Venus is our hobbies, our loves, and Mars is our passions and how we get what we want. Scorpio and Pisces in these planets are typically interested in occult hidden things. Like I mentioned earlier these signs love seeing what is underground. Scorpio is surveying the Underworlds while Pisces is discovering Atlantis and learning Atlantian ways. Pisces are fond of aesthetics and anything auditory pleasing; many artists, muscians, and performers are found with Piscean placements. Scorpios are fond of these things to but they’re the Casablanca version, they’re the Bronte sisters’ stories. People with Scorpion placements tend to love the paranormal and psychology; they love finding out what makes someone tick.
In terms of appearance these signs are average or short height, both have penetrating eyes, and typically have dark hair. All of this depends on genetics though. Pisces women may be short with small feet with Pisces men being average, tall, and big feet. Yet Rhianna and Floor Jansen are tall Pisces women, and I myself am quite tall at 5’9 (cm). Scorpios have a Rock Star look and usually prefer edgy clothes and makeup. They are the smoke-y eye look. Pisces are the modern fairytale, runaway look. (Look at SmoonStyle or Drew Barrymore.) With hairstyles if neither sign is rocking straight hair they’ll either choose the wavy or curly locks. Many Scorpios I’ve seen may have curly hair whereas Pisces have more wavy hair.
Songs for These Water Signs:
Being Everyone – After Forever (Pisces)
… And Their Eulogies Sing Me to Sleep – The Agonist (Pisces)
Transmigration Macabre – Arch Enemy (Scorpio)
Weak Fantasy – Nightwish (Scorpio)
Wild Card – ReVamp (Both)
The World is Yours – Arch Enemy (Both)
 Angela Gossow – Scorpio Sun (November Scorpio) Floor Jansen – Pisces Sun (February Pisces)
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recentanimenews · 5 years
20 Years Ago, Pokémon Yellow Proved The Franchise's Dominance
  The year is 1999 and Pokémon is doing very, very well. The Game Boy games Red, Green, and Blue are best sellers in both Japan and the United States (Well, Red and Blue are best sellers in the United States. Green would remain a "DID YOU KNOW THAT IN JAPAN, THEY HAVE A VENUSAUR VERSION?" schoolyard myth for a few years in my neck of the woods) and the anime, which premiered in the U.S. in 1998, was a smash success. In the New York Daily News, George Harrison, who was Vice President of Marketing and Communication at Nintendo of America at the time, "said he "expects the Pokemon 'true consumer phenomenon' to last through 2000 and 2001" in a 1999 interview. Ya know, considering that Pokémon has been a pop culture titan for over two decades since its birth, saying "I'm sure it will continue to thrive for two more years" almost seems pessimistic.
  And then, twenty years ago today, North America saw the release of Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition. Originally yeleased in Japan to coincide with Pokémon: The First Movie in September 1998, it was a revamped version of the original games, taking influence from the anime and letting you start with a Pikachu that follows you around while you encounter anime-specific characters like Jesse and James from Team Rocket. 
    Everything else in the game, though? Aside from new monster sprites and the ability to pick "Ash" as a name, it's an incredibly similar experience to Red, Blue and Green. Same story, same gym leaders, same goal. So even with Pokémon's incredible rise in prominence, it still seemed like a bit of a risk to say "Hey kids. I know you may have had to buy two versions of the same game in order to get all 150 Pokémon, but how about a THIRD version...that's almost the same game?"
  Now, as a kid, this was very appealing to me, as the anime had always kind of informed how I played the games. For example, when I started Red for the first time, I hung around Professor Oak's lab for thirty minutes after he asked me to start my journey because I was waiting for him to hand me six Pokéballs. Ya know, like he did in the first episode of the show. But I don't know if everyone else was that prime of a demographic. 
    Nowadays, Pokémon having an "improved" third version that comes out after a set of main series games is somewhat expected. And these third versions are never just excuses to pump out a new game, as they usually amend a few things and make the entire playthrough a more seemless excursion. But we didn't know that back in 1999.
  So while Special Pikachu Edition did have the benefit of literally being a special Pikachu edition (the best part of the game is turning around while you're walking and seeing if Pikachu loves you, hates you, or simply tolerates your existence,) it seemed like the very definition of overkill. Former Nintendo President Satoru Iwata even said that since everyone was ready for Gold and Silver, "there was a sense that people were thinking: 'I'm not sure they should be putting out Yellow.'" 
    Even counting on the immense popularity of the anime, there was a chance that Yellow would be nothing but a pit stop, a cash-in for kids that watched the show, hadn't gotten their hands on a game yet, and wanted Ash Ketchum's blue ribbon electric mouse to tag along with them. I must admit that on paper (and looking at it from a 1999 mindset) it all sounds redundant. It's a game based on an anime based on a game.
  And then it got 150,000 pre-orders, which, while not nearly as high as Gold and Silver, is still a sizable number. It would go on to be the fifth best selling Game Boy game ever (two other Pokémon titles are in the top five.) And even the more negative reviews at the time admitted that while it wasn't a drastic departure from Red/Blue, it was still very fun. 
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    That said, is Pokémon Yellow a great game to this day? Oh, absolutely. There's still something amazingly charming about it, and it's my go-to when I want to re-experience Generation One. Before I wrote this article, I put about ten hours into a new game just to make sure that it wasn't a total disaster or that my old purple Game Boy Color wouldn't just burst into flames as soon as I switched it on, and I had a great time. It had me hooked from the beginning, when Pikachu runs toward the screen and surfs and kicks through lasers, as Pikachu does.
  The music in the first few Pokémon games has always been supremely underrated, and their melodies are inspired and infectious. The world design for Kanto does a lot to create a sense of immersion, and some of the locations (like Viridian Forest and Celadon City) remain the standard by which all other Pokémon locations of a similar nature are judged. And I loved that it immediately made me consider strategy in a way that Red/Blue didn't in the beginning. You couldn't just power through Brock's Rock types with your starter. Instead, you had to catch a Butterfree that could learn Confusion, or, if you're the raddest dude alive like me, you picked a Mankey and Low Kick'd that Geodude dude to death.
