#sam levy
augustheir · 4 months
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She Came to Me (2023) dir. Rebecca Miller, DP Sam Levy
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girlboxd · 2 months
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Frances Ha (2012) Dir. Noah Baumbach
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filmcuts · 1 year
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Mayday (2021 film) by Karen Cinorre
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boardchairman-blog · 8 months
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**Shots of the Movie**
Frances Ha (2012)
Director: Noah Baumbach Cinematographer: Sam Levy
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msfbgraves · 3 months
Re-reading a bit of "De Niro, A Life" by Sam Levy and I'm quietly snickering at how offended he is at some of Bob's lighter fare, especially the Meet the Parents franchise. Goodness, man, this is like the people yelling at clouds over Meryl Streep making "Mama Mia". "This doesn't stretch her acting abilities at all" - she's having fun on a Greek island wearing comfortable pants, let her! In "Meet the Parents" De Niro is having some fun with the scary Dad stereotype, well guess what, he probably is a scary inlaw when he wants to be, and rather than torture his actual family he takes it out on Ben Stiller, what's the harm? It's a farce. We know it's a farce. It's like Ian McKellen doing panto. Sometimes people want to have a little broad comedy at the cinema or theatre. And they'll pay for it.
"But there is nO dEPtH To iT" - sorry dude, sometimes Gordon Ramsey probably likes having a sandwich and I'm pretty sure it's a good sandwich too. I enjoyed watching "Analyze This" a lot more than I did "Casino". It's good for what it is, that should be your yardstick. Now if you say that "Goodfellas" is a better mob flick than "The Irishman", you're right. And that "Heat" is a better cop flick than Righteous Kill, you're also right, or that Taxi Driver is a better overall film than "Killers of the Flower Moon", but that arguably William Hale is a better part than what he did in Goodfellas if Goodfellas is a better film. And Everything's Fine is s better film than "The Intern", but please, other than that, stop being pretentious, ya big baby.
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filmy420 · 3 months
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Frances Ha (2012)
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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jane levy as deadite mia allen on the set of “evil dead” (2013)
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humanspinelbrainrot · 6 months
love that Scavengers Reign consistently has me in awe over the speculative biology of the alien world and how our cast's experience with it shapes their characters while also simultaneously making this face every fifteen seconds
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billydunneapologist · 6 months
girlhood is starting and ending the day reading fanfics ab ur fictional crushes. i swear it’s apart of my routine now.
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quizzical-is · 7 months
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This show is rotating in my mind eternally it's just so good and like everything I love about scifi.
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geckoomoria · 1 month
Unforgettable - Sam monroe x Reader drabble
i literally love this guy sm i have to write about him 24/7
mention of smoking, bullying , fantasizing about sexual things , kissing , sam and reader have a crush on eachother
enjoy cuties !!♥︎
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Saturday August 21th
approx 9:05 pm
IT WAS A LATE SUMMER NIGHT in your little hometown, the breeze blowing against your face as you walked across the board walk overlooking the ocean.
The wind blows through your clothes and it makes your legs shiver a little.
As much as this pretty little town seemed like a dream , you hated its residents. The neighbours who put on a face just to please each other , the neighbours who call each other friends but backbite all the time about those same “friends”.
Everyone was so fake…. Well everyone except a few certain people.
You take a seat on the edge of the board walk and watch as the moonlight gleams into the water.
You’d come here often to get away from the town and the people living there , it was like a breath of fresh air.
You were given a small taste of life , real living felt like this.
suddenly the smell of smoke came from behind you, at first you thought someone decided to have a late barbecue tonight but as you turned your head
a young boy around your age with dark blackish blue hair , baggy clothes , piercings evident on his ears , and guyliner had a cigarette in his mouth. He stood above you watching the ocean as well.
The sudden sight of him caught you so off guard you screamed and even almost fell into the water but luckily you grabbed the wooden pole of the boardwalk. His reply to your scream? he screamed as-well.
He basically started choking on the cigarette from how your scream startled him
You recognized the dark haired boy as Sam Monroe , he went to your school and was in your grade but you’ve never really spoken to him.
He didn’t have the greatest reputation, always getting in some sort of trouble , jocks would pick on him sometimes for his choice of style but he didn’t care much. There was even rumours of him buying drugs.
He also happens to be your little hallway crush.
Even if everyone thought those things, you thought Sam was the coolest. One of those not-fake people you thought about earlier.
after the two of you catch your breath from the screaming match you just had , you couldn’t help but start to giggle.
