#sally x paul
fanficwritingcentral · 9 months
Dinner Dates (ao3 link)
Summary: Poseidon just wanted to have a nice candle lit dinner date with Paul, but with Sally coming home a little earlier than planned makes it a little harder. And does she really have to get Amphitrite involved?
So this was just a little idea I had, influenced by something I thought of years ago and I just wanna write it now. I don't think Sally, Poseidon and Paul are super in character but it is crack so its ok for them to be a little ooc.
Have fun 😘✌️
Poseidon sighed.
"You send my son on dangerous quests, have him fight your wars and now you come into my house and try to seduce my husband." Sally through her hands in the air with a look of such outrage that made Poseidon remember how much he still loved her.
"Sally," he started, "remember, Percy is my son too, and I do regret the troubles he's faced," - "troubles?!" - "troubles," Poseidon repeated louder over the top of Sally, "and I swear on me that it's not what it looks like."
She looked at him with a face that screamed are you serious and gestured at the candle lit dinning table in front of her set with red roses in a crystal vase and the most beautiful white porcelain plates he could get set at both ends. Paul sat on one end, watching him and Sally with wide eyes, with the thick high quality napkin on his lap that Poseidon placed there and the meat he was about to eat still on his golden fork.
Poseidon cleared his throat, "I mean to say, it is exactly what it looks like."
Sally put her face in her hands and screamed. She then started to take deep breaths and began to whispers, "ok, it's ok, this is fine, just fine."
Taking another deep breath she looked back up and walked over to Paul, grabbed his face and kissed him, which was, something. Yes, something. Seeing her hands reaching in Paul's hair, grasping and tugging on the short dark locks brought back memories of how Sally would kiss him like that, seventeen years ago. But seeing it on the outside like this, the woman he loved with the man he was interested in was definitely something. Something to definitely be explored. Later. Yes, later.
"Ahem," Poseidon cleared his throat and tapped his foot, he was a God, he was not meant to be ignored like this, no matter how distracting the scene in front of him was.
Sally released Paul who looked up at her with a loved up look that was understandable. Paul surprisingly was still holding onto the fork with his slice of meat.
"What did he do for it to come to this?" She asked Paul.
"He gave me whiteboard markers that will never run of of ink." Paul replied.
She nodded, "that'll do it."
"He's also offered to take me out for a boating trip."
"Of course he has." Sally sighed, and went to grap a notebook. Opening it up to a blank page she then clicked her pen and looked at Poseidon, "what are Lady Amphitrite's favourite foods."
Poseidon's eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Amphitrite is a Goddess, Sally, we eat ambrosia and drink nectar, rarely do we consume mortal food."
Sally sighed again, "I need something to work with Poseidon."
"Why would you need to know?"
"Well, if you are going to seduce my husband, then I may as well seduce your wife."
He blinked at her, "You want to seduce Amphitrite?"
She raised an eyebrow, "you don't think I can?"
"I believe you can, dear." Paul spoke up, looking up at his wife with such adoration.
Sally smiled down at him and gave him a small kiss on his lips, "thank you dear, I'm glad one of you believes in me," and shot a look at Poseidon over her shoulder.
"Sally, I very much believe you can do anything you put your mind to, even seducing my wife, but," and he looked at Paul who gave him a small charming smile, "does it have to be now? Can it not be later? Preferably tomorrow?"
Sally slowly rose back to her full height, "I come into my home, exhausted from my day out, to find my ex successfully seducing my husband and now I'm expected to go nicely and quietly away?"
Poseidon pursed his lips, "yes."
"I will not." Sally declared and sat herself in his chair, "you both will now help me plan out the most perfect romantic picnic set for the Queen of Atlantis."
She then took a stab at the salad Poseidon set for himself in his plate with his fork and ate it. Swallowing it she looked at them both with her pen poised ready for notes and said, "go."
Poseidon closed his eyes and Paul began to offer suggestions, this was going to be a long night.
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anticomedygarden · 2 years
we never knew what friends we had
title taken from billy joel's 'leningrad'
3 & 4 y/o
Sally’s head whipped around to where her son was yelling for her. 
“What is it, baby?” she asked. Around them, dozens of people gazed at the sea creatures. 
