#ripley squared
yayayayayayay bugswap Ripley voice acting thingy mo bob :D
I would've put this out earlier considering I got the script early to voice it but I just canNOT get the voice right ... this was my best attempt but I will try to do better in the future 🙏🙏
thank you to @snorpdawg for being swagalicious and giving me the opportunity to do this in the first place!!!!
now go follow Joey and @bugswapau RIGHT NOW.
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Symbole Evolution Square Sunglasses in Black & Dark Grey from Prada ($489) & Goth Punk Crop Top from Amazon ($19.99)
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fallenstarwitch · 9 months
Rhea Ripley - 12/26
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pktired · 2 months
My two favorite foods on this planet are french toast, and canned sockeye salmon sandwiches. things my grandma made for me all the time as a kid.
If I make them as an adult I get emotional and start crying, they dont taste the same as when she did it. But I dont want to forget so I make them anyway.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'Killer con artist Tom Ripley knows how to reinvent himself.
First introduced in Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 novel The Talented Mr. Ripley, the character has been adapted for the screen many times, most notably in the Oscar-nominated 1999 film starring Matt Damon and Jude Law. But 25 years later, Netflix’s Ripley starring Andrew Scott (Fleabag’s Hot Priest) once again reintroduces the complex criminal, this time in eight sweeping black-and-white episodes written and directed by Oscar-winning screenwriter Steven Zaillian (Schindler’s List).
"Yeah, that was foolish, right? It’s a good movie," the showrunner tells Entertainment Weekly of adapting the beloved story again. "But I'd read the book before that movie came out, and I think it's the kind of thing that can be made and remade. I could get into aspects of the story and characters in a different way in an eight-hour version."
Below, Zaillian and Scott dissect how they artfully reinvented the infamous conman.
The casting
Ripley begins with Tom living hand-to-mouth in New York City through small cons until he’s hired to convince wayward shipbuilding heir Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn) to leave his extended Italian holiday painting mediocre still lifes and return home to his frustrated family. The lucrative assignment catapults Tom into a life of luxury, and he soon decides to steal Dickie’s privileged life and trust fund for himself through nefarious means. Finding an actor who can make viewers understand Tom’s murderous, self-serving choices even if they don’t totally empathize with him was not easy, but Zaillian knew exactly who could do it.
"Andrew was my first choice," the showrunner reveals. "I wanted somebody who could be charming and, at the same time, sinister and rather dangerous, and he had the range for Tom and the stamina in order to get through what turned out to be 170 days of shooting, in which every day he was working. It’s quite the challenge."
After an initial call with the actor, Zaillian sent him all eight scripts, "which is very, very unusual," Scott recalls. He read all of them on a long-haul flight and remembers being "completely gripped" by the story, but he never once asked Zaillian why he was the first choice for the part. "I thought it wise not to," Scott admits. "It's quite good not to ask, particularly when you're playing somebody as dark as this, 'What did you see in me?'"
The look
The noir tale is equal parts gorgeous and haunting as Tom takes on his new life of wealth and deceit, and Zaillian mirrors that by removing all color from the series. "Of course, I didn't experience it in black and white — I experienced it in full color," Scott says. "There was a question of, 'Will this work?' It was filmed with an idea of, 'This could go either way.'"
Zaillian confirms that the look of the series evolved as they were shooting because he wasn’t using anything as a template. "It was important to me that Italy was not some postcard or some kind of beautiful tourist destination, especially in wintertime," he says of how he eventually landed on the black-and-white visuals. "The story was more sinister than that. The look of emptiness, and overcast skies, wet streets, darkness — those were the kind of images that we were after."
The location
Finding the right places to film on location in Italy took many months — Zaillian and production designer David Gropen made a point of trying to avoid obvious tourist spots. "We were more interested in off-the-beaten-track locations, something grittier than some sort of sun-baked, Amalfi Coast beauty," Zaillian explains.
And filming in Italy during the height of the pandemic in 2021 wasn’t easy, but it actually provided an unexpected benefit. "There weren't reams of tourists around," Scott says. "I remember very clearly walking to work through San Marco square, and it's just completely empty, which is absolutely wild for Venice in January."
But Scott faced his own Italian obstacle long before filming began. "He didn't speak Italian when we started, and he has to act in Italian," Zaillian says. "He doesn't even speak English with an American accent — he's Irish — so there's a lot of things that Andrew isn't that he had to bring to it."
As if that wasn’t difficult enough, Scott wanted to add another layer to his performance. "I was, maybe stupidly, thinking, but I also had to imagine it's actually an Irishman playing an American speaking Italian, and then it's an Irishman playing an American imitating another American-speaking Italian," he says. "Dickie Greenleaf's Italian would be slightly different to Tom Ripley's Italian. I had so many Italian friends on the crew, and I was always asking them [for help]. And I had a great Italian teacher."
The psychology
Tom’s scariest attribute is not his body count or his ability to lie — although those are quite terrifying. It’s actually how you’re somehow still rooting for him to succeed, even when he’s violently killing innocent people. "It's a magic trick that Patricia Highsmith somehow pulled off to have this amoral, narcissistic character that we want to see get away with murder," Zaillian says. "So I didn't purposely try to get sympathy or empathy for him. I trusted that, just by telling the story, that same thing would happen as it did in the book."
That’s why Scott never tried to "diagnose" Tom with anything so he could just view him as the "unreliable hero" of the story. "I don't see him as a sociopath or a villain or a monster or any of those things," the actor says. "I just really understood the sense of loneliness. The extremism, of course, I don't relate to, but this is a man who's on the outskirts of society, and he's extremely gifted, he's talented, and he moves in the world completely unseen and unloved and unappreciated. And then he's exposed to these people who are just gifted with so many things with half the amount of talent that he has."
The kills
When Tom finally acts on his evil plans to steal Dickie’s life, Ripley spends over 20 minutes showing, in painstaking detail, how exhausting it is to get away with murder. And then another half hour is later dedicated to Tom’s second kill after Dickie’s friend Freddie (Eliot Sumner) begins to suspect foul play. "It's easy to murder someone — I'm not talking from my own personal experience — but [it's] difficult to dispose of a body," Scott says. "And that requires the audience’s time. And I think that's why by the end you go, 'I don't want him to get caught after all he’s been through.'"
Spending almost an eighth of the entire series detailing Tom's two "grueling" murders was what excited Zaillian the most about doing a TV version of this story. "There were a couple of sequences that you could never get away with in a two-hour movie because they would be half the movie," he says. "Those were quite dramatic in the book, and I felt I could do them in a very meticulous way that hadn't been done before. He’s not a professional killer, and he's not particularly good at it. It was important to show that he doesn't plan anything out."
That’s why he "leaves a whole trail of mistakes" in both murders, Scott adds — including bloody paw prints made by his neighbor's cat on the apartment stairs. "Sometimes I imagine the cat to be Patricia Highsmith herself," he says. "But that's just my crazy imagination."
The ending
The novel ends with Tom successfully taking over Dickie's life and riches, having convinced Marge (played by Dakota Fanning in the series) and the Greenleaf family that Dickie took his own life and left his inheritance to him. But Tom's paranoia continues to eat away at him even as he takes off to begin a new life of luxury and lies. The last episode of the Netflix series, however, ends on a different cliffhanger as Inspector Pietro Ravini (Maurizio Lombardi) discovers a photo of the real Dickie in Marge's book, finally getting the pivotal piece to the puzzle he couldn't figure out.
"I felt in the book, it almost was setting up another story somehow, with him going to Greece or something," Zaillian says of why he changed the ending. "I felt that seeing him having achieved what he wanted was the way to end the series, and we could always get into what happens next if there ever is a next."'
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dykeofalltrades · 8 months
ive barely been back to riding for a week and cannot adjust to how hungry i am! im eating nearly double what i had been. man i hope my jeans start to fit again that would be so nice
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ssaalexblake · 5 months
I've ruled scully out of that poll on the grounds that I consider txf more paranormal as a genre than horror even while it does toe dip into the genre with its monster of the week episodes.
Still stuck on Ripley and Clarice tho 😭
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kodasmind · 1 month
Unexpected Allies pt 1
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**Rhea x Reader**
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The arena was abuzz with anticipation as Rhea Ripley stood in the ring, the spotlight casting a harsh glow on her determined face. The crowd's murmurs grew quiet as Rhea took the microphone, her expression a mix of anger and betrayal.
