#ryan wtf is happening there buddy
merc-bee · 1 year
this photo never fails to make me cry with laughter everytime I look at it
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 2 months
reblog this if you agree that oliver stark and ryan guzman should do a 9-1-1 rewatch podcast when the series finishes (hopefully many seasons later) where they watch episode by episode, gives us BTS fun facts, reveal their favorite moments on screen and off, and have other cast members and crew members guest star on the podcast depending on the episode.
i believe they should do that and they should call it The WeeWoo Rewatch Show
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buddiebeginz · 12 days
If they are keeping Lou around for any part of season 8 the show has to put an end to the cameo nonsense. Some of the Buck/Oliver takes that are starting to make the rounds are next level insane. I saw one scolding Oliver for making Lou do all the promoting of the ship. Another post said the writers needed to up Buck's game because he's not at the level of commitment yet that Tommy is being written (wtf when were these episodes). And yet another post scolding Oliver for promoting Buddie and Buck for continuing to spend time with Eddie.
They are taking these PAID (you paid him to say this shit) videos and making them canon. No part of anything he's saying is canon. Firstly, he wouldn't be allowed to tell them any actual canon facts and secondly Oliver/Buck is the character/actor the show gives a shit about. He's encouraging this nonsense and it's gross. Him promoting himself is fine, it's low-key cringe given the fact the other half of the ship is silent but you do you, babe. Oliver's silence is what's pissing his fans off. Seriously tell me you're new to Captain Starks ways without telling me you're new. He promotes no ship but the Buddie ship, canon or not. These people are here for Lou. When he goes, happy for him to take them with him.
I'm not sure why they keep letting him do those cameos especially after he pissed people off when he said T*mmy being homophobic and racist to Hen and Chim was just teasing. He also talked about people recognizing him in Thailand in the AH interview and did this fake stereotypical asian accent. 🤦‍♀️He really needs a better agent and some media training because they'd for sure tell him to knock that shit off.
I could see the cameos being fun to do a few times when he first came back to the show even to garner excitement about B/T and T*mmy but the fact that he's done so many now and has even raised the price just makes him look desperate for attention. And like you said he gives all these headcanons about T*mmy in his videos that his obsessive fans have taken for absolute fact. We would never hear the end of it if Buddie fandom was paying Ryan for videos like that.
I agree with you that a majority of B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou not Buck and Oliver. I still can't believe that a lot of them used to be Buddie shippers. I think everyone should be able to ship what they want including multishipping but I don't get how some of them dropped a ship they were seemingly invested in for years for the nothing that is B/T.
That part of fandom also loves to call us delusional and say we're seeing only what we want to see but a lot of times we're just pointing out what's actually happening. Like in the recent episode T*mmy was being a downer to Buck's enthusiasm (which has basically become the norm for them). The camera also paned to Eddie after Buck got his award not T*mmy. Buck chose to run off to Eddie's after work not to T*mmy's. These are things the show is literally showing us not just stuff we're imagining.
It's similar with Oliver. They can come up with all the reasons in the world why he's never promoted B/T through this entire season but it doesn't matter because he still hasn't and likely won't. I've seen them say Oliver doesn't post anything about B/T or Lou to avoid dealing with the hate or to not upset Buddie fans or to protect Lou. The thing is though Oliver has left social media before when he's had issues and could again if he wanted to. He's also been dealing with homophobic comments since Buck came out but he's never shied away from talking about Buck coming out and has even addressed the hate on his insta.
Oliver liked a couple of B/T pieces of art when the story first happened but I think that was more to support the bi Buck storyline and the artists than anything else. Multiple times during this season he's liked Buddie art (including a tattoo which he commented on three times) he's also posted Buddie related and Ryan stuff on his stories. If he wanted to show support to Lou or B/T he could easily post on his stories where people can't comment. B/T stans can think what they want but it's clear Oliver doesn't promote any of that because he's rooting for Buddie harder than anyone. I think he knows B/T isn't going to be around forever and he's trying not to lead people on about it as he's said in the past he hates to do that.