His green eyes were wide. “Mama, Piper’s lost. We have to help her!” As if to demonstrate that fact, he pulled a little girl, no older than Percy himself, in front of her. While not crying at the moment, she clearly had been as she had tear tracks glistening on her light brown cheeks. 
“Percy-,” Sally started, then stopped, realizing there was no way she could leave a lost, helpless little girl alone in New York City. “All right.” Percy’s eyes brightened, and she sighed. “Okay, sweetheart, what’s your name? Piper?” 
The little girl sniffled. “Piper McLean,” she said weakly. Poor thing, Sally thought. She really was very young, probably only three or four, and had choppy brown hair pulled into two ponytails at the base of her neck. The hand that wasn’t clutched in Percy’s was gripping an overall strap tightly, and Sally’s heart melted. 
“Do you remember if your parents told you what to do if you got lost?” she asked earnestly. 
Piper nodded enthusiastically. “Daddy said to stay right I am, and if he doesn’t come find me for a long time to go to the big tall table at the place we came in!” 
Sally breathed a sigh of relief. So hopefully that’s where the father was.
Standing up, she took Percy’s hand in her left and Piper’s hand in her right. “Okay, guys, do not let go of my hand.” 
She thanked the stars (not the gods - never the gods) that she and Percy had already been near the front of the aquarium because, and she should have predicted it, Percy wanted to stop at every damn tank. 
“Mama, rainbow fish!” Percy squealed not 10 seconds after they started walking. 
“Percy, come on baby, we need to get Piper to her daddy,” Sally urged. 
“Mama, jellyfish!” he screamed. 
“Percy, I promise we’ll come back, but we need to find Piper’s dad right now,” she said. 
“Mama, shark!” 
“Daddy!” Before Sally could react, Piper was sprinting for a tall man who looked remarkably like Piper herself: same choppy, dark hair, same light brown skin tone, same face full of freckles. 
“Baby!” the man said. He buried his head in her hair. “Thank god." He pressed her face into his chest. “Oh my god, I’m never letting go of you ever again.” Sally’s heart clenched as she watched them standing there, Piper clutched to his chest and him just breathing. 
She looked down at her son, suddenly very thankful for him. Right then, she vowed never to take her baby for granted. 
When Piper’s father finally looked away from his daughter, he turned to Sally and said, “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” She stiffened as he gave her a surprise hug, Piper still held to his hip. 
She spoke up. “You really should be thanking my son. He’s the one who found her.” 
He pulled away and smiled. “Well, thank you anyway.” He kneeled down to look at Percy. “Thank you, too, little man!” He hugged Percy as well until the little black haired boy squirmed and tugged on Sally’s hand. 
Once standing again, he stuck out his hand. “My name is Tristan McLean, and again, I cannot thank you enough.”
Sally shook his hand. “It was nothing, really. What kind of person would I be if I left a little girl all alone?” she posed. “I’m Sally Jackson, by the way, and this is Percy.” She picked him up and placed him on her hip. He was really starting to get too heavy for her to carry around. 
Tristan turned to look at his daughter. “What do we say, Piper?” he prompted. 
Her little face scrunched up in a smile. “Thank you!” Gods, she was adorable. 
“Well, we should probably get going,” Tristan said. “I have an audition to get to, and it’s almost this one’s naptime.” He shook Piper gently, and she giggled. “Thank you again.” He turned back to Piper. “Say bye-bye, Piper!” 
“Bye-bye!” she said, waving her little hand at warp speed. 
“Bye!” Percy and Sally echoed. 
She smiled. What a cute family. 
7 & 8 y/o
“Mom, Piper’s on TV!” was what Sally woke up to on this particular Saturday morning. They were lucky Gabe was still passed out with a hangover, or he would be raging about being woken up at 7 in the morning on a weekend. 
Wait. Had he said-?
“Mom, come look, Piper’s on TV!” So she had heard that right. Quickly, she walked into the living room and was shocked to see that, yes, the little girl they had rescued at the New York City Aquarium four years ago was on the 7 a.m. gossip news. Well, technically, the report was on Tristan, and it was just a grainy photo of the two of them together in the top right corner of the screen, but still. Piper was on TV. 
