#roa smut
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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it’s you
roa is typing…
night worth while
when it all went wrong
when it all went wrong part 2
gf! roa
can’t you tell?
stop that
leave me?
i don’t love you
i can make you fall for me
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littlewinnow · 1 year
do you ready any fanfics? i’m super curious if you have any favourite tropes or anything of the sort!
Hello! I do, I have so many I need to read 😅
For Drarry:
I’m specifically obsessed with Draco in the muggle world (doesn't have to be down & out) and trying to figure his way through it in a comical way with Harry. (Ex: miseducation of Draco malfoy by magpie fangirl)
Any domestic drarry or drarry dads ofc!
One of my faves is dustmouth on ao3, their comics are how I picture Drarry
Veela or werewolf!!
For Marauders:
I haven't read too many fics (in progress) but I enjoy a lot of older post-war Wolfstar raising Harry or rom-comish jegulus.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 6 months
nrvnqsr and roa fucking nasty ROUND TWO BITCH. I JUST GOT HERE.
But of course! And since you're new here, let me give you a gentle reminder to leave a comment on round one too. A simple "I like this!" or "thank you for writing this!" will do. Wouldn't want the writer of that first prompt to think "whoa! I spent time and effort on something and people keep asking more of me without even thanking me for what I've already done. Everyone is acting entitled for my work and I feel bad about it."
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kakushino · 1 year
First... or Fourth?
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Uzui Tengen x AFAB! Reader
You're returning from a years-long undercover mission, which forced you to leave your new husband at the time, Tengen. However, there is a surprise waiting for you...
Tags: angst, betrayal, mild gore, self-worth issues, body worship, emotional smut, dom-leaning bottom reader Word count: 7,9k
Masterlist | Part 2
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Just a few more miles, just a few more…
You were on your way back from an undercover mission - one that had been given as a punishment for your actions ‘against’ your Clan. It took years to complete, and you will never be the same again. But, you were looking forward to seeing the one person who could heal your soul. 
Uzui Tengen.
Your husband.
One you had to leave nearly immediately after marrying. 
He had been waiting for you for years all alone, or at least you hoped he had been waiting for you. You promised each other to always come back, alive and intact. 
Your mind wandered. Would he be the same height, or taller? Did he keep his hair short? Did he still wear the gold arm braces? Did he still live in the mansion he bought for the two of you? Was he alive? Was he waiting for you? Did he- 
No. You pushed the feelings of doubt aside. Tengen would be waiting for you in your estate. He would give you that smile you loved so much, welcome you home. You would both cry in happiness. Oh, how you ached to be in his arms again. You two would cuddle for a whole day and a half, content to bask in each other. 
But first, you needed to get presentable. The old inn that used to be in a nearby town got replaced with a newer one. At this time, any would do, as long as you could bathe, eat, sleep, and buy new clothes, not necessarily in that order. 
The old set of clothes you put aside before your mission was too big on your much thinner frame. You stared at yourself in a mirror in the lobby on your way to shop. Maybe a haircut was in order too, but you could handle that yourself with a trusty kunai.
You tried not to dwell on your experiences from the past few years lest you not sleep that night. A makeover would do well for you.
The town wasn’t big, and finding the seamstress took no time at all. One look at your figure had the old woman bringing out three pre-made kimono sets. “I’m sorry dear. I don’t think there are any others that would fit you,” she told you. 
You sighed quietly. That was fine. You could always order some later. For now, one would do. Of the three, only one seemed to be presentable for your flashy husband. “The yellow one please.” Though the pattern was very simple - vertical stripes - the color was very vibrant and eye-catching. The seamstress gave you a bright red obi, perhaps understanding your desire for more color.
Walking out of the shop, you felt like a new person. It was near sunset, time passed quickly while you were gossiping with the old woman. She’d given you the much desired haircut as well, dry and choppy hair strands falling like autumn leaves.
You would see your love tomorrow. Your heart swelled with affection. Butterflies took up space in your stomach. 
You couldn’t wait.
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Something was wrong. Something was so, so wrong. There, in front of you. Your husband - was he? - with three women - very busty women - smiling at them with your smile, the special one, the one you cherished so much. 
What’s going on?
“Tengen?” you breathed out with a barely-there high pitched whine. His eyes - beautiful, loving, staring at those women - snapped in your direction. Of course he heard. He’d always had the best hearing of all people you knew- used to know.
He looked like he was seeing a ghost, a phantom of the past. Your heart was clogging up your throat, threatening to be thrown up. You keened in pain. Tengen with three beautiful busty women… Has he not waited? Does he not love me anymore?
“[Name]?” you imagined he said it out loud, but he might have only mouthed it. You were too far apart. You with your plain kimono, hair much shorter, standing alone on a dusty road and him with his flamboyance and his three women. 
You wanted to run, you wanted to scream, you wanted to fight, you wanted to scratch him, scar him, you wanted to cause a scene, dig a grave and lay in it. A war went on inside you - your brain and your heart in a battle to the death, a last stand. Was this how it felt to have your heart ripped out? To have your mind unravel? Every day you thought of Tengen - Tengen, Tengen, Tengen - of the moments spent together under blooming sakuras, of the whispered promises to break away and start over, to ditch the miserable life of a shinobi-
In a flash, he stood scarcely a foot from you. The Uzui Tengen of your memories used to be slightly shorter, his hair was longer now, and he appeared even stronger than before, flashier than ever, if possible. He glowed with the happiness of a good life, a happy life. (Happy wife, happy life, he used to say. How true was it now?) The expression he wore was one of disbelief, his huge hands outstretched as if to touch you, slap your wrist, tear out your heart, crush your trachea, break you-
“Lord Tengen, who is this?” 
The moment was broken. You flinched and took a quick step back, skimming the figures of the three women. Kunoichi, without a doubt.  
A horrible feeling crawled up your spine, one you tried to push back because he wouldn’t… would he? You promised each other to break away from the system, to deny everything you were taught and live a good life together. 
Has he gone back to shinobi life? Gone back on the promises? Taken more wives? Taken other wives?
Your husband ignored the inquiry, and instead whispered, “I thought you died,” in a horrified whisper, his eyes wide with disbelief, too shiny to be normal, as if he were holding back tears. “I thought you were dead.” A strangled sound left his throat and he grabbed your wrists, pulling you into a rough embrace. Heart now falling back to its rightful place in relief, you hugged your man back. 
His perfume had changed but the natural musk underneath stayed the same, and you clung to that faint comfort, the familiarity. You clung to his sturdy frame, how he still towered over you, how safe you felt in his arms for the precious moment. You felt warm for the first time in years. Tears gathered at your lashes, and fell, and soaked through his clothing, the clothing that smelled like him and home. 
“Lord Tengen?” 
The moment broke again, and this time you refused to ignore the elephant on the road behind Tengen. Or rather, the three elephants. You took one, two, three stumbling steps back.
“Who are these women, Tengen?” you asked, voice thick and trembling. The wild emotional ride you were on was taking its toll on you. Your eyes flitted between him and the three.
Tengen’s smile was a bit wobbly, something you had never seen in your life. Was he that surprised to see you? Or did he know you wouldn’t like hearing what he would tell you?  Who are these women and why are they with my husband?
“[Name]-” his voice broke, he cleared his throat. “[Name], these are my wives - Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio.”
And with just one word - wives wives WIVES -  he shattered your heart. You vaguely heard him introduce you with just your name. 
“Forever? You promise?”
“I promise. Just me and you against the world, precious.”
It was while you were walking with all four of them to spend the night that your mind started truly racing.
Your mother used to say nothing hurts more than being hurt by the person you never thought would hurt you. You used to scoff and disregard her wisdom. You were re-evaluating your stance on that.
Fight or flight response warred inside you as you were led to your estate, the estate Tengen bought to share with you as his wife, not with- 
Why was he acting as if nothing about this situation was wrong? As if he hadn’t made the careful foundation of your sanity crumble quicker than a house of cards in the breeze?
You stopped right inside the property. You needed to gain control over yourself. You shoved your feelings into your stomach, acid filling your mouth. Your belly ached, from hunger and from stress. You felt as if you were reaching the edge of the void - the void being insanity. One step and you would plunge, spiral downward with no sight of the end.
“Tengen?” you murmured, “Can I talk to you alone, please?” You refused to look anywhere but him, refused to look for what changed and what remained of your- his- their estate.
Throughout the walk to their home, he kept looking at you - for you; tilting his head - listening to your heartbeat. Now he looked torn, glancing at the opened entrance. In the end, he nodded, closed the door and you both stood there, staring at each other.
In the back of your mind, you realized the reason behind his actions, you compartmentalized and understood, but you wanted to hear it, you wanted to know- “Why?”
The question hung in the air like a demented ornament to a festival lantern, except it was set on fire- everything was on fire-
“Precious-” Your heart throbbed in your chest at the nickname. “- please, you were gone.” His voice broke into a low whine and it ached to hear him in such distress. Suddenly, it was as if everything started spilling out. “I never thought it would take that long- I waited and waited and fucking waited and I got no word, no letter, no nothing- I thought- I thought-” 
His breath came out in pants as he stepped closer, his arms reaching for you, gripping your shoulders. 
“I thought you didn’t-” A high pitched keen left him, unable to say it for the second time that day, the very thought making his heart ache. It brought tears to your eyes as you choked down a sob. “Please-” 
Tengen fell to his knees in front of you and the sight of his desperation destroyed what little defences you had. By instinct, you hugged him to your chest, his height allowing him to rest his head against your breast, listening to your heart beat steadily. You started crying, your sobs intertwining with his panting. “Shhh, I’m here, I'm right here, baby…” It wasn’t long before his own choked sobs joined the symphony of grief and emotional release. “I’m here, I’m fine, we’re fine, we’re alive and- and-”
“I thought I lost you, precious. Each day was torture, you were my missing piece, you are my missing piece. Thank you - thank you for returning- for coming back to me,” he choked out thickly. “Oh lord, what have I done? You fought for your life every day and I- I fucking married Suma, Hina and Makio. Fuck-” 
You were weak to his words, to his warmth and his scent. You were weak to the way he hugged you, the way he gasped for breath and the way his tears made your yukata wet.
“You deserve better - a better husband. You deserve someone who would wait for you, not me- I- I don’t deserve you anymore; but fucking hell will I try again. Please, let me try again. I will spend the rest of my life on my knees in front of you if you just give me just this one chance-” Tengen nearly wailed into your chest, his voice trembling, devastated, as if a dam broke down and the flood of his emotions couldn’t be stopped, decimating barriers and safety measures against such a catastrophe. More tears soaked your yukata, his hands grasping at your clothes desperately, a drowning person clawing for air.
And you weren’t immune.
You cried right along with him, rocking you both back and forth underneath the slowly setting sun, the warm golden hue washing over you in a stark contrast to the turmoil between, around and inside of you two. 
As you reeled from the onslaught of pent-up emotions, you felt his chest heaving quicker and quicker, rapidly getting into the unhealthy pace, so familiar to you by now - he was hyperventilating. 
“Tengen, baby, look at me-” you rasped out, trying to get him to let go of his impossibly tight grip on you. You heard the sound of fabric tearing. “Baby, c’mon, look. at. me.” 
He wasn’t easing his strength. Fuck. 