  And its legacy? Well, while Pokémon had already proven itself as an appealing series, Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition proved that that series had staying power. It also proved that, even in circumstances where it could've gone with the laziest option possible, Game Freak still delivered a finely crafted game. And 20 years later, it remains a top tier Pokémon experience.
  Did you play Pokémon Yellow when it first came out? What do you think of it? What's your favorite Pokémon game? Let us know in the comments!
  Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. You should follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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keepcalmandreadondk · 7 years
The Nostalgia Epidemic
A friend and I went to dinner the other night and she mentioned something that greatly interested me. She read somewhere that millennials are the most nostalgic generation. Being a millennial myself, I regarded this statement as true but also not true. It is true in the sense that we long for our childhoods again and the media we consumed, and we are the only generation to have grown up in the big technological boom of smartphones and the internet. Therefore, it is easy for us to be nostalgic for a more "simple time." But I also think that this isn't so true. Millennials are very interested in new media as well as the ones they are nostalgic over. If anything, I'd say a more fitting generation for the "Most Nostalgic" title would be the baby boomers who voted our current president into office under the delusions of their nostalgia.
Speaking of delusion though, I think nostalgia can do that to us: make us delusional. The human memory isn't an accurate representation of our past. It remembers certain things and then breaks those things down into something which the mind can comprehend. These memories shape our being. A millennial may recall the days when Saturday morning cartoons were a must see. Their parents would make them breakfast and they would have no responsibilities. Now, as an adult, this is no longer a thing and the millennial may long to have those "simple" days back. But those days weren't simple. We were kids and didn't have to deal with complicated reality.
So we millennials have used the internet to celebrate '90s culture. We gush about our love for Rugrats, about how we learned to love reading through Harry Potter, and are quick to recite all of the lyrics to the opening of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But if we take an honest look at the entertainment and culture that surrounded our childhood's, chances are we won't like what we see. Boy Meets World is a cheesy sitcom, Friends is uncomfortably white, and Hocus Pocus is just not a good movie. We can appreciate the things we loved as kids, of course. Most of the things I have mentioned thus far are things I love. But it is also important to recognize that they may not be as good as our memories make them out to be.
Now, in 2017, October is nearing its end and the highly anticipated Netflix original show, Stranger Things, is about to premiere its second season to the public. Speaking of nostalgia, OH BOY, is this show playing on the public's nostalgia. Don't get me wrong, Stranger Things is a great show. It isn't as great as people make it out to be but then again, nostalgia seems to hold the remote control.
Stranger Things is largely praised for its callbacks to various trends of the '80s and '90s. The show borrows from several properties in terms of music, plot, cinematography, art design, and dialogue. When the show first premiered, it was described to me as E.T. meets Stand by Me. This was not a turn off at all because I love both of those movies and of course would love to see something replicate them in some capacity. However, Stranger Things does more than replicate a style of storytelling. It literally takes chunks of '80s and '90s culture and places it into the show. The result is that although Stranger Things is a fun adventure that calls back to the properties we grew up on and loved, it fails to repair the mistakes those properties made and makes the audience compliant with okay and rehashed entertainment. Now, don't misunderstand me. I love this show and am eagerly anticipating the next season. However, for all the good the show accomplishes, it seems to have blinded us to the problems that exist within the frames. Our nostalgia is blinding us.
This problem is not unique to an original show like Stranger Things. There are much more obvious culprits of this crime that exist in modern day media. In order to analyze Stranger Things, we can't ignore this problem of nostalgia as a whole that exists into today's culture. Stranger Things may be using familiar themes and tropes that we miss, but it can be argued that at least they are using these things in an interesting and somewhat original context. Compare that to most other properties today that play only on our nostalgia and you'll find that the crimes Stranger Things commits are mere child's play.
Nostalgia has taken form due to many different factors, but all of them can be boiled down to three individual issues: people being comfortable with what they know, sanitized realities, and formula.
When I went through a list of many nostalgic / revamped properties of late, all of them came into existence out of the studious understanding that people are comfortable with the familiar. Hollywood understands that releasing an entirely new movie is a risk and the reward is completely reliant on positive critique or getting people properly hyped with good marketing. However, releasing a movie that takes a classic character, such as Mary Poppins, and adds an "original" story plays on the public's love of a beloved classic movie, character, and even possibly the actor that played said character. An audience is much more comfortable seeing something they already know they like and understand, versus something new and unfamiliar.
This isn't just a trend in entertainment. It is human nature. If a person attends a party but sees no one they know, they may feel uncomfortable or like an outsider and therefore not have much fun. If they see someone or a group of people they know, they will automatically feel included and more at ease to have a fun time. The same can be understood when it comes to entertainment. Hollywood is blatantly aware of this. As already mentioned, the internet has given way to people celebrating their nostalgia. It would be stupid of Hollywood not to take advantage of this longing. They know what people crave and are making millions by handing out sugary treats to their nostalgia-ridden customers.
Since literally all of the properties I am going to mention through this essay fit into this first category, I am only going to mention a few in particular during this first part. It can be assumed that all properties mentioned past this point fit into the category of "comfortable with the familiar."
The Disney live-action remakes and the new Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Classic video game system are huge cash cows and examples of Hollywood (or in this case, the video game industry) taking advantage of people's nostalgia dollars. Let's first look at the SNES Classic. At first glance, this product seems really awesome. It harks back to classic games and it is cool seeing the old yet familiar system on shelves once again. But, this is a blatant example of Nintendo blinding its customers with shiny nostalgic merchandise for some extra dollars.
For over 10 years, Nintendo has revived most of its old games in the form of digital downloads. The Wii shop channel, soon to be obliterated from existence, sold virtual games that could be downloaded to the Wii and Wii U systems such as Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Bros, Zelda, and more. XBox has done something similar since then. All the major systems are also re-realeasing games, whether they be HD re-masters, recreations, or just the classic game itself, and while not every game is available, many are easily accessible to the general public. So why buy this incredibly expensive call back system that only comes with a handful of preloaded games when most games are available for the new systems we already own? Well, it is nostalgia. That is literally it. And sure there is the rare occasion that nostalgia is not a factor (I know someone who said their grandmother loves video games and the SNES Classic system would be perfect for her as it is small, has simpler games, and doesn't take up much space) but, again, that is a rare exception. Nintendo could easily work on their digital store on the new Nintendo Switch, but they won't. They want your money.
