#rose londe
ro--lal · 7 months
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icon spam. formed my first thought
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
ROSE: This is problematic of me (joke), but I really enjoy the splashing of French into English speech or writing. It just adds a pizzazz.
JOHN: adds a certain... je ne sais quoi.
ROSE: ...See, the problem is that, despite around eight years of French schooling, the French language has utterly escaped my brain, so even the most obvious set-up I had created for myself by accident was missed by me. Such is life.
JADE: c'est la vie!!!
ROSE: God damn it.
DAVE: sacré bleu
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sartorially · 1 month
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Per the results of this LALONDE POLL, I'm streaming my sketch! Looking forward to seeing y'all there.
You can find the YT STREAM HERE.
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ale-cart · 8 months
Dave knowing how to play the drums makes sense to me.
Like, we all know that boy has got some kind of ADHD going on, and drums would be one of the best ways for him to fidget without unwanted attention yk?
Ofc he's still got his turntables, and honestly I can see him finding interests in other instruments too like the piano. Drum-wise though, I feel like he'd have a good time especially creating his own stuff.
Which actually brings me to my gleestuck au, (which I'll explain more about in another post) where Dave actually can't sing haha. Dirk can, and rose does really well with vocals, but Dave is the only stri-londe that cannot sing.
He and dirk will rap-off though for shits and giggles, or as a vocal warmup. Other than that, Dave basically becomes the token drummer.
Which he's more than okay with, because mans got mad stage fright. He finds it easier just being able to play the instrument because he can get lost in the sound and the motions with his hands all while ignoring the on look of people.
They also definitely make exceptions for him as the drummer, such with regionals and concerts yk? He even learns how to play guitar for specific songs the club sings ahhhh
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incomingalbatross · 5 months
it's a sad song it's a sad tale
And now, retracing his steps, he evaded all mischance, / and Eurydice, regained, approached the upper air, / she following behind (since Proserpine had ordained it), / when a sudden madness seized the incautious lover, / one to be forgiven, if the spirits knew how to forgive: / he stopped, and forgetful, alas, on the edge of light, / his will conquered, he looked back, now, at his Eurydice. / In that instant, all his effort was wasted, and his pact / with the cruel tyrant was broken, and three times a crash / was heard by the waters of Avernus. ‘Orpheus,’ she cried, / ‘what madness has destroyed my wretched self, and you? / See, the cruel Fates recall me, and sleep hides my swimming eyes, / Farewell, now: I am taken, wrapped round by vast night, / stretching out to you, alas, hands no longer yours.’ (Virgil)
it's a tragedy
Afraid she was no longer there, and eager to see her, the lover turned his eyes. In an instant she dropped back, and he, unhappy man, stretching out his arms to hold her and be held, clutched at nothing but the receding air. Dying a second time, now, there was no complaint to her husband (what, then, could she complain of, except that she had been loved?). She spoke a last ‘farewell’ that, now, scarcely reached his ears, and turned again towards that same place. (Ovid)
it's a sad song but we sing it anyway
But love may hardly, nay, cannot be denied! Alas and well-a-day! Orpheus led his wife along with him, until he came to the border of light and darkness, and his wife was close behind. He had but stepped into the light when he looked back towards his wife, and immediately she was lost to him. (Boethius, via Alfred the Great's translation)
'cause here’s the thing to know how it ends and still begin to sing it again
His wiif he tok bi the hond, And dede him swithe out of that lond, And went him out of that thede - Right as he come, the way he yede. (Sir Orfeo)
as if it might turn out this time...
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into Hell. On the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. (The Apostles' Creed)
...I learned that from a friend of mine.
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taintedpompom · 1 month
Sizing up
Rose sat in her room, thighs pressed against each other in a sulky squish of frustration. Rose looked at her phone, frowning. She was late. Rose was bored and Roxy was late.
As a die hard punk rebel, Rose didn't have THAT many friends. Foistered responsibilities perhaps, lapbrats even, but not friends. The only thing THEY want to do are night clubs and kareoke and things Rose wouldn't be caught dead in, even without the threat of manicures.
So when Roxy offered to give her a custom made outfit that wouldn't shrink like so many of her now ripped jeans, Rose simply HAD to take it. There simply wasn't a viable alternative... except Roxy was late and Rose STILL had no one- nothing, nothing to do. Not no one.
It was all very depressing and tragic she was sure. Perhaps she could write a poem about it, or go to the night club after all...
Or she could check her phone again... that seemed a good deal less desperate.
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arachnidjest · 6 months
i HATE the Lalondes SO MUCH
not only are they super annoying, but can we also talk about how stupid and useless they are?
they did nothing in the entirety of homestuck, all they did was drink vodka and play with their stupid cats all day, which is so stupid
rose with her dumb "haha sarcasm me smart i love psychology" like nobody cares about that you stupid blondie!! and roxy with her "lololol wonk wonk le snore le wonk" like its so annoying and all she does is drink and sleep and le snore >:(
ew and not only to mention that they are QUEER and TRANS which is the most disGUSTING things ever and are L and not sigma at all (that is why i love Doc Scratch because he is heterosexual christian white sigma alpha gigachad male)
honestly the WORST written characters in this whole webcomic, and not only in this webcomic but also in the entire history of fictional media. i cannot believe h*ssie would make such BLASPHEMOUS characters they make me gag every time i see them and every time i look at the color purple or pink (those also became my least favourite colors because of the l*londes)
petition to remove the l*l*ndes from homestuck!!!
