#same with groceries or anything else I;m bringing home from outside -  i put it away or d o soemthing with it immediately
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is this actually that uncommon? I don’t even unpack just the DAY I return from somewhere, but it’s literally the first thing I do. I do nothing else until I’m unpacked, I have everything organized back in it’s proper place in the house within an hour of getting home lol.. I thought this was typical??? What’s the cultural norm?
#same with groceries or anything else I;m bringing home from outside -  i put it away or d o soemthing with it immediately#I just don't like looming tasks in the background taking up my mental space like 'oh i still have to do that later' etc.#I can't relax until everything is taken care of. If i try to relax or rest when I just got home from a trip there's just always the nagging#sense that I'm going to have to get up and do something else LATER (put the stuff away) so why not just do it now#It's the whole principle of 'be more uncomfortable in the present in order to help yourself in the future'#Samme thing with covid like. Follow the social distancting tules and wear masks and do everything extremely dillignently NOW no matter how#annoying or inconvenient it is at the MOMENT because the future pay off will save you more discomfort later (more vairants coming out - long#er lockdowsn because of wider spread - you or your family getting sick - etc.)#I am ALWAYS willing to inconvenence myself and ''suffer'' temporarily in the present if it will help my future self or get me a larger#benefit down the line. etc. etc. But to me that just seems like.. literally the only rational thing to do#what's more important? my temporary emotional satisfaction or my long term wellbeing ? always the long term#it might feel good to just come home and flop onto the floor and shove the suitcases aside but is that like hour or so of rest worth#the annoyance later when you realize you've still got to put everyhting up and now you REALLY don't feel like it and etc. etc. ?#just save your future self the trouble and get it out of the way#But again I just thought it's like... everyone would also do that??? If not then when do you unpack? days later???#Kind of like how in childhood I still had a lot of issues (hadn't developed cognitive empathy really at all - no affective empathy - don't u#nderstand social cues well or people at all - etc.. which is a recipe for frustration when Living In A Society since people are always#doing things you don't understand and you struggle to communicate properly or be understood like everyone's just speaking a different langua#ge than you) and worse anger problems and there were a few times I would come home from shcool or something and just freak out and#knock my shelves in my room over and break things or etc - and it's like OKAY that feels fine in the moment but.. consider the aftermath!#now I have to spend like a whole fucking hour cleaning my room and putting everyhting back together and etc. etc. and it's like a negative#feeling on top of a negative feeling. not only am I still kind of mad but now I have EXTRA work to do when I just want to go to sleep#So in a more minor way it's the same thing like.. If I feel shitty from traveling I don't want to DOUBLE the shitty by having extra stuff to#do later and some task looming over my head. I want to get all the bad out of the way first so I can just have uninterrupted peace later lol#if that makes sense? idk lol#The one exception is once recently I had been somewhere and got legit heat exhaustion and was throwing up by the time I got home so#I didn't unpack everything then. But after cooling off and having pedilyte and stuff I still shakily unpacked before I went to bed lol
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adonis-koo · 3 years
Strictly Business
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↳ Summary: When the price of your apartment shoots through the roof, you and your roommate become desperate for money and go to extreme measures to make it possible to afford living there. But it’s all strictly business in the end. Right?
↳ Genre: porn with some plot if you squint, it’s a pornstar AU essentially, sex worker au??? Roommates AU, it’s all platonic, or is it?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
↳ Word Count: 13k
Tags: dom!kook, sex tapes obviously, dirty talk, pussy slapping, good girl!MC, sir kink, degradation, like if you aren’t into degradation just skip, vaginal fingering, size kink 😌, a little dumbfication, ruined orgasm, breath play, oral (m & f), sex toy, overstimulation, bondage, theres elements of BDSM but not hardcore,
Note: I never thought I’d write pwp ever but here we are you horndogs, I feel like this Oneshot probably deserves a part 2 tbh
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Jungkook cringed at your shouted words, you hadn’t meant to of course. Truth be told, you didn’t really know your roommate that well. But he was good in terms of keeping the apartment fairly clean, he was quiet, never brought any one night stands home. You did the same. But outside of talking over bills, a few mutual friends and occasionally watching a movie together you both didn’t really hang out much.
“...Look I know,” Jungkook sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, “They just spiked rent last month too…Maybe we should look for a different place?” He offered as you slumped on the couch. This place was perfect though, it was close to campus, close to your and his work and all while in range of plenty of fast food restaurants and the grocery store. You couldn’t get any better than this.
The apartment was already rather pricey when you and Jungkook found it, but you both made enough together that with that and making sure to grocery shop together it would be fine. But then your tenant had retired and gave his business over to his son who had spiked the rates last month and to be fair he warned he was doing a finalized rent this month but still…
Five hundred extra? How could you afford nine hundred rent a month when both you and Jungkook worked regular college level jobs? 
“I’m sure we could but…” you frowned as you fumbled with your fingers, “It won’t be nearly as close to campus or work…” 
Jungkook didn’t like the idea anymore then you but...what other options were there? He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, “Well let’s not worry about it tonight. I’ll start looking for other places. Who knows, maybe we can find somewhere better.” He offered you a tiny smile that you weakly returned before sighing, lips quivering before you stood up, running a hand through your hair before going back to your room, looking rather upset.
Jungkook frowned before sighing as his gaze lingered in your direction before making his way to his room. Jungkook began his search for different apartments but much to his irrigation everything was either the same price which neither of you could afford or it was nearly a half hour drive to uni. 
It was well into the early morning until Jungkook eventually gave up all together, to make matters go from bad to worst he inhaled sharply in annoyance at the strained feeling of his cock strapped inside the confines of his jeans he had yet to change out of. Seriously? He looked down at the bulge in his pants that decided to greet him at nearly twelve at night.
He looked back at the house listing before back at his pants he clacked his tongue exiting out of the page, seeing as he obviously wasn’t going to find any apartment options tonight and he had a raging boner he knew he could at least fix one of these things.
Kicking off his jeans he sighed in relief before typing away on his computer, putting on his headphones as he eagerly scrolled through Playhub.
Instead of finding a good video to jerk off too he paused at the side bar that usually held porn ads, instead it was advertisement for working on playhub...Jungkook gritted his teeth together, ignoring his hardened cock that was throbbing in need to be touched as he clicked on the ad...Maybe this night wasn’t such a bust…
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Should he tell you? He felt nervous as you finished up drinking your smoothie, you were getting ready for work this morning, your hair tied up and you still looked pretty tired. Jungkook felt himself gulp, staring without even realizing it. But the longer he stared the more he felt his ears burning, sure he thought you were pretty when he first met you but…
“Are you okay?” He jumped at your soft voice, tilting your head a little as you glanced at your roommate, feeling slightly odd given he was usually still in bed or was already on his way to work, or even class. It was rare you shared breakfast together. Jungkook swallowed thickly as he rapidly shook his head without even meaning too. He was trying to get the courage to bring up his solution to you.
“Y-yeah I’m good!” Jungkook flashed you a strained smile but he was positive his cheeks were flushed. You pressed your lips together but said no more as you glanced back down at your phone. Jungkook could feel himself slump a little, he usually wasn’t this nervous around girls, god he felt like he was in middle school again. 
But again, he had never thought of you in this way before...I mean sure...Jungkook was a man, he had thought about it a time or two in passing thought. But he had never extensively thought about it. About you. About having sex with you. And it was frighteningly arousing, he wouldn’t lie. Had he always been so blind to how tight your sleep shorts were? Or how short they really were and how they strapped against your ass? 
Or the way you’d flash him timid sweet smiles when you’d pass one another in the house. Jungkook was thinking with his hormones now. But still...if he was going to do this, he wouldn’t want anyone else to be his partner going into it. 
Before he knew it his opportunity was gone as you left the table making him groan in defeat. To be fair it wasn’t exactly an easy question; ‘Hey would you consider making porn with me since we’re desperate to pay rent and can’t afford to stay anywhere else?’
Because that conversation could go well...Jungkook didn’t even know your favorite color, how the fuck was he supposed to go about this? He nibbled against his lower lip as he sunk in his seat, this was going to be more challenging then he anticipated…
Jungkook has spent most of his day at work mopping around and fretting about how bad your reaction could be, the worst would be making things awkward but...that wasn’t going to solve anything and this was a solution...sorta...It could also flop but this could work! Jungkook knows it can! 
He continued to affirm himself the whole day and even when he got off shift at nine o’clock at night and headed home. Yes! He’d go and he’d ask you if you were willing to do this because you both needed rent money by the 29th and that wasn’t going to happen unless you did something this something just so happened to be porn…
Jungkook gulped a little as he took his shoes off at the entrance before headed inside, making himself some cup noodles as he tried to calm himself. 
What Jungkook didn’t expect was for you to come out of your room, sweatpants hiding the nice sight of your thighs but the tank top was loose and low enough to spot the lacy bralette you sported that Jungkook never looked twice at until now. God he felt like a total pervert! He could already feel his ears turning red as he hurriedly slurped his noodles trying to ignore your figure the way you bent down to grab juice from the fridge.
You were about to leave when Jungkook jumped the opportunity, “Um-! Y/n!” He almost yelped, wincing at his tone. God why did he sounded like he was going through puberty again.
Usually when Jungkook wanted to get with a girl he was a lot more subtle, a few smirks here and there, some playful flirting. Smooth. So why wasn’t he being smooth? Probably because this wasn’t exactly what one would consider a one night stand…
You turned around as you tilted your head, giving him your full attention as you asked, “Yeah?” Jungkook felt himself freeze before he forced a cough from his lips. You could tell he had been acting up since this morning and for some reason it put you on edge...did he not want to be roommates anymore? Was something wrong?
Noting he hadn’t said anything yet you took the opportunity to sit down across from him as you raised your brows.
“I...um…” Jungkook sucked in a breath of air, calming himself down, “So...I found a way that could help us get rent….”
Jungkook felt bad at watching the way your eyes lit up in excitement as you bounced in your seat a little, clapping your hands as you asked, “What? Really!? What is it? I'd hate for us to have to move somewhere else…” Of course this little nerd Jeon Jungkook found a way for you both to get side cash! God you may not have been close to him but he really was a genius! 
Oddly enough Jungkook didn’t seem to share your sentiment as he dropped his gaze, looking somewhat ashamed which made your brows furrow. 
That was weird…”Well...here’s the thing…” he gave you a funny smile as he rubbed the back of your neck, “...Did you know Playhub pays users who put up content.” Jungkook wasn’t even sure how he managed to get those words out but he could tell that was the last thing you expected him to say.
It looked like your brain was frozen for a good few minutes before as you opened and closed your mouth several times...He did not just say what you think you heard him say…”You’re...you’re joking...right?” You forced a smile on your lips, feeling like something was caught in your throat as you forced a laugh despite your face suddenly feeling hot.
Jungkook sunk into his seat a little which only confirmed he wasn’t joking about this, he ran a hand through his hair as he looked away apprehensively, “I understand if you don’t want to do it but…! Just give it a thought-“ 
“Jungkook that’s insane! Who would sell porn?” 
“I would,” Jungkook replied somewhat defensively before he realized what he said, his ears burning as your jaw dropped a little and your brows rose, “...If I’m desperate enough and I’m pretty desperate right now Y/n...I’ve already checked for different apartments but anything in a half hour radius is around nine hundred as well and unless you wanna find two other housemates in the next two weeks we’re gonna be living in your car.” 
Jungkook’s brows were pinched and you wanted to whine at how serious his expression was. Porn? Together….Seriously? Just the idea was making you flush. You wouldn’t lie, Jungkook was an attractive guy, extremely attractive guy, you’d be dumb to not acknowledge that. Or the fact that you had a tiny crush on him when you first moved in together. But eventually you got over it, that didn’t erase the fact that it was once there though! If you slept with him...Dear god…that only crossed your mind when you were desperate while masturbating…
“Oh my god…” you sighed as you pressed your hands to your face.
“Like I said!” Jungkook replied hurriedly, “You don’t have to do it if you don’t feel comfortable but...we should start sending out advertisements for other roommates soon.”
You melted into your chair feeling somewhat embarrassed by the idea, what if somebody you knew stumbled across a video or what if your work found out…? “I…” You pressed your lips together before rubbing your temple, “Can I at least think it over tonight…?”
Jungkook’s lips parted, you...you were actually considering? Jungkook felt his face burn as he nodded rapidly, “Of course! Yeah! Just let me know in the morning.” Holy shit you were considering!
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Holy shit, you were actually considering this…
But Jungkook had a point, you were kind of desperate as well...You really loved this apartment and you didn’t want to give it up…
It was nearly seven in the morning and you had a horrible time sleeping last night, there were too many thoughts in your mind that kept you awake. If you were to do this then...you’d have to lay out a lot of ground rules and would have to talk a lot of things over…
That’s how you found yourself sitting on the couch with Jungkook both of you sitting on the opposite end turned to face one another, “...How do we even do this? Setting up an account?” You flushed as you asked, hugging the couch pillow against your chest.
Jungkook was still waking up, steam wafting from the cup of coffee he had as he took a sip, oddly not looking as flustered as he did the day before, “Well first off we’d make an account then we’d apply for their amateur program, they’ll have an admin verify us and we’d go from there.”  You pressed your lips together as you nodded, “If we do this,” Jungkook continued carefully, “We should stop by the bank and set up a joint account so we can both access the account we use for this.” 
That was definitely agreed and the smartest decision, that way there was no fighting or over spending any money you’d make on this...God you were actually considering this, “That's if you actually wanna do this though.” Jungkook finished as he took another sip of coffee, his expression neutral but the way he eyed you made your face feel hot again.
Sighing you pressed your hand to your face, what was the worst that could happen? You bang your roommate and this flops and then you go on with your life pretending it never happened? “Ah fuck it. We need money, and now.” Jungkook looked a little surprised by your words making you more flustered, “What!? Do you want me to say no!?” 
“No…! Well...Yeah, if you really don’t want to sleep with me…” Jungkook looked a little awkward as he rubbed his head, he wouldn’t lie, his pride would be a little hurt if you didn’t but he handled rejection all throughout his school years, he had survived before and could do so again.
“Do you wanna sleep with me?” You countered cautiously as you both awkwardly looked at one another.
Jungkook felt as if he’d break out in nervous sweat any moment, “...Yes…?” It was posed more like a question than an answer as you groaned making him rush, “It wouldn’t be a bad thing! I think your um-! I think you're pretty and I wouldn’t mind- I’m just gonna shut up. Let’s talk
sex, condoms or pill?” You looked at him bewildered as he scratched his cheek before murmuring, “Most people find it hot when it’s raw...we should discuss all of this before we do anything at all.” 
It was embarrassing though! You groaned as you shoved your face into your pillow, this was going to be a long conversation, “Condoms. I don’t have a reason to be on birth control but I mean…” You weren’t a stranger to Pornhub you knew most people went raw on there but…”Actually- before we even discuss condomless we should both get checked out. If you have STDs this plan isn’t going to work. We can talk about birth control afterward.” You’d be willing to go on pill but you wanted to make sure both of you were clean before you do anything else.
Jungkook nodded, “Alright fair enough- I don’t have STDs by the way,” He watched a smile tug on your lips for the first time all morning, yeah...this could definitely work, “You know I already have a good camera so we don’t have to worry about that. No faces though?” 
You immediately nodded, feeling a little better at the idea of keeping your face out of any kind of porn just to make yourself feel better, “Yeah definitely….And I guess we should probably talk about Uh…” you coughed a little, “...Kinks and stuff…For entertainment purposes.”
“Are you vanilla?” Jungkook immediately quizzed, making your gaze dart away from him, suddenly becoming mute, “Because we can keep it vanilla if that’s what you want.” He really was a sweetheart, not just like this but his whole personality. He was always thinking about others.
You rubbed your head as you sighed, forcing yourself to speak, “I uh...Not really…” you offered him a weak smile when you noticed he seemed confused.
You...you weren’t into vanilla? Jungkook didn’t want to say he assumed your tastes but well...he did a little, you were considerably quiet and timid, only open with your friends but over all a kind and sweet person. Jungkook figured girls like you probably liked something slow and sentimental. And there was nothing wrong with that! 
“And even if I was vanilla it wouldn't get views. Just throw me around and shit.” You laughed at the way Jungkook choked on his coffee, coughing as he pressed a hand on his chest, “Degradation, pain, bondage, all that stuff. Unless…! You’re not into that…” What surge of confidence you had suddenly wilted at the idea of Jungkook not being into these things.
Rather it was the opposite, the more you spoke the more aroused Jungkook felt, “...Are you saying you’re a submissive?” Jungkook could feel his cock throb in excitement. Sure he could find people who liked rough sex but not everyone was a submissive and the idea that he had been living with one for a year and a half was driving him up the wall. 
“Are you saying you’re a dominant?” You suddenly felt nervous at the idea, you could label yourself a sub but you had never actually been with a dominant before. Sure you had a great time with plenty of people but...The air in the room shifted a little, Jungkooks gaze a little more sultry then before, those usually innocent doe eyes looked lidded in the moment and the air around him suddenly looked a thousand times more confident as he gave a nod with a shrug, “Yeah, I am.” 
You wanted to screech at his words, his voice sounding a tone deeper than before.
Three words and it felt like you were squirming, of course he was dominant! Of course! You should’ve known! “So does that mean you like getting thrown around and shit?” Jungkook tucked his tongue into his cheek before offering a cocky smile that made him look a little more predatory than you were used to, he didn’t make a move to get closer to you but your body felt hotter then you remembered.
You managed a stiff nod, refusing to meet his gaze anymore and you were sure you looked embarrassed, you had to…You had never met someone that considered themselves formally a dominant but the energy just continued to ooze from Jungkook. 
“Oh? What about overstimulated,” Nod, “Toys?” Nod, “What about title kinks? I prefer to be addressed as Sir.” Jungkook wasn’t even hiding his arousal or interest anymore. His pupils looked dilated and he was licking lips at the way you squirmed in your seat, lips tugging into a pout and you refused to look at him anymore. Cute. 
“Sir is fine.” You mumbled as you rubbed your hand against your cheek, trying to stop your thighs from rubbing together in excitement. Maybe this wasn’t a terrible idea as you thought…
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Finding out that you and Jungkook were both sexually compatible seemed to really fast track your progress. You both went out the same day, opened a joint account together, you went to get tested and meanwhile bought birth control for you to start taking. Things seemed to be going well the last few days but you couldn’t help but feel nervous, the 29th would be arriving soon and if this flopped you’d either be cramming two extra people in the apartment or you’d be sleeping in by the back of your car. 
“Well I don’t know, I guess we’ll just have to play around with camera positions,” Jungkook frowned, messing with his tripod as you laid on his bed so he could try to frame it without your face in the shot, “I think this should work.” He seemed satisfied with his work as he leaned back on his hands as he sighed in contentment. 
“Have you heard back from them yet?” You glanced up at Jungkook as he frowned, shaking his head. You had created a pornhub profile together the same day you agreed to do this and you had yet to hear back about getting verified. But a part of you wondered if you’d have to build a following first. God this sounded time consuming…
“Hey, come on it’ll be fine.” It was like Jungkook could sense your nervous energy as you sighed, rolling into your stomach as you buried into his pillow, “If the video does well we’ll still get a cut regardless of verified or not. Verified probably just means more exposure.” 
The bed dipped a little as Jungkook sat on the edge as you sighed, mumbling into the pillow, “If it does well. Pornhub is like any other platform, there’s millions of videos on there. What’s one more have to offer?” It was true, the likelihood that this was going to work was….not high.
Jungkook frowned as he shrugged, he had been the more optimistic one about this then you and he’d continue to do so, “Well maybe…” You could hear the hesitation in his voice as you glanced up at him in front of your slumped position, his eyes a little nervous as he shrugged, “Maybe we should try a practice run.” 
You could immediately feel your face become hot at his words, there wasn’t any reason why you couldn’t. You got your test results back and you were both clean of STDs and you had been making sure to take birth control every day for the past four days and today as well, “Maybe we should…” you mumbled letting your face press against the pillow once more. The fact was nobody was going to watch to two awkward college kids act like they were virgins, you needed to have confidence in having sex with Jungkook and vice versa, right now that wasn’t looking too hot, “We can’t make anything decent until we’re used to banging each other.” 
You could hear Jungkook laugh a little, sounding a little less nervous as you felt the bed shift again, a hand hesitantly rolling your over into your back to look up at him, his cheeks were pink despite hovering on top of you, “I think we could make something decent right now.” Jungkook offered a little smirk as you glanced at the camera, realizing the screen had been flipped and record was on making your ears burn as you squirmed beneath him a little, “We’ll take it slow.” Jungkook was going to be the dominant in this scenario so he felt obligated to be the one to lead you through this despite not being experienced himself.
“Listen...ah...If you wanna stop at any time just tell me okay? Remember, we’re just getting used to one another.” 
You swallowed thickly despite looking away from him, feeling too embarrassed to look at him directly, “Same applies, if you wanna stop then we do.” Jungkook felt reassured as his lips quirked into a little smile, but admittedly all business aside, he was aroused by the sight of you beneath him. Jungkook was eager to get you naked and soaking wet beneath him, he had a lot of things he wanted to experiment with today and he had the feeling you’d be a good girl and let him.
Your breath hitches a little at his hands immediately pushing your top over your head, you felt semi embarrassed you weren’t wearing any sort of lingerie, just your usual bralette and panties that weren’t even matching but Jungkook didn’t even seem to mind as he quickly undid your bra. 
Your first instinct was to shy away from him attempting to cover yourself but shockingly Jungkook’s hands were faster, “Dont.” His voice was husky and deeper as he spoke causing your core to ache with a gush of arousal, “Let’s make one thing clear,” Jungkook let his lips press against your ear as he purred lowly, “I’m the dominant here. So be a good little girl and obey.” He growled lowly keeping your arms pinned to the bed as his mouth dragged down your neck, a whine suddenly escaping you at the feeling of his mouth capturing your sensitive nipple between his lips. Suckling it as a soft moan escaped you, your back arching a little to try for a little more friction.
Your panties were practically soaking and you hadn’t even started yet, Jungkook held your wrists over your hand with one hand and the other squeezed against your waist before petting down to your hip, his lips suckling against your tits before you squeaked at the feeling of his hand cupping your cunt, “Fuck,” Jungkook grunted at the feeling of your hips immediately thrusting into his hand for friction, “So fucking needy.” He growled against your skin, letting go of your wrists to tug his shirt over his head, “Should’ve known your little ass was a good girl,” He cooed snidely, a sharp sting against your pussy as he spanked it making you moan louder then you wanted too as he his smirk widened, “What a cute little sub.” You whined as you felt a sharp slap against your clothed clit, throbbing in excitement as pain flushed against it. 
“Sir! Please.” You hadn’t even consciously realized what you said but it made Jungkook’s muscle tense and a growl to suddenly escaping him at being formally addressed. His cock suddenly throbbing in need as he bit against your skin, “Please what? You desperate whore.” He wanted to hear you say it, to listen to that sweet little voice beg to be fucked. How could Jungkook life with you for this long and never think about how nice and wet your little cunt was?
“Ah!” Your hips bucked at the harsh slap against your clit, pleasure making you whine and squirm as you fumbled, “Please! Please sir!” Jungkook gritted his teeth as he roughly cupped your cunt, massaging against it as your panties soaked with arousal.
“Answer my fucking question,” Jungkook growled against your ear lowly, his thumb pressing against your covered clit harshly, your loud surprised squeak like music to his ears, “What do you want? What do you think you deserve? Hm?” 
Jungkook wanted to moan at just the sight of your fucked out submissive face as your hips kept needily grinding against his hand, “Tongue! Sir! Please! Want fingers! Anything!” Your eyes squeezed shut as you whined feeling his fingers pinch your clit, “Ah Sir…!” Jungkook was already stuffing his hand down your panties his long thick fingers dragging over your soaked cunt before pushing a single digit inside you, your lips immediately parting and your little hole clenching around him with a whine.
“Is this what my little slut wants?” Jungkook cooed out mockingly, a wicked smirk on his face as your eyes met, your expression twisted between shy and needy as various whines escaped you as his finger roughly hitting up against your g-spot, “Fuck you’re so tiny baby, I don’t think you can take my cock. It’ll split you right in half.” Just to emphasize Jungkook squeezed another finger inside you making your body jolt and walls clamp with a loud cry as your hips began to fuck yourself with them.
Jungkook paused his movements just to watch your hips buck up against him, your tiny walls squeezing so tight and snug around his fingers that covered in your arousal, “Do you like fucking yourself with my fingers you desperate little whore?” Jungkook growled with lidded eyes, watching your tits bounce with each thrust of your body and your little squeaked moans. 
“Y-yes! Mm love it!” Jungkook licked his lips at the feeling of your walls squeezing as you whimpered, “Ah! F-feels good! Sir, cum! Want cum!” Your body withered due to edging yourself with his fingers that teasingly brushed up against your g-spot each time. Jungkook shoved his fingers inside you all the way causing you to whine as you scrambled to frantically fuck his fingers making him growl, his non working hand finally releasing your wrists only to grab your hips with a sneer, “Be still you needy bitch.” 
You whimpered but stayed still obediently as he used his free hand to peel off your panties, a low moan escaping him and his cock was pressed thick and bulging against his sweatpants at the sight of such a pretty wet cunt stuffed full of his fingers. Your legs immediately spread as your hips couldn’t resist rolling into him, having full motion to feel his fingers drag against your g-spot as you cried out with a moan, “I said stay fucking still,” Jungkook snapped, his hand spanking harshly against your thigh making you jump with a cry, body squirming against his fingers as he shoved them back deep inside you, “You like getting fucked by my fingers? Say it. Say how much you don’t fucking deserve it.” Jungkook demanded, he shifted your body slightly more towards the camera as he kept your legs spread, in perfect few for watching you get stuffed with his fingers, “Say it.” Jungkook snapped, his fingers roughly thrusting inside you causing a loud moan as his jammed his fingers up into your g-spot pleasure was rapidly blossoming in your body as you cried.
“I-I don’t deserve it! I’m a dumb needy slut that doesn’t deserve your fingers Sir! Ah! I’m worthless and shouldn’t be allowed to cum! Sir please…!” Your body was withering as his fingers pounded into you, his thumb skillfully rubbing circles into your clit as your walls rapidly clenched and relaxed, “Sir!” 
“That’s right,” Jungkook growled his fingers harshly rutting up into your g-spot sloppily and his thumb rubbing into your clit as he snarled, “You don’t deserve it you worthless cumdumpster.” Your body was so close, Jungkook could feel it, you were squirming and mornings hotly escaped you before a loud cry left your lips the glorious feeling of his fingers escaping you just at the edge of your orgasm, a sob escaping your lips as your body began to tremble. 
“Sir please! Please! Let me cum! Sir!” You sobbed with blurry eyes as you glanced up at Jungkook’s dark daunting figure, his fingers in his mouth as he licked them clean, as if he didn’t so much as care about your sobbing figure that trembled beneath him. 
His hand suddenly wrapped around your throat with a harsh squeeze, “Shut up you pathetic bitch. You said it yourself, you don’t deserve to cum,” Jungkook gave you a lopsided smile, “But if you really think you deserve to cum get on your knees.” He growled, getting off of you as he pulled his shirt over his head. Your mouth was watering at just the sight of his body, thick and taunt muscles all up and down his arms, his sweat pants hung low enough to show off his v line and you could even see the distinct display of abs when he crunched slightly before sitting with his feet on the ground at the edge of the bed, right in front of the camera. 
You scrambled to get off the bed, kneeling down between his parted legs as you folded your hands glancing up at him for direction, Jungkook snorted as his hand came to touch your hair a pleasant noise escaping you as his hand stroked down to your cheek.
A harsh smack against the same skin he previously brushed as you jumped with a whine, your cheek flushing with a delicious sting of pain as Jungkook gritted his teeth, “Don’t sit still and look pretty baby take out my cock.” Obediently you fumbled with his waist band before tugging it down. Pausing for a moment as his cock bounced and laid against his abdominal, he was so thick, perhaps not the longest you had seen but certainly not the shortest either. His head was bulbous and round weeping with precum. You didn’t stare for long, wanting to cum more than anything as you let your lips get to work.
Gently licking the precum off his head as you heard a moan of approval from him, delicately you let your tongue press against the base of his cock, squeezing his balls as you let your tongue work it’s way up his cock, another moan escaping his lips as he growled, “I said suck baby not tease.” 
Whining a little you huffed, gripping his cock a little tighter then necessary earning a grunt from him before you obediently parted your lips, slowly taking his thick tip into your mouth as you heard a sigh of relief from him. Your hands tugged against his base as you let your head bob against his tip, letting your tongue messily rub into his slit causing his hips to buck a little, “Fuuck, guess that bitchy little mouth is useful for something.” Jungkook moaned, pride swelling in your chest at making him feel so good, a whine suddenly escaped you at his hand tangling in your hair, pushing you to take more of his cock. You obediently let him, taking more of him into your mouth but not without a vibrated whine. 