Then there are the Disney live-action remakes. If there is anything we don't need, it is the Disney live-action remakes. Just think of how many children we could feed with the money that goes into making these films and the money people put into seeing them in the theater and buying them when they are released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital (don't forget streaming services!). I seriously believe that I just solved world hunger right there (or at least decreased it substantially). Tell me I am wrong!
I don't think there is much to say beyond that paragraph. The Disney live-action remakes always create literal carbon copies of their animated predecessors, change enough to excuse the fact that this movie didn't need to be made (i.e. transferring a sentence of dialogue to a different character so that the movie is different [we will be exploring this in the future when it comes to the Beauty and the Beast live-action remake]), and give us lots of pretty CGI and cinematography to make us forget how grotesque and disappointing the movie actually is.
Stranger Things definitely takes advantage of this nostalgia that exists in the modern day audience, young and old, and milks it dry. The whole concept of the show just reeks of nostalgia, even to the artwork of the show. One piece in particular that used to be up on Netflix's website is a hand drawn style image of all of the characters in the show. There is very subtle language being used to remind an audience of films they are nostalgic for. A google image search can easily show us that many classic films that are celebrated today contain movie art and posters that are given the hand drawn look (i.e. The Goonies, Jaws, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and even the first Harry Potter film). Continuing on, the show contains a nerdy group of kids who love adventure and ride bikes and talk on walkie-talkies. Tell me that sentence does not give off the scent of the '80s. The show is almost guaranteed a following.
The next point I want to touch on is the idea of sanitized reality. In his book, Brat Pack America: A Love Letter to '80s Teen Movies, Kevin Smokler discusses '80s films that harken back to the '50s and skip over the politically charged and distraught '60s and '70s as if they never existed. These movies embrace, as Rider Strong (ironically, a star of the nostalgic '90s, in Boy Meets World) says on the podcast "Literary Disco," " [a] make America great nostalgia...that's a little disturbing." Julia Pistell, another host on the podcast, notes that these movies are "teen movies [about] emotion and they're about rebellion...in the confines of [the] white, suburban, rich world." '80s movies are not the only culprits of almost retelling history as sentimental and devoid of political issues. Rider Strong goes on to say, in the same podcast episode, in regard to his time on Boy Meets World that the writers were practically writing a '50s version of the '90s. The episode also touches on Stranger Things and I highly recommend listening to it (click here).
Many properties from the past (be it the '80s or even the '60s and '70s) present a very specific portrait of American life that many have mistaken for the reality of the past. These shows are extremely sanitized, showing TV watching folks "normal" people. Even with shows that have some absurd characters or different family structures, it all falls back on these people being a unique nuclear family. These people dress nice and in style, don't swear, and represent wholesome family values. Who cares about real life? This version of reality is much nicer and takes our mind off of real world problems (and the same people who say this also insult the "nerds" who cling to fantastical stories such as Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, properties that at least offer some form of substance along with their form of escapism fiction).
Nothing represents this better than Full House, now Fuller House. The original show is often criticized for its overt moral moments and the obligatory sad music. It is one of those shows that if made into a cake would have many layers on heavy icing that makes one sick to their stomach. The show paints, as noted above by the "Literary Disco" team, a unique picture of the normal American family in the '80s as having problems "in the confines of [the] white, suburban, rich world." Not only that, but the show blatantly relies on making you sad and addressing problems that aren't actually problems. But because of nostalgia, no matter how enlightened we now are about Full House, there is still a successful spin-off with the all too original title, Fuller House. The show finds our young characters all grown up and running into some more shenanigans as adults that they caused as children. How fun! And as usual, these problems are not actual problems and are usually caused by the stupidity of the characters themselves. Laugh track, laugh track, laugh track. This is quality TV. Well...actually it isn't. But, somehow, it is three seasons strong. Nostalgia.
Another show that represents a distorted reality is Gilmore Girls. Now, full disclosure, I have never watched or liked this show. I've seen bits and pieces of it but never understood the hype. However, I know several people who loved this show while it was on TV and watched the new Netflix mini-series, A Year in the Life. Since I have never watched the show regularly or seen a full episode all the way through of the original or new series, there is really no way for me to give any opinion on said properties. However, from what I know of the original show and new mini-series based on critiques I've seen throughout the internet, the general consensus seems to be that like Fuller House, A Year in the Life relies on the same fast talking, pop culture referencing, and problems that aren't really problems tropes from the original TV show. Here is a good video to watch on all of that jazz.
Stranger Things does this as well. It is what I like to call borrowing from something but not learning from that something's mistakes. Instead of moving forward as a species, we'd rather sit back in our comfy chairs and forget about real issues. So Stranger Things gives us the token black character, parents who are oblivious, and awkward sibling hugs. All characters fall into some sort of cliche, and although the show tries to spin these cliches, it doesn't make it a priority and so these spins often fall flat really quickly. The characters perform to fit the archetype they represent: the hero, the worried mother, or the scientist 100% non-wavering evil villain.
Take Nancy for example. Nancy is the stereotypical straight and white high school girl. The first episode sees her worrying about if a guy named Steve (Steve Harrington, she says his first and last name over and over again as if it is cute) likes her. As the show progresses, we see Nancy go from being this cliche character to becoming a bit of a badass with another character named Jonathan out of pure necessity. Their lives and family are at stake. Steve is the typical guy who doesn't care about Nancy but just wants to have sex with her. But, Steve has a redemption arc! So, the final episode shows us that Nancy, despite all of the episodes of her bonding with Jonathan through an extremely traumatic situation, chooses Steve. And people will say that the trope is that Nancy would of course end up with the other, better guy (that being Jonathan) (though I will say I am very happy to see a show give a seemingly bad character a redemption arc and actually follow through with it realistically) but...well, she would do that because the show's plot and character development led to that conclusion. Why do the build up if you are going to have your characters go the opposite way? This also takes away from Nancy's story, as it now becomes about Steve's redemption over Nancy's independence and growth as a character.  