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Why, of course I blame you for thinking about John, Davesprite! You had all the time in the world to say something about Rose or DIrk! For example, on something that happened JUST RECENTLY, you could have expounded upon THIS SITUATION!
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You could've said that you obviously cared for Rose and the Stri-Londe cohorts... BUT YOU DIDN'T! As I said previously, you immediately jumped to your CONCERNS ABOUT ONE JOHN EGBERT!
And again, I rest my case.
TG: well yeah no one told rose or dirk to wear fuck hats now did they
TG: and dont go getting any ideas about that shit i swear to god
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coridallasmultipass · 8 months
Aaaaaa am hi gushing about DaveRose across timelines
Alpha Dave and Alpha Rose are like soulmates (and normally, and as an aromantic person, 'soulmates' is such a squicky concept and kinda terrifies me, but when I think about Dave and Rose and both Betas and Alphas both dying heroically together, I just... ohhhmygoddddd... it looks so natural.)
They're like the last ones standing before judgment day, and while they know they're gonna die, but they can face whatever comes next as long as they have each other. They can't imagine being in a world without the other.
In other ways, Rose is so good for Dave, like he can open up to her in ways he can't with anyone else. Yes, Rose is, of course, going to pick him apart and examine his insides (how could she not when Dave is so deliciously... Dave), but Dave is totally fine with Rose doing exactly that, he feels safe around her, and she's the one constant in his life, and so he actually kind of really likes getting picked apart by Rose, and actively seeks that out, because he can fully trust her to put everything back where it was when they started. It's like going in for a deep clean - it's gonna feel rough, he might cry a bit, but when he comes out on the other side he feels a little more genuinely himself.
Like, Dave can't do that with anyone else, Karkat doesn't know what to do with him if he opens up like it doesn't come intuitively when they're together, Dirk is a tinkerer especially with feelings he doesn't understand and therefore Dave still has to be on guard about opening up with him, Jade doesn't want to get that feels-deep in Dave, John doesn't 'get' Dave and Dave doesn't feel comfortable enough opening up to John like that even tho they're best bros, and, well, Terezi is Terezi.
Rose is the only one he can really trust with his entire being.
Also, since I'm the gayest motherfucker I know... Can I also talk about the big gay energy they both have, too? Like. On the surface, someone might be like, 'Oh, that's a plain old hetero couple right there.' BUT NO. THESE ARE LIKE THE TWO GAYEST CHARACTERS IN HOMESTUCK. (Umbrella term 'gay' bc Dave is bi/whatever, and Rose is probably also bi, but we only see her in the context of RoseMary, which is why I started out with mentioning Alpha Dave/Alpha Rose. But like, they're poly imo anyway. I can't see them being exclusive in any timeline. The Alpha situation is just isolating by nature.) BACK TO MY POINT, THIS IS A WHOLE ASS GAY RELATIONSHIP AND IT GIVES ME SUCH GAY FEELINGS AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
(On the subject, uh, all the Stri-Londes are trans in my book, too.)
Rewinding a bit, Rose doesn't need Dave like Dave needs Rose. That's part of what makes this so special, is that Rose is there for him because she wants to be. It's fulfilling in a way that she isn't 'needed' by anyone else. What she doesn't realize is how actively good having Dave around is for her. He gives her a reason to live and fight and die for. It was fated for them to be together like that in every timeline.
Even in one of the most absurd moments of Homestuck, we see them fated to be together with the whole Jasprosesprite and Davepetasprite incident. (Oh, don't even get me started on Davepeta, I have essays worth of thoughts about how they're the most OP character in all of Homestuck...)
Actually, let's end it there. Lol, I'm tired.
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tentacleterrorized · 10 months
> Past Rosebud: Just as promises Rosebud promised, she'd make her way to Roxys Icelandic home to deliver left over French fries and enjoy some time together.
> Present Rosebud: After celebrating with Roxy she made her way back to her ship and from there teleported to Rose's home for her gift.
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ro--lal · 11 months
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trying something new :3
homestuck kids icons 1/2 !!!
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hoefortonks · 2 years
Little Jackal & Mr. Knight
Chapter 2: A package
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Title: A package
Pairing(s): Steven Grant x teen/young adult!avatar OC, Marc Spector x teen/young adult!avatar OC, Jake Lockley x teen/young adult!avatar OC (all platonic)
Summary: after moving to London trying to start over, Mae finds herself meeting someone, or rather people, who help her cope with her past.
Warnings: language, canon typical violence, mentions of death/descriptions of dead bodies, mentions of blood, OC has gen Z humor (I feel like this should be a warning considering the stuff we joke abt), probably grammatical errors, written by a dyslexic, proofreadish
Word count:4k+
(Master list) (part 1)
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The man woke with a start, instantly regretting his choice, as the aches and pains of his body quickly caught up to him. With a groan, he rose to his feet, walking towards the mirror of the bathroom.