I really hope we can get rid of T*mmy at the end of s7 although knowing Tim he'll probably keep him for added drama until s8. Unfortunately even when B/T ends I expect those fans to do a lot of complaining because they've concocted this whole idea in their head that T*mmy is Buck's endgame soulmate. They even want T*mmy to be added on as main character and get a begins episode. So I fully expect some of them to riot when he inevitably gets the ax. The rest will probably run back to Buddie the minute it becomes canon and try to pretend they never left. Jokes on them though because a lot of Buddie shippers have blocked them for how awful they've been this season especially towards Eddie.
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my batshit season 7/8 theory is that eddie is going to end season 7 (and/or begin season 8) with amnesia. like full blown, ZERO memories of anyone, including the 118, chris and shannon, buck, his family, literally anyone. walk with me here.
i’m basically going off vibes here but in several interviews recently, ryan has referred to eddie ‘literally hitting the reset button’, exploring new territory, being isolated etc by the end of the season/start of season 8 and because this show is insane, i’m getting to the point where i’m wondering does he actually mean a literal reseat button. because eddie’s storylines this season have largely revolved around the past and his unresolved feelings about (and repression of) it. we have the christopher storyline in ep 1, the catholic guilt storyline, the kim/shannon stuff going on now. they’re making a point of bringing eddie’s past up because he hasn’t dealt with it. this man is the KING of repression.
so what if, either because of an injury on the job or sickness/stress etc, he completely loses his memory. AFTER the kim affair is revealed. so there’s this weird tension and then when amnesia!eddie is told he’s like ‘wtf is wrong with me??’ and it becomes a genuine exploration of what is wrong with him, coming from a place of curiosity because he does not understand the man whose body he is currently occupying.
i feel like you have to take eddie out of eddie for a little bit for him to fully understand himself. and if i was writing it (which i am bc i made this up) i would have him choose to go to texas. spend some time with his family, in his childhood home and genuinely figure himself out. and (bc i have to make everything a little bit about buddie) chris stays with buck. no matter what tension is there between buck and eddie after kim, chris and buck are together through this. and of course there’s a conversation about the will (bc we still have those bts pics of the diaz parents!!) and buck takes christopher, because if anything happens to eddie, that’s what is supposed to happen. and maybe that’s when the diaz parents/the 118 find out about it and they’re confused but eddie - somehow - isn’t. because he knows. and that’s why he wants/needs to go back to texas. because he knows that there are things he hasn’t let himself realise about himself, and he knows in his gut it’s not just his army PTSD or grief about shannon, that his trauma and issues go way deeper than he has let himself consider consciously. so he decides to do it for him/not-him. partly because he thinks the eddie that everyone is missing deserves to know himself and partly because he’s afraid if he gets his memories back he’ll never be brave enough to look at those parts of himself
and we get ‘eddie starts over’
because god knows he needs to
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lemotmo · 8 days
Ooof that finale was…..not it. Like my first issue was they for some reason let Kristen write it. I honestly thought we were free of her with the move to abc but alas apparently not. And she very much made her presence known with how off the finale felt in terms of pacing and just how ooc some of them felt at times. Not to mention the continuing saga of her former reign in making Buck an over sexualized character by turning his dad trauma into a way for Tommy to make jr into a daddy kink joke which was just…. No thanks. Otherwise it just was such a….lackluster finale? And I found myself bored at moments.
And then the season over all I’m left wondering what was the point of half of it ? Like Bathena didn’t get to enjoy their honeymoon. They have no house now. The Amir plot which while I loved the character, ultimately led to nothing? The cartel storyline didn’t need to happen and bringing them back was boring. Bobby being dead for 14 minutes and coming into the station at the end perfectly fine was such a wtf moment even for tv standards.
Henren didn’t get to adopt their baby. They got a foster daughter instead only to then….lose her ? And have her be given to Madney instead for them to visit like truly this was just drama for drama sake and ultimately pointless pain for them.
Madneys wedding got rushed and ultimately turned into a 2 minute hospital room scene. We didn’t even get to see ant build up to the wedding.
