#rise was amazing wtf
hilli98215 · 1 year
No. Of all the shows that I actually like on Paramount+, why is this one getting canceled after 1 season. But get this. Not only is it going to be canceled, but it's also going to be taken off the streaming platform in a few days.
And this is why we need more physical media. I am part of the audience who would love to buy a DVD or the cast album.
It's ridiculous!
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silvaruslupus · 3 months
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Oh hey look I got them some things to look cool now. (quick edit, changed my male to have runes cause firebreather didn't feel right, runes is much better)
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sincericida · 1 year
ANDREW GARFIELD talks about his manhood in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2".
This interview gets a little chaotic. "There is something to encourage the manhood", "one mound of items"... LMAO help 🫢
By the way, nice cardigan.
(from YT)
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benadrylcandlewhack · 2 years
I've never felt more conflicted about a movie than Rise of the Beasts
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booasaur · 3 months
Something really amazing happened in France, and I think it'd help us in the US to learn about it. Forgive the long read, but I think this is genuinely great both because of what happened and how.
So as some of you might have seen, in a decision historians will debate for years (mostly to figure out just WTF he was thinking, even though he is alive right now and can be asked), the French president, Emmanuel Macron, currently in power and THREE YEARS before the scheduled election, seeing the far right rise in popularity decided to dissolve the assembly and hold snap elections.
577 seats were up for grabs. Remember that number. Since half of that is 288.5, 289 seats are needed for a majority.
The first round happened last week and boy, was it bad. The far right made HUGE gains. It won or was in first place in so many races. And Macron's party ended up third!
Overall, this is how things ended up after the first round:
Far right bloc: 33%
Left bloc: 28%
Macron's centrist party: 20%
Conservatives: 7%
The way the French system works is that if a candidate gets over 50% of the vote, they win outright, and some of the far right did manage that. But, many races went to a runoff.
Immediate projections after were that the far right bloc might win anywhere from 240 to 310 seats, a catastrophe.
A shameful swing to the far right leading to the first time they'll be in power since the 1940s? Yes, but maybe not??
This is where things get interesting.
Unusually, a lot of these runoffs are 3-way, instead of a simpler 2-way choice. And in pretty much every case, that helps the far right.
So on June 30th, the night of the first round, this is how things went down:
Immediately, the left parties put out the call: anywhere they were third, they withdrew and their voters would go over to whoever was running against the far right candidate. Their goal: form a "republican front" to block the far right. The far right cannot get 289 seats.
Macron's bloc was not so...motivated. Different people put out different instructions: in some places, if they were third, they should drop out, but only to help the center left, not far left, in other places, see how far you are, only then drop out, that kind of thing.
The conservative party simply said they won't drop out and won't give their voters instruction either way in races they're not involved in.
Late night developments:
More people in Macron's party are now beginning to realize the situation and starting to coalesce around whichever candidate can beat the far right one. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, from Macron's party, says clearly the priority is to block the far right. BUT, some Macron spokespeople on TV say they'll form a coalition only with the center left and conservatives, splitting the left bloc if needed. Some individual Macronists still saying they won't drop out, even if there's no hope of winning.
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So, now July 1st:
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Only half so far. In one race, where the sister of Marine Le Pen (the far right leader and the face of their movement) was leading, the third place Macronist refused to bow out.
Excellent quote from another Macronist:
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Perhaps realizing the same thing, that Macronist in the race against the Le Pen sister now drops out.
In some places, third place Macronists are dropping out DESPITE Macron bewilderingly telling them NOT to?
Halfway through the day:
Of the 311 3-way or 4-way runoffs, the number is down to 135 because of these candidates dropping out: 121 Left, 56 Macronists, 1 conservative.
Oh, there was this, in case people had any doubts about how terrible the far right are:
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And to show the selflessness of the left:
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July 2:
The deadline to decide if they want to stay in a runoff is today.
A dozen new third place Macronists who said they'd stay in have now dropped out. One got a call from both the PM Attal AND Macron to drop out, signalling the dawning understanding of the importance of this moment.
Even some conservative party members are now backing the left candidate who faces the far right.
A Macronist who had 30.55% of the vote in the first round and came in third to the far right's 33.11% and left's 32.73% and who would have been tempted to stay has dropped out.
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The deadline to stay in or not has now passed.
Look at these far right shenanigans!
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Macron still being a freaking loser:
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July 3rd:
In the end, of the 311 3- or 4-way run offs, only 91 left. Some polls come out that have the far right getting between 190 to 220 seats.
July 4th:
New polls say the balance of the voting itself isn't transferring between the left and center and predictions have risen for the far right, now predicted to get between 210 and 250 seats.
July 5th:
New polls again, left voters now predicted to do better transferring vote to the centrists, decreasing the far right projections again.
However, scandalous reporting emerges: while Attal was trying to fend off the far right, Macron was not only NOT taking the far right seriously, he was undermining efforts to defeat them. His team shrugged off the first round results and celebrated a BIRTHDAY as the results were still coming in?
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July 6th:
A few runoffs happened yesterday, nothing much unexpected, some left and center wins.
July 7th:
The day of reckoning. At this point, the expectations are that the far right won't come close to that 289 number but could still easily have the most seats.
It's over and the left are in the lead!
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A LOT of cases where a leftist or centrist was 2nd in the first round and now won.
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SO many lessons to take from this.
First, you have to vote! You have to. You can't do anything without voting. The freaking French, who'll protest for anything, are showing up to vote. If you're trying to achieve any kind of result and it's not going to happen by January 2025, you have to vote now.
But just as importantly, the left and center (and even conservative) parties made very key decisions. They were all lucky that Attal, who Macron chose, saw the big picture, bigger than indeed Macron could. A stupid selfish centrist leader could have still ruined everything if it were up to him.
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TL;DR: After a disastrous first round in the national French elections where the far right was on the cusp of taking power, the left and center formed a strong coalition and through the power of voting and unity, overcame the far right AND their selfish centrist president to win.
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moon7jay · 9 months
Can u make a jake or( whatever member u want)make up sex ? If not it's okay! 💗🐣
Ofc I can bb 🫶actually was already working on a hurt comfort fic before you requested it
love on you (s.jy)
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Idol!jake x artist!reader
Warnings : angst ,hurt-comfort, smut, fluff, reader is insecure
Wc : 4.5k
"Man you didn't tell us y/n won an award wtf" jay's words sounded like static to jake's ears
"What? " He questioned through his hoarse voice, his head throbbing because of the constant state of moving his body had been in for the past few days. He doesn't remember when he last slept for more than 4 hours
"She just posted it on her story, check it out if you even care bro" jay scoffed and left the room, his voice condescending and accusing.
jake's brows furrowed while he automatically reached for his phone
"What do you mean if I even care? " he muttered to himself, feeling anger rise up in his chest at jay's tone.
His thumb swiped at your profile and clicked on your story, all anger leaving his body when he saw your figure holding the golden trophy while standing in front of the mirror, your face hidden from the flashlight of your phone.
His heart sank to his stomach and dread filled up his chest when he realised the gravity of the situation
"fuck" He muttered and rubbed his temples, heart running a mile per minute. What had he done.
He quickly clicked on his notifs and saw a couple of messages from you dated yesterday
"Shit baby I'm so sorry" he muttered, the throbbing in his chest reaching fever pitch, an ugly feeling rearing it's head in his chest when he finally read your messages
[5:40 pm] I'm wearing the blue dress that you love so much tonight :), tell me how I look
[5:40 pm] (photo attachment)
jake clicked on the picture and he wanted to cry. You looked like a fucking goddess. God you were beautiful, you were so beautiful he was questioning how you were real.... how you were his
[6:30 pm] I'm feeling nervous, can't wait for you to be here, I just need to hold your hand for a bit, only for a bit I promise :(
[7:21 pm] you aren't coming are you
[3:30 am] (audio message)
jake's heart felt like it was tearing apart in two, he had fucked up so bad and he didn't think there was anything he could do to make this right.
There were missed calls from you after that last message and finally an audio message that sat staring at jake ominously
He rubbed his palm over his face and finally pressed play with trembling fingers
"Hi babyy i miss you- you slurred, your voice was shaky and he could tell that you were drunk when you recorded this message ,intoxication dripped from your tone
"Where even are you? Busy? Did you at least eat today baby?" he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve your concern or love, he didn't fucking deserve you
"I hope you did- there was a pause - I haven't eaten- your voice sounded solemn all of a sudden, as if you were deep in your thoughts now, ur voice was hoarse like you had been crying
"Don't feel like eating ...... I waited for you- a sharp inhale, shit, you were crying. jake felt his own eyes dampen at hearing your first sniffle, he hated when you cried. He hated that he was the reason why.
"I feel stupid now" You whispered and then laughed condescendingly
"I mean, it's not like it was an important award anyway... just a stupid art exhibition. It's not like my art is that good anyway, I'm honestly questioning if they gave me that award cuz they needed a female in the merit list"
Wrong. You were amazing. And if anyone deserved that award it was you.
