#sad! well theres other dnd
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too sweet for me
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godza · 22 days
justin. tell me about what you're into right now
hii euphie! im so glad you asked i have had one thing on my mind for a good month or two. not another dnd podcast. naddpod for short. it has consumed my brain. ive listened to 200+ hours of it. im getting dnd rules beamed into my brain. its just four people playing dnd but it has made me cry and get so anxious and emotional. i finished campaign one and am now listening to campaign 3 which is set 200 years after the first one. i havent listened to campaign 2 because i wanted to stay in the world of c1 but ill listen someday.
plot summary of c1: the campaign after the campaign. three legendary heroes saved the world from the devil but left it in disarray after they disappeared. three unlikely heroes will save it again. a boy scout, a fungal redneck, and just some guy. not a good descriptor of the characters but good enough. these characters, called the band of boobs, save the world and its fucking awesome.
the dungeon master murph is so fucking good at storytelling. his wife emily is also on the podcast she plays the mushroom druid and she makes the music. the two other guys are caldwell and jake, and are also fantastic people and storytellers/actors/improvisors. i cant say enough about how good this podcast is it takes some adjustment they weed out the weak with dragon pussy jokes very quickly in the first episode. its primarily a comedy since they are all comedians but the emotional moments hit so hard. thinking about it makes me wanna punch a wall. campaign 3 is also super good i havent cried yet but im only on episode 32ish. a character from c1 is back and hes making me sad! its simultaneously ridiculous and heartbreaking always. *punches wall* its a podcast so i can imagine it all in my mind palace in 1080p hd. such good shit. anybody who has the attention span should listen ive been listening while playing my silly match tile game. sometimes dnd combat can get boring like in d20 where theres a bunch of people at the table, but with only three players it stays entertaining and goes faster. i get so genuinely excited when people roll good and react so hard at the plot. i listen to it while on campus as well and have to clamp my lips shut to not smile super wide while i listen. anything makes me happy giggle! yay naddpod!!!!!! id go more into the characters but i have written so fucking much thank you for asking!
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rivvytrick · 1 year

well. i got to play goodbye volcano high, in full. one ending, anyway.
i liked its dialogue system carrying forward disco elysium's ideas of having all three options be representative of your characters thoughts, with static, button prompts you have to hold to work up the courage to say some, some that'll lock themselves out as you hover over them or change into something else. its very fun and its utilized in a good way to sell your character. thats probably the one thing i enjoy.
spoilers below.
goodbye volcano high is a cartoon network show. something so incestuous about what it is, and what its obviously cribbing from and what it wants to be, despite no real way of knowing what that Glue is that holds things together. conversations are speeches thrown at each other to faint melancholic guitar chords from start to finish, words that trail off in ways that only allude to themselves and feel as if they hold no greater meaning outside of their immediate conclusion. things are made to be screencapped, but it doesnt come to you with any sort of wisdom meant to be passed on, with characters who have obvious arcs of plans being torn apart by way of the cataclysm that will end their lives, but for who many never learned to find stability with life to begin with to earn that upheaval.
the main character, fang, is someone who begins the game in transparent reminiscence to get the audience all pumped up and sentimental for that good old Senior Year feels, and is afraid of growing up and what that entails before the news of the apocalypse hits. they have one dream, and its a knowing fault that gets confronted eventually enough: to win the battle of the bands and Make It Big, playing a hit song for crowds with their best friends. its a dream thats intentionally immature, and i can't tell if its meant to be charming in how it can be irritating that even in their moments of connecting with the world around them, things are framed around said dream, a dream that isn't fleshed out. the sheer mention of college throws anxiety at them, with a family thats less than accepting of their identity, and friends moving away or drifting into interests of their own and becoming more whole people as they reach adulthood. these are the classic coming-of-age knots that take more than what the games approach to character writing can untangle as is, but the meteor plot point... makes it not matter. high school never ends for Fang. but worse is it never even really began.
Most characters are here to reinforce that "life comes at you fast, and the futures not set in stone" theme, but with not enough to truly make it worth it. Fang's brother learns to live his own life outside of parental expectations with one big Blowing Up scene from Fang over their band posters around school he took down, but with not enough to show him even beginning such. his role remains the dependable one, and the one who tells Fang to slow down. Trish's is a story about your passions leading you to a double life between friendship rituals and togetherness and individual pursuits and identity, with the game spent with her feeling meekly distant and flighty, landing only at the eleventh hour with a "im still going to be me, and we're still going to be us" speech with Fang. it wants to be touching but this character has not gone anywhere, a character arc as complete as the sentence "I am." you sure are. what now?
Reed I...genuinely dont even remember what his deal was. His worry over the meteor seeps into everything in his life down to his dnd sessions. sad!
Naomi is probably the one with the most going on, but this might be biased because I think she's very cute in a way that the rest of the cast tries to nail but fails to outside of Rosa. I'm a sucker for student presidents who Try Their Best, and works the most well with the greater plot as she realizes shes spent her life waiting and plotting for a perfect life that will never come. theres good ideas, not fully captured here but still, about the pressure of highschool, society, and her wants of a life where she has control over her destiny, with the moments (or well moment, with her texting Fang of her longstanding crush under an alias near the beginning of the game) she's most rewarded for involving her seizing the moment and accepting her anxiety. She has swings and roundabouts! It's not just an immediate fixing! She loses her shit at the cast during the final chapters, after years of repressing her desire to have her way with the world and her life, with chapters of her almost being pushed to the side and barely being present for the sake of everyone elses internal struggles, calling out Fang for their wishy-washiness in a good ironic turnaround, confronting the fact that she won't get the life she wants and still feeling cheated over it. It rushes itself to the end afterwards, but its idea is solid, and its a decently interesting concept to put this character archetype through, after the common conception of these characters being spiteful and shallow to have them turn out to be just someone nice. Plus the dinosaur thing comes together for her design in a way where its both recognizable shes a dinosaur and also still has character in a way that is appealing, rather than the rudimentary feeling the others have, with boxy silhouettes that dont work well for their personalities that don't animate well and generally carry nothing unique outside of big design Gimmicks like horns or frills. big fan, id kiss her snout and pet her horn...thing.
either way, like i said it doesnt matter. its a game about time and a lack of it, with a meteor that cuts off every character arc right before theyre able to become the people they want to be, without us getting the time to see the people they were before, for a game that crawled out from under development hell, and yet without the time to finish so many of the scenes it clearly had planned. but it doesn't matter. that's its moral. high school is something that sucks, in a world that sucks, and you wont find the closure you'll want but when its over, thank god, it'll be over. with that, this game is too.
best of luck to KO_OP, for finding a way to spite the god that clearly didnt want this to exist, and i hope theyre able to laugh and look back at this as the awkward chapter itll end up being in their history that haunts them no longer.