“I put my trust in Dom Mysterio,” Rhea began, her voice sharp and cutting. “I supported him, fought for him, and what did I get in return? Betrayed. He turned his back on me and now he’s running his mouth like nothing happened. Well, I’m here to tell you all that he will regret this.”
As Rhea spoke, the crowd responded with a mix of cheers and boos, the atmosphere thick with tension. Suddenly, the arena lights cut out, and the entrance music for Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan blared through the speakers. The crowd’s reaction was a chaotic blend of excitement and disdain as Dom and Liv made their way down the ramp, their faces set in determined expressions.
Dom took a microphone and smirked at Rhea. “You know, Rhea, I’m actually thrilled to be away from you. Your shadow was getting pretty long and annoying. I’m finally free to be myself without your constant interference.”
Rhea’s eyes narrowed, her anger palpable. “You think you’re better off? You’re making a mistake you won’t come back from.”
Before Dom could respond, he and Liv slid into the ring. They wasted no time and launched an attack on Rhea. Dom threw a punch, landing it squarely on Rhea’s jaw, while Liv joined in with a kick to her midsection. Rhea staggered but tried to fight back, only to be overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught.
Just as Dom and Liv’s attack reached a fever pitch, the crowd’s noise shifted from shocked gasps to excited cheers. The arena lights dimmed once more, and when they flickered back on, you were standing at the top of the ramp. The crowd erupted in a roar, your unexpected appearance a dramatic twist.
Dom and Liv looked up at you with expressions of confusion and relief, thinking you were there to support them. As you made your way down the ramp, their anticipation grew. But as you reached the ring, you made a surprising choice.
Without a second thought, you slid into the ring and immediately turned on Dom and Liv. You tackled Liv with a fierce shove, sending her stumbling into the corner. Liv’s look of shock was quickly replaced by anger, but you were already focusing on Dom.
“Not so fast,” you said, grabbing Dom by the collar and pulling him away from Rhea. Dom’s eyes widened in surprise as you slammed him into the ropes. The crowd's cheers grew louder, echoing through the arena as they witnessed the unexpected turn of events.
Rhea, initially stunned by your sudden intervention, quickly regained her composure. She used the distraction to her advantage, getting back on her feet. With renewed strength, Rhea joined forces with you. Together, the two of you fought off Dom and Liv, pushing them out of the ring with a coordinated effort.
Dom and Liv, realizing they were outmatched, scrambled to escape. They retreated up the ramp, their faces flushed with frustration and disbelief at how their plan had unraveled.
Breathing heavily, you and Rhea stood in the ring, catching your breath. The crowd’s cheers still filled the arena, a testament to the unexpected alliance. Rhea looked at you, her expression a mix of surprise and reluctant appreciation.
“Why did you help me?” Rhea asked, her voice edged with curiosity and cautious gratitude.
You met her gaze, your expression hardening. “This wasn’t about helping you. It was about showing Dom and Liv that they can’t just walk all over anyone. Besides, I have my own reasons for not wanting them to win tonight.”
Rhea nodded slowly, her lips curling into a small smirk. “Understood. Just know this doesn’t change anything between us. Next time we cross paths, it’ll be on my terms.”
You gave a curt nod, acknowledging her words. “Fair enough. Until then, let’s just say we’ve got bigger fish to fry.”
As the arena lights began to dim, you and Rhea stood side by side in the ring, united by a moment of unexpected solidarity. The crowd’s cheers continued to echo, a reminder of the night’s dramatic and unforeseen turn. Despite the tension that still lingered between you, the mutual respect forged in the heat of battle was undeniable.
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡
Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Reader
Summary: You lose your NXT Women’s title, and Rhea and Dom are here to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Cursing, typical wrestling violence, anger, etc.
Word Count: 3,138
A/N: We all saw what happened on Raw, so I just wrote this as a lil comfort fic for myself. Hope you enjoy!
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You shut your eyes as you held your side, trying to block out the sound of Becky Lynch’s music playing in the air, trying to ignore her standing over you, a smirk on her face as she held your title. That was yours! You were so close to winning, so close to putting Becky away and making her eat her words that she’d been spewing for the past few weeks, make her regret her stupidity by making this match an Extreme Rules match.
Just a couple minutes ago, both of you were fighting, and you wee bruised and beaten, blood gushing from your face. Becky wasn’t doing much better, her arm bleeding and her elbow was fractured early through the match when you hit it with a crowbar. You were fighting in the crowd, beating the absolute hell put of each other with kendo sticks and anything you can get your hands on.
You tried to fling the kendo stick at her again, but she dodged it, and it clattered onto the floor. Your eyes widened at the angry look she was giving you; like this was the beginning of the end and you knew if you wanted any chance at winning you needed to stay away from her direct line of fire.
You bolted down the stairs, taunting her to follow you and she gave into the bait, hurrying right behind you as the crowd got louder with anticipation, wanting her to beat your ass.
You rolled into the ring, maneuvering over the chairs sprawled out but you didn’t get very far because she punched you from behind, taking you down with hit after hit after hit, her anger consuming her as she beat you into the canvas. You laid there limp, your mind hazy until she got you to your feet, trying to set you up for the manhandle slam.
You panicked, pushing her away and kicking at her elbow to make some room between the two of you. She fell to the floor, yelling out in pain. You spotted your title next to you, still in the ring from when you tried to hit her with it before. You saw Becky starting to get up, and you knew it was now or never.
You slammed the title against her face the minute she stood up, following that up with a ddt on the chairs. She was knocked out, and you smirked as you went on top of her for the cover, ready to finally prove to her that you were the better women.
“1... 2... 3-” The ref was about to slam the mat for the three count when you felt yourself getting dragged out the ring. Your groaned when your body hit the floor hard, but anger overtook the pain. You had her beat!! Who the fuck did that?!
You got your answer when you looked up and saw no one other than Tiffany Stratton standing over you, a smirk on her face as she stared you down. “That is supposed to be my title!” She screamed at you, her high pitched voice grating on your ears. “It was supposed to be Me vs you! But you chose Becky, and now you’re gonna pay bitch.”
You stood up, making your way to her with the nastiest glare she’d ever seen on your face. “Don’t blame me because your an untalented blonde bitch who can’t wrestle to save her life!” Tiffany took a step back but it was too late, you punched the taste out of her mouth. She fell to the floor, clutching her cheek as she tried to get away from you. Clearly she didn’t think this through.
“Now you’re gonna pay, bitch!” You yelled at her, enjoying the look of fear on her face as you stalked her. She bolted for the ring, and you chased after her.
You were right on her heels, running into the ring determined to beat her plastic face in when you ran right into a steel chair striking you square in the face, sending a jolt of pain surging through your skull.
Your vision blurred for a moment as you stumbled backward, clutching your throbbing cheek. Becky had a wicked smirk on her face as you collapsed to the floor, the taste of blood lingering in your mouth. You had no strength left to defend yourself as she hit you on the head, in the ribs, anywhere she could get the chair on you, over and over again. Eventually she lifted you up, hitting the manhandle slam on you onto of the steel chairs.
You groaned when your back made contact with the chairs, barely able to see through the haze of pain as Becky covered you for the three-count, the cheers and boos of the crowd sounding like a distant echo. The referee's hand slapped the mat, and your heart dropped when you heard the bell ring.
You lost. Everything you've worked so hard for, everything you've wanted for so long, slipped through your hands in three seconds.
Three. Fucking. Seconds. The number repeated in your head over and over again as you left the ring, storming backstage. It's where Dominik found you, pushing past wrestlers and crew members yelling at the ones who gave you pitying looks. "What are you looking at?" You screamed at a screen tech, who froze in fear as you pushed past him.
"Baby!" He yelled, trying to get your attention. You heard him but you didn't turn to him, you couldn't bear to look at him and the look of disappointment and anger he would be wearing on his face. Why wouldn't he be disappointed in you? You just lost in the fucking main event to one of your biggest enemies, and now your title is in her dirty little hands. He was probably disgusted with you right now. And Rhea. God, Rhea was probably repulsed by you right now. You ignored him calling you and quickly made your way to the Judgment Day locker room.
Your fists clenched, and you threw anything within reach—chairs, bags, water bottles—across the room, all while cursing loudly. The sound of your frustration reverberated off the walls, and the locker room atmosphere grew tense. "Fuck!" you shouted, sending a chair flying across the locker room. "This should have been mine! I had her!"
