#rex can't write
phoneycam · 1 month
brainrot 6
Soulmate can both speak and/or write in a language/dialect/code that no one else can understand.
This with codywan is that they can comunicate with their eyes, like, whole ass conversations just by keeping constant eye contact. Which just translate to always eye fucking in front of everyone.
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abrielarnold · 9 months
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The room starts to spin and he’s glad he’s lying down. He shuts his eyes and turns his external imaging devices and motion sensors inward, cocooning himself in the darkness and warm hum of his machines.
The only part of himself that he allows himself to interface with is the blades in his shoulder copters turning slowly in time with the slight draft in the room. He drapes his mind around them, giving the spinning, dizzy feeling a place to exist that isn’t his stomach. His louvres flutter like gills, directing his exhaust-filled breaths away from his fuel lines and processors.
You Can't Save Everyone, But You Can Try by JustAnotherGuest.
watched generator rex for the body horror, stayed for the giant robots, decided that there could have been MORE body horror and giant robots, and here we are.
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ninjigma · 10 months
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RexWalker Week 2023 - Day 7: Rain / A Crying Kiss Illustrated for the fic "Nightmare for Others, Dream for the Self" by @battlekilt
Was unfortunately extremely busy the last few weeks and didn't think I would be able to manage anything for RexWalker Week; but I just had to illustrate something for my friend's fic because their writing for the week is bloody brilliant, and the Batakin AU is so very special.
So here it is, kind of encompassing a few prompts, but dominantly the Rain and Kiss, because these two deserve it and the writing is worth the world.
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sa1808fi · 3 months
Rex in his timeline fic :)
He was sitting on the edge of a cliff, a large field behind him. The cool night breeze ruffling through his hair as he stared into the inky darkness below his feet.
His brain was...really fucking hazy right now. He didn't fully remember what he was doing here, just that he wandered off, needing to get out of the sickeningly bright and cheerful environment the residents of Syspocalypstar surrounded themselves with.
The fireworks were so loud, too loud
He picked up one of the lone rocks lying on the ground near him, tossing it into the icy depths of outer space, watching as it got swallowed up by the unforgiving darkness. Just a meaningless speck in the grand scheme of things. Easily forgotten... just like he was.
He didn't get why Lucy and the others were making such an effort now to comfort him. Ever since they had such a 'happy' reunion, they've all been somewhere around him. Sure Emmet might've appreciated it but he didn't, all of the attention was suffocating, and he usually liked attention so that was saying something.
It just... didn't make sense. They all forgot about him so easily, moving on like he never existed, like he was meaningless to them. They left him to suffer in the depths of space for years as his mentality slowly crumbled, unforgiving rage taking root in his once sunny demeanor.
He spent so long believing they never cared about him, so long that he didn't know what to think anymore.
The sound of fireworks exploding in the distance overtook his hearing again. The loud booming only serving to make his breath quicken with anxiety.
He was crashing, burning, it hurt-
Lucy... came back for him in the other timeline. Rex still didn't know what to think about that, and it's already been months since that happened.
Something just tightened in his chest whenever he thought about how Emmet never had to go through Undar. That Lucy loved him enough to do whatever it took to find him again. His... gave up on him so quickly.
She and his past self had such a lovey-dovey happy reunion, they were so... happy to see each other. Her speech before Emmet destroyed the cake only adding to his inner turmoil.
Was it just... him? Was he the problem?
Lucy said she never wanted Emmet to change, but that's what happened to Rex. The isolation broke him beyond repair, he could never be the man that Lucy loves-loved-he didn't know.
Looking back down, all he could see was the darkness threatening to swallow him alive. The rock he threw was gone, swallowed by the shadowy abyss, left to be forgotten, just like he was.
Another loud boom erupted in the air as another firework was set off, but all he could hear was the sound of his ship crashing, blowing up into a burst of flames, burning his side as he was launched into Undar. Forgotten by the world around him, rotting in the dusty, lonely wasteland.
It was getting hard to breathe, it was like he was back there, trapped, suffocating while his lungs filled up with dust.
Everything hurt.
None of them were coming to save him.
He was trapped inside an unforgiving cycle of suffering
"-ex, REX!"