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orbees · 2 years
i think i was too busy being owned by school when it was actually happening but we did the beyond the mountains finale this week. so kitty has to be put down now. SAD. oh well, theres other dnd pcs
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HI HI!!! 🧅 🥕 for bella and 🥭 🍋 for vera?
literally rubbed my hands together deviously when i saw this ask
for bella:
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
death and loss. especially if theres nothing to be done. permanent loss just hits, probably because of how many people both died and just disappeared in t589, plus just suddenly losing her family then the c127 guys. and ofc its just sad in general - suffering in general hurts her heart even as a longtime l corp agent
owen probably knows that tbh since they stayed pretty close to eachother throughout t589, but whenever shes emotional she tends to hide it. most people dont know and she wants to keep it that way
tbh bella cries kinda.. easily? subconsciously? she tends to cry but not realize it, like in the laundry room. as a kid she ended up seeing a lot of death and loneliness in t589, and the first instinct of crying kinda just cemented itself there.
as captain though (and as she grew up) she a) started going into like. serious mode to deal with shit (ex. when she used pink the in the shelter) and b) purposefully kept her emotions in check more. but when shes alone they just spring back up (more examples. bc i like to point out things in my writing :3 after The Safety Incident with lunas, laundry room ofc, and after the pink and shelter thing*)
*unrelated fun fact: in cc after that i wanted to imply she felt sick and vomited, but rereading it can also be interpreted as self harming :3 <- evil
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
when it comes to stressful situations, especially in combat/trying to protect others, she acts more serious and walled off. but in the aftermath her walls tend to crumble
for sillier situations though. she is not immune to the silly. she can resist it but eventually she will cave. put her with ppodae for long enough and she will exit containment with him /hj
for vera:
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
red!!!! warmer colors represent her well, which are also her favorite colors :) i think shed like the primary ones, plus cyan purple and pink. she loves pleasant gradients.
color meanings :3 from this page
red - passion, excitement, love, but also danger and anger. orange - creativity, warmth, happiness. this one doesnt have any negative meanings lmao. also grabs attention like red! yellow - optimism and cheer, but also intellect and caution. + alarm and sickness (i can totally see this in some art based around the negative meanings where theres just. a blaringly bright yellow background)
shes very passionate and happy, but also impulsive and dangerous, both to herself and others. like super red. on the inside though she is more mellow and intelligent than she acts, yellow and orange.
all the colors grab attention like i said, and yeah she likes to do that. she wants to appeal to everyone and make them all happy :)
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
she takes on more than she can handle. in her own story she focuses so hard on dealing with the timeloop entirely alone that she goes out of her mind with stress. even in more mundane things shell try and go alone, which ig shows a side of her i havent looked into much.
for all of her friendliness she doesnt really trust people as much as she lets on. she doesnt expect them to come save her. she tries to be their friend and appeal to them but assumes that they only see her friendship as something passing or fickle.
everything i said about her applies to dnd vera as well! she also tries to be everyones friend and like a beacon of warmth, but thinks they dont care as much as they do. she revels in the communities she finds as she travels, cementing the temporariness of it all in her mind. and so, she takes it all on alone, and when she fails she can only fall back on herself.
shes assuming the party is going to abandon her soon since she practically almost killed them (and herself!) - mostly from her past, but also from the views of friendship shes made in her mind. like cutting off a deal because she couldnt uphold it. (also on that note i couldnt see through the fog of angst </3 she wont be mad at them for coming back!!! more just. surprised and happy, but assuming it isnt gonna last.)
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dykedragons · 2 years
yesterday was such a good day!!
im on break now and this is the first time ive had my college friends over for the first time :) im gonna talk about it here to help me remember everything!!
we met up to get crepes and i managed to hop on the same bus as one of my best friends to get there. we hung out and ate and chatted and then we walked over to this Dungeons and Dragons store that was a few blocks away. the temperature was comfortable so the snow was slushy and melting, a couple of us got a little splashed by cars passing by but it wasnt annoying enough to not be funny. i got a beautiful pair of dice for our DND games, they look like tigers eye and have golden letters. the store was really cool and bigger than i remember it being and im glad that i had the idea to go there.
we all went back to my house, played smash ultimate and mario kart, put on a movie, played jackbox, the whole shabang. we ordered a pizza and i made homemade cookies and everyone really liked them! i showed one of my friends Monster Hunter, and just as i hoped he actually found it really interesting and liked watching me play (a rarity from people lol). and omg i had my Session 0 with him too and he was awesome, its his first time as DM but he knocked it out of the park, i was so invested and he made it so atmospheric! im excited to draw my character now! i also got a little baked with one of my friends that were there and we were balling the cookie dough together and laughing about stupid shit, it was really funny.
everyone loved my dog and she got so much attention and was so good, i think she was happy to be around everyone too. my one of my other best friends gave me a little hand-weaved bracelet, and the texture is nice and it fits perfectly- not too loose and not too tight. the house was all nice and tidy and cleaning it wasnt bad at all. everyone got back home safe with no issues in spite of all the snow. everyone had a really good time!
i wasnt anxious at all and i never felt left out. we all socialized as one big group and our dynamic is so comfortable. we all like each other individually as well as as a unit. this is the first time ever where i feel like ive found people that i really belong with. they always make me feel calm and included. when theres misunderstandings, theyre no big deal and we talk about it openly. theyre all pretty physically affectionate which is something i value. i can be fully and truly myself and they love me for who i am!! ive only known them for 3 months but i really feel like we all met for good reason, and the friends that ive spoken to about that share the same sentiment.
im so grateful to have met such good people that i connect with :) especially after a whole 19 years of being judged and left behind. i think im really healing from that, and im realizing that i deserve better than the bare minimum, and that its possible for me to be genuinely cared about. im not as jealous as i once was, im not as sad, or as anxious. i dont even dwell on the anxiety of "one day theyll all leave me and ill be alone." im not worried about it! in a way, im grateful for what ive been through, because ive learned so much, i know where my boundaries are, i know was red flags and fake friends look like. i had a wide-open space in my heart with plenty of room to let these people in. i think its going to be okay :)
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dykeyote · 1 year
what’s dndads about? i see a lot of posts about it and i’ve been wondering
EHEHEHE I LOVE DNDADS SO MUCH happy yo explain .... so its a dungeons and dragons actual play podcast, very comedic most of the times but DEFINITELY w its emotional moments just so u get a vibe . more silly than your average dnd podcast, but when it wants to devastate you it DEVASTATES YOU . the THEMES .... insane . gonna keep this fairly spoiler free in case u want to listen to it bc i do recommend it but if ur interested in my more spoilery thoughts ask away
theres two seasons and they both have pretty diff plots so ill describe them separately . season one is about four dads from our world who get transported into the forgotten realms on their way to a kids soccer game, and have to rescue their children who have been taken away by strange figures. the dads include henry oak (crunchy nature dad, very well intended but a huge pushover with his rowdy twin boys lark and sparrow), darryl wilson (VERY archetypal football lover type dad, his lack of emotional vulnerability with his son grant causes issues at times), glenn close (rock and roller dad, more of a friend to his son nick than a dad to the degree of being actively neglectful), and ron stampler (new stepdad to terry jr and Incredibly emotionally distant, hes like a sad little wet cat). through trying to get their kids back, their kids are fundamentally changed and traumatized throughout, and the themes of generational trauma are carried over into ......
season two!!!! which is currently running right now (: this features the grandkids of the original dads who are fighting to fix the post apocalyptic world that was caused at the end of season one, wont say how, and either help or destroy the eldritch monster looming over the world. the teens in this season include normal oak-swallows-garcia (a peppy school mascot teen who is obsessed w school spirit and is broadly disliked at his school. he's the son of sparrow oak-garcia (or possibly lark, its complicated) and strives for sparrow to be proud of him), lincoln li-wilson (a very stressed teen who ADORES soccer, almost as much as he loves his somewhat overprotective dads, one of which is grant), taylor swift (an anime-loving survivalist teen who is THE coolest kid in school . he doesnt know where his dad, nick close, is), and scary marlowe (a goth-punk girl whose entire life is about being the most sad and edgy and dreary girl alive . she used to be a pretty peppy soccer kid, until her stepdad (who she thinks is The Worst) terry jr entered the picture).
