#sams a popular dude
palilious · 1 year
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Sam has been on my mind recently so have some commissions I've done of him
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froms8nsashes · 10 months
dude i used to get so many followers on quotev back then all thanks to my yandere high school fanfiction and i wish i had that middle school acid trip (not literally) again.
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reginaofdoctorwho · 1 year
watching a show from the 80s/90s and SOOOO fucki ng mad this would be controversial now. this shit sucks we went backwards
#it's quantum leap btw#for anyone who doesn't know it it's about this guy named sam beckett who ''leaps'' through time into people's bodies and changes their life#and he HAS to change it to get to the next leap#like there's one where he becomes a wimpy teenage boy whose sister is engaged to an asshole#and his buddy al (who is w him holographically) tells him she ends up murdered by him or something#and she's already being abused but the show was like 'victims DO get stuck and think they have no choice but to stay'#and basically he gets the fiancé to almost kill him in front of her (and other witnesses) so that she gets the courage to break it off#and there's one where he becomes a beauty pageant contestant whose friend (another contestant) is tricked#by the pageant photographer into taking nude photos he would later sell and she'd leave home and go missing#this dude (as a like. 5'6" woman) dangles the guy out a fucking window and threatens to drop him until he gives them the film#he's also wearing makeup and dresses and heels during the episode and at one point hair extensions#and there IS a new series now and they JUST had an episode w their leaper (named ben song) leaping as a woman#and like he was wearing the dress and heels but no makeup! where's the stewardess required lipstick??#but also the new one is great and has a canon nonbinary character who is so fucking cool#but ALSO the original was like. actually popular and the new one is so fucking underknown#and the original had an episode about an interracial couple during race riots and was very on the side of acab#and had a line about how it didn't actually start that day#that it started with the refusals to hire because of race and when the first baby went hungry because of it and#the cops targeting people for their race and you fucking KNOW that people would be going fucking insane now about it
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slightlymore · 1 year
what r your fav doyoung stories of yours!! ❤️❤️
omggggg I'm not sure omg
I'd probably go for the soulmates fics, i usually don't re-read my fics after posting but sometimes I re-read those to feel something
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neothebean · 2 years
I didn't know Trick r Treat was basically Creepshow, I would have watched this so much sooner lol
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swordsofsaturn · 4 months
sorry to say it but Santi by The Academy Is... is still a 10/10 album
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creoastra · 6 months
I truly believe that No One Knows Aus in the Danny Phantom fandom should be SOOO much more popular.
They are my all time favorite Aus EVER and they give so much potential and are just
Especially when Sam and Tucker are mad at him for ignoring them dude
It's just top tier, that's all I gotta say
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screamforyani · 1 year
make you proud
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pairing ↠ gf!ethan x (f) reader
genre .. warnings ↠ angst, smut, macher!reader, mc has a panic attack, violence/character death, logically mc would be around sam’s age but we’re gonna ignore logic for the sake of you being a fresh college student
summary ↠ after your boss is killed in a ghostface attack and your deepest, darkest secret gets out, your life is flipped upside-down. the whole world knows that you’re stu macher’s illegitimate daughter now and the worst part is that even your friends suspect you might be a killer.
wc ↠ 9.0k
for whatever reason, you were indescribably antsy today. 
for all of three fleeting minutes, you convinced yourself that nothing was amiss and chalked it up to being excessively paranoid, which sounded like you. but you couldn’t shake the feeling that something just wasn’t right. 
meandering down the pavement of blackmore’s perfectly trimmed courtyard, your worries were later rationalized when some random guy walking just shy of you with his friend randomly exclaimed for all the campus to hear, “yo, dude, look out - it’s that killer!”
you were baffled, but they didn’t give you much room for a reaction before a flock of students crowded you, several of them taking out their phones. one girl dangled her phone in your face and asked, “what’s it like being a psycho bitch?”
you barked, “what the fuck are you talking about?”
“uh, oh. better run before she fucks around and stabs one of us,” suggested her friend, just before the two of them laughed and darted away from you like you were dangerous.
“what the fuck?” you mumbled under your breath, more than a little perplexed. 
the crowd around you was beginning to build up and that (much to your dismay), combined by the number of phones filming your every move, was making you incredibly anxious.
“thanks, i think we’ve got it from here,” announced a familiar voice from behind you, and before you knew it, someone was pulling you away from the crowd of people.
when you turned your head, you realized that it was no other than chad. 
mindy was right beside him and immediately groaned, “god, we’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“looking for me for what?” you asked, having not a clue as to what was happening, but you did have a really bad feeling about whatever it was. “what’s going on?”
mindy gave you a look. “haven’t you seen the news?”
you hissed, “does it look like i watch the news?”
“well, maybe now would be a great time to start,” mindy retorted, grabbing your other arm as she escorted you away with her brother as if you were a wanted criminal.
“i still don’t know what the fuck is going on.”
“we’ll tell you when we get to sam and tara’s,” chad said, feigning some semblance of calm.
the ride to sam and tara’s was nothing short of suffocating and nerve-racking. when their tall, gaunt apartment finally came into view and chad and mindy briskly escorted you upstairs, everyone stood to flat feet, hairs raised, looking at you with total dread and consternation. sam and tara were obviously there, alongside their roommate, quinn, mindy’s girlfriend, anika, and your friend, ethan, who also happened to be chad’s roommate.
tara was the first to speak before you could demand an explanation and exclaimed, “when were you going to tell us that you’re stu’s daughter?”
your heart dropped, but you tried to play dumb, glancing around and laughing nervously. “what?”
chad pointed to the television while mindy grabbed the remote control and turned it up for you to hear. there was a photo of your and sam’s shared boss on the screen, the headlines reporting that he had been found murdered at your job in the late, dead hours of last night.
the newscaster reported, “a pair of ghostface costumes were found at the scene, a character popularized by the stab movie franchise. also found at the scene were the driver’s license of sam carpenter, who you may remember from the tragic ghostface incident last year in woodsboro, and the birth certificate of…,” she said your name. “which reveals her father to be no other than stu macher.”
the rest of her words went in one ear and out the other as you were filled with immediate dread and panic. your heart started to feel taut in your chest as everything else around you became white noise and your grip on the reins of reality began to slacken.
“is she okay?”
“no, fuckward, does she look okay?”
“she’s having a panic attack,” ethan said worriedly, having - unlike the others - been here before. he swiftly came to your side and held you, looking into your eyes as he reassured gently, “hey, look at me. remember to breathe. everything will be okay.”
you nodded your head, but you felt as if you were going to die any second now. you tried to listen to ethan, soothed by his presence.
“okay, good. i’m going to take you to the couch now so that you can sit down,” ethan said slowly. “is that okay?”
“yes,” you whispered, chest heaving.
ethan slowly walked you to the couch and asked tara to get you a glass of water. he tried to offer you a pillow to hold but you denied it, reaching for his hand instead.
he gave you a saccharine smile and squeezed your hand, “i’m right here with you, okay? we’re at sam and tara’s apartment and it’s just the eight of us. nothing is going to happen to you, i promise. just remember to breathe.”
just as you nodded your head, tara came back with a glass of water that you accepted with a quiet thanks and sipped from. ethan let go of your shaky hand, which made you panic for a moment, but he patted your back and assured you that he wasn’t going anywhere, encouraging you to drink with both hands while the others asked how they could help.
after a solid five more minutes, you’d essentially calmed down from your attack, but you felt completely drained. not to mention terrified beyond belief. everyone gave you some reassuring words out of the kindness of their hearts, but it wasn’t enough.
anika gave you a compassionate smile. “do you have panic attacks often?”
“no, not really. sporadically. the last time was maybe eight months ago, and ethan was there, so he, uh, knows what to do now,” you explained softly, somewhat awkward. having panic attacks in front of groups of people was never exactly fun.
sam crouched down in front of you. “you’re stu macher’s daughter.”
“and you’re the daughter of billy loomis,” you replied blankly.
for a second, you and sam just stared at each other, eyes filled mutual understanding. cursed recognized cursed.
chad asked, “did you know?”
“of course, i knew,” you grumbled, crossing your arms. “i’ve always known. i was trying to make sure nobody else knew.”
“well, now the whole world knows, and someone is trying to pin our boss’ murder on us. people are saying that we’re working as a team to continue the legacy of our fathers,” sam told you, which made the ordeal in the courtyard make a whole lot more sense, but not any easier to cope with.
quinn’s brows furrowed. “but how did they get your driver’s license and her birth certificate?”
“probably because of somebody with close access to them,” mindy suggested, panning her view cynically over to quinn. “like you.”
quinn made a face. “okay, but she-” quinn gestured to you with her shoulder. “-lives alone. i steal that too?”
mindy shrugged. “i don’t know. maybe you have a partner. someone who’s always at her place, like, i don’t know, ethan.”
