#rme. and fuck you
laufire · 1 year
that short moment where Matt gets all up on Elena’s face about how she left Damon in charge of Jeremy’s hunter training is one of my favourite moments in season 4, actually. OF COURSE even Elena’s sycophants friends would grow warier and less reverent of her during the sire bond. OF COURSE such a thing would result in people examining Elena’s actions much more closely, with more suspicion, and inevitably finding fault in them, even if they (mistakenly) attribute those actions solely to the sire bond.
now if people could just stop and compare each instance to how she was while she wasn’t sired, to find which ones remain the same and which ones are markedly different... but alas, not even most of the audience, with the advantage of the replay button, seems able to do this LOL.
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queenerdloser · 6 months
hulu really thinks they can annoy me into a higher cost tier with their stupid ads but the truth is all they're doing is annoying me into just fucking pirating the show i'm watching
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retrauxpunk · 2 years
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caterpillarinacave · 27 days
few things torture me as much as the fact that apparently no one else anywhere on the entire internet has read what might be my favorite book of all time
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3416 · 2 months
the thing is, i wouldn't be nearly as bothered about mitch not being on the top line if it wasn't being treated as some kind of proof that he's never been good enough to play there and that it hurts the team or drags auston down when he does. i don't care about domi ultimately, he's an effective player (when he's not taking boneheaded penalties) and obviously it helps to spread out our best guys to make each line that little bit harder to play against by forcing the other team to decide how to matchup. whatever. i don't agree with keefe's choices there but i get the intent.
what i do care about is one of the best players this franchise has ever seen being treated like some kind of anchor holding the team (and auston specifically) back from achieving greatness and using domi's success with auston (BECAUSE of auston tyvm) to paint him as some selfish jealous (genuinely wtf @ this fanfiction in particular coming from an actual media guy) brat pouting over being ~demoted~ when he's never not done what has been asked of him (which is literally fucking everything) and has always been fully on board any time he's been paired with johnny!! or anyone else!! like these are all mitch's guys!!! he loves them and this team /so much/!!!! like i genuinely can't imagine the list of things he loves more than being a leaf is very long
i'm just so tired of so many (non-tumblr) fanspaces being dominated by people who have made an entire personality out of treating him like one of the worst things that's ever happened to the leafs (and, again, auston specifically) because idk they hate his dumb dad (welcome to the club weirdos!!!) and/or can't "forgive" him for his contract. even the critique of him in the playoffs is overblown in comparison to the rest of the team and the goalposts for what it means to be a ~playoff performer~ always seem to find a way to shift as needed to single him out as some kind of unique failure among the group which.. rme for all time
anyway sorry for venting lmao it's just such a bummer but WHATEVER here's to mitchell daniel marner having the best damn playoffs of his damn life!!!!!!!! go leafs go
ohhh anon. so many things i can (and will) say here, but you and i are totally on the same wavelength, lol. that's what has made this stretch so much worse imo... auston on a hot streak with two mid guys and workable chemistry (for now) all around, and we try spreading out the "offense" but actually... for the leafs... i think spreading the offense is less what we're doing w 1634 and more... shifting defensive responsibility off of our 'top' line and giving them easier matchups by putting the tougher ones with the mcmann-jt-marner line bc mitch is there now to take on some more defensive responsibility that isn't doable by players like willy/whoever else plays rw there. (which annoys me in it's own way bc it makes the 'top' line look more impressive stat wise while not even dealing with the most dangerous 'top' line on the other team, lol but.. it's still gonna require auston to be On Top of it all the time bc he's by himself defensively.. only reason it annoys me is the discourse afterward too like anyway). mitch and auston are our best all around players by quite a bit, lol, so i get WHY splitting them up works well too, but when people get mad that they're together so much... when they've proven to work better and be more dangerous year after year as a duo... i mean, peoples anger should be at the rest of the lineup that sometimes doesn't pull their own weight in that regard, lol. i get the experiment we're running rn. i'm not confident it will work, but we will see. i don't care if it does or doesn't... doesn't change the fact that ultimately, i know they want to play together the most and that hasn't changed bc of some randos that came in this year so. i genuinely think auston requests to play with mitch often after not being allowed to for a couple years, and this year he's sucking it up for the playoffs and trying something different for the sake of the team.
as for the way a lot of people treat mitch as expendable... it's so frustrating to me too... just the double standards abt him vs anyone else are insane. even tonight, seeing people lose their fucking minds over max reposting a fan's hype video without credit and assuming he made it (?? lol) and drooling all over themselves about how he "has the passion", but like... mitch had a video made last year and people were telling him to get off social media and perform better in the playoffs in the exact same spaces like. if he even comes on social media near the playoffs, it's always just hateful. honestly.... so many leaf fans don't deserve him and don't deserve to see a cup in their entire lifetimes either, lol. it makes my relationship with this team so much more complicated to have such a hate for the fanbase like that. like . this year, i just care so much less about the team as a whole too. i'm less connected to the overall results, lmao. i love the leafs and want my guys specifically to be able to win the cup in their lifetime more than anything, but i realllyyy don't care about some of these ppl on our team and i hate how the worst fans in this fanbase feel so vindicated over the dumbest ugliest shit. like i'd give anything to not have to see braindead opinions for a single day. as much as i'm rooting for them, if this isn't the year... well. we move, lol. i wouldn't die! (which is exactly why they'll prob do it this year lol) i'll feel competitive while watching the playoffs, esp vs the bruins, but like... whatever happens happens man. my men will be coming back and i hope some other ones won't, regardless of playoff results. sometimes it's even less about the player himself and more about the idiots attached.