"Mi vida, it's okay! You did your best," Dom finally found you and walked in, trying to console you, his voice gentle, but you whirled around, your eyes blazing with anger. "Okay?! Did you see what just happened out there? I lost! I let everyone down!" Your voice trembled with frustration and regret.
"You didn't let anyone down, mi amor! Especially not me!-"
"Stop lying Dom!" You spat at him, throwing another bag at the wall. "I fucked up, now you and Rhea can go leave me now that I don't have a title. So stop acting like you care!"
Dominik walked closer to you, eyebrows furrowed at your words. "I'm not fucking lying! I don't know who the hell told you this shit, but Rhea and I would never leave you, title or no title." He grabbed your hand before you could throw another bag, ignoring your glare and wrapping his arms around you. "Let go, Dominik!"
"You need to calm down, mi corazon!"
"You should listen to him." The two of you stopped arguing and looked in the direction of the voice. JD Mcdonagh was standing in front of the door, giving the both of you a wry smile.
"Excuse me?!" You asked him with a scowl. Who gave him the audacity to interrupt a clearly private moment between you and Dom?? Dominik tightened his arm around you, giving you a warning glance that you ignored. JD was either oblivious to your attitude to chose to ignore it, acting like he heard nothing from you.
"What do you want JD? We're busy here." Dominik asked with an exasperated sigh.
"I saw what happened out there love."
"So did thousands of fans here and at home. What's. Your. Point." You questioned him, your piercing stare making JD falter for a second before he continued again, and Dominik prayed he didn't say anything stupid. JD already had Priest almost beat him up, he didn't wanna add you to the list.
“I just wanted to tell you have nothing to be ashamed of, honestly." He walked closer to you, a sympathetic look on his face. "And that it's okay, everyone loses sometimes. Some more than others, but not everyone is good enough to win all the time," he said, and Dom facepalmed internally. He might've been Finn's friend, but god was he dumb as shit. Dominik knew this wouldn't end well.
You went silent for a moment, narrowing your eyes at him and removing yourself from Dominik so he didn't get hurt before you hurled a table across the room and advanced on JD, shoving him against the wall.
J.D. tried to stutter out an apology, but your angry glare cut him off. "Mind your own business!" you spat, your voice dripping with venom. "Stop getting in my business! Stop acting like you're a part of Judgment Day! You never will be, you short piece of—"
“Baby, calm down!” Dom stopped you, trying to hold you back before you killed JD. "Calm down, amor.” Dom urged, his voice soft but firm.
You glared at JD for a moment longer before finally letting him go and taking a deep breath, your anger wavering and the sadness you had been trying to ignore consuming your mind. Dom noticed the change in your demeanor and gently put his hand on your face, his fingers grazing your cheek. You looked up at him, and for a moment, all the anger and frustration melted away as you met Dominik's caring gaze. He wiped away a tear that had escaped your eye and whispered, "It's gonna be okay, mi vida. We're here for you, no matter what."
But you turned away, unable to accept his comfort just yet. You didn't deserve it. "I don't want to hear it, Dom," you muttered, your voice choked with disappointment. "I lost. That's all there is to it."
Dominik sighed, his heart aching for you. He knew you were taking this loss hard, and there was nothing he could say to make it better. But he couldn't stand seeing you like this. "I'm proud of you, you know," he said softly, his hand gently turning your face back toward him.
You shook your head, tears threatening to spill over again. "Don't, Dom. Please."
He gave you a disappointed sigh, but he didn't push you any further. "Come on, I'll wait out here, you grab your stuff and we'll go," he said, wanting to do nothing more than wrap you in his arms and take all your sadness away from you. You nodded, and he made his way out of the room while you got your stuff. He quickly pulled out his phone, texting Rhea, who was back at the hotel.
Rhea<3 Were gonna be at the hotel soon, mami. How bad is it, baby? I saw it on the TV. She didn't look okay. It's bad. She's not doing too good. Physically or mentally?
Both, but mostly mentally. I've never seen here like this. She's about to come out the locker room, see you later mami. I'm gonna kill both of those stupid pricks for hurting her. Drive safe, baby <3
You slid out the room, your bag in hand and a look Dominik couldn't read on your face. "You ready?" He asked, grabbing your bag from you. You nodded, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you out of the room.
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The drive was mostly silent, with you staring out the window, lost in your thoughts, and Dom stealing worried glances at you.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, you both entered the elevator in silence. You felt Dominiks stare burning a whole through your skin, but you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. You felt like you had let everyone down, especially Rhea. She had been your biggest supporter, and now you had lost the title she had helped you fight for.
The elevator doors opened, and you both made your way to your room. You hesitated for a moment in front of the door, not sure how to face Rhea. But Dom encouraged you to go in first, his hand on the small of your back leading you into the room. As you entered the hotel room, you were met with the sight of Rhea sitting on the couch, her eyes filled with worry. "Baby, are you okay?" Rhea rushed up to you, concern etched on her face. She reached out to check on your injuries, but you pulled away, unable to meet her eyes.
"Leave me alone, Rhea," you muttered, heading toward the bedroom, trying to avoid her touch and gaze. You were sure she was disappointed in you, and it hurt too much to face it.
Rhea followed you, eyes never leaving you as you avoided her gaze, "I know you're probably hating me right now," you muttered, your voice trembling. "You and Dom must be so disappointed. Just break up with me already; I know you want to."
Rhea's face fell, and she motioned for you to sit next to her. You hesitated but eventually sat down when she gave you the look that meant she wasn't playing around. She pulled you into her lap, wrapping her arms around you tightly. She examined the bruises on your face, her fingers gently tracing the marks. "That's not true," she whispered, her voice filled with a softness that few people heard her speak with. "I could never hate you, and we could never leave you, not for something like this. I love you, and I always will."
"I lost, Rhea. I lost the title," you mumbled against her skin, feeling defeated.
Rhea tilted your chin up, forcing you to look into her eyes. "And you'll win it back. I'm not mad at you, love. You did your best. It took two of those bitches to put you down." She stroked your cheek, her anger rising looking at the bruises on your beautiful skin. " I'm angry at Becky and Tiffany, and I promise you, I'll deal with them. But I couldn't never be mad at you, baby."
"But I-"
"No buts." Rhea cut you off, giving you a serious look and tightened her grip around you. "It's not your fucking fault, you hear me?" You nodded, but she shook her head at your action. "I need to hear words, love."
"It's...not my fault." Rhea knew you were still hurting and trying your best, so she didn't push you for more. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and glanced over at Dominik. The two shared a look, communicating without a word. Dominik quickly got up to your side and helped you up. "C'mon hermosa, you'll feel better with a bath. You wanna walk or you want me to carry you?" You didn't say anything, just walked into his arms, making the both of them chuckle as Dominik carried you to the bathroom, his strong arms making you feel safe.
He filled the tub with warm water and returned to help you undress, gently tending to your wounds and bruises. The warm water eased the pain, and you let out a sigh of relief as you sat down. As you soaked in the warm water, Dominik joined you, sitting behind you and gently massaging your shoulders to help ease the tension in your body.
Dominik carried you to the bed afterward, making sure you were comfortable. Rhea joined you on the bed, her fingers expertly massaging your tense muscles. You closed your eyes, feeling the tension slowly melt away under her touch.
"Go to sleep love. We'll be here when you wake up." Rhea whispered to you, stroking your back. You hummed back as answer, and Dominik smiled at your tired state and kissed your forehead. You smiled at the gesture and relaxed into Rhea's arms as you slowly went to sleep.
Rhea gently brought you into the covers, trying to not wake you as she tucked you into the bed. She made sure you were completely asleep before turning to Dominik, her voice changing from sweet to threatening. "I am going to kill Priest."
"Don't mami me. Your injured. Finn's injured. He was supposed to be there for her. I told him to have her back, and he failed." Rhea hissed out, standing up and clenching her fists. She gave him one job, and he couldn't even do it. Didn't even show up. How pathetic.
Dom was quick to sit Rhea back down, trying to calm her anger down. "I know you're mad mami, I'm pissed off too. He left her hanging."
Dom held his hands out, and Rhea immediately slipped her hands in his slightly larger ones. He brought them to his lips and kissed them, relishing in the small smile Rhea gave him. "I know you want to deal with him, but please, for her sake... wait until Raw." 
Rhea sighed, looking away and biting her lip in thought. Dom grabbed her face, gently turning her back to him, meeting her eyes.