You tugged at his ponytail, gently, then rougher, then as harsh as you dared, his headband slipping askew from it. “Tengen! Let go!”
He gasped for air, staring at you as if you were a saint or an angel stepped down from Heaven and a death god about to pull him to Hell all at once. His face was flushed, lashes dewy, cheeks puffy from crying. It was the most terrified, the most pathetic you've ever seen him.
But was he really pathetic? You were his wife, who left on a mission, who kept away for years and years, who hadn’t written a letter to him once, who wasn't with him when his last brother died, who just returned and wrecked his new life like a typhoon.
"Tengen, breathe."
Perhaps it was you who did not deserve to come back, to disrupt his new relationships and drive a wedge into a scabbed-over wound, making it bleed all over again. 
More of your tears fell as you attempted to smile, though it came out more like a grimace most likely. "Breathe slowly, mkay? I'm here. You can hear my heartbeat, can’t you? Match my breathing. Can you do that for me?"
His breathing gradually deepened and his eyes lost the hazy look.
"I'm Uzui [Name], your wife, we're at the house you bought with your money when we were fourteen. It's Friday, sundown. Are you with me, Tengen?" you asked softly.
Tengen blinked a few times, looking up at you. “[Name]...” Your hand was still clutching his hair tightly, the slight pain grounding him further. He wanted to say Please baby, take me back, hug me, kiss me, fuck me- “You can let go now,” he said instead. The yearning he felt for you was quickly buried underneath a thick blanket of shinobi training, analyzing the situation.
“Sorry.” As if burned, you quickly released him. 
You stared at each other for a long moment in silence, perhaps realizing the complexity of the situation you were in. You wanted to be back with him, and he wanted to be back with you, but you both perceived his new wives as a sort of betrayal, whether by infidelity or values you stood by.
For the first time, Tengen looked at you, really looked.
There were dark eye bags underneath your puffy eyes, betraying your lack of sleep, deep set stress lines marred your pretty face. There was a new scar at the corner of your lips, so small it almost went unnoticed. Your hair was much shorter than it used to be, but the disheveled state was caused by the wind, not necessarily by neglect. Though, he could pick up some not quite right strands, cut by an amateur hand. Would you let him fix it? Would you even let him get close with something sharp? Would you trust him? What had happened to you?
You were thinner, the colorful yukata hiding your figure only little to his observant eyes. He stared, analyzed and wondered - what else is that plain cotton yukata hiding?
What really went down in that God-forsaken mission?
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You giggled nervously, as Tengen took his time to unwrap your clothes like a present. He had a joyful grin on his face, just as nervous yet better at hiding it. 
“Hey, hey, it’s not fair that only I am naked, you know?” Using a grappling move he himself taught you, you quickly reversed your positions, him laying down on the futon and you straddling his hips. He gave you a wide-eyed look, face flushed at your display of skill. His hands cradled your hips, his fingerless gloves scratching your skin slightly.
You gave him a quick peck on his lips and then focused on unraveling his top. As flashy as always, it was a complicated thing, making you grow frustrated quickly. With a growl, you reached into his thigh holster and took out a kunai, slashing his shirt open. 
“Hey! That’s my favorite!” he protested with a pout, not really mad. You were already kissing your way down his exposed chest, playfully biting at his nipple. His breath hitched.
“It was your favorite. I’m your new favorite now,” you grinned in triumph as he rolled his eyes, giving you a gentle slap on your ass. The material of his gloves gave you a slightly burning feeling as he caressed the quickly reddening spot.
You sat up in his lap and took his left hand in yours, quickly stripping him of his glove. His right hand was bare before you knew it, but something drew your attention. 
Tengen had a beauty mark near the pulse point. Guided by instinct or fate, your lips pressed against it, his heartbeat quickening beneath them. You made eye contact. His magenta eyes could have hearts in them; such a lovestruck look was novel on him. It warmed you from the inside that he let you so close to his vulnerable point - his wrist so breakable; his hand would have been useless if you just twisted with the right amount of pressure; if you decided to bite him and make him bleed out.
It was getting too serious for you, too deep. The entire moment was already making you feel too vulnerable, it being your first time. To break the moment, one of your hands went to his side to tickle him. Tengen noticed, and was quicker.
Both of you dissolved into a gasping laughing pair of teenagers, for once feeling your age.
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The yukata he gave you was silk. Your calloused hands hadn’t felt such a material for a long time - years, in fact. The fabric had a pattern of a turtle-shell in golden hues of autumn intertwined with faded green and red details. You recognized it faintly, but couldn’t place where you saw it. 
Slipping it on felt like Heaven, like laying down into fluffy clouds if you could reach them - and you were so tired, you wanted to lay down in them. Yet you couldn’t, it was just the morning and your stomach grumbled in hunger, reminding you the last time you ate was yesterday morning.
The three new- other wives had left early in the morning. You heard their teary good-byes to Tengen from your room’s opened window, the mission they were being sent on apparently dangerous. Promises to write letters were exchanged, the women well-versed in what Tengen expected of them for such a task.
Return to me alive, in one piece. If your life is at risk, abandon the mission and come back home.
Was your disappearance the reason he cared for each as such?
You pondered on things past, present and future as you crept into the kitchen. Thankfully, every room remained as it used to be. The room you slept in was actually supposed to be your own lounge room, where Tengen would not enter, where you could keep your privacy and spend time alone. He had his own, or at least used to have one. With three other occupants, it was hard to guess if he kept it or gave it away to one of them.
There was a breakfast ready for you already, a lone spread for one at the head of the table. You stared at it and tried to imagine how it would look with all of them. Did Tengen sit at the head or did he sit in between his wives? Did they all sit differently each time? 
Could you handle being the fourth wife?
You didn’t know. The idea seemed unfathomable yesterday. 
You hid in your room the whole day after eating. The sun was setting slowly, creating a warm hue in your little burrow.
The dream you had had during the night brought a bone-deep ache for what was - what used to be. You felt exhausted from all the thinking; you were almost certain you could accept the new-wives situation, but it entirely depended on their attitude and personalities as well as Tengen’s approach to this whole scenario.
A knock interrupted the sound of silence you slowly came to enjoy that day. “[Name]?” came Tengen’s muffled voice. “Are you there?”
For a moment, you were tempted to remain silent, though you knew he knew you were in there. He could hear your hitched breath when he knocked, your heart beating, your clothes rustling.
In the end, you resisted and said, “Come in.” 
He opened the sliding door slowly, revealing his hunched over frame. It was surprising to see the normally confident man in such disposition, even despite the chaos of the past twenty four hours.
Tengen stood at the threshold of your space, not really looking at you, instead staring at your collarbone, which stood out sharper than it used to. “May I-?” He still asked for permission to enter. Your heart swelled with affection, nearly cracking in half from the overwhelming strength of your feelings.
“You may come in, yes,” you told him, sitting up on the futon you laid on before he came. “What brings you here?”
He took a hesitant step forward, then another and another until he knelt at your side a respectful distance away from you. “I want to- no, I need to know, what has happened to you?”
You freeze, breath stuttering at his question. Your hands clutched at the blanket covering your legs.
Tengen knew he hit a sensitive spot and he didn’t want to press you further but this was a matter of utmost importance to him - he had to know what happened to you so he could help you, fix the ache and make it right. It was for both - for you and for him.
“Show me, precious, please,” he whispered hoarsely. “Show me what’s hiding under your shield, under that yukata, please…” His voice broke as he bowed his head humbly.
Your head buzzed with thoughts, mental barriers rising and crumbling at the speed of light, incessant battle between hope and desolation. In the end, all you could do was empty your head, shove your emotions down to your stomach and show him all of yourself - let him be the judge and executioner of your future.
You slowly got up to your knees and loosened your obi with the resignation of a soldier walking to frontlines.
The yukata he gave you was silk. For the first time in a long time, sliding a cloth off your body didn’t send fire down your nerves from the pain. Inch by inch, familiar and unfamiliar parts of you were revealed to his intense stare.
You knew what he saw. Hideous scars and disfigured flesh. And compared to his new wives? You were nothing. It was a harsh reminder of the chasm of worth between you and the three.
The yukata slipped all the way down and you had the urge to cover yourself again.
“Oh, precious…”
Tengen’s voice sounded muffled to you as you focused on a wall decoration behind his form, your mind blocking out its stressor. There was a kakejiku, a hanging scroll, with a blood-red cherry tree and black flower petals. It sparked a memory deep in your mind, but you couldn’t figure out what it was. There were exactly eight roots but only one branch, and the inversion of the usual colors was so strange.
“-ious? Precious, please answer me-” 
You snapped out of it and exhaled, the sound closer to a death rattle than a breath. “What-?”
He was much closer than before, looking you in the eyes rather than staring at your body. His hands were outstretched as if he wanted to hold you but he wasn’t touching you. 
Your focus snapped back like a badly tied rope under pressure. Body. Scars. Mission. Tengen.
Tengen, Tengen, Tengen.
“Precious, please, tell me-”
The half-feral look in his eyes broke you, cracked you open. “I was stretched too thin… I didn’t know what-” You stopped yourself before you started spilling everything. Despite it being over, you couldn’t disclose what exactly happened, it was too ingrained inside of you - a kunoichi from birth. “I was losing my sight of the end… I wished for it to end, I wished to go home, to you.” 
“You’re home, I’m here. Please, let me in, precious. Please.”
“... I was losing my mind,” the admission was hushed. Even the nature outside seemed to quieten down for you. “I thought of ending it.”
‘-of ending myself’ went unspoken, but Tengen heard it, loud and clear. His heart thundered in his chest, drowning out all else than your breathing, your heartbeat.
“Can I touch you?”
You turned to him, staring at his hands as if they were knives. 
“Can I touch just your hands then?” The tremor of his voice betrayed the way he felt. He offered his own to you, palms up and relaxed, as if giving an offering to something divine, way more than you yourself were. “Please.”
Hesitantly, and oh so slowly, you reached out to him. You hovered your hands above his for a moment, watching to see if he would grab you. When he didn’t, you made contact. His body seemed to run much hotter than before, warming your cold skin. There were more calluses - different ones than before.
The feeling of his warm palms against yours sent shivers down your spine. You looked him in the eyes, both of you nearly holding your breath as the moment lingered.
His hands - so huge compared to yours - slid up your arms oh so slowly. His left hand encountered a jagged piece of flesh first. He froze. Taking a deep breath, Tengen shuffled to your right side. On the back of your shoulder reaching halfway down your arm was a burn scar, ugly and twisted, you knew. Phantom pain throbbed in the skin.
He leaned down. A feather light kiss was placed upon the start of the scar, then another an inch above it, his hot breath and soft lips making it feel better. There was nothing else you could focus on other than his gentle kisses being laid all over the rough flesh.
Every touch of his lips against your skin felt like absolution, like validation, like worship. But that couldn't be right - you deserved no absolution, no worship. You deserved to rot, you should have never come here, to him. You should have realized he'd have a life already, a new wife or three and- and-
His searing hot palms trailed over your shoulder blades, gentle, almost not there. You glanced over your shoulder; he’d closed his eyes, perhaps respecting your privacy despite touching you so intimately, reaching deep into the hurt of your body and soul, soothing you.