all i literally care about this year is mitch's performance since we're going into a contract year for him. nothing he could possibly do would get people off his back but that, and somehow his points never seem to matter in the playoffs bc they're in games we're already winning ?? but yeah. the willy is our best playoff performer narrative makes me fucking laugh man........ like people will lower their standards and move their goalposts and do ANYTHING to make it seem like mitch is cancerous and the reason we keep losing and everyone else steps up when he doesn't and it's just a fucking lie. morgan is the only one with visible elevation in the playoffs imo, and . idk. maybe the way the team's structured rn and shifting players to different lines will work. maybe it won't. we won a round not doing it last year, so it's not like that's THE make or break thing and we haven't even seen this lineup play a single meaningful game in the last month fnlkdsjf or a singular playoff game so. it's all a LOT of big talk. at the end of the day.. if the leafs ever make it to the cup.. itll be 1634 passing it to each other and their names next to each other and that's all i want for them, honestly. leafs duo of all time regardless of the dumbasses the 23-24 season has emboldened.
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howlingday · 3 months
Ruby Rose VS The Nefarious Five
Ruby: An abandoned warehouse? In this economy?
Cinder: Ah, if it isn't Ruby Rose! We've been expecting you.
Ruby: We? Have you been talking to your Maiden half again?
Cinder: Allow me to introduce you to... THE NEFARIOUS FIVE!
Ruby: (Gasps) Roman Torchwick?!
Ruby: Neopolitan?!
Ruby: Mercury Black?!
Ruby: Emerald Sustrai?!
Ruby: Oh my god... My greatest arch-nemeses!
Ruby: And Emerald!
Emerald: Oh- C-Come on! You didn't have to say it like that!
Mercury: We already came up with the name and she already replied to the e-mail, so...
Roman: You're outmatched, Little Red! With all five of us fighting together, there's nothing you can do!
Ruby: I like those odds! One butt-kicking coming right up!
Ruby: Ugh...
Roman: Told ya.
Ruby: Fuck...
Mercury: Wow, you really went for it, huh?
Ruby: Agh... My ears burn...
Mercury: I mean, no thought, no plan; you just jumped right into it.
Ruby: Alright, you won that round.
Cinder: What did you expect, Ruby Rose? With the combined strength of myself and Mercury, the tenacity of Neopolitan, the cunning of Roman... and Emerald-
Emerald: Again, what the fuck?
Cinder: You simply cannot win.
Ruby: Oh, is that right? Well I didn't hear no bell!
Ruby: Ring ring! Alright, there's the bell... There it is...
Roman: Oof! Tonight's not your night.
Neo: (Holds sign) "I ALMOST FEEL BAD FOR HER"
Cinder: Ruby, maybe you should assess the scene better? There are five of us and only one of you, and you usually struggle with your team to bring only ONE of us down!
Ruby: Fuck you, Emerald!
Emerald: I didn't even say anything!
Ruby: (Thinking) Alright, this is bad. But there's gotta be some way for me to win this... Wait! I got it!.
Ruby: Alright, guys, you got me. But let me ask you this. Who's really in charge he-
RME: Cinder.
Cinder: Me.
Ruby: FUCK!
Roman: I mean, face it, kid; she's stronger than all of us combined. It only makes sense that she's in charge.
Cinder: Well, we have her. Now what do you think we should do?
Mercury: Fuck that! Let's kick her ass!
Cinder: And what ass, pray tell, is there left to kick? I mean she's- Oh god, she's trying again.
Ruby: Koff! Koff! Ogh... I can feel my liver...
Roman: What's this? Her wallet?
Ruby: Oh no! My secrets!
Roman: Ah, don't worry about it, kid. Now that you're here, I don't think any of us care about you getting all lovey with this blond guy here. He looks like just some fucking guy.
Ruby: You mean Jaune Arc, my love interest who lives across the hall from me and has a bee sting allergy?
CRMNE: ...
Ruby: ...Shit.
Mercury: Okay, that's definitely brain damage.
Cinder: I'm.... honestly at a loss for words here. I didn't think we would win, and now that we have, I don't know what to do! What do we do now?
Roman: Let's just take what we came for and go.
Mercury: I wanna shoot her!
Cinder: Okay, that sounds-
Mercury: I wanna shoot her with my foot!
Cinder: ...I mean, I get what you-
Mercury: Because my foot is a gun!
Cinder: No, no, let's focus because we... We didn't come here for anything! We just showed up to kick Ruby Rose's ass and, well, we did it! We kicked her ass!
