#rick and morty phone cover
hazelnut-u-out · 1 year
i've been neglecting morty in my fics lately, so i tried my hand at writing him again.
just something short and sweet to play around with, plus some effort to explore a few other characters!
anyway, ao3 link here! full text below the cut. :)
'Choosing to Sabotage Your Social Life'
2400 words
Morty tightened his grip on the steering wheel, that familiar vortex pulling at the inside of his ribs and aching his stomach. 
It was budding from annoyance. He had to be honest, he’d been angry since his phone had rang an hour ago, and even angrier when he’d realized Rick had locked the portal gun in his safe. 
There was a whoosh and a slight jolt as the ship entered the asteroid’s artificial atmosphere, marked by a distinctive layer of thick cobalt clouds. 
“Arrived: Asteroid 3-D89,” the ship’s AI said flatly. “If anyone cares, that is.”
“Jeez, man,” Morty huffed, tapping his left foot with irritation. “I’m not Rick. You don’t have to be so harsh.” 
“Try not to take it personally. I’m programmed with a predisposition to conversational flippancy.” She still sounded annoyed, but Morty was beginning to think it was her default. 
“Whatever. Thanks for the directions.”
Morty squinted, trying to get a feel for the parking situation the best he could in the flashing neon haze. 
These sorts of things always made him nervous. He’d only been to this bar one other time, and Rick had been driving. Morty still wasn’t sure why they’d gone there, but he’d chalked it up to some sort of sketchy space drug deal. Most of Rick’s shit was like that– or close enough that he could get an idea of what was going on by picturing that scenario in his head. 
One visit– especially one where he hadn’t driven– wasn’t enough to be comfortable with the location, and his chest swelled with anxiety. There were a lot of variables he couldn’t account for. 
He brought his right thumb to his mouth, gnawing on the edge of the nail. 
Morty thought most people must feel bigger when this far above everyone else. He knew Rick did. He assumed that when everyone looked so tiny and you were already a raging narcissist, it was hard not to feel more important.
Morty felt smaller up there, though— especially when he was alone. 
The asteroid wasn’t anything impressive, literally just a mid-sized building and a parking lot large enough for twenty-five to thirty crafts at most. The horizon was the edge of the bar’s flat roof. It was rosy pink in some parts, and dark violet in others. Probably just peeps of the light mostly obscured from the three-star center of this system this time of their solar cycle. It was nearing the season change for the outer belt. The gas giants were shifting to let those blushing swathes of light reach the outskirts. 
Morty caught a glimpse of two aliens sharing what looked to be something like a cigarette at the far end of the lot. 
Still no space.
His stomach hurt. 
“Oh, thank fuck,” Morty breathed out, finally noticing an empty spot near the front right of the establishment. Relief let his shoulders fall as he pushed his hips forward. 
He positioned the ship above the space, reaching out and pressing his index finger against the auto park button.
He had to admit, it did come in handy.
Morty sighed as the ship began to lower itself slowly, bringing his hands up to cover his face. Finally– a moment to collect himself in silence. 
He sat there, a few long breaths hissing past his tense fingers and warming his cheeks, before shifting to pull out his phone. The lights outside gave a tacky overcast to the whole scene. 
He scrolled, finding his chat thread with Squanchy and typing out a quick message:
‘send him out, thx :)’
Morty stared blankly at the screen. He felt sick. 
He wasn’t ready for whatever drunk Rick was about to do or say.
“Ugh.” He pressed the home button and opened Instagram, scrolling through the explore page numbly. He thought about queuing up a playlist, but he’d probably be too overstimulated to drive and listen to music with Rick in the passenger seat. 
There was a tap at the window. Morty started, turning his head quickly and throwing his phone across the ship as he met Squanchy’s apologetic gaze. 
“Shit,” the teen muttered, plastering on an awkward smile and rolling the window down sheepishly. 
“‘Sup, kiddo?” Squanchy said softly, rubbing his elbow and lowering his eyes. 
“Nothin’ much, man!” Morty replied. “H–Hey, thanks for calling me. I wouldn’t have wanted you guys to be stuck with him.”
“Ah, no worries, buddy.” Squanchy laughed, but reached out and gently placed a warm paw on Morty’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Look, I’m really sorry you had to come all the way out here. I know it’s a school night on Earth and all, and you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this sorta shit.” 
Morty didn’t know why, but he felt a lump in his throat. He swallowed it down, leaning into the kind touch a bit. 
“Don’t be silly. My parents hardly notice when I’m gone,” he said, bringing a hand up and resting it on the other’s paw. “Where is the old fart, anyway?”
“Uh…” Squanchy pulled his arm back, that apologetic look creeping onto his expression once again as he rubbed the back of his neck. “He said to tell ya he’d be a minute, and that you could come in and watch him if you wanted. I told him you’d probably say no, and that they don’t let kids in here.”
Morty quirked an eyebrow. “Watch him do what, exactly?”
“Karaoke… Sort of. It’s more squanchin’ at this point.” The words came out with an uncomfortable twinge. 
“Oh,” Morty said, more flatly than he’d meant to. “Just… tell him I’ll be in the car, yeah?” 
“I’ll let ‘em know,” Squanchy said, turning. Morty reached to roll the window back up before his grandfather’s friend turned back around. “Sorry, again. Let me know when you guys make it home, yeah?”
“It’s really no problem, but sure thing, dude.”
Morty rolled the window up the rest of the way. 
It was a few more minutes before a large, burly-looking turquoise alien came out, grasping a flailing Rick at the shoulders with a sturdy set of tentacles. Morty took a breath to steady himself— trying to remind himself how to look normal— and hopped out of the car, his slippers making a gentle sort of ‘clack’ sound on the pavement. 
He was suddenly very aware of his matching yellow pajama set. They probably thought he was ten years old! 
“Over here!” The boy waved one arm over his head, motioning for the creature to deliver his grandfather to where he stood. 
The alien acknowledged him with a kind nod, tucking the old man in on one side and adjusting his trajectory slightly to their left. 
“Thanks for bringing him out, sir,” Morty said bashfully as the creature got close enough to hear. He gestured for him to follow, walking around the ship and opening the passenger side door. “You–You can put him in here if you want.”
“Don’t thank him, you little dick,” Rick slurred with a hiss, spittle flying out when his teeth touched. “Asshole pulled me o–off stage in the middle of an encore.” 
“Morty, right?” The alien asked, ignoring Rick and placing him on the seat. He leaned in and secured the buckle, much to the elder’s physical protest. 
His syntax was sort of clicky and had a rasp to it that Morty found quite pleasant. 
“That’s my name!” Morty said, throwing out a little finger gun in a desperate attempt to seem casual, immediately regretting it. 
“Mooooorty,” Rick whined. “I said do–” 
A tentacle reached out and slammed the door, cutting the old man’s sentence short.
Okay, yeah. Morty really liked this guy. 
“Your grandpa here talks a lot about you. I hear you’re a pretty smart kid,” he said, closing two of his four eyes in what Morty assumed was a rough approximation of a wink. 
“Pffff, nah,” the kid said, waving one hand dismissively. 
“Whatever you say, little guy. Well, have a safe trip home!” The kind stranger trilled, heading back towards the opening of the bar. 
“Yeah, you too!” Morty chirped in response, making a mental note to punch himself for it later. 
“That was real rude of you, Morty ,” Rick snapped when Morty climbed back into the driver’s seat, hissing his grandson’s name as if it were a curse word. 
Morty sighed, clicking his belt buckle into place and twisting the key. 
Angry drunk it was, then. 
“What was?” Morty inquired, lifting the ship from the ground. “Car, could you pull up some directions to get us home, please?”
“Sure, yeah, of course,” the ship replied, displaying a little map with a yellow point to indicate their current position. She spoke slowly, almost as if she’d made a conscious effort to sound pleasant. 
It didn’t work.
“Thank you.” 
Morty made a point to thank her when he remembered to. 
“Not comin’ in t–to watch me perform. You wonder why no one likes you, but… but maybe it’s because you don’t even try,” the elder grumbled, bringing his knees up to hug them and pressing one cheek against the glass.
The ship punched a second hole in that layer of plush clouds and the blur of stars started to lull past them. 
“Oh, yeah. I’m so sorry for coming to pick you up at 3 a.m.” Morty gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. “I have a math test in the morning, you know.”
“I’m jus–just sayin’, buddy. If you wanna have a social life, you’ve gotta make an effort.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure hanging out in some sleazy bar with a bunch of senior citizens would’ve really opened some doors for me in that department. Thanks, Rick.” Morty rolled his eyes.
“Morty, I don’t know a single alien culture as uptight about aging as humans.” 
“Good to know,” Morty said, trying his best to shake off the animosity he held and be amicable. He didn’t feel like spending the whole ride arguing, “Did you have a nice time? It must be nice to see old friends.” 
He thought maybe he tended to expect the worst with these kinds of things, often getting angry before there was much to be angry about. After all, in terms of Rick doing fucked up shit, this was a notably tolerable level of fucked up.
“Yeah, it was nice. You tend to see friends when you’re actually able to make them,” Rick replied, scoffing. Morty flinched. “Can I ask ya something?” 
“Shoot,” Morty said, checking his blind spot.
It was pointless. Space was painfully empty, but Jerry had argued with Rick about it during a lesson once and his brain had latched onto the idea of something being there— not that there was even a need to merge. He just made sure Rick never caught him glancing. 
“Do I have a vibe about me?” 
Morty raised a brow, not able to stop himself from smiling at the humor in the question. “Uh, I’d say yeah. Everyone does. That’s how vibes work.”
“But I… I—I mean, like, a safe vibe that makes people think I’m a good listener,” Rick clarified, looking comically earnest. “Like a, uh… therapist vibe, I guess?”
Morty let out a deep laugh at that one, much to his grandfather’s bewilderment. He abandoned the wheel to clutch his stomach. Wiping away a tear, he wheezed out, “No. I’d— ah… I’d say you’re good on that one. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten the vibe that you wanted to listen to me.”
“Well,” Rick said, pouting and crossing his arms with a huff. “I think all the lonely old drunks in there would’ve disagreed.” 
“Oh, really ?” Morty teased, giggling again. 
“Yes!” Rick said, seeming to miss the sarcasm in Morty’s playful retort. “Had some weird lady come up and tell me her brother died in some accident the other day. I don’t even have any siblings!” He threw his hands in the air for dramatic effect, looking more like a wrinkly child in a disheveled lab coat than a live-in grandpa of two. Morty stifled another laugh. “D—Do I look like a guy that could relate to that? What do you even say to something like that as an only child?!” 
“Maybe you just look like a sad drunk,” Morty offered, shrugging. “Or maybe it was the charming karaoke that made you seem so open-minded and approachable.” 
“Eh.” Rick tried to shrug, but slumped forward too quickly, bouncing his head off the dash. Morty winced on his behalf. “You ruined the whole night, though. Had to tell ‘em I had to go because you—you didn’t wanna come in and spend time with your grandpa. Fu—Fuckin’… family and your generation don’t mix.” 
Morty felt that familiar itch beneath his skin— that incessant irritation begging to bubble out of him and grab Rick by the throat. 
“I dunno why you say these things,” Morty grumbled through clenched teeth, his back straightening. “I just wanted to be helpful. That bar wouldn’t have let me in, anyway. I’m in my pajamas .”
“I mean, think about it,” Rick said mockingly. “At least her brother died in a way she couldn’t control. You left your sister to die. We’re one and the same, buddy— you and me.” The elder threw a hand out on his shoulder, shaking the teen so hard that the ship rocked with them. “Deadbeats.”
Morty didn’t know if the tears were from anger, grief, guilt, or that ever-constant pit in his chest he could never quite fill up, but he let them slip out silently, anyway. 
“What did you say to her?” Morty asked, barely audible, after a bit. 
“Hm?” Rick hummed, now reclined and nearly comatose on his back, wrapped in a tight swaddle he’d clumsily fashioned from his own lab coat. “Who?” 
“The lady whose brother died. What’d you say to her?” 
He didn’t really know why he cared what Rick had said. He thought, maybe, he just wanted to know if he’d have done something different. 
“Oh. I told her to fuck off,” Rick slurred matter-of-factly. “Did her a favor. Ya can’t expect the universe to baby you. We all lose something to it.” 
