#robyn james
majuandrad · 4 months
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my most recent hyperfocus 💛
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rachetmath · 7 months
Robyn: So Arc-
Jaune: You can call me “Jaune”. I’ve been here for five months.
Robyn: Well okay. Jaune um… what’s your day like with Fiona.
Jaune: Normal.
Robyn: Really? Nothing’s going on with you two?
Jaune: No. I just help her out. That’s it.
Robyn: Really?
Jaune: Yes.
Somewhere else
Nora: So Fiona. How long have you and Jaune been a couple?
Fiona: We’re not couple. What makes you think that?
Nora: You see him everyday. More than me.
Fiona: He helps me with the orphanage.
Nora: Nothing else?
Fiona: No!
Jaune and Fiona were in the Orphanage.
???: Mr. Arc? Mr. Thyme?
Jaune: What is it Rex?
Rex: Are you and Ms. Thyme a couple?
Fiona: Oh my- Robyn!
Robyn appears only to have May and Nora with her.
Jaune: Nora, you too?!
Nora: Look d-
Jaune: Nora.
Nora: *forgot the kid* Oh.
Jaune: Rex go to your room.
Rex: Okay. *leaves*
Jaune: Now what the hell wrong with you two?
Fiona: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Robyn: Because you two-
May: Look Fiona I been watching you two a lot and I have to admit it’s hard not to believe you’re not dating. In fact, I wouldn’t be surpise to call you both a married couple.
Fiona: Ugh you too May. Seriously wat-
May: You and Jaune do Laundry together.
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May: Spend time with kids together.
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May: In fact, when Jaune’s training leads him to get hurt, you are the first to drag him to the nursery and patch him up. Even when he tells us “Don’t worry about it.”
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May: In fact you two are always in the kitchen together making dinner.
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May: And Jaune, boy what Nora told me about you was damn lie. I saw what you did. Slow dancing in the night.
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Nora: He was that smooth?
May: Smooth as Micheal Jackson.
Nora: Oh no.
Fiona: Um.
Jaune: Damn.
Nora: Oh yes. Finally. Fuck you Pyrrha! He go get right. *pulls scroll out her pocket and makes a call*
???: Hello.
Nora: Fuck you Weiss. You lose. He found someone better. He found the princess and gone make her his queen.
Jaune: Nora, calm down.
Nora: Fuck off Jaune. This is my victory.
In the twilight.
Pyrrha: Okay bitch, what did I do?
Adam: I mean you left the guy and died a meaningless death like Summer.
Summer: I gave birth to another silver eyed warrior. That has to count.
Hazel: Does she know how to use her eyes though?
Summer: Shut up.
Ironwood: And she destroyed Atlas and got Penny, Vine, Clover and myself killed so she’s kind a misfortune upon us.
Summer: Okay ya’ll need to stop disrespecting my daughter. Ya’ll made mistake.
Ironwood: Or so you say.
Summer: We can fight. We can fight right now James.
Pyrrha: I don’t understand.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha you are the main source of his trauma and pain.
Pyrrha: B-you know what… fuck all you.
Roman: Whoa Invincible Champion, it’s not our fault your ‘boyfriend’ decided to break that little curse you placed on him.
Pyrrha: Oh come on- I’m leaving. I don’t need this.
Summer: My death had meaning. My daughter has a mystery to solve.
Adam: So finally one of your daughters is actually trying to know what happened to you. It’s too bad they have to find the same woman that took one of them many years to find.
Summer: Oh my god.
Roman: Not to mention at least Penny’s death served a purpose. Winter’s alive. She kept thousands of people alive. While your death, Pyrrha, caused more suffering than good.
Pyrrha: You know what who wants to fight first? Who? Cause I’ll show you why they written me off. Name one. Who can body me? Who?! Step up. STEP UP!
Adam: Oh I never run from no challenge. Especially no One-V-One, come on bitch.
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flagbridge · 4 months
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West End's '23-'24 Phantoms having a breakdown in the horsie.
Jon Robyns, Principal (@or-what-you-will, @hyperfixatra, masters)
James Gant, 1st Cover (@callmelasagna, master)
Michael Colbourne, 2nd Cover (@or-what-you-will, hyperfixatra, masters)
Connor Ewing, 3rd Cover (No Video has surfaced, so here's audio!)
So much emotional damage.
POTOMER Day 44: GIFSET-West End '23-'24 Phantoms having a mental breakdown during AIAOY.
From April 23 -June 11, I am posting 49 days of POTO content to mark the Omer, except on Shabbat. Masterlist of prior posts.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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[Luffs_stuff] [RWBY] Icebyrd aka SchneewoodForest Robyn Hill x Winter Schnee www.twitter.com/Luffs_stuff/status/1698425158757716012
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Ruby: Hold on, why do you need to look through all of our scroll Data?
Ironwood: For the security of Atlas of course. If you have nothing to hide, then you should have to nothing to fear us finding on your scrolls.
Jaune: So you wouldn't mind releasing the internal documents that lead Atlas to it's decision to "assist" the Mountain Glenn Evacuation efforts?
Ironwood: ...
Jaune: You know, the documents that the Atlesian government always uses to keep track of their foreign affairs?
Ironwood: ...
Jaune: It's not like it was a direct order from the General back then, and it isn't like the General would be negligent in their duties as the general, would they?
Ironwood: ...
Jaune: Though I am barely twenty, and That whole disaster happened before I was born, so I would even know who was in charge.
Ironwood: ...
Jaune: By the way how long have you been the General Again?
Ironwood: ...
Robyn: I like this kid!
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operafantomet · 2 months
Is it true that the recent West End deformity has gotten less bulky?
I believe the sculpt itself is the same, but that it depends on the makeup artst and/or head of costume how pronounced and (pun intended) fleshed out it is. For example, there is quite a difference between the official photos of Killian Donnelly and Jon Robyns - both from the West End revival:
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Killian Donnelly's deformity makeup was more red in the "wounded" area and toned out towards his skin. This was pretty much the same style as seen before Covid closed the production.
Jon Robyn's deformity makeup was more beige in the "wounded" area, and with white contours. But to my eye the sculpt itself looks rather similar. As a comparison, here's Ben Forster from before the production closed down:
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It is however true that the makeup on the "good " side is much duller today than in the past. The "good" side used to be accentuated, with a defined or lifted eyebrow, noticeable eye-makeup and contoured chins. Sometimes also quite red lipstick. The whole face was also usually pancaked. Here's James Paterson in the original West End production:
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John Owen-Jones in 2003, when they really accentuated the eye and eyebrow:
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And West End's next-last original Phantom, Tim Howar:
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As a contrast, Killian Donnelly, the first Phantom in the revival:
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And Jon Robyns, who left just a few days ago:
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I mean, it is a choice, and it does make the "good" side prettier for photos. Still... maybe I'm just used to the good ol' days, but I do think the current look is too discrete for stagewear. I wish they'd funk and contour it up just a tiny bit. But the whole production has this "more natural" philosophy in both makeup and wigs, so I'm guess the new look is there to stay.
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robynsscarf · 2 years
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howlingday · 8 months
Nora Finds Fear
Based on OSP's retelling of "The Boy Who Found Fear At Last"
Mama Valkyrie: (Screams)
Nora: Mommy? Why are you screaming?
Mama Valkyrie: The wind blew the door open, and it scared me!
Nora: It... scared you? What's scared?
Mama Valkyrie: Well, um, it's like a really bad feeling you get when you think something bad is going to happen to you.