“i come over to help her study,” ethan explained, eyes widening at the accusation. 
“right,” mindy drawled. “and where are you when she goes to the bathroom - or steps out the room?”
“mindy, i didn’t even know where my own birth certificate was before all of this,” you said, massaging your temple. “i’m sure i would know if he was rammaging the place if i stepped away for three minutes.”
sam interjected, running a hand through her raven-black hair, “you guys, this isn’t helping. i say go home, travel in groups, and we regroup later.”
sam’s word was more or less final, so the five of you obediently did as told. ethan told you that he’d see you tomorrow night for studying which made mindy roll her eyes and tug you along with her and anika. fortunately enough, you and anika lived in the same apartment complex, so mindy would walk with you two and spend the night with her girlfriend.
you made it back inside without any ghostface attacks. locking your door behind you, you heaved a breath and went to take a shower. 
steaming, hot water beated down your body, covering your skin in little rivulets while the mist rose like shrouds above your head. all you could think about was how the secret you’d dedicated your whole life to protecting had finally slipped. what happens in the dark always comess to light, they said.
it was overwhelming. you had the blood of stu macher flowing through you, a man who took many lives before yours, and now you were being accused of continuing his wicked legacy. which meant that not only would nobody ever look at you the same again, but there was an actual killer out there that had gotten close enough to you to steal your birth certificate.
deep down inside, you knew that it was one of those seven.
the following night, ethan sent you a text informing you that he couldn’t make it and apologized, softening the message with a cute emoji. 
you thought nothing of it and typed back, okay, all 296 of my highlighters will still be here whenever you’re ready. yes, i counted. i demand you return the other four you stole.
yes, ma’am, replied ethan a couple minutes later with a salute emoji that made you giggle.
seriously, though. be safe, you typed. 
your phone buzzed in your hand just as you prepared to set it down. i will, but don’t worry about me. i’ll take care of both of us.
you hearted his text and told him goodnight, all while wearing the stupidest smile on your face.
which was erased the next morning when your tv was playing (given the circumstances, you took mindy’s advice and started watching the news) and something in you fractured when you saw something about a ghostface attack at sam and tara’s apartment. you swiped up your keys and scurried to your car, making a beeline for their apartment complex.
you slipped through yellow tape, spotting some of the gang and asking, “what the hell happened?”
“back. the fuck. up,” mindy snarled, looking at you like you were a deformed beast. 
“what?” you whispered, confused. you glanced at chad and tara. “i just heard the news. i came right away. i wanted to make sure you guys were okay.”
“well, look at us. we’re fine. there, you can go,” mindy retorted with disdain. 
just as you were about to speak, ethan came from behind the yellow tape, calling, “chad.” 
that was when chad left his post at and paraded toward ethan with long, quick strides and slammed him into an emergency vehicle, shouting, “where the fuck were you?”
ethan’s eyes widened. “what - when?”
“don’t play dumb with me, man. you disappear and my sister almost gets killed!”
“he was with me!” you shouted, coming up to them and trying to pry chad off of ethan. “okay? we had to study, remember?”
chad’s grasp on ethan slackened as he glanced at you, but he didn’t let go. “and he was with you the whole night?”
“yes,” you lied through your teeth. 
chad pressed, “then why didn’t you show up together? did he leave?”
“we did show up together. i told him to stay in the car,” you said, glaring at ethan to really sell your tale. “see what happens when you don’t follow instructions?”
ethan faltered, glancing towards the ground. “i’m sorry.” 
chad released him, backing away. “fuck, man.”
ethan glanced into the alleyway, wincing. “oh my god - who?”
“anika,” chad exhaled, walking back towards the ambulance. “and quinn.”
something violent twisted in your chest.
you watched ethan go up to mindy and heard her say something about the both of you being at the top of her list, but it was all white noise to you. your heart was taut with guilt, given that you had lied for ethan in spite of having no clue of his whereabouts when you two were meant to be studying. 
there was a reason you did it, though - logical or not. you just genuinely didn’t believe your best friend was a murderer. you’d known him for a year, six months before the core four came to manhattan. regardless of wherever he was, you doubted it was on a murder spree, and you covered for him solely because you didn’t want him to have to go through being interrogated.
merely minutes later, sam and tara came back with gale and kirby and all of you ended up in some place down an alley that apparently belonged to some kids in mindy’s film studies class.
“it’s a theater,” tara said when the lights flickered on after you all got through the intricate security. 
“not just a theater,” gale said. “it’s a shrine.”
that was when you noticed the rest of the room and the screen lifted up, revealing nine different mannequins in ghostface costumes.
the eight of you ventured around the room, walking around in awe. everyone gravitated towards something different - kirby to charlie walker’s knife, gale to drawings of dewey, mindy and chad to randy meek’s shirt, and sam to billy loomis’ ghostface case.
likewise, you were beside a mannequin that sported your father’s infamous red robe.
“they’ve got the whole goddamn franchise,” mindy marveled. 
“how’d they get this stuff?” asked tara. “i mean, isn’t this evidence?”
“well, cops like money, and evidence can get lost pretty easily,” gale explained. “present company excluded, of course.”
ethan asked, “uh, why am i here exactly? my alibi checks out.”
“so i can keep an eye on you, roomie,” chad said, shooting ethan a smile. 
mindy made a V with her fingers and darted them between her eyes and ethan.
“the TV that killed stu macher,” kirby said to mindy, sitting beside her. 
your eyes locked on the infamous television. you’d obviously heard of it - there were many stories about your father’s death - but seeing it up-close was an entirely different experience and you didn’t know how to feel.
“hey,” ethan said.
you jolted out of your reverie, glancing to your side to spot ethan standing beside you. 
“sorry,” he whispered. “i wasn’t trying to scare you.”
“it’s fine,” you said, stepping away from your father’s robe. you were curious, but you didn’t want anyone getting the wrong vibe.
ethan whispered, “you didn’t have to lie for me earlier.”
“you really wanna talk about this now?”
“chad can watch me all he wants. they can’t hear us,” ethan said under his breath.
“listen,” you said softly, glancing at the glass case rather than making direct eye contact with him to avoid raising suspicion. “i only did what i did because you’re not a killer and i didn’t want you to go through an avoidable min-terogation.”
ethan’s lips twitched into a grin. “thank you.”
“we’re best friends,” you told him, in spite of the wrenching feeling of your heart at your own words. “you’d do the same thing for me, right?”
“i’d do anything for you. die for you.” kill for you, was what he really wanted to say, but he was playing it safe. “anything.”
it was ridiculous how much you wanted him and how much deeper you fell for him at those words.
but the lies didn’t stop there. and with more lies came more deluding yourself. ethan would make plans with you then sometimes drop them at the last minute, coincidentally all on the exact same nights your friends would get attacked. mindy, who’d you been getting closer with prior to the new ghostface killing spree, didn’t even want to talk to you anymore unless it was to accuse you of being a murderer.
which you couldn’t hold against her, but it made you sad. you were many things, but a killer wasn’t one of them. sam was practically the only one interested in having one-on-one conversations with you anymore.
“listen,” sam said, holding a cigarette. “i trust you. if nobody else understands you, i do.”
that meant something to you. “thanks.”
“but,” sam started, making you frown as your eyes locked on the buzzing city around you. there were cars speeding every which way, whipping by in a colorful blur. “i think you should keep your distance from ethan.”
your lips curled into a scowl. “you don’t trust him.”
sam said nothing, just letting out a sigh. 
“he’s been with me,” you lied, giving her a stern look. 
“i’m not saying that he hasn’t,” sam told you calmly, meeting your eyes. “i’m just saying it’s weird that every time the group has a near-death encounter with ghostface you two are coincidentally always together. that’s all.”
that was the same conclusion you’d reached a long time ago, but you didn’t want to believe that your best friend was a serial killer. much less that he would dare hurt your friends.
“i was in love before i met danny, you know. with richie,” sam spoke up after a lull of silence.
“yeah, the ghostface that was working with amber freeman, i know. you told me,” you reminded her, raising a brow. “why are you bringing that up?”
“because it’s no secret that you have feelings for ethan.”
your eyes flickered. “i’m not-”
“you are,” sam finished. “in love with him. but love is blind. if i didn’t have feelings for richie, i might’ve realized what was going on sooner, but i did. and i don’t want you to make that same mistake that almost cost me my sister.”
you sucked in a breath. hot tears pricked your eyes, threatening to cascade. you’d considered that you might have had feelings for ethan, but hearing it aloud really solidified things. you were out of your mind in love with your best friend who may or may not have been a killer, and that was why you covered his tracks without a second thought.
