#rupert the grey
kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
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you heard of the kites and nightingales, kestrels and herons... but little do you know, another faction hides in the caves and unseen crevices of the faction isles...
I've been brainrotting about a Krimson Krakens (+ mianite pirates and Tom because I do what I want) cameo in Pirates SMP, so have some worldbuilding and lore ideas! Of course, all for fun, moreso an AU/Headcanon than anything, not meant to be taken seriously at all :] If it turns into anything more, cool beans, but for now! I'm just vibing
(Made in collaboration with @kaye-memer-kurrentvertz who helped with the Dave, Krinios and Krakens dynamic stuffs :D)
Little prologue and ficlet below the cut; Enjoy!
Meet the Krimson Krakens.
Comprised of mystical and mysterious individuals- some of more human in appearance than others- no one is sure when this faction formed. Unlike the others, it holds no precedence over the many generations of pirates in these Isles, nor is their presence heard of other then in whispers between pirates across the land.
Carrying with them an infamous reputation of a crew like a Kraken; in search of breaking curses, solving the mysteries of the Isles. Who would find their target and take it over like tentacles wrapping around a ship reaching into its deepest corners until they've found what they're looking for, no stone left unturned in their wake.
The crew is headed by the elusive Captain Kara Corvus, adorned by many snakes upon her shoulders, and Captain Jordan Sparklez of draconic origins; the latter said to have begun life in the End, given humanity by a deity and brought into the Overworld as a curse. While they bicker a lot sometimes, they are a powerhouse of a duo who know each other very well, being a force to reckoned with especially while wielding their respective weapons- Kara's ruby-adorned Leviathan Blade and Jordan's unbreakable enchanted prismarine trident with a name in Enderian spoken only once ever by the deity that crafted it
But they by no means hold any sort of superiority over the others, for like Nightingales, they value friendship and comradery over power over one another. By their side is the former Kestrel cyclops Krinios- a man with a keen eye for treasure and an ability to loot a ship in the heat of battle which has been considered unmatched, only having been caught a few times. - and Dave Krtzy, a fighter from a bloodline stretching generations in the Kites who broke it to join the Krakens. A master with any melee weapon he can get his hands on, he's usually the first to jump into battle, and if someone's in danger, his waterman abilities come into play.
However, while these four make up the core of the Krakens they are not alone in their adventures, and have picked up other friends along the way
Joining them are the Dulahann siblings, Katherine "Capsize" and Redbeard (his birth name has been all but forgotten by the others) and family friend Rupert, a skeleton reborn from an island of purple goo who gained sentience thanks to Capsize's mother. The Dine-at-Night is their family's tavern-BnB that was expanded into a base of operations after the trio met Jordan, who one day washed up on the beach with little memory of where he came from- and sort of became his family. While not a Captain in this universe, she still takes up a leadership role of her own right in being rather good with a sword, solving mysteries, collecting evidence and giving the realest advice to both friends and passing bar patrons. Red's a little more loose headed but alongside Rupert is a skilled ship engineer, and the guy to go to if the boat's got a leak or a steering system has gone awry. Not much is known about Rupert besides him being known to be a jack of all trades, a powerful asset to have onboard. He has said to have had said he has a claim to fame in his past life before dying on the taint-covered island, but has yet to share it with anyone..
The most recent member to join them is the undead Tom Syndicate, a blue-haired zombie with an explosive personality and fighting style, who had been known to frequent taverns across the Isle. Having once belonged to a rival independent crew of the Krakens, rumor has it that he betrayed them after years of mistreatment, turning instead to choose to join Cpt. Sparklez out of admiration and perhaps a kind of affection that turned romantic over the years (to the point of claiming to be married to the captain, no one knows for sure how true this is). Despite coming from a very different background than the others, including a lost memory of who he was before he had been zombified he fits in quite well, his willingness to jump into battle like a cannonball flying through the air and explode on enemies without second thought brings a certain chaos to the Krakens that they have accepted wholeheartedly.