He suddenly felt two hands make contact with his shoulders, the touch so sudden it had him leaping away from it like it was burning him. Maybe it was, all he could feel on his entire left side was a searing pain.
His whole body was shaking with his panicked breaths, eyes darting everywhere. Another boom echoed through the air, eyes snapping to watch the firey red and orange explosion erupting midair, just like-
"Hey, no, look at me okay?" A soft voice broke through the thoughts racing through his head. His toxic green eyes locked with Lucy's blue and pink ones. He didn't feel her grabbing hold of his gloved hands.
"Good, alright, take a deep breath, okay?" He could only manage a shaky nod at her question. Everything was still so blurry, reality slipping away like sand.
He distantly heard her counting, trying to encourage him to breathe every 5 seconds or so.
".....in.....hold.....and out....." Rinse and repeat. He didn't know how long they were sitting there in the grassy field as she slowly coaxed him out of that panic attack, the fireworks long gone.
"You okay?" She asked once his breathing evened out, tone drenched in worry he didn't deserve it. He tilted his head in thought. God, she was so beautiful, he never deserved her. Not then, not now.
"...What? You want the truth, or would you prefer me to lie about feeling great to make you feel better?" He answered, voice still hoarse from the frantic puffs of air escaping him beforehand. Maybe he was being a bit harsh, but panic attacks always sucked the life out of him.
She just gave him a sad look, letting go of his hands while he turned away from her, tucking his knees up against his chest and resting his chin on his forearms.
"...Do you..." She began, before thinking over what she was about to say. He just watched her from the corner of his vision, focusing his gaze on the night sky, finally seeing the stars instead of just darkness.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She decided to say.
He let out a sound that was a mix between a laugh and a scoff, dragging one of his hands down his face.
"Talk about what? The weather? The way you all keep dragging me to those mind-numbingly bright celebrations? The ones that have fireworks that remind me of-" He caught himself before he could say more, immediately looking away from her, though he could still feel her gaze burning into him.
"Remind you of what? Rex, what do fireworks remind you of?" She asked. Her tone was so soft and understanding. It made him want to punch something.
But he still hesitated, did he really want to trust her? "I...it's just too... loud. Reminds me of... crashing." He muttered at the end, subconsciously rubbing at his burn scar. He didn't see the way Lucy tensed up at the mention of his crash into Undar, the guilty look that overtook her face.
They both sat in silence, neither willing to break the tense atmosphere that came from his words.
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nathantheauthor · 5 months
Welcome wayfaring strangers! You might be wondering what exactly have you stumbled across, or what exactly is this whole thing is!
What's a Freedom Frontier? What's your gimmick?!
Well, this should explain all of that, the Freedom Frontier is the title of my multiverse, to which countless Earths reside within and it is made up of a sandbox of several fandoms. From Creepypasta to Doctor Who, Superheroes to Fate. I've Frankensteined together over 30 fandoms and COUNTLESS OC concepts!
Just stick around, because I'm going to be talking about my Creepypasta rewrites, original OC concepts, and even start some role play and ask blogs! We're gonna be overloading with creative chaos.
Everything in the tags is GUARANTEED to show up in my ramblings or writing at some point. I know all these choices are INSANE
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alicepao13 · 6 months
The disrespect this show gets on a daily basis, from the production to the network(s) to even the pirates who prefer to rip shows like *checks notes* Big Brother Canada (same group)...
I wouldn't be calling them out if I hadn't done this myself, by the way. People who have never ripped a damn thing can stay in their lane. I have earned my stripes, I'm not someone who wants to talk shit about those who do this, and I understand the process involved. The webrips are a different story, as they are uploaded by Amazon whenever. The HDTV rips should be uploaded on time, shortly after the network airs the show, and it's the same process as it always has been to rip them. Uploading HDTV rips after the webrips has no value whatsoever, unless someone cares that much about the promo, which of course CityTV doesn't care enough to upload themselves, proving once again what a shitty network they are.
Hudson and Rex has an international fanbase, it shouldn't be so difficult to be able to watch it as an international fan in 2024.