“Actor Tristan McLean out of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, is set to play the lead role in upcoming highly anticipated Hollywood film King of Sparta directed by the popular Rob Tillman. The actor has mostly stuck to indie films in the past, so this movie could be a big opportunity for him. He also has a seven year old daughter, Piper, but don’t worry ladies; this handsome man is single and ready to mingle!” 
Sally nearly vomited when the newscaster (if you could even call him that) winked at the camera. Thankfully, though, that was the end of the report, and they moved on to whatever celebrity was currently in the midst of a scandal. 
Percy turned to her from the old, stained couch. “Do you think I could talk to her?” he asked, sea green eyes wide and hopeful. 
She sighed, trying to figure out how to explain to him why they couldn’t just talk to a prospective celebrity’s daughter. “I don’t think so, Percy, she lives pretty far away,” was what Sally finally settled on. “We don’t know her phone number or her address. It would be difficult.”
He brightened. “But not impossible?” he said, with the baby seal eyes on full force. She just couldn’t say no to those eyes. 
She sighed. “How about you write a letter to her and I’ll see if I can find the address of someone who knows them?”
“Okay!” he agreed excitedly and ran to his bedroom. 
She smirked. “And now I have time to clean the living room,” she muttered to herself. “Yay.”
She only ended up getting ten minutes to clean (not nearly enough time, she thought to herself) because Percy had raced through the letter without bothering to check his spelling, though that was normal, she supposed. 
Nevertheless, she sent him off to go play in his room, sat down at the kitchen table, and read her son’s letter to a possibly famous little girl. 
Dear Ppier, 
My name is Percy Jakcosn. Do you remmeber me? We found you at the aqarum. I saw yuo on tv toady. They asid your dad si gonna be in a movei. That’s so cool! How cmoe you were in New Yok if you live in Okaholma? My mom says Okloma is really far from New York. 
Percy Jackson
She chuckled to herself. Percy was really too sweet for his own good. 
Just in case she actually managed to find an address, she decided to write her own letter to Tristan. 
Dear Tristan, 
This is Sally Jackson from the New York City Aquarium. My son and I found your daughter when she was lost a few years ago. Anyway, Percy saw you and Piper on TV, and he wanted to contact her. I’ll let you decide whether you want Piper writing and receiving letters from us. 
Sally Jackson
Once she was finished, she went and got Percy dressed so they could go to the library and hopefully find an address for the McLeans. 
Before they left, she scribbled a note for Gabe even though she doubted he’d wake up before they got home or care that they were gone for that matter. . 
Then, she helped Percy pull his coat on and tie his shoes, and they started the walk to the library. 
When they got there, Sally walked them over to the circulation desk. 
“Good morning!” the librarian said. She was a middle aged woman of medium height with short brown hair and thick tortoise shell glasses. Her white New York City Public Library uniform stood out starkly against her dark skin and blue jeans. She smiled. “How can I help you?”
Sally glanced at her name tag. Monica. “Hello. I was wondering if I could use a computer?” 
Monica the librarian grabbed a clipboard from the underside of the desk. “Sure! Just sign here and label the date and time.”
“Thank you,” Sally said, taking the clipboard. 
Monica smiled. “Be sure to check out when you’re done.” Sally nodded and filled out the sign in sheet. 
Before going to the computers, she took Percy to the children’s section and set him up with some of the sea animal picture books. He still had trouble reading them, but he liked looking at the pictures. She figured she had about five minutes before his ADHD got the better of him and he’d need something else to do. 
She made the most of those five minutes. By the time Percy wandered over to her computer, she had found the address of Tristan’s agent, PR manager, and public post office box. After a quick internal debate, she decided to go with the post office box. Now all they had to do was mail it. 
There was a tugging on her arm. “Mom, I’m bored,” Percy whined. 
“Okay, just let me sign out, and we can leave,” she told him. She quickly turned off the computer and stood, making sure to grab the addressed envelope. They made their way back to the circulation desk. 
“Were you able to find what you needed?” Monica the librarian asked as she handed Sally the sign in and out sheet. 
“Yes, thank you,” she answered. She was about to turn away when a flier caught her eye. 
Dyslexia Support
Have you noticed your child falling behind in reading and spelling? Do they get easily frustrated while reading or writing? Have they complained that letters seem to rearrange themselves on the page? 