But jake didn't remember the last time he had told you that.
another sniffle
"You have more important stuff to do and i get that. And i told myself I won't cry today but here I am- you giggled through your sobs- I look so stupid right now, I bet I sound even more stupid everytime I annoy you with my stupid fucking feelings"
No you don't, he loves you, you are his everything, he wanted to say
"But I'm trying to change i promise.... I haven't been keeping track of our anniversaries anymore since the last time you told me it was childish and you had better things to do with your time"
jake closed his eyes and let a single tear fall down his cheek, god he regretted it everyday, he regretted opening his stupid mouth and talking to you that way every damn day. He had wished you would forget about it after he apologized to you but of course you haven't. That kind of hurt cannot be forgotten so easily
"It hurts but i manage... it's hard to manage tonight, I don't know why.... maybe because I can't stop expecting things to change, hoping that one day I would wake up and I'll be your priority again " You were full on hiccuping through sobs now
"God I'm so stupid and I wore this stupid fucking dress cuz I felt beautiful... not anymore tho, I don't feel beautiful when you aren't there to tell me I am..... you just matter so much to me and it kills me that I won't ever matter even half as much to you"
jake cursed and threw his phone aside while you still talked, holding his head in both hands, jake let himself cry
He let himself cry for all the times he'd hurt your self esteem so much it made you want to change, he cried for all the times he watched your smile fall cuz he couldn't be there for the stuff you wanted to do
He let himself cry for making you feel like you were less of a person just because you got excited over small things and little gestures mattered to you
He cried because he had been hurting the one person who made his life worth living, so much to the point that you had started to make yourself smaller. He had made you shrink.
"You are my first and last everything jake.. and i know you are an important person and have to hide it from the world that you have a girlfriend but i just feel like... Maybe in an effort to make everyone else believe that i don't exist, you started to believe it too.... and i don't even blame you. I've always been forgettable"
His phone dinged to signal the message had ended so he pressed play again. And again. And again. He doesn't remember how long he sat there listening to your sobs and heart wrenching pain. The pain that he had caused.
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jake hadn't felt this kind of fear ever before. Not even when he had moved to a foreign country alone. He was losing his mind, dark circles under his eyes as he sat outside your apartment door. You weren't here, he knew that, he'd been coming to see you everyday but no sign of you. A locked door. That's all he was greeted with for the past 1 week.
Your phone was switched off, no calls or messages, no way of knowing how you were doing and where you were. Had you really left him for good this time? Would he never be able to hold you in his arms again? Hear your giggles and taste your sweet kisses? Was this your goodbye?
That was the thought that had him breaking down completely in his car in the middle of nowhere as he drove around looking for you aimlessly.
just once, he needed to see u once.
He wiped his tears and dialed jay's number
"I need you to do me a favor"
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You missed him. You missed him so much it hurt. Were you being too harsh on him? You weren't doing it on purpose, you just didn't feel like you were capable of facing him right now, too embarrassed and feeling exposed after you sent that stupid voice note. A drunk mistake.
What if he broke up with you? What if he hated you now ?
You sobbed into your pillows in your childhood bedroom, crying yourself to sleep, imagining his arms around you, shushing you softly, telling you he loved you
God you don't even remember the last time he told you he loved you.
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His knees buckled when his eyes fell on you. There you were, so fucking beautiful, so fucking tempting he had to physically stop himself from running to you and taking you in his arms. You weren't smiling and that's what made his heart clench. As long as he'd known you, you were always smiling, you were his personal little cheerleader.
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"Y/n look who's here to meet you" your mother's voice made you jolt, almost dropping the antique case that you were cleaning.
And you almost dropped it again when your questioning eyes met his dark ones. Your heart started beating unbearably fast, your palms sweaty as you placed the case back on the counter with shaky hands
"you didn't tell me you had friends back in the city y/n! And such a handsome one at that- your mother cooed, wiggling her eyebrows at jake whose ears turned red - anyways, you kids talk while I bring you guys snacks" your mother said and disappeared around the corner, leaving you and the reason of your escape from the city alone. You stood there fidgeting with your fingers, the silence sitting heavy on you while you made it a point to look nowhere else except your feet.
After a few foreboding seconds which felt like hours you saw his shoes come into your line of vision, moving closer to your feet
Your hands gripped onto your skirt harshly when you felt his big hands cup both of your cheeks and move your face up to look into his eyes. His face inches from yours.
"Baby.. " he whispered and that's all you had to hear before breaking down, your vision becoming blurry and harsh sobs escaping your lungs
"God I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry sweetheart I'm so fucking sorry" His voice cooed, thumbs swiping at your cheeks to wipe your tears, kissing your cheeks and eyes to calm your heavy breathing
Your hands moved up to fist the shirt on his chest and you closed your eyes to finally let it all out, crying and sobbing your pain out, so hurt and so upset from what things had come to.
He pulled your heaving body into his arms and circled his arms so tight around you, as if afraid of losing you. You sobbed your heart out in the crook of his neck while he apologized to you, whispering countless confessions into your ears
"I love you, I love you so much baby, I'm sorry I haven't shown it to you enough" he whispered and you hiccuped in his chest, letting the hurt and disappointment wash over you, hearing him say he loved you already healing a part of you
His guilt ridden voice had you eventually giving in and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling back to stare into his eyes, small sniffles leaving your lips as u observed his tired face. Your hand cupped his cheek and he leaned into your touch, kissing your palm. You traced the heavy dark circles beneath his eyes, his irises were red rimmed and exhausted, hairs messy and uncombed
"How long since u slept?" You asked in your hoarse voice
He stared into your eyes, giddy from feeling you close again, feeling too good cuz you were back in his arms
"2 weeks" He whispered and your eyes teared up again. You knew he had been harsh on himself because of his work, he was often sick, unable to sleep or rest and then there was you and your feelings
Who cared about your stupid feelings when this man in front in front of you couldn't even get proper fucking sleep? If anything, you were the extra baggage that he had been carrying around
"I'm sorry" You whispered and his brows furrowed "baby why? "
"because I'm so inconsiderate, I'm sorry I'm so demanding and - his lips cut your rambling off mid sentence, chapped lips pressed against your plump ones and he kissed you like he had never kissed you before. Desperate hands grabbed your waist while your own tangled In his hairs, pulling him closer to you. You were both hungry. No the better word would be starved. You were starved to the point that even a little brush of skin against each other was sending your heads reeling. The kiss tasted of despair and guilt, it reeked of frustration but most of all jake kissed you like he was scared.
"Wanting to feel loved isn't a demand sweetheart, I'm sorry i haven't been there for you, I'm sorry i haven't been making you feel like you are my priority, because you are. You have no idea what you mean to me baby, you're my little heart" he whispered into your mouth and you started crying again like the crybaby that you were. You were his crybaby tho, his to console and comfort. His to love.
He kissed you again, soft pecks all over your face, whispering things that he had never told you before, he didnt like talking about his feelings this way but the moment demanded vulnerability and he could do anything for you.
You were sure your mother had heard everything by now and that's why you didn't hesitate to drag jake into your childhood bedroom. The both of you snuggled in your bed and talked about your feelings for hours. Tears were shed on both sides but it was comforting in a sense, to clear everything up and come clean about what you both needed
"Will you wear that dress for me again? When we get home?" he asked, his fingers tracing patterns into your waist and you pouted at him
"you've lost that privilege" You teased , slapping his chest lightly
He stared deeply into your eyes, his gaze so serious it made your own smile drop
"I'd do anything to gain that privilege again, to see you look so beautiful for me,so fucking pretty for me" he whispered and you blushed, your head reeling from his words
"I'll wear it" You mumbled shyly, god you were weak for this man
He leaned into you to bite your cheek
"Yeah? you'd let me take it off you too won't you? Unwrap you like a present, just for me? "
You blushed harder, ears burning up, your fists hitting against his chest
"Pervert" you whispered and he chuckled, his hands wrapping around your body to pull you closer, nose burying in the crook of your neck, leaving small sensual kisses
"Can't help it baby I'm so down bad for you" he groaned into your neck, making you flinch slightly as it tickled. His hold on your waist was tight, squeezing you desperately
"you're seriously not thinking dirty things while my mom's down the hallway right? " You asked giggling even though your cheeks were red and flushed. It had been a while since you and jake had done anything like this, since you felt wanted by him like this
jake's pants tightened uncomfortably upon hearing your giggles. God you were so sweet, there was a reason his manager had been forbidding him from seeing you
You were a distraction. You were addicting. And anyone with two eyes could see that jake was addicted to you.
He had physically recoiled when his manager had told him to chose between his idol career and you, seeing how he was willing to sneak out to meet you, risking everything and putting everyone at stake
But jake had promised he would control himself. He couldn't live without you, even the thought of you not being there made his chest constrict. So he decided to stay away from you for a while. Even though it hurt , it surely hurt less than to stay away from you forever
"I was drunk and couldn't stop thinking about you" jake whispered, coming up to move your body, laying you on your back so that he could hover over you
"so i drank more and kept drinking till I couldn't feel my fingers"
Your wide doe eyes stared up at him curiously, wondering why he was telling you this all of a sudden
He brought his palm up to your face, stroking your cheek by the back of his hand, caressing you like he loved you
"I didn't forget about your award sweetheart, I was too drunk to remember anything at all, woke up hungover the next evening and i realized what I had done. In an effort to forget about you, I forgot everything else as well. I know it's not an excuse but i just need to tell you" He said, his expression guilty and distraught
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to yourself
"Why were you trying to forget about me? Why not just come see me? or call me? "
Your innocent questioning eyes made jake close his eyes in impending sorrow. He leaned down and kissed u deeply, tasting your hot mouth to stabilize himself before pulling back and telling you everything.
