#rottmnt x reader valentines day
lulu-tutu · 2 years
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Sweets for Sweeties 💕 (Multi, Non-Poly)
A/N: Anon gave me plenty of ideas and I loved them all, so how could I not do every single one? Thank you lovely <3 I’ll tag the next few ideas when they’re done! Got a few requests in the drafts!
Pairing(s): Rise!Leo x GN!Reader, Rise!Donnie x GN!Reader, Rise!Mikey x GN!Reader, Rise!Raph x GN!Reader, Rise!April x GN!Reader
Warning(s): None, pure sweetness
Proof read :)
Anons second request here
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Surprising Leo with a box of homemade fudge brownies was the best idea you have had for a while.
When he saw you rock up to the lair with the box in your hands, he tried his best to keep his smile from stretching too far across his face. He failed and you easily noticed.
”Happy Valentines Day!”
Even with your large smile and flushed cheeks, there was a small worrying in your stomach that he wouldn’t like them, but you did your best to push them aside as he kissed your cheek and gently took the box from you.
He chuckles softly when he opens the box, marvelling at the goodness inside, “All these just for little ol’ me? You shouldn’t have. Why, we both know you’re sweet enough for me.”
You roll your eyes and nudge him, your cheeks only getting warmer by the minute.
When you tell him that you made them yourself his eyes instantly soften.
His little act drops fairly quickly after that and you instantly pick up on him shifting around on his feet, was he even sweating?
He tells you to wait where you are before quickly making his way to his room, leaving you there confused before he comes running back with his hands behind his shell.
“So, I decided not to make you anything in case it wasn’t, uh, edible, but I got you these…”
You were going to say that his cooking wasn’t even bad before he reveals what he had been hiding.
Your eyes widen at the seriously large bouquet of roses, the flowers a deep red.
”Leo.” You breathe out, taking the bouquet from him with so much care as the scent hits your nose, “They’re—“
“Beautiful?” You tear your eyes away from the flowers to see him staring at you with such a soft smile, his eyes taking in your features, “Yeah, I know.”
You spent the rest of the day cuddled up in his room, sharing the brownies while he runs his hand along your back, the two of you just enjoying the moment.
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You weren’t sure at first if Donnie would really want to celebrate a day of romance, he loved you, you knew that, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable with such a big display of affection.
It was you though, so you were still going to make him something, just nothing over the top.
In the end, you made him chocolate cake pops!
They were small, delicious and bite sized so that he didn’t have to get his hands dirty if he was working in his lab.
With the sweets in hand, you surprisingly found Donnie outside of his lab, the turtle pacing backwards and forwards, muttering to himself under his breath.
Your voice snaps him out of his mini trance, and when he turns around to fully face you, you couldn’t help but notice the red heart shaped box in his hands.
”Y/n! I knew you were there, of course I did.” He clears his throat and straightens his hunched posture to stride up to you with jelly legs, his confident smile coming off more sheepish if anything.
He breathes in deeply, eyes closing as he holds out the box to you, “Happy Valentines Day.”
You weren’t expecting this, not at all. In your shock, it must have looked like you were hesitating to take the box which makes Donnie freak out internally.
”I know, cliché, right? You don’t have to take it if you don’t want—“
“No, wait! D, I love it.” You quickly grasp his wrist gently, a large grin spread across your cheeks, “I really, really love it. Thank you.”
You place the box under your arm, all the while Donnie rubs the nape of his neck, “Of course you would, I knew that…”
You hold back a small laugh and instead hold out your own gift, “Here, Happy Valentine’s Day. I made them myself.”
”You made…?” His voice fades as he stares down at the box, taking it as if it was his first born. He lifts the lid to stare in amazement at the cake pops.
Just knowing that you made them for him had his heart melting. How’d he get so lucky?
”Have I told you how much I love you? Because I love you.” He whispers ever so softly, taking your hand as he leads you to his lab. “I love you too, Tello. I love you too.”
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Of course you had to make something sweet for your precious boyfriend, you would make him sweets everyday if you could!
You spent little to almost no time in thinking up what to make him, the answer was simple honestly.
Cupcakes! You felt like they suited him really well, and who doesn’t like cupcakes?
You might have made them early in the morning, just so they were made fresh. If you were going to do it, you were going to do it right. Forget about being tired!
Most likely smelling lightly of frosting despite showering before coming down to the lair, you had a small skip in your step as you called out for Mikey.
You barely had time to spot his orange bandana tails before he engulfed you in a tight embrace, his face nuzzling into the corner of your neck, your box of goodies almost crashing to the floor before you managed to hold them out of the way of the hug.
”Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart!” He lightly sways you from side to side, his happy laughter filling you with so much glee that you had to hug him back with the same enthusiasm.
”Mikey! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
You manage to part ways after a few minutes of cheek and forehead kisses, bright smiles on your faces with just as bright cheeks.
”I have something for you.” You grin, presenting the container to him which he quickly takes notice of.
Little stars basically fill his eyes, his hand coming up to cover his mouth for a moment, “You made me cupcakes?” He squeaks.
You furiously nod your head, which somehow makes him even more energetic.
”I made you cupcakes too!”
”Aww, you did?” You bounce on your toes, toothy smile never once leaving your face, “You didn’t have to!”
”Of course I did! Now we just have more to go around! Come on, I’ll show you! I tried to make the icing look like our faces!”
How you managed to eat his amazingly decorated cupcakes was a mystery, but you both ate enough to have you both passed out on his bed, bodies tangled up with each other.
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Your boyfriend was the sweetest being on earth, and you felt like you needed to show him that. And what better day then Valentine’s Day?
You ended up baking him some cute sugar heart cookies with little ‘I <3 U’s and ‘Cutie’s and other wholesome words written in icing on them.
You made sure to do multiple batches, the more the merrier? You wouldn’t be surprised if his brothers tried to steal a few when the two of you weren’t looking anyway.
With the cookies safely in your grasp, you ventured into the lair with your sights on finding Raph. You didn’t expect to find him in the kitchen, the large turtle muttering and whining to himself as he goes through everything.
His shout of surprise and the sound of his shell hitting something scared the both of you.
”Y/n, you’re here! Now! Great!” He manages to say between clenched teeth, his eyes never meeting your own.
”Of course I am, silly. I made you something, here! Happy Valentine’s Day.” You hold out the container of colourful cookies, but they never leave your hands.
”You made them? For me?” His hand slowly reaches out for the container but he quickly retreats, holding his hand with his other as if he’d been burned. “I can’t- I don’t deserve them.”
”Pardon?” Your eyebrows furrow, a small frown appearing on your face, “Honey, what do you mean?”
His shoulders slump forward as he sighs, fingers tapping together, “I tried to make you something…a lot of somethings actually, but every time I did, it just ended up a disaster.” He mutters, eyes downcast.
Your heart squeezes in your chest as you place the container down, instead placing a delicate hand on Raph’s cheek. “Oh, honey.”
He slowly lifts his head to meet your love filled gaze, “I don’t care that you don’t have anything to give me. I’m just honoured that you kept trying to make me something however many times you did! It’s sweet, thank you.”
You place a gentle peck on both his lips and forehead, sliding your hand from his face to take him by the hand while also grabbing the container again, “Come on, we can watch a movie while sharing these, sound good?”
He stares at you with half lidded eyes, the most softest face you had ever seen coming from him as he squeezes your hand back, “Sounds perfect.”
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You had been fretting over this day for a few months, you might have been over thinking things but you just wanted April to enjoy her Valentine’s Day gift
You didn’t want to go too overboard and freak her out, but you also didn’t just want to buy something from the store, so you decided to make her something yourself!
In the end you bought some of the best looking and fresh strawberries and dipped them in chocolate, drizzled with white chocolate to top it all off. It was sweet, just like her, you thought. You also baked up some chocolate cookies, just to add some crunch.
You met her at the park, her suggestion, the cookies and chocolate strawberries placed in a bag that’ll keep them cold and stop them from melting. So you hoped anyway.
”Y/n, over here!”
Your girlfriends familiar voice catches your attention, your gaze shifting from the lake besides you to — what?
”Oh, wow. April, you did all this?”
Sitting cross legged on a picnic blanket was a grinning April, the woman patting a space besides her.
She had really gone all out. There were little sandwiches made, fruit salad in a container, an actual picnic basket filled with wrapped chocolates, and so much more that you couldn’t even begin to believe.
”Of course I did, gotta impress you somehow.” She chuckles as you finally take a seat next to her, eyes still wide in shock. She hesitated before adding softly, “It’s not too much, is it?”
“What? No! This is amazing, I just wish I brought more.” You laugh airily, showing her the strawberries and cookies you made, placing them besides the sandwiches- which you noticed were also your favourite.
”You kidding? No way! Babe, these look amazing.” She praises, already reaching for one of the strawberries. She takes a bite, humming at the flavour and sweetness, “Did you make these?”
”I sure did.” You beam, grabbing one for yourself and taking a bite.
”Even better.” April mutters, licking her lip clean of the chocolate, “Now let me feed you all romantic like and rub it in everyone else’s faces that we are the most romantic couple this place has ever seen!”
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duckwithablog · 2 years
⋰ ⊹˚. ♡ Alone on Valentines? ⋰ ⊹˚. ♡
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I was halfway done before most of this got deleted. I am going to scream cry and convulse on the floor. As it's way to late for me to be awake rn, I'll just do this in two parts, for the sake of my sanity </33
I know for a fact that most of us are probably gonna be spending this Valentine's alone, reading fanfic, and honestly same. But let's imagine for a second that that isn't the case.
The turtles react to you being alone on Valentines Day
GN reader, romantic, crushing/pining, fluff
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like that's his initial reaction
i imagine that you guys would just be chilling in the lair, talking, and you slip out that you might be spending valentine's alone
he goes "oh, okay!" before he double takes and says
"wait- really?"
he honestly thought that you would've had a date for valentine's this year
because like... why wouldn't you? you're so attractive, and charming, and lovable, who wouldn't want to date you?
no matter how you feel about being alone (unbothered, sad, etc etc) raph will do everything he can to make you feel better
you don't deserve to be alone! no one does!
so he proudly states that "if you don't have anyone to spend the day with, then raph'll spend it with you! there! now you won't be alone anymore."
he says this all with this big smile
doesn't realize that he basically just asked to be your date
you realize it tho
ofc, you say yes, because who can say no to raph?
and raph just nods to himself, proud, before he processes what he just said
oh. he just scored a date with you.
jaw drops at this realization. OH. HE JUST SCORED A DATE. WITH YOU.
vows to make this the best valentine's you'll ever experience
it might be hard, being a giant turtle and all, but by pizza supreme is he gonna try his best anyways
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bro you didn't even tell him this information
he literally eavesdropped on your conversation with april while he was nearby
pretends to be really engrossed in whatever he was doing while he strains to listen to what you guys are saying
is also confused when he finds out. according to his statistics, you have plenty of qualities that make you attractive. so why are you spending valentine's alone?
forgets that the data he used to make said statistics are based off of his experiences with you. He then considers that maybe not everybody got butterflies in their stomach whenever you were around
when april leaves the room, he internally goes aha! an opportunity! and tries to make a move
he acts cool as he talks to you, but don't be fooled, he is internally combusting
not so subtly suggests that you should spend valentine's in the lair with him instead of being alone. tells you that not all love is romantic, and as... friends... you guys have a right to celebrate today as well
damn he is not making this easier on himself
of course, his brothers and april are gonna be there too!! obviously!!
you get to spend time with all of them.
... mostly with donnie, though. especially with donnie.
if you agree, he'd say "perfect! shall we call it a date, then?"
say yes. the look on his face and the growing blush on his cheeks is so worth it
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rallentando1011 · 7 months
Valentine’s Day With Donnie
(rise Donnie x gn reader)
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Saint Valentine’s Day: a fickle holiday that celebrates even more fickle emotions, a day that forces the formation of many a precarious bond that statistically would not last
At least, that’s how Donnie saw it for the entirety of his life
Until you came along
Now, don’t get him wrong, he still thinks it’s stupid, but maybe something could be stupid and enjoyable
He means, he enjoys his brothers’ company, right? (/j… maybe /hj)
Either way, for you, he doesn’t mind giving Valentine’s Day a genuine go
So, when you come over on the holiday, Donnie’s ready
“As you know, I think Valentine’s Day is an example of rampant consumerism devouring the meaning behind holidays and people’s wallets, but there is something special about a day in which one can express their admiration for each other.”
“Wait… you got me something?”
“Correction: I made you something.”
The man proceeds to hand you a new phone, the insignia on it implying it was made, or at least modified, by his hand
You’d been complaining mentioning that you needed one that actually works
You smile and thank him eagerly
“It’s fine if you don’t have anything, I wasn’t really expecting-”
“Au contraire, Don, I made you something too!”