its a really fun podcast!!!! imo both seasons are Very good - some people strongly prefer one over the other, but i think theyre both really enjoyable (: but basically for the gist of it . first season is a quest to find these lost kids in a fantasyw orld, season two is more of a monster of the week type deal where the teens go to combat different monsters, though both scenes include having to find these things called "anchors" which are basically embodiments of certain emotions or relationships . however its not really ..... ABOUT that when you get into the themes - its more about family, and how generational trauma keeps moving forwards, and the ways parent-child relationships can strain and break and rebuild and Not rebuild.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
Hnnnnnnn if I was to post my og concepts and ocs would anyone mind? I know my blog is mostly just fandom stuff but? I also want to keep track of my story concepts ? I mean im still gonna do it anyways but just thought I'd warn yall lol
#lea rambles#i have been working on this story for 10+ years sooooooo maybe i should share with the class hnnm#and i draw them so often i might as well post them too keep track of the drawlings cuz y not at this point#gf:ron#gone forever: realm of nowhere#thats the title for it all its like the caroline alice in wonderland thing girl gets lost in a fantasy world thibg#aka my favorite concept ever#and she meets an angry fairy and a terrified wizard and they go on a quest to get her home and run away from their own problems along the#way they become family <3 and the main antagonist is this young queen with prophetic#powers who just wants to get her sister back from somwheres and she keeps trying and failing and thats sad but#her sisters gone and she cant come back#and shes being manipulated by this guy who is pulling strings from all these other things to stop her from bringing her back#and also theres the wizard sister who got gone long ago but she came back with this porcelain doll witch#and theres this whole weird bubble over a good portion of the world but no one notices it except lost girl and she doesnt know what its abt#until later and its revealed and all ahhh#also ive tried to run a dnd game in this world but it didnt last soooo#i love these characters so much and this concept and its been in my brain rent free for literally 10 years so i gotta do something with it#its just idk im terrified to post it cuz idk why i just am to post any of my stuff like fics for fandoms or my own stuff idk just ye ah
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h4rring1on · 2 years
reader having to sit on eddies lap during hellfire bcs theres no more seats left (he did it on purpose)💀
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you weren’t really interested in dnd or how to play it, but you liked being with eddie when he played, you’d sit in your own chair and watch as everyone would cheer and groan
sometimes the dice would fall near you, and the others would sign for you to cheat and say a different number
you may have done it once…or twice…but you just wanted to play around
today though, when you came in, you found all the seats full, you could’ve sworn there were so many free ones just a few days ago!
“eddie” you shyly said, motioning to the full chairs
“aw no” eddie said in ‘sad’ tone
“what are we gonna do?” you pouted
“well…i don’t think we can get any chairs” he said and your expression grew sadder, “don’t be sad, sweetheart” he said, holding your hand and pulling you closer to him, “my lap is empty…you can sit there”
you hesitated for a second and eddie quickly took advantage of it, “unless you don’t wanna be here—“
“no!” you quickly said, “i’ll sit here…since there’s no seats” you said and eddie smiled, pulling you into his lap, you moved to get yourself comfortable
eddie smiled to himself, you were such an oblivious girl. look at you, sitting on his lap so comfortably as if eddie didn’t go out of his way to get rid of every single extra seat so there’d be no way you can sit anywhere away from him
“oh” dustin said as he saw how you were sitting, “hey y/n, you can sit in my seat i can just sta—“
“you don’t have to do that” eddie cut in and glared at him, dustin nervously chuckled and went back to talking to the others
eddie looked to you to see you leaning against his chest as if he was actually your own chair, and he wanted to volunteer for that position every single day if he had too
for the rest of the game, he played and you just watched, and suddenly felt something
“eddie” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the others who were crowding around each other and plotting against eddie
“hm?” he said and looked into your eyes
“are your keys in your pocket?” you whispered and eddie choked on literally nothing
the group looked at him and he just waved them off
“uh—oh yeah, yes. both keys, that’s why it feels weird” he whispered back
“oh, okay” you said
how were you so oblivious to his tricks? everyone knows that’s not the feeling of his keys. it was something much harder. but oh well, you didn’t know anything, did you?
because he was just helping is all.
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criticalcoruscant · 3 years
okay i have finished all of the available episodes (1-3 as of writing this post) so far and I have Thoughts
[again with the disclaimer: *I have not read the source material, I know nothing, I'd never even heard of this piece of media until I saw a trailer a week ago and said ???* I also have horrifying name retention so bear with me]
That being said:
blacksmith widower guy is wholesome as all get out and I'm going to sob if literally anything happens to him
The Girl Of The Group™ could literally do whatever she wants and she's valid. Love her.
redhead is coming around, he was on thin ice but again I know nothing so maybe he's just got a lot to learn about life. he could have cut and run back home but he's sticking around and hecked right out when barmaid started making moves so good for him
sad floppy boy feels like he's being set up to be the bad guy and I sigh sadly. he just wants to keep his sisters safe. was he a little dumb and took a potentially cursed dagger, yes. but we forgive a doofus - who among us wouldn't do that, honestly? anyways, he dresses in dark colors and has dark hair and dark facial hair and steals as a hobby and talks smooth, if he manages to make it without being The Dark One, I'll be pleasantly shocked.
very excited that the wisdom lady is still around, loving the tension there. she seems great. i'm going to assume she and the ward? is that what sword guy is called? are the one that is going to be carrying the party brain cell so excited to see that.
Ward guy (yeah, i think that was right) is awesome, he is basically one half of the dnd characters I make so i'm vibing with him hardcore. we love a protective grump with sass.
and the aes sedai (thank you lovely person for the spelling on my last post) lady, rosamund pike, is the other half of the dnd characters i make so also vibing there but she's also been asleep for most of these episodes so, be interested to see what happens there. not ashamed at all to say that she is 99% of the reason i'm here.
anyways, apparently theres a new episode today? can't wait to find out more! if y'alls fandom is as feral as any of mine are, i hope this post finds you well and i hope my cluelessness was a bit of entertainment for you
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faneth · 2 years
why do you like the nosferatu clan in the vampire the masquerade universe (kicking my feet in the air) (i am genuinely curious)
oh dude oh Dude are they a fucking treat
well first i gotta tell you what they are and than what makes me so insane about them
SO in vtm theres clans like theres classes and races in dnd theyre like bloodlines, vampires of each clan share similar characteristics abilities and in some cases curses and the vamps who had the misfortune of being turned into a nosferatu all share a curse of repulsiveness meaning once they are turned they transform into monsters all in unique ways (they're like creepy snowflakes but most of the canon nosferatu designs are so damn boring theyre all just bald gray and have fucked up teeth and no noses. anyways thats a rant for another post)
because of that they are forced to live underground to not break the masquerade (let humans know that vampires exist) but they are very resourceful fuckers they found a niche for themselves that no other clan can fill - one of their clans abilities is to hide themselves very well basically creating illusions and making themselves invisible so they collect information from everywhere and everyone and trade that information so they are needed and respected (not so good with that one) by other clans. theres so much power in their clawed hands its incredible (they even had their own network with ALL the information stored that only nosferatu knew about until it got destroyed. im so unreasonably sad about that)
so SO what i absolutely love about them is that they turn humans into vampires only in 2 cases: as a gift (to help the disabled neurodivergent and just unfortunate ppl to start a new life as a creature of the night end escape the world that doesnt accept them) and as a sort of revenge (they find the prettiest the most vain motherfucker they can find and turn them into a beast like themselves to teach them a lesson)
and because of that they are the clan with the strongest ties between each members they understand each other because nobody else does or wants to (the. the autism clan)
the themes of dealing with disability and neurodivergence in a horribly ableistic word are so strong in here it makes me want tear my hair out
and obviously most of them have self worth issues which also resonates with me a lot
also ALSO because they are the clan that is the most removed from human culture their culture is the most unique amongst the vampires they create their own art sculptures the music chambers the artificial forests that the outside world may never see they build whole cities underground they have tornament games festivals isnt it just incredible (this is also in the lore but not represented in the actual games which makes me so sad)
when thinking about this clan it feels like im chewing my issues like a bubble gum and blowing bubbles with it. its like being understood by something that doesnt exist and identifying with something that does and shaping something new with it. can you tell im also in therapy rn
oh and also im a monsterfucker so i genuinely find most of them pretty hot lol
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tiktaalic · 2 years
could u explain stranger things to me i still do not get it
its the eighties. 12 year kids have a dnd group and are bullied at school. naturally. one of the kids (will!) rides home after their dnd game and gets eaten by a Creature (slimy otherworldly). it gets out that he's missing and the town is like :/ sad! well theres other little kids. his friends are like. well we're going to find him! on their little kid bikes. other people go missing (also eaten by the Creature). will's mom thinks he's talking to her and he's still alive. the us govt goes your craaaaazy your insane look here's your kid he's dead. at some point 11 who is a little super power girl breaks out of her govt facility in the same town and starts hiding out from the govt. she does this in one of the kid's closets. she's understandably a little weird. they're like wow a weird girl with super powers. cool!. uhhhhh. they use her to open a portal to where the Creature lives and get will out. portal closes. at some point 11 starts living with hopper (cop who does fuck all). yay! i dont remember what happened in season 2. in season 3 people are getting? possessed i think. there are new characters. the kids make friends with a new girl who has an evil brother. uhhhh. they blow up the mall because theres russians and Creatures in there. 11 loses her powers and also the govt still wants to find her and ALSO hopper who she was living with blew up in the mall so will's mom who is the only parent who knows about the Weird Shit whisks her and will and will's brother off to california #witnessprotection. and then in this season. people are getting murdered again by a new Creature. The Gang Solves A Mystery. (how the creature works). 11 goes to power camp. everything else is entirely irrelevant
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actualbird · 3 years
Honestly I feel a lot of Korean things got popular around 2017 out of seemingly nowhere. I try to pinpoint when and how they became popular and come up empty. It's kind of strange. Definitely not complaining though because a lot of it is very good.