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You layed wide wake, stroking your fingers through jake's hair as he slept soundly snuggled into your chest. His soft snores and breath hitting your clavicle.
Honestly you weren't surprised that his manager had done such a thing. You weren't a fool, you noticed the hostile stares he would shoot your way everytime you went over to the boys' dorms or practice sessions. His eyes were always set on you in a glaring warning, as if to say, "you're not welcome here"
You hated that you understood where he was coming from. Being responsible for an entire group's reputation must be hard and your presence only made it harder.
You sighed and hugged jake's head closer to you, burying your nose in his hairs, breathing him in after so long. His hands were around your waist, grip so tight even in his sleep, it made you feel safe and so loved. This was all you wanted. Him in your arms, was that really too much to ask for?
You were still awake about two hours later, sleep just wouldn't come to you, head filled with so many thoughts. You tried slipping out from his grip to fetch water but his strong hands were pulling your body back into him
"Hmm don't go" He mumbled, his voice heavy and sleep ridden, eyes still closed but brows slightly furrowed. You smiled and kissed his nose, trying to slip again when his eyes opened wide, a gasp escaped your lips when he was flipping you over, resting his body over yours, nibbling on your ear
"I said don't fucking go" he growled and the sound had you rubbing your thighs together, hands coming up to rest against his shoulders
"I-i was just thirsty" you whispered and he hummed into your skin, nibbling on your ear again, sucking your lobe into his mouth making you whine softly
"I'm thirsty too" he whispered in your ear, his hands moving down to grab your thighs and parting them so he could settle his crotch against your middle, making you feel how hard he was in his jeans
"so fucking thirsty baby" He groaned and thrusted against you, a harsh gasp left your lips at his actions
"J-jake not here" you whispered but even you didn't believe your words, pussy starting to drip just from the way his voice sounded so husky and deep in your ear. His hands groped your lower body, taking a handful of your ass as he issued another thrust against you
Before you could tell him to stop again, he was pulling back, standing on his knees between your legs while he hastily undid his belt and jeans
"I'm sorry sweetheart I just can't wait any fucking longer, I need to put it in" he panted, you squirmed underneath him, watching how he was quick to pull his pants down his legs, his boxers coming off along with them, hanging around his thighs
He didn't bother taking his clothes all the way off, desperate hands reaching under your skirt to pull your panties down your legs
Your breathing was heavy, eyes pivoted to the hard dick that hung between his legs, arousal gushing down your slit when he rubbed a finger against your hole while fisting his own dick a few times "such a pretty fucking pussy"
"jake please" you moaned and he cursed, coming up to capture your lips into his own while he settled between your legs, rubbing his cock against your leaking cunt, rubbing it up and down, bumping against your engorged clit, making you moan into his mouth that was busy licking into yours
The feeling of being so close to each other after so long had you feeling hot and heavy
"Yeah baby? you want it?" he demanded, eyes dark and lust ridden as he gazed into your teary ones
"Y-yes please" you mumbled and jake clenched his jaw. Fuck. You were sweeter than candy and he couldn't control himself when it came to you
He rested his forehead against yours, looking down to stare at how his dick entered your warm sex, hips grinding to slide in smoother and deeper. Your mouth fell open in a silent moan upon the feeling of him inside of you after so long "baby f-fuck" he groaned into your mouth, feeling his resolve to go soft on you fading away at the way your tight walls were clenching around him
"you're sucking me in baby, so tight"
His words made your hips twitch. The indication enough for him to start moving in you. Your nails dug into his shoulders from above his shirt that he still wore as his hips started snapping against yours, his balls smacking filthily against your ass
His hot moans were making you wetter, drool escaping your mouth at the pleasure
"ts so good baby I fucking missed this" he pants, his hands groping your body mercilessly as he kept moving in and out of your leaking pussy
He licked the drool escaping your lips, sticking his tongue inside your hot mouth, licking into it with urgency while he moved your legs upwards, pressing your body in a mating press, increasing his pace
Harsh animalistic thrusts were sending your body in a ripple, making you move back and forth as he moved above you, sending the headboard of the bed slamming against the wall, the sex getting louder, messier
"Yeah, yeah, fuck yeah" he insinuated with every grind of his hips into you, meshing your lower bodies together to create a friction so insane it had you moaning his name in a chant, mind numbing pleasure clouding your senses
You both shared open mouth kisses, sucking on each other's tongue lewdly, uncaring of how messy it was, you loved messy
His hands moved up to hold onto the headboard above your head as he moved his hips deeper into yours, letting your legs fall around his hips, wrapping around his waist, your ankles digging into his ass to keep him buried deep inside of your warm cunt
"Wanted to make love to you but look what you fucking do to me" he groaned into your mouth, occasionally licking into it and digging his teeth into your lower lip, making you whine and moan in extreme pleasure. His dick made out with your cervix, bumping pleasurably into your g spot, penetrating your womb mercilessly
The sound of the headboard slamming was getting louder, bed creaked beneath your writhing bodies, the sweat on your naked bodies making it easier to slide against each other
Your moans were getting louder as his silent curses reached a fever pitch, a bunch of "Umhhnshit baby" and "so good" s falling from his lips, hips getting sloppier, pistoning in and out of you in a frenzy, uncaring of how your mother could probably hear you get pounded into the sheets
"s-so close jake I'm so close" you moaned and his hips got faster, his hand sneaking down to rub against your clit to make u reach your high faster. He couldn't wait to feel you gushing around his cock "that's right baby, make a fucking mess on me yeah?" he groaned, biting your lower lip and rubbing harshly against you, his hips never faltering, thrusting and thrusting until you were cumming all over his dick with a scream of his name
The moan was so pornographic it had him cumming within minutes of feeling the delicious clench of your cunt around his aching cock, filling you up to the brim, harsh pants escaping his lips as he used your pussy to ride his orgasm, eyes rolling back in pleasure. Sighs of satisfaction filled the empty space between your mouths
Harsh breaths were shared as you both came down from your highs, sharing sweet kisses and confessions, a string of "I love you" s falling from his lips while his palms caressed your body softly, rubbing against the parts where he'd grabbed you harshly
"Don't you need to go back? what will your manager do if he finds out you're here with me?" you asked some time later, his dick was still in you, feeling too good to cockwarm him just like this
He kissed you softly and shook his head "Told jay to take care of it. I honestly couldn't care less baby I just need you"
You bit your lower lip, getting shy now that he was being so sweet to you, not used to have him say such things to you casually "But u should care jake, you can't just risk your career for me"
"I could do anything for you. Nothing matters if you're not there, I hope you know that sweetheart" he whispered in your mouth before kissing you deeply again. "I hope you also know how proud of you I am my pretty little artist, no one else deserved that award more than you baby"
You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and kissed him back, heart feeling full and all insecurities fading away at his words, cheeks flaming red from his compliments, unable to hide the smile overtaking your face
"I love you" you whispered, as if saying them any louder would take the meaning of the words away
"Yeah? Say that again baby" He whispered back and you giggled shyly, burying your face in the crook of his neck where you repeated the words again
He chuckled and kissed the side of your head adoringly "I love you so much too baby, and I'm going to show it to you every waking moment, I'm gonna love on you till you're begging me to stop"
You curled your body further into him at his words, heart feeling giddy after a very long time. Hoping that this feeling would last forever.
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elsa-fogen · 5 months
Oh, thinking more
What if the hunter that shot Alastor was Vox?
Like, I doubt it, but we "know" they had dogs, so I was thinking about who if any has anything resembling dogs? And the only one I can think of is Vox, like he had two sharks in the show plus some dog-shark creature in the insta stories
So, what if he was pretty young, loved radio and any new technology, so he was a fan of Alastor's. In addition, he had just started to learn how to hunt and wanting to impress his parents went out late to practice, took the dogs so that he could just say he went out with them if anyone asked
Then out in the woods, the dogs start to bark and he readies his gun, mostly just to better his aim, not intending to shoot. Then he sees the figure rise, he can't fully comprehend it before he takes the shot. He can hear a thud. He got it? He got it! He shot a deer!
That's gonna be hard to hide.
Should he tell dad that he was able to shoot a deer? Like, yay, he did it! But also, no, he went out with dads gun without permission.
He approaches the deer, trying to figure out what to do with it, only to freeze when he gazes upon it.
It's not a deer.
It's a-
This is bad.
That was the last time he went hunting. He can't get the image out of his head. He'll never forget that face.
The worst part was, he knew who it was. He had figured it out when he saw a missing poster of his favorite radio host.
He still liked technology, and to drown out the past that's where all his focus went. He wanted to be a big part of TV just like Alastor had been a big part of Radio. It was his way of honouring Alastor.
Still, sometimes it was hard to listen to the radio, that's why his focus was on the TV. They where practically the same, just some extra visuals, distractions, it was practically an upgrade. He just knew Alastor would agree, that man was always on the forefront of what was new in radio.