If you answered ‘yes’ to the above questions, your child may have dyslexia, a condition that makes reading and writing especially difficult. 
Starting Jan. 9, the NYC Public Library will be offering free dyslexia support for children and parents of children with dyslexia. See the circulation desk for more information. 
Sally’s mind was racing. Could this be why Percy had such trouble reading? His father had mentioned his godly heritage would cause him to be slightly different from the other children, but she thought the ADHD and physical prowess was the extent. 
“Is this for anyone?” She asked. Monica gave her a confused look. “Sorry, this dyslexia flier; can anyone come?”
Monica nodded. “I mean, we prefer it if you know someone with dyslexia, but yeah, it’s open to anyone.”
Sally barely dared let herself hope. After three schools in three years that couldn’t (or wouldn’t, she reminded herself) help her son, this could finally be what she was looking for. 
She grabbed a flier and stuffed it in her purse. “Have a nice day!” she said to Monica. 
She didn’t look up from her computer. “You, too!” 
Roughly a month later, they received letters back from the McLeans. Percy wouldn’t let her read the one from Piper because he was, as he put it, “a big boy now and should have his own life.” Normally, that would mean he would frustrate himself trying to read the letter on his own before he came to her sulking wanting her to read it to him, but after only a couple of weeks of reading and writing lessons from the library, he was already showing signs of improvement. 
She hurried to look through the rest of the mail so she could read Tristan’s letter. Bills, bills, some stuff for Gabe, and more bills. 
She sat down to read the letter. 
Dear Sally, 
Hello, Sally! Thank you again for finding Piper for me. I am forever in your debt. I think it would be great for the kids to send letters to each other!
Tristan McLean
The signature was the kind of uber fancy and illegible script that was typically reserved for politicians and important people. 
She was grateful, anyway. Percy had so much trouble finding friends; she hoped this worked out for him. 
And so it went for about four years. Percy and Piper exchanged letters once every two months with Sally and Tristan occasionally sending each other a little note. Unfortunately, the adults’ letters petered out pretty fast since both of them were constantly working, but Percy and Piper did their best to stay in touch. However, with the strict boarding school rules and eventually Percy’s newfound demigodishness, it became too difficult, and the letters ended when Percy was 12 and Piper was 11. They never forgot each other, though. 
Sally didn’t find out if Percy had told Annabeth about his famous pen pal until the winter he was 16 which also happened to be the winter Hera became her least favorite god and Piper, Leo, and Jason were taken to Camp Half-Blood. Turns out, he had told Annabeth in passing, and she’d only remembered because she found the letters in his bedroom when they were looking for clues about where he had been taken. 
Piper had grown into a lovely young woman in Sally’s personal opinion, though she was rather disappointed in Tristan. He had seemed like such a devoted father at the aquarium. That’s just what fame can do to a person, she guessed. 
There was a knock at the door, and she smiled. “I’ll get it!” she called to Paul. That was another thing that had changed in the years since she and Percy sent those first two letters. She couldn’t have asked for a better man for herself and her son. 
On the other side of the door was Piper McLean herself along with Annabeth Chase, a friendship she was sure both girls were incredibly thankful for. She couldn’t wait to see Percy’s face when he found out his oldest friend was not only a fellow powerful demigod, but also good friends with the love of his life. 
“Hi,” she greeted, stepping aside to let them into the apartment. Of course, there was the obvious question she had to address every time Annabeth came over these days. “No news I assume?”
Then she noticed the excited gleam in Annabeth’s eyes and the way she was practically vibrating. One glance at Piper showed nearly the same condition. 
“Oh my god,” she breathed. “Don’t tell me-”
“We found him!” Annabeth screamed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Well, technically we didn’t find him, we just have a general location, but we have the ability to find him, and the ship is done, and Jason says he knows where Hera took him, and we’ve been dreaming every night-”
“Annabeth,” Piper laughed. “You’re rambling.”
The girl in question smiled sheepishly, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Sorry.”
“What she’s trying to say is we think we know where he is, and we’re gonna sail out tomorrow,” Piper explained far more calmly - but no less loudly. 
Sally put her hand over her mouth. “So you mean-”
“We’re getting him back!” Annabeth yelled, unable to contain herself any longer. 