Buck: He came out as bi which yesssss 🎉🎉🎉 only to then immediately be forced back into his hamster wheel, stuck in yet another relationship with someone who doesn’t seem to even like him, and is rude to him. And then turned into essentially a background character the rest of the season. I truly feel bad for Oliver because he was so so so excited for bi buck, and so happy and hopeful they would do it right and with respect and not over sexualize it and this is what he gets. A boring rude generic LI making daddy kink jokes and no real development into this part of himself. It’s truly no surprise he did nothing to promote that relationship or this finale.
Eddie and Chris. We hardly saw Chris. And then the way they rushed him leaving at the very end was so… not it. Not to mention so out of sorts for him? Like we have seen when he’s mad at Eddie he always goes to Buck. But this time he calls his grandparents at 2 am and asks them to come rake him to Texas indefinitely? Then the Buck Chris talk. I love their scenes together but even it felt off? And then they systematically undid any progress with Eddie’s parents with Helena often coming off filled with glee over it, and Ramon taking his own guilt in Eddie to make him accept it. Then we have Eddie himself. What was the point of Marisol? There doesn’t seem to be one. And why we had to suffer Edy all season remains a mystery since Tim said she came back because he didn’t want two off screen breakups. Only to then do two off screen breakups. What was the point of Kim? I had hopes they would actually use her to move Eddie along and then they just…didn’t? Even Ryan said he thinks all she did was make it worse.
I will give the show credit because they did stick to the try for buddie scene in every episode. And they had some good scenes. Ryan and Oliver knocked their scenes out in the finale especially but once again we are at the finale and it’s left in a…. Now what ? No real movement forward. Once again all of us going oh next season for sure! And no real clear path toward it. and based on Ryan’s interviews tonight, where it once again sounds like they have no idea what to do with Eddie next season due to the vast amount of directions they seem to want to take him, including apparently Ryan saying in one of them that Tim seems to want to lean more into the Bobby Eddie similarities next season and have Eddie focus a lot more on religion, but Ryan does say he doesn’t think Eddie will become a priest. But still it’s just like… what are we doing. It’s given more we don’t wanna say yes to Buddie and follow the clear narrative direction butttttttt we want the views sooooo let’s make it open ended enough to draw them in. Again.
They said at the start they were going to give, or try to give the fans what they wanted this season and truly, I’m utterly baffled how anyone thought any of this is what we wanted. Like we wanted Henren to get their baby. Madney to have the best wedding. Bathena to thrive and get their honeymoon and have some adventures. Buddie to become buddie and enjoy the Buckley Diaz family in an official capacity. And instead we got circles upon circles with lazy choices taken where they could and next to no real character growth or movement. I’m so sorry for how long this got 😅😅😅
Oh Nonny, how I agree with everything you said here. You get me.
I just posted my episode review and most of the things I talked about are the same things you highlighted.
It was written by Kristen? Ah, that explains a lot actually.
I didn't mind the Diaz parents though. I really do think they were trying to help out in their own way. But all the rest of this post? YEEEES!!!!
I can still see the Buddie of it. I'm still hanging in there. There were too many strange choices made in season 7 to make me believe that Buddie isn't going to happen in season 8. Not to mention the amazing chemistry between Buddie compared to whatever it is they are trying to show us with BT. However, they are on thin ice here. I agree. Things need to start moving along. If not... after season 8 I will retreat to my little nook of Tumblr living off good Buddie fan fiction.
I didn't read any of the Ryan interviews yet. Him leaning into religion and the parallel with Bobby I did see coming. The prayer book was too obvious. I wonder why they had 6 interviews lined up with Ryan over this episode? I get that his storyline is important, but it doesn't warrant 6 interviews, not even the religious aspect of it. I'm going to read some of them today to try and get a clearer image.
I just feel like all of my beloved 911 characters don't have any clear direction at this point. I was surely hoping for some more insight, but all we got was superficial storytelling and no real breakthroughs for anyone.
I don't understand what all those journalists that screened this episode were talking about when they said they saw clear directions for season 8. For me it is the opposite at this point. Where are they taking all of this???