She gave him a resigned look and nodded at him. "Fine. You're right, Dom Dom. I don't want to overwhelm her." She turned to you, staring at you sleeping peacefully, looking like every bit of the angel that you are. "But Monday, I'm putting him in his place, and you can't stop me. Got that?" Dom nodded, knowing he couldn't fight her on this even if he tried. Once she wanted to do something, she'd do it no matter what.
"You can deal with him, but you need to get some sleep first, mami." She nodded at him, getting up and going to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She came back to the sight of Dominik already in his pajamas, sleeping soundly and cuddling into you. She smiled at the both of you before slipping into the bed as well onto your other side. She laughed when you immediately pulled her into you, Dominik stretching out his long legs and throwing it around both of your waists. She cuddled up to you as well, stroking your cheek as she watched the rise and fall of your chest.
Her anger rose as she looked over your bruises and your face swelling at all the hits you took. She forced herself to calm down for you and Dom, grounding herself by caressing your skin. She'd let sleep overtake her later, but as she looked at you, she promised herself one thing.
Everyone who hurt you was gonna pay.
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specialinterestshows · 2 months
minor spoiler if u havent see raw 7/22
yeah sorry i went insane for a few. Yea oh lord yea im re reading. Idk if youve seen raw yet but if so the clip of rhea licking doms face😭❤️🫡
it wont lemme insert the vid i have i can dm it to you so likeeeee
Like gn!afab!reader and dom yella at liv and then rhea does that little lick thing and she then takes reader and dom back stage and fucks them? And like raging mommy kink (idk if you could tell but i LOVE mommy/daddy kinks /sarc) and but like POSSESIVE SEX like they get handsy back stage a damian is like “take it easy” the they fuck at the hotel.
holy fuck i love this woman lmao
You got it!
The following is a gender-neutral!AFAB!reader x Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio oneshot, based on the incident in the aforementioned episode of Raw (which I have been mentally calling “the face-lick that launched a thousand fics.”)
Warnings: Exhibitionism, mommy kink (for reader; Dom still calls her Mami), possessive dirty talk, choking, face-licking, voyeurism, groping, orgasm control, biting, blindfolding, body writing, possessive sex, begging, edging
Squared Circle Triad
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Damian quickly averted his eyes, having walked into the Judgment Day locker room to see Rhea with you and Dom. She had half-stripped the two of you already, black lipstick prints covering you both. She ran her nails across you for a moment longer before turning around.
“Just reminding both of them who they belong to,” Rhea smirked, “Mami’s been gone so long, hasn’t she, loves?”
She was right. Three months without Rhea had left you and Dom scrambling trying to get the title belt away from Liv and avoiding her increasingly uncomfortable advances toward you both. It had all come to a head tonight, when Dom started yelling at Liv.
You were surprised at first, never having seen him have an outburst quite like that before. But the more he spoke, the more you agreed and, eventually, both of you were yelling across the stadium for Liv to stop trying to interfere with your relationship. She ran away crying - but the moment she did, Rhea grabbed both you and Dom by the throat in that passionate, possessive way you both missed.
You watched his goofy grin as Rhea slowly licked the side of Dom’s face and kissed him, before doing the same with you. A thrill ran up your spine and you were left a bit dazed as she whispered something about wanting both your tongues next, pulling the two of you out of the ring and into a more private setting - but not completely private.
“Yeah, well, take it easy,” Damian suggested, looking at the three of you now, “Carlito walks in here and I guarantee he’s gonna make it weird.”
“Relax,” Rhea chuckled, “Never thought you’d mind getting a free show so much.”
Her lips brushed your shoulder as she played with Dom through his unbuttoned pants, her teeth sinking into your skin and making you moan loudly. You felt your face get warmer, knowing you were being watched.
“That’s cool,” Carlito’s voice made you look over, realizing your audience now included the entirety of the rest of the Judgment Day and company, all watching intently.
“Perverts,” Rhea sighed, letting go of you and Dom, “Alright, alright, we’re leaving for the hotel.”
Grabbing what clothes you recognized as quickly as you could, a sigh made you look up. Dom locked eyes with you, disheveled and visibly aroused. He seemed hesitant to leave, despite the crowd.
An insistent cough and tilt of her head from your girlfriend told the two of you to hurry up. There was no hesitation after that, both of you re-dressing in record time.
“Coming, Mami!” Dom said as he walked over, not appearing to realize his shirt was on inside-out.
“Not yet,” Rhea teased, grabbing his jaw as you caught up, “Not without permission.”
She let go and you grabbed Dom’s hand, pulling him along with you as you followed.
As you exited the room, you swore you could faintly hear:
“That’s… cool?”
Once the three of you entered the hotel room, both you and Dom were told to strip down to nothing. Eagerly following orders, it quickly became a sort of competition as to who could strip faster, Dom playfully throwing his clothes your way as soon as he removed them until you were doing the same.
“Behave for Mommy, darlings,” Rhea warned, trying not to laugh at your antics, “Go on, kiss and make up.”
Dropping the underwear you still had balled up in your hand, you threw your arms around Dom and the two of you giggled as you kissed.
“That’s better,” she said, slowly taking off her belt and undoing her pants, “Family shouldn’t fight. Family” - she let her pants, belt and all, fall to the floor before running her hand along the small wet patch that was already soaking through her panties - “should love each other.”
Once her underwear also laid on the floor in a heap, Rhea turned around and bent over. While you and Dom were distracted by the mouthwatering view, her hand disappeared into one of her bags for a moment, pulling out a purple bandana and a shiny, silver marker.
“You, on your knees,” she ordered, pointing at Dom, then the floor underneath her, “You’re mine, which means your mouth is too. Get to work.”
While Dom did as he was told, Rhea folded the bandana.
“You, come closer,” she was speaking to you now, beckoning you forward with one finger.
Rhea was already biting her lip and sighing at the touch of Dom’s tongue when you stepped forward. She placed the bandana over your eyes, tying it into a makeshift blindfold.
“Can you see?” she asked, breath hitching at the end of the question.
“No, Mommy,” you replied, mesmerized by the sounds of her restrained pleasure.
“Good,” you heard the smile in her voice before she moaned, “Fuck, that’s it, Dom-Dom.”
A cool feeling slithered across your chest as the acrid marker smell reached your nose. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on how the marker moved - and what she might be writing - you were distractingly wet and aching with desire. Listening to both of your partners enjoying each other wasn’t making it easier.
“Hold still,” she instructed when you squirmed, “Mommy wants to make sure everyone can read what she’s writing on you.”
After what felt like far too long, you finally heard the click of the marker cap snapping back into place.
“Yes… fuck yes… smile for the camera,” Rhea said before the sound of her phone taking photos clicked over and over, “Mmm, fuck, now turn around” - her hand gently touched your waist to make sure you did as you were told - “So good for Mommy.”
The moans that rang in your ears were getting louder as the blindfold was untied and lifted away from your eyes. The look on Rhea’s face told you she was close to coming. She confirmed your suspicions when she pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss and your lips buzzed, her grip on you tightening as she trembled, letting the sensation engulf her. Your body screamed for the same pleasure, but you knew trying to touch yourself would only delay it further, so you kept your hands at your sides and melted into the kiss.
After riding out her orgasm, Rhea let go of you and giggled. Looking over, you saw Dom serenely licking cum off his mustache before looking down at yourself. You could only read some of what Rhea had scrawled across you. Then, you remembered her taking photos.
“What is it, darling?” she asked, eyes searching you for a hint at what you might be thinking.
“Can I see the pictures?” you asked shyly, watching her slight worry turn to amusement.
“Of course you can,” Rhea cooed, “Look at all the lovely things Mommy wrote on you, baby.”
You looked through the pictures of you on her phone as you felt Dominik’s eyes reading what he could see of you.
There were several that made you smile:
“I love my Mommy” across your chest,
“Pretty little plaything” on your lower back,
Yours, Dom’s, and Rhea’s initials inside a heart on your side, separated by little plus signs,
“Rhea’s forever” on your shoulder.
By the time you were done reading, you were practically dripping down your own thighs.
“Get a good look?” Rhea asked, smiling when you nodded and handed back her phone, “Perfect. Now switch places, both of you.”
A gentle peck on your cheek sent you on your way. A second later, Dom pulled you in for a kiss, the familiar taste of your girlfriend still on his lips, before grabbing your ass and taking your place - standing, ready to be blindfolded.