“Huh,” Morty breathed, feeling a bit lighter. “I would’ve offered her a hug,” He thought out loud. “I would’ve listened.” 
Rick snored. Morty listened.
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misslisamiray · 18 days
Took a little longer than I thought to get this chapter posted, but here's Chapter 11 of Down With the Rickness!
Time to check back in with Summer and Space Beth, and for the first time since she got sent to work before the sun came up, Earth Beth! Jerry is still too busy sulking to be in this chapter. We'll see him again later, but it's going to be a while.
Please note: this chapter features some spoilery dialogue about the events of S7 ep. 7, "Wet Kuat Amortican Summer" I debated on putting that part in due to the fact I know not everyone's seen the latest season, and this fic otherwise has no S7 spoilers. But I needed something for Summer and Space Beth to talk about other than Rick's stupid errand list, and that is where their conversation led. If you want to skip that part, scroll to the picture and you're safe. Any other S7 references in the fic will be of the vague, non-spoiler, blink and you'll miss 'em variety. New chapter below the cut!
Summer and Space Beth’s next several errands were far less eventful than the first few. Having both made a considerable dent in their lists, they decided to take a break and meet for lunch. The two were sitting in a booth inside a small café on an asteroid at the edge of the solar system.
“Thanks again for helping out today, Space Mom. We’ve already got, like at least half of Grandpa’s stupid list done.” Summer said, taking a sip of her milkshake.
“No problem. Barring any further worker uprisings at greedy megastores or having to negotiate with more of Dad’s asshole “friends” until they see reason, we’re on track to be home tonight. Tomorrow morning at the latest.” Space Beth replied, sipping her wine.
“Cool. Morty texted me something about Grandpa being crazy and Dad being an idiot, but eh, what else is new? It doesn’t sound like anything’s on fire, at least not literally. They’re fine. It’s been a while since we got to hang out like this, huh?” Summer glanced at her phone briefly before putting it back in her pocket. Beth nodded in agreement.
“I got one from Jerry asking me, ‘If the Sailor Scouts were real, do you think they would be able to cure Glopydropian Mimicking Disease?’ With the follow-up question, ‘Is there a dimension where they are real?’ Oh, God. He sent that to me individually, and to our group chat with your Earth mom. I… How am I supposed to answer… What the fuck am I even supposed to do with that?!” Space Beth said, slapping her forehead as she put her own phone away. Summer giggled. A waiter placed two plates on their table.
After taking a few bites of her food, Summer asked, “So, what’s new with you?”
“Oh, you know. Took down a New Federation base last week. Freed some wrongly imprisoned inmates from a maximum-security prison on Jupiter. The usual.” Space Beth replied casually.
“Cool. I, ummm… got an A on my science test. And me and some friends almost got caught smoking weed under the bleachers, but then we didn’t. God, school is so boring compared to your life.” Summer replied. She sounded excited at first, but her enthusiasm quickly faded.
“Hey, that stuff counts, too. I realize it probably sounds sarcastic and condescending coming from me, but look at it this way. You’re 17 and have already seen and done more than everyone else in your lameass school put together likely will in their entire lives. It’s okay to be happy about the more mundane parts of your life, too.” Space Beth told her.
“Huh. I never thought about it that way. Thanks, Mom.”  Summer’s smile returned, and she went back to eating.
After a moment, Space Beth said, “So you’re really gonna hold out on me and not tell me the biggest thing?”
“What do you mean?” Summer asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just that I heard you met someone.” Summer’s face turned red, and she dropped her silverware to the floor.
“I’m gonna kill him! Why did I ever think Grandpa Rick could keep a fucking secret?!” Summer exclaimed, covering her face with her hands.
Space Beth laughed and said, “Calm down. I’m normally the last person to defend anything Dad does, but he only blabbed to me because he’s happy for you and wanted to tell someone. He figured you’d want to tell Earth Me and Jerry yourself when you’re ready, and that Morty would be jealous over you getting a girlfriend before he did. So that left me.”
“Oh.” was all Summer could manage as an answer. She was still blushing a little, but no longer furious.
“Morty already knows, or at least suspects. And I was planning to tell you all soon. It’s just…”
“You weren’t worried about telling us you’re dating a girl, were you?” Space Beth asked hesitantly, half joking but half genuinely concerned that was the issue.
“As if anyone in this family only swings one way. I mean, mayyybe Morty, but eh, jury’s still out on that.” Summer scoffed, rolling her eyes. Beth visibly relaxed and nodded in agreement, while Summer continued, “It’s still a really new relationship is all. And yeah, I’ve hooked up with people off-planet before, but I’ve never actually been, like, involved with anyone who doesn’t live on Earth. Before now, I’d never even dated someone who went to a different school. We don’t see each other as much as we’d like to, and it’s hard sometimes, y’know?” As she spoke, Summer went from grinning ear to ear to looking sad.
Space Beth placed a hand over hers and said softly, “Yeah, I get it. Look, I’m not exactly the hands-on mothering type, but if you ever need someone to talk to… Someone who might understand better than your other parental units… But who can also keep their damn mouth shut better than your grandfather…”
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“God, I’m going soft. First helping Dad, and now this Lifetime original movie mother daughter bonding mush. What next? You and Morty are both too old to need, like cookies baked for some dumb school thing, right? That’s not a thing in high school, is it? Because if you do, that shit is strictly Jerry’s department.”
Laughing again and glad for having the moment lightened, Summer agreed, “Totes. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your soft side. I can keep a secret better than Grandpa, too.”
“So, he told you because he’s happy for me? You sure he wasn’t just bored and trying to gossip?”
“Mmmm-hmmm. But I do think he was proud of you and looking to brag a little, too. Apparently, you met this girl when you saved her from being trafficked by illegal Kuato dealers?” Summer just nodded.
“Damn, you really were holding out on me. So spill. I’m not gonna pester you with questions like ‘When do I get to meet her?’ – trust me, that will also be Jerry's department like, the second he finds out – but I want all the details on this, got it?”
“Sure. It all started with this party…”
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Meanwhile, Morty had quickly discovered that Rick wasn’t lying or even exaggerating about not sleeping well when he was sick. One minute, he’d be sound asleep, snoring loudly. The next, he’d wake himself up coughing or sneezing. Sometimes, he’d just blow his nose and mutter a complaint or two, then change positions and go back to sleep. Other times, he’d be awake for a while, drinking and watching whatever boring thing had come on the TV next.
“Fuck, isn’t this shit over yet?” was a frequent question, asked in a whinier tone of voice each time.
“*SIGH!* Not yet, Rick. Try and go back to sleep.” Morty would tell him, usually while looking at something on his phone and looking increasingly concerned by it.
Beth was having an ordinary, and honestly slow day at the horse hospital. Having some downtime between patients, she decided to check her phone, and discovered a number of texts from her family.
Summer: Pictures of some of the nonsense she’d had to get for Rick. A lot of it was gadgets and parts that Beth couldn’t identify, and a few that she could. Crystals of many different colors, sizes and shapes. The rest looked to be a variety of alien junk food and liquor.
“Yep, nothing surprising here.” Beth murmured to herself.
Space Beth: Mostly photos similar to Summer’s. Then there was one of her making some friend of Rick’s – Beth had met him briefly before – was his name Gear Man? – pose for the camera with her. There was a frightened look on his face, and a huge grin on SB’s.
“I’m sure there’s a story behind this picture. What I’m not sure is if I want to know what it is.” Beth sighed.
Rick: Several paragraphs worth of random letters, symbols and emojis. A few blurry photos of the living room ceiling and floor.
“Are these drunk texts or ‘Dad fell asleep on his phone’ texts? I’m guessing the latter, since his drunk texts usually have at least a few actual words. Unless this is in an alien language, and these are words?” Beth puzzled, looking at the messages from a few different angles, including upside down. Determining that Rick’s texts were gibberish, she moved onto Jerry. There were so many messages from Jerry.
“I have a great idea, and you’re going to be so proud of me!”
“Let’s never fight while we’re trying to organize old VHS tapes again.”
“Beth, Morty’s being mean to me!”
“Do you know if Morgluxian measles are real? What about Venutian varicella or Floopfloopian ass fever? Your father won’t tell me which one he made up.”
“You know how I said I had a great idea earlier? Yeah, forget you ever saw that.”
And of course, there were the bizarre Sailor Moon questions. Beth couldn’t help noticing most of the messages had been sent both to her individually, and to their group chat with Space Beth. Not knowing how to respond to any of her family’s texts, Beth was about to put her phone away, when she saw the one text from Morty.
It read, “Hey Mom, since you’re sort of a doctor, I figured you were the best person to ask. Can someone actually cough up a lung? That’s just a saying, right? Rick’s got a nasty cough and I’ve seen him spit out some gnarly looking stuff a few times, but I don’t think any of it was like, an organ. I just wanted to check.” Beth’s brow furrowed.
“Aww, poor Dad. Maybe I should go home.” she worried, deciding to call Morty back instead of replying to the text.
Morty was staring at a screen that read, in increasingly ominous looking letters, “Is it a cold, The Flu, or SOMETHING WORSE?” when his phone rang. Startled by the unexpected noise, he dropped the device – directly on Rick’s head, which of course woke him up.
“Oww! What the *COUGH!* fuck, Morty?! What was that for?!” he asked groggily.
“Sorry! Sorry. That was an accident. Hang on a second.” Morty apologized, scrambling to grab his phone, which was now slipping between the couch cushions. Rick sat up, rubbing his forehead and throwing the blankets and his labcoat on the floor again.
“Hi, Morty. I saw your text, and yes that’s just an expression. Human anatomy doesn’t work that way. Well, for most people, at least. I guess for your grandfather it might be possible? But unlike the average person, he’d also be able to put it right back in. So I wouldn’t worry. Much. How’s he doing, anyway?” Morty looked over at Rick, who was clinging to his trash can and tissue box again, while staring blankly in the general direction of the TV without really looking at it.
“Not great. You want to talk to him?”
“Yes, please.”
“Here. Mom wants to talk to you.”
“Huh? Oh, sure.” Rick was initially confused by what Morty was saying, but grabbed the phone once his sleep and germ-addled brain caught up to what was happening.
“Hi, Dad. How are you feeling?” Beth asked worriedly.
“Eh, I’ve been better. But I’ve also been a lot *COUGH!* *COUGH!* worse. I’m okay, Beth. It’s just uhhh, been a long time since I last had Mimicking Disease. Turns out it hits harder when you’re a little older.” Rick said, forcing a laugh and trying to make himself sound normal. Morty picked up on that immediately.
“Dad, drop the act. I talked to Space Beth, so I know that it is at least two kinds of impossible for you to have Glopydropian Mimicking Disease.” Beth told him, her voice quickly going from concerned to annoyed and impatient.
“Shit. I forgot that.” Rick admitted.
“Uh-huh. I also know that you just have a cold, which is normally not something worth worrying about. But my son texted me because he’s concerned you might actually cough up one of your lungs. And frankly, you sound like you could. So without any further bullshitting, how are you, really? Do you need me to come home?” Rick winced at how badly he was failing at convincing Beth he was alright.
He finished off the contents of his flask for the second time that day, then, putting even more effort into trying to sound normal, said, “No, Beth. I sent you off to work at the asscrack of dawn specifically because I didn’t want you around to worry over this nuisance virus and get yourself sick trying to take care of me. It’s not necessary.” He forced back a sneeze – fuck, that hurt.
“I guess, but what Morty said…”
“Beth, come on. You know the kid’s a worrywart. You’ve spent 99% of your life on Earth – you’ve had colds before. You feel like shit, but there’s nothing that wrong with you, then you’re fine. *SNIFF!* I know you know this.”
“*SIGH!* You do have a point. But please take it easy. Lots of rest and fluids. And do we even have any medicine for this sort of thing?"
“Um, no. Morty checked and we don’t.” Rick lied quickly.
“Well, I doubt you included anything that practical on the massive list you threw at Summer, so I’ll get you something on my way home. You sure you’re okay until then?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m *COUGH!* fine. Or going to be, at least. Here. Talk, talk to Morty again.” Rick said, tossing Morty’s phone back to him. He sneezed twice in a row and started coughing immediately after.
“Morty, keep an eye on your grandfather, okay? I’m sure he’s going to be alright, but just do that until I get home.” Beth instructed, listening to the sound of Rick’s harsh coughing in the background.