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yoobitt · 28 days
Ryan basically said that it's probably that Eddie will feel "isolated" by the end of the season and I can feel a big fight between him and Buck.
We know they love each other and cares a lot about what they think about each other too. We know what happened with Lucy and Taylor. We know about Eddie not meeting Buck on his 1.0 days. We know about the fucking lawsuit and how that affected both.
Oliver said that at some point Buck meets Kim and says something like "She it's nothing like Shannon" and maybe it's because he figures out wtf is Eddie doing.
Buck will try to make senses into him because he cares, telling him about lying to Kim, Marisol, to Christopher!! and lying to him and because Eddie is still inside this wrecked bubble of delusions, it's probably that he snaps and starts to telling hurting things at Buck about his past (foreshadowing the "talk" with Christopher at the 7x01) and forcing a "break" on their friendship, leading Eddie to feel like he lost everything: The trust of his best friend, the trust of his son and finally Shannon.
I just hope that s8 will bring us new discovers for Eddie (cofcofeddiegaycofcof) and finally some happiness for Buddie.
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supercalime · 1 month
all those interviews are fun even with hardcore stans speculation but god i wish they kinda stopped.
like, stop having stans interviewing actors in the first place, what do you mean they talk about couch theory? are we even serious right now? it’s obvious people are going to create even weirder hc after all these interviews.
I understand the interviewers (to a degree) bringing up b*ddie and baiting Oliver and Ryan to “leak” information or address how they are defenders of the ship, as it obviously makes dramatic headlines, which causes engagement, which advertises the show and by extent the website/reporter that did the interview.
Just a bit off topic but it has to be said: most of the interviews are borderline unprofessional. Not just with the aspect of bringing up b*ddie when the recent storyline has nothing to do with eddie but also relying their questions on stereotypes about the queer community (someone unironically asked Oliver who’s buck’s favorite pop diva now that he’s queer. Like wtf).
Anyway, going back to the mess haha. I’m not surprised the stans are acting this way (I’m very new to this fandom but not to fandoms and their discourses). I’m sometimes very invested in media and there are times I do extrapolate and need to touch grass. Sometimes I feel like people who are this invested in a fictional relationship that’s not even canon just need to find a different outlet for intense feelings, and not rely on things that are out of their control.
Of course fan reaction can influence a story being told, however fans have to also know how to approach it while being respectful. In all honesty, if I were writing a show and I finally went with a storyline I wasn’t allowed to write before because the network previously denied, and that was how the fans of a ship reacted, I would be pissed. I think I would not have b*ddie be a thing out of spite.
The bi!buck/bucktommy storyline is a huge step forward for a tv show in this scale. In fact, I can’t remember other procedurals that have as many queer main characters as 911/911 lone star. It’s been said, but a story about this very masculine man that has been known as a womanizer figuring out he’s bisexual well into his thirties and in the seventh season of a very popular show that is not part of a specific niche is important and should be celebrated on its own, regardless of ships or whatever the fans have to say about the partner choice.
But let’s be real for a second as I end my little essay here. If you know a single thing about writing, you know you can’t just throw a love story without buildup and as hard as it is to accept, the interactions between buck and eddie seemed to have always been ambiguous on purpose, and buck being maybe into guys was more played off as a joke. I know the fans want the ship to happen, but if they want this love story to happen, they gotta be patient. Just commenting “we don’t like this. We want buddie!” on an ig post about tevan won’t make the story suddenly turn into that direction.
What I’m saying won’t change anyone’s mind but whoever reads until the end, I want yall to know that unfortunately every fandom is like this and we gotta try our best to stay out of the discourse cause in all seriousness: none of this matters. It’s a show and arguing about it, bothering the actors, commenting annoying things on ig won’t change anything.
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wenellyb · 18 days
Hello, I know you’re new to the fandom so I just want to tell you you two things:
1. You can be mad a Ryan for what he said but believing he only apologised for keeping the job is just projecting. Oliver was mad too and not only him but more members and he didn’t speak to Ryan in years, they’re friends now, that means that Ryan is human and he has learnt, because we all made mistake and we all have to unlearn and educate ourselves.
