Philophomantic - an Aro-spec term for wanting to be in a romantic relationship and experiencing romantic feelings toward people, but being scared to be in a relationship with someone for one reason or another. This may be due to past trauma, or something else. Some may be able to slowly enter a romantic relationship over time, while others may be unable to form a relationship at all.
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tangymogais · 1 year
I often don’t feel love for my friends family or romantic partner? it just doesn’t feel like I can feel anything /most/ of the time.. like I can’t care. I’m numb. and it feels the same for all of them. maybe it’s an autism thing or is it an apltonic thing? it’s not that I don’t want friends or anything I do but I often have no feelings. sometimes I do want romantic things with my partner and enjoy it but I’m also numb so often and question what really is love and romanticattraction. although sometime I also get bursts of really wanting friends and loving them. can u relate to that experience or help make sense of it? it’s okay if not I’m just trying to find someone who can relate to know that I’m not the only one and what label is that
There's definitely labels for feelings like that! I'm on mobile now which makes term searching a nightmare, but when ligh get to my computer tomorrow <3'll reblog this with some things I find :)
Also I think I've seen terms for aromanticism influenced by autism! So you're definitely not alone there
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teklatch · 4 years
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lgbtsupport · 4 years
hi! so i’m questioning my sexuality a bit. i identify as queer or bi but my feelings for guys are different. i mean even sometimes with girls i don’t know if i’m sexually attracted to them. i find them cute but w/ guys i just wanna friendship sorta thing. i’m not 100% sure w/ girls tho. on top of that i’m nonbinary so like i’m confused 😔
If you want to identify as just queer then that’s totally fine and valid! You don’t need a label for other people to understand you, you should have a label that makes you feel comfortable.
You could be bisexual or you could just be aro or ace. If you just feel aesthetic or visual attraction to either gender (or more specifically women in your case) then that would most likely make you asexual.
You may also identify as gynoromantic which is a person who is romantically attracted to females or people that are more feminine alligned. At the end of the day if you feel queer is a good label for you then by all means use it, and don’t feel the need to change it for the sake of others.
Confusion about our gender(s) and sexuality is all part of the journey to self discovery, so there’s no need to feel bad about it. And the great thing is that we can change our labels any time or as often as we like!
If you have more questions don’t hesitate to ask!
- Lola
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queer-all-year · 5 years
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Have you heard of the split attraction model? 🤔 Read more about terms like homoromantic on QueerUndefined.com . #homoromantic #HomoromanticBisexual #HomoromanticAsexual #SplitAttractionModel #RomanticAttraction #lgbtq #lgbtpride #HomoromanticPride #lesbian #gay #bi #trans #queer #questioning #labels #queeridentity #lgbtqlabels #lgbtqidentity #RomanticIdentity #RomanticOrientation #bisexual #asexual #asexualspectrum https://www.instagram.com/p/BwLFgfyB7fd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g208v4tjy1d0
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lesliejoelle · 3 years
#AROMANTIC people have little or no #RomanticAttraction to others. They may or may not feel #SexualAttraction. An aromantic person can fall into 1 of 2 groups: #AromanticSEXUAL people or #AromanticASEXUAL people. #TheMoreYouKnow #LëslieKNOWLEDGE #LëslieWISDOM #PRIDE2021 #PRIDEmonth2021 #HappyPride2021 #CelebrateYOURSELF #LGBTQIA2plus #ThanksForCreating @ohmwoo from #GwyllionMagazine * twitter: @ohmwu SUPPORT THEM @ http://ko-fi.com/laurieraye (at Hell's Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQgZ8GonG4C/?utm_medium=tumblr
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holygautam · 5 years
Visit: https://bit.ly/35NMA1a
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quiltbpag-any · 7 years
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I created this scale related to lgbt+ people, because I think that most of the scales already existing (like the Kinsey scale) are pretty reductive, and rarely cover attraction to non-binary identities and the ace spectrum along with the other (mainstream) orientations. So, if you think this one is accurate, it would be a huge thing to help me to popularize it. 
I have the portuguese version [here].
To access the links, you can read further or download the PDF version [here]
Page 1
Spherientations scale: a romantic and/or sexual orientations’ scale
Created by Anilyan
Page 2
The spherical scale: presentation of a translucid sphere that locates certain orientations in points. It considers the orientations and the relations between them contemplated in the following pages.  
Page 3
Relations between orientations
bi/pan and cetero
hetero and homo
fin and min
a and zed/alo
- it’s implied that the surface of the sphere represents attraction, and the center, lack of it. In between we have grey areas.
bi/pan - someone who likes all genders can identify as bi, pan or both. Or other m-spec labels [reasons to pick bi or pan].
hetero/homo/fin/min – attraction towards one gender (mono)
hetero/homo/min/fin/bi/pan – included attraction towards binary genders
bi/pan/fin/min/a/homo/cetero – lgbt+ attractions
bi/pan/a/cetero – non-mono attractions (m-pec and a-spec)
Page 4
Handy definitions:
Hetero – attraction towards opposite/different gender
Homo – attraction towards same/similar gender
Fin – attraction towards femininity/feminine identity, by a non-binary person
Min – attraction towards masculinity/masculine identity, by a non-binary person
Bi – attraction towards more than one gender (two, all, or a nr in between)
Pan – attraction towards all genders / regardless of gender
Cetero – attraction towards non-binary people. Don’t use in problematic ways!