While their ship is stored away in a sea cliff hidden behind a waterfall somewhere on the island, the tunnel system leading there from beneath the Dine-at-Night, the Krakens enjoy a relaxing life on land, chilling at their tavern base of operations, or being a living legend amongst the other inhabitants, familiar but unfamiliar faces in the crowd. Some have started to believe that their swashbuckling days are few far between in the lack of comings and goings since the new recruits have arrived, but contrary to that they still have been traversing under cover of night to seek out what darkness could be brewing just around the corner. From the growing amount of purple in Rupert's hair to a sudden glow of the rusted coin around Dave's neck the Krakens have had their suspicions for a while....
"Oi! Ye heard what happened?"
Jordan jolts awake off the bar when the bottom of a mug hits against his shoulder. He glares at the Scottish accented, freckled face that passes him, an eyebrow raised.
"No... Heard what Kat?" He grovels, and sits up a little straighter, turning to check the time. 1am. He rests his hand under his chin, hoping that propping it up would keep him awake for the time being. "It better be important, I was having a nice dream for once in my life."
Capsize rolls her eyes. "I don't think that's all gonna matter all that much one ye hear about what I heard today."
He eyes her cautiously as sets the mug she was drying down on the bar. There were a number of things that she could be alluding to, from their own personal affairs, to Tom causing trouble at the Heron's base to something as drastic as their ship had been stolen, or worse burnt to the ground. He hoped it wasn't the last one, but even if it was, he and Kara had a contingency plan.
He murmurs. "I mean maybe... what'd you hear?"
She sits down on a stool across from him, folding her hands together. "The Factioning was a few days ago, right?" She waits for him to nod in response, ensuring that she had the dragon's full attention. "Turns out, that's not the only thing that happened that day. Something calls them out to the Isle to the north, spoken through the recruitment officer."
"The fox man? He told them to go?"
"From the looks of it, yeah." She fiddled with her bracelet, the clacking of the beads breaking through the ambient sound of distant ocean waves and the crackle of torchlight. "I mean, I wasn't there so what would I know. for sure, but they listened."
Jordan shrugs. "I mean PK's a trustworthy guy, I'd probably go if he told me to."
"Yeah, well you'd trust Tom if he told you to walk the plank, I'm not surprised." Despite her little quip, Capsize's face becomes more serious solemn in expression and her voice lowers. "I don't think they were meant to because turns out, twenty-four of them went over there, two of them didn't come back. Kestrels and Kites apparently both lost a member of their faction."
"... Like they stayed? Why would anyone wanna hang out at the wasteland, there's nothing there but-"
"Jordan. They died."
A gust of wind howls outside through the barely cracked windows, the flame within the lantern beside her flickering briefly twice.
The wings on the captain's back droop slowly downward as he lowers his hand onto the bar crouching over ever so slightly. "Died? From what, the island?"
"I don't know, but from what it sounds like. Yeah." She gulps. "One get taken away on a boat.. of sorts? The other follows and lands onto the island probably to chase after their friend, and never comes back."
Jordan feels his heart drop further down into his chest. He finds himself fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, already a million possibilities running through his head "Did they get a look at who took the first one away, at least? So there's somewhere to start?"
"All that I was told is that they were dressed in robes. Could've been a cult, bandits in disguise, ghosts for all I know- Not much to go off of." She solemnly runs her hand through her hair, reaching to untie her bandana allowing her bangs to fall into her face. "It's a feckin' shame really... after all these years. I didn't think anything of that damn accursed land would ever come back. Because here I thought they'd be able to recover properly this time, not let whatever still lingers take back over."
A glaze falls over Jordan's expression. Memories of dried violet entrails wrapping around buildings, skeletons not unlike in appearance to Rupert buried in the masses of warped wood and sunken docks. Wind howled over the tops of the valleys and mountains carved out, through temples that had been thought to be abandoned for centuries. The time he, Kara, Red and Dave travelled there in search of another medallion there was a certain eerie silence, the sign of a land that no longer had any visible, breathing life to it, but remained haunted by all that came before, and all that was yet to come.
Jordan furrowed his eyebrows together. "That means… the island's alive again?"
Capsize nodded. "Aye. The island is alive again."
