#russia flag
rainbowriojose07 · 2 years
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Russia VS Ukraine
Introducing..... StupidRainbowStarmen's Battle
This Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Internationally considered an act of aggression, the invasion has triggered Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II, with more than 4.2 million Ukrainians leaving the country and a quarter of the population displaced!
StupidRainbowStarmen / NermanOfAddictsLover
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mycolorscode · 9 months
The Russian flag consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top stripe is white, the middle stripe is blue, and the bottom stripe is red. So,
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mel-loly · 5 months
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-And yes.. They still understand each other even in different languages :]
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cedyat · 2 months
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So about that Napoleon (however briefly) considering joining the Russian army thing…
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noosphe-re · 2 months
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The Sami flag (The Sámi flag is the flag of Sápmi and the Sámi people, one of the Indigenous people groups of the Nordic countries and the Kola Peninsula of the Russian Federation.)
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mewlabu · 1 year
"Russian athletes are innocent and shouldn't be punished and barred from the Olympics! They may not support the war!"
*Russian athletes after the Olympics last year*
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
🦉 🌎 🌍 Happy Earth Day 2024! 🌏 🌻 🐝
Earth Day originated in 1970 when pollution was the biggest environmental concern. Air and waterways are undoubtedly cleaner 50+ years later. It demonstrates that progress can be made when there's a concerted effort.
A current problem which gets overlooked is the amount of environmental damage which the Russian invasion has caused in Ukraine. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg has called Putin's environmental destruction "ecocide".
Greta Thunberg denounces 'ecocide' in Ukraine
Just about every aspect of the environment has been worsened by Putin's illegal military action.
After Two Years of War, Ukraine Sees Deepening Environmental Wound
A consortium of agencies called EcoDozor has put together a map graphic showing the environmental consequences of the invasion.
I feel strongly that Russian state assets should be impounded to pay for the damage. Contact your representative at your national parliament and insist that Russian assets be seized to be used to repair environmental damage done in Ukraine by Putin's Russia.
On a historical note, here's a cartoon done by American-Australian underground artist Ron Cobb. It gave rise to the use of the Greek letter Theta 𝚹 to symbolize environmental protection.
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In turn, high school students in Springfield, Illinois were inspired to turn that into into a flag for the first Earth Day.
This Homemade Flag From the ‘70s Signals the Beginning of the Environmental Movement
Being mindful of the power of semiotics, it might be useful to revive Theta as a symbol of environmental action. It already exists as an emoji and most of us have devices which can access a Greek font. And at Tumblr we can make stuff green. 𝚹 Θ
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(c) Nikita Titov
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Hi, I've reblogged other posts discussing this, but I thought it might be good making my own post with links to various sources suggesting that
Anonymous Sudan is probably lying through their teeth about their motivations; they are most likely affiliated with Russia and are not associated with Sudan. They are currently communicating in Arabic and Sudanese, but seem to have spoken in Russian before someone wondered why the fuck a seemingly Sudanese group was speaking Russian.
This is not the first time this group has attacked American territory; there were early Microsoft outages in early June. These attack seems to have ceased after appearing intermittently for while and I'm pretty sure Microsoft is currently running okay, although of course they still have more resources than ao3's volunteer staff.
The attack is possibly motivated by political forces, but it seems to be more about U.S-Russian shit than homophobia, considering their range of past targets, not that anything is certain with these fuckheads.
Microsoft was told to pay ransom (like I think ao3 might be being told now) but I couldn't find anything suggesting that they did.
The important thing if you want to find out more is to keep looking shit up and see what overlaps from a lot of different sources, since this is a fluid situation, and to not trust a word AS says about what they want and what they're capable of.
If anyone who knows anything about hacking shit wants to chime in, please feel free!
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illustratus · 6 months
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Fight for the Banner (1805) by Wiktor Mazurowski
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
* Important note that the crests are sometimes like... optional. The Serbian flag, for instance, comes in a variation both with and without the crest, so that isn't actually something you can rely on consistently:
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sailor-moon-rei · 2 years
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Kharkiv pride in Kharkiv metro. A city, bombed almost every day. Cause we are about equal rights for all. Please don't let Russia destroy something so precious. (c)
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warcrimesimulator · 1 month
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ketrindoll · 1 year
I already made a post how russian propaganda works and why they spread specific discourse.
Now here's a scheme how they usually operate:
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Another way russian trolls work is this:
Create unpolitical group (about kittens, gardening, memes, local properties, etc) -> gain followers who are interested in the topic. Create a stable following of at least 100 people -> slowly start dropping political posts or memes to test the waters. Posts would be rare and far-between, and not particularly polarizing, but a strong enough topic to get a response (likes, comments, etc) -> as engagement in these posts rises (fuelled by a bunch of fake accounts supporting the narrative and creating an illusion of community and common worldview), they increase in numbers, gradually replacing the original intent of the group. This is where some people would leave, but those more easily swayed, loyal members, or those supporting the ideas will remain -> gradually change the tone of the posts from innocently questioning to blatant push narrative and accusations, radicalizing the general view -> finally, as the final form is revealed, those who still remain in the group will be persuaded and might begin sharing some of the posts on their personal pages, further spreading disinformation and propaganda.
How would it look like in terms of, for example, anti-Ukraine propaganda?
1. A cat-owner group is created. It contains articles about cat well-being, maybe some location-specific shelter information to make it look more natural, funny memes, etc - anything that would grab attention and would be boosted by algorithms.
2. As following rises, an article or two about horrible conditions of cats in Ukraine would appear. The headline might even raise some innocent-sounding questions that would encourage reactions and discussions.
3. Gradually cat-unrelated posts about Ukraine will appear, all mildly critical or questioning. Nothing too radical nor openly negative, but enough to plant some seeds of doubt, generate discourse, and thus get further boosted by algorithms.
4. Posts about cats would slowly lose engagement while political posts will slowly replace those about cats in numbers. All done gradually so very few would notice, as they would be busy engaging in discussions.
5. Posts would become more strongly worded against Ukraine. They would feature fake news or deliberately negative information to create an overall illusion that Ukraine = bad.
6. Those who remain after all this would at the very best start questioning if Ukraine really is the victim and good. No praising of russia would be featured - no need. All that's necessary is, at the very least, to make people believe that both sides are equally bad. At worst people would start genuinely supporting russia and attempt to spread that message to their friends and relatives to "open their eyes to truth".
Very simple yet very effective.
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thathetaliablogg · 2 years
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They are soooooo cute…. I luv themmmmm
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Hetalia Sticker sheets for a con/artist alley this weekend! Can you spot all the historical references?
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