Word List: Arwen
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Carcanet - archaic: an ornamental necklace, chain, collar, or headband
Celestial - ethereal, otherworldly
Coalesce - to unite into a whole
Eidolon - ideal
Eyewater - archaic: tears
Fulgent - radiant
Gossamer - extremely light, delicate, or tenuous
Lambent - softly bright or radiant; marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expression
Lavaliere - a pendant on a fine chain that is worn as a necklace
Lilaceous - of or resembling the color lilac
Numinous - appealing to the higher emotions or to the aesthetic sense; spiritual; mysterious
Perenniality - the quality of being persistent, enduring
Pur autre vie - for another's life
Recherché - exquisite; rare
Rivière - a necklace of precious stones
Rosewater - affectedly nice or delicate
Salutiferous - producing a beneficial effect; remedial
Scintillation - rapid changes in the brightness of a celestial body
Troth - loyal or pledged faithfulness; fidelity
Venust - archaic: beautiful, graceful, elegant
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chorodevotee · 7 months
I think I just had a galaxy brain moment. You guys know these perfumes that smell like the sea? Sea salt and stuff like that? That's what Megami Choromatsu would smell like.
Yes, I know he's more commonly associated with ponds or lakes (is he actually or is that just my headcanon?), but… Please, humor me for a second:
Choromatsu envelops you in a tight, affectionate hug. A gasp escapes you as you feel the chill of his robes against your skin, forever cold and damp from the embrace of seawater.
His scent is unmistakably salty, with hints of sulphur and fishiness. It's oddly musky and undeniably masculine, yet strangely refreshing and familiar, almost salutiferous in its essence. It evokes memories of sunny days at the beach, where the smell of the sea would cling to your skin, much like his hands do now.
Choromatsu is as a higher being, capable of both good and evil. He is utterly unforgiving to those who cross him… But, in this moment, he holds you delicately, as though you were a fragile porcelain doll in his grasp. You are cherished and protected.
Doesn't that sound amazing? Haaaau... I really want a hug from him.
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drathanasius · 3 years
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The use of theriac -- or, as it is often termed, mithridatum -- to treat the plague is in my view something of a vexed question. Some allege its usefulness primarily in the case of envenomation, whether by the fang of a viper or the bite of a maddened animal. Some claim it to be a true panacea, fit for any ill or injury. In my own experience, I have found that certain of its components set apart from the rest -- Potentilla reptans, Rheum rhabarbarum, Meum athamanticum, Corydalis cava, Fraxinus excelsior, and the like -- have seemed to evince slight salutiferous effects in the case of plague, but I have never enjoyed compounding it, as it is a laborious process, and my heart too often fails when it is time to dispatch the snakes. The beauty of their scales and of their liquid ambulation catches my hand and fills me with tenderness for them, whereupon they inevitably escape.
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tari-aldarion · 7 years
Merry Christmas to @mymcdanno who wanted some McDanno slow dancing fluff. 
Danny scowled at the papers scattered across the table, ruffling slightly in the wind that blew across the lanai. “This was a lot less stressful when I just let Rachel make all the decisions.”
Steve dropped down in the chair next to him, running a towel through his hair, still wet from the shower he had just taken. He leaned in and Danny obligingly tilted his head to receive the gentle kiss. “We can just let the wedding planner make some of these decisions.” He said, leaning back into his chair and dropping the towel on the table.
Danny gaped at him. “I’m sorry, did Steve Control Freak McGarrett just say that we could let someone else make decisions about our wedding?” Steve’s eyeroll did nothing to stop Danny’s rant. “I don’t even get to choose where we eat for lunch, but our wedding, sure, why not let this stranger choose what food we’ll serve or who sits where!” Danny threw his hands in the air. “This won’t backfire at all.”
Steve tamped down on a grin at his partner’s diatribe. “Why, Danny, I didn’t know that you had such strong opinions about where we should take dance lessons.”
Danny glared at him. “I know how to dance, Steven, it’s not my fault if you’re lacking in that area.”
Steve jumped to his feet and held out his hand for Danny to grasp. Danny flicked his eyes from Steve down to his hand and then back up. “No.”
“You were the one who said we would need lessons.”
“No, I said you need lessons.”
“You can at least let me show you what we’re working with. Besides, you’re not used to following my lead.”
“Woah,” Danny held his hands up, indignant at the assumption, “who said you were going to lead? I’m the one with the experience!”
“Well, we won’t know who should lead until we try it out, Danny.” Steve thrust his outstretched hand further into Danny’s space pointedly.
Danny huffed and took Steve’s hand, only to be pulled into a firm embrace against his chest. Danny let out an ‘oof’ as Steve gripped him tightly around the waist and muttered, “This is a two-way street, Danny. You’ve got to at least let me move you.”
Danny sighed heavily but allowed himself to be swayed back and forth. “This is ridiculous, you’re ridiculous,” He said, looking up at Steve, “you know that? Completely ridiculous.”
Steve grinned down at him and twirled them slowly, only stumbling slightly over an uneven board “C’mon, Danny, we should at least practice.” Danny rolled his eyes and shifted in Steve’s arms. He felt Steve tighten his embrace to ensure that Danny couldn’t move away.
“I can’t breathe, you idiot.” Danny grumbled. Steve loosened his grip, stepping back, and Danny huffed, reaching out to grasp Steve’s hands properly. “Let me show you how this should be done.”
“What do you mean ‘should be’, I was doing –“ Steve started before Danny placed Steve’s hand on his shoulder and grabbed the other in his hand tightly, humming softly under his breath as his arm snaked around Steve’s waist. They started drifting across the lanai slowly, Danny leading them almost effortlessly. Steve closed his eyes and rested his nose in Danny’s hair, breathing in the fresh, citrusy scent of his shampoo mixed with the salutiferous smell of the ocean behind them.
Maybe he wouldn’t mind Danny leading their first dance.
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nubands · 5 years
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Salutiferous Saxos
The Northwestern University 'Wildcat' Marching Band performs as Northwestern Football competes against Wisconsin on October 27, 2018.
Photo by Daniel M. Reck '08 MSEd.
Support the Northwestern Bands: Buy Photos and Gifts
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Writing prompt of the hour: salutiferous
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