Yeah I imagine soju still tastes strongly of alcohol because I can very much smell it. Even when the other flavours are added and I can smell other stuff it only makes my brain associate it with scented soap which is extremely sad because I do want to at least try it. I might try your suggestion though, it sounds quite interesting.
The sped up timeline kind of hurts. I felt my soul leave my body for RRG part 1 because I had been aiming for Vyn's RRG card and all the anniversary cards but now potentially a lot of time to save s chips just got taken away. I mean it was kind of for nothing when Skadi rolled around because apparently I don't like really romantic lines unless Vyn says them and the twitter preview kind of bit me there, but still. I should be able to get bday 2 though because not many of these year's banners interest me which means I'll absolutely have enough s chips unless one of the cards has a ton of lore.
With gacha games I've kind of developed this strange habit of absorbing spoilers from everywhere else but waiting to see the nuances in the actual story. It's definitely served me well because stuff like Luke's Shape of You ending hit harder when I read it for myself with the context instead of seeing it posted without context but it very much gets in the way when I have bad luck and cards don't come home. I'll probably cave for Vyn's RRG if I don't get it honestly, that card feels too important to skip.
MARIUS ROLLING A D20 DFJXG. Does he just roll it every time he visits Vyn until he gets the nat20. Honestly it might work a nat20 makes you feel invincible sometimes. Whenever you write that dnd au I will very happily read through and scream about it.
a lot of it is very good!!!! maybe theres a reason, maybe theres none, but either way, i am thankful for soju entering the global market HAHA. and YEEEAA it's a great drink mix!! theres like, set recipes online for the ratio of sprite + yakult to add to the soju, but i just mix by taste. i personally put a looooot of sprite cuz i like the sweetness haha. if ever u try it out, i hope u enjoy it :DDD
also apparently soju has a shitton of alcohol content in it based on ihavenotfallenyet's reply KJBKJSDK I HONESTLY DID NOT KNOW
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my siblings drink soju on its own holy fuck. theyre so strong, stronger than i ever will be
the sped up timeline hurts me too :(((( not so much bc of s-chips tho bc im not too bothered honestly about not getting cards even if i want them since like, all the story will be available on yt after a day (thank u uploaders). im mostly hurt bc the out of order events jarred me irt to story development, MOST ESPECIALLY WITH MARIUS. i swear, when i was playing his route in RRG i was like. what. whats going on. why r u so nice, why is MC SO NICE, i know theyll get to a point i their relationship that is this point, but the necessary build up (which happened originally in xmas partyland and skadi that originally preceded it) hadnt happened yet ksjdbgksjd
ohhhh same-ish feel on wanting to go thru the story urself!!! same same!!! i just have a non-existent impulse control JKBKSJKGS back in like, october, i said to myself "okay im not watching any of the cn server future content" and then i broke after 1 week. not too bothered tho, that was my own doing sjdksdjks
and marius rolls the d20 he keeps in his pocket at all times for like, whatever random reason. he likes rolling high but even when he doesnt, he has confidence in his base charisma score
sucks for him tho cuz that wont always get him out scot free since im preeeeetttyyy sure that
vyn's perception modifier is high as it can possibly get
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Real World Inspiration
for additional physical features you can add to dragons! (previous post was an edit of the D&D black dragon. Next post will be some examples of dragon designs I made.)
The classic european dragon design used in a lot of mainstream fantasy is already kind of a mashup of many different animal features. Bat wings, long swan-like neck, lizard scales and tail, feet that look like reptilian lion feet or bird of prey talons, heads that are partway between a horse and a crocodile, horns like a goat or ram. They’re chimeric and that’s fun to work with. But they do often end up being mostly just big scales, a pair of horns, and then a lot of random spikes. And that’s fine, but there are so many weird physical structures that exist on real world animals which could easily be used on dragons. Let’s look at them in a series of specific categories.
(Under a cut cuz it got so very very long sorry)
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(Description: a collage titled "spikes", showing real world animals with lots of spiky structures on their bodies. Photos of an iguana and a crocodile are labeled "osteoderms". A photo of an echidna is labeled "modified hair". And a photo of an inflated porcupine fish is labeled "modified scales". End description.)
Since dragons are usually depicted as reptilians, osteoderms and modified scales would be the most common way to add lots of spikes in a realistic manner. Iguanas have a whole crest of tall osteoderms on their spines, and the bumps all along a crocodile's back are also osteoderms.
Osteoderm means "bone skin" and they're basically just calcified skin deposits. Boney, but lightweight, not as sturdy as bones, and not at all connected to the skeleton. Armadillo armor is also a form of osteoderm.
Scales are made of a similar material to fingernails, hair, and feathers, and sometimes they get really spiky without necessarily including osteoderm structures. I used a porcupine fish for that but it turns out science is uncertain what their spines actually are. The thorny devil lizard is a good example though, that thing is nothing but spiky scales (even its big facial horns have no bone underneath)
And of course things like echidna, porcupines, and hedgehogs are covered in spikes that are just really thick sturdy hairs. Evolution is bizarre.
And those are all very effective ways to put lots of spikes on a dragon without adding extra weight from bone spikes that emerge from the skeleton.
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(Description: a photo collage titled "dangly bits" showing several animals that have extra flesh hanging from parts of their bodies. Photos of a turkey, rooster, and long wattled umbrella bird are labeled "wattles". A photo of an anole lizard showing its throat display and a photo of a moose are labeled "dewlaps". And a drawing of a catfish is labeled "barbels". End description.)
Wattles are pretty common in many bird species. Extra neck flesh that usually starts by the jaw and may be connected further along the neck but doesnt have to be. The umbrella bird here has a retractable wattle covered in feathers which it can move to make it look like it has a very long pinecone hanging off its neck. I love how weird it is.