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b1adez · 7 months
Another zhongli X reader idea
What if dragon/god or immortal of any type tbh was originally with Rex lapis now that he’s “dead” she has to pretend so like
Reader is friends with Hu Tao and she tries to set zhongli and reader up?
Might be cute idk
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Spicy content under the cut
@littlemissmanga so, in response to this (wanted to post separately so I don't annoy anyone with my NSFT BS lol) I just want to say....Listen....I never need a reason to start another WIP since self control is a total stranger to me. But this is also totally your fault, Beth XD
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You also can't make sweet compliments at me like that and expect me NOT to start writing, you're too sweet 😭
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elismor · 11 months
Recent Fic Omnibus
I'm so close to 100 drabbles...I can taste it!
Starting Line 3rd 52 Pickup Prompt, written for @cacodaemonia. The one where Flood and Waxer meet.
Great Expectations bite sized spice for @catbuir The one where Rex and Gregor have some fun (drabble)
Out of the Blue A kiss prompt collaboration with @cacodaemonia The one where Waxer and Boil kiss in public (triple drabble)
Vode An 4th 52 Pickup Prompt, written for @seascribbling The one with Fives, Hardcase, and a tubie (3 drabbles)
A Complex Finish A kiss prompt drabble for @catbuir. The one where Cody kisses Wooley.
Home Remedy And another kiss prompt drabble for @cacodaemonia. The one where Numa makes it better.
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anyoldfandom · 5 months
Sits and giggles and opens my computer ready to write my Pack Leader Rex AU fic and then stares blankly at the screen
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itsjustdg · 10 months
Hudson & Rex S06E07 Promo
Or: Charlie whump is coming and I can't wait!
Still waiting for that January release date, CityTV... 👀
(Also, if any of you make GIFs, please do.)
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rexcaliburechoes · 2 years
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lamaenthel · 5 months
torn between glee at finally getting an action episode and exasperation, because besides what I'm calling the asked-and-answered trope (aka the trope where the writers want something to happen even if it causes a giant plot hole and they "resolve" the conflict by having one character ask the other why X happened and they answer it with a single sentence and never revisit it ["why did i never see you on kamino?" "I was needed elsewhere" {what the fuck}]) my second least favorite trope is "well, that's not exactly true" followed by a character admitting they kept information vital to the plot secret for flimsy ass reasons. Because ykw, even if Cross was deadset about never going back to Tantiss to help the clones still being mercilessly tortured and experimented on by Dr Demagol Space Mengele (and I thought we resolved the reg prejudice during the Mayday arc?? but what do I know I guess) there's no reason to not pass that information onto Rex and Echo??? Bro you want to retire with your baby daughtersis in Space Hawaii then do it, you don't need to hold this information close to your chest. Literally just don't tell Omega if you're worried about her involving herself. She's like 14 it's fine you can lie to teenagers
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ninjigma · 1 year
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RexObi Week Part 4/7 - First / Previous / Next
Day 4: Midnight Picnic Track: 'Constellations' - The Oh Hellos (Spotify / YouTube)
"And which part of the holonet said this was a good idea?"
Obi-Wan nearly tripped over nothing at the question. It wasn't actually for how sudden it was, though it had definitely seemed out of nowhere as they reached their spot, but more for being called out on the real truth. That the cooling bag and large blankets they were carrying to a spot near some of the resort lakes in the middle of the night was yet another thing he had turned to the holonet for guidance on. Sure, they had plenty of small moments just wandering around and there had been a few times staying in that had been much preferred to anything else, but Obi-Wan was really trying to make the trip something special. And knowing that Rex had experienced so little like this, that Obi-Wan's questions were often met with the reminder that Rex really didn't know if he would like something purely because he had never tried it, and that Obi-Wan's actual capabilities with dating were... slim at best, he had done perhaps a tad too much research.
"I- This-" the oh so great negotiator began fumbling almost immediately, despite the attempts to seem unwavering as he laid out a blanket and pointedly avoided Rex's face. "It was um, just an idea to be out and it is a beautiful night cycle here and I..."