Jungkook began to guide your movement with his hand into a slow bob as he moaned, pushing you to take further of him as his cock hit the back of your throat. 
Pausing a moment Jungkook moaned, “Can you deepthroat sweetheart? Fuuck.” He’s brows scrunched together as he glanced down, another breathy moan escaped him at the sight of your watery eyes glancing up at him a small nod making him moan again as he regripped your hair, somewhat more tender this time as he guided your mouth down his cock. Your throat burned and your jaw ached as you felt tears begin to well in your eyes as you hollowed your cheeks and let his shaft slide further into your mouth.
“Mmm shit, good girl,”Jungkook moaned his hips lifting a little as his hand tangled in your hair, his hand eagerly encouraging your head as you whined, letting your head bob against his thick shaft, gagging a little as his hand pushed you further down until your nose was pressed against his pubic bone, “You take me so well baby fuck.” Jungkook moaned lowly, his hand yanking your hair making you muffle a cry against his cock as he sloppily made you bob your head, saliva dripping down your chin and tears beginning to trickle down your cheeks as you gagged.
A loud moan escaped Jungkook at the feeling of your throat squeeze around him, “Fuck baby. That’s it. Good girl.” Your head was becoming light as you continued gagging on his cock, your nails digging into his thighs pleasantly and you could feel his cock throb and his hips lift. 
Jungkook harshly pulled you up from his bobbing cock that looked ready to cum from even the slightest contact, “What a good girl,” Jungkook rasped, cupping your cheek as he thumbed away the tears that trailed your cheeks, “C’mere.” 
You squeaked as Jungkook grabbed you, pull you up into his lap before shifting you onto the bed, your body trembled in excitement as Jungkook placed you on all fours, suddenly shoving your back against the bed and your face on the mattress as you whined, your ass presented for him as he moaned, “Such a good fucking girl. I should’ve fucked you sooner then this if I knew what a good little slut you were.” Jungkook let the tip of his cock sink inside you as let out a muffled moan, even being stretched wasn’t enough to prepare for his girthy cock.
Jungkook grunted was he pushed further inside you until his hips met yours, your walls squeezed snug around him but took him well as he moaned, “Fuck baby.” It’s all he said before he suddenly slammed into the bed, your weight completely thrown off and you had no choice but to let your face bury against the bed as you let out moan after moan, your walls excitedly clenching around him as he thrusted roughly inside you. Just hearing his balls slap against your skin, his cock splitting you open as he moaned, “Who knew my little slut would be so tiny. I’m gonna fucking break you baby, you want that?” 
Jungkook leaned down as his hips roughly rolled yours, his hand wrapping around your throat making you wheeze before you could even answer.
“Hnngh! S-sir! Sir!” You could hardly even speak when Jungkook roughly squeezed your neck once more, your walls clenching around him in excitement as his cock rubbed into your g-spot pleasantly, “Fuck me please. Harder. Ah! Harder!” You whined, needing friction desperately.
Your wish was his command and it even fully expecting it Jungkook’s hips became sharper and faster with each thrust, “This what you want baby? You wanna be my little fuck doll now?” Jungkook growled in your ear, his hand squeezing around your throat once more making you moan as your upper body completely collapsed, letting Jungkook pound into your cunt as he moaned, “Thats it fucking take it you worthless bitch. Are you gonna cum all over my dick?” 
Jungkook let go of your throat in trade for your clit, his thumb rubbing against your sensitive bud making you cry out, walls rapidly clenching around him as his cock slammed into your g-spot, your body withering at such an intense speed you weren’t sure you could stop yourself from cumming, “Ah! Sir! Sir! Ah!” Your walls were rapidly squeezing around his cock as your face scrunched, a loud muffled scream escaping you at your orgasm that snapped.
“Mmm fuck that’s it. Good girl.” Jungkook growled as his hips rolled into yours, letting himself sink inside your body milked his cock. His hands squeezing tightly against your waist as he moaned, hot cum shooting inside you as his hips grinded against yours, coaxing a few more spits of cum as he moaned. Your body trembling and exhaustion setting in as Jungkook inhaled sharply, his cock beginning to soften inside you before he pulled out. 
Your body slumped as you felt the bed shift his weight no longer on the bed. You glanced his way only to realize he turned off the camera before laying back down, collapsing on top of you as you whined a little. It was quiet as he pressed his face into your shoulder as he sighed, “Well, at least we don’t act like virgins.”
“I’m glad that’s what you took away from that.” You huffed, you could hear a muffled laugh from Jungkook making a smile tug on your lips as well, he certainly wasn’t wrong.
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“Fuck me please. Harder. Ah! Harder!”
That...was you…? You couldn’t help but cringe, you couldn’t even stand your own voice let alone making a whole porno, Jungkook’s eyes weren’t trained on your sinful words or even your sloppy body movements in sync. He was too into his videographer self to care about the actual content.
“At least I sound like a pornstar.” You wrinkled your nose as you looked over his shoulder. This seemed to pull Jungkook out of his thoughts as he snorted, a smile tugging on his lips as he glanced up at you with a shrug.
“I don’t think it’s bad honestly, I mean I think we’re past TMI at this point so truthfully? Out of all the home made porn I’ve watched this is pretty good. We have nice camera angles, microphones make the sound high quality-“
“Oh yes,” you replied sarcastically, “Just what I wanna hear- your balls slapping me at the speed of light.” That earned a rather proud look from Jungkook as you huffed, looking away from him.
“I think we should post it, just to test the waters. I cut out any clips of our faces, we could still use a little work on making sure to not show our faces with our angles but I think that will take time.”
You frowned a little as you wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling unsure if this was a good idea, “...You really think it’s that good?”
Jungkook raised his brows as he turned his chair around to look at you, sensing the shift in your demeanor as he relied, “Well we don’t have too if you don’t feel comfortable with it,” he offered a small smile, “But personally? I don’t see why not. And if it doesn’t take, we can always make more, feel out what people enjoy watching more.”
In most cases you would’ve said you didn’t feel comfortable with this, with the idea of strangers on the internet masturbauting to your private sex life but...there was something so sincere and comforting in Jungkook’s eyes, maybe it was just the dom in him wanting to prioritize your comfort over anything else. You weren’t sure, but it was that look that made it okay, “Alright, what the hell.” You sighed, “I didn’t let you blow my back out for no reason.” 
Jungkook snorted as he turned his chair around, “Maybe it’s just me but I felt you clenching around me hard when you came all over my-“
“Shut up! Just because you fuck me doesn’t mean you can go into graphic detail about it! Jesus Christ!” You covered your ears, feeling hot all of sudden as you glared are Jungkook’s dumb coconut hair, though you couldn’t see his face fully you were positive there was a dumb little smirk on his lips as he hummed. God what did you get yourself into? 
You had a hard time going to bed that night, rolling around as you briefly wondered the what if, what if it was an overnight sensation? What if someone you knew recognized it was you? What if...god you’d never show your face at campus again…
“Well?” You hadn’t gotten a blink of sleep as you bounced behind Jungkook who hummed, logging in as he yawned.
“It got ten views.” Jungkook clacked his tongue before shrugging, “But I mean hey! We got two dollars!” You deflated as you smacked your forehead. That would be great if your rent was only two dollars higher rather than two hundred!
“Hey remember what I said,” Jungkook rubbed his eyes as he offered a sleepy smile, “We can always try different things, the more we post the more a viewership will build. Overnight sensations never happen anyways.” He seemed more relaxed about this then you. Sighing you collapsed on his bed as you curled up, “Well what do you propose we try next?” 
Jungkook gave it some thought as he spun his chair around to face you before shrugging, “I don’t know...I mean, not to sound sexist or anything but I think we both know pornhub is pretty male dominated in viewership…” he offered a weak smile as you shrugged, “So...I don’t know, how would you feel about forced orgasms and bondage.” 
Your head shot up to look at Jungkook’s pink cheeks as he gave a sheepish smile, choosing to not look at you as he rubbed his neck, “That took a sharp turn real fast...Maybe you shouldn’t be so vague though, a lot could happen during a scene like that.” It never failed to amuse you the way Jungkook would straighten up at the sight of your interest.
“Well, do you have any toys?” Jungkook asked as you gave him a face, “Oh come on, I won’t judge you,” he curved a brow as he gave a cocky smile, “It’s not like I haven’t blown your back out already. Do you even own any toys?” He decided to take on a new tactic as he held challenging mock in his tone, “Or were you just in that big of a drought-“
“Okay you asshole!” You glared at him as he gave a cheeky smile, “Yes I have a one. Just a bullet vibrator. Do you even own any bondage gear?” You curved a brow as he parted his lips, brows pinched almost in defense but no words escaped him.
Sighing Jungkook dropped his head in defeat, “No...but I bet we could prime some!” He suddenly jumped back up as you buried your hands against your face, “Hey I can’t help it! Most girls usually get freaked out when I try and start tying them up, I figured I’d just get proper bondage when I found someone to do it with.” 
“Oh great.” You muttered under your breath as you curled up, “Glad I could offer the opportunity.” To that Jungkook gave an endearing smile. What had you gotten yourself into? 
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Despite the bondage handcuffs only taking two days to arrive, each day that passed made you more anxious, you really didn’t have a lot of time to be wasting. You and Jungkook and respectively kept your hands to yourselves meanwhile, but had discussed plenty of things, mainly camera angles, future ideas. Jungkook was sure this would work and hey, if he had that kind of faith, the very least you could do was admire it.
“You wanna use any safe words or?” Jungkook was currently straddling on top of you as he grabbed the cuffs that were laying beside you. They were leather, or faux leather- not the most comfortable feeling but durable for the next fifteen minutes.
You frowned before shrugging, “Why don’t we just use traffic lights?” It was fairly common in BDSM, “Unless you forget to check in…” you squinted a little suspiciously as Jungkook snorted, looking somewhat offended at your words.
“I always check in on my partners thank you very much-and yes that’s fine. Alright top off,” He gestured at your oversized sweatshirt, you glanced away from him as you shuffled a little, hearing him sigh as he spoke up, “It’s not like I haven’t seen boobs before- especially yours.” You scowled at him, “It doesn’t make it any less embarrassing!”
Jungkook’s nose scrunched, “How's it embarrassing?” He tilted his head looking oddly innocent despite having a vibratior laying next to him and a pair of handcuffs in his hands.
“Just take it off for me!” You blurted out before realizing what you just said, swallowing thickly before whining a little at the noise he made of contentment.
“All you had to do was ask, princess.” Jungkook’s hands were already pushing under your sweatshirt before pulling it over your head, “Awwh you were ready for me? Not even wearing anything underneath.” Jungkook was obviously setting the mood now despite the camera not being on, or maybe he was getting into his dominant head space, whatever it was it was working wonders on you.
Jungkook grabbed your hands before putting them above your head as you whined a little, “...maybe…” you squeezed your legs together in excitement, you had never had a partner use any toys on you before and, you couldn’t help but wonder how many times you’d cum in this session. Jungkook had already proven himself good in bed just by making you cum all over his dick.
You had discussed the scene in further detail yesterday, Jungkook had asked if it was okay to use fingers and tongue as well spanking and- you had embarrassingly said yes a little too fast, fast as in before he could even finish his sentence...you felt warm at just the memory or maybe it was from your binds being tightened as Jungkook hovered over you, “Is that good princess?” He whispered in your ear, you could feel the smirk coiling on his lips as you shifted.
Your thighs rubbed together and you had come prepared today in pink lacy panties that were undoubtedly wet now, “Yes...sir.” You mumbled as you heard his deep chuckle against the shell of your ear.
Sitting up right Jungkook licked his lips as his eyes slowly raked from your face, to your lips, all the way down to your chest were your nipples hardened against the cool air of the room, “Always so obedient.” He hummed as he say off of you, parting your legs a little so he could sit in between them as he asked, “Are you excited? Your clits gonna be numb by the time I’m finished.” His smile was cocky and arrogant, long gone was the sweet room mate you knew.
You wiggled your arms against your restraints as you whined a little, Jungkook’s body straightened a little before he pressed play on the camera which was held in a tripod at the edge of the bed right where you were placed.
He said it would...be perfect to see everything. 
His hands placed against your thighs as he chuckled once more, “You’re so squirmy, are you excited to cum princess?” Your thighs were practically shaking in excitement and if your face was anything to go by the answer was obvious.
You nodded frantically, opening your legs a little more for him as he clacked his tongue, “I can’t hear you princess.” 
“Please!” You immediately whined, a small smirk tugging on his lips as you continued, “I’ll be a good girl! I’ll cum when you want…!” Jungkook hummed as he pushes up the small skirt you were wearing, letting his fingers stroke against the lace as you jumped a little, trying to keep yourself from bucking against him.
“I’ll hold you to those words, little girl.” Jungkook gave you a sadistic grin and briefly, you realized he was right. Your clit wasn’t going to survive this, “I’m gonna edge this little clit of yours until you’re begging to cum. But you aren’t going to do a thing until I say so. Understand?” 
He picked up the small bullet vibrator, usually you were excited when you heard the buzz of it coming to life, today however, you knew was going to be rough, “Yes sir.” You mumbled as he pulled down your panties, tossing them to the side as he pushed your skirt up, opening your legs as he moaned a little.
“Look at you, all wet and excited at the idea of this. You know what princess,” You jumped a little at the vibrator dragging along your inner thigh, “I think you’re looking forward to this. I think you’re excited to be edged until you’re crying. Isn’t that right princess? Are you gonna be a good girl and listen to me?” 
You nodded frantically as you squirmed at the vibrator getting closer to your throbbing cunt, arousal was gushing from your entrance as Jungkook dragged a finger up your slit, inspecting his glossy finger pad before letting it drag over his tongue, a devilish smirk on his lips as you whimpered are the vibrator pushing against your entrance, “So wet baby, I could just push it right in.” 
He pushed the tip inside you, the thrum of vibrators making you squeak a whine as you tries to instinctively close your legs, Jungkook immediately stopped you, forcing your legs back open as he chuckled, pushing it a little further inside as you clenched around the small pulsing toy, “Sir! Please! Please!” You whimpered as his thumb began to circle your clit, your toes curling and your lips parting as you went to grab his hand to grind it. Your range of motion was immediately cut off by your binds as you whined.
“Oh you like that baby?” Jungkook’s lips tugged into an animated pout as he mocked, “You like your clit being rubbed while you get fucked with your little vibrator.” He pushed the vibrator half way inside you as you squeaked loudly, jamming the tip into your g-spot as you let out a loud squeal, goes curling once more as your eyes snapped shut. His thumb tenderly stroking your clit until he found your sweet spot that forced breathy whines from your lips.
“Please! Please sir! Sir! Need cum! Please! Cum!” Your body withered and it was difficult to focus on anything when the vibrator was being jammed against your g-spot and Jungkook had a certain lazy touch against your clit that had you begging.
Jungkook as if sensing you were close, immediately pulled all contact against you as you whined in objection, “Oh we’re just getting started sweetheart.” Jungkook let the smirk tug on his lips as he shifted your legs back wide open for him, “Look at this mess sweetheart,” He growled, placing the vibrator back against your wet folds as you whimpered.
Dragging it against your slick cunt you let out a sharp cry at Jungkook placing it against your delicate clit, pleasure deliciously burning in your body as you squeaked and whimpered, “Ah! Sir…! Ah please…!” You squeaked, your toes curled as you whined, your eyes snapping shut as you tried to focus on anything but cumming immediately.
Jungkook, not feeling merciful pushed a finger inside you as you whined a loud moan, your walls clenching harshly as he shoved a second finger inside you, “That’s right baby, clench. You wanna cum yeah?” He growled once more, his voice even deeper then voice. Your back was arching and your legs thrashed as you choked on your moans.
“Please! Please! Let me cum sir please!” Your voice was bubbling and frantic as your hips jerked up to meet his second finger that pushed inside you, your hips trying to fuck your self on those thick long fingers he was slowly fucking in and out of your clenching tight cunt as he slowly dragged the vibrator along your clit in search of your sweet spot.
Jungkook chuckled at the pathetic sight of your hips, “Look at you, you’re so fucking despesate to be fucked you’re even willing to do it yourself, this little pussy is clenching so hard baby do you need to cum that bad?” His lips twisted into a mocked pout as he roughly jammed his fingertips into your g-spot, the vibrator pausing on your clit as he heard the loud shriek escape you, your back arching and toes curling at the overwhelming wash of pleasure that struck through your body.
Your lips parted and your walls were rapidly clenching as you cried out, “F-fuck….! Please! Sir! Fuck! Ah…! Ah! Cum…!” Your legs were kicking as his fingers shoved back inside you, his pacing picking up a little more as pleasure burned against your sensitive bud. 
“Mm fuck, I can feel how bad you’re trying not to cum baby.” Jungkook licked his lips as the smirk formed on his mouth, his cock nearly rock hard at how tight your walls were becoming making it nearly impossible to move his fingers.
Your head was moving and your arms kept shaking as gasps and moans escaped you, it felt like a fucking demon was possessing your body due to this mans fingers shoving their way against your g-spot roughly while this vibrator continued drilling into your clit, your mind had turned to nothing but frantic cries and moans, “Cum! Please! Sir…!” You weakly begged.
A sudden gasp escaping you at the height of your pleasure, there was no way you’d be able to hold back, not with his fingers stuffing your cunt full and knowing just how to hit your sweet spot while he carefully hovered the vibrator over your clit, your thighs were jerking and your eyes snapped up before you let out a cry at everything suddenly being removed.
You kicked your legs in frustration as tears welled into your eyes, “What did I say princess?” Jungkook chuckled, leaning up to grab your face as he squished it between his hand, “You aren’t cumming until I say so.” His face went cold as he grabbed your thighs, forcing them back open as you whined, “Don’t be so fuckinf patehtic.” You jolted at the wad of spit that smacked against your dripping cunt, a loud cry escaping you ag the vibrator being shoved back inside you and aimmed directly against your g-spot, your back immediately arching as you whined as his lips attached to your clit.
His moans vibrates against your sensitive clit causing you to twitch and squirm as your lips parted at the feeling of his tongue flattening and rubbing against your bud as he stares up at you with a cocky lidded expression at the noise of your loud moans. Jungkook felt like it was music to his ears that he just needed to hear more of as he began thrusting the little bullet inside you making sure it was jabbing into your g-spot each time.
It illicted the exact reaction he had hoped for, that being your head being thrown back against the pillow and your thighs twitching as streams of moans escaped you while pleading, “F-fuck! Sir- please…! Please! Ah! Ah!” Your body was twitching in ungodly positions and he kept hearing your bonds rattle as you whimpered beneath him.
“Mmm that’s right baby, are you gonna give me your first orgasm?” Jungkook moaned as he pressed his tongue back to your little clit, flicking and playing with the little bud, “That’s it princess, I know you wanna cum.” And you sure did, your voice was high pitched and needy as your walls were rapidly clenching around the vibrator that was drilling into your g-spot.
Jungkook’s wet, warm tongue playing with your clit as he suckled against it, purposely prodding against your sweet spot before your body nearly went into shock at the orgasm you experienced. Your back arching and loud shines escaping you as you moaned, “Fuck! Fuck! Mmm! Ah! Ah…!” You had never in your life came as hard are you were right now, in fact, you were sure you blacked out for a half a second due to how amazing it was.
“Aah! Sensitive! Ah! J-sir! Sir! Yellow…!” You whined out as your legs squirmed at the overstimulation. At the sound of the yellow marker Jungkook pulled the vibrator from your cunt, letting out a soft laugh as he pressed a kiss on your inner thigh, “Mmm yellow baby? What about just another orgasm for me while you recover your guts?” Before you could even process his words his tongue was already back on your clit was a moan.
You squeaked loudly at the overstimulation once more which hurt but was admittedly much more tolerable especially after the first twenty seconds of whining before they quickly turned to moans and your legs kicking against his back as he hauled your lower body up, his fingers pushing back inside you as he moaned, “Fuck baby c’mon cum, cum all over my fingers princess I can fucking feel it.” Your eyes scrunched closed as you whimpered loudly, your body was frantically becoming overwhelmed at the feeling of his fingers fluidly thrusting, letting his pads drag over that little spongy spot that had you kicking your legs as your hips brokenly jerked against his tongue that lathed against your clit.
Your body was frantic and quickly becoming overwhelmed as you came hard once more, your toes curling and loud cries and moans escaping you as your back arched and your muscles rapidly contracted at the pure overwhelming pleasure your body was experiencing at the moment. Jungkook suckled your clit tenderly, his fingers sluggishly pumping inside you a your walls twitched and tightened around him deliciously making his cock throb in his pants, “Mmm that’s it baby, feel your tight little cunt wrapped around my fingers. How are you feeling baby?” 
Jungkook pushed his fingers fully inside you once more making you whine a little as your walls clenched around them once more. Fuck you could hardly even think with his fingers stuffing you full, “Princess,” Jungkook said in a teasing sing song voice, a third finger tracing your little hole that was stuffed with his other two fingers, “How are you feeling.” He chuckled under his breath at the feeling of your cunt rapidly squeezing around his fingers at the feeling of his index finger teasing your entrance.
Your lips were parted and drool was nearly dripping down your lips as your hips lifted a little at the feeling, wanting to be stuffed as full as possible by this man, his third finger suddenly pushing inside you making you squeak out, “Green! Ah mmm! Green fuck!” Your hips tried to fuck up against him desperately in need to be filled by more then just fingers, your body was now fucked to the point of want that fat cock inside you and at this rate you knew you were going to start begging.
“Awwh my little cum whore wants to keep going?” Jungkook mocked a baby voice as he picked back up the vibrator, purposely pumping his fingers slow as your eyes snapped shut at the feeling of being nice and full of his fingers. Cries suddenly escapes you at the vibrator feathering over your clit making your squirm, “Please…!” You legs kept clenching and your clit was hypersensitive so even the slightest touch.
Your hips jerked and squirmed as Jungkook placed the head of the vibrator back against the sweet side of your clit, nearly moaning at how harshly you reacted your walls desperately clenched as pleasure seeped into your clit with every little thrum.
Your hands were trembling and weak having given up against your restraints as you whined weakly at the feeling of three fingers roughly shoving against your g-spot. This man was wrecking your body alive and you had no choice but to take it like the little bitch you had been turned into.
Your eyes were becoming watering and your squeaks breathy and whimpered as your body twitched violently at the slight shift in the vibrator pressing into your gorged bud. It had you spiraling out of control paired with Jungkook’s rough fingers making you cry and yelp, “ah….! Fu-fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Cock! Need cock! Need!” You were kicking and sobbing, fat tears trickling down your face as you moaned rapidly at your body violently cumming, almost too much for you to handle but Jungkook skilled as ever carefully guided you through your orgasm, “That’s it babygirl, that’s it.” He cooed out, your hips following each stroke of his fingers as your body came down from its peak it had hit.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl. What was that about my cock princess?” Jungkook’s smile was cheshire-like as he quirked a brow, just drinking up those big eyes brimmed with tears as you sniffled.
Kicking your legs a little you whined, “I- I need more! Please!” You managed to roll yourself onto your stomach, the chains twisted at the bar now but you had enough room to still be comfortable as you somehow managed to push your knee’s up to support your lower half to display your destroyed pussy.
Your legs were trembling and you admittedly felt pathetic right now, one thrust and this man was probably gonna make you collapse, especially after experiencing that dummy thick fire hydrant once already.
Just the idea had your legs trembling that much more though, you were ready to be destroyed. Your body stiffened at hands cupping both cheeks of your ass, “This is pretty fucking pathetic baby.” Jungkook chuckled, a loud smack rang out as you wiggled your ass a little at the sting of his palm meeting the soft flesh, “You need my cock that fuckin’ bad?” 
“Please…!” You whined as you pressed your face against the bed, your pussy felt too empty right now clenching against nothing and you needed this man to rail you until you physically could not stand.
After a moment you let out a surprised squeal at the familiar fat cock smacking against your pussy, “Shittt baby, are you always gonna be this hungry for my dick?” Your face was burning at his whispered words in your ear, you could feel his smirk as you whined, backing against him as he moaned softly, letting his cock coat in your arousal before he lined himself up.
Jungkook wasted no time pushing inside you with ease, even anticipating it you forgot just how thick he was, biting your lip you moaned in relief at finally being filled the way you were craving. Even if you didn’t cum again you just wanted this monster cock to fill you up until you were leaking cum.
Jungkook pushed all the way inside you as he groaned, pushing his hair back as he gathered himself, “How are you feeling baby? How hard do you want me to go?” 
You were so impatient you truly couldn’t help yourself when you began fucking yourself on his cock, your lips parting at how much your walls were clenching around his large size that kept sliding inside you with so much ease, “Hard…! Fuck! Fuck me until I’m leaking your cum please sir!” 
You nearly screamed a moan at the force you were met with, your legs just as you suspected nearly crumbling like a two week old pack of crackers at the bottom of a purse from the god tier power this man was using to thrust.
His cock was slamming into you, his fat bulbous head continually jamming into your g-spot in a way his fingers couldn’t compare too as you rapidly clenched around him. The sound of his balls slapping on your skins and moans mixed together could beat your hands any day of the week, “You’re such a horny little slut.” Jungkook snapped as he slammed his hand against your ass making you cry out. Your legs violently trembling and aching in pain as he growled, “I made you cum until you're about to pass out and it isn’t enough baby? You still need this fat dick filling you up? You cock hungry little whore.” 
Jungkook, keenly noticing how excited you were vocally but your body failing to keep up he quickly eliminated this problem. Grabbing both your thighs you were confused for a brief moment before letting out a loud squeal at the way he picked them both up leaving your upper body in the air and left mercilessly at his force allowing him to thrust into you that much harder.
Your lips fell open at the way he was forcing your hips to bounce on his clock roughly, his fat shaft sliding in and out of your soaked cunt that sucked him back in desperately each time, “Fuck! Fuck…! Ju- sir! Sir! Mmm! Cock! F-fu-fuck.” 
You couldn’t even spew a sentence out anymore with your head filled with only thoughts of how he was holding your entire lower body up by your thighs and just kept drilling into your cunt like you were a feather weight. Drool was spilling your lips and you could no longer speak. Only able to make whined and moans now.
“That’s it baby, are you too fucked out on my cock to speak? Hm? Are you turned into a brain dead little cock monster now? My insatiable little cum dumpster.” All of his degradation was just fueling your further and further to the brink of an orgasm that your body was in no shape to handle.
His cock didn’t relent though, contially drilling into you like no tomorrow as he growled, “Fuck! You want me to use this little hole like a cum dump baby? Want me to make it nice and full.” You were filled with excitement all different kinds of whines escaping you making Jungkook’s moan, forcing your hips to bounce on his cock, his shaft rubbing against your g-spot with each stroke causing your body to contort and squirm, the orgasm flooded your body had you sobbing and whining, briefly black filtered your eyes before you opened them to feel hot liquid entering your body as Jungkook moaned, his hips lifting in chase of your cunt that sucked every little drop form him body. His body was floating on a euphoric high he had a difficult time coming down from when your cunt was clenched around him so hard.
He let his head drop a little as his cock began to soften, slowly slipping out of you before he set down your thighs, tucking himself back into his sweatpants Jungkook leaned over to grab the key off the nightstand he moved up a little more to undo your bonds and a small smile threatened to break on his lips at the sight of your completely fucked out face.
Your thighs were harshly trembling and you could hardly formulate a sentence let alone a single word, Jungkook whistled as he laughed, a hand tenderly rubbing into your hair, “You are so fucked out sweetheart.” He leaned down pressing a kiss against your forehead, “Let me go get a cloth and a towel to clean you up with okay baby? How does a nice hot bath sound.” 
“I’m- I’m not completely useless…” you somehow spewed out an objectification making him laugh, “I- I can…” you grabbed the toy before slowly wobbling out of the bed.
“Woah woah woah.” Jungkook scrambled out of bed after you, your legs wobbling and you immediately knew there was no way you could possibly stand. Jungkook quickly scooped you up as he looked down at you bewildered, “I just rearranged all your intestines, you seriously think you could walk after that let alone stand.” 
You pressed your face into his shoulder letting out a muffled giggle, embracing the skin ship that was much needed, “Yeah I just have this massive chicken brain that needs proof that it was good enough.”
“Good enough…?” Jungkook scrunched his face not understanding.
“Yeah it’s like my head needs proof that my body actually got destroyed.” You giggled against at Jungkook’s expression that was so obviously at a loss of what to say, having obviously never heard that before.
“...and was it proved…?” He quirked a brow.
“Clearly.” You looked at him before his arms that had you scooped against him causing you both to laugh once more as he placed you back on the bed were you nearly crumpled up immediately.
“Then stay there for real, I don’t wanna come back to seeing you sprawled out all over the floor because you needed hardcore proof.” You waved him off before shouting for him to bring water.