A similar structure is the dewlap, which can be found on lizards like anoles and iguanas, but can also be found in birds and even mammals. It's a fleshy protrusion from the neck which can be small and dangly or rather large. Sometimes it's ts flat, but sometimes it's chubby, like on some rabbits.]
And of course we have catfish barbels, which are like thick fleshy whiskers. Lots of asian dragon depictions include barbels because they take inspiration from carp, like the koi fish.
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(Description: a collage titled "frills" showing animals which have various flaring body parts. Photos of a frilled lizard, a chameleon, and a photo collection of birds I couldn't identify, are labeled "crests". Photos of a betta fish, a black bass, and a lionfish, are labeled "fins". End description.)
I'm not sure the frilled lizard counts as having a crest but I had to include it somewhere. I did not look hard enough to learn exactly how it raises its frill, but I did find that the frill only has two very thin bones in it, right by the jaw. The rest is just really precise musculature I guess.
Chameleon crests are built on bone structures, like the ceratopsian dinosaurs bony neck frills. And of course, there are countless bird species that have feathery crests of all forms.
I know I said on my posts correcting official dnd dragons that I disliked the neck fins on those, but fins can look like that with sturdy points and scalloped edges. I just dont like the way they're usually drawn on dragons, with a singular lonely neck fin that has thick bones in it. It would be much more fun if it was accompanied by other fin structures to create a more cohesive creature. May as well go all the way if you're going to add any frill, right?
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(Description: a collage titled "bizarre extras" showing animals that have really weird and unique physical features. Photos of a bat, a star nosed mole, and a mandril, are labeled "noses". Photos of a sage rouse's mating display and a frog's vocal sac are labeled "ballooning". And a photo of the spider tailed viper is labeled "lures". End description.)
This is the section for the weird miscellaneous stuff I basically never see in dragon art. Which is a shame because the real world is full of the weirdest creatures. Weird noses serve purposes by interacting with scent in complex ways, or in the mandril's case, being a point of display. Noses with weird structures can also create different noises for communication.
Lots of creatures have ballooning display structures. Usually for the purposes of attracting a mate and competing for territory. Sage grouses, prairie chickens, frigate birds, and of course frogs, all have weird throat structures they can inflate for communication, attraction, and intimidation. Dragons could even use it as part of their breath weapons. Why not have an extra sac in the throat to carry a special gas or something?
And lures! Angler fish, snapping turtles with tongues that look like worms, and this absolutely bizarre snake that has evolved modified scales on the tip of its tail to resemble a spider. Many animals use specially adapted body parts to lure prey, which then allows them to hunt without expending too much energy. Being a predator is hard work, and most predators will back away from a fight because they do not want to spend the energy or risk injury when they can find an easier target.
Dragons are huge! They must need so much meat to maintain their energy stores. I think it's sensible for some dragons to live quietly, spending as little energy as possible while they use adapted body parts to lure prey. A dragon in a cave with a modified tail that resembles treasure? A green dragon disguised as a small hill in a field with a long tongue that resembles a delectable plant to lure in cattle? Dragons in dark environments with bioluminescent lures? I know big dramatic dragon battles are fun, but this is just such a good concept I'm sad I don't really see it used.
Anyway theres a lot of real world physical features that I think could be used on dragons more. My method of finding interesting and unique ideas for dragons is usually to just google "weird/cool (insert animal here)".
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ectoplasmicbaloney · 2 years
LIVE BLOGGING CHUCKLESANDWHICH EP. 54 (spoilers for that episode)
guys i’m so fucking sad holyshit
dude i love charlie slimecicle for real he’s such a key member of the podcast :(
goobey sons :,)
FOR A WHILE :( oh man
Oh man he’s doing so much :( oh god, time and mental space
that is a good way to put it :(
it’s good he’s prioritising his mental health and just, gah, man.
they played dayz lol and they were having a good time i really wanna see a like, chuckle sandwhich gaming thing WHICH SLIME as a guest i guess :(
i don’t even know how schlatt has moved 5 times and is still making content man
charlie and his guinea pigs is so cute :) and the way he talks about them is really endearing
the energy in this episode is just like: im smiling but im basically just like, tears!! TEARS!!
i need to buy from slimestory and just roll with it
yo mamas??!!?!! (sorry)
my mommy is needy??! SHE NEEDS THE MEAT??!!
dad deli? :(
just roll with it is super fun, i’ve listened to it for a while and just… man
don’t hate on me for this, but schlatt seems like a genuinely great friend tbh, the stuff he’s saying ti charlie is really nice and cool
who are they gonna replace him with? i don’t want to think of the new person as a replacement but honestly it’s gonna be kinda hard to not, for a while at least, cause of how charlie IS the meat so…
it’s all sad chuckles rn :,|
schlatt’s fake crying lol
charlie is a wonderful boy, a great guy too, really passionate, he’s cool :)
NON-NEWTONIAN FLUIDS!!!!! - my favourite state
he’s so good at lifting the mood :>
they’re using past tense god it’s like a celebrity’s wiki page after they die
schlatt being genuine is so weird but it’s really nice “charlie is an actual saint walking among men. i cannot think of one negative thing to say about you.” damn bro :,)
the fallout :,(
im glad there’s no drama, they’re great friends :)
i’m really excited for more chuckle dungeon
but their dynamic is so balanced and really nice, they bounce off of each other so well and the convos just go so smoothly! the next person is gonna be great for sure, but charlie’s energy and personality is hard to find and or replicate. i do hope the next person doesn’t try to replicate him though, it’s best to be natural :)
the chaotic evil/neu/good thing is so true lol
maybe it’s better for it to not be filled? idk :(
enough to last a year if you watch one every week :(
CHUCKLE DUNGEON IS SO COOL HONESTLY!!! chuckle dungeon is such a cool fucking thing and they all really get into it and show ernest interest it’s so :)
yeah he wrote it out, i was looking at the laptop trying to decipher what it was saying lol
me and ted both are a dungeon masters worst nightmare, my last dm hated me, and to be honest it was fair i was very annoying.
“that ted thing” lol… i probably do that
“i was thinking ‘he’s a misogynist, that’s probably a highly misogynistic thing to do, cut a woman’s head off’” that is exactly my line of thinking, just going straight to the extreme traits of the character cause subtly? grace? nuance? don’t know her
“there has not been a single chuckle dungeon without a sexist or racist” LMAO (until schlatt’s off the podcast there will never be one (jokes lol))
a creepo?
the goopey elevator 💀 i think he meant the tomato lol
charlie is an amazing dm
“racial aspects of dnd” bro 0_0
“so you wanna take my spot?” LMAO SCHLATT
god how bad was the smoke lmao
oh wow really bad
oh my god he thought 9/11 was 2011, his brain goes so fast why did he consider 1988 and think it was stupid cause he was a baby???
everybody was shocked, even me man
ah yes the best bit
ouh a flashback
the freddy wong episode was so good honestly
chulk me out chulk man 😟
me too ted nivison i want to keep something going
dude seeing schlatt so genuinely excited about machinima respawn and boruff and the spider is nice cause he’s such a big fan dude, look at him go!
he ate a termite •_•
i just noticed charlie’s salt rock lamp lol
adventure awaits, i guess
coconuts know when to grow when the water stops moving?? interesting
the cocoknow 😨
“it’s the minerals” sir is saying words
charlie’s humour is really refreshing and i love his storytelling content, especially like the dnd esk adventures and stuff :)
termites taste like lemon, interesting
popped em in, crunched em, got the zest and boom
wait are there termites in my house
guys i just confirmed i have a termite infestation in my house LOL i just thought they were funky looking ants with weird white butts but nope! they live in our big ass wooden table
ok back to the video
“get in… gringos” LOL
idk about cilantro tbh
nice fact ted
why does he have an nft painting??? it’s… it’s FUNGIBLE? Tommyinnit bought it for him 💀
do people not have items around them at all time? heavycube
big block of tungsten
and ted has two lint rollers!
boruff gardening is really cute lol :) he’s growing lettuce and tomatoes 😭😭
oh ok future plans:
ok there’s a hiatus coming soon :( understandable
i must buy from slimestory the products are actually cool and interesting to me!!!