The dam broke, and tears cascaded down Sally’s face. Distantly, she felt two pairs of arms come up around her, and then, a third. 
My baby’s coming home.
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percy, aged 15: ....annabeth.....is sitting.....right next to me 😧 illegal😳😳 but.... i like it🤭??
percy, aged 16: OHMYGOD 😱😱 ANNABETH WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM 🤯 ????😨 MOM PICK ME UP I SMELL SCANDALOUS😳😳 IM NOT EVEN LOOKING GOOD EITHER😭😭😭 lord forgive ME😭........yeah im having fun 😁
percy, aged 17: *sound of lock breaking at 3am*.......hey girlfriend✌️ yeah no worries come in 🥱 next time, knock maybe? ill open the window for you myself, just dont wake me up....yep ly👍.......k this is slightly annoying by now but i still love it 🥰
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penelopepitstopp · 5 months
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Had a go at some Taskmaster x The Onion headlines, inspired by these posts 1, 2, from the original mastermind @pandaroboto
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admireforever · 1 year
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Normal People
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hellish-cruelty · 9 months
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Connell is just like me for real.
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lord-luminous · 8 months
All that energy spent making Poseidon and Sally's relationship a beautiful, tender but painful tragedy was so good. It hit so well.
But I cannot lie to anyone. I am still looking forward to seeing Sally get with Paul in the later seasons.
I'm not gonna apologize for who I become when Poseidon starts getting lowkey salty at Paul for dating Sally.
Block me now, because this is a Paul Blofis stan account and I'm not accepting antis.
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nyxvamps · 1 year
i am once again thinking about how percy thought that there was a some sort of timid truce between sally/paul and poseidon/amphitrite then one day, he walks into his apartment and his mom is having tea with amphitrite every sunday and paul heads down to the beach every few days and talks with his dad. Sally and Poseidon have been smiling alot more at eachother lately and Paul took a day to show Amphitrite around NewYork. Just the two of them.
Percy is so confused but just thinks all of his parents are finally getting along so he’s happy.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Re afro-dominican book!Percy and how foul and fake the fandom is with it because i can never shut the fuck up(as i shouldn't),y'all not only don't write him as a black man but y'all don't even write him as PERCY JACKSON which is what makes him work as afro-dominican to begin with
Can he call Sally Mamí?Can her and Paul be black love since he's giving dorky black sitcom dad and dosen't have an in-text race either?Can we keep Laura as her mom's name like we were originally given since it's a normal name for a latina?Can Percy be short for Perseo?Can he be transfem bigender and a black femme?Can he have black hairstyles?Baby dreads in TLT,wicks in TTC,twists in TLO,afro for most of SON as he dosen't remember what styles he likes but dreads by the finale,adding beads in MOA and long locs by the time he's 19?Can he be monoracial instead of a cringe ass instagram lightskin and work as commentary on black and latino stereotypes i.e being poor with a deadbeat birth dad and a physically abusive stepdad and how it's not the fault of black people our intergenerational trauma has been used against us by colonizers who literally made it worse for us historically?Can he overcome them by being literal royalty on his BLACK-greek's dad side and the best greco-roman hero ever in-universe?
Can part of Sally's love for the sea come from being dominican?Can she have passed that down to her Tesoro Perseo not JUST because of Poseidon but also as afro-carribean raising?Can Percy be crustpunk,afropunk,seapunk AND solarpunk because the sea does not like to be restrained?Can she be autistic with no masking game and that's another big reason she's an outcast even amongst other demigods and why her mortal world childhood was even worse than their's?Can she know how to diy things that don't even exist and play video games only on seconshands/emulators/phones for anti-capitalist principal and go to thrift stores and drink energy drinks but only the blue flavors and have a preference for the tropical ones and do deep dive research on punk culture?Can she love female rappers and punk rock and Lo-Fi beats and hipop?Can he be trilingual?Can he be a skincare and haircare king?Can he have blue durags and blue bonnets and blue hair beads?