Roman: Well, what should we do then?
Cinder: I dunno. Does anybody need any crates?
Ruby: Psst! Hey! Hey, Emerald!
Emerald: What?
Ruby: You didn't do dick!
Emerald: Oh, fuck you!
Ruby: No, like, seriously, what do you even do?
Emerald: You know what I fucking do! I do it all the god damn time! Watch!
Emerald: (Turns into Ruby)
"Ruby": Look at me! I'm Ruby Rose! I'm back on my feet to try to beat you guys up, hee hee~!
CRMN: ...
Roman: Well, well, looks like Little Red is... She has... She...
Roman: Fuck the witty retorts. I'm just gonna fucking kill you, idiot.
"Ruby": Uh oh.
Ruby: Oh so that's what that looked like.
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aleksa-sims · 8 months
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RL Simselfstory (18+)
CW: adult topics, unplanned pregnancy
N. told me why he was so mad at P. In short, it was about my Dad.😒 But I’ll explain, when I tell my parents about N. & me. After we talked, we went up to his bedroom. It was already light. We just talked all night about everything that had to be clarified (N.'s fiancee). This was a lot!! But it had to be! I needed to know, if Nico was really serious about me. I believed N.! He never lied to me, so I trusted him. Also, I decided to divorce Daniel😭,once I talked to my parents.
Nico: Why are you still on P.’s side and stick by him? That’s exactly what Daniel also said, when he and I talked. I was always the bad guy for you, but never Philip. You blamed me for everything, including his yoga bitch... But well, just fuck it. 😕
Me: I tried to stay friends with him. He was always there for me. But it didn't work out! In the end, we were just yelling at each other and even later, after I met D. And whenever I was mad at Philip, I was mad at you, too. This wasn't fair. Sorry N. And I don’t have feelings for P., if you think that. Really not! This was a mistake anyway. We all failed. 🤷‍♀️
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Nico: Is there anything else you wanna tell me or ask me, before we ..... well, move on?
Me: Um.... actually,.... yes! But maybe I should let sleeping dogs lie?
Nico: No idea what that means? Tell me!
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Me: You remember Sofia. I saw her a few times last year. Sof liked to annoy me about you. She made fun of me and said you treated me like a... sex slave. 🫤 I didn’t know exactly what she meant, but....ugh, anyway! Is that true? Did you want that from me?
Nico: 🤣🤣... Did I ever keep you in chains or whipped you or something? 😅
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Me: Stop teasing me, jerk! You know damn well what I mean.
Nico: Nah, I’m not really keen on hurting you or into pain in general. You know that! I told you that before, too. But some discipline wouldn’t hurt you, babe. 😅
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Me: You see? That's exactly what I meant! You kept playing your carzy mind games with me. You, with your will to subjugate me in every way.
Nico: Yea, and?... I never forced you to do anything!! And that’s the difference! If you didn’t want something, I didn’t want it either. But I know you wanted to please me and did everything to satisfy me. And you've done absolutely right. You’re just perfect for me.😏 I loved you like crazy. And Sofia, that manipulative bitch... I got SO pissed! I just wanted to protect you! My whole pad was smoky bcs of you two! You were totally stoned, brain-dead!
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Me: Says the guy who put his fist through a wall. 🤨 And btw, you were constantly pissed! Not just that day.
Nico: Don’t you think we’ve talked enough?... Be a good girl and do as I say 😏😄 ... Get undressed and follow me to the bathroom.
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Me: Ironically, the shower?.... You wanna get me depressed or what?
Nico: No! Never... Let's start again, where it left off.
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I had still my wedding going on in my head. I told myself, " you had to stop thinking about Daniel, that’s not fair! Do it, or end this rn!" Suddenly Nico said something to me... something totally unimportant, which I actually forgot. He talked about my obession for my coconut shower gel. He asked me, if I still use it? Somehow this short conversation about that, made me feel good. It was like a kind of confirmation for me, that I needed at that very moment. I felt, he's always been the one and so I really started to let go of Daniel. And I succeeded! I was happy with Nico but...anyway.🤯
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My Simself was a little embarrassed about me posting those spicy pics. 😳🫣 But no joke, I always struggle to poste something like this.
Nico: You see, babe? I have no prob getting on my knees for you, too.
Me: Yea, sure! 🤨 You only do that bcs there’s not enough room here in the shower. But you don't have to do that fo rme!!
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Me: I hope you really dumped her. I know you didn’t mean to cheat on her, but if this isn’t over with you two yet, you’re cheating on me too now. 😟
Nico: I'm confused... But why do you think I lied to you?
Me: I don't really think that. I-... I just wanna be sure.
Nico: I understand why you have doubts, but honestly? That sucks. I don't wanna think or talk about her at all rn. I can’t go back to her after seeing you again. Even if I wanted to, I can’t. I can’t give up on you.