He looks baffled for about 20 seconds as you hand him a small gift bag containing red velvet macarons, lavender tea bags, a small, smooth rose quartz, a miniature turtle plushie
“Well, me and Mikey made the macarons together. Gotta give credit where credit is due.”
He barely registers your comment, too absolutely enamored by your consideration of him
Donnie doesn’t know where his mind is at, but it definitely isn’t in this solar system, perhaps not even the surrounding stellar systems
Bottom line, bro’s ecstatic
The huge grin on his face and brightness in his eyes effectively gets his point across
Not only did he give a heartfelt gift, he received one?
Okay, maybe this Valentine’s Day had something to it
Watching rom-coms solely to trash on them is a mandatory tradition
Every other Valentine’s Day he’s spent by his lonesome has mostly consisted of hours of mercilessly ragging on romantic comedies
Yep, definitely just to criticize them
No sadness and/or yearning involved
But now, with your company?
He’s still criticizing the ever-loving heck out of those movies
If you genuinely enjoy rom-coms, be prepared for this little pessimist to rain on your parade, grumbling questions of the logic and flow of the film
However, if you, too, find them stupid, you’ve found yourself the perfect, cynical viewing buddy
“You can tell just from the cinematography of that one guy catching her that he’s the secondary love interest.”
“I swear on Galileo’s heliocentric model itself- how many love interests can one main character have?”
“I think that’s the challenge that was going on in the writer’s room - to see how many variations of a love triangle they could make.”
“The challenge in the writer’s room was that they had too many people slamming on keyboards, yet none of them wrote Shakespeare.”
“Was that an infinite monkey theorem allusion?”
“And a simultaneous dig on the foul writing - zing!”
Following the festivities of movie-binging and gift-giving, he turns to you with a rather uncharacteristic diffidence in his demeanor
Glance askance, slight perspiration on his forehead, fidgeting hands, stammering words
As you start to ask what’s wrong, Donnie quickly, almost unintelligibly so, asks if you want to dance
If you feel so inclined, you nod, take his hand, and offer a dance
If Sinatra is playing (Nancy or Frank or both), you know some slow dancing is going down
Bill Withers or Kitty Kallen, maybe even Dean Martin, something classic, whispering in the background, a hand or two on your hips, yours on his shoulders, chins tucked cozily on the crook of each other’s neck or crown of the head, just the two of you gently swaying together to the rhythm sounds perfect
Normally when he dances, it’s fast-paced boogie or groove (he didn’t get the name Bootyshaker9000 for nothing), but for today, for you, he’ll keep the dancing slow, smooth, sweet
Keeping you close and spending time with you has certainly made this his favorite Valentine’s Day thus far
The macarons you gave him also significantly improved his verdict
(Happy Valentine’s Day gang ‼️ HERE are some accompanying sketches with this!)
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tmntfixationxreader · 8 months
♡Happy (early) Valentines day!♡
I will be posting some romantic one-shots for each of the turtles! Some may not be out on Valentine's day, but throughout this week :)
♡Leo's grand gesture♡
♡Valentines day special♡
Warnings: Fluff, slightly kissing.
When you heard knocking at your door, your heart threatened to leap out of your chest. You knew it was Leo. He had invited you out for Valentine's day, telling you to wear your nicest outfit, and be ready for a big surprise.
You had just finished getting dressed in your fanciest outfit as he requested, and your hair was done just how you liked it.
When you opened the door, you were greeted by Leo, who had a huge grin on his face. He was in a smooth deep blue suit, his tie matching his mask. He smelled like his fruity perfume, and you more than likely would smell like it by the end of the day.
“Happy Valentine's day Y/n!” Leo beamed, smiling like a kid in a candy store. He moved his hand from behind his back, making a small bow as he offered you two dozen bright red roses, tied together in a beautiful bouquet.
You blushed, grinning. “Leo!” You said excitedly, taking the flowers slowly, smelling them. “These are beautiful!”
He smiled, blushing at your reaction. “Not as beautiful as you, mi amor…”
Leo stepped into the door, gently lifting your chin with a delicate hand, giving you a small kiss. It was slow, soft, and way too short for your liking. He pulled back slowly, watching your face with an expression somewhere between a delighted grin and a mischievous smirk.
You blushed even more, grinning. You chuckled, taking one of the roses and tucking it in his lapel. It matched the red crescents around his eyes perfectly.
“So where are we going?” You ask, smiling excitedly up at him, holding the roses close to your chest.
Leo smiled. “It's a surprise! Trust me, you’ll love it…”
He took your hand and held it gently. You could tell he was excited.
“You may want to leave those roses here, though…”
“Run of the Mill Pizza?” You ask, looking at him curiously. You loved this pizza place, but it seemed like the two of you were way over dressed for it.
Leo nodded. “You’ll see!” he offered his arm, and you held it as you walked in.
Huaso met you two at the door, his usual expression plastered on his face… But even he smiled slightly when he saw the two of you together.
“Senior Huaso! El especial please,” Leo grinned, giving Huaso a wink.
Huaso nodded, and began walking, leading you to… somewhere.
“Right this way, señor and señora,” He said, waving his hand.
You were confused, but went along with it anyway.
Huaso led you two all the way to the back of the restaurant, into a back room that you didn’t recall seeing there earlier.
Huaso stood in front of the door momentarily, before opening it with a small dramatic bow.
The whole room was set up like a ballroom. Candles on the tables creating an ambiance or warmth and glow, shadows casting on the walls. It smelled like flowers, several bouquets of red roses sat on the tables, and rose petals scattered the outsides of the floor. Music was playing, a Spanish slow dance mix.
The whole thing was something out of a fantasy novel- something fitting for a prince or princess.
Leo stepped into the room first, holding out his hand to you, bowing slightly.
“May I have this dance…?” He asked, smiling up at you, blushing.
You smiled and nodded, eyes aglow with excitement as you set your hand onto his. “Yes…”
Leo smiled, lifting your hand and lowering his head slightly, kissing the back of your hand gently without breaking eye contact.
You grinned, giggling. This was just too perfect…
Huaso shut the door, and left you two alone in the picture perfect ballroom.
Leo led you by the hand into the middle of the room, grinning like crazy. His perfume mixed with the smell of roses, creating a lovely floral scent.
He held your hand in one of his, then another one of his hands going to your hip.
Your hand rested gently on his shoulder, giving his hand a squeeze.
Wordlessly he took a small step backwards, leading the way into a slow dance.
You grinned at him, and he grinned at you.
Leo held you close, only a few inches between the two of you as you danced together.
“Leo… This is incredible,” You say, voice just above a whisper to keep from breaking the atmosphere.
Leo smiled. “I’m glad you like it, mi amor… Only the best for mi hermosa amor…”
You blushed.
So many feelings raced through your head. The butterflies in your gut, the warm glow of the room, the slow dance music, Leo’s hand in yours and the other on your hip…
It was beautiful.
“Leo…?” You say, looking down before looking back up into his eyes. His eyes were aglow with excitement, and his face reflected the candles around the room.
“Yes, mi hermosa?” Leo smiled, blushing on his cheeks.
So many thoughts- so many ways to say it- but the butterflies told you to say it only one way…
“I love you…”
Leo’s smile grew brighter- full of love and excitement. He pulled you closer to him.
“I love you too, Y/n…” Leo whispered.
You smiled brightly, blushing. You stepped slightly closer, your chin over his shoulder as you leaned your head against him, completely against him.
Leo smiled, blushing, 1000 butterflies overtaking his gut.
He leaned against you too, his hand moving from your hip to put his arm around the small of your back. He felt so happy- like all of the stress of the world was just lifted away.
Like it was only you two, slow dancing the night away.
You two swayed to the slow beat of the music for a long time, just enjoying the closeness.
You pulled back a little, just enough to be face to face with him, he smiled at you, seeming like he was in a complete dream.
He glanced down at your lips once, just as you did the same. Slowly you leaned in, pressing your lips gently against his.
It was slow. Soft. And the two of you barely moved until Leo came back to his senses a little more.
He used his arm around your back to pull you even closer, and he used his other hand to caress your cheek slowly.
It felt like a daydream. Magical, amazing, and something the two of you would remember for years and years to come…
Hope you like it! Happy Valentine's day!! ^v^
~Other Valentine's day specials~
Mikey- Donnie- Raph Coming soon
♡Bye bye butterflies!♡
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yosajaeofficial · 8 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐽𝑎𝑦𝑐𝑒 𝑀𝑦𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑠 || 𝑂𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑜 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝐿𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡)
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy this entry of “The Jayce Myles Comics”, we’re able to see the get a grasp of what’s to come!
Song Inspirations:
For (YOOHYEON SOLO) - Dreamcatcher
It was the late afternoon, specifically golden hour. Employees would slow down their hustle since there weren’t many customers after lunch hours; golden hour was also when employees were able to yawn and then prepare themselves to close.
Today was a slow day for the small café, “Madeline’s”, exactly how Donatello liked it to be. It was a spot where Donatello felt safe when he wanted to study by himself. It was nice for him to have his own time of relaxation outside of the lab, and for Donatello to continue his studies in a different and refreshing environment. He was able to release muscle tension while soft jazz played on the speakers; the repeated rhythms from singular piano notes pulled Donatello into a mind waltz, making his head sway.
This place was also beneficial to him as he was able to order multiple cups of coffee while never taking his eyes off of his laptop.
The café had been running for quite a while after celebrating its grand opening two months after “Fernando’s Taco Shop” had collapsed. To Donatello, it was just a minor coincidence since around that time, the poor taco shop didn’t matter to him or his brothers.
If his brothers weren’t worrying about it, neither should he. They would’ve been caught by the cops if they stayed any longer, there was simply nothing else his brothers could’ve done that night. If the police caught the Mad Dogs during their amateur days, Splinter wouldn’t ever trust them to go to the surface ever again.
During the raw aftermath, that incident did haunt him for quite a while, was there a different solution? Were they all just scared that night? Could they have stayed a little longer to help?
Most of those questions remain unsolved for the time being because those thoughts of his always eat him up during the night. Now wasn’t the time for him to feel this way.
When Madeline's opened, Donatello got curious about the café (since his best friend, April O’Neil, had worked there when it first opened but got fired for being late after barely a week).
One day, April brought some coffee for him; he usually had black coffee with one sugar packet and one singular creamer. Donatello had to be the one to manually assemble his drink. He blames Leo after witnessing his brother making him coffee but when putting the sugar and creamer in, he used his finger to stir the ingredients together.
The softshell turtle would never let Leo touch his stuff ever again since.
That day when April gave him his usual coffee order, but the cup looked different. Donatello inspected it and asked his friend with red glasses which shop she went to that morning. April explained to him that she grabbed it from Madeline’s, and she was able to take home a self-made coffee after work as a treat for her difficult shift that day. Donatello raised an eyebrow at her words and he continued to inspect the cup cautiously.
Finally shrugging, he took the sip of faith and sipped out of the cup.
His eyes had then lit up.
Donatello’s snout scrunched and his body shivered, April had got a bit worried but it was when the softshell turtle got up and yelled out, “Woah hoo hoo! That’s good!” Ever since he tried that cup of coffee, Donatello started to get his coffee from Madeline’s.
Donatello was hanging out in the café with someone new. He never liked giving out his information to his brothers or strangers, he rather have at least one place he could go for a relaxing study session solo or with April. Donatello wasn’t the turtle to scold his brothers for being too loud, because if he did, he would absolutely be deemed as a hypocrite.
Nothing would be able to beat this exact moment for Donatello. When he was able to enjoy a late afternoon with a new study partner, Jayce Myles, they were willing to take over for April and help Donatello out with a certain blueprint concept he was stressing about.
It was nothing too out-of-the-water for Jayce, so she took the opportunity to help while they could later finish an essay after helping Donatello out with this specific project.
“Nothing’s too wrong with the model, but I am curious about how the product would work if each of these wires are bunched up like that,” Jayce voiced while pointing at a small part from the drawn blueprint. That made Donatello let out a low rumble, he then put down his pencil and covered his forehead with one big hand.
“I don’t know…” Donatello responds.
“Come on dawg, you’re smart. Try again and illustrate the model where the wires will be equally separated.”
Looking at the blueprint, Donatello took his eraser and started sketching out a different model while Jayce watched. Jayce’s eyes landed on the mutant turtle’s hands; where his grip on the pencil was odd by her standards.
They just had to know...
“Why are you gripping on that fucking pencil like that...?”
“I’M A-“ Donatello cut himself off when he saw the poor waitress wide-eyed in the corner of his eye as she was pouring another cup of coffee into his mug. Jayce snorts and starts to cackle like a Windex bottle at the softshell’s stiff stance.
”I don’t like the way you mess around with me.”
“Then stop holding the pencil like that.”