“Yeah, that’s the plan, Mom.”
“I do think he probably sounds worse off than he really is, so I’m not rushing home right now. But it’s slow today, and I have been here since the asscrack of dawn. So I should be able to leave a few hours early. Okay, honey?”
“Yeah, I can handle things til then. Thanks, Mom.”
Beth was about to say something else, when an alarm went off at St. Equis.
“Now what?” she sighed.
The doors burst open, and a man in blue scrubs charged in yelling, “We’ve got 10 patients incoming! We need all hands on deck!”
“10?! What the fuck happened?” Beth asked incredulously.
Before the other doctor could answer, a man in an old-fashioned circus ringmaster costume ran in, wailing, “Who would have thought that Horses On Ice: The Musical could end in disaster like this?! That is, besides all those protesters and the actors who walked out so I had to replace them with people I found at the bus station.”
Beth glared at him, then turned back to the other doctor and asked, “Do you mind if I?...”
“Go for it. The only reason I didn’t is because I knew you’d go harder.” he replied, grabbing up supplies from behind a counter.
Beth promptly slapped the ringmaster across the face, then without missing a beat, told Morty, “Sorry, looks like I’ll be home late. Take care of Rick, and if you get a chance, try to help your dad with whatever the hell he keeps texting me about. Or maybe just hide his phone. Love you!” “Right. Love you, too. Good luck with your horse crisis.” Morty sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket. So much for having help soon.
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d-x-z · 9 months
Evil morty (from the fanfic) x male reader
Note: If you read the fanfic, I do call back to their times, and I mention this one before, but I will turn them into oneshots >:)
(Posted before the fanfic is published—needed to be proofread, arc 1 needs to be rewritten/improved— for context, evil morty is just morty prime but before he decided to go solo. Pre-rick event)
17+ DNI, 16 and under blogs only!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: if there's weird cuts that skips paragraphs that doesn't complete the last one please tell me cuz my clipboards weird and won't copy paste the whole thing so I have to cut it into sections and I post through phone and it's so fucking awkward to work around
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Desc: snow angels, hot chocolate, ice skating, and a burning heart to warm themselves for the winter... and even a furball to surprise them♡
Type: love/fluff
"YAYAYAYA WAKE UP MORTY!!" The brunette was passed out on his bed as a drool went down his face."MORTY WAKE UPPPPPP ITS SNOWING!!" yelled the boy who was clinging unto his life as he's outside his window. groaning, he started clawing unto the window with his hands.
"I don't want to bother your parents by going through the front door!!" Trying to claw the window open, he then saw morty stir up. The exact moment he opened his eyes, he saw Y/n covered in snow. The only thing keeping him warm was the ear muffs and the sweater he wore, "what the? Y/n what are you doing??"
He yawned as he got up to open the window. Without thinking, he let Y/n in forgetting he was covered in snow "jesus! It's cold!!!" He shivered when Y/n shook his body spraying the snow towards him as well. As y/n picked up the ear muffs he shook off "Wanna go outside and make a snow man? It's snowing right now"
pointing his thumb behind him to the window morty looked at his clock "it's 6 in the morning.. let's go downstairs even mom won't be awake during this hour. It's holidays, " he rubbed his eyes as Y/n followed behind only problem was it was snowing a bit too hard, they had to wait for a few hours to calm down.
Morty went to the bathroom while Y/n went downstairs to the living room passing by the front door to take off his shoes. Sitting on the couch, he looked out the window it really was snowing hard...did he lock his windows??
He thought to himself before deciding to deal with that later. He heared footsteps behind and it was morty in a ugly Christmas sweater "yeesh goodmorning" Y/n tilted his head backwards to see morty, his view was upside down.
“anyways you ate breakfast?” Y/n sat back up to turn around “nah, got hot coco?” morty went away to the kitchen while Y/n followed by “not nesquick, like actual hot coco” Y/n stood beside him in the counter
“that will take a whole 20 minutes to do Y/n..” “it’s not that bad, We got the time it’s christmas! C’mon get the cups i’ll get the stove ready” Y/n opened the cupboard before morty got the mugs from the drying rack
Y/n placed a pot on the stove along with milk, “can you get the sugar and cocoa powder for me real quick” Y/n opened his palm while morty searched through the kitchen and placed it on his hand
Placing in cocoa and sugar he stirred the pot, “vanilla extract, i think summer placed it in the left cupboard the last time i remember” morty checked but it wasnt there, checking the other cupboard he finally got it
Handing over to Y/n. Placing a few drops of extract he handed it back to morty, stirring it morty handed over the mugs opening the fridge to search for the whipped cream “oh my god wait, we need chocolate chips morty do you still have some??”
“oh shit, no sorry dad used it all last night for his ginger bread house” morty rolled his eyes before walking towards him with whipped cream “dang it, it’s fine we still got the creamy version of it
Pouring the hot coca unto the mugs morty helped Y/n with placing whipped cream on it “there’s still some more, let’s just keep it here. They can heat it later if they want some” morty told before bringing the mug to his lips
Sipping unto the hot coca, he cringed and retracted “hot!” Y/n laughed “dumbass i JUST made it” morty and Y/n stood leaning unto the kitchen counter, morty looked at Y/n blowing unto his mug. Y/n looked at morty looking at him before he akwardly laughed “what? Got something on my face?” morty shook hid head no before sipping his hot coca
“well seems like you’re the one that does now” Y/n laughed before his hand reached to morty’s lips, wiping away the whip cream on the corner of his mouth “o-oh, thanks” he felt something
But he couldn’t exactly pin point what he did feel at that moment, “c’mon let’s get back to the living room i think there’s a new episode of south park out” “jesus, how many season’s do they have already?” “dunno, it’s fun watching though”
As the morning passes by, Beth and Summer woke up to see morty and Y/n under a blanket watching the tv.
“seriously? I still don’t understand how you’re a dog person morty” watching dogs surround Tom holland in his puppy interview “dogs are cool! They’re just really fun to be around”
“you wanna get a dog?” morty looked at Y/n crossing his hands with a happy grin “yeah?! Who doesn’t” “what are you gonna name it when you actually do get one?” morty rested his head on Y/n shoulder thinking to himself
“dunno...probably snuffles” Y/n snickered trying his best to cover it “Hey! I can feel you laughing!” morty called Y/n out “of course! But why snuffles? Not like i can stop you from naming your dog” Y/n wheezed at the thought
“they’ll have good fur! And we can cuddle too!”
“what if they don’t wanna?”
“what if they have short hair?”
“... I’ll still love him”
“what if it’s a girl?”
“PFFT- okay okay i’ll stop”
Hearing a pair of key’s chime both boys looked behind him “excuse me boys, can you both please wake up jerry upstairs. We’re going to be late for the towns christmas show, if you both want to go to the skating ring early then you better wake him up. And morty go get ready last time you forgot your scarf and gotten sick”
Both Y/n and morty complied before Y/n simply followed morty, “wanna go to some stores after ice skating?” Y/n brought up “im broke, used my last pocket money to get gta 5” “aw boo, okay then”
The towns center was crowded with people, Y/n and the smiths watched the stage as acrobats sang and danced together. Morty once more looked over to Y/n’s face seeing his eyes light up im amazment
Even though the snow is pouring in, and he’s barely keeping himself warm he couldn’t help but feel warm inside. Y/n looked back at morty snapping him back to reality as Y/n shook morty “MORTY LOOK AT THEM!! IT’S SO COOL!!” Y/n excitedly cheered
Instinctively holding unto morty’s hand to not get lost in the crowd, time passed by as now the show finally ended. Both Y/n and the smith family were now in a more cleared up crowd as they dispersed to the different food stalls and venders selling ugly christmas sweaters
“ok you both boys be safe alright?? If you need anything me and jerry are gonna be near the food stalls ok?” both nodded before Y/n dragged morty to the ice ring, morty slipped on the snow but Y/n still pulled him up with joyful laughter as the two boys laughed it out
Standing in front of a guy giving out skates “10 bucks each” Y/n gladly paid for morty before they went over to check which skates would fit them “you still don’t know how to skate Y/n you sure you can do this?”
“you doubting me pokemon collecter?” “you collect pokemon card too!?” Y/n laughed before standing both held hands before entering the ice ring, once they did Y/n instead gripped unto the railings
“okay! Okay! This could be the biggest regret ever!” Y/n held the ring like a scared kitty morty simply stood there perfectly fine “just try walking towards me, v shape remember?” Y/n looked at morty reaching his hand out while the other rest on his hips
Breathing out Y/n made small steps to him, a small smile appeared on his face after morty finally gotten to hold unto him “wow, im suprised you didn’t slip yet” “shut up” Y/n grinned looking down unto the ice
“now follow me, and don’t drag me down when you do fall” morty warned Y/n lightly “pfft, i definitely will” morty rolled his eyes before letting go of Y/n leaving him in the middle of the skating ring
“m-morty!! Asshole don’t leave me here!!” “well, just do the same thing you did before. Just without me holding you” Y/n wanted to panic but he’ll fall on his ass if he did “no! I WILL fall if i try going towards you”
Morty slowly backed up “quickly before the gap starts increasing” Y/n’s eyes twitched before his skate dug unto the ice skidding towards him, morty was actually shocked that Y/n managed to get himself to move faster than what he’s personally comfortable with
“w-wait i don’t know how to stop!?” Y/n yelled, morty moved a bit to the left before grabbing y/n. But he underestimated how fast the momentum went and got dragged along with Y/n
His eyes widened before he dug his skate to the ice preventing them both to fall,
the warm breaths of both boys breezed to their faces, as their faces were so close to one another. Both of their face’s turned bright red, either from the cold or their proximity, Y/n felt warm
His chest filled him with a warm shiver. Before he went to quickly kiss morty, before morty could reciprocate Y/n managed to stand up by himself “a-anyways, wanna go skate else where?”
Y/n grinned while morty looked at his eyes “y-yeah”
“that was fun” morty looked at y/n “you fell 16 times that whole 30 minutes we were in there” “still fun” looking around morty looked at a wishing station, “Y/n, you wanna go wish?”
Looking at Y/n “oh, sure-sure yeah!” he smiled “wait go ahead i’ll just tie my shoes” Y/n raised his eyebrows before slowly walking away “yeah but you need to hurry up m-”
A snow ball was thrown at the back of his head, turning around he saw morty holding a few more snow balls “betrayal!! C’mere you little shit!” he smirked before cupping snow on his hands throwing it at morty
Chasing after him both boys laughed “can’t catch me shorty!” “morty im literally taller than you!?” morty tried throwing a snow ball at him but Y/n dodged “nuh uh” Y/n looked at morty getting the reference
“the fuck you mean nuh uh!?” he quotted back, before throwing a snow ball at his back, morty threw his last snow ball but missed and hit another persons back. Both boy’s eyes widened before Y/n rushed to the closest stall to pretend to check out it’s contents while morty turned around seeming a bit lost looking around
The man looked around in shock and anger, but morty looked at Y/n and walked towards him “best fucking save ever” “best counter attack ever” morty looked at Y/n confused but his face was stuffed with snow
“BLEGH! It came in my mouth!” “mia khalifa’s sex tape” Y/n laughed proud of the reference he made, he helped clean his hair from the snow. And shockingly enough they were already at the wishing stall
Both boys were greeted by the stall worker “and how about you two? Care to give a wish stick a try?” Y/n smiled before pulling out 2 dollars “oh no need for cash, it’s free for couples” She smiled
Both boys looked at her with a blush, but played in for free wishes. The lady shook the box before presenting it to the boys “first think about your wish, then pick out one popsicle stick”
Both of the boys glances at each other before picking out a stick
[your embodied love, they aren’t far from your reach. Maybe they’re in plain sight]
Y/n hummed to himself with a smile
[everything you love, will be there for you. It will never find itself away from you]
Morty’s eyes clicked realizing something before looking at Y/n
“now, kiss the popsicle and burn the tip. It’s a sign of promise that whatever your wish was will come true”
Both boys kissed the popsicle and burnt the tip on the red candle.