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nuveau-deco · 6 months
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Ring Featuring an Octopus and Nude Woman Holding a Pearl. Designed by François-Rupert Carabin (born in Saverne, Bas-Rhin, France, 1862 – died in Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France, 1932). Materials are molten silver and a chrome pearl. Musée d’Orsay inventory number: RF MO OAO 2017 12 9
(Source: musee-orsay.fr)
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yarboyandy · 6 months
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Ripper and Spike in London, 1974
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summersnow82 · 1 year
The Magician’s Nephew Casting: Uncle Andrew
Just finished reading this book to my kids, and couldn’t stop casting creepy Uncle Andrew in my head. Intriguing and infuriating.
1. Jim Carrey. He was the first to come to mind because of this role.
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2. Ted Raimi. Look, we know I love him, but he can play creepy so well.
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3. Joel Grey. Love him. His role in Buffy inspired him for this list.
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4. Martin Short. My baby.
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5. David Hyde Pierce. My other baby.
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6. Anthony Stewart Head. I prefer him as Giles, but I know he can play cruel and creepy very well. Love him. (Anyone know what this GIF is from?)
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7. Ted Danson. I stand by my choice. His hair may have influenced the
decision. 😏
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8. Christopher Lee. No explanation needed.
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9. Michael Sheen
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10. Richard Brake. Saw him in Grimm, and he was terrifying.
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coolcattime · 1 year
On one hand, I don’t need to write any more AUs, but on the other hand… Mianite Cursed Pirate Crew AU. The basic concept of this AU is based on a TTRPG called Rapscallions which I haven’t played but I love the concept of.
Basic setup is just that the cast are all members of a pirate crew and each one is cursed in some way.
The Crew: Capsize, Tom, Jordan, Redbeard, and Sonja
Capsize is the captain of the crew, though she’s rarely seen off her ship making her co-captain more known to the general public. Once during a particularly bad attack, she called out to the sea goddess to save everyone’s lives. Her calls worked, Capsize became one with the sea, being able to turn the ocean itself against their enemies. However this connection came with a price, her being forbidden from stepping foot on land. Notably she will always insist that she is forbidden, not unable, to step foot on land. She has never said exactly what’ll happen if she goes against this rule, just that the goddess wants to keep her close and she isn’t going to go against a goddess.
Tom is Capsize’s co-captain, a position which everyone else on the ship is definitely very happy about. He got himself cursed when dealing the final blow to a leviathan, an encounter that technically killed him. In his dying moments he swallowed leviathan blood, which revived him with a couple of consequences. Notably, he looks slightly off with no light in his eyes and an odd green tint to his skin. However, he also gained powers, though he’s still figuring out exactly how to use them, with one of the few he’s sure of is his new found ability to communicate with the giant sea beasts that once caused his death. 
Jordan would very much insist that he isn’t cursed, seeing that his actual abilities aren’t the things giving him trouble. However the others note that being touched by the gods in a way that gives him no special powers, but has inspired multiple groups to try and track him to to fulfil his apparent “terrible destiny” counts as a curse as they’re fighting to stop him from getting kidnapped or captured seemingly every other week. Despite his insistence that he isn’t cursed, he always gets quiet when asked when his apparent destiny is, not wanting to reveal what he is apparently destined for, especially not when he’s finally figured out who “the rival” and “the love interest” described in the terrible tale are supposed to be.
Redbeard, much like Tom, got cursed during a fight, but not one that killed him. During a raid on a cargo ship, a strange creature was unleashed on them, managing to claw and bite him before they took it down. This very quickly proved to have consequences as the body of the creature is identified as a lycanthrope and they realise what Redbeard being bitten by it means. They manage full moons as best as they can, making use of the brig and any magical locks they can get ahold of. They haven’t had any incidents thus far, but Redbeard still fears what will happen if he ever gets loose.
Sonja was the only to get cursed before joining the crew and she is the newest member of said crew. She was a researcher of many different kinds of magic and legends, though she tried to keep her activities on the down low due to attitudes of the town guard towards magically powerful people. However, one night while lost in her studies, she discovered  a creature claiming to be a djinni locked within one of the books she was studying. Not quite understanding what she was dealing with, she made a wish releasing the creature and binding herself to her journal. Now she has powers, the ability to gain knowledge just from writing questions in her journal as well as the odd power to bend luck, but she also cannot roam far from her journal and if anyone but her gets ahold of it, she has no choice but to do as they say.