Donatello kept his mouth shut, letting out a low rumble once more. His hand would continue to illustrate animatedly. Jayce’s eyes would then get lost in his hand movements which caused them to zone out. Their gaze moved away from the hypnotizing hand and now fixated her eyes on the blueprint paper; the way the ends were slightly curled inwards always annoyed her, but she didn’t dare try to flatten it out.
On the blueprints, there were notes next to the official model which read Donatello’s calculations and equations. Jayce remembers Donatello spouting about how each side note on his blueprints mattered. They either show “how long and wide a certain metal plate would be”, or they demonstrate “an equation showing how many wires would be needed for a specific area”.
Nevertheless, Jayce snapped to their senses and jolted up after realizing they'd been staring at the sheet for too long. This caught Donatello’s attention as he accidentally crossed a calculation off.
He turned his neck, ”What was that?”
“Nothing,” Jayce responds.
Now it was Donatello's turn to laugh, but he wheezed mockingly. Besides wanting to strangle the turtle, Jayce was too tired to pay their full attention to him so she let that slide.
“Har har, laugh at me zoning out. How original and funny,” Jayce quipped.
Donatello smirked at their sour face, “It’s only funny when you do it.”
“You always jolt up in your seat like a scaredy-cat when you realize you’re zoned out. Hence, making it more obvious that you’ve been zoning out.” Jayce huffed, blowing raspberries and turning their gaze to his red eyes.
“You win this round asshole, but now expect me to look into your soul whenever you’re working on anything lab related alright?” Even if Jayce said that with a neutral expression, Donatello let out a genuine belly laugh. Jayce would never admit it, but hearing him enjoy her company gave them a boost of serotonin.
The two of them calmed themselves and continued to focus on the blueprint. “You got it?” Jayce uttered. Donatello cued to sit down and take a drink from his warm cup of coffee, letting Jayce peek at the model. It was definitely showing signs of improvement. The model was starting to come together more realistically; most of Donatello’s previous inventions had issues back-to-back. Those malfunctions would cue due to him blueprinting flawed models that held only a fifty percent chance of functioning correctly.
Donatello loved to make crazy-looking machines that would look pleasing to show off to other tech enthusiasts. His models looked incredible, but their performance was the big giveaway for it being a poor model. Jayce understood this, most of their side hustles have been her fixing up her teachers’ projectors, computers, and construction tools; so them seeing a flawed model even from their great genius scientist friend wasn’t surprising. Everyone was bound to make mistakes. It’s how the mistake is approached that’s going to determine if the model was meant to be scrapped or not.
Jayce scratched their nose, “Looks better Donnie,” They grinned.
“Phew! I thought you were planning my funeral for a sec.”
“The organization of the wires looks so much better than before. If they get fired up, then your hands won’t get an electric shock when doing an emergency troubleshoot.”
Jayce wiped their clammy hands on her jeans before sitting down. Looking at their school bag, Jayce remembered that they needed to finish that English assignment. Rolling her eyes, she started to dig in their bag to look for her physical copy of the assignment.
Donatello wasn’t paying attention and was downing his now cold cup of coffee.
Donatello puts his mug down, “Hmm?”
“I need to finish some schoolwork.”
Donatello then quickly rolled up the blueprints, right after he blew the eraser residue. He watched Jayce place down their chunky packet on the table and start turning the pages one by one as if she was quickly refreshing their knowledge.
Jayce clicked their tongue and started erasing one section out of page 8, and started cursing to herself. Now it was Donatello’s turn to snort.
“Get a computer! It’s painful to witness you doing your essay handwritten, I take pity on your right hand.” Jayce rolls their eyes.
“If you offer to pay it off for me, I will consider it.”
Donatello cracked up, “I can use my hard-earned money for something more useful than a lame computer model from a big corporation.”
Jayce paused, slowly turning their head to face Donatello, who was sitting right next to her. The smell of ground coffee beans and steamed milk made the café have a nostalgic atmosphere. Combining the smell and the warmth of Donatello’s laugh, it was like Jayce was enjoying a cold day with their best friend by being cuddled up together by a fluffy blanket. Even if Donatello himself was a cold-blooded reptile, Jayce couldn’t help but scoot a bit closer to him. Yearning for his warmth that can only be obtained if you’re close.
“Then how did you build your PC back at the lair?” Jayce mumbled.
“From Repo’s scrapyard or the Nakamura brand.”
“I only put my trust in new tech parts with Nakamura, everything else stinks,” Donatello clarified.
Jayce snickered, “Does it stink as much as the sewers?”
Donatello lightly punched Jayce’s bicep, “That was one time, Jayce Myles!”
“It smelled like shit because that’s where shit goes, Donatello Hamato!” Jayce pushed him away and pouted. To Donatello, their puffed-up cheeks were a new sight. He closed his eyes and internally thanked his big brain that he had everything recorded. Jayce’s emotions were something that Donatello had recently been observing more often, nothing out of the ordinary of course, but something about Jayce felt different to him.
Donatello tried to think of the reason why he felt that way about his friend, nothing was different. Maybe it was because Jayce’s presence had started to feel more comfortable to be in. Donatello had assumed that Jayce would ruin his relaxing experience at his favorite café (hence why he had begged April to not bail out at the last minute).
However, Jayce had actually helped him out way more than he expected. Jayce explained their previous experience with tech in a simple but compelling way.
“Jeez! I could talk about coding all day man! Being able to get the program running is such a relief. I adore it when people format their code with multiple different colors. I saw this one girl that color-coded their program in purple-”
Their words were spoken with pure passion, and that’s what made Donatello let his guard down. The jazz that continued to play would continue to make his head sway, a soft melody that he was easily able to follow as he continued to stare at Jayce. Their cheeks were already depuffed and they were intensely fidgeting. She was sweating.
“Are you stuck?”
“...Yeah-” Donatello’s chair scraped against the cement floor as he got closer to Jayce’s packet. Jayce swallowed their sudden anxiety but didn’t turn her head this time. Since when was Donatello that tall compared to them? Jayce’s heart skipped a beat and they coughed.
“What are you stuck on?” He rumbles, Jayce gulps.
“In this paragraph, I spelled a word wrong. To make it worst, I wrote it with fucking red ink!” Their face was already red, but Donatello only guessed it was all from frustration.
Donatello shrugs, “This is why you should invest in a computer, four eyes.”
“I will hit you.”
“Do it froggy, leap.”
“Check yourself before saying that asshole!”
Donatello snorted, Jayce was able to feel the vibrations of his laugh by her side; her shoulders softened. They were getting the memo that Donatello just wanted to chat with her. He was enjoying himself too much, Jayce didn’t care at this point.
“April recently helped me install a printer in the lab. We can...go to the lab right now and I’ll type up the whole packet for you. After that, I...can print it all out for you so it’ll be completed for the morning.” Donatello was a bit hesitant, but his words got out eventually. His gaze was soft and shy, looking away from Jayce as much as possible.
Jayce pushed their glasses up, and she got up from her seat. Donatello sweats, he was surely worried that he scared Jayce a bit after spitting out bits of banter at her. That doubt was proven to be false as Jayce beamed with a bright smile, eyes wide and twinkling with excitement. That would be a smile that Donatello would remember fondly, it was as if Jayce’s petals had fully bloomed right in front of his eyes.
Jayce giggles, “Sure, only if you insist. I’ll buy some printer paper along the way.”
Donatello stands up as well, stretching his back where his tail wags while doing so. He starts packing up the blueprints that had been rolled up and he puts them in his bag. Grabbing his coffee mug and downing it in one gulp then placing it on the coaster. Donatello wipes his mouth with his purple hoodie sleeve, earning a snicker from four eyes right next to him.
“I can leave you here to write that essay with your pathetic pencil.”
“Do it you won’t.”
Donatello snorts and then starts to ruffle Jayce’s soft brown hair.
“I’ll do it another day, the workers look like they want us to leave already.”
OH MI GOSH!!! WE’RE FINALLY DONE WITH THIS ENTRY! I hope you all enjoyed some Lavelatte content for this lovey dovey season, more will come with them in a later arc. What did you guys think? Don’t be shy to tell me your thoughts on this entry, I love reading comments. Thank you for reading and have an amazing Valentine’s Day!
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landsel · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day~
Have some sweet fluff of Leo giving Yin a Raspberry~ 💙🐢💙
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agentbobr · 2 years
Uhm so hi..
Sorry im not very good with social interaction but id like to request the rottmnt turtles with their crush or y/n and they found out that they drew them
Sorry if its a strange request!!
ah don't apologize! got nothing to apologize for anyways <3, also definitely not strange tbh i think most people who draw (me included) end up drawing their crush lol, also sorry if mikey is ooc! ive never really written him :')
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🎨🖌️ Raph had a crush on you for a looong time, and it wasn't well hidden at all!
🎨🖌️ But alas, when your in love you never notice all the signs~
🎨🖌️ One day while you and Raph are hanging out, him training off on the side and you drawing him sneakily
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Sitting in the garage, with Raph off to the left lifting some weight while talking about the latest villian he'd smashed, listening to him talk so passionately was always so.... inspiring? definitely a nice sound to listen to while drawing that's for sure!
"And than Leo went in all... all swords blazing! he was porting left and right, it was awesome! and then, Donnie-"
and than a crash sounded thoughout the lair before- "(y/n) I am....SO sorry!" Mikey called out, sighing before getting up, you leave your sketchbook where you were sitting before going to check what Mikey was sorry for, leaving Raph alone, with his curiosity of what you were drawing becoming waaaay to big and him snooping
Raph looked at only a few pages! before he got to the drawings of him and he's impressed! he knows it's hard to draw his figure properly but you did it well, there was one drawing that left him fluster though.... of him and you, snuggling under the moonlight with little doodle hearts drawn around it! i mean he's happy as hell because that means you like him back but he's also as red as his mask at that thought!, but all his guilt comes round when you come back and see him. with your book. and him trying to hide behind it while blushing....
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🎨🖌️ We open the scene on Leo, posing like a king, eating grapes.
🎨🖌️ He had paid you in pizza to draw him as "royally and stunning as you can"
🎨🖌️ ...And having to yelling at him to keep still or it'll ruin the portrait...
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"Look, all you have to do is keep still for a bit longer!" You regret taking the pizza.
"But my arm is getting tired!~" His whining becoming louder per minute, any chance to take a break from this would be taken as a blessing-
and just as that thought was finished, your phone rang, an exit from having to draw this- this....cute dumbass! just as you walk out to take the call though, Leo springs up to go snooping...
"OHOHOHO!..... Woah this is good....really caught my flamboyant charm!~" and just as flips to the previous page in the book, his face goes red. A drawing of him and you. Together. KISSING. this is to much, but also so very perfect!
As soon as you come back in the room, he recreates the drawing- dipping you into an embrace before quickly kissing you....then going back to his pose for the drawing.....FUCKING HELL LEO-
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🎨🖌️ Now Donnie only needed you expertise this one time, he needed someone to help him come up with a design for his latest invention to really make it ✨shine✨
🎨🖌️ What he didn't expect was you to have so many ideas!, I mean who would think of a geometric diamond detailing? that's GENIUS!
🎨🖌️ So obviously, he does the only right thing and looks through your book for other ideas-
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One second you're talking about designs, the next you're having to practically climb walls to reach Donnie, who had mischievously taken your book and used his battle shell's engine(??) to fly up and out of your reach.
"Come on Donnie!, Give it- WAH!- Give it back!" You say, almost falling off of the support beam in the room mid sentence,
He scoffs "But think of all the ideas I could think of off of your own drawings!" And as he turn the next page, he goes stiff as a plank and falls to the floor.
He saw it. The stupid cartoonish doodle of him surrounded by hearts and small 'ily's, simply glancing over at him would reveal he's completely shut down and red faced, only does he get up around 5 minutes later to slowly sit down next to you and wraps his pinky around yours.
"if....if you'd like, we could try....this" he says while gesturing at both of you with his hand fastly. You smile.
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🎨🖌️ Who would of thought that exchanging artbooks with Mikey could go so...wrong?
🎨🖌️ You have a shared artbook with him, and being a bit forgetful, you accidentally gave him your private sketchbook instead of the shared one! oops....
🎨🖌️ And before you could realize, he saw it.
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You wake up at around 1am to your phone ringing, without thinking you answer groggily "h...hello?" you say before quietly yawning, "heyyyy bestie!....soooo...I think, you gave me the wrong book earlier..."
And now. Now you're awake and alert, "which one did i give you? the...the one with the stickers on it or the one with hearts?" Silence was heard over the line before some shuffling is heard.... "The one with the hearts!, You draw me so well!" He gushes....he...he liked the drawings! The drawings of you and him....living domestically together....oh oh wowee....
"you... actually liked them?" You asked nervously, "of course i did! tomorrow you should come over and we can bake like in one of the pages! wanna call it a date?" He says playfully but the date part...that part was serious, a clean cut and honest question.
"absolutely!" it's a date, a sweet delicious date.