When Jungkook came back shortly after he snorted at the sight of you having made yourself comfortable on his bed, not only that but wearing his sweatshirt as well, “I turned off the camera by the way. My throat is so dry! Gimme.” You raised your arms as you grabbed the bottle from him as you opened it, closing your eyes as the cool liquid slid down your throat as Jungkook sat between your legs as you felt the urge to smile.
“...Did you get cum all over my bed?” Jungkook’s eyes darted around his comforter suspiciously as you shrugged, making him eye you suspiciously.
“Please- I feel like I’m a fucking gyno appointment right now, do I need to clean myself now too?” You whined kicking your legs a little, your pussy was literally right out in the open and this man could only focus on why you weren’t leaking?
Jungkook reluctantly began cleaning what left over cum remained in your thighs as he asked, “Did you stand up again?” 
“I didn’t!” You protested, lips parted in offense that he really thought you’d pull another chicken brain moment. Jungkook only rolled his eyes, a smile threatening to tug on his lips as he stood back up, tossing the rag into his laundry hamper before walking over to his dresser. Putting the bottle of water on the nightstand you briefly admired Jungkook’s physique, his waist narrow compared to his broad shoulders and muscles sculpting his back….you knew he was kind of a gym rat but given he was always in such billowing clothes you never realized how defined he was. 
If you were gonna make porn for the next two years you were glad you at least had a hot partner to do it with. Jungkook pulled the large shirt over his head.
You popped up into your forearms when he began disassembling the camera equipment making you pout, “Hey! What happened to my aftercare and bath I was promised?” 
“God you are such a pillow princess after sex, I never would’ve thought.” Jungkook crawled up onto the bed before collapsing on top of you, making you laugh as you closed your eyes, “You know I did all the work this time.” 
“Voluntarily might I add-“ you pointed as Jungkook rolled off you only for you to attach yourself back against him, “Also I didn’t realize you were THAT fit like seriously, you fucked my entire lower body up in the air. It really was a porno moment.” You snorted at the sight of Jungkook’s ears turning red and his cheeks looking a little pink at the compliment.
He shrugged a little, unable to say anything or more like he was just too shy to. Regardless he pulled out his laptop and lap stand already excited to edit the video despite just creating it. Yawning you crawled on top of him, collapsing against his chest as you closed your eyes, really wanting that bath but also incredibly tired. 
Jungkook had straight away begun editing through the clips, watching them back over before his mind began to wander...Sliding through the time stamps Jungkook let it go at the end of the clip, watching you wobble as you stood on your knees on the bed. He furrowed his brows in confusion though a little amused at the way your legs wobbled up to the camera. Oh you must’ve been going to…
He mouth parted at watching you take the camera off the tripod, aiming it at your legs before spreading them to show off the white sticky substance leaking from your cunt before your fingers scooped it up, pulling the camera up to your neck and only your mouth was visible showing off the cheeky smile you had as you plopped your fingers into your mouth, sucking them clean before popping them out of your mouth before the screen went black.
Jungkook was partially speechless and admittedly a little hard, it was tempting to not ask if you genuinely didn’t have any experience in sex work. Jungkook twisted to look down at you, deciding to interrogate only for his expression to fall at the sight of you slumped on top of him, your eyes shut and he felt a little bad at how much you wanted aftercare. 
Pushing a strand of hair from your face he made a mental note to make up for it in the morning. Going back to editing he placed one hand in your head as he tenderly stroked your scalp. This would be posted in no time.
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You loved aftercare, you always craved it after a nice round of rough sex even if it was a one night stand. It was just payment for letting a man spit in your face and call you a whore- quite literally. Jungkook, wasn’t the greatest aftercare but hey, he was making it up this morning. He had gotten you a bath drawn first thing in the morning, massaged your back, gave little kisses all over your skin. You were in heaven. 
“Is this making up for me being a horrible partner last night,” You were laid out, sleepily with your eyes closed as Jungkook tenderly worked his palms back on your shoulder blades, “I saw what you did by the way. Not impressed.”
You tucked your tongue into your cheek as you smiled playfully, looking up at him over your shoulder, his head shaking as you giggled, “I thought it was a great touch to end the video. And yes, this makes up for it but I’ll only let it slide once, I’m a big aftercare slut which means you put me first before our videos. No exceptions.” 
“Even if we’re desperate for money and need a video up quickly?” Jungkook raised his brows, obviously amused at your dim expression, a wad of the blanket was set for your chin to rest on as your lips jutted a little. 
“No exceptions. Especially after a session like that!” You whined, admittedly you didn’t care that much, it was late at night and you were passed out anyways but still, you needed to make that clear if this continued in the future, you liked being held and told a lot of praise. It was the only way you didn’t feel gross after sex. 
“Fine fine! I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you were such a needy baby,” You squirmed at Jungkook pinching your waist making you jump, “What? I thought you were enjoying yourself.”
“No! No! No!” You screeched at his fingers relentlessly prodding your sides as you squirmed up, pulling the sweatshirt down as you glared at him, “Get off of me!” You whined pushing him away, “I’m fine! I’m great! No need for anymore.” You rubbed your sides with another pout. 
Jungkook snorted as he leaned back on his hands, “That’s what I thought.” Leaning over he grabbed his laptop off the nightstand, crawling over you collapsed against his side as he typed in the password for your account. 
You didn’t expect much truthfully until your eyes lit up at the 10+ notifications you had, “Looks like our luck is up this time!” You bounced in excitement as Jungkook clicked on it only for yours lips to drop. 
“No way!” Your jaw dropped as you scrambled for your phone, Jungkook just as shocked as you as he scrolled down through the notifications of people commenting and sharing the video. There was no coming back from this at all. You couldn’t help but feel daunted at the greasy comments people left. 
Your brows shooting up as you logged into your joint account, “How much did we make?” Jungkook asked, his lips parted as he clicked through the account attempting to find the salary you both had made. 
“We...definitely covered the cost of our rent.” You could hardly even speak as Jungkook leaned over your shoulder to peer at your screen, over six thousand dollars in the account at the moment, you could do a lot with that kind of money…
Jungkook could hardly believe it himself as he leaned back on his hands, letting out a breath before running a hand through his hair, “Holy shit.” 
It was silent between you both, still staring in disbelief at the money piled in your bank account before you looked at him, “We’re totally eating out tonight, at one of those bougie ass restaurants. My pussy earned it.” 
Jungkook let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he gave you a smile, “Fair, not too fancy though, they’ll think we robbed a bank.” You couldn’t help but giggle, feeling relieved as you collapsed against the bed. You could totally do this, and when it was all said and done. You could just delete your account and it’d all be over
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dovechim · 3 years
blessed be the fruit 01 (m)
➾ 3.6k, taehyung x reader, future OT7
➾ loosely based off The Handmaid’s Tale. In the New World Order that is Gilead, your life depends on your ability to bring a new one into existence. 
➾ warnings: unprotected sex, mentions of infertility, pregnancy, mentions of dubcon
➾ a/n: I had serious hesitation and doubts about this. but after a three month break and looking at it from a distance, I still want to go ahead with this AU because I want to draw attention to the themes of reclaiming agency & identity whilst under oppression. So I hope that you could get the message I’m trying to convey rather than focus on the noncon indubitably present in this AU. 
I'm saying this to clearly outline my intentions, for I do not condone rape or non-consensual sex whatsoever. 
that being said, I have plans to turn this into an ot7 series fic, but here is a little starter just to kind of test the waters a little :-) if you’re here, I've already warned you about what you’re signing up for, so please skip this if uncomfortable and refrain from sharing any malicious thoughts with me.
Crimson is the colour that denotes life. But these days, only the rare few have the privilege to don that colour; the deep red hue of the cloak that is meant to simultaneously draw attention to, and also hide your figure.
Handmaids are to be seen and not heard. They are to speak only when spoken to. The white wings that adorn either side of your head keep your gaze lowered reverently at all times. Meek and subdued, but always watching, waiting.
The supermarket is quiet and orderly as you stroll through the aisles with your partner close by your side. You have never seen more than a glimpse of her face, neither have you heard more than a few words of her voice other than the greetings you exchange when you meet every morning.
Even the task of grocery shopping, which you used to enjoy before the rise of Gilead, has become nothing but a sham. There is no decision to be made. Your purchases are entirely dependent on the coupons given to you by the Wife of your Household. Today, it’s the usual rice and vegetables, with one or two oranges thrown in as a request from the Cook.
“Under His Eye,” you murmur as you pass the other Handmaids and their partners, all doing their shopping with their partners.
You can’t see it with your head lowered, but there are armed guards stationed throughout the grocery store with guns cocked and menacing stares. The Eyes are always watching and listening, and you begin to feel suffocated.
“I believe I have everything I need,” you speak in a lowered voice, turning slightly to your partner, thinking of how to best hurry her along without making it too obvious. “Is there anything else you lack?”
“I too, am done, OfJeon,” your partner replies back, and you have to physically stop yourself from flinching.
Even though it is the proper way to address another Handmaid, you avoid using the names bestowed upon you by their Household’s Commanders. You try your best to not associate yourself with that name, for fear that you might come to forget your own in due time, but it gets more and more difficult as the days go by.
‘Of’ denoting possession, and ‘Jeon’ for your Commander’s last name. Put together, they form your identity, the identity that Gilead has carved out for you as an object.
The moment you forget your real name is the moment you lose yourself.
“Let us depart, OfPark,” you say with tightly clenched lips, grateful for the white wings that hide your bitter expression as you turn toward the exit of the grocery store.
Your basket is heavy with groceries, and the wind whips up your red cloak the moment you step outside. You glance up for a moment to see the gray skies, feel the wind on your cheeks before you dip your head down again, cautious of exposing your face for more than a second.
Here, to blend in is to survive.
“Have you made all the necessary preparation, OfJeon?” Your partner asks as she links her arm through yours, and you begin the slow march home.
You drag your feet slightly, hoping to prolong the walk. Aside from the brief half hour of grocery shopping every day, you hardly get a chance to be outside. To remember what the real world feels like, even though it is changing so quickly every day. You’re too busy trying to memorise the way the wind feels against your cloak that you are caught slightly offguard by OfPark’s question.
“Preparation?” Your voice comes out slightly unsure.
“For the Ceremony, of course,” comes her reply, and you can’t stop yourself from inhaling sharply.
Is it already that time of the month? How could you have lost track?
A lump forms in your throat as you attempt to calm yourself. “Yes, OfPark. Everything is ready.”
You are lying through your teeth, but the thing is, interactions are kept to such a bare minimum that no one knows you well enough to know that you are lying. If today is the day of the Ceremony, it means a visit to the doctor’s this afternoon. Your breath speeds up at the thought of it, palms becoming sweaty.
OfPark comes to a stop outside of your house, and unlinks her arm from yours.
“Blessed be the fruit,” she says by way of farewell.
“May the Lord open,” the automatic response falls from your lips without much thinking.
Then the gates open, and you enter the house quietly, setting your basket on the kitchen counter. You can hear footsteps coming from the main hallway as soon as you take your white bonnet off.
“You’re back, I was just about to send a guard to fetch you.” In her royal blue dress that tapers at her waist and falls nearly to her ankles, the Wife of the Household is always neatly pressed and well put together. Kim Yeri fixes you with an annoyed glare as she brushes her silky blonde hair behind her ear. You haven’t known her by that name in a long while, because like any other woman, she is only to be addressed by her title in society.
“Did you forget your appointment?” She demands, crossing her arms. She has never been outrightly mean to you, yet her manner is far from friendly. But its totally understandable, of course. Which woman would be content knowing her husband was required by law to fuck a baby into someone else?
“No, Madam. The line at the supermarket was-“
“Get in the car. We’re already late.” Yeri is not interested in your excuse as she cuts you off, turning to grab her purse, and her dress flows gracefully behind her slim figure as she walks to the door.
You barely have time to put your bonnet back on, fixing it so that it is presentable once more before following her outside. Yeri is already in the back seat of the black SUV car, and you climb in beside her. You catch a glimpse of Driver Jung’s eyes in the mirror, but quickly glance away before Yeri can catch you.
Drivers aren’t allowed to have Handmaids of their own. Instead, they live to serve the Household of their Commanders. As the car pulls smoothly out of the front gate, you begin to wonder who Driver Jung was before Gilead. If he had loved ones that he lost. If he too, was slowly starting to forget the person he was back then.
The blacked-out windows of the car don’t allow you to see anything outside. It is a tense journey made in complete silence as you can feel Yeri’s annoyance slowly mounting into a barely withheld fury. It is the same every month. You try to sympathise with her, to put yourself in her shoes as someone who has to accompany the woman her beloved husband is to have sex with to a fertility check-up.
When the car stops, Driver Jung rushes out of his seat to open the door for Yeri first, then he crosses to your side and opens your door. You thank him with a shy nod, careful to keep your eyes fixed on the ground as you follow Yeri into the clinic.
The waiting room has about one or two other Wife-Handmaid pairs.  As you walk in, you catch the eye of one of the Handmaids who is heavily pregnant. Her swollen belly protrudes from her red cloak, and her hands look so small in comparison as she strokes her bump reverently. The Wife sits beside her, a look of pride on her face as if she were the one pregnant.
It is such a rare sight to see a pregnant Handmaid these days. Even though the Handmaids were specially selected because of their fertility, your lack of a baby bump is bearing down on you. Each Handmaid is given three chances at each assignment. Three chances to conceive before they are moved to the next Commander. Three assignments in total before she is sent to the Wastelands.
Lining the walls are portraits of Commanders dressed in black, and their Wives dressed in blue, holding little bundles wrapped in white. The couples are all smiling with joy and pride in their eyes.
The Handmaids are nowhere to be seen in the happy families of three.
You don’t know if you should envy or pity the heavily pregnant Handmaid.
Thankfully, due to Yeri’s- or should you say your Commander’s- high status, you are bumped to the front of the line. The receptionist tells you to enter the doctor’s room, but Yeri waves you on with disinterest.
“I can wait outside here, can’t I? She won’t dare try anything,” she says this last part with cold frown, settling herself down on one of the waiting chairs.
“Of course, Mrs Jeon,” the receptionist says with a pleasant smile, then turns to show you into the doctor’s office.
You read the name on the door before you are shuffled into the white, sterile room.
Dr Kim Taehyung.
Two female assistants help you to take off your red cloak and dress you in the standard white gown. You sit on the chair, legs spread wide into the stirrups. The assistants lower a privacy curtain that conceals your face, leaving your lower half anonymous as you hear the door open, then the doctor’s footsteps.
You don’t even get to see his face before you feel his touch on your knees. Dr Kim Taehyung clears his throat before he moves to the side, dipping his gloved hands into a small dish of what you can only assume to be lubrication. The white privacy curtain is nothing but a thin sheet, so you can still make out his figure as he bustles about. You can even see the slope of his nose as he turns his side profile to you for a second.
It’s not until he speaks that you are jolted out of your thoughts by how deep his voice is. “How are you today?”
“I’m good,” you answer hesitantly, unconsciously crinkling your medical gown in your fist. No one has ever asked how you’re doing.
“That’s great, now let’s have a look, shall we?” You can hear the smile in his voice, and you feel your body relax a little.
He seems to be kind enough, this Dr Kim Taehyung. Much different from the doctor you had on your first visit. Dr Kim Taehyung has his bedside manner down pat, and even though you can’t see his face, he makes you feel a little bit less tense. His voice soothes you as he talks, saying random things about the weather as he spreads your legs.
Dr Kim Taehyung positions himself in between your thighs, and you feel his gloved hands dangerously close to the apex of them. “So, it says here on your chart that tonight is Ceremony night for you.”
“Yes,” you swallow hard at the reminder. “It is.”
“And how are the Jeons treating you? Everything okay at home?” You can feel him spread your lips with his fingers, starting to poke and prod around as you close your eyes.
“Yes. They treat me very well,” you answer.
He must have caught the monotony of your voice, because his fingers pause.
“You know, you can talk to me. If there’s anything you need.” His concerned voice is like a beacon of light, but your eyes dart around the room cautiously.
You think about the millions of things that you could tell him. How unfair it is to be reduced to a walking womb, and yet, how desperate you are, knowing that this is your third month at the Jeon’s household, and if it doesn’t work…
You swallow all of these thoughts with your fists clenched. You can never let your guard down. He might be one of the Eyes, pretending to be kind so that you might let slip a blasphemous comment about your Commander. There’s no way you’ll incriminate yourself like that, so you just keep your mouth shut. After a while, he goes back to examining you.
“… Alright then,” Dr Kim Taehyung says in a resigned tone. “Let me just check you over and make sure everything is good for tonight. This might feel a little uncomfortable, but just relax for me alright?”
You can’t help but tense up, ironically, at his instruction. But then you feel the warmth of one of his ungloved hands on your thigh, and as he bids you to relax again, he slides his fingers into you, and you can feel his fingers, thick and solid. Your thighs twitch, coming into contact with his hips that are in between them, and he lets out a gentle laugh.
“It’s okay… just a little more.”
Then, he withdraws his fingers slowly, and you let out a breath of relief. It didn’t feel bad, definitely not like the first visit where you felt violated. Dr Kim Taehyung’s gentle and respectful manner is… almost pleasant. You’ve long forgotten what it’s like to be treated like a human being, and not just an object.
“Looks like everything’s in shape, you’re due to ovulate these few days,” he declares, taking off his rubber gloves and tossing them in the bin. “Not that it matters, anyway. Jeon’s probably sterile. Hell, all of the Commanders are sterile.”
You freeze at the sound of that blasphemous curse word. But more importantly, you have to make sure you heard correctly.
“Wh-what do you mean?” You watch his shadow behind the sheet as he ticks a few things on your chart.
In this society, ‘sterile’ is a forbidden word. There is no such thing as a sterile man. There are only women who are fruitful, and women who are barren. But you know better than to subscribe to such damning ideology.
“Darling. I’ve seen so many top Commanders’ Handmaids in this room. In and out, month after month they come back and their Wives ask me why they aren’t pregnant yet.” He places a hand on your knee again, and that human contact makes you realise how much you crave the warmth of another person.
At the same time, his words awaken the hollow desperation in your chest. If… if Jeon is really sterile, that means no matter how many times you try, you won’t get pregnant. If all the Commanders are really sterile, then no matter how many assignments you get…
“It’s your third month here, isn’t it?” His kind voice accompanies the gentle stroke of his thumb on your knee.
Before you can answer, he steps away from you, walking to the door and double checking that it’s locked. Then, he’s between your legs again, and this time, his ungloved hands are caressing the top of your thighs. You can feel his hips pressing against you insistently.
“I can help you,” he says in a low whisper. “It’s your last chance.”
Your mind is in a fog. It’s hard to think clearly when you are craving his touch on your body, and the way in which he wraps your legs around his waist so delicately has you wanting to give in. Let this be a form of rebellion. An act of reclaiming your body and your agency, giving it to a man who treats you like a human being, and more importantly, deciding who you give it to. So that when Jeon performs the Ceremony with you tonight, no one but you will have the secret pleasure of knowing that someone else was here before him.
And if you do get pregnant, you will have the last laugh as you watch Jeon raise a baby that isn’t even his to begin with.
How’s that for rebelling? It’s no longer just about getting pregnant.
“I’ve helped many other Handmaids before,” Dr Kim Taehyung continues furtively. “They were all on their third Assignments. I saved them from the Wastelands.”
You don’t need any more convincing. You reach out and pull the thin privacy sheet aside, finally revealing Dr Kim Taehyung’s face. He looks taken aback at your bold actions.
“Do it, Doctor,” you fix your eyes on him with determination. “Get me pregnant.”
Dr Kim Taehyung looks as if he wasn’t expecting you to say yes to him, and delight slowly spreads across his face. But he can’t help himself from bringing one of his hands to your face, brushing your cheek and admiring your silent, resilient beauty.
“U-um, okay. He-here goes,” he fumbles with his dress pants, and the confidence from minutes ago is nowhere to be found. It occurs to you that he might have been fibbing about helping the other Handmaids before you, but it doesn’t matter. It’s no longer just about getting pregnant, anyway.
Thanks to the lubrication, he slides in easily. You catch a glimpse of him before he does, and a second later you feel his girth acutely. During the Ceremony, the lights are always turned off, so you never have a chance to see what Jeon’s dick looks like. If you were to compare, it feels around the same as Dr Kim’s. Except this time, you are doing this of your own accord.
The squeaking of the chair against the floor is deafeningly loud as he begins to thrust earnestly, and the thrill that you could be caught at any moment makes you feel more alive than you’ve ever been since the rise of Gilead. You can feel him at your cervix as he grips your thighs, and you make sure to wrap them around him tightly.
In an unprecedented move, Dr Kim reaches down to brush his thumb against your clit, and your walls clench around him in response. He swears under his breath as he shifts his position to rest his elbows on either side of you so that he can increase the strength behind his thrusts.
“Sh-shit, you feel so good,” he groans as he sneaks his hand in between your bodies once more to pinch your clit. No one has cared about your pleasure like this in a long while, and you feel your body responding to his ministrations, your orgasm rapidly approaching.
“Ha-harder, Doctor,” you feel his cheek press against your breast. “Cum inside me.”
You swear you can feel him twitch inside you, as he bites his lip hard. You have a hard time holding back your derisive laughter as Dr Kim Taehyung gets more turned on than ever. So this is his kink? This is the perfect job for him. Seeing Handmaids who are more often than not desperate to get pregnant, no matter by whom.
You feel a modicum of power back in the palm of your hand, which is more than you’ve felt in ages. The feeling of having power over someone else as you watch the pleasure take over Dr Kim Taehyung’s expression is addictive. The man is losing himself in between your legs, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh. Meanwhile you are the one watching him rut pathetically, straining to reach his end.
“Cum inside me, Doctor,” you say again, squeezing your walls around him and relishing his groan. “I’ll make you cum inside me.”
“Pl-please, call me Taehyung,” he pleads, raising himself up on his elbows to beg for a kiss.
You oblige, watching his desperation slowly take over his entire being. His lips are soft as he kisses you like a man starved, and you wonder who was the last person he kissed like this. Does he kiss all of the Handmaids he impregnates?
The next words you say are perfectly calculated. “Taehyung, I want your baby.”
There’s no reaction other than his hands clenching into tight fists, and his breathing getting harsher and harsher as his cock slams deep into you, and you clench around him one more time, only to feel him fill you up with his cum. The seed that you need to get pregnant and save your own life.
He doesn’t stop thrusting. His cock is still twitching inside you, and you can still feel the cum threaten to leak out. Dr Kim Taehyung lets out a long sigh of contentment as he expertly tilts the chair so that your hips are slightly raised.
When he’s satisfied, he slowly pulls out, eyes glued to the mess in between your legs. Only a little bit of cum is dripping out, and he reaches for a tissue to clean it up. The way he’s looking at you, a little bit too fondly, makes you realise that this is getting a bit too personal for your liking.
“Blessed be the fruit,” you remind him, and the phrase is like magic. You are all reminded of your roles in this society, and the forbidden act which you have both committed.
Dr Kim Taehyung seems to sober up when he hears this, as he tucks himself back into his pants and attempts to straighten his doctor’s coat.
“May the Lord open. You should… um. Stay here for the next ten to fifteen minutes. The nurses will be in to help you get dressed shortly,” he clears his throat as he lets the privacy curtain fall back into place. “And um… good luck.”
He leaves the room hurriedly, and you close your eyes, squeezing your thighs together and feeling the warmth that his cum leaves behind, feeling like your body is finally yours again.
You don’t know how much time has passed before the nurses come in and help you get dressed, and when you walk out of the room, Yeri makes a pointed remark about how long she had to wait. You follow her without a word to the car, waiting as Driver Jung opens the door for her, then you.
All the while, a secret smile upon your lips as you feel the cum from earlier drip down your inner thigh.
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azucanela · 4 years
Okay so i'm feeling pretty bad atm because my best friend replaced me and i need some fluffy rn. How about hcs for the reader being coldly abandoned by their previous best friend. Believing she is alone, she falls to her knees and cries outside in the middle of the rain. A moment later, she glances over to see Bakugou, Kirishima and Shinsou behind them trying their best to cover her from the rain with their jacket. Thank you♡
[ft. bakugo katuski, kirishima ejirou, shinsou hitoshi]
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SUMMARY: In which you are abandoned by your closest friend and are found by the boys. 
WARNINGS: mentions of murder, mean friends, me being violent, y/n has those main character moments in the rain its nice, 
A/N: bb im so sorry that they did that,,, please know that im here if you need anything and i will fight this person :D with your permission of course.
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your so called friend ended up ditching you
im going to throw hands literally 
you end up leaving the café you have been waiting for her in, near tears, and as if it can’t get any worse, you have no ride home, so naturally, you are now walking whilst trying to keep from crying
you’re about half a mile from UA, the hill is visible in the distance and you are very relieved because you just wanna cry in your bed
then it starts to rain
so yeah it did get worse
out of frustration and the built up sadness, you just kinda start crying, coming to a stop and falling to a seat at the side of the road
you felt so alone, the one person you thought would always be around he replaced you
clearly they didn’t feel the same
meanwhile, katuski is running with his jacket above his head, cursing out the skies
and then he spots someone crying in the rain, he initially thinks nothing of it, until he realizes its you
the girl who he “begrudgingly” helped study on weekends, the one who he was up until 2AM with, even though he slept like a grandpa
now he’s cursing for a different reason, he comes over to you
he is gonna wanna kill someone when he finds out and tbh you should let him but thats just me
in the past, people have abandoned him due to his personality, and though it hurt in the moment, he got over it pretty quickly 
and tbh, most of the time he had a little squad of jerks following him around so he didn’t really care abt anyone else.
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Staring at the text she’d just recieved, Y/N let out a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. Her so called best friend wasn’t coming, and would never be coming again. Apparently she had better things to do than hangout with some wannabe hero. Blinking away the tears, Y/N stood making her way to the exit of the shop, she stepped outside. 
She was beginning to regret ever leaving the UA campus, because at this point she’d much rather be crying in bed rather than in public. Y/N was suddenly grateful that the café was relatively close as she speedily walked down the sidewalk.
The one person she thought would be there for her through everything, through all the pain and joy and anything in between, was gone. Great. 
At least it couldn’t get worse than this, she decided as she saw the UA Campus in the distance, relief flooding her as her pace quickened. 
Then she saw lightning in the distance, thunder rattling in the sky, Y/N couldn’t help but wince. As water began to poor over her she paused her steps, exhaling deeply as she looked up at the sky. 
Then the tears began to fall, a hand coming to her mouth to quiet the sobs escaping her as she fell to the ground, seating herself at the side of the road, Y/N felt her body shake as she tried to force herself to even out her breathing.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was cursing out the skies, he’ been on his way back from visiting his parents when it began to pour. Immediately bringing his jacket over his body to try and shield himself from the brunt of the rain as he ran through the now empty streets. Save for one shaking person on the side of the road, causing him to raise a brow at, it was pouring rain and they were just sitting there?
He slowed temporarily to try and get a better understanding of what was going on, only to realize he recognized the person. Y/N. His classmate, the one he begrudgingly tutored on the weekend, the one he cursed out when she forgot to eat, the one who kept him up until 2AM even though his bedtime was normally 9PM.
Katsuki grimaced, coming up behind her with his jacket overhead to try and shield her from the rain as he spoke, “what the hell are you doing out right now? You’re gonna get sick.” 
Y/N jumped at the sudden voice behind her, though she knew it was Katsuki, she turned to see he was holding his jacket over the two of them, the red of her eyes a dead giveaway that she’d been crying. She couldn’t bring herself to speak as she looked up at him in shock. What was he doing here?
Katsuki’s face fell as his eyes scanned her for injuries, “who did this to you?” He wasn’t the best when it came to comfort, and he feared that would show as he began to interrogate her. 
Blinking Y/N realized what she must’ve looked like, trying to shake off the feelings she was experiencing she spoke, “we should go.” Wiping the water from her face, she moved to stand, and Katuski moved with her, his eyes still on her face. 
“Hold this side of the jacket.” He ordered, and she did as she was told, bringing one hand up to the left side of the jacket, which was now soaked in water and doing little to help. This action provided Katsuki with a freehand to put on the small of her back and push her forward rather aggressively. He lead them to a small grocery store on the street, pushing the door open. 
They were dripping wet, and looking up at Katsuki, who had returned to interrogating her, Y/N couldn’t help it when more tears leaked out of her eyes and she lunged forwards to tackle him in a hug.
He quickly shut up, body stiffening momentarily before he allowed his hands to wrap around her waist and return the hug. “Thank you,” she mumbled, burying her head in his chest.
Brows furrowed, Katsuki scoffed, “yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He turned to the view the rest of the store, “pick out some food, I’ll cook you something when we get back.”
Looking up at him, her mouth gaped open, “are you serious?”
“Did I stutter, you idiot?”