Obi-Wan didn't know why he was still fighting it at this point. When had he ever been able to convince Rex of something, especially when the clone had already had the answer before ever asking him the question. It was basically just formality, he realized, another small tease perhaps as he rolled down to sit cross legged with the bag now in his lap.
"I found it on the holonet."
He realized now, as he refused to look up when Rex approached him, that he was ashamed. Embarrassed that he hadn't come up with any original good idea. He had wracked at everything he knew about Rex, had nonchalantly bounced ideas and thoughts off of Cody, had even gone to Anakin a few times for Force sake, and yet had felt inadequate every time. He was trying to fit a little bit of everything he thought Rex might like into this, to make the whole trip memorable, especially considering what he had planned for the end of it. But if it flopped, if he fell short as he often felt he did with certain expectations, he worried he wouldn't feel confident at all in the end. And if he wasn't confident enough in how well he knew Rex to even plan a vacation for him then how could he ever-
A warm hand was suddenly beneath his chin, startling Obi-Wan out of the start of his panic he hadn't even been aware of. He let slim fingers guide his gaze back up, and fought the flicker of his eyes to anything that wasn't the look Rex was giving him.
"Obi-Wan, that's a good thing."
Obi-Wan blinked a moment, then another, not unlike the bird he could hear cooing in the silence. Then one stuttered breath and- "What?"
Rex chuckled, and then sat more properly down, taking the bag gently from Obi-Wan and opening it. It gave Obi-Wan the needed moment to process, to not feel like he was being evaluated or restricted, and Obi-Wan really had to take a small moment to remember how lucky he was. 
"You aren't upset?"
Rex looked up this time, the popping of the cork synced with his deadpanned gaze leveled in the Jedi's direction. "Why should I be upset? What did you do this time?"
Obi-Wan gaped a bit, the attempt at humor not sinking past his nerves still. "Well I... I couldn't come up with ideas for dates or activities on my own. As if I just have been so horribly inattentive that I couldn't come up with things you would like because... because I did not know you well enough or pay attention to what you actually like, and I-"
"Well you got that right, because if you knew me we would be at a winter resort, not an ocean one."
At this Obi-Wan near physically recoiled, sputtering. "What? No that's- you don't like the cold and the ocean-"
"Is something I love." Rex finished for him, tipping a container of chocolate covered strawberries on to a wood platter. "You caught me. But really, seafood this much? And why do I always have to wear this sweater?"
Obi-Wan shook his head like he had been thrown through realities at some point without him even noticing, all his earlier disappointment dashed in the absurdity of what he was hearing now. "No, Rex, I- you have always preferred seafood to other things! You order it so much... and you stole that sweater, you always steal it, I thought you'd, well I thought..."
"You thought I would take this sweater over the others anyways, because I do like the feeling of it more. I have even taken it directly off you before, right?" Rex had poured them champagne and took a sip, gazing lowly at Obi-Wan over the glass. "And I have yet to find seafood I truly can't eat, especially compared to anything else, because I love it."
Obi-Wan felt his heart racing, head near spinning. He was second guessing everything now, the whiplash from feeling like he didn't know Rex to hearing Rex himself tear apart any hope he had of understanding the clone to then suddenly confirming it as truth was staggering. "Rex, what are you saying?"
"I am saying that you, sir, are being cruel to yourself, and I am not going to stand for someone treating you that way, even you." Rex then set aside the drink and moved closer, hands slipping beneath Obi-Wan's folded legs and gently pulling. Obi-Wan flowed with it, still too stunned to do anything other then follow Rex's lead and let his feet be guided forward, crossing his legs over top of Rex's. "You know I don't like to be cold, you know I love the water, you know I enjoy seafood, and you even remember which of the sweaters I prefer to steal. So why exactly are you looking on the holonet for things you think I would like?"
Obi-Wan twisted his fingers around each other more, somehow feeling like a fool ten times over. "Because I... well, I have never gone on dates. Not any that weren't more so set ups or missions or just, ended horribly. So I suppose I simply didn't trust myself to do it right anyhow."
Then Rex's hand was stilling Obi-Wan's. The Jedi had a moment to appreciate the feeling, calloused but smooth, lean and precise. They were hands infinitely capable, that had done a thousand tasks and would do a million more. Hands that had been offered openly as much as swung valiantly. Hands Obi-Wan could feel the phantom touch of on his sides, could sense the Force flowing and ebbing at the tips of his own worn and rough finger's. 