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hope you enjoyed! asks are open currently as of (2/14/23)
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writinandcrying · 7 months
TMNT HEADCANONS | Secret admirer gone wrong
tmnt x reader (GN)
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Just some light Headcanons, I wasn’t planing on doing something for Valentine’s Day but I couldnt help but think about it before bed, this scenario came into my mind and it was so freaking funny I couldn’t help myself
Pov: You get chocolates for Valentine’s Day with the cutest “secret admirer” letter, obviously thinking it’s from your turtle boyfriend, you get extra excited to get home and shower him with kisses for such a thoughtful gesture, unfortunately, those chocolates did not came from him
💚 So. Freaking. Upset. He’s pouting, he can’t look you in the eyes, he’s ashamed he didn’t think of doing that for you, whatever he was planning is officially ruined. he wants to smash that box of chocolate away from you (if we are talking about Raph’s, he probably will) you will have to REALLY shower him with kisses and reassurance, like seriously, he will try to hide it, but you know him: he is this 🤏 close of crying out of frustration
2012, MM, and Rottmnt Leo , bayverse, 2012 and Rottmnt Raph, 2003, 2012 and Bayverse Donnie (Idk i Headcanon donnie being extra sensitive and he DOES cry for a lot of reasons) 2012 Mikey
💚 “you… liked.. the chocolates I sent you..? …of COURSE you did honey!!! of course I sent those to you!!! Not some RANDOM ASS HUMAN that has absolutely NOTHING to do with you!!! To do with us !!!!!!!!!! aren’t I the most PERFECT BOYFRIEND EVER 😍😍?? Say I’m the most perfect boyfriend ever. Say it. Say it y/n. OK thank you -I love you baby!!!!! Of course I always think before hand, don’t you know me??? you liked my surprise??? cMON NOW we will have an inside date today, oh no no forget the rooftop thing I told you, we will stay in for today. And tomorrow. And the next day. actually let’s stay inside the lair forever”
2003, 2007, bayverse Mikey, Rottmnt Leo. and Donnie (he would deadass stalk the secret admirer and send a little “surprise” for them back >:) ) for giggling reasons: you realize something’s up after he shows up he like this at your window for a entire week:
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💚Oh. Oh. He’s pissed. He is ROYALY pissed off. You don’t even know if it’s at you, at whoever decided to send this to you, at himself for not being physically able to do that for you, for not thinking before hand, for thinking you were safe from the eyes of others. and even if he doesn’t want to, deep deep DEEP down in his eyes this was a low blow from you, even if you didn’t mean it, it will be something he will forever remember it.
2003, 2007, MM, bayverse Raph , 2003, 2007, bayverse Leo, bayverse Donnie
💚 His honest reaction:
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All Raph’s. All of them. and rottmnt Mikey specially
💚 he will get upset, yes, but he will also shower YOU with kisses and little reminders that YOU are his favorite girl/boyfriend!!! He loves you very much!!!! Please don’t leave him, tell him you won’t leave him
All Mikey’s, Rottmnt Raph, bayverse, MM Leo, 2012, MM Donnie
💚 Will have nightmares about it
All of them
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goosewriting · 7 months
Hellooo goose! it’s my first time interacting here and i just wanted to say how muuuuch i love your writing 🤍 its sooo… GOOOOOD you have no idea, i literally DEVOUR every single rottmnt masterpiece of yours 🫶🏼
with that in mind, i have a request (only take it if you feel like it ofc <3) and i can’t get this out of my head omfg and because its about to be valentine’sss…
The prompt is; you and leo being veeery close friends for a long time.
A friends to lovers situation. his brothers notice and leo asks them (one by one separately because of the teasing even tho they already know lol) to help him out for valentine’s and mikey decides to help with some red velvet choc brownies and (insert fav food), donnie and raph help keeping it a surprise and setting everything up…. (IM SOBBING THIS IS SO CUTE STWAP)
it ends up leo and reader kissing tenderly, very cute, it rises up a bit. they’re so in love. stOP.
pretty please 🫶🏼
i love your writing
Be my Valentine 💝
summary: the turtles set a plan in motion so Leo can ask out reader on valentine’s day.
relationship: Rise!Leo x gn!reader
warnings: none! fluff, smooches, second hand embarrassment maybe lol 
word count: 3.1k
A/N: welcome koala anon! tysm for your kind words and the super cute request, this thing practically wrote itself lol i missed writing for Leo 😭💙 as it wasn't specified, i set this some time after the movie. hope that works!
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
The turtle brothers and you have been friends for quite some time now, around two years in fact. And you love them all dearly and equally, except for one maybe… 
Leo has always been the touchy type and isn’t shy when it comes to physical contact. You don’t mind; he’s like that with everyone, after all. Just another layer of his complex personality. 
However, lately you can’t help but feel that something has changed. The passing glances, the casual touches… they feel different. You catch yourself feeling self-conscious when he’s around. And the other turtles are no help either; it’s like when Leo comes into the room, the whole atmosphere changes. Like there’s a sudden tension in the air. You’ll be hanging out with the turtles like normal, but when Leo joins you, his brothers suddenly make excuses to leave the room. 
Deep inside, you suspect what they’re trying to do. You think they’ve noticed your own shift towards the blue-clad turtle, and now they probably think you have a crush on him (which in all fairness, you do), so they’re trying to get you alone with him to confess or something. While you appreciate their attempt to help or support you, it really isn’t comfortable for you, being left like that. It has already led to the occasional awkward moment between you two. You just wish it would go back to how it was; your crush is for you alone and not to be shared, as you cherish the friendship with the turtles too much to risk it over asking out Leo. 
What you don’t know, however, is that Leo is inwardly freaking out every time he steps anywhere near you. For you see, he is down bad just as you are. He’s just better at putting on a façade to hide underneath.
He didn’t fall for you first, though. Your crush developed somewhat gradually over the last months; for him it was a realisation hitting him in the face all at once, like a wall of bricks. And not even that long ago. But that doesn’t make it any less brain wracking for him. 
Unsure of what to do, he went to his brothers to ask for advice. No matter how much he plays the face man of the group, thinking he’s suave and all, he actually has no real experience in this. (In truth neither do his brothers, but who else is he supposed to ask, Splinter? Right.) Besides, you’re not just a passing crush or a random interesting person. No, you mean a lot to him. And he doesn’t want to ruin what you have. 
At first, Leo intended to not say anything and just cherish your friendship, but no matter how much he tries convincing himself that you just see him as a friend and that you’re out of his league anyway, he still has a tiny spark of hope in him that maybe, just maybe, you feel the same.
So of course the first person he asks is Doctor Delicate Touch himself. 
Mikey is delighted that his brother finally admitted to himself how he’s feeling. Truth is, the brothers noticed a looong time ago that Leo and you are into each other, but you’re both too dense for your own good. They have been itching to help out and already started scheming. Hence why they tried to give you some alone time every now and then.
But now that Leo approaches him first, Mikey essentially calls an emergency family meeting. He pulls out a full flowchart showing plans A through G to ask you out, Donnie starts his fully animated PowerPoint  presentation to go with it, and Raph rolls in a whiteboard to brainstorm ideas. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it would be the perfect occasion for Leo to confess.
After sitting down a whole evening and planning everything out with his brothers, they come up with the following plan: Mikey will help Leo bake some delicious velvet chocolate brownies (because you deserve not only good, but the best!), Donnie says he will scope out some empty buildings that could be quickly remodelled into an undisturbed, cosy movie night corner, and Raph will be in charge of getting it all set up. For being the biggest and spikiest, he actually has a great eye when it comes to interior decorating.
It’s also good that the few days before Valentine’s you have several exams for your classes and some other errands to run. So you already excused yourself from not being able to see the guys as often as you’d like in that period of time, and they plan to use the time to get all preparations going.
To make sure that you won’t plan anything else that day, Mikey messages the group chat, casually asking if you’re “free next Wednesday” to watch a movie, which is something you do rather often with the guys.
Since your last test is on Tuesday, you say yes, eager to have a welcome reward for yourself for doing all your classwork. Mikey suggests a movie night, and one after the other, the different turtles’ responses pop up in the chat, all of them saying they’re free and that movie night sounds good.
It’s a date then 😉 — you reply jokingly, without thinking much of it. Unbeknownst to you, Leo almost faints when he sees your reply. Raph’s laugh at his brother’s face reverberated pretty far through the sewers, too. 
— — —
After several last minute study sessions, wishing for information to travel into your brain by osmosis while smushing your face against a book, and a lot of caffeine, all your exams are done, and you’re officially on break.
That night you sleep well and long, sneaking in an extra pampering self-care bath before meeting the boys. Earlier that week you went to get some snacks, and as you look at the bag on your kitchen counter after you’re done changing, heat prickles at your cheeks.
On the sweets aisle you kept mainly gravitating towards Leo’s favourites, and only after you were done paying did you realise not only how many snacks and sweets you bought, but also that, on purpose or not, you picked most just because they were blue or had blue packaging, which reminded you of him. 
With a sigh you take one last look in the mirror at yourself; the bath got you in a really good mood, and you’re honestly rocking your outfit. If the confidence continues throughout the night, maybe you’d even find it in you to tell Leo how you feel… Is Valentine’s Day too cheesy for that? And on movie night with his brothers, no less? Maybe you should have invited him somewhere else, or maybe it’s just not meant to be…
With a slight seed of doubt in your heart, you grab your things and make your way out the door, about to start the familiar trek to the turtle lair. Except that you get a message, and the sound alone makes your heart skip a bit; it’s from Leo. You know it’s him because you’ve set a special ringtone for him, a sound effect from his favourite Jupiter Jim movie. But you’d rather fall into a ditch than have him know that. He would never let you live it down. Especially if he saw how quickly you scramble to get your phone out of your pocket at the sound.
Turns out, movie night isn’t in the lair at all, it’s in a place you’ve never been, not alone nor with them. It strikes you as a little odd, but you know the area isn’t dangerous or anything, plus you’ll be accompanied by literal ninja mutants, so, if anything, your curiosity is peaked. You did notice that the last few days, there was a strange silence from the turtles. You assumed it was because they didn’t want to disturb your studies, but something was… off. There was more secrecy than usual. And now they’re meeting somewhere new? It takes every ounce of self-control not to immediately message Mikey and ask what’s up. You’d find out yourself soon enough anyway. 
After taking a bus and a short walk, you arrive at the meeting point. Your eyes travel from the pin on your maps app on your phone to the run-down building in front of you several times, making sure you’re at the right location. And you are. Except that there’s nothing here. You try looking in through the windows, but they’re blocked with old wooden boards from the inside. 
Just as you’re about to walk around the building to find an entrance, a door partially hidden by a pile of rubbish and debris opens with a creak, and Mikey’s head pops out.
“There you are!” he greets you with a chipper tone.
”What in the world is this place,” you rhetorically ask with a chuckle. “I thought we were watching a movie?”
“We are, we are. Don’t let looks deceive you. Come in~”
You step in, and Mikey closes the door behind you. You follow him up some dusty stairs, using your phones’ flashlights to navigate through the darkness, as whatever little daylight remains outside can’t come in through the barricaded windows, and there seems to be no electricity. The air is stale and you can see dust particles floating in the beam of your light.
“Is this safe?” You sound less amused now, starting to get actually concerned. 
“Totally,” Mikey answers, completely calm.
”This was Donnie’s doing, I suppose?”
”Just what are you guys up to,” you ask under your breath with a playful smile, more towards yourself than at him.
Once on the upper floor, you see light coming from under a door. Mikey opens it, letting you step in first. You enter the room, and as the turtle brothers say “Surprise!” in unison, you can’t help the gasp that escapes you. Never would you have guessed this was inside, given the state of the building from the outside. 
Several low hanging lights emit a warm inviting glow, complemented by some fairy lights. The space has been cleaned thoroughly, and you spot a pile of blankets, pillows and bean bags on the floor by the projector, which is already turned on and the movie on the wall is paused at the studio intro. A little makeshift table, consisting of a plank of wood held up by some bricks, holds a variety of delicious treats, going from pizza to finger food to desserts, as well as beverages.
You let your gaze slowly pan over the place to take it all in, nodding to yourself with a low whistle.
“Not bad,” you say. “Not bad indeed.” 
“Are you surprised?”, Donnie asks with a smug grin. 
“I most definitely am,” you respond. “I love what you’ve done with the place. Not that I know what the place even is.” 
“It’s an old office space, set to be renovated by the end of the year. I just pulled some strings to use it for tonight,” Donnie explains with a swiping motion of his hand, as if saying no big deal. “Raph here is the one who brought out the real shine. Quite literally, too, he waxed the floor.”
You look down and sure enough, the wooden boards are shiny, slightly squeaky against your shoes even. 
“You really went all out, huh,” you say, and Raph sheepishly chuckles.