Kneeling down between Rhea’s legs, you greeted her with your open mouth. Her body responded as soon as you started to move your tongue, the melody of her ecstasy beginning once again.
The orders she gave Dom became background noise as you focused all your attention on pleasing Rhea. You hummed against her, delighting in how good she tasted. Losing yourself in the rhythm of your own movements and your girlfriend’s moaning, your mind reached a point where your thoughts melted into muscle memory.
Even without having payed attention to any of the words exchanged between your partners, you knew when Rhea was done with Dom when she suddenly started moaning louder. Your mouth moved faster and faster, tongue flicking wildly, until Rhea filled the room with the sound of her climax. She tasted even sweeter when she came, and it took her yanking you away to stop you from trying to push her through to yet another orgasm.
Grinning, Rhea turned, reaching into her bag once more as you and Dom took a moment to examine what she had written on him. The two of you compared similar ones; his said “Mami” where yours said “Mommy,” among other slight differences. Each of you was so busy pointing out what was written on the other that it wasn’t until Rhea said “Your turns now” that the two of you turned to look at her again.
She was stanced powerfully, naked except for the strapon fully snug against her hips, thighs, and ass. The purple toy she had on was one that the three of you had picked out together; thick, with a series of bumps around the base that drove you and Dom wild.
“Lay down on the bed, babe,” she told you, giggling at how quickly you followed instructions. Then, once you had, “Scoot down a bit.”
You did so, but apparently not far enough.
“Here, let me help,” she said before pulling you closer to the edge by giving your ankles a sharp tug, “There we go. Now Dom-Dom, you get on top of them, facing each other.”
She pushed him down once he held himself over you, making his elbows buckle and his torso press against yours. You gasped at how hard he was, the pre-cum dripping down his shaft smoothing the friction against your clit as he squirmed.
“Good boy,” she praised, “You’re going to stay there, just like that, and you’re not allowed to come until they come twice.”
Dom whined pathetically at this news, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
“Aw, don’t worry,” Rhea told him, “You’ll still get to feel Mami fucking them while I tease you.”
Saying this, she pressed the tip of the toy against your wet, needy hole.
“You’re not allowed to come without saying you belong to me first,” she pushed a bit further inside you for emphasis, “Understand?”
“Yes, Mommy,” you whined, desperate to feel her fill you all the way.
“Let’s practice,” Rhea suggested, drawing out your anticipation, “Pretend you’re getting close. What do you say?”
“I belong to you, Mommy,” you recited.
“That’s right, just like that,” she praised.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head the moment she slid so deep inside you that you felt the texture at the base of the toy.
The first few thrusts released your unrestrained moans into the air, feeling like almost too much all at once - just the way you liked it. Dom obediently remained on top of you, making needy noises as he kissed your neck. Your fingers gripped his hair as you rapidly approached your first orgasm.
“I’m close,” you moaned. Then, remembering your orders, “I belong to you, Mommy.”
In response, she started fucking you harder; but you still didn’t have her verbal permission.
“I’m yours!” you cried out, so close you were worried you might come whether you had permission or not, “I’m yours!”
“Come for me,” Rhea purred, praising you as your body automatically responded to the command. She had trained you well, and a few months away hadn’t dulled that training in the slightest.
As you rode out your pleasure, Dom suddenly began squirming on top of you, noises growing more desperate.
Once you had fallen into aftershocks, you opened your eyes and moved your head to see Rhea teasing Dom’s asshole with the pad of her thumb.
“Mami!” Dom moaned.
He sounded so cute when he was desperate that you couldn’t help but want to tease him a bit too. You nibbled on his ear as Rhea stopped moving the toy inside you, both of you having too much fun torturing Dom. He whined your name next, knowing he shouldn’t even think about coming until you had done so again.
“Aww, he’s confused,” you joked, “You don’t need my permission, babe.”
“Mami, please,” Dom begged urgently, “Please make them come again.”
“Oh I will,” Rhea said, “But I’ll take my sweet time doing it.”
She gradually started thrusting in and out of you again, the sublime motion making you cling to Dom. He whimpered against you as you grew closer and closer to your next orgasm with every movement. But, just when you were getting close enough to confess Rhea’s ownership of you once more, she stopped entirely. Both you and Dom groaned in frustration, making her laugh with delight.
“You’re both so cute when you want it this badly,” your girlfriend said, a twinge in her voice betraying the sadism behind her sweetness.
Before either one of you could try to beg, Rhea began fucking you and touching Dom at the same time. Your moans and his echoing each other as you both writhe against one another, a fervent mass of flesh chasing release.
But the moment the word “Mommy” escapes your lips, Rhea stops, leaving only the tip of the toy inside of you. The whine of defeat muffled by your shoulder tells you that both of you have been left at the edge.
“Please, Mommy,” you hear yourself say, so needy your words are running into each other, “Please, I’ll do anything-“
The heavenly sensation of Rhea sliding all the way back into you made you lose your train of thought, the loud sound of how wet you were punctuating each push of her hips. It wasn’t long before you were close once again.
“I belong to you, Mommy!” you cried out hopefully.
But rather than giving you permission, she slowed her pace instead.
Dom started begging her not to stop. Soon, the both of you were pleading for her to let you come.
“Alright, alright,” she finally conceded, “Mommy can’t say no to both of you.”
Rhea started thrusting again, showing you just how much she had been holding back by putting her weight behind every bruising, carnal thrust pounded into you this time, until the hotel walls resonated with your cries of pleasure. She fervently fucked you past your peak, until you whimpered a breathy “thank you, Mommy.”
Rhea pulled out of you then, immediately sliding the head of the toy into Dom. Your cum must have made excellent lube, judging by the way he was moaning on top of you.
Once the toy was all the way inside of him, Dom came embarrassingly fast, all over your torso and his.
“Gracias, Mami,” he breathed as she pulled out.
“I’ll only be a moment,” Rhea says, leaving you and Dom in a warm, sticky embrace as you kissed each other.
She appeared by the bed again a moment later, handing you both warm, damp towels to clean off with. Dom rolled off of you with a sigh and began cleaning off.
“You two did so good for me,” she praised, loosening the straps on her harness before climbing out of it, “Need anything else?”
“Just you,” was your reply as you wiped the last bit off your chest. Dom agreed, motioning for her to join the two of you.
She turned off the light, crawled over, and sat down on the bed. Her arms were around you both before your eyes even had time to adjust. The three of you moved and shifted into each other until you had all found maximum comfort.
“Te amo,” Dom mumbled sleepily, tapping Rhea’s hand with one finger.
“Te amo,” he said again, doing the same with you, “Buenas noches.”
“Good night,” you said to your partners, “I love you both.”
“And?” Rhea asked, gently grabbing hold of your jaw to get her point across.
You understood immediately.
“And I’m yours.”
Tag list (thank you!)
@domripley , @falloutboy-lover , @emogoblin-666 , @teganc , @sinderellanightwolf
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Symbole Evolution Square Sunglasses in Black & Dark Grey from Prada ($489), Chopper Rib Curve Tank in Black from Darc Sport (sold out), Leather Multi Ring Drop Chain Belt from Nasty Gal (sold out), Starved For Glamour High Waist Leggings from Badinka ($44.99) & Classic Slip-On Stackform Shoe in Black from Vans ($65). She carries the Cabin Luggage in Tarmac Grey from Floyd (495,00 €)
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
4000 Follower Celebration: Cufflinks -Mitch Ripley x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @spaghettificationandpretzels @mini-bee-bee
Trigger Warnings
Hitting the 'And what if I don't accept it? Will you scream at me? Hit me? Again?' Square on the bingo card.
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It’s the wedding that prompts Mitch’s mother to try to insert herself into his life again. He doesn’t know how she hears about it, only that she spends the next couple of days blowing up his phone. He ignores it the same way he has every other time because he doesn’t want his mother to ruin all the good things he has in his life.
It’s a couple of days before the event that she manages to track him down. He’s sitting in the café at the hospital going over the final revision of his speech when she drops down into the seat across from him. His breath catches in his throat, his heart pounding a little harder in his chest. Just being in her presence drags up all of those memories, the ones he’s spent years trying to forget.
“I wanted to give you this, it’s a wedding gift.” She tells, setting down a small box in front of him. He stares down at it frozen, unable to move a single muscle. She scowls then, opening it herself. It’s a pair of cufflinks, the tag from the pawnshop still attached.