Surely, if he was alive, then he would have obviously pivoted towards TV after realizing the benefits of the medium
Imagen then how Vox would reach when seeing Alastor for the first time in hell. Like he doesn't know if Alastor is aware that it was Vox, but if he does maybe he won't recognize Vox? He has a TV for a head now, not really a human feature. Still though, he can't help but want to spend time with Alastor, tell of all that has happened in the world and share with him how Amazing the TV had become
That would be such a cool turn, like. Vox clinging to Alastor in pathetic attempt to apologise for killing him and make up for it, and get waht they could have in life if he haven't killed him. And Alastor just doesn't understand Vox's behavior nor the reasons for it
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
hii i absolutely adore your writing it’s literally the best thing on this app!
since my birthday is in a week i just wanted to request a fic where it’s the readers birthday and tom and everyone is ignoring her and “forgot” it’s her birthday but it’s a part of tom’s plan bc he’s throwing a party for her and surprises her when she comes back home but later on in the night tom has another surprise for her if ykwim ;)
if you can’t get to this i understand but thank you for blessing the world w your writing <3
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synopsis: you wake up on your birthday, tom acting like he would any other day, bringing you to the conclusion that he had forgotten about your special day. little did you know, this was all part of his plan.
content: tinyyy bit of angst, smut
a/n: i’m so sorry for not posting for like a week wtf😭 i’ve gotten a lot of requests whilst i’ve been inactive so i’m gonna try work through them asap, but happy birthday anon hope u have an amazing day!! thank u so much for the request, hope i did it justice! 💞
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my eyes slowly flutter open, staying half-lidded as the sun’s rays leak in from the small gap in the curtains, not used to the sudden exposure to light. i look downwards, bending my neck slightly, seeing tom’s arm thrown loosely across my stomach, quiet and steady snores escaping his parted lips as he sleeps. his face smushed against the pillow, body flat on his stomach, head nestled just above my shoulder, i know that he is in deep sleep, not planning to wake up anytime soon. the disappointed tinge in my stomach tightens once i realise this, expecting tom to already be awake, preparing me a special breakfast, showering me with gifts and kisses as he usually would on my birthday.
but the room is as it usually looks - no balloons, no presents, no banners, no candies; nothing. but i try to stay hopeful, considering the possibility that he had got up in the night, the array of gifts waiting for me downstairs. so i let him sleep a little longer, veins oozing with excitement as i hang fire, studying his expression for any sign that he is waking up, desperate to see what he had prepared for me, as he usually had a tendency to go all out for these occasions.
he stirs slowly, groaning a little as his arms stretch out, pulling me further into him. his eyes open, a lazy smile gracing his lips when he sees me. i stay quiet, waiting for him to acknowledge my special day, showering me with love and affection and reminding me of the day i have ahead of me. but my face falls at his words, more specifically, the lack of them.
“morning, beautiful.”
my eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering if he is playing some sort of prank on me - not at all amused if he is. if he does sense my annoyance, he doesn’t acknowledge it, instead he dips his head into my neck so that his lips are brushing against it, and begins to plant slow and soft kisses there, hands occasionally squeezing the flesh of my hips. i don’t stop him, instead i allow the millions of questions in my mind to sit there, the sinking feeling in my stomach rising as i try to prevent the realisation that he has forgotten about my birthday truly feel real. there is no way - he’s never forgotten, even before we started dating, he’d always wish me happy birthday. however the more sloppy his kisses on my neck get, his lips smiling against it, body inching further into mine lazily as it would every other morning, it is clear that my fear has completely come true, and, somehow, he is totally unaware of how special this day is - to me, at least.
“you got any plans today, schatz?” he asks, head still buried into my neck as he speaks in between kisses, eventually moving it upwards so that he is now looking into my eyes, completely clueless.
internally, i want to slap him, scold him for having such a terrible memory and even being able to remotely forget about today. but, i decide to hold back, coming to the silent conclusion that i will go out elsewhere, with people who actually have the decency to remember my birthday unlike my boyfriend. so i shake my head, forcing my lips into a weak smile, my fingers reaching upwards to play with a loose dread falling from his face.
his eyebrows furrow, head tilting to the side as he senses something is wrong. my heart swells in excitement as i watch him appear to think something over, waiting for him to finally remember what day it is. but, i am quickly proven wrong as he is still just as clueless as he was five minutes ago.
“you okay? you seem upset.” he says, so absentmindedly i wonder if he is actually being serious. it seems that he is completely sincere, his hand moving to stroke my cheek as he awaits an answer, failing to understand that his obliviousness is the reason for my sadness.
“yeah i’m fine, just a little tired.” i reassure him, trying to make my smile seem a little more real, and, somehow he buys it, nodding his head and moving downwards to plant a tender kiss on my lips.
“okay, well the guys want me at the studio to rehearse.” he begins, pecking my lips a few more times, not noticing the way my face falls, in disbelief of this entire situation, having expected to be celebrating with him the whole day. “so i don’t know when i’ll be back. but we can watch a movie and order takeout or something tonight, mhm?”
“sounds great.” i say, sarcasm laced in my tone as i now feel anger more than anything. i reach my hands to his chest, placing them flat against it, pushing him off of my body as i sit up, turning around to get out of bed.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he quickly says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, kissing my shoulder as he pulls me further into him, my back flush against his chest.
“nothing tom. have fun with the band, text me when you’re finished, yeah?” i turn my head, pressing my lips to his in an attempt to shut him up, wanting to be as far away from him as possible right now, hoping that he is planning on leaving soon.
“if you’re sure.” he shrugs, pecking my lips once again before climbing out of bed, as i do the same. “i’m running late schatz, i’m gonna get dressed then i have to go.”
i nod my head as he takes a few steps towards me, wrapping his arms around my frame and embracing me in a tight hug, my head resting in his shoulder.
“i love you.” he whispers, his head resting on top of mine.
“love you too.” i quickly say, breaking apart from the hug. he kisses my forehead quickly, before walking over to the closet, picking out some baggy jeans and an oversized t-shirt as he would every day. he hurriedly slips them on, tying his dreads in a ponytail and placing a matching cap on his head. he smooths out his t-shirt, walking over to me once more.
“i love you beautiful, see you tonight.” he says, swiftly kissing my lips before rushing out of our bedroom, the front door closing a few seconds later.
i sit down on the edge of the bed, my eyes clouding with tears, wondering what i could have done to make my own boyfriend forget about my birthday, feeling completely miserable. to make things even worse, i hadn’t received any messages from my friends, family - anybody.
but i tried to stay happy, remembering that even if tom had forgotten, my friends and i were still going out for my birthday meal tonight as we did every year.
6:04pm, the time on my screen reads, reminding me that i should start getting ready, my birthday dinner booked for 7:30. tom hadn’t texted me all day, neither had anybody, yet i still had the hope that my friends were all getting ready too - feeling sick at the thought that it wasn’t just tom that had forgotten. but i didn’t want to think about him, my pent up anger and frustration going to be released when he came home from the studio, though i silently wished that he wouldn’t, not even wanting to see him.
i scan my closet, my fingers landing on a small black dress that i hadn’t worn yet, pulling it from the hanger and studying it, contemplating before nodding my head, taking my comfy clothes off and getting changed into it. i walk to the mirror, content with my appearance for once, the dress perfectly highlighting my curves, the material reaching mid-way down my thighs. my hair already straight as i had fixed it earlier, i move onto my makeup, applying basically everything as i take care in making sure i look perfect for tonight, not wanting anything else to go wrong.
finishing my lipstick, i move away from the mirror, adjusting my hair and running my fingers through it, removing any small knots. i check the time once again - 7:02pm. my eyes widen, realising that i have to leave, yet as i am rushing to get my heels on, my phone buzzes. i stop, placing my second heel on my foot before looking at the words on my screen.
so sorry girl, a family emergency has come up and the rest of the girls can’t make it. we will make it up to u i promise!! - 7:04pm
my eyes stare at the screen in disbelief, reading the words over and over again, wondering if i am imagining them as it seems impossible that so much has gone wrong in one day. i slump onto my bed, frustratedly kicking my heels off, trying to stop the tears forming in my eyes from falling - even if i’m not going out, my makeup still looks perfect, some pathetic tears aren’t going to ruin it. but before i can become too upset, my phone buzzes again, the screen lighting up as i roll my eyes, seeing that tom has finally texted me.
schatz, come to bill’s house. be quick if you can, it’s pretty important. i love you. - 7:08pm
my eyes widen, quickly picking up on the urgency of his text, my mind assuming that the worst has happened. i quickly rush to put my heels back on, not caring that i am dressed to go to a party, more focused on getting to tom as fast as i can, feeling so selfish for being mad that he hadn’t texted me all day, now worried sick as i scramble for my car keys, quickly rushing out of the front door.
i pull up outside of bill’s house, the lights off, the entire place eerily quiet. having known him all my life, i no longer knock on his door, instead i walk straight in, my eyes met with an empty hallway.
“tom? bill?” i got your message, is everything okay?” i call out, my heels clicking against the hardwood floor as i walk into the kitchen, which is just as empty as the room before, my eyes furrowing in confusion, whatever tom needed me for clearly not as urgent as he had made out.
i turn around, about to leave the kitchen, but just as i am about to take my first step, my eyes are covered by two large hands, my body freezing in shock.
“guess who?” a familiar voice says, my body turning to be met with his cocky smile, his hands moving to rest on my hips as i stare at him in disbelief.