Smiling, your eyes jump from one turtle to the next until they finally land on Leo, and you slightly clench your jaw at the heat you know is spreading on your face, unable to stop it.
“Well, you deserve it,” Leo says with a grin. 
“Especially after being done with classes,” Mikey adds.
”True, but you guys deserve this too! You’re literally helping people and protecting the city all the time.”
They look at each other and nod in agreement. 
For a second, you think Leo is going to say something, as he gives you what must be the third once-over since you’ve arrived. But he remains silent. You hope your outfit choice isn’t weird…
“Alright,” you exclaim, both to distract from your current thoughts and to fill the silence. “Now that we know how proud we are of each other, how about we start? I’m actually starving.”
— — —
You take the last bite from your brownie just as the credits start rolling.
”Ah, what a classic,” Donnie says with a content sigh, and he and Raph get into an argument about what fight scene from the movie was the best.
You sigh at the delicious treat melting on your tongue, savouring it.
”You like them?” Leo asks from his spot next to you with an amused smile.
”I love them! They’re so good,” you reply, turning to look at Mikey. “Compliments to the chef.”
Since Mikey is the one to usually cook and bake out of the group, you assumed it was him who made the brownies. 
“Actually,” he says as he stands up to stretch, “The chef is right there.”
You look to where he’s pointing: next to you, to Leo. 
“You made them?” you ask genuinely. 
“I mean, Mikey helped,” Leo says with a slight shrug.” But, yeah.”
”He made them for you,” you hear Mikey say, and your head whips around back to Mikey.
”What?” you ask. 
You look back to Leo, who’s giving his youngest brother a panicked glare, while Mikey sticks his tongue out at him. 
Suddenly, the room is silent. Raph and Donnie stopped their discussion and once again, the atmosphere has abruptly shifted. You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, as your brain is reeling. Did Mikey just mean what you think he meant? What you… hope he meant? And what was with Leo’s reaction and lack of sassy comeback?
You turn back to the turtle in question and meet his eyes, the slightest rise of your eyebrows indicating you’re expectant of an explanation. All five stages of grief seem to pass over Leo’s face in the matter of a split second, and he looks at such a loss for words that you almost burst out laughing. The fact that he isn't teasing you or dropping some corny one-liner at his brother’s comment to play along, is proof that there’s something else there. Your confidence from earlier that day resurfaces, and as you decide to tease him a little (because those chances are rare), you lean back slightly onto your hands. One quick glance to the side and you realise the other turtles are long gone.
”For me, huh?” you say in a teasing tone. “You wanted to impress me that much?” 
He wants to play along so badly, tease you back. If only he knew that just with a grin and a touch he would disarm you entirely. Instead, he goes the rare honest route, and gives you a short nod.
”I did, actually.”
That’s not the response you were expecting. You slightly lean forward to sit upright again, taking a second or two to word your response properly, unable to tear away your eyes from his.
”Well, you did. But you do know that you don’t need some grand gesture to impress me or make me like you, right?”
He chuckles, visibly relaxing his shoulders, leaning in ever so slightly. 
“I’m just that extra and you know it.”
You hum, bringing your hands into your lap, and you look down at them. You really hope he can’t hear your heart pounding against your ribs.
“And is there a reason in particular you wanted to impress me?” you ask him, voice significantly smaller. 
“As a matter of fact, there is,” he replies just as gently.
Leo’s hand inches closer to yours until his fingertips brush over your knuckles, and it sends a tingly shiver up your arm and down your spine. You involuntarily take in a sharp breath through your teeth and look up at him. You were not ready to be met with the sweetest, most vulnerable expression on his face. All words leave your brain. 
“And?” is all you manage after a moment.
Equally unable to put his feelings into words, Leo chooses the next best thing. By now, you’re both so close to each other that you can feel his breath fanning over your cheek. He quickly closes the gap, and his lips meet yours. The kiss is soft and warm and sweet and for the amount of pining you’ve both endured, it’s not enough.
Your hands travel up to cup Leo’s face, but he suddenly goes “hm!” like he just remembered something and pulls back, holding you by your shoulders. You give him a confused pout; it was just about to get good.
”I forgot to ask: will you be my Valentine?”
That is so massively out of the blue (pun unintended), that you can’t help the hearty laugh coming out of you. 
“A little late to ask that now, isn’t it?” you ask with a chuckle, running your fingers over his jawline.
”You know what they say, better late than never,” he replies with a shrug, leaning into your touch.
You lift your chin ever so slightly to look at him through half-lidded eyes.
”I bet that whoever said that wasn’t in this particular predicament.”
With that, you pull him back to you, kissing him more intensely this time, and he understands. Your tongue meets his, and his kisses taste like chocolate. You only pull back ever so slightly for a moment to take a breather, both of you panting. 
“And for the record,” you say between breaths, essentially whispering the words into his skin. “The answer is yes. I will be your Valentine, if you’ll be mine.”
Finally, he sports his signature smirk. 
“As if you even need to ask,” is all he remarks before capturing your lips again.
One of his hands snakes around your back, pressing you to him, while he balances the weight on the other, leaning you back onto the pillows so he can climb on top of you. 
However long you have the room for, wherever his brothers are… Leo is set on using this chance with you to the fullest while uninterrupted.
— — —
The other turtle brothers have been spying through the crack of the door until you started making out. After carefully closing it, they move a little further down the empty hallway. 
Raph pumps his fist in the air as a sign of victory, Mikey holds Donnie by the shoulders, shaking him back and forth with a silent squeal. But now that the plan worked, and you and Leo are busy… what are they supposed to do?
The three silently look at each other in the dark hallway for a moment, until Mikey looks at Donnie.
”So… you got games on your phone?”
🐥 taglist: [link to join in my pinned post!] @theoriginalmintyyyshake, @dybynyght, @lieutenantlashfaz, @galaxtic-writings, @Lovestruckfictionadict, @salty-s-r, @sleebykei, @miso-sopas, @duckanon, @wings-of-sapphire, @ashtheboookworm2, @xxnoxx, @crystal-crax
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afreakingdork · 12 days
Soft Spot - Chapter 7
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Whatcya got there, Donnie? It's just a smug grin in this week’s chapter art by @garbagemilkshake
Rated: Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Romance, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Married Life, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Villain Donatello (TMNT), Love, POV Second Person, Babies, Pregnancy, AFAB reader, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Fertility Issues, Pregnant Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Reader-Insert, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Cum Eating, Turtle Noises (TMNT), I have a Biology Degree and I’m Using it, Menstruation, There WILL NOT be any Miscarriages
Synopsis: First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the next step about as smooth as the others arrived. The baby-oriented sequel to Weak Spot.
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Day 1:
In your fourth month of trying to get pregnant, you no longer fussed over the particulars. It had been a literal been there and done that of scenarios. You knew not to overreact. You knew that time would tell. You knew the slightest change in your schedule might not necessarily mean anything. You had settled into hoping for the best, expecting the worst, and acknowledging that the middle state of neutrality was the most likely scenario.
When you were a day late for your period, you hadn’t thought much of it because it had been the second time since your baby making journey began.  
Your period had never been something of clockwork. It moved within parameters that you had never been quite able to capture. Throughout your life, its start date had roved. Stress had once skipped it completely and when you were perfectly healthy, and not sexually active, it had once been a week late for seemingly no reason other than to scare you with falsities. When discussing a child with your partner, your medical history obviously came up. You shared all these moments and more with Donnie which he took into careful consideration.
It had been decided before you even began that, while testing for pregnancy could be done from the first day of your first missed period, you would only test on the sixth day.
From all the data pulled that seemed like a reasonable though arbitrary date to avoid getting any hopes up. Since then, there had been up to a three day fluctuation. Your first period had come right on scheduled time, but the next came a day early and the third came three days late. Now, a day late for your fourth and with three failures notched in your failed conception belt, you wasted no time on wonder.
You had your Valentine’s trip to prepare for.
In the spirit of breaking your rigid schedule, you had both decided that a trip outside the city was due. You were going to break all usual monotony and do something kitschy for the sake of it. You had booked the most ostentatious bed and breakfast stay imaginable. While you at first teasingly fantasized about overbearing hosts and antiques, time had found you embarrassingly looking on those things for their growing charm. 
It made Donnie’s resolve all the stronger and you had caught him brushing up on local facts so as to one-up the tours you imagined the hosts were going to put on. You bet looking at him now he was scheming. He had the usual resting concentration painting his features as he perused something on his phone. He was clearly reading by the dart of his eyes and you thought you should be doing the same.
Though Donnie probably already had everything planned out, you thought you might be able to sneak something by him on the drive there. The route was meant to be scenic and you bet there were stops along the way that weren’t necessarily geo-tagged on the internet. It had you looking through blogs of the past where people once actively charted their travels. You reminisced through their words and made a list of places of interest, if they still existed.
Day 2:
Donnie had been staring hard at two ensembles he had laid out on the bed. One trended casual with joggers, a buttery smooth top, and a sporty cardigan while the other had finer, but stiffer fabrics that gave an upper-class feel. While the trip only had a single overnight stint, your mate had been flip-flopping on his luggage contents.
It was a stark contrast to your honeymoon where he’d finished his list nearly overnight. You weren’t sure if it was the shorter duration or the air of spontaneity, but Donnie had become hung up on the supposedly simple choice. Seeing as he’d been waffling on the two sets of clothing for almost an hour, you got up to see what the trouble was.
He didn’t address you and only continued to stare at the larger picture of both outfits.
You brushed his arm to see if he was up for larger touch, but his lack of movement said otherwise.
You settled for standing beside him. “What are we thinking?”
Donnie pointed out a finger that had been folded to his chin. “We will be stationary in the car for many hours.”
You hummed recognition.
“Comfort as such is priority, as was when we flew.”
“Definitely not as long as a flight to Italy.” You chuckled. “Though it was first class.” 
Donnie didn’t share the mirth. “However, we have a reservation at a vineyard that evening which calls for finer dress.”
“It doesn’t have to be that nice. It’s not like they’ll kick us out.”
“Valentine’s!” Donnie rounded on you with tepid scorn.
Your gaze shot away as there was no winning with him and these romantic holidays.
They were your husband’s favorite.
He had to do them justice in his mind.
“Changing in their lavatory is out of the question.” He ground out the sentence as if it was a law.
You chewed your lip to keep from commenting.
“Which to choose…?” He let the question he’d been pondering hang in the air.
You stood behind him for several moments before you pushed out a readied breath.
He addressed you with a slight turn and a wave of uncertainty that wondered if you could be of help.
You held no ill will. “We’re driving.”
He said nothing.
“Like actually driving your car. For the sake of the trip.”
He didn’t see the point.
“It gets stiff…” You broke away and touched the joggers. “Being in those seats. Driving for long hours. We’re going to take breaks. Do the whole road trip thing you’ve never got to do. Stop at tacky roadside shops and leave wrappers in the car and get cramped so we have to stretch at abandoned rest stops!”
Your heart swelled at all the silly antics.
You adored that even this, even now, was exciting just because Donatello was your partner.
You couldn’t wait to see how he’d react.
To everything he’d staunchly try to do by some unseen book to all the ways he’d subvert it because it was all new to him.
You were forever honored to be his partner.
“You know how we’ll stop at the first real gas station and get snacks?”
Donnie finally nodded. “Despite their inflated cost.”
He knew all about your tale of the variety and going through a white walled shop just to get blood moving in your legs.
He was fully on board even against the fallacies.
“Then this calls for something similar.” You patted his clothes before turning to him.
His interest was fully piqued.
“We go shopping!” You snapped and pointed at him. “Like we did for honeymoon clothes.”
His expression dropped some.
“I know! It kind of goes against the spontaneous bit and this should have been short enough that we shouldn’t need to go, but look at this.” You held out a hand to demonstrate his wardrobe. “Your wardrobe consists of what? Things for chilling at home, expensive fancy clothes that cover every inch of you, and now, buried somewhere, are clothes specifically for beaches! It’s like if we were going to California. You wouldn’t have those kinds of summer clothes because you don’t live there. You don’t have car riding clothes because you never used to leave the city. It’s time for new options!”
He poured over each of your words like syrup drizzling a stack of pancakes.
You got to watch in real time as the sweet logic permeated each layer.
Once saturated, he lifted a confirming gaze to you.
“How is your wardrobe…?” He tested the one variable left out.
“I’m good. You’re not dressing me up this time. No extravagant surprises, just sudden ones!”
“Shopping for me would be sudden…” He spoke with growing understanding.
He chuffed. “You’ll tap out long before I.”
“How so?”
He swept down his figure. “I custom order my clothes online and still alter them both for ease and for my sanity. Shopping for myself is an ordeal.”
“Size, quality, feel of the fabric…” You bet you knew all his complaints.
He lifted his head both haughty and confirming.
“Guess there’s only one way to find out…”
He gave a single nod and moved to gather the laid out clothes.
