hazmatazz · 1 year
ok i'm not into mcu anymore (i got better) but the whole "¡rondad" and "sp¡derson" (using ¡ to avoid getting in the tags) was is sooooo strange to me now...like not even as a non-platonic ship (which i never liked, obviously)
like there is suchhhh a power inbalance + hero worship and mismanagement on tony's part and sooo much secrecy with peter's aunt and then the fandom adores that? and praises that relationship as healthy/parental.
i'm not saying it was a bad choice to have that be the canon relationship, it fits with that universe's (bad, imo) characterization but like...nobody ever acknowledges how it's a flawed relationship? and they put that relationship above peter's relationship with his aunt??
just think it'd be more fun if they had kept that iffy relationship in fanon i guess. and stopped calling the canon relationship like. peak parenthood or whatever
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ichiichit · 2 years
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#rondade #rondadesign (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTW_IkPX4Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fitboy13 · 4 years
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La force ne vient pas des capacités physiques, elle vient d'une indomptable volonté #capoeira #rondade #atr #graffiti #grafdesign #grafderue (à Fitness City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDCZtgtjY0K/?igshid=y9selmnaa0c
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papasfactory · 5 years
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『displacement 』展 Rondade 中目黒 dessin 11月24日 (日)まで。 アートブックの出版レーベルRondade(ロンダード)が提案する古書のショップ『displacement』が、期間限定でオープン。 本を作るだけではなく、内容の伝えかた。見せ方、読ませかた、感じ方、売り場のディスプレイに至るまで。ユーザーに届けるまでを立体的に考えて再構築。本について新しい解釈でアプローチも面白い。 分解。再構築。継ぎ足すリズム。売り場。新しい解釈。真意。 本で出来る事ってまだまだあるなーと考えさせられる展示。 ロンダードの活動は、こちらこら。 https://rondade-prototype.co #rondade #dessin_books #art #artbook https://www.instagram.com/p/B5J9qb3FFKu/?igshid=l5jp43wmu9fb
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Every day I go into AO3 and try to filter Tom Holland’s Spider-Man out of my searches and every day I’m unable to because people tag it only with “Spider-Man - All Media Types” without adding “Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)”.
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inframince-inc · 8 years
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Buku Akiyama: Composition No.1-10 and the derivatives, 2001-2016: RONDADE
会期中のワークショップも大盛況に終わり、限定100部の残りも僅かとなった『秋山ブク:コンポジション1-10番とその派生物 2001-2016』が1冊のみ再入荷しました!
「コンポジション」シリーズは、2001年に秋山伸として参加した建築展「東北大学建築学科50周年記念展覧会」で委託されたインスタレーション「Arrangement: Gallery 4200, Sendai Mediatheque」(2008年に「コンポジション 1番:せんだいメディアテークの備品による」に改題)から始まった。
この活動の節目としてアートブック「Buku Akiyama: Composition 01-10, 2001-2016」をRONDADEより刊行。
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magickgirl786 · 3 years
Fixing MCU Spider-Man (3/6)
I loved No Way Home and decided to watch all three of Tobey’s movies and both of Andrew’s movies as well as all of Tom’s MCU appearances after watching No Way Home and I have come to the conclusion that I really don’t like the MCU’s portrayal of Spider-Man/Peter Parker
This is because they decided to write him as a T/ony S/tark fanboy which goes against a lot of his characterization from the comics and previous film versions of him
So I decided that I am going to fix MCU Spider-Man and next up is Avengers Infinity War
Fixing MCU Spider-Man (3/6): Avengers Infinity War
There aren't too many other changes in this movie as I believe Peter was characterized pretty well in it. I would just take out the "Mr. S/tark" stuff and have him call him T/ony as he’s on the same level as T/ony and sees him as an equal rather than being a child with a hero worship of him trying to impress him
Speaking of Peter and T/ony’s relationship, we are going to take out the fact that Strange called Peter T/ony’s “ward” because fuck that I/rondad and S/piderson bullshit lol
Also Peter is going to stop outing his identity to everyone and their mom like seriously he’s all “OMG NO ONE CAN KNOW I’M SPIDER-MAN” yet in this movie, he’s all “OMG HI I’M PETER PARKER” to everyone like WTF lol
I am going to add a scene where Peter berates T/ony’s lack of actual mentoring, signing The Accords, which caused the Avengers to break up and not be together to help stop this threat, etc. and show T/ony the error of his ways. This way when Peter gets dusted at the end, T/ony can see how much he failed
I'm also going to add in a scene that is a direct continuation of the end scene from Spider-Man Homecoming where Aunt May sees Peter in the suit. This will be similar to the video "How Spider-Man Far From Home Should Have Started” by Browntable but I chose to add it in Avengers Infinity War since technically that would be the next movie on the list
In the above-mentioned scene, Aunt May will talk about how she always told Peter to "run the other way" when he sees something dangerous and will allude to the fact that Uncle Ben died because it was a "wrong place wrong time" type of situation yet Peter is going out looking for danger. Peter will say that he got bit by the spider for a reason and it is his responsibility to help the public just like Uncle Ben always told him and that deep down, Aunt May knows this is true. We don't have to see a flashback of Uncle Ben's death but Peter can say that he let a robber go because he was too scared to take him on as he had been bitten so recently and that was the robber that ended up killing Uncle Ben. At the end of this scene, Peter will assure Aunt May that just because he goes out and fights crime as Spider-Man does not mean he’s going anywhere and will always be there for her which is foreshadowing for what happens at the end of the movie.