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kirishima ejirou 
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okay so
kirishima definitely is gonna hound you with questions when he finds you crying
like he cannot allow his bb to cry
not that you know you are his bb but like
it would be unmanly of him to just leave you in such a state so he does his best to comfort you.
has likely never experienced something like this so he can’t really empathize with you but he’ll try
basically tries to make you smile and laugh the entire time you are upset
contemplates talking to the girls for help, but he doesn’t know if you want others involved
instead texts them how girls like to be treated when sad but in a very vague way and tries to pass it off as some obscure tik tok trend
they go along with it, thankfully, mina has a major obsesssion though so shes upset she didn’t know about this trend
thats how kirishima accidentally started a tik tok trend
will respectfully commit a murder
i’ll help
least likely to acc go through with murder tho
he’s going to try his best
also goes the food route, based off his studies via the “tik tok trend” and he will gladly hold you
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Exiting the convenience store with a plastic bag of candy in hand, Kirishima sighed. He’d been out longer than anticipated, and it was already getting dark. The grey clouds above signaling the possibility of rain, Kirishima grimaced, he needed to get back to UA quickly.
He’d intended to have a movie night with the rest of the Bakusquad that night, and maybe even invite Y/N. He’d been trying to work up the courage to finally ask her out, but it hadn’t been going well. He didn’t feel very manly each time he chickened out, and Kaminari’s teasing didn’t help at all, escaping him was the main reason Kirishima agreed to pick up the candy that day. 
Sighing, Kirishima continued to walk, though the rain came faster, pouring down onto him as he groaned in annoyance, hoping that it wouldn’t damage his snacks as he pulled his jacket off to provide himself with some cover. Though it wasn’t very helpful, it was better than nothing. 
He begins to speed up, jogging slightly when he notices someone on the curb, seated. Kirishima frowns, moving behind them and bringing his jacket over them, “hey, what are you doing?” Considering how much it was raining now, and the sound of the thunder overhead, he figured the storm that was coming would only get worse. Being outside was the worst idea. And as a hero in training, he simply couldn’t allow this action. 
The mysterious person turns around, and Kirishima suddenly realizes its his classmate, his frown only deepening when he sees her swollen eyes. “Kirishima? She says, confusion clear in her tone as she looks up at him, eyes wide. They knew each other fairly well, though he could be shy at times, he was fun, and nice. And of course, rather respectful during all their interactions, she liked him. 
Kirishima pauses before finding himself sitting beside her in the pouring rain and allowing the water to hit him as he lowered his jacket, pulling a candy bar from his bag. “What’s wrong?” He asked, extending the candy to her. Though it would likely react poorly should she open it and the candy came in contact with the rain, it was the thought that counted.
Y/N’s mouth gaped open as she smiled sadly at him, taking the candy bar from him, “thank you.” She whispered, “it doesn’t really matter anymore, though.” She looks up at the sky, water cascading down her face as she inahles deeply.
Suddenly, Kirishima’s hand is in hers, “it’s bothering you, so obviously it matters.” He tugs her hand to get her to stand up alongside him, “and it wouldn’t be very manly of me to leave a pretty lady out in the rain.” 
A laugh escaped Y/N at this, “and I could never force a handsome man like yourself to stay out in rain.” Comes her reply, “let’s go.”
She wasn’t alone. Not while she had him.
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shinsou hitoshi
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definitely the best at comforting someone especially with something like this
feeds you sweets because food makes everything better, will be affectionate just for this instance because he knows you just want some love during this time
the best to talk to about it tbh, he’s very good at giving advice and listening to your problems
i feel like shinsou has probably experienced something similar in the past and he’s gonna understand what you are feeling
won’t try to make you open up but you’ll want to, he has a comforting presence
very calm about it, gently speaks with you and guides your actions, makes sure you take care of yourself if you are in a really bad place
once you’ve stopped crying he’ll ask you what happened and should you tell him he’ll honestly be VERY mad
like why would someone do that to an ANGEL like YOU???
is genuinely confused and potentially in a murderous mood
and he has the quirk to get away with it
wants to go off on this person though, desperately, and should he ever run into them they are going to get a piece of his mind
a really really mean piece of his mind
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Shinsou frowned as he felt a droplet of water fall onto his head, realizing that rain would likely come soon, he picked up the pace of his walk. He’d been out at the bookstore, and was suddenly grateful that he hadn’t bought anything as he watched everyone in the shopping center begin to retreat to their cars and into shops. 
He watched a lightning flashed in the distance, brows furrowing at the realization that a storm was coming when thunder accompanied the sight and pouring rain soon followed. UA wasn’t far, but he didn’t really want to have to run in the rain up the hill the school had been built upon.
Turning a corner, his eyes scanned the area in search of a shop he could wait out the storm in when they fell on the figure of someone seated in the rain, no umbrella or hood to protect them from the downfall, and their body shaking. 
Then he recognized the hoodie. It was his actually, and he knew exactly who he’d lent it to. 
Y/N L/N. The pretty girl in the hero course who’d threatened anyone who spoke poorly of him, defending his honor even though he never asked. She was always kind to him, even when they weren’t the closest of friends. Though that had changed, the pair now talking almost daily about a variety of things, something Shinsou was grateful for.
Questions flood his mind as he removes his jacket and brings it above him, going over to her, and when he’s close enough he can hear her small sobs, barely muffled by the palm of her hand. Shinsou can’t help but feel concerned as he brings his jacket above her to shield her from the rain, “hey, let’s go.” He mumbles gently. 
Y/N looks up at him, her eyes red and puffy, and if it weren’t pouring Shinsou would’ve hugged her right there. “What are you doing?” When she’d simply collapsed in the rain, her emotions overwhelming her, she hadn’t assumed Shinsou would randomly appear.
“Getting you out of the rain.” Came his response, “come on, we can wait out the storm in the café.” Shinsou would’ve extended a hand had he not be preoccupied by holding up his jacket, which was now soaking through.
Sniffing, she nodded, “yeah, you’re right.” She stands, and he follows her movements, jacket never leaving her figure as the pair makes their way to the door of the café. Y/N pushes the door open, and they both enter, allowing him to finally put the jacket above his head down, though it started soaking onto the floor. 
He threw it outside, much to Y/N’s shock, “I don’t wanna dirty the floor.” Shinsou explained nonchalantly, his purple hair sticking to his forehead. “Have you eaten?” 
“Sorry about your hoodie.” She mumbled, at they moved out of the way of the entrance. 
Raising a brow, he extended a hand, “that didn’t answer my question.” 
Y/N’s brows furrowed as she looked to his hand, tilting her head in confusion as she placed her hand into his, Shinsou gave her a small smile before leading her to the line of the café as she replied, “no. I didn’t.”
His brows draw together as she looks at her, she seems resigned, quieter than normal. “How about a muffin then? Or maybe a cupcake?” He peers into the display window, squinting at the variety of foods. “I say cupcakes,” In his experience, sugary foods always made things better, to an extent at least. 
Giving him a tight lipped smile, she nodded, “sure.” He was trying. It was better than nothing if she was honest. Considering the fact that her best friend had abandoned her today, it was a nice reminder, that she wasn’t alone. She had other people, regardless of what had happened.
Shinsou’s eyes met hers as he sighed, bringing his free hand to the back of his neck, “you wanna talk about it?” He knew they’d have to address it at some point, there was no denying that she had clearly been crying, something had upset her. 
Shaking her head, Y/N pulled him closer using their joined hands and brought him into a hug, “not right now.” It was an oddly intimate moment, despite the fact that they were in public.
Regardless, he pulls her tightly against him, wrapping his arms around her protectively as he responds, “alright. 
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A/N: if anyone ever needs to talk or anything pls know im here! my dms are always open to anyone for anything :D
anyways, remember to sleep well, eat food, and drink water!
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trulivin · 4 years
Family Troubles
A/N: Here’s another one finally! (I finished it last night and thought I would be really busy today, BUT I’m free now so I thought it would be good to post it!) To the nonny who requested, I hope this is what you were looking for! Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about this. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I just, I don’t know. I say that about everything I write don’t I lmao. I don’t know if I built their relationship good enough. Please send feedback, comment, like, etc. I do hope you enjoy though! I love writing! It’s so fun! Thanks for the request!
ALSO, this contains another sensitive topic. Mental abuse is real! I’ve experienced it. If you ever find yourself being manipulated by someone that causes you to doubt yourself or anything of that nature, speak up! Mental health is just as important as physical health! Reach out and get the help you deserve because no one deserves to be manipulated into thinking you are worthless! All love!
John B x Reader, Outer Banks
Warnings: Mental Abuse
*This isn’t my gif. Credit goes to original owner*
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The Pogues. A term Y/N found dear to her heart. Her best friends. Her biggest supporters. The family she was always looking for. Whenever she was with them, all of her troubles seemed to fade away. They could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. 
And then there was John B. The best type of friend a girl could ask for. Y/N had known him longer than the two had known JJ. Her father and John B’s, before he went missing, were the best of friends automatically making their children become friends. Y/N had spent every waking moment with John B since she could remember. 
As the two got older, there was a point when John B became more than a brother to Y/N. And at some point, John B realized Y/N was a pretty girl. But, as their group went from two to five, a certain rule popped up: no-Pogue-on-Pogue macking. 
Y/N never really minded it. She was still one hundred percent convinced John B still saw her as his sister, and she refused to ruin their lifelong friendship over some silly crush. 
Kie, JJ, and Pope saw right through the girl, on the other hand. They honestly didn’t care if Y/N and John B got together. It would even be a relief to them so they wouldn’t have to put up with the constant longing looks from the pair. Not to mention the subconscious touchy shit that makes JJ gag. 
JJ would constantly bring it up to John B too. Yet, he would, as JJ would say, deny, deny, deny. 
But, regardless of John B and Y/N’s feelings for one another, the Pogues were always having a good time. 
Except when Y/N had to go home and face her real family. 
She never knew why she went back. John B was living without his father and seemed to avoid DCS fairly well. Why couldn’t she?
Yet somehow, she’d always wind up back in her tiny house on the Cut. 
It wasn’t that her home situation was horrible. It just wasn’t great either. After John B’s dad disappeared, Y/N’s father left her and her mother to fend for themselves. For awhile, Y/N and her mom wouldn’t even speak to each other. Y/N never knew why they didn’t speak, but then a week later, a stranger was caught leaving her house in the morning. After that, Y/N’s mother had finally started speaking to her again as more and more men would be caught leaving the house in the morning. 
Sadly, Y/N’s mother had changed. She would lash out at Y/N, telling her how useless she was and how Y/N should be helping her poor mom make money so they could eat. Y/N would take in every word her mom would say and try to explain she was doing little things to help out. The jobs were sporadic but it was something. 
Their arguments would usually result in Y/N storming out of the house, but then getting a call about thirty minutes later from her mom, saying  how sorry she was for saying all those things. She’d go on and on about how Y/N was such a great daughter and how she loved her so much. 
So, Y/N would always come home with the slightest hope that her mother was alright and meant what she said. But, the same thing would happen a few days later, and Y/N would find herself in tears as her mother screamed at her for being incompetent like her father. 
John B had a faint idea that home life for Y/N wasn’t very good. He could read her like a book after all. He could tell something had happened when the crew would be hanging out and Y/N was oddly quiet, but whenever he asked, she would just brush it off. Even Kie, JJ, and Pope could tell when something was wrong, but instead of pushing her, they left Y/N alone. John B, however, thought she shouldn’t be left alone and felt as if she was battling with something mentally. 
His suspicions were confirmed when he heard the little jabs her mother would give towards her daughter that Y/N didn’t even seem to notice. 
John B had swung by Y/N’s place to pick her up on the way to one of Kie’s family Kook events. While he was following Y/N around her room getting her stuff together, her mom had come in. “Where is it you’re going this time?” Y/M/N asked. “An outdoor movie thing that Kie invited us to,” Y/N replied, shoving stuff in her bag. 
“Total Kook stuff, Ms. Y/L/N,” John B added with a small smile. The woman just narrowed her eyes. John B dropped his gaze, slightly confused as to why Y/N’s mother was acting so weird. She had always been so kind and welcoming. 
“When will you be home?” she asked. 
“I don’t know, Mom. Late,” Y/N answered with an irritated ring. 
Y/N’s mother scoffed, “Just like usual. While I’m stuck at home slaving away.” 
John B saw Y/N roll her eyes before standing up straight and facing her mom. “What do you want me to say?” Y/N snapped. “That I should stay here and find someone else who will pay for sex?” 
John B’s gaze shot to Y/N’s at her statement. He didn’t have the slightest idea as to what was going on. 
“Save it, Y/N. I don’t want to hear it. Just go out with your stupid friends. They’re just as useless as you are,” her mother retorted. John B refused to look up at the arguing mother and daughter. 
“Are you kidding me? You’ve known John B for his entire life. You, and I quote, ‘absolutely adore that kid’, and you’re going to act like you hate him!” 
Y/N’s mother glared at her child and Y/N rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever. Let’s go,” she said, grabbing John B’s hand and shoving past the woman blocking the door. John B heard Y/N’s mother let out a breath and follow them down the hall. Y/N marched straight to the van with John B trailing after her, still shocked at the scene that had just unfolded before his eyes. 
As they were about to drive off, Y/N’s mother came outside and called in a kind voice, “Be safe, Y/N! I’m sorry!” John B noticed Y/N’s face contort in pain before she shot her mother a small smile. 
As if a switch flipped on in John B’s head, he realized what was happening. And he didn’t like it one bit.
“So,” he started slowly and felt Y/N’s gaze on him, “You’re seriously not mad at her anymore?” “What?” Y/N asked. “Who says I was mad?” 
John B really couldn’t really believe what he was hearing. 
“You were just arguing with your mom,” John B replied.
“Oh, that. That wasn’t arguing. Just a normal day in the Y/L/N household,” Y/N let out a strained laugh. John B looked at the girl with concern swimming in his eyes. “Y/N,” he said softly, “Does your mom do this a lot?”
“What call me useless, incompetent, stupid, but then says she loves me? I mean I suppose,” she mumbled. John B’s jaw clenched. “That’s not right,” he said, not taking his eyes off the road. “She still loves me,” Y/N said defensively. 
“She says she does, but--” John B started but was cut off.
“Just drop it okay?” Y/N snapped, “I’m fine. Everything is fine.” 
John B glanced at Y/N and saw her looking out the window, signalling that this conversation was over. He didn’t like it, but he kept his mouth shut anyways. 
Ever since that day, John B tried talking to his best friend and show her how abusive her mother really was. But, Y/N refused to listen to him. She didn’t want to hear it because she wanted to believe she still had her mom after her father left. 
Until one day, Y/N finally heard all of John B’s concerns in her mind. 
Y/N had just gotten back from a day out with the Pogues, and her mother had already brought a new guy home. The teenager walked in on her half naked mother and stranger on the couch. “Oh god!” Y/N shouted, covering her eyes. 
“What the hell?” the guy shouted at her mom. “Who is this?”
Y/N’s mother glared at her daughter and gritted her teeth, “This is my daughter.” 
“You never told me you had kids! Geeze how old are you?” the man said, shoving Y/M/N off of him and grabbing his clothes. “Wait, don’t!” Y/N’s mom called after the guy who was storming out. 
Y/N still stood there in shock. She wasn’t prepared for the storm that was about to enter the home. As soon as her mother came back in, she started screaming. 
“I live here!” Y/N snapped back, her temper rising. 
“You little brat! You are always coming around when you aren’t wanted!”
“Mom! How was I supposed to know you were having someone over?” Y/N said. 
“Oh don’t play dumb,” her mother rolled her eyes, “You never approved of what I did. You’re just trying to sabotage me! All I’m doing is trying to help keep a roof of your head and food on the table! You don’t appreciate anything I do for you!”
Y/N was so confused. “You’re making no sense!” she screamed trying to hold back her tears of anger. “I appreciate everything you do! I was helping Heyward with grocery deliveries today! I was tipped big! I was trying to help!” 
“You never do anything helpful! All you do is go out with your stupid little boyfriend and friends! You’re the most worthless person I have ever met!” her mom screamed.
With every insult she spat at her daughter, Y/N felt a knife twist in her heart, and John B’s words echo in her head. Your mom may not be physically abusing you but she still is abusing you. Y/N, you need to get out of there. 
“God, you’re the worst daughter someone could have asked for! You worthless piece of shit! Are you listening to me?” Y/N’s mom screamed, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. Y/N shrunk back in fear. “I wish you were the one who left instead of your father,” Y/N’s mom hissed. 
Y/N felt as though a boulder had crushed her heart. Tears flowed down her face as she shoved her mom off of her. Her mom’s face immediately fell as she realized what she said. “No, sweetie, I didn’t mean it,” her mom tried touching Y/N’s arm, but the girl jerked away. 
Y/N had a look of horror written across her face. How could she do a complete 180? Y/N thought to herself. 
“Y/N, baby. You know I didn’t mean it. I love you.”
“No you don’t,” Y/N cried, backing away from her mother. “You’re sick. I’m sorry your husband left you, but that’s no reason to take your pain out on your child. You’re supposed to protect me! I lost a father too! But you, you just act like a complete idiot!” 
“No, sweetie--” Y/N’s mother started.
“I wish you were the one who left! Better you than Dad!” 
And then Y/N ran. 
She didn’t know where she’d go, but she knew she just needed to go anywhere but her home. Y/N let her legs carry her subconsciously and somehow wound up on the porch of the Chateau. Sobs racked her body as she collapsed on the ground.
John B opened the door expecting an animal or burglar but looked down to see a sobbing Y/N. 
“Hey, hey, what happened?” John B said immediately, scoping her up in his arms, bringing her inside. 
He went to set her down on the couch, but Y/N clung on to him and cried harder. John B sat down with her in his lap, a hand wrapped around her waist and head as he let her cry. John B knew what happened. He knew something like this was coming. Her mother must’ve said some awful thing and Y/N must’ve finally seen what was really going on. 
“Shhh,” John B soothed as Y/N cried harder. “Whatever she said to you is a lie. You’re worth it. You’re worth something,” John B whispered in her ear. Y/N seemed to quiet a bit at the sound of his voice so John B continued. 
“You’ve always been perfect, Y/N,” he said. John B didn’t really know where he was getting these words from. He never admitted his feelings for Y/N to JJ, but now, now he just knew he couldn’t deny it any longer. She needed to know that someone still loved her. 
“You’re always putting everyone’s happiness first, so when she says you’re useless or incompetent, she’s wrong. You’re a selfless, beautiful girl.” 
Y/N’s heart began pounding out of her chest as she listened to John B’s words. 
“I know you don’t want to hear this,” John B continued, “but she doesn’t love you. She’s not your family anymore. You have other people who love you. JJ, Kie, Pope. And me.” Y/N had stopped crying at this point. Does he mean it more than a friend?
“I,” John B hesitated, “I love you. And I think everyone has known that except you.” 
John B fell silent after that, holding his breath. He had no idea what Y/N would do. Y/N slowly lifted her head off of his chest and looked up at him. John B’s eyes were full of concern, but a little apprehension. He was waiting for her to say something. 
Instead, she leaned up, pressing her lips to his. John B instantly kissed her back. The kiss was sweet and slow. Y/N felt a warmth spread throughout her body as his grip tightened around her frame. She finally felt at home. Never in a million years did she think she would be kissing the boy who put sand in her hair as little kids. 
When they broke apart, Y/N’s mouth quirked up, “I love you too, John Booker Rutledge.” John B grinned and pulled her back in for another kiss. She moaned quietly as he bit down on her lip causing his hands to grip her waist a little tighter. Soon enough, Y/N found herself straddling John B. 
Her hands found the bottom of his t-shirt and began tugging at it. However, he quickly grabbed her wrists to stop her. “Wait, wait,” he said, pulling away. Y/N pouted a bit. “We aren’t doing this right now.” “Why not?” Y/N whined a bit. 
“You just ran away from home,” John B replied. 
“Y/N,” he said with a stern voice, “You need to tell me what happened. Now is not the night for us to be ignoring this and you know it.” 
Y/N contemplated his words for a moment, but reluctantly agreed. They resituated themselves to where she was laying on his chest while his arm was around her waist again. 
“Well,” Y/N started slowly, “I came home and found my mom with another man. The man flipped out cause I guess my mom lied about her age and about having kids. And then she proceeded to blow up at me. Kept telling me how I was trying to sabotage her work and how I was worthless. The usual nonsense you know.” 
John B nodded in the dark and gave her a squeeze telling her to continue. 
“And,” Y/N paused, “and then she said she wished it was me who left instead of Dad.”
John B’s heart sank. “But then,” Y/N continued, “It was like she flipped a switch. She claimed she didn’t mean it and that she loved me. I didn’t believe her this time so that’s when I ran.”
Y/N shifted so she could look at the boy. John B had a mixed look of anger and sadness on his face. “Y/N,” he started, “you’re not going back there.” And for once, Y/N listened to him. “Ok.” John B was slightly surprised, but mostly relieved she didn’t try to defend her mother. 
Y/N laid back down and closed her eyes as John B started speaking again.
“You don’t know how much you are loved. Especially me, but the group. JJ would fall apart if you weren’t here, and Kie and Pope, you know how much they care about you. Don’t let anyone tell you you are nothing because you are far from it. I promise you. You are worth everything to me. Promise me you won’t ever doubt yourself,” John B said. 
Y/N smiled in the darkness. “I promise, John B.” He wrapped both arms around her and pulled her even closer as she finally drifted off to sleep. 
The next morning, the two were woken up by a very loud voice. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” JJ smirked. Y/N curled into John B’s chest mumbling something about killing JJ for waking her up. 
“Leave them be JJ,” Kie’s voice snapped softly. “Thanks Kie,” John B groaned, slinging his arm over his face to block out the sunlight. 
“Let’s go, we’ll meet up later,” Kie said before John B heard the porch door open and close. 
“Congrats man,” JJ added kindly before slipping outside after Kie. “I love you,” Y/N mumbled before her soft snores filled the room again. John B grinned like an idiot and whispered, “I love you too my sweet girl,” before he slipped back into a comfortable sleep.
I hope you enjoyed! More fics coming soon! And feel free to send in requests! Xoxo
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wardenroot · 4 years
11 and 56 for Dinahsiren if you dont m i n d 👀
Neighbor + Awful First Meeting
Okay so Laurel has just moved in because she just worked her way up to becoming the new DA, and figured she needed a new place to celebrate. She invites Felicity over (or, rather, Felicity invites herself over) to celebrate, and Laurel picks her up at the entrance to the apartment complex. While walking, Laurel rants about something - maybe someone annoying at work or something. While venting, she gesticulates. A lot. And of course, enraptured in her story as she is, she doesn’t notice someone walking past them with her arms full of groceries.
She does notice when her hand hits something rather hard. There’s the sound of many things tumbling on the ground, and Laurel looks down to find the groceries having gone everywhere. It’s right outside of her apartment, and Laurel tries to help, because it’s what people are supposed to do or whatever. When all she receives is a death glare in return, Felicity rambles out an apology on Laurel’s behalf as she drags her into the apartment.
Laurel tries very hard to forget about her neighbor in the coming days. And she does quite a good job of it, until it’s her first day on the job and who does she meet? The Captain of Police, with a black eye and a death glare that looks suspiciously similar to the one she received the other day.
What does she do?
She asks:
“How’s your face?”
Her new colleague very much looks like she wants to murder her on the spot.
And here Laurel had been trying to be nice. She’s definitely not trying that again.
Their professional relationship is strained, at best, but they somehow make it work. Despite Captain Drake’s personal feelings towards her, it’s clear she’s not one to let that have too much of an effect on her work. Putting away criminals is more important than picking fights with the DA, Laurel supposes.
The same is not true outside of work. No matter how pleasant Captain Drake has been, Dinah Drake, civilian and Laurel’s neighbor, offers her nothing but death glares and “accidental” shoulder bumps as they pass each other in the hall of their apartment building.
Of course, Laurel answers with more of the same. Why should she play nice if Dinah isn’t?
It goes on like this until one day, when Laurel brings her work home with her, she finds herself needing clarification on some of the things from the police report. Of course, none other than Captain Drake is the one to be overseeing the case.
She could wait for the next day and tackle the situation at work, with multiple witnesses.
Or, she could find that really nice bottle of wine Felicity had gotten her to celebrate her new job and walk right across the hall. She probably should wait for the next day, but the case is bugging her and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to sleep anyway. Might as well make sure Dinah can’t sleep either.
When Dinah opens the door, she almost closes it again immediately. Laurel has to put her foot between the door and the frame. Dinah could at least wait to hear her out.
It takes some convincing, but in the end, Dinah invites her inside. They open the bottle of wine and have a surprisingly pleasant time going over the case. Dinah only threatens to break something twice, and Laurel keeps her snark to a minimum. They don’t even notice how late (or early) it’s become until both their alarms go off, signaling it’s time to get ready for work. (Thankfully, the wine bottle has long since been emptied by then.)
After that, it slowly develops into a habit. If one of them has problems with a case the other is working, they get together and hash out the details. And the worst part? Laurel finds herself liking it. So much so that when she knows their days off coincide, she leaves the case files at the office, buys a wine she has come to know Dinah is particularly fond of, and knocks on her door.
Dinah let’s her in without a second thought, and it only hits her when she’s already found the wine glasses the Laurel doesn’t have a file with her and Dinah certainly didn’t have anything she wants to discuss.
But Laurel grabs her remote and starts scrolling through her netflix, and none of them say anything. On that subject, anyway. The quickly start to argue about which movie to watch.
Dinah wins when she wrestles the controller out of Laurel’s grasp, having had to trap her beneath her own body and the couch to do so. Laurel is helpless with Dinah so close she can smell her, the room’s temperature suddenly skyrocketing, and her grip around the controller loosens. She briefly looks at Dinah’s lips, but then Dinah rolls back to her own side of the couch, putting on something Laurel can’t pay attention to with the memory of Dinah on top of her so fresh.
And so, that as well becomes a habit. Felicity is only a little jealous that Laurel regularly drinks wine with someone else, but it’s overshadowed by her thinking how cute the two of them are together. Laurel thinks she’s delusional. Still, Felicity’s words implant a dangerous thought in her mind, and next time she visits, she steals the remote again.
Dinah raises her eyebrow, giving her a look that asks her if she really wants another go at this. Laurel gives her an innocent look, puts on a movie she knows Dinah hates, and hides the controller behind her back.
Of course it ends with Dinah on top her again, even closer than before as Dinah has to worm her hand in between the couch cushions and Laurel’s back.
It’s not easy to do with the little amount of space the couch offers, but Laurel flips them, and the indignant look Dinah gives her makes it worth it all on its own.
Not quite having a plan after this point, Laurel simply raises the controller in the air and declares herself the winner. Of course, Dinah never has been to give up so easily. Laurel just never expected the particular tactic that Dinah would use. 
Because Dinah, having gotten over the shock of Laurel flipping them, grabs onto Laurel’s shoulder and yanks her down.
And shit.
Their faces are so close now.
Laurel forgets that this was what she had been trying to accomplish with Dinah so close completely overpowering her senses.
Dinah smiles sweetly at her, slides her hand from Laurel’s shoulder to Laurel’s neck ever so slowly, and pushes her head down the last few inches needed  for their lips to touch.
Laurel fails to notice how Dinah’s other hand trails along her arm, until Dinah pulls back with a triumphant expression and the sound from the TV is turned off. Laurel rolls her eyes, get ready to brush everything off as her simply letting Dinah win, but Dinah looks her curiously and kisses her again.
Suddenly, the TV seems insignificant as the controller is discarded somewhere and both of Dinah’s arms wrap around Laurel’s body.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter six: what’s mine, is yours
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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“Hey guys, need help?”
As you walked into the door of the house, Kirishima eagerly walked over to help you with the bags in your hands. He wore a plain white t-shirt and black shorts, then you noticed his hair wasn’t spiky anymore, but relaxed and down. “Oh my god, how can he get more adorable,” you thought. Low and behold though, he smiled enormously at you, making you squeal internally. “I’m deceased now.”
“So I learned the gremlin here is bi-lingual while we were out shopping,” Bakugou said as he walked into the kitchen and started to put away groceries, Kirishima following behind.
You smiled at the two of them and proceeded to help, the red-head asked for elaboration and you explained to him.
“And I thought you couldn’t get any cuter mama. Maybe you can teach us sometime!”
Kirishima smiled as he pulled out your jar of pickles and pickle chips. He gave you a look, and you shrugged and grinned at him making him smile in return.
“So Red, I’m cooking Mexican tonight, that cool with you?”
He nodded eagerly and bundled up the empty grocery bags, “Sounds good, I’m starving! Do you need any help with anything?”
You violently shook your head, strongly protesting against them and moving to gather both men with all your strength and pushed them out of the kitchen. Placing kisses to their cheeks and pats on the back. They both left and went to the living room to do their own thing as you proceeded to start prepping dinner. They ended up playing a video game together, both glancing over at you every now and then. The area started to smell heavenly as they heard sizzling noises.
“Ugh, I don’t know how much longer I can wait, I’m starting to drool over here man,” Kirishima whined as he gripped his stomach and Bakugou chuckled.