Me: And I can’t say no to you. I never could and you know that. That's why-... I thought you might take advantage of that... Sorry, I’m gonna shut up now.🤦‍♀️
I shouldn’t have thought that much about that girl, but paid a little more attention to another important topic. PROTECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to tell N., that I had this.... hormone-free thing/ IUD removed in summer... As you know, that hormone-free IUD, had caused me damage. And my doc said, the risk of not having kids, because of the injuries I already got, was too high! He advised Daniel and me to simply use condoms. That was the only option we had. But we didn't! Daniel just paid attention when we had sex not to... knock me up. But even if I had become pregnant by him, it would have been okay for us.
But now back to the actual aim/topic of this post. 👶 N. & I had sex. He used a rubber. But when he was.......well, done, he removed it and just kept going with me. I thought, okay? Either he’s extremely horny, or...... no idea what he was up to? I could have stopped him, but I didn’t!! I thought I wouldn’t get pregnant anyway and if, it's too late? However, I was kind of sure I couldn’t have kids. Daniel & I wanted a Baby after we got married, but it just never happend. So why should it be different with Nico? After just one fucking time!?
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Even if our Baby was not planned & and N. & I actually had an affair/ a fling at that time , I can say that it was.... made with Love. N. said, "I love you", when it happend. 🩷🩵 But, hm!? He always says that to me in that... particular situation. Still, I think he meant it honestly, I could feel it and not just that! Don't ask me why, but I just knew he................. hit a home-run.😨
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kmze · 2 months
Thought on 5x12 - 5x22 welp what a nose dive in quality that took! Not that the beginning of the season was great writing but at least I was having fun, this not so much. There's stuff I liked of course, the Steroline build-up is great and they got some beautiful scenes. I love Liv and Luke and the finale was awesome (this and Katherine in 1x22 were the best cliffhangers they ever did). The problem is the bad parts all outweighed that. I cannot STAND Enzo and this is the worst Damon has ever been which is saying a lot. Every DE monologue made me groan and the travelers are probably the worst villain this show ever had (Markos wasn't terrible though, he fit the description). But I made it, and you can read me bitching about it below!
I really hate how they used Caroline having sex with Klaus to somehow make her come around to DE because now she knows what it's like to "want the bad guy" RME! Caroline sleeping with Klaus was about her taking an opportunity to get him to leave her alone and have an itch scratched. Damon is still her rapist.
Katherine’s face at the KC sex reveal LMFAO she’s dying inside.
Honestly Stefan punching Tyler has a lot more to do with him not liking Tyler and less to do with him thinking Tyler was in the wrong. Do I think Tyler deserved to get punched absolutely not, Caroline needed to leave him the hell alone! But I’m not Stefan and I like Tyler and think he’s allowed to be really fucking angry at Caroline for awhile.
What Katherine said to Damon as Elena is exactly what Elena SHOULD say to Damon but never does.
The switch from “I want Stefan Salvatore” “Well I’d hate to be the person standing in your way” to a shot of Caroline is absolutely intentional. This scene is also adorable and say what you want but Stefan is absolutely flirting here, especially when he's like "I have no idea what Klaus saw in you, what was he thinking!" because he knows EXACTLY what Klaus saw in her!
Caroline leave Bonnie alone! She does not need to be single-adjacent she has suffered enough.
“Come on Damon, you’re better than this” he’s really not though Stefan! He’s pretty consistently been awful this whole show.
LMFAO there was a definitely a lot of foreshadowing that Stefan was gonna kill Enzo.
Caroline looks so hot and gorgeous in that dress and the way her hair is clipped *faints* no wonder Stefan checks her out. There's also a few moments where the wind blows her hair and she just looks stunning. Bonnie looks smoking hot too, I love her bob and the lace on her dress is super sexy.
Katherine’s eye roll at the dramatics of Damon kidnapping Jeremy and needing to show her concern for Jeremy... honestly same, this is a stupid ass plot. I do appreciate that Katherine knew to be worried about Caroline if she has feelings for Stefan. Like Damon is a moron so dispatching him was easy but Caroline, she’s gotta know what she’s up against.
EL OH EL the framing is so funny though how Caroline keeps popping up every-time Kathlena gets a moment with Stefan. And he looks guilty AF when she opens the door. Caroline also looks so good standing in the doorway with her little turn.
Caroline you know damn well the good news is that we might get to kill Damon, not the bad news.
Ugh Stefan is totally jealous of Tyler this show is so stupid you had the perfect love triangle set-up and you BLEW IT! FOR ENZO! I mean Stefan really? Acting like Tyler was gonna kill Caroline, please he knows that wasn’t going to happen. He just doesn’t want Caroline to go back to him because he’s totally crushing on her and refuses to see it!! He’s the same as Caroline because his bad news was actually good news for him.
Uh we don’t all love Matt Donovan Katherine, okay. Some of us have wished for his death every season. Words matter.
I appreciate Stefan pointing out Elena has never cared about Damon doing horrible shit before, and that’s like his first clue something is off.