“please,” sam whispered, looking at you with desperation in your eyes. “if there’s anything you’re not telling us that could help, tell me. i understand.”
“ethan’s not a killer.”
“are you convincing me or yourself?”
“ethan’s not a killer,” you said with a little more vigor, but a lot less confidence. “i’ve known him since last year and i think i would know if my best friend had murderous tendencies.”
sam said your name, but with one glance at the clock you were already throwing on your coat and heading towards the front door. “i’ve got to go meet him,” you announced, turning on your heels for a second. “i’ll send you a pic or something to prove that he was there if that’s what you want.”
then you left. 
ethan was already inside your apartment when you got there, which wasn’t alarming because you’d given him a spare key a couple of months prior to this fiasco. likewise, you knew where he hid the spare to his and chad’s apartment.
“hey,” ethan said when he saw you enter the living room, glancing up from his phone. “i didn’t start the movie.”
“i see that,” you said, taking out your phone from your pocket. “do me a favor and look cute while i take a quick picture of you.”
ethan covered his face when he saw you pointing your phone at him. “what? you can’t do that - i’m camera shy!”
“oh, please,” you droned. “basically everyone thinks that you’re fucking ghostface and i wanted to have a picture of you ready to go just in case someone gets attacked. again.”
“to prove that i’m not ghostface?”
you mocked, “now you’re getting it!”
ethan rolled his eyes. then, he sobered, staring at you emptily. “what if i am ghostface?”
“i mean, what if mindy’s right - what if i’m… dangerous,” he said, rising to his feet. you were rooted in place when he crept towards you. “i’m always coincidentally missing during the attacks, and everyone thinks i’m with you, but we both know that that isn’t true.”
you could hear your heart thumping in your ears, getting louder with every step he took forward until he’d backed you into a wall, effectively caging you like an animal. “don’t you ever wonder where i am?”
you shook your head. 
“you’re such a liar. a very pretty liar,” ethan whispered, lips curling into a wicked grin. warmth spread through your chest. ethan thinks i’m pretty. “speaking of which - why do you lie for me? i mean, i don’t even have to ask.”
“because you’re not a killer and i want to save everyone time,” you told him, though your voice had completely lost all thunder and confidence.
ethan groaned, throwing his head back. “okay, this excuse was cute the first couple of times, but i’m bored now. i need you to come up with something else.”
“it’s the truth,” you whispered. 
“no, it’s not. and you wanna know what i think?” asked ethan, curling your hair around his finger. “i think it’s because you like me.”
your throat went dry and you shook your head. 
“no?” ethan asked, cocking his head to the side. “well, i have to admit that i like you. i know we’re just best friends and all, but… would it be so bad if we were more?”
there was a record scratch in your head. ethan liked you?
something switched in you. all rational thinking was officially off the table. you were now consumed by months-worth of pining that was rotting you from the inside out like a spoiled apple, and something made you raise on the tips of your toes, meeting your lips to ethan’s.
ethan was surprised for a split second at your boldness, then chuckled, trapping you in his arms. it was a reckless kiss, full of mutual longing and hair-pulling, and groaning. you tangled your fingers through his long, curly tresses while his found purchase at your hips, holding you tight as ever.
“i want you,” you rasped when your mouths finally parted, as if you were coming up for air at the pits of an ocean, swimming in each other’s love. “more than anything.”
“yeah,” you repeated, staring into his beautifully brown eyes. 
“fuck,” ethan said, locking lips with you again. almost like he couldn’t get enough. 
frankly, you couldn’t, either.
that was how you ended up with your back to the couch, ethan’s fingertips on your bare thighs as he held them apart, head buried between your legs. all you could feel was pleasure and the lingering drumming of your heartbeat, numb to the grief and despair that’d mantled over your friends for the past few weeks.
there was something about the view of your legs thrown over ethan, caught over his broad, naked shoulders, while he was on his knees sucking the soul out of you. you remembered how he gathered your thighs in his big hands and pulled you towards the edge, draping your legs over him.
“fuck, ethan,” you whimpered, slipping your fingers through his hair. “you sure you’ve never done this before?”
ethan silently nodded, making a humming sound that shook you. his tongue was giving its undivided attention to your clit, a pair of his fingers stuffed inside your cunt. he wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but from the way your features tensed with pleasure, it had to be something right.
you were driving him mad with lust and you were hardly even doing anything. the way you cried out his name with that sweet tongue of yours when his thumb rubbed your clit should have been a crime, to say nothing of how utterly tight you were around his fingers, squeezing around him with the wettest of sounds.
shit, he got you this wet? ethan - much like everybody else - knew you had a thing for him with how you defended him with your life, though this was desire of the next level. in a way, it was more than lust. it was burning. from the head down, judgment clouded by mantles of smoke, so to speak.
which explained everything on your end. the lying, the deception. you knew in your heart that there was almost nothing that you wouldn’t do for him, because you loved him.
“oh my fucking god,” you cried, sensitive. “ethan, baby, i’m so close.”
ethan was painfully hard right now, rutting his hips against the side of the couch at your pretty sounds. “you’re close?” he repeated, in spite of the signs glaring him in the face. your legs trembled like you were quaking, a pulse between them. 
you answered him in a moan, hands slipping out of his hair as you instead squeezed one of the couch pillows for dear life, afraid of hurting him.
“cum for me,” ethan said, lifting from your glistening pussy while substituting his mouth with his hands. “i wanna see you cum.”
looking at his eyes was all it took to shatter you. it was too quick for him to be finishing you, but he was. nice and hard.
it was like nothing you’d ever felt before, a kind of intensity you quickly understood only lived between each other. his name parted your open mouth in a scream-adjacent sound sure to do a number on the neighbors and your fingers found purchase in the pillow pressed to your bosom as your vision blurred white. ethan could feel you tightening around his long, thick fingers, and he so badly wished that it was his dick you were cumming on right now.
then, you went slack, not even realizing your back had arched off the sofa until it met the cushion again.
ethan, in awe at the sight of you orgasming, withdrew his fingers from your pussy with a squelch and said, “open.”
you opened your mouth without a second thought.
it took you by surprise when he shoved his fingers down your throat, but you sucked your own arousal off of them without a second thought - without having to be told. it was like you always just knew what he wanted. pleased, ethan hummed, “that’s it.”
you were back to earth for a second, slowly re-entering the real world as the lingering euphoric high of your orgasm gently faded. you took his fingers out of your mouth when you were done, smiling at the sight of him with your arousal giving his lips a wet glimmer. like you wanted to make him proud.
“you, woman,” ethan started, sucking in a breath. “are going to drive me crazy.”
you giggled, watching him come to a stand, though not without accidentally bumping your (thankfully empty) coffee table and sending it flat to its side. the two of you devolved into more giggles and ethan leaned over you to catch your lips in another kiss.
but as his lips started to travel lower, your giggles turned into soft sighs. you fumbled with his pants, somehow managing to take them off.
when his underwear came off too, you gaped at the sheer size of him. he was so big. matter of fact, that word didn’t do him justice.
ethan pushed your jaw up and teased, “you’ll catch flies.”
“oh, shut up,” you groaned lightheartedly. “jesus, you really walk around with that pussy-destroyer attached to you?”
ethan snorted at your choice of words. “can i destroy yours?”
you chortled, amused. “never say that again,” you whispered, grabbing the back of his head and drawing him into you. 
ethan smiled into your lips. i’ll take that as a yes.
so that was exactly what he did.
you thought about what happened that night a dozen times, deciding it was simultaneously the best and worst mistake of your life. on the one hand, you’d had amazing, mind-blowing orgasms thanks to ethan and he reciprocated your feelings. you thought he did, at least. you couldn’t really tell if it was genuine or just some kind of unnecessary bait to get you to sleep with him, as if you wouldn’t have offered your body to him on a silver platter regardless. 
whatever he wanted, his wish was your command. but on the other hand, that was your problem, guilt gnawing at you from the inside out. fear, too. you were a macher, you had the blood of a serial killer keeping you alive. you’d always felt guilty for that, but then you remembered ethan’s weird behavior prior to that first kiss.
a part of you wanted to believe he was joking around, just like you always believed him when he told you he was doing this or that while your friends fought for their lives. but contrary to what you told him, you did think about where he was all those times when he stood you up. you just tried to drown the thoughts out.
but you couldn’t drown them out now. what if he was the killer? no, that doesn’t make sense. ethan wouldn’t hurt anybody, would he?
it made sense, but you didn’t want to accept that all the signs pointed to him. sam was wrong. love wasn’t blind - not for you. you noticed all the little things, all the big ones, too, and never said a word to anyone.
that was why you felt guilty. 
you are such a fucking dumbass, you chided yourself. you’d slept with a potential killer, which ironically made things make even more sense. if ethan did like you like he said he did, that would explain why you were the only ones who’d yet to get hurt at all, much less be in the same room during the attacks.
shouldn’t ghostface have at least called you? you were in the friend group too, and close to sam. matter of fact, you were a target. they’d tried to frame you for the crimes. you still remembered sitting in detective bailey’s office with sam and tara, baffled.
that was when your phone started to ring. 
you jolted, startled. maybe it was ethan, who’d been trying to reach you for the past few days following the hookup, but you were too conflicted to speak to him right now. or maybe it was ghostface, but all your friends were pretty sure that was a synonym for ethan at this point.
when you looked at the caller id, much to your surprise, it was mindy. you pressed your phone to your ear and said, “hello?”