“tom? what the fuck, are you okay? is bill okay? i’ve been worried sick, what’s going-”
my rambling is cut off by tom pressing his lips to mine, smiling against them as he pulls away after a few seconds, my concern somehow amusing to him.
“shhh, come with me.” he mutters against my lips, taking my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen.
“what? where are we going? tom you’re driving me crazy what is going on?” i ask as he pulls me through the hallway, leading me outwards towards the garden.
“baby calm down. everything is fine.” he begins, stopping and turning to face me, taking my hands in his. “you look beautiful by the way.”
“thanks tom but that’s not-”
“schatz, just trust me okay? come on.” he interrupts, squeezing my hand as we continue to walk towards the garden. the double doors leading out to it are closed, heavy curtains draped over the glass, stopping me from seeing what is outside. tom moves the curtain a little, opening the door and stepping outside, my mouth falling open in shock.
my eyes are met with a crowd of all of my friends, a few people unfamiliar, some people that i recognise to be tom’s friends, as well as an array of balloons, food, alcohol, banners, the pool lit up as confetti decorates the outside of it.
“happy birthday!” a chorus of voice says, my hands flying to my mouth in shock, a wide smile on my face as i turn to tom, his eyes already on mine. i quickly pull him into a hug, so tight that his body stumbles backwards a little, but his arms soon wrap around my lower back, a proud grin etched upon his face.
“happy birthday meine liebe.” he says, raising his voice a little as the music that has just been turned on drowns out any other noise.
“how did you- i thought you forgot?” i question, pulling away from the hug, staying within his embrace as his arms remain on my hips. he chuckles lightly, shaking his head.
“how could i forget about my girl’s birthday? i’ve been planning this for so long. it’s been so hard to keep it a secret, and i hated making you upset this morning, i almost cracked when you got mad at me, but, seeing your reaction now makes it all worth it.” he says, eyes staring into mine.
i stand there speechless, unable to find the right words, wondering how he managed to pull this whole thing off. i pull his face towards mine, connecting our lips in a soft kiss, tom deepening it a little as he presses his lips harder onto mine. i pull away for breath, resting my forehead against his.
“it’s perfect, i don’t even know what to say. i love you.” i state, unable to hide my excitement.
“i love you too baby. now come on, let’s have fun.” he smiles, taking my hand and guiding me over to some of our friends.
“there’s one more surprise for you.” tom whispers in my ear, giving my ass a rough squeeze as he smirks knowingly, the lustful tint within his eyes saying exactly what kind of surprise he is hinting towards.
we had been at the party for a few hours, certainly tipsy as everyone else was, yet it didn’t show any sign of ending soon, the music seeming to get louder, amount of alcohol coming from inside only increasing.
“oh yeah? and what’s that?” i ask, looking upwards at him, my hand running down his chest.
he chuckles slightly, bending down so his lips are level with my ear, his breathing tickling the area. “you’ll have to wait until we get home.” he teases, kissing the skin below my ear before moving back, taking a drink from his cup as his other arm remains around my shoulder.
“or we could just leave now.” i challenge, willing to play whatever game he thinks he has started, knowing that he will cave in.
“hmm.” he begins, titling his head, trying to make it look like he is debating on letting me win, though i can tell his mind was made the second i said the words. “you are the birthday girl, you’re in charge beautiful.”
he shrugs his shoulders, tongue poking outwards to play with his lip ring.
“then we’re leaving.” i state, taking his hand and saying my brief goodbyes to everybody, not being able to get out of the house fast enough.
we reach my car as i throw my keys over to tom, letting him drive as he is the more sober one out of the two of us, having only had one drink. the drive home is torturous, tom squeezing my thigh and whispering just the right things in my ear, knowing the effect that his words have on me, my legs squeezing together as the heat between them becomes unbearable.
he pulls up in the driveway, stepping out of the car and taking my hand, unlocking the front door. he guides me upstairs and into the bedroom, walking towards his closet and returning with a square black box. he places it in front of me as i sit on the bed, his body towering over me.
“happy birthday baby.” is all he says, watching me as i take the lid off of the box, revealing the most beautiful black lingerie set i had ever laid my eyes on. i take it out of the box, holding it in front of me as i stare at it in awe.
“i love it! thank you thank you thank you!” i squeal, standing on my knees on the edge of the bed and kissing his lips quickly.
“you gonna put it on for me? i’ve been waiting to see you in it since i bought it, been driving me crazy.” he whispers against my lips, teeth tugging my bottom lip gently as he slowly releases it, smirking slightly against me. “don’t keep me waiting any longer.”
i nod my head, pecking his lips once more before climbing off of the bed, heading into the bathroom and closing the door. i slip my dress off, netting it pool at my feet, before pulling the panties upwards and onto my body. the bra follows as i clip it on, adjusting the straps. i look at myself in the mirror, in shock of how well tom knows me. it fits perfectly, complimenting my figure in ways i didn’t know were possible.
i open the door, tom quickly turning to face me. his eyes widen, a grin taking over his expression as his tongue swipes across his bottom lip. he walks towards he, hands finding my hips as his fingers dip in and out of the lacy material of my panties, eyes burning into my figure. he bends down, pushing his lips against mine and quickly sliding his tongue in, groaning quietly against me.
his hands move under my thighs, squeezing the flesh as he uses them to lift me up, wrapping my legs against his torso. he walks us over to the bed, falling onto it as i collapse on top of him, never breaking the kiss. his fingers grace my figure, starting at my back, slowly moving to my ass as he kneads it roughly, using it to grind my body against him, his dick already hard through his jeans. i gasp into his mouth at the feeling, my hands cupping his face as i pull his lips harder against my own.
“better than i imagined.” he mutters against my lips, biting them softly. “you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
i moan lightly in response, pulling backwards to reach for his t-shirt, not liking that he is still fully dressed. he smirks at my desperation, helping me to pull his t-shirt off. i sit up, straddling him as he holds my waist, my fingers fiddling with the button of his jeans, scrambling to take them off. he sees me struggling, moving upwards a little, undoing the zipper and pulling them from his legs, my hips lifting upwards momentarily so that he can take them completely off.
he is now in his boxers, my hands tracing his abs as he reconnects our lips, his fingers reaching for the clasp of my bra, undoing it in one swift motion. i pull at his boxers, getting them off as i want nothing more than him to be inside of me.
“how do you want it baby?” he mutters against me, slipping my panties off as he speaks. “whatever you want beautiful, just let me make you feel good.”
his chest moves up and down, lips parted as his eyes stare into mine, awaiting my response. instead of voicing my needs verbally, i climb off of him, laying flat against the bed as i pull him on top of me, taking his dick and putting it at my entrance, letting him move fully inside of me.
my mouth falls open as he bottoms out, small whines escaping from my lips. my hands fly to his back, nails digging into the skin as they rake downwards, tom wincing as the slight pain only fuels his desire. he pulls almost completely out, before slamming into me, a loud moan leaving my lips at the exciting mix of pain and pleasure, able to tune out the slight discomfort and focus on the way he fills me up.
he groans against my lips, kissing them repeatedly as he moves in and out of me, building a steady pace. “fuck you feel so good.” he sighs, grabbing my legs and throwing them over his shoulders, the new angle causing me to practically scream in satisfaction, his tip drilling against my g-spot repeatedly.
“please don’t stop, right there, mhm!” i manage to say, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as his dick continues to stretch me out, hitting places that no one but him ever could.
my walls clench around him, a small groan coming from the base of his throat at my movement. “do that again baby- fuck, do it again.” he basically begs, his head falling backwards once i repeat my motions.
i attempt to kiss him, my movements against his lips sloppy and inconsistent, loud moans pouring from my mouth into his as he groans lowly, his pace speeding up, breathing becoming fast and heavy. his chest is flush against mine, bodies sticking together, the sound of our skin slapping together sounding throughout the room, a chorus of inaudible sounds leaving our lips as we chase our release.
“i’m close, keep going, please.” i beg, my voice coming out as a desperate whine. he nods his head in response, gripping my thighs harder, his muscles flexing with each movement as his thrusts become faster and stronger. his dick starts to twitch, signalling to me that he is close too.
“where do you want it baby?” he breathes out, his eyes squeezed shut, movements now becoming irregular.
“inside.” i moan out, not caring about the consequences right now, drunk on the feeling of his dick moving in and out of me.
he lets out a small ‘mhm’, his response soon cut off by a loud groan as he feel him shoot his hot cum into me, the liquid coating my walls, the sudden pressure triggering my own climax. the knot in my stomach unravels, a high pitched moan leaving my lips as i clutch onto him harder than i ever have before, watching the way his face twists in pleasure, head rolling backwards as he rocks his hips at a slow pace, riding out our highs.
he collapses on top of me, hands running up and down my waist as he places a small kiss on my collarbone before lazily muttering against my skin, his voice low and hoarse.
“happy fucking birthday.”
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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drvscarlett · 6 months
Sweet Nothings (3)
Carlos Sainz x Pageant Queen!Reader
Summary: All that they ever wanted was sweet nothings but everything changed like midnight rain.
Sweet Nothings 1 2 3 4
A/N: this the second to the last chapter. The last chapter would be in story format and a lil bit of smau. Let me know what you folks think about this one.