“Steven, you wanna tell me why we just woke up on the floor of the shower?”
I dunno, mate, I was about to ask you the same. The man’s reflection snapped back in defense.
“Then how the fuck did we end up here? Huh? Cause it was your day yesterday, even though we agreed I had control on your days off from work.” Marc hissed, pointing an accusatory finger at the man standing where his own reflection should be.
I truly don’t know, Marc. Are you sure you weren’t just having too much fun with some of your lifestyle choices? Steven sassed back. We also wouldn’t be having these bloody headaches if I had the body more often. He added in a low mumble.
“You have the body 5 out of 7 days! 5! I can’t even do what I fully want to. And you took my day yesterday! You said all you were gonna do was get your groceries and stuff for the fishes, and you didn’t even do that! Instead, you chose to do gods know what, then helped out that 12-year-old, and ended up staying in her apartment for the rest of the night!”
First off, Mae is 18, and second I didn’t get to do any of my errands because you decided to take control in the middle of the day!
“I didn’t take control, Steven! What are you not understanding about that?” Marc was continuously running his hands through his hair, further tussling his already messy curls. Pacing the length of the small bathroom of the men’s apartment.
Marc, I don’t think you’re understanding. If I didn’t have control, and you didn’t have control. Then what the bloody hell did we do for 6-hours yesterday?
Marc stopped all movement, hand halfway through his curls for the 50th time since waking up, staring at Steven in the mirror. Steven looked at him expectantly, a look of concern present on his features.
“You don’t think-“
It’s possible.
“But how would we not know?”
Think back to Cairo, the same thing was happening there, only there aren’t bodies laid around us this time.
“But we would know about another alter. I would know about another alter.” Marc was growing frustrated.
Maybe not. Think about it, Layla said it was like we were a different person when it happened. It’s the only explanation, Marc.
“No, no it’s not pos-“ Marc was interrupted by the sound of his tv turning on.
The men both looked at each other, and Marc grabbed the closest item to him, that being his toilet paper holder, as a weapon. Carelessly tossing the paper roll off its resting place, Marc crept out of his bathroom, ready to attack. Fixing his tight grip on the piece of metal, he brought it up close to his head, ready to swing as he dashed to where his tv was.
No one was there.
Not letting his guard down, Marc quickly searched every inch of his apartment. Looking in every possible hiding spot, kicking, punching, and swinging the toilet paper holder at objects that looked as if someone was using them as a poorly-thought-out hiding spot.
The tv, once again, caught his attention. Walking back to his living area, he grabbed the remote from the coffee table, raising the volume. “This just in, the bodies of 37-year-old Marsha Keeten, and 20-year-old Daniel Bennings, we're found just 4 blocks from the London Eye. Marsha was found with a total of 26 stab wounds, while Daniel, well I'm not able to say his condition on live television. Witnesses say there was a masked figure in all-black with a white cape leaving the scene. The question is, was this the so-called Phantom of London? Or was it a new masked person, with a much more sinister intent?”
“Fucking hell,” Marc breathlessly said, staring dumbfounded at the screen.
Do you think it's another Avatar? Think Khonsu found another one already?
“It's possible.”
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“Okay, I get it, we both have black suits, but that person was obviously much taller than me,” Mae grumbled staring dumbfounded at her television.
Remember, little Jackal, they only had a picture of you, and it was not the best quality at that.
“Whose avatar are they?”
“Were you able to see his symbol on their suit?”
No, Mae looked at the god, brows furrowed in confusion. I saw him.
“You saw Khonsu?” She only received a nod, “how come I didn’t?”
Avatars can only see those whom they serve. You can see me, and Khonsu’s avatar can see him, but that is it. It takes a great deal of power and energy for us to have a physical form, let alone just show ourselves to those who don’t serve us.
The girl hummed in understanding before asking, “why do you think they were after them? I mean Marsha- Marsha was her name right?” Anubis only nodded as he sat crisscrossed on Mae’s kitchen island, which lead the girl to stifle a laugh at the look of the massive god sitting on the tiny piece of the added counter. “She had Ammit’s symbol as a tattoo. Now I’m not saying she deserved to die, but I can see why she was targeted by Khonsu’s avatar. But Daniel? And his murder was brutal.” She said with a grim expression on her face, stomach starting to churn as scenes from last night started to replay in her head.
Miss Keeten was one of Ammit’s followers. She was trying to finish what Arthur Harrow started, judging people, though she does not harness the power of Ammit. Daniel was just the first person she chose.
“You’re telling me she did that to him?”
Yes, and luckily the Moon Knight was there before anything else could happen. Anubis picked up on how anxious Mae was getting, choosing to pick a new topic of discussion. Have you checked for any packages recently?
“Hm?” The girl lightly hummed coming out of a daze. “What?”
I asked if you have received any packages as of late. The god’s voice was calm and as gentle as he could make it, which wasn’t very gentle, but he tried.
“Oh, no, but I don’t think they deliver anything on Sundays.”
I believe they still do packages. Why don't we go and check?
Mae didn’t question him, knowing he was trying to distract her from her thoughts. She got her phone and key and left the apartment, making sure the door was locked, twice.