Nora: Like what?
Mama Valkyrie: It's worse if you don't know.
Nora: That's dumb.
Nora: (Leaves without saying good-bye)
Mama Valkyrie: (No longer in this story)
Nora: (Sees mountain in the distance) Ooh~!
Nora: (Hears laughter, Squeezes between bandits)
Raven: And that's when I stabbed him! (Bandits laugh)
Nora: What are you guys talking about? (Bandits scream)
Raven: If you're looking for fear, then I'm afraid you've found it! (Draws Omen)
Nora: Really? Where?
Raven: ...
Raven: (Sulks)
Shay: There, there, boss. You're still very terrifying.
Vernal: Uh, there's a graveyard nearby you could try. Here, bake this cake while you're down there.
Nora: Thanks~!
Nora: (Baking cake in a cemetery)
Pyrrha: (Reaches out) IS... THAT... FOR... ME?
Nora: Nope! (Whacks hand with spoon) Dead people can't eat cake.
Nora: (Takes cake, Leaves)
Raven: (Still sulking)
Shay: Look, boss. The weird girl brought cake. You should try it.
Vernal: Uh... There's a spooky pool of water on the other side of the mountain.
Nora: Ooh! I like the sound of that!
Jaune: (Crying on a swing set over pool)
Nora: Huh...
Saphron: Please! You have to help my baby brother!
Nora: I do?
Saphron: Here, let me get on your shoulders so I can reach him!
Nora: Okay. (Saphron stands on shoulders) Just let me know when you got him. (Saphron pushes down) OOGH! S-Stop it! (Throws her) Alright, I'm done! Hm? Ooh! Shiny white bracelet!
Nora: (Takes bracelet from the ground, Jaune and Saphron disappear) Hey, problem solved~!
Nora: (Wanders into town)
Blake: Hey. I'm an unexpected reminder of the casual occurrence of faunism in historical literature. That's my one personality trait, and also that bracelet is mine.
Nora: Tell it to the judge!
Ironwood: You claim you "won it from a ghost". And your claim is...
Blake: I'm a sneaky and conniving trickster and boy do I hate humans.
Ironwood: Uh huh... Well, seeing as both claims are so far-fetched, despite being an old fairy tale of dated historical relevance, I have no choice but to hold onto this bracelet until I can be provided with a bracelet just like this one to prove ownership.
Nora: (Unfazed by complex legal system, Still no fear) Stupid judge...
Nora: (Sees ship sinking with people screaming) Ooh~!
Nora: (Swims over) What's the matter? Are you guys stuck? (Screamed at) Uh... Okay, I'll take a look!
Nora: (Dives, Sees Weiss dragging boat down)
Nora: (Punches woman, Ties her up)
Weiss: What just happened?!
Nora: (Gurgles, Blurgles)
Nora: (Swims up) Okay! Try her again!
Nora: (In an enchanted forest)
Nora: (Experiencing whimsy) Is this existential dread?
Nora: Huh? (Sees three birds flying nearby, Watches birds transform)
Saphron: You will not believe the night I had!
Pyrrha: Try me, sister.
Weiss: So, there was this bird~.
Pyrrha: (Pours drink) A toast to the brave girl who smacked my hand away when I was coming out of my grave!
Saphron: (Raises drink) A toast to the fearless girl who threw me off of her shoulders when I tried to drown her!
Weiss: (Swigs drink) And a toast to the weird girl who swam to the bottom of the ocean to fight me IRL.
Nora: DO YOU- Stop screaming- Do you have another bracelet?
Saphron: (Leads to enchanted treasure hall) Are you sure you don't want anything else?
Nora: (Walking away with bracelet) Nah, I'm good!
Ironwood: I will do no such thing.
Nora: (Walking away happily with bracelets, Sees crowd) What's going on?
Oscar: We're about to have a new king!
Nora: Does that happen a lot?
Oscar: ...No. Anyway, since the king died with no heirs, we have a foolproof plan to determine who our next king will be! See, a pigeon will be released from the top of the castle wall, and whoever it lands on will become our new king!
Nora: Wow! That's so much better than a democratically elected system! Huh? (Pigeon lands on her) Oh. Would you look at that?
Oscar: ALL HAIL THE KING! (Crowd cheers)
Suddenly, Nora feels something. Sees something. She peers into a window of the future, one most uncomfortable. She was bound to a throne, tied by a sense of obligation and responsibility, and forced to spend the rest of her life trying and failing to make the poor richer, the hungry satiated, and the bad better. Never again would she have her freedom to wander and do as she pleased. Nora's chest became tighter, and her breathing shallower. Her vision began to blur as tears filled her eyes and spilled over from her cheeks. Her heart began to ache so much, she brought a hand to where it tried to rest, and found her arm, her fingers shaking with this strange new emotion! Was... Was this the fear she sought?
Robyn: Huh... She doesn't look to happy.
Nora: My carefree lifestyle! My free time! My vibes!
Qrow: We gotta reassure her! RELEASE MORE PIGEONS!
Nora: (Sobbing, Covered in pigeons) Thanks, you guys... I'm good now... (Crowd cheers)
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arc-misadventures · 10 months
A Solider, A Huntsman, And A Monster
They made a wide berth around me as I walked through the halls of, Atlas Academy. Many moved to the side to make way for my presence, others stopped in their walking to jump back in alarm as they saw my ghastly visage before them. I tended to create, although involuntarily, stirs around people who haven’t seen me.
Although, many offered me a kind, and polite nod of the head in acknowledgment as they saw me walk by. These were mostly the rank, and file soldiers you would find strewn about the academy. Be they enlisted, or officers, my actions in the defence of, Atlas, and Mantle had earned me their respect, and mine in turn.
But, peoples fear of me would have to wait, General Ironwood wanted to speak with me, and I for one wasn’t planning to keep him waiting, especially since his summons seemed rather urgent. A notion that filled my broken soul with unease.
When I reached the doors leading to, General Ironwood’s office I softly knocked on the door, and entered. Well, what what I thought was a soft knock made a sound more akin to a hammer pounding warped steel. I looked down at my right hand, inspecting the white bone plate upon it, as I entered the generals office.
Jaune: My apologies… I thought that was knocking softly… evidently not.
Ironwood: It is quite alright, Mr. Arc. Please do come in.
As I entered his office I saw several other individuals in the room. Specialist Winter Schnee, Specialist Ebi Clover, several of Atlas’s council members, including its latest addition, Robyn Hill. My gaze lingered upon her longer than others, but it was soon put to an ease as she walked over, and held out her hand.
Robyn: It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Arc. How are you feeling?
I took her hand in mine, and simply replied:
Jaune: I’m doing fine.
There was genuine concern within her voice. Robyn, and I had created an ammoniacal relationship between the two of us. I found her presence calming, and her smile comforting, but more importantly I could use her semblance to gauge my mind’s true feelings. And, based upon the red grow that emanated from our hands. Well, there was much lies to be told.
Robyn: You’re lying, Jaune.
Jaune: To myself, or you? That’s the real question…
Robyn gave me a sad smile as she pulled away, patting my arm as she turned to stand beside her colleagues.
I thought my night with, Willow would have lifted my mood. But, seemingly only on the surface it had been lifted. But, now wasn’t the time for mopping about, or swallowing myself up in rage. I was summoned here for a reason after all. What that was, was the question.
Jaune: So, you wanted to speak with me, General Ironwood? May I assume this is about my work schedule, and teaching documents that I will need? Or, perhaps some individuals have voiced their objections to me becoming a teacher at, Atlas Academy because of various… circumstances.