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ChiliUpdates just posted a photo
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ChiliUpdates Media day duties for Carlos in Vegas today!
User5 Goodluck on Vegas,get that WDC carlos
User7 look at him being so smiley
User16 im so happy to see Carlos smiling so much, he deserves happiness.
ChiliUpdates posted a reel
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//We are ready to extend our lead for the championship. I have a very good feeling that with my skills, car, and some luck then we might be able to surpass Max before we race in Abu Dhabi. I'm really excited to drive this weekend.//
liked by YNjpeg and 600,552 others
User6 Never imagined we will be fighting for the WDC this year
User7 Im gonna go and pray for a Ferrari 1-2
User8 Carlos is really a driven man, respect!
User10 Carlos are you getting excited to drive this weekend because someone is also here in vegas 👀
QueenYNUpdates just posted a photo.
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liked by CarlosSainz55 and 2,982 others.
QueenYNUpdates Her gown for the prelims and the swimsuit competition
User65 ate and left no crumbs, all the other contestants can go home
YNjpeg posted a photo.
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, McLaren, and 987,562 others
YNjpeg this is what we called the Ibong Adarna dress. It is inspired by a Filipino mythological bird that has the ability to enchant anyone who hears it sing. Furthermore, the Ibong Adarna is also a phoenix that regenerates and rises from the ashes. The dress is a symbol of resilience, rising and rebirth 🧡
Thank you for the team for making this amazing craftmanship.
User8 The lore behind her dress??? NO ONE CAN TOP HER ATTENTION TO DETAILS
User9 everyone should do it like her
McLaren our 🧡👑
User5 admin so real for this one User6 anyone wanna bet with me that this is Lando's doing? User20 the fact that she is still the papaya queen for mclaren is like how carlos is still an unofficial family of mclaren
CarlosY/NUpdates posted a photo.
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CarlosY/NUpdates Carlos Sainz' face when someone showed him a photo of Y/N in her prelim gown.
User5 wtf,why did they have to show him that???
User1 right??? stop bringing her up. User3 Hi im the one that showed him that. I was watching miss universe while waiting for carlos to sign a cap. Carlos saw my screen and asked me if I could show him when Y/N is on the screen. He was in the middle of the interview when Y/N came up so I kind of screamed to show him. Im sorry if I made any trouble. User9 me reading this made me cry
User6 look at the man and tell me that he is not in love with her
User7 he never stopped loving her, thats my theory.
User8 Im gonna play Gracie Abrams all over again
User10 Carlos you might trick everyone but those eyes dont lie.
ChiliUpdates just posted a photo.
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liked by YNjpeg and 3,234 others
ChiliUpdates Carlos Sainz wins the Las Vegas Grand Prix. He is now 4 points ahead of Max Verstappen and is currently P1 in the WDC.
User3 Look at the pure glee on his face when he won. He deserves this so much
User4 Thats our smooothhh operatorrrrrr
User10 MISS MAAM YNjpeg what are you doing lurking here???
User11 isnt the miss universe starting in a few minutes??? User17 Y/N never beating the they are not yet over each other allegations
CarlosY/NUpdates just posted a photo.
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CarlosY/NUpdates someone just saw Carlos outside the place for the Miss Universe!!!! They also reported Lando, Lewis, and Charles at the venue as well
User1 he is going to see Y/N! ITS HAPPENING!!!
User2 I love a supportive ex
User3 Y/N bringing out the whole grid to support her, its just so wholesome to think about
User7 They really went from racing suits to formal wear in an hour, Y/N's power over the grid User8 they really love her User9 especially Carlos. The man didn't celebrate and went to her right away User10 why did they ever break up?? they are so good with each other
User11 ugly crying
User12 I want a supportive ex boyfriend and a supportive friend group.
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liked by CarlosSainz55, LandoNorris, and 872,983 others
QueenY/NUpdates Take a look at the girl on fire! This is Y/N's evening gown, she is simply gorgeous in red!
User7 ugly crying, she is so beautiful
User9 its literally screaming carlos sainz User10 Y/N and Carlos's color is definitely red
User12 and the explanation how she paid homage to her mother's hometown??? SHE IS OUR QUEEN
User13 i love how her dresses has a certain piece of history
User14 i dont usually watch pageants and I got curious because an ex wag is here but MYGOD SHE IS STUNNING!!
User22 send everyone home, Y/N is taking the crown
LandoNorris posted a story
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YNjpeg replied: im so so grateful for your love and support LandoNorris replied: so proud of you!!! You deserve the best YNjpeg replied: stop making me cry LandoNorris replied: Carlos cried a lot when they started crowning you. LandoNorris replied: he has to share his universe to the universe lol
CarlosSainz55 just posted a photo.
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CarlosSainz55 When I tell you that you are beautiful, I am not simply talking about your looks. I talk about your eyes that shows compassion, your heart that is so generous, and your voice that speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I am extremely proud of you YNjpeg. Everything was worth it.
YNjpeg I'm always grateful for your support.
CarlosSainz55 always here for you.
CarlosSainz55 limited comments to this post.
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yenonnoff · 1 year
atsumu miya x fem!reader
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⌒☆ synopsis : when y/n l/n, a rising actress, decides to star in a romance film that could make or break her career, she’s unable to showcase her skills, revealing her inexperience within the romance department instead. worst of all, atsumu miya, her co-star and the main lead’s love interest, seems to hate her guts! with absolutely, unbearably zero chemistry between the two, an idea was proposed: spend time with one another in the upcoming weeks. will y/n be able to ignore her professionalism and listen to her heart? and will she, a clueless romantic, be able to pick up on the signs her co-star is sending her?
⌒☆ content: actors/celebrity au, social media au, modern au, enemies (got off on the wrong foot) to friends to lovers, slow burn (sorry 😞), mild angst, fluff, crack/humor
⌒☆ warnings: she/her pronouns used, contains a lot swearing, mentions alcohol/alcohol consumption,
⌒☆ status: on hiatus; started (07/18/23)
🎬 chapter names may change as the story progresses + unless stated differently, ignore all timestamps
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🎬🎧 — playlist
。o♡ HOT dummies // mentally sane + atsumu ig? 。o♡
( minor chars! )
01. vengeance (like batman)
02. vroom vroom! im here (୨୧)
03. wtf is love
04. sweet dreams (or not)
05. hi, mr. charismatic
06. give me a break (୨୧)
07. morning madness
08. you ruined my coffee with your scowl (୨୧)
09. emergency conference meeting!
10. strangers (?) at an amusement park (୨୧)
11. perhaps a malfunction?
12. a mistake, 100% a mistake
13. your words
14. message sent, message received
15. tolerate! tolerate! tolerate!
16. me, you, and a beautiful sunset (୨୧)
17. snap out of it!
18. brewing up a storm
19. do not disturb
20. conversation over coffee
21. cat chase (୨୧)
22. 2 people, 1 truth (୨୧)
23. the act of kissing (୨୧)
24. plans & precautions
25. fame is not for the weak (୨୧)
26. a pro’s guide to scandals
27. stranger danger!
28. what comes after heartbreak? (୨୧)
29. mission failed (unsurprisingly)
30. 10 things i hate about you
31. i hate unrequited love tropes
32. beachside lesson on romance
33. seashells and slackers
34. to the miya’s (୨୧)
35. wait a minute, you what?!
36. mondays are for bad luck
37. anything for you (୨୧)
38. clown circus clown
39. love is when two hearts beat the same (୨୧)
40. to new beginnings
41. i want to call you mine (୨୧)
42. choices with lovely outcomes (୨୧)
43. gross! lovebirds!
44. co-star to your main event
45. a lovely tryst
46. clueless romantic, but i love you
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a/n: hi!! this is my first ever smau + my first time posting on tumblr so pls be patient if smth looks off (and if smth does, pls kindly inform me!!). i want to thank @idlerin for inspiring me to make this, so many thanks to syl!! u should check out her smaus and other works, theyre all amazing!! asides from that, i want to give the fattest biggest thanks to my best friend may (@kqbukimono) for putting up w/ my spontaneous questions and for giving the best advice ever (ure the best ig 😜). she also helped me choose the title! ok im being too nice, he might make fun of me. thank u so much to everyone who is planning on reading my smau!
taglist is open! dm or ask to be a part of it!
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koolaidashley · 2 months
hi Leo fictive/introject idfk terms here and i absolutely LOVE YOUR ART ITS SO AMAZING THE STYLE. THE SCENARIOS YOU MAKE UP........ i want 2 pummel you into the ground and use you as mulch 2 grow artistically skilled flowers💙💙💙
also the dog is hot i agree actuslly WOW WHO SAID THAT WTF‼️‼️ crazy
WAGGHH UR TOO NICE TY …… ON MODEL RISE LEO BE UPON YE ‼️‼️‼️ (I’m trying smthn new)
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squib-2006 · 6 months
So I’ve finally got some of my thoughts on the new season in order and letting my self sit on it for a while
Dragons rising season 2 spoilers!!!!!
So first off holy shit this season has managed to completely wipe out any fears I had for season two. I’m a generally anxious person and am pretty naturally pessimistic about most things and was pretty anxious about season 2 because from the stuff shown in trailers and promotional vids it looked like a “Lloyd chosen one” plot line and I have a history of hating that kinda thing because it’s been beaten to death in ninjago at this point. While a bit of that was there I found it was done quite tastefully and didn’t overwhelm everything else story wise.