Also, and please I love Tommy, but it’s also fun seeing how a lot of people (who hates Ryan/Eddie and Buddie) defend Tommy when he was racist and misogynistic when we met him. And he didn’t apologise, we just saw him talking with Chim and helping them and assumed that he did. So, if people can forgive a character and defend him saying “he has grown up and he has learnt and he made mistakes because he’s human and Chim and Hen have forgiven him”, we can say the same to a real human who was also forgiven by Oliver, Aisha and other members.
2. As people said, Roben from lone star (I don’t even know if that’s how you write his name) supports the genocide. He’s also problematic in different ways, and he hasn’t apologised, not even once. In fact, he has done the opposite and he hasn’t taken the time to unlearn and educate himself.
I’m not here to make you love Ryan, but we can learn from our mistakes. And maybe, if you can’t see just that, maybe it’s because you’re not ready and that’s why you’re projecting your feelings towards his apology. Anyways, that’s all! Bye!
Hi Anon!!!
Please don't mix 2 things:
- Tommy: fictional person
- Ryan Guzman : Actual real person
No matter how bad Tommy's actions have been, you can't compare the 2. It's easier for me to believe that a character has grown than a real person even though it happens all the time.
Now that we made that clear, please show me the post of people defending Tommy's past actions, because I'm not saying there aren't any, I'm saying I haven't seen any.
The post I have seen were posts calling out Tommy's past actions but saying he has grown since then , especially he made up with Chimney and Hen, exactly everthing you are saying about Ryan Guzman. You're saying there hasn't been an onscreen apology but with the kid of show 911 is...there are always scenes missing, where we have to guess what happened in between.
And again no!!! Fictional characters are not the same as real people! I love Anakin Skywalker but would hate him in real life (extreme example I know). Moving past Tommy's actions isn't the same as moving past Ryan's actions.
What you can do is compare Ryan's actions to Lou's actions: two actual people.
And take a look at your fandom, that is calling for forgiveness , education and growth for one, but calling for the other one to get fired??
Can you see why I'm annoyed by the double standards?
Especially since Lou's video was taken out of context.
This isn't against you anon personnally it's more a general statement, but fandoms will select whether or not to be mad based on whether the person involved is their fave or not.
So let me tell you the timeline of what happened and you'll let me know when I "projected my feelings about his apology":
1. I saw an interview where Ryan Guzman was defending the use of the n-word by non-Black people adding the classic "I have Black friends..."
2. I reblogged the interview and tagged it "wtf"
3. I received asks telling me about it and how bad it was, and pointed out the hypocrisy of the fandom because they wanted Lou to get fired for his "teasing" comment about Tommy but didn't want the same for Ryan.
4. I pointed out that the apology didn't feel genuine because instead of apologizing right away he, at first, doubled down on what he said.
Mind you, I never told anyone to get mad at Ryan, or ask for him to get fired, I was just pointing out the double standards.
I appreciate yoy sending this, and again, as I said this isn't "against" you I'm just taking the opportunity to share how I see this whole thing.
I'm of course new to this fandom, but I'm not new to fandoms in general, and this is the Sebastian Stan take a knee instagram post all over again. I know how it goes, I'm not surprised by the influx of messages about growth and forgiveness etc... But when those scandales involve people who are not your faves they get feral...
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outrunningthedark · 4 months
The thing with ‘what if it works? Is it the end of buddie?’ is that how could they possibly top everything about buddie for FIVE seasons with someone people barely know. Let’s say the storyline could be good, but the organic chemistry they have yet to replicate with any LI. It MIGHT work for a while for people who just care about Buck kissing a man and don’t care about Eddie though.