“now keep that popsicle and never show anyone, you can only reveal it once it’s been granted to you” she smiled before the two boys thanked her and walked away
“i already got mine granted” “same here” “so what’s yours?” morty looked away before showing his popsicle stick Y/n “aww that’s so sweet! Mine’s cute” Y/n showed him his popsicle
Morty smiled at it “yeah, c’mon let’s go eat”
“morty try these crepes!! They’re really good!” Y/n offered some of his crepes to morty, morty took a bite off it before humming “it’s actually pretty good, want to try this shawarma?”
Y/n nodded before morty offered some as Y/n bit into it, “oh, it’s spicy” Y/n’s taste buds shifted from sweet to spicy “yeah, i just wanted to try some since they’re about to be out” both boys walked by each other before
Morty’s ears perked up and heared something, stopping and looking around Y/n stopped with him, confused. “you ‘aight?” “wait..” morty handed over his shawarma before shoveling his hands throught he snow
Y/n peeked to see morty holding a small dog “w-what!? Holy shit morty!? Is it still breathing, we need to get it near warm fire or something!??” Y/n panicked before morty took off his orange scarf and covered the dog for warmth
“c’mon let’s go to my parents there might be a warm fire around” Y/n followed morty before taking a sneaky small bite into his shawarma
“morty! Dear god where did you get a dog??!” jerry looked at morty in shock, they were sitting at a table Y/n placed their food down “let’s go to that stall they have barbecue maybe we can stand near it for heat!” Y/n pointed out before morty and Y/n quickly rushed over
Standing near the barbecue Y/n apologized for having the dog near the food but the one who ran the stall understood and allowed them to use the heat, even once the food cooked they placed it else where just so that morty can help the dog get warm
“who would leave a dog out here like that??” morty checked that it’s fur was quite dirty, probably a stray. morty slowly patted the dog to try pumping it’s blood flow, Y/n scratched the dogs ear
“poor little guy...” “he probably was abandoned, the snow unfortunately came around these times so he had to survive on his own” morty frowned Beth and jerry came over “okay boy’s let’s go home, Summer’s heading over to her friends house for a sleepover. And then maybe we’d find a way to take care of the poor dog. Where did you guys even find it?”
Beth passed their food to Y/n “we were walking after getting food and morty probably heared a whine under the snow” Y/n looked at morty holding the dog “yeah were going back home, now that morty can’t use his scarf he’s definetly going to catch a cold and the dog needs warmth and probably food”
“so you’re gonna keep the dog?” “of course i will!” “it’s funny, didn’t we talk about dogs this morning? It’s like some christmas miracle you just got him” Y/n held beth’s hair blower and had it to low heat
The dog was conscious but very weak, morty still kept it laying on his scarf a small plastic bowl with left over food from yesterday “what are you gonna name him? It’s a boy right?” morty nodded
“hmm, snuffles.” “you’ve got to be kidding me” “what? It’s the best i can come up with! And he also has nice fur!” morty patted the dogs belly “you could’ve gone with snow balls, his fur is white as snow. And either way he even looks like a snow ball when he curls up to sleep!”
Y/n explained before morty gave in “ok fine, snowballs...” the dog looked around before sniffing the bowl. Y/n brought it closer to it before it started eating slowly. Y/n sighed and leaned near morty since the heater was closer to him
Morty looked at Y/n with a smile before cupping his face to kiss him
“merry christmas Y/n”
A smirked laid upon Y/n face looking at morty
“merry christmas morty”
Note: ... I still wonder how i still written them as friends during this. It’s called a psuedo relationship, situationship is more sexual and negative i think? which is not what im looking for. So a psuedo fit’s more better since it’s more on acting like a commited relationship even though both never really talked about it. And i thought about homoerottic relationship but google lables it to be more of a sexual desire thing too which i don’t think is what im trying to find so idk how to lable these two.
BUT ANYWAYS they’re friends with benefits i think? Google went and said “people who fear to really confess to each other” but i don’t think that’s the case between those two, they’re more like. Like. Losers that doesn’t know what to when it comes to love so they just literally “go with the flow”
I will post the actual full fanfic instead of making one shots like these about them without much context and ig ‘canon’ plot explained so probably around january i’ll be posting it
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petalsxfallen · 4 months
📱 [[ Rick, Morty and Summer? ]]
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Send 📱 to see how my muse has yours in their phone!
For Summer:
Contact Name: Bad bitch followed by fire emojis
Contact Photo: A pic she took of summer when they went to a dope ass concert together
Ringtone: Blow - kesha
Last text sent: Hope you're not busy cause there's this killer party you gotta come with me to.
For Morty:
Contact Name: My Pal followed by star and spaceship emojis
Contact Photo: A selfie they took together when he was showing petal around earth. They're at a pizza place.
Ringtone: devil town
Last text sent: I just bought so many sick ass knives dude. You'll totally get one. I saved you the one with this sick lizard on the handle.
For Rick:
Contact Name: Dumbass but followed by fire and bomb emojis (she's being affectionate I swear)
Contact Photo: Him fucked up on drugs but with a dopey grin on his face and his face covered in drool. They had just made out and were sloppy with it. No surprise there.
Ringtone: Dirty Mind
Last text sent: Do you even have to ask? I'm always down to party. I'll be there in five.
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advnterccs · 9 months
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@dynamoprotocol sent; After an excessive period of deliberation, Clarissa finally makes her move. She remains a dormant factor for much of the day, a part of her "strategy" that extends beyond the point of having reached her decision. No birthday messages reach Rick's phone; he hears not a thing from her all day. She focuses on her work, waiting for the heat to cool off before she can set her plans into motion.
"Hey." When Rick arrives home from whatever the day's adventures, Clarissa is already waiting to pick him up. Perched casually with one leg dangling over the giant birdlike metal foot of the Thunderbird, which is very un-casually "parked" in the middle of the street outside the Smith household (just another thing for the Neighbourhood Association to complain about).
"You have plans, Inspector Gadget? I thought we could grab dinner. No reason, no specific occasion. Just us, some good street food, no danger of any wait staff singing at you, or any strippers ambushing you from out of a cake."
...Yeah, this is Clarissa's such grandiose of a plan alright: lie in wait to ambush Rick and ask him out for dinner. In a rare flourish, Clarissa pushes her long hair with the back of her hand, blue waves catching on the evening breeze as some unidentifiable expression plays in her eyes.
"Though I guess if you were really in the appetite for naked women covered in frosting, we could always take dessert to go..."
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It'd been a long day. Rick's grand idea of a good time was almost getting him, and his grandson, killed in some stand off on another planet. Of course he was wrongfully accused of stealing something precious that belonged to the people. He was simply borrowing it and he needed it more than they did. What would those people need with something so high tech? That's right, nothing.
So when he finally parked the ship and let Morty wander towards his respective room, Rick looked as if he went through some hell. His clothes were torn at the edges, burned in some places. That hair of his a mess and some ash covered his face. Along with a few scratches here and there.
Though it didn't stop him from going over to see what Clarissa wanted. Just seeing her here made his day better. Yet, he knew why she was here. The thought of it being his birthday wasn't lost on him. It was perfect timing on her part.
But the fact that she didn't mention that word made him smirk. Better yet, that last offer made his mind wander off into some very spicy places.
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"Sure, why not?" He stepped closer with a shrug. "I-I don't mind grabbing dinner," It's you, of course I would want to. "A-And maybe later I'll cover you in frosting~ Lick it aaall off of you."
The last part was spoken with an air of humor, but his eyes went dark with a certain emotion. One that told that he wouldn't mind that at all.
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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@shctupmeg sent: "Morty, are you upset with me? Did I do or say something wrong?" for his reaction to that ask
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In the few days that had followed the friendly picnic turned mishap, Morty had made a great job at avoiding Meg. Mind you, the task was made very easy by the fact that she lived in the other timeline and not his own, but Summer had been creating way too many chances for the two of them to meet, forcing him into hasty retreats before he could be noticed.
The boy was incredibly annoyed at his sister's behaviour, but he hadn't dared to tell her to quit it after the first time he had confronted her. The redhead hadn't even raised her eyes from her phone and had just proceeded to call him out until he had stormed off.
Of all the times Summer could have chosen to butt her head in his business, this one was one of the worst.
So, since there was no persuading her to stop, Morty had resorted to running from the problem, even if, deep down, he knew that it couldn't have lasted. It was only a matter of time before Meg would manage to corner him and force him into talking to her, and the day had finally arrived.
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"W-What? No! I...That's not...I-I'm not upset with you. An-And you did nothing wrong. I-I promise," he hurried to say, waving his hands in front of himself for emphasis. "I-It's just...I-I've been really busy with...stuff, an-and you know how Rick is, and...uh, I just have a lot on my plate. I-It has nothing to do with you. I-It's a me problem. Y-You're fine. More than fine. Y-You're amazing!"
Just great, he was rambling. And, even if he meant his words, the way he was stumbling all over them probably made it all sound forced. He needed a change of subject, and quickly.
His mind blanked for a second, until one sort of reasonable idea popped in his mind.
"Oh, uh, I-I don't know if FM mentioned it, b-but...other Rick is organising a Halloween party! Y-You should come! I-It's gonna be fun an-and...It's okay if you don't have an invitation, y-you can be FM's plus one, s-since you two are...you know..."
He grimaced at the fact that he couldn't even say that she and his counterpart were dating, but he tried to cover it up with an awkward chuckle.
"I-I have to go now, R-Rick...we're still getting things ready for...for the party, b-but how about I text you the details later?"
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Did I really write a ficlet because of the old post about Morty being horny for The Flesh Curtains' music? Yes, yes I did.
He felt the waves crashing over him, tempting him, breaking him. His tiny, sensitive nipples hardened, goosebumps covered his body. The low vibrations filled his inside, threatening to explode.
With a relatively clean finger, he pressed the button, trying to turn up the volume, but it stubbornly stayed the same. He already maxed it.
The music screamed through his headset, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to inhale the notes, chew and swallow the rumbling guitar sound, and wrap the lyrics all around his body. He wanted to consume and be consumed by the song.
The low notes caressed his body like a loving, gentle lover; the quick rap invited his heart into a battle of speed; the loud screaming and growling tickled the secret part in him that wanted to be consumed by the Mothman; and the low bass made his cock throb with insatiable want.
He jerked off too many times to count, but the music didn't let him go. It stayed with him, burrowed itself into his brain, clawed itself into his heart, and made Morty his bitch.
And to think that it was just a funny accident that he found the old CD amongst his grandpa's stuff. He found the band name, The Flesh Curtains, weird, and was curious what type of music Rick listened to. The first song was meh. Not his favorite, but not bad either. Believing that the following ones would be like that, he tried to concentrate on his math homework, when it happened.
Deep, deep growling sound, like a demon screaming from the Hell dimension, and a crazy guitar solo; the sounds broke something in him. It took him until the end of the song to realize that he was more than turned on: his cock was leaking, soiling his pants, his insides were in knots, his lips were burning as he unconsciously rubbed them with his fingers- and he felt empty. His hole was clenching around nothing, begging to be filled up with the sounds and sensations, filled up with the guitar, the drum, the microphone; anything and everything.
He came hard that day.
Then the next day.
And the next.
It became a daily, almost bi-hourly routine when he was home. He masturbated before, a lot of time, driving his family crazy with his horniness, but it became much, much worse. He wouldn't hear a sound from the CD without his cock jumping up, waving that he was alive and well, thank you very much. His skin felt raw, his joints painful and cramped, his asshole looser than ever.
His cock and balls were taut and swollen, always aching for pressure, asking for attention. He could never deny them, tugging on his skin, he teased himself, hurting himself at the orders of the accords, denying himself to come until the end of the last song. If something changed, it was probably his stamina, now able to hold off of coming for 71 minutes of constant torture.
Moving one hand behind his ass, fingering himself open. Touching his hole, one finger was sucked in instantly. He wished it was the drumsticks, instead, or the microphone, the fingers and cocks and tongues of the members. He felt like he was burning, constantly burning, and aching, empty and wanting. The music enough could make him come, he literally came more than once at those sexy growls, but thinking about clever fingers that worked so quickly on the guitar strings was the quickest way to come without assistance.
Yet, feeling real hands around his cock, real digits disappearing inside of his hole, real fingers pressing down on his throat, resting heavily on his tongue, was always better.
Better, but never enough.