Katherine asking who Stefan loves more Damon or Elena, girl don’t play that stupid game! You are only gonna win stupid prizes! Katherine should also know better than this, she knew Damon was the key to saving Stefan in 3x09 because she knew he wouldn’t let Damon die even with his humanity off. It feels like the show is doing that thing again where they make characters dumber than previously shown for the plot. Maybe you could say Katherine was off her game because she became impatient, but like she didn't survive for 500 years being impatient! DUH Stefan would do the most Stefan thing ever and put himself in danger instead of killing Damon, I mean what show have you been watching Katherine?
I love how domestic Steroline got in these last few episodes, Caroline made herself right at home at the Boarding house AS SHE SHOULD!
I love Liv lol.
You know I love LOVE Caroline but girl leave that man alone! Tyler needs space. While I agree about Caro monologue that people always expect good from her and she has flaws Tyler doesn’t need to forgive her and he really hasn’t been harping on her that much. Damon was right Caro took the nuclear option to end her relationship with Tyler. Even if I understand why she had sex with Klaus she still knew what it would do to Tyler.
I guess in retrospect Katherine was right, she made sure if she couldn’t have Stefan no one could.
I feel like the writers did a lot more damage to how they see Elena's character after the sire bond storyline than they realize. I don't mean that it ruined her character, I mean it ruined how they feel about her and how the inevitably treat her. This was a really fucked up thing to do to Elena, I mean she had complete autonomy of her body taken away for 3 (almost 4) episodes! That would have never happened in S1-3 because of how the writers felt about her, she was the special snowflake of human frailty MUST PROTECT. You can also tell by her styling, it's been off and on all season (especially the hair) as opposed to when she always looked stunning in S1-3.
CRYING at Elena’s “memories” and it's just her having fun in a bar dancing Iike a normal college girl and she’s like OMG the horror! What a loser!
“I wouldn’t lead you on like that” girl I- did you not watch yourself with Am!Stefan? That was 4 months ago!
Ah good Caroline is back to talking shit about Damon to Stefan, balance is restored.
Stefan just casually joking about having brain damage as his way of flirting, he’s so weird I love him.
THIS SCENE! When I watched this episode live I was ready to give up because I was so over the triangle of doom and straight-up not having a good time and then Steroline got these scenes in this episode and I was like OMG this is really gonna happen!?! When Stefan said "Me, and I would do it for you, too" he just confirmed that Caroline was up there with Elena and Damon for him aka people that he LOVES and Caro's face was my face like *tingle*. Then Caroline confirms the same when she says "You'd do the same for me right" and HIS FACE!!! He really didn't know she was so ride or die for him, and then his total jealousy over Enzo, I cry.
Damon and Elena are THE WORST my god. This is the stupidest dialogue I have ever heard on this show and that's only because it's second to their monologue in 4x23!
I’m sure Damon’s dialogue is supposed to be sexy but all I feel is rape-y.
God I absolutely LOVE the scene where Caroline can’t kill Tom and snaps Enzo’s neck instead! The way she reacts to Stefan is always more intense than any of her other love interests, sorry not sorry. She looked into those green eyes and remembered Stefan said he was a good person and the emotion from that meant she couldn’t do it.
Liv asking to be killed rather than listen to Damon and Elena, bestie I CAN RELATE!
Why are we doing with the Jeremy might be cheating on Bonnie subplot with Liv? Just so unnecessary MY GOD LEAVE BONNIE ALONE ALREADY!
The van scene is so <3333 I think it’s very obvious they both have feelings for each other in this scene. The way Stefan keeps looking at Caroline’s lips and the sultry voice he’s using *flails* and Caroline feels it too. I think this is the moment she realizes she’s falling for him. For Stefan I feel it started last season and it got even more confusing after his amnesia stint and this is probably the point where he starts pushing his feelings away because it's scaring him. He does not think Caroline has feelings for him with the way he talks about Enzo and her so for him it’s better to push it away than possibly ruin their friendship. Even if he’s such a dummy because OBVIOUSLY STEFAN she’s got a thing for you. I love them so much man, they just make me feel things!
Welp Bonnie hasn’t been tortured in like 3 episodes so of course we had to make up for that -_-
Oh man they even put Elena in her old S1/2 wardrobe and her straight hair is back! Totally gassing it up in these visions huh?
It’s amazing how interesting the traveler plot sounds with taking over MF like invasion of the body snatchers as opposed to how unbelievably boring it actually is.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but I really don’t like Kol and I don’t know why I have to keep dealing with him.
Liv with her little sexy knife play, mark me down as scared and horny.
As someone who has watched the Steroline 8x02 proposal let’s just say A LOT, the Stelena vision proposal in 5x18 IS NOTHING LIKE IT YOU WEIRDOS. I mean the ring was in a drawer, that's literally it.
I did not remember that Vicki got sucked into Cade’s hell and IDK that’s a bit harsh show, Vicki did not deserve hell.
Turns out hell is every Delena scene this season.
The Stelena scene by the fire is an example of how the show uses nuance in scenes to keep ships alive depending on how you read into it. For me it feels like closure, they talk about how they grew apart and ending the spell kind of signifies that draw they felt has ended. However, you could say it shows they'll always love each other and now with the spell gone if they found their way back to each other it would be completely natural. YMMV.