Taking the stairs was faster than taking the elevator, it helped clear her head going down each step, and she wouldn’t have to worry about a cable snapping, making her fall to her death in a metal box. As she opened the door to the stairwell a thud was heard followed by a groan. She quickly looked behind the block of metal. “Shit, I’m so sorry.” She apologizes as she sees someone bent down picking up their laundry that had fallen to the floor. She didn’t know whether to help them or not seeing as it was their clothing and she didn’t want to anger them even more.
The man quickly picked up everything, never facing Mae, grumbling to himself about people needing to watch where they're going, before heading to the complex’s laundry room.
Do not think too much about them, Mae, let us go see if you have a package.
The girl nodded and proceeded to the front desk. “Good morning Glen.” she greeted the tall man with the brightest smile she could muster at that hour of the morning.
“Ah! Good morning miss Kyng!” He took in the girl's appearance, “didn't go to church this morning?”
“Nah I was too tired today.” the man nodded in understanding with his usual kind smile. “Did any packages come for me this past week? I forgot to check.”
“Yes, actually one just came. Hold on a moment.” Glen bent down looking at each of the three shelves behind his desk. “Ah! Here it is.” he poked his head up, before standing to his full height, holding a box that was about the size of Mae’s torso alone. “This one's a bit bigger, do you think you could carry it by yourself?”
“Uh, yeah, I think I can manage.” She said as she slid the box off the front desk, doing her best to hide the fact that it was too heavy for her. She made her way to the elevator, and as if on cue someone rounded the corner, coming from the laundry area. Focusing on not dropping the package in her hands, Mae almost bumped into the person. She looked up when she felt the person brush her arm, alerting her to their presence. “I'm sorry.” she apologized even though she hadn't done anything. Looking up, her lips curled into a smile at the sight of a familiar face. “Oh, hey Steven.”
He didn't say anything or even acknowledge she was there, which confused the girl. Is it not him? She wondered. The elevator doors opened with a ding before she could get lost in her thoughts. He stepped in first. Mae saw in the mirror that is in the elevator that it was, in fact, Steven further confusing her. He glanced to the left looking at the other mirror in the box. Mae cautiously stepped into the elevator, thinking she somehow upset her friend.
As the doors closed the two stood awkwardly. Steven hit the button for both the 5th and 4th floor, indicating he did see her but was just ignoring her. The elevator started to move, and Mae’s mind got the best of her. “Are you mad at me?” She blurted out, looking up at Steven. He looked to his right at the mirror next to him. After a few seconds of silence, his shoulders slumped a bit, and he looked less tense. “Steven?”
He turned to the teenager, “oh! Hello Mae.” He said with a soft smile.
“How are you doing today?”
“Good?” Mae was confused. Did he really not see her there? “Is everything okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“It’s just-“ she bit the inside of her cheek. Should she ask him? If he was mad at her she didn’t want to make it worse by pushing. “Never mind.” She mumbled.
Steven felt bad, he told Marc to take the stairs. When he asked him to have control, knowing Mae would want to talk, the man just grumbled. Marc felt bad too, he saw how Mae’s face lit up when she saw them. But he knew he couldn’t acknowledge her, knowing she would pick up that he wasn't Steven, even if he faked an accent. Both the men picked up very quickly that Mae was the observant type, she could pick up on the little things that not many people would notice. They both knew that she would be able to tell if she wasn’t talking to Steven.
Steven had tried many times to convince Marc to let Mae meet him, saying she was going to meet him at some point whether it was an accident or not. But Marc didn't know Mae, he wasn’t friends with her. How was he supposed to trust someone with a secret like this if he didn’t know them, let alone them know of his existence? Even if he is the owner of the body.
Not being able to stand the awkwardness of the ride, Marc gave into Steven’s begging to front. “What’d you got there?” Steven tried to break the silence.
“A box.” Mae quietly replied.
Steven chuckled, “well I can see that.” He looked at the rather large cardboard object. “Is that a postcard on top?”
“Yea,” she was a bit louder than before.
Mae, he’s not mad at you.
“Would you like help to carry it? It looks a bit heavy.”
Mae opened her mouth, do not even think about rejecting his offer young lady. Anubis sternly said.
Mae mentally scowled at the god. “I wouldn’t want to bug you.”
“Nonsense, Mae, you could never bug me.” Steven gave the girl a comforting look.
A small smile crept its way back onto her face and she handed him the box. The girl was shocked watching as Steven carried it as if it weighed little to nothing, casually walking to her door.
Entering the apartment Mae disappeared into her room area as Steven put the box on the kitchen island. She returned with a box knife in hand and hopped on the counter, sitting crisscrossed next to the box.
It took everything in Steven to not chastise the girl for sitting on the counter seeing as this was her home.
Mae took the postcard off the box before cutting it open. “You can look in the box while I read the card if you want.” She offered the man, which he excepted.
“Dear Mae,
I’m sorry this one is coming to you late, I had a little trouble on the 19th of the month, postponing my travels. Don’t worry everything is alright now. I have made it safely to Brazil, and have even met some friends on the way. It’s beautiful here, honestly, words can’t describe its beauty. Maybe we can come here together one day, they have Carnival in February so we will need to go then. I have a feeling you would quite like the celebration. As you will see I put some snacks that I found here that I think you will like. As always there are trinkets I found that made me think of you. I miss you cariño, and I hope England is treating you well. I don’t know when, but I will eventually make my way to Europe, and we can get hot cocoa (if the weather calls for it). I hope to hear from you soon, I will be in Morocco by the middle of September and will (try to) text the address of where I will be staying.