Can y'all let the 'slutty bisexual' allegations go seeing as he's obviously demisexual?Can his type not be blondes but black women,which not only has an in-universe basis thanks to canon Percabeth and Leah Jeffries combo but is also mythological accurate as names have powers in Pjo and Percy's namesake was married to Andromeda,the princess of ETHOPIA?Can Percy and Leah be black solidarity even just platonically?Can they bond and be close and not have poor Leah be forced into 'black hair means boy and blonde hair means girl' syndrome,especially because book!Annabeth explicitly hates being blonde and y'all fake clowned her for it only to make actual darkhaired Annabeth blonde so you're automatically faker than she is cause at least she meant that shit and the universe granted her wish?Can Rachel be nigerian yoruba and them black anarchist besties at Goode High as Rachel teaches him how to do protests and takes him to charity events and they graffiti public property together and them be in love and dating for a bit and being even closer post breakup with no regrets to past Perachel?Can Thalia and Jason be black/white mixed with Jason a natural dirty blonde browneyed lightskin and Thalia darkskin with almost all of Zeus' looks as per canon so Jercy can be black mlm so it's ruined for horndog nonblack freaks and we can get even alt black rep?
Can Nico be black too to defy the 'black girl always has white siblings' trope and disregard him being described as 'a scrawny white boy' by Hazel since y'all disregard everythin' about Percy like seeing Nico as a little kid-HIS little kid even-to make him sexually harrass him over getting over him because your younger siblings don't love you and you creep minors in fandoms out?Can Nico,Hazel and Percy be a black siblings trio?Can he basically be their dad and Sally legally be their guardian because Hades is a fucking abusive freak?Can Hazel be explored on since she's got infinitely more going for her than any background characters y'all obssess over and Nico be recognized as the precious traumatized lil boy he is instead of just an edgecase,BOTH of which Percy sees them as canonically?????Can he have a backbone against the gods as he does,again,CANONICALLY,instead of pathetically emulating them like Luke and take direct action and fix the system himself?
Can he love latino memes and legos and Pokemon?Can he dunk on Hp fans for being geeks instead of freaks?Can he own dominican flag merch?Can he call Nico and Hazel 'Papito and Mamita'?In DC aus,can he be Duke Thomas' Super instead of being forced into Tim Drake's core cast or worse yet adopted by Batbags?And in Marvel aus,can he be a Spiderpunk Variant since like how he's not Batkid-coded but Kryptonian human hybrid-coded,he's not Peter Parker-coded but Hobie Brown-coded?Can be he brutal and unrestrained and tough yet salty sweet and gentle?IT IS 2024,ENOUGH WITH THE RESPECTABILITY POLITICS IN FUCKING PJO HCS OF ALL PLACES,I DON'T PERCY TO BE PALPABLE,I WANT HIM TO BE A NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!
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maple-tree-hills · 6 months
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Toby Stephens has single handedly ruined any chance of me liking Paul.
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Chapter 3 of Dinner dates (AO3 link)
Summary: Percy comes home to something he never wanted to know.
Notes: Had another thought for this one! Don't worry, Percy is not traumatized (much), only slightly. He'll be ok, probably better if he had some dinner tbh.
Enjoy 😘✌️
Percy had it all planed out for what he'd do when he got home. He'd have dinner with his mother and Paul, he'd have a shower, he'd go then go in his room, IM Annabeth and then go to what better be a beautiful peaceful sleep.
He deserved it.
However, the second he opened the door all thoughts of his plans instantly shriveled up and died. 
"What is happening." Percy said, his body going numb and refusing to believe what he's seeing in front of him.
"Percy, sweetheart, you're home," his mother said with a smile as she stood up from the couch and came to hug him. Percy's arms automatically wrapped around his mother in response, but he couldn't take his eyes off what was in front of him.
Paul waved to him from the couch.
Percy gave a little wave back.
"Mum," Percy whispered into her ear, "why are they here?"
'They' referring to his father, Poseidon the God of the Sea, and his step mother, Amphitrite the Goddess of the Sea, who are sitting on the couch with Paul. His father also looks to be sitting really close to Paul, infact if his father was to move his leg just one more centimetre their knees would be touching.
His mother drew back from the hug and brushed a hand through Percy's hair, "they're here for dinner sweetie." She said with a smile.
She nodded, "Dinner."
Percy looked back at the group of the couch who seemed to be giving him weird smiles, "and why is-," he stopped and frowned, "dad why are you sitting that close to Paul?" 