I always thought "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. I don't think you can be both" was such a (!!!) quote from Stefan since it shows you how he compartmentalizes people because he's a control freak. He puts the women he loves into these two categories from everything we've seen so far. Caroline and Lexi fit into the "friend" box, Elena and Katherine fit into the "in love" box and the two boxes do not mix. He moves Elena into the friend box now since he's not in love with her anymore, but the problem is Caroline. Unlike Lexi Stefan does feel more than friendship for her (he says it in 6x16 argue with the wall) but he can't mix the boxes! He doesn't think you can mix the boxes! He doesn't think you can have both. This line is a Chekhov's gun IMO he says it because we're either gonna learn it's true or it's not.
I was about to say how much of a loser is Stefan that he keeps helping Elena study but obviously he would not miss a chance to be pretentious so I get it.
Poor Tyler this is the beginning of his tragic downfall of the writers not GAF about him anymore.
Enzo on the other hand is A LOSER!
This episode might be rock bottom for me in terms of being boring and stupid. I would almost rather go back to a stupid DE monologue, ALMOST.
Oh it’s the Steroline first kiss cabin!
Hehe Damon called Bill Forbes a dickwad, sometimes I like you Damon I admit.
Caroline knowing right away that Stefan and Elena were being lying liars who lie, my BB has come so far in her ability to read people. And her idea to expose them is through charades because she’s always gotta have a theme!
I have no idea what’s going on with Jeremy, Tyler, Matt and Bonnie besides the fact that Bonnie deserves better. Always and forever.
“I didn’t want you to think any less of me” TINGLE!! When I saw this scene live I was like okay I give in I WANT ALL THE STEROLINE! Knowing full well it could still get used as a prop for SE but like I couldn’t help myself! He brushed the dirt off her cheek! He did the thing he always did with Elena where he only wanted her to see the good parts because that’s what this fool does when he’s in love! Truth be told I do not think Stefan is in love with Caroline here, I think he loves her as a friend but his feelings for her have become something more than friendship. Caroline however knows she’s falling in love you can see it on her face when he walks away.
The writing for Elena is very passive these past few episodes and it feels weird. Like she’s just there, she doesn’t move the plot or really do much but exist in the scenes they put her in. It’s such a stark difference to when she moved everything and everyone revolved around her. Oh well!
Omg Enzo if you didn’t want to be dead then why did you let Stefan yank your heart out. HE’S SO ANNOYING!
Stefan was so proud of that “if Caroline Forbes were here right now we’d both be laughing” joke. What a dork!
The anti magic spell was a good twist, and I like that it took awhile to get rid of.
Even Luke feels a tingle for the Stefussy!
Damon’s note LMFAO
Poor Caroline she had to see dead Stefan way too often. I totally forgot she didn’t snap Julian’s neck because she was afraid of getting bite again, poor BB had PTSD about that (thanks a lot Klaus *side-eye*)
CAROLINE MAKING MOVES! I told you nothing gets a reaction out of her like Stefan.
Ugh I hate this scene! Poor Tyler that was cruel and I hate that they de-powered him! I think de-powering for male characters on this show is basically a death sentence because the ‘verse works on hard power for men and once you lose that your days are numbered (unless you’re Matt Donovan).
No Lexi he doesn’t, because he’s a moron.
Bonnie that was obviously not Stefan lol but she’s going through a lot I will let it slide. Why does Silas want to be resurrected now! Everyone was so ready to die until they actually did huh!
“This is my choice and I need you to respect it” ASDSFFDHGFJKHG I am always here for making fun of that!
Bygones! Great Bonnie scene!
The last few Delena scenes have not made me think I’d rather be chewing glass so kudos.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: It's the obnoxious theme song of the travelers. (the chanting was ridiculous!)
Damon: Liv has a twin? Is it possible for there to be just one of someone around here? (he's not wrong!)
Enzo: Eh, it's probably the bedroom. Stefan's pretty vanilla, but apparently that's Elena's favorite flavor. (okay points for making me laugh but I doubt that’s true Stefan had crazy bitches crawling out of the woodwork for sexy Stefan time)
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laufire · 2 years
I’ll always side-eye everyone for using the argument that the Delena sire bond only happened because of Elena having “human feelings” before she turned because like. okay. nobody’s denying that she did. but she kept choosing not to be with him despite them. THAT is the choice that mattered and should’ve received respect. the sire bond took it away, which is why it was a breach of consent (aka rape. it was fucking rape).
I kinda wish there had been a plot for unsired!Elena facing that but... I do think it would’ve been against her nature to do such a thing (which is why I kinda want to tackle a post-series AU idea I had but that’s neither here nor there).
but frankly, it’s hard for me to muster as much sympathy as I could in the same episode where she throws in Caroline’s face that she “jumped right into bed with [Damon]” and says she was excited to gossip about her hookup with Damon in front of his rape victim. that’s not the sire bond, Elena has proved time and time again that’s just her personality xDD
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bengiyo · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke who has been a delight for years.