Orgasm building up inside of him, gushing out of his cock, contrasting around his fingers, drenching his palm, his clothes, even his phone with white - but it was only physical. The mental barrier kept up, urging him to chase orgasms after orgasms.
Not even Rick's bullying, degrading words could bring him down from the high he felt each time he listened to the band.
That music was his everything.
And then Rick happened.
Well, not Rick. Just an innocent picture, proudly displaying the members of The Flesh Curtains, amongst them his blue-haired grandfather, in tits-out shirt, choker and leather pants, with a guitar in his hands.
That was the moment when Morty realized the only reason for, only goal and passion in his life: to seduce, to lock down, and to keep his grandfather for himself. For ever.
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linaselandbasil · 1 year
Okay, @platoniccereal. I know it's been a while but I wasn't gonna half ass this. Here is your 10 songs (it's been so long that I forgot it was supposed to be 5)
We never talk, so you should dig your feet real deep into the ground, I have a very potent personality. Be warned.
1. Kishi Bashi-i am the antichrist to you.
I was introduced to this song from that one episode of Rick and Morty that made everyone cry. I liked it so much I downloaded it to my phone. I love the vocals and I love the instruments, I love the melody... Good song, basically.
2.Keane- somewhere only we know.
I was introduced to this song via the TV a long time ago, there was a short film that played during commercials with a cover of this song. I like the original better, I can appreciate the nostalgia I feel for a time I don't even remember.
3.Lil Nas x- industry baby
I was introduced to this song because I'm a fan of gay cowboys. I used to think Lil Nas was hot as fuck in old time road because I'm very into cowboys, then he came out and I nearly came in my pants.
I was introduced to this song by Jake Munro. In ibe of his videos he suggested that everyone should go watch the music video to this song because this masterpiece was the literal first music video he ever saw on MTV in the early 00' and it amazed him. I did as I was told and I hadn't regretted. It is an amazing song and an amazing video. I rarely listen to it because I cannot handle how it makes me feel.
5.Trixie mattel- video games
This was the first thing I listened to from trixie, because like many others I gave absolutely zero fucks about her music and u just enjoyed her numerous other entertainment. I literally cried because of it, I love this song. (I know it was written by Lana del Rey, I just don't like her okay?)
6.Marina-valley of the dolls
This is an amazing song, I love it very much. I'm a modest fan of marina, I think she's a great singer and has some awesome music, her narratives are flawlessly presented in her albums and I think she deserves recognition.
7.Sufjan Stevens-should have known better
This song makes me really sad, but I like it. It makes me regret things I didn't even do.
8.Starset-into the unknown
It's a classic to me, I've been a starset fan since I was 12. I have no clue what these songs are supposed to be about but I'm 100% open to the fantasy.
9.Noisettes-never forget you
It makes me really happy, it's good to have at least one song that isn't my sad boy soundtrack but my happy boy soundtrack. I think it's just playful enough to make me walk a little faster, but not enough to get me hit by a car.
10.Michelle gurevich-feel more
I was introduced to this song in a Netflix documentary about a cult. It was playing at the beginning and end of episodes, the slow buildup and the echoing vocals made it just perfect. It makes me think of being a horse in the prairie and not having to pay taxes as I gallop along with my herd. Very good song.
I tag @isatisnn @aide-falls @lunii12 aaand @party-in-eldarya have fun with it!
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Rick and Morty/Gravity Falls crossover cause im shipping my two favorite dimension hopping scientists
Part one, repost from my ao3 Ghostly__apparitions
Ford looked up from his work to glance around the bar he was sat in, he wasn't taking any chances on alien booze, but he needed a relatively safe place to work on his tools, weapons to be more precise. He had only been travelling for about five months now, but he hadn't spent much time off of the nightmare realm, so he was still kind of new to all of this. He was still so pissed at his brother, in the deep recesses of his mind he missed him sure, but that part was drowned by pure rage. His thoughts were interrupted when another human- or at least humanoid lab coat wearing guy sat next to him, "First time huh?" The guy asked him in a gravelly voice "H-huh?" Ford stuttered, he hadn't expected him to say anything to him and thus hadn't prepared a response, and was barely paying attention to the initial question "Dimension hopping, is it your first time?" The guy asked taking a swig of his drink.
"Umm.." Ford began eying him suspiciously "Yes ... why?" "Just making conversation sheesh, I mean it's- it's obvious, you look like a kid lost in a mall without his mommy" The man joked "It's that obvious?" Ford asked, calmed slightly by the weird mans joking. "Yea I mean- You know no offense I guess" "Non taken" The two where silent a moment, "Rick by the way, Rick Sanchez" "Oh, Ford Pines, nice to meet you" Ford stuck his hand out for a shake which Rick took, holding on slightly to long "Pleasures all mine" Ford pulled his hand away awkwardly his face reddened "Right- heh ..um so so any tips? To dimension travelling" Ford asked "Oh yea well I've been doing it for years so it comes naturally to me, I just use this bad boy" Rick told him pulling out his portal gun and shooting it as demonstration, Fords eyes widened and turned to Rick "Fascinating, would you mind if I took a look? how does it work?" Ford asked, his eyes lit up.
"Yea sure- just be careful things a fucking hassle to fix" Ford nodded while examining it "Truly fascinating" he muttered "You know which dimension you're from? I'm C-137" Rick asked "Oh yes, I do, I'm dimension 46" "Oh yea I've been there once, had to stop to refuel, weird fucking town, weirder locals" Rick laughed to himself "Ah, that'll probably be Gravity Falls:" Ford chuckled and handed him his portal gun back "Thank you" he said "Yea no- no problem, so what's a guy like you doing here?" Rick asked and Ford shrugged "Long story, But to shorten it I got accidentally thrown through a portal, one I was tricked into making by a demon" Ford replied sheepishly "A demon? Which one, might know em" "Bill Cipher, he's a dream demon" "Oh shit yea I know him, had to implant my family brain with chips once again- against him" "Really? Small worl- er universe ... Multiverse?" Ford responded, then knocked on his head with a clanking sound "I had to get countermeasures too" "Oh damn that's metal as fuck" Rick laughed.
"Hey Rick I'm ready to go now" A child voice came, Rick and Ford turned to see a younger boy in a yellow shirt "Morty not- not now I'm talking- I'm talking to a hot guy Morty can't you see that" Ford turned to lean on the counter and attempt to casually cover his face with his hand cause holy he was not expecting that. Rick turned to him and laughed "Oooh Someone is easy to fluster" he teased poking him obnoxiously in the face and Ford just turned to look more away "Rick stop- stop flirting I have school tomorrow" Morty groaned as Ford desperately attempted to ignore Rick. "Morty schools pointless, I've told you this" "Rick just get his number like a normal fucking person I'm tired" Rick sighed dramatically and turned to Ford again "You even have a phone?" Ford shook his head "uh, no" he replied "See Morty he doesn't have a phone so just- just give me a fucking minute Morty" Morty groaned again and went to sit at a table knowing his grandfather was impossible.
"Sorry about that, grandson, Morty, insufferable little shit sometimes" Ford stopped covering his face "No it's fine, You have a grandchild?" he asked trying to change the topic "Mm, yea two of em, a daughter and ... unfortunately a son in law, what about you?" "No .. I just have a little brother, and parents, also a - a twin brother but he's the reason I'm here" "Well shit, dramatic backstory, sick" Ford grinned awkardly "Yea I guess"
"So did you want- like if you had a phone would you take my number?" Rick asked and Ford flushed again "Um yea- yes I guess" he stuttered out "Good, cool, brb" He responded and left. Ford sat awkwardly fidgeting in his chair, wondering if Rick was even coming back, I mean he had to right? I mean his grandson was still sat there.<"
"Hey-o I'm back sixer!" Rick said tossing a phone at him, Ford looked up at him ignoring the nickname "Where did you even get this?" "Stole it" "Oh" Ford wasn't going to complain about the morality of it, he himself was a wanted criminal. "And here ya go" Rick said handing him his own phone to add to the contacts "Th-thanks" He responded typing in the number and just making the contact name "Rick"
Rick took his phone back "So that phone works across dimensions but you will need to charge it" Rick told him "That's fine, Phones aren't even portable where I'm from" "Yea not- not yet so have fun with that" he chuckled "Rick!" Morty called getting annoyed "Yea yea!" Rick called back "Alright well I gotta- I gotta go now handsome, text me!" Rick told him opening a portal gun, Morty jumped in, Rick reached for Ford's hand and kissed it before jumping in himself. Ford hadn't been given time to respond but probably wouldn't have been able to get any words out anyways.
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blurrymango · 2 years
Tumblr recommends to me a post criticizing Summer of Rick and Morty fame’s absolute drip. The poster obviously has proshippers in their DNI despite the creators of the show being pro-ship and Rick and Morty having gotten married so I can’t reblog the post, because y’know, OP supports harassment. Anyway the OP was wrong and Summer has so much drip she is covered in swag. Summer has more drip than the person who made the post at least. I can’t add images to this post because my phone is bugging and my internet won’t let me but blah.
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joomma · 2 years
Fc Utrecht Ugly Christmas Sweater
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Fc Utrecht Ugly Christmas Sweater
Dean gets to their motel and Sam’s dressed it all up, even though he spent much of the Fc Utrecht Ugly Christmas Sweater not wanting to celebrate. They share some jokes for the rest of the episode, clearly trying not to get teary-eyed or reminisce too much about their…well, mostly shitty lives. They share some presents, express some gratitude, drink some eggnog, and watch a game on TV. Smiling and enjoying each other’s company. I love this episode and it goes down as my favorite Christmas story because the writers did not hold back on making it bittersweet as fuck. These two poor sons of bitches have almost nothing at all – they’re sitting in a cheap motel, both their parents are dead, Dean is going to be dragged to Hell for eternity within the year, and the only reason they wake up in the morning to save other people is because they literally cannot do anything else now that they’ve been hunting for so long.
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7 Learn about the many exercises to develop and warm up the Rick And Morty Aop Hawaii Shirt . By this I don’t mean scales and the relatively slack routine things they teach about mouth articulation of words, I mean the much more involved physical exercises that drive the diaphragm, rib cage, throat, tongue and jaw exercises that focus on getting the vocal cords and resonance developed into a fine singers voice, so you’re getting the complete output of all harmonics and frequencies you can, from deep bass to high treble and higher harmonics. You shouldn’t have to feel like higher range notes have to be a physical chore to muscle into as if you were pumping barbells to sing those notes. You have to liberate the vocal cords and condition the muscles and tissues around them for the activity of singing. Note : most singing instruction does not do this!
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marymerchandice · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Rick and Morty iPhone 13 Pro Max Phone Case Cover.
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iphonescoverz · 2 years
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(via Tripping rick hand drawn and painted iPhone Case by leen12)
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vngelicc · 3 years
“ a n g e l ”
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p a i r i n g : yoongi x reader
g e n r e : boyfriend au.
t a g s : unprotected sex, creampies, boyfriend!yoongi, domestic fluff, idol yoongi, slice of life, age-difference, possessive sex, face-sitting, blow jobs, breeding kink, brief phone sex, accidental voyeurism, y’all get caught by hobi lmao, yoongi deflowers you lol, corruption kink, sweetheart!reader
s u m m a r y : he’s yours and you are his. you didn’t need a magazine to tell you that, because the media knew nothing about what went on behind the scenes.
w o r d c o u n t : 7 k
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Sunlight creeps through the closed blinds, some parts hitting your face and others on your back. It feels a bit warm, you softly moan in protest and bring the covers over to hide your face. Judging by how bright it is in the room it must already be late morning, maybe even noon.
"...y/n," a low raspy voice mumbled out to you, "I'm hungry."
You squeeze your eyes shut and curl up into a tiny ball with your face buried in the covers, "I am too." It's half-bullshit because you know you're just talking out of your ass since you're half-asleep and still in the process of waking. "I want... want pancakes.. with sprinkles." You mumble, though it comes out muffled because you've burrowed yourself.
Yoongi rolls over, throwing his leg over your body and hugging you close, "We had pancakes yesterday."
"Right.. waffles?"
He chuckled quietly in response and buried his nose in your neck, "You're unbelievable baby, why don't we go out? I'm sure it's brunch." The whine you let out didn't need much explanation as he sighed, "We can bring it back here yeah? I know you wanna finish watching your Rick and Morty show."