His touch brushed down your back, large palms encompassing the entirety of it as he went down, over your panties to-
His breath hitched. Your heart seemed to stop. His thumbs reached the first scar of your thighs, the first of many many many carved into your thighs and calves, each one deliberate, each as ugly as the previous, meant to hurt and humiliate. These were not battle scars. Only one thing could cause this.
You could still hear the cracks, loud like thunder and burning furrows into your skin, tearing the flesh asunder.
And then there was a kiss.
Your thighs quivered and gave out, arms colliding harshly with the ground, a shock of pain that made you cry out, tears finally spilling down your cheeks. 
You fell over onto your forearms, cradling your head in your hands as you started to sob. The tatami dug into your skin, distracting you from the emotional turmoil. “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine- This. Is. Nothing.” You panted and shivered but started to calm down bit by bit. 
Two warm hands were touching your hips lightly, a reassuring skin contact, not moving, just there.
“I’m fine now,” you breathed out shakily.
The hands trembled and the next kiss on your thigh was wet. His hot breath washed over your skin. You were suddenly too sensitive. 
His lips made contact with each scar, again and again he kissed away the memories and the pain. 
Wet droplets fell onto your calves, one by one, soothing over your heated skin. The sensation made your tears come faster, staining the tatami floors as you shook all over.
You could not believe how he made you feel so loved, cherished, with such a simple gesture as kissing your scars. Tengen, your husband, your one and only, the reason you came out of that mission alive and with your limbs intact.
“Pl-please-” You didn’t know what you were begging for but he gave it to you either way. His lips were more trailing over the skin than kissing by then, his tongue darting out to lick at the tears he left on your calves.
His palms moved up your body gently once he’d kissed the bone-deep ache away, rough palms so soft over your bottom, spine, shoulder blades - the burn scar - and only then did you notice he knelt at your side. You were still hunched over, blind to everything but your sense of touch and hearing his voice.
Tengen whispered, “Precious… Get up- for me? Please.”
Your limbs were shaky like a newborn foal as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position. Eyes teary, only a Tengen-shaped blob was clear to you. “‘m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” You heard more than saw him kneel in front of you, his fingers gentle as he wiped away your tears. “Never apologize.” 
His own face was slightly puffy from crying, and wasn’t that an unflashy sight? The great shinobi Tengen, kneeling over your nearly naked form, jaw clenched, crying nearly as much as you, a wild look in his eyes, feral with grief.
You saw that look in his eyes once before, when his brothers…
His hands trembled when he cradled your cheeks, his breath shaky when he kissed your forehead. “You’re so brave, so strong… I’m glad you’re back, that you’re here, with me. I now realize this, before you came back… my world was in black and white. When I saw you on the street yesterday, it was as if you were the only thing in color. You brought color back into my life,” he admitted in a choked whisper. “I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you.”
Rain started to pelt the roof outside the room, distant thunder echoing faintly.
“I’ll always love you, scars and all. This is my promise, now and forever, precious, til death do us part.”
Your thoughts tangled in messy knots, your brain telling you one thing and Tengen telling you the other. You had no chance to even begin searching for the start or the end of the whole disarray that was your mindscape.
A long exhale from the man in front of you drew your attention. His gentle palms continued their journey down your body, caressing down your neck, chest, torso… 
Tengen stopped- stopped moving his hands, stopped breathing. Smooth flesh caught his notice, way too smooth. Wild eyes looked down. Bright red and shiny, half torn, half precise cut scar spanning the length of your stomach. His fingertips traced it softly, yet it still sent shockwaves of pain down your nerves. 
You flinched-
He made a sound of distress. 
- your mind bringing forth the memory before you could focus on anything else.
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You realized what you had to do in that second. It couldn’t stay inside.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” Your hand fumbled with the only kunai you kept poison-free and pointed it to the sluggishly bleeding wound, panting heavily. “It’s okay, it’s okay, [Name]. Your hands are the steadiest of the family. You skinned fugu fish for Tengen regularly. This is nothing.”
This is nothing.
The tip of the knife was buried deep underneath the skin.
This is nothing.
The kunai pressed into your belly and you made a quick and precise cut, widening the stab wound.
This is Nothing.
You dropped the kunai and the fingers of your dominant hand delved inside the opening.
This Is Nothing.
Tears fell down your cheeks at the nauseating and painful feeling, trying to focus on the feeling on your fingertips instead.
You found the shrapnel. It embedded itself into your finger as you pulled it out. 
You vomited.
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“-ame]? [Name]! You’re with me, with Uzui Tengen. You’re in my- our estate. It’s night time, Saturday. [Name], can you hear me? Please, answer me, precious. I can’t- can’t-”
The mission madness receded, the fog in your mind clearing up. You were panting heavily, sweating as if you had a fever. “Ten- gen-”
“I’m here, I’m right here, precious. What did I do wrong? What did I do? Say the word and I’ll fix it- please-”
“S-stop-” you tried to focus on something other than his frantic energy. 
His hands, so warm, holding your waist lightly. His thumbs, so gentle, caressing the skin in circles. His scent, so home, calming you down.
Tengen’s presence tethered you back to Earth.
“Don’t talk,” you choked out. You had to focus. 
What could you see? Tengen, tatami mats, silk yukata, futon, the hanging scroll.
What could you hear? Your heavy breathing, rain, Tengen’s soft breaths, your pounding heart.
What could you feel? The cold air, the tatami mats, Tengen’s warmth.
“Okay, okay,” you breathed out softly. The tight downward spiral winding in your chest released slowly. In through your nose, out through your mouth. In, and out.
“You don’t have to tell me anything- I’m so so sorry. What can I-? Is there anything I can-?”
You took his hands in yours and squeezed tightly twice. Are you okay? He squeezed back once. Yes.
“Breathe… I’m fine now.” His breathing cadence was very close to hyperventilating. Guilt crept up your spine. You’d brought the Great Shinobi Tengen, your husband, to his knees twice in just as many days. You should suffer for such a crime for Ten Thousand Years.
“You’re not fine, precious. You’re far from- But you’re here with me, I will make it be fine. Give me a chance-” 
The air was practically saturated with emotion, tension and everything between Hell and Heaven imaginable. You clutched each other’s hands with desperation. You kept eye contact - an uncontrollable typhoon holding its breath in anticipation, before it unleashed its full power.
He kissed you with the hunger of a starving dog. It was clear he was fighting with himself, alternating erratically between devouring you and feather-light kisses so tender it made your toes curl. He bit you and soothed the bite, he caressed you and lapped at you. It was dizzying.
You were just as thirsty for him though, positively parched for his kisses, his affection, his taste and his love. You savored every second of it, as if you would die should you separate but for a millisecond.
“I burn for you,” he breathed against your lips, diving in once more.
You remembered the times when he ate you out for his pleasure, how he nearly got off of it more than you did. But today, this time, you wouldn’t be able to handle such vulnerability, your emotions too raw from… whatever that was a few minutes ago - validation? Worship?
At the same time you needed him, needed the closeness sex brought to you both. And the same need drove you to break the kiss and push him onto his back as you straddled his hips. He let you, surrendering to you completely despite your feeble strength compared to his. You made quick work of his obi and pulled his yukata open.
An amused huff left you when you saw he had no underwear. “You wanted this, didn’t you?”
Tengen blushed in embarrassment. “Maybe…” he muttered.
You smirked a little, “Impossible man.”
“Your impossible man, always yours.” He gave you a soft look, a smile gracing his handsome features. His arms remained relaxed, not reaching to pull down your underwear at all, content to be the perfect pillow princess.
That was fine, you wanted to set the pace anyway. 
With a quick movement, your panties were off. You ground against his quickly-hardening member, your slick quickly covering him. His hands clenched into fists at his sides and he took a deep breath through his nose, eyes lidded. 
Before he could stop you, you were lining him up to your entrance, going right for his cock like an overly eager virgin. The stretch burned like nothing else. You had to take your time, bullying more and more with quick shallow thrusts onto him. You kept going despite the pain for if you stopped, you wouldn’t be able to continue.
“You’re doing amazing, precious,” he ground out, doing his best not to slam you down onto his length. It’s been too long for you, and really, he should have prepared you, but you were so impatient you couldn’t last a second longer without him inside. 
When you bottomed out, you sighed in relief, staying seated and cockwarming your husband for the first time in years. You hadn’t even noticed you started to weep quietly until Tengen’s thumbs wiped your tears away.
Something drew your attention though.
There was a small beauty mark near the heel of his right palm, right by his pulse point. Eyes focused on only that mark, your hand grasped his wrist gently and pulled it closer to your lips. You kissed the beauty mark, a feather-light brush of your lips, his heartbeat jumping at the action.
His eyes held yours prisoner when you looked up. The soft look he was giving you nearly made you tear up again, feeling too vulnerable. Instead of that, you rolled your hips. 
The reaction was immediate, his head fell back, mouth open in a perfect ‘o’ at the spasm of your muscles. The movement stirred your guts uncomfortably, telling you you weren’t adjusted to him filling you up again yet.
“Fuuuhck-” he groaned. His hands gripped your hips in a tight hold, almost bruising. Tengen seemed to have realized what he was doing a moment later and let up, just holding you gently. “Ngh- you’re making me crazy, love.”
His cock kept twitching inside of you, and it had to be hard to hold back on fucking up into you. Well, you guessed this would be his punishment for all the crying you did today. You already knew you’d have a headache tomorrow.
“Can I-” his hesitant words drew your attention to him again, “can I touch you, please?” Tengen was biting his lip, his eyes practically filled with desperation.
You paused - and nodded.
One of his hands trailed down to your clit, circling it with his thumb gently. By this point, your slick reached it, so the caresses were smooth and pleasurable. He stared at where the two of you connected intently as if he was trying to memorize the sight.
Each little brush of his finger, you relaxed around his length more and more and one slow touch in particular made your hips jerk from the sudden pleasure. Your breath hitched in your throat and you closed your eyes. 
“You were made for me,” Tengen murmured, not stopping his work. He had an urge, a need to worship you, to make you feel good, make you feel so good that you would never think of leaving him. You would never leave, you would stay right where you are, forever content to warm his cock inside your plush pussy, letting him be the sole reason for your life. He wanted that, craved it even - making you stay and be his wife again. But- “I don't deserve this, don't deserve you.” 
When your eyes finally opened again, they were filled with unshed tears. “I love you, I never stopped loving you,” you choked out. Saying those words felt like absolution. Previously unnoticed heavy weight fell off your shoulders and you reached for both of his hands - stopping his slow motions on your clit - with your own, intertwining them in an intimate hold.
“Then make me yours again, please, please take me. I need it, I need you,” he told you in a hushed whisper, a flush taking over his face as he studied your figure above him.
You reveled in his attention, savored it, starting a slow pace, using your connected hands for support. “Mhm~” The drag of his thick cock against your sensitive walls felt amazing. You’d nearly forgotten how good it felt to have him inside of you, how good it felt to be linked together like this - two pieces of puzzle completing the whole picture.
“There- chase your pleasure-” he whimpered as you rolled your hips every time you bottomed out, desperate for more friction. “Use me, my body, my cock, whatever you need, precious." 
You tried to find the right angle, the one that made you scream back when you were younger. “I’ve missed you so much-” your breath hitched in your throat when his tip hit just right inside of you and you closed your eyes. You let out a breathy Fuck when you repeated the action, your pussy spasming around him. Every sensation seemed heightened. You couldn’t get enough.
