#riddler slowburn
What can be Cradled but Never Held? Chapter 1
Paul Dano!Riddler x f!Reader NSFW Slowburn
Word Count: 3882
Warnings (not all in this chapter): Umm tbh everything at one point or another, this is Riddler we're talking about. Assault, murder/death, blood, harassment and sexual assault attempt (not by Eddie), abuse mention, neglect mention, sex/masturbation, mental illness (I'll try to depict this as well as I can), weapons, torture, kidnapping, BDSM themes, and more! lol
Summary: After meeting the girl of his dreams, Eddie is confounded in his new feelings. When he is supposed to be focusing on his Riddler agenda, as he had planned for the last two years, but finds himself thinking about you day and night instead, what will he do? Should he let you go and move on, force you to stay with him and learn to accept him as the Riddler, or stop his plans altogether?
A/N: Hey guys, I've been working on this one for a while, and have quite a few chapters ready already. Idk when I'll post them though since I may go back and tweak things depending on how the plot progresses. Also, I've never seen/read any other batman besides the newest one and was just obsessed with Dano's Riddler. So, I apologize if this isn't entirely canon, especially since I imagine I will have to write after the events of the first movie before the sequel is out. Any tips (good or bad) would be great. Thank you!
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Despite loving your old town, getting to see your best friend in-person every day, and having a good connection with many of the locals, you decided that taking up a job in the city Gotham a few hours away would be good for you. The "good" parts, of course, being that it paid about 1.5 times the amount your last job did, and you had secured a decent apartment with lower than average rent. So even though you would be leaving behind your old life in a way, you could still talk to your friend online and visit every now and then, especially with the bank you were about to be pulling in.
You took up a position as a clinical lab tech at a prestigious animal hospital in the city. The job had its perks as you occasionally got to see cute animals going by and knew that your work was going to a great cause: saving animals. I mean, what could be controversial about that? The best part, though, was getting to work in a lab where no direct customer consultation was usually required as it was done through the veterinarians. I.e, you didn't have to deal with customer service drama. Everything seemed to fit into place almost too perfectly and you moved to Gotham with a naive but optimistic view about starting your new life.
The first few weeks were nerve-wracking but exciting. Getting used to your new job was difficult, and finding places for everything to fit in your apartment was as easy as a blood cell trying to flow through a blocked artery, but you managed, for now. After finally having being moved in all the way and having a good handle on your job, you decided to explore the city, albeit not venturing very far the first time.
After work one night, you walked to a nearby cafe, about 5 blocks from your apartment, to get something not hand-cooked by you for once. As you walk in, you can tell the diner is much larger than can be seen from the front window and had a retro-urban vibe to it that felt very comforting. Considering it was as late as it was, the only other patron was a man sitting at the bar with his head in a book and illuminated by one of the few dim lights left on.
As you drew closer, you could hear some faint sounds coming from the back, indicating that the place was definitely still open and you didn't just enter into a closed restaurant accidentally. Still a little wary, you decide to sit a few seats away from the man, but still at the bar in the best position for a waiter to hopefully notice you and get your order soon.
Trying not to look awkward, you scroll through your phone absentmindedly but definitely see in your peripheral vision the man sneaking glances at you over the top of his book. One time he glanced, you look up at him and smile which makes him immediately look back at his book with tinted red cheeks. Cute, you thought.
"Do you have any suggestions on what tastes good here?" you ask, setting your phone down on the counter to give a more direct presence.
"Oh, um....I really like their pumpkin pie" he stammers out sheepishly. You nod, giving your thanks and letting him get back to reading.
After a few minutes, a waitress finally notices you and scrambles out, apologizing for not hearing you come in and asks for your order.
"Oh, it's okay, I just got here! And could I get a burger, fries, coke, and....a slice of pumpkin pie?" you smile to the man at the last part. The waitress smiles and heads to the back as you give your thanks and go back to reading whatever smut you had pulled up on your phone.
After a few minutes, the waitress sets down your food and you thank her. Deciding to pay then, you try not to become feral when you finally can gobble the food down from your hunger. You're about halfway through your meal when you glance to the man again, this time focusing on the book he's reading.
"Is that Into the Wild?" you ask enthusiastically, although rhetorically since you would recognize the cover anywhere.
"Ah, um, yes...you know it?" The man peers surprisedly at you through his clear-rimmed glasses.
"Yes- I mean- well, it's one of my favorites. Jon Krakauer is...an incredible writer. Is this your first time reading it?" You blurt out, a little too excited at the opportunity to share your passion for the book.
"It is. I've never read from him before, although I have to agree this is an incredible story so far. Especially knowing it's true." He exclaimed, his knee slightly bobbing on the footrest of the bar stool.
"I know right!? It makes it so much more thrilling knowing that you really can just...slip away from society. Makes you wonder why we decided to make this corporate world at all huh..." trailing off, you go back to eating the rest of your food, finally starting on the slice of pie.
The man hadn't responded to you after that, but you could feel his stare on you like a hawk the whole time. In normal circumstances, it would be creepy, but for some reason, you didn't feel like it was with him, more just that he struggled with social cues, which hey, you could definitely relate to that. After the first bite, you closed your eyes from how good the pie tasted, savoring the flavor before swallowing and looking at him again.
"You were right, this really is good, wow" you beamed at him. He smiled back shyly and attempted to push down a cowlick in the middle of his head to clear the air.
"I'm y/n by the way, what is your name?" you pushed further, leaning your head on your hand and tilting it as you stared back.
"It's-uh...it's Edward" he paused long before telling you, almost like he was deciding whether to say it or not.
"Well it's nice to meet you, Edward. You'll have to let me know how you like the book if we happen to see each other again."
"Yeah that...that sounds good" he smiles again, watching you grab your things and head back out into the night.
Little did you know, that interaction would completely change both of your lives forever.
It had been a few days since that night and work was starting to take its toll on you already. The higher pay wasn't just due to the prestigious level the animal hospital operated at, you discovered, it also came with many more duties than your previous job where you shared much more of the work. There were more tests that the lab ran compared to others within hundreds of miles, and that meant that you had to deal with tests being shipped and people travelling with their pets from all over. You also had to learn how to operate the new machines that were capable of such tests and interpret the data intervals for each kind, and so on. In other words, every time it seemed like you were getting used to your job, you found out something you were doing wrong.
Trying to relieve your pent-up stress, you took to driving before heading home after work. Both to explore the city more and to clear your head before getting into your comfort mode; you didn't want to bring that negative energy home. You had found quite a few odd but interesting places you planned to check out on the weekends, but your favorite spot was actually out of the city up a large hill to a long-forgotten park. Whilst kind of creepy at night, it had an amazing view that overlooked the city and reminded you much more of your old rural town, being able to hear crickets and see the stars rather than honking and air pollution. At some point, coming to this spot became ritual for you after work and you would destress in the cool breeze.
This night, however, the park didn't seem to be cutting it after a particularly bad day at work. See, your manager had gotten switched with one from another lab within the hospital and the new manager was...forward, to put it nicely. From the get-go, he had asked you in private if you had a boyfriend, to which you of course lied and said yes. This did little to dissuade him, however, and he had still taken to you in a way that was entirely unprofessional.
At one point, while preparing a specimen, he came up behind you and grabbed your hands, using his fingers to show you how to prepare it in a way you were quite literally already doing before his unwelcome presence. After declaring that you would prefer vocal instruction to physical in the future, he just laughed at you dismissively and continued his provocations.
Every time another lab tech or delivery person came in, he of course completely stopped his actions and put on the most charismatic persona equivalent to a devious politician. It ground your gears, knowing damn well that he had plenty of other work he should have been doing rather than bothering you.
Sighing, you tried to let the negative stress go but found it unbearably difficult and decided some food would help. Returning to the same diner you met Edward at, you were surprised to see it packed much more than last time, with about half the booths filled and only a few seats left at the bar. It was a Friday night, you supposed.
Despite your previous defeated thoughts, you perked up a bit at seeing Edward in the same spot he was before, with an open stool next to him. This time, however, he had a computer on his lap rather than a book, which he was currently typing away at almost in a frenzy.
You sit at the stool next to him, waiting to see if he notices you and smiling down at whatever it was he was so preoccupied with. You could only get a slight view with the now-glaring dining lights reflecting off the screen, but it looked like some sort of coding.
"Hey Edward! It's y/n, do you remember me? How have you been?" you ask, hoping you aren't bothering him too much.
"Yeah, I do. I've been fine" he forces out, not even looking up from the furious typing he quickly resumed with.
"That's good! Well did you end up finishing the book? I'd love to know what you thought of it" you try harder, hoping your first, much more friendly, encounter with him wasn't abnormal behavior for him.
"I did. Look, I'm not trying to be rude but I'm just really busy right now" he finally looks up at you, clearly annoyed with having to stop whatever he was working on twice now.
"Oh, okay, sorry" you mutter, feeling humiliated. Opting for a booth far from the bar instead, you head over and spend the rest of your time there looking out the window as you eat, feeling even more down than when you walked in.
The next time you enter the diner, you feel extraordinarily depressed, even compared to last time, and are solely going because you didn't have the motivation to cook. This time, the diner is mostly empty with only a few patrons in now, and, of course, Edward in his normal seat. You head for the same booth as last time and, after ordering, put your head down to cry silently despite telling yourself you wouldn't do so in public.
Edward obviously noticed this and felt his heart drop for some reason, which he knew was silly. The last time you had been here, he had been dealing with covering up some of the traces that he left when getting intel for his Riddler plan. Normally, he would do this from the safety of his own home, but, by the gift of Hades himself, his apartment's internet had decided to go out and his hotspot wasn't working. Thus, his best solution at the time was to just use a VPN and go to the closest place with free wifi: here.
Of all the days for him to get to see you again, of course, this was the day it happened to work out. His frustration with everything going on at work, the internet issue, and having to cover up his mistakes in the first place, made him quite agitated already. So when you innocently tried striking up a conversation with him like when you met, he regrettably took out the stress on you more than he meant to, instantly feeling terrible at your dejected expression and decision to leave.
As atrocious as it was, he took that opportunity to hack your own phone that night, once his own work was finished. It was easy, since you didn't have a vpn on and were the last to connect to the wifi. He didn't want to be too invasive, though, so he decided to simply find out your name and do a background check anyone could do, rather than snooping through your photos or messages like a total creep.
From this, he had found your previous work history, family, and university which all seemed pretty normal. You also didn't have any social media accounts, at least, none tied to your name, which he was surprised by. Really, all he could find on his "normal and not at all creepy" background search was a few newspaper mentions of you with honor roll, awards, etc. However, he decided to look a little deeper, just out of curiosity as to what you were suddenly doing in Gotham, and found that you worked for Tariel Animal Clinics, a corporation that he had the unfortunate experience with digging into, as they were infamous for money laundering off the ingenuine business of some of their patrons.
This immediately sent a red flag through his brain, completely disheartened that you, who seemed so sweet and rejecting of society, based on the little he had talked to you anyway, could be involved with this dark scheme. He couldn't say he was surprised, of course, considering this was Gotham, but it still sucked.
He thought about it, your background, the fact that this job was so similar to your last one, and wondered, did you know? Maybe you were just a naive outsider not prepared for the horrors of this city and not aware of the evil corporation you were working for.
Regardless of the self-preserving voice in his head telling him not to have hope, he couldn't help but keep that spark alight that his suspicion was true. But first, he had to be sure. He'd talk to you next time you were there.
Well, unfortunately, you didn't look any more elated than the last time he saw you, which was already not a high standard. In fact, you were crying, and that made him want to stop his investigating right then and there just to comfort you, which scared him. But maybe he could do both, he thought, starting to head over to you.
Once he was only a few steps away, your head perked up from the sound and he stopped in his tracks, seeing your eyes red and puffy made him want to cry, too.
"Hey...y/n...I am so sorry about how dismissive I was last time you were here. I had something urgent I needed to do but I could have been much nicer about how I communicated that, can I sit with you?" Edward gestured to the other side of the booth you were draping your arms across.
"Hi Edward...yeah, you can. And it's okay, I totally understand. I shouldn't have been so pushy." You apologized back, wiping your eyes and straightening out your shirt to look more presentable across from him.
"No no no, please don't be sorry, this was on me but....are you okay? I don't mean to pry but you seem quite down. Did something happen?"
"Ha...yeah I guess. It's a lot of things, really, but I don't want to dump it all on you and ruin your night" you said, watching the headlights of passing cars through the window.
"Please, by all means, it's the least I can do to listen" he half smiled, rubbing his thumbs nervously in his closed hands.
Sighing, you took a drink of your water before starting.
"Well, I'm new to Gotham and I guess altogether I just wasn't ready for the city life like I thought I would be, you know? Where I grew up, I only had a few friends and even in my college town there wasn't much to do so I usually kept to myself. But I could always go outside whenever I wanted and it was mostly safe. Here, though, it seems like crime happens around every corner and I'm constantly on edge about getting mugged or raped or killed or god knows what else. I guess I just really miss my friends and I hate how cold and lonely this city feels-" your sentence is choked off with a sob as the tears you fought to control came back down your face.
Edward immediately reaches out on instinct to comfort you, a sensation which was foreign to him, and realizes what he's doing. Right before going to touch your shoulder, he stops to gauge your reaction that it's okay. You answer silently, leaning into his hand and feeling the heat of his palm warm your skin through the fabric of your shirt. He tries to rub you reassuringly, but his labored breathing gave away his inexpertise in even the most subliminal touching.
"I'm so sorry y/n. In a way I understand since I've always lived in Gotham, but I've also never known anything else so I can't imagine how difficult that transition is. How come you decided to leave everything and move here?" He questioned softly with his head lowered to meet your eyes.
"Well, I moved for work. It's essentially the same job I had as before but it pays much better and I guess I just wanted to make that sacrifice so I could save up, if that makes sense." You mumble, trying hard to keep the tears at bay once again.
"Yeah, it does. Do you mind me asking what you do?" he asked, despite already knowing the answer. He wanted to lead the conversation towards determining whether you were someone even worthy of the comfort he had already given.
"Oh, I'm a clinical lab technician at an animal hospital. I essentially just run different tests on specimen samples to help vets determine the health complications of animals." He nodded his head, acknowledging this like it was news.
"What got you interested in that kind of job? Do you like the new one more than the last?" He found that the previous job you had worked had no shady fraudulence, at least as far as he could find, which meant pretty much guaranteed.
"Well, it's complicated. The job itself I like because I love being in a lab setting and knowing that my work is used to save animals lives gives me...some sort of purpose that I can do good in this world. And I do like that my new job has more tech and tests for me to use is exciting but..." you trailed off, not sure you wanted to share this yet.