I cast a cautionary glance to my left, I gazed upon the gaggle of council members currently present. I couldn’t blame them if they objected to my appointment as a teacher, I was a for the better part, a Valian after all, and not an, Atlasian. Many would find pause in that alone. Taking into consideration me being a Grimm/human hybrid, well, I’m still surprised I’m not locked up in another lab getter poked, and proded, again.
James saw through my not so subtle pointed questions, and smiled softly at that, and he shook his head dismissively.
Ironwood: No, no nothing of the sort. This is about something else all entirely.
Jaune: And, that would be?
Ironwood: I, General James Ironwood would like to, on the behave of, Kingdom of Atlas, and Mantle, would like you to offer you a military commission.
The eyebrow over my left eye rose as I looked at him skeptically.
Jaune: You want to buy my services as a mercenary? But, I’m already a Huntsman working for, Atlas Academy. Aren’t I already a mercenary under a contract?
General Ironwood, and the Specialists all looked at me wide eyed for a moment before bursting our in a small fit of laughter. Even, councilwoman, Robyn Hill chuckled at my expense.
Ironwood: Hahaaa… No, Mr. Arc, what I’m saying is that I want to offer you a position as an officer in the, Atlas Military. The process of doing so is called, ‘a military commission.’
My head nodded in understanding at the terminology, but I was nonetheless confused.
Jaune: I understand, but why are you doing this? Don’t I need to serve in the, Atlas Military for a while to become an officer?
Ironwood: Normally yes, however, Hunter’s, such as the, Specialists have, Huntsman level of training, and are a part of the, Atlas Military. This exemption to the rules also applies to you as well, since you were gifted you, Huntsmen license from, Atlas Academy. And, as for why we’re offering you a commission, well there are several reasons.
I could see an almost nervous sense of unease fill the room. I looked towards, Winter, and caught her gazing at me, her eyes quickly darted away from me. I did the same to other members of the, Specialists, and they gave the same distant look, but, Robyn kept her eyes locked with mine unlike the rest. Interesting.
I tore my vision away from, Robyn to look back at, Ironwood, and ask the question he wanted me to ask.
Jaune: And, those reasons would do doubt have to do with, Salem’s attack upon, Mantle, and Atlas, no?
Ironwood: You are correct. We lost a lot of people that day… Mostly soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the defence of, Atlas, and Mantle people. And, while we lost many of the common rank, and file soldiers, we have lost far more officers than we can allow.
I looked at him with a mild sense of confusion, his words didn’t add up. I knew the body count of that day, I knew how many soldiers died, I knew who were the grunts, and who were the officers among that number. I knew how many civilians they saved that day was, and I knew how many they couldn’t save that day. I knew all too well, and I could never forget.
Jaune: Unless I am mistaken the total casualty numbers for the day people have dubbed, ‘The Siege of Atlas,’ was around three hundred, and thirty eight, Of that number, one hundred, and seven were civilians, leaving that count being that there were two hundred, and thirty one casualties sustained by military personnel. Now, not counting the casualties sustained by the, Atlasian Knights, which I believe is around, three hundred, and ninety two. That number of, two hundred, and thirty one only, forty one of them were officers. Now, if we are not counting the nine, Paladin pilots who also lost their lives among that count. Since I assume you are counting officers that were in positions of command, and any soldier who is, ‘Fitted for their suit,’ as the slang goes is gifted the rank of lieutenant upon graduation. So that would leave approximately, thirty two officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. Now I mean to speak no ill of the dead, but is that not considered, ‘An acceptable casualty rating?’
My words may have been as simple as reading a causality report, but the shocked looks I received from those present was odd. It seems like they didn’t expect me to know the exact casualty rates we experienced that day, and based upon how, Ironwood was over looking a series of documents in front of him he couldn’t believe it either.
Ironwood: You are correct, those were indeed the casualty numbers we received that day. And, the number of three hundred, and thirty eight fatalities among the enlisted personnel, the officer core, and civilians is indeed, ‘an acceptable causalty rating.’
: An acceptable casualty rating?!
I looked of to one of the council members, a lady whose name was, Mrs. Alicia Ophilia. She seethed in a cold, and silent rage as she started us down at our seemingly disconcert regards towards the glorious dead.
Alicia: I for one do not consider over three hundred dead civilians, and military personnel as an acceptable casualty rating! How can you be so callous, and emotionless towards such a substantial lose of life?!
Myself, Ironwood, the Specialist, and even, Councillor Hill understood fully well the reason behind her rage. Which made the cold, grim logic behind, Winter’s following words all the more damning on an already weery soul.
Winter: If I may, Mrs. Ophilia. The term: ‘Acceptable casualty rating,’ is an euphemism used by the military, and huntsmen alike to address casualties, or destruction inflicted by an enemy force that is considered minor, or tolerable.
Alicia: Tolerable?
Robyn: Please put it into perspective, Alicia; we lost over three hundred people during the attack, and out of two cities whose total population nears ten thousand, which would you prefer; one thousand dead, or three hundred dead?
Mrs. Ophilia looked at the group of soldiers, and Huntsmen before her, and as she processed the words spoken to her, and gave a heavy sigh as she relented.
Alicia: I concede. You are right: Theee hundred dead is a more… acceptable number… than one thousand dead.
Jaune: While I agree with you, Mrs Ophilia, that one death is one too many, I was actually referring to the casualty rating among the officers, not the total amount of dead. Wouldn’t losing thirty two officers be acceptable, surely there is more than enough soldiers to fill in the holes they departure has created.
Ironwood: That is the case, and those officers positions have been refilled by newly promoted soldiers. I’m afraid to say we lost more than thirty two officers.
Jaune: What? How?!
Shock roared through my voice causing others to jump back from me, I could see, Harriet from the corner of my eye adopting a combative stance. Their shock was understandable, but they mistook my cry of alarm for one of rage. An understandable reaction at the end of the day; I sound like a monster as much as I now look like one.
Jaune: My apologizes. My voice betrays my mood. I am not angry, but shocked that we lost so many officers. But, how did this happen, did we have a sudden, Grimm attack, or something?
Ironwood: We didn’t lose any more officers to the, Grimm after that. We did lose an additional forty seven officers, most of whom were dishonourably discharged afterwards though.
Jaune: Dishonourably discharged?
The confusion laced within my voice was just as loudly heard as the silent rage that echoed from the, Generals.
Ironwood: Yes, you are aware of what a, ‘bought officer,’ is?
Jaune: A corrupt officer?
Ironwood: No… Well it wouldn’t surprise me a few if a few of those officers weren’t taking money on the side to look the other way. But, no, a ‘bought officer’ is a slang for officers who purchase their rank with lien, not years of dedication to, Atlas, and its people.
Jaune: You have such officers in your ranks? That doesn’t seem like something you would allow.
Ironwood: And, I wouldn’t have. But, a contract made by the founders over a hundred years ago said we had too, and it would have taken just under another hundred years ago for it to expire. Luckily, taking in the results recent attack in mind, I was given the ability to remove such a contract, and the filth it brought with it from our ranks.
Jaune: And, the individual reason these officers were removed?
Ironwood: General cowardice: abandoning their post, leaving their men behind, trying to steal military craft to flee, Atlas. Simple things such as that.
Jaune: Ahh, well that certainly explains things…
I could remember seeing individuals fleeing from the frontlines at the beginning of the battle, all wearing officer’s uniforms now that I think about it. I couldn’t pay too much mind to it though, there were too many pressing matters to attend to at the time.