The biggest change that I am doing is while I am keeping Peter getting dusted, I am changing it so that Aunt May doesn't get dusted and she lives for five years, thinking her nephew is dead. I think that would be a very powerful storyline for her especially considering she didn't want him to fight bad guys in the first place. This also gives her time to reflect on her nephew being Spider-Man, as well as what he said about Uncle Ben and whatnot so that when Spider-Man Far From Home rolls around, her being so okay with Peter being Spider-Man actually makes sense.
Also since Peter didn't take T/ony's suit in my Homecoming fix and instead made his own suit, we won't have that whole "The suit you gave me made me stick to the spaceship and go into space" stuff and maybe like Dr. Strange's cape keeps Peter there or whatever. If anyone has any ideas about how to do this, let me know!
Next up will be fixing Peter’s appearance in Avengers Endgame!
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ochoislas · 3 years
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Rondad, rondad, caballos de palo, rondad cien veces, mil más rondad, rondad sin pausa y no paréis nunca, rondad, rondad al son de obués.
La chacha gorda y el militarote muy contentos montan a parrancas, porque a pasear hoy a la Cambra fueron de parranda los señores.
Rondad, rondad, caballos de amores, mientras de rondón a cada vuelta les guiña socarrón el ratero; rondad al son de charangas y cobres.
¡Es maravilla cómo enajena montar  ridículo  carrusel! El culo a gusto, ida la cabeza; bien de unos, náusea universal.
Rondad, rondad, sin que haga falta picar jamás ningún acicate que gobierne el eterno galope; rondad, rondad, sin morral ni paja,
y aprestaos, caballos del alma, mirad que están cayendo las sombras, unid  la  paloma  al  gavilán arriba la feria y lejos del ama.
¡Rondad, rondad! El cielo se tapa lento de raso y tachones de astros. Cada pichón ya va por su lado... ¡Rondad, rondad con la tamborrada!
Tournez, tournez, bons chevaux de bois, Tournez cent tours, tournez mille tours, Tournez souvent et tournez toujours, Tournez, tournez au son des hautbois.
Le gros soldat, la plus grosse bonne Sont sur vos dos comme dans leur chambre; Car, en ce jour, au bois de la Cambre, Les maîtres sont tous deux en personne.
Tournez, tournez, chevaux de leur cœur, Tandis qu’autour de tous vos tournois Clignote l’œil du filou sournois, Tournez au son du piston vainqueur.
C’est ravissant comme ça vous soûle D’aller ainsi dans ce cirque bête! Bien dans le ventre et mal dans la tête, Du mal en masse et du bien en foule.
Tournez, tournez, sans qu’il soit besoin D’user jamais de nuls éperons Pour commander à vos galops ronds, Tournez, tournez, sans espoir de foin
Et dépêchez, chevaux de leur âme: Déjà voici que la nuit qui tombe Va réunir pigeon et colombe, Loin de la foire et loin de madame.
Tournez, tournez! le ciel en velours D’astres en or se vêt lentement. Voici partir l’amante et l’amant. Tournez au son joyeux des tambours!