"But?" Edward pushed. Given what you had just said, it was safe for him to assume you definitely did not know about what was going on at the company. Which was both relieving for his sake and worrisome for yours.
"It's just that um...I got a new manager. The first one I liked and she really helped with my introduction to the lab but the new one is...a bit unprincipled." He watched as you bit your bottom lip, not making eye contact with him anymore. This news hit him like a freight train as he felt...protective. He definitely shouldn't, he barely even knew you yet.
"In what ways?" He almost whispered, trying to look up into your eyes with his head lowered down, worrying about your change in demeanor.
"He's been quite...forward with showcasing his advances towards me...." screw the formalities, you were just going to be blunt, you decided "multiple times he has grabbed me, made perverted comments towards me, and is incredibly condescending whenever I make the simplest mistakes. I would go to HR about it or something but he's from higher up in the company and I think if I did that I'd just end up getting fired. I can't lose this position, not after everything I gave up."
"That's so terrible, y/n, I'm sorry you're having to deal with that, I truly am." After giving your shoulder a squeeze, Edward drew his hand back and stared at you for a moment. Outwardly, he looked nonchalant but inside he was attempting to quell the burning anger he had for your despicable manager and everything this city is that has made you feel so downtrodden. He had to breathe deeply through his nose to calm down the side of him about to start the Riddler attacks.
In this time, you stared at him, seeing his jaw tighten slightly which you imagined had to do with anger in some way. Realizing you had made this whole conversation quite negative since the beginning, you decided that it was time to try something positive.
"Do you know the East Gotham Library downtown?"
"Huh? Oh uh...yeah I've been, why?" His trail of thought about how he was going to take out every corrupt person in this city was quickly stunted.
"I saw they were going to have a book sale this Saturday and wanted to go see if they have anything good, would you like to go with me? As friends, I mean?" you held your hand in your palm, your hair locks falling freely onto the table in a way that he wished he could picture and save forever.
Then, the weight of what you just asked him set in. Holy shit. You asked to hang out. Granted, it was as friends but he couldn't believe it. Someone as alluring as you was asking...him...the weird loner guy...to be friends? His face turned red against his wishes as he nodded a little too vigorously.
"YEAH! I mean yeah, I would absolutely love that" he stammered out
"Okay great! Would you like to meet up here around 1? I can pick you up if you'd like to go together"
"Yes, I would...I would love that" Edward was still fumbling over his words.
"Alright, well give me your number" Tossing your phone over to him, you saw his fingers effortlessly glide over the buttons despite his obvious nervousness.
"I'll see you then, Eddie, thank you for talking with me!" you beamed down at him as you grabbed your things, leaving the awestruck man sitting in the booth, still contemplating how this was even happening.
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cr0w-28 · 1 year
Finally finished chapter 2 of Hatters and Caterpillars! Please give me feedback, it helps fuel my motivation to write lmao-
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Cara Mia - E.N
(This is about Paul Dano's Riddler, welcome Dano stans, welcome to my sinful blog and prepare for filthy and in-depth writing <3 if you're new here, all you need to know is that we LOVE including music in our fanfics and we LOVE realistic/detailed writing <3 you'll see what I mean and you'll love it sweetie)
Summary: Y/n and Edward were old friends who grew up in the same orphanage together. Not liking the person he is becoming, she tries to get him to find other ways to defend Gotham's civilians. Strangely, she succeeds in this. But, Edward still wants to show them how confident he has gotten since they last saw each other. (crappy summary, just read this post lol.)
Content Warning: AFAB!Reader, she/they pronouns (using mostly she for easier narrative purposes but Edward refers to y/n as they), non-binary reader, queer reader, mentions of homophobia, body dysmorphia, gender dysmorphia, transphobia, explicit language, panic attack, mentions of cigarettes, slowburn smut, penetration, mocking during sex, degrading/humiliation, praising, power play, ROUGH sex, slapping, dom!Edward, obsessed!Edward, sub!Reader, threats of violence directed towards y/n, angst, mentions of gore and murder, y/n is an artist in this <3, breaking in (ed breaks in to y/n's apartment), ed gets angry a lot, aftercare.
Songs for Inspo: (highly recommend you listen while reading (not in any particular order tbh)) bro i spent like 30 minutes finding the PERFECT songs that gave off the vibes I wanted Edward to have in this fic...pls appreciate D:
Aleph - Gesaffelstein
Anarchy - KMFDM
Something In The Way - Nirvana (not bc it was in the movie, it's just so aesthetically pleasing for this type of fic)
THIRST FOR ME! - Lumi Athena
YOU'RE TOO SLOW (Bonus) - Odetari
all I want is you - Rebzyyx, hoshie star
NALGOTICA! - Lumi Athena
Daydream In Blue - I Monster
Lacrimosa - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Y/n's songs:
mos thoser - food house
Ride - Sir-Mix-A-Lot
ecstasy (slowed) - SUICIDAL-IDOL
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~*Read Below Cut*~
"Uh, yeah may I have an iced coffee please? With almond milk please."
The customer handed over a 10 dollar bill. Y/n smiled from behind the counter, nodding her head. She entered the purchase and gave the customer their change. Y/n's hair was put back in a ponytail that stuck out of her work visor. Going to grab a cup, she stopped, laughing softly. Turning to the customer, she tilted her head.
"Sorry, Ms. Andrews, what size did you want? I know you usually get a grande, but I just want to make sure." She asked politely.
The older woman, near her mid 40's chuckled. She swatted her slender hand at y/n playfully. Her nails were painted a bright pink with white polka dots, a suggestion from y/n herself. Earlier last week Ms. Andrews had asked for an idea of what to paint her nails. Y/n told her to go big and bold, have some fun! And, that's exactly what she did.
"Oh, y/n you are so kind. A grande is fine as always." She smiled.
Y/n nodded, grabbing the clear cup and scooping some ice into it. The woman placed a 5 dollar bill in the tip jar, which caused y/n to grin dorkily. It was only her working tonight, so she really appreciated the gratuity. Especially coming from one of her favorite customers.
"So, almond milk? What happened to oat? Are you trying something different?" She asked, making light conversation as she made the drink.
"Oh, nothing like that. I really love oatmilk in my coffee, but I find that it upsets my stomach. It's a shame really."
"Aw, well almond milk is a good choice!" Y/n replied cheerfully.
Placing the drink down, the woman smiled at her. Yawning, she covered her mouth with her hand. Y/n chuckled at the sight, wiping down the counter once Ms. Andrews took her drink. The smell of the cleaner filled the air, mixing with strong coffee beans and fruity mixtures. It was pungent, but the ceiling fan helped distribute it and filter it out.
"Get home safe, y/n. Gotham isn't safe for anyone, let alone a sweet person like you." The woman warned.
Y/n nodded at Ms. Andrews. Focusing back down to the counter, she waved good bye to the woman, watching out of the corner of her eye as she left the shop. Sighing, y/n rubbed a bead of sweat off of her forehead. She groaned, looking up at the clock. It was 11:55 p.m. Her shift ended in 5 minutes, and everything was all clean except for the utensils she just used. Getting right to work, she began to clean the dishes, zoning out as she did so. Thoughts of her childhood raced through her head, causing her to feel somber. It wasn't much of a childhood, growing up in an orphanage. But, she did have one friend.
"Eddie, I don't know the answer! Give me Sir Clawdius back!" Y/n groaned.
Edward, being taller than her by a few inches already, stood on top of a bucket. In his hands was y/n's teddy bear, well, the orphanage's teddy bear. Y/n decorated it however, giving it a makeshift crown made out of pipe cleaners, glue, and those colorful puffy cotton balls. Sticking his tongue out, he blew a raspberry at y/n.
"Nah uh! You gotta answer the riddle!" He explained.
"Ugh, fine! What was it again?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest in a pout.
The two of them, being 11 years old at the time, looked like bickering 5 year olds. Edward had met y/n in the orphanage when they were 7, and they quickly became close friends. Y/n was always the hyper one who got into trouble easily, and Edward was the one who tried to help her wiggle her way out of it. He was definitely the smarter one out of the duo.
"What do you call a bear with no teeth?" He asked, waving the bear in the air.
"Be careful with him, he's a delicate soul!" She whined.
He chuckled awkwardly, holding it still above his head. Y/n looked at the ground, thinking hard about the riddle. She knew that it wasn't that hard, but she always had a difficult time with riddles. Perhaps, it was just because she was under pressure. Her eyes widened, snapping her fingers and bouncing up and down lightly.
"A gummy bear!" She giggled.
Jumping down, Edward handed her Sir Clawdius. Smiling, she grabbed the bear and held it close to her chest. Edward gave her a thumbs up, a big grin on his face.
"Hey, you're getting better, sketcher!" He cheered.
Y/n giggled when he called her that. The nickname was stupid, not making any sense to anyone else but them. The shoes that she wore all the time were sketchers, and she loved to draw. So, Edward, being a genius, came up with that intelligent nickname. The two of them both agreed it wasn't the most clever, but they both liked it either way. So, it stuck.
"Well, you give me lots of opportunities to improve, Riddles." She chuckled.
The dishes were all dry and put away as she finished thinking about her old friend. She still had a hard time believing that the little boy he once was was now planning the demise of Gotham. It was definitely jarring, and it was obvious that it was him. She knew Edward well, no one ever loved riddles as much as he did. If someone did, then that would be the day that pigs flew.
"Time to lock up..." She sighed.
Grabbing her tote bag, she hung it on her shoulder. She turned all of the lights off and made sure everything was put away and turned off. Once she was done, she grabbed the lanyard attached to her pants and locked the backdoor. She set the alarm for the building and quickly made her way out, locking the front door behind her. Shivering, she started to walk down the street, lucky that she only lived a block away. Snow fell down from the sky, landing on her eyelashes, disappearing once she blinked them away.
"Fucking shit it's cold out here." She mumbled to herself, rubbing her hands together.
She sped up her walking pace, ignoring how much her feet hurt from standing behind the counter all night. Not only did she want to get out of the bone-chilling cold, but she also wanted to get out of the streets of Gotham at night. Especially so close to the Narrows. No part of Gotham was safe, but the closer to the Narrows you got, the more dangerous it became. Y/n's mouth stretched out, forming an 'O' as she yawned harshly. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, blinking them away rapidly.
"God, I'm fucking tired. Thankfully, it's Friday! This bitch doesn't work weekends for a reason." She quietly cheered.
Turning the corner, she sighed in relief when her apartment building came into view. Speeding up even more, she went inside of it, feeling like someone was watching her as she did so. Shrugging it off, she made her way up the stairs until she reached the floor she resided on. Reaching her door, she unlocked it and stepped inside, closing and locking it behind her. Standing still for a few moments, she dropped her tote bag on the table next to the door. She was too lazy to put it anywhere else. Groaning, she walked into her bedroom, stripping herself of her work clothes immediately. She made quick work of getting a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie on, humming to herself when the warmth of the fabric embraced her body. Not feeling fully 'swaddled', y/n slid on a pair of fluffy socks as well. She felt like a sheep who desperately needed it's wool to be shaved off. And, after walking in that cold, she was totally ok with that feeling.
Y/n grabbed her phone off of her bed, tossing it there when she was changing. Turning it on, the light illuminated her face as she read the notification. She pinched the bridge of her nose, groaning as she did so. Pushing the notification, she entered her pin number and grumbled to herself as a livestream opened.
"Hello, my loyal followers! Apologies, for such a late livestream..." Edward announced.
Y/n rolled her eyes, immediately typing in chat. She did not watch his livestreams because she believed in what he was doing. Well, she agreed with his thoughts, that corruption was taking over Gotham and that a change needed to be made. But, it was how exactly he was doing it that she didn't agree with. Plotting murders, wanting to blow up the sea walls, seeking attention from The Batman. He had not done any of these things yet, thankfully. But, just the fact that he had been planning and discussing it was disturbing to her. It was insane. Her fingers typed away, almost as if they knew what they needed to do without her brain telling them. However, she knew what would happen if she sent the message. But, she needed to. She wanted to get through to him.
'Riddles, you've got to stop this. You're taking this too far. There are better ways in which you can advocate for Gotham. And you know it. Seeing you like this breaks my heart. It's getting hard to watch these livestreams. - Sketcher.'
Edward, who was in the middle of talking, fell silent almost immediately. Y/n saw his eyes dart around behind his glasses, reading the message. He panted slightly, shaking his head vigorously. Scoffing, y/n shook her head as well, knowing what was about to happen.
"You don't understand! This is the ONLY way! We experienced this cities torment first hand! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY! Why don't you trust me, Sketch? Hm? All of my noble followers trust me. They KNOWWWW I can bring JUSTICE for them!" He shouted, his voice frantic and borderline desperate.
'God, someone find that buzzkill and kill them already...'
Edward's eyes widened as he read that chat. Y/n chuckled lightly, placing her phone on her bed, preparing for the tantrum that was about to ensue. Grabbing a hairbrush off her nightstand, she started to brush her hair, listening to her old friend scream.
"If you do that, I WILL know. And I WILL FIND YOU AND GUT YOU LIKE A FISH! I WILL FLAAAAY YOUR BODY AND SHOVE YOUR PEELED SKIN DOWN YOUR THROAT!" He shouted, his voice peaking in the livestream.
For the past few weeks, y/n had been watching his live streams. Every time he had one, she would leave a message, and he became obsessed with proving himself to her. In his mind, y/n was the one person who didn't believe in him. She was the one person he really needed validation from. Y/n sighed, placing the brush down. Quickly, she typed a response and hit send. Edward's eyes immediately scanned it, ignoring everyone else in the chat. His priority was y/n. He read the message out loud quietly.
"I'm going to bed now, it's been a long day. I'm starting to give up on you. You're not the same person you we- WHAT?!?! IS ANOTHER DAY IN YOUR BORING BLAND LIFE TOO DIFFICULT FOR YOU? I AM THE SAME PERSON I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS I HAVE FOUND MY PURPOSE!!!!!" He screamed once again, causing y/n to laugh.
Even though this was sad for her to witness, it was amusing to see him throw his tantrums. Steam was practically blowing out of his ears. If y/n was anyone else, she would be scared to death right now. But, she was y/n. She was Sketcher. And, even though Edward had changed a lot over the years, one thing would always remain the same. He would never hurt her. Y/n knew that Edward knew where she lived, and he has never once tried to go to her house. Though, y/n did worry about that every now and then. Not because she was worried he would hurt her, but because she didn't know if she could handle seeing her old friend so different.
"DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE! YOU are my INSPIRATION! My MUSE!" He exclaimed, laughing at the end of his sentence.