Jaune: And, you want to offer me an officers commission to fill in one of these missing positions?
Ironwood: Yes. You would still be a teacher at the academy, you would just also have an officers rank, and be expected, if the need arise to, to lead troops upon the battlefield.
Jaune: Just like what I did during, Salem’s attack?
Ironwood: Correct.
He wanted me to be an officer. An officer in the, Atlas Military. It sounded like in the end I would just have a change of clothes, and some pretty bobbles on my uniform. But, I looked down to my right hand, and thought hard about his offer. The white bone plate that covered my hand, and the pale skin that rested below it. I wasn’t human anymore, would these soldiers follow my orders into battle? During the, Seige it was different; There were no officers, just soldiers fighting for their lives. I gave them orders, and commanded them to obey my commands, saving thousands in the process. But, that was in the midst of a battle, the largest, and most deadly battle, Atlas had ever experienced. Would these soldiers be willing to follow my orders, the orders of a monster during a time of relative peace?
Ironwood: They recommend you.
Jaune: Excuse me?
I was ripped from my musing at the, Generals words. I was recommended for this position; By who, and why?
Ironwood: Several of the soldiers you fought along side that day were also promoted, and made officers to fill in the ranks. Now we have competent, and skilled officers in our ranks. But, while these officers were being promoted, they often asked the same question: Is the, Hero of Mantle, Jaune Arc joining us?
Jaune: H-Hero of Mantle? Are people calling me that?
Robyn: Its the name the people have given you for your heroic acts for saving them that day.
Jaune: Hero…?
Robyn: Jaune…
I looked up to see that, Robyn was holding my left hand in a comforting grip as she softly smiled at me.
Robyn: Regardless of what you think, people don’t see you as a monster.
Jaune: They don’t?
Robyn: No. People see as a victim of the horrendous acts of a true monster. They see you as a man who risked his life to save them. You are a hero to them, Jaune. You are not the monster you believe yourself to be. You are, Jaune Arc, the Saviour of Mantle.
I couldn’t help, but snort at her words.
Jaune: ‘The Saviour of Mantle.’ Sounds a little much now doesn’t it?
Robyn: Well, it’s shows you how the people truly see you as.
Jaune: But, I’m just a huntsman doing my duty. There’s nothing more to it than that. I
Robyn: But, don’t you like being called a hero?
Jaune: No, not really.
Robyn: You sure about that?
I looked at her skeptically before staring down at my hand enveloped in a red glow. I looked back to, Robyn’s cheeky smile as I swatted her hands away.
Jaune: Stop doing that!
Robyn: Not going to happen.
Jaune: Damn…
Ironwood: So, Mr. Arc, what do you say?
I turned away from, Robyn to address, General Ironwood. I straightened my back, and stood tall before everyone with my hands held firmly behind my back.
Jaune: If, if I accept this offer I would like to make one request.
He quirked, and eyebrow at me, as he straightened his back in turn to address me.
Ironwood: And, that would be?
Jaune: A custom uniform that would fit me properly, and new armour as well. My bodies… alterations have made my armour rather cumbersome to wear.
Ironwood smiled as he took in my simple request.
Ironwood: I think we can do that. Anything else?
Jaune: No that is all. In any case, I humbly accept my commission to… uhh… what rank will I be receiving… Sir?
Ironwood: You can save the ‘sirs’ until after your commission. As for your rank; taking into consideration the deeds you’ve accomplished in the service of, Atlas, and Mantle. We have agreed on giving you the rank of, Colonel.
Jaune: Does this mean I will outrank the, Specialists?
Ironwood: As a matter in fact, you will indeed outrank the, Specialists.
Jaune: Oh good… Now, Marrow can be the one getting me coffee instead… Heheheee…
Everyone seemingly flinched as I chuckled to myself. If, Marrow’s face was saying if he had a pair of ears instead of a tail, they would have dropped in fear.
Jaune: …
Jaune: That did not sound like I was making a teasing remark in the slightest did it?
The resounding choir of nos soon swiftly answered my question.
Jaune: Great, not only did he turn me into a monster, but he took away my ability to make a joke… Godsdamn bastard…
Everyone seemed to find something else to look at, all seemingly not wanting to comment on my feelings towards that particular monster. Like there was anything else to comment on it anyway.
Ironwood: Ahem. The award ceremony where you will be granted your new rank will take place in a week from today. I recommend you get fitted soon, so they can make your new uniform soon.
Jaune: I understand, will that be all?
Ironwood: That’s everything. I look forward to working with, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Likewise, General.
We grasped one another’s hands in a firm handshake, before others came along, and also gave me congratulatory hand shakes as well. The Specialists were open, and receptive to my commission, while Marrow did look nervous as I teasingly smiled at him. Though I doubt it was very teasing, a smile filled with fangs no doubt always looked threatening.
The council members gave me celebratory handshakes as well, they were pleased with my appointment to become a colonel. No doubt for some political bullshit they were planning to use me in.
But, then there was, Robyn.
Robyn: So, Jaune, how does it feel to become an officer in the, Atlas Military?
Jaune: Ask me again when I’ve dawn on the uniform.
Robyn: I’ll have to remember to do that. I’m glad you accepted the offer, the other two council members are actually opposed to your appointment. You no doubt understand why.
I looked towards the other councillors as they addressed, General Ironwood. No doubt talking about future plans, and meetings they must attend to. However, as I looked upon the three of them a thought crossed my mind.
Jaune: Wait… Two votes for, and two votes against? You were the deciding vote.
Robyn: I was, and I voted: For.
Jaune: Why? You don’t trust, General Ironwood, and the military, why would you agree to have me instated in the military?
Robyn: Because I trust you, Jaune. I trust that with your calm head, you will be able to keep the others in check. That with your help we can lead, Mantle into a brighter future for the good of everyone.
Jaune: A brighter future lead by a, Grimm/human hybrid? I find that hard to believe. No, Robyn you are the Bannerman, the one leading others to a brighter tomorrow with hope as your forge a better future. I however, will be the sword that protects that future. I am more suited for that role. Soldiers can easily follow a monster into a war, but not in peace.
Robyn: Jaune, just because you look like a monster doesn’t mean you are a monster.
My head fell as I shook my head. Blind optimism fuelled by hope, I never thought I would miss someone talking like that. At least, Robyn has a realistic head on her shoulders. But, still blind optimism will never help me.
Jaune: We’re all monsters, Robyn. We may not look like ones since we’ve all been well groomed, are well dressed, and given etiquette lessons. Some monsters wear the skin of monsters, others wear the skin of humans. But, it doesn’t matter, because at the end of the day we’re all just monsters, now we’re just well dressed monsters.
Robyn: Well dressed monsters…
Robyn looked away from me as she pondered my words before she shook it away before looking back at me with this mad glint in her eyes.
Robyn: Jaune, are you busy this afternoon?
Jaune: I was going to grab my teaching manifest, and study what I need to be teaching the students. Why do you ask?
Robyn: Class doesn’t start for two weeks, you can put that off until tomorrow. Come with me, there’s a victory celebration being held in, Mantle.
Jaune: A victory celebration? But, the Siege was over a month ago, why are you having one now?
Robyn: The Siege turned everyone’s lives upside down, people needed time to rebuild, to morn those they lost. The people of, Mantle need to let loose, and relax. To let the burdens of, The Siege fade away, so we can all move on from it. So, we’re going to have a massive party to do so. So, would you like to come?