You stayed quiet for a little bit thinking about your options. A.) stay in the comfort of your home where you have your soft warm bed, or B.) get out of bed, get dressed, and go outside only to come back. ".... Fine." You muttered slowly peeking your head out of the covers, "Promise we come back?"
"Promise," Yoongi grinned as he propped himself up while staring at you, "now c'mere and give me a kiss baby."
A soft giggle left your lips as you leaned in to peck his lips. You did this three times before he grabbed the back of your head with a laugh as he kissed the hell out of you. Yoongi grinned softly against your lips as he pulled back just a little, "Such a tease," he eyed your lips and then you, "so fuckin' beautiful."
"Yoongi," you whined feeling shy about his compliments, "are we going or not?"
"Shh," he smothered you with more kisses, murmuring in-between, "let me give my princess more kisses."
Your heart soared at the words, you loved how affectionate he was with you. Everyone perceived him as a cold rapper with attitude but no one knew him like you did. He was your baby boy at heart, sure he could be scary at times but he was a complete sweetheart if you were being honest.
You and Yoongi met one day on one of the BTS Run! sets. At first it started with him staring at you and just overall checking you out, but then he actually made small talk. The two of you got along pretty well and by the end of the episode he left with your number.
Over the next weeks you learned he was older than you—a six year age-gap separating the two of you. You didn't mind it much, in fact the increase in age was kind of hot to you. Yoongi was much like you anyways, he liked them a little younger. The two of you talked and talked until he confessed his feelings and vice-versa.
Yoongi took it slow and you were glad he did because this was your first serious relationship. You guess you could say you were a virgin in both aspects: first kiss, first time. He didn't judge nor find it unappealing that you hadn't ever been serious with anyone. In fact he fucking loved it.
The idea of being the first and only person in your life that held you, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, and got to kiss those soft lips of yours did things to him. You even had a pretty little purity ring, but the cherry on top was when you told him you have never even touched yourself. It was like a flip had switched within him, you remembered it so clearly;
yoonie<3 [10:45]
just got home from the studio love
have you eaten?
yea i had a late class today :(
sorry to hear that baby
you in bed now?
You decided to send a selfie of you cuddled up to the Sanrio pillow he had bought you during a date. You deemed it cute enough to send and waited patiently for his response. Of course you didn't expect one right away because Yoongi wasn't big on texting. He enjoyed face-to-face or talking on the phone.
Your phone buzzed and you scrambled to pick it up, rolling on your tummy with your feet in the air as you smiled like a school girl.
yoonie<3 [10:50]
you look so fucking cute baby
you're wearing my shirt aren't you?
it's super comfy lol it smells like you
what else you have on baby?
A soft blush spread over your cheeks as you bit your lip. You felt butterflies in your tummy as you tried to make sense of his question. Was he genuinely curious or was he asking because of other intentions.. Either way you couldn't fight off the nervousness you felt.
i'm wearing the white shorts you bought me
yoonie<3 [10:53]
can i see?
Panic set in as you sat up, "Crap.. what do I do now?" You chewed on your bottom lip nervously, clearly you've never been in a situation like this, much less with your boyfriend. You looked towards the large mirror on your wall across your bed. You softly grinned, "Bingo."
You switched your main lights off and turned on your LED lights, lighting your room up in a fuchsia color. You sat up straight facing the mirror and blushed as you got into what you assumed was the cowgirl position, sitting on your knees as you spread your thighs apart and posed. You made sure the curve of your waist to your ass was on display as you snapped the photo.
"Ohmygod, ohmygod," you rushed out while sending the photo and tossing your phone aside.
yoonie<3 [10:55]
that's so fucking hot baby
can i see what's under?
You were feeling a little bit bolder than usual so you slowly took off the shirt and shorts, leaving you in your matching bra/underwear. You switched the camera and raised your arm a little, using your other to cup your breasts to push them together. You angled the camera down to capture your panties as well. That wasn't the only photo you took.
You bit your lip and decided to take off your bra, pushing your breasts together in one and then in the second photo you snapped it of your ass. After hitting send you laid back just staring at the ceiling thinking about what you had just done. Wild thoughts running through your mind, wondering about Yoongi's reaction or if he saw them at all.
The phone suddenly began ringing, scaring you out of your wits as you jumped. You grabbed the phone with excitement thrumming in your body as you swiped to answer it, "Yoongi?"
"What was all that baby? You trying to make me lose it?" He huskily breathed into the phone.
His deep raspy voice had you pressing your thighs together. It aroused you to no ends hearing him like this, knowing you were the cause. "Do I look pretty?" You softly asked.
"You look so fucking beautiful, wish you were here with me now."
"If I was there what would you do?" You twirled a strand of your hair playing along with Yoongi's little game.
Yoongi released a noise akin to a growl, "You don't even know the half of it pretty girl, I'd have you in my bed with nothing but your pretty panties on. Just wanna leave kisses all over your body, some marks on those pretty tits of yours. Don't even get me started on your ass baby, it's god-send."
All these things being said to you all at once made you flush with desire, a dull throbbing sensation came from between your thighs. You found yourself laying on your side, phone tucked under your ear as you tried to calm down. "Yoongi.." you murmured shyly, "It feels so hot in here."
"Take your panties off baby, I know my sweet girl wants to play with herself, let me guide you baby."
You set the phone down on speaker, shuffling around and slowly sliding your panties down, "They're off."
"Good girl, tease yourself baby. Play with those pretty nipples first. Imagine it's me there with you, sucking on them and pinching." He breathed out softly, shuffling can be heard on his end.
You bit your lip and cupped your breasts and squeezing gently. Slowly you slid the straps off your shoulders and let your breasts pour out from the bra. The cool air caused your nipples to harden almost immediately, it made you sigh softly as your fingers came up to gently roll the nub around. It caused your clit throb even more, pleasure spreading all around specifically down between your legs.
"Oh the things I'd do to you.. you don't know how much I want to fuck you love, you drive me so crazy, especially those pretty lips of yours. I always imagine what it'd be like to have those lips wrapped around my cock. More so that fat ass of yours." He breathed out, a slick sound coming from the other end of the phone.
You whimpered softly, free hand slowly slipping down to cup your hot pussy. Slick was starting to build up slowly, you ran the tip of your index finger up and down your soft folds. It felt hot down there, even more when you dipped in to touch at your hooded clit and then your slicked up hole. "I'm so wet," you breathed out, slowly poking at your tight hole.
"Go on baby, rub on your pretty pussy. Use your finger to tease your clit. Go slow for me, get yourself even wetter." Yoongi groaned out.
Listening to his words you slowly circled your clit and found a nice angle you liked and pressed down, firmly rubbing over it. It felt good, your legs quivered slightly as you forced them apart and let the cool air brush against your parted folds. "I feel so empty, I need more," you moaned out, toes curling and uncurling as you gave yourself pleasure.
"Slip a finger inside baby, finger yourself open."
You slowly slipped your hand down and pressed your middle finger in, slowly pushing it into your pussy. It hurt a little, stinging until a dull throbbing pain took over. A pained moan left your lips as you managed to fit your finger in. The pain was very much there but died down just a tiny bit. "It hurt a little.." you mumbled softly, panting just a little.
"I'm sorry baby, if I was there I'd kiss it all better. If you don't like it we can stop."
"No, I want to keep going, it feels good when I rub myself at the same time." You shyly admitted while using your other hand to rub at your clit slowly, the pain and pleasure mixing quite well.
"Fuck baby, you're gonna make me cum when you talk like that. Makes me feel like one of those high school boys." Yoongi chuckled breathily.
You wanted to laugh at his words when all of a sudden you hit a spot that had your legs quivering even more. "Ohh.." you moaned out, your hips canted upwards towards the feeling. "Yoongi," you whined quietly as you rubbed faster while pumping your finger in and out.
There was a soft squelching noise that came from between your thighs. You got a little overzealous with your pleasure, finger going faster as you hiked your legs up and apart. "Mmm, feels so good. I'm getting so close."
Yoongi groaned softly, "Go on baby, cum for me. I'm so close too." He quietly huffed, the slick noises on the other end getting louder and louder.
You whimpered softly as your brows furrowed, the pleasure was rising higher and higher. You were embarrassed that you were coming this quickly but in your defense it was the first time you ever did this. Your mouth fell open in a silent moan, body shuddering and quaking.
"Cum baby," Yoongi panted out, the shuffling noises getting faster and faster.
"Yoongi," you finally sobbed, body shaking as your orgasm rolled through you. It left your body weak and satisfied, a low pulsing feeling came from between your legs as your pussy throbbed around your digit. You rode out your orgasm just listening to Yoongi's own moaning and curses as he presumably came.
"I can't wait to get my hands on you,"
Yoongi had been busy preparing for his leave to LA, you understood the consequences of dating a worldwide idol so it wasn't a big deal to you. It wasn't like he didn't make time for you, Yoongi still managed to squeeze in a date or two amidst the chaos unfolding. He still came home to you no matter how tiring his day had been, something you found endearing.
"I'm home," he called out in a lazy tone, "I bought those chips you were eyeing at the store the other day."
You turned around from your place on the couch, "Oh thank you, you didn't need to though Yoonie." A soft giggle escaped your lips as you stretched out and went to greet your boyfriend with a kiss. You gently pried the bags from his hand, "I made your favorite," you softly grinned.
Yoongi sent you a soft tired smile, "Thank you baby, I'll eat some right now. Gonna shower and get this shit off me." He muttered motioning to whatever the hell he thought he had on his face.
You pouted softly at his tired look and decided to just hop into the shower with him. You missed him deeply, missed his touch and overall just the feeling of him holding you in his arms. You quietly followed him, watching as he stripped and stepped into the shower. You slowly stripped and made your way into the spacious shower space.
Yoongi made a noise of surprise when he felt your arms come up to wrap around his middle. "Baby?" He asked softly as he placed his hands over your arms.
"Wanted to help you relax." You shyly mumbled into his back as you pressed soft kisses on his shoulder blade and back.
He didn't say anything after that and just sighed letting the warm water run down your bodies. He turned around to bring you into his arms as he swayed side to side with you. You enjoyed this type of intimacy with him just holding you. It reminded you so much of the first time he held you like this.
Coincidentally it had all started with a shower too;
"Ow–wait," you hissed when Yoongi pressed into you, cock slipping past your wet folds. Your hand came up to gently grip his biceps as your hips moved away from his, "Hurts really bad."
Yoongi grunted softly as he took ahold of his cock and pulled back, "Should we stop?" He asked while rubbing the tip of his cock over your folds, pressing on your clit as he slid his cock side to side.
"No, I just.. give me a sec." You mumbled, taking deep breaths and trying to relax. You knew it'd hurt but if you kept overthinking like this you might as well never have sex then. You were pretty sure it wasn't going to end horribly or anything. You'd done foreplay with Yoongi going down on you and getting you nice and wet on his fingers beforehand.
With a quiet sigh you moved to accommodate yourself and spread your thighs open for him, "I'm ready," you murmured out, "just.. go slower."
Yoongi leaned down to cage you in his arms, pressing his lips to yours. He rolled his hips against yours, just idly humping and letting his cock rub up against your inner thigh. "I love you," he murmured softly as he stared into your eyes.
You smiled back at him, "I love you too." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.
Yoongi took the opportunity to slip his cock between your folds once more, pressing in and then pushing slowly. You whimpered into the kiss, arms tightening around him as you tried your hardest to be relaxed. Your lower half burned, pussy stretching to accommodate his thick cock. Yoongi released a muffled groan into your mouth as he pulled your body closer to his.
He finally bottomed out inside of you, balls pressed snug against your ass. You sighed quietly reaching up to gently move his hair out of his face, "Does it hurt?" Yoongi quietly asked, peppering kisses all over your face.
"A little." You softly replied, your hands coming up to gently grip his hair.
Yoongi grinned softly and pressed his forehead against yours, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Especially when you wear your cute little reading glasses.
You whined out of embarrassment, "Yoongi," you huffed, "those glasses literally make me look like a old librarian." You cackled quietly.
"A hot librarian I'd fuck." Yoongi laughed softly, he lowered himself down on his elbows, caging you in his arms and making you feel even smaller than before.
You shook your head with a eye-roll as you scooted closer, letting your hips roll upwards slowly to test the waters. It didn't hurt as much and the pain was laced with a spark of pleasure. "I'm good," you breathed out, "try not to go too crazy."