Zed (community name) / Alo (medical name) – umbrella to any of the above, feeling attraction
A – lack of attraction
Grey – between A and Zed
Worth noticing:
You only use labels if you want to.
Everyone defines their label differently. For nuances and problematics, check @Ash Hardell [material].
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ixniasassassin · 4 years
Send me a ❣ and I'll gauge my character's attraction to yours at this point in time // @yone-and-kayn-of-ionia
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Sexual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | RomanticAttraction
✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
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mcmxcviii1998 · 6 years
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(Part 2) When I was younger I thought I was bi because of my lack of attraction for guys and girls. But *TMI alert* - the identity didn’t feel right because I was considering it in its entirely include sexually and I figured if I was ever gonna do something sexual it would be with a guy. But is that just heteronormativity speaking? I always figured I was heteroromantic bc I could imagine myself in a relationship with a guy because of a “potential crush” and celebrity crushes…but at the same time I can l sorta imagine myself in a relationship with a girl but only if I know that (in terms of TV shows and movies) the character likes girls…but is that just media’s influence or me thinking it’s cute or something? On the 1-10 sexuality scale with 1 being hetero and 5 being bi I’d place myself as a 3. But then tbh I’ve always been drawn to female characters throughout my life like I’d literally watch movies and TV shows for that one character…but do I like them or wanna be them or is it just aesthetic attraction or admiration? But I’ve certainly noticed I’ve got a type of girl that I’d start to like/admire/is awesome. But maybe I’m just now noticing girls because I’ve been overthinking this? But then I know this girl who is just very aesthetic like how doesn’t someone even look that good. And the fact that she knows who I am and we’ve had convos and stuff is like woah. But romantically I can’t picture it. Like I guess I’ve always thought bi as being equally attracted to so that’s not the case but then I saw this post about it simply meaning attracted to more than one gender and then I’m like yeah…maybe…Idk 🤔😐🙃
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acqueer-blog · 7 years
im very confused. i find girls cute but i'm not exactly gay. . ? i know there's difference attractions?
Well, yeah there are a couple different types of attractions like: 1. Sexual attraction     - some things that falls under here are like lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, etc.     - it’s usually defined when you want to get intimate with someone whatever   that may be (it could be intercourse, kissing, hugging, or whatever floats your       boat)
2. Romantic attraction     - this is where terms like homoromantic, heteroromantic, etc. come in     - basically who you want to be in a relationship with without the level of     intimacy sexual attraction calls for 3. Aesthetic attraction    - this is the most common but least understood type of attraction     - it is where someone finds another person pretty/ beautiful usually based   on their physical appearance tl;dr finding people pretty doesn’t mean you have a crush  
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holygautam · 5 years
Visit: https://bit.ly/2pF95oE
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quiltbpag-any · 7 years
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Acabei de criar uma escala, esta sim em condições. Todas as explicações encontram-se nesses slides, e adoraria se ajudassem a popularizá-la (para quem preferir, mais logo coloco a versão em inglês). Para que os links funcionem, podem usar a versão pdf ou o texto a seguir. 
Podem fazer download do pdf [aqui]:
Página 1
Escala esferientações: uma escala de orientações românticas e/ou sexuais
Criada por Anilyan
Página 2
A escala esférica: apresentação de uma esfera translúcida que localiza certas orientações em pontos da mesma. Considera as orientações e relações entre estas contempladas nas páginas seguintes.
Página 3
Relações entre orientações
bi/pan e cetero
hetero e homo
fin e min
a e zed/alo
- Está implícito que a superfície esférica representa atração e o centro a ausência da mesma. Pelo meio temos áreas cinza.
bi/pan – quem goste de todos os géneros pode identificar-se como bi, pan ou ambos. Ou outras labels m-spec. [razões para optar por bi ou pan]
hetero/homo/fin/min – atração por um só género (mono)
hetero/homo/min/fin/bi/pan – incluída atração por géneros binários
bi/pan/fin/min/a/homo/cetero – atrações lgbt+
bi/pan/a/cetero – atrações não mono (m-pec e a-spec)
Página 4
Definições úteis:
Hetero – atração pelo género oposto/diferente
Homo – atração pelo próprio/similar género
Fin – atração por feminilidade/identidade feminina, sentida por quem é não-binárie
Min – atração por masculinidade/ identidade masculina, sentida por quem é não-binárie
Bi – atração por mais do que um género (dois, todos ou um nr intermédio)
Pan – atração por todos os géneros independentemente do género
Cetero – atração por géneros não-binários. Não use de forma problemática!
Zed (nome comunitário) / Alo (nome médico) – guarda-chuva para todas as anteriores, sentir atração
A – ausência de atração
Grey – entre A e Zed
Vale notar: 
Apenas use labels se quiser [pontos positivos de usar labels]
Toda a gente define a própria label de forma distinta. Para nuances e
problemáticas, ver o tumblr GI [www].
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