She found the crew after writing in her question asking for somewhere safe to flee, knowing that if anyone in the town caught wind of what had happened she’d never have freedom again. They took her in without question (they can’t exactly turn down more hands on deck), though her sudden departure was noticed by a friend, who isn’t sure what to make of the news that she apparently was taken by a pirate crew.
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goonlalagoon · 1 year
Like firewood burning bright || Leagues and Legends
Read on Ao3
When the barrier comes down and they’re left to pick up the pieces, victorious and exhausted, Grey wants to sleep for a week.
Instead, he trails after Jack and Rue, pouring golden fire into the injured, soothing pain and burning out infection. If this was something he was trained to he would be able to be more efficient about it, but the only thing Grey’s trained himself to do with his magic is hide it, so he settles for being a battery. Laney twists hanks of gold in her fingers, weaves it into neat spellwork and hastily shared hedgewitch tricks, and Grey watches out of the corner of his eye, fingers aching. He runs a thumb over the place an ink splatter should be, except that in the midst of a siege he hasn’t been burying himself in gleeful scholarship.
He grumbles, automatic and thoughtless, about how he may as well help out. Not like there’s anything better to do, he mutters as sweat trickles beneath his collar, heart racing like a rabbit’s as the Elsewhere twists at his bones, a storm of fire the drop of a hand away. If I don’t help you with this now, you’ll just wake me up on your way to bed at some awful time of the morning…excuses, excuses, excuses. Grey had never wanted anyone to look to him for help with anything other than, perhaps, obscure academic debate. The location of a book in the reference section of the library, maybe; grudgingly aware that working in the Archives would likely involve a certain amount of customer service.
But Sez turns to him with the faintest quirk of an eyebrow, in the wake of a report about broken wards and unsafe conditions. She wouldn’t say anything to name him: Sez, with her rotating cast of informants and helpers understood anonymity.
Sez turns to him, flicks an eyebrow up just enough for him to know there was a question, a request, if he wanted to answer it - Sez had asked him across the room if he could help, and he found himself reaching for ink and paper, the splatter of diagrams and suggestions for improvement. Something lights up warm in his chest when he sinks power into the first carefully written ward, hidden spell-fire wrapping around a bakery’s beams to prevent any fires from getting out of control. He’d been told all the years of his childhood that mages were selfish, had to be forced to share their wonderful power, had thought on guilty, sleepless nights of the unspoken power pooling at the tips of his brittle fingers - and all it took, in the end, was someone saying please.
Some days, it’s all too much - too many people, too many expectations, too many things twisting him in different directions. Some days he buries himself in books.
This is nothing new; Grey loves reading for many reasons, will lose himself in books and treatsies and journals for the love of studying, for all the fascinating doors it opens even if just in his own head, but sometimes he reads like it’s running away - pages flicking under frantic fingers, each another shield, another fragile skin between Grey and the world.
On bad days, curled in a chair by a mountain view, focusing on every word and tearing through pages as though it was a race, Grey had been able to feel it looming behind him - a father’s pride, a sister’s fear, the knowledge that one slip was all it would take for the world to burn to dust around him.
He feels it less, now, but it echoes through him still. He flicks globs of gold at the nearest wall for light without thinking and freezes, panic turning his brain to static, before rembembering that it’s okay. He’s allowed to be a mage, to call on the Elsewhere, to use every tool at his fingertips to defend himself. He traces blueprints and scribbles down numbers for Laney and George to pour over, and for a moment expects it to be his father leaning on the other side of the workbench. He sees a woman with dark hair out the corner of his eye and turns, frantic, a name caught in his throat - and she turns to speak to someone behind her, and he’s not sure if he’s hurt or relieved that the shape of her face is all wrong.
He doesn’t know where Sandry is, and he won’t unless she wants to tell him. It hurts, to know that she could just leave. It hurts, that he doesn’t quite know if he would have wanted her to stay. He misses his sister, her cool hands and tentative smile, but to everyone other than Rupert she was a monster, and he can’t quite blame them.