She scoffed, exiting the livestream. Once she did this, and Edward noticed, his face fell flat. The chat kept filling up with messages, but he just ignored them. When the chat got too overwhelming, he just ended the livestream without saying anything. He paced his room, back and forth, muttering to himself. Y/n still didn't understand him, even after preaching his cause every time she joined a livestream. He ripped his mask off, tossing it on his bed. His breathing got heavy as he started to hyperventilate. His chest heaved, causing him to stop pacing and sit down. Edward gripped at his hair, tugging lightly. When his breathing slowed down, he put his glasses back on, grabbing them from off of the floor. Sighing deeply, he cleared his throat and stood up.
"I need to see her in person. If I explain it in person, she'll understand. She has to. She has to understand!"
Frustrated, Edward got ready for bed. He was tired, and glad that he didn't have to work tomorrow. His eyes grew heavy as his head hit the pillow, drifting off into sleep as he thought of ways to show y/n that what he was trying to do was a good thing. That it was for her.
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Y/n sat up in her bed, arms stretching out slowly as she yawned. A long and exaggerated groan left her throat as she rubbed her eyes, sleep in the corners of them. Looking outside of the window next to her bed, she watched as snow fell down, covering the railing of the fire escape. Y/n held her hand up to her face, breathing into it. She grimaced, displeased with her morning breath. Getting out of her bed, she slid on her slippers which were one of those animal kinds. She found unicorn ones at a store and just had to buy it. However, they seemed bland to her. So, she decided to make two fake cigarettes using some felt and cotton, sewing them to the unicorns mouth on each slipper. Y/n didn't even smoke cigarettes, she just thought it would be funny. And it was. So, mission accomplished.
"Shit, it's getting so cold out lately. It's Spring for fuck sake." She grumbled, going to the kitchen.
Opening her fridge, she scanned over her options. She didn't have much food, as she needed to do some grocery shopping. But, she did have enough to last her a couple more days. Sighing, she grabbed some leftover pizza from the other day and decided that it was the best thing she had for breakfast options. Well, she had other options, she just didn't want to cook anything. She planned on being a lazy shit today, and she was going to do exactly that. Placing the slice of pizza on a plate, she put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. While she waited, she took her daily medication, drinking the pills down with juice because if she used water she could taste the gross medicine. A beeping signaled that the pizza was warmed up.
"I'm so hungry..." She said, stomach growling.
She grabbed the pizza from the microwave, recoiling slightly because it was hotter than she expected. Apparently, 30 seconds was too much time. She would take note of that for future use. As if she had been starved for two weeks straight, y/n ate the pizza hungrily. Sighing, she washed the plate and dried it before putting it away again. Rubbing her eyes once again, she got rid of any remaining sleep that crusted in her eyes.
"Ok, time to relax."
"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me..." She mumbled.
Picking up her phone, she walked to the bathroom in her bedroom. She pushed the notification and propped it against her mirror as she grabbed her toothbrush. Edward, well, his persona at least, appeared on screen. His trademark green mask underneath a pair of clear glasses. Y/n shook her head softly, applying toothpaste to her brush before wetting it under the faucet. As Edward said hello to the people joining, y/n started to brush her teeth. Honestly, she had no idea why she joined the livestream. Perhaps it was her naivety that made her think he could change, but she still wanted to believe. Even if it wasn't looking so positive for her.
"Greeting, my loyalists. Your savior is here." He said flamboyantly.
Y/n rolled her eyes, spitting the mixture of water, spit, and toothpaste out of her mouth into the sink. She turned the water on, washing it down the drain. She rinsed her toothbrush off, putting it back where she got it from. Moving her head under the water, she took a small sip, swirling it in her mouth before spitting it out.
"He thinks he's royalty or some shit. It's so fucking annoying." She grumbled, grabbing her mouthwash.
Y/n decided not to text anything in the stream today, not wanting to deal with a tantrum again. She took a swig of the mouthwash, swishing it in her mouth. The strong mint smell and taste filled her senses, causing her eyes to water and mouth to burn slightly. Not able to handle it much longer, she spat it out. She rinsed out the sink once again, drying her hands afterwards. Y/n brought the hand towel up to her face, wiping off excess toothpaste.
"Sketcher. I know you're in here. Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked in a low tone, eyes narrowing behind his glasses.
Y/n brought the towel away from her face, hanging it back up on the hook next to the mirror. She picked up her phone, walking out of the bathroom and turning the light off behind her.
"Are you ignoring me?" His voice was hoarse, a hint of confusion lacing his question.
Y/n groaned, plopping herself down on the couch. She didn't want to listen to him anymore. He was becoming obsessed with her. Though, he had been acting like that since she watched his very first livestream. Part of y/n knew that it was because he wanted to prove himself to her, although she had no idea why. And another part of y/n knew, or at least believed, that Ed missed their friendship. To be fair, she missed their friendship too. It didn't necessarily end, more so evolved into something more. The two of them got an apartment together when they were forced to leave the orphanage after turning 18. It was difficult, but they managed. Living together caused them to share many life-changing moments of each other's lives together. Y/n remembered them so fondly, and she was sure Edward did too. However, one key moment stood out to y/n a lot more than all the other memories.
~ TW: gender dysmorphia, body dysmorphia.~
"Y/n, I'm back from work. They kept me late and wouldn't even explain to me why. Just wanted me to work longer, I suppose. But, at least I still got paid!" Edward said, walking in the front door of the apartment and locking it behind him.
He turned around, looking at the living room in the center of their apartment. His eyebrows furrowed as he didn't see y/n. Placing his keys in the bowl on the table next to the door, he hummed to himself. Removing his coat, he hung it up on the rack and removed his shoes.
"Are you in here?" He called out, slightly louder than before.
"Y-Yeah." Y/n responded, faintly.
Edward, who was looking at the door to her room, moved his sight to his door. Y/n's voice came from behind it, which confused him. Walking towards his door, he knocked on it lightly.
"Uh, why are you in my room?" He asked.
"Oh, I thought I lost my ph-phone charger in here. But, it's not in here." She answered.
Edward turned the doorknob, sighing in frustration as it didn't budge. He leaned up against his doorframe, shoulder resting on the surface. Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked down and saw her shadow move in the light that emitted from the gap of the door.
"Why is the door locked?" He asked bluntly.
Y/n didn't answer. Instead they stepped away from the door. Not sure what to do or say, she tried to pick up the mess she had made. Edward knew how to pick locks, thanks to growing up in an orphanage and trying to sneak dessert constantly. He would get inside eventually, and she didn't want him to see anything. Edward grimaced from behind the door, grabbing a bobby pin from his pocket. He tended to fidget a lot at work and he liked to play with a bobby pin. It was strange, but he found it soothing. He made swift work of picking the lock, which wasn't hard since it was not a complex lock at all. Opening the door, he pushed it open all the way, standing in the middle of it. Y/n froze, arms full of Edward's clothing, wearing one of his tank tops and a pair of his jeans. A bright red hue covered her cheeks as she made eye contact with her friend. At first, Edward just thought y/n was playing a light prank on him, just like they did in the orphanage. But, her eyes were watery and puffy. Her bottom lip was pulled down in a soft frown.
"Y/n? What are you doing?" He asked softly.
Y/n grabbed a blanket off of Edward's bed and pulled it over herself. Her figure under the blanket shook softly as she tried to contain soft sobs. Edward was perplexed by the scene before him, unsure of what to make of it.
"Don't look at me! Please, just get out!" She cried softly.
Edward, who was still standing in the doorway, walked over to her. He knelt down, reaching out to grab the blanket. Y/n scooted away, feeling his hand brush against the fabric. Edward slowly pulled his hand away. He sighed, looking around his room, hoping to get an understanding of what was happening. Y/n was known to have a few episodes regarding her childhood trauma, but they were nothing like this. They were never like this. This was very different. And Edward hated the feeling of not knowing what was wrong with his friend. His eyes landed on a few pieces of y/n's clothing, which he assumed is what she wore before. The rest of the clothes on the floor were his own.
"Why are you wearing my clothes?" He asked.
Y/n sniffled, poking her head out from under the blanket. Edward looked into her eyes, feeling his heart throb at her sad appearance. She sighed softly, removing the blanket from her entire body. Edward looked over her, other than the fact that she was wearing his clothes, nothing was out of the ordinary. Except...
Y/n covered her chest with her arms, trying to make it look like she was casually crossing her arms. Edward's eyes narrowed. The two of them were extremely close, and none of them were worried about the other looking at them in a creepy way. So, the fact that y/n was purposefully covering her chest set off some alarms in Edward's head. He paused for a moment, and then it clicked. Softly, he grabbed y/n's arms, pulling them away from her chest. He looked at it, noticing an extremely big difference. Y/n started to cry, hiding her face from him. Edward didn't look at his best friend's chest a lot. Not ever. He wasn't a creep. But, he knew that y/n was fairly heavy in the chest. And right now, she wasn't. He grabbed the bottom of his tank top that she was wearing, looking to her for permission. She didn't make eye contact with him, but Edward took her silence as confirmation. Lifting it up, he immediately winced. Y/n was not wearing a bra. Instead, her breasts were crudely duct-taped to her chest. The tape went around her entire chest, around her back, and connected in one loop, overlapping multiple times. The duct-tape dug into her skin harshly.
"Y/n..." He trailed.
"It hurts, Eddie..." She sobbed.
"I need to get this off of you." He stated, standing up.
Y/n reached out, grabbing his arm.
"No. I d-don't want to see th-em..." She choked.
He looked down at her, feeling his heart shatter. Edward already had a pretty good understanding of what happened while he was gone. But, that comment was what really set it in stone for him. He sighed, squatting back down and looking her in the eyes.
"You don't have to. But, I need to get this off of you." He said.
Y/n sniffled, wiping tears away from under her eyes. She nodded, pulling her knees to her chest as Edward grabbed some scissors from the kitchen. He felt stupid in this moment, not knowing exactly what to do. And, he always knew what to do. Panicking, he grabbed a bottle of aloe vera from the medicine cabinet and anti-bacterial ointment, just in case the duct tape broke her skin. Hurriedly, he went back in his room and placed the items on his bed. He bent over and picked y/n up, placing her on the bed as well. Edward got on his knees in front of her, noticing that she was avoiding eye contact with him. He grabbed the pair of scissors, placing a comforting hand on her knee.
"I will not look, y/n. I promise." He reassured.
Y/n nodded softly, a tear rolling down her cheek. Edward frowned, looking at the duct tape and trying to figure out where to start. Sighing, he looked at the part of y/n's cleavage that provided a gap to cut at. Using the scissors, he snipped a line down the middle before placing the scissors back on the bed. Just like he promised, he looked away as he lightly began to pull at the tape, wincing every time y/n flinched.
"Are you going to tell me why exactly you did this to yourself?" He asked, his voice undeniably stern.
Y/n looked out the window, Edward following her gaze as he continued to pull gently at the tape. She shrugging slightly, not sure of what to say. There was no way to say it other than to be blunt. But, she couldn't bring herself to be blunt.
"I don't like how I...I don't like my...I just wish..." She fumbled.
Edward listened, allowing her to take as much time as she needed. He ripped off a piece of duct tape slowly, crumpling it into a ball and throwing it on the floor. Y/n watched him throw it, lip trembling as she did so.
"I don't hate how I look. I like how I look. I just, there are some parts..." She sighed.
Edward nodded, removing another piece of duct tape. He kept his eyes way from her now revealed chest, moving on to her side. Y/n groaned, holding her head in her hands. This position made it harder for Ed to remove the tape, but he didn't say anything.
"I was born a girl, I know that. And, I like being feminine. I love it, actually. But, I don't feel like I'm just a girl...I don't want to be." Her voice was weak and shaky.
"Do you feel like one certain gender?" He asked, trying to help her navigate her feelings.
"No. I just feel like...me." She answered.
"Alright. Well, what are you?"
Y/n paused, looking down at the ground. She hadn't really thought about it before. It never really crossed her mind. But, now she was really thinking about it.
"I don't really want to be labeled as anything. I want to look feminine. But, I don't want people to think I'm just a girl. I don't feel like I'm just a girl. I don't know how to explain..." She sighed.
Edward removed the last bit of the duct tape off of her skin. Y/n shivered, her bare chest exposed. But, she was too numb to even care. Edward made sure he averted his eyes the entire time. He used some of the aloe vera and rubbed it into her red and irritated skin. Y/n hissed at the cold touch.
"I think, you explained it perfectly. As long as that is exactly what you feel. You're feelings in this situation are the only ones that matter. I just want you to know that I support you through whatever decision you make. Full heartedly."
Once Edward finished applying the aloe vera, he got up from off the ground. He walked over to his closet, grabbing something out of it. He looked at it for a little while, thinking to himself. Humming, he walked back over to y/n and handed the object to her, looking into her eyes the entire time.
"We can get a binder for you, if you'd like. I know it doesn't really work too well, but you can use this in the meantime." He said.
Y/n took the object and smiled when she realized what it was. It was a back brace. It was small enough to cover her chest. It wasn't the perfect size, but she appreciated whatever she could get. She put it on immediately, struggling only a little bit.
"Thank you..."
Edward tossed one of his shirts to her and watched as y/n caught it. She slid it on, smiling at how baggy it was. Ed smiled as well, giving her a pair of sweatpants too. Y/n looked at him curiously, her head tilting to the side.
"If you ever want to wear my clothes because it makes you feel more comfortable, you don't have to ask or be sneaky about it. You're welcome to wear whatever you need."
The meaningful memory made y/n tear up. He was so understanding about what she was going through. And, when she figured out who she really was, he was extremely supportive. Edward had immediately ask y/n what their pronouns were, to which she said she/they. Y/n said she didn't mind if people referred to her as she, but they was what they truly preferred. And ever since that day, he referred to y/n as they. Coming out as non-binary to their friend was easy because of how supportive he was. And then, the two of them started to date. Y/n remembered their first time with Edward. The two of them wanted it to be special. Their first time was vanilla, not wanting to take it too far. But, every time after that got hotter and hotter and kinkier and kinkier. Eventually, the two of them knew about all of their partner's kinks and turn ons. And, y/n was surprised to learn about how kinky Edward was.
"Oh fuck, Edward!" Y/n moaned, their fingers gripping at his hair tightly.
Their naked bodies were entwined with each other on his bed. Edward was normally a shy and reserved guy, but in the bedroom he was an entirely different person. He pulled away from biting on y/n's neck, licking a stripe from her neck to her chin. Y/n whined, bucking her hips upwards. Chuckling, Edward gripped their hips and slammed them against the bed. His dick was inside them, staying perfectly still.
"I know how desperately you want me to fuck you, but I expect you to have some control over your desires. If you can't be patient for it, then do you truly deserve it, chéri?" He teased.