“hey, ghostface,” greeted mindy. you heard chad and sam groan in the background, saying something about her needing to stop being so mean to you. “the gang are at chad’s job and you’re invited to the hangout.”
“you’re hanging out,” you started, trying to wrap your head around her words. “at chad’s job?”
“we’re hanging out,” chad said, having snatched the phone from mindy. you also figured that you were on speaker. “come on, it’ll be fun. it’s a wednesday night, nobody ever comes here on wednesday nights. plus, you can get discounted surfboards.”
you grumbled, “what the fuck am i going to do with a surfboard?”
“i don’t know. surf, maybe?” chad retorted.
“give me my phone back,” mindy snarled, taking her phone from her twin. “listen, sam said you should come and i don’t think her wrath is something you wanna deal with right now.”
“okay, i’m coming. i’m coming,” you said, swiping your keys on the counter and slipping on your shoes. 
the call disconnected. “jesus,” you mumbled under your breath, heading out the front door.
chad worked part-time at a surf shop that happened to not be too much of a distance from your apartment. you walked inside, chad behind the bar flirting with tara, mindy and sam arguing over a surfboard design that mindy thought that was hideous and sam found cute, but your eyes locked on ethan.
you didn’t know why you thought that he wouldn’t be here.
you shifted your gaze. this was about to be the most awkward hangout of your life. 
“look who’s here in the flesh,” chad announced, almost looking surprised to see you there.
mindy clasped her hands together and said, “yes, instead of cutting other people’s flesh.”
chad groaned, “god, mindy, could you stop with the accusations for five goddamn seconds?”
“it’s fine, chad,” you said, ignoring her. “so, remind me why we’re hanging out at a surf shop of all places again?”
“because what better place to hang out than at a shop with terrible surfboard designs,” replied mindy. 
sam exclaimed, “the design was cute!”
“to you,” mindy and tara retorted in unison.
ethan had been watching you, and his fixed gaze was not lost on you, but you had no intention of reconciling with him right now. he shifted his attention and asked, “what if we get, like, attacked?”
mindy brushed him off. “you’re here, ghostface. why would we get attacked?”
“i mean, there is usually more than one,” you added, not sparing ethan a glance in spite of the fact that you could feel his weighty stare on your shoulder. 
mindy pointed at you. “that’s why you’re here, too.”
is that what this was about - they were trying to see if you were ghostface?
“we were together,” you insisted, as if that were the problem.
mindy rolled her eyes, mocking, “‘i was with ethan’ this, ‘ethan was with me’ that. yeah, chopping up people’s bodies like bonnie and clyde!”
you glanced at sam who immediately raised her hands, as if to say she was innocent. you thought she trusted you.
that was when you saw a cloaked figure closing in on her and you screamed, “behind you!”
sam skirted out of the way just in time to slip shy of the ghostface’s knife, alarming the six of you. you all immediately started to run, screaming in terror.
chad darted from behind the cash register with tara’s hand in his, dashing over to the entrance, but the door was locked from the inside. he grumbled, “what the fuck?”
you glared, shouting, “are you sure he’s not the killer?”
“don’t ever fucking say that again,” tara exclaimed in lieu of mindy, and frankly you weren’t inclined to get on the bad side of multiple people, so you kept your mouth shut.
then, the unimaginable happened, and the ghostface started charging after you. you ran as fast as you could, almost tripping over your own feet, zipping past racks of clothes. the ghostface caught you at a surfboard stand. you slid to the left, but it followed you, and the pattern repeated when you slid to the right. you made an instinct-driven decision to snatch one of the (agreeably ugly) surfboards off the stand that mindy and sam had been debating over, smacking the masked figure with it.
then, you ran for your life. 
chad pointed at the surfboards and exclaimed, “see, they come in handy!”
you couldn’t be annoyed right now of all moments. what the fuck am i going to do with a surfboard? it looked like you had your answer.
the ghostface gave up on pursuing you for the meantime, chasing sam upstairs. mindy went behind her, and before following suit, chad said to tara, “there’s an exit at the back of that room. go see if it’s open.”
tara nodded, running away at the speed of light.
ethan tugged your hand and pulled you behind a shelf of flip-flops, pulling you towards the ground. you crept down, glancing around the corner, watching ghostface slash sam in the arm with a wince while you were hidden.
“why the hell have you been avoiding me?” ethan asked, whispering yet yelling at the same time.
you narrowed your eyes at him in disbelief. “do you really wanna talk about this while there’s a maniac chasing us with a knife?”
“yes, i do really wanna talk about this while there’s a maniac chasing us with a knife,” ethan retorted, briefly spying from the end of the shelf. “did you have some kind of post-nut clarity?”
you exhaled a breath. something like that, yeah. “i just need time to think.”
“you just need time to think?”
you bobbed your head. 
ethan was obviously not pleased, asking, “what is there to think about? i like you and you like me.”
“and all our friends that we’re fucking bonnie and clyde,” you retorted.
“is that so bad?” ethan asked, nudging your side. “you don’t wanna be my ride-or-die?”
you didn’t get the chance to respond before you saw mindy topple over the railing and you rushed over to shove a clothing rack out of her way. it was a less than graceful fall and it still hurt like a bitch, but a lot less than metal. she rolled off your back, murmuring a faint, “thank you.”
you gave her a weak thumbs up. 
you flitted your gaze upstairs just quick enough to see chad push the ghostface down to the ground floor. you pushed mindy out of the course of the fallen, broken railing, rolling over, and watched the ghostface crash into a glass display.
that was when tara ran from the back room, exclaiming, “the door was locked, but i got it open. come on - let’s motherfucking go!”
the five of you ran behind her, you and tara running upstairs to help sam - she had been stabbed in the arm - and tugging her out without looking back.
apparently you and sam were the only ones who drove your way to chad’s job, so tara took her keys and the six of you split up into two groups of three, agreeing to meet at the hospital.
but it didn’t stop there. 
after getting bandaged up, sam said that she wanted to end things now - there was no point in drawing it out and waiting for more bodies to drop. you gave the killer an advantage that way. it was fortunate enough that none of you were killed during the attack, though mindy was still recovering from when she was stabbed and that, on top of today’s injuries, landed her a stay at the hospital.
the doctors said that had you not broken her fall, it would have been more serious.
there was a consensus that you’d call kirby and detective bailey, who both told you to gather at the shrine. ethan stayed behind to have some injuries looked at, but the other four of you went straight to the theater.
wrong move.
it was you that got the call from detective bailey with the newfound information on agent kirby. you’d been trying to clear the theater with sam when your phone rang, startling the both of you. you put the phone on speaker so that he could speak with both you and sam, your heart racing when he informed you both that she was no longer with the fbi and you guys needed to get out of there expeditiously. which you tried to do, but the doors were locked.
it all happened so fast.
one second, you were looking for an escape, and the next, you’d come face-to-face with ghostface. you and sam burst through the door to the concession stand room, startling chad and tara, the latter who had a slash going down her back.
you helped chad deter the ghostface while sam grabbed tara, and the four of you ran for lives. it felt like you were running in circles (probably because you were), as if you were in some sort of labyrinth. all the doors were locked. when you circled back to the concession stand, chad got stabbed just as you were running out of the door.
“no, chad!” screamed tara. 
your heart wreched at the sight of chad dropping to his knees, blood gathering in his mouth and tears pricking his eyes, but you said to tara, “tara, we’ve gotta go, there’s nothing we can do for him right now.”
“run,” was the last thing chad whispered before he fell to the floor.
you, sam, and tara begrudgingly ran into the theater, abandoning chad. kirby ran into view, obviously a little roughed up, and said, “i’m here!”
“stay back,” you warned. 
tara hissed, “we know it’s you, kirby.”
kirby was baffled. “what? no - one of them knocked me out!”
“get away from the girls,” shouted detective bailey, practically materializing out of thin air.
“what? whatever he’s been telling you, he’s lying!” kirby shouted, eyes widening in horror when she saw one of the ghostface coming up behind detective bailey. “behind you!”
just as detective bailey was about to get stabbed, he shot kirby to the floor and the ghostface retracted the knife. all you, sam, and tara could do was watch as everything unfolded before your eyes - all of the secrets and lies. “great job,” bailey said, lowering his gun as the second ghostface came to stand beside him. “both of you.”