Yeah, the chemistry has been a blessing and a curse (for fans and Tim, surely, lol). Buddie became Buddie because of the way Ryan + Oliver hit it off that first day, in the first scenes we would end up seeing them in together. But both characters being men who were supposed to be straight took the new ship potential off the table. (As we've said many times, if the new firefighter brought in was a woman, it'd have been a no-brainer. And the audience would've gladly supported that relationship after watching Abby break Buck's heart.) So instead of writing a clear-cut love story, a slow burn that has the audience wondering when they're gonna finally kiss, the people involved in planning their trajectory have to explore deeper feelings in subtle ways, ie Buck wanting to go rescue Eddie underground and Hen knowing that Buck would die down there with Eddie if he couldn't bring them both back up. I really feel for everyone that cares about these characters and wants to see their friendship turn into something more. (I think anyone who knows me knows how I feel about the Chris and his two dads.) But I also feel for Tim and the people that work on the show who are able to see what we've seen from the beginning; just knowing what I know through my years of experience as a viewer, and craving queer stories when the options weren't only limited, but nonexistent, I have to believe what's gone on behind the scenes and whatever may happen in the future (if it doesn't go the way our fandom hopes it will) is more complex than "Well, if the actors wanna do it, I don't see the problem." You want to assume times have changed because "it's 2024 wtf", but you can't make other people see what they don't want to see.
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drunkeddiediaz · 29 days
how buddie was being approached literally from january to 2 weeks ago versus how it’s being talked about recently…. wtf has happened. it’s weird, what’s changed…? have they been told to rein in the teasing a bit bc theories are running wild? or have they been told it’s officially a no-go so shut it down? it makes me feel a bit uneasy, not as a buddie shipper, just in general. feels like something has shifted badly and i’m about to have the rug pulled out from under me
I don’t think anything changed? Ryan’s interview is nothing he (and Oliver) hasn’t said before. As of right now in the show Eddie IS with a woman and Buck IS bi. So idk what you expect him to say? Even if there is some kind of plan he’s not gonna say ‘yeah Eddie shows hole in episode 10 so tune in for that’. 😂😂😂
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im sorry are people celebrating because kenny just said buddie isn't happening it's the bucktommy show, like wtf is that? i'm devastated like why would he say that? And then in the next breathe say oliver and ryan are filming together, like rubbing salt in the wound. And people are happy he said that, like buddie shippers are happy he sunk buddie, like why?
Okay, let's take a breather for a second. You have to remember that Kenny is not a social media person. He was new to IG Live and learning how to use it for the first time. There were a lot of questions and he was just trying to answer what he could! He probably just saw a glimpse of the question and just answered based on what he knows about what is happening. He's not going to confirm a ship that isn't about him especially when he is focused on HIS episode for the night.
He did not deny Buddie is happening. He only talked about what he knows is happening. Just as an example recently, Angela revealed she only knew about the Bucktommy kiss once it happened. So Kenny only knows for sure what his storyline is, not anyone else's.
No one I have seen is saying anything like that. I think I just follow the right people or the ones saying that didn't actually watch the live to know how he sounded or what he was saying. But in no way shape or form was he actually being serious. I watched the entire thing and I did not come away with any of that being true.
Also, as for him saying Oliver was working with Ryan, again, he was just answering a question about where his coworkers were. He didn't mean anything by it. I think everyone just needs to take a step back and remember that the rest of the cast are not focused on the other person's plot. They might be excited for their costars but especially when it is an episode that is huge for their own character, that is what they are focused on. He did nothing wrong.
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lovecolibri · 3 months
SaL anon here friend, stuck somewhere between cheering "We're back baby!!" and "WTF was that 😳😳😳!!!???". We've got the firefam back and going strong in every way, be it collectively or with their partners, and the vibes have been sorely missed. On the other hand exactly how are we supposed to interpret Buck and Eddie's relationship other than exactly what you're putting on the damn screen Tim??!! There's literally only one logical conclusion to completing the Diaz family once Eddie is asking Buck directly to help him parent, and it sure as hell isn't Folger's coffee Marisol (or KR's mom's best friend). Also when the stage direction for these two is apparently "make a lot of sexual innuendos but with only facial expressions" while Ryan's direction in the Marisol scenes is "act like she's present" 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Anywho, loved this start to the season, it ranged seamlessly from deeply personal to jello talk (to the very non subtle Natalia bashing) and if this is what we're in for I'm very much on board, so cheers friend and let's welcome our show home!!