In perfect timing you called over to them that dinner was finally ready and they both quickly jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen, broad shoulders bumping into the other as they raced along the way. Suddenly they both stopped in their tracks, jaws dropping as they looked at the display of food.
“So, I made some carne asada, I marinated the meat and tried to make it as spicy as I could, so hopefully it turned out good! Over here you have your toppings like cilantro, limes, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, beans, some extra chili powder just for you Suki. You can either make tacos with them, or I made rice as well and you can top them on that or make a burrito.”
Kirishima looked like he was about to cry as he walked over and hugged you, making you giggle and pet his soft hair.
“Thank you so much (Y/N), you didn’t have to go all out for us like this! Keep it up and you’re gonna have us fat and spoiled!”
He pulled back with you still in his arms, you shrugged at him with a smile. “It’s the least I could do after you guys helped me out and let me into your home. I’ll make you a deal, on the days that I’m off work, I’ll cook for you guys. Then maybe on Sundays we can all cook together?”
The two men nodded eagerly agreeing with you. Bakugou grabbed dishware for everyone and set them beside the layout of food. Kirishima let go off you, kissing your forehead and thanking you once more before going to fix his food. Katsuki smirked as he passed you, your eyes locking briefly before he placed a kiss on your cheek, shocking even himself, and thanking you as he walked to stand by Kirishima and made a plate.
You stood there, rubbing the cheek the blonde kissed and watching in awe as your roommates smiled at the other and nudged elbows, making small talk as they piled food onto their plates. It amazed you how cool and civil they were, having to know of the obvious crushes they both had on you. For a moment it made your small sense of guilt fade and you joined them.
Soon the three of you sat down, eating and talking with each other. The boys both asked you more about your childhood and family. Kirishima couldn’t get over how you said ‘cilantro’ with a Mexican accent, he’d ask you to repeat it over and over and asked you to say other common words that made your accent come out, making Bakugou chuckle as you entertained the red-head. You asked both of your friends about their own families, learning that Bakugou’s mom was pretty much a carbon copy of himself just female. Then Kirishima told you the story of how he got the cut above his eye, making you awe at him. It was so nice to have them around, making you realize what you were missing out on from living alone.
After eating, you all got up from the table to put your dishes in the sink. You went to go grab the sponge to wash them until you felt strong arms around your waist, jerking you away from the sink.
“Oh no mama, you cooked, we’ll clean! You’ve had a pretty big day, why don’t you go take a bath? Fortunately, my bathroom is the only one with a tub, so you lucked out there.”
You smiled at the men and thanked them, squeezing their arms before turning away and took off upstairs. The two red-eyed roommates cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes together. It was quiet between them but they both had the same thing on their mind - you. They wanted to tell the other how they felt about you so bad, but hesitated in fear of crushing their friend. Finally they both finished cleaning up the kitchen and looked at each other.
“We need to talk!”
Bakugou smirked, pushing away from the sink and going to the fridge, grabbing two beers out of it and handing one to his friend. Kirishima smiled and they both walked outside to sit on the front steps.
“So I guess it’s obvious that we’re both falling for her right?”
Katsuki hummed in agreement, taking a drink and sighing before he spoke, “And it’s also obvious that she’s possibly falling for both of us.”
The red-head nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.
“And here I thought we had a problem, she’s the one in a shitty situation you know. Probably thinking she has to choose between the two of us. If (Y/N) is as selfless as I think she is, then she won’t.”
Both of the men’s hearts dropped a bit. You were such a genuinely caring person and you wouldn’t dare come between them, especially now that you all lived together. Bakugou and Kirishima could be selfish and just go after you with everything they had like some kind of competition to see who got you first, but they didn’t want that, it would only tear you apart in the process and tear each other apart. Besides you, Kirishima was the only other person Bakugou cared about and was close to, there was no way he was going to fuck up the years of friendship, brotherhood, they built together. Kirishima felt equally the same.
Head hanging low, Bakugou sat quietly, rolling a rock under his toes against the concrete.
“What if she didn’t have to choose between us?” He blurted out, breaking Kiri’s thoughts.
The red-head looked at his friend with confusion and asked what he meant.
“Kiri, what if we like shared her? Like fucking Pikachu does, doesn’t he have like two boyfriends? We’d both get what we want and she would get what she wants and not feel torn down the middle.”
“You mean like a poly relationship? I didn’t know you were into that, I mean I’m not objecting.” Kirishima chuckled and took a drink.
Bakugou shrugged his shoulders, “I mean, if it were with some other guy, like Icy-Hot or Deku, I’d fucking kill them, but its you. We’ve been through a lot together and have shared a lot together. What makes this any different?”
Kirishima raised his eyebrows.
“Well a lot man, this is a person we’re talking about Kat, not a toy. We’d be sharing emotions, connections, time, everything man. And not that its the only thing that matters, but we’re humans and we’re physical creatures so we’d have to share affection with her, kisses, hugs - even sex. Are you truly okay with that?”
Kirishima turned his head to look at his friend. A sharp tooth chewing on his lip nervously. Maybe he thought about exactly this before and he never had any strong negative feelings about it. So far the three of you really worked well together. If he saw any other guy being flirty and handsy with you like Bakugou was, Kirishima would be green with envy but … that wasn’t the case here.
Bakugou chuckled, thinking nearly the same exact thing as his friend. If anyone were the jealous and possessive type, it was Katsuki Bakugou. Not like he had ever been in a serious relationship before, just hooked up here and there, but he wasn’t as walled-off as people thought he was. He wanted to experience whatever the fuck this was with you, even if it meant Kirishima was also involved, the fucker was involved in everything else in his life. They needed each other, so what, and that was shockingly okay with Bakugou.
The blonde smirked and looked at his friend, “Look Shitty Hair, long as she gave us an equal amount of attention, I’m down.”
Kirishima laughed warmly and rolled his eyes.
“Alright Blasty, so it’s not a weird idea and it could work out. She wouldn’t feel so like you said torn that’s for sure, I mean we both make her happy, what I lack you make up for and vice versa right? But just because we’re cool with this, doesn’t mean she will be, so how do you suggest we bring the topic up?”
“I guess we just let her come to us when she’s ready to talk, with her living with us now, I’m sure it won’t take long. In the meantime, if she makes a move on either of us then we’re cool with each other to accept it?”
Kirishima thought it over and smiled, nodding before holding up his bottle, “What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine?”
Bakugou flashed him a smirk and raised his own drink, the sound of glass clinking sounding off between them, sealing their agreement.
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“I should get out, I’m starting to prune,” you hummed as you looked at your hands. 
It had to of been a good 20 minutes that you spent in the bathtub, losing track of time while reading a book. After getting out and drying off, you took your hair down from its clip and put on a black tank top and some soft sleeping shorts then grabbed your book and dirty clothes before walking out and down to your bedroom. Once you disposed of the items, you decided to go back downstairs and see what your new roommates were up to.
Just as you walked out the door, so did Bakugou from his bathroom. Without looking up you knew it was him, given that Kiri’s room was on the other end of the hall.
“Oh your still – uhh, oh,” you gasped as you finally laid eyes on the shirtless blonde before you.
Your eyes raked over his toned and defined chest, lightly glistening as a few drops of shower water had yet to dry on his skin. Swallowing thickly, you weren’t exactly paying attention to how long you starred, you had only ever seen Bakugou in his work clothes and hero costume, not once catching him without a shirt, at least until now. You knew he’d be gorgeous but damn, this was illegal.
Katsuki noticed your eyes taking him in and chuckled.
“If you wanted to see me without fucking rags on all you had to do was ask princess, you didn’t have to wait outside my bathroom!”
His arrogant voice finally broke your thoughts and you rolled your eyes at him. Looking away and willing the blush on your face to subside while scratching at your neck.
“A-are you going to bed already?” You asked, trying to seem calm, leaning back against the wall.
Bakugou clicked his tongue and nodded, a hand coming up to ruffle his damp hair, “Yeah, why do you fucking need something gremlin?”
You smirked at him and pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, “Well if you’re offering!”
You teased, expecting Bakugou to smart back off. 
Instead, he smirked and took a step towards you, causing you to step sideways until he quickly placed both arms on either side of your head, trapping you against the wall. You quietly grunted and bit your lip again when his face came closer to yours, making your heartbeat and breathing quicken. One of his hands suddenly came up to rest on the side of your neck, his thumb tracing your jawline slowly and making you shudder. His touch was soft but demanding and made your eyes flutter at him, body going still.
His thumb then brushed over your bottom lip, coaxing it out from between your teeth and making you unconsciously whimper; this made Bakugou chuckle and grin wickedly as he traced your lip. His hungry red eyes never looking away from the soft piece of flesh. He leaned even closer, completely invading your space as his teeth bit down on the lip and sucked it softly. As soon as your taste was on his palette, Bakugou released you and dragged his teeth across your cheek where he placed a soft kiss and pulled away.
“Katsu,“ you breathed out as he looked at you with a pleased grin, his smug look gone and replaced with a softer one.
“I’m pretty beat from work princess. How about you go hangout with Red tonight, then tomorrow night me and you will hangout?” Bakugou finally spoke, cupping your cheek in his warm palm.
In utter shock, all you could do was nod. He placed another kiss on your forehead, hands moving on your body and turning it down the hall as he spoke a ‘goodnight’ and slipped into his room. You stood there for a few minutes going over what had just happened and how the crimson eyed blonde had just completely mind-fucked you.
“What the actual fuck!”
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
Come Together 02
Fandom: Destiny
Pairing: Devrim Kay/Marc
Warnings: ridiculous romancing, eventual smut
“A young city planner set his eyes on an older militiaman. He was unkempt and terribly forward. The militiaman had class. He wasn’t interested.”
“Clearly,” Marc tells their friends. “That’s why they decided to get married.”
(A story told in bits and pieces.)
Chapters: 01
He enters the office with an impressive swagger come Monday morning.  Manages not to piss off Devrim, passing him on his way in without so much as a direct look. Marc could absolutely feel that coldwater gaze on his back, though. Good, he thought.
Devrim meets him for lunch, arriving at noon like clockwork. Marc makes another concession, already having his usual meal sitting there, waiting for him when he sets down his pack.
“What, no aioli? You’ve only been trying to get me to put it on everything for nearly a week now.”
“Hello to you, too,” Marc chirps, pulling the extra from his take-away container and holding it out between his index and middle fingers. “Knew I’d convert you eventually. Artisanal food is my specialty.”
��I didn’t know the City employed food-tasters,” Devrim sasses him. “Is that what they do in the Planning Office now?”
“Oh, of course,” He agrees, treating Devrim to an eye-roll that’s been stolen from his own playbook. “Who needs infrastructure?”
“You’re a monster. Who needs infrastructure, indeed.” He grumbles.
His reply begins with a laugh. “I’m kidding. I love infrastructure,” Marc leans in, his eyes on Devrim’s lips before flicking up to meet his intent gaze. He hopes it’s as heavy as it feels, flirtatious but not overwhelming.
“Is that so?”
Marc’s eyes light up. “It is.” 
“What do you do in the City Planner’s office?”
He shrugs. “I fool around until someone gives me something to work with.”
“Like what?”
“Like the redesign of the Market District, or the Plaza, or the Consensus Hall.” Devrim leans in as Marc leans back, crossing his arms over his chest, giving Devrim a peek of the chest hair that peeks from his unbuttoned collar. His hazel eyes flash as he grins. “I’m an architect.” He clicks his tongue against his teeth, enunciating that final ‘t.’ “Lead architect, actually.”
Devrim shakes his head. “At your age?”
“Trust me,” His smile errs toward sheepish then, “My subordinates hate me.”
That earns him a laugh. No sarcasm, no irritated expressions. It’s glorious.
Marc cannot wait to get this man under him.
Devrim cancels their second ‘official’ date, that Thursday.
He’s managed to come down with a nasty cold, the bark of his cough making Marc wince as he sees him that morning. He receives a message on his tablet - having only just exchanging contact info on Tuesday.
>CO sent me home sick. Afraid we’ll have to reschedule.
Marc takes one look at the message and scoffs. Instead of going home to change into something a bit more date-worthy after work - well, now going home to mope over cancelled plans, technically - he heads to the market for supplies and directly to the address Devrim had scribbled on that napkin he definitely isn’t keeping in a box atop his dresser since he's already memorized it.
Of course the other man lives on the upper, but as luck would have it, Devrim's neighbor lets him in without him having to use the outside buzzer. For the best, since he wasn't really sure what he was working with and grabbed a little bit of everything.
He only sets one of the three heavy bags down outside the door, preferring to do so rather than bash his produce against the wall beside it. There's some rustling from inside the flat - thin walls, he catalogs for later - and then the door opens a crack.
Red eyes, feverish cheeks, pink nose… no doubt about it. Devrim is sick as a dog.
"Did I - I swore I sent you a message saying I had to cancel," Devrim says, his voice hoarse but no less rugged or handsome.
Marc turns on his most charming of smiles. "You did. Thought I'd come-"
"I'm not dressed."
The door closes immediately in his face.
Undeterred, Marc knocks again. More insistently than before.
Devrim throws the door open a little more, just in time for Marc to catch his attire.
"WHAT," He snips, irritated. Genuinely so.
"You're in pajamas. And a robe." Marc's eyes don't leave Devrim's face for once, and his smile fades into something less put-on and more genuine. Affection bleeds into his voice as he teases, "You're plenty decent. Let a man cook for you."
Whatever comes out of his mouth is more grumble than actual words, but he's allowed entry. Even if he knows it's mostly due to Devrim wanting to lay back down. Devrim waves him in the general direction of the kitchen - sparse, but expansive - and he sets the bags down before he returns to what's clearly a living room. Surely if it has been any other time and the other man not been sick, he'd have been given a tour.
But instead, Devrim is reclined on a chair, though it's clear he'd been laying on the sofa based on the blanket and box of tissues there.
He opts for transparency. "Figured you wouldn't be up anything crazy, so I'm making chicken soup. I'll force you into trying something new when you can actually taste it."
Devrim casts him a tired glance, as if silently willing him to get on with it.
"And lay on the couch, would you? I'm not about to make a pass at you while you're sick. I'm not that trashy."
"Is that so?" He coughs into his elbow, and cuts his momentum in half. He doesn't manage to spin it into an eloquent insult.
"I'll be in the kitchen," Marc says, pressing cool fingers against Devrim's forehead as he passes. He's burning up. Maybe he should have grabbed some cold medicine. "It'll take a bit, so let me know if you need anything."
He wakes in the middle of the night with a gasp. He's still on the couch, which explains why he's so stiff. Only the light over the kitchen stove is on, casting a sliver of light into the living room, enough to see the reflection of a glass of water he definitely did not set out for himself on the coffee table. He knows this because he would have used a coaster.
Beside it is a scrap of paper.
Soup in fridge. Feel better.
He sags back against the cushions, listening carefully. He barely remembers Marc showing up, he'd been so out of it, but he remembers that the other man had brought groceries. After a moment of intense scrutiny he determines that unless his senses are failing, he's definitely alone in the apartment.
Groaning, he rises, taking the cup of water with him and drinking his fill before forcing himself to see what force of nature has wrecked his kitchen.
What he finds surprises him. Whatever dishes he'd used are sitting in the rack, his cutting board cleaned and replaced on the hook near the range. Even the garbage has been emptied. It's as if he'd never been there in the first place.
"Well I'll be," He marvels aloud. He opens the refrigerator to find a large stockpot of soup, proof that Devrim needs a better array of storage containers and that Marc was not joking. 
He searches for a ladle in the drawers, only to discover it and a single place setting laid out on the counter beside the refrigerator.  Shaking his head, the sick militiaman takes his time reheating the bowl.
It might be mean, but he's glad Marc is long gone when he tries it. He might be sick, and his sense of taste might be lacking, but the soup is out of this world.
Marc isn't surprised to see someone else standing at Devrim's post the next morning.
What he is surprised to see, however, is the lush bouquet of cream-colored roses delivered to his office while he's out at his ten o'clock meeting. He does not want to imagine what Devrim paid for same-day delivery. Assuming they're from Devrim.
At least, he really hopes they're from Devrim. Cream roses are a rather traditional flower of gratitude. Seems his style.
He waits until his nosy co-workers buzz off, slipping the card into his suit jacket to prevent them from asking. Which they do. Surprise flowers are the most exciting thing to happen in the planning office since his secretary adopted a dog. Which was cute, but the event has come and gone and Marc would be more invested if it was a cat and not some yappy little thing the woman keeps insisting upon bringing to the office.
When the anticipation feels like it’s literally killing him, he very covertly removes the small envelope and opens the card, which has an elegant scroll of ‘Thanks’ embossed on the front of it.
Inside, it’s blank.
It’s from Devrim alright.
His tablet buzzes around the time he’d go for lunch. Which, without anyone to meet, there’s no point, so he grabs another coffee and tries to get ahead on a proposal that has to go in front of the Consensus next week. It’s always extra brownie points if he gets it in early to Zavala.
Marc nearly forgets that he’s missed a message, he’s so in the zone. More than likely it’s from his secretary, who will insist on bringing him something to eat even though he’ll stop for something on the way home.
The reminder buzz interrupts his double check of a materials analysis.
>Take away? Assuming you and your new secret admirer don’t have plans.
Marc grins.
<I’ll see you in a few hours.
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qvestchen · 5 years
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT : Chapter Seven
Summary: There’s a thin line between reality and playacting, and Dong Sicheng tripped hard over it when he fell head over heels in love with Nakamoto Yuta.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: Home, Previous, Next.
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT
Chapter 7: A small snowball
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Winwin closed his eyes, steadying his breath as the door closed behind Hansol leaving just Yuta and Winwin in the room now.
"Why did you tell him to leave?" he said with gritted teeth, staring straight at Yuta, anger evident in his expression.
So, tonight was going to be it, a small voice whispered in his head. Everything had been building up to this. The night where they finally fought it out, the night that would destroy the fine balance they had both achieved by leaving everything unsaid, the night where they stopped pretending. He knew they would never be the same after this because this was where it ended, without ever having really begun. He wanted to take all of the hurt inside his heart and turn it into fuel for this night.
Chapter 7
Winwin closed his eyes, steading his breath as the door closed leaving just Yuta and him in the room now.
"Why did you tell him leave?" he said with gritted teeth, anger evident in his expression.
"It's your room too. You're tired from practice and would want to rest obviously. Besides, he had to leave anyway," Yuta said, with a small shrug. "Don't worry about it."
"Oh, you expect me to believe that," Winwin scoffed. "There's no one else here. You needn't pretend in front of me. There are no fans here, no managers, no reason for any fanservice."
"What do you mean?" Yuta stared at him in shock.
"What do I mean?" Winwin scoffed. "I mean," he stressed, angrily, every word punctuated by a step in Yuta's direction. "I don't want your YuWin bullshit. I don't want to be a cute little cog in your fanservice. I don't want you pretence. I don't want your acting. So, stop. Just stop it."
Yuta had never seen Winwin like this. He didn't know how to react to every word that was hurled his way, every word that fell onto him like burning coals. He blinked, faltering back, his back against the wall. "Sicheng-ah," he began.
"I don't want to hear it. Whatever it is."
Yuta let out a breath. "So, you get to say all that and I don't even get to say a word?"
"With you, I can't differentiate between fiction and reality. Every word out of your mouth sounds like a lie to me."
"H-How can you say that?" Yuta looked as if he had been slapped. "You of all people...Wow, Winwin, you really...You could have just said no or even ignored. I wasn't ever going to say a word, not after what happened last time. You really didn't need to be this hurtful."
Winwin looked at him, eyes dull with an ebbing rage. "Every day of your charade, you have hurt me. I don't think you have the right to pin me as hurtful."
They stood so close to each other that Yuta could feel Winwin's breath on his face but he had never felt so far away from him. With a few words, Yuta's world had turned upside down and all he could grasp at was a deafening silence. He tried to hide his shaking hands and broke Winwin's gaze, looking down with a rueful smile. "Wow, you really hate me. I didn't—" He sidestepped him, walking out of the room. It was with a broken heart that he said at the door, "It wasn't a charade for me."
He walked on auto-pilot to Taeyong's room. His tongue felt like lead as he tried to keep his voice calm. "Can I sleep in your room tonight?"
Taeyong and Johnny had been playing ludo by the looks of it but they immediately put it aside.
"Don't ask," Yuta managed to mumble before lying down on the closest bed and turning towards the wall. There was a sob and then, more to himself than to them, "He thinks of me and him as a fanservice. A lie. A sham. I was so wrong to think he could like m—"
"Yuta," Taeyong began.
"You can't make it right today, Taeyong. Nothing can. Just...let me be. I want to sleep."
There was silence and then, someone pulling a blanket over him. He screwed his eyes shut but Johnny's voice was comforting. "It's okay, I'll exchange with you." He kissed his head and suddenly Yuta missed his home more than ever. "We all love you. Good night for now."
He heard the door close and he was grateful for that. He couldn't explain anything right now, not when things didn't make sense to him either. All he knew was that it hurt and he wanted to just lie under the covers until it didn't.
He felt the bed dip behind him and someone was stroking his hair softly. It reminded him of home and being small and his mother and he began to cry.
"I'm here, I'm here," Taeyong said, patting him softly. It hurt to see his friend suffer like this and he wished he could have done something more but all he could do at the moment was sit on the edge of the bed and comfort him as he cried.
When Johnny had walked out of his room, he had decided that it was time that he finally interfered in Yuta and Winwin's relationship. He couldn't see his friend hurt himself over and over, and especially this time, when it looked horribly serious. He had a good mind to find Winwin and ask him what was happening and maybe even offer some good advice.
But Winwin was already gone by the time Johnny reached his room.
Taeil walked into the room shortly after Johnny, with a huge smile plastered over his face as he was talking on the phone. "Yes, Azhar, I promise, I will give your little fanboy gift to Doyoung. Yes, I didn't forget. He was with the Dreamies yesterday or I would have given then only. They're in the fridge for now. Yes, I'm home now. I reached in one piece safely and you were totally stupid to worry so much. I used to make these grocery runs a lot before you got the job, okay? Are you going home too? Good. Sleep well so that you aren't late for your classes tomorrow. Study well. Fine, meanie, good night. Bye."
He was still smiling when he sat on his bed. "Oh, Johnny?" he exclaimed, on finally catching sight of Johnny. "Everything alright?"
Johnny looked at Taeil's bright smile and nearly didn't say it. Just like all the other times, everyone else never said anything because it was a mountain of a mess and whoever pulled at a thread would bring everything crashing down. "Taeil hyung, I..." Johnny didn't know what to do. He took a deep breath. "I'm sleeping here tonight."
"Oh? Winwin already moved in with WayV?" Taeil said, taking off his jacket.
"Wait, you knew?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah, he told me a few days ago."
"And you're okay with it?"
Taeil gave him a strange look. "I mean, I'll miss him terribly, of course, but he is needed with WayV right now. Why would I not be okay with that?"
Johnny nodded slowly. Would Yuta respond the same way too? Should they have told him instead of waiting for Winwin to say it? Why hadn't Winwin told Yuta?
Taeil continued. "By the way, that's Yuta's bed. If you're planning on sleeping here, you should take the one by the window. Yuta hates changing beds. Also, did you and Taeyong have a fight or something? Not that I don't want you here. I'm just curious."
"Yuta and Winwin had a fight."
Taeil stopped. "What?"
"Yuta is with Taeyong in our room. He's really hurt and I have no idea where Winwin is."
"What?" Taeil sat down. "I don't understand. They were okay when I saw them in the morning."
"Taeil hyung, they haven't been really okay in a while. They hardly talk these days and I really thought you noticed it. You're their roommate after all."
Taeil opened and his closed his mouth. He had no idea. A small voice whispered in his head, really? Sure, Yuta was feeling a bit homesick—they had talked about that, right? And Winwin was stressed because of WayV's debut. Of course, things were tense, right?
But was that all?
He thought hard on his roommates, not as separate people, but in relation to each other for the first time in a while. Like always that mere prospect had the ability to make his heart fall but he thought hard and the realization knocked the breath out of his lungs.
He thought of how Yuta looked at Winwin differently these days. As if, scared of breaking the silence, always a smile verging on sadness. He thought of how Winwin always seemed on edge around Yuta these days, as if caged in by a hopeless frustration. He thought of how he had bickered with Yuta when making breakfast for Winwin and quiet, soft-spoken Winwin had lost his temper. He thought of Yuta and Winwin standing outside their front door looking as if they would tear each other down and remembered making a joke to ease the tension. He remembered Winwin's questioning glances directed at Yuta's avoiding eyes. He remembered things he had seen but not thought through and he wondered how he hadn't realized all this sooner. His shoulders sagged a bit.
"I wish Winwin hadn't said it was all for fanservice for him. There are kinder ways to reject someone. Where did he even get that idea from?"
Taeil was about to shrug when he remembered something.
"Ah, Winwin-ah, you should really show me some affection too. The fans didn't even vote for me on the ship poll! I feel like a failed lover," Taeil mock-cried, showing him his phone.
Winwin looked at the results of the poll Doyoung had posted on twitter. He read, 48% for Yuta as Czennies's choice for Winwin.
"They really chose Yuta for you, huh? I feel betrayed," Taeil continued. "Oi, Yuta, did you see the results of the poll?"
Yuta looked up from across the room with a small smile. "Of course. It's nothing really. Don't feel bad about it."
Winwin muttered something beside him and Taeil had to ask him to repeat it.
Instead Winwin asked him, "Why is it nothing for him? Hyung, why does he do all this?"
Taeil frowned. "What do you mean?"
Winwin's frankness caught him off guard. "Tell me, do you think Yuta hyung has ever liked me? Or is it all just fanservice?"
Taeil felt like someone had torn out his heart and stamped all over it. He wanted to say, how can you ask from me? Don't you know that I like you? How? His face heated up and he felt light-headed as he answered, his words hardly steady. "The fans are proof enough, don't you think?"
"I want his opinion!"
His voice was harsh when he replied, "Why don't you ask him then?"
He got up before Winwin could see his eyes reddening. He was nearly out of earshot when Winwin mumbled, or maybe he imagined it, "I'm scared of what the answer will be."
Taeil looked at Johnny's worried face and Winwin's empty bed and nearly forgot how to breathe.
In primary school, the boy he used to sit with had told him a story about how a small snowball thrown on the slope of a mountain, falls gaining momentum and adds more and more snow to itself regardless of the thrower's intention and becomes huge and huge until it swallows the world. This memory flashed across his mind for no reason. He couldn't remember the boy's name.
Was he, in some way, even a little bit, responsible for this? He couldn't have known. How could he have known then? He swallowed and reached for his jacket again. "I'm sorry, Johnny. I uh...I remembered something. Don't wait up for me."
He heard Johnny call after him but he didn't turn back. By the time he was out, he was already on his phone. "Azhar, I need your help. I've messed up."
Somewhere in the city, a groggy Azhar replied, "Taeil? Are you okay? Why are you crying? Tell me where you are. I'll come get you."
