#robi edits
reanimatedgh0ul · 3 months
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darkacademiablues · 6 months
Cillian Murphy & Margot Robbie for Variety’s Actors on Actors.
Blur - Girls & Boys edit. Thoughts?
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polylabs · 1 year
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super-into-on-it · 6 months
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Salma Badeh
for Purple Magazine | Sep 2023
shot by Robi Rodriguez
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robitherat · 2 years
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margot robbie at the palm springs international film awards
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taryfied · 2 years
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Robi is a dancer at Jerretta's cybergoth/punk-themed strip club. I wanted some wall art for the venue, so I made this edit of Robi and intend to make ones of the other dancers as well.
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yoursaintloss · 2 years
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How do I talk to a fourth grader about sex Ed? Are there books or an online resource for parents you recommend?
hi there, thank you for asking!
the book that I use to teach OWL classes is Robie Harris' It's Perfectly Normal; I strongly recommend getting ahold of the revised & updated edition from 2021, which is more inclusive and queer-friendly, but even the older edition is a pretty good starting place.
it can be a great way to start the conversation if the fourth grader in question hasn't approached you with their own questions about sex and bodies, which can be daunting for a lot of kids, especially if that hasn't historically been the vibe when you interact! they may not know a lot at that point, but most kids have definitely absorbed that sex is something that they're not supposed to talk about.
if they're feeling up to having a chat beyond the basics (anatomy, reproduction 101, changes that come with puberty, squiggly crush feelings, consent and no means no, etc), that's awesome! I find most kids in the 4th-6th grade range already have a lot more information about sex than most people expect; they just have it jumbled up and out of order and lack the tools to make sense of it. ie, I've had students who know about periods but are under the impression that they come out of the butt, understand that a baby grows inside of a person but have no clue how it gets out, and make jokes about someone getting ejaculated on because they know it's Inappropriate and therefore funny but don't actually have any idea what ejaculation actually is or why it happens.
so, you know. much to work on there!
honestly I think the #1 most important thing for any adult trying to be a good ally and educator to young people is to kill the urge to cringe literally ever at all about anything, because the second you make a kid feel weird for asking a question is the second they start hesitating to confide in you with their questions. I've had to poker face kids asking me why someone would ever put someone else's penis in their mouth, what a harem is, and kids very earnestly describing their first wet dreams without having any idea that they were describing wet dreams. there cannot be any "no," it's "yes, and" from here on it. "yes that sounds weird to you, and it's completely fine to do that with people you trust if and when you feel ready to have sex" has got to be the constant refrain. be as rigorously open-minded and non-judgmental as possible establishes that you are a safe person to talk to honestly, and encourages your kiddo to be similarly curious and accepting.
if you ever find yourself really flustered by a question, or you genuinely don't have an answer, it's okay to pull a "I don't know! let me find out more information and get back to you." (also great behavior to model for kids, btw.) if you're ever stumped trying to figure out how to break something down into 4th grader-sized chunks, I recommend Scarleteen as a starting place - it's a sex ed forum run by volunteers for teens, some of them pretty young, so the answers are written very accessibly.
easing into the topic by discussing things like feelings and puberty can be a great way to ease in. have they talked about puberty at school? are their friends having any bodily changes? how do people talk about bodies? do kids get made fun of for developing breasts or growing body hair? does anyone at school date? how does the kid you're talking with feel about all of that? I might just be blessed with unusually gossipy kids, but they LOVE dishing about how other kids act. I learn so so much about my students by asking them to tell me how their peers behave at school; they love to narc.
also: it can be a huge bummer if YOU were really ready to rumble being sex positive and a source of info, but sometimes kids just aren't ready to engage with that. I've know 4th graders who are extremely at eases talking about the ins and outs of vaginal anatomy and 6th graders who would rather run away than even acknowledge genitals exist; there's no predicting when anyone will be comfortable with this. to a certain degree you might need to encourage a kid through initial awkwardness, but if they're reaching a point of serious distress and discomfort we've got to let it go. unfortunately I've taught kids who reacted to their parents' enthusiasm for sex positivity by wilting in exactly the opposite direction, getting anxious and confrontational whenever the topic came up. the majority of kids will become curious in their own time, especially as puberty and sexuality becomes more pressing to them and their peers, and sometimes the best thing you can do is leave that door open for them to return to in their own time.
also, hey! if you're ever really really stuck, I'm here on tumblr dot com :) I'm by now means an expert, but I've taught a LOT of fourth graders what a condom is.
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reanimatedgh0ul · 2 months
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polylabs · 1 year
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super-into-on-it · 6 months
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Celeste Romero
for Double Magazine | March 2021
shot by Robi Rodriguez
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robitherat · 2 years
Tim has Jays old Dsi, comple with a few dozen games. He's played each game on there at least once just to see what were on the saves.
I always hc Tim as very technology inept so like the idea of him loading a save and being like. I have no fucking clue what's happening but Jay liked this so by god I will learn. like he never gets super into any of the games or anything, but it definitely helps him feel closer to Jay, in a sense. He even gets kind of okay at some of them.