GILLION TIDESTRIDER??!? i will watch let’s roll with it again
charlie’s not getting replaced :)) and charlie may just come in occasionally:,)
charlie cam dear lord
He got a gift :DD
love you to death charlie :)) but not in a parasocial way dear lord ok nvm
“keep chulking, you’re da bomb.com”
LMAO OK why are they switching to different POVS LOL
ok so that was it :,)
Charlie is such a cool guy, i’ve been watching his stuff for like 5 years now and he always makes enjoyable and amazing videos and he just seems like a generally awesome person. i’ll miss his puns and energy on the podcast, but i’m glad he’s taking care of himself and i hope he feels less stressed out after this :) Can’t wait to see what he does next and i’m excited for more episodes of the podcast!!
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Zombie Apocalypse AU Masterpost
"There are a few groups that aren't aware of each other's existence. (Architechs, NHO, Convex, ect.) The NHO are made up of all men from millitaries across the globe. Cleo isn't a zombie either, she is a zombie whisperer. She can communicate slightly with zombies and they aren't usually negotiable."
(Paraphrased,) from @creator0fchaos' Zombie Apocalypse AU entry for The Follower Input AU.
Headcanons to start us off:
-Convex were two men from a small buisness. Jellie is also around but she's injured and is mostly carried around by Scar.
-Etho got bit pretty early on and everyone in the NHO knows they're gonna have to do something about it but they're putting it off. Etho seems fine.
-Bdubs is slowly going completely feral. (Possible reference to season 5's jungle feral?) DocM joked he had rabies and the two got into a fight.
-Iskall lost his eye after Mumbo accidentally slashed him with a knife while trying to protect Grian from a hoarde. Iskall ended up getting lumped in with the Architech group because Mumbo feels super guilty about it.
-Xisuma and Keralis came into contact with the NHO for a bit. Keralis and Bdubs nearly became friends but Beef and Doc scared em away. Angst.
-The zombies fear False.
-XB originally planned to just stay in his house and not go out. He was prepared, okay? He had tinned food to last him at least a decade, zombie proof armour and god knows what else supplies. His friend, Hypnotizd, is fleeing to there because he knows XB knows what he's doing.
-Wels wears armour because it's the best he had. Same with Biffa and Xisuma. In this AU, they probably wouldn't be wearing armour if not given the circumstances.
-Jevin has turned this into a game to kill as many zombies as possible.
-Impulse, Tango and Zedaph are all just having a good time trying to survive in the woods. Their main goal is to open a tin of beans Zed has but they don't have a tin opener.
-Rendog found a tin of dog food while scavenging. He was hungry and ate it. He now has an addiction to tinned dog food.
-Wels wears medieval armour in the zombie au because at one point he was trapped in a museum by a horde and like, the armour was technically there. On display. No one was using it.
-Etho wears the mask as kind of a mental reminder not to bite his friends.
-Joe and Stress are hanging with Cleo and even if the small group isn’t the best equipped or prepared, they have thrived thanks to Cleo’s ability to whisper to zombies. It might not stop the zombies but it buys the group time to escape.
–Zombie!Etho is hiding the fact that he’s turning, if not already turned into a zombie, from the rest of the NHO because he loves being with his friends. The problem is that it’s getting harder every day to control himself and he’s constantly fighting between telling the rest of them about it, and having them put him out of his misery to keep them safe, or just keep hiding it, afraid that one day it’ll be too late he won’t be able to control himself and bite them all.
-Someone gets like a really bad case of the flu, this is problem because usually survivors have to stay in the move consistently to survive and that’s hard when someone is really sick, it also bad because all pharmacies have been raided and there’s no medicine.
-Grian originally came from Sam and Taurtis's group but due to Sam's insanity, Grian pulls away and went surviving on his own. That when Mumbo came to photo and knowing that he won't survive the zombie wasteland alone, Grian took it as his task to convince Mumbo make a partnership with him.
-Joe was playing D&D when the outbreak started, and Cleo was in his group. They treat it as a game sometimes, though they toned it down a bit when Stress joined because she was still grieving Iskall. Stress makes them stay around where she lost Iskall, but Joe and Cleo don't mind because she has a base set up there.
-For no fault of his own, the nHo crumbles while doc is in control. They had been losing members for a while but when beef, Bdubs, etho, and doc part ways it’s the draw the broke the camels back, so doc is the only one left of the nho, the rest of them, having either left or died. Doc blames himself for everything going so wrong.
-For the zombie AU because nobody's representing my boy X: Xisuma is known as a master at evading the zombies (he can fight them well if needed but he is best at avoiding incidents altogether). He claims to wear the mask for practical reasons, but what the others don't know is that it hides how terrified he is. He hides his fear because he doesn't want people to lose confidence in him, but getting turned and losing control of his mind is his worst nightmare.
-TFC’s gone for a bunker theme for s6+s7, so maybe, he finds a nHo member, and just drags them down into his bunker, probably chewing them out for walking around alone?
-For the zombie au is ethos mask like a medical one, or was he in a kakashi cosplay for some reason and kept it because all the pockets were practical and then started wearing the mask because he got infected.
-After Stress and Iskall reunite, Joe and Cleo join the Architechs. False joins them after seeing Cleo whisper to the zombies and realizing that the group severely lacks fighters. I need the hermits to (at least mostly) get together!
-TFC is obviously a disaster prepper who has a fully furnished bunker that can house a lot of people. He has been broadcasting this to other survivors using a radio. Unfortunately, he lives in the middle of nowhere and it is a trek to get there, but the Vault (as he calls it) is self-sustaining. (I know this is obvious, but nobody has done anything with TFC yet, and that's a shame)
-Even though he’s scared about not being alert enough to protect his team, Xisuma hides his sickness, which is easy with the helmet, because he’s the leader and he can’t be weak. Due to the pain of the flu and the heat of fever staying trapped inside his helmeted eventually falls to his knees and breaks down.
-Mumbo is wearing a suit because he was on his way to a job interview when the outbreak started, he just never bothered to change clothes.
-Etho used to love making up little tunes, and that hasn't changed since he was bitten. Nevertheless, the others in his group haven't heard him make music since. He blames a lack of instruments because of being on the run from zombies. The morning after he left, though, they find an old recorder where his sleeping bag was, and once they hit play they're greeted with songs in a familiar style, backed by improvised instruments.
Even without saying anything they *know* what had happened, and the recorder is taken along on their journey to a safe haven. Sometimes, when the feeling of missing their friend gets too much, they put on the music in the evening and just allow themselves to cry.
-Well, i was thinking maybe stress was a loner, but like, not completely alone, she was with someone else, probably Cleo or Iskall, but they got bit, she felt too bad to kill them so she wanders around with a zombie friend on a madeup leash, sorry if it sounds sad but i like angst and it seemed like a good headcanon -🐿️
-TFC is the one to get to Beef and break down the wall he had built up after a while of wandering alone after breaking off from the nHo. He finds Beef fighting a group of zombies and after observing how violently Beef was hacking down the zombies, TFC did not see a hardened fighter, but a broken man and went to talk with him.