Credit also: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Thai BL only adds some interesting wrinkles for me.
Favorite Thai QL: I think it is and always will be I Told Sunset About You. I've been in queer cinema for a long time, and I really appreciate how ITSAY reaches beyond the confines of BL itself and becomes a huge marker for queer cinema. Also, this show healed the hole that Love of Siam (2007) left behind. I spent over ten years holding in that angst, assuring myself and others that our pain would be worth it. Even after six years of BL, starting with Love Sick the series, I didn't feel like I could put that down until the final moments of ITSAY.
Favorite Pairing: In Thailand? I think it's Khaotung and First because of how special their friendship feels and the work that they've done recently together. Long-term, it's probably OffGun because of how stable they are. They established a blueprint for how to be a professional pair and keep the fans at an effective distance.
Most underrated actor: Honestly? It's Boy Nattapon. We give all the GMMTV boys their due, and obviously Billkin and PP get their flowers. Still, Boy holds the entirety of Ghost Host, Ghost House together. I don't think Todd Techit could have done that without Boy's presence.
Favorite Character: How dare you narrow this down to one character? For now I'm going with Uncle Man in 21 Days Theory. He is visibly queer man who spends the show trying to support his nephew, and reads that boy for filth when he comes at him sideways. He also helps his sister take care of her son, and then focuses on his own relationship with their dad. It's hard to be a gay uncle sometimes, and I think he captures that perfectly in an incredibly sweet show.
Favorite Side Character: It's Saleng from Moonlight Chicken. Mark is always doing incredible work in supporting roles at GMMTV, and the loyalty and care he inspires in Jim and Li Ming really holds that show together. Saleng is that cousin who is kind of a fuck up that you're just so relieved finally gets it together. I am always captivated by the way Saleng moves and how many folks rely on him as a way to say when they need to say. Since people sometimes say MLC isn't QL, I'll also say... Cheep and Dej from My Ride. It's always gay uncles fo rme.
Favorite scene in a QL: The opening scene in Moonlight Chicken is really good. However, I think it is the breakfast scene with the uncles in episode 8 of My Ride. Focusing on the way long-term love requires a relationship to shift and that it requires maintenance was really special for me at the time and I regularly think about that scene.
Favorite line in a QL: "You never understand me. I'm hurt." -Oh-aew, I Told Sunset About You
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends. I just think Jojo deserves it, and I think it'll be fun for all of us.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: I think it's still Dean and Pharm from Until We Meet Again. They're very good at each other, and all of their drama was external.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: VegasPete is the obvious answer, but I think I want to highlight Farm and Bright from Together With Me.
Guilty pleasure series: Love in the Air. Not a fan of MAME, but this one snuck past and got me.
Most underrated series: You're My Sky. I feel like the kind of muted response this show got signaled something about the way tastes for prestige BL wasn't a thing, and maybe contributed to the death of Nadao Bangkok. I think this show is really excellent, and it bugs me that it has such a low rating from so many of us.
I think most folks have done this, so I won't tag. However, feel free to tag back if you want to do it!
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anastachammmikaelys · 11 days
Hey there Hi!
have you ever thought of quitting..
Sorry bout that! Let’s just start from the beginning! Here’s my card and my form.
Why was I outside the building? Oh yeah, I was at my job making a killing!
It’s kinda silly to focus all on my voice and shape! Call me the teller from heaven cause I’m a patron saint.
I’ve been so nice and so kind to my neighbors. Now if you could do rme this one Damn favor!
My, you’ve got a lot of questions but I guess it won’t mind.
I’m kinda in a rush and it’s a waste of time. To ask me things over and over to see if I’ll slip up. JUST OPEN THE DOOR FIRST!
I just think that we should reach out with a helping hand. Doppelgängers all around, why all the reprimand? Nowadays, everybody running while they still can. Meanwhile I’m working harder than the Milkman.
See my name on the list? Right, Everything checks out? let me inside.. Gotta make a little call? Why.. There’s nobody!
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greywindys · 7 months
Sorry to bother you again so soon, but I saw a post in the wild where you suggested a 2D-less phase, and I have a (cohesionless) idea of how they could've done that for Plastic Beach: Murdoc kidnaps Damon Albarn himself. The lore already has Damon be their producer, and jokes about 2D sounding too much like Damon when he sings, so Murdoc decides the real secret sauce of Gorillaz was Damon. That adds potential for weird meta shit that could become commentary about the real band and "real band". Also, if Murdoc just straight up went "fuck 2D, fuck Russel" but went out of his way to "revive" Noodle, it'd say quite a bit about him.
Meanwhile, Damon no-sells all of Murdoc's antics and attempts while sending implicit SOS messages through the interviews and stuff, to coincide with how he became more "in the front" for Phase 3. For the live shows, lore can have it that Damon contacted and got rescued by the live band, and they sailed off to do the tour. This leads Murdoc to kidnap 2D to combat the live band with the "real band", and 2D makes The Fall while he watches the tour from his Plastic Beach prison.
So, that's my thoughts, how do you think it could've been done?