Her logic made sound sense, but I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, I would probably cause a small panic, being a monster, and all. But, the people of, Mantle do call me, ‘The Hero of Mantle,’ so maybe they might actually enjoy me being there. But, I had to ask something very important before I offer her any answer.
Jaune: Will I have to give a speech?
Robyn: No I don’t think you would will have to.
Jaune: I’ll hold you to that.
Robyn: So you’ll come?
Jaune: I will, but don’t expect me to dance.
Robyn: We’ll see about that. Come on, Jaune we have a party to go to.
I hope this will be fun event. a chance to unwind, and relax, just as, Robyn said. But, honestly I just hope this wouldn’t be an event that I would come to regret.
I can at least hope for that right.
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for-the-balance · 14 days
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• Jeremy Donaldson-Hartley is a National Nightly News anchor on Channel One. He is married to Jennifer Hartley. Jane Donaldson-Hartley's father.
• Jennifer Donaldson-Hartley is the floor manager of the National Nightly News on Channel One. She is married to Jeremy Donaldson. Jane Donaldson-Hartley's mother.
• Megan Wolfe is a co-anchor and culture correspondent for National Nightly News on Channel One. Married to Kate. Nicole Wolfe's biological mother and Stacey's foster mother.
• Patrick Bannon is the anchor of the "Daily News Bulletin" on Channel One. He is married to Francis (yes, I am aware that he seems to have a wife and children according to the canon, but this is my AU, I feel that way). Brian Bannon's father.
• Francis Bannon is the second culture correspondent for National Nightly News on Channel One. She is married to Patrick Bannon. Brian Bannon's mother.
• Robyn Short is a reporter for the National Nightly News on Channel One.
• Katie James-Brightman is the Prime Minister of the Territories and the leader of the party “Advance. The Bright Future”. She is married to Alan James. Ethan James-Brightman's mother.
• Alan James-Brightman is a writer. One of the most popular books is his autobiography "Alan James is Bright Man." He is married to Katie Brightman. Ethan James-Brightman's father.
• Julia Salisbury is a former Prime Minister. She served her sentence in Betterment until she was released early for good behavior. She is a representative of help and support for adolescence.
• Geoff Algebra is a principal of Scritchford College and teacher of theater mathematics (a mixture of theater and mathematics, you know). Sometimes he takes on the duties of a theater teacher and puts on productions.
• Sofia Rymmington is the CEO of the Rymmington—Svist Corporation, thanks to which a technical breakthrough was made in the Territories: automation of the work process at enterprises, flying cars, as well as most houses in the Territories are equipped with the Smart Home function.
• Tommy Harris is a famous actor and an aspiring director. He used to be a sports star, but decided to leave his career as a sportsman, preferring acting.
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rachetmath · 10 months
Jaune the Strategist
Jaune: Um… General Ironwood? I have a question.
Ironwood: What is it Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Why not release the video footage of Tyrian killing a bunch of people?
Clover: Are you crazy? If we release such a video it cause panic in Mantle.
Jaune: I hear you. But... isn’t the Atlas military already being framed for countless murders?
Ironwood: Yes.
Jaune: And no one in Mantle is willing to follow protocol because they don’t trust us right?
Ironwood: Well... yes.
Jaune: Okay. So why not use this to our advantage?
Ruby: Explain.
Jaune: I mean come on. Seriously? We have proof. We have video display. And if this has been happening for a while then we have dead bodies that can hold our case.
Ironwood: Mr. Arc, I’m going to need you to further elaboration.
Jaune: What’s there to- Look, Tyrian has been killing people for a while, right?
Qrow: Yeah.
Jaune: We have video proof that he committed the massacre at Robin’s party. We could just report this and clear Penny’s name.
Ironwood: That is true.
Jaune: Plus with the few bodies Tyrian left behind, which I’m hoping your Atlas soldiers investigated completely. Like the time and location of death. As well as how they died. Basically if Tyrian left multiple victims, can’t we compare them to the other corpses from the party.
Ironwood: Huh.
Jaune: Not only that but Tyrian has a poisonous tail. Didn’t some of them have a hint poison consumed or at least small pick to their bodies.
Ironwood: Oh. That is something to consider.
Clover: Okay, but still doesn’t change the fact if we tell the people a killer is on the loose it will cause panic.
Jaune: True. But it could also make people listen. Think about it, they’re already being invaded by grimm everyday. And now they have killer amongest them. Wouldn’t that force them to reconsider they’re options?
Clover: … My… My Oum he could right.
Marrow: Okay but what about Robyn?
Jaune: Mantle’s Champion? Happy Huntresses? Are you serious? Do you honestly think she would not make a killer her top priority?
Marrow: Huh.
Jaune: I’m just saying, why are we keeping this under raps and quickly turning to Martial law?
Ironwood: Wow… anything else Mr.Arc
Jaune: Why frame Penny?
Ruby: She’s the Protector of Mantle.
Jaune: She also a robot. With a human soul. Who recorded everything! Who so far never got hacked? So why her specifically? If anything I would have got Penny out the way and framed one of the Ace-ops. Specifically Marrow. Hell why not frame Robyn herself?
Marrow: Whoa why me?
Jaune: You know why.
Blake: But tell us why.
Ironwood: Damn he’s right. That absolutely makes sense considering he’s a Faunus and recent member of the Ace ops.
Jaune: Exactly.
Blake: Are you two serious?!
Jaune: Blake think about how much conflict that would cause. A faunus in the Atlas military. An Ace operative killed and injured a bunch of innocent people. Humans and faunuses mind you. Not only would that cause division amongest the people of Mantle but the school and the soldiers.
Ironwood: He’s right. We have faunases who attend this school and are apart our units.
Jaune: It’ll be chaos. Racism and Hatred in the air. And with that much negativity the grimm attacks would be sky rocketing to the masses. Screw trying to get Amity Arena up we might as well have focused our time on containment. Hell that would been a better reason to initiate Martial law. Something I think Robyn would agree to. Considering Fiona is a faunus and her teammate.
Ironwood: So basically framing Penny was-
Jaune: A stupid idea? ABSO-FREAKEN-LUTLY!! Who ever made this plan had to be dumb as bricks.
Watts: *sneezes*
Jaune: I’m mean now I might as well ask this question. Has anyone ever disagreed with Penny’s creation?
Ironwood: I mean-… ... actually... yes we had a few people who disagreed.
Jaune: Also if you have a file for Tyrian, then what about Cinder, Emerald, Mercury or Hazel?
Ironwood: Why yes we---- Hold up. You all saw Hazel?
Jaune: Yeah.
Ironwood: And you survived?
Nora: Yes. Though with our tails between our legs. How do you know him?
Ironwood: How do you think I lost half of my body?
Jaune: Damn. And I thought Ren and Qrow had it worse. How powerful is he?
Ironwood: He crippled Ozpin.
Oscar: (And he said he stood a chance. He could’ve killed us both.)
Jaune: (We’ll most definitely need to jump him.) An-anyways, back on topic. So, who out all the other people were against the Penny project? Simply put who hates Pietro the most?
Ironwood: Well… there was Professor Watts.
Jaune: Professor Watts?
Ironwood: He was an inventor as well. He was even to soul creator of the Atlas robots you’re associated with. However he died in accident.
Jaune: How long ago?
Ironwood: Months ago?
Jaune: Okay now that’s weird.
Weiss: So what Jaune? He died.
Winter: Yes but I understand why Mr.Arc is suspicious. In Cinder’s file, after committing four first degree murders she disappeared.