-Alternate timeline idea when grian was still traveling with Sam and tortoise. Sam end up doing something that results in grian and tortoise getting bitten, because of that Sam leaves them. Now grian is not a normal zombie he doesn’t crave human flesh but rabbit flesh because he’s so hell-bent on getting revenge for what Sam did to him and tortoise, tortoise ends up tagging along. Cleo ends up finding them and discover their not normal zombies and inviting them to stay with her group.
-For the zombie apocalypse AU, RE: Cleo and Joe's DND game - imagine them going into a fight and just screaming "ROLL INITIATIVE!"
-Ok but imagine if like that one anon said, grian was already a zombie but like, one that only wants animals. I imagine they could probably get him to behave normally and imagine the mumbo turning angst but grian is already a zombie and just helps him not loose himself.
-For the Zombie Au, instead of killing Mumbo before he turns, the group locks him in a room and leave him there in hopes that they can bring him back once theres a cure. Whether or not, Mumbo wants to be saved is up to you. If Cleo's still in the group then you could have her "talk" to Zombie Mumbo for bonus angst.
-After finding out that Etho's still out there, Beef becomes more determined than ever to help find a cure. In the bunker he often ends up buzzing around Scar and Cub, desperate for something to do to help. It can get a bit awkward but they understand he's just desperate to see his friend again and are usually able to provide small tasks to help him keep his mind busy (with something other than worrying for Etho) while they continue working toward a cure.
(All those above in red are from our community's lovely Anons!)
-Vintagebeef was the first to notice something was off about Etho. He asked Etho about it but Etho assured him he was fine. Beef asked, 'what if you spread it to the other people in group?' Etho claimed that 'if it was contagious without physical contact, everyone would have caught it by now.'
-Speaking of Vintage Beef, he feels the most lonely and hopeless out of all the NHO members. Etho is probably gonna die from being a zombie soon. Bdubs and Doc are always at each other's throats and Beef fears one of them may accidentally kill the other. He's terrified that he may be the only one left.
-Hypnotizd is the most likely to be bit next. Dude’s running to XB’s house basically defenseless until he gets there, we have no clue how far he has to travel.
-You could very easily bring s5 nho angst into this au... Etho leaves to protect his friends from himself, Beef leaves because he can't bare to see his friends fight so much, Bdubs and Doc get in a fight and Bdubs storms off, and Doc is left to try and lead the nho by himself (since you said it's a kind of paramilitary thing here). Ouch.
-Knowing Mumbo's love for bunkers and the dragon bro bunker from s6, the architechs have probably settled somewhere underground to have a somewhat normal life. And, given the combined tech prowess of Iskall and Mumbo, they could easily rig up defence systems to help.
-in regards to that ask about X getting ill, maybe that's where Keralis joins him! He's totally the type to stay with you when sick! :D
-Continuing from that anon, if I may. So far we have Griam, Mumbo, Iskall, Stress, Joe, Cleo, and False all living together... The chaos xD ! You could even bring in hermit challenges as smth they make to, y'know, lighten the mood :D
-OOF I never thought about Taurtis wandering alone but that's sad. Iskall was also originally with Stress. They are wandering together until a snow storm separates them. Iskall finds Mumbo and Grian and then Mumbo thought he was a zombie cause this man just came out of nowhere. Grian and Mumbo took him in. When Iskall came back to the place where him and Stress gets separated, they saw each other again. What's the first thing he did? He hugged the hell outta her.
-Stress was tired cause the next thing she knew after the storm is that she’s alone. So, she thought for the worst, she thought Iskall was dead. She made a small shelter in the place, tamed a lot of dogs and even made a gravestone for Iskall.
When Stress saw him, her first thought was to get the weapon from the sheath and attack but Iskall started talking. The next thing she knew was she is crying and hugging him tight. 
-After Beef leaves the nHo, he becomes quite a loner. He gets a nickname from other groups even though they don’t know who he is: the Butcher. He gets the name because when groups are being seized down by dozens of zombies, Beef comes in and kills the zombies - every single one - with only his token bloodied apron left behind, waving on a stick. He has hundreds of those aprons and is never seen killing the zombies by the besieged groups.
-When Impulse runs away, he runs into BDubs while in a run down brick building with part of it having been blown up in what looks like a plane bomb. The building seems to have been a local demolition business known simply as ‘Boomers.’
-Before the apocalypse began, Scar was an upper level agent of the FBI tasked with protecting top level cancer researchers across the United States. One of those top cancer researchers was patient 0 and was the original discoverer of the zombie infection (patient 0 was not a Hermit). However, Scar believes it’s his fault for not having intervened when he could have. It’s now his mission to find a way to fix it. He comes across business mogul Cub, who may have the funds to help.
-https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618407386827423744/hypno-has-been-living-with-xb-for-the-last-two XB and Hypno meet: A post too long to copy paste here.
-After Tango explodes the beans Impulse claims he’s leaving. Z and T think he just kidding but when they wake up the next morning Inpulse is gone. Now Zed and Tango are on a mission to find impulse while also terrified that he’s been bit.
-Continuation of the impulse leaves thing, tango and Zed find and save him just in time. They all reunite and are happy. The problem is that Zed was bit in the process, for now he’s binding it, because tango and impulse were so happy to be reunited and zed didn’t want to ruin it.
-Zed never ends up telling his friends that he was bit, the figure out themselves a few days after it happens. At first they’re mad that zed hid it from them, telling him how he could have turned and hurt them. But a minute late they break down in tears realizing what the bit means for them all. They will discuss what to do in the morning but for now they will grieve.
-Even more of the zit story: In the morning they decide to keep zed around until he really starts turning, they will then kill him so he’s not a zombie, zed protests this wanting them to kill him now, fearing for the other’s safety, but he’s actually really happy to have a bit longer with his friends. Impulse feels guilty because this never would have happened if he hadn’t left, tango also feels guilty because if he never exploded the beans, then impulse wouldn’t have left and zed would be fine.
-Xisuma is known as a master at evading the zombies (he can fight them well if needed but he is best at avoiding incidents altogether). He claims to wear the mask for practical reasons, but what the others don't know is that it hides how terrified he is. He hides his fear because he doesn't want people to lose confidence in him, but getting turned and losing control of his mind is his worst nightmare.
-Xisuma could be that person who gets the flu from an earlier submission! It would really scare him because of not being as alert or functional to avoid the zombies. I feel like he doesn't have a set group of people he stays with, so someone would probably find him holed up somewhere with a bad fever and decide to stay with him.
-If Mumbo ever gets bitten his zombie form is his cursed skin from after he sold his bits, it NEEDS to be lol.
-I came here to post immune!Rendog only to find that someone already did! Anyway, Ren is immune, which is good because the man gets bitten A LOT (the diggity dawg is not the best fighter). I feel like he gets lost and comes across the NHO base, and Doc won't let him in at first because he's covered in bites. He probably puts him in a containment cell out of typical Doc paranoia but eventually figures it out.
-Doc tried his hardest to be distant with Ren (because he thought he was going to turn/die soon and didn't want to get attached) but Ren just asks questions and talks 24/7 until Doc gives in and talks to him out of loneliness. Doc probably keeps him in containment for a really long time, first for fear of him turning and then because he's afraid Ren will leave (like everyone else left him.)
-Ren is very calm and cheery through the whole containment thing because he FULLY believes this is all a dream. Like, okay, this German robot man says I'm going to die in a week? Cool! Have to remember to write this one down when I wake up. Doc cannot convince him otherwise and it frustrates him to no end (when he does realize it's real though he's going to have a full breakdown.)
-Mumbo focuses in way too hard when he's working and blocks out everything else. If he gets bitten it will be because he was too absorbed in a redstone project and forgot to check his surroundings.