It takes him back a couple of decades, to the last time he was in his mother’s custody. He’d been eleven years old when she’d forced him to break into a house in Forest Glen with her, he’d pawned a set of gold cufflinks the next day to pay for food. Only his mom had come back from the store with a couple of bags of meth and box of booze. She’d had a party later that night, got Mitch a little drunk.
“Don’t worry baby.” She had told him as she poured vodka down his throat. “It’ll make it easier.”
It was the first time she sold him to her dealer. He still can’t look at a bottle of vodka without his skin feeling like it wants to crawl right off his bones.
“I don’t want it.” Mitch rasps back in the present, shoving the cufflinks away from him. “I don’t want anything from you.”
“Mitchell.” She chides, pushing them back in his direction. “Take them.”
It’s another echo, a man’s heavy breath in his ear as he’s held down, face pressed so hard into his pillow that he almost suffocates.
Take it like a man.
“What if I don't accept it?” He asks her, his voice a hoarse whisper. “You’ll scream at me? Hit me? Sell me?”
“Why can’t you ever just be grateful?” She snaps at him, gesturing at the cufflinks. “I came here with a gift…”
“Grateful.” He repeats, the word tastes acidic on his tongue. “I’m supposed to be grateful that you sold my virginity to your dealer and his buddies? That it’s taken until my late thirties to actually form a healthy relationship because before that I was incapable. I’m supposed to be grateful for that? I’m supposed to thank you for it?”
His eyes are fucking stinging as he raises to his feet, clasping his tablet to his chest. He knows he’s on the fringes of a panic attack, his chest heaves, his throat constricts. His head  starts spinning as the edges of his vision turn black.
It’s Sean Archer that intervenes, that grasps his arm and guides him towards the sensory room they use for kids who are neurodivergent.  He closes the door, shutting out Mitch’s mom as Mitch drops into a chair, his trembling hands covering his face. He’s so bitterly ashamed right now, it leaves him feeling hollow and vacant as Sean kneels in front of him. There’s a calmness in the other man that he finds grounding, it anchors him in the moment, bringing him back to himself as they work through the breathing exercises together.
In for five, hold for five, out for five.
His hands stop shaking, his nerves began to settle.
“It happened to me too, at Sea Cadets.” Sean says quietly into the space in between them. “It’s why I went off the rails, became an addict. My dad doesn’t know. It was his idea for me to go, a way of following in his footsteps. He didn’t understand when I wanted to quit…”
Mitch understands what he’s not saying. Sean can never tell Dean about what happened to him. It’s always been the crux between the two of them because on some level Sean blamed his father for making him go back to that place week after week. It’s only through therapy that Sean’s learned to let go of all of that, that he’s managed to regain a relationship with his father again.
“I can’t forgive her.” Mitch tells Sean as he looks away. “I can’t have her at the wedding, my past and present colliding like that, I just can’t.”
“You don’t have to.” Sean reassures him, his palm coming to rest on his friend’s shoulder. “Do you want me to call Marley?”
“No.” Mitch says quietly, running his hands through his hair. “She’s on shift and I’m not…”
He trails off and Sean gets it. He’s not ready to talk about what happened to him back then. It had taken Sean a long  time to trust someone else with that information, there had been some triggers when it came to sex, things he’d had to explain to his partner.
“Alright.” Sean says softly before he pulls out his phone and holds it out to Mitch. “Wanna read through my best man speech? Tell me which embarrassing stories I can’t tell.”
“Yea.” Mitch says, the edges of his mouth tipping up into a smile for the first time since this whole ordeal started. “Yea Sean, I do.”
Love Mitch? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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castellankurze · 1 year
"Camilla Hect is awesome"
Yeah I'm glad we all agree on that, she's a badass who can throw down with the Empire's top-tier soldiers, she's smart as hell, and she's really kind as we get to see in NTN. She's like the Ellen Ripley for new generation.
But I think there's a facet to Camilla's role in the story and how she interacts with Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus that I sometimes wonder if people are sleeping on, since most of Camilla's time in the series is spent primarily focused on her relationship with Palamedes.
Basically Gideon and Harrowhark start off the series high key hating each other, and their relationship stays pretty rocky even though by the end of book one the pair have really come around on one another, so it kind of swings between love and hate, especially with the difficulty they have communicating. Then you've got Ianthe Tridentarius, the third member of the pair butting in between them and kind of trying to mould their relationship to each other and to her more along the lines that make her indispensable to the other two.
And then on the opposite end of the scale from Ianthe you've got Cam, who's not romantically involved with any of the three but whose presence is really crucial because every once in while Gideon or Harrow is about to do something really dumb, but they've got Cam there to...give em that look, you know, the one that says 'this is really dumb and you're really dumb for trying it but if I abandoned you then who would fix your shit.' She's like the mom friend (kinda on the nose for her role in NTN), but in a way that turns a two-way relationship with an interfering third into, kind of a square that seems to function despite everything saying it shouldn't.
Am I making sense here?
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ripleyresonance · 4 months
To have and to Hold
Rhea Ripley x OC
Celeste finally has time to take Rhea to meet her family...but why does she have to look so good doing everything.
Rhea Ripley was like a Swiss Army knife of personalities, able to effortlessly switch gears between dominating in the ring and melting hearts outside of it. In the squared circle, she was the undisputed queen, a powerhouse who commanded the respect and adoration of fans worldwide. But when it came to being Celeste's partner, Rhea was like a ray of sunshine, radiating warmth and affection in every gesture
Celeste couldn't help but marvel at how Rhea seemed to anticipate her every need, showering her with love and attention in the most thoughtful ways. Whether it was surprising her with flowers on a random Tuesday or giving her a soothing massage after a particularly grueling day, Rhea had a knack for making Celeste feel cherished and valued. And even when Celeste indulged in her guilty pleasure of reality TV trash, Rhea would happily join in, her laughter filling the room with joy.
So when Celeste decided to invite Rhea to her grandmother's 80th birthday celebration in their small hometown in Kansas, she knew it was time to introduce Rhea to her extended family. With Rhea recovering from a recent injury, Celeste saw it as the perfect opportunity to immerse her in the chaos of her family gatherings.
While Rhea had met Celeste's parents before and won them over with no problem, Celeste wondered how she would handle her very kind but very loud extended family. To Celeste's surprise, Rhea fit right in, charming every aunt, uncle, and cousin with her easygoing demeanor and infectious laughter. Celeste watched with a mixture of joy and arousal as Rhea effortlessly navigated conversations and shared stories with her family members, her genuine interest and warmth shining through.
But it was when Rhea started playing with Celeste's nieces that Celeste thought her heart might explode. Watching Rhea interact with the children, effortlessly blending fun and safety as she demonstrated wrestling moves with a gentle touch, Celeste couldn't help but feel a surge of love and desire for her partner. Even as Celeste intervened to remind Rhea to be mindful of her injury, she couldn't shake the feeling of admiration and attraction that was about to boil over within her.
As the day progressed, Celeste found herself growing increasingly aroused by Rhea's presence, her heart swelling with confidence at having such an incredible partner by her side. Maybe it was the few drinks she had indulged in, or maybe it was the sight of Rhea’a ass in those tight jeans, but Celeste knew she had to find a way to steal a moment alone with her.
With a mischievous grin, Celeste excused herself from the festivities and sent Rhea a playful text saying she needed a tampon to lure her upstairs. To her delight, Rhea appeared at her door in record time, concern etched on her features as she inquired about Celeste's well-being.
“You got your period? Im sorry sweetheart the worst timing ever.” Rhea said closing the door. 
“Well, at least I'm not pregnant.” Celeste joked wrapping her arms around Rhea’s neck. 
“Oh thank god I was getting worried we might have a magic strap.” Rhea laughed leaning in for a kiss. 
Rhea's kiss was tender and gentle, reflecting her innocent intentions of finally having a moment alone with her girlfriend. But when Celeste returned the kiss, it was anything but innocent, catching Rhea off guard and causing her to raise an intrigued eyebrow. 
“What's got you all riled up,” Rhea questioned. 
“I am not sure to be honest.” Celeste laughed. “Something about you seeing you interact so effortlessly with my family really got me going….” 
Rhea blushed. 
“Well that's very sweet my love but there is a very large party downstairs that I have a feeling will notice how we are missing.” 
“I agree…but I think it will take them about fifteen minutes.” Celeste said leaning in to kiss Rhea’s neck. 