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hey everyone! it's been a long time since the last update but hope you all are still here with yuwin and lockscreen :'(
oh my god when you told yuwin to communicate i bet you didn't mean this lmao yuwin are basically a huge chaotic mess right now but don't give up!!
also how did you like the chapter? i sneaked in the whole winwin-yuta-taeil-haechan-nctzen poll of doyoung too ;) (good memories good memories)
do you have a guess what is up with taeil? (believe me there's lots to him too!) do tell us what you think of this update.
thank you if you're still here and reading! you're the best <3
love, positive vibes and supportive best-friends like johnyong~~
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
Save our sons pt.1
Word Count: 4,797  Pairing: Levi x reader Warnings: cursing A/N: Levi is ooc, I can´t seem to write for him, which sucks, because out of all anime I watch, he is my favourite character. (And yes, I´m fully caught up with Snk, the manga, anime and Specials)
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It was a hot summer day and like every day I put on my gear and went out for a run. Every morning I worked out and ran laps through the city afterwards, but today I slept in and only could run. I couldn´t be too late, though, because I was out when people still slept. I greeted everyone I ran into on my way and accompanied the wall garrison for a bit until I gave food to the homeless children. I received flowers from the gardener again today, which I should give to the female cadets later. I loved the citizens of this city, they were kind and friendly despite our grave situation. Maybe it was because they were lied to by the government. “Good morning, (Y/N)!” I heard from the streets and waved back smiling. I was cheerful today as any day, simply because it was a beautiful day. I delivered some messages from Erwin to important people and would hopefully bring back good news, also I talked to them casually before I went outside again and was given a basket of apples from a nice old lady who said our soldiers needed to be strong and healthy. I was with the authorities today to propose a new version of the 3DMG, in which we hopefully could use more gas, it was declined though and set me in a foul mood. And I never was in a foul mood. “Too heavy? That´s the fucking reason we´re training, god damn it, it´s not like our guys are so fucking fragile to break underneath it. We´re working out, and honestly, even that shitty commander could handle two extra bottles of gas! Besides we wouldn´t lose so much people...” I muttered as I made my way back to our headquarters. At least I brought apples. I carried the gear over my shoulder and the basket of apples in my hands. Suddenly I got pulled back roughly and almost let the apples fall. “Fuck!” I heard and turned around to two men trying to rob me off my gear. I put the apples on the ground and got into my fighting position. “I wouldn´t do that if I were you!” I scowled at them. The blond one tried to punch me in the guts, but I dodged and broke his wrist. While I was caught up fighting him, the other one snatched my gear and they made their getaway. I followed them and tried to catch them, but they were too fast. “SHUCKS!!!” I yelled from the top of my lungs and ran back to where I left the apples and got back to the headquarters without my gear. It all happened so fast, I wasn´t able to do anything. Defeated I opened the door and was met with the daily cheerfulness and merriness. Cadets were eating and having fun. “Oi, (Y/N), what happened to you?” Hange approached me with a worried expression. “Some brats robbed me! They snatched my fucking gear! Do you know how long it took to improve this crap? I swear if I find them!” I fumed and Erwin walked up to us and joined the conversation. “I take it, you had no luck, then?” he was referring to the authorities. I shook my head. “Sorry...I really tried...” I whispered. “It´s alright. We´ll catch them and help you make new ones. If we improve yours further, we might get an okay from the authorities” he reassured me. “At least I got some apples!” I grinned and passed them around. “We´ll be getting new recruits later. Be nice” Erwin reminded us and left. The rest of the day was pretty normal, the cadets did their chores, trained and got taught. I went to the city to spend more time with the wall garrison and to get some groceries for  dinner. I took my time and talked to many people, before heading back. “Oi, oi, oi! You missed the introduction of the new recruits! They´re from the underground and I think one hates us! There they are!” Hange excitedly crept up behind me and rested her head on my shoulder, as she positioned me in a way that I could see the new recruits. “What the heck? Those are the two who stole my gear!” I squealed angrily and Hange stepped back and looked at me in shock. “No way!” she exclaimed. Erwin was with them and had a word with them. “If there are any questions you can go to (Y/N), she´s been here longer than me” Erwin pointed to me and then joined Hange and me. “Erwin! Those rookies stole her gear!” she jumped up and down. “Why do I always have to take care of the newbies?” I groaned, normally I liked it because that way I could make new friends, but this time I really didn´t look forward to it. I decided I wouldn´t let them get to me, I would treat them like I treated everyone, with the biggest fucking smile ever cast. I showed Isabel her room, which was next to mine. “I didn´t clean it, yet. I was pretty busy today. I´ll do it after dinner, alright? Oh, and the bathroom´s this way...you either gotta  get up early or shower in the evening to get hot water. The other girls wake up around eight, I get up at five for my work out, if I happen to wake you, just tell me. What did I miss? Ah! We eat together in the big hall and the curfew´s at ten. Yep, that was it as far as I´m concerned. If anything´s unclear let me know!” I smiled and so did Isabel. “Thanks!” she said and then gave me thumbs up. “You´re getting up so early? That´s admirable!” she grinned and then asked: “What´s for dinner?”. “I don´t know yet, guess I´ll cook up some leftovers...” I answered. Then I was to show the newbies around. “And here are the stables, the cadets are on domestic duties all the time. We´ll let you know when your turn is” I finished my tour. “Squad leader Erwin told us you would train us. When will this training start?” Farlan asked and I almost choked on my breath, what insolence. I put my hand on my hips and snapped at him: “Same time as it starts for the other cadets! No special treatment for you, so get down your high horse, underground kids!”. “Oi, what´d you call us, hag?” Levi came forth and glared at me, a good foot below me, I raised an eyebrow and smirked. I got snatched by those two idiots? Okay, I admit, Levi´s steel blue eyes distracted me. I mean, who has such stunning eyes? And this jawline...he was quite the sight, I wouldn´t mind a private training with him… that was until he insulted me. My eye twitched and I grabbed his throat roughly and pushed him against the wall, closing in. “Did you just call me a hag, brat? We´re the same age, idiot. But my rank is higher than yours so you better watch out or I´ll give you so many cleaning duties you´ll never see the light of day again, is that understood?!” I growled through gritted teeth. Levi was shocked by the impact, grunting and breathing heavily...was he panting? God, I think he was. “Y-yes, ma´am...now let go of me, people might get the wrong idea” he witted and smirked, watching me blush furiously and abruptly letting go of him, making him fall to the ground. “I wouldn´t mind cleaning duty by the way, this place is a fucking dirtbag” he remarked. At dinner I sat with Hange and Erwin, who we both tried to convince to let us on an expedition to capture a titan. He, like always, declined. “I´m going to the smith tomorrow, if I don´t start working on the new gear soon, the authorities will never give their okay. I thought about another addition: what if we could not only carry extra gas but also extra blades? You know how shortly they last” I proposed to them, Hange´s eyes matched mine, they were both sparking with excitement. Erwin just shook his head. “That´s not practical, how should we be able to carry all these things without anything getting in the way?” he asked. I pouted. “I´ll figure something out, but you know time´s short. I need to think about something real quick, or else we´ll never gonna win this godforsaken massacre” I made my point and stood up, walking past the new recruits. I caught Farlan saying: “What´re you smirking at?” to Levi, who just ´tch-ed´. Isabel giggled and squealed when she saw me. “Oi, (Y/N)-chan! You wanna sit with us?” she patted the place next to her. I nodded and smiled to the round. “Sure! How do you like it here?” I asked them. “The food´s awesome! When did you learn how to cook like that?” Isabel asked me. “I guess I was the only one not allowed on missions and so I cooked food for the soldiers returning home and the cadets in training, and I also was in charge of the other things” I watched Hange laugh at something Erwin said and had to smile, then I saw the other cadets chatting and occasionally laughing. Isabel stared at me with big eyes. “Sorry for stealing your gear, by the way...” Farlan said. “Nah, it´s okay...it was doomed from the start. We´re gonna use the old gear again unless I come up with something good” I told him. Levi raised an eyebrow. “Wait...you mean, you made that gear yourself?” he scoffed. “Yeah...” I admitted, he gave me the feeling like it was a crime. “Tch...I mean, I heard stories about you, but they were all about your battles and saving people not about you doing mechanical stuff like that.” he told me bluntly, was that a compliment or an insult? We talked a bit longer and I told Isabel all about the outside world, Farlan wanted to know all about the military and Levi gave me death glares. “Well, I guess I´ll see you guys tomorrow, good night” I waved goodbye and went into my dorm. “Night, (Y/N)” came from all corners of the hall and I smiled. I loved the cadets and the life here, I felt like I contributed to something. “Are you stupid? Don´t make friends with her, you know why we´re here” Levi scowled at the others and Isabel pouted. “But she´s nice!”. “Tch, you really believe that, don´t you? She´s a fucking hypocrite, she´s only nice to you cause she has to be, our target told her, you bet your ass” he spat the words out as if they were poison. “He´s right, Isabel. I at least got good info on the military” Farlan stated, but Isabel wouldn´t have it and stomped away angrily. “I´ll go ask her then!” she said and ran after me. “(Y/N), can I go running with you tomorrow?” she asked me and I nodded perplexed. “Erm...sure...but I do get up quite early, I hope you know that. I´m running with the girls every weekend and one time we even ran together with the wall garrison. That was fun, oh and when we all ran together, the cadets, the commander, everyone!” I treasured these memories, the whole town greeted us whenever we ran as a group, like they do with me. Isabel´s eyes glistened and she grinned. “That sounds awesome! You get up at five in the morning and work out, right? Can I also do that with you?” she asked curiously. “Yes, that´s gonna be so much fun!” I chimed in. Then we went to bed. The next morning I had a shower and got dressed in my running shorts and sports bra. Isabel skipped the shower and waited for me until I was ready. She gasped as she saw my scar on my arm and shoulder but I told her it was nothing. “You wanna have breakfast? Tea? I fucking love tea, it´s unhealthy! Erwin always tells me I shouldn´t drink that much tea, but Hange always gets me some. Do you like tea too?” I asked Isabel, it´s true I was an early bird, but so was she. “It´s alright I guess, Levi loves tea!” she smiled. “Normally I´m running with full gear on, but there´s no need for that today, we´ll have training later.” I told her as we walked into the kitchen. Levi was there too and sipped his tea. “Morning, Levi!” Isabel chirped and Levi looked up to us and greeted her, completely ignoring me. “We´re going on a run, wanna come?” she asked him excitedly, but he declined. “We´ll have training later” he stated and finished his tea. “You can come another time, if you want to...” I said, giving him a warm smile. Still no reaction. “I don´t think so” he said and left us. “Don´t take it personal, he´s always like this, gets on your nerves” Isabel placed her hand on my shoulder. “I don´t mind him, it´s just that I try to be nice to everyone and if I´m not able to make their day better, I guess I blame myself. That´s stupid now that I say that out loud, but I can´t help it. I just want everyone to be happy, because everyone deserves it” I thought out loud. Isabel laughed. “And Levi thought you faked it!” she chuckled. “I wish I would, sometimes. It wouldn´t hurt so much that way” I bluntly told her. We left the headquarters and ran my favorite route, throughout the whole city, avoiding the walls. “Good morning, (Y/N)! You have company today?” the baker greeted us. “I´m Isabel, nice to meet you!” she introduced herself and the baker gave us a basket of leftover bread from yesterday. “I hear you´re training today, good luck!” he said and we ran on. “He was nice!” Isabel noticed. “Everyone is, we´re getting many presents from the townspeople. It´s like they sponsor us, it´s a funny thought now that I think about it” I reminisced. “Oi, (Y/N)! (Y/N)´s friend, how´s work going? Training today, huh? Any gossip?” the wall garrison chatted. “It´s shit actually, if I don´t improve the gear and Erwin gives his okay, then I won´t be able to show it to the authorities and we will have to go back to our old gear and then the massacre will never stop. But try to put some sense into Erwin Smith, eh?” I told them and they looked at me with a knowing expression. “Sorry to hear, man, but I bet you´ll think of something!” the garrison nodded in unison. “I´m super hyped for training today, cause we got a lot of newbies and honestly, most of them are super motivated, so that´s nice. And I don´t know...everything´s so perfect right now, I´m so fucking happy, I don´t even know why! Oh, wait...actually I guess it´s because of the new ones. There´s Isabel over here, she´s super sweet and precious, Farlan, he´s alright I guess, I didn´t talk much to him, he´s curious though which I like. And then there´s Levi. I think he hates me, but he´s really handsome hating me.” I rambled on and on about him, I did like him and yes, I know it´s crazy, he really does hate me, I mean who can blame him? I totally annoyed everyone, especially him. Isabel would totally tell him later, which I hoped for, maybe he would tell her what he thought about me, and then she´d tell me. I don´t know what it was about him, he made me feel motivated, I could dance around the whole city. “Shit!” I took a look at the clock and grabbed Isabel and we ran back to the headquarters, where we made it in time for breakfast. “So that´s what you call running?”  Isabel mocked me. “What I call running depends on my mood. Today I´m in a very good mood and that´s why I was talking to nice people, but after a mission or after another bad day I run longer and don´t talk to anyone...so yeah...” I explained. “I´m getting dressed, you can start having breakfast without me. See you in training!” I waved goodbye and accompanied Hange and Erwin after getting dressed. “Morning!” I chirped and they ´yo-ed´ me. “I´m looking forward to training today, have you figured something out for our gear?” Erwin noted. I shook my head. “Don´t worry, I´ll make you look good in front of the authorities” he said and it took me by surprise. “Really? Thanks!” I hugged him over the table. “Oi, (Y/N), wish me luck today!” Hange placed her arm around my shoulder and pulled me nearer towards her, so that I could see the table where Isabel sat. “He´s been eyeing you all morning, that Levi guy, wanna tell me why?” she whispered in my ear. “Dunno, murder plans? You sure you ain´t imagining things?” I responded. She shook her head. “I´m pretty observant and he makes me nervous, that Isabel chick is watching us too, what´re they up to, eh?” she conspired. “Oh come on, I´m sure it´s nothing” I shook my head, I bet Isabel told him, but I didn´t care. Life was too short to play coy. Take chances and if there´s no chance, admit your feelings, don´t wait around you don´t got time for that. “What´s more important is that the wall garrison drinks in the morning now, we´re not cautious enough and it´ll bring death and despair...” I told them about my deepest fears. “They will come when nobody notices, when we feel save, they will wipe us all out like it´s nothing. Don´t just nod it off, you saw it too!” I hushed roughly, pointing my finger. Erwin sighed deeply. “I know how you feel, we all feel the same way, but we can´t dare to make any rash and reckless decisions. We need to be careful, we can´t just attack them. But you are right in one point: we can´t let them corner and overrun us. That´s the wall garrison´s job, though. Our hands are bound here” he added and I frowned. “The wall garrison dimwits are good for nothing! They just drink and bathe in the illusion of being save! I plan on transferring this year to clean up there, maybe if I stand watch with them it´ll get better, I´ve thought about it a long time actually, but you know, I grew up here, I can´t just leave you like that” I told them. Hange gasped, then grabbed my arm and hugged me, still in the view of Isabel´s group. “That´s a great idea! You´ll get them off their asses and on focus! You´re a genius! And then you should transfer to the military police and do the same thing there! Things are really going to change now, huh? I´m so excited to be a part of this madness!” she squealed in excitement and grinned widely. “Won´t be easy cleaning the scums of the police...besides we don´t wanna change the system...yet. I´d like to avoid a rebellion until it´s over. Also, I don´t wanna be an old lady when we overthrow the government, so we need to work quickly and determined. We need to think of new plans of attack and strategies. We need to reclaim our land and get rid of those fricking titans.” I let them know. They nodded in agreement. I sighed and drove my hands through my hair, I got too worked up over things that would never change and the realization tired me out. “I´m going on ahead, don´t get too excited, Hange” I said my goodbyes and made for the door to get some fresh air. I stretched a bit and groaned as I saw Levi sitting on the bench in front of the hall, looking me dead in the eye. I stopped in the motion and forced a quick smile, I always felt that when you smiled at Levi he would punch you. “Hey, Levi. Excited for training today?” I tried to chat him up. “Do I look like it?” he asked me, with a daring look. “Totally, you look like playing air guitar and throwing confetti at random people” I chuckled and then Levi did something unexpected which made me feel uneasy, he smirked, even if it only was slightly. Did I break him? “Why don´t you use the gear you made? It´s better than the old one. Fucking stupid to use the worse one, innit?” he said, his words were nice, but his eyes were like knives stabbing me to death, enraged. Before an awkward silence could occur Isabel dashed out of the door with Farlan and grinned. “Oi, nee-chan!” she called me. “What´s up, Isabel?” I smiled, while Farlan sat down next to Levi who rolled his eyes. “I´m so excited for training! Will we be on the same team? I was told there would be teams!” she rambled. “Nah, Hange´s my partner. But I´ll cheer you on!” I gave her thumbs up. “Yay! It´s gonna be so much fun!” she danced around. I watched her in happiness, then I glanced over at Farlan who laughed at something he said and Levi, who looked uncomfortable and ready to kill a man. I grinned, I could get used to this. I could get used to talking to Levi and running with Isabel. “Keep that attitude” I told Isabel while resting my hand on her shoulder. Then I readied my horse and went to the training ground. A short while after the others joined. Erwin announced the teams and told everyone how it was going to go. I watched intently as Levi´s team made their way to the forest. They had experience with the gear, you could see that, their movements were swift and they soared through the sky like angels. Then the first cardboard titans showed up and they each succeeded in taking one down, like they never did anything else. I just stood there, looking up and smiling like an idiot in admiration. I stood behind Hange and hugged her from behind so that my hands rested on her shoulders and I rested my head on my hands and never dared take my eyes off them. When they were on the ground again, Hange laughed out loud and shouted: “Did you see that?!” she grinned like the same idiot which was me. I just nodded and didn´t say anything for a while. Then Levi, Isabel and Farlan came out of the forest. Isabel and Farlan matched Hange and me while Levi looked bored. “We´re not gonna top that, (Y/N)!” Hange whined and I nodded again. Levi passed us and we had awkward eye contact, Isabel gave me a high five. I quickly grabbed Levi´s hand in my ecstasy and pulled him away from the scene to talk to him. “Oi, what the fuck are you doing?” he grumbled, but I didn´t care. “You were amazing! Erwin didn´t lie when he told me about your talent. How did you learn that?” I asked him out. He avoided eye contact and said nothing. “Also, I noticed you use the same sword tequniqe as me, I always thought I was the only one. I taught myself, because I wasn´t allowed at training, but it´s wrong to do it the way I do. So, I was wondering why you do it? And how you learned it” I went deeper in the topic. “Why do you think...” he mumbled and we went back to the others. “Let´s show em how it´s really done, Hange! Been doing this for ten years, ya think I get beaten that easily?!” I got fired up and we ran into the forest. We climbed up the trees with our gear and watched out for the targets. “Six o´clock!” I yelled and Hange got into motion. “Yep!” she jumped back from the tree and finished the target immediately afterwards. Seconds from that another target showed up behind her which I took care of. “Onward, we don´t have all day!” I yelled and we moved through the forest, only to finish five other targets before exiting the forest. Hange laughed all the way and I chimed in. “We went a little overboard, didn´t we?” I asked. “Nah, we totally killed it” I laughed and put my arm around her. “He´s watching you again, what the heck is his problem? It´s making me nervous” Hange whispered in my ear and I rolled my eyes, she was too damn paranoid. “I don´t know, Hange, maybe he´s looking at you” I was getting annoyed by this children´s folly. Hange exhaled and then punched my shoulder, breaking out in laughter. “Oh no! Some cadet fell in love with me! Nobody ever looks at me, he´s obviously looking at you, and you´d notice if you´d looked too” Hange rambled and I abruptly stopped. “Then why the fuck do you look?” I almost yelled, crossing my arms. Hange smiled. “Cause I´m a curious kitty!” she tilted her head and I shook mine. Then we went back to the headquarters. I quickly showered and dried my hair before cooking up some dinner for the cadets. We ate dinner without any discussions about complicated things, we were all too tired for that, it has been a long day. Hange was about to tell me that Levi was looking at me again, when she saw my cold and hard expression she thought it was better not to say anything. I didn´t eat up and went to my room after only ten minutes, I don´t know what it was today, but it was more than just tiring, it was draining me. I just laid down in bed when somebody knocked on my door. “What?” I whined and got up to open the door. “Levi? What the fuck are you doing here?” I pleaded, I just wanted to go to bed. “Can I come in?” he asked and I saw how much overcoming it cost him and so allowed him in. “I wanted to know what you think of my training today, because I´d like to improve my fighting technique so it matches yours” he mumbled and looked sideways, as if it was embarrassing for him. I opened my mouth to close it again. I thought about it being a dare, but then again, who would dare Levi to ask me about my opinion of his training? I decided to take the matter seriously and answered truthfully: “I liked it very much, your technique is excellent, your fighting style is very effective and I don´t think you´re the guy to run to help others and then die, you know?”. Levi watched me intently, he was inspecting my face like he was looking for something and now I understood why Hange always told me he looked at me. I cleared my throat to interrupt the awkward silence and decided to confront him about it. “So that´s why you looked at me the whole time and use the same tequiniqe as me” I reminisced and he chuckled. “You think that´s the reason?” he asked me, smirking. I raised any eyebrow. “Well, if there´s another reason, you better tell me” I crossed my arms. “Because as you can see I was just about to go to bed” I told him and he took one step closer to me. “I think it´s better if I show you” he stated and leaned in to kiss me. His lips were warm and soft, his hands found my waist and pulled me closer to him, making me gasp. He took this opportunity to let our tongues meet. After the sudden friction I decided to kiss back, dearly so. I gently cupped his face and our mouths moved in sync. When he suddenly pulled away in the middle of the kiss, I was panting. He looked vulnerable for a second and then excused himself. “S-sorry, I shouldn´t have done that...” he whispered hoarsely. I grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall. “You really think I´ll let you get away with that?” I breathed in his ear, before connecting our lips again. This time I took control of the kiss and we started making out. “You should get back to your room now, see you tomorrow, yeah?” I gently caressed his cheeks and lustfully gazed into his eyes. He nodded and made his escape, smirking at me. I went to sleep with a  smile in my face that night. When I went downstairs the next morning, Levi greeted me with tea and a kiss. “Morning” I smiled and we sat down to drink our tea.
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starryeyes-oneshots · 6 years
whiskey on ice : part four
[this is the second last part guys!!! I hope you enjoy this part ! If you need to catch up or are looking for the previous parts, you can find part one here ; part two here ; and part three here ]
The season of Christmas couldn't come fast enough for both Taylor and Joe. Everything was decorated to the nines in Taylor's apartment: the tree was up in the living room, twinkle-light filled garland surrounded every inch that was available - even in her bedroom. While they absolutely loved spending their days together in New York, time spent at home with family was extremely high on the priority list for both of them. The rest of November carried along smoothly, with many Saturday coffee dates, burning toast for breakfast on Sunday mornings, hanging around at home with Taylor's cats. Something as so simple as grocery shopping felt fun and exciting when they did it together. Everything felt intoxicatingly exciting: due to the pure fact that they were together and everything felt right.
The musical production at Taylor's elementary school was the real kick off to Christmas. The show went much smoother than Taylor had originally thought; she was especially thankful that all of the children were on time, dressed up and ready to go. From what she could tell, the audience filled with parents were thoroughly impressed that all of those small children could be lead to sing songs and perform little dances - even to the exact beat. While Taylor was up at the front conducting the students, Joe sat back in the sea of spectators, recording little clips of Taylor doing what she loved to do best: being with children and teaching music. Her love for music radiated from her, every inch so saturated in passion for what made her heart extremely happy.
An inordinate feeling of complete and utter joy for his girl came over Joe as he intently observed her behaviour and movements throughout the show and as it eventually drew to a close. That was his girl, his Taylor. Despite only being an official couple for a month and a half now, his admiration for her was unimaginable. The way he felt when she looked at him with her sparkling blue eyes was something he had never thought he could ever feel with anyone. Her laugh was infectious, her smile lit up any room she walked into: no matter how big or how small. The way she carried herself with such grace and affection for everyone around her had always been something Joe felt like he couldn't get enough of. She was an ocean of endless elegance, beauty and resiliency to anything life decided to throw at her.
He knew this was where she wanted to be: teaching music to children, filing through piles of potential songs to use in the winter and spring productions each year, spending hours marking note identification quizzes and coming up with new lesson plans each day to keep her kids engaged and having fun. She absolutely loved nothing more than being with those children.
After the show had ended, he patiently waited for her in her classroom, pacing around and looking at everything on the walls and bulletin boards that Taylor had put up. Posters of several instruments, fun ways to remember how many beats were assigned to each type of note and rest, not to mention a picture on her desk that he couldn't ignore. In the white frame was a photo of the two of them sitting together outside in one of the parks he had shown her on her birthday a few days ago. The snow was falling around them, Taylor's head rested on his shoulder and Joe's arm was around her. The two were overlooking one of the ponds that had froze over with a thin layer of ice, the bright moonlight shining above them. He couldn't help but crack a smile at the very fond but lovely night they shared. The British man looked up from the photo and realized it had been nearly an hour and Taylor was no where to be found. He figured that she had a lot to do and many places to be, however it wasn't before long until she arrived in the room: pleasantly surprised that he had waited for her.
"I'm your ride home, remember?" He chuckled, handing her the bouquet of flowers before shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans. Joe had dropped her off a few hours before the show, taking that time to buy the flowers and roam around the small neighbourhood corrugated around the elementary school.
Taylor blushes, bringing the bouquet near her face to smell the beautiful flowers, "You really didn't have to get me these, you know? You should be congratulating the kids, Joe." She spoke seriously, grabbing her coat before slipping it on and picking up her bag from the desk chair.
"Oh Tay, if all of those parents could've seen all of the work you put into this show....they would be beyond amazed. You need to give yourself more credit, love." Joe reassured her, resting his hand on the small of her back as he lead her out of the classroom and out to the car.
Taylor nodded slowly, looking down at her feet as they walked, "Now it's officially Christmas!" She squeals, thrilled that the local school districts were now off until the new year.
"That it is, babe." Joe laughs, opening the passenger door of his car up for her, waiting for her to get in before shutting it and walking around to the other side to climb in himself.
The following afternoon, both Taylor and Joe had flown home to spend time with their families just before Christmas. Even though they would be back in New York the night of the twenty-fifth, the couples' parents were beyond ecstatic to have their children home for the holidays. No amount of text messages, FaceTime calls or sending each other silly gifs and drawings could come even close to being in the same room. There was no denying that the couple missed each other more than anything while they were home, and couldn't wait to be back in New York.
Taylor sighed as she dropped her bags down on the floor in the entrance of her apartment, exhausted from being around her overprotective and overbearing parents. As much as she loved seeing everyone again after months of being away, her time alone in New York was much appreciated. She could be her own person here without fearing the feel of being judged by her parents or snoopy family relatives. It was refreshing to be back.
The young woman took her luggage to the bedroom and shut the door, too unmotivated to deal with it now. She was itching to see her man. The second the call connected and showed up on Joe's phone, he picked up.
"You're home, love!" He smiles, his voice beaming into the phone.
Taylor giggled, flopping down on the couch and staring proudly at her Christmas tree, "I only have one bottle of wine in the fridge, so can you pick some up?"
"Of course. Anything else we need for our little Christmas?" He asked, grabbing his coat to throw on and Taylor's gift that sat on the table by the door. He couldn't wait for her to open it and see the look on her face. It was something simple, but something special: the perfect kind of present for his girl.
"No, I don't think so." She says softly, looking around the main living area of her apartment, "Just you."
Joe nods, "I'm on my way." He smiles, heading down to his car in the underground parking garage, "I'll see you in a bit."
Taylor smiled and hung up the phone, tossing it beside her on the couch before getting up to take the Chinese food out of the paper takeout bag and spreading it out on the counter. She didn't have enough time or energy to cook a proper Christmas dinner, leading to both of them settling happily for takeout after a week of big home cooked meals.
Nearly twenty minutes later a knock on the door echoed through the apartment, startling Taylor slightly during her speed clean of the living room and kitchen. It was a bit of a mess to say the least.
"Come in!" She called, wiping down the coffee table with a piece of paper towel and some cleaner, standing up straight once she wasn't the only person in the room, "Hi!" Taylor giggled, dropping the paper towel and coming over to Joe, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing several soft kisses to his lips: all of which he gladly reciprocated.
"'m missed you." Joe whispers near her ear, his face buried in her golden hair that cascaded down her back. He gently set down the bag of liquor and her gift before giving her a proper hug, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her hips close to his body: missing her physical proximity the most.
Taylor nods slowly, deeply breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne, "I missed you too." She mumbled softly, her fingers gently clenching onto the cotton shirt he was wearing.
Their embrace lasted longer than one usually would, both of them pulling away from one another after a few minutes. Taylor pushed her hair out of her face, a smile engulfing it, "I'm so happy you're here." She grins, adjusting her shirt that had ridden up her abdomen during their hug: exposing a band of bare skin between the shirt and the leggings she was wearing.
Joe smiles, kissing her softly once more before picking up his bags to bring them into the kitchen and removing his coat, "That was the longest week of my life. I forgot how naggy my parents are." He laughs, setting the two bottles of wine in the fridge and throwing away the plastic bag.
Taylor smiles softly, crossing her arms loosely and resting them against her flat abdomen, following him into the kitchen, "Did you tell them about me?" She asked curiously, her voice soft and extremely gentle: something he loved most about her. She had several moments of pure innocency that he never took for granted.
He turned his head to look directly into her bright blue eyes, "Of course I did." Joe nods, dishing up plates filled with Chinese food for the both of them, "Did you think I wouldn't have?"
"No, no." Taylor shakes her head, taking her plate from him once it was ready and pouring herself a glass of the wine she had in the fridge, "I just thought...that maybe you would've kept it a secret for a bit longer. I told my parents about you." She explains, "They are now dying to meet this mysterious man I've found myself needing to be around."
Joe smirks at his girl, grabbing a beer from the fridge for himself and carrying his plate into the living room to sit down on the couch, "I'm pretty sure my parents have already fallen in love with you ten times over." He laughs, digging into his meal.
"What did you say?" Taylor asked, sitting down beside him with her plate in her lap and her glass of wine on the table beside her.
Joe shrugs, "I just told them the truth...and they're ready to meet you so I mean.. I guess we're taking a trip to London, hm?"
"I've always wanted to go to London!" Taylor comments, clearly very excited at the idea of travelling across the Atlantic Ocean to meet his family.
"I'll take you to London...if you take me to your Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania." He takes a swig of his cold beer, downing more of the Chinese food.
Taylor laughs, shaking her head softly, "It's just a bunch of trees-"
"With bugs on them!" Joe adds, remembering what she had told him about her childhood job the night they met.
She nods, setting down her plate of food and picking up the wine glass, "Yes with the bugs on them. I'm not sure who's doing it now....definitely not me."