Jaune: Then she suddenly appears back at Beacon with a way to hack the military.
Clover: Tyrian was captured but then escaped and he disappeared as well.
Qrow: Then he came out nowhere and tried to capture Ruby.
Ironwood: Hazel disappeared once too.
Oscar: And then I saw him on my way to Mistral.
Jaune: Is any of this making sense?
Ironwood: Yes. Clover I need you to follow up on some the victims of the previous crimes. And Winter I need you look into Watt’s case. Lets make sure he’s dead. If not we need evidence.
Winter: Yes sir.
Ironwood: Well, Mr. Arc it seem I underestimated your intelligence. I will not call in Martial law.
Jaune: No-no. Keep it in mind.
Jaune: I am. But Robyn could still cause trouble for us down the road. We need to be ready when she could take things too far.
Nora: But-
Ironwood: It’s only if she continues to be an obstacle.
Nora: *silent*
Ironwood: Alright. Everyone back to work. Keep an eye out for Tyrian. And if you learn anything you report to me immediately.
Ace-ops: Yes sir.
Ren: Yes sir.
*JNPR Dorm Room*
Nora: Jaune, I can’t believe you sided with Ironwood.
Ren: Nora, it is a constitutions plan. It’s not going to happen.
Nora: I’m just saying the people of Mantle are already having a hard time.
Ren: I understand but-
Nora: But what? That getting Amity Arena up is more important than helping the people.
Ren: What about the world? What about all of Remnant?
Nora: How can help the world if we can’t help a country?!
Ren: We can’t always focus on the small things Nora. We need to consider the bigger picture.
Nora: So after all we’ve been through before you want to throw that away?
Ren That not what I’m saying. I-
Jaune: ENOUGH!!
Jaune: Please. Stop arguing.
Ren: Jaune, look I want to say-
Jaune: Stop. Sit. Both of you.
Nara and Ren: *sit separately from each other*
Jaune: Look, Nora, I understand. I know Mantle going through hard times. Due to the trading routes and transportation being limited, people are starting to struggle to get in and out of city. Stores and companies are closed so people are having trouble finding work. And without work, they can’t make money. And without money they can’t pay rent nor provide for their families. Basically majority of those people might as well not have homes soon.
Nora: Then you know why Martial law can’t happen. It will make things worse.
Jaune: Yes. That is why I would rather keep it as a last resort. However, with Mantle’s lack of funding and resources, I almost can’t blame Robyn for what’s she’s doing. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.
Nora: Hmm.
Ren: Well said Jaune.
Jaune: And you. Don’t think I’m openly siding with Ironwood. I only did that because I need everyone on the same page.
Ren: Jaune.
Jaune: At Beacon, Amber, Ozpin and Pyrrha died. Then the world got divide. Mistral, we almost died.
Nora: We survived.
Jaune: Through the skin of our teeth Nora! We got lucky! And Hazel, Emerald and Mercury stilled escaped!
Nora: *hates when he’s right*
Jaune: Now Tyrian is here. And even if my theory on Watts is correct, we still don’t know what they’re up to. Not to mention, we’re keeping secrets too. Especially, about Salem., who may have sent them here to retrieve the lamp. And worse, kill Oscar.
Nora and Ren: … … …
Jaune: Look… … Basically what I’m saying we need to be careful. We are no longer students. We are hunters. Every move we make could jeopardize what we are trying to accomplish. Even the people we trust could be a problem if we’re not careful.
Nora: So you don’t trust Ruby?
Jaune: Yeah. But keeping these secrets could get us in trouble, or most likely, have a gun to our heads. And Ironwood has plenty of them compared to us.
Ren: So what should we do?
Jaune: We do what we started this journey for. We search for answers.
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flagbridge · 5 months
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Cape Twirl Comparison, Current West End Phantoms (2023-2024)
Jon Robyns-Principal (January 2024), definitely more of a cheeky fling than a twirl
James Gant-First Cover (July 2023), solid twirl. I've seen him both fling and twirl. When I saw him live in March, he was twirling. (Christine is Paige Blankson) (This is in the upcoming stream with @wheel-of-fish)
Michael Colbourne -Second Cover (February 2024), definitely a twirl. (Christine is Lily Kerhoas)
Connor Ewing-Third Cover, sadly we do not know, he's only been on once and no video has surfaced.
(the 1st/3rd are @or-what-you-will & @akatra master, the 2nd is @callmelasagna)
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caw4brandon · 2 months
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- MTCR; The Six Challenge -
About a while ago, I saw this really cool challenge to draw all six of your favourite characters and post them in a collage and I thought; "why not do it for my characters?" So here are all six of my characters.
From top left to bottom right: we have Jamie Ann Robyn, Sadie mac Lir, Hector James Dagger, Professor Timothy Brian Anderson, Anis Rusli and Yazamanyhands/ Yazmin.
The main cast is Jamie, Sadie and Hector while Tim, Anis and Yaz play supporting characters with their own plots. It's a fun challenge to do and I still see it to this day from time to time. Seeing that I've done it. I'll say that it was fun~
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Why Ironwood’s actions made him a villain, and Team RWBY’s actions made them heroes.
Let’s go into some perspective about why Ironwood + his regime, and not Team RWBY, was the actual “worse than salem” group. And why Team RWBY are the heroes, and Ironwood and his regime the antagonists.
Let’s turn back the clock to before James threatened to nuke Mantle or blackmail Penny into helping him, and shot down planes that would carry people to safety.
“He genuinely offered all his resources to Team RWBY and co to maximize all the chances of them getting better and winning.” While squeezing Mantle dry.
Pre-V8 he still was authoritarian militarist, who locked down Atlas and Mantle, crippling its trade and defense capabilities of other regions, which led to a lot of people left to starve or die to Grimm, and he was also squeezing Mantle dry on top of it with a blatant disregard to its safety, and only giving it token "support", while his Huntsmen were more concerned with arresting people protecting Mantle, than helping them fight back Grimm.
Mantle was dying in volume 7, and it was all James’ fault, and critics were demanding that after Ironwood squeezed and bled Mantle dry, that Atlas abandon Mantle.
The writing is on the wall, but people are so focused on how he treated RWBY and co that they completely miss (ironically, unlike RWBY and co themselves, as it was their major concern) how he treats literally everyone else.
Of course he would treat them well, they are a very useful asset! Unlike people of Mantle, who could die in a ditch for all he cares.
That's not to say that he wants them dead, of course... he just doesn't care about them. He doesn't care about the people he's sworn to protect.
“ For Mantle, the entire point of the Huntsmen down there was to secure it and cover for the lack of resources. “
Lack of resources he himself created, funneling every drop of dust to his pet project.
James was always a borderline dictator. And he could pretty much brow-beat the Council to do what he needs, seeing how he held two seats out of five, and one was vacant.
“But James isn’t authoritarian!”
Authoritarian: Favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
“But Ironwood was trying to prevent invasion of Salem’s agents”
They infiltrated Atlas through Mantle, by means of using outdated security. With Watts even explicitly pointing out that Atlas got the shiny upgrades, but no one cared to get them to Mantle. And Cinder and Neo still got in. Ironwood failed spectacularly. As he always does.
People were losing their jobs and their living because of lockdown, and those who kept theirs, were working in harsh conditions. Grimm regularly invaded Mantle. People couldn't even get their children to schools without Huntsmen protecting them.
“Its for the greater good”
I just don't see any merit in humoring ideas that treat people as expendable pieces on the path to some lofty goal. "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" logic is the logic of villains.