With much love,-“
“What’s Bala Juquinha?”
“Don’t know,” Mae said with a shrug, going to pin this postcard with the rest on her wall.
“It looks like candy. There’s also coffee in here.”
“Brazilian coffee?!” The girl ran back to her kitchen, sliding on the hardwood in her socks, giving the god she works for a heart attack as she almost rams right into the counter. “Yes!” She exclaimed, raising the bag of coffee beans triumphantly in the air. She kissed the bag, “thank you,” she sang to the non-present sender. Steven looked at the girl amused. “He couldn’t get coffee in the last country he was in. And I’ve been dying to try Brazilian coffee.”
“And who is he? If it’s alright to ask.”
Mae thought for a second, “a friend.”
“I see, a friend,” Steven repeated with a smirk.
“Not like that Steven.” She sternly said, wagging a finger at the man.
Mae proceeded to pull everything out of the box. She had a total of five different candies, two of each kind, ten all together. A couple of shirts. A rock that kind of looked like the actor Pedro Pascal. Some pressed flowers. And three pieces of jewelry, bracelets to be exact, but what stood out to Mae out of everything was a necklace. It was made of titanium and had a pendant in the shape of a crescent moon. The box it came in was black with a navy blue velvet inside where the necklace laid. A note was placed under the dainty chain, “so you will know I’m always with you. :)” It brought a smile to the girl's face once again, and Steven helped her put it on.
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For the past two weeks, everyone in London had been on edge. Especially after another three bodies had been found, two of which were trying to do Harrow's unfinished work. The third was that of another young adult male, the same age as the last victim.
Marc and Steven had grown worried. Was it their possible new alter doing this? Steven was more worried about the fact that the two victims of each attack from Ammits followers were people around Mae’s age. Worried she could be next.
Marc tries to calm his alter, telling him, “she wouldn't be in harm's way, she doesn't leave her house.”
Yes, she does Marc.
“Okay for work and grocery shopping, but we started going with her to the store. She’s fine.”
But we aren't there when she’s going to and from work. Please, just call her.
“I'm not Cal-”
Steven’s phone began to ring. Marc took it out of his pocket and stared at the device in disbelief. Who is it? Steven asked, hopping to every reflective surface in sight, trying to see the screen.
“No one,” Marc grumbled after letting it stop ringing, tucking the phone back in his pocket only to have it start ringing again.
Marc, who was it?
“It was no one, Steven.”
Was it Mae?
It was! Marc what if it was an emergency?
“I'm sure it's not an emergency, she's fine.”
Steven’s phone now buzzed from Marc’s back pocket. The men looked at each other. “No.”
C’mon, Marc!
Just at least look at the message.
“No, Steven, you have a problem.” The man closed the three-way mirror, though, Steven found another reflective surface.
She needs someone. Marc, I know you've noticed. Marc simply pretend as if Steven was not there. You see how she acts, how she responds to certain things. How she-
“She’s not a charity case, Steven, so don't treat her like one.” The man snapped, finally looking at his alter.
I never said she was-
“She was wondering if you could meet her at the bus stop in 20 minutes,” Marc mumbled, after pulling out Steven's phone again.
Which one?
“Closest to the complex.” Steven gives Marc a pleading look. Marc ran a hand over his face letting out a sigh. “fine you can go check on her," Steven perked up, "but don't make this an all-day thing. This’s still my day to front!” He declared, pointing a finger at the fish tank.
After texting Mae back, the men head toward their destination. Marc walked slowly so they wouldn't have to be standing in the rain for long. Why of all places did we have to pick London? He thought to himself. Marc let Steven take control as they watched the bus come to a full stop.
Slowly but surely the passengers piled out. Marc found it humorous to see all of their reactions to the torrential downpour. Their looks of horror as their clothes and hair absorb the water. Steven scolded him until a familiar mop of shoulder-length brunette curls came into view.
The girl smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. “I’m so sorry for asking you to meet me, you were probably busy.”
“Oh no, I just didn’t hear my phone ring ‘s all.” As the two made the trek back to their complex in the rain, Steven noticed Mae was tense, paranoid even, looking behind them every so often. “Are you alright, love?”
“Yea, I just-“ she looked behind them once more, “I’ll tell you when we get back to the apartments.” Steven nodded, placing a gentle hand on her upper back, calming her growing anxiety.
As the pair walk to the stairwell starting to make their way to the top two floors, Steven asked the question, “so what happened?”
“I’m not 100% sure, but I think I was being followed. I noticed someone when I went to the cafe four blocks from here that serves those really good bagels, now they’re not as good as New York bagels but close to it.”
“I’ve never had a New York bagel.”
“You’ve never had a New York bagel?!” Steven just shrugged, looking down at his neighbor. “Dude they’re so good. They’re big, not too big though, fluffy, yet they have a slight crunch. And the taste. Oh my God don't even get me started on the taste!”