“Someone is confident,” Rhea smirked. 
“Oh, c'mon I have made you cum in less.” Celeste teased pushing Rhea to her bed. 
As Rhea sat down on Celeste's twin bed while she straddled Rhea, Celeste had to laugh. 
“You know when I was a teenager I used to dream of sneaking my crush into my room. And now I have the love of my life  squirming in anticipation under me.” Celeste said moving to unbutton Rhea’s shirt. 
Rhea let out a moan as Celeste cupped her breast. She rolled her nipple between her thumb and ring finger as she felt them getting stiff. 
Celeste pushed her back on the bed moving her lips right above Rhea’s right nipple glancing her eyes up at her as Celeste slowly moved her tongue around. Rhea let out a whine as Celeste began to suck on it. Rhea loved it when Celeste bit down a little bit, her hand shooting out to Celeste's hair. Her moans got louder as Celeste began kissing down her abdomen undoing the zipper on her jeans. Celeste got on her knees hooking her arms under Rhea’s muscular thighs. Celeste admired her thighs for a moment licking and sucking dangerously close to her heat. 
“Fuck stop being such a tease they are going to start getting suspicious,” Rhea whined. 
“They will only be suspicious if you don't keep your fucking moans down,” Celeste said kissing Rhea’s slit making her gasp. 
Celeste loved seeing Rhea like this. To the world, she was the strongest, the most dominant woman on the planet. So Celeste loved it when she was moaning and restless underneath her begging for more. Celeste moved her tongue slowly in a figure-eight motion over her clit savoring the way Rhea tasted. Rhea reached out for a pillow covering her face as her moans got louder. When Celeste added two fingers she could tell Rhea was already close. As she curled her fingers up Celeste applied more pressure with her tongue on her clit. 
“Fuck baby I love when you do that.” She said in a raspy voice making Celeste's eyes roll back. 
Celeste increased the speed of her fingers as sinful sounds started echoing through the room Rhea’s breath getting faster. 
“I'm going to.. Oh fuck” She groaned as her back arched off the bed. 
Celeste smiled not letting up her speed as she came around her fingers.
Celeste wanted to keep going but eventually slowed down making sure Rhea felt every moment of her orgasm before pulling her fingers out and laying down next to Rhea on the bed. 
“Shit if all I had to do to get that kind of head were be nice to your family I would have begged for you to take me home sooner,” Rhea smirked pushing Celeste's hair behind her ear and giving her a tender kiss.
hen Celeste pulled back, she beamed at Rhea with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Well, you better get used to it, Miss Ripley. Imagine the head after the wedding," Celeste smirked, teasingly.
Rhea's eyes widened in faux shock. "Well, shit, let me go find a ring," she exclaimed, leaping up from her seat and making Celeste burst into laughter.
Celeste smoothed down her hair as she watched Rhea rummage through her old jewelry box. Rhea turned back to Celeste, dropping to one knee with a playful grin.
"Will you do me the honor?" Rhea asked, presenting Celeste with her mood ring from seventh grade.
Celeste erupted into laughter, showing Rhea her hand as she accepted the ring. "It's what I've always dreamed of, how did you know?" she dramatically gasped.
Amid their laughter, Celeste and Rhea exchanged the ring, enjoying the playful moment together. As they fixed each other up to ensure their actions weren't too obvious, Rhea paused Celeste before they headed back downstairs.
"I really cannot wait to be your wife," Rhea said softly.
"To have and to hold..." Celeste smiled, leaning in to kiss her.
"...and give the best head," Celeste added with a mischievous grin, playfully smacking Rhea on the ass before darting back downstairs, with Rhea hot on her trail.
Rhea couldn't help but think she could get used to this little life with Celeste.
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kodasmind · 1 month
Unexpected Allies pt 2
The Fight for Respect
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**Rhea Ripley x Reader x Damian Priest**
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The arena was electric with excitement as Damian Priest stepped into the ring for his match against Carlisto. The crowd roared as the bell rang, signaling the start of the bout. Damian and Carlisto exchanged powerful blows, their movements swift and precise. After a grueling back-and-forth, Damian managed to land his finishing move, securing the pinfall victory.
The crowd erupted into cheers as Damian stood tall, raising his arms in celebration. He soaked in the adulation, his focus momentarily on the audience and the adrenaline coursing through him. However, the mood in the arena quickly shifted as JD McDonagh, Finn Bálor, Liv Morgan, and Dominik Mysterio stormed down the ramp, their expressions filled with malice.
The crowd’s cheers turned into a chorus of boos as JD, Finn, Liv, and Dom surrounded the ring. Without hesitation, they attacked Damian, who was still celebrating his hard-fought win. Finn and JD pummeled Damian, while Liv and Dom joined in, their assault merciless and coordinated.
From the backstage area, you and Rhea Ripley watched the scene unfold on a monitor. Without a second thought, you both bolted towards the ring, determined to help Damian. As you reached the ring, the chaotic scene grew even more intense.
Liv had just delivered a brutal kick to Damian’s ribs when you and Rhea slid under the ropes. You immediately engaged Liv, tackling her and pulling her away from Damian. Rhea, eyes blazing with anger, made a beeline for Dom and JD.
Rhea’s fury was palpable as she charged at Dom. Dom barely had time to react as Rhea grabbed him, lifting him with ease. She was about to deliver a Riptide, her signature move, when Liv, having recovered from your earlier attack, rushed to Dom’s aid. Liv managed to intercept Rhea, shoving her aside and causing Rhea to lose her grip on Dom.
“Stay away from him!” Liv shouted as she squared off against Rhea, the two women glaring at each other.
You, meanwhile, were locked in a fierce struggle with Liv, keeping her occupied and preventing her from interfering further. The crowd's cheers were a mix of support for Damian and excitement over the unexpected melee.
Damian, using the chaos to his advantage, managed to push JD and Finn off him. He staggered to his feet, clearly exhausted but determined. With a furious look, he joined the fray, aiding you and Rhea against the combined forces of Dom, Liv, JD, and Finn.
Rhea and you worked together with a fierce intensity, each move calculated to take down the attacking group. Rhea delivered a series of powerful strikes, pushing Dom and Finn back. You used your agility to keep Liv and JD at bay, your focus sharp as you fought alongside Rhea.
Despite the odds, the combined effort of you, Rhea, and Damian began to turn the tide. JD and Finn, realizing they were outnumbered and overpowered, started to retreat. Dom and Liv, caught off guard by the unexpected alliance, followed suit, scrambling up the ramp to escape the chaos.
As the attackers fled, you and Rhea stood alongside Damian in the center of the ring. Damian, breathing heavily but clearly relieved, glanced at both of you with gratitude.
“Thanks for the help,” Damian said, his voice tinged with exhaustion. “I didn’t expect the cavalry to show up.”
Rhea, still catching her breath, gave a nod of acknowledgment. “Just doing what needed to be done. We’re not letting them get away with this.”
You met Damian’s gaze, your expression resolute. “Consider it a temporary truce. Next time, we might be on opposite sides again.”
Damian gave a small smile, clearly appreciative of the support. “Got it. Let’s take this victory for now.”
As the arena’s lights dimmed and the crowd's cheers began to settle, you, Rhea, and Damian stood together in the ring. The unexpected alliance, forged in the heat of battle, had made a powerful statement. Despite the tensions that still lingered, the night had proven that sometimes, even the most unlikely allies could come together in the face of adversity.
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darkenedreaper · 8 months
Pairing: Ellen Ripley (Aliens) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst
A/N: Slight sad angst, let me know if you want more story to this
Summary: When you return with Newt, how will Ripley react when she sees her old lover.
