thewasteland · 3 years
System goals?
My friend recently asked me what my goals were for my system in getting therapy, as we recently started with a new therapist. It wasn’t something I’d thought specifically about, but as I started talking I realized I knew, but I think other members have different ideas of goals. 
There are a few parts I wish would integrate (I mean like fuse) or other parts I’d like to age up or bring more towards the “present day.” I’d also like to try and improve my memory loss for the past/integrate my memories/emotions about those memories a bit. And I specifically want to get closer to Asmodeus and understand her. Right now it feels like we’re two repelling magnets. 
If you feel like talking about it, what are your goals for recovery as a system? What does recovery look like to you? 
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the-anxious-aspie · 4 years
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everythingtried · 4 years
don‘t ever fucking tell someone with a mental disorder that their feelings are invalid because you have no idea how many times a day they blame themselves for their mental illness and already feel incredibly guilty
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driedclementine · 5 years
I feel that way too. But you know, feel the fear and do it anyway.
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timikaschambers · 3 years
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#domesticviolence #abuse #childabuse #healing #revocery #purpose #womenshealthmatters #womenshealthmonth #motherssupportingmothers #parent #childrenandparenting #healing #hope #life #yourvoicematters https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCbniJD-Ea/?utm_medium=tumblr
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“You can stop but you don’t want to, you want to stop but you can’t”
Movie “candy”
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hearteyesv · 7 years
Wanna kill yourself? Imagine this. You come home from school one day. You’ve had yet another horrible day. You’re just ready to give up. So you go to your room, close the door, and take out that suicide note you’ve written and rewritten over and over and over You take out those razor blades, and cut for the very last time. You grab that bottle of pills and take them all. Laying down, holding the letter to your chest, you close your eyes for the very last time. A few hours later, your little brother knocks on your door to come tell you dinners ready. You don’t answer, so he walks in. All he sees is you laying on your bed, so he thinks you’re asleep. He tells your mom this. Your mom goes to your room to wake you up. She notices something is odd. She grabs the paper in your hand and reads it. Sobbing, she tries to wake you up. She’s screaming your name. Your brother, so confused, runs to go tell Dad that “Mommy is crying nd brother won’t wake up.” Your dad runs to your room. He looks at your mom, crying, holding the letter to her chest, sitting next to your lifeless body. It hits him, what’s going on, and he screams. He screams and throws something at the wall. And then, falling to his knees, he starts to cry. Your mom crawls over to him, and they sit there, holding each other, crying. Your mom crawls over to him, and they sit there, holding each other, crying. The next day at college , there’s an announcement. The principal tells everyone about your suicide. It takes a few seconds for it to sink in, and once it does, everyone goes silent. Everyone blames themselves. Your teachers think they were too hard on you. Those mean popular girls, they think of all the things they’ve said to you. That boy that used to tease you and call you names, he can’t help but hate himself for never telling you how good you really are. Your ex girlfriend, the one that you told everything to, that broke up with you.. shee can’t handle it. shee breaks down and starts crying, and blames herself . Your friends? They’re sobbing too, wondering how they could never see that anything was wrong, wishing they could have helped you before it was too late. And your best friend? He’s in shock. He can’t believe it. He knew what you were going through, but he never thought it would get that bad… Bad enough for you to end it. He can’t cry, He can’t feel anything. He stands up, walks out of the classroom, and just sinks to the floor. Shaking, screaming, but no tears coming out. It’s a few days later, at your funeral. The whole town came. Everyone knew you, that boy with the bright smile and bubbly personality. The one that was always there for them, the shoulder to cry on. Lots of people talk about all the good memories they had with you, there were a lot. Everyone’s crying, your little brother still doesn’t know you killed yourself, he’s too young. Your parents just said you died. It hurts him, a lot. You were his big brother , you were supposed to always be there for him. Your best friend, he stays strong through the entire service, but as soon as they start lowering your casket into the ground,he just loses it. He cries and cries and doesn’t stop for days. It’s two years later. Your teachers all quit their job. Those mean girls have eating disorders now. That boy that used to tease you cuts himself. Your ex girlfriend doesn’t know how to love anymore and just sleeps around with boys . Your friends all go into depression. Your best friend? He tried to kill herself. He didn’t succeed like you did, but He tried…your brother? He finally found out the truth about your death. He self harms, he cries at night, he does exactly what you did for years leading up to your suicide. Your parents? Their marriage fell apart. Your dad became a workaholic to distract himself from your death. Your mom got diagnosed with depression and just lays in bed all day. People care. You may not think so, but they do. Your choices don’t just affect you. They affect everyone. Don’t end your life, you have so much to live for. Things can’t get better if you give up. I’m here for absolutely anyone that needs to talk, no matter who you are. Even if we’ve NEVER talked before, I’m here for you. Copy and paste this as your status to show people there are people out there that care.let's see who actually read all of it.