I felt that the pacing of the first 6-7ish episodes was a bit all over the place. Having the training arc and the Cole-Zane plot lines happen in the same episode with the pov switching back in forth felt a little bit off to me.
Sora and arins character arcs are shaping up to be pretty good. Soras more confident in her self than season one and she’s trying to help Arin but I feel like the whole using her elemental power to help Arin will backfire into her face. Arin’s insecurity and the whole how can I be useful if I don’t have an element I fell is being handled way better than the dumb kai arc in season 11(dw I will get to that when I get to kai) and it’s about on par with the Lloyd powerless plot from hunted. I am really excited to see what they do next and if Arin will be really mad at sora or not cuz like he’s super nice and stuff and I fell like he would be sad instead of mad.
Nya didn’t really have a lot going on personally except the stuff with Jay which I’m iffy on because so much of Nyas character in older seasons revolved around Jay and I just hope they don’t go back to that and let her character breath a bit.
In the topic of Jay I really really REALLY hope he isn’t evil. That the idea because it’s really out of character and they are already pushing my buttons with the lost memory crap because that’s something that I’ve rarely seen done well at all and it makes me very nervous and I just don’t like it. I do like that Jay just seems to be a guy who hates his job tho that’s fun.
I think the writers are just having fun with Zane and I think that’s cool. I do wanna punch the administration guy who said Zane isn’t a person because he is and he’s a bean and I will not allow this nobody to slander him.
It was nice to see more of Cole this season. I swear him and geo are so cute. The hand holding and the fact that they basically adopted two kids together is amazing and I am fully on board for this ship.
The villans were really interesting. I hope they keep up the quality with them because the mystery of ras’ master and wtf happened with jordana is really exciting. Cinder was intresting and as someone who has no interest in men what so ever I am kinda baffled at why so many people want this man but hey you do you. I do wonder what happened to ash tho. The member of the forbidden five looks interesting too and part of me is hoping that the leaked “evil jay” minifig is actually this guy just powered up cuz the color palette is similar enough and I just don’t want an evil jay.
Wyldfyre is amazing her whole leg being broken then sneaking on the ship to the exasperation of kai (like he would totally have pulled something like this a few seasons ago the hypocrite <3) and the others was so good. I am curious about her talk with egalt she mentioned one of her family members getting the wasting sickness but it can’t be heat wave cuz he seems fine so maybe she had more than one dragon guardian??? I do hope that Kai’s portal abduction does affected going into part 2 and that she bonds with nya and the others over it.
Egalt and rontu were very interesting to me and I’m glad they didn’t go the route of them being the actual creators of spinjitzu and kept the lore consistent I was slightly worried about that. Hope they come back in part 2 too.
Bonzle was a big surprise for me. I likes her personality in season 1 but I didn’t expect her to be so important. She’s really sweet and the scene with wu was great too.
And finally last but definitely not least, the best character in this entire show and my favorite comfort character to beat the shit out of
IT WAS SO FREAKING GOOD. I LITERALLY HAVE NOT BEEN THIS HAPPY WITH AN EPISODE SINCE SEASON 4 EPISODE 7 THE FORGOTTEN ELEMENT (iykyk) I was literately kicking my feet like a little girl and crying and screaming my head off to the point I woke up other family members. Him unlocking the rising dragon technique by having his sister help and being in harmony with his family is so fucking sweet and I cried like a little bitch it was so good. I am also so happy that they used his old hair and didn’t just slap a smaller version of his current hair onto him (tho I kinda wish they had used the fucked up custom hair that was in the older episodes but I doubt that model is even in their hands so whatever(side side note I love the fucked up hair so much it’s so stupid I love it and will forever miss it)) him being such a dad to wyld fire was so sweet and then using the rising dragon technique after he saw his family in danger was just perfect. I do kinda wish there was more of a dramatic reaction to him getting yeeted by ras into the portal (kinda like any of the other ninja “deaths/major injuries”) but im fine with what we got. Except I kinda hate that only nya has an outward reaction in the aftermath. No lloyd reaction no Cole reaction and nothing from Zane and it makes me mad because every other time a ninja had their moment there was a whole team reaction. But I’m feeling like that’s to nitpicky and there’s still ten more episodes to fix that so fingers crossed. But kai also encouraging bonzle to close the portal even if he’s trapped inside is such a kai thing and hit me like a truck. Also him calling bonzle kid dispite her being much much older than him is funny and sweet cuz Kai’s big brother/father figure side is coming through and it’s so sweet. And the ninja never quit line is so great I was sobbing even more after that. (Tho I don’t know why he said he got it from Lloyd when it would have made more sense to have it be from master wu cuz that’s where he learned it but eh whatever).
While im really happy about kai finally getting some well deserved angst im also very anxious about it too. This could be the perfect opportunity for the writers to just conveniently forget about him for a while and idk if i could sit through that. Kai is a huge part of why I watch ninjago and he’s always been handed the shortest stick character development wise and technically he never got his own focus season either (and no i dont count the pilots because that focused mainly on all the ninja and was only two episodes, i also don’t count season four because it was more a group season, and season 11 doesn’t count because he got a half baked b plot that sucked) I’m very worried that I will loose enjoyment in the show because I dropped the show out of disappointment after season 11 because A LOT of premonitional material made it seem like a kai season and I got my hopes up and was let down so much. I’m very cautious when getting excited about things involving kai in particular because of that and I’m just hoping the writers don’t fuck it up.
Ok that’s enough negativity for once. I’m so excited for more and am foaming at the mouth for more!
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discoveredreality · 8 months
intro post <3
don't mind me editing this like every single day lol
my dm's and askbox is always open if u want to talk <3
anons are welcome too <3
also if u want to make new friends i am right here pls say hi im fucking lonely😭
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BELOVED MOOTS <33333 (everyone is tagging them and this is fun)
this in no particular order just whoever pops up on my dash or smth idk. not every moots just the ones i actually know lol. ok so
@im-just-here4853 my vent buddy omg we just vent to each other i love her so much idk what i would do without her <33
@the-gay-skeleton-in-ur-closet THEY'RE THE BEST OMGGGGG and they're nice and cool and shit <333333 i'm quoting myself it's fine AND LIKE SO NICE AND GOOFY AND EVERYTHING OMG
@cubemagnet somene i met on a random post and now we occasionally team up to correct grammar lol 🤓🤓🤓 anyways she's amazing :D and everything she says is so iconic like isjflsrijglruhglsuglijrsg
@book-girl4eva SHE'S AMAZINGGGGG. IT'S SO EASY TO GOOF AROUND W HER I LOVE IT. SHE ALWAYS SLAYS SO HARD. EVERYTHING ABOUT HER SLAYS. idk if you'll see this but this is for u pookie <3
@mil-pinterest-sss-here-i-am ??? questioning why we're moots. but he's literally so nice. literally will be my therapist and help me w maths because that shit is impossible 😭
@dandelionflowery omg literally so kind and everything all the time. so fun fun reading their fics and doing shit together omg
idk brain isnt braining ill add ppl as i go along
moodboards made by my lovely lovely moots <3
so far i only have one here cause i forgot to link the previous ones whoops 😭😭😭
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about me
i'm ari. she/her. nicknames welcome. go wild. dude/bro/girl/literally anything is also fine. i use 'lol' and '<3' too much. minor. literally the biggest procrastinator and so disorganised i dare u to find someone worse than me. i'm indian but i live in australia. bengali/north indian idk. band kid :D my pinterest is here. PLEASE DM ME IF U WANT TO. I NEED FRIENDS. IM AWKWARD AND BAD AT MAKING CONVERSATION BUT STILL PLS 😭😭😭
personality/star sign or whatever
according to the mbti test here i am an istp-t. i am also a cancer. i found out my sun, moon and rising signs and the marauders version and i wrote it down and lost it so then i redid it and i lost it again so i can't bother at this point someone help me :(
time zone
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my music taste
i love taylor swift, conan gray, olivia rodrigo, sabrina carpenter and honestly a lot of other stuff lol. also love bollywood music.
favourite books and authors
i love reading and i'm usually a really fast reader lol. i love harry potter (fuck jkr tho), kotlc, chetan bhagat books, the inheritance games, agggtm, literally all of karen m. mcmanus's books, the divergent series, pjo and hoo, lorien legacies, the selection, powerless, soc, girl in pieces, dictionary of lost words and bookbinder of jericho, all the books by amish, and a bunch of other books.