Now that you’ve hit your stride, your pace went from slow and sensual to quick and sloppy. Tengen offered all the support with his steady hands as you needed. The whole act was so familiar, yet new in so many ways. His breathing pattern was different while he was balls-deep in you; yours was too - your body was long ways from your top form when you were a teenager, but he seemed to be stronger than ever.
He appeared to be as lost in the pleasure as you were starting to be. “You look so beautiful- ngh- bouncing on my cock-!” he ground out between clenched teeth. “You’re so tight.”
His hips bucked up on accident, making you cry out. A coil was winding inside of you; you were balancing on the precipice of your first orgasm in what seemed like forever, sensitive to every small shift of your connected bodies. The anticipation of what was coming kept you going despite the burn in your thighs. 
Tengen’s hands clenched yours tighter. You peeked at him with half-lidded eyes, still chasing your release urgently. 
His mouth hung open, nearly drooling, chest heaving with soft pants; eyes clenched shut, brows furrowed, his entire expression as if he were in pain instead of rearranging your guts - as if he were the one who was getting his insides rearranged. A bright blush on his face was just a highlight of the whole picture.
The sight just hurled you closer to the edge with the speed of sound. Your pussy clung to his cock impossibly tight.
“Fuck- You’re close, I can feel it-” he said in a strained voice, almost wheezing. His eyes opened, tears falling from the intensity of his pleasure.
The thickly-wound knot snapped.
Your mouth fell open, agape. A loud stuttered moan echoed in the room, much more high-pitched than you thought yourself capable of. Tengen whimpered underneath you as you clutched his hands with a death-grip.
“There you go. You’re so beautiful…”
Your ears rang, his voice a muffled background noise. Your hips jerked involuntarily with another shock of pleasure, squeezing around him again. “Fu- precious - hah - you milk my cock just as good as I remember…”
You slowly came down from your high, drained. Your thighs trembled despite sitting your whole weight on his lap. Sweat ran down your back, your ribs and your hair stuck to your face yet you could care less when you looked your love in the eyes with a new clarity in your mind. 
He always made you feel amazing - in bed and out of it. You would give this new form of marriage a chance. Once the three wives returned from their mission, you would give them a chance. All this, just for Tengen.
“Can I…?” The question was hesitant, and your heart swelled with affection for this man, for your husband. He was so gentle with you, as if you would break like glass if handled improperly.
“Use me for your pleasure, Tengen,” you smiled warmly.
“Oh lord-” His eyes nearly rolled back into his skull when you gave him permission so sweetly.
He grabbed you by your waist, lifting you a little, pace sloppy and so wet each thrust came with a loud squelch as he fucked up into you roughly.
“I- won’t- last-” his thrusts stuttered very quickly in his frantic race to finish fast. Poor Tengen must have been about to cum when you had your release, yet he held back to not overwhelm you. “Fuck!”
“Don’t hold back, give it to me. Cum, Tengen.”
“Oh god- Yes. Yes-” The sound he emitted was an unholy guttural moan, his whole body shook, tears gathering at his lash line. He pressed harshly against your cervix, spurts of cum painting your inner walls white and filling you to the brim.
You caught your breath slowly. “There is no god up here…” 
Tengen grinned lazily at you and panted out, “... other than- Me. You- hah - you remembered.” 
He kept rutting into you with very slow thrusts, shallow yet so deep, as if he wanted to force more of his cum inside. His cock kept twitching and his thighs shook, the muscles of his abdomen jumping and rolling underneath his skin.
His semen leaked out around him mixed with your juices. Only when pleasure turned into pain of overstimulation did he stop. “You make me dizzy. You’ve always made me so dizzy…” He pulled you down to him, your head against his chest and his arms encircling you in a blanket of safety and warmth.
You melted in his embrace, breathing in his scent combined with yours. The smell of sex was heady, and would have sent you both into another quick rut before your mission. Neither of you moved though, you kept his cock and cum warm and he kept your body warm, a perfect harmony of two lovers.
“We should clean up soon,” Tengen whispered, making no move to get up.
“I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to stay here, in your arms…” Your words had a double meaning. Your husband was your soul’s mate, and as such, he picked up on both, understanding your meaning in between. 
“Then stay, don't go.” Instead of moving you, he reached for the blanket and threw it over both of you. “I’m so lucky I have you back… The luckiest… I feel like I could fly. You bring Heaven down to me, precious,” he murmured, stroking your back gently. 
The simple gesture brought back so many memories, though foggy as they may be. You decided that it wasn’t such a bad thing. You could look back once in a while, but you needed to go forward and rebuild what was broken. And you had the best helper for that - after all, who was stronger than the Great Shinobi Tengen.
“I love you, Uzui Tengen.”
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The idea of a first wife coming home to three more has been living rent-free in my mind for months. I'm making it your problem.
There might be part 2 but only after my brain recuperates from this entire work.
Part 2
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moongumi · 2 years
just wanna share a nsfw thot 🤭 you know with how big the na’vi are. i was thinking about how you would get annoyed because you wanna take our na’vi’s dick all at once but being frustrated to the point of tears and then our na’vi chuckling and that he’s gonna work you open until you’re wet enough and tells you to be patient and that we’ll get what we want
⁀➷ ∵  ❝ try harder❞
⟶ navi!oc x reader
⟶ cw. short thirst, navi!oc, human!reader, size difference, smut, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, established-relationship, alien x human, teasing + etc.
⟶ wc. 1k+
⟶ note. : ) tryna get back into it, i've been so busy these days hope you enjoy! I'm working on more requests now! i dont think i nailed the request BUT I TRIED
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the waves crashing gets louder the more frustrated you get. you huff your breath at him. his skin glows as darkness looms over you, his light blue skin and dark stripes adorn the bright flecks of colour that reflects the moonlight on his skin.
“hfmp–” you groan getting off the ground onto your knees, feeling the tightly woven straw floor underneath your bare skin. the moonlight shines beautifully through the window, shining in your eyes.
he moves, lifting his body off the ground with his hands to right where you did. he lays, head resting on the hand-woven and stuffed pillow. he’s comfortable, resting his arms under his head in a cocky manner. throwing your leg over his waist, you slowly lower yourself onto him. it just won’t fit. “fuck–”
“it’s so cute watching you try,” he cooed, a smile stretching over his pretty face–a chuckle leaves his lips soon after. he moves his hips, nudging upwards for you to try again.
“shut up, roa,” you whine, hands resting by his sides getting frustrated with your incapability. your head only gets hotter, heat suddenly feels like it's burning through your whole body.
tangaroa’s grin turns into a smirk. his pride is filled–your small human body, struggling with the sheer size of him fuels his lust. he sits up on his arms, his face coming up to yours–he hums, letting out a quiet coo, “my little human, so small–incapable of taking me. do you want my help?”
“no,” you spit, stubborn and determined to get it in all on your. his teeth show, his smile couldn’t get any bigger, god, he’s fucking loving it–he likes the way you're so strong-willed.
it wasn’t the first time you’ve had sex–every time it’s big, the pain feels good–the stretch is so intoxicating but usually he helps you, warms you up–he’s good at it.
it was getting to a point where you were feeling soreness in your own arms and legs, maybe it was time to give up but hell, you weren't going to give up. “i can do it.”
he takes his bottom lip between his teeth, his large hand resting on the small of your back and he pulls you up slightly making your core gush–you sounded ready to him, maybe you only needed a little push. his hands are hot, your breathing labors watching his eyes flicker between yours and your plump lips, “okay, try again, my love.”
the metkayina men are a lot bigger than the others. larger in every single way. even straddling his waist was almost a struggle in itself. you take initiative, dropping lower on his body. his cock stands tall, soaked in your attempts. sitting on it’s shaft you ride on it, rubbing its length between your swollen lips–gosh, the sounds they make, is like music to his ears.
his lips part, and he lets out a pleased sound. he makes the most pretty noises, you feel the lower part of your stomach warm the more his voice sings to it.
the head is thick, larger than the shaft, that in itself was stopping you–the sheer girth and weight of it. “you can play on it all you want, i know you want me inside of you–all of me.” he enjoyed the way you were practically teasing and edging yourself but it was hard for him to hide his own desires.
his hand takes hold of your jaw gently, he brings your face towards his–eyes darkened and his lashes long, flutter against your cheeks. he parts his lips more, he wants it–he knows you do too. you press your lips against his blue ones, the kiss wasn’t slow or gentle at all. its rough, teeth clanging together–his fangs bite down on your lips as they intertwine just like he was trying to devour you. you turn your head, deepening the angle allowing him to only need the slight swipe of his tongue to enter you. his tongue engulfs you, tasting like pure honey–sweet and impossibly delicious. moans leave your lips, getting swallowed by his lips.
his free hand makes it’s way toward your bottom half, gripping your cheeks in them. he parts your cheeks, hearing the way your arousal smacks and sticks to you. “let me help you.”
“but i wanted to–” your lips quiver as if tears wanted to release. frustration to the max, to the verge of tears.
“i know, i know–but i can’t wait, fuck–i want you too much.” he groans through the kiss, rubbing your nape gently to reassure you, “next time, you can take your time–you’ve teased me all day, i can’t help it–you are too fuckable in our clothes.”
his lips leave yours to bite and mark your neck. he sucks and presses his fangs into your skin. his arms are long enough for him to prod his fingers that tickles your core to navigate toward your heat.
it was the first day you truly felt like you belonged here, he'd adorned you with leathers, beads and shells. practically making it known that you were his for his entire tribe to see. it was the most exposed you've ever been but, you didn't feel strange–no, because here everyone was dressed that way–no one looked at you differently. only him, his eyes glued to you all day in those small pieces of clothes.
he feels how much wetter you’ve become already, practically dripping–he breathes heavily onto your collarbone, dropping his head down to suckle at the skin of your breasts, marking the heavily as you could cover them.
his thick fingers poke and pry at your raw and pulsing lips, overused from the attempts of pushing him in. he tuts, feeling bad for you, “at least you tried, hm? such a good girl.” he chuckles, teasing you to get a cute reaction from you.
you whine and pout at him. pushing your ass back into his fingers making them dip into your cunt a bit. you muffled a moan, pushing your head into his braids.
“do not keep those noises to yourself, if you do–i will stop.” he presses his lips to the shell of your ear, "be patient, hm, and you'll get what you want from me."
“okay. please, roa, don't stop."
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© moongumi 2022. all rights reserved, do not copy and publish my writing anywhere else.
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lecsainz · 1 year
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: (+18) smut, unprotected sex, mention of oral, minors dni!
authors note: yes, i used a line from taylor's song, but what can i say? this song is simply perfect.
word count: 1.3K
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Y/N looked stunning as she stepped out of the car in her floor-length gown, the sleek fabric hugging her curves in all the right places. Charles couldn't take his eyes off her as they made their way down the red carpet, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist.
"You look absolutely breathtaking tonight, ma belle." he whispered in her ear, the heat of his breath sending shivers down her spine.
"Thank you, mon amour." Y/N replied, her cheeks flushing pink at the compliment.
As the night went on, Charles couldn't resist stealing kisses from Y/N whenever he could. He couldn't get enough of her, and the sight of her in that dress was driving him crazy.