As he closed in from one of your sides to the other you watched him. “Are you nervous about all the changes?”
He slowed in folding a pair of slacks over his arm. “In a grand scale or these recent impromptu actions?”
“Both.” You thought for a moment. “All.”
“It is…” He breathed slowly.
You let him take his time in choosing his words.
“In a way… as much as I desire a child with you, I am equally and morbidly… thankful for the delay. I would have had no issue if you were to have gotten pregnant on our first try and I despise how downtrodden each delay makes you. However, I… have lived a solitary life. I have experienced change in all its forms. I have lived unsettled. Nomadic. I’ve not known peace. Then I knew… too much. I knew stagnation. I thought myself unable. I knew myself to be capable of everything. I am boundless and with form. A frustrating chasm without answers.”  
“Life,” You whispered, not feeling clever about your response.
He still agreed wholeheartedly. ”My desire for our child is unmoving, but a dastardly part of me relishes more time alone with you.”
“I think…” You leaned against the bed. “That’s all very normal. I think that when we started talking about this, I wondered if I wanted to disrupt our peace. Me and you. We’re so good, Don.”
He churred softly.
“And we’ll be good at this. You’ll be good at this and we’ll be bad at this. Like you said. We’ll mess up, but we’ll try and that’s what matters. I have no doubt that you’re going to do everything you can. That’s how you do everything.”
He watched you with palpable affection.
“Just tell me if you get overwhelmed. It’s okay to.” 
He nodded into a soft smile. 
“Unable to pick pants cause you’re oh so sweet!” You crooned and got up. “Tomorrow! We’ll find you something!”
He returned to putting the clothes up instead of outright agreeing.
“Or not! That’ll be fun too!”
“Together.” You heard him speak more for himself.
Day 3:
“Okay…” You tented your hands over your mouth and blew into them.
You were also blocking out Donnie’s smug air, but there was no way you were going to admit that.
No, it was early February and pretty cold outside which was marked by bits of frost clinging to corners. “Onto the fourth store.”
Donnie hovered close behind to devour your words.
“It’s fine!” You chirped out of your grip and plowed down the road with your husband in tow. “We just eliminated the like only three tall guys stores in the area, no biggie.”
You heard him probe you with a hum.
“With trash selection. Some of the ugliest patterns I’ve ever seen. The scratchiest fabric on clothes that are still somehow baggy on you even if they hit your leg length!”
Donnie was almost skipping.
“Your whole life!?” You turned on him suddenly.
He seemed ready and stopped just in time.
His wicked grin hadn’t diminished in the slightest.
He gave it a moment to air for your stage before he dipped his gaze to speak.
You hugged him before he could.
You felt him huff out of his gloat and hold you. “Yes, my dearest. Shopping for clothes has always been this difficult. Before I grew to my current uncommon height, there was the shell to accommodate for.”
You scrubbed into his nice sweaters and felt bad about all the times you ever teased him for his fine tastes. “Being rich helps.”
“Yes. I can request directly from a designer. They’ve long understood my needs and send clothes when they need a boost in revenue.”
“I didn’t think today would be easy…”
“I know…” He pet your back.
“I still thought we’d find at least one thing… This is disheartening.”
He dipped his beak down to the top of your head and rested it amongst your scent.
“What will our kid do…?”
Donnie didn’t stiffen, but you felt him stop.
“We don’t know if they’ll have a shell…” You reigned an arm in around him to look at your gloves. “Or how many fingers they'll have…? I start to think how they’ll feel about back to school shopping and then… are we doing that? Sending them to public school? Not doing that seems bad too… It all…”
“Issues every parent faces.”
You blinked up at Donnie.
“Common concerns. Endlessly worrying about one’s child.”
You gave him a sad smile.
He leaned further against your head to commiserate.
“We don’t know.”
“Until we do.” Donnie agreed.
“Take this as it comes. All of this.” You took a lingering warm breath from your mate’s body before turning out on the sidewalk.
This time he snagged your hand so when you moved away with purpose, he could be led along.
You were steadfast in heading towards whatever next shop caught your eye. It didn’t matter if it fit the bill, as long as it had men’s clothing, you were going to give it a try. That was the nature of what you were supposed to be doing anyway. You stormed past shops and buildings you eliminated and heard some calling from loitering youths who commented on Donnie’s height. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, but under your current circumstances it annoyed you so you turned and snarled at them.
It was you alone that had them flinching into silence.
They then started right back up with insults, but you felt as though you’d had your fill. You pulled Donnie around a corner and felt him shyly share his pride through his wedding band. It felt like a coy way in case you weren’t in the mood for that sort of praise. You responded by mentally grabbing his regard and tugging. It felt very much like what you were doing to him in the real world and he appreciated it all the more.
You made it down a few more streets before you finally glimpsed a pair of jeans in the window. You sort of whipped your mate in the process, but you backpedaled to review the shop. Instead of something vintage or something new, it seemed to be a curated collection. You were pretty sure these sorts of places were some type of specialty shop and only once you decided it was a contender did you look toward Donnie.
He held no hope and only looked up at the shop window once before returning his gaze to you.
You gave a furious nod before pulling him through the door where a bell chimed.
Standing as if waiting for this moment was a tall and proportionally gangly man who appraised you both with a lazy smile. “Welcome.”
“Hi…” You meant to part more of a greeting, but you were distracted as everything in the store was the same color scheme of woody monochromatics.
It dragged your eye in an odd way as even though everything matched in hue, there were dozens of items dotted about. You saw full collections of clothes to their matching accessories and onto daily items one might need. When you rounded back to the employee, you found your mate very obviously sizing up the man that was nearly his same height.
“I’d ask if you’d need help, but I think I know what you need.” The worker met Donnie’s eye with a growing grin.
You stayed in the shop long past when it was interesting for you. Apparently this man had been born and raised in New York until an aborted basketball career took him to England. There he set up the first of his specialty shops which catered to men of sizes outside the norm, such as himself. His only caveat was that he set up his collections based on whatever color he was currently interested in. He’d been successful enough that he’d returned stateside to open his second location where you currently were.
Baring how this place was some sort of strange answer to your prayers, you were left to linger amongst artifacts as Donnie tried to conscript this man into his fashion repertoire. It would probably be the only face you cared to recognize though the longer you hung out the more you wondered if you would need to bridge those gaps. You let Donnie handle a lot, but with a child there would be a growing need to share the load.
Donnie would happily share his contacts with you and you felt it was something you needed to actively pursue. You would be happy to rely on him after the horrific toll your body would eventually take with giving birth, but you didn’t want that to last forever. Just like the state of your ongoing career, you always wanted to keep a certain level of self reliance. You would ask for those designer’s numbers and make sure you could order clothes for your baby if you so needed to.
Staring hard at designer bags and wondering how many diapers they would fit, your mate eventually touched you through your bond before brushing your back. You came away with him and his tidy purchased parcel before bidding the man who worked there Farwell. Donnie loomed with one last press for the worker to consider his offer and he laughed as you both left with a chime on the door.
Day 4:
“Should I build a sports utility vehicle?” Donnie remarked suddenly from within the car.
From where you were still lost admiring his garage, you hadn’t really registered what he said. “Huh?”
He extracted himself and folded his arms on the roof. “I suppose a crossover may make more sense… This vehicle is equipped with four doors, but what if we make additional family outings? A sturdier vehicle may be justified.”
You followed along a wall of peg boards that had just about every tool imaginable. In contrast with said car itself, the garage had a less futuristic and more industrious feel. Ahead of you lie a row of metal cabinetry that you thought should have been a trademark red, but had been painted a signature purple. They led to a pair of classic roll-up doors that had acted as both entry for you and the vehicle. You turned and examined the final wall which was marked with heavy machinery. The encompassing space flanked a car lift that sat in the dead center to the garage so mechanic work could be done. “I’m not sure…”
Donnie made a similarly unsure noise before dipping back into the car for whatever he was doing.
He had told you.
You used to know.
You had yet to get over that you were here.
It seemed kismet. It was almost like the moment you decided to find out what little you still didn’t know about Donnie was when he told you he’d be running a maintenance check on the car. Where the vehicle was kept was one such mystery you had never found out so you jumped at the chance to do it with him. He was predictably happy to run an errand with you and only warned you about the part of town.
You figured it mattered little with him by your side and, in practice, that had been correct. His garage was one bay located in a sea of others that were painted with graffiti. There were dingy piles of trash scattered about and busted street lights seemed to indicate that the other tenants were strip shops.
It was none of your business and you turned a blind eye as the car had taken you cleanly to your destination. Everything was automated up until the bay doors had closed. After that, Donnie had taken over and gotten to work while giving you a pass to look around as you pleased.
You guessed the only thing this place seemed to be missing was a place to sit.
Doing another lap with your eyes, you had yet to locate a single chair. When you analyzed the peg board, you found a creeper hung up amongst everything else, but you didn’t really want to disrupt its place. You walked over to it regardless and frowned at its existence. You had a silly fleeting thought about using Donnie’s tools to weld some of the junk together into a chair, but you were disrupted by sounds of compression. Turning around, you watched as the car lift did its job and the car soared up to a manageable height for your husband to slip underneath it.
“Diagnostics clean. Oil change.” Donnie told you before he went to the metal cabinets to grab what you figured he’d need.
“Surprised there isn’t a toolbelt set of mech arms to do that for you.” You moved to look under the car for the sake of it.
“There is.” You heard his voice rove.
You stared up at what looked like the usual underside of a vehicle. “What?”
“It tunes itself.” He returned with a few items in his arms.
“Then why are you…?” You swiveled a finger toward his load.
He smiled softly at you before getting to work.
You checked the radius he seemed to set up and moved just outside of it to watch him. He continued to give that comfortable grin as he went through the motions of removing parts. You watched him switch tools and readied yourself in case he called for something, but he never did. Instead, he cranked through what appeared to be a second nature process until old oil was draining out into a pan. It was only then, as he leaned back to let the excess drip, that he finally addressed you.
“I like the process.”
“Easy work?” You ducked under a tire and let a hand rest against the rubber.
“Yes, but that’s not why.”
You waited for him to expand.
He took a breath and looked up into the car to decipher his thoughts. “The monotony can be therapeutic. While the garage is fully automated, I sometimes prefer to do it for the sake.”
It felt like it was too soon to ask if he was nervous again though you sort of got the feeling he was.
You decided to let him tell you if and when he was ready.
“With the big trip, does it help knowing you got your hands on it?”
He lit up a little at the thought. “I like that. Yes.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t get driving gloves.” You mimed taking a wheel.
He chuckled and returned to his task. “Maybe if you had interest in a convertible.”
“We’d need a whole other shopping montage for that.” You made sure to lay your joking tone on thick in case he did a sudden car modification.
It was a bit too cold for that sort of thing.
Maybe in a later season.
Like on summer vacations when you took trips across the country.
You’d see landmarks and Donnie would be the sort of dad who would do it all for the sake of education.
Something clicked into place and you returned to see said man in his current form wiping his hands on a towel.
“All done?”
He gave a genial nod as he passed to put his tools away.
You sort of registered him disposing of the oil and washing his hands.
You circled the car trying to envision what a family version of it would be like until it eventually lowered to take you home.
Day 5:
“We should have bought little toiletries! They have bottles of this stuff ready to buy!” You whined as the funnel you were using to fill little empty bottles with kept getting backed up.
“Not my formulation.” Donnie chirped and was doing the same right beside you.
“This is too slow…!” You drew out an annoying tone on purpose.
Your husband only chuckled.
You flopped against his arm and watched abysmally as liquid soap oozed into the container at a snail’s pace.
You could feel your mate’s contrasting levity even without your ring.
“Monotony thing?” You asked.
He shook his head obviously.
You let the few beats of your irritation peter you so you could see past it. “That we leave first thing in the morning?”
You sensed his smile before you saw it.
When you did you saw it wasn’t fully committed. “What?”
“I’m done.” Donnie removed himself from your side so fast you nearly fell over.
“Hey!” You jeered.
He capped his bottle off and returned its larger parent product back to its place in the bathroom.
“How’d you do that!?” You called after him.
You heard him pad away in a hurry.
“How did you cheat at filling!?” You couldn’t help but laugh.
You heard only the sound of him rummaging through your suitcase to put the container in with other toiletries. Your lips pursed and you bet he had some kind of mental algorithm that perfectly calculated flow speed. That was some sort of nerdy math that was so very him. Your bottle eventually finished filling and you played up a slog once you emerged with it from the bathroom.
You meant to put on a whole show as if the tiny thing was tremendously heavy, but your mate was clearly waiting. 
You saw he had a box in hand.
A box that made your spine go straight.
A box you had become all too familiar with.
Donnie placed the pregnancy tests into the suitcase with care.
You forgot all about your little bottle and tackled him.
Day 6:
Your alarm blared.