"My son, I think-," 
"Wait," Percy cut his father off and looked back at his mother, "and mum why were you sitting super close to Lady Amphitrite?"
His mother bit her lip and looked back at the group then back at him and gave a little sigh, "Percy," she said, "I think you know."
Percy shook his head and stepped back from his mother letting her hands fall off him. "No."
"Percy." His mother called softly. 
He shook his head again, "this is not happening, this is a dream, a really bad nightmare. I must of done something to piss off Morpheus."
"My son, I swear to you this is no dream." His father called from the couch.
Percy closed his eyes and covered his ears, "this is not happening." He whispered to himself.
He felt a light touch on his arm and opened his eyes to see Lady Amphitrite in front of him, her ocean blue eyes stunning him for a moment, "Percy," she said, "would it be so bad?" 
"My Lady," he said, "I mean no disrespect but yes." 
He stood even further back, "I need to go," and ran to his room and locked the door. He tried not to think about the muffled conversation he could barely hear through it.
He quickly went to make a rainbow with his humidifier and lamp and sat of his bed.
"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid," he called and tossed a coin into the rainbow mist, "please show me Annabeth, wherever she may be."
Annabeth's face soon formed in the mist. 
"Annabeth," he called/cried, "help me."
"Percy, what's wrong, what's happened?" She said looking worried with her hand twitching to her dagger. 
"This is the worst day of my life," he said and ignored his stomach grumbling, Gods he was so hungry.
"Seaweed brain what do you mean?"
"My parents are dating!" He said and face planted into his pillow and groaned loudly.
"Sally and Lord Poseidon?"
Percy lifted himself slightly from the pillow, "no, well yes but I mean Paul and Lady Amphitrite too."
"Percy, what-"
"All four are dating each other!" He said with a pain he's sure no one has felt before and let his face fall on the pillow again to groan into it.
"Oh Seaweed brain."
Percy groaned again.
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queen-of-wisdom · 5 months
May do a part 2
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"logan as triton" "chris as paul" what about logan and chris as the two brother water spirits percy bargains with in tlo?
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asegunda · 9 months
Lots of Sparks
Pairing: PLATONIC! Jackson Family (Paul and Tyson inculded) x Mortal! GN!Reader
Words: 1222
Summary: This is supposed to be a Part 2, of my other work "A Little Spark", since I'm making this a timeskip it will be at the final of Book 4, in Percy's 15th Birthday Party, and the Start of Book 5, before he is with Rachel. The Jackson family receives 2 guests in the party, one we know who they are, but what about the 2nd?
Warnings: Timeline: End of Book 4: The Battle of the Labyrinth and Start of Book 5: The Last Olymlian. English is not my 1st language! And you are older than in Part 1. Canon change.
Notes: Thank you so much for liking so much Part 1! I tried to do my best since I didn't really have something to do. Most of this is fluff because Gabe (🤢) is finally gone! And family bonding. I hope you like this part as the first, but Idk..
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While preparing the party you and Percy were talking of what Paul calls 'Girl affairs'.
"...And then she KISSED ME." Percy says looking at you.
"Wait. She kissed you? And you are just telling me now dumbass!" You whisper to him.
"I didn't know how to bring that up and believe me when I say that I'm still trying to believe it." He says while taking napkins out of the drawer.
"...And you two are dating now right?" You ask.
"What do you mean no?...You guys kissed and like eachother what more do you need to start dating?" You say taking plastic cups and putting them in the table.
"I don't know..it's just.." He says, don't knowing what to say more.
"Is it because of your new friend Rachel?" You ask.
"What? Why would it be?"
"It's just that you remembered her number after seeing it one time, ...and since you came back from the mission you are either talking about dying, Annabeth or her." You say looking at the sides and eating a bit of a chocolate from the blue cake.
"Hey! That's not true! And stop eating the chocolate! Mom will think it was me." He says blushing.
"Okay, but you three look like a love triangle or something. Like Katniss, Peeta and Gale." You say nodding to yourself.
"Since when did you read the Hunger Games?"
"1 month ago, but that's not the important, the important is that you are in a love triangle." You say laughing.
"I'm not!" He says getting out of the room, heat in his ears.