"You know, I can't stop thinking about taking that dress off you right here, right now." he said, his voice low and husky as he kissed her neck.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she felt his lips on her skin, the sensation sending a wave of heat through her body.
"Only bought this dress so you could take it off.” she said, as her voice came out in a breathy whisper.
Charles' eyes darkened with desire as he gazed at her, his hand slipping down to grip her waist. "Don't tempt me, mon amour." he replied in a low voice, sending shivers down Y/N's spine.
Eventually, the event drew to a close, and Charles and Y/N made their way back to their hotel room. As soon as they stepped inside, Charles pushed Y/N against the wall, his lips finding hers in a searing kiss.
"Let me show you how proud I am to be yours." she said, her voice laced with desire.
Y/N's heart raced as he lifted her up, carrying her to the bedroom.
The passion between them was intense as Charles laid her down on the bed, his lips trailing down her neck as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. Y/N moaned in pleasure as he kissed her collarbone, her hands running through his hair. "*Tu es tellement belle, mon amour." Charles whispered. Y/N couldn't resist his seduction as he undressed her slowly, kissing every inch of her skin. She gasped as he took her in his arms again, their bodies entwined as they moved in perfect harmony. *you are so beautiful, my love.
Their movements became more urgent and intense, their passion fueling the flames of desire between them. Y/N wrapped her legs around Charles' waist, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly as he thrust into her again and again.
But suddenly, Charles pulled away from her, leaving Y/N confused and indignant."Charles, why?" she asked, trying to catch her breath.
His eyes dark with desire as he frantically started undoing the buttons of his suit jacket. "I need to be closer to you." he said, his voice low and rough with need.
Y/N could see the desperation in his eyes, and she knew she wanted him just as badly. She quickly sat up and helped him remove his jacket, tossing it to the side as she ran her hands over his bare chest.
Charles moaned at her touch, his hands sliding up her thighs as he pulled her closer to him.
She then moved on to his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them with a sense of urgency. But as she tried to pull them off, Charles stopped her, pushing her gently back onto the bed.
"Slow down." he said, a note of tenderness in his voice. Y/N looked up at him, confused, but he simply leaned down to kiss her deeply, his hands roaming over her body once more.
After a few moments, Charles pulled back and smiled at her. "Let me take care of you." he whispered, before pushing her back onto the bed and hovering over her once more.
Charles began to pepper kisses all over her body, starting at her neck and making his way down to her stomach. The feel of his lips on her skin sent shivers down her spine, and soon she was lost in the pleasure of his touch.
Y/N moaned softly as Charles continued to trail kisses down her body, his hands roaming over her skin.
She couldn't believe how quickly he had gone from pulling away to making her feel so good. "Charles." she gasped, arching her back as he kissed her hip bone.
He looked up at her with a wicked grin. "*Laisse-moi t'aimer comme tu le mérites, mon amour." he said, before diving back in to kiss her inner thigh. *let me love you the way you deserve, my love.
Y/N groaned, her fingers tangling in his hair as she surrendered to the pleasure he was giving her.
Charles continued to explore her body with his lips and tongue, moving higher and higher until he reached her core. Y/N gasped as he teased her with his tongue, her body arching off the bed in response. He took his time, savoring the taste of her, and Y/N couldn't help but moan his name as he brought her to the brink of ecstasy.
As she came down from her high, Charles crawled back up her body, his lips finding hers once more. They kissed deeply, their bodies still humming with desire.
Y/N ran her hands over his back, pulling him closer as she deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced together in a heated frenzy, their passion reigniting with each passing moment. Charles's hands roamed over her body, caressing every curve and eliciting moans of pleasure from her lips.
Feeling emboldened by her desire for him, Y/N shifted her position, straddling Charles and taking control. She slowly lowered herself onto him, gasping as he filled her completely. She began to move, her hips grinding against his as she rode him, her head thrown back in pleasure.
Charles's hands gripped her hips, helping her find her rhythm as they moved together in perfect harmony. They were lost in their own world of pleasure, their bodies moving in unison as they chased their release.
Charles matched her pace, his own release imminent. Y/N braced herself with her hands on his chest, riding him harder and faster as their passion intensified. Charles's hands roamed over her body, urging her on with each touch. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as they moved together, their bodies slick with sweat. She could feel her orgasm building, her body tensing as she approached the edge. The sensations coursing through her body were overwhelming, and she couldn't help but cry out his name as she reached her peak. Charles followed soon after, his body trembling as he released himself inside her.
They collapsed onto the bed, panting and spent, wrapped in each other's arms. Charles pressed a gentle kiss to Y/N's forehead and whispered sweet nothings in french, his voice full of affection.
Y/N couldn't help but smile, feeling overwhelmed with happiness and contentment. She snuggled closer to him, tracing circles on his chest with her fingertips.
"Je t'aime." Charles murmured, kissing her temple.
Y/N's heart swelled with happiness. "*Je t'aime aussi." she replied, running her fingers through his hair. *i love you too
They lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying the closeness of each other's company. Eventually, Charles spoke up.
"Tonight was amazing." he said, his voice still filled with passion. "You looked so beautiful in that dress, I couldn't take my eyes off of you." Y/N blushed at the compliment.
Charles leaned in to kiss her again, his lips trailing down her neck.
As they lay there in each other's arms, Charles couldn't help but glance over at the floor where Y/N's stunning dress lay in a crumpled heap. He grinned, knowing that it was a testament to the passionate night they had just shared.
"Looks like you left quite the impression on that dress of yours." he said, chuckling softly. Y/N giggled and snuggled closer to him, feeling completely content and satisfied.
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pagetsgirl · 5 months
contains smut!! mdni
warnings: smut, giving head, fucking your professor, office sex, shitty writing ngl
pairing: alex blake x f!reader (professor x student dynamic)
summary: Alex Blake's star student needs some tutoring, which turns rather spicy
a/n: dont be afraid to reach out to me if you have any prompt/drabble suggestions, but i’m not sure when i’ll get to them since im really busy with school
read on ao3 or below the cut
For the entire year you’ve been nothing but the most perfect student. You got full marks, was never late, always turned assignments in on time, and you were actually nice to anyone who sat around you in class.
So it came to you as a surprise, when in your second year, your linguistics professor, dr. Alex Blake, told you that you might need some tutoring, so you could get ahead of everyone else in class. You had her last year as well, and to say you had a crush on her was an mild understatement. So to spend more one-on-one time with her… it was an offer too good to say no to.
It quickly became your favourite part of the week. Every Friday evening at 6:50pm, just after your last class, walking towards her office so you’d be there 7:00pm, and then leave with pain in your heart at 8:30pm, while every bone in your body was shouting at you to chat with her for just a little longer. Your ears dying to hear her voice just one more time before going to bed, your eyes wanting to look at her once more, your hands wanting to roam over her body, discovering every curve and freckle on her delicate skin.
This Friday was no different. Almost speeding down the corridors so you could get to her office a little early, so that you two could catch up just a little more before starting the tutoring.
Arriving there at 6:55, which is a record, you knocked at her door, waiting for her approval of coming inside.
“It’s open!” Her slightly raspy voice sounded muffled from where you were standing. But even that could make your knees weak. The things she would whisper in almost the same tone, just a tat more sulkier, as her hands roamed over your body, her strap made hard thrusts into your-
“Are you coming inside or not?” A voice shook you out of your daydream, as Alex Blake stood there in her doorframe, looking down at you.
“Oh yeah, uhm of course,” You franticly speak out, putting your entire linguistics education to shame.
You followed her inside, your eyes focused on her ass, I mean her walls filled with interesting books you couldn’t wait to dive into (same goes for her ass, but that’s just a tat… inappropriate).
The rest of the lesson went smoothly, as you put your feelings on the side line, and fully focussed on the things she was explaining to you.
The last couple of minutes you get a little side tracked, now talking about your hobbies, as her hand brushed past hers as you were explaining how sharks can’t get cavities and some sharks can glow in the dark.
When it finally gets to the time where you should leave, she walks you to the door. As you turn your back towards her, you hear her say; “You think I didn’t notice you staring at my ass and boobs all semester?”
Your face turns a bright red, as you slowly turn around. “Fuck,” You mutter under your breath. She walks closer, and closer to you, her hands eventually landing on her hips.
She looked down at you, her eyes filled with something that almost looked like… lust?
“Professor,” You mutter out, your hands still awkwardly on your sides. “Tell me you don’t want this, baby,” She whispers, her hot breath brushing over your ear as she moves closer to you.
“Please, I want this,” You whisper out, your voice raspy from desperation.
“Good, then it’s Alex or mommy for you, pretty girl,”
Just as those words left her lips, she pushed them on yours, absolutely taking your breath away. It was soft, but she was also so dominating. It was everything you’ve ever dreamt of, and more. Way, and way more.
Alex pushed you backwards until she has you pinned to the door, her hands now roaming close to the bottom of your sweater. Your hands moving to tangle into her brown hair that was framing her face. “You sure you want to do this, baby?” The professor said as she pulled away.
You desperately nod your head, as your hands attempt to pull her face closer again.
“No, darling, I have to have vocal consent,” her hands played with the bottom of your shirt. “I- please, Alex, I need you so bad, please mommy,” The moment she heard that last word leave your lips, she pushed her lips to yours again, sliding her tongue into your mouth, exploring every single centimetre that she could reach. Her hands slipped into your sweater, discovering every curve until she reached your breasts.
Her lips travelled south, softly biting your neck. “Gosh, you’re so gorgeous for me, baby,” her voice radiated a warmth through you, that ended up all the way into your pussy.
She bit into your skin, making you let out a soft moan. “Please, mommy, I need more,” You pant out, your hands pushing her head down. “Shhh baby, I’ll get there, I promise,”
Her teasing didn’t seem to end, leaving a countless amount of hickeys and bite marks all over your neck.
Finally, after what seemed both hours and seconds, her hands grasped onto the sweater. “Can I take this off?” The brunette looked into your half closed eyes, her eyes filled with nothing but love and need. “Yeah, please,” the words came harder than you ever could’ve expected.
Finally, she took off your shirt. She stood there, allowing herself to take in this moment, cause who knows when the next time will be when she can see you like this (which will most likely be next Friday, if not sooner).
Your needy hands pulled onto the rim of her shirt. “Off,” you murmured. All Alex just did was grant you a smile and the little nod that allowed you to pull the shirt over her head. Your eyes scanned over her body, desperate to remember absolutely everything about her. Every freckle, curve and ‘imperfection’ that was scattered over her skin.
“You done staring, baby?”
“Mm, you’re really pretty,” you whisper, as your hands wander over her exposed skin.
“Oh, well thank you baby.” She kissed the tip of your nose, making you let out a small giggle. “I think you’re really pretty as well.”
Her hands slide towards your ass, “Take them off, please,” You practically beg.
“Your wish is my command,”
She quickly pulled down your trousers and underwear, throwing it somewhere on the floor. The linguist picked you up with ease and carried you to her desk, where she put you on.
The brunette immediately dove into your pussy, eating you eat like it was your last meal. Her tongue lapping up your juices.
It was just embarrassing as to how close you already were. Your thighs were shaking, you back arching and your hands pushing her head impossibly closer to where you needed her the most. “Mommy, I’m so close, please,” You moan out.