“Ironwood employed Penny and the robots, that shows he cares!”
The robots were shown to be like Star Wars Movie stormtroopers in terms of effectiveness, and Star Trek Redshirts in terms of survivability.
Also, not caring for someone implies not giving any thought to their problems, and in this particular case those problems were directly or indirectly created by Ironwood's actions or negligence. Sending Penny down there is a band-aid, an illusion of action. Also he was running her 24/7, having girl do the job of an entire military and her sole energy source and repairs comes from her dying father, who’s also being run ragged on Jimmy’s project.
“But Team RWBY used the satellite?”
Should we just discard the progress, if it was made by amoral means? Or should we rather use it, to at least in some way honor those who suffered for it?
“But Ironwood didn’t commit murder till he shot Oscar”
Murder is not the only weapon in dictatorship's arsenal. There’s media control and forbidding public functions and mass gatherings, which Ironwood did in the first episode of V7. There’s also banning weapons unless you’re in the dictator’s private army, which Clover literally confirmed in the 2nd episode, even ignoring Qrow’s license.
“Influential people aren't simply council members. People with money and connection need to receive privileges in exchange for services they may provide. That's how politics work. “
And yet, he literally SINGLEHANDEDLY LOCKED DOWN ATLAS. And neither other council members, nor other "influential people", represented in a show by Jacques, could stop him, despite it hurting their bottom lines. Whoops.
“ Y'all keep forgetting what being a soldier/military man entails. You obey your superior without question. That's not authoritarian, that's how any self-respecting army functions. “
Huntsmen aren’t supposed to be soldiers, they’re warriors who act with a code and serve society, not a general who treats everything like a contest of measuring “GLYNDA!”
Ironwood privatized the Huntsmen System, thus preventing Atlas Huntsmen from serving society, with the exception of the Happy Huntresses, who Clover called “Worse than Grimm” to Qrow. Imagine that defying Ironwood makes you worse than Grimm? Apparently that’s all it took for Robyn Haters.
Speaking of Clover...obeying orders without question? You mean like how Clover decided to defend Ironwood’s decision to abandon Mantle, try to arrest Qrow, and completely disregard the mission to capture Tyrian because “Good soldiers follow orders?” Then the Qrow vs Tyrian vs Clover fight makes sense. Tyrian wanted to cause chaos, Qrow wanted to stop Ironwood and Tyrian, and Clover wanted to obey Ironwood’s orders without question. Qrow made the mistake of thinking that Tyrian, who had never lied before, had meant that “putting the kid to bed” simply meant incapacitating Clover, not killing Clover. Meanwhile Clover had no problem arresting anyone who wasn’t licensed by Ironwood or carrying weapons that weren’t part of Ironwood’s army. I guess Clover did die as he lived...not a huntsmen, but a soldier.
“ Unless they showed someone's corpse or Team RWBY looking at beggars, there wasn't any sign of famine or death as you mention. The most there was is extra security and frequent robot patrols. “
Just because there are no corpses lying around on the streets, doesn't mean that people aren't suffering. A lot of the times their suffering goes unseen. You can't deny that Mantle looks like a mix of cyberpunk slum and depressive post-USSR Eastern Europe city. That's enough to make an educated guess about the state of the city and its inhabitants.
Just because Ironwood sacrifices some things, doesn't give him the right to sacrifice something he doesn't own - namely, other people.
Watts of all people called Jimmy out on neglecting Mantle's security. Aside from that, how did he help Mantle aside from sending a few Huntsmen there, which is, again, a band-aid, and an illusion of action?
“Ironwood trusted them like he trusted Ozpin” Remember what he did to Ozpin in V2. You know, the whole going behind his “Friend’s” back to get Ozpin, Salem’s chief nemesis and founder of the schools, fired? And also putting Penny in the Vytal Tournament despite nobody allowing it if they knew she was an android? This is the same guy who talked about trust? Ironwood is a hypocrite because he loves to talk about trust while betraying everyone else’s.
Remember the episode “Sparks?”
Unrest doesn't happen like *snap* and everything blows up. Tension grows gradually and usually goes unnoticed, until it's at the point when a slightest spark is enough to ignite the situation. What Jacques and Watts did was that spark, but the groundwork was laid by Ironwood's actions raising the tension between Mantle and Atlas. And that growing unrest could be seen as far back as e1 of that volume - specifically, in the drunk racist and Forest.
“Ironwood didn’t expect Watts to be alive!”
Someone broke through a military grade cyber security and caused all Atlesian robots and mechs to go "Execute Order 66″  on people. Whether or not it was Watts is irrelevant, because it's a known (to Ironwood) fact that there's someone capable of doing it*.* You don't need a hindsight to account for it, just a regular sight and basic common sense. Which Ironwood has none. That Ironwood, knowing this, only went as far as updating the infrastructure in Atlas, but not in Mantle, is not just negligence, it's a sabotage of his own goals.
The fact is that Ironwood's methods revealed his disregard for people with whom his goals don't align.
“Ironwood was to take drastic actions! There needed to be sacrifices"
The sacrifices began when he locked down Atlas and Mantle. They were just incidental, a product of ignorance and negligence.
“Atlas was the mightiest military” Name one battle they won that didn’t involve Team RWBY’s help?
Their ships could barely fire upon some giant worms, and had not been updated since the great war, causing them only to be able to effectively fire single laser shots against other ships.
An elite huntsmen can take out tons of weaker grimm. And Ironwood’s ships were useless against grimm as well. The paladins could work...yes.But they had a nasty habit of being stolen or hacked...which was again, ironwood’s fault.
“Qrow was willing to trust Ironwood!”
Even though Qrow told them in V6 that they should ask Ironwood for help, by the time the team actually met Ironwood, Qrow had changed his position to not talking to him. Sound familiar? Something Lionhart?
Ironwood didn't take defensive measures against Salem's forces. We see in the very first episode that whatever Ironwood is doing to keep Salem's forces out of Mantle isn't working.
We learned in episode 2 that he was not only aware of his actions having literally the exact opposite effect of what he was promising the people of Mantle, but he also accepted that.
Even before the main cast met Ironwood, they knew he either had no idea what he was doing, or he wasn't on their side any more. They didn't know which it was, but they already knew they couldn't count on him.
The grand sum of Ironwood’s character is:
“I can tolerate leaving thousands of innocents to die for some vague concept of the great good, but I draw the line at insubordination and lying.”
“But Ruby and Yang were being hypocritical in going behind Ozpin’s back!” A huge part of volume 7 was that Ruby realized that Ozpin was ultimately morally grey, and morally grey I mean his actions he took while thinking of other people. Selfishness is the complete opposite of morally grey, which instantly disqualifies Raven Branwen (mass murderer and thief), Adam Branwen (Mass murderer and terrorist), and Roman Torchwick. (Thief, murderer, and racist) from ever being qualified as morally ambiguous. As a result, Ruby ends up acknowledging Ozpin’s points, and even starts working with him again in V8. Yang on the other hand was agreeing with Blake’s points during the cargo truck ride and decided to go: “Hey Robyn, I know jimmy is oppressing your people and your actions against him are valid, but he’s trying to restore global communications for the greater good and his ‘protector of mantle’ didn’t actually kill your constituents, so if you could please stop taking back what’s yours, James will eventually repair mantle.”
And Robyn went: Okay.
Yang and Blake got Robyn to be willing to compromise with Ironwood, something Ironwood cannot do himself, and something he is incapable of getting people to do unless he abuses his military and political power, which he does on a regular basis.