“you?” tara asked. 
detective bailey drawled, “yeah, of course me. frankly, i expected more from you and your sister after what you did to us.”
tara furrowed her brows. “what do you mean us?”
the ghostface to his left started to remove their mask, and when ethan unmasked himself, you stood there empty. there was no emotion stirring inside you - no pain, no fear, no anger, no shock. it was like you’d been milked dry to numb you for this moment where you’d run out of places to hide from the truth. where you’d have to confront it head-on.
sam glanced at you, your dull, expressionless face compared to hers and tara’s. “did you know?”
tara shook her head, looking at you with betrayal. “were you in on it?”
you said nothing. you felt nothing.
“this was your grandmother’s, sam,” ethan said, holding up his mask. “i guess it really does run in the fucking family. speaking of family, my name’s not ethan landry!”
detective bailey chuckled while the three of you were left in the dark. 
“is it, dad?” ethan asked, grinning. 
both of them started to laugh borderline hysterically, as if something was funny. 
tara repeated, “dad?”
sam took a deep breath. “wait, if it’s you two, that just leaves… mindy?”
the moment of silence before the other ghostface unmasked themself was the most dreadful of all, and you felt a weird combination of relief and shock when you saw quinn’s ginger hair as she sang to sam and tara, “hey, roomies. didn’t see that one coming, did you?”
tara exclaimed, “yeah, because you died!”
“kind of didn’t, though,” quinn said. “it was a good way to get off the suspect list. stab gale weathers, stab mindy on the train. that sort of thing.”
detective bailey nodded along, wrapping his arms around their shoulders. “yup, and i just made sure i was first on scene so i could switch her body out with a fresh one. a little fake blood, a prosthetic. you’d be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with.”
“i got your father’s mask,” quinn said to you, walking around with stu macher’s mask. “he was my favorite.”
you frowned.
detective bailey went on some rant that you didn’t entirely grasp because your head was spinning, though it wasn’t necessarily directed to you as much as it was the carpenter’s, which made you second-guess your involvement in this. why frame you for your own boss’ death if they didn’t want you dead, too?
“you’re a killer,” detective bailey said, pointing to sam. “just like your father!”
sam screamed, “no, i’m not!”
quinn screamed even louder, face tensing with anger, “yes, you are, motherfucker - you killed our brother!”
“you said your brother died in a car accident,” tara reminded.
“no, no, no, you sweet, dumb thing,” ethan said. “he died in woodsboro at the hands of your sister.”
sam glanced from ethan to quinn until her eyes finally landed on detective bailey again and the realization settled in within the three of you. she said after a moment, “you’re richie’s family.”
“yeah,” detective bailey said somberly. “now, it wasn’t until i saw those photos of what you did, i knew that you had to fucking die - you had to be punished! along with anyone else who stands in our way.”
you felt all the air whoosh out of your lungs when detective bailey finally seemed to perceive you, glancing towards you. he said your name. “you’re probably wondering what the hell this has to do with you. stu macher was richie’s favorite too, you know. and when i found out that his illegitimate daughter was friends with my son, well, i knew you could be useful.”
“what the fuck are you talking about?” you exclaimed. 
bailey waved you off. “you proved yourself to be very useful indeed, without having to be asked. being ethan’s alibi every time without fail in spite of being the only one to know he’s never where he says he is? come on, you’re a smart girl. i’m sure you knew who he was long before this.”
you looked to your feet, cowering. you could feel sam and tara’s eyes on you and it made you queasy.
tara made a jab at detective bailey which led him to go on another tangent about not being the perfect father and the bond between a father and his first-born son, but your eyes were locked on ethan. you could feel his stare on you, too, his pair of eyes as weighty as the carpenter’s. you could see something in him falter the more bailey went on about richie, but something hadn’t been right with him since the reveal. he seemed so… out of it.
bailey shifted his attention back to you, having had enough of being distracted by the sisters, and said your name again. “i dragged you into this to make you a deal. you’ve already proved that you would make a great partner. and i want you to be on our team.”
tara shouted, “what?”
“nobody’s talking to you, bitch,” roared quinn.
“you have to pick a side. them,” detective bailey said, waving his knife towards sam and tara. “or us.”
the spotlight was on you. your heart was racing, thumping in your ears. it felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. you stood in the middle. to your left, you saw sam and tara, shaking their heads in an attempt to discourage you. but to your right, you saw ethan and his family, ethan giving you the blankest, stare. 
it almost felt apologetic, but this was do-or-die now. you couldn’t let your affairs of the heart take your life.
the detective tried to win you over, starting, “this is what your father would have wanted. don’t you want to make your daddy proud?”
you’d been walking over to them, much to sam and tara’s dismay, but those words made you grind to a halt as everything became clear to you. and you fucking chuckled. “you don’t care about ethan.”
detective bailey’s brows furrowed. “what are you talking about?”
ethan shouted, “you watch your mouth!”
you shook your head, raising your hand at ethan from afar as you put the pieces together. “no, i bet it’s always richie this, richie that. ethan, did you want to do this from the jump?”
“of course, he did,” bailey lied, sneering at you. “this is for his brother!”
“god, do i know,” you groaned. your eyes locked on ethan. “i’m sure the idea sounded brilliant in your head. juke the roommate lottery, meet chad, kill all your friends and maybe, just maybe dad will love you the way that he loved richie. is it working? did you make daddy proud? are you proud of him, detective bailey?”
quinn screamed at the top of her lungs, “shut the fuck up!”
but you didn’t. you kept talking. you kept pushing. “i know who my father was. and i know who i am. maybe i was scared that because his blood is running through me right now, that i’d end up just like him. but i’m more than stu macher’s daughter.”
detective bailey looked unimpressed and ready to get this over with. “what exactly are you, then?”
“i’m the girl that’s going to walk out of here and live to tell the story,” you hissed, much to bailey’s amusement. 
you shifted back to your would-be boyfriend.
“so, ethan. you choose. do you want to be the hero in my story,” you pointed to sam and tara. “or the villain?”
it wasn’t unnoticed how you looked detective bailey plain in the eye.
everybody’s eyes were on ethan. the silence was the most terrifying of it all, the prolonged agony of the unpredictable. you liked to think that you knew ethan, but this was the only way you could be sure.
the anticipation blindsided everyone in the room when ethan made the shocking decision to walk over to you and spoke, “i just want to be whatever you need.”
you stayed on-guard as he approached you, seeing as he was armed and it could have been a trick, but you were pleasantly surprised when he handed you his knife. 
“well, i need a hero,” you told him. 
“then i’ll be that.”
shit hit the fan and everybody immediately went to war.
ethan grabbed your hand, somehow managing to pull you away undetected as his family dealt with the brutal sting of betrayal by unleashing it onto the carpenter’s.
you whispered, “eth, i can’t stay here. they’re my friends. do you think my father would have just hid?”
ethan shot back, “i thought you didn’t want to be like your father?”
“well, maybe he had some admirable characteristics,” you hissed, beginning to run to protect your friends. 
“wait,” ethan called out, grabbing your wrist. “you’re forgetting something.”
you gave him a confused look, but it all melted away when he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you with all the emotions a man could bear. you kissed him back just as passionately, almost as if it would be the last time.
“i love you,” ethan exhaled when he pulled away, because you two were running out of time. “i never would have hurt you, i need you to know that. that’s why i made plans with you and then i bailed. i wanted to make sure you weren’t there, so you’d be safe.”
“ethan,” you started. 
ethan ignored you, emotionally continuing, “i didn’t want to do this. i just wanted to feel like i meant something to him. and i know sorry isn’t going to bring your friends back, but...”
you cried out, “e, behind you!”
ethan turned around just in time to see quinn trailing him with a knife. “you chose the wrong side, brother. a loose fucking whore over your family?”
“you watch your fucking mouth, quinn,” ethan growled, charging towards his sister. 
you watched in terror, considering he was unarmed. 
“go,” ethan shouted to you, looking back for a second. “baby, go!”
you begrudgingly did as told, running out of the room and locating sam and tara who were currently fighting detective bailey. you hid behind him, undetected, and lunged at him. he heard you approaching and turned at the last second, but his arm still got caught on your blade and you managed to slice him up a little.