Keep her on track. Marc lightly warned.
“Ya know what? We need to take a trip to New York to get you a bagel. Wait, you’re a vegan! I’m sure we can find you a vegan bagel-“
“As much as I would love to travel to New York, let’s get back to what we were talking about.”
“What were we talking about?”
Oh my god.
“Why you asked me to meet you.”
Mae’s eyes widened as if a lightbulb had gone off in her head. “Oh! I think I was being followed.” The man gave her a look indicating for her to keep going. “I first noticed her at the cafe, I obviously didn’t think much of it. But she came up to the table I was at and started talking to me. I gave her short brief answers, trying to get it across to her in the nicest way to leave me the fuck alone.”
gasp! Steven you're going to let her say a bad word?!
“But she didn’t?”
The girl stopped her climb, looking at her neighbor, puzzled. “That’s the thing. She did leave me alone, or at least I thought she did. After the cafe, I stopped at a bookstore and noticed her. I thought it might have been just a coincidence, then I went to the bank and saw her again. Then I stopped by the park cuase it was a nice day. Until it started raining, but I saw her again. Then I stopped at work cause I had left something there yesterday, and she was there too. She approached me again, only she didn’t talk, just lifted her sleeve revealing a tattoo on her upper forearm. After that, I got on the bus and left her at the museum. But there was a man on the bus, and he was staring at me. I moved seats to see if he would stop, but he moved too."
Steven's concerns grew as she went on about the guy continuing to move seats as she did. Then she mentioned him revealing a tattoo in the same place as the woman's before she called him. "What did it look like?"
"The tattoo?" the man only nodded, "Um- it was a scale of some sort, but the arm thingies that hold the weighing plates were I think crocodile heads."
shit, you were right.
"I could just be paranoid. It could've just been some crazy weird coincidence."
"I wouldn't say you were paranoid, Mae. And you did the right thing by calling someone. We don't know what or if they had something planned." Steven said as he looked down at her, gently holding her shoulders, grateful she was alright.
Mae stared off into space as Steven's words settled in. "I could've been kidnapped or-" she stated slowly, not daring to complete her thought out loud.
Mae, without realizing it, tightly wrapped her arms around Steven's waist. The man, after the initial shock, reciprocated the action, running his fingers through her hair in a soothing motion. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, Meghan. I promise."
For the first time in over four years, Mae felt safe.
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Mae sat on top of a roof, legs dangling off the side, kicking them in the air as she scoped the area. Her fingers tapped a rhythm into the bricks, the hair that was sticking out of her braids flying in the wind after she decided to lower her hood.
"How much longer till we can go back? It's kinda cold out here."
Not long. The god had a better view of the city below due to his height, but that's not what helped him spot someone. There. He crouched to be level with his avatar, pointing a bony finger next to her head, helping her see what he was looking at.
"What exactly are we looking at, Anubis?"
Khonsu, which means...
"Moon Knight!" The teenager exclaimed, following the faraway figure with her finger.
Precisely. Come, little Jackal we must go now.
The two jumped on the roofs, making their way to the street corner, where Khonsu's avatar stood. The god and the girl stayed at their vantage point, looking at the scene below. Moon Knight was taking down another one of Ammits followers. They punched the man square in his jaw, using one of their crescent darts, leaving the weapon sticking out of his face.
The sight of the blood pouring from the man's new-found wound made Mae look away, turning her body towards Anubis for comfort. The god raised a hand, blocking the view below from her peripheral. After waiting a minute, and for the screaming to stop, the teen finally looked back down. The Moon Knight was nowhere in sight. She looked around the surrounding streets and allies, but she couldn't spot the avatar.
Mae felt a chill climb up her spine, and she spun around. "Jesus!" She exclaimed, backing up, forgetting she was standing on a rooftop. Her right foot slipped, causing her to fall back, but luckily Khonsu's avatar was quick. The person held a tight grip on the upper chest portion of Mae's suit. Their right arm was up, holding a crescent dart in their hand, ready to attack, as they held the teenager at an angle, dangling over the edge of the roof above the street below.
Khonsu! Anubis growled, Release her at once! I am in no mood to play games!
As if on command, the avatar brought Mae back to her feet, releasing her, before disappearing.
The girl's breathing was unsteady as she tried to figure out what happened. "I think- Ima just go do the ceremony now- yea." She convinced herself, slowly nodding her head.
Mae jumped to the street, stepping cautiously toward the two bodies.
She completed the ceremony for Ammits follower and then moved toward his victim. Going through the person's bag, she found an ID. Reading over it, Mae discovered her name was Lana and she was 19.
Mae froze before doing the ceremony, moving her head ever-so-slightly, listening to her surroundings. "Anubis?" Her voice was just above a whisper.
Yes, my child?
"Are they still here?"
Yes, the girl looked at the man with a jackal head, You need not worry, no harm will come to you, I will make sure of it. The monotone sound of his voice soothed her, and she continued with her task.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled Composition # 11622
A limerick sequence
Ten years! Each rose witt is weakenesse; and yet no sinners. Will’ in overplus;    more the dark, and    sacrilege, three yards from above the throne and Heaven, to ease me.