“But Robyn was a terrorist who sabotaged the project!”
She was taking back the supplies that were meant for Mantle, that Ironwood was stealing from Mantle, for his personal project that was done without the council’s authority. She was giving those supplies back to the people of Mantle. Which emboldened the suppliers of Mantle in giving them hope that they could pressure Ironwood to repair Mantle’s defenses. Ironwood’s response? Call the entire city of Mantle “A few cityblocks”
“Robyn’s outfit and equipment was ridiculous compared to Ironwood’s military”
Yeah, when you’re in a city that’s poorer than Vacuo and oppressed by a small-minded man with a giant ego, you don’t tend to have access to the best equipment, clothes, etc. Not to mention that unlike Vacuo, Huntsmen aren’t allowed to protect people in Atlas unless they’re part of Ironwood’s private army.
“Team RWBY were selfish, Ruby is acting just like Roman!”
Lying to save lives and prevent human extinction is not the same as lying for your own self interest. When the gang steal and airship to get into Atlas, it isn’t an evil thing. They are doing it so they can save lives and protect innocent people. The good guys make sacrifices when they have to, where there is absolutely no other choice. Ironwood would sacrifice anything he could to protect his people, you can debate whether or not he’s a true villain, but he goes to far. Sacrifice isn’t a last resort for him, he believes it is. But most villains believe they’re on the right side. This is why most “Rewrites” that try to “Fix” Roman, Adam , or Ironwood go out of their way to rewrite the plot and characters to try to claim that the Villains are in the right, and to shame any female characters who stand in their way. The both the White fang and the good side use violence. But the white fang use violence and seek division and persecution as vengeance for their own struggles. Ultimately, through salem’s manipulation, they divide the intelligent creatures of Remnant. They attack hurt innocent people to further their own goals. The good guys use violence so that violence can be ended. Remind you of anyone? Cough cough, Batman! The sin of the cynic is acting purely in self-interest. Torchwick's line of "lie, cheat, steal and survive" refers to putting his needs first and foremost. It's not the same as resorting to desperate methods to save lives. Like, Jaune cheating his way into Beacon is motivated by self-interest, but his idea to steal an airship in V6 was motivated by keeping others safe. He isn't proving Torchwick's ideals are right in the latter instance, it's quite the opposite. Same with Ruby.
I'm not sure how people can say that Ironwood was proven right when we are shown that there were ways to save the people of Mantle. It's not even a one-time thing either, he thought that he had to keep forcing Mantle to make sacrifices but it turns out it was completely possible to make a compromise with them.
And if we're going to be completely honest it's Ironwood's refusal to compromise that's the biggest factor regarding Atlas's fate. For example, Neo was able to steal the lamp because his soldiers unintentionally gave her the opportunity and a way to escape. It's what led to Robyn acting the way she did on the plane and everything involving Penny was because of him.
Frankly, the only point I can give critics is the white Fang and it's only because the series so horrifically failed to demonstrate the difference between Sienna and Adam.
“But Ironwood was prepared to compromise with Robyn”
He wanted to have her taken into custody 1st and only then was he going to "negotiate," with her... I don't think I need to explain how this is not under any circumstances an actual compromise.
The actual compromise between Ironwood and Mantle took place in the Schnee Manor and that was entirely thanks to Blake, Yang, and sadly Jacques. And that was a compromise that he broke mere hours later when he decided to completely unnecessarily abandon them all to die... A decision he made without seeking any advice and then straight up threatened the people who dared question him on it.
“Sleet: The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James. But we need now is for you to work with us “
So Ironwood disrespected his peers and did whatever he wanted, and when called out on it, refused to listen to his colleagues, his equals.
A person arrested and completely at James’ mercy ISNT really a negotiating.
“I can either throw you in jail for the rest of your life OR you can agree to work under me, under my terms and conditions.”
What a “””negotiation.“”” Much fair.
“But Ruby is the villain in the trolley scenario!” If the Trolley is the floating city of Atlas, then the people of Mantle are the ones lashed to the tracks, and Ironwood put them there. Salem is coming up behind the Trolley, and Ironwood wants to bulldoze over the Mantle people. Ruby and the Gang want to get the people on board, but Ironwood refuses to let them on. To the point where he will do anything to prove he’s right and somebody is wrong. Ironwood is literally the man who cuts off his nose to spite his face. So Ruby and Crew use Ambrosius to get everyone to a new destination.
“Ruby and crew destroyed Atlas!” According to Cinder, RWBY saved thousands. And if  you think an infrastructure is what makes a kingdom, then you forget that a kingdom is nothing without living breathing people, who live in Atlas, who have made it to Vacuo, and while Vacuo is about as xenophobic as Atlas, they put power in the people, and everyone there works together for the common society. Aka, the greater good. The people of Atlas can do good for each other, when Ironwood isn’t sabotaging everything.
“Ruby sabotaged Ironwood’s broadcast!” Ironwood’s broadcast was “Hey world, I want you to ignore every bad thing I’ve done and every red flag I’ve given off because there’s a greater evil in the world, and I want you to let me use my army that failed to protect everyone into your borders just like I forcibly brought my army into the Vytal Peace festival. I promise I won’t do anything behind your backs like use your events for weapon testing of the human soul like I did back then?
What was Ruby’s Speech? “Hi Everyone, I’m a Huntress, my job is to help you all. Listen, Atlas is under attack by the same bad person that brought down Beacon. We’re all in the same mess. Yeah, she can’t be killed, but everyone working together has been able to stop her the past 80 years, and if we all work together again, we can do it again. Here’s some people you can trust to validate the info, but Ironwood can’t be trusted because of all his actions in the past and his red flags. I believe in you all, because you all can do incredible things, and together everyone can stop Salem”
So Ruby was trying to unite humanity, give EVERYONE the hope and strength to work together and fight Salem, and stop Ironwood from getting too big for his britches.
Ruby was not being a savior, Ironwood was trying to act like he was. Ruby was trying to make humans and faunus alike the saviors. Power of the People.
“Ironwood is a battle-hardened experienced general!” Remnant had been at peace for 80 years, the only conflict was Grimm and the White Fang. And Adam represented the main bad people out there...in Vale. So Ironwood basically used a display of military bravado for everything (Glynda’s words) and people think that’s battle experience? If that’s the case, then Team RWBY and JNPR have loads of experience both on Ironwood in terms of tactics, and on the Ace Ops in terms of combat. Oh wait! THEY DO! That explains why Ironwood fails so spectacularly against Salem and her agents tactics till Team RWBY comes along to help, and why Team RWBY can defeat the Ace Ops.
”He was completely different back in volumes 2-3!″
Why did people look at Adam Taurus, a wannabe edgelord who tried to murder innocent passengers on a train....and then people decided to defend his every action? Claiming Adam was “misunderstood?” What, like Vergil from Devil May Cry, who murdered innocent people for power and had no problem unleashing monsters onto civilians, just like Adam did in Volume 3?
Why did people look at Ironwood, who brought a war fleet to a international peace conference, got screamed at for his warmongering by the Assistant Headmaster who kept her voice relatively level even against team rwby’s food fight, got the headmaster fired for not obeying Jimmy, and used the conference to conduct weaponization of the human soul projects....and claim he was a savior?
So yeah...Ironwood was cool, had drip, had charisma, had good intentions. But his actions spoke louder than his words. Sadly people only listened to his words. Must be his Messiah Complex.
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