Y/n moaned, they loved it when Edward would speak French. It was a language he taught himself in the orphanage, along with Italian and Latin. He sounded so suave when he talked in those languages.
"I'm so-orry..." Y/n pouted, trying their best to keep still.
Edward leaned his head back, letting out a sigh as he felt her tighten around him. His eyes squinted as he made a 'tsk' sound. Looking back down on her, Edward held onto their waist gently.
"Trop peu, trop tard..." He said softly.
Y/n tilted her head to the side, unsure of what he said. Edward smirked, a playful and mischievous glint in his eyes. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against their ear. His grip on her hips tightened, nails digging into their flesh.
"Too little, too late..."
Y/n shivered, feeling her stomach turn into a knot as she recalled the interaction. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she pushed the feeling away. It all ended when Edward started to talk about how he wanted to fix Gotham. His desire for a renewal eventually turned into an obsession, and y/n saw how dangerous it was getting. Even though it hurt her, she didn't want to be with him while he went down that path. It had been a year since they split up.
"I suppose, it is time I end this livestream my loyal followers." Edward said.
Y/n shook herself out of her thoughts, remembering that she was watching Ed's livestream. Looking at the time, she was shocked to see that she had spaced out for about 30 minutes, recalling her fond memories with Edward. She sighed, going to exit the stream when she realized she was the only one left in it. However, Edward's voice made her stop.
"Do you still live there, Sketcher?" He asked, voice monotone, almost a hint of sadness in it.
Y/n felt her breath hitch in her throat. Shakily, her hands typed an answer. For some reason, she felt scared of Edward in this moment. She never felt scared of him. His voice was ominous.
"I am not answering that, you should already know the answer."
Edward remained silent for a little while, staring at the camera. Y/n grew unsettled, unsure of what to do. He leaned towards the camera, cupping his hands over his mouth. Y/n prepared for him to whisper, holding the phone closer to their ear.
Y/n dropped their phone, wincing at their ear ringing. Edward chuckled from behind the camera, finding his yelling to be funny. Y/n grimaced, scoffing as she rolled her eyes.
"I miss you. Do you miss me? If you want me to come over, say nothing. If you don't, then say anything!" He giggled.
Y/n began to type, not understanding what he was trying to do. It was like he was purposefully trying to scare them. Like it was a game to him. And y/n didn't feel like playing it. But, before she could text anything, he ended the live.
"Dick." Y/n scoffed.
She glanced at the time on her phone, wanting to see how much time had passed by.
Y/n groaned, getting up from the couch, taking their phone with her. The whole conversation with Edward threw her off. Unsure of what she should do, y/n decided to draw. It helped calm their nerves when they got stressed out. They walked over to their desk that was in the corner of the room, right next to the T.V. Sighing, she pulled out her iPad, which they kept on the desk, and got their drawing software set up. They pulled up Spotify on their T.V and clicked the playlist they listened to when they drew. A song she didn't really care for played, so she used this time to go change into some better clothes to draw in. They discarded their current sweatshirt and sweatpants, left in their soft purple binder and matching underwear. They thought for a moment, not really sure of what to wear. As they thought about what to wear, they pulled their hair up into a ponytail, stretching out their back afterwards.
"Fuck it." She said.
Y/n pulled their sweatpants back on, not bothering to put a shirt on since the binder was fit like a tank top of some sorts. They slid their slippers back on, laughing at the fake cigarettes they added. Y/n walked back into the living room, going back to their drawing desk. They sat down and got right to work with their drawing.
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Time had gone by fast as y/n was drawing, her entire mind being focused on her work. Y/n groaned, standing up from her chair to stretch out. Glancing at her phone, her eyes widened when she saw it was 9:52 at night. But, she hadn't finished her drawing yet, and she really wanted to. Sighing, they decided another hour or so couldn't hurt. She looked at Spotify, grinning from ear to ear as one of her favorite songs played. Walking to the kitchen, she grabbed a glass of water as she swayed her hips to the beat. Taking a sip, she brought it over to her desk, placing it far away from her iPad. What y/n didn't know though, is that someone was watching her from within the shadows of her apartment. Edward Nashton had slipped into her apartment when she went to the bathroom around 10 minutes ago, and was hiding and observing her. He watched as y/n danced to the music, mouthing the lyrics as well. Y/n's music taste, at least when they drew, was mainly hyperpop music with a few other genres thrown in. Edward had never heard of the genre until y/n introduced it to him. He liked some of the songs, but he preferred to watch y/n dance to them.
"God, my neighbors probably hate me..." They chuckled to themselves.
Edward remained silent, watching as y/n danced and made commentary. That was one of Edward's favorite things about them. He loved that when they thought they were alone, or even if things were quiet, they would start talking to themselves. It could be normal things or stupid things. In this case, y/n was quoting lyrics, adding commentary on them, and complaining about their drawing. It was very evident that they were partially sleep deprived.
"Fucking, ugh! Why is it so hard to draw dilfs?" They groaned.
Edward, staying quiet, found their comments to be hilarious. However, he didn't want to reveal his position just yet. So, he watched quietly.
"Grab your man he's trying to roleplay on me all snuggly..." They mumbled in a high-pitched voice, laughing like a dork at the end.
"This songs fucking weird, it's so me core. Me core. Fuck! Me! GOD!" They face planted on the desk, groaning afterwards.
"I'm not looking up crotch references...not again...I can't subject myself to that." They whined, muffled by the desk.
Y/n lifted their head up when their phone rang, causing Edward to fall back in the shadows further. Pausing the music as the next song played, they looked at the contact on their phone. Smiling, they answered it.
"Bitch, it's 10 at night and you interrupted one of my favorite songs. You better have a good reason." They laughed.
Y/n put the phone on speaker, placing it on the kitchen counter as she poured a bowl of cereal.
"You got something better to do than talk to me, huh?" Her friend asked.
"Girl, I was drawing dilfs..."
"Oh shit, that's awesome. Can I see?"
"I haven't finished...I'm stuck."
"On what?"
"Drawing the...crotch. I don't exactly have a dick to use as reference. Not that I'm drawing a dick, he's wearing pants, but like...bulge reference. Fuck, you know what I mean."
Edward smirked to himself, a thought crossing his mind. He dismissed it as soon as it appeared. He found their conversation to be entertaining.
"I've got a big dick right here for you to use as a reference." Their friend said in a deep voice.
Y/n nearly choked on their cereal.
"Shut up! What did you call me for you cretin?"
"Oh, well I just wanted to let you know that uh...that guy at my work gave me his number..."
Y/n swallowed the cereal in her mouth, squealing afterwards. Edward covered his ears quietly, not hearing them make that noise in a long time. He had forgotten how high-pitched they could get.
"No fucking way!!! Did he say anything?" Y/n asked, looking at their hair in the reflection of the fridge.
"Yes! Ok, let me know what you think of this...he texted me earlier. This is what he said...'Hey, can't wait to talk to you more. I'd love to meet you for lunch sometime this weekend. I hope I'm not being too forward. Hope you're having a great night, Caleb.'"
Y/n gasped.
"Oh my God, he's polite too!? You hit the jackpot! You two should fall in love, have really rough kinky sex, get married, have babies, all that jazz!" Y/n spat out.
"I was thinking the same thing!!! Well, maybe not the kinky part. I'm not a freak like you." Their friend giggled.
"I'm unique like that." Y/n chuckled.
"More like you're slutty like that..."
"Hell, I'll take that as a compliment. I consider myself a collector of kinks. Like pokemon, except sinful. And you know...no animals...what were we talking about?" They asked.
"Are you high or something?" Their friend laughed.
"No, just very, very, very sleep deprived and hyped up on a large bag of sourpatch kids I got from the store. So, kind of?" They laughed.
Edward rolled his eyes, trying his best not to laugh. He missed y/n. He missed them a lot. But now, he was seeing them again. Right in front of him.
"Oh my god, go to bed! You need the sleep." Their friend suggested.
"Who are you? My mom? My dad? My overlord?" They asked.
"No, I-I'm, heh, I'm your dad-daddy..." Their friend tried to say, laughing in between her words.
"Oh fuck off, now I'm definitely getting ready for bed. Every time we call you call yourself daddy and I am 100% certain that it's giving me brain damage."
"That's the goal. To get you brain dead so I can put you in a hospital for the rest of your life!"
"Aw, how sweet! I'll haunt you when I die and possess your vibrator so it never turns on."
"Ew! Grosssss!"
"Alright, I have some cereal I have to finish absolutely devouring. So, I'll call you tomorrow. Let me know how the lunch goes!"
"Ok, love you!"
"Love you too!"
Y/n hung up the phone, as if that was the most normal conversation they had ever had. Edward found the entire thing extremely amusing. Their friend was right though, y/n was extremely kinky. Edward would know. When the two of them were in bed together, things got hot and heavy quickly. He broke out of those thoughts, watching as y/n put away their iPad and pressed play on Spotify. Yawning, they went back to the kitchen, grabbing their cereal bowl. As the song played, they finished eating their cereal quickly. Once they finished eating, they started dancing and mouthing the lyrics of the song. Edward knew this song, from when y/n would practically force him to watch tiktok edits of various people from various shows, movies, and games. He knew y/n loved this song.
"Ride!" Y/n mouthed softly, spinning around in a circle.
Y/n swayed to the song, dancing like no one was watching. Even though, someone most definitely was watching. Edward kept a keen eye on y/n, watching every movement they made.
"Can I ride!?" Y/n giggled, pointing to a drawing of a blonde man they made.
Edward recognized the person, from the Resident Evil games. Y/n was obsessed with Leon S. Kennedy for a long time, so that's probably who it was. This caused him to smile to himself.
The song was coming to an end, although still playing. Edward took this as an opportunity to step out of the shadows slowly. Every footstep he made was quiet as he made sure not to step on any creaky floorboards. As the song died down, y/n turned around after hearing a quiet noise. They turned the volume down until the music was at the same volume as a person talking normally, placing the remote back down.
"Who's there?" They asked, grabbing a pocket knife they kept on the desk.
Edward stepped completely out of the darkness, the soft light from the T.V illuminating his body in a bright white outline. Y/n scoffed, tossing their knife back on the desk. Edward found it intriguing that y/n was not scared, not even in the slightest.
"Edward Nashton, what the fuck is your problem?! I have a fucking door for you to knock on you asshole! You scared the shit out of me! I thought you were someone breaking in!" They groaned.
"I am someone breaking in." He stated simply.
"No, Edward. You're Edward. Not a scary criminal. Well, not yet at least, who knows at the rate you're going..." They mumbled.
Edward stood there, watching them walk into the kitchen. Y/n rolled their eyes, getting a glass of water. They were slightly annoyed with Edward.
"How long have you been here? Actually, no, let me guess. When I went to the bathroom. Is that when you got in?" They asked.
Edward nodded slowly.
"You're so predictable, Edward. Are you trying to scare me or something? Why are you here standing in the shadows like a creep?" They spat.
Edward walked towards them slowly, planting his gloved hands firmly on the counter. Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"I'm here to show you what I'm trying to do for Gotham! You don't understand my cause!" He exclaimed behind his mask.
"Uh huh...yeah. Why are you wearing your mask? I know who you are." They said blandly.
He didn't answer.
"Look, Ed, I know you want to help Gotham. I admire that. You've always been a kind soul. But, this is not the way to go about it. Planning murders? Bombings? How will that help?" They asked.
Edward looked down, his confidence disappearing as the person he loved told him these things. Y/n noticed, sighing before taking a sip of water. They offered Ed some, to which he denied because of the mask that was on his head. Y/n groaned.
"Take that thing off. You're Edward. Not the Riddler."
Edward's eyes narrowed, knuckles turning white as he gripped the edge of the counter. He marched into the kitchen, standing in front of y/n, pinning them against the cupboards. Y/n felt their heart race.
"I AM the Riddler! Edward, Riddler, I am two in one!" He declared, voice muffled by the mask but still projecting well.
Y/n sighed, looking over Edward. He could sense the sadness in their eyes. They reached a hand up, grabbing his glasses before removing his mask. Once the mask was off, they put the glasses back on him. Edward felt sheepish all of a sudden, almost as if removing the mask removed his entire persona.
"You look different since I last saw you, Ed. You look good." They smiled, hand cupping his face.
"Don't." He said.
"You still love me, don't you?" They asked, thumb rubbing his cheek.
Edward looked down slightly, lifting his eyes back up to theirs quickly. He took a deep breath, chest puffing out. Y/n watched as his eye twitched, a telltale sign that he was anxious.
"Did you think that this whole Riddler persona would make me fall in love with you?"
Edward didn't answer.
"Ed, I still love you. I always will. But, I don't love who you're becoming. It worries me."
"I just want to do good for the people of Gotham who suffered, just like we did..." He said shakily.
"Killing people is not the way to do it. That is not going to win me over, Edward. If you want to keep this Riddler persona, then that's fine. But, use it for good. Help law enforcement with finding criminals, the ones who make Gotham a terrible place. Don't add to it..."
Edward nodded, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. Y/n wiped it away, smiling up at him. He looked down at them, straightening his posture. He cleared his throat.
"Y-You're right. It's just, this whole persona gave me a newfound confidence. I wanted to do something memorable and meaningful with it."
"Edward, I love that you've found your confidence. But, you need to use it for good."
He nodded once again, the two of them falling silent. Edward looked into y/n's eyes, feeling his cheeks grow hot. Y/n felt a knot form in their stomach.
"Can you promise me that you'll stop this madness? Please? For me, Riddles..." Y/n frowned, tears forming in their eyes.
Edward's eyes widened, hugging y/n to his chest without thinking about it. He rubbed their back, heart racing fast against theirs.
"No, no no no, no please don't cry. I promise, Sketcher. I'm sorry that all of this happened. I caused us to drift apart, I don't know what I was thinking. I promise you, I'll stop." He cooed, nearly crying against their head.
"I believe you, Edward."
The two of them grew silent as they held each other. Despite the emotional moment they just had, they weren't sure what to do. It was hard to move on from such an important conversation, especially the one they just had. Y/n sighed, pulling away from him, back against the counter. Edward looked down at them, taking in their appearance.
"Y-You got your binder. It looks good." He commented.
"Thank you, it took so long to arrive. But, it was worth the wait. I have more in other colors."
Edward nodded.
"Ed, can I tell you something?" They asked.
"Y-Yeah, of course."
"Your Riddler persona scared me a bit, what with everything that you were planning. But, besides those things, I found that whole persona to be quite..." Y/n trailed.
Edward waited, anxious for what they were going to say.
His eyes widened, watching as y/n blushed lightly. He reached down, lifting their chin up with two of his fingers. Y/n looked up at him, bottom lip out in a natural pout.
"You did?" He asked.
Y/n nodded.