“Are you coming inside or not?” A voice shook you out of your daydream, as Alex Blake stood there in her doorframe, looking down at you.
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rreskk · 1 year
Trevor and his s/o in his truck to go back home but she can't stop teasing him. They finished by fucking in his car
---A/N: Aaaannnnndddd another one bites the dust! Sorry if it lacks clarity, I've been studying for exams LMFAO
Summary: Road trip turns into a sexual road break? Yes, AND YES.
TW: Smut
“Staying over at mine tonight?” Trevor asked as he drove through the nightly streams of stars and clouds.
“Yeah, sure. Why?”
He subtly sent you a grin that answered your question without words. He spoke anyway.
“I don’t wanna feel lonely.”
You squinted your eyes, “Is that all?”
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“Well, I’m very excited.” You chimed.
He lets out a hungry groan, enjoying this encounter, “Oh yeah?”
Trevor, in the heat of the moment, leaned towards your face, his lips softly mounting your soft jaw before he was whipped away when the car swerved out of his control. You chuckled.
“Eyes on the road,” Patting down his thigh to calm his discontent stiffness; he’d twitch and caught your ongoing attention, “As much as you plead for it… Good things come to those who wait.”
Trevor’s eyebrows crossed at your metaphorical whisper.
“Are you playing tricks on me?”
“I hope not.” You smirked.
He was devastatingly desperate. While gripping the steering wheel further, his bulge strained and throbbed- instantly feeling discomfort, especially when you resist any temptation.
“Please.” Trevor whimpered, “Please just help me.”
“Eyes on the road.” You’d repeat.
“It’s hurting me.”
“…Eyes on the roa-“
“MY EYES ARE ON THE ROAD!” The man yelped in vexation. His lips quivered, focus struggling to comply as he could only think of you relieving his sudden pain.
It was reckless, you’d think, but he’s so hopeless. You pitied him whenever his mouth yearned a noise of cope and twine. His tone growing higher despite his usual low and masculine take. It was oddly entertaining.
“I can’t handle this shit, [Y/n]. I’m begging! Just touch me, suck me, fuck me in a cup! Do anything!”
Trevor panted, “I can’t drive like this.” The truck came to a stop and he was pathetically antsy in his seat. Groping his hips against the wheel, he glanced at you with mere embarrassment; unable to control his discipline and lust.
“Help me, [Y/n]. I can’t wait no more.”
If you’d have compassion for his unprejudiced sexual desires, you’d react ages ago. However, Trevor’s fun had seized faster than you’d expect. You’d know he was called the ‘one pump chump’ for a reason but hadn’t of realised how quickly he can become frail and needy, proving the nickname to be accurate. No other solutions could make this amusement longer for you; so you had to act.
One hand exposing his cock, the other pasturing his reddened tip that ached pre-cum. He heaved.
“Shhh,” You purred, “Slow down.”
“Hmm’no, I can’t- I want you to help, please.”
“Oh, Trevor.” You grinned.
He was fazed by your interest and offered free room on his lap. The gesture made you assert eye contact, fighting dominance… He began imploring your body with his mind games. The glimpsing brown iris manipulated you into exacting him as your personal seat, slowly suffocating his boner with your weight. Trevor choked for more.
“Trevor…” His untamed fingers unclothed your lower stomach, underwear being pulled to your thighs as he’d rumble at the sight of your pussy. Like a predator and prey, you sacredly waited for the moment he got comfortable. And with that, you cradled the desperate cock with your sex, smothering and loving the enjoyment that fell from Trevor’s mouth.
“O-Oh, my gooddd…” He praised, “Yes, fuckin’ yes. Baby!”
Shakingly breathing while staring at Trevor’s ecstatic face, it motivated you into experimenting with timing. He was swaying his hips against yours, fantasizing with his head high when you’d stop and grind harshly. His eyes fell wide open, pupils dilated and mouth seething with drool.
“Trevor-“ You moaned.
You sat on him and created friction as you’d circulate your hips instead of jumping up and down onto his cock. It grew more effective and pleasing.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I love you! Oh myy-“ He wheezed, “O-Oh my GOD!”
Trevor’s fingers found itself on your waist. He held onto you, deprived and ruined by your erratic paces; declining his orgasm and making him cry gratifying tears.
“Please! Let me- Oh my god, [Y/n], I love you!”
“Trevor,” Slowly zoning out from energy, one last thrust and he exploited himself right inside you, his cock finally finding the relief that’s been bothering him all car journey.
“O-Ooohh! And I see the void! FUCK!”
When the curdle of warmly sensations settled in your lower stomach; it was evenly as pleasurable as a warm bath on a snowy day, or a ice cold water during a hot evening. Trevor’s sweaty face collapsed back into his chair and he looked up at you, his eyes making you lose control completely and squirting all over his lap. It was euphoric. He hurried forward and buried his nose in your naked neck, embracing the orgasm you were facing.
“So, so fuckin’ good baby.” He whispered.
“Oh my god…” You cried
He stroked the back of your hair, cradling your exhausted body. The desert air growing cold, his body temperature welcomed you into his warmth, exiling the chilliness that has become since you and Trevor’s scandalous break from the road…
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
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you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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ao3feed-superbat · 5 months
Cartoony Kisses
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XN4vZpV by PartyPirate Clark was kryptonian and being such meant he had invulnerable skin. He couldn’t be stabbed, shot or even scuffed. Which Roa, was a blessing most days and nights when he knew he was always protected and could even shield others from blasts, bombs, bullets, or even knives. Words: 2316, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Relationships: SuperBat - Relationship, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent/Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent, idk man, I just got here, Cartoony kisses, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/XN4vZpV
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
i think nrvnqsr and roa should fuck nasty. as a treat. nrvnqsr's pussy IS toothy btw
I have never been more intrigued by a request before
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yukio369 · 2 years
It's never too late?!
Chapter 4
You are in a toxic relationship with Bucky. He is overprtecting, you are not allowed to meet ohter men and he just takes advantage of you. - also sexual -
But when you meet your Ex things are about to change.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of violence, tendencies of smut, Bucky is a dick, angst
English is not my first language so please be gentle with me if there are any mistakes aacording to spelling or grammar.
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As Bucky arrives at the tower he glances into his cars mirror. He does look beaten up. Perfect.
He climbs out of his car holding his ribcage. He has definitely been harm quite bad. But with a little rest and the serum he will be ok in a day or two.
But now he has to focus on his mission.
Playing a little drama he slowly walked to the elevator. The team would probably be in the main living room at this time.
As the elevator doors open he rests himself against he wall coughing hard and tries to look extra harmed.
Steve was the first to notice. He had been in the kitchen and was on his way to the rest of the group.
The glas of water falls to the ground and shatters.
Appruptly the other Avengers turn around to see what is going on.
Bucky slowly tries to walk towards them. Stumbling a little. As he does Steve reaches out to carefull steady his best friend.
"What happend to you, mate?", he asks curiously. It has been a while since Bucky had came home all beaten up. To tell the truth. He had not been that harmed since the incident with the prince of Wakanda.
Bucky coughes again before he speaks, his voice weak and rough.
"Loki... Loki got her.. he got y/n.."
The super soldier's speech is interrupted by Natasha and Wanda screaming your name in unison: "y/n?"
"Yes", Bucky nods slowly, "since she had not been at your meeting and I had not heard of her I started to search her... I was able to get her location and was about to got to her as I left.
But then...
I come to this house.
It was all dark and as I tried to sneak inside he just attacked me.
I has no chance to react or to speak to him.
But I was able to see y/n. She looked scared and was chained. I...I...
I had no chance against him. I had no chance of getting to her."
He says lowering his head theatrically hoping the other wouldn't ask to many questions.
"But how did you find her", he hears the red haired assassin ask. Of course she had to be sceptical.
"Haven't you listened?", Steve asks in disbelief, "Loki has kidnapped y/n!! We've got to get her back!"
"But why would he do so?", Tony asks.
"I truly do not know ", Bucky whispers trying to sound like he would be in grief.
Wanda interrupts the upcoming discussion much to Bucky's favor: "right now all of this does not matter. He has y/n. And she seems to be in danger. We have to get her out of this and she will explain what has happened. Bucky where is she? We have to come up with a plan!"
Bucky gives them the adress before Sam helps him to get to the medical centre.
Everything works perfectly.
He just has to make sure that you do not tell them the truth when they get to you. Or the has to make them not believe.
"Loki?" Tony asks still not sure whether he can believe.
"Maybe", Steve shrugs. "He loved her and it did not end well."
"And it would not be the first time he does what he wants", Bruce added carefully.
"Come on. ", Wanda interrupts. "We can think later about why Loki did this."
Tony clears his throat: "So... this is the house Buucky told us about. It is a suburban region and is surrounded by a little forest. Only one roa to get in and out."
"As Bucky told, sneaking inside will not work.", Steve explained.
"But Loki is a powerful enemy. A direct attack will lead to much damage.", Natasha ads.
"What about entering from obove?", Wanda asks.
"We would have to make sure he could not escape through the forest.", Bruce mentioned.
"OK...Sam, Wanda, Vision, Clint and I will be in the forest. Loki will definitely try to escape. He is not crazy enough to fight all of us. Bruce, Steve and Strange, you are going to keep him busy and you", Tony points at Natasha, "You, will take her out. The rest will ensure that the two of you can get away."
"Won't work.", the sorcerer supreme sights. He had not said a word and just listened. 'till now. "Loki's magic is very powerful. Don't take it personal, Banner, Rogers, you would just be im my way. Wanda and I are the only who can keep up with him if he truly is as crazy as Barnes told."
"'Kay", Tony murmurs. He doesn't like it when Stephen wants to chance his plans. Especially when his ideas are better. But now he has to concentrate on getting you back so he swallows his pride and goes for the sorcerer's plan: "Bruce and Steve you will help in the forest. Wanda you help Strange."
"I will get her", a voice announces from behind.
Bucky leans against the wall. "And thank you for your help, guys.", he ads quickly hoping that none of the others would destroy his masterplan.
"Sure, bud", Tony agrees patting the soldier's shoulder, " she is your girl. You should get her."
"So..." Steve interrupts the awkward moment of silence where everybody silently questions what is going on, "it's gonna be a hard mission and we should all rest. See you all at 9 am sharp."
Every one leavs the room trying to prepare for the upcoming mission.
Stephen hurries after Natasha and catches her as they are out of reach for the other to notice. "You do as well believe that what the super soldier told isn't the truth, do you?", he asks seriously.
The widows eyes widen.
"I don't believe him", she finally admits waiting for the man's response.
"Hmh...", he begins still trying to get what of the things he had just heard were true, "You better try to get y/n before him. This is the only way to find out the truth.", he warms and ads murmuring while turning to leave the stunned assassin: "I do not want to get y/n hurt."
As all other Avangers are gone Steve gently rests his hand at his best friends shoulder: "do not worry. We will get her back and everything will be fine.", he tries to encourage Bucky who just gives him a half hearted smile before he leaves to get to his room.
Grinning in the air he whispers: "everything is going exactly to the plan."
Hearing birds from the garden you slowly wake up. You blink against the daylight and try to figure out where you are as you recognise two strong arms wrapped around your middle.