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daszrademotylku · 4 months
UPDATE 22.02.2024
Dzisiaj poszłam do szkoły trochę zestresowana,bo miałam odpowiadać z lektury,której nie przeczytałam. Na 1 lekcji był wf,był hokej i oczywiście musiałam być w drużynie z tą moją „przyjaciółką” (ona zawsze jest najmądrzejsza we wszystkim,a podczas gry w hokeja stoi w miejscu i nic nie robi). Była ona na początku na bramce no,bo skoro prawie się nie rusza,to co ma robić. Potem wkurzyło mnie to,że ona chciała jakby wepchnąć mnie na bramkę,gdzie ja dosłownie słabo bronię i do tego się tam nie nadaje,bo staram się biegać za tym krążkiem w przeciwieństwie do niej. Oczywiście,że się nie zgodziłam i w końcu kilka innych osób poszło na bramkę.Potem znowu na przerwach prawie się do mnie nie odzywała (ale,teraz szczerze mam ją w dupie).Na jednej z przerw podeszła do mnie z popcornem i dała mi go pod nos (dużo razy się do mnie porównywała i tak jakby zazdrościła mi figury) a ja powiedziałam do niej takie „nie chce”.Ona oczywiście zjadła go dużo.I wiem,że to zabrzmi wrednie,ale poczułam się taka lepsza od niej.Na angielskim oczywiście była praca domowa,która była zadana wtedy,gdy nie było mnie w szkole. Dostałam bz.
Z lektury babka mnie trochę zapytała i dała mi 5,bo coś tam dobrze powiedziałam. Na wychowawczej były no takie jakby eliminacje do turnieju warcabowego i ja się dostałam,a ta moja „przyjaciółka” (o ile kiedykolwiek nią była) się nie dostała. Jej mina zazdrości była bezcenna. Wróciłam do domu w dosyć dobrym humorze. Już nmg się doczekać piątku,bo wtedy znowu będą te jakby eliminacje do turnieju warcabowego,tylko,że takie bardziej ważniejsze.
edit: zapomniałam jeszcze dopisać,że babka na historii zrobiła mi zaległą kartkówkę,a ja o niej zapomniałam i wgl się do niej nie uczyłam. Siedziałam z chłopakiem,z Ukrainy i babka poszła na chwilę,na zaplecze. A on zaczął mi podpowiadać trochę i nawet otworzył książkę na tym temacie co było pytanie z mojej kartkówki. Jestem mu mega wdzięczna. Jednak są jacyś dobrzy ludzie dla mnie.
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uwmspeccoll · 10 months
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Marbled Monday
This week's Marbled Monday is Knee Deep in the Atlantic, a collection of poems with contributions by Linda Parker, Robie Liscomb, Theodore Enslin, and Michael Tarachow. It was printed and sewn in 1981 at Pentagram Press in Markesan, Wisconsin, in a limited edition of 164 copies signed by the contributors.
The Irish Moss (Carrageenan) used for the marbling was gathered by Theodore Enslin near his home in Milbridge, Maine, and by Linda Parker, Robie Liscomb, and Michael Tarachow at Eastern Point, Massachusetts. The marbling itself was done by Liscomb and Tarachow and doesn't seem to be a particular pattern. The text is printed in handset Deepdene type, with Duchess titling, on mould-made Nideggen paper. The signed colophon illustration is by Bonnie Stillman of Markesan.
Michael Tarachow, the proprietor of Pentagram Press, was born and raised in Milwaukee, and for a time even worked in our library in the early 1970s!
View more Marbled Monday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Tonal Evidence (usa) 1991 Alternative Rock / Alternative Dance / Industrial / Synthpop / Experimental
Folks, I gotta say that I'm pretty beside myself with regards to this album; not because the music's bad—a lot of it's great!—but because I can't find almost any of these highlights on YouTube. And, I mean, we're talking London's Mute Records here, one of the biggest and most successful alternative labels in the world since its early 80s founding. You'd think every song in their catalogue would be up on YouTube by now, but apparently not. Either no one's uploaded any of this good music that's on this album or Mute practices in the dark art of copyright takedowns like nobody else's business. Either way, it's a shame that I can't make most of this stuff easily accessible to you all 😔.
That said, though, this early 90s compilation from Mute is really good. They're known for being on the forefront of alternative rock, alternative dance, industrial music, and synthpop, and with this US-tailored 1991 sampler of theirs, you get a nice taste of all of that stuff 😋.
Plus, a whole bunch of these songs were exclusives when they appeared on this album too. They may have popped up elsewhere since, but back in '91, if you purchased this CD, you were getting a sweet handful of rare goodies. And now that you can't find them anywhere to stream, I guess they're rare once again 😅. Funny how that works, eh?
Anyway, it doesn't always happen with late 80s and early 90s releases, because the music can feel a little bit primitive at times, but I think I'm more partial to the dance music that's on here than the alternative rock. Kris Weston, a guy who goes by Thrash, and who did other remixes for acts like Depeche Mode and U2 around this same time, does a sweet techno remix of Fortran 5's "Love Baby;" John Robie, a close associate of Arthur Baker, and who played synthesizers on Afrika Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force's "Planet Rock," delivers a wild, cold, and thick electro remix of Cabaret Voltaire's "Yashar;" and there's a dynamite radio mix of "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love," by Meat Beat Manifesto, one of the most important alt-electronic groups that's ever existed, and whose breakbeat stylings certainly served as an inspiration to the dawnings of trip hop, big beat, and drum n bass—all with an industrial edge too.
Plus, a shoegazey bit of early 90s indie pop from a Swedish band called Easy. They're actually still around after all these years, having released a brand new album just a few weeks ago. But this song, "Cloud Chamber," which is the second song off their 1990 debut album, Magic Seed, catches them in some of their very earliest days. Pleasant jangle-honking indie fare right there.
Awesome sampler with an eclectic slate that reflects all the different types of alternative music that Mute had its hand in shaping, but I've got almost no links to any of it 😞. Oh well.
Feel free to message me directly if you really wanna hear this album!
Fortran 5 - "Love Baby (Electropathy Mix)" Cabaret Voltaire - "Yashar (John Robie Mix)" Meat Beat Manifesto - "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love (Radio Mix)" Renegade Soundwave - "Biting My Nails (1990 Remix)" The Weathermen - "Freedom Or Slavery (Conclusive Edit)" Easy - "Cloud Chamber"
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