"It seemed like you were really protective over me when you were doing those livestreams."
Edward's jaw clenched when he thought about that one chat someone sent. He could easily find their address, and he definitely thought about paying a visit. But, after the conversation he just had with y/n, he knew that was off the table. Even though the person definitely deserved whatever he wanted to do to him.
"That swine threatened you. No one threatens you and gets away with it."
"Mmm, that's the part of the Riddler that I like..." Y/n hummed.
"God, I've missed you so much, y/n."
"I missed you too, Ed."
He looked down at them, feeling the confidence he had when he broke in flood back into his body. Y/n saw this from how his posture changed. His stature was looming and a glint of mischief twinkled in his eyes. Y/n felt themself shrink beneath him, feeling cornered in the kitchen by him. But, it wasn't like they were scared he would hurt or kill them, no. It was anticipation of what he was going to do next. Edward always was unpredictable. Y/n's breath hitched as Edward brushed a strand of hair out of their face.
"You've always had a knack for intimidating, even dangerous, men. Haven't you?" He teased softly, looking down at them with dull eyes.
Those eyes, they drove y/n insane. His gaze had the ability to make their knees wobble, faltering their stability. He knew of this affect, and he basked in the feeling of power this gave him. Neither of them liked to consider themselves 'in charge' of the other. But, when things got intimate, y/n absolutely loved it when Edward would run the show. He did too.
"You shiver under my touch, cara mia. Why is this? Do you fear me?" He asked gently.
Y/n nibbled on the bottom of their lip, chest heaving from the tension. Edward grinned, leaning down to plant a soft kiss below their ear. His breath fanned on their neck, causing goosebumps to prickle over y/n's skin.
"Or does my presence simply make you tremble with desire?" He whispered.
Y/n let a quiet moan slip out of their throat, causing them to blush deeply. They were embarrassed to admit how easily Edward drove them crazy. The two of them would be lying if they said they didn't miss each other, both emotionally, physically, and sexually. They nodded, wrapping their arms around his neck.
"Of course it does. I know you promised you'd stop the things you were going to do. But, you're still The Riddler. And, having you in my apartment, standing over me...my heart's racing. Earlier today your persona was ready to kill someone for me and, as weird as it is, I found it hot..." Y/n gasped, breathing heavily.
Edward smirked, grabbing the mask from off of the counter. He glanced down at it, then back up at y/n. A sickeningly lewd idea popped into his head. Y/n looked up at him, adrenaline and wonder filling their vision.
"You know what else he would do for you? To you?"
Y/n's legs instinctively closed, causing Edward to stifle a chuckle. He gave y/n a quick glance, as if to ask if it was ok to continue. They nodded frantically. He took a deep breath, eyes closed as he calmed himself. Without saying anything, Edward put his mask on, placing his glasses on top of the now covered bridge of his nose. He let out the breath he took, coming out in a raspy exhale. Y/n felt a shiver go down their spine as the T.V light illuminated Edward in an almost ethereal green. His hands fell to his sides, clenching and unclenching in a fist. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed the back of y/n's neck, yanking them towards him.
"He would fuck you until you scream his name." He said simply.
The bluntness of his statement made y/n throb. They let out a shaky breath, gripping onto his shoulders for stability as their knees buckled. A dark chuckle emitted from his throat, letting go of y/n and stepping away from them. Y/n almost fell to the floor, catching onto the counter at the last second. Standing up straight, they watched as Edward walked over to the couch, standing in front of the T.V. He stared at y/n, nodding towards the couch subtly. Y/n didn't budge, breathing heavily in shock of the situation. Edward let out a frustrated sigh, stomping his foot on the ground.
"GET OVER HERE!" He shouted.
Y/n was quick to get to the couch, trembling as they stood in front of him. Edward removed the piece of the mask over his mouth, only attached with a few of those small click-on buttons. Placing it in his pocket, he grabbed y/n's face, slamming his lips onto theirs. Y/n moaned into the kiss, being caught off guard by the suddenness of it. Edward groaned, pulling away from the kiss.
"Edward..." Y/n sighed.
Grimacing, he pushed y/n down on the couch. Y/n looked up at him, eyes dark as he looked down on their body. He let out a frustrated sigh that slowly grew into a groan. He pointed at his chest repeatedly.
"I am The RIDDLER in this moment. You WILL address me as such." He declared.
Y/n squeezed their thighs together, gasping at his harsh attitude. The Riddler smirked, his mouth on display to y/n. A song started to play in the background, causing y/n to blush when they realized what it was. He walked towards them, grabbing their hips and moving them onto his lap as he sat down.
"Do you understand?" He asked.
"Y-Yes, Riddler."
He listened to the song as it played, smirking at the lyrics. Y/n avoided eye contact. Roughly, he grabbed their chin and yanked it towards him. He pulled them down to his face, kissing them on the lips briefly.
"If memory serves me right, the last time you and Edward fucked, it was to this song wasn't it? That's quite fitting, seeing as how it'll be the first song the Riddler fucks you to." He said, laughing at the end.
Y/n moaned, mouth agape slightly. He gripped it, keeping their mouth open. Looking at their mouth, he remained silent. His analytical eyes observed the inside of y/n's mouth. They were slightly confused, but afraid to move.
"You'd take me well with that mouth of yours..." He stated.
Y/n moaned softly, whining at the end. He chuckled, releasing his grip on their jaw. He looked at y/n, pushing them off of his lap. Y/n stood up in front of him, panting and wide eyed.
"Strip." He ordered.
Y/n didn't hesitate, removing their pants. He watched as they slid their underwear off, causing him to let out a low grunt at the sight of their bare lower body. Reaching up, y/n hesitantly started to remove their binder. The Riddler held up a hand, signaling for them to stop.
"No. If you feel that that part of your body does not belong on you, then I do not find it desirable. I will not allow you to face dysmorphia once again." He said.
Y/n smiled, feeling their heart swell. It pleased y/n to know that Edward's Riddler persona was just as caring and supportive as he was. Giggling, they left their binder on. He stood up, unbuttoning his pants slightly, letting his bulge under his underwear poke out. Grabbing y/n's neck, he kissed them harshly and bit their bottom lip. They groaned as he pulled away. Edward hushed them, placing a finger against their lips as he listened to the song.
'Kiss me on the lips, choke me on the floor.'
'Drag me around, push me right against your door.'
'I'm your little doll, come and play with me.'
'Fucking chase me, fucking break me.'
Y/n hummed to the song very quietly and he grinned. Adjusting his grip on y/n's neck, he smirked down at them. The glasses he wore were reflecting the light of the T.V. He looked mysterious and dangerous. It made y/n's cheeks heat up.
"You like that song, huh?" He asked, rubbing his thumb against their skin.
They nodded.
"Of course you do. You like that shit, don't you?" He mocked.
They nodded again, frantically. He mimicked the way they nodded, even going so far as to imitate the soft moans they made. Y/n held the hand he had gripped around his throat, pouting up at him. He rolled his eyes. He knelt down on the floor, bringing them down with him. Y/n's eyes grew big as he pinned them against the floor, straddling their lap as he did so. The grip on their throat tightened, y/n gasping for air. The Riddler hummed to himself, swaying his head to the song. Pretending he spaced out, he looked back down to y/n. He faked a gasp, covering his mouth with his free hand. Y/n let out a choked moan, causing The Riddler's bulge to grow.
"You said you liked to be choked on the floor, isn't that true? I'm just giving you what you want." He cooed, reaching down to caress their face.
He watched y/n as they grabbed at his hand. The Riddler let out a yawn, releasing his grip on their throat. Y/n moaned, gasping for breath. He mocked their panicked breathing, holding his own throat with his hands. He faked chokes before breaking out into a soft and eerie laughter. Y/n felt filthy for finding his actions extremely hot.
"I thought you liked that? Hm?" He teased.
"I do..." They sighed, a moan slipping out at the end.
He reached down, grabbing the ponytail their hair was in. As he stood up, he pulled at their hair, causing y/n to stand up with him. He dragged them across the room by their hair, making sure not to go too fast. He wanted to be rough, not abusive. Walking inside y/n's room, he closed the door behind them before slamming y/n against it. They grunted, wrapping their arms around his neck.
"You wanted this. Your eyes were practically begging me to fuck you. Please tell me you didn't expect the Riddler to go easy on you, mon cœur?" He chuckled, a sick smirk tugging at his lips.
"No, I want it rough. I love it rough..." They panted.
He threw them on the bed, watching as they propped themselves on their elbows. Their legs were crossed over each other, hiding themself from him. He rolled his head to the side, letting his neck crack as he walked to the bed. He stood in front of y/n, menacing and ominous.
"Yes, I know. I know how filthy you are. I know how...experimental...you were when you were mine. I imagine you're still the same filthy slut."
Y/n nodded repeatedly, slowly opening their legs. His head was held high, exuding power with his stance. He let his eyes trail down, face emotionless as he gazed between y/n's legs. He breathed in deep, letting out a shaky sigh that made y/n moan. The Riddler found himself mesmerized by the sight before him, his muse, his love, all spread out and on display for him. It was a beautiful sight that made the blood pump in his veins. He felt his dick twitch and inhaled deeply before exhaling.
"Offering yourself to me, so...willingly...it brings a smile to my face. I assume you realize how whorish you look right now. Spreading your legs for a dangerous person such as me..." He trailed, leaning down and planting his fists on either side of the bed.
His body was hovering over the lower half of y/n. Underneath his chest was y/n's legs, spread open, exposing their body to him. Y/n moaned, nodding their head.
"I know how slutty I'm acting. But, I can't help it. You make my heart race and I just want to feel you inside me so bad..." They whined, squirming underneath him.
"Yeah, you want that?" He hummed.
"Fuck, yes!"
He made a 'tsk' noise as he stood up straight. Y/n watched as he removed the gloves he wore. He placed the pair in his left hand, glancing down at them. He looked back down at y/n, humming again. Throwing one of the gloves to the side, he reached down and dragged the one he kept over y/n's stomach. Slowly, he trailed back down, kneeling on the floor in front of the bed. He grabbed the underside of y/n's calves, yanking them towards him. Their legs dangled off the bed, lifting up as he hung them over his shoulders.
"As you'll recall, I have a strong fascination with games, puzzles, riddles, etc. How about we play a game right now? Will you amuse me and take part, cara mia?" He asked, letting his breath fan against y/n's slick core.
"Mmm, yes. I-I'll play a game with you, Riddler." They moaned.
"Oh how fun, I have high hopes for you."
He blew against their pussy once again, smirking cockily to himself as y/n squirmed. His hands gripped their thighs that hung over his shoulders.
"I'll ask you riddles and you answer them. If you get it right, you get a reward. If not, well...you'll find out, how about that?" He chuckled, waving his glove for them to see before sliding it on his left hand.
"What? I've never been good at your Riddles! That's not fa-"
"Those are Edward's riddles. You have not heard mine, have you? Besides, I just made them up a few moments ago, specifically for you. It would make me so upset if you chose not to play."
"Ok, fine. Just, ask me your riddles."
He chuckled.
"I can make you shiver and I can make you hot. I may take a while to arrive, but I can be fast in the right hands. What am I?"
Y/n groaned, holding their hands over their face. The Riddler giggled, finding their struggle amusing. While he waited, he looked between their legs. He licked his lips as he saw how swollen their clit was.
"What am I, y/n?" He asked.
"Damn it, I don't know! Mail?" They whined.
"Mail? Hm, not even close. Do you want a hint, cara mia? I'll let you have another try." He smirked.
"Yes, please..." Y/n groaned.
"If you're good I'll give it to you tonight..." He hinted suggestively.
Y/n furrowed their eyebrows, thinking for a moment. The hint was so obscure. It could be anything based on how he said it. After a bit, their eyes widened in realization.
"An orgasm!"
Chuckling darkly, he shoved a finger deep inside of y/n. Y/n threw their head back into the bed, a lewd moan leaving their mouth. The Riddler let out a sigh, enjoying the feeling of his finger inside of them.
"Oh, good job darling. I'm so proud of you. Are you ready for another riddle? You only get one try this time..."
"F-Fuck, u-um, yeah I'm ready..."
"A queen, a movie, I can chill you to the bone. If it comes from pleasure, some would call it a moan. What am I?"
"What the fuck...? Um, fuck, I don't know...I don't know!" They whined.
Sighing, he kept stood up, not all the way though. He wanted his finger to remain inside y/n. Caressing y/n's face with his gloved hand, he watched as they pressed into his touch. The smile on his face faded, turning into a frown. Swiftly, he brought the back of his hand across their face. Y/n gasped, mouth agape and looking up at him.
Y/n whined, bucking their hips up into Edward's finger. He furrowed his eyebrows underneath his mask. He went back down between their legs and smacked their thigh lightly, signaling for them to stop. He sighed.
"You should have known that answer, it's one of your favorite horror movies. I'm disappointed. You only get one more riddle. If you get it right, I'll finally give you what you so desperately want. If you get it wrong, I leave you on your bed a wet, slutty, pathetic mess."
"Oh God..." Y/n mumbled.
"I am done when desperate. A dog for a treat, a criminal for their life, a traitor for forgiveness. What am I?"
Y/n thought, not wanting to get it wrong. They groaned, eyes shut closed tightly. A frustrated sigh left their lips, turning into a whine like a child pouting. The Riddler smirked.
"Riddler, I beg you please...just fuck me!" They pleaded.
"Oh, you're so close to earning that..." He chuckled.
Y/n went silent, eyes widening.
"Beg! It's beg!" They cried out.
He pulled his finger out, causing y/n to whine. Leaning down, he planted a kiss on their lips. A proud smile was on his face, a laugh coming from his throat.
"Very good, ange précieux. I'm so proud of you." He praised, standing up straight.
Y/n watched as he looked down on them, eyes crazed and bright behind his glasses. He stepped forward, the bulge hidden by his underwear directly in front of y/n's face as they sat up. Y/n waited for him to say something, but he never did. Instead, he slowly pushed his underwear down, letting his dick fall out. He groaned as it slapped their face. Y/n kissed it gently, letting their tongue lap around the tip. He hissed, not giving any warning as he grabbed their hair and shoved his dick down their throat. Y/n gagged on the length, tears forming in their eyes. The Riddler moaned, leaning his head back in pleasure as he held their head there. After a moment, he pulled them off, pushing them down to the bed.
"I was correct, my dick fits perfectly in your pretty little mouth. But that is not what I want right now, nor is it what you want. Admittedly, it would be nice to throat fuck you till you're gasping for air...but I digress. Now, spread your legs."