(Rupert wouldn’t find this a helpful statement: Sez told him once, pointed, to call her monster not non-human, because she’d rather be known as what she is than what she’s not. Rupert didn’t think it mattered, because what was important was that she was a person. Cassandra Graves had done terrible things, but he wasn’t her judge or jury, and they hadn’t been standing in a court of law. She had been a lab-rat prisoner too, and it hadn’t been because of any of the crimes laid at her feet)
On bad days, the spectres leaning over his shoulder sometimes have different voices, now. His father is gone and Sandry’s fear is unfounded, these days, but there are still so many ways he can see everything precious to him shattering in his hands.
But Jack will gently nudge his shoulder and chivvy him into putting the book aside to eat something, will slide a bookmark between pages and tuck a blanket over his sleeping shoulders. Laney drops new books on his desk and picks his brain on diagrams and plans, suggests gleeful experiments they should find the time for. Rupert sits in peaceful silence with him, the click of knitting needles and the rustle of pages the only sound for hours.
There’s a voice in the back of his head telling him to hide, but it gets easier every day to quiet it, to say from what? and listen to the echoing lack of an answer.
He helps Sez when she asks, is given the responsibility of setting up a library for anyone to use - "I didn't mean I should run it!" he tells Sez plaintively, and Sally laughs at him over her shoulder - and wanders home through streets he first learned under siege, familiar now in a patchwork of memories. There, the building Jack insisted on helping to paint until Rue dragged him away; here, the one Grey helped yank the fallen rubble of out of the way so they could rebuild the walls without waiting for enough people to shift it all by hand. He spends his evenings curled up in the corner of their flat with a book, comfortable and content, and calls gentle fire to his unshaking fingertips to read by when it gets dark.
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definitely18 · 2 years
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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mariocki · 1 year
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Quatermass II (BBC, 1955)
"Enemy territory ahead. Hard, unwinking stars. No atmosphere to deceive us. We're seeing them as they really are. And somewhere ahead... an object. Constructed, if it is constructed, by creatures whose very existence makes us fools. Somewhere. Boneless creatures able to make energy at will by changing their mass; able to transmit experience; to maintain power over other creatures."
#quatermass ii#nigel kneale#quatermass#bbc#1955#rudolph cartier#john robinson#monica grey#hugh griffith#john stone#austin trevor#rupert davies#roger delgado#michael golden#john miller#john rae#ian wilson#derek aylward#wilfrid brambell#hilda barry#I've always sort of felt that Kneale's 2nd quatermass serial didnt have quite the cultural impact of his 1st or 3rd; i genuinely believe#that might be partly down to the vaguely underwhelming title (it's no Experiment or Pit). regardless it might be my favourite in terms of#plotting; Kneale at his most intensely paranoid and misanthropic‚ an hysteria tinged conspiracy thriller of universal implication#Robinson gets a hard time in reviews for his portrayal‚ but he had a tough job; he was a last minute re cast after prev Quatermass Reginald#Tate's sudden death just a few weeks before production began. Robinson does visibly struggle with some of the scientific jargon and dense#technobabble but he's generally p good. alas‚ a taut and harrowing 5 episode set up is all but undone in the profoundly disappointing part#a mixture of shoddy fx‚ bad science and a sudden grinding halt to the action ends one of Kneale's darkest works on a resounding whimper#still it's a minor miracle we have the whole series to enjoy and the preceeding 5 eps are a superb example of very adult sci fi for tv#also what a cast! a pre stardom Rupert Davies crops up for one ep‚ baby Roger Delgado is very tragic‚ oscar winner Hugh Griffith is#Quatermass' right hand arm... a special bit of old tv and a damn good story that still stands up today
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starsarestories · 1 year
I did it again...
Happy birthday, Rupert Grint! (From yesterday...)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
mostly because im tryna see how he’d fit into PSMP verse, what canonically do we know about Rupert the Grey? Like all i remember of him was that he was a silly old guy and liked explosives but was it ever confirmed how he related to Capsize and Red bc like. its so interesting to me how he was able, as a pirate of Ianite to exist as an undead but capsize couldnt be brought back
Unless he was like just Some Dude the siblings found on their travels or lived in Ianarea, but the vibe I get is that this crew is a family/found family thing, like Rupert is implied to be related to them or like maybe afather figure of sorts (just bc hes old) but yeah idk
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dolcestilenova · 2 years
Princess of Wales's shoes in........... grey
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kalinara · 1 year
One thing I really love about the reveal that Rupert seduced Rebecca when he was married to someone else is how it adds another layer of perspective to the whole matter.