One show I really like is called Good Behavior on TNT. While not a perfect show, it constantly has our characters making bad decisions. Despite that, they are trying to be good people. The show acknowledges the human desire to return to what is easy instead of growing which is difficult, and captures the awkwardness of admitting one's problems and setting things right. In other words, it shows flawed characters who can admit to their flaws and at least be self aware enough to try and be better, even if they keep failing.
Stranger Things, however, falls into the trope that everything can be tied into a nice bow. In other words, it buys into a semi-sanitized reality. Now, I am aware of the scene with Will coughing up that nasty creature in the bathroom, but that scene is specifically building up to the next season. It exists purely to build up the hype. One could argue that Eleven's story isn't neatly tied up but actually is. We know she is alive and returning next season as evidence by the waffles Hopper takes to the woods. Will is an uncertainty. But I'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end, as is the nature of these types of shows. Again, this isn't an outright bad thing. Our current climate, however, doesn't leave tropes like this to be desired.
But continuing, the show firmly believes that all of our characters have come to a good place and that is such an '80s trope. I refuse to believe that the kids in the Breakfast Club suddenly became better people after one Saturday detention. I believe that something of that caliber could spark continued change. But '80s movies don't work like that. Stranger Things had a chance to improve upon this trope but it did not. Why? Because that is what '80s movies do and there is no room for the medium to grow because NOSTALGIA. These characters don't act as if they have been through a life altering event. The only person who does, as mentioned above, is Will. And while I do think that was partially deliberate, I don't think the writers consciously decided to challenge tropes. In fact, their decision was to continue the tropes to appease a certain demogorgon. I mean, demographic.
Finally, since we sort of got there already, let's talk about formulas. Many properties today that rely on audience nostalgia also rely on a certain formula to tell a story. In other words, they use tropes. Creators do this because if they change the formula and pull viewers out of their comfort zone, said viewers may not return and that means less money. Instead, they chose a safe and easy form of storytelling that will keep viewers but also dumb them down. Why? Because, nostalgia. And capitalism.
Several properties do this. They simply take the old story, give it a bit of touch ups, and rehash it before our very eyes without the intent to truly tell a good story.  
Take Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Now, I am not a Star Wars fan, nor have I seen any of the new movies and most of the old ones (though I have read the Shakespearian adaptations which you should totally read because they are AMAZING). I will say that I do plan to see the new movies soon (probably going to watch Episode VII tonight) and will see the newest one is theater's with my home girl Rachel (who has an awesome podcast with my other friend Zeek and you should totally check it out). But, even though I haven't seen the newest Star Wars numbered title, it is hard to avoid discussion on the topic. Most, if not all, reviews discussed the issue of this new film rehashing Episode IV. Episode VII merely replaces our main hero with a girl, gives us a new robot, and a villain from the same vain as Darth Vader. The new movie is literally the old movie in disguise. Now, to be fair, I have heard that the film was extremely well done. It is also important to note that Episode IV follows the classic trope of the hero's journey which is replicated by many fantasy and sci-fi stories. In other words, this could be argued to be a trope issue instead of a nostalgia issue. I'd say in this case, they go hand in hand. It can also be said that when Episodes I, II, and III came out, everyone loved them. Time is what changed that opinion and people grew to despise those movies. Who says the same won't happen to this current era of the franchise?
On to another title though. Jurassic World came out the same year as Star Wars, Episode VII. But unlike Star Wars, Jurassic World was all fluff and no substance. I saw the movie and had fun. That is it. Jurassic Park stories always rely on the same thing - people stupidly go to a place with dinosaurs and think they are safe, dinosaurs turn on them, someone who we don't care about dies, more bad stuff happens, there is a final showdown, everyone gets away, the end. The new film did nothing different from its original and followed every beat exactly. Jurassic fans ate it up and now another installment is being made. Nostalgia. It is a never ending circle.
With all of these reboots, it is no wonder we are seeing a second generation of Harry Potter material cropping up (Fantastic Beasts films and the Cursed Child play) that is written and released in such quick succession that many of the original details and lore from the 7 book series is now being contradicted or ignored completely. Buy hey, that is what happens when nostalgia blinds us. We eat it up but don't properly address our poor entertainment diet. We are sick and don't even realize it.
Then there is Girl Meets World and Raven's Home. These are both Disney channel spins off of classic ABC / Disney '90s sitcoms; Boy Meets World and That's So Raven. I give Raven's Home a plus for at least picking a semi-original title compared to Girl Meets World which doesn't try to hide the fact that it just did a gender swap. Seriously, where is the originality? Are we so bent on reliving our past that we undervalue original content and ideas? The answer is yes; nostalgia is a powerful drug.
Let's look at Girl Meets World first. The premise of the show is one similar to that of Fuller House. Our characters have grown up and now are playing the role of parent while their kids make mistakes. Isn't it great? (And in case you weren't aware, that question was me being sarcastic). NO, it is NOT great! Boy Meets World is a show I didn't watch growing up and so unlike most of my peers, I don't particularly like it that much. Sure the show has made me laugh and she I enjoy some of the characters, but for the most part I find the show to be family friendly mush. Girl Meets World takes this formula and multiplies it by 10! The amount of cringe I had to experience while watching this show is quite frankly unfair. Seriously, it was an awful mess. It wasn't as successful as the showrunners had hoped, only lasting for a few seasons. In some regard the show failed because it fails to be a legit modern day Disney channel show (which have their own problems outside of this argument!). On the other hand, it can also be said that nostalgia got the best of the show. It was so concerned with being like the original that it failed to be its own thing. Now, we know from experience that this does not always break a show. But this time it did, and I am glad. Seriously, we don't need another Boy Meets World. We had it once, we don't need it again. Girl Meets World is the equivalent of older people insisting young kids shouldn't learn with calculators. No. Calculators aren't bad. They are necessary for the complex math that is taught in high level education. Nostalgia is blinding. It is blaming the calculator for the poor math programs offered in schools. The problem isn't the calculator and the problem isn't new media. The problem is new media trying to replicate old media to a point. It is unoriginal and lazy.