“you’re going to regret that,” detective bailey seethed, coming towards you.
out of nowhere, quinn charged back into the room, slightly injured but a beast nonetheless - almost as if the pain didn’t bother her. but you didn’t see ethan, which filled your heart with worry.
you didn’t have time to ask questions, because when quinn saw the knife in your hand and the wound on her father, she immediately beared what was left of her teeth (you had seen sam and tara holding bricks) and came for you.
tara moved at the speed of light and toppled the tv over, the one that had killed your father all those years ago, and sent it crashing down with quinn’s body. you heard something break that obviously wasn’t the tv and saw her go limp.
sam mocked to bailey, “looks like you’re down another child.”
“you,” hissed detective bailey, charging at sam, until you heard a gunshot and he sank down to his knees, wounded. 
you turned around and spotted ethan holding the trigger. he was limping towards you, blood dripping through the fabric of his costume, and he’d obviously been stabbed.
“ethan,” you called out, almost coming over to get him. 
“i’m fine,” he said, holding up his hand to stop you in your tracks. “i’m okay.”
detective bailey glanced at his only remaining child, speaking faintly, “you’re making a fatal mistake, son.”
ethan shook his head, face tensing with rage. “it stops right here, dad. it stops with you. no more of this bullshit.”
sam glanced at you. “you want to do the honors?”
you bobbed your head. “hell, yeah,” you said, walking up to detective bailey’s body. 
“you’re just like your father too,” he hissed. “you always will be!”
“maybe,” you whispered, crouching down. “but you’re forgetting one thing.”
bailey barked, “what?”
“i’d have to actually kill somebody to be just like him, and there’s no one better to start with than you,” you crooned, smiling like the devil. “for richie.”
“for richie,” sam repeated when you raises your knife. 
you jabbed the knife right between his eyes, stabbing as deep as you possibly could as you watched the detective’s face pale, before all the life was drained from it altogether.
when he stilled, it was like a breath of fresh air. sam and tara went to sit at the steps while you came over to ethan, lowering him to the ground and applying pleasure to his wound. he hissed in pain, and you whispered, “sorry. i’m sorry. i know it hurts, but we have to stop the bleeding.”
“it’s okay,” ethan whispered, looking into your eyes. “if i die right now, at least you’ll be the last thing i see.”
“don’t fucking say that,” you whispered, tears burning your eyes. “you’re gonna be okay. we’ll get an ambulance here and they’ll help you, and you’re gonna need a really good fucking lawyer.”
ethan snickered, brushing your hair out of your face. “isn’t the macher family rich?”
you rolled your eyes, bringing your lips to his as you kissed him with all the love in the world. 
he would pull through, you knew he would. everything was going to be okay.
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starlitangels · 7 months
Redacted Boi Social Media Headcanons
Vincent only really uses Instagram, but is required by the Department to have it private because his human name is legally missing-presumed-dead and his face has a risk of being recognized if someone from his human life stumbled upon his Instagram. That said, he doesn't really screen people who request to follow him
Darlin' and Sam don't use any social medias. Darlin' has a Facebook from teenage years, but they deactivated it. But not fully deleted, so they can still be tagged in all the group photos posted to the pack page. In high school, Darlin' was the person who got a lot of unsolicited DMs because they were hot but they hate attention so they blocked everyone but their pack and deactivated. Darlin' reluctantly keeps their Discord for the pack server
David hates social media. He maintains the pack's private Facebook group and Discord server (though the latter is really more Asher's job, David's just in charge) but will not touch anything else. David's favorite social media is YouTube because he can lookup tutorials for anything and not have to ask anyone for help
Milo's a borderline Instagram influencer. He's got a gazillion followers (who all think he's hot, and he is). His Instagram is directly linked to his Facebook, so every picture and caption he puts on IG gets automatically posted to FB too
Marie comments only on Milo's Facebook (she has and kinda uses IG, but doesn't comment). She's the one that will leave the heartfelt comments with "Call me" at the end. She knows that's a meme among younger people that their older relatives leave "what a beautiful couple. Call me" comments, but she does it anyway. And guess what? She does it because it works. Milo👏 is👏a👏Mama's👏Boy👏 and he will call her when she leaves those comments
Asher doesn't use social media much, but is perpetually on Discord. He mods the pack's server, and like 6 others just for fun. He does post lots of pictures of Babe and selfies of the two of them together on the pack's Facebook though
Damien used to get into arguments on Twitter with randos. Huxley thinks it's funny to pull them up from when Damien was a teenager
Huxley was never much into most social medias but I like to think he'd be like that one TikTok dude who pops up on my Tumblr dash occasionally who explains how to do calisthenics and other workout stuff in a really simple, easy, modified way for people who are just getting started. People started following him because he's hot, and then realized he's actually like the nicest dude and doesn't know he's popular
Lasko's a Tumblr boy. I'm not taking constructive criticism on this
Gavin refuses to get an Instagram because he knows he'd get too addicted to it. He knows he's ridiculously good-looking and would amass a following supernaturally fast, and that's why he won't. But he has his old Facebook from when it first started to be popular. He got rid of all his old friends list and now just has Freelancer, Huxley, Lasko, Damien, and a handful of d(a)emon friends who also have Facebooks like Crux
Avior doesn't have any social media at all
Neither does Caelum and Gavin and Freelancer have decided not to expose him to the negativity of the internet
Vega refuses
Cam keeps a few things for professional purposes, but doesn't use them much
Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is
Aaron's favorite is LinkedIn. This is a joke.
Elliott uses Pinterest a lot for aesthetic inspiration for dreams. He doesn't use much else
Blake is on like every social media all the time. Mostly for CloseKnit. But he also stalked Bestie from afar for a long time
James had to get rid of all of his when his job started getting more secretive and he had to have limited contact with the rest of the world
Morgan doesn't have any social media just as a way to keep himself and his magic safe. The Department protections didn't require it, but he thought it was for the best
Porter totally isn't jealous that Vincent has a higher IG follower count than him and his account isn't even private. He's always trailing like 20 behind
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screamsortega · 1 year
i won’t let anyone hurt you;
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summary: as news of a new ghostface arises you get painful flashbacks from the year before, luckily, your boyfriend ethan is there to comfort you.
warnings: cursing, mentions of blood, murder, all that stuff.
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
*lowercase intended*
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“what’s going on?” sam spoke, rushing in not too long after chad called for her.
“…where the mutilated bodies of two students..” the news reporter on the tv spoke.
“cute boy, nice.” quinn said, pointing to the guy that followed in after sam.
“their names have just been released by the police, jason carvey and greg bruckner.” the reporter continues before mindy chimes in.
“holy shit,” she began, “that’s that chode from our film studies class. the one obsessed with argento.”
“Also found at the scene were various ghostface costumes, a character popularized by the stab movie franchise.” as soon as the reporter said those words, you could feel your face grow pale before you all looked at one another.
“Pack a bag, we leave in ten.” sam spoke, walking into the kitchen to grab a knife.
“sam, wait, sam!” tara spoke up, walking over towards her sister.
“we’re getting out of the city.”
“what?” the guy, danny, that followed behind sam said.
“thank you, suspicious new guy, but we got it from here.” chad says, slightly pushing danny back out of the apartment. “have a good night, get home safe.”
“sam.” tara said, “sam, wh- hold on, no, wait, let’s talk about this for a second. cause this might not have anything to do with us.”
“are you serious?” sam asked.
“it’s a big city! it’s halloween, everybody’s wearing masks!” tara defended.
“tara, this isn’t a coincidence.” sam spoke, hee voice slightly raising. “you knew him!”
“chad, mindy, y/n? back me up.”
“i mean, it is a little bit..” chad started as mindy finished his sentence. “close to home.”
“see?” sam said, turning back to tara.
you had been sitting in silence, blanking out, ethan had taken notice of this. “y/n?” he spoke, his voice low enough to where only you could hear.
ethan’s voice caused you to bring yourself back into reality, you get up and walk into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you which causes the group to stop in the middle of their conversations.
“is — is she okay?” anika questions, looking from one person to another.
“this is bringing shit back for her,” tara began, “everything that happened last year traumatized her for like, life.”
“didn’t it happen to all of you, though?” quinn asks, trying to keep up.
“well, yeah, but it just had a way harder hit on her. she hasn’t been dealing with it well either.”
ethan glances at the ground, contemplating on whether or not he should try and comfort you.
he gets up, heads to your bedroom door but before he reaches for the handle mindy chimes in. “she probably doesn’t want to be bothered right now, dude.”
ethan rolls his eyes, ignoring mindy’s comment as he walks in your bedroom and closes the door behind him.
“hey, you okay?” ethan asks, sitting besides you as his hand rests upon your shoulder.
you shrug his hand off, “go away, e.”
the two of you sit in silence for a moment, ethan deciding on what to say. “do you wanna talk about it?”
you just sit there, knees up against your chest as your head hangs low. “i know this must be hard for you, and i’m sorry that you have to go through this again.” ethan began.