Distant Lovers
You and Ripley had gone through all sorts or stages in a relationship, although you never really officially disclosed to one another what you were exactly. You were in a relationship, but it was never confirmed by yourself or Ripley, you both just went along with it because you were happy in each others company, happy in each others arms at night, happy in each others steamy embraces, and happy in the company of one another on a romantic level. You and Ellen had both gone through the first attack of the Xenomorph on the Nostromo, and you pushed through the aftereffects. You stayed as a team, and grew close on the Nostromo. It could be said the Nostromo is where your ‘relationship’ started. You stayed together on the ship back to Earth… that was until you were approached by Burke and asked to go to LV 426, as all of the colonies had gone down. You and Ripley promised one another you wouldn’t go, but it wasn’t until you were awoken by her as she had a nightmare, you both called Burke saying you’d join, to do one thing and one thing only; wipe the fuckers out. It was going as good as it could’ve done until you were separated. Ripley was pulled off to join the Marines, give them a talk, and meet the crew. You were pulled off to command a higher unit of the Marine Corps. When you and Ripley, and the two teams met up tensions were high. You caught on to a man named Hicks making eyes at Ripley, not to mention that both the Marine squads were squaring up to one another. As you, Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, Newt, and the other surviving Marines were welded into an office on LV 426, tensions grew higher, even between you and Ripley. You got into small irrelevant arguments, you bickered, and you seemed to grow apart for the time you were in there. It didn’t help that Hudson was panicking and Vasquez and Drake were shouting at him. Hicks and Ripley had gotten closer. For the time spent on the plant you isolated yourself away from Ripley, she was hurting you by spending precious time with Hicks. She spent a lot of time with Newt but that was alright, Newt was a scared little girl who saw Ripley as a mother. You were hurting because she had shut you out, turned to someone else for reassurance and care. You didn’t want to spend time with her, so any time that was spent together it was filed with bitter arguments. Some of those arguments got nasty and personal. It left a hatred between you and Ripley, maybe it was because of the situation and the people around you. Most of the arguments and insults you know were taken too far, but you were both stubborn and fought fire with fire. You and Ripley didn’t speak, you didn’t sit in the same room as one another, you didn’t fight side by side; and it felt like she had abandoned you, abandoned you for a potential family life with Hicks and Newt… or so you thought.
After the events of the Queen Xenomorph and her offspring were annihilated during the explosion of LV 426, more problems rose. There wasn’t enough room on the ship back to Earth for you and Newt, there was only a shuttle available. Ripley had actually spoke to you for the first time and begged you to take her place on the ship while she went with Newt. Part of you thought she was pleading for your space in the shuttle to protect the girl should anything happen, but the stubborn part of you knew she was pleading for your space to protect you. Although you and Ripley didn’t speak for a long time, she still showed she cared for you. She’d save you a seat in the office area whether you took it or not, she’d leave a cup of coffee where you were sitting, she’d secretly check your guns were loaded and you have enough ammunition, she’d check you had your helmet, armour, and even torch. She’d glance at you from across the room trying to read you, trying to tune in to what you were thinking about. She wanted to know if you were thinking about her, about the Nostromo, about the Xenomorph, perhaps you weren’t thinking about anything at all. But she wanted you to hold her and you tell her your thoughts, just like you used to, to calm her on the nights she woke up after a night terror.
So you assured Ripley that you protect Newt, that you wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and that you would both return safe. Newt clung on to Ripley when they were parting but the girl knew she would be safe with you. You gave Ripley a last look, she did the same. You both seemed stuck in place, you both wanted to hug, kiss, hold even shake hands at this point. But you wouldn’t move. So you have her a wink with a small smile and took the girls hand heading to the shuttle. Rather than heading straight to the ship, Ripley held back until she couldn’t see you both anymore.
Both the Marine ship and your shuttle were travelling directly back down to Earth for the first time in years, everyone would be in hyper sleep and the Marine ship was the first to arrive. The company had set up a large private housing estate for the Marines, yourself, Ripley and Newt to settle down into for the time being, and to settle in back down on Earth. You and Ripley had seen the house you’d been assigned to, it was the house at the bottom of a straight walk-down street. It was a beautiful house with steps leading up to it sat in the middle of a row of houses leading down to it, it had big front double doors, and bushes on the sides, it was a home to go to.
You and Newt had woken up from hyper-sleep to find you had a matter of hours left before you grounded to Earth. You had made contact with Ellen’s ship but only to find out that it had grounded 4 weeks before you have. The company had told you that Ellen had settled into the house, she was eagerly waiting for your arrival, but she was scared. She didn’t want a phone call that told her you and Newt didn’t make it, or something happened to the both of you. You tried to make contact with Ripley but that didn’t work as you still hadn’t grounded. You had about an hour left before you grounded and the same events with the first Xenomorph in the shuttle had happened with you and Newt. The monster was hiding in the vents, it had tucked itself in. You hid Newt in the uniform closet with her plastic doll. You didn’t try and flush the thing out, as it would most likely end up on earth. As it appeared to be sleeping in the vents you had snuck around it to push the alarm on the shuttle, which alerted the coma only lives were in danger… and it wasn’t long before Ellen caught wind of it. The alarms went off, the lights were flashing, the alarm was sounding, and it woke. You did the best you could to try and fight it with a pipe you’d found, without being burnt alive by it’s acid. Newt had started screaming from the uniform closet, making the aliens target; Newt. As the alarm had been set off, the shuttle was put into an automatic descent, making you, Newt, and the Xenomorph head straight for Earth at a rapid pace. By now, you had been thrown over all sorts of controls and buttons, you tried to light its tail on fire. You managed to stick a police through its arms jamming it into the vents as you got Newt strapped into a chair to brace her for impact, and the alien was frantic as it had practically ripped its own arm off to get you. You had managed to light its leg on fire, eventually the rest of its body catching on fire. As you made out the buildings from your rapid descent, you hugged Newt, protecting her from the incoming impact, and you prayed that the alien would die, burning alive before the oxygen tanks blew.
As the shuttle smashed into the ground, the backend of the shuttle had blown up, seemingly the oxygen tanks did catch on fire. You figured you were unconscious for a few minutes, but as soon as you woke you looked around for the threat, seeing as some of the shuttle had melted and had acid dripping from it you took the hint it had blown up. You quickly unstrapped a groggy Newt and made your way out of the wreck of the shuttle. As you got out there were people, lots of people standing around you. There were crowds. The sunlight hurt your eyes, and you shielded Newts. You and Newt had dust and dirt and ash all over you. You were bleeding from your eyebrow, lip and nose from the crash and the attack of the alien, that was why as you walked away from the crowd people were shouting if you needed help and who you were. After picking Newt up and carrying her bridal style, you made your way to the private estate which you had memorised the directions to. Newt only had a small nosebleed, and dirt all over her, but she was tucked into your neck. It was a short walk, and early morning, so you had hoped to have dodged the news vans and reporters.
It wasn’t long before a Marine caught whiff of the breaking news on the tv channel which he had just figured out how to use. All the Marines had gathered in Ripleys home, where they all anxiously waited for your arrival. Ripley stared in shock at the screen, she stared in shock at the mess and state of the shuttle crash. She tried to search for you on the news, wondering if the camera would pan to 2 survivors… but it didn’t. So she waited and waited, looking outside the porch windows, holding tears back.
As you turned the corner to start walking down the straight run to your new home you could vividly make out at the bottom of the private estate, you mind went blank for a while. But you knew you’d see Ripley, and thinking about Ripley made you question. Did you she miss you? Did she want to start things up again? Did she want to get married? Should you ask her? Should you leave her? Should you question her and Hicks? Should you be living with her? Your mind stopped asking questions when you got closer and closer to the house you made out that Ripley was waiting at the double doors, you saw her breath in the class, rapidly breathing, she had saw you. She saw a limping figure carrying a smaller figure, covered in dirt, and ash. She saw from her doors you were bleeding and you were hurt. As you continued to walk, Newt popped her head up, seeing Ripley open both double doors. You saw Ripley walk down the steps and you felt Newt wriggling to leave your arms, you stopped walking and gently put her down. You stood still and stood in your place watching as Newt cried out “Mom”, running to Ripley as Ripley did the same, running to her little girl. They met halfway in the street, but they were so far away from you. You held back, wondering if you were welcome. But you watched your two favourite girls hug and sob at their reunion. As Ripley out Newt down she turned to you, still with a tight hold on Newt. She looked at you and took in your appearance, she saw you were weak, hurting, tired, but she saw a look in your eyes that mirrored how she felt. She wants to run to you and she wants you ti pick her up in your arms and hold her, she doesn’t want you to ever leave her again. Although you could barely hear her, she said “thank you”. You stood in place, like the soldier you were. You were going to move forward… but Hicks running to the front door, looking down at Ripley and Newt caught your eye. Your heart dropped, why was he in your house? Did he not see who brought Newt home? How long had he been in yours and Ripleys house? Did she spend nights with him? Did she rest in his arms.. his in hers? And so you gave a tired smile to Ripley, dropped your head down, turned around, and made your way away from them. Made your way to where?… you didn’t know.
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Do ya’ll want a part 2?
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