Raven's Home does a bit better, but not by much. After watching the Pilot episode, I found the show to retain its familiar style of humor while also embracing new and diverse characters. That being said, the show catches its audience completely by keeping nostalgia alive. So even though Raven is an adult woman, she still acts like a teenager. She still makes the same mistakes that happened all the time in the original show. Can't someone tell this woman, "RAVEN! Your visions always come true based on your meddling. SO STOP MEDDLING!" But no, that won't happen because then we would have a different show from That's So Raven and different is bad.
Stranger Things, as already discussed in this essay, relies heavily on the coming of age, '80s formula. It is E.T. meets Stand by Me. Literally. So the kids ride bikes to escape the authorities. Check. Group of boys share an experience that changes them forever and assists their growing up. Check. Siblings have a shared experience that brings them closer together. Check. Secret government / corrupt adult stuff going on under the public's nose. Check. High school rebellion and drinking and sex. Check. Protagonist, funny kid, black kid. Check. I could go on but since this is long already, let's keep going.
Stranger Things is indeed an original property, but it borrows (or really takes from) other properties with zero regard for making anything truly original. If you don't believe me after this long essay, perhaps another original example will change your mind.
La La Land is a movie musical that came out last year to the general consensus that it was an incredible motion picture. Critics and audiences alike raved about the callbacks to old Hollywood musicals in how the film was shot, the musical numbers, and the choreography. However, when I saw the movie I left the theater disappointed. I found the movie to be boring and unoriginal, unsure of why it was considered a musical when most of the second half contained no singing and the movie only had two big chorus numbers. The movie certainly had callbacks but they felt empty, like they were just thrown in for the sake of, you guessed it, nostalgia. It is as if the movie wants to hark back to a better time in filmmaking yet the movie itself can't make a good film. After seeing the movie, I read and listened to several different reviews and found that many people actually didn't like the movie. It became a heavily debated subject. In fact, the movie's polarizing effect on people created a meme when the Oscars accidently awarded best picture to La La Land when in actuality it was Moonlight that won (and rightfully so).
All this points to a problem in our entertainment. Now, more than ever before, we are relying on nostalgia to entertain us. Although I will argue that nostalgia is ingrained in other instances that have existed for decades and long since works such as the Bible were introduced, it seems that today we have entered a Nostalgia Renaissance. So many properties in today's media are stemming off of something that was once popular. And sure I could make the argument that Hollywood and creators are running out of ideas but that argument is overdone. I mean, it comes from an honest place, don't get me wrong. But I think the problem is much deeper than lack of ideas.
Creators always have and always will borrow from other forms of entertainment and other stories. One can argue that there is no such thing as an original idea. However, you won't find me making that argument as I disagree that original ideas are nonexistent. I do believe people are constantly borrowing from other works, but I don't believe people can't make something new and interesting with that material. Nostalgia can be a good influence on entertainment. Take the new video game Cuphead for example.
Cuphead's entire game is designed based on the 1930's cartoons. From its art design to the music, the game is drenched in cartoon nostalgia. In fact, it was these factors that drew me to buy the game. But unlike most of the titles mentioned in this piece, Cuphead does something new and original with its nostalgia. While nostalgia is definitely a reaction one can have to this game, it is not the reason for the game's existence. Rather, it is a way of challenging the current video game market. Most games today have incredibly realistic graphics, focusing on violent gameplay and the incredible detail that goes into each strand of grass on the screen. Cuphead stands out from the crowd because of it's approach to game design. Instead of life-like graphics, we are given a cartoony character with a slightly dark premise of dealing with the devil. In essence, the game deals with dark topics as old cartoons dealt with dark topics - with humor and jazzy music. This style is not put in just for the sake of it. It is clear that the creators of this game made it to be fun and to be a good game. They did not make it to fit in with a current trend. They didn't put in characters from old cartoons to make people feel more content. They created new ideas from the old and gave us a game that celebrates the ‘30s. This distinguishes the game from the other titles discussed in this essay that use nostalgia, instead, as a crutch.
The original idea is not dead. Yes, original ideas may borrow from other ideas but they can remake them in new and interesting ways without being a retread. Netflix can also be an example of this. The platform has consistently been shelling out new and interesting content. It isn't always good, but it is at least trying to do something interesting. In fact, Stranger Things is still an original show that is sparking trends right this very minute. Now everyone wants to make content that harks back to the '80s.
I don't believe Stranger Things is a bad show. I love the show, and can't wait for the second season to premiere on Netflix. But it is important to address the issues that exist within the show to see the bigger problem that exists within the entertainment industry today. Sure Stranger Things is good, but what about the bad things we continue to look past and the entertainment that feature these negative tropes in a more heightened reality? It is important to hold entertainment accountable. As creators, we should learn from the mistakes made in shows and movies we love so that we can create something better. Just because something harks back to the familiar and something we miss, doesn't automatically make it good.
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Kids Drawing Revamp #1 - Easy Things to Draw
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Kids Drawing Revamp #1 - Easy Things to Draw
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Kids Drawing Revamp #1 – Easy Things to Draw
This is a revamp of my little cousins drawing. I do it in my own style to show you my decision making in action. This is my version. This video was uploaded from my old channel, but I dubbed over it. Check out other stuff on my channel.
  Hi guys, how are you doing, I’m Enrique and this is Easy Things to Draw, one thing that I said before and I’ll mention it again, is that I’m merging my two channels together, Sketch Monsters and Easy Things to Draw, I am taking a lot of the older videos from my channel Sketch Monsters and I’m going to put them here, although they are not exactly the same videos, I’m dubbing them again, because, the way that I spoke in those videos it wasn’t the best, especially with this one.
  I don’t remember the pencil that I use with this drawing, but it’s not very important, you can use a regular pencil, it’s going to be okay.
  What I’m going to do today is take a drawing of a child, which I think it was my cousin who drew it, and what I’m going to do with this is revamp it in my own style. if you like this idea, like the video that I posted on YouTube and let me know your opinion in the comments section or do something to indicate that you like this idea…
  since I’m thinking of doing a series with this idea, getting kids drawings and revamp them, but the only way I have to know is if you guys tell me.