Yoongi just chuckled in response as his hips slowly rolled into you, his cock grinding forward and stretching you out. You made soft noises of pain here and there but didn't let him stop, you wanted all of him. He buried his face in your neck, panting softly as his hips worked into you. He had switched his motion and was now pulling out until the tip of his cock remained.
"Yoongi," you mewled, legs hooking around his waist with your ankles pressed against the top of his ass.
"What is it angel?" He moaned out, "Want me to stuff you full of my cock? Fuck you till your legs are shaking and you're begging me to stop?" His hands slithered down to grab ahold of your asscheeks, giving them a harsh squeeze.
A strained whine left your plush lips, hands scrambling to grip his shoulders, "Y-Yes, please I want all of it," your eyes began to fill with tears, sobs threatening to leave, "give it to me Yoongi."
Yoongi groaned sharply his hips picked up the pace drastically, "Baby," he shuddered, "god you feel so fucking good. That's it, such a good girl for me. You gonna take my cock?" He hoarsely whispered.
You let out a sweet whimper as your body bounced in place in tandem to his thrusts. "Yes, I'm your good girl. Gonna take your cock however you want me to," you rasped out, "let you use my pussy as a cum dump."
His hips stuttered in their movements, a filthy moan leaving his lips with his pace increasing. "The mouth you got on you," he panted out as his balls slapped against your ass, filthy squelching noises filling the air. "Want my cum in your pretty pussy baby? Fill you till you're dripping?"
"Yes! God yes please,"
Yoongi pulled back as he used his arms to push himself up and hover over you. He began to piston his hips faster, thighs smacking against your skin as loud clapping noises emitted. "Gonna breed you baby, have you filled with my cum by the end of the night." He grunted.
"Yoongi..!" You squealed feeling your pussy throb from overuse. You were starting to feel your orgasm slowly creeping up on you, it was somehow more intense than before. You eagerly reached down to rub at your clit in rapid circles, "I-I'm gonna cum! Oh god–yes mmm–gonna cum, I'm coming!" A high-pitched sob escaped your lips as you threw your head back, legs shaking and toes curling tightly.
He moaned loudly at the sight of you coming undone. In a way he felt smug knowing that he was the first and most likely the last cock you'd ever have. The way your pussy tightened around his cock made him fall over on top of you. He hugged your body close to his, breathing harshly into your ear as he groaned, "Fuck baby I'm gonna cum," he breathed out, " 'bout to cum in your pretty pussy."
You weakly hugged him back, legs falling from his waist as you let him use you. "Shit you're so–" Yoongi groaned loudly as he couldn't finish his sentence, "God baby, gonna make me cum."
He moaned filthily as his mouth fell open, he went quiet for a few seconds, all you could hear was the sound of the bed shaking and the sheets shuffling. "F-Fuck," he stuttered out, hips slamming into your three times before he stilled. His cock throbbed, spurts of cum spilling out and filling your already ruined pussy.
You whimpered softly and buried your face in his neck. Yoongi kept rocking into you while riding his orgasm out, soft breathless groans leaving him. "Did so well for me angel," he panted into your ear, turning to kiss your cheek and temple, "so good.."
"y/n?" Yoongi broke the silence that had fell over you both. When you hummed back he let out a soft breath he had been holding in, "I asked if you wanted to come to LA with me, we can go to Universal Studios like you wanted."
"LA? But I thought you were going cause of the award show and the concerts?" You tilted your head.
Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, doesn't mean I won't have free time. Please? I don't think I'll be able to stay away from you for a whole month." He joked softly even though he was totally serious.
You thought about it for a few seconds, sure you did miss him and wanted more time with him but going to LA? On top of all that his fans.. they'd finally catch a glimpse of you and you weren't sure if you were ready for all of that. It wasn't like Yoongi kept you a secret, he just didn't talk a lot about you or showed you off to the public eye. Not that you were complaining because you thought it was better that way.
"Okay.. yeah, I'll come with you." You smiled, hand coming up to cup his cheek, "I know you won't last a minute out there without me." You squeezed his cheeks with a soft giggle.
Yoongi grumbled something about you squeezing him as he sent a playful glare your way. "And what about it? Least I can admit it." He pinched your ass as a form of revenge. "Here I thought you were trying to help me relax, not fight with me."
You jumped a little from the pinch, an annoyed pout settling over your features as you smacked his arm, "I am trying to help you relax but you pinched me! Weirdo," you stuck your tongue out whilst moving away from his wandering hands, "no you lost your chance when you decided to abuse me."
"Abuse you?" He said in a offended tone, "Baby that is the last thing I do to your ass and you know it." He laughed.
"You don't see me pinching your ass either," you sassed back, "suffer."
Yoongi sighed, "What does my baby want me to do so I can hold her again? Hm?" He tilted his head, slowly stepping forward and caging you in against the wall. Water ran down his body, his hooded eyes were covered by his wet hair as he used his hand to push it back and out of his face.
You bit your lip, mind running wild from the sight. "There is one thing you can do..." you trailed off, tracing a finger down his chest.
"Yeah?" His breath hitched as he watched your dainty finger go down his body, "And what is that baby?"
You looked into his eyes, innocently batting your lashes at him as you slowly ran your hand along his slowly hardening cock, "Let me have it? Pretty please? I wanna suck you off," you said in that innocent tone you knew he liked, the one that always got him going.
Yoongi had a thing for you playing innocent, despite you being far from it. Something about you whispering and doing filthy things on your own accord without him initiating anything was hot. He remembered how much of a good girl you were before you met him, and now you were a vixen behind doors. Your purity ring long gone..
"Go on baby, show me all the filthy things you can do with that pretty mouth of yours." Yoongi huskily mumbled, tracing a thumb over your bottom lip.
You nodded, your breathing soft and excited. Slowly you sank down to your knees before him, keeping eye contact with him. Your hand gently stroked his hard cock, twisting at the base and then coming back up to cover the tip. He had droplets of pre-cum sliding down as you used it and smeared it around his cock.
Yoongi softly sighed, "Good girl," he mumbled out as his hand came down to cup the back of your head.
Your lips slowly traced over his cock, tongue peeking out slowly to taste him. It had been weeks since you both got to unwind like this so you wanted to make the best of it. You cupped his soft balls and massaged them gently while mouthing at the shaft of his cock, "Mmm, taste so good." You whispered, looking up into his eyes.
Yoongi softly moaned as he licked his lips, his dark hooded eyes were trained on the way your pouty lips skimmed his cock. "Yeah? C'mon baby let me feel those soft lips around my cock." He pleaded softly.
Without another word you took Yoongi's cock into your mouth, lips plush around him as you slowly took him in. A soft mewl left your lips as you hollowed your cheeks, tongue slithering around the shaft of his cock. You could feel the tip hit the back of your throat, your eyes teared up with your throat constricting just a little bit.
"Ohh fuckkk," he rasped out, relaxing against the wet tiles and leaning his head back, "so good baby.."
His moans motivated you more, head slowly bobbing and lips tightening as you delivered a few harsh sucks. Your hand remained stroking his balls and your eyes closed slowly, soft filthy sucking noises filled the shower as you occasionally gagged on his fat cock. You slowly pulled back with a wet pop, tongue coming out to swirl around the tip and collect all the pre-cum.
Yoongi shuddered in pleasure, the tip of his cock was the most sensitive part and usually he tended to try and avoid that to prevent from coming early. "Fuck baby no," he whined, "don't do that or else I'll cum."
"That's the whole point," you cheekily giggled, eyes staring into his as you took him back into your mouth.
He released colorful curses, hand holding your wet hair tightly. You moaned around his cock, you slowly leaned forward until your nose touched his lower stomach. Drool slipped past your lips as you fought the gagging fit you knew you were bound to have. Yoongi let out a strangled moan, hand letting go and holding you in place, "Baby–fuck, oh god."
You put your hands on his hips, pushing yourself back with a soft gasp. Saliva ran down your chin as you licked your swollen lips, "Fuck my throat?" You quietly asked.
Yoongi nodded deliriously, body thrumming in excitement when he heard you curse which was something rare. He guided you back to his cock, letting you down slowly until he held you in place. His balls were pressed snug against your chin as he began to roll his hips upward. Soft gagging noises filled, your eyes closed and let him hold you down on his cock.
It was so sloppy at this point, saliva dripping and gags louder. Yoongi was moaning like crazy now, head thrown back as he praised you endlessly. "Oh god baby, you're doing so good for me," he shifted a little to move his hips a bit faster, "gonna make me cum." He groaned.
Your eyes teared up, you knew your throat would be aching for days after this. Especially with how he was frantically working his hips. His cock began to slowly throb as Yoongi went still, mouth falling open as he slumped against the wall. "Shit–" he hissed out, thick ropes of cum going down your throat.
Yoongi rode out his orgasm, watching as you cried and choked on his cock. He sighed heavily, letting go of you bonelessly and watching as you recoiled back. You struggled to swallow and went into a small coughing fit. The icing on top was the happy angelic smile you gave him afterwards, "Thanks Yoonie," you giggled.
"You dirty girl." He laughed breathlessly.
LA was definitely a change of pace, it was so pretty at night and filled with all sorts of places to go to. You and Yoongi didn't go out much during the day. Both of you opted to leave around nighttime since it got darker rather quickly given the whole daylight savings thing. It was fun, Yoongi took you down to Santa Monica and even indulged in your requests such as going to Six Flags.
Tonight you had attended day two of their show, thoroughly enjoying watching your boyfriend have his fun and go off during his performances. It made you swell with pride seeing how happy he really was on stage. You wish you could keep him that way, stress free and happy for the rest of his life.
A staff came to get you since you had been seated at the top of the stadium in a private booth. You quickly followed after them, this wasn't your first rodeo anyways so you knew where to go by now. You saw your sweaty boyfriend downing a bottle of water. You giggled running up to him and wrapping your limbs around him, "Did you enjoy yourself?" You cheerfully asked.
"You know I did baby." Yoongi quietly laughed, ruffling your hair and pulling you close.
"Ew Yoonie you're so sweaty." You whined playfully but let him hook his arm around your neck, holding you close to him.
Yoongi snorted softly, "Babe that should be the least of your concerns right now. You should worry about.. I don't know maybe if I'm hungry or if I'm tired?" He teased softly.
You followed Yoongi down the corridor, hand cupping his cheek as you kissed him, "You hungry Yoonie?" You mumbled softly against his lips.
"Yeah," he pulled you tighter against him, "but not for what you think I want." Was all he said as he covered you, bringing you to the car and getting in the back with you.
You were left red the whole car ride back, excitement buzzing in you as you looked forward to getting back to the hotel. His hands gently settled on your hips since he had you sitting on his lap. You cupped his cheek and brought him close as you snapped photos of the two of you. He looked so in love in each photo your heart melted into a puddle of goo.
The two of you bid your goodbyes to the boys and left to the room together, hand in hand. "Namjoon broke the damn thing." He shook his head, "I told him not to play with it and looked what happened."
"I saw.. he looked so sad when he realized he couldn't use it anymore." You giggled softly, following Yoongi as the two of you flopped down on the bed. "Yoonie, you still want me to make you something to eat? Last time you ate was before sound check." You mumbled softly, stroking his hair as he curled up closer to you.
Yoongi shook his head, "No baby I'm not really hungry right now. Just a little exhausted from the show."
You nodded and turned over to lie on your tummy as you checked your social medias and other stuff. "You don't have to perform tomorrow right?" His hum of acknowledgment gave you your answer, "You want to take a drive down to Universal Studios?"
"Yeah, I'm up for it baby." Yoongi rolled over to use your ass as a cushion for his head, "Damn, this feels nicer than being smothered by your thighs."
"Yoongi!" You laughed, swatting his hand blindly as you tried to get him to stop groping your ass, "You dirty old pervert."
Yoongi scoffed, "You love this dirty old pervert angel, mind you he's the reason you turned into a freak in the sheets." He sounded almost proud of himself, as if that was something he had been waiting to accomplish.
You bit your lip with a blush dusting your cheeks, "Really now? You sound a little to proud of yourself there. Do you love just how dirty you turned me? Shame on you Min Yoongi, I was such a good girl before this and now all I can think about is your cock down my throat or in my pussy pounding me six ways to Sunday." You licked your lips.
