#robots will not replace us
strymes49 · 1 year
I don’t want to hear a single other person say “ai generation is great for inspiration”
Go outside. Look with your eyes. And dare I say, touch grass.
Art is so much more beautiful when a human can be inspired by the world around them. Not what a computer can do.
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i’m genuinely of the belief that the megamind sequel/tv show was meant to premiere on nickelodeon in like 2011 alongside their other spinoff shows, but then got shelved after the movie flopped financially and has been sitting around in some archive gathering dust until peacock decided to release it as “new content.”
like, can we just look at the visual evidence alone?
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he fits right in with this lineup. peacock, i’m onto you
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sealrock · 9 months
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tell me, what makes a human?
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 7 months
Are we gonna see you on Tumblr more often, since the ban for TikTok might be going out?
I really hate thinking about it but i suppose yes.
I think ill have to focus on posting to youtube i guess....since i can still make monetizable money over there....and ill probably have to push my patreon more-
Hey maybe ill be able to make designs for my redbubble and- work on Tiny Tails more hah....ah....
yeah.....work.......that'll distract me from such a volatile ban of freedom of speech......
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superbellsubways · 1 year
actually sick of all the fearmongering posts about how ai will eventually replace all forms of art when that wont be the case at all. art will never die. as long as humanity is still existing then Real art will always remain.
a certain website turning to shit doesn't mean its the end of the world for artists. there will always be alternatives, there will always be other places to grow a following on. don't let a couple websites turning to shit ruin your passion in art. Keep making things despite it all
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danafeelingsick · 2 months
Give him some soda, see how he reacts to that.
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not well, i assume
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balaurbondoc316 · 1 year
So I've Been Rotating Metal Sonic In My Head For Weeks
And I came up with something that's probably not the dumbest theory you've ever heard
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So is this anything???????
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tj-crochets · 4 months
Hey y'all if I am considering getting a toy robot of some kind to re-cover with a new plushie body so I can make a moving animatronic-y thing, do you have any recommendations for which one I should get? I'm looking for the intersection of "easy to cover" and "not very expensive" but the only robot toy things I can think of are furbies, tickle me elmo, and that robot spider that sprints at you when you scream
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gamebunny-advance · 8 months
Vs. DJ Subatomic Supernova Heaven Studio Mix (v 0.1)
So, I remade my original Vs. DJSS mix in Heaven Studio. Actually, I've been sitting on this for a while, but tumblr just didn't want to upload the video for whatever reason.
Since HS doesn't have every game from this mix in it yet, I had to do some substitutions. Of note, Sick Beats was replaced mostly by Fireworks and Launch Party and I had to change the last game, but the original "joke" is still intact.
I didn't do too much with the visuals (except the very last part), and the skill star is messed up, so I'm not going to release the playable version until I get all that fixed. I'd really like there to be some cleaner transitions between games, and maybe even do some custom graphics. We'll see if either happens.
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honeyplus · 28 days
i think jon likes to subscribe to the ideology of "second chances", especially since its like his dads whole thing but i think he starts to lose faith in it a little when clark is so hypocritical when it comes to damian and his second chances and then loses faith in it entirely when ultraman kidnaps him because they is no second chance for a man like that
ofc i dont think that makes him blind to human blunders. i think it makes him a lot harder on people with responsibilities and powers. a man shoplifts, jon believes he can rehabilitated because capitalism and all the shit but an alien who's entire purpose is to take over and kill? he's hurting that thing.