The first thing I have to do to start the drawing is to divide the head into thirds, I  don’t really remember why I did that, this is a drawing that I made some years ago and the way to draw proportions for me has changed, I want this character to make it more like a vampire style, I mean in the child’s drawing he’s kind of a vampire, but I want to draw him with big bad ears and make it more notorious,  since vampires tend to have bigger ears, although I don’t want it to look just like Spock.
  I also want to do the section of the brown biggest and I want the character to look angrier, but it’s not making any furrow though, I’ve always been a fan of farrowing eyes, then continued with under the eyelid and add like some kind of bags under his eyes, I guess this character is like a vampire or something, now I’m going through the middle area of the eyes pushing up, it’s kind of pinching to that muscle from that area.
  Also, don’t forget to check another tutorial Kirby Drinks Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino – Speed Painting
  He’s got a pretty big brow, I like that and besides, it’s very similar to the one Piccolo has, in the picture it doesn’t really look that big, but I feel like that’s what the picture is indicating so I’ll do it in this way. And again I’m changing my proportions since I want this character to look like a real face, so I’m giving him proportions of real faces, but as I said before I also want to give him that vampire atmosphere. the atmosphere of vampires it can vary depending on the style that one gives to them, some characteristics of these beings are, they were human beings, but now they are in a state where they are not completely live or dead, they need fresh blood to live.
  Although this may vary because in other stories it is said that they took the souls of people, possess tusk, can infect other people and turn them into vampires, possess great strength and speed, may look like normal humans but also can look like monsters, this, as we can see here, depends on which style you like best, they cannot be reflected in mirrors, and many other things. There’s no definite style for vampires, but for me, I like the style of monster more than the human style.
  Then I go with the nose and it’s like a lower flat nose, I’m going to draw the nostril kind of open and also this is very up. The nostril is really flat to the face, for examples like Michael Jackson or something like that, I’m not drawing the nose completely, I’m just doing the nostrils lines and I want to connect them using the half shade or halftone technique, no matter the name since it’s the same, it’s just up to you how you like to call it…
    Now let’s check out the mouth and it’s making an angry face, there will be furrowing though, kind of like a laugh line, so I’m going to just put that in, and also, I’m gonna make the mouth asymmetrical, the reason why I want to do it in this way, is because I do not like that a drawing looks identical on both sides, I like to have some variety on the sides of the drawing, I like that both halves are different, even a little bit.
  I could match it as much as I can with the picture but I don’t want to do that, so on one side of the mouth, I’m going to angling it off, you know, like “Rawr” and on the other side, it will be a little more relaxed.
  I also want the gums to show up on the side that’s less relaxed, the teeth will be totally line along to the top, the ones that are in the most relaxed part of the mouth obviously you won’t see the gum, and not all the teeth have the same length, since this is a vampire one of its main characteristics of them are the tusk, I’m new in the vampire design thing, but a design of them that I really like, and I know everybody hated, it’s Van Helsing’s vampire design and I also like his werewolf design…
  I think they’re really cool, the Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman, which most people don’t like, And I don’t blame them, it’s not really a very good movie but I like the design in it.
Then I mark the laughing line a little bit more, you can look at your own face if you need references, I don’t say that as an insult, I mean you can see how your face moves in the mirror, this is something you can see in animators, they usually have a mirror near them, so they can just look at the mirror at some point, and it makes it easier for them to add realistic movements to the faces of their characters, even when it’s the design of a cartoon you want that kind of realism in the way they express themselves.
  Now I go back to the lower part of the lips, and also I mark the part of the jaw, I do the same thing I did before with my mouth, I’m angled it off a part of the jaw by pushing it down, and on the other side, I make more relaxed, I also fill the inside of the mouth and making this pushes the mouth back, then I finish connecting the head. I put this furrowing on the forehead so that way I continue pushing down the eyebrows and doing that gives my character an angry face effect.
  Right now it looks strange without the ears, so I’ll put them on, I just wanted to finish the face before doing that, and this is something I’ve talked about in the past, I want to have that confidence in the drawing where I can continue and not feel weird about it, the general rule should be, that you slowly should bring up the drawing together, so for example, let’s say you have to deliver it at some point to a client, and they will know what’s going on with the drawing, because they will have a general idea, I wasn’t doing that with this one.
  Then I go to the ear and I add the lobe, the good part of this face, is that it’s pre-generic and you can take many different directions. One thing that I didn’t put, is a piercing in his ears, because in the image you can see clearly that the character has them, then we move to the inside of the ear to give them more detail, one thing I really like to do is clean the edges, for this, I use shading and this makes the drawing look a lot better…
  Now I have to draw the ear on the other side and I have to make them look similar, I mean, I still want to make them a little different and also doing this releases the pressure of having to match everything, I just say, well, it’s going to be asymmetrical, but in a way that the audience will know it’s  going to be asymmetrical, I still have to measure these things anyway.
I go on with the ears and I’m trying to hit all the key shapes that make my character look symmetrical in that way without being a total slave to it, you know, then I’m hitting these cheek marks and continue with what follows. I continue putting a little bit shading to kind of ground and it’s looking pretty good so far, you could almost call this done, right now I’m just fiddling stuff trying to slightly even things out. To me, his right eye looks a bit like a smudge, as you get better you’ll always notice your own mistakes. One of the mistakes that I can notice is in the neck because now it doesn’t seem too strong to carry those ears.
  The next thing I do is connect the nose with the mouth in the nasal area, putting what I think is called the philtrum. I go back and add a little more value around the eyes, you know with a little more shade, since I want the character to look a little more ominous, kind of giving it some dramatic effect,
  now I’m just adding small details, you know, you’ll always going to wonder what’s missing, I also add Adam’s apple and we’re pretty close to the end, darken the mouth a little bit more, and add some key dark points in the eyes to kind of anchor the whole thing and that’s it…
  One thing I want to say before I finish is that I have a page in Patreon and one of the things that I do there is correct your drawings, well not correct them, what I do is add another layer in Photoshop and I tell you in what you should work a little bit more directly in the drawing, I assess you personally as an artist and I give you some exercises that will help you improve, guys if you want to do that, go to my Patreon which is “easy Things to draw” and if you don’t, you can just go and say hi, I would also appreciate it if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel and give the notification bell, that way you can learn different aspects of art and become good at them…
  And well, that’s all, thank you guys, I really appreciate your support throughout this time and I will continue to do these tutorials about how to draw easy things  Where I’ll teach you how to draw step by step. The things I like to teach in my channel are anatomy, superheroes, monsters, robot or things related to mechanics, about how to learn new techniques, and more things.