I was going to say that it adds a shade of grey to the whole thing, but I don’t really agree with that.  No matter what happened between Rupert and Rebecca and his prior wife, it doesn’t justify how Rupert treated Rebecca during and after their marriage.  
Even if Rebecca was the absolute worst to the former Ms. Mannion, she didn’t deserve to be abused.  And of course, the same is true for Bex.
This past episode showed us a new side of the Rupert/Bex relationship.  Before now, we’d only ever seen Bex as the adoring wife and enthusiastic mother, a very passive audience for Rupert’s antics.  Now, for the first time, we saw a hint of bite.  In the same episode where Rupert is proving himself the same cad that he’s always been.
I don’t think Bex’s snark means that she’s any safer than Rebecca was, to be honest.  If anything, I suspect she’s in an even worse position.  Rupert told Rebecca, and us, in that bar in Diamond Dogs, that he made sure she wouldn’t be able to go after him like Rebecca did.  It’s not clear what her socio-economic background was, but given that she had student loans, she likely didn’t come from money the way Rebecca clearly did.
AND she has his child.  That means they’re tied together for a long time.  To misquote Ted, they’ll be sharing grandchildren.
Rebecca would understand Bex better than anyone else, I think.  And even granted that Bex hadn’t shown herself in the best light in the past, I think Rebecca gets how good Rupert is at manipulating people into doing things that would normally be against their moral code.  (He did, after all, convince a girl who’d never forgiven her father for his affair, to help him cheat on his wife.)  
For that matter, I think she’d understand Nate too.  How long had Rupert been whispering to Nate before his very epic split with Richmond?  I’m not saying that Rupert told him what to do, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he kind of steered him in that direction.  “Isn’t it unfair that he gets all the credit, while you do all the work...?”  “Isn’t it a shame that no one sees him for what he really is?”
This is all long disjointed babbling that boils down to the idea that I want to see Rebecca, Nate and Bex all team up, get free of Rupert, and live happily ever after while he languishes as the pathetic little man he really is.
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ezekiellsplayground · 13 days
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I’ve been making doll knitwear for my critter friends from my handspuns!
The bobble textured & grey shawls are actually a headscarf pattern - the buttons on the edges allow them to also be worn as a headscarf/neckerchief by a human. The green infinity scarf I just free-handed.
🐐 Rupert
🐰 Freyja
🐴 Idris
Dolls are made by @homemadehorrors
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sotwk · 8 months
Who of the children of Thranduil is:
The most noble.
most mischievous.
most wise.
most dangerous.
Why do you pick them for that trait?
What an AWESOME question--thank you! I'm not sure if you're new to my blog but if you are, Welcome to the SotWK AU! <3 I love how the qualities you asked about easily falls in perfect and honest assignment, one to each of my OC Princes! I guess it's cool that each Thranduilion is quite distinct from the other.
Superlatives with the Thranduilions
Most Noble: Crown Prince Mirion
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SotWK Fancast: Henry Cavill as Mirion Thranduilion
Mirion was such a paragon of honor and virtue that his own father looked up to him. Thranduil would sometimes even tell people that the Crown Prince would make a better king than him one day. Despite the pressure of such high praise, Mirion worked hard to live up to those expectations, and he found joy in that life of service to his people and his family. His kindness and humility made him beloved by everyone... except for the Necromancer in Dol Guldur, who aimed to see him dead and out of the way. The Necromancer used Mirion's sense of duty against him and tricked the prince into sacrificing himself in an ill-fated attempt to bring down Dol Guldur.
Most Mischievous: Prince Gelir
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Claflin as Gelir Thranduilion
Gelir exhibited the same rebellious, free-spirited personality that Thranduil possessed in his youth, but had to curb when he took on the responsibility of kingship. The fourth-born prince challenged and skirted protocol every chance he got, and often complained about feeling stifled by the rules attached to his royal station. He always enjoyed making jokes and pulling pranks and initiating spontaneous adventures, even when it caused (harmless) trouble and chaos. Fortunately, he was also charming and likeable enough to soothe the nerves of people who might otherwise have taken offense at his shenanigans.