Yooooo! How are we feeling after that episode?! It was WILD, right? Hands down the best premier episode they've had since season 3. Plus, the emergency for the next two (!!!) episodes looks like it's going to be the heart-pounding and engaging action that actually hits some emotional beats that we've sorely missed! Tim is bringing that sweet, sweet, firefam energy and it's PALPABLE in every scene where the heart of the show lies, and that is with our mains. (We didn't get a lot of Hen, but I feel like she's going to be featured more heavily next week which we probably wouldn't have noticed if the show got a 2 hour premier like the big emergencies used to get.)
The Buddie stuff was....whoo boy. Having the blurry background gf for the flashback to the date, but Buck being the one Eddie goes to when an issue comes up? LOUD! Buck being asked to step in and co-parent when the difficult conversation needs to happen? LOUD! Having Buck and Shannon sit in the same place on the bed to "talk" to Chris? LOUD LOUD LOUD! At the end of the day, I'm just happy we're getting to see Buddie have scenes together and actually SEE that they are best friends and in each other's pockets. But also, like...how are you going to establish that there isn't anyone who can co-parent with Eddie like Buck can and expect anyone to root for either of them forcing some rando into that space?! And don't get me started on that weird serial killer grimace smile Marisol has painted onto her face. She had a blip second of screentime and it was already SO cringe. Can we just be done with that now?
Speaking of done, I am STILL laughing at Tim coming in like, "The death doula was STUPID, it wasn't at ALL what Buck would need or want, and we aren't gonna do it! I planned a scene, but actually we have more important stuff to do!" Meanwhile, the "more important stuff" was Eddie being shirtless while Buck ogles him, Eddie putting his hand on Buck's pulse again while Buck blushes and smiles, Buck talking about sexual tension while walking towards Eddie dick first and holding a fire extinguisher hose in front of his crotch and proceeding to spray it, Buck and Eddie co-parenting seamlessly, and basically Buck and Eddie making heart eyes at each other any time the other did anything. If nothing else, Tim has a WEALTH of info to point back to as signposts if anyone wants to try and argue that Buddie came out of nowhere, like DAMN. Get a ROOM you two!
ANYWAY. I'm stoked for next week! I am ready to see Bobby and Athena going through it while the firefam are fighting to get to them! I am READY to see more Madney being adorable and heartfelt and their scenes being funny while not just being played off for laughs (not that KR was ever able to keep Kenny and JLH from bring the feels in every interaction because they're actually good at their jobs, but you know what I mean). I am dyyyyying to know what Hen and Karen are up to right now, and I am ready to see the whole crew back at work! (I'm also here for any more shade Timmy wants to throw around because some of the comments, and some of the lines in the show have got me like 🤭🤭🤭)
ABC came out swinging with all the promo and having EVERYONE doing interviews (god bless, Oliver needed a break), and the premier episode absolutely backed up all that work and money they put in. I am cautiously optimistic that, at least as far as getting the show back on track to those early season vibes, we are in for some good times and delicious drama that is still human and centered instead of OTT soapy. Cheers and fingers crossed this momentum keeps up and gets people engaged so we can get a full season 8!