  I am also interested in teaching how to make drawings for beginners, but if you already have more experience, you are completely welcome to stay, it is always good to go over some themes.  Although not all I do is teach how to draw, but I also like to talk about experiences that happen to most artist, If you have any doubts you can always comment or let me know in another way, and I will see how I can help you, also as I said before, tell me what you thought of this idea, goodbye and see you later.
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Also, don’t forget to check another tutorial Kirby Drinks Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino – Speed Painting
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Hey all, back at it again with the random posts, aha. I have been working on something that will formally address the month long art / comic hiatus I’ve been on, but that’s taking a bit longer than I expected. So as a break (I guess?) I took it upon myself to update what I call my Original Stories Timeline, i.e. a chronological list of all of my story ideas (as of October 2019 anyway). I have not posted this list anywhere, but I like to update it on my laptop every now and again.
There is a bit of ambiguity with some of the years that these were made, as sometimes there’s a difference between coming up with the title or lead character for a story versus actually making it a “thing” with an idea or scenes attached. As an example, Moth to the Flame technically began when I first drew Kiida in April of 2015, but aside from a snippet of reasoning for why she was an archer, the story as it is now did not start to take form until I drew Zander in December of 2017. Other times I flat out can’t remember when some of these stories were made, and digital files don’t always have the correct dates. 
For this post (and for curiosity’s sake), I wanted to add up and categorize them to see just how many stories I have in this brain of mine. It was actually quite a fascinating exercise, so I thought I’d share! I might as well list the titles for each category too, even if some of these are only titles at this point. I’ve renamed a few over the years and others are still working titles, but if any pique your interest at all, feel free to send me an ask about them! I love chatting about this stuff. :)
This got quite long once again so I’ll put it under the cut. Enjoy!
Stories that are old and/or need revamping: 6
Titles in this category:  Pasha & Marley (2003), Sonora (2004), Billy and the Rainbow Fish (2005), Spirit Fire (2006), The Darkest Light (2013), Polarity (2013).
These are stories that I’ve either had since I was a kid and would need overhauls to make them usable, or are simply dormant stories that I haven’t touched in a while and may need similar upgrades. This doesn’t mean that I will revamp all of them, but either way they serve as an interesting look at my progression as a story writer and character designer. My oldest story dates back to around 2003, and to put that into perspective, I was 8 years old that year.
Stories that are just titles / a smattering of ideas right now: 10
Titles in this category:  Fletcher (2016), The Dragons of Kitevale (2016), King Ace (2017), Ochako & Mai (2018), Psychanimate (2018), Mage Lights (2019), Trickster’s Gambit (2019), Switching Gears (2019), The Owlands (2019), Goodnight, Starlie (2019).
I always have too many of these for my own good, but this happens a lot if I have stray character designs that I think could maybe go together, and then before I know it the gears start turning in my head to add something more. I’m also really good at coming up with titles and logos to make me love the idea even more, even if there’s not much else to it. I guess you can blame my affinity for wordplay and clever puns for that, haha. Coming up with titles is really fun, but at this point I don’t know what kinds of stories these will be if I choose to develop them, so I gave them a separate category. Making this timeline reminded me of how many logos I still need to make!
Short films / animatics that I could also make into short comics: 7
Titles in this category:  The Aurora’s Child (2016), Blue (2016), Harpy (2017), Hearth & Lantern (2017), Leif & Shel (2018), The Healer (2019), In Your Orbit (2019).
My background in animation has afforded me the skills of writing for animation, specifically short films. I have always loved short films that communicate their story through little or no dialogue, and using the character’s actions and emotions to do the talking instead. Unfortunately my dreams of making a short film during school did not come to fruition, but that doesn’t mean the ideas have to go away, regardless of what form they take. I’ve made too many at this point to stop now anyway! I will likely do both a comic and an animatic for each one I decide to flesh out, as I want to practice both kinds of storytelling and they each have their advantages. Plus I could potentially make a comic anthology of these shorter stories in the future. Much like the animatics, the comics would likely be “silent”, in that they communicate more with action than dialogue.
Things I call “illustration worlds”: 2
Titles in this category:  Fruit Bats (2017), Lucky Stars (2019)
This one is a bit strange to explain, honestly. I picture these as more of a series of character interactions rather than a cohesive narrative, i.e. snippets of ideas carried out in a bunch of individual scenes, portrayed via illustrations. I am reminded a lot of the character interactions that exist in concept art for games and movies (the ones from Spyro: Reignited Trilogy come to mind). These illustrations would feature characters that could be in any sort of environment or setting, and we learn more about their personalities through each one, whether it’s a simple domestic scene or a fantasy world. There may not be anything much deeper than that, but there doesn’t have to be. A great deal of energy and expression can still be shown with these, and I love illustrations that have their own little stories contained within them. I could even compile them as a series of themed illustrations, hence why I still gave them titles (and once again, titles are fun).
Novels / story ideas I don’t plan on making into comics: 2
Titles in this category:  Shining Trigger (2014), A Mightier Pen (2017)
I’ve always loved writing long-form prose ever since I was a kid, and based on how many words these posts end up having, I can’t say much has changed! As such, I’ve always wanted to write a novel someday, but it does require a different skill set than script writing. With my background in animation and my new love of comics added in, I’ve done a bit of both. I might do novelizations of some of my comics later on, but these stories are, for the most part, better suited as written prose in my mind. They focus more on the characters and dialogue, rather than an imagined visual design. Not to say that novelists can’t paint detailed pictures of a character or world’s attributes, but it is communicated differently via words than pictures, especially when you consider the mind’s eye of a novel reader. That “design” has to be malleable enough for the mind’s eye to interpret, but clear enough so the reader knows what it is. I’d have to make sure that any reader could picture what I’m describing with my writing alone, and that’s a difficult balance to strike for a primarily visual storyteller such as myself, but a challenge worth taking nonetheless.