After dinner was finished and both Joe and Taylor had finished their first drink of the night, Joe got up from the couch and went over to the tree to pick up his gift for Taylor, "It wouldn't be Christmas without presents." He smiles, sitting back down beside her and handing her the delicate box.
Taylor covered her mouth with her hands, a surprised face hidden underneath and a gasp escaping her lips, "I didn't think we were doing this today?"
The British man laughs, "After all, it is Christmas, baby. Please open your gift."
Taylor nods, carefully unwrapping the box and setting the paper onto the coffee table before opening the box to reveal a silver pendant necklace with the letter 'j' engraved on the front, "Joe!" She squeals softly, "It's beautiful! Oh my goodness...I love it!"
"Here, I'll help you put it on." He smiles, watching her take the necklace out of the box before handing it to him. He undid the clasp, waiting for her to hold her hair up so he could wrap it around her neck and secure it.
"Joe... I..I absolutely love this." She says softly, holding the pendant around her neck and staring at it in utter awe.
He presses a soft kiss to her lips and smiles brightly, "I'm glad you love it. I couldn't wait to see the look on your face."
"Now it's time for your present!" Taylor beams, practically jumping up from the couch to grab his wrapped gift. She set it in his lap, taking her place back on the couch and watching his face change once the wrapping paper had been discarded onto the floor.
"Tay..this...this is amazing." He grins, nearly at a loss for words as he stared at the CD disc in front of him.
"It's all of the songs that make me think of you and us when I listen them," She explains, "I know it's cheesy, but you love cheesy and you're always listening to my favourite songs with me. So I figured I could give you a set of your own."
Joe stares at his gift for a few moments, a huge smile on his face, "I love it so much, thank you, lovely."
As the night progressed, the Christmas movies kept playing and the wine glasses kept refilling. Joe had stopped just after a couple beers, but Taylor kept wanting to drink her wine: clearly stressed from the last several weeks with work and the holidays. It wasn't a secret to Joe that she was clearly a light-weight and was already pretty piss-ass drunk. He knew that neither of them had places to be tomorrow or people to see, so letting her sleep in to try and combat her hangover wouldn't be an issue.
"Taylor, love." Joe says softly, moving to help her to sit up from leaning against his chest, "I think it's time to get you to bed."
She stirs with a groan before reluctantly sitting up on the couch: her hair tussled and cheeks bright red from the lack of water she had consumed, "I don't wanna." Taylor mumbles, a slight whine at the end of her sentence.
Joe sighs, standing in front of the couch before reaching out to take Taylor's hands and attempting to help her up, "Come on, baby."
"Can...you..carry me....." She slips up on her words, slurring them on the warm air in the room.
He smiles softly, wrapping one arm around her back and the other under her legs before lifting her up bridal style, listening to Taylor's rambling.
"Joe?" Taylor slurs, her eyes half closed as she felt Joe carrying her into the bedroom at the end of the hallway in her apartment.
He yawns, pushing open Taylor's bedroom door and gently laying her down on the white duvet of her bed, "Yes, sunshine?"
"I love you so much. I love you I love you I love you." Taylor says quite clearly, surprising for how intoxicated she was.
A part of him wanted to believe every word that she was saying, because he too felt the exact same way about her. He had fallen in love with her and was undeniably in love with her. Every time he looked at her, it was like the first time all over again: in that dive bar on the east side, Taylor in a little black dress where he introduced her to his favourite drink - whiskey on ice. The other part of him knew all too well that she was no where near sober, enjoying her wine a bit too much in the last few hours to allow her head to think or speak clearly.
Before Joe could respond, his girl had dozed off on top of her blankets and sheets, curled up in a ball with her hair covering her face. He carefully got her in between the white sheets, before pulling up the duvet over her small body: clothed in just a pair of black leggings and a deep blue knitted sweater. Joe didn't want to run the risk of waking her up, figuring she would be comfortable enough in the clothes she had on.
Once he went back into the main room to shut the lights off and clean up a little, Joe tiptoed quietly into Taylor's room, climbing into the other side of her bed before quickly falling asleep.
The next morning, Taylor stirred in her bed as she slowly began to wake up from her deep sleep. She scrunched her nose and screwed her eyes shut, stretching her arms and coming to realize how big of a pulsating headache she had made for herself.
She turned her head to the other side of the bed, where it was made up and Taylor had no idea if Joe had slept with her or left her apartment all together. Sitting up in the bed, Taylor blinked several times to get used to the light that was coming in through the window. The young woman emerged from the dark hallway in the same clothes she had on yesterday, her hair all over the place and her makeup smudged from sleeping.
"Good morning, beautiful!" Joe smiles gently, standing at the stove as he watched over the pan with scrambled eggs cooking in it, "Did you sleep well?"
Taylor furrowed her eyebrows, pleasantly surprised that he was still here after her night of too many glasses of wine, "What happened last night? Did we...oh god..please don't tell me we did it and I don't remember. I want to remember that." She mumbles, her eyes wide as she touched her cheeks with her hands and looked at Joe with a terrified look on her face.
Joe chuckles, turning off the burner and moving the pan to a cool area on the stove, "No, we didn't do that." He assured her with a shake of his head, "But you were pretty talkative last night before you passed out in your bed."
She comes closer to the where Joe was in the kitchen, sitting down on one of the bar stools across the island from him, "Oh lord what did I say?"
Joe blushed softly, looking down at the pan before moving the eggs onto a plate for Taylor, "You might have said once or twice...or four times that you love me."
Her eyes stayed as wide as they could be, red filling in on her cheeks, "Well that's slightly...um...did you say anything after?"
He shook his head, sliding the plate of eggs towards Taylor, "You passed out before I could say anything."
Taylor nods, "Well um...I wasn't lying."
Joe beams, grinning from ear to ear as he heard her words echo through the room, "You weren't?"
"I love you Joe." She nods, evidently dead serious about what she was saying, "That's one thing that I'm sure of."
"I'm sure that I love you too, Taylor." Joe smiles at her brightly, wondering how it could get better than this.
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Survive/Part 3
Tumblr media
Word count: 4,784
Warnings: Zombies (though I guess that’s obvious), cursing, gory details, death (mentioned) and violence. 
(Once again as I always say, please let me know if there is anything else I should put a warning up there for and I’ll edit it in :))
(M) (2) (4)
3:20pm You: I’m just so confused.
"Jagiya," a pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind, causing you to spin around to face your captor, "What are you making lovely?"  Jae's eyes roamed all over your face. They met your eyes, glanced at your lips, followed the curves of your cheeks and jawline, skimmed over your nose, followed the flow of your hair and returned back to your eyes again. You laughed and he watched as your lips stretched and your teeth showed in the beautiful way that only you can do, that gorgeous smile that never failed to make his heart skip a beat. He hummed contently and dove down to kiss you. You laughed into his lips, still smiling as his mouth mingled with yours.   "Something," you hummed when Jae's lips left yours, "I'm keeping it a mystery until it's done, I promise you'll like it." "Of course I will, everything you cook is delicious." You rolled your eyes and continued chopping the onions you were previously working on. Jae was still clinging to your hips like a monkey to a tree branch. He sung softly in your ear as you cooked. "You know, you look beautiful today." "Only today?" You pouted, it was Jae's turn to laugh now. "Not only today, every day." "You said I look beautiful today though." Jae sighed heavily and spun you around. You placed the knife that was in your hands on the counter behind you, carefully so that it doesn't drop to the ground or cut you at all. He looked into your eyes and stood there for a moment with you in his arms, just taking in your presence and breathing in your scent before he lifted you off of the ground and began to carry you away from the kitchen. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck instinctively to avoid falling down. "Jae stop the food will burn if I leave it!" "Let it burn then," he smirked.  Before long he had you pinned underneath him on the sofa. "You know I love you, right (Y/N)?" "I know you do Jae," you smiled, "you remind me every day." "Good, I'll keep reminding you every single day for the rest of our lives," Jae sighed. "I promise to stay with you until I die." "You weren't supposed to stick to that promise."  Today was day three. Three days since Jae had died and three days since you had to evacuate and move in with the members of BTS. It was strange, you really did think you were dreaming. It seems like something straight out of a fanfiction-though a horrible and twisted one-, meeting a famous boy group and suddenly moving into their house. It was weird, it left you confused to add to how upset you are. You still felt horrible and the sight of Jae's dead body was still permanently burned into your brain. Nightmares and flashbacks were the newest editions to your grieving.  Nothing has come easy in days. Outside is completely off limits and the only time anyone is allowed to go out is when you all leave as a group in a van that Namjoon hijacked from one of his friend's work. You're all lucky for connections at this point. Hoseok knows a pharmacist (one of his exes who happens to be on good terms with him and spent a day here in the safe house). She gave him a key to the cabinets and taught him how to shut off the alarm so it wouldn't attract any attention while you were there. Not to mention, she gave you a first aid course. Seokjin was good friends with a market owner who spent the afternoon here yesterday dropping off long life food and gave you all a copy of the key in case of an emergency.  There was also a building sight down town that was attacked on the very first day. Everyone there is infected and it's incredibly dangerous to go there, but if you do you can get the materials you need to make everything so much safer. Right now it's all makeshift and though everything seems okay now, it's the calm before the storm and the suspense and fear has you biting your nails Everything everywhere was shutting down. Grocery stores were only doing online delivery (sometimes the guy who's supposed to bring food to you doesn't show up and the sad realization that he was likely killed in the streets on the way here makes all of you tense) and streets in the busier parts of Seoul had been completely evacuated and abandoned, the death count was going up faster and faster with each passing day and that left you stuck in your current home, refusing to leave in fear of not coming back. Taehyung joked about boarding the windows, but as time went on, Namjoon decided it really should actually be done.  Memories from the night Jae died still kept flooding your memory. You shouldn't be alone, Jimin offered for you to come and sit with him while he reads if it's too late for you to find comfort in the other members, but instead you are here. Crying and sitting on the seat installed underneath your window in what you now called your room. Grieving just comes and goes in waves, you were fine a few moments ago and now you're not.  Jimin's internal spidey sense seemed to be at work as there was a quiet knock on your door that was almost so soft you didn't even hear it. You quickly wiped your face on the blanket you had brought from your old apartment and dropped it on the floor as you slid to open the door. "I came to see if you had fallen asleep yet," Jimin smiled at you, his circular reading glasses sitting on the very bridge of his nose, the book he was currently reading slid underneath his arm and held snug at his side as he peered through the gap in your door and then analysed your face. He took one look at your still tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes before he hummed. "Can I come in?"  You nodded, slipping aside as he walked through the door and closed it behind him. His eyes scanned your room before he walked over to where your photo frames were on your desk. Some good things have come out of the past few days, especially the picture of you, Hoseok, Jin, Taehyung and Jimin cooking together. You knew they were only cooking with you to provide a distraction but at least it worked and succeeded at bringing a smile to your face. Speaking of smiles, Jimin smiled fondly at this, staring at the noodles he had put on his lips. A sort of fake moustache. In the photo, Hoseok was doing the same and you had turned to laugh at them both while Jin actually tried to focus on cooking and Taehyung was eating the noodles before they were actually done. You shook your head, a small smirk forming while you stared at your sock covered feet. "This is a good photo y'know?" Jimin turned, "I think I should get a copy of it for my room. Maybe I'll make a bookmark out of it." "That'd be nice."  Jimin nodded. "So, do you want to work on getting to sleep?" He bounced onto your bed and you couldn't help but giggle as he continued to rise into the air and fall back down on the bed again. His hair flailed around as he did so, yet somehow he still managed to look flawless, reading glasses staying exactly where they were and book still slid under his arm. This was such a childish thing, yet you found yourself tempted to join him. If Hoseok was here, both of you would've been scolded. "I can read to you if you want," Jimin said between bounces. "Sure, I'd love that."  Jimin stopped bouncing and slid over, plonking down properly on one side of the bed so you could get under the covers and lie beside him. "This book is written in Japanese, so it probably won't make much sense to you." "How do you know that I don't know Japanese?" You quirked an eyebrow. "Do you?" "Well I mean--" "Mhmm." You reached out and playfully slapped Jimin's arm. He stopped for a moment after he opened the book, fingers brushing against the soft paper and humming again, deciding on weather to speak up or not. Eventually when he did decide, he turned to find you already looking up at him, noticing something was wrong by the sudden pause. "Do you need to talk?”  Another memory slipped through your mind, the feeling of Jae's cold cheek made you wince. Talking about it would bring you back to that night and you never ever want to think about it again. The mere thought makes you wrap your arms around your legs, bringing your knees up close to your chest. "No, nope. Don't think that's a good idea right now." "Okay," Jimin sighed, "Just know that everyone is here for you, alright?" "Okay."  He stared for one last moment. His opposite hand that wasn't holding the book open stretched out towards you, fingers caressing your soft cheek. Your eyes snapped up from where they had fixated on the page, glancing at the foreign Japanese characters as you stared right into his eyes. His own eyes followed the movement of his hand before they met yours and a sad smile formed on his beautiful lips. You were so tempted to kiss him right then. It only added to the confusion you were already feeling.  Jimin is attractive. There's no denying that, but do you like him? It's hard for you to tell because each day you find yourself thinking about the way Taehyung treated you when you first met. Not the bad parts but the way his gaze lingered when you called him handsome, the warmth of his embrace, the worried look in his eyes, the picture you sent to Hyeona on your phone where he pulled a silly pose with you and gave you bunny ears and how much he cared about you from the very first moment. Enough to break down when he saw you upset. Yet you find yourself still yearning to see the sparkle in Jae's eyes, still grieving loosing him, still missing his touch and knowing that he can't be replaced.  Even just the way Jin laughed when you first spoke to him despite what you were saying not even being that funny, the way he lent in, the confidence he has and damn he's beautiful, the way Hoseok comforted you, tried to shield you from everything, the way he smiles at you and how when it's actually a normal hour in the day, he's always the one who let's you hang out and play video games with him or come watch him practice dancing and even pick a movie for you guys to watch. Everyone in this house is confusing you, and you feel horrible because you shouldn't be over Jae's death yet, it's too soon to move on.  And you're not over it all. Sometimes you feel like you are, sometimes things feel like they're finally going back to normal even though normal is different now, but then small things that remind you of him remind you of how he's never coming back and the sad existence of the hole he left in your heart. When you are over him you won't wear his shirts after you shower anymore, you won't snuggle with his blanket every time you're cold, you won't think you saw him walking in the street, you won't compare every man who gets close to you or tries to with him, you will move on and his name alone wont send a pang of pain straight into your heart. You can't even know for sure that anyone here has feelings for you and now just isn't the right time to try anything, especially since it's the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Jimin knows this, yet he finds himself struggling to resist the urge to soothe your soft skin with the palms of his hands. He finds himself staring when you ask him to read to you and when you finally fall asleep. He finds himself wishing he could reach out and pull his fingers through your hair, brush it out with his hands as you lay there with it sprawled around you like a mermaid under water. He does this to comfort you and himself and you appreciate it, you just hope it doesn't mean anything more than comfort. "I'm confused," you blurt, Jimin only smiles and withdraws his hand. "What do you mean by that?" "I'm just... Confused about stuff. I shouldn't be over Jae yet should I?"  Jimin thought for a moment. His eyes wandered off of your face, away from your eyes and down to the book in his lap again. "Everyone gets over things at different times," he looked back over at you, "there is never a too soon or a too late, there are no rules when it comes to handling the death of someone you love."  You don't usually talk about this stuff with Jimin, in fact you find the most comfort in Yoongi when it comes to needing to talk about things. He seems really emotionless and cold on the outside, but on the inside he cares and he's the best listener you know. He never speaks of what the two of you spoke about which at times stirs up teasing from the other members, but really you appreciate it. He smiles softly at you every time you pass him in the house and he always puts down whatever he is doing to listen when you need it. It's not that you don't trust Jimin enough to talk to him about everything, you just don't want him to pity you. That's the one thing you don't want. Pity. Yoongi doesn't pity you, nothing changes after you talk to him except him understanding you better and you feeling better. What happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors, he's completely different when the two of you are alone. Still, you appreciate the wise words and the soft smile Jimin keeps giving you. He clears his throat now. "Alright, let's get you to sleep."
 The next morning came slowly and when you finally woke, it was to the sound of Jin yelling that lunch was ready down the hall. Your eyes burst open, you’d slept in so much that you’d missed breakfast. You rolled on to your side, the blankets that had moulded to your body moved along with you and unfortunately that meant they fell to the ground when you reached out to grab your phone. When you did so, you noticed a bowl of cereal sitting on the side table, fresh slices of different kinds of fruit sitting on a plate next to it and a glass of juice all on one tray. Someone must have decided to make you breakfast, and you didn’t wake up in time to eat it.  Before you could unplug your phone and check to see if anything had happened while you were asleep, a wild Jungkook burst through the door. “Oh sorry,” he sighed, “lunch is ready. Since you’re not already there, Jin sent me to get you up but it looks like you’re already awake.” “Only just,” you laughed as you dropped your phone down on to the bed beside you and pushed your body up. You stood for a few minutes at your closet which had mirrors for doors thankfully, and fiddled with your hair until it looked neat enough and presentable enough for you to go out into the kitchen. Jungkook laughed, it was obvious he’d been playing overwatch all day and only left his room for lunch just judging by how messy his hair was, buried under the hood of his gray hoodie. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up earlier? Had I of known someone made me this nice breakfast in bed I would’ve got up hours ago. Speaking of which, do you know who made me breakfast?” “Nope, you can ask though,” Jungkook’s voice changed pitch at the end, becoming much higher as he tried to pry you out of your bedroom. “We can’t eat until you get there, Jin’s making us wait. We’ve got a lot to do today as well and you missed half of it.” “I’m sorry, I’ll be there in a minute.”  Jungkook nodded, pushing himself off of your doorframe and walking back down the hallway. True to your word, you were there in a minute after slipping into the soft bear socks that you had brought from your old apartment. You tried not to overthink too much.  Jin had made bimbimbap (mixed rice) for lunch and you couldn’t help but smile, mouth watering just from the smell. You couldn’t tell if it was because you skipped a meal or because Jin’s cooking always smells and tastes good at this point. Everyone at the table was staring at you as you sunk into your chair and finally Jin nodded, as soon as he did everyone dug right in and many ‘thank you’s’ and ‘this is delicious’s’ were exchanged. “Did you sleep well?” Jin asked from the head of the table, chopsticks held loosely in his hand. “Yeah, I don’t know why you guys let me sleep in so late though, Jungkook said we had a lot to get through today and I missed most of it.” “Well, I figured you were probably tired from yesterday,” Jin frowned, “not just physically but emotionally.” “That’s why I made you breakfast, but I didn’t want to wake you to eat it so I waited,” Hoseok interrupted from the opposite end of the table. “I’m guessing you didn’t wake up in time though.” “I was wondering who made that for me! I’m sorry Hoseok, you should’ve woken me up.”  The room filled with chatter after that as everyone finished up their food. It was Taehyung and Jimin’s turns to wash up today. It made you laugh to see how well everything here always seems to work out, without order these boys would be a mess yet they find a way to all stay organised and to all stay happy. For a while, you almost forgot where you were and what was happening outside. That was until the first task of the day - at least for you -, actually boarding the windows. “Alright,” Namjoon cleared his throat. “I’ll take the kitchen and main bathroom windows. (Y/N) and Jungkook take (Y/N)’s bedroom and the study windows together, Taehyung and Hoseok do your own rooms and the laundry, Jin and Yoongi do the living room and any other rooms that aren’t done by the end. There’s extra wood here in this wheelbarrow if you need it, make sure that everything is done as well as possible so that anything that tries to get in, can’t. Any questions?”  After there appeared to be none, everyone scattered and went in the direction of the windows they needed to board. Jungkook laughed as you stacked wood up underneath your arms and struggled to keep it up while he carried the nails and two hammers. “You’re evil,” you thinned your eyes at him. “You’re the one who said you can defend yourself, if you can’t carry wood, how well will you be able to defend yourself.” “There’s a difference between swinging a weapon at some zombies and lifting heavy wood,” you sighed, dropping the stack of wood down on the ground outside of Jungkook’s bedroom. You tugged the hammer from Jungkook’s hands and watched as he snickered and pulled the nails open. “Wood is heavy, I don’t have to lift the living corpses, I just have to kill them.” “Weapons are heavy.” “Well-.” “Weapons are really heavy.”  Jungkook placed a plank over part of the window and lifted his hand that was holding the hammer, pressing a nail into the wood and proceeding to hit the hammer against the metal and watching carefully as it went through the wood and into the window’s frame firmly and securely. The sound of the hammer hitting metal joined the sound of hammers hitting metal all around the house. You scoffed, lifting your own plank of wood and following his actions. Soon enough, your job was almost done. Until you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun around to find out who disturbed you, expecting the familiar face of Yoongi or Jimin, maybe even Hoseok. You doubted Jin or Namjoon would get distracted from work and Taehyung seems to have been as distraught as you lately, he’s not exactly in a shoulder tapping mood.  Unfortunately, you weren’t met with the gummy smile of Min Yoongi, the pouty smile of Jimin, the bright smile of Hoseok, the absent smile of Taehyung or even the dimpled smile of Namjoon, the handsome smile of Jin, not even the youthful smile of the maknae, you were greeted by a bloodied face.  The face looked as if someone had taken the back of a gun and beat it against the strangers skin until what was their face was nothing but a pulp. There were missing teeth, holes for eyes, deep pits in their skin. Yet they still stood there in front of you, groaning, swaying and reaching out for your shoulder. You had a feeling that the drool dripping from what was their mouth was the image of you becoming their late lunch. You tried not to alarm the others as your jaw dropped open and you backed away from the zombie. “Uh, Jungkook?”  When Jungkook spun around he let out a shriek that you honestly thought came out of your mouth for a while. It was so high pitched and loud you thought it must’ve come from you without you noticing, but when Jungkook covered his mouth with his hand, you realised that he had indeed been the one doing the shrieking. You would've laughed, but you're a little caught up right now.  Jungkook had attracted the attention of the zombie now as it slowly turned towards him and set it’s eyes on his torso. He jumped back, hammer still in hand and thought of how he could handle the situation. “Alright, I think we’re going to have to kill it with our hammers.” “Hammers?” You groaned. “You’re seriously expecting me to hit this thing with a hammer and get that disgusting blood all over me and not to mention that sight will be burned into my brain until-.” “We don’t have time to talk about it,” Jungkook screwed his eyes closed before lifting the hammer he was holding above his head and striking downwards, hitting the zombie right on the head and cracking part of it’s skull. It didn’t even flinch, regaining composure and reaching out again to scratch at Jungkook’s sides. You winced, wiping blood that had splattered all over your face with your sleeve and backing away as Jungkook yelled for help. Luckily before it could make it, Namjoon slid around the side of the house with one of the guns he had somehow managed to get his hands on cocked and ready to go. “Stand back,” he whistled to grab the attention of the hungry zombie and watched as it’s eyes (or lack there of) snapped over to him. Jungkook stepped over to where you were, pushing you behind him. “Hey, I can defend myself!”  He raised an eyebrow, “You’re seriously expecting me to believe that?” "Yes. I believe I made a very sound point earlier when we talked about how I can defend myself!" "A very sound argument? You can't even lift wood! Do you really think I'm going to let you of all people get in front of one of those awful things and fight it off when you threw a fit after I told you to hit it with your hammer? Defend yourself my ass!" "Hey just because I don't like the idea of smashing something's brains in doesn't mean I can't defend myself." "What the fuck else would you have done? Karate kicked it and let it-"  The sound of a gunshot interrupted your conversation as a bullet struck the groaning monster in the stomach. It didn’t seem to affect it until it dropped to the ground and just like Taehyung had done to the first - the road blockage. Namjoon lifted his foot and screwed his eyes closed, Jungkook pushing you further behind him as he did the same and finally Namjoon’s foot collided with the awful creature’s skull with a loud and chilling crack that made bile rise to your throat. You were still angry with Jungkook. You could defend yourself, you just didn't want to get infected or grabbed by that thing to prove your point.     After that incident, thankfully everyone was done boarding the windows and slid back inside to shower the sweat off. Hoseok and Taehyung had the job of reinforcing the doors while you sat at your window seat, which was no longer the go to place to see a nice view outside. You used to be able to see the fields around you (seeing as this place was pretty far away, it was the boy’s emergency house and  is located in the country for a reason), the stars when they were out at night and the rabbits that used to try and steal the crops bouncing and bounding between blades of grass. But now it was nothing, just the back of wooden boards. You couldn’t help but feel trapped.                       With a heavy sigh, you lifted your phone to see what’s been going on in the outside world. Surprisingly (but not really considering that the whole world seems to revolve around technology) the internet is still up and power hasn’t shut off yet. People who work for both companies have been risking their lives to keep both things on in case someone needs to call for an ambulance or make sure their family is okay.                                                                                           It seemed that no one outside of here was too worried for you. There were no texts from your parents, there was only a text from Hyeona.
Hyeonnie: Hey, just dropping in to make sure you’re okay. You haven’t got bitten out there yet in Seoul have you? I evacuated to Busan but I’m not sure how much good that’ll do for me. God, it just had to be Korea of all places didn’t it? It’ll spread so fast, it’s such a small place.
Hyeonnie: I’m sorry for rambling there, but really. How’re things with the handsome seven huh? Any new crushes, any drama? I’m just dying to hear anything that isn’t about death for once. I’m sick of everyone always talking about how their days are limited, talking about death counts and other drastic stuff like that. Please just tell me something normal so I can pretend this isn’t happening even just for five seconds. 
You: I’m doing fine. I haven’t been bitten or scratched or anything but there’s been a couple of scares. I won’t get into details though to spare you the image. 
You: And as for crushes, I’m really not sure if I’m honest. I’m confused about everything and everyone here is so nice to me and argh.
You: I don’t know what to do. I had a boyfriend before now and he was one of the first people who died and it’s torture thinking about how I won’t get to see the sparkle in his eyes or hear him say that he loves me ever again and I feel awful for even ever thinking about anyone else being in my life yet... 
You: Yet... I find myself thinking about how Seokjin’s jokes never fail to make me laugh. I keep thinking about his amazing cooking and how handsome he is. I keep thinking about how well Hoseok can dance and how he’s always there for me when I need a distraction. I keep thinking about how much Taehyung cared for me from the first day and how he was there for me from the very moment I found out Jae died. I keep thinking  about how Jimin is always there to read me to sleep. How Jungkook is always teasing me to cheer me up. I even find myself thinking about Namjoon’s concerned glances and dimples!
You: I’m just so confused.
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An Opera on Separation - Chapter 3
Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | CH. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 |
Summary: Emily settles in to her new life in the city, while having a fortunate encounter with Zig at the teacher’s lounge. Queenie join the ranks of the New York drug dealers.
Rating: M -  Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Notes: Howdhy-ho, everyone! How’s Monday for you? How did you like the (shitty) TJ finale?
Today we have a Michael Jackson classic as theme song, so give it a listen. Also, I don’t bite (hard), so subscribe to the taglist and to my blog for all the juicest updates!
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Smooth Criminal
The days passed by quickly, and soon enough it was Thursday. Emily barely noticed her first week of employment go through her, mostly because she has been so busy trying to get a footing of her new teaching career, all in the while juggling a burden in form of a parent and the set-up of an apartment.
All on her own, mind you.
She sure felt tired, but the weekend was impending, and she surely wouldn’t mind sleeping the Sunday away. It was cheap entertainment, after all.
The woman was jolted back from her thoughts by a voice coming from behind her back: “Hey, Emily.”
“Oh, hi, Zig!” She smiled at him. “I don’t see you since the meeting.”
“Yeah, I use my lunch time to have my office hours, but my students decided to give me a reprieve today.” His pearly whites flashed at her. “How are you doing, Emily? We barely had any time to talk these last few days.”
Zigmund Ortega. Only brother to four sisters. The bad boy of the Hartfeld Knights. Connecticut’s Double Threat. He was a friend from college of Emily’s, a dear one at that. They met back on her freshman year, when he worked as a barista on her favorite coffeeshop on campus.
Zig was the first recipient to the Second Chance Scholarship Program, sponsored by the now-former-NFL player and current Senator for Maine, Christopher Powell. As students, she and Chris were close friends, and when he decided to put forward Zig as a test student for the endowment.
Since Chris’ choice was due much to her own insistence, Emily felt highly-responsible about the young man. While she admits to her own hovering, it did forge a lasting relationship between them.
After Graduation, not unlike most of her relations back then, the friendship between them faded slowly, both immersed in their own lives. However, she did know that he majored in Mathematics, achieving his degree with honors and high praise amongst the New English academic community.
“I’m fine. I’m a little overwhelmed with the move and New York City, but I’m really pumped up.” Her lips turned up and her eyes shone. “It’s my first experience as a teacher. I won’t lie, it has been really hard, but I’m loving it so far!”