Y/n moaned, their back flat against the bed as they listened to his instructions. The Riddler removed his glove, swaying his hand in the air as classical music played on the T.V. He hummed to himself, knowing the lyrics by heart, going through a huge classical music phase a few years back. Y/n watched, finding it hypnotic and twisted how carefree he was about the situation. Meanwhile, y/n was desperate and horny, spread out on the bed.
"A beautiful piece..." He mumbled.
He stepped forward a little, grabbing the underside of y/n's thighs as he pulled them close. Abruptly, he spit in between their legs, the substance landing on their throbbing pussy. He quietly sang the lyrics, y/n not knowing what he was saying. It always baffled y/n how well he spoke Latin, French, who the hell knew what other languages he spoke. All y/n knew was that it turned them on. Tightening his grip on their thighs, he pulled them closer to him as he thrusted forwards. Y/n cried out, voice cracking as they moaned. The Riddler grunted, but continued to sing along with the song. Y/n whined as he stilled inside of them, causing him to groan.
"It's rude to interrupt someone. I like this song, now be quiet!" He spat, bringing a hand down to pinch their clit.
Y/n bit back a moan, biting down on their fist. He was torturing them, y/n was sure of it. And, they were correct. The Riddler knew how desperately they wanted to be fucked by him, but he was having too much fun to give it to them. Not without a few more teases. He moved very slightly, causing y/n to think he was about to thrust into them. When they realized he was playing with them, they let out a pitiful whine. Their back arched, covering their face with their hands as the pathetic noise left their lips. He watched this, the sight making him twitch inside of them.
"Oh, cara mia..." He cooed.
"Riddler, please..." They cried.
"Mmm, my name sounds so good coming out of your mouth. My dear pitoyable chérie. Do you want me to fuck you?"
"Yes! Please!"
"Tell me how filthy you are for wanting this. Tell me that you're mine. You know it's true." He groaned, pinching the inside of their thigh.
"Fuck, you're right! I'm yours, Riddler. I always have been! I'm your filthy sl-slut. Please! I jus-"
He reached down, grabbing their hair. Leaning down, he met them halfway as he kissed them roughly. With a harsh thrust he began to fuck into them at a brutal pace. Moaning into the kiss, y/n bit down on his lip. He groaned and pushed them back down, standing up straight again. Bending over, he crawled on top of them as he continued to plow into their sopping pussy. Y/n reached up and gripped his hair, incoherent mumbling sliding past their lips.
"Oh, you filthy thing...you want more? Tell me."
"Yes! Please!"
A guttural growl left his throat, cursing underneath his breath. He grabbed y/n, looking around the room. Spotting a mirror, he dragged y/n in front of it. Sitting on the bed behind them, he shoved y/n down on his dick, sitting on his lap. The Riddler fucked up inside of them, facing the mirror all the while.
"My, my, would you look at that?" He teased grabbing y/n's jaw and forcing them to look at the mirror.
Y/n whimpered, watching them bouncing on his dick as he thrust upwards. The pace was sickeningly animalistic, a speed that y/n didn't think was humanly possible. A dark chuckle resonated in his chest, y/n feeling it vibrate against their back.
"Look how good you're taking me. You were made for me, cara mia. My missing puzzle piece. You fit me so perfectly. So tightly." He moaned in their ear, voice raspy and low.
"Oh fuck, Riddler..."
"That's right, cara mia. Moan my name. I won't let you cum until I've heard you scream it."
His nails dug sharply into the excess flesh of their hips, leaving indents in the skin. The classical music playing in the back made the erotic scene even more vulgar. Ecstasy was thick in the air like pungent poison. It filled their sense and drove them crazy, searching for the antidote in each other's bodies and pleasure. The Riddler ripped the hair tie out of y/n's hair, letting it fall down. He buried his face in it, inhaling their sweet scent that he missed so much. Though he was the Riddler, his feelings for y/n were the exact same as Edward's. After all, they were the same person. Just a persona, a facade he put on. Like roleplay.
"Ri-Riddler...please." They begged.
Grunting, he stood up, holding y/n by their thighs. His dick stayed inside them the whole time as he flipped them over onto their back on the bed. Not giving them any time to adjust, he picked their legs up and held them high. With the better angle, he drilled into them, face contorting into pleasure underneath the mask. Y/n covered their eyes with one of their hands, arching their back. With the other hand, they gripped the sheets desperately searching for some stability. With every thrust he made, the Riddler pummeled directly into y/n's g-spot, making them moan each time. With every moan that left their lips, the next one became more pornographic.
"Oh, I can tell you are so close. You've reached the precipice of your desire, teetering on the edge, aren't you?" He moaned, gasping at the end.
"Y-Yes, please! I wanna cum!"
"You want me to push you over that edge, cara mia?" He taunted, slowing his pace.
"Fuck! Don't stop! Please! I n-need it so bad!" Y/n was crying, their sobs pitiful and sad to listen to.
"Then scream my name!" He growled.
He slapped them across the face, slamming into them roughly. Y/n let out a noise that was indescribable. However, the sound made him whimper. His thrusts quickened, no longer rough but rather sadistic. Y/n tried to get words out, but couldn't. He pinched their clit harshly, twisting it between his pointer finger and thumb.
"RIDDLER! FUCK!" They screamed, the multiple sensations overwhelming them.
"That's it. That's what I wanted to hear..." He sighed.
All it took was a few more thrusts, that's all. With those final powerful, sadistic thrusts, y/n came undone. He pulled out quickly, cupping his mouth over their sopping hole. The suction of his lips against their pussy guided them through their orgasm. The Riddler groaned against their sensitive skin, lapping up all their arousal and climax. With a satisfied moan, he unlatched his lips and swiped his tongue around them. Some of their orgasm dripped onto the mask, but he cared very little about that. Standing over them, he stroked his length, head tilted back as he did so. Eyes were closed shut as he felt himself nearing his climax. His breathing quickened in pace, chest heaving up and down as he let out soft groans. Y/n could tell he was about to cum. Immediately, y/n crawled towards him, albeit shakily, and lowered their mouth on his cock. A loud moan slipped out of the Riddler, looking down to see y/n sucking harshly on his dick. The sight pushed him over and he felt his dick pulse inside their mouth as he released inside of it. He gripped onto their hair harshly, tugging on it as he hunched over. Y/n popped off of his dick after swallowing the thick liquid. They hated the taste of it, but they so desperately wanted to please him. A string of cum and saliva connected their lips to the tip of his dick. Using his thumb, he wiped it off their bottom lip. Y/n fell back onto the bed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it tight to their chest. The both of them were panting, catching their breath that was lost in the sinful exchange they committed.
Edward stood still, tucking himself back into his underwear. He groaned, rolling his head around to work out a kink in his neck. Removing his mask, he placed it on dresser near the bed. Y/n watched him as he did this, giving him time to calm down. He removed his jacket, revealing a dark green tank top underneath. His pants were next to go, tossing it somewhere in the room. Mumbling to himself, he got in bed next to y/n, pulling them close to his chest.
"God, I missed that..." He sighed.
"Me too...does this mean we're back together?" They asked.
"I'd like to think so. What about you?"
"Yeah, I'd like that."
Edward rolled over on his back, staring at the ceiling for a moment. Y/n turned on their side, facing him. As he breathed y/n watched his chest rise up and down. The rhythm soothed them, almost like counting sheep. Sitting up with a grunt, Edward sat on the side of the bed. It was from this angle that y/n realized how toned Edward was. He had gained a bit of weight since they last saw him. But, that was honestly a good thing. He was very skinny before, almost unhealthy. Y/n was glad to see a little more meat on his bones.
"Whatcha doin'?" They asked.
"Honestly, trying not to pass out. But, I was going to get a washcloth to clean you up." He yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"Oooh, Edward Nashton's world famous aftercare. Can I have a glass of wine and a cheese platter as well?" They asked.
"Mmm, I forgot how funny you are after you get your guts rearranged..." He said sarcastically.
He stood up from the bed, tripping over his feet slightly as he made his way to the bathroom. Y/n giggled, missing their boyfriend dearly. The both of them were undoubtedly glad to be back together, even if it was a result of Edward breaking into y/n's apartment. After a few moments, he came out of the bathroom, glasses slightly crooked and eyes barely open. Y/n was rarely tired after sex, but Edward usually did get tired. It honestly just depended on how rough he was. And, he was extremely rough tonight. Y/n gave him a kiss, holding his face in the palm of their hand. Pulling away, y/n looked to see if it woke him up at all. And, surprisingly, it did. He had a dorky smile on his face as he held the damp washcloth in his hand.
"I can make you some coffee afterwards if you'd like?" Y/n suggested.
Edward nodded as he gently placed the cloth on their thigh. Rubbing softly, he wiped away their arousal. His eyes were so bright and caring, just like the subtle smile that was on his face. With one final wipe, he placed the cloth in the hamper. Y/n started to sit up, but Edward stopped them. Carefully, he dragged them to the edge of the bed, legs dangling off the edge. Y/n sat up very slowly, stomach sore from the sex. Edward walked to the dresser, thinking for a moment before he opened one of the drawers. He pulled out a pair of underwear. Holding that in his hand, he opened another drawer and grabbed a pair of sweats. He closed all of the drawers he opened and went back to y/n.
"I'm surprised I remembered which ones to open." He chuckled.
Y/n smiled as he slide the pair of underwear up their legs. He was cautious around the inside of their upper thighs. Edward knew they would be extra sensitive, so he did his best to be as gentle as possible. Once the underwear was on, he helped them put on sweatpants as well.
"Ok, uh, where do you keep your coffee? Same place?" He asked, standing up.
Y/n nodded, resting their head against his stomach. Edward smiled widely, patting their head softly. He leaned down, placing a chaste kiss on the top of their head. Pulling away, he started to leave the room.
"Go piss." He stated simply.
(a/n: everyone should pee after they have sex, it helps flush out any bacteria and prevents UTI's :) make sure you all stay healthy!)
"Oh God, Edward. Really? You couldn't have found a more blunt way to say that?" They laughed, slowly standing up on shaky legs.
"I could if I tried. Do you need help?" He asked, hand on the door frame.
"No, I'm ok. Thanks though." They said.
Edward nodded, leaving the room to let y/n take care of themselves. Yawning, he walked past the couch, stretching out his arms. He glanced at the T.V and chuckled. Earlier, classical music was playing. And now? Well, obviously, the Pokemon: Indigo League theme song was playing. Seeing and hearing the song gave Edward the sudden urge to watch the show. He got a pot of coffee brewing, the smell raising goosebumps on his skin. Edward knew that y/n worked at a coffee shop, they have been for the past couple years. He knew that y/n could make a really good cup of coffee. A few minutes later, y/n came walking out of the bedroom, legs shaking slightly as they walked. Edward had a cocky grin on his face.
"I think I did a pretty good job tonight..." He said softly, voice slightly hoarse.
"No shit, I don't think I'll walk straight for a whole week. Work is going to suck on Monday." They groaned.
Edward looked in the cabinet where the coffee mugs were, smirking when he found his old mug. He poured some coffee in the green mug, taking a sip immediately afterwards. He sighed, feeling better even after the first sip.
"You kept my mug." He said.
"Well, it was really all I had as a reminder of you." They smiled.
"Oh, that reminds me..."
Edward placed the mug down, walking over to corner of the living room. Looking around, he scratched the back of his head. Y/n grabbed a juice box from the fridge, suddenly craving something fruity. They watched as Edward bent over and grabbed something from off the ground. He made his way back over to y/n, holding whatever he picked up behind his back. Y/n raised an eyebrow, glancing to the T.V and seeing that Heavy Metal Lover by Lady Gaga was playing. Edward snapped his fingers in front of their face.
"Hey, no Gaga! Not yet. I've got something to show you." He chuckled.
Y/n brought their attention, biting on the straw of the juice box as they took a sip. Edward brought one of his hands out from behind his back and held it in front of y/n. Removing the juice box from their lips, the set it on the counter. They gasped, holding their hands over their mouth.
"Oh my God, Edward! It's Sir Clawdius!" They squealed.
Edward smiled as they snatched the bear out of his hand. When y/n and Edward split up, y/n couldn't find the bear anywhere. They had assumed that they lost it. But, Edward had it the whole time.
"I will admit that I snuck it away when I left, I just wanted a piece of you with me. I meant to return it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I brought it with me because I was finally going to give it back to you. So, yeah...sorry." He looked down sheepishly.
"Oh Edward, I'm not mad. I'm relieved that he was safe with you!" They giggled.
"Oh, well that's a relief. I thought you might try to maul me or something..."
"What? Please don't..."
"I'm kidding. Go drink your coffee! I'm going to put this li' guy up on my shelf!" They said.
Edward grabbed his coffee, leaning against the counter as y/n walked to the desk they drew at. He smiled as the warm drink went down his throat. Standing on their tippy-toes, they reached up and slid Sir Clawdius up on the top shelf, right next to the Leon Kennedy drawing.
"Oh yeah, I meant to ask. Is that a recent drawing? Did you play RE4 recently?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Uh, maybe...don't look at the game in my console..."
"Ok, well that answers that question. But, I have another question. Have you done a speed run of it yet?" He asked.
"No, I take my time playing that game. I like the graphics..."
Edward shook his head slowly as he finished the last of his coffee. Y/n looked away, fighting back a goofy smile.
"Oh yeah, the graphics...totally. By graphics do you mean you like getting Leon hurt on purpose because he moans every single time?" He asked.
"This is becoming an interrogation and I am exercising my 4th amendment. So, I don't have to answer anything."
"Ok. Well, you basically confirmed my theory. Plus, I've seen you play the game in the middle of the night when I lived with you."
"You did!?"
"A lot. Every single time you were either angling the camera to get a better look at him or running into fights on purpose. So..."
"Ooh! I'm going to ignore the fact that you said that and pretend like we never had this conversation! That sounds like a really good idea!" They said cheerily, sitting down on the couch.
Edward rolled his eyes, sitting down next to them. He exhaled softly and watched as y/n turned off Spotify and turned it onto the console. Lo and behold, the most recent game played was RE4. Y/n handed the controlled to Edward, gesturing for him to take it.
"I wanna watch you play. Every time you get hurt is another picture of Leon Kennedy I will draw."
"Oh wow, you are very sleep deprived aren't you?" He laughed.
Edward took the controller and started to play the game. While he played, y/n slid under his arm, resting their head against his chest. They watched him play until they eventually drifted off into sleep. Edward smiled and turned the game off, holding y/n close to him as he picked them up. Going in their bedroom, he placed them under the covers and crawled in next to them. He let them fall asleep snuggled up into his side as he rubbed their back. He had been through a lot of problems while they were separated. And it was true that he went down a very dark path. But, he was so thankful for y/n, glad that they snapped him out of it. For now, he was happy, holding the love of his life in his arms once again. That was truly all he needed in his life. The warm and comforting embrace of his best friend was the one thing that could cure him of any ailment, any troubling thoughts, and could bring him out of the darkness that clouded his mind like a thick fog. He was as happy as he could ever be in this one moment.