Please, don't apologize! I had fun thinking about this one. IMO, kidnapping plot lines in Gorillaz are overdone, and I would probably rme if they did it again, multiple times, in one phase. But I love the idea of Murdoc and Damon interacting more. I think there are a lot of different, unexplored ways to take 2D out of the story and bring Damian in. My friends and I have often surmised 2D going off to travel on his own, or Murdoc going "solo" after one of his childish fights with the rest of the band, or through the label (bringing back w/e they were doing with Abbey Road studios circa P4... I remember really liking how creepy my brain made that, and how many questions I had about it).
This is more personal opinion, but I just really want them to switch up their formula, I want to see how they would depict a sudden change (due to internal or external forces) of dynamic in the band. You're ideas are very good, and very Gorillaz, and I love reading them! I just prefer seeing something different. I'm also aware they probably won't ever try anything different, but I like to dream every now and them lmao.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Minions are at it again, saying Misha cares more about female scene partners than Jensen. There are multiple interviews from women saying Jensen went out of his way to make them confortable during filming but even if there wasn't...Misha, really? The same Misha who said he got excited fake beating up his "wife" when filming Karla, who according to him used tongue when kissing actresses seemingly without their consent during chemistiry tests because he thought that was normal (sure Jan), rme!
While there are plenty of stans in this fandom obsessed with "winning", nobody is more ridiculous about it than minions and hellers. They really seem to think that life is a video game and Misha is their player character, and if they can sell him as ~*so amazing*~ that shows how superior they are for choosing him to stan! Problem is, of course, that you have to be really fucking delusional to buy into any of their "proof" because they are so consistently, laughably full of shit about who and what Misha actually is.
Misha was totally the best actor on SPN! No, there is nothing on earth that will justify those accents and bizarre facial contortions as good acting, let alone better than anyone else's. Misha does the most charity! Even if you count keeping himself solvent as a charity project and ignore how shady and cagey about disclosure all of his schemes charity projects are, nope. Misha is the best LGBT+ activist! Queerbaiting is activism, apparently, who knew? Nobody else has consistently promised things they knew wouldn't happen, sold merch based on the hopes he encouraged, or had to come out as straight. Misha cares the most about us! Only if by "us" you mean "our money" considering the ever growing number of stories of him snubbing fans. Misha tells us the truth about what was going on BTS! LOL, yeah, the guy whose story changes every time he opens his mouth, that's truthful. Etc.
This is just the latest in a long (oh-so-long) line of boasts that bear no resemblance to reality. Misha cares the most about female scene partners! Yeah, pretending ignorance that you don't tongue-duel scene partners and bragging about getting off on faking beatings and perving on schoolgirls really gives off that 'considerate and respects women' vibe!
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
What are your two cents on what's happening with Warner Bros right now with cancelling projects left and right, even ones close to completion like SCOOB Holiday Haunt and Batgirl and pulling a lot of shows from HBO Max (with Summer Camp Island season 6 being unreleased in USA as a result)?
I'm INCREDIBLY pissed off and have plans to do something mor ein depth in a sec, as I feel this anger is just going to keep festering till I do something constructive with it. orignially I was just going to comment on it in a post of it's own but decide essentially typing "Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You" over and over wasn't healthy.
But as you can tell, yeah I don't like any of this, it's harmful to these shows, disrepsectful to the creators, greedy and adds to my already growning anxiety after the afformentoined batgirl incident. I was already on edge about what could happen but I didn't think they'd get THIS stupid and self destructive overnight and HOPE backlash will stop it (Spoiler: It won't but I can dream) So that's the short version: I'm utterly broken, mad and depressed that a show that's a comfort show fo rme is going into the either (Close EnougH) while shows i've found brilliant and deserved better are also going there (OK Ko and INfinity Train) also for SOME fucking reason the prince isn't on this list.
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And even then.. that's mostly a joke. While I find it BAFFLING they didn't try writing that nightmare off, seriously no one wanted this or asked for it, even THAT SHOW dosen't deserve this shit of leaving shows homeless. Hopefully something happens like with Sym Bionic titan and the shows can resurface eleswhere eventually but for now it leaves me panicked and afraid for ANY show on the platform that isn't already guarnateed another season, and even then i'm still afraid of what comes after.
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trollcafe · 2 years
Here’s the Bucket Tool for Sai!! I have Sai2 but I’ve used this with the original Sai as well. These are the settings below. I always put the lineart on one layer and then use this tool to color the layer below!
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Merged Image is what I use to do such. Specific Layer is only for the selection source tool on the layers, and current layer means it’ll only fill whatever is on the layer you’ve selected. I don’t mess with those two much, primarily keep to the merged layer! 
It works well for most tools- just make sure the lineart is completely closed! 
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keeloca · 4 years
Tumblr is eating messages and it is pissing me off. so. much. Knowing this happens I FUCKING DOUBLE CHECK - on desktop and on my phone - that what I wrote actually sent, and yet - YET! - the next day the stupid fucking things isn’t there and I swear to god I will seethe about this for at least ten minutes and maybe even whine about it at work.
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