“i care about you, y/n, and i’m here for you. so, please, talk to me.”
for some reason, tears just start to pour onto your face, your head falls upon ethan’s shoulder. “i can’t do this shit again, e, i can’t.”
“i know, it’s okay,” ethan began, his hand crept up to your hair, brushing through it. “just take deep breaths, okay? in and out.”
“ethan,” you began, finally controlling your breathing. “you have to get out of here, okay? if ghostface is really back then that means they’ll come after everyone, and that includes you and i can’t lose you, e.”
“yeah, well, you must be crazy if you think i’m leaving you.” ethan spoke, “i won’t let anyone hurt you, okay?”
“just let it all out, y/n”
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ranciddrobbie · 3 months
id assume so given my audience mostly knows me for the CCCC album art-
Number one we’ve got my personal favorite, IGORRR, a very out there band these fuckers make metal with opera, swing, classical and polka elements! very good shit
Then we’ve got van dyke parks, an old feller who makes whimsical music to wisp you off to fantasy lands (i personally like Sassafrass and black gold by him :•) )
Then we’ve got Primus, primus sucks. Listen to primus
Tom waits! Many of you have probably heard me say his name before, tom waits is an grouchy old bastard who mostly does wacky jazz stuff (he also did the song Underground in the film “Robots”)
Dr steel! another personal favourite, mostly industrial, this musician will make you feel like a mad scientist! (i personally like lament for a toy factory and ode to revenge)
next up, sElf! these dudes did a track on the shrek ost and boy howdy their music slaps harder than diamonds
speaking of shrek, Smash mouth! yea yea laugh it up its the funny all star band but man their discography has some bangers (a personal favorite is “sorry about your penis”)
Femtanyl! another very harsh sounding artist, this lovely bastard is trans! (im pretty sure- the lyrics seem to imply it a lot)
Also stomach book! another trans(?) artist!
Weird Al Yankovic, he needs no introduction
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melancholicmarionette · 4 months
[Oh shit I did something. I wrote Val and Sam as podcasters. Warning: this is fucking stupid. I literally had to just stop writing bc it made less and less sense as I went on. But I love writing dialogue and it’s silly and this is tumblr. here have a little snack my dudes]
Graveyard Girls Episode 12: Roasting Ember’s Beauty Guru Era at 1 AM
“Hello and welcome to Local Ghost Smash or Pass—”
“I will fucking kill you.”
Valerie had to admit that Sam Manson’s ability to keep a completely straight face while saying the most unhinged nonsense was probably one of the reasons their video podcast was so popular. Her own ability to refrain from actually killing her was the reason it still existed at all. How they’d made it to episode twelve, however, still remained at least partially an enigma.
Though it was overall Danny’s kindness that slowly made his trio of friends into a tenuous quartet, Valerie had slowly become accepted by all of them, once she finally came to terms with Danny’s secret. Sam was the last to come around, though by the time they were both seventeen their tension was less due to fighting over a boy and more due to the fact that they could agree on almost nothing.
Most of Graveyard Girls was the two girls arguing, originally spawned by a viral TikTok Tucker posted, in which Valerie—at Danny’s bizarre request—tried to explain The Bachelor franchise to them and Sam being convinced she was making some of it up. People had been interested, and with Amity Park being a niche-but-also-hot topic, a weekly podcast was born.
“Okay but,” Sam leaned back in a vintage-looking office chair, “if I returned as a ghost, would you sma—” Sam cut herself off with a grunt as she dodged a throw pillow.
The show was mostly the two competing to see who could get the other to essentially rage quit, and while Sam’s personality was surprisingly just as strange as those of her best friends, Valerie was competitive enough to be a worthy opponent.
“You might just be, like, the worst person,” Valerie said, expertly catching the throw pillow as it was hurled back at her. “We’re not even three minutes in and I’m so uncomfortable with the energy you’ve created.”
“So our very last episode is three minutes long and titled Valerie Quits, then?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you Manson?” For a tense moment they stared each other down. “Say it one more time, see what happens.”
“So what is today’s topic, then?”
It was a challenge, to see if Valerie had forgotten it was her turn to start. She had.
They had the Box Ghost to thank for it, too.
“Okay, so—full disclosure,” she began, and she looked at her phone, “it is…1:16 in the morning. And both of us have been awake for like…”
“More hours than usually recommended,” Sam continued, “for reasons. We wanted to get this episode out on time so we are crunching.”
“And suffering.”
“And suffering quite a bit,” Sam concluded, nodding. “So my topic is that Ember McClain is trying to release eyeshadow palettes.”
“You cannot just drop that on me.”
“It was dropped on me,” Sam told her, “I’ve had to live with this. You don’t read the DMs for our official account so you didn’t see it and this poor lady, she has this indie cosmetics company and she slides into our DMs asking ‘is this person for real? I think she’s a ghost? She wants to collab.’”
“And she sent me like…a mock up. I’m putting it in the google drive so get ready.”
Valerie picked her phone, opening their shared drive and—sure enough—seeing a digital version of a very Ember-esque palette, showcasing both dark and neon shades.
“She’s unhinged. But like…some of the shimmers on here aren’t terrible.”
“That’s the thing—I don’t like the bright blues and greens but there’s potential here. I could make a look out of it.”
“I’ve got conditions—if she wants to start the beauty guru era of her ‘career’ I need a full press release saying it’s not a complex murder plot,” Valerie said.
“I swear under penalty of perjury that I’m not imprisoning your parents in hamster wheels to power my sound system,” Sam affected an impression that would positively enrage the ghostly pop star as she spun around in her chair.
“My mad power-grab via subliminal mind control is so over, okay? That was the old me. Get to fucking swatching.” Valerie continued, snickering. “We kid, but this is actually peak influencer already.”
“We’re writing her YouTube apology for her,” Sam said, and she trained her eyes on the camera before continuing, “you cannot use this. I know you’re watching, I said your name once, and your Obsession is name-searching the universe. You have to do your own YouTube apology.”
“We should edit her name out before we upload.”
“We should.”
“…We’re not going to.”
“No, and a certain somebody’s gonna be on my ass about it. We should perhaps move on…”
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d3m0nicdream · 7 months
Prom Night: Colby Brock (Part 1)
**Colby Brock Prom AU Poll Winner**
Colby Brock x fem!reader - a budding story about two people believed to be very unavailable to anyone, until they set their sights on eachother.
Part 2 is now up:
Part 2
tags: Slowish-burn, multi-parts, POVs will change in each part, I'll put tags on each part as they get posted. (there will be smut in later parts)
There is a difference between being well known and being popular. Y/N was both but Colby Brock was well known.
Y/N was a popular girl in high school. She wasn’t mean to people, she talked to pretty much everyone and she had pretty good grades all in all. Everyone knew her and everyone liked her. Especially the boys, but she would never accept anyone's proposal for dates or hang outs. It frustrated the majority of the male population but they weren't mad per say. They saw it as more of a competition against each other. If you could bag Y/N for just a hangout session, you would be a legend. So of course, Y/N had a lot of the male attention.
Colby Brock. He was a funny guy, he was also known throughout the school. He was nice to everyone, talked to everybody like they were friends, no matter who you were. His stunning dark hair and blue eye combo had all the girls fiendish over him and he would hear them out but politely decline.
While sitting and watching the football players practice, an event she was invited to by the entire football team. Y/N and her best friend Kat sit on the bleachers and witness the calamity that is their football team. Truthfully she felt more like a distraction than anything so with that she yells to the team.
“Hey, I going to head to study hall guys, good luck!” She waves and they all wave back, telling her to drop by again sometime which would not be happening unbeknownst to them. Her and Kat walk down the track but her eyes wander to the marching band, setting up for a football game performance.
"Hey Kat? Is that Colby Brock?" She points to the dark haired boy setting up his clarinet, him oblivious to her presence.
"Yeah, he's a band nerd haha. What a loser." Kat scoffs and rolls her eyes.
"What's wrong with being in the marching band?" Y/N quizzes as she stares at the group and their instruments, she had always wanted to learn how to play an instrument but never had time for it.
"Uh. Only nerds are in band, Y/N. Come on. Haven't you seen like any high school movie ever? Why are we staring at them. We need to go to study hall." She glares at the group and then walks away. Y/N jogs to catch up. She doesn't go unnoticed because there were two boys watching her, one being Colby Brock.
"I don't know dude. it definitely looked like she was staring at you. Could you imagine?" Sam pipes up smacking Colby in the arm.
"My best friend bagging the legendary Y/N. That would be crazy!" Sam beams.
"Yeah, hence I'm not doing it." Colby goes back to packing up his instrument. He thought it was so ridiculous. Sure she was pretty but every dude was fawning over her. He would probably be murdered by someone to get to her, he believed people were that crazy.
"Hey, you think her friend Kat would go out with me?"