At first you wanted to run but as you take a deep breath you know it. It is not Bucky who lays behind you it is Loki. You would recognise his smell everywhere.
So you relax in his embrace. Finally able to come up with what has happened yesterday and you start to smile. Eventually, there is a little tear of joy running down your cheek as you notice something unfamiliar.
As you are laying tightly against your new boyfriend's body you can feel every single of his toned muscles. EVERY muscle.
So you also do feel the one pressing against you back.
Loki wouldn't? Would he? He never had in your previous relationship?
You are ripped out of your thoughts as he moves slightly in his sleep. His head nuzzling inside the crotch of you neck and his hips gently pushing against your but.
It is unmistakable. He has a morning eraction.
You feel the discomfort creeping inside you.
Would can you do?
If you move he will wake up and will probably be ashamed.
Trying to get back to sleep is not an option neither. The distraction is way to big.
You could...
No. Definitely not. You became a couple just hours before. You should not think that way.
You decide to relax as far as possible and at least pretend to be asleep when he wakes up.
You sigh defeated.
And then. Loki hums and pushes his hips against you again and you can't help but blush as you feel a long forgotten warmth creeping through your body.
You are so lost in your feelings that you have not noticed that Loki has woken up.
It only takes him seconds to see what he did sleeping.
He literally jumped out of bed and held his hands infront of the more then visible bugle in his pants.
You yelp at the loss of contact and turn around to see a shoked and scared Loki.
"I.. I never meant to... I am so sorry...so terribly sorry. ", he finally is able to get out. His cheeks and ears are deep red.
"You...I.. Ehm...I mean...you know...of course...so...eh.", you find yourself speechless. His disshelfed and flustered look. The way he has hold you safe in his arms. The way he just makes you feel. It was all to much.
"I did not want to scare you.", he nearly whispers not able to look into your confused eyes any longer.
As he slowly backed away your heart overpowers your brain and takes control of your body.
You climb out of the bed and approache him never turning your gaze away from his face.
Right in front of him you stop. Loki is still avoiding your eyes.
Trying to comfort him you slowly place one hand on his strong chest. The other cups his face gently and pulls his head to face you.
"You do not have to be sorry. I was not scared."
Loki swallows harshly searching your eyes just to see that you speak the truth. Your smile is soft and your eyes are filled with adoration... and something he can't deziffer right now.
You lightly bite your lower lip before you pull Loki into a kiss.
It is soft at first but turns more and more passionate as the warmth inside you takes over your whole body.
Just as you want to push your tunge into his mouth he breaks the kiss.
He gently cups your face before he rests his forehead against yours. The sights heavily before he speaks: " As much as I'd love to continue this, y/n, I think we should wait. I... I want to make the first time special. "
You can't help but smile at his caring side. You love this man.
You pull him into another kiss. This time a soft and loving one.
As you break the kiss shortly after you whisper: "I love you, Loki."
Loki lets out the breath he had not known he was holding. He was truly enamoured by you.
"And I love you. ", he answers smilingly before he placed a kiss onto of your forehead.
Both of you could have spent eternity into each others embrace but you are harshly interrupted by your stomach rumbling.
Your cheeks turn red immediately. But as you hear Loki chuckle you can relax into his strong chest again.
"I would suggest we get some breakfast ", he said unable to hide his grin and the sparkle in his eyes.
It is nearly half past nine as you finish breakfast.
Loki who just sat in silent watching you eat clears his throat: " Well... how do you feel?"
As you lift your eyes to meet his he blushes slightly. Still ashamed of what he did in sleep.
"Hmmm...", you begin, "I think I am good. I mean I have not been good for quite a while so I should probably say that I feel great. It is still hard to process but I think I finally start to realise that my life changes completely now. And that this is something very positive. It is like a new start... and I own this all to you." You finish smiling brightly.
He can not help but fall in love with you even more seeing you that happy. He smiles back and says: "That sounds great. And if you allow I will help you to create your new life?"
"Loki,", you chuckle: "I have told you that I love you and that I want to be in a relationship. I am staying true to my word. Not just because you saved me and I owe you so much that I possibly never can make this up to you. No. I truly love you. And I want to get to know you better since you have possibly changed in the last years."
"I love you too, darling.", he confesses to you, "and you owe me nothing. You have probably saved me just the same as I have saved you. You just did not notice."
He takes a deep breath: "I was lost in a world without you. Yeah, maybe I got closer to my family. But I always questioned the meaning of my existence. Especially after my father revealed to me that I was born in Jouthunheim as the son of King Laufey. I questioned so many things when I was lost without you. Now I know that I should have kept you close and that we could have faced this together. That we could be a family up to now. And that you..." he chokes on his own words feeling guilty for what has happened to you.
"Loki...", you place your hand on his cheek gently, "It is not your fault. And it is the past. Let us look into the future, our future. Please." You to felt not strong enough to keep talking about what has happened.
Loki nods holding out his hands to take you into his arms and onto his lap. "Do you want to tell it to someone yet?", he asks excited by the thousand thoughts of your shared future, "I mean do you want your friends to know that we are a cupple now?"
You feel the butterflies in your stomach. But then you realise and look at Loki with horror. "We have to tell them as fast as possible, Lo.", his old nickname falling easily from your lips, "We do not know what Bucky has told them."
Loki's eyes widen in concern. He had not thought about the consequences of letting Bucky get away. And the feeling that something terrible was about to happen creeps inside his head.
A mere second later you can feel something. "Loki...", your voice shaking with fear, "there...there."
"There is someone outside.", he finishes your sentence standing up and his hands start to be surrounded by his magic.
You both look at each other. Knowing there is a hard fight about to start.
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bitter-limelight · 2 years
Anne framed Marius and Armand as a love story and those squeamish fans need to accept it. It's fantasy. These anti-Marius posts also hold no ground when one visits the author's blog and they have either smut fics/sexy art about Armand posted, which I'm fine with but...it's okay when they sexualize Armand, but not Marius or Anne herself? This place becomes tiresome so fast.
An excellant point. I've said to friends before, fans will infantalize Armand a lot more than Marius ever did.
Hot take- he says Armand has the ignorant soul of a child in RoA because he knows Armand knows better, not because he actually still wants to see Armand as a child. It's an cutting remark because Armand does in fact know better.
I have legit seen people say that Anne wrote them as a cautionary tale or suggest that Anne insinuated Marius is a monster more than any of them are monsters and none of it holds water to me.
If the relationship makes you uncomfortable that's valid. But then you should...not interact with it because in canon Marius and Armand are in love and are a consensual romantic couple.
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cherrysoulth · 2 years
In The City - Chapter 1:
The One Who Protects
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🏢 Let me take you for a drive. 🏢
💕Pairing: Jimin x Reader 
✏️Genre/au: Non-Canon, Action, Smut, Sci-fi, Supernatural world AU
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 3316
⚠️Chapter warnings: tasers, knives, social toxic masculinity consequences
<<<𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2 >>>
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Jimin steps out of the car with that majestic elegance of his, only his incógnito attire making his cues invisible to the rest of the mortals walking the street at this time of the night. He makes his way to your door and opens it for you, putting his arm around your shoulder, locking his car to walk with you.
The night belongs to you two. In the darkness, you are nobody, very rarely recognized. In the shadows, you can be whoever you want and do whatever you desire to fulfill in your freedom. 
The road is always yours and yours alone. The feeling of the wheels brushing over the hard asphalt at a measured high-speed, making up for how the nights are planned. Every place where your feet touch the ground has bodyguards in disguise. At this point, neither Namjoon nor the company are worried about Jimin's safety when you are out because you have it all under control. 
This time though, once you walk inside the movie theatre, the security guard who was supposed to pass you the tickets for the movie comes to you calmly, and with a single whisper you know the night is already over. Jimin's hand at your back guides you to turn around, leading you back outside. 
You are soon aware that with this one guard, another two quickly follow from a prudential distance, and once Jimin sits in the driver's seat, they run to their car. He was fast to get the engine on and drive out of the lot; much so, that he didn't notice the other car wasn't following.
The phone inside your purse sings its catchy tune, absorbing your attention away from the road and when you check it the screen shows Sewoo-nim's entrance call. With the respective courtesies, you ask him why you can't see them driving behind. 
"Our wheels have been ripped. Someone knew we were here." You try to keep calm to not alert the man at your side, who shows enough distress in the way he drives, to be worrying about what might or might not be happening. To your silence the guard keeps talking, "There was a break-in at the old apartment where the receptionist and other employees are staying. No robbery, no damage done, but someone left a note. A very specific one..." he hesitates in revealing the details.
"Skip that, I don't think I wanna know. What else?" You notice Jimin tilting his head to you and you point at the road for him to focus on driving. He obeys. 
"It's a death threat, Reyna." For some reason, it doesn't shock you but for how things are going, the situation feels way more worrying than just a simple threat. "You know with how the situation is–"
"I know," you interrupt him. 
"We've already called the next checkpoint to find you on the road but there seems to be a traffic issue, so I'll advise you to just keep going until you get to BigHit. We can't have you on the road unprotected now," he explains with urgency. "God, I wish I had hopped in your car, I could make sure you guys are ok." 
"Don't worry, I got this," you tell him. Jimin looks in your direction once more and you tilt your head to look at him. "Eyes on the road, please, Jimin-ah." Again he doesn't  argue. 
"What do you mean?" the guard questions with intrigue.
"You know what I mean. See you later." After the reply, you hang up, unwilling to hear further questions. Without hesitation, you check under your seat to find exactly what you are looking for and take out the bag that is hidden there. You remove a device from its velvety depths and turn it on, hearing the crackling sound of electricity as a blue spark dances in front of you.
"What the fuck is that?" Jimin questions, looking at you for a second then back to the road, about to turn at the next street. 
"Don't. We gotta go to BigHit," you tell him and he raises the speed again.
"I've asked you something, Reyna," he points out, eyes on the road as he twists and turns, overtaking the other cars. 
"A  taser gun. Like you haven't seen them before," you scoff, turning the thing off.
"Yeah, I've seen them. But, why is this thing in my car, under your seat?" 
"Jimin. I'm a security guard for the government. What did you think I was wearing, water guns?" you say sarcastically, the tension of the moment and its personal weight paying no favours.
"Don't mock me," he frowns, eyes darting your way for a second then back to the road. The truth is he doesn't want to think about your job, he doesn't like how it's escalated because it means that you can be in danger. So he, by norm, ignores the nature of the deeds you are asked to fulfill. 
Being a bodyguard is your job and your passion. When you met, it was already your job but it was in a far less dangerous position. To him, worryings started soon after but he always thought that asking you to stay in less exposing positions was like depriving you from advancing in a career that you excelled at.  Nothing has ever happened to you, not even minor injuries and it's not only that which tells him you are good at your job because moving from a company position to the government being a female is definitely a feat. He is just not aware of how well. What he can't imagine is that the company has given you the weapon to protect him.
You are with him on times his guards aren't and it is an advantage they can't dismiss. Once again.
When you were still in close protection training doing your practice time at the BigHit building, you and Jimin started to go on dates in secret and it didn't take long for Namjoon to figure that out. When he confronted Jimin about it, the way he saw his eyes sparkled, although the difficult times made him look the other way; with the one condition of being discreet and letting him know where you were. 