“Heh, that’s the feeling, alright. It’s that kind of profession you give your all, and it’s so worth it!” He smirked in response. “But, tell me, why Mrs. Sterling chose this school out of all others to teach?”
Her expression dimmed. “I’m Ms. Harper, now. Nathan and I got divorced back on Spring.”
The hazel eyes widened. The man sure wasn’t expecting that. “Jeez, Em, I’m sorry. I didn’t know!”
“Don’t worry. It’s not like it was on the papers or anything. We agreed we preferred to keep it discreet.” The redhead dismissed. “But tell me, Mr. Dean’s List, I could ask you the same question. You could teach anywhere you wanted. Why Lydia Child?”
“Well, sure I could teach at some college or at that Lanes prep school. Heck, I sure would earn a lot more cash than I do here.” He pondered. “But, those students have a whole bunch of opportunities. Here in Rosewood Creek, we’re all these kids got. I just feel I’m more needed here than anywhere else.”
“That’s… that’s very noble of you.” Emily said, surprised and admired with his reasoning. “I’m sure you’re very appreciated around here. I mean, I don’t interact much with the younger pupils, but the GED students love your classes, and the other teachers all seem to sing you praise in the halls.”
Zig let out a self-conscious laugh. “I don’t do this for being praised.”
The woman’s head nodded. “I know. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it.”
“I suppose it’s nice to be recognized for it.” He conceded.
Before long, the bell rings. “Well, that’s me.” The redhead said.
“I’ll see you around, then.” He responded.
She beamed at him. “You sure will.”
Queenie Rhodes was a rightful mess.
With the hair tied on a wide, straight bun on top of her head, a muddy-colored dress she borrowed from her daughter’s bland wardrobe and no make-up whatsoever, she looked just like some Human Sciences professor.
It was a necessary evil, however, as she had to blend in the crowd that attended Columbia’s library.
She strutted confidently to the reference desk and said to the librarian: “Good morning. Could you tell me where the metaphysics books are located at?”
“It’s all the way in the back, to your left.” The aide pointed. “Do you want me to accompany you?”
“There’s no need, thank you.” The older woman smiled and walked away.
Queenie walked over to the aisle, her short heels tapping on the sleek floor. The wide windows of Butler Library let in the soft sunlight from the outside, as the day was overcast.
Her sources say that particular area of the library was used for all sorts of shady deals and exchanges. It didn’t come as a surprise, as the place had little attendance, and its positioning within the building did not favor natural lightning.
She found a table and sat next to a young girl, dressed on a heavy coat and fidgeting.
“Did you bring it?” The girl anxiously asked.
Queenie takes the small vial off her book bag and hands it over to the girl. “Twenty doses of focus pills. Two hundred dollars.”
She slides two hundred-dollar bills, which Queenie shoves on the bag. The girl pops a pill and the woman slides the chair back again and stand up to leave.
It was way too easy to sell those stressed students some sleeping pills as amphetamine. Not only that particular brand of sleep medicine was much cheaper than Adderall, it also took weeks for them to realize the problem was the drugs, not the fact they were only too tired for it to work.
By then, they would have forgotten all about her, and they wouldn’t be able to complain.
As she was leaving, she stopped by the reference desk. “Hey, miss? I saw a girl passed out on the desk over at the back.”
The librarian huffed, stressed. “Not this again! Thank you, ma’am, I’ll take care of it.”
Emily unlocked the front door of her apartment and announced, a little too loud for such a small place: “Mom! I’m home!”
As she placed her bag on the kitchen counter, her mother, laid on the couch reading a fashion magazine, greeted her: “Hey, honey. How’s work today?”
“Just fine.” She commented, as she walks into the kitchen. “I had lunch with Zig today.”
“Oh, that hunky friend of yours from college, right?” The older woman asks, captiously. “Shame he ends up on such a filthy place!”
“We ended up in ‘such a filthy place’, as you so gracefully put it.” The redhaired points out, rather annoyed. “It’s not shameful. And, in any case, Zig works at Rosewood Creek by choice.”
“Work dignifies man, and all that crap, I know.” Queenie dismissed. “Why would someone in their right mind choose to work in Uptown Manhattan?”
“He’s a very talented teacher, mom. He thinks the children here would benefit more than the spoilt brats at Park Avenue.” She counters. “I don’t want to have this discussion again with you. How was your day?”
“I picked up the groceries like you asked me to.” She responded.
“And where’s the change?” Emily asks, defying.
“There was no change. The money you left me was short.” The older woman responded, closing her magazine and walking over to the kitchen.
The daughter shook her head. “Mom, there’s no way the money I gave you wasn’t enough for food.”
“Ugh, fine!” Queenie pulled a twenty-dollar bill from her bra. “Here.”
The youngest looked at the money and at the woman. “Are you absolutely sure that’s all?”
“Yes, Emily!” She demeans. “This is all.”
The ginger took the bill and placed it on the purse with a cautious look to the woman. The matriarch held the poker face, mostly because there was thirty more dollars of change she pocketed.
Instead, the woman said: “What’s for dinner?”
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An Opera on Separation - Masterlist
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lordsicheng · 6 years
Crush du Jour: Pt. 3
g: schmoop, fluff, slight angst
summary: after graduating college, you decided to go on a break for a few months. you then suddenly realize you’ve been rather lazy on doing anything so you decided to enroll in a class that helps you learn on making some of the more popular desserts and pastries in french cuisine, only to find out you’re gonna be paired up with one of the most attractive students in the room.
You took a deep breath while standing outside the door of the studio, wishing Seongwoo would not have arrived yet. Slowly opening it, you peeked and saw no one at your counters, feeling relieved while walking fast towards your area. You put your bag and began tying your hair, Seongwoo arriving with a stern look as he walked his way next to you, not even looking at you. You saw him walk to your area and didn’t bother to look at him either, which killed you inside.
“Alright class, only three days left until our goodbyes. So I’m giving you two days to spend with your partner and think of a French dessert to make. Not only that, I will need twenty pieces of each, for I will have a special type of examination for your finals.” Chef Lee announced as he arrived, crossing his arms in expectation
“I will let you decide which recipe you and your partner will work on. Just one, if you could make two then that would be nice as well. I will let you all stay here in the studio to finish up the time, or you can leave earlier so you can check out some ingredients and other more things needed for your masterpiece. To prepare, practice, and focus. See you all tomorrow as I will pre-evaluate your work. Ciao.” he said as he walked off again, earning murmurs from the students in the room as he got outside the studio
You looked at Seongwoo, his face still serious as ever while scrolling through his phone
“So I guess we need to think of something to make for finals.” you awkwardly spoke, him not moving an inch
“We’re gonna make pralines, two types. One will be of pecan with dark chocolate and another of white chocolate.” he said while putting his phone down and writing on his notes
“F-fine by me, then. When should we start practicing on m-“
“It’s easy. You can learn it yourself in one go.” he smiled sarcastically as he looked at you, and you just felt appalled by his words
“But the chef said to work together with your partner.” you retorted, almost snapping at him
“That’s right, I’m just your partner in class. Nothing else.” he smirked
“Seongwoo, what’s wrong with you?” you crossed your arms in annoyance
“Nothing. If you want, I’ll work on the dark chocolate one. You can make the white chocolate, deal?” he sighed, sounding irritated
“You know what, I wished you weren’t my partner in the first place if you’re gonna give me this attitude.” you grit your teeth, suppressing your anger
“Attitude? Sigh, please. I’ve always been like this. Maybe you just didn’t pay attention on how I usually am?” he crossed his arms, still smirking
“Well did you ever pay attention to me and my needs, then?!” you yelled, everyone in the room looking at you confusedly. Seongwoo just let out a light chuckle and looked away, shaking his head
“You know what, fine. I’ll hold back on this for you, but after classes end, let’s forget we even know each other.” he said as he scrolled through his phone, and you just bit your bottom lip and gathered your things, roughly taking off your apron and marched out of the studio, earning stares from the other students
You crossed your arms and legs while watching TV, trying to get your mind off of Seongwoo. Your mom arrived after a while, bringing home groceries and looked at you worriedly. He shook her head and leaned on the doorway of the kitchen, sighing as she tried to get your attention
“Mom, I’m fine.” you said without facing her
“No, you’re not.” she replied
“Fine. I’m not. Happy?” you snapped, your mom startled by your anger
“Y/n, I’m your mom. I deserve to know what’s going on.” she walked over to sit next to you, making you take a deep breath and rub your temples
“Seongwoo?” she tilted her head, making you look at her
“Is it that obvious?” you pouted
“You have probably fallen for that boy, have you?” she chuckled, you only able to scrunch your face
“Mom, we fought.” you rolled your eyes
“For why?” she crossed her arms
“Long story. Just that, his attitude was too much.” you clicked your tongue, crossing your arms while you looked back at the TV
“Did you do something wrong that made him this way?” she asked, turning to watch TV with you
“Let’s just say I pushed him away.” you bit your bottom lip
“Then that hurt his pride?” your mom said as she chuckled
“Pride… wow.” you blew a raspberry
“What I’m saying is, if you actually like him then try to fix things with him. If not, let him go.” she shrugged as she stood up and walked to the kitchen, leaving you feeling agitated and confused
The next day, you sat on the counter while writing down your notes for other ideas to make for your finals, not even giving a chance to what Seongwoo suggested on making. There were only a few people inside, maybe even countable through fingers, and you thought the others probably decided to meet up outside of the studio or decided to work on their finals outside. You tap your pen a few times on the countertop and looked through your notes while thinking, not noticing another person walk to your way as he leaned on the counter right next to you, peeking through your notes
“You seem to be organized for finals.” he chimed, making you slowly turn your head to look at him
“Oh, didn’t see you there.” you smiled as you closed your notes and put it away
“Your partner ditched too?” he asked, snickering
“I don’t know, and I don’t care.” you shrugged
“Unfortunate, I see your partner all the time.” he shook his head
“Yours?” you raised a brow
“Eh, seems like she’s not coming today. Something about a short family trip.” he turned to look at the front, resting his hands on the countertop
“Do you get along with her?” you asked, turning a bit to look at him properly
“Kind of? I mean, we’re only partners because we got to the same counters on the first day.” he chuckled, looking at you
“Must be hard.” you pursed your lips, nodding slightly
Seongwoo was already standing by the counter, his backpack sling being slung over one of his shoulders as he looked at you and the other student talk, suddenly making him annoyed. You were midway talking to the guy, both of you smiling and chuckling, and it ignited jealousy in him. You slightly turned and saw him stand nearby, making the other guy turn as well and notice he might have had taken a bit of your time from Seongwoo. He moved slightly from the counter and looked at you, making you look back at him confusedly
“Guess your partner’s here.” he smiled
“Yeah. What was your name again?” you asked
“Daniel.” he chuckled before moving away, stopping by where Seongwoo was standing at
“Talk to you later, y/n.” he smiled again and looked at Seongwoo, nodding to him as he walked towards his counter and put on his earphones, looking through his notes
Seongwoo just sighed as he walked over to your side, making you come down from the counter and open your notes again. He gave you a side eye before sighing again, rubbing his forehead and turning to finally look at you
“You could have just texted me that you arrived earlier.” he said irritatingly
“I always come here at 8, I only waited for you. If it weren’t for Daniel I would have left thirty minutes ago.” you sighed, flipping through pages of your notes
“Then you could have just texted me that you’ve arrived and not give your attention to him.” he crossed his arms
“Now you’re just being ridiculous. Why are you trying to divert the fault towards me? You’re the one who came here late.” you snapped, looking at him with an irritated expression that almost made his own look soften
“Whatever, let’s just start.” he said, putting his bag down. You rolled your eyes and slammed your notes shut and put it inside your bag, making Seongwoo look at you once you zipped it up
“What now?” he asked as he looked at you clean up your belongings
“I’ve decided to do a different recipe for finals. Either you’re gonna have to let it be or help me.” you looked at him before grabbing your bag, but he was too shocked to even speak back to you
“Fine. Guess I’ll see you on Friday.” you grabbed your bag and walked away, Seongwoo looking at you with regret
Daniel saw you pass by him on the counter and immediately took off his earphones and grabbed his things to follow you, Seongwoo witnessing all of this and became too stiff to move. You were about to walk down the stairs until you heard footsteps following you, making you roll your eyes and let out a sigh
“Seongwoo, if you’re gonna-“
“It’s not Seongwoo.” he spoke, making you turn to him
“Daniel?” you looked at him confusingly and he looked once more to the door behind him before looking back at you again
“Do you want to go somewhere else?”
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4everinsane · 7 years
Harry Styles - “How to Love” - Chapter Three
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Lana looked so peaceful as she slept, Harry always thought. Her brown waves tumbled across the pillow around her head, giving her a slight lions mane look. She would curl up on her side, one leg tucked in against her chest, the other out flat along the length of the bed and her hands were tucked under her pillow, her mouth open a bit as she took heavy deep breaths.
Harry honestly could lay in bed and watch her sleep all day. And he always did just that for a bit when he woke up in the morning, having always woken up before her. He was an early riser while she was not. He wouldn't wake her usually until he was back from his morning run and showered, then he would wake her with a kiss on her cheek or forehead, sometimes both if she was being a bit difficult to wake, and a promise of breakfast. The offer of food almost always did the trick and she was up, heading for the shower within a minute, leaving a chuckling Harry on the bed as he watched her go.
"Plans for the day?" Lana asked one morning as she took a forkful of eggs into her mouth while Harry sat across from her, his own eggs on his plate, a smoothie in front of him. Lana opted for coffee instead, not being much a fan of his health smoothies he had every morning. They weren't terrible, just not her thing.
"Got a meetin' with the guys," Harry comments, giving a shrug. "Not until lateh though," Lana nods, taking another bite of her food, watching Harry as she chewed. "Me and the guys were gonna go out afte' the meeting, get some food and probably go out and drink a bi'."
"I guess I'm not invited?" Lana of course was also friends with the guys but the hanging out as a group wasn't as frequent since the two of them started seeing one another.
They were fine when no alcohol was involved but then once they had a few drinks in their system they ended up being a bit too handsy and questions usually ended up being asked. They decided it was probably best to not drink together around others until they decided to tell people that they were dating.
For now, they kept it a secret as Lana wasn't sure how Niall would take her being with his band mate and they wanted to stay out of the eye of the media and not cause unneeded drama. At least until they knew they were serious enough with one another to let the secret out.
"Liam wants it to be jus' a guys thing." Harry answers, giving a shrug and tossing her an apologetic look but she smiles, shaking her head as she finishes off her breakfast and stands.
"No worries, babe, I can find something to do," She leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek as she made her way towards the sink with her dirty dishes. "It's not like I don't have a life outside of you and just sit around pining for you while you're gone." She jokes as he too stands, heading over to join her at the sink.
"It's wha' I do though," Harry gets an adorable pout on his face then, causing a giggle to escape Lana's mouth. "I miss you so much when we're apar'." He abruptly wraps his arms around her waist then, burying his face in her shoulder, pretending to cry a bit.
"There there now, love, no need for the dramatics." She pats his head before running her fingers through his long curls as he lifts his head to grin at her.
"I'll miss ya tonight, really. Wish ya could come." She smiles softly, giving an understanding nod. He leans in, kissing her lips gently before pulling away and the two went back to the mornings dirty dishes, cleaning them up together like they did every morning they spent together, which lately had been almost every morning.
Lana woke up that morning, shaking dreams of Harry from her mind. They consisted of memories the two had together, mornings together, evenings watching movies while cuddled up under the same blanket on the couch, their legs tangled within each others, and sweet words passed back and forth in hushed voices in the quiet calm of the night before they fell asleep, making promises to never let what they had end.
She knew she was most likely simply dreaming of Harry after their tense encounters the night before but the memories still threw Lana off and she sat in bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about them more even though she wanted nothing but to forget their time together. She doubted Harry was haunted by such memories so she hated that she was. It still shocked her how things went from being absolutely perfect, the two of them wrapped up in a fairy-tale romance, completely smitten with one another, to the fighting, hateful and distant couple they were there in the end. It went wrong so quickly and sometimes Lana wished for a do over just so she could try for a different outcome.
As Lana eventually slipped out of bed, loosening up her tight joints with a stretch, a yawn also escaping her lips, she pushed all thoughts of Harry from her mind, vowing to make today a Harry free day. She had plans to get a hair cut later, do some grocery shopping, maybe paint her nails, and then she would be heading over to Niall's to make them dinner and most likely fall asleep on his couch watching some kind of cheesy movie he had picked out for the night like he always did on their reunion night together that they had every time he came home from a tour.
As her luck usually goes though, fate would never allow her a day of peace where Harry was concerned. She had just come from her hair appointment and was browsing the aisles of the grocery store, stocking up on food as well as picking up the items she would need to make dinner as she knew Niall had no food in his fridge after being gone. She was turning the corner when her cart crashed right into some else. She started to utter an apology but when she saw that she knew those green eyes and those long curls, she gave a sigh.
"And I was hoping today was actually going to be a good day and I wouldn't have to see your face." She comments, pulling her cart away from his and heading down the aisle to get away from him as quickly as possible. Harry stood in his spot though, glaring after her as he took deep breaths, trying to control his anger. And here he was having thought about actually contacting her to apologize for the night before but all thoughts of that were out of his mind now as she clearly wanted to still play this game with him.
Lana's day didn't get any worse after that though, thankfully. She managed to finish her shopping without anymore Harry sightings and when she got home she found Sasha on the couch, a marathon of House Hunters on the screen before her.
"Niall came by," She called as Lana went to drop the groceries on the counter.
"Why?" She questioned, heading back for the living room to look at Sasha as they spoke.
"He had wanted to hang out, said he was gonna call ya." Lana gave a frown, pulling out her phone but saw no messages or missed calls. "Seemed a bit worried about you, actually."
"Me?" Lana questioned, coming over to sit beside her on the couch. "Why? I'm fine."
"Harry apparently told him about the encounter in the driveway, said the two of you had gotten into an argument and had wanted to know if Niall had spoken to you today or not." Lana frowned, slightly a bit taken back by the thought of Harry checking up on her. "You gonna tell me what that was all about yet?" Sasha eyed her friend, watching the frown crumple across her face as she looked at the TV before them, not wanting to look at Sasha. "You know you can tell me anything, Lana." Lana sighed then, dropping her head down a bit before pushing her hair from her face, her fingers sliding through the slightly shorter waves.
"It's nothing, Sasha, I promise." Lana looked over at her then, giving her a smile and hoped that it was convincing. "Harry and I are just two people who can't get along, we clash too much. Last night he was just more annoying than usual so we got into it a bit but it's fine. It's nothing new so let's just move on and stop making a big deal about everything, yeah?" Before Sasha could answer, Lana was up and back into the kitchen, working on putting the groceries away, trying to clear her mind and bring up her now sour mood.
"You miss me that much you couldn't wait for tonight?" Lana questioned an hour later as she walked into Niall's house much earlier than originally planned. Niall took the grocery bags she had with her and led the way into the kitchen. Lana stops briefly to scratch Jane behind the ears as she excitedly runs down the hall towards her to greet her.
"You know how much I miss ya when 'm gone." He tells her, giving her a smile over his shoulder as he walks. Lana laughs, shoving jokingly at his shoulder once she’s stopped petting the dog and steps up next to him at his counter, starting to pull out the food from the bags. "And I wanted to make sure everything was okay." Lana sighs then, knowing this was going to come up.
"Like I told Sasha, it's all fine. Harry and I just don't get along so we argue sometimes. It's nothing new and not a big deal so let's just move on." She looks into Niall's blue eyes as he looks back, trying to see if she truly was okay or not. When he was satisfied that she was being honest and not keeping anything, he gives a nod.
"Harry seemed like he wanted to talk to ya today, though. He called this mornin' to see if you were okay after whatever happened. He wouldn't tell me a thing except ya argued." Lana sighs, confused as to why Harry was concerned about her, it just didn't make sense since he was the one that left more upset than she was. Of course, he had gotten the last word in, making a comment about their final moment in their relationship when he slammed the door in her face and told her to never come back. That had stung a bit and brought back memories of the fight that ended it all.
"I saw him at the store today," Lana tells him with a shrug as she turns back to the groceries before them. She was going to leave out how it wasn't much of a conversation so much as her making a snide comment before leaving. Maybe she should have given Harry a chance to speak before she went straight into bitch mode but too late now.
"Are the two of you ever goin' to be friends again?" Niall questioned after a few moments of silence. "You guys used to talk all the time and then all of a sudden you were at each others throats every time ya were in a room together."
"He just... we just don't get along, Niall," Lana was so over having to repeat herself all day everyday about this. Her and Harry didn't get along, why couldn't people just accept that and move on and leave her alone about it?
"Jus' wish ya were friends... it would be easier on me, havin' me two best friends being able to actually be in the same room together and not have an argument or a glaring contest." Niall's voice sounded a bit sad and Lana hated that he had to be in the middle of all of this, and that she was keeping all of this from him. He had a right to know, she knew that, but she was afraid of how he would take it so she kept it to herself.
"I'll try harder to not be a bitch to Harry anymore, okay? I promise, I'll make an effort." Niall smiles slightly and wraps an arm around Lana's waist, pulling her into a side hug.
"Tha's all I ask." He responds as he kisses at her temple. Lana sighs, thinking about how she really hoped she wasn't going to break that promise. Niall did deserve for the two of them to get along, at least around him so he could be with his best friends at the same time instead of having to go back and forth or deal with the fighting and tension like a child of a divorce. For Niall she could make the effort.
Chapter Four
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
ddadds kids....
i like thinking about them as one big extended cul-de-sac family... [headcanons and stuff!]
imagine all the families spending the holidays together! i’m sure some celebrate things that the rest dont but theyd probs have one big generic get together during The Holiday Season
all of the kids are crammed together on one big “kid’s table” even tho like half of them are teenagers and there are more offspring than parents
someone always ends up starting a food fight,, usually ernest and lucien, or the twins [either pair. both pairs?? christie and christian vs hazel and briar??]
this was referenced in game once so amanda probs ends up babysitting a lot when she’s home from college for breaks+ during that short time shes still around before she leaves! she’d be  a cool fun babysitter, but tough enough to keep some of the more rambunctious kids in check ;p
[ernest voice] dad i dont NEED a babysitter!!! [hugo voice] son i want to know that i can be away for the weekend and come home to a house that isn’t on fire
ernest is probs really snarky to amanda when she babysits like “youre not the boss of me” and going out of his way to cause trouble, but amanda is Cool and probs gives him a run for his money with snark and idk shenanigans ensue and he probs secretly admires her and thinks she’s awesome but would rather die than let anyone ever find out
lucien looks like he might be fairly close to amanda’s age? they probs dont have all that much in common, but damien’s date revealed that lucien listens to mcr, and amanda made her dad listen to black parade, so I bet they could bond over some music tastes here and there
amanda: pleeeeeaaaaassseeeeeee ;D??? lucien: no way. the goth lifestyle isnt for posers i think with enough pestering she’d get him to cave. he’d take great time and care while painting her nails to make sure he does it Right
amanda probs comments on how careful and skilled he does it like “wow you really take this stuff seriously” “uh obviously??”
once he finishes, amanda takes a pic, and then all the other neighbors see her and are bothering lucien to make them look cool too. he pretends to hate it but actually has a lot of fun and is secretly really happy that they think he’s good at what he does
amanda convinces lucien to do like, cool goth makeup videos and put them on youtube/instagram. she helps him with filming and doing photography of final looks and together they get a lot of followers. sometimes she’ll guest star in his videos if he needs a face model other than his own
amanda’s kinda freaked out by christie and christian at first but over time gets used to and sees past their “creepy twin shtick” and, much like her dad [in the joseph brownie date] learns to use it to mess with them and possibly other people
at first chris probably doesnt talk to amanda a lot and keeps to himself when she’s over, but maybe over time she’d adapt to him and learn a few things hes interested in and express gentle interest in those things to kind of help him open up to her more
chris gets quietly attached to her like shes an older sister
everyone in the cul de sac does. they love amanda
i want daisy to be involved with the carmensita and amanda girl band thing mentioned briefly during one of mat’s dates. that’d be adorable
you know what else would be adorable? allllll the cul de sac kids coming to briar and hazel’s softball games to support them. 
the kids going to each others’ anything to support them!! when theyre in clubs and activities that put on shows or performances or other sports games, as many of the neighbors that can make it are there
when they get older, they try to be more and more obnoxious to embarrass their neighbors in front of everyone, like making huge support signs and banners with glitter with a stupid yet supportive pun that one of their dads helped come up with, or printing their neighbor’s face on a tshirt or a giant cutout on a popsicle stick, shouting as loud as possible 
they def went to amanda’s actual graduation and PROBABLY ALL CRIED
a lot of this has amanda centric bc i Love Her, but also,,
maybe hugo and craig start going to wrestling matches together [+dadsona] so ernest sees a lot of the cahn kids. if amanda’s in town, she’s with them and in charge. if not, ernest is technically in charge, but secretly [not so secretly probably] the dads are counting on briar and hazel [briar, mostly] to keep things from falling to disaster for the few hours theyre out
they all like to take turns riding on the Giant Dog that ernest got in damien’s route [duchess something i think?] [a good component that should be canon in all universes]
“lets put river on him” “no she’ll fall off” “wheres the duct tape” “n o”
if enough disaster happens leaving these kids alone together, they probably get dropped off at another dad’s house to be looked after for a while. joseph volunteers to look after them but since he and mary are already looking after 4 and KEEP LOSING CRISH, they tend to try and ask literally anyone else
[not that theyre bad parents lmao but it’d be easier for all the other parents that just have One Kid]
i bet christian and christie love robert’s wild spooky stories. he probably makes up so much bullshit to fuck with any kid that’s listening
they’d carpool if they could fit enough kids in one car. it’s probably a 2-3 car carpool depending on who’s driving what size car and who needs to go where at what time
there are probably so many inside jokes[CUL DE SAC MEMES......] that are born at every cul de sac gathering. 
when amanda’s home from college, all the kids wanna be the first to tell her all about the SHENANIGANS she’s missed out on
river and crish are bffs once theyre old enough for human interaction. they Have To Be.
pranking each other in the school hallways plz, or just all around chaos. god help the teachers that somehow end up with 2+ of the cul de sac kids in the same class
ernest definitely sends his dog to poop on damien’s lawn outside lucien’s bedroom window / probably does the flaming bag of dog poop ding dong ditch when he knows lucien’s home alone and will be the one to answer the door
christie and chris like when briar and hazel pretend to be each other, so they get their hands on a pair of scissors and chris gives christie a terrible haircut. possibly briar and hazel try and help with the scheme and things just get Worse and joseph has to take his daughter to a Professional [or maybe one of the dads is really good with hair/has had their child do the same thing and is good with fixing a bad haircut ;p]
carmensita goes through a goth phase after she goes over to lucien’s to be babysat one day. mat does not know how to Deal bc this isnt the type of music hes used to playing but he loves and supports his daughter regardless and likes to hear her singing all kinds of music to broaden her horizons and strengthen her talent
G R O U P  T E X T between all the kids old enough to have phones
there are lots of memes. lots. of memes.
they take candid shitty photos of each other all the time and send them in the chat, and particularly amusing ones end up reused as reaction photos
lucien: [sends photo of ernest having just spilled cereal on himself with duchess in the background making off with a piece of pizza] ernest: fuck u carmensita: mood daisy: why are you having pizza and cereal for breakfast? ernest: dont tell me how to live my life amanda: lol tag urself i’m duchess
this is just something i like to do w/ my friends but they’d probs also stealthily take pictures  of each other when theyre out and about and send them to each other in secret like amanda’s out with her dad at the grocery store and spots lucien and damien in the dairy isle and is like FUCK,, she hides behind a stand of donuts or w/e and takes a pic of them and sends it to lucien w/ no context or like “lol hey” 
it becomes a war of sending pics of each other to each other/the group without getting caught. lucien and ernest probably act like they think it’s stupid but get so competitive about it
they all keep score and it probably also would extend to taking stealthy pics of cul de sac dads too Just Because
the dads find out about the competition somehow and like,,, secretly are so into who’s winning. especially brian and dadsona. sometimes they’ll try and serve as a distraction for their child to get a sneaky pic so they can win, but usually the kids prefer the solo missions
val comes and visits sometimes with cool stories. sometimes she brings her girlfriend, and amanda especially looks up to them like two cool older sisters [i dont remember if it was jacket pins or photography that val said her gf is into, but whatever it is i’m sure amanda would geek out about it with her]
christie and christian eventually grow out of their “creepy twin” thing but still have a more unique brand of humor/personality. the cul de sac kids are used to them by then, and will THROW DOWN with anyone that bullies them/ calls them freaks or anything like that, or anyone that picks on chis [and eventually crish] by association or for any other reason
i could go on forever making up headcanons or scenarios for these kids bc i love them and constantly crave more content about them but imma stop here bc it’s been over an hour and this is Long but anyway plz talk to me about these kids + the cul de sac as a whole. share ur headcanons,,,,, i l o v e the m ,,
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