Groaning as it had jarred you from sleep, you slapped the side table. Your husband shifted beside you. You once had the perfect schedule planned. Last night when you were finishing up packing, you were on track to get a tidy eight hours and still leave before dawn for your Valentine’s road trip.
Only after seeing a certain box, you’d thrown out said timeline to instead fuck each other senseless.
Images of the prior night slid around your brain as you forced yourself to sit upright. Donnie blew out a preparatory air to move himself. You patted his shell and heard a mental recording of him from the prior night praising your fluids.
“You, drinks. Me, breakfast.” You told him and tried to parse out what it had been.
It was hot, whatever it was.
Donnie grunted an agreement and gave himself a few more seconds. Throwing your legs out from under the covers, your nude body shuddered against the early morning cold. You found your socks first and stuffed your feet into them. As your toes hit the floor with protection, you spied Donnie’s pants and flung them behind you for him to wear.
You shuffled away from the bed to reach any type of top that would fit you. Sadly you found yours first which meant you also still needed to find bottoms. Cold nipped your ass cheeks by the time you found some and you stuffed your legs into them with a hobble. Your mate surfaced and gave an appreciative chirp as he found his joggers.
You made a similar sound before heading toward the kitchen. Donnie would allow no window that let cold seep in, but something about the glass still seemed to hold winter against its pane. You studied it for signs of frost while you pulled out a bowl. There didn’t appear to be any ice crystals so you set out a pan on a burner to warm.
You gathered eggs.
You cracked them into the bowl.
Their consistency oozed.
That’s what Donnie had said last night.
He had said your discharge wasn’t as thick as it usually was when you were about to start your period.
You blinked wide awake.
Today was day six.
Your period was six days late.
Today was the arbitrary date that meant you could take a pregnancy test.
Though you had done it regardless just in case, this would be the first time it seemed like you might be pregnant.
The eggs felt prodigal.
You whisked them up and were zealous in cooking. Donnie appeared beside you not nearly as awake. For a long moment, he observed you making breakfast before his mind caught up with him to grind fresh beans to make coffee. You had full plates ready before his water had even boiled.
“Excited?” He spoke in a deep voice tinged with sleep.
“Very!” You pecked his cheek and headed for the couch.
You would test at the bed and breakfast.
Not before.
It would be an agonizing wait, but it would be worth it.
You could see yourself in an ostentatious bathroom sitting on a toilet with one of those fuzzy seat covers.
Donnie would be waiting with a timer.
It was February 13th.
You would have the most lavish Valentine’s.
One of Donnie’s favorite holidays now made all the better.
You scarfed your food down and forewent Donnie’s drink offer to instead get ready. You didn’t need the caffeine currently as you were high on your thoughts alone. You hadn’t set these sorts of expectations for your trip, but now it seemed like a given. There had been nothing, but signs. Every day you had been late had been in your favor.
How had you not noticed?
You were riding cloud nine as you washed up. The universe was paying you back for the last few months. You decided that had to be it as you eventually dressed. Donnie appeared behind you and you could hear him churr each time you passed him.
He liked to see you excited.
He loved seeing you happy.
You were going on a road trip together.
You packed the last few things in your shared suitcase and resisted zipping it up. It took quite a bit of focus to not eye the tests too much. You couldn’t close the luggage quite yet because Donnie still had a few things to put away.
“I’m gonna get my coat!” You told him and scurried toward the door.
If he responded, you didn’t hear.
You shoved your arms into your sleeves one at a time and then fiddled with your scarf.
“Almost.” Donnie told you in an apologetic tone.
He felt bad he was lagging behind. 
“It’s fine!” You could care less.
He believed you and you heard the distinct sound of rustling in your suitcase. That meant Donnie was almost done and you would soon leave. You would be out on the open road with your mate. You were going on a little vacation. You were going to have a blast. You had a list. You remembered how you had gathered those little known spots and rotated your body in search of your phone. 
The room spun.
“Oh…” Your voice warbled out and you widened your stance to stabilize.
“And….!” Donnie’s voice led with anticipation.
You blinked out of your lightheadedness.
That was odd.
You hadn’t fallen over, but you had been hit with a sudden wave of weakness.
It then disappeared like it was never there and you had your phone. 
That was strange.
It was almost as if you had momentarily lost blood.
“Done!” Donnie rounded the corner with a bright smile and the closed suitcase in tow.
You couldn’t help, but light up for him. “Let’s go!”
You turned to grab his coat. He came in with an ever present churr to him and you shook his outer layer out. He dipped down into you so you could help him put it on. It was through one arm and with an expert rotation of his body that he donned it then lifted you clean off the ground in one smooth action.You giggled in his arms and he went stiff. 
“Hm?” You tried to check with him, but he kept you hugged close to his body.
All of him came along as you were placed on your feet.
“Donnie?” You pressed his arm, but he wouldn’t release.
He had you in a bear hug.
“Donatello?” You patted his carapace heavily. “Is something wrong?”
He clung to you.
“Don?! Hey!”
His forehead dropped to your shoulder.
His beak rooted down toward your chest.
“Please answer me!”
He shook one visceral time.
You went silent. 
His nails dragged against your coat.
You felt exactly how the fibers slipped under his nail beds until his arms were free from you.
He then stood.
Straight up and to his full height.
Where you saw abject fury on his features.
Your features drooped. “Don… nie…?”
His lip quivered with rage and he couldn’t meet your eye.
“Don…?” You whispered.
He sought the corners of the room before his jaw wound so tight you saw veins bulge.
It took a great effort before he managed to snarl out a single word.
It came with spit and he took one robotic step to the right where he grabbed the door handle with a strength that decimated it. He snapped the knob clean off. His vision quaked at the broken entry and you watched it creak open for him from S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s doing. Donnie appraised the exit for one second before he yanked it wide open. There he took a lethal step forward. It was followed by another and another in a methodical process as he walked out of your apartment and down the hall with echoing footfalls.
“Overwhelmed…?” You mumbled to yourself.
That didn’t seem like the right reaction. 
He had been calmer this morning than he had been in awhile. 
Something must have set him off at the last second. 
You wondered what. 
Your trip?
You were running a bit late. 
You remembered the fainting spell.
With dawning horror you looked over the still open door and left it to head to the bathroom.
You didn’t remember the steps.
You floated.
You were in the living room then you were on tile.
The moment you fiddled with your belt you felt it.
Every step after.
The button.
The zipper.
Fabric slid down your hips.
It was all givens.
You lowered your underwear and saw thick blotch of bright red messing the gusset.
You sat on the toilet and stared at the fabric strung up between your legs.
You didn’t care.
You didn’t care about the stain.
You kicked off your shoes so you could remove your pants.
You didn’t care about the timing.
You got the underwear off and waded them.
You didn’t care about the smell.
The all too common scent of menstrual blood was now perfuming the air.
You didn’t care about the lack of signs.
You threw the pair away.
You wiped.
The texture was exactly as thick as it should be.
You blotted until there was barely any red residue and sought a period product.
You went back over the last few days.
There had been no warning of your period.
That wasn’t so unusual.
It had happened in the past.
Not often, but it happened.
You gathered your pants and went to get fresh underwear.
Ones you didn’t care about losing.
You were about to go on a road trip after all.
You got yourself situated.
You put them on and then your pants.
You sat with your fly down on the edge of your bed.
He’d been furious.
It had been a long time since you’d seen him that upset.
It made sense.
You fell back.
Your womb felt angered.
You felt the first vestiges of cramps.
You were far too aware of the organs in your lower body.
You closed your eyes. 
It wasn’t like this was the first time you had both gotten your hopes up.
Something about the sentence snapped your eyes open.
You weren’t sure if Donnie had gotten his hopes up. 
You thought back.
You had been upset. 
He’d doted on you.
He’d said his piece about picking up slack for his partner.
He’d said he’d been thankful for the delay.
He’d been anxious. 
He’d mentioned the calm in monotony. 
The oil. 
The bottle filling. 
He’d never been overt.
He always relied on the science.
He had only ever spoken of the probability.
“Oh no…” 
While you had been putting the delay out of your mind, he was the slave to the schedule.
He was more attuned to your period than you.
First blood marked new cycles.
It stamped a failure to conceive. 
Everything hinged on those time frames.
He lived by them.
He moved in the monotony.
He allowed himself to celebrate early.
You folded your hands, one over the other, over your womb and held your ring.
You didn’t call for him.
He needed the space.
It was so much worse for him.
His lifetimes of anguish didn’t allow for hope.
Hope threatened his well being.
He had let a little creep in.
His anger probably wasn’t even with the blood.
Just as you weren’t mad about having started your period.
He was furious with himself.
For having given into that weakness.
Your heart ached for your mate and you pushed all the mysticism in your body to keep that from him.
He didn’t need to punish himself more.
Not now.
For now, you waited.
Your tech gauntlet buzzed a careful question.
You hoped nothing had happened and reached for your phone. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.’s call appeared as soon as you did. You talked quietly with your son. He wasn’t calling for an update; he was calling out of concern. You soothed him the best you could. His nervous words echoed in your ears long after you’d gotten off the phone. He also hadn’t seen his dad that upset in years. 
It was many hours later when Donnie returned.
You weren’t asleep, but he appeared before you between blinks. He only looked down at where your fly was still undone. He presumably took in the peak of your new underwear before looking up at you with a listless question even though he already knew the answer.
You gave a solitary nod.
His fingers came ice cold to your stomach as he did up your fly for you. For as chilly as his digits were, there was nothing, but tenderness in the way he did your belt. Once they were in place, he laid his hands flat against your stomach and held soothing over the space. 
“Have you ever taken a drive when you were upset?”
He only looked at you with that same dead-eyed gaze.
You returned with what felt like one of your own.
“I’ve flown.” He managed.
“Driving is different.”
He stared on.
“Drive.” You told him as you got up.
He made space for you and you were eventually packed in the car.
Getting out of the city was stop and go.
Then traffic sparsed out and it was open roads.
You didn’t stop for snacks.
You drove straight by the food stand you had marked off.
You never paused at a rest stop.
Without any detours, you made your reservation.
The wine paired expertly with the meal.
You thought you might not taste it, but you did.
It was divine.
You were full and soaked in a mild buzz as you headed toward the bed and breakfast.
Streetlights flashed one at a time across your face.
A warm glow to a multi-tiered exterior eventually greeted you.
You parked in silence as the cabin was soundproof. 
You liked the sound of your boots against the gravel drive.
An older couple greeted you warmly, but saw your worn out expressions. They gave you nothing, but privacy and a shorthand of what you needed to know about the house. Your room was exactly how you imagined.
You changed bloodied products.
You took pain medicine as an ache had settled into your lower back. Donnie boiled himself in a shower that was far too small for him. You were warming your hands by a live fire when he emerged. You heard him tuck into bed and you read through the last steps to care for the flames before joining him. Glowing embers did little to ward off the dark when you turned off the lights.
For a while you lay beside your mate until you turned into him.
He was on you in an instant.
Making himself as small as possible, he buried into your chest and let go.
You held him as he sobbed.
You held him long past when he ran out of tears.
You held him when the room had gone cold.
You held him until the first birds wriggled free of the cold.
You held him under the many blankets that shielded you both. 
“Let’s stop trying, trying,” you whispered to him.
Whether he agreed or not, his head bobbed as he pulled you that much closer.
You would figure out the logistics later. For now, it was Valentine’s day.
💜 NEXT 💜
I wonder how many times I've thanked @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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wonderingpanda · 1 year
Hello!! Could you please either write a scenario or Headcanon for either rottmnt or bayverse x reader for pining turtles (turtles with a crush on reader) and how they try to “romance” them? Who’s more upfront who isn’t it? What kind of gestures they do? Please and thank you
Rise Turtles Pining for Reader
Originally I was going to do both Bayverse and Rottmnt but I wrote this pretty late and couldn’t come up with many ideas for Bayverse. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
I feel like Raph is the kind of person to act casual around his crush and then freak out later
He’ll get excited around you and try to show you extra care
He’s also going to be very worried for your safety
If you had plans to go over to the lair and end up being 10 minutes late he’s already picturing the worst
Raph does try show off his muscle and strength sometimes
Particularly if you watch him train it’s a huge confidence boost
But his favourite moments are when you get to watch him win against one of his brothers while sparring
Oh come on you totally cheated. Sorry Leo rules are rules. That was awesome Raph! O-oh Y/N! Thanks.