anyway here's my thousand word essay on why jon son of clark kent was fucking stupid and why are dc writers sleeping on what happened to jon kent
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#guys in jail cells#descendant of#family tree advertising to call for corroboration and support#when kidnapped or abducted call for rescue#do not disguise your identity if kidnapped or abducted unless you intend to hinder rescue efforts#👨‍🦼#impersonating the retarded#simlish speaking (!) level retardeds that are byproducts of time traveling criminals' wars with other time traveling criminals#strategy#planning#computational#complexity#algorithms#code#languages#block language for multiple names on different worlds#ignore physical reality#we already gave you data so you don't need to scan#you shouldn't scan for security reasons#you should fake data for security purposes#you shouldn't communicate with us because of our grand ultra wise super time traveler defeating strategy#impersonating prince william's robots#impersonating devices through multi-legged wormhole communications that make communications appear to originate from the impersonated#life support#life extension#branding the good as bad to encourage attacks and information interdiction and sensory replacement and or mind control deployment#fabrication of sensory replacement life support data described as intended to illustrate untrustworthiness#calling more and more and handing them fake until the last second files#claiming reality is a game and you only know the rules from their super unique time and it's not a crime to break sensible laws when unawar#serving other criminals' purposes by covering up evidence pertinent to trials they are involved in already prior to you becoming involved
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gynandromorph · 3 months
a while ago, i tried grammarly (didn't care for it) which makes suggestions for your writing, as in, whole sentences. i gave it a small part of the script of idletry and told it to keep writing the next sentence. eventually it told me it would not condone hateful and harmful text and wouldn't interact with it anymore at all. this is what it wrote, though (green bits are what i gave it):
Jessie (voice booming, somewhat demonic): keep your mic. I don't need it. [stepping off of the altar, malicious tone of voice] I actually wanted some answers from you. Samwich (eager to please): of course, Eternal One, by all means??? Jessie (rolling head and surveying the tall ceilings of the building): I guess I was just wondering. What's all this about? You don't really need a whole church to post on twiddler. Samwich (hesitant): Well, Eternal One, your teachings are about embracing the darkness within oneself and using it to gain power and control over others. It's about rising above the weak and ruling over them as a supreme being. It's about ultimate domination and control.
second attempt:
Samwich (nervously): It's not just about Twiddler, Eternal One. It's about spreading your message, your power, to as many people as possible. And having a physical space, a sanctuary if you will, helps to bring people together and strengthen their belief in you. Jessie (skeptical): And what teachings are those exactly? After asking Samwich about the exact teachings, Jessie narrows her eyes in suspicion and crosses her arms across her chest. She appears to be waiting for a satisfactory answer. Samwich: looks nervously at Jessie Um, well... according to the teachings of eternal domination and control, those who possess power should use it to control and dominate others. It is believed that this is necessary in order to maintain order and stability in society. Without a strong and dominant governing force, chaos and anarchy would prevail. Samwich: pauses for a moment, still looking worried But, I should note that this belief system is controversial and not universally accepted.
it felt so strange, it picked up that it was supposed to be an evil religion and themes of domination and control from just a few lines, but the characters had no voice at all... something it also didn't notice even though it was indicated in the text that i started with is that samwich is not nervous, but very enthusiastic. it noticed that Twiddler should be capitalized, even though i did not capitalize it in the text it was given. i still find it very funny that it called what it wrote itself hate speech.
if you want to compare it to what actually happens in the text:
Jessie (rolling head and surveying the tall ceilings of the building): I guess I was just wondering. What's all this about? You don't really need a whole church to post on Twiddler. Samwich: For worship!!! My Lord. [Jessie lowers her eyelids skeptically] to testify our adoration and devotion! [Jessie frowns. Devotion. Adoration. She thinks of the woman who adored her. The woman she devoted herself to.] Jessie: Devotion, huh? Just one day a week. Samwich (shyly): I pay my devotions every day, My Lord… Jessie (almost interrupting, as if she expected Samwich to say they do come here every single day): For how long? Samwich: A-as much as I can!! Hours and hours!!! I spend more time here than everywhere else combined! Jessie (not impressed, not genuine): Yeaahh, that's a significant amount of time… [Jessie has malevolent thoughts] …how devoted would you say you are? Samwich: —Completely!!! If you want me to spend more time, I can do it! I'd do anything for you!!! Jessie (approaching): Yeah? Anything at all? Samwich (unflinching): LITERALLY anything! Jessie (louder, as if announcing to the entire congregation): Anything, so you'd die for me? You'd let me strike you down right here? Samwich (still no hesitation): yes, God, without question!!! That's what devotion demands!!
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yukarishoodie · 1 year
I understand that vocalsynth software is pretty hard to grasp for outsiders so I hope AI covers die a very death sometimes soon because I'm getting sick of takes conflating the two.
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Sorry about the theater of emotions going on my face from across the room. I'm trying to resolve an argument that I made up between two fictional characters.
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asskylosaurus · 1 year
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This the crack team of specialists I've hired to kill the cast of team fortress 3
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