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angelthecat153 · 11 months
Dylan x reader camp crush part 10
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y/n's POV
is Abi ok she looked out of breath "Abi" i said frightened when i saw that Nick wasn't with her "please Nick" she said out of breath and pointing in the other direction "help him" she said getting more and more frightened "where's Nick" Ryan asked concerned but she was out of breath to answered "go after Nick go" Kaitlyn said talking to me and Ryan "ok we've got this" Ryan said and i agreed but Dylan pulled me back "i don't want you getting hurt so you're staying here y/n" Dylan said but i gave in and stayed with him "that shotgun's got a hell of a spread be careful" Kaitlyn said tossing Ryan the gun then Ryan went off to go find Nick "ok ok allright" Kaitlyn said Helping Abi up and they walked back to the campfire "it was horrible it was it was i i don't even know what it was it was so fast and and there was a there was a hunter and it was just" Abi said scared i got out of Dylan's protective hug and decided to comfort my bestfriend Abi "oh Abi here" Kaitlyn said handing Abi's sketchbook to her "what" Abi said confused "oh try drawing" Kaitlyn said and it made sense now the thing that Abi saw "drawing what" Abi asked confused on what Kaitlyn was talking about "can you draw what attacked you" Kaitlyn asked and then me and Kaitlyn watched Abi draw
Dylan's POV
i helped Ryan pull Nick on to one of the logs and Nick was bleeding bad and y/n came over to me and Ryan to check up on Nick "Nick hey buddy can you tell us what happened" Ryan asking Nick clearly not asking him if he was ok "an animal attacked" was all he could say then he looked around for Abi "where's Abi" Nick asked concern still looking for Abi but Abi was still at the firepit "super out of it man" i said talking seriously to y/n and Ryan "we need to know what happened" y/n said getting worried "right there was there was a guy there but some kind of animal" Nick said panting and groaning in pain "what fucking kind of animal does this" i asked and he was still in pain so i walked around and bent down checking up on him and y/n did the same "is Abi" he was going to finish his question but Ryan interrupted "she's ok dude she's right over there" Ryan said pointing to where Abi was and he was clearly not helping Nick "because teeth were on top of me i think it was a bear" he said while panting in pain again "a full sized bear would have crushed his skull there's no way" Ryan said thinking on what animal it could be "i thought we don't get bears" me and y/n got confused but Nick was in need of pain "oh fuck look at that" i said when i spotted black stuff on Nick's leg and y/n gasped "oh shit" y/n said still gasping and putting her hands onto her mouth "that black stuff that's that's infection that's and it's it's spreading this is bad this is really bad dude" i said seriously because this isn't the time to joke around and it's serious
y/n's POV
i decided to apply pressure to Nick's leg but he was in pain "sorry" i said apologising and i had to keep applying pressure otherwise the infection will inspread way worse "you're ok it's ok" i said reassuring my injured friend "fuck that" Nick said trying not to sound like he's in pain "we should amputate" Dylan said me and Ryan gave him a wtf look "we should cut it off before the infection spreads" i said starting to agree with Dylan "what" Nick said getting a bit scared and pissed off "why would we do that" Ryan asked "i don't know man look at that black stuff" Dylan said pointing at the infection on Nick's leg "what what do you think it is" Ryan asked "do i look like a doctor" i said asking Ryan and i gave Ryan a dumb look
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en-theheights · 3 years
Not me coming back to the 911 fandom to see the latest news before season 4 premieres and seeing that the girls are fighting 😳
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buddiefeels · 3 years
lol now oliver unfollowed ryan too 🥴🥴🥴🥴
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hi, can we talk about how Ryan's remarkable acting feeds the souls of Buddie truthers because i honestly cannot with his eyes (heart eyes, anyone?). i've watched THAT scene in 4x13 for an obscenely amount of times and each time he does not fail to hurt my heart (in a good way). it doesn't help that Ryan has a face that hurts so prettily wtf.
Hey, Nonnie! Yes we absolutely can!!! =D
I agree with everything you said! That scene in 4x13 is one of my faves because it gave us so much for both Buck and Eddie while also being cinematically beautiful. But what Ryan and Oliver did with that scene, especially Ryan, was absolutely fantastic. I mean...
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The whole soft "Buck" when he came to, before finally seeing him and seeing the blood all over him. And then the whole "Are you hurt?" I mean, he was phenomenal in this scene. And I feel like he just kept showing us his feelings for Buck in one way or another (I think the shooting helped to kind of rip the cover off somewhat):
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And then of course, this season so far:
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(I know this isn't a heart eyes moment but to me, this is also a showcase of Ryan's brilliant acting - this leaves zero doubt to Eddie's feelings for Buck imho, you can read it right on his face here)
And like you said, Nonnie, it hurts so much but in a good way. He is perfect to not only play this role but to play this part of the story. He is doing it to perfection.
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I cannot wait to see what happens in 5x03!!!
Thank you for the ask, Nonnie! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your night!!! <3
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