The moment you refused Mina's (the Human Resources worker) offer to become a BTS personal bodyguard, despite the obvious friendship between you, Jimin and Namjoon, she found it suspicious. 
As soon as she figured out what was going on, she called you to her office. The moment she started asking random questions about your workplace for things that she already had knowledge of and then questions alluding to your feelings in it, you sensed something was off. Then, when she brought up Jimin, all your alarms rang. 'That's it. I'm getting fired.' you thought with tears about to prick in your eyes. 
As it turned out, she just wanted to make sure that your relationship wasn't going to interfere with your job performance and that you two would be discreet. Jimin had told you a few hours later how a similar speech had been given to him. However, you received an email two days later for another meeting where things got a little tricky. 
She wasn't alone this time; Hitman Bang was there too. They suggested you should take the work that had been offered to you because it was a big opportunity to grow in your career, especially since the group was growing and so increased the responsibility. The moment they expressed a specific interest for you to become Jimin's personal guard, you were speechless.
"Reyna-ssi, I know that's a step further into your personal life, but if you think about it, you're already around him anyway, and being on the BTS security staff will mean you're going to spend more hours a day with Jimin." They were selling it good but you weren't an idiot blind to the possible problems that mixing job and love life could mean. Still, you listened. "We thought it would be profitable for both sides if you'd accept to look after him. With that, and having in mind what I've told you, we've decided, in case you accept, that your formal hours would be the same as the rest of the guards and you'll get paid extra for the rest of the hours you spend with Jimin." As he explained, it took you just a second to realise all what that meant for you.
"The money is not what worries me. The offer sounds reasonable and it does seem like a good opportunity for me. What worries me is how that can affect my personal life and relationship with Jimin. Because one thing is being a bodyguard and the other is being his personal guard, having to punch in every time we are together." 
"My apologies, Reyna-ssi, I meant you'll get paid an extra amount having in mind that you'll spend more time with him than the rest of the guards and that he'll be under your protection whilst you meet up. That part you already know and I'm sure that you've already weighed the fact that you're dating an idol. What you do in your private life is nobody's business but yours, but the company needs to know where you two are at least," he concluded.
"That reminds me I haven't formally apologised, Bang PD-nim, for the inconveniences that our road trips might have caused," you said and bowed, aware of the times Jimin had just ignored calls while with you. "But I must certainly–" you then realise that you've already been taking care of Jimin's safety, knowing that your dates could cause a security breach and out of your own concern. "I've made sure Jimin was safe." 
"We know," said Mina. "We were sure, knowing your habits, that it was the case. That's what gave us the idea when we knew about the dating."
"Now, if things don't work between you and Jimin," Hitman Bang said, trying to sound as impersonal as possible. "Then you can take back your previous position or we can assign you another job."
"That seems fair," you said, not really wanting to think about that possibility but understanding his point to bring it up.
The problems came when, later that day, you exposed the nature of the meeting to Jimin. Whilst he sounded excited to the prospect of having more time around you if you accepted to be in his team staff, the moment you mentioned your assignment to him, his smile banished. The quietness that followed although he tried to look normal was the calm before the storm in your eyes. 
A few days later, after your new position was established and you had been trained on the methods of teamwork besides your individuals, your first job came. 
It was pretty simple: accompany Jimin and Taehyung in disguise because they wanted to take a walk through one of the parks to unwind. There you saw the first dark cloud from the upcoming rain, he didn't flicker a lash in your direction. Later, the tension growing on Jimin, showed while he practiced dance routines on the stage. He seemed to lose fluidity as if he had two big sandbags hanging from his shoulders. His eyes kept on swinging to you as you patrolled, two abys of mixed feelings that pinned to you like a hawk, and Hobi had to call the practice off.
"Jimin-ssi, are you ok?" you asked him when he sat down.
"Yeah, I'm fine." he dismissed, as he dried the sweet on his nape. Then you passed him a water bottle and he smiled at you but you weren't buying it.
The way his eyes went lost in the distance soon after, with a stern face, told you something was off and when he abruptly told Namjoon that he was going out for a bit, you had your confirmation.
Namjoon gave you an unnecessary look of warning since you were already after Jimin with two guards, to check on him and Taehyung, who had followed suit to comfort his really tense soulmate. As always one of the guards, the one with a suit, was directly and visibly behind them. 
Then you and another one acted as a couple enjoying the leisure, but your eyes were always back and forth on your subjects.Then Jimin sat down and you two had to do some rounds through the park while chatting. This time it was Jimin who kept his eyes on you as you walked, the eye shadow giving him a fierce look on his serious demeanour. When you asked him later on, he blamed it on the tension before the concert and although you knew it was bullshit, you didn't press the matter. 
Things didn't go any further from that during the next couple of weeks. Until the tension was too much and you insisted on him to explain what was going on; not buying the excuse of the concerts anymore. You had been together for a year and your relationship had already been through a tour, yet he never acted like that. Finally, the real reason showed up in the socially established, male pride; he felt like he had to be the one to protect you, not the other way around. It ended up in an argument. Like the one that was now boiling up inside the car.
"Now the question is, why do you have that in my car?" he inquires, frowning. You can feel he is not only upset with the situation but with you too at this point. 
"To protect you," you say without a second thought.
"I don't want you to protect me, it's not your job," he complains and with your silence he wonders, "Is it?"
"No, it's not my job Jimin," you reply, his stubbornness tickling the wrong nerve.
"Then why is there a fucking weapon in my car?" he questions, pissed.
"Because I wanted to protect you." you reply sternly.
"Okay we're starting to bite our tails here," he comments with a frustrated tone.
"Okay, where's the problem with me protecting you now? We've talked about this, we trust in each other's qualities, so please don't tell me we're back to square one. I don't like square one," you reply concerned.
"We are not. But the problem is that you are supposed to be my girlfriend, not my bodyguard." You roll your eyes because it does seem like the argument you first had.
"I don't want to be your job. It's shitty enough that I can't go anywhere without two guards sticking to my back, to have the only person who I can relax with being part of that too. It makes me feel..." he explains but hesitates in his last words. "It sounds ridiculous...but it makes me feel lonely." 
The way he says that with a tired smile makes you want to hug him and not let go but you're still in the car and you do have a job to do.
"Tell me I'm not your job," he says as soon as you see the destination through the windshield. 
"Is that what worried you in the beginning?" you ask him, defeated, he gives a slight nod. 
"That and you getting hurt. You getting hurt worries me more," he exposes.
"Jimin, I never thought of you as my job. It's something I would have done without getting paid. Getting hurt might be concerning but protecting you, protecting others, is part of what I am. I thought you knew that," you explain, feeling hurt.
"I know...and I know you're careful too. At the same time... It's just. It tormented me for a long time," he explains. "I felt like the company had control over everything in my life and it was something that stuck… I even thought that they had set me up with you," he adds. That's something he's never told you. "You were too good to be true. I even thought you weren't really a guard until I saw you work. You know there's people whose job is to act like they are someone's partner, like some sort of actress or actor." 
"I do." 
"Well, I– that's what I thought you were," he concludes. "And when I think about it I know I was being paranoid, right? I mean, your skills showed up pretty quickly when we were in America. I actually started admiring you at another level but when it comes to us being together... You having the job to protect me makes me feel like that." 
"Rest assured that I protect you because I love and care about you not because I've been asked," you tell him. And he just thanks you and nods, looking at you for a second as he enters the parking lot.
"Wait," he says to you as he parks and you're about to jump out. When you turn around he puts his hand on your chin and slowly moves towards your lips and you feel the warmth of his breath; inviting. Slowly, your lips meet and your right hand entwines with the hair on his nape making him purr slightly as you taste each other. His lips travel to one corner of your lips and down your jaw to your throat. There he smirks when you swallow with a shaky breath and moves away.
"That's what I thought," he chuckles. So low you're not sure you've heard him right. As you get out of the car, the management security receives you and escorts you to another car that drives you to the dorm.
Before you are able to step a foot outside the car, and while Jimin walks out secured by another guard, the management tells you to wait. "Carry this with you everywhere now," he orders, handing you another taser gun and a knife. "I would advise you to convince him to stay in as much as possible, not that you don't know how it works, but this time seems even more serious than before." You take the taser and place it in the inside pocket of your jacket, then put the knife in your boot. "We'll do our jobs with the police from here," he explains before dismissing you and you walk out.
Inside, the apartment is lightened and the members are waiting on the couch. Faces with relief drawn on them as soon as they gaze at you and they approach Jimin to make sure he is unharmed. 
"I'm ok. Nothing to worry about," he points out. 
"Reyna, you're staying right?" asks Namjoon. "The building is full of guards, you don't really need me, but I'd like to stay, yes." 
"Let's go. I'm tired," says Jimin, guiding you by the waist. By how his face looks, compared to how the date started, it's like you've been out for hours and not just the measly one and a half. 
Since he doesn't share a room with Hobi anymore, now that Namjoon is married and has his own place two floors down, you've been able to stay more often.
The room is wide, with long windows that have a beautiful view of the city. There's a queen size bed in the middle of the room with grey sheets and a white duvet, that make it look like one big cloud over the dark grey fluffy carpet. The walls are also white withatching polished shelves full of plushies and manga figurines, plus other details he collects. On the wall above the bed there's threads placed in zigzag where he keeps his favourite polaroids and at the bedframe he keeps a silver necklace with an angel that you gifted him two months into the relationship, hanging at the edge, on the side where he sleeps. 
As you get inside the room, Jimin pulls you into a hug from behind and kisses your nape.
"This isn't as bad of a date either," he says while his lips land on your throat from the side and pushes you with his body towards the bed. 
"Jimin, the members are in the house. Awake." You try to stop the adventure you see coming.
"It is almost like the destiny of the universe. It is just how it is. You know I know. You are me, and I am you~" he sings with a soft voice as he turns you around softly, giving you a peck that transforms into lips playing with need.
You let the song play in your head as you fall over the bed and his lips trace your jawline; fully aware the date has just begun. 
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🏢 Ready to stay home? 🏢
I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Let me know your thoughts and reblog if you liked it. 😊 See you!
I want to thank @moonleeai for the beta of this work 💜
© 2021-2022 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Cartoony Kisses
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bTyYnAx by PartyPirate Clark was kryptonian and being such meant he had invulnerable skin. He couldn’t be stabbed, shot or even scuffed. Which Roa, was a blessing most days and nights when he knew he was always protected and could even shield others from blasts, bombs, bullets, or even knives. Words: 2316, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Relationships: SuperBat - Relationship, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent/Top Bruce Wayne, Bottom Clark Kent, idk man, I just got here, Cartoony kisses, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, How Do I Tag, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bTyYnAx
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kunlunroleplay · 6 years
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❃ Welcome to Alcazar ❃
Hidden beyond the mountains surrounded by a dark forest is a castle no mere human has ever gone before. Here, resides a mystical world of wolves, shamans, gumihos and hybrid kittens that are welcomed to unfurl their hearts to their deepest desires. Wolves and shamans alike own the world but they won’t lose without a fight. Gumihos and kittens are sold to the highest bidder, whomever would be so bold to pay their weight in gold. Shove away all of your inhibitions and trust that here
we don’t fall in love, we fall in lust.
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