Yoongi let out a muffled groan, clearly enjoying all this talk about corrupting your past innocent self. "Fucking love it angel, knowing that everyone thinks you're such a sweetheart, that you can do no bad. Little do they know I got myself a little slut," Yoongi turned to roll you over and straddle your hips, "a little freak in the sheets willing to let me do anything to her. Isn't that right baby?" He cooed patting your cheek.
You nodded eagerly, tongue darting out to lick your lips as you watched his movements. Yoongi softly smiled, thumb coming up to gently dip into your mouth. You whined softly, slowly parting your lips to let his thumb slide in. "Good girl," he breathed out, "c'mere, I want you on my face."
Immediately you let his thumb go with drool slipping out from the corner of your lips. "Yes please." You murmured whilst letting him get into position as he tugged at your clothes. There was something so debauched about the way you were stripped to nothing and he was fully clothed. Made you feel tiny.. submissive.
Yoongi licked his lips slowly, he eyed your cunt like it was going to be the last meal he ever had. "Be a good girl and fuck yourself on my face okay? Use me however you want to get off, filthy girl. Get yourself nice and ready for my cock right now." He rumbled lowly.
You bit your lip and slowly crawled over to hover over his face, "Ready for your cum too?" You asked with puppy eyes and a pout.
"Even my cum angel." Yoongi reassured as his hands came up to gently grasp both of your soft ass cheeks. His mouth watered whilst slowly pulling you down on to his face, mouth attaching to your soft cunt right away. His tongue poked at your soft folds, slowly gathering up your wetness and spreading it around your cunt.
You relaxed on his face, hands coming behind you to steady yourself as he ate you out slowly. A tiny mewl bubbled up from your throat, the way he ran the tip of his tongue around you clit made your thighs quiver. "Yoongi," one of your hands slowly made its' way to his hair as you gripped it, "please."
Yoongi gave a low hum, eyes closing whilst he smothered himself in your soft folds. He flattened his tongue on your clit and gently moved your hips forward. You took it as a cue to start riding his face. Your hips rolled slowly, pace sensual as his tongue rubbed over your clit repeatedly.
"God–yes, so good baby." You choked out, head leaned back and toes curling.
He wildly slurped at your clit, hands gripping your ass cheeks tightly and slapping them. A soft shuddered moan left you, eyes closing in pleasure and thighs quivering. "Yoongi–ohh yes–right there," you whispered out.
Yoongi decided to take the sensitive bud into his mouth as he gave hard sucks. He was harshly breathing through his nose, practically being smothered by you. Not that he cared though. If anything he'd die a happy man between your thighs. A soft guttural groan left him, brows pinched in concentration.
Your mouth fell open when he switched from sucking on your clit to tongue fucking you. He spanked your ass harshly in tandem with his tongue, your hips began to stutter in their movements. "Yoongi..!" You shrieked, hands gripping his hair tightly.
He growled against your soft pussy, he wiggled his tongue from inside of you. He pressed it up against your g-spot, the action had you crying from the pleasure rising in your tummy. "Wait–Yoongi! Please, wanna cum on your cock!" You softly begged.
Yoongi pulled back, taking sharp breaths as he panted, "Yeah baby? You want to cum from my cock and cock only?" He said groping your ass cheeks, "Lay down angel, spread them wide for me."
You eagerly laid on the messy bed, legs spreading widely as you waited for Yoongi. He hurriedly stripped of his clothes, tossing them everywhere around the room. He climbed on the bed again and hovered over you, hand pumping his cock slowly. "That's a good girl," he breathed out, eyes zeroed in on your pussy, "fuck you look so beautiful baby."
"Yoonie," you shivered, "a little cold."
“I got you baby.” Yoongi replied while grabbing the soft blankets and bringing them over your bodies.
You giggled quietly and brought Yoongi down for a slow kiss, arms wrapping around his neck, “I love you.” You mumbled with a soft smile.
“I love you too.” Yoongi smiled back, lips capturing your own once more.
The two of you exchanged heated kisses. Yoongi took the opportunity to slide his cock up and down your soft folds, tapping your clit repeatedly. You softly hummed, eyes falling shut and lips parting as he slowly stretched you out with his cock. It felt heavenly as usual, you couldn’t help but hug his body to yours.
Yoongi moaned huskily against your lips, he tested the waters out by slowly rolling his hips. He pressed into you deeply before slowly pulling out. This went on for a few minutes as the two of you savored the feeling of one another. “Faster, please.” You breathed out.
“Shit,” Yoongi sighed, “feels amazing baby.” His hips picked up the pace slightly, moving fast enough to have your tits bouncing and make soft clapping noises. “Don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.” He purred.
Sweet moans poured from your lips, he wrecked your sopping pussy through-n-through. His own moans were just as loud as yours. The sheets shuffled around with Yoongi’s fast movements, bed shaking from the sheer force. Yoongi decided to bury his face in your neck as he pound you into next week.
“Oh yes baby,” he breathed out, “that’s it take it. Take my cock like you were meant to. Give it to me angel,” he desperately moaned whilst thrusting faster and faster.
You arched your back in a breathless moan, “Yes, yes..!” You whispered back as tears welled up.
“Yeah? You like that?” Yoongi hungrily rasped out, “Want more?”
“God yes, give me more Yoongi,” you whined out, “f-fuck me till I can’t walk anymore.”
His thrusts became much more harder, the sound of your skin clapping getting louder. Your pussy was embarrassingly soaking, slick dribbling down your cunt as his balls smacked against you. He hooked an arm under your thigh as he raised it slightly, the sheets threatening to slide off your bodies as your moans grew louder.
“Yoongi..!” Your eyes welled with tears, the pounding so good it made you want to cry.
Yoongi’s mouth fell open, eyes rolled back as he moved faster, “Oh god,” he whimpered, hands gripping the sheets beside you tightly.
You were going to respond to him, something dirty already formed in your head when it happened. By it you meant Hoseok walking in right as Yoongi rearranged your guts. Your eyes widened in horror, face pale as you made eye contact with Hoseok. Hoseok seemed just as traumatized as you.
“Holy shit– I’m so sorry Yoongi, y/n,” Hoseok cried out, turning right around and rushing to leave, “I just came in here to get my charger back from Yoongi!”
Yoongi turned his head back, a glare settled on his face, “Hoseok what the fuck get out!” He yelled out, vein popping in his temple as he covered your body with his, making sure you weren’t visible.
“I didn’t mean to Yoongi! Sorry y/n!” Hoseok yelled back after closing the door.
You were mortified, eyes wide and still unable to process it at all. “What just happened?” You looked up at Yoongi, eyes blinking in shock. You didn’t know whether you laugh or to stay quiet. You chose to laugh. “Oh my goodness,” you giggled and covered your mouth, “that’s so funny!” You threw your head back.
Yoongi sighed deeply, “That Hoseok, doesn’t know what the fuck knocking is I guess.” He muttered out, small smile forming on his lips as he laid on top of your chest, “Now my dick’s all soft.” He complained softly.
You continued laughing, “I love you so much Yoongi.”
Yoongi smiled to himself, cheek pressed against you as he softly pouted, “I love you too angel..”
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skullpy · 6 years
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Hey, Morty! I turned into a .... whoa! There’s a new design on all Skullpy stores! Check this out!
Available here:
REDBUBBLE: http://www.redbubble.com/es/people/skullpy/
TEEPUBLIC: https://www.teepublic.com/user/skullpy
NEATOSHOP: http://www.neatoshop.com/artist/Skullpy
LATOSTADORA: http://www.latostadora.com/Skullpy
FANISETAS: http://www.fanisetas.com/camisetas-skullpy-c-162_312.html?o=1
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translightyagami · 3 years
Lawlight time-travel fix-it if you haven't already done it yet?
(it took a while until I felt like I could really hammer down on a time travel concept, and to be honest this is pretty much a melting pot of a lot of different time travel narratives i've enjoyed (madoka magica; rick & morty; and others i'm probably forgetting). in any case, i hope y'all enjoy!)
cross-posted on ao3!
The memories are bleeding together. One minute L walks through their living room and sees a set of pillows. Underneath one, he thinks, should be a spot of blood soaked in the fabric. He checks a pillow – no blood; he checks its brother, and the threads are clean. Memories, like himself, lie.
Light is the same, memory after memory, day after day. His brown hair grows long, and L cuts it for him in the bathroom. They look in the same mirror. With one finger, L traces up the soft cheek leading back to Light’s perfect ear. Around them is an autumn afternoon’s worth of snipped auburn locks.
“You’re pretty good at this,” Light says, his hand coming to touch L’s finger.
“I’ve had practice,” L says. He cuts another piece of hair.
Quillsh tells L over the phone the machine is in the basement.
“Where?” L settles back in his office chair. At the desk across from him, Light sleeps on his keyboard; he pulled an all-nighter doing research for their next case. “Where in the basement? Wammy’s? Or someplace else?”
“Under the headquarters,” Quillsh says. “Or where it was. Sorry, my mind gets confused. Such an old man I’ve become.”
L doesn’t laugh. His head and heart race; his hand shoots over to cover Light’s.
“I get confused sometimes as well,” L says. “But that’s good. Under ground is the best place for it.”
Sometimes L wishes he went alone, because alone has always been his safe place. Other days, like when he asks Quillsh about how deep he buried the machine and complains about memories lacing together, he embraces his own inability for independence. Who else would have found the machine in the first place? Who else might have agreed when L brought up the idea?
“Are you sure he’s worth the effort?” was all Quillsh asked. L squeezes Light’s hand where it twitches, Light’s nose scrunched in dreams as a little drool gets on his keyboard. Every pillow without blood on it; every haircut he’s done; every time he stepped back into the machine heaving his tears and heartbreak knowing he needed to go back further. He would step on a thousand butterflies, and he’s stepped on far worse things. Light is worth all the time L travels through.
L is in their kitchen. Light pulls out a mug that’s lumpy, misshapen, and hands it to him.
“This isn’t the mug I use,” L says.
Light steps back, eyebrow raised. He rolls the cup around in his palm, checks the bottom, and snorts. Amusement plays well on his heroic features, the fine details of Light that make him look like a main character. L has certainly done enough, pulled so many strings, that by now the world they live in does spin on Light’s every move.
“Are you sure?” Light asks and turns the mug’s bottom toward L. There, in the glazed ceramic, is the scrawl of L’s signature. It is not his signature; it is the scraped-out scrawl of a version of him.
Every timeline had its own L, but not anymore. All those versions of himself who begged for mercy, or stoically stared him down: L saw his face in the throes of death a hundred times over. At some point, he had to understand how Light was able to act as Kira – he hit a number (a number he can’t say, that he won’t say) where the bodies stopped counting. Sensing his too-long silence, L laughs and takes the mug – admits he was mistaken. His fingers brush Light’s and he thinks: We both have so much blood on our hands, and neither of us know exactly how much.
He had to go back further, further, through the sprawling roots of time. Each attempt L made yielded a truth he hated to see: that if he let Light touch the notebook, the rot wouldn’t stop growing. Even in the timelines where he didn’t let him touch it in the helicopter; even in the timelines where L found Light hours before his first broadcast to the Kanto region and stole the notebook then; and even in the one where he grabbed Light on the rooftop, shook him, and told him what an utter fool he’d make of himself.
The rot was in a place that he had to traverse ages and ages to find. L wasted an entire timeline on torturing Light to find when he first saw the Death Note – and promised himself if this one didn’t work, he’d let time run its course. He could live with himself if he succeeded; to know he left behind a broken Light, bloodied by L’s hands, for nothing? Unlivable.
A school courtyard. A black notebook. Nobody looked twice as L burned it where it lay. In his nostrils echoed the smell of burnt grass for three days.
They’re lying in bed, and L kisses the base of Light’s neck. He inhales – the smell of citrus, soap, and their chicken dinner. Light huffs and rolls his shoulders, settling back tighter against L’s chest. The bed is warm, and the night is quiet. L closes his eyes and kisses Light’s shoulder. Under his lips the skin is smooth – as perfect as his victory over time, over Kira, over fate, is.
He doesn’t hear his own footsteps in the hall, or the bedroom door as it opens – the sounds are so familiar that they all bleed together.
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