He would never leave them again.
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
My Riddlebat Recs
ive read most of the stuff in the riddlebat tag. most of it. i dont really read any batman 22 stuff, but ive read just about everything else. that said, heres a list of some of my favorites ive read!
first of all, jovialJuggernaut and fromjannah write my absolute favorite riddlebat fics of all time, so theyre gonna be on this list a LOT. i dont think i put all of their fics on here, tho, so im just telling you right now that you should 100% check out everything both of those authors have. i will link some of my favorites below tho along w some of my other recs
baby lose the costume
by @fromjannah
"Hey," Eddie says, impossibly soft. The lights are so bright. "C'mon, Crusader. You're here. Listen to my voice." Bruce can only oblige. Easy as breathing.
Bruce, Eddie, and a late night visit to Arkham that goes a little sideways.
read all of fromjannahs unburied fics. do it. immediately. rn. they are all devastatingly good and frankly some of the best riddlebat fics out there. this one in particular is so melancholy and aching and it wrecks me every time yes i reread it all the time i reread ALL of their unburied fics
once more to see you
by @fromjannah
The Riddler has been missing for over a year -- that is, until tonight. Bruce Wayne has very normal feelings about this.
shortened version of the summary bc im just reccing everything from fromjannah and you need to just start accepting that theyre all good. the way they write eddie is so perfect
ghar aaja pardesi
by saheeli (@sa-heelies on tumblr i think?)
Bruce gets the news on a Tuesday. The letters start coming on Wednesday. Or; Eddie escapes from Arkham again. He leaves a trail of clues behind him so that Bruce and Barbara can follow.
ohh this one is so good. i think its the longest of the unburied ones and i think it was the first one i read?? the set up and eventual payoff is so good and sweet and barbara and eddies relationship OFC is iconic. this was the fic that made me realize i desperately needed to listen to unburied
a dreaded sunny day
by @lesbiantriphosphate
“Who do you think I am, Bruce Wayne?” He smirks. “Or should I be asking: do you know who you are?” Bruce takes his time to decide whether to continue the banter or answer truthfully. He can’t tell whether Eddie wants to continue their comfortable Riddler-versus-Batman game of talking around in circles, or if he’s just searching for an entrance into a more geniune conversation. “I think…” he starts and stops again. “Far too much, in my humble opinion,” Eddie quips as he makes his way over and sets two steaming mugs on the table.
more unburied bc the unburied dynamic is the best dynamic. this one is really fucking sweet ;;;;;;; i love it so much its very short but its such a good read
by penguistificial
Edward had thought the only flaw in his perfectly planned crime was that nobody would ever be able to appreciate it - apart from himself. And yet, Batman had deftly deciphered all his clues, seen the solution Edward hadn't thought anyone would ever find. Doesn’t a correct answer deserve a reward? But, what to offer? What would be both acceptable and accepted?
this ones good! its a different take on their dynamic than the fics i usually read but its a very good take
Kings, Knights, Pawns
by jovialJuggernaut (@jovialjuggernaut-draws on tumblr)
riddle man gets to smooch the batman but its a slowburn so thatll be checks watch in a while updated summary when i can think of a good one update: it took 12 chapters but we made it, they smooched
the summary doesnt do it justice, honestly. as far as comics riddlebat goes this is THE riddlebat fic of all time as far as im concerned. this is the blueprint. this is It(TM). liam has such a way of writing eddie hes so irritating and whiny and fidgety as hell you just HAVE to love him. this fic is peak adhd4autism and the way they write bruces autism in this honestly totally influences the way i write bruce all the time. gamechanger of a fic, youve GOT to read it
by jovialJuggernaut
A hurricane hits Gotham and something (someone) washes up in the Batcave.
eddie w eds!!!! yes!!!!! one of my favorites of liams fics. that said, you should read ALL of liams riddlebat fics. they all go hard as fuck and honestly if i looked any further into my bookmarks itd all just be liam all the way down
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Earth 2, T-universe
Name : Christeline Judith
Age : 15-16
Backstory : youngest daughter of a rich family, goes to Gotham Academy and just finds herself being surrounded by misfits. Is stuck in a slowburn enemies to lover arc with damian Wayne. Mother (gone?) transferred her witchcraft to her.
| Christel's photographs |
Tim Drake, one of her friends along with Bernard.
Damian Wayne, her rival in academics | Robin, her friend-rival.
Nightwing, How they met | Nightwing steals her cereal sometimes, meets her because of E or Robin | Dick Grayson, meets her during gala's or because of E & Damian.
Batman, they know each other | Bruce Wayne, one of her father's rich friends.
Catwoman, [good] accidentally got street adopted by her. Now she is her catmama.
Joker, once stole her camera took a selfie and returned it.
Riddler, met him while he was drunk on the streets.
Clayface, long story short her cat.
@gotham-witch hecate, best friend and their family.
@refined-gotham-magic delenn, her (favorite) history teacher.
@posts-from-gotham E, is dating dick/Nightwing, cool fella.
@demetria-wayne Demetria, Damian's sister from another universe, her friend.
The lore :-
Damian & christel's rivals to lovers ARC with mystery on the side [ part 1 ]
Christel's magic journey [ part 1 ]
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lilyflowerrs · 4 months
Omg, guys, today I watched Batman (2022)
Well, first, Riddler is autism coded I don’t make the rules
Second, Robert did such a great job 😭. I have problems to describe all of my impression from this movies since English is not my first language, but…
I really like soundtracks and camera work, especially the diner scene and church(?) scene. Also Robert, from my view, is very canon as Batman. He’s just…dull, but not as dull to be empty completely. He shows so much emotion even if he’s looking emotionless.
I still feel a bit disappointed at Riddler himself. It was interesting to observe him at the beginning, but for me he got too weak in the end. I feel like I expected more from him, I don’t know. It’s also feels like his motivation to destroy Gotham and kill people isn’t big enough, but maybe I just got used to villains that I can idolize. Riddler isn’t one of them even if he’s having a sad background and some sort of motivation .But the movie is still fine. Catwoman herself is perfect, but for me there wasn’t much of a chemistry, maybe it’s because I prefer slowburn more than…well, what the movie gave me. So yeah
Also, there are some of my outfits from the previous days. I bought eye earrings because the magnus archives vibe and my friend gave me glasses chain. I also thrifted outfits and it only costed me 680 russian roubles. For your understanding, its about 7 dollars for ALL. The dress also has apple buttons. The first one outfit gives off female horror protag or coraline lol
Won’t use stickers for the photo because I’m to eepy, sorry 😭
Also my boyfriend @le00o0 and I remembered how I got a meltdown only because we missed the train(we didn’t have tickets, so it wasn’t bad for us but it was unplanned) so he did the video about that but with Riddler’s screams because he’s so me fr 😭
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creativeroleplay-ads · 10 months
Sup roleplay community 👋 I'm crooks (alias), and I have a pretty specific plot in mind I've been craving to do. I am 18+, so minors do not interact.
I am looking for specifically semi-lit to novella 18+ roleplay partners to play a Riddler (Batman 2022) x Muse smut slowburn that will involve kidnapping, stalking, and potential Dubcon elements. The plot and more info is down below;
( 🕊️🔪 ) Secret Admirer: Muse A has been getting mysterious love letters and riddles for the past coupling of weeks. Little do they know that Riddler had been obsessing over them for a long time. After maybe another week, Riddler kidnaps Muse A to finally confess his love..
I do CCxCC and OCxCC roleplays. I also have no preference for gender, so F/M M/M and F/F are in the table. Other fandoms I do are Marvel/DC (obvi), James Camerons avatar, ATSV & ITSV, and Creepypasta. I will play as Riddler, though I would prefer finding somebody else whom could play him.
Please interact if you are interested: my Discord is candy.crxsh, and Tumblr is here. I have no preference which platform; I am just desperate to find another person whom may be interested 🙏 more info may provided when contacted :-]
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Do you have anymore henchmen ocs fleshed out enough to share or just the riddler and scarecrow ones?
Also the scarecrow henchmen being all dramatic and convinced they're in an enemies to lover slowburn while the riddler henchmen is just like "Please just let me do my job man. I just wanna see up these TVs in peace" is so funny to me.
I had. So Much Written. And Tumblr deleted it. God Damn It. Okay gonna retype my stuff, hopefully I don’t forget anything 😭
First: All notable rogues have a “henchman” who either resembles them greatly, or matches their theme, almost none of these rogues or even the heroes know this tho, because the henchmen keep sabotaging each other and creating a net zero impact on things
Whenever I think of a storyline where Batman or someone finds out about these henchmen, the plot is usually that the rogues start disappearing and their henchmen start neatly sliding into their places, of course Batman or someone would pick up on that fact quickly as the rogues look different, but also they’re just so good at sabotaging each other that everyone’s going to notice when Gotham’s become peaceful because the different schemes start canceling out
I have a little bit of stuff for each “main” rogue henchmen, but I keep rethinking it, so the only ones who are actually stable characters (other than the previous two mentioned) are Joker’s henchman, Alice (who’s not actually a henchman but is also extremely obsessed with wonderland and keeps trying to kill Jervis because of his characterization of the mad hatter, but circumstances keep stopping her), and Cat Woman’s “henchman” who also, once again, not really a henchman, but is also obsessed with cats and keeps stealing the strays around Selina’s apartment to take them to the vet
When I originally typed this up I had gone into depth on those three, but tumblr deleted it 😭 so I’m not gonna rewrite that again on this post but if you’re interested I don’t mind making a separate post talking about them!!!
Also!! For 11 and Scarecrow’s henchman, what’s really funny is that the latter’s design includes gloves with needles on each knuckle to inject people with fear toxin, like terrifying claws, and 11’s terrified of needles, so it’s more like one’s doing a terrible job of flirting while doing an even worse job at being an enemy (cause they keep protecting them from the chaos happening from the nearby fight including the other henchmen), while the other one is trying to set up tv’s and keep a certain amount of space between them
Just trying so hard to plug things in while trying to maintain a healthy distance from Murder Claws over there who keeps following them and using bad pickup lines about “fear” and “attraction” showing the same symptoms or whatever, 11’s not actually sure what they’re saying they just really need them to stop coming closer with those damn gloves-
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
i wish you could see me dressed for the kill.
by L11NK Edward hates Wayne.. batman is okay though.   high school au agahhhhhh this mihjt be very cringe 😭😭😭 i hope u like sorry i haven’t posted since may LMAAOOOO Words: 460, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Edward Nygma, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Edward Nygma/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Batman - Freeform, thebatman, Edward Nygma is Called Edward Nashton, highschool, totally cringe, slowburn?, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Maybe - Freeform, i haven’t decided yet…., Riddler Year One - Freeform, oauldano via https://ift.tt/gZWXVc2
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writingsofmax · 2 years
Disarm pt. 2
Words: 2,010 Story Summary: Edward meets up with Y/N at a diner for coffee at her request and tries to practice being a person. It turns out to be difficult for him and things don't really go as planned. Tags: slowburn, diner date, chapter two, getting to know you, chronically ill reader, anti-social Edward
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Chapter 2- Disarm You With A Smile
Part one here
It had been two days since the late night incident and Edward hadn’t been contacted by Y/N. He figured that she had forgotten about him or wasn’t going to follow through on her promise. Unsurprising. Everyone always forgot about him. No one in this world was ever grateful for anything he did. 
Not that it mattered––he had far more important things to be working on. Working at KTMJ was going fine. Numbers were something that made sense to Edward. There was always a formula to follow, always a correct answer to slot into place. 
He did just enough of looking over various Gotham business transactions, tracking receipts and writing reports of his findings so his supervisors wouldn’t have reason to watch him closely. The rest of the time he spent delving more into the Gotham Renewal fund and where it was really going.  It was easy to become hyper-focused and the hours flew by quickly. Seeing how much the rich scum of Gotham used their money and how little of it went to their employees filled him with purpose. You’re all going to get what’s coming to you. Every last one of you parasites, he thought, typing the last words on his report for the day. 
Putting on his jacket, he pulled out his phone from the pocket. There was a text from an unknown number. Hey Edward! It’s me, Y/N!  Sorry for not texting you  sooner! I had to recuperate after all of that craziness. 
There was another text message from Y/N: I still want to take you out  for coffee or something, are you available anytime this week? Just let me know, and thanks again!!
Recuperate? Interesting. I guess I could be available this week just to get it over with, Edward considered. The last thing he wanted to do after having to be around the insufferable idiots that worked at KTMJ was go and involve himself in more social activity, especially with someone stupid enough to get themselves in such a dangerous situation so late at night.
Still, he hated to admit it but his interpersonal skills were… less than satisfactory. If he wanted his plan to work out, he was going to have to try and work at holding a conversation. All the best leaders were charismatic––he saw it in his research.
Sighing through his nose, he typed: Hello, Y/N. Coffee is fine. Meet me at the Gotham Diner at 2 P.M. this Saturday. 
He pressed “send.” There. That’s a pleasant message, he thought to himself on his way out to his car. Once he was home, he got right to work on his plan to expose everyone involved with the embezzlement of the Renewal Fund. He had been slowly gathering a dedicated following from the information he had been posting online detailing the flow of cash only to Gotham's politicians and highest members of the police force. The link of corruption between Gotham’s beloved Thomas Wayne and Carmine Falcone. Disgusting Pigs. This world would be better without them. That money was supposed to go to people who needed it. It was supposed to go to the orphanage, it was supposed to go towards building new schools and hospitals, to the people that needed it most. But no––the filthy upper crust that already had everything that they could possibly want in life, needed more money to burn while everyone else suffered. It was them that needed to suffer. I am going to make them suffer while everyone else watches––
At that moment, Edward’s phone buzzed again, snapping him out of his reverie. His hands stung, and he realized that he had been clenching his fists so hard that his fingernails had left cuts in his palms. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he checked his phone. Another message from Y/N. 
2 at the Diner this  saturday sounds great! I’ll see you then! :)
Edward felt like he had a stomachache––he actually had a meeting with someone this weekend. That had never happened before. He was only mildly annoyed that Y/N hadn’t capitalized “Saturday,” and decided not to send her anything back about it.
On Saturday, Edward made it to the Gotham Diner at 1:55, in time to be seated at a table at 1:59. He was about to leave at 2:03 upon finishing his crossword puzzle he brought with him when he saw Y/N come through the door. She smiled widely when she spotted him and rushed over. 
“Hey Edward! I hope you weren’t waiting long?” she asked, settling into the booth across from him. 