Most Wise: Prince Arvellas
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SotWK Fancast: Rupert Friend as Arvellas Thranduilion
Arvellas's superior intelligence was evident from infancy, and he was the only prince to devote himself almost entirely to academics in lieu of martial arts and other physical pursuits preferred by the Silvans. As a result, Arvellas caused the number of scholars in the realm to rise and rival that of the other great kingdoms in Middle-earth. He became the Woodland Realm's most skilled healer, most accomplished linguist, and best diplomat. He was responsible for the realm's alliances with the Longbeard dwarves who came to live in the Grey Mountains and Erebor, but those friendships were greatly damaged in the tragedy of his death. More than his innate intelligence, Arvellas's wisdom came from his sense of justice and goodness, and his ability to remain calm and act prudently under stress or in dire situations.
Most Dangerous: Prince Turhir
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Heughan as Turhir Thranduilion
If Mirion was hated by the Dark Lord, Turhir was coveted by him. Only his younger age and lesser experience prevented Turhir from completely surpassing Thranduil as the greatest warrior of the realm. He excelled almost supernaturally in all physical challenges, and had flawless combat instincts. Like Thranduil, he never shied away from violence and killing when deemed necessary. Turhir's heart was just as golden as the rest of his family, but a lifetime as a soldier (not properly balanced with other pursuits) took its toll differently on his mind and spirit as the Darkness spread in Mirkwood. He also had the misfortune of being the only one to witness the deaths of his brothers Mirion and Arvellas, and that damaged him in ways that would never heal. From there his emotional state deteriorated so badly that his parents began to fear that he was prone to corruption by the Darkness--which may be what the Necromancer had intended.
But what about Prince Legolas?
As I have mentioned in past headcanon posts, what makes Legolas so impressively multi-faceted (especially as he appears in the movies) is his wide range of skills. He is the jack-of-all traits that carries pieces of his family's best qualities in him. The youngest Thranduilion is naturally gifted on his own right, but his greatest asset (in my HC at least) is his ability to adapt, mimic, and learn. And he had not only both parents, but also four older brothers to help raise him and pass their knowledge onto him. Having older siblings to look up to as role models, to train with and to motivate him to do better, helped Legolas to grow into an incredible warrior and excellent friend and companion to the Fellowship.
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yarboyandy · 8 months
Please post the streamer Jenny headcanon <3 <3 <3
Ok it’s long sorry LOL. Keep in mind I don’t actually watch a lot of streamers and I wrote this probably while I was half a sleep.
Jenny would be a Twitch streamer thats kinda famous but is always involved in this crazy never ending drama that she won’t NOT interact with. Giles knows some of it but doesn’t undestand a lick of it because he can barely use the internet anyways and because like shes just saying shit like “uhg XxDARKREAPERxX raided us last night and tried to stream snipe me while I was doing a skyrim themed summoning subathon.” And giles is like “thats nice dear.” Its not until he walks in during one of her streams to give her dinner while still in his work clothes and is like “is this your internet friends? ☺️ hello everyone! Oh i cant see anyone. Tough crowd! Oh well, love you.” And kisses her. It’s literally over for her for the next 48 hour twitter news cycle as people find out like soft core manic pixie dream e-girl PA3G0N-VV1TCHH is dating a BRITISH GUY (we thought she was a feminist!) who is like ten years older than her and doesn’t know shes a twitch streamer. Its even worse when she makes an apology video and reveals his name is RUPERT and it makes everything way worse. Its only until they get him to play among us and he wins that someone takes a picture of him in Jennys cat ear headphones and posts in on twitter with the caption “can i say something?” Does he finally win the hearts of viewers. He makes periodic appearances to say shit like “oh yeah this is like at the academy when—“ and proceeds to say the most batshit traumatizing events ever. Her collab with GFUEL includes an earl grey tea pre-work out that he tries on stream and has to pretend to like before explaining off camera that that he read the label and that he isn’t supposed to have that much caffine because of the constant concussions he gets and then immediately passes out for like 15 hours. Jenny does a charity stream while he’s passed out (You can see him in the background on the guest room bed) and taking bets on when he’ll wake up. Buffy does a superchat or whatever to ask “is he alive? I need him. Big bad.” And Jenny ends the stream right away much to the confusion of everyone.
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