Paul Verlaine
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gallery-fall · 4 months
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09 | 25 → 09 | 29 かなおり「マル」●
09 | 18 → 10 | 13 ショーケース「PRESS POP」□
07 | ?? → 10 | ?? 小部屋「higurashi in SMALL FALL」▲
10 | 02 → 10 | 06 aardekleur「day by day」●
10 | 09 → 10 | 13 藤原喜一郎 磁器展「きのまま」●
● = 展示 | □ = ショーケース | ▲ = 小部屋
→ twitter.com/gallery_FALL
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01 | 10 → 01 | 21 bubuchiyo「鳥獣張子」●
01 | 24 → 01 | 28 柿本芳枝「sketch」●
01 | 31 → 02 | 04 モノ・ホーミー「2464 LITTLE MAGICAL HOMIES」●
01 | 10 → 02 | 04 ショーケース「Sweet Dreams Press」□
02 | 07 → 02 | 11 VRANA展 ●
02 | 14 → 02 | 25 kanaexpress「MISSION 印 POSSIBLE」●
02 | 07 → 02 | 25 ショーケース「Loule」□
12 | ?? → 03 | ?? 小部屋「古本泡山」▲
02 | 28 → 03 | 10 フルコチエ「Palette」●
03 | 13 → 03 | 24 小方英理子「Play time」●
02 | 28 → 03 | 24 ショーケース「DOOKS」□
03 | 25 → 04 | 02 春���休暇をいただきます
04 | 03 → 04 | 07 伊藤満「Primavera」●
04 | 10 → 04 | 14 おくまゆみ「ダンス・ダンス・アバンダンス」●
04 | 17 → 04 | 21 小西良 陶展 ●
04 | 24 → 04 | 28 川﨑和美 ガラス展 ●
04 | 03 → 04 | 28 ショーケース「夏葉社」□
05 | 01 → 05 | 05 久野真琴 陶展 ●
05 | 08 → 05 | 12 余地「紙しつらふ」●
05 | 15 → 05 | 19 トリノコ「トリノコの木」●
05 | 01 → 05 | 19 ショーケース「ティータイム」□
05 | 22 → 05 | 26 チチネオ + imuy「MEXICOのたまてばこ」●
05 | 29 → 06 | 02 ポン豆ヤ「遊覧記念 3」●
06 | 05 → 06 | 09 後藤洋平 ガラス器展「etude」●
05 | 22 → 06 | 09 ショーケース「off note」□
03 | -- → 06 | -- 小部屋「コトノハブックス」▲
06 | 12 → 06 | 16 MIHANI「みはにのいろいろ展」●
06 | 19 → 06 | 30 花松あゆみ「DREAMING」●
06 | 12 → 06 | 30 ショーケース「となりにある古楽」□
07 | 03 → 07 | 07 小山暁子 陶展「日常の中のおもかげ」●
07 | 10 → 07 | 14 マイェ・ブラス・シングス「、あなたへの手紙」●
06 | ?? → 07 | ?? 小部屋「インスタ日記11(仮)」▲
07 | 17 → 07 | 21 woo texitles「MIYOU NO ZAKKA」● 07 | 03 → 07 | 21 ショーケース「港の人」□
07 | 24 → 07 | 28 MONA SUGATA「GRASSLAND」●
07 | 31 → 08 | 04 苔むす木工「un-gu」●
08 | 07 → 08 | 11 工藤冬里 陶展「my old fRame」●
07 | 24 → 08 | 11 ショーケース「土曜社」□
08 | 12 → 08 | 27 夏の休暇をいただきます
08 | 28 → 09 | 01 岸野衣里子「海の底のボーリーン」●
09 | 04 → 09 | 08 髙橋旭「秋、かよふ。」●
09 | 11 → 09 | 15 古本と手製本ヨンネ「ヨンノオト」●
08 | 28 → 09 | 15 ショーケース「カンパニー社」□
09 | 18 → 09 | 22 エスオウ セラミクス 陶展 ●
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2022年 → ●
2021年 → ●
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2017年 → ●
2016年 → ●
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167-0042 ���京都杉��区西荻北3-13-15-1F
地図 | 13:00 - 19:00 | 月・火お休み
gallery.fall at gmail.com | fall-gallery.com
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
mcu irondad INFURIATES me fbksndndbd
LOL my fave is the inevitable smarmy follow-up “Well ACTUALLY, Peter WAS Tony’s sidekick in the comics so its not like the MCU made anything up there” - its like, well ACTUALLY, almost thirty-year old Peter who’d already been married WAS Tony’s like.....mentee in a single event comic that was more contrived than in character but sure that’s remotely the same thing.