At that moment, a waitress came over and flipped the two mugs on the table over, pouring hot coffee into each one. “Hi, welcome to Gotham Diner, how are you two doing today?”
“Good!” Y/N smiled, “Thank you for the coffee”
“No problem, here are the menus for you, I’ll be back in a minute––” “I’m just having coffee today,” Edward interjected.
“Coffee will be fine for me as well. Thank you though!” Y/N said, handing back the menus.  “I thought I said 2 P.M.?” Edward asked, flatly after the waitress had left.  He knew he had said 2 P.M. but was trying to be nice. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I that late? Didn’t mean to make you wait.” She looked very sincere, Edward thought. “It’s alright I guess,” he said, stirring his coffee to avoid eye contact. 
Y/N eyed the crossword puzzle he had been working on, “You’ve been here long enough to finish a crossword?” She pulled it over to her side to get a better look, “and you do them in pen?” Edward braced himself for the usual comments of how weird he was, or how nerdy it was or how it was a waste of time. “That’s AMAZING!” her eyes were wide as she looked over his answers. “I can never do these! I can usually guess only one or two but I have to look the rest up. Wow!” She was very enthusiastic and Edward was taken aback. He felt his face and his ears growing warm. “They’re really easy,” he concluded, taking the paper back a little too quickly. Y/N laughed, “Maybe to you! I wish I was better at them.” “Well,” Why am I explaining this, “the answers are usually one of two types, wordplay or trivia. You can also start with answers that you know are plurals and fill in all the S’s first to give you clues on the other answers.” He glanced up at her, and she was disconcertingly, staring right at him hanging on his every word. She didn’t even look bored.
 “U-Um, what do you do?” Edward asked, suddenly, wanting the attention off of him. “Oh, well right now I don’t really do that much, um I used to work at an animal shelter though,” she looked down and picked at her nails, “Right now I’m just at home mainly, and I work on art, what about you? What do you do?” “I’m a forensics accountant.” Edward drew a little, mainly engineering diagrams of the traps he was making for his anti-corruption plan and details for the disguise he wanted to wear when he decided to go live. He appreciated the arts, it showed imagination in a person at least. Someone that could make something rather than just mindlessly consume. It was admirable. The animal shelter comment intrigued him as well, he found himself wondering why she had quit. “Forensics? Like, a crime scene?” she asked, leaning in with interest. Edward should have seen this one coming, that’s what people always thought. He sighed, “No, it’s mainly just accounting. That’s why it’s called a Forensics Accountant.” He said, taking a sip of his coffee. She frowned and Edward felt a little…bad. He wasn’t sure why but he continued, “I guess I do investigate crimes, just financial ones,” her expression lifted a bit and Edward felt less uneasy and continued, “I look at business transactions and investigate matters of stealing or embezzling. I have to make sure everything is accounted for––I mainly write reports.” “You must be good with numbers too then!” she smiled warmly. Edward felt the warmth coming back to his face. “You make a lot of assumptions about someone that you don’t know,” Edward snapped, feeling uncomfortable. They were positive assumptions, but still. Y/N’s face fell. “Oh… I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to offend you. I just thought…” she started fiddling with a napkin on the table, ripping its edges absent-mindedly. “Um, that to work in finance matters you had to be good with numbers. Sorry.” She continued to pull at the napkin. Edward wasn’t being very charismatic. It annoyed him that this was so hard. It also annoyed him that he felt weird about making her feel bad. It usually did not bother him to make other people feel bad. They were idiots anyways, and he mostly wanted people to leave him alone. This was different for some reason and he couldn’t figure out why. A puzzle to solve. “No, I’m sorry, I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.” That was true at least. “Oh that’s okay,” Y/N smiled weakly. “I totally get it. Thank you for meeting with me. I really did want to thank you for the other night. I don’t mean to take up your time.” The waitress came over again, and asked about refills. “Oh, no, I think I’m done with this. You can take it,” Edward noted that Y/N hadn’t touched her coffee at all.
Somewhere in the hand-off of the full cup of coffee to the waitress, something went wrong and the full cup of hot coffee ended up in Y/N’s lap. Y/N jumped up super quickly as the waitress apologized profusely. “No-no, it’s really alright! It was my fault. I thought you had a hold of it before I let go, I’m sorry,” Y/N exclaimed, her face all red. Shouldn’t she be angry? Why is she apologizing? Edward was very confused at her behavior. “Get her a towel,” he grumbled at the waitress, and she rushed off. Y/N held her stained shirt out away from her skin and pulled out some cords from underneath, “Oh, thank goodness,” she mumbled. “They’re not wet.” She put the ends of the cords, that were connected to some sort of device, back into her pants pocket. She turned and caught Edward looking confusedly at her. “Oh, it’s just a heart monitor,” she was extremely flushed and a little shaky. “It’s really nothing. Um, it was nice to meet you, Edward. I’m sorry to have to cut this short, but I need to go home and change. I really hope you have a good rest of your day.” On that note, she hurried over to the counter and pulled out her wallet to pay, gesturing to the table Edward was still sitting at before leaving. Edward just sat there, processing. A heart monitor…? So she must have some sort of medical issue then. He felt the same strange feeling in his chest that he felt when he saw where she had lived. She also didn’t stand up for herself at all. Edward didn’t like to either in public situations, but he was changing that. He was going to get revenge on everyone that had harmed him. Y/N seemed like she needed someone to look out for her.
All in all, this meeting hadn’t been as horrible as he thought it was going to be. She actually seemed like someone that wasn’t too boring or awful to be around. She made art, and she cared about animals. Caring about something other than just herself was a good quality. Caring for things that don’t have the ability to care for themselves was even… a virtuous quality.  Edward Nashton had come to an uncomfortable realization: He wanted to learn more about this woman. 
Part three
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zimtdraws · 4 years
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flirty flightless bird 💜💜
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goldenrazzmatazz · 2 years
Birthday Boy
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What’s next, Eddie?” “Huh?” His voice was deep, ragged. He was coming undone. His pupils were dilated to the point they were black, and his eyes flickered to your mouth at least once a second. A red flush had crept above the collar of his shirt. His tongue darted between his lips, wetting them. “What’s the next puzzle?” You smiled, ignoring his arousal, “What was in that lockbox? Are you getting us out of here, or what?”
Alternatively; you take Eddie to an Escape Room for his birthday.
Pairings: Dano!Riddler x Female!Reader
Word Count: Three Chapters, 8k [Total]
Warnings: Slowburn, Female reader, Teasing, Smut, Penis-In-Vagina Protected Sex, Oral (male receiving), Slight Dom!Reader x Sub!Eddie, Swearing, 
Read it on A03
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thecatboyfriend · 2 years
alright what is my nygmobblepot college au??
title's self-explanatory, ed and oz are college students who slowburn fall in love
they're both freshman who end up being dormmates
ed's there for a bachelors in forensic science and oswald's getting a bachelor's in wildlife biology
edward also is minoring in psychology and oz is minoring in business
basically two autistic queer guys with a shit ton of baggage try to get through college together
also the riddler and the penguin arent things in this, ed is very much like s1/pre-riddler ed and oswalds basically the same just. less crime and killing djfghfkdhjg
i dont wanna spoil actual plot bc i wanna turn this into a fic, but here's ed and oswald's backstories <3
ed's a 20y/o nonbinary trans man who uses he/they
he's also autistic and has anxiety and deals with chronic pain (he's just like me fr <3333)
his mom left when he was really young and his father was super abusive
he doesn't remember most of his early childhood due to abuse and memory issues; memories get clearer around highschool
he met kristen in freshman year
she was stuck in an abusive relationship at the time
her father was really misogynistic and terrible to her mother, so she learned those kinds of behaviors from her parents
ed wasn't out at the time (but knew he was trans) so kristen was a lot kinder to him than when they met in canon
she still thinks he's weird but they kind of become friends
long story short, ed starts to help her realize the abuse she's going through and the unhealthy patterns she's learned
through their early high school years, ed helps her unlearn that and get out of the bad relationship shes in
he also finally comes out to her and she accepts him (after being kinda weird abt it at first bc. transphobic dad gkjfhgk)
in turn, she helps ed realize the abuse he's going through
ed also gets really attached to kristens mom
kristens mom is actually a really nice lady, she just has a shit husband and was taught she should be treated like that
kristen getting out of that mindset actually helps her mom get out of it too and she kicks her husband out of the picture
did i mention kristens parents are stupid rich
even after her husband leaves, her mom still is pretty wealthy
when ed finally turns 18, he gets the fuck out of there and lives with kristen and her mom
through all this, ed and kristen try dating and its good for a while
but they realize they're better friends
kristens mom becomes like a mom to ed
she ends up paying for ed's college, hormone therapy, top surgery, name change, and therapy
he's eternally thankful to her
he goes to community college and gets his associates in forensics
kristen goes with him and gets an associates in english
after they've gotten their associates, ed goes to an out of town four year where he meets oz
kristen stays in town, but they still call/talk often
now time for oswald heehee
he's a 21y/o trans guy who uses he/him
gertrud raised him alone, claiming his father was dead
she was extremely overbearing and heavily attached to her son to an unhealthy level
he was bullied a lot as a child
he's also autistic and has adhd <3
he still has his limp, but he gets it in middle school after some kids broke his ankle and gertrud took care of it herself instead of taking him to a doctor
he has a cane which he uses most days
he realizes he's trans very early on in his life and gertrud was very supportive
she let him transition socially and changes his name legally around high school
if she had the money for it, she would have absolutely payed for surgeries and such
at the time of the au, his names changed legally and hes on T (payed for himself)
he has a special interest in penguins and wants to be an ornithologist so he can work with them
he focuses a lot on science in school and always gets A's in it
usually gets b's and c's in everything else (and only gets that high of grades bc he doesn't wanna disappoint his mom)
he goes to community college for an associates in biology
right after his senior year of high school, gertrud starts to get really sick
she refuses to go to a doctor so oswald is balancing taking care of her, having various part time jobs, and getting his associates
its a big rough patch for him and his mental heath takes a huge dip at the time
when he gets his degree and finds the college he wants to go to (which is out of state), he realizes he cant leave his mom the way she is and cant go to college financially yet
so he takes a gap year to earn money and keep taking care of gertrud
he finally gets her to go to a doctor and gets her on medication
when the end of his gap year rolls around, he has enough money to get by on financial aid without any loans
he finally moves out, still talking to his mother often and keeping a eye on her health (though she doesn't tell him much)
now theyre both in college and the au actually starts dfjghfdkjhg! yes i have more backstory for the au than actual plot for it leave me alone <3 basically i love them
i have no idea how the other characters fit into this btw jghkfjdgkdfjhg they will exist at some point but for now they dont heehee
@monarch-max tagging u since u replied to my post <3
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vamprisms · 5 years
can't believe someone walked into a tv studio one day and was like hey this is my 500k slowburn penguin x the riddler enemies to lovers fan fic. it has 5 kudos on ao3 and i think it will be a good television show please greenlight me. and they actually did it. the balls on that man.
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riddlerhymes · 5 years
okay so slowburn/fake date/enemies to lovers: riddler, scarecrow, and mad hatter
oh thats kinda tough shkjlfs
slowburn scarecrow for sure and uhhhhhh enemies to lovers riddler, fate date mad hatter
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riddleculed · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?
OOOH a tough question. I am bad at picking favorites. /: 
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
The sky is the limit as long as chemistry is developed. I am not a fan of just shipping for shipping’s sake because it doesn’t fit Ed. Yes he is very flirty and will hit on a lot of muses but he doesn’t actually expect anything to come out of it. I want ships that develop and a muse gets to actually know Ed. Can be heroes or other villains or civilians. 
I will say no heroes who even if they’re older now, that Ed met when they were minors. AKA DC YOU’RE DISGUSTING FOR THAT BATGIRL THING. Like Ew. No thanks. Idc if they’re in their 20s now. They’re still kids to Ed and he is a grown ass man.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
My main verse Ed is in his 30s. Early-Mid 30s generally or in general I go with what age Bat.man is in a thread because basing off when Ed started his career as the Riddler I see them close in age so sometimes he is more in his 40s. So let’s say anything below 30 to be safe I might be uncomfortable. Late 20s is okay if Ed is in his early 30s. Older than Ed I don’t really care that much. It’s about life experiences tbh. 
Are you selective when shipping?
Actually kinda. Ed might flirt a lot but I am kinda selective in what relationships actually form. Just because --- Ed gets really attached so ships that develop I get super involved in because he doesn’t fall in love lightly. 
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
When clothes start coming off or hands get too wandering.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
I love RiddleBat. Ed canonically is in love with Batman as far as I am concerned. It starts off as an obsession but in my mind morphs to something more. There is a clear point where Ed stops wanting to kill Batman when he realizes that would mean a world without him. He sees him as the only person who ‘gets’ him. 
Twiddler has become an intense fave thanks to @adentincrime​. I love Ed and Harvey’s dynamic. Batman Forever started us off well with that and Suit and I just -- we have fun. I really, really love this ship. ;-;
Scriddler has been my longest ship for Ed and used to be the only thing I considered when it came to shipping. Ed and Jon don’t actually have that many canon interactions lol but it’s become a fandom favorite and I love it. I don’t really have any of this active on my blog right now but I’d like to change that. 
oh and I accidentally became trash for ColdRiddles as a joke but it’s very real with @cvldthief​ even if we aren’t really there yet lol.
There are definitely some other muses I have my eye on....but Im awkward/feel like some hero muns might not want to consider a ship with a villain.  So I keep quiet.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
It makes things easier to be honest since I am pretty oblivious. It’s nice to at least be told that the interest is there because once again, Ed is flirty and most muses won’t initially respond positively to that and I don’t mind being told that the possibility is still there in the future.
How often do you like to ship?
I like to ship often but I am REALLY about those slowburns so I don’t actually ship that often. I think I have a solid three ships right now that are developed enough to the point I called them a ship on this blog. 
Are you multiship?
For sure. each in their own universe.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I obsess when a ship is sailing! And slightly agonize about ships I am too nervous to bring up.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Finally, how does one ship with you?
RP with me.
Plot out a ship with me if you think you are a mun I am already super comfortable with. Meaning we have probably written together for some time and there is chemistry in our muses interactions.
Be prepared for lots of development. Ed is NOT easy to maintain a relationship with. He requires some patience. I think he is worth it as he is super loyal once you’re one of His People. And fiercely protective. Also dorky and cute. Probably will make you cool tech things. 
Tagged by: @atlantisking​ (THANKS) Tagging: @adentincrime​ @goldenfatale​ @cvldthief​ @gothamdad​ @americanasitgets​ @thatsmrfantastic​ @warwritten​ AND ANYONE ELSE WHO’D LIKE TO JUST TAG ME
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