He is a gentle giant so you can expect him to be extra attentive to your every need
And of course he’s giving out the best hugs of all time
While he may be pretty chill about his feelings, if you flirt with him it will leave him a flustered mess
I’m talking, he may be unable to form coherent sentences for several hours
At the end of the day, he just really wants you to like him and will always be there for you no matter what
Oh boy, here we go
The second Leo realised he liked you there was no more peace
You won’t get a single moment alone because this boy will just be everywhere
He’ll try every pick-up line he can think of and will find any excuse to flirt with you
The guy has no shame because he makes it look like a joke
Spoiler alert, it’s not
Have I ever told you I think you’re beautiful No, why? Cause you’re beautiful. Aww thanks Leo. *kisses on the cheek* *Dies inside*
While Leo might act confident on the outside if you try to flirt back with him his heart will instantly melt
But he’d never show it of course, he’s too cool for that
He is also a complete drama queen so he may occasionally dramatise things when talking about you with his brothers
And yes, he will talk about you frequently because how else is he meant to go over your every interaction from that day
He’s also an easily jealous person so if he sees any of your human friends as competition, hide them
Hide them fast
Another important thing to note is that he loves to show off
He’s got fighting moves, skateboard tricks, video game scores, comic collections and more
He loves you, wants you and will let you know loud and clear that he’s in love
But he’s only “kidding”
Donnie is far more reserved in comparison to Leo
He also has a very complicated idea of what he wants
He wants you to know he likes you without you knowing he wants you to know he likes you
That being said, there are a lot of different ways to tell if Donnie is pining for you
He’ll feel more comfortable with you in his lab vs others
Lots of gifts and is always free for whatever favour you need
You can expect to be given more privileges around his tech
But that’s also because he wants to impress you with it
He might also make small comments to hint he likes you
What were you thinking!? Ah but you see my sweet beautiful Y/N, he wasn’t thinking. Don, quit flirting with your girlfriend and come save me! Not my girlfriend!…*whispers* yet.
He’s the kind of person who will admire from afar and won’t try to get super close physically
Although if he’s really excited then he may give you a hug or two
He will also pretend to hate any romantic aspects of holidays to hide how much he’d love to experience them with you
Valentines, mistletoe, New Years kiss, he acts like he can’t stand them
And you can bet that after every moment you two have he’ll be in his lab celebrating like there’s no tomorrow
Because a dancing Donnie is a happy Donnie
Mikey just goes with the flow
Wait he likes you! Oh well, time to show tons of love and affection
It’s hard to tell if he likes you or not because he acts the same way around everyone else
Lots of physical affection, big hugs, warm smiles, hand holding
One unique thing you might be able to nitpick at though is his kisses
That’s right, Mikey will constantly be kissing your forehead or cheek if he gets the chance
You’re also one of his biggest inspirations
The amount of times this turtle will tell you to hold your pose so he can sketch it
He wants you to understand that to him you’re beautiful and inspiring
Compliments are another big thing for Mikey
He won’t stop telling you how pretty, smart and cute he thinks you are
Hey Y/N do you mind standing right there for a second? Uh sure, another drawing? Yup! Sorry you’re just so pretty I can’t stop drawing you. Awwww Mikey! That’s really sweet.
He is definitely more upfront about his feelings and is just waiting for the day he can open up and say he loves you
I hope this was similar to what you wanted. Have an amazing day/night wherever it is you are!✨
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naviaknell777 · 1 year
Hello again!
I loved how you wrote my request of raph x reader.
May i request rottmnt little sister!reader & all of her 4 brothers headcanons? (Reader is about 11)
Type of request: funny/comedy, wholesome, platonic.
Plot: so this happen if reader was the only one sibling attending school.
Reader come home with a basket full of different types of chocolate (probably 15 piece?), at first the siblings thought that reader would give them chocolate because it was meant for them or she would give chocolate to somebody, turned out they were "given " to her... By " boys ".
That when their brother instincts kick in, their little, innocent - probably naive - sister is getting chocolate... From multiple boys... On Valentine's day... That cannot be good for their hearts.
I’m so glad you liked the last one! Thanks for sending in your requests, they’re fun to write! Remember everyone that my requests are open!
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“Valentine’s Day”
Rise!Turtles x Sister!Reader
Code: Y/N = your name, [f/f] = favorite flavor
- So, one day when Leo, Mikey, Donnie, and Raph were walking around at night when they came across a mystic cloaking broach
- They collectively decided that their little sister, Y/N should use it to go to school
- They just wanted a better life for their only sister (aww, they’re very loving brothers!)
- Eventually, Y/N started to go to school, wearing her cloaking broach to look human. It was definately a new experience for her, but her brothers helped her with the huge adjustment!
- She was placed in the fifth grade (as she is 11 years old)
- The school year was going pretty well for her (she even made a friend!)
- However, one very specific day in February came rolling around, and Y/N had school that day
- It was Valentines Day!
- Y/N didn’t really get Valentine’s Day, or didn’t really understand it, because she randomly got a bunch of chocolates from a few people in her class
- At the end of the day, she came home with her lunch box full of chocolates she didn’t eat yet
- So at around 3:30, she made it back home, took off her cloaking broach, and opened her lunchbox, and inside was a ton of chocolates!
- She dumped all of it on the kitchen counter, with Leo and Mikey nearby, and they heard her dump the chocolates on the counter.
- “Aw, did little sis get us all chocolates?” Leo asked, smiling and jumping towards the counter with stars in his eyes
- Raph and Donnie soon entered the room and then plus Mikey also made their way to the counter, asking about the chocolate
- “You can have some, but they’re my chocolates too!” Y/N said
- She opened one of the heart shaped boxes and stuffed a piece of chocolate with [f/f] inside
- “Where’d ya get them?” Mikey asked, taking some chocolate
- “Some of the kids in my class gave ‘em to me!” Y/N responded
- “Aw, well that was nice of them!” Raph said, eating some strawberry flavor filled chocolate.
- Donnie looked at the boxes, and after a moment, he was able to remeber that today was Valentine’s Day
- He looked worried for a second (he hoped though that his theory was wrong, that no boy in her class gave her these chocolates)
- Meanwhile his brothers and sister ate the chocolates happily
- “Say, who gave you these chocolates, my dear sister? Some of your girl friends?” Donnie asked
- Y/N looked at him for a moment and swallowed her chocolate “yeah, my best friend gave me a small one that I ate during lunch” she started
- “But Landon gave me this one” she held up a small square box with plain chocolates.
- “Gabriel gave me this one, I like that it’s my favorite color” she held up a slightly bigger box with flavored chocolates.
- “And Noah gave me this one, I like that it has Pokémon on it!” She held up the biggest heart-shaped box of chocolates she received, with mixed chocolates inside.
- “But the rest I found in my cubby so I don’t know who gave ‘em to me” Y/N smiled, eating more chocolate.
- Meanwhile her brothers…
- They all spat out their chocolate *immediately*
- “Who?!” Raph asked, taking her by the shoulders.
- “Who are those guys?!” Leo shouted, wiping some chocolate that he spit out off his face.
- Meanwhile Mikey was just screaming his head off
- And Donnie just leaned against the counter, shaking his head
- “Do… do you know if any of these boys like you, Y/N?” Raph asked, letting off a bit of an angry and anxiety stench
- The other three brothers also were staring at her, impatiently waiting her response
- Y/N just laughed, responding, “of course they do! We’re all friends!”
Thanks for reading!
All Rights Reserved ©️NaviaKnell777 2023
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rallentando1011 · 7 months
Valentine’s Day With Donnie Sketches
(rise Donnie x gn reader)
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Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! Here are some sketches, and HERE is a little drabble. Whether you have plans or not, I hope you have a fun, fulfilling day!
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tmntfixationxreader · 8 months
♡Welcome butterflies!♡
I make all kinds of Rottmnt X reader content!
I am taking requests! Requests are temporarily closed :)
You will find the request rules and guidelines here!
♡Master list♡
Dancing in the rain
Meeting his family (Fem unicorn reader)
Leo's grand gesture (Valentines day)
Making cookies
Watching him work.
Stars (Valentines day)
You don't scare me (Fem reader)
Self conscious sleepover
Plushies and cuddles
Overstimulated reader hcs
Bone setting
Color coding: Fluff Comfort Angst
This channel is in the honor of YourfellowfriendYuki, a YouTuber who made amazing Rottmnt X Listener content. Their content was always comforting, and helped me so so much personally. Unfortunately their channel was deleted against their wishes, and they had to leave YouTube. I miss them dearly, and hope that they are doing ok. Yuki, this channel is for you.
Update!! Yuki is back!! Find them here:
♡A little bit about me for any of my butterflies who are interested!♡
I am Lizzy, and have always had a hyperfixation on Tmnt. It started with 2012, and now it's Rise. I draw a lot of Rottmnt art on my other channel, and I write a lot of Tmnt content as well. My other current fixations include Walking Dead, and Avatar the Last Air Bender <3
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
Song of the Night
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Donnie x gn!reader
Warnings: Aged up tmnt characters, fluff, kissing, mutant!reader, French song (translation at the bottom), ptsd?
A/N: Excuse me, I just finished watching rottmnt, I didn't know it existed until recently. I love Donnie so much.
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Donnie had been working in his lab for 4 days straight, the only time you had seen him was when you delivered him food and water... or took the dishes back to the kitchen. You couldn't tell what he was working on, but it was your favorite color. Normally everything he worked on was purple or at least his brothers' life colors.
"Donnie, you've been working for days. You need sleep." Your hand slides along his shoulder down to his plastron.
"I'm busy." He sighs. "I need to finish this."
"It'll still be here when you get back." You answer. "You won't be able to do your best without sleep."
Eventually Donnie caved and followed you to his room. He took off his mask and battle shell. He pulled the blanket over himself and stared at you.
"Stay?" Donnie asks. You couldn't help but smile, sliding under the blanket next to him.
Donatello always loved it when you sang to him. After the Kraang invasion, he had had nightmares. Rightfully so. You unfortunately hadn't known the turtles at the time, but you tried your best to help Donnie.
"À la claire fontaine m’en allant promener. J’ai trouvé l’eau si belle que je m’y suis baigné." You sang softly, rubbing slow circles on his soft shell and bicep. "Il y a longtemps que je t’aime, jamais je ne t’oublierai. Sous les feuilles d’un chêne je me suis fait sécher. Sur la plus haute branche un rossignol chantait."
"Il y a longtemps, etc." He whispers back.
You continue to sing. Slowly lulling him to sleep before falling asleep yourself. Donnie's soft breathing your own lullaby.
•┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈•
You woke up, groggy, your face hurting a little after being pressed against Donnie's plastron all night. You reached for your phone to look at the time. You decided to let him sleep a little while longer, instead deciding to read on your phone.
Soon though, it became time for him to wake up. You rolled over. Donnie slept peacefully, you almost felt bad about waking him up. You pressed a soft kiss against his cheek, he stirred slightly. You continued to gently sprinkle kisses all over his face.
"Good morning." Donnie smiled, his eyes still closed.
"Feel better?" You ask.
"Uh huh." He groans, stretching out a little. "That helped a lot."
"I’m glad it did."
He kisses you softly and pulled you closer, his hand on the small of your back. It wasn't normal for him to initiate affection, but this wasn't a surprise. He got very affectionate after you sing him to sleep, just to show his appreciation.
"What have you been working on?" You question when he finally pulls away.
"Your Valentine's Day gift." He shrugs.
"You're making me something?" You grin.
"Of course." Donnie smirks. "Gotta make something for my favorite mutant."
•┈••✦ ♡Translation Below♡ ✦••┈•
At/To the bright/clear spring
Going off on a walk
I found the water so fine
That I took a dip in it.
I have loved you for a long time.
Never will I forget you.
Beneath the leaves of an oak
I let myself dry off.
On the highest branch
A nightingale was singing.
I have loved you, etc.
À la Claire Fontaine by The NTYC
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hitechlatte · 2 years
Whatever you need - ROTTMNT Raph X Reader
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You had been in love with Raph for so many years, but he was your partner on the force, your best friend, hell you were apart of his family at this point. It just wasn't gonna happen and you needed to get over him.
But when you tell Raph your family is hounding you for being single again on Valentine's day, he gives you this odd look.
What could that hulking turtle be scheming?
Read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45130078
Read for slightly more interactive experience at: https://sites.google.com/view/hitechlatte
This is for the All 4-1 TMNT on tumblr! Prompt Selected is: Blind date scenario: Any character from TMNT sets the reader/OC up with any character of choice
ALSO NOTE: This fic is SFW but some of the other fics in the All4-1 Fic challenge are NOT, so if you are not of age DNI with those other posts!
Also shout out to the following people: - soradragon: for beta reading and editing advice! - a-little-pebbl, donshaker9000, quinnhasstopedworking, soradragon, gaybananabread, sabakarp, buthowboutno-spamming, anechointhemirror, doumakei & criminalmutantsins for song recs! Sorry I couldn't get everyone's recommendations in, but I tried incoroporating as many as possible/trying to find a vibe that matched all the suggestions. Thanks so much for your help these songs RULED
ALSO NOTE: This fic is SFW but some of the other fics in the All4-1 Fic challenge are NOT, so if you are not of age DNI with those other posts!
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