"Why are you running baby?" You tease but he doesn't respond back and goes to his room.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨☆୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You and Sally were eating the cake while Paul talked with Tyson, his eyes shining while Paul talks about how good at Monopoly he is, Tyson makes a big smile as he hears the compliments leave the other man's mout.
Percy was talking to his father, he looked like a fisherman to you, not the mighty God of the Seas, but you guess that was his human form.. when he saw you he gave you a quick, but genuine smile, while he smiled you thought how much his green eyes represented Percy's, they were certainly family, but he was Tyson's dad too, and Tyson loved him as you saw with his 'Daddy' the moment Poseidon enetred the apartment. You still can't understand why the gods are always having children, don't they have more mighty things to do? Like protect they're land or the Olympus? You couldn't really understand.
You get out of these thoughts when Tyson asks if you want to play Uno, you can't say no right? So you two play.
As you are playing Percy comes back from his conversation with Poseidon, looking happy but at the same time kinda shaken up.
"Are you okay Perc?" You ask, not wanting to know how the hell Poseidon dissapeard, problaly god stuff, and he looks at you and smiles.
"Yeah..it's nothing that I'm not used to." He says and sits.
While he sits Paul calls in the kitchen.
'Problaly to talk about the wedding proposal.' You think.
He already told you that he wants to marry Sally, for you it's all good, he is already the person who takes you to school and you see the way Sally looks at him and he looks at her. You know that Percy is gonna accept it too. Paul is a really cool and swett guy.
You scream Uno while Tyson still has 5 cards and you smile proud of yourself.
After that you hear a knock at the door, Sally goes open it.
As she opens a man in a suit talks to her and after the talk she looks at you.
"Y/N, dear, can you come here?" You nod and come to the door.
Sally passes her arms around you while you look at the man.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but..this is complicated to say..well.. you're biological mother entered in contact with us. She says she wants to take care of you." He tells and both you and Sally look tense.
"But why would she want something with Y/N, she never showed interest in your life until now." Sally asks while looking at you.
You tense up.
"Well, I have a guess.." He sighs. "After Mr. Ugliano death all of his debts passed to her. Maybe taking care of her would be a indirect revenge with the person with the most connections with Mr. Ugliano. That is you, Y/N."
"No, that can't be!" Sally yells alerting the rest of the family that were in the living room (Percy was on is room.)
"I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson but Y/N isn't still legally your child." He says to her and looks at you. "If your mother wants to take your full care of you, she can even go to court."
"She isn't my mother, Sally is, I don't want to see her. Or be with her." You say your eyes starting to go red, Sally hugs you.
"If those adoption files didn't took that long.." She whispers that only the man can hear, he nods.
"Im sorry Mrs. Jackson, the best you can do is go to the court against her, maybe if you win the judges acelarate the adoption process."
Sally smiles to him and nods
"Thank you Sir for alerting us."
"It's nothing Mrs. Jackson, have a rest of a good party." He smiles at you and gets out of the apartment.
"Well looks like I'm going to court." She says as she closes the door and looks at Paul.
"...What?" He asks and while he is explaining you go to Percy's room to explain the situation.
When you open the door Percy is with another boy, who looks like a zombie, and emo, really emo.
"I can come back latter, bye Perc and Perc emo friend." You close the door again and go back to the living room, hearing a laugh after that, problaly Percy's.
Paul tells you that you don't need to worry when you get at the living room.
"When the time comes everything will be solved." He says.
You nod and hug him, he smiles at you.
The rest of the night you all play card games and after some hours Percy comes back from talking with his emo friend, looking again shaken up.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨☆୧⋆ ˚。⋆
All of your family is taking another party from the court win. Your mom didn't even have the conditions to take you in, and even if she had you weren't coming.
In some days Percy is also taking a vacation with is friend Rachel family.
Every time he talked about it to you, you made a knowing look, his love problems were as good as a reality show, you don't even want to know Annabeth face when she finds out. You could laugh with that.
But now not even Percy is thinking about that vacation he is thinking of how much you grew up since he met you, still in the control of Smelly Gabe, and how much more happy you were in these years after taking you with them.
He hugs you. Now that doesn't matter,
you are officialy Y/N Jackson.
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admireforever · 1 year
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