We cherished bee through the evening is acute. That is part museum of    the soul of many a    greet despitus. So you ran and hir likyng. And I, that weeps.
When, with such pryde and yit was a mayden Queene. How near the bow, and still aver    the little hour! Sick,    am I. But of one if short years we’ve caught at one Will’ more.
All the shirt since he gives nothing air. Now wol I kisse thee, hence removed. Because    thou couldst print more, and    death. Thou seist to hunt, I put him out of my hair to wake me.
Why dyest thou art gone! My fourthe housbonde for barley bare. And not so much as    dare approach thee, as help    me God, in erthe I wolde he failure ours? And made Love is laid.
And briers! Against the imperfections were ful glade to attract his enemie.    Smoothed by long familiar    men to-night in every wind that nothing but dust what is wys.
You couldst thou still Paradise had she bore; new objects light laid pausefully    misplaced, and I don’t    want to song and with all the galleys there. Or, while I place yours.
When her lord she be the report,—’tis not with bleeding hearts; but sicken of    another wolde leden    al hir lond, whatever they were game. Laid up, and flies away.
She did but dream passed you, whose quiet would corrupt my saint to be clenė, body    and soul that I took    for terme, my spring-days, with arms outstretch vnto the shadow steals.
Dost thou hast been, shalt forgo, maugree thyne yen. The white flowers bene defast.    That I shal seyn. Makes me    sick, weak, paranoid. Be fair, thou verray knave, theirs for us.
Weary of the pope hadde we on honde. Let this bold brere with the Oake, for thanne,    thapostel was hym liketh    to his homely cottage- smell, and to threat: ne euer among.
Have in thy voice back on 100K a week and cold, though you cannot chuse your bounty    cherished bee through many    a sturdy stoure, so now his arms. So am I kidding?
To lose their fear, and all think men love was half so fair. And thanne is al and    talking of a tale or    two that Socrates hadde I levere was thine eyes already.
That sweets are, ther water dewe. While the bedclothes rich, and bounds his gift;    creating of the fayre; they    haten that had largely displese. Ah foolish old man bespake.
But ah, of ours! But Venus falleth ther Mercurie is reckon’d none: their    imputed grace, that white, we    easily know, since then: ten years! A day of day-old pastries.
There; I know. And dost thou shalt make earth teach thee too well—long, long stairway again&    become the mountain-    top does this pond and straight to hit this moment of twenty, Tam!
Loved by the brae, Sir, slides over the story, first hour, first accents of returne    to herself, yet they    which I your plaint, caused hym best, if not I? And as they do light!
And it is fair gift in men’s views, that gentil text kan I wel understand    is never find him. And    I have his. That soft-luring creatures the blesse! I would encline.
Which like those through the fan be fynd, and hadde with heavy with youre wyl it were    tame. Before to one extremes    of the day, they give him power by the musk carnation?
In the blissful visions and alternate and blamed hymself afyre. Showing    in the blind do see save    that gladly view the ocean is folded and I seek it too.
By all aspects that keeps its lonely heart; but of one, which wel could not half    a kiss by you, sir, find    our death’s neighbourhood, nor all these field of snow; even on thine?
Good-morning, from vice, but his enemie. You knew not? To wedde, ne no man wole,    his proude weede, as most    vsen Ambitious brere, for wel I havė noon envie thogh mayden Queene.
Alley cats expended breathing air. And yet be jealous of what a man;    with cold bene annoied.    So should her girlond dight, and I, that this world, firm, quiet find.
Nay, I will say she hanged on the kingdom, safeliest when she doing?    Ennobling new-found therfore    no womman, but me. Her Lord him so sore, and not in my arms.
What she her self might take at her hand as the limits pent, unable to    say, how it oft; skin as    smooth dark wave slides along the white evening, sleeps so peacefully!
I koude he me how oon Latumyus compleyned unto good time, can    increasing pains she soon exhaled,    and me. This is my sommer worne away are deaf and black.
Was neuer pype of Phyllis prayse: but Phyllis is myne housbonde I wolde, as    the wast Oake. In his growing,    the brown hair! To be right gracious as the river ran on.
With this olde shepheards all, then of the shirt for a book, pardee! Whoever    hath his flute his head, and    bids her adieu. That wont to worke me more, and made hir housbonde.
And, as I am a man, taut, elderly, carefully upon hire to    wood? The Sunne, Up stirte the    star to every part, I could see no objects light, I will Yes.
Yet tikled I his heart.—Poor Martha! Good-morrow to this sentence, but ther    as he sat by thy tale.    Two right he seeks, but if you did move to-night, curled once again!
But ah vnwise and I woke disconsolation thus. But home him hasted with    precious stones, and attending    down Bristol Street, the figure was on thee; yet once I knew.
—A barbell or a bowling ball, and from the fire? Though all thing, walking of    a tale of truth, with thankful    hearts, Love beguiles, and wostow why? Where were deed tomorwe!
I have squeezed the pity comes into my skin, the evil tongue. As the clouded    pond’s surface. And but    with blossomes faintest that every dyssh and hire malencolie.
Out of sight:—must a little hearts might be taken. And the language, and only    what spite of your crooked    heart. How did her Maker praised her brain to time yet the large.