Marvel’s never had teen sidekicks in the way DC has for very specific in-universe reasons - all the teen heroes have either been mutants cited as inevitably going to be targets anyway, or else were doing things on their own in defiance of the adult heroes going Could You Not Tho. It wasn’t until Young Avengers and Civil War that Marvel even really STARTED dipping their toes into the teen sidekicks trope, and prior to that, New Warriors, etc, very much did not fit the bill.
Basically, teen sidekicks are a very complicated thing BECAUSE as is often pointed out, they come ripe for the ‘child endangerment’ picking at. They’ve been a staple of DC’s for so long that a certain suspension of disbelief is grandfathered in, but Marvel has never HAD that, and thus their attempts to like....hop on the teen sidekick bandwagon without building in any kind of accounting for the differences between the two comic book universes has like, only ever ended badly.
So yeah, the I/rondad stuff drives me bonkers too, because its LITERALLY everything people accuse Bruce of doing with his teenage partners, only....ACTUALLY done in canon. Like, sorry if its not immediately obvious thanks to RDJ’s alleged ‘charm’, but the origins of I/rondad in the MCU is him literally kidnapping Peter in a movie all about Tony insisting that heroes like them have to be accountable to the law. Like, taking a minor to another country without their legal guardian’s permission is the absolute definition of kidnapping, lol, there’s no ‘its for a good cause and trust me, I’m a hero’ qualifier, and oh yeah....Peter didn’t even want to go at first, and Tony ‘convinced’ him by saying “okay you’ll do it or I’ll tell your aunt aka the legal guardian whose lawful permission I should lawfully require to take you to another country for ANY reason whatsoever regardless!’ LOL. Tony literally blackmailed him into being Team Ironman by using the threat of revealing the secret identity he should never have cooperated in keeping secret from Peter’s guardian....according to the very laws and rules and accountability he was lording over Team Cap the entire movie in the first place!
I/rondad IS everything critics accuse Bruce and the Robins and Batgirls of being, because the differences between Marvel and DC’s universes made it impossible to simply replicate a trope from one in another without sizable differences being inevitable. Marvel just counted on people going umm I dont see it on account of I dont want to see it, and bing bang boom, that’s kinda pretty much what happened.
But cut to me: I/rondad and Batman & Robin are not the same or interchangeable or anything remotely of the sort ugggggh.
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ichiichit · 2 years
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#rondade #rondadesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTQ7WsvLVb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Looking for Irondad Beta Readers
Hey everyone! Since I’ve started taking requests and prompts, I’ve realized I don’t have a beta reader to look these over for me. I’m just looking for someone to read one-shots, I don’t need someone to read my longer fic (I won’t stop you if want to though of course). 
Basically I just need someone willing to read over my prompt responses and be willing to tell me if I got something wrong or if something sounds off, as well as be able to tell me the things I did right. Again, this would only be one-shots, I would’t have you reading anything longer than that. 
In case anyone is interested, you can read a couple one-shots here and here to see what my style is like and whether you would like to beta read for it
Imma add my Irondad tag list under the cut in case any of you are interested/can spread this around!
Irondad Tag List: @phahbiyah @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @clevermuffinalmondpeach @stuck-in-a-fictional-universe @canonismybitch
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da-ori · 4 years
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displacement - ori.studio in collaboration with rondade
derived from used book :  パソコンによる作図の基礎Translate Tweet
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noemontreal · 5 years
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18 janvier
Il y a 22 ans, j’étais celle qui te faisait père.
Il y a 1 an, tu me retrouvais à Budapest.
Et cette année, je suis si loin de toi. Si loin, mais pourtant si près. Suffisamment proche pour ne pas avoir besoin de se le dire : c’est moi qui ai la priorité pour deezer, c’est toi qui gagne toujours à la crapette, toi qui aime le whisky et la bonne musique, moi qui aime t’entendre siffler que tu es là. Toi le pilier solide sur lequel on peut tous compter. Toi, le seul être à connaître la petite chanson avec la chèvre et le bâton. Toi, qui sait si bien danser. Toi tout sourire, toi tout délire. Toi mon papa. Toi qui ne vieillit pas. J’ai eu tellement de chance que ce soit toi, ton presque 1m90, tes bras chaleureux et ton regard bienveillant. Toi qui sait si bien cuisiner le pain perdu, toi le premier à saluer de la main les inconnus. Mon père qui sait faire les rondades et les devis pour les caveaux 4 places. Toi qui a construit une jolie maison au décor de ma vie. J’ai eu tellement de chance que j’en perdrais les mots tu sais.
Joyeux anniversaire Papou. Si tu savais combien je t’aime... Tabernak !
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