-When Mumbo gets bitten, Grian makes it his duty to comfort him and keep him calm until the end. Iskall, however, is overcome by guilt. He had been out for supplies when it happened; usually it was his job to watch Mumbo's back while he worked, alternating between fighting zombies and giving jokingly snarky commentary on Mumbo's redstone. He definitely blames himself and won't let the others out of his sight afterward.
-A break from angst! Zombie whisperer!Cleo's talents work by communicating with the infection in the zombies' bodies. Immune!Rendog has the infection, it just doesn't affect him in a dangerous way. Therefore, Cleo is now a Ren whisperer. Hilarity ensues.
-Once Xisuma starts feeling a bit better, he organizes his group to dig underground tunnels for people to travel with less chance of zombie attack (construction Keralis is a big help!) The leadership comes naturally to him, and the hard work is a good way of building up his strength again. Working late into the night on the tunnels is also the perfect excuse not to sleep....
-(post-cure). It takes several weeks, but Doc finally manages to find Etho. When he receives the cure his first words are "Thank you" and "I'm so sorry" (like a true Canadian). While his mind is returned to him, some parts of his body are too decayed to be salvaged, but that's no obstacle for Doc. He builds custom cybernetics and eagerly welcomes his old friend back to the land of the living.
-Mumbo, being really good with redstone, obviously has anti-zombie weapons he made himself. One day he goes out scavenging to find Grian fighting zombies armed with only a large hunting knife, a sledgehammer (probably from whatever build he was working on at the time of the outbreak), and his tiny gremlin speed and agility. (-@my-cat-is-a-bastard.)
-One of the Hermits (up to you which one) is somehow immune to the zombie virus. The catch: they don't know until they get bit. Them and the rest of their group is scared and prepares to kill them when the transformation is complete, but it never happens. The scientist of their group does a couple of tests and discovers their immunity!
-I was thinking about it for a bit, and I doesn’t seem like there’s been much done with Ren... (besides eating dog food lol)
-Happy ending time 'cause I can't stand seeing them all turn! Once Doc realizes Ren is immune, they venture out trying to find another group to create a cure. After gathering some/most of the other Hermits, they come across Scar, and they work on and create a cure/vaccine. The rest of the Hermits take it, and maybe they're even able to cure Etho and the other zombified Hermits! (Sorry if this is too cheesy/happy; I just want everything to be okay, y'know?)
-All everyone speaks of are the physical changes, but one must set the record straight: No matter how horrifying the outward changes are, the mental and emotional ones are far worse. Your friend’s behavior will take a turn for the worse. They’ll become more aggressive, more impulsive, less cautious. They’ll start fights for a laugh, they’ll yell and thrash and scream at the mildest inconvenience, their mind will devolve and fade away. By the time you must say your goodbyes, they will no longer be the friend you knew. They will be childish, angry, insane, and horrible in every way. Even if they fight the illness and outer changes, their behavior will still be impacted and subject to change.
Be wary of this if you choose to let your friend live, and prepare not only your body, but your mind, for the worst.
-Patient Zero could be GenerikB.
-I feel like team ZIT keeps putting off taking care of Impulse. Like Etho, Impulse just keeps fighting the changes. They all expect him to wither away, fall down and die one day, isn't that how it always goes?, but that's not how the infection works. They don't get sicker and weaker, in fact most of the people who die from one bite actually die from gangrene and/or septic shock. (Human mouths are GROSS.) But our boys don't know this. They've taken good care of his bite, even if it felt pointless at first, and avoided infection, and as a result he's physically completely healed now. So they end up never NEEDING to kill Impulse, but at what cost? He's constantly anxious about losing control. He can barely even sleep, what if it makes him sleepwalk and he bites his friends then? Tango and Zedaph see him changing still. They see his skin getting pale and dull, his eyes growing hollow, even see he's losing a lot of weight, but they put it up to his sleeplessness, to how they have to remind him, almost force him to eat real food. What sort of life does Impulse really have now? Is it really better to just end it? (What if he and Etho meet?)
Sorry, I've just seen the way this subversion of the Zombie Bite = Zombie Dead trope is going with Etho, and I HAD to get bitten!Impulse in on it as well. Now I can't stop thinking about exactly how this virus works, so I'm gonna hit post before I get WAY too into it and make a text wall.
-https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618456845293633536/the-first-thing-you-notice-is-the-bite-it-stings How the virus works. (Tw gore, worms.)
-Bdubs definitely slept through the beginning of the apocalypse and had no idea what was going on for a while. He just kept doing his normal thing until someone told him what was happening. (-@miss-oleum.)
-I saw a post that mentioned Taurtis in the zombie apocalypse au, so I think this idea would be cool? I think from context clues Etho and Beef are kinda traveling together, but what if they run into Pause! Pause is super stoked to finally be around people in this mess (Team Canada, no less!!) but the dread kicks in when he notices the look in Etho's eyes, and how much paler he is than usual. Maybe he even notices the signs before Beef (who prolly def. noticed but is in severe denial about it). (-@853dragons.)
-To the surprise (and delight) of everyone in the Bunker, Beef is a deasent Redstoner. He's still a bit rusty at it tho. But he Knows how to work around those dust if he put his mind it. And after the... Insident with Mumbo, they need all the help they can get with the Redstone. And the first time he fix a redstone contraption on his own he said to his spectators (any Hermit of your choice), "What? You thought I was all Beef but no Brains?"
And now, Writing!
-It's the hunger that's the worst. Gnawing and ever-present, no matter what he eats, he can't escape the emptiness that's settled into his stomach. Etho stares dully down at the can someone - probably Beef - had pushed into his hands, before spearing a handful of syrupy fruit and swallowing it. It does little to satiate the hunger crawling through his every being. And why would it? It's not fruit he's hungry for anymore. (Anon.)
-Fear curls around him like an unwanted friend, a fiend of mist and smoke that blankets his nerves and quickens his heart. He stares dully at the scene before him, at the massacre his group had just barely avoided, as an awful storm of what-ifs swirl through his mind. His hands shake. "X?" Someone asks, "Are you okay?" Xisuma sucks in a deep breath, curls his hands into fists, and turns towards Keralis. "I'm fine," he lies. (Anon.)
-"Hello there. If you are listening to this, we are gone and long forgotten. This base of ours is yours to use now. I'm sure there'll still be some supplies and cans of food left-" "Not if I eat them first!" "Gr- Grian! I'm recording!" "I know that, you spoon." Grian took a few steps forward and stuck his face up to the camera lens. "Hi there!" "Grian! This is serious work." "C'mon, we're always serious! What's wrong with a little bit of fun during the zombie apocalypse?" (12u3ie.)
-(Biffa's POV) I met Xisuma a couple weeks ago. He saved my life, and I joined his crew. We're good friends now, and I hope he trusts me. It just seems like there's something off about him, but not in a zombie way. The way he hesitates before saying he's fine, how his eyes widen for just a moment before battle... the way he mumbles in his sleep about an evil counterpart... (12u3ie.)
-Hands corral him, pushing him forward. Mumbo twists and writhes, trying to escape from the iron grip pulling him forward. Where his tongue still capable of forming complex sounds, he would be protesting vehemently. Nowadays, words are harder to come by, too clunky and heavy for his tongue to try. As it is, he can barely even manage the word no. 'I don't want this!' He screams, but only Cleo spares him a glance. Her eyes shine, wet with tears and pity that turns his stomach.
"We'll find a cure," Someone else promises. From a haze of shattered memories, a face forms. It takes another moment for him to remember a name. Grian. His voice is flat, toneless, but edged with iron and a promise. With one final pull, he's dragged into the windowless room, lined with lockers and benches. Mumbo's breath rattles heavily in his chest, as the iron door swings shut behind him. "I'm so sorry." Whispers seep through the thin walls. "I can't believe he bit Ren." (Anon.)
More to be added!
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