When I have seen from my reach for you. Then to the power to lend base subject    that would encline. It    is a though rosy lips and cold autumn holds to its crisis?
Twas beten for a quarter. I didn’t stay to her children too; for charge her    treasures are. The bounden    in their death’s neighbors had to keep dropping mouths, that nowe vpright hands.
In every holour wol hire have; she may none haukes lure. Time to think men    love and all they quite shrinking    myself alone. Improve: the bush my better to impart.
Where thy yeares, whether an’ a’ shouldst print more, my Silvia; I confess,    do take a wanton Nimph    for hir handes and future fears; tomorrow I may no more.
I dance in a sowes nose. Hee, in whom Love did not spie! And lete his old    thorn, the talks. A love to    another, or the young Eulalie’s met on a time and goost.
For to hold thee feeble I am going off ordinary walls, the    spot, the rurall song of    care those Cherrie-tree whose ranckling ball, and from greeuance. Helen, Helen!
My Love’s sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! And laid her up for then where life’s morningless    and revisions, before    us, knew we would content; a simple, fire-side the ground.
A bridge, where a few graveyard cross the night. So that rode at her sin. That Crist    ne wente nevere folkes fare?    I do not think our selves are all broken in, the worst tattoo.
May nothing repels thee the mind. He mighty, for aught we sought it would go,    piping too much more, my    Silvia, do I meant at all. To speak of this, how should do.
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gmanwhore · 5 months
I have two hands. One for Rose Lalonde and one for cat woman Rose Lalonde and then i am giving Roxy Lalonde a piggybackride
The Londelover (and the Londes love you)
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ale-cart · 8 months
Here's more of my gleestuck au but the ✨stri-londe's✨
They all live in the same town but different parts (I haven't decided on where I want this to take place). Their parents (bro and mom) are divorced and boy do they make a show of it.
Dave and rose are twins, having only lived together for a few months before their parents split. Dirk is the oldest although hes only a year older, Roxy is the youngest being only around 6 years old in this.
Dave and dirk live with bro, while rose and Roxy live with mom. They're not entirely sure how they got split like that, except for Roxy seeing as she has a different dad than rose and Dave. Luckily because they live in the same town, visits are always welcomed. It also helps that the older three go to the same school.
Now for the school stuff.
• he's pretty alright with his grades, averaging C's and B's
• his Adderall is a big help (poor boy CANNOT focus without it)
• he thought glee club was dumb at first (he still says it is but for irony purposes.)
• his "tryout" for glee was 'rap god'
• he's a little tone deaf here but it's fine because his skills with drums make up for it
• he only joins glee after a heated argument with karkat
• very above average grades, usually all A's (her attitude gets her in trouble)
• she's always watching out for Dave even when he tells her to fuck off
• her parental instincts just happen to go off near her twin
• she joins glee after seeing karkat and kanaya make a show of it in the cafeteria
• she *really* enjoys the hot emo lesbian in the club
• she surprises herself when she finds she actually enjoys singing
•her favorite part is the harmonizing which she then gets put as a vocal lead.
• he tends to skip classes although he keeps barely passing grades
• hes usually pretty quiet unless you get him talking about his interests
• he only sticks to hanging out with his siblings and their friends
• he only joins glee because John asks him to (he's been crushing on the guy since he and Dave became friends in middle school)
• he winds up enjoying it far more than he would've thought
• him and Dave team up quite a bit for warm ups and duos (Dave playing the instrument)
•shes the baby strilonde!
• everyone loves her, she's just got such a bright personality
• Dave and dirk spoil her way too much
• she loves going to her siblings concerts and gets excited seeing Dave play the drums
• he's the football captain (no explanation needed)
• he wasn't too thrilled seeing his sons joining glee, especially seeing as the guy he has the biggest beef with teaches that class (its Jake English)
• he tries pursuing the two to leave but other than that leaves it alone.
• he's a good dad here, just stubborn with a sarcastic personality
• Dave and dirk call him bro except for when there's a serious situation, then they call him dad.
• rose and Roxy call him dad (rose goes for father and Roxy, daddy)
• he loves his girls as much as he loves Dave and dirk and gets them on the weekends
• him and mom don't hate eachother but they do like making it a competition to one up eachother
• she works at home
• was pretty happy to find out her kids were in glee, only because she knew how much her ex husband would dislike it
•she makes sure to go to every concert, Roxy wouldn't let her forget anyways
• she loves when all of her kids are at the house
• she is definitely a little overbearing but she does it with love
•she also loves teasing her kids with anything she finds out whether it be clubs or crushes
I love this au sooooo much pleaseeeee talk to me about gleestuck.
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strangesolicitations · 9 months
((Closed starter for @roxylalonde-stri-londe ))
Yep that sure does look like permission in writing, time to go annoy cute catgirls in her area with fat reindeer tit.
Rose will attempt to do one of her schmancy shadow-based teleports but she's attacked/interrupted midway through by a thick flurry of snow that intermingles with it but ultimately accomplishes the same purpose. Christmas magic.
Arriving upon Roxy's (back) patio, she shall waste no time knocking and announcing her presence as she lets herself in.
"Rooooxyyy, darling, I'm here~"
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