Large comic stories that have big worlds, a lot of characters, etc.: 3
Titles in this category:  Starglass Zodiac (2015), Id Pariah (2015), Feather Knights (2017).
I call these “The Big Three”, as they are the stories that will take the most world building, character creation, and story development to complete. They will have multiple chapters, expansive lore, several character arcs, you name it. I am very excited to tackle all of this development of course, but I want to make sure these are given the time they need to come to fruition. These projects will take me years to complete, which is why I choose to balance them with smaller projects in between. The potential these stories have is not something I want to squander, so even if the production moves slower, I feel it’ll be worth it in the end.
Smaller comic stories with fewer characters, simpler concepts, etc.: 5
Titles in this category:  Moth to the Flame (2015), The Onomancer (2015), Demon Exchange (2018), Take Wing! Emilia’s Tale (2018), Ashes (2018).
This is worded kind of strangely, but this category is meant for stories that have a smaller “scope” than the larger comic stories I mentioned. That doesn’t mean I love them any less or that they’ll be less developed, but they are far simpler in concept and rely less on the development of a massive world and lore and more on individual character experiences. I feel like any creator needs these smaller projects to tackle every so often, especially when tackling the behemoths gets tough. These stories will also have a faster turnover when it comes to completion, and I hope to complete one of these stories in the near future. These will also help me practice writing good foundations for stories, like proper character motivation, pacing, and relationship development that would translate into investment for the reader. There’s a great degree of skill required to do this correctly for any kind of story, but starting smaller in this regard is usually better.
Smaller stories that are supplements or spin-offs of other stories: 3
Titles in this category:  Counting Hearts (2019), The Serpent and the Sun (2019), Riders of Eldrigar (2019).
I know it probably seems a bit early to be thinking about stuff like this, but I do like thinking about the extended stories or supplements that I could add to my pre-existing projects, especially with characters or ideas that would best be told separate from the main story, be they backstories or another perspective on something. I also like the idea of stories that could exist in the same worlds, but can function independently of them as well. It’s a lot of fun to see how these could connect with each other, like having your own equivalent to a cinematic universe. This category currently only has smaller supplements to my comic stuff rather than fully fledged sequels, but who knows what might happen later on? I need to make the beginnings of these stories first!
And with that, the grand total is: 38!
-me after reading this total and spending way too much time on this post-
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In all seriousness though, while it is a bit daunting to see just how many things my brain keeps tossing at me and how much that number has increased in recent years, it does make me excited for the future, even if I panic about time a lot. It tells me that I always have stories to tell, and new ones could be right around the corner. I’ll always have something to work on at least! I might periodically update this post as I edit the timeline as well, but for now, thanks for coming along on this little journey with me! :D I hope it was at least entertaining, haha.
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bloodsbane · 8 years
TALK ABOUT THE NEW BEAUTY AND THE BEAST MOVIE (heard you wanted someone to yell at u so hear ya go :) )
and a dif anon: Hey I heard you saw the beauty and the beast remake! I'm kinda on the fence about seeing it... what's your take on it?
OKAY YEAH thanks for reminding me! cause I do still wanna talk about it a bit
i wanna preface this by saying I’m someone who grew up on disney, but I’ve never particularly cared for Beauty and the Beast. Like, it just wasn’t ever one of my favorite of the movies, and even though I certainly appreciate the songs a lot more now that I’m older, I didn’t watch it a lot when I was a kid so I feel like anything I feel for the new one isn’t heavily influenced by a feeling of nostalgia. 
Overall, I think the new Beauty and the Best is... okay. But very messy. 
It was honestly kind of frustrating, because there are a lot of things that just kind of fall flat (not least of all Emma Watson’s performance). It was weird because they kept so many things similar, but also made some significant changes here and there... I know adaptations are very hard, especially when you wanna put a spin on something without revamping it completely, but with BatB it just made it feel really disjointed for me. 
One thing that frustrated me was that they could have done away with a couple of the aspects we already had (or maybe just tweek/streamline them) so they could focus on some of the new or ‘expanded’ aspects they put new emphasis on. Like, for example, Belle and Beast and their backstories concerning their moms, and their relationships with their dads. They tip toed into giving the both of them more depth, but never went all the way with it! After they talk about the Beast’s parents in the one scene, it’s never brought up again. I would have loved it if maybe one of the things they bond over and talk about is how their relationships with their fathers are so different. 
Like I said before, I think Watson’s performance as Belle was... serviceable at best. She really didn’t emote all that much, or maybe it’s more accurate to say I wish she had more expressions during subtle moments. She just didn’t convey a lot of personality... like, at all. She’s probably my least favorite character in this iteration of the story. Also, her singing was.... Well. 
I really liked Gaston and LeFou, their dynamic was funny and it actually seemed like they were friends more than just the Antagonist and his Toady. I think LeFou was surprisingly well-written, with his subtle moments of cleverness and mockery - he followed Gaston but it was obvious he saw though the guy’s bullshit, too. 
My FAVORITE part of the movie was the servants. I actually thought their designs were pretty neat (though Mrs. Potts and Chip looked a little creepy... their faces/eyes were just... hmm). They were very VERY well animated, I loved seeing Lumiere move and jump around, and the Be Our Guest sequence was gorgeous. I like how there was a lot more emphasis on the consequences of the curse? And a stronger, more caring relationship between the servents and the Beast, both before and after the curse (though, again, that’s definitely something I wish they could have gone into more!)
They were my favorite part of the movie I think, I loved all of them. They were very sympathetic, especially in like, the entire last bit of the movie. 
So yeah, I guess overall I’ll just say I thought it was an interesting experience and I’m glad I saw it, and I liked parts of it a lot, but it was definitely pretty messy and had a lot wrong with it. I can see why anyone would love OR hate it, or just be kinda amicably neutral like me. 
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