sp gaming on yt, in comments under a video, cr to him/her
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ikelsie · 7 years
Hot tip
Dont start tapering your methadone dose while also starting your period :)
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forevergreentree · 7 years
everything i do and say is wrong but you wont tell me what i need to do to fix this. I am so lost in my thoughts... I wish i could just show you everything that goes on in my head then maybe you would understand the dire situation we are living in. If i’m not right, and you’re not right, then what do we do. Where do we go from here. I can’t go on without you and you just push me away at the slightest sight of altercation. I can’t be the only one trying to be strong here.
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bergametforlife · 5 years
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Buy 3 bottles of BergaMet ULTIMATE SPORT and get a FREE GIFT PACK - LIMITED TIME ONLY www.bergametna.com
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komova2020 · 6 years
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Iordache update 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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sugary-alien-blog · 7 years
depression is that weight in your heart that you feel, so heavy that it bends you over. So heavy that it hurts your heart to try and lift it's own weight, and so heavy that when you walk, you drag it out behind you, never being able to pick it up because the weight is so much, what would even be the point? it doesn't matter anyway
anxiety is that sudden panic that wakes you in the middle of the night, telling you that you forgot something, and everything around you is going to fall apart. It's that burning in your chest when you stand up to walk across the room, feeling all their judging eyes on you for doing nothing. But that's just it, isn't it? You did nothing, so you must be lazy now, or worthless, or annoying. I'm sorry, I'll sit down now
mania is the feeling of flying on your toes, not even knowing that you're teetering dangerously on the edge of your demise, because you're feeling too high to give a fuck. It's the feeling of knowing you're better than anything else in the world, because you're psychic, you can read people's minds and see shadows that aren't there. But they're not shadows, they're ghosts out to get you. Faces that you see that shouldn't be there. This was worse than I thought. I'm scared.
PTSD is the feeling of a memory coming back to haunt you. The feeling of a going into a certain place, and breaking down into a disgusting mess because you can't bear it. To have someone speak to you in a certain tone, and feel your body tense in fear or anger. You hate that person, you hate them so much, you hate that place, that time, that song, that fucking VOICE. DON'T TOUCH ME, DON'T TALK TO ME, DON'T LOOK AT ME, I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU- What do you mean? Are we not from long ago? I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...
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fastinggirlblog · 3 years
Im back!!!
im on here from another failed revocery lol
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afrowitchhh · 4 years
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Attributes: Sadness, Revocery, Travel
Reflect on past traumas and begin your process of healing. Your consciousness is coming into a new frame of thought as you begin this new journey and it’s time for the past to be released.
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hearteyesv · 7 years
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favoritefashionhaul · 3 years
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One of my favorite skincare brands is running a sale on some of their best selling items/gift sets! So I had to share because these RARELY go on sale! If you ask anyone their favorite Kiehl’s product, chances are they will have an answer haha. I have two go to’s that I have been using for years, but wanted to share some of my fams favorites too! My makeup artist Marissa, got me hooked on the Ultra Cream, she always puts in on my face before she starts my makeup and the Midnight Revocery Oil is sooo good!
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