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idk the usual?? if u think ppl arent valid or you're literally an asshole. honestly you all can go get stuffed. idgaf
tag games and shit
yes you can absolutely tag me. i love tag games and chain asks. sometimes i may not get to doing it but i usually will and it makes me so happy when i'm tagged lol
i don't post that much stuff so i don't really have mulitple tags for my posts. anything or any shitposting or thoughts will be tagged #ari's shit. for asks it's #ari gets an ask?
i'm literally obsessed with drarry but i'm mostly part of the marauders fandom. i'm starting to make my way through all of the marauders fics. i love love love hermitcraft. i'm an ethogirl literally who doesn't love etho?? also really into trafficblr. i literally love six of crows so much like omg. desperately trying to get through the magnus archives im only 8 years late haha i also love kotlc sm. (team foster-keefe forever!) i'm low-key in love with keefe sencen cause omg. aaaand also a bunch of other shit but those are the main ones idk bro
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i'm bored and this is too long already might as well add more so here are a bunch of userboxes :D
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and that's all not because i have self control but because there is a limit to images per post 😭😭😭 i literally had to delete some of my aesthetic images for this soooo
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all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
my profile pic is obviously from the makowka picrew here
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
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pinknightsinmymind · 1 year
astronomy-major!ellie x astrology!gf
yes, you both know they are two completely different things, but ellie loves knowing that someone likes space as much as she does and that they utilize it in their everyday life by studying astrology transits. you also appreciate that she'll listen to you rambling about astrology without judging you or telling you "it's not real."
asks you about which planets are in retrograde and wtf that even means
gets confused when you pull out a natal wheel chart but will sit there and listen to you explain it regardless even if she forgets what planets are in what houses and she doesn't understand what conjunctions are
she's so amazed when she finds out that even asteroids can be used within astrology charts!
LOVES if you do a synastry chart for the two of you bc she's corny and goofy and wants to believe your relationship was written in the stars
at night when the two of you go stargazing, she'll point out different planets and constellations to you.
"so that's venus right there. and you said mine is in what sign? yeah, that makes sense. and then that one is jupiter. my favorite."
will listen to you ramble about your astrology observations even if she doesn't quite understand the difference between someone's sun sign and rising bc in her eyes they're both the self, aren't they? regardless, she's still gonna listen.
after dating you for a while she finally gets a handle on astrology and understands it better than she did before. she can confidently say her big 6 now.
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Light in the darkness- Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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Anonymous asked:
Bro hiiiii
Ok so im here to request smtn cause you are ~wonderful~
So this is Nikolai ye. Imagine King Nikolai having a daughter yea. So one the reader kinda walks thrpugh the palace when she suddenly hears her daughter's voice so she goes wtf?? Cause i left you in the nursery so she kinds panics and starts running to find Nikolai and their daughter just being cool and gossiping and just goofing around. So they speak a bit and then Baam rain! So maybe smtn cute in the rain??
Take watever you want of this and enjoy writing!!
And dont forget you are absolutely wonderful!! And stay hydrated byeee 💙
Warnings- None really, just a sweet little oneshot for the love of my life;)
A/N- Thank you so much for the request anon! You're absolutely amazing!! Hope you enjoy<3
You sighed as you finally finished doing all your paperwork. You had been sitting in that chair for what felt like an entirely and it had made your whole body sore. So you stretched your back a little before getting up. You got out of the room and went outside to check up on your daughter who was usually in the nursery at this hour.
As you reached the nursery you realized that your daughter wasn't present among the other children. After asking a few of the servants, you found out that she wasn't taken to the nursery today. Panic rushed your body and your heartbeat began to rise. You went around the palace asking people whether they've seen her, but none of them gave you an answer that you had hoped to hear. Your heart began to ache with every step you took and the darkest thoughts started filling up your head. You were passing by the gardens when you heard a giggle, it turned into a laughter.
Then you heard a voice along with it, a familiar voice. With a confused expression you went around the gardens to have a look.  You saw Nikolai sitting on the grass with your daughter in his lap. Nikolai was saying something to her that made her laugh even more and he was grinning along her.  You froze in your steps when you saw the lovely moment they were having.
Nikolai turned around to meet your gaze, "Y/N! look, mommy's here" he looked at you with a bright smile and gestured her towards you.
Your daughter smiled as she saw you and gestured to go up to you. You let out a deep sigh of relief as you took her in your arms and sat down besides Nikolai.
"What are you two doing here?" You asked him with a smile
"Oh I realized that I haven't been spending enough time with this little bunny" he replied as he touched the tip of her nose with his finger. "So, I thought to take a day off and spend my day with her"
"Saints Nikolai, I was so worried about her" you spoke as you gently stroked her hair
"Why's that my dear?" Nikolai gave you a confused glance
"Because I couldn't find her in the nursery or anywhere near" your daughter began to fall asleep in your arms.
You got up and asked one of the servants to take your daughter to bed, as she had fallen asleep. Then you went back and sat close to Nikolai. The weather slowly began to change and dark clouds began to appear in the sky, along with a soothing cold breeze. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and held you close to him.
"You shouldn't worry so much my dear, I'm here to look after her you know?" he looked deeply in your eyes
"Yeah I know, it's just a little scary sometimes. After all we've endured, it's hard to not have dark thoughts plague your mind" you met his gaze with a saddened look
"I know my love. But our suffering has finally come to an end. We have brighter days ahead of us, ironic, because the weather is quite gloomy at this moment" he let out a small snicker
"Yeah, actually. I find it relaxing, actually" you smiled at his words. "It's really beautiful" you looked around to admire the sky
"Yes, you're right" he replied, with you being completely unaware that he was looking at you. He brought out his hand, and held your cheek in his palm. "After all we've been through, we deserve to enjoy our moments together"
"Yes my dear, we do" you looked at him with a satisfied smile
Small drops of your rain began to fall on your shoulders, but you didn't care. You were enjoying every second of this moment, with him. You gently placed your hand on top of his. "We deserve to live a peaceful life, with our daughter"
"You've been with me through everything, every hardship, every nightmare, every moment when there was nothing around me but darkness. You have been with me in every moment when I couldn't find a way to move forward. You have been my light, my hope in the darkness, y/n. And I would give up everything I have, if it meant for me to enjoy these moments with you." he held your waist and moved closer to you.
"I wouldn't miss them for the world" you spoke in a low voice, almost a whisper. You moved even closer to him and gently placed your lips on his, as more and more rain began to pour over you. You didn't care, you were with him, in his arms, his lips on yours. He was with you, and that was all that mattered.
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saiyanwitcher · 1 month
Holy crap, Prince of Death is such a tour de force! The attention to detail, the world-building, the intense drama, the raw emotions - it's all just stunning. 
Admittedly, I know almost nothing about DBZ, and you've done a fantastic job weaving just enough background into the narrative for the uninitiated while making it your own for this universe at the same time. The blend of fantasy and sci-fi on display is so yummy and rich to devour.
And Max just needs the biggest hug, ugh. At least he's together with Charles... (for now?!) - tho, I can already picture the angst and drama ahead when Max wakes up - poor thing bears the weight of duty so heavily and personally (and honorably).
And Alonso - omg!! Love how he calls Max out for his shit, protects him, teaches him, just - everything about him in his role in this AU is gold.
Hopefully Carlos stops being a little punk - maybe once he realizes that Alonso has also sent his prince to the same destination that he set for Charles (which I'm dying to see where that it is, btw - with pop culture in my head, I can see anything from Dagobah to Hoth to Vormir to... even Mars lol - whatever you choose, I know it will be great), or once Carlos has an inevitable reconciliation and he sees just compatible Max & Charles truly are... such potential! ✨
I did have higher hopes for George, ugh. He should know better than to follow in his master's vile footsteps, but otherwise, he makes for a rich villain. And that's to say nothing of Jos - you've done an excellent job making him truly repulsive with his physical & emotional abuse in the name of controlling Max. And I absolutely cannot wait for him to get his just deserts - to be on the receiving end of Max letting the full force of his power loose, hair & eyes flaming as he unleashes raw fury - oh, please, please, let it be so! (Tho, no matter how Jos goes down, it will still be infinitely rewarding).
... okay, this got way longer than I thought, so my apologies 🤭 But in short, this fic is just outta-this-world stellar. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading more ❤🚀
Hello there!
I've really tried my hardest to explain things thoroughly and adapt the universe to make it my own, so I'm glad people aren't like . . . wtf are you talking about? 😅
Alonso is so amazing and fit this roll perfectly in my head, I'm glad it's translating on paper. While he's not Max's or Charles' real dad, he's the father they both deserve.
Carlos is in for some major transformation of character in part 2 as well as George. Those two need some growth and perspective, and they will be getting both (for better or worse) as the story goes on.
I'm so glad you mentioned the little sneak peak I gave for Max's potential in ch 12! I didn't get a lot of comments on it, but in his rage and grief, trying to protect himself, he tapped into something that he will need to find again later. Now, did he find it because it was about Charles? Or has he always had it and just couldn't break through 👀 Regardless, there will be more exploration in part 2.
Max is having the hardest time the poor baby! But you are right . . . when he wakes up 👀 He is so confused lol. In fact, enjoy a little piece:
A soft surface beneath him felt strangely comforting against his back, but the sight of the stars whizzing by outside the familiar red-tinted glass disoriented him. 
The robotic feminine voice of the scouting pod continued to drone on in the background, its words barely registering as Max struggled to make sense of the situation. 
“. . . initiating vapor bath reversal protocol. You are now one parsec away from your destination. . . ”
Limbs moving slowly, body trying to regain control, Max felt the seat surface behind him gently rise, before lowering again. His heart skipped a beat as he realized he was in the scouting pod meant for Charles to flee Jos’ base ship.
Stunned, Max whipped around to discover that the soft surface his back had been resting against was Charles’ chest, still moving gently with each slow breath. 
Relief flooded through him when he spotted the Eldri resting behind him, still unconscious, but seemingly unharmed.
His relief was short-lived, when the memories of the launch deck came rushing back.
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