And the words Rex spoke next matched those hands and that feeling of deadly love only a clone seemed so capable of balancing perfectly. "Well good thing the thing I actually love most is you."
And finally, Obi-Wan found he couldn't fight the swell of joy at the words, couldn't resist the slightly warbling smile that broke out on his face as he looked more fully at Rex again, noting the clones own blush nearly hidden in the moonlight. "Should I close all those holo tabs on my datapad then?" Obi-Wan asked.
It was a question made in humor that both of them knew held a lot more truth. "Well, you did all that research," Rex shrugged a shoulder. "So maybe not all of them. But I wouldn't mind there being a lot more water involved in things."
"A bit more spontaneous then?" Obi-Wan asked, gaining the confidence to grab a strawberry and gently hold it up for Rex. "I do at least remember how much you clones seemed to thrive in the more unexpected."
"You know me Kenobi," and Rex hummed as he leaned forward, tongue darting out the briefest moment. "So what you should actually remember is that there is a very specific chaos you should actually look in to."
And as Rex slid his lips over the strawberry and Obi-Wan forgot exactly what he was just told to remember, a few things fell into place. A few more strawberries were shared, their glasses emptied and whispers between kisses given. There was the soft carding of fingers in greying hair, the quiet noises of surrounding night life beneath three moons. There was the taste of the sweets and the dry champagne to balance them. It was soft blankets under socked feet, softer clothing over bodies pressed close. It was quiet and frozen, warmth and thundering hearts. 
It was simply Obi-Wan, one hand gently reaching out to find Rex warm beneath it. And it was uniquely Rex, eyes locked on Obi-Wan without any hesitation or uncertainty.  
It was the plainest of picnics, with all the most wonderful complications a life of love could hide within it.
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norcumii · 1 year
six sentence sunday
More from the Hades AU! (And more than six sentences, but I don't care.) Meanwhile, am I using this as an excuse to finally be able to romance the supportive shade?
What else is self-indulgent fanfic for? :)
Obi-Wan took his time wandering through his domain, for the most part keeping to his self-imposed limits. The first time he reached the Elysium Stadium, he was far too busy fighting to pay much attention to the crowds. Maul and Savage, the current champions, were more than enough to handle – especially the way Maul couldn’t stop talking. After their second encounter, Obi-Wan was more interested in limping out of the arena as fast as possible – Maul might be a professional at blustering blowhardiness, but he could fight, and both the champions learned swiftly. The third time, he spotted the banner. It hung down into the arena itself, a streak of sky blue, lightsaber blue, and emblazoned upon it was his own face. It was far thinner than any of the banners for Maul or Savage, but well enough made, and its owner – indistinguishable from the rest of the crowd save for their matching pale blue cloak – clearly cared enough to get and defend a front row seat. “I have a fan?” he murmured in astonishment, not that anyone would be able to hear over Maul. Obi-Wan shook off the astonishment, but when he was victorious, he made sure to stride past the banner on his way to the exit. He stopped and tossed the blue figure a casual salute, calling out, “To my biggest fan!” with a wink and a smile. The blank astonishment in the figure’s body language, followed by enthusiastic cheering and fist pumping, warmed Obi-Wan well into the satyr warren.
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panther-os · 2 years
Title Announcement for Codex Week 2023
listed in chronological order, and only posted because dear god i need any reminder at all to actually write before the day of. all songs are by lorde.
chronological order. "fic title" (source song), day - prompt
"doin' this for the thrill of it, killin' it" (tennis court), day 5 - cadet days
"begin your sun salutations" (mood ring), day 3 - love languages
"this is how we get notorious" (perfect places), day 6 - following orders
"the fire's found a home in me" (yellow flicker beat), day 2 - first kiss
"it's so easy in this blue" (buzzcut season), day 1 - new paint
"livin' in ruins of a palace within my dreams" (team), day 4 - kneeling voluntarily
"ours are the moments i play in the dark" (supercut), day 7 - messages and recordings
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