You bring your knees to your chest and start trying your hardest to cover the laugh attack you were surely going to have.
Sam takes a seat right next to you , dangling his feet off the board walk right above the ocean water. “Oh so now its funny huh? attempting to kill me” he says through a little smile on his cute face.
“a little” you say holding up your thumb and index finger close together. Sam takes a long drag on his cigarette and then puts it out.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up Y/n but you dont see me thinking you almost falling into the water funny , do you?” his voice laced with sarcasm but thats not what had you stumped , its the fact that he just said your name.
“how do you know my name?” you ask curiously with your eyebrows raised and head tilted , his face goes a bright hue of red instantly.
“uh i- i uh just know you know? you’re not easy to forget” he attempts to explain as he nervously fiddles with his fingers avoiding eye contact with you.
You find yourself leaning closer to Sam “oh? meaningg?” , “meaning i think you’re real unforgettable.”
this time he looks deep into your eyes as he speaks, the blue shades of his glistens so bright , even his eye makeup couldn’t cover it. They shine so breathtakingly. it completely hypnotized you.
Smiling while the silence engulfs you two , you look off into the moon staring at its brightening figure. you decide to ask Sam a question thats been on your mind.
“Do you wanna stay here like forever?”
The blue eyed boy continues to stare at you , wondering where a question like this could possibly stem from.
“In this town?” you nod in response. “ nah , i mean exploring sounds real fun you know , checking out all the different countries and what they have to offer”
“yeah offer like what things i can daydream about when im not there, unforgettable things i can be in awe of”
you liked his thinking of travelling the world, it did have so much to offer.
His response also made your heart flutter , didn’t he just call you unforgettable? You feel the corners of your lips lifting up, he looked so cute all red earlier , it just made you wanna tease him again.
“Ahh so does that mean you daydream about me too?”
Sam looks at you and once again , he starts blushing. but not just on the fact that you just called him out but also that it triggered a certain daydream he had about you not too long ago.
He reminisces about how nice it was to hold you in his arms , kiss your sweet honey-like lips , stretch his hands all over your pretty body and call you his.
but then again it was just a daydream. (for now😈)
Sam could feel his body heat rising just thinking about fake scenarios involving you , he zones out momentarily but comes back to his senses as you call his name.
“Sam? Sammm?” you ask waving your hands in front of his face trying to catch his attention
“sor-sorry got distracted” , “hm , thinking bout me?” Your teasing words were going to be the death of him.
Sam cant hold back anymore , he needs you now. He HAS to kiss you right this very second.
He leans in closer , closing the minimal gap between the two of you , your breath hitches as he whispers against your lips.
“Can i please kiss you?”
“say please” you voices calls out quietly, you wanted him just as much too but it was more fun this way.
he whines out a cry of silent desperation “please”
you initiate the kiss but he’s the one taking full control.
He kisses your lips like a starved man , both of his hands holding your face , on each side of your upper jaw
you interlock your fingers into the back of his dyed hair and continue kissing him like theres nothing else in the world important to you.
The kissing intensifies between you and Sam , neither of you wanted to let go.
The moment between you is broken minutes later as you pull back from each-others lips and catch your breaths , still in the same position.
“So uh- does this mean i can have your number?” he says , crystal blue eyes locked onto your E/C ones.
you chuckle at his words,
“thought you’d never ask Monroe”.
man i love my boyfriend Sam😇
i literally opened my window last night to get into the vibe of writing this and got my dumbass sick😭😭
i follow back guys😓
leave literally anything in my question box thingy it makes me feel like a guest on the jimmy Fallon show
love u all mwah 💞
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sainthowlzon · 3 months
Okay, its been long enough
Sam BA Spoilers
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Evil Dead Rise promo
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fearless-seagull · 7 months
The whole time watching Scavengers Reign I was seeing that white lily and I was like ‘okay cool, this represents death’ (see them growing on corpses in the first few episodes and all the fields of them at the beginning of episode 10). BUT in episode 11 they’re shown alongside Levi’s rebirth. So I was like, ‘okay cool, they’re representing death AND life’ and then in episode 12 they’re like little amniotic sacs for the robot embryos so it’s life AND death AND they’re just a little fucked up and that’s kind of the point of the whole show and that’s incredible
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hauntedppgpaints · 9 months
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hope is heavy; you will drop it, but you must pick it up again.
( x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. )
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filmy420 · 3 months
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Frances Ha (2012)
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