"Doubt it. She seems bitchy. I don't get how they are friends." Colby heads to his dreaded 4th period class where he's forced to watch people make fools of themselves for Y/N. It was quite painful to witness if he was being honest. As he's walking, he overhears what sounds like a threat by someone to his left. He sees Y/N being pressed up against a wall by some football douche with no escape.
"Sam, follow me." Colby walks up behind the guy, grabbing his shoulder.
"Damn, out here trying to bag Y/N?" Colby smirks.
"I wouldn't hold my breath buddy." Colby whispers in the kids ear while patting his back.
"Back the fuck off. She was just about to tell me she was going to see later. Right, Doll?" He smirks at Y/N like shes a meal and it doesn't sit well with Colby at all. He looks at Sam and he nods over to her. Sam understands him without a word being spoken. Colby grabs the dudes shoulders and yanks him around, pushing him out into the hall where he stumbles and falls to the ground. Colby towering over him while Sam slides by and grabs Y/N to move her out of the way.
"You better get going, class starts soon and you probably shouldn't miss it." Colby winks.
"This is not how you play the game, Colby."
"Oh buddy, I'm not even playing." He waves the guy off. He gets up and mumbles a 'fuck you' to Colby before heading down the hall. He turns and heads to Sam.
"Hey, uh. Thanks for that. Usually I can handle them but he was... persistent." Y/N speaks up immediately as Colby walks up. He waves at her.
"It's all good. We need to get to class though." All three walk to their class together and make it just before the bell. The rest of class, the room is buzzing about them all showing up together.
After class, Colby and Sam leave to meet up with Jake and Corey but they end up finding them first.
"Dude. You seriously got into a fight with Brent Snider? That's ballsy." Corey grabs Colby by the shoulders, playfully shaking him. Colby smiles at his friends actions.
"It wasn't that big of a deal. I was just helping someone."
"That someone being Y/N!" Jake flashes his screen at Corey and the boys. Corey's jaw drops.
"Dude. What the fuck. I thought you weren't in the game?" Corey stares at him wide eyed.
"I'm NOT. Look, he had her pinned to a wall, what was I supposed to do? Leave her there?" Colby rolls his eyes.
"I'm going home. I'll see you guys later." Colby pushes through everyone and they look at each other.
"COLBY! WAIT FOR US, DUDE!" Jake yells and runs after him, the others in tow. On the other side of the school, another conversation was being had between Y/N and Kat.
"Seriously! If Colby wasn't there, Brent would have done something to me, dude." Y/N shudders as she goes on about what happened to her to Kat. That was one thing she was afraid of when it came to the guys and this 'game' as they call it. She almost wishes she had someone like Colby around to ward them off. They walk towards the parking lot to their cars.
"Well, I'm glad you are safe. that sounds really scary. Hey.. Was Sam there with him?" Kat asks nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with her friend who is clearly staring daggers into her.
"Sam Golbach? Yeah, he pulled me out of the corner while Colby was doing his thing. Why?" Y/N could read Kat like a book.
"Oh, uh. no reason. Let's go."
:)))) thanks for the love <3
Part 2
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lnsfawwi · 6 months
why marvel hates stucky? because Captain America is (should be) a man
let's be real. Marvel isn't erasing stucky, they are merely erasing Bucky from Steve's storyline, not the other way around, they even went so far as to canonly admitting that Steve's Bucky's homecoming. why can they tolerate a possibly queer Bucky but not Steve? because to them, Steve Rogers is Captain America and Captain America is this white, straight, masculine national hero who embodies the traditional male fantasy. Bucky is just a sidekick that no one gives a fuck about while Sam is never gonna be the real Cap. bucky is the 'other' and by nature he is not important, he is put in a inferior position and his femininity (being queer) is slightly more acceptable than steve's.
what's funny is that, only Bucky saw Steve Rogers when the whole damn world sees Captain America. Bucky Barnes is the one that makes Steve Steve, as long as Bucky exists Steve can't be the hypermasculine icon Marvel wants him to be. why? bc it's in the fucking narrative. in this sense, Bucky Barnes is the only thing that stands in between Steve and the erroneous reading and presentation of Steve's character. So, he has to be removed.
and I'll expand that on the stomper or whatever knockoff ironman suit they put him in in WhatIf
there's a wonderful meta about why Steve is a feminine character. his masculinity isn't born but made and he was objectified and ridiculed for it. that artificial masculinity gave him the feminine experience and that's what makes him fascinating as an ostensibly hypermasculine hero. this dichotomy between Steve and Captain America created by that body is one of many reasons why Steve ≠ Captain America. by putting him in that suit, they are emulating masculinity with a giant piece of metal and tech that has phallic analogies written all over.
and that makes Steve, what? a knockoff tony stark? bc tony at least designed the thing. Steve is just a dude borrowing it. there's no depth and certainly no positive gendered reading came out of it. he becomes this simplistic male hero fantasy (like ironman). then, Marvel swapped Steve and Bucky's storylines but lost all the nuances because bucky is also heavily female-coded, especially his suffering as the winter soldier. the cartoon has none of that.
marvel is entirely ignorant as to why the Cap trilogy the best Marvel movies and steve&bucky the best characters, and they wonder now why steggy isn't well received. erasing Bucky from Steve's plot just makes the character boring. stucky isn't popular (entirely) bc they were played by cute white guys. it's bc their relationship adds depth, GENDERED DEPTH, to them and that's relatable to all the women that made the fandom so goddanm influential. Steve Rogers isn't your white male fantasy no matter how hard you try.
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lixxen · 7 months
I really want to talk about Paulina/Danny right now.
I'm listening to Let You Break My Heart Again by Laufey after reading a few fics for the two, and it is making me think. I really want to write a fic where Paulina slowly realizes through her forced time with Danny throughout the series had made her actually not dislike Danny.
She starts to see him as an actual person who isn't some loser. She sees how Sam and Val like Danny and starts to think how Danny, a total loser, managed to get an ex-A Lister and a albeit an outcast rich kid to like him. Paulina doesn't seem to be the type to actually give dudes a real chance, only stringing them along for her amusement because they won't leave her alone. So her actually starting to realize she wants to get to know Danny and feel remorse for her trying to use him against Sam rattles her to the core.
Because why did she even think dating Danny was a good idea back then? She could have just went on dates with him. The overshadowing doesn't count in her eyes, but the rest of it does. Why didn't she just string him along for a few dates and drop him? These questions rattle around in her brain as she realized that maybe, on some small level she didn't realize existed, the thought of actually dating someone who was interesting and different didn't make her feel like nails on a chalkboard.
I just also want to write a fic where Paulina isn't a two dimensional girl and actually has a personality other than pretty popular girl. I've done it with Star for the most part, so Paulina is next on my list.
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alchemistc · 2 years
You can find part one of this headcanon that I should really just fic at this point (but won't because that's a commitment I will 100% abandon 120k words in when there's still 10 more chapters to go) here.
Have some more "Eddie befriends a concussed Steve after season 2 headcanons-that-are-basically-fic-at-this-point"
Steve gives himself two blissful weeks of Eddie Time before he starts his job hunt, and Eddie pouts about it like the world is coming to an end. Offers to pay for Steve's gas and insurance himself because he really, really enjoys the bubble they've built themselves full of kissing and fucking and talking until six in the morning about nothing and everything and Eddie is only marginally more well-adjusted than Steve is about Love.
"Sure, yeah, my dad throws a fit because I don't get into college, and you think he'll react to 'hey in the same vein, I'm also a raging homo and my drug dealer boyfriend wants me to be his kept man' with anything but violence."
Eddie rants about capitalist greed while Steve gathers applications from shops in the mall, glares at the Sam Goody sign going up and doesn't shut up about how fucking stupid he thinks the mall is the entire drive home, but he changes his tune the first time Steve tries on his uniform. Then immediately rethinks that idea because "Steven, I will pay you to quit right now and keep the uniform, no one else is allowed to see this much thigh on display on the daily, these are my slutty thighs."
Robin nearly quits the first time Scoops has a staff meeting and she finds Steve Harrington lounging in the backroom in the stupid fucking outfit they all have to wear. Begs not to be put on shift with him and then isn't super surprised when she checks the schedule and nearly all of the shifts with Buckley listed have Harrington right next to them, because absolutely fuck her life.
He's kind of a fucking dweeb, if she's being honest, and way less of a flirt than she remembers him being, and every time he strikes out with a pretty girl (because of fucking course she notices exactly how cute they all are) he doesn't actually seem all that put out about it and sort of laughs at her little You Suck marks like there's a joke she's just not in on, which is categorically unfair.
And - he's weird, actually, the more she thinks about it, because sometimes Robin will go on a tangent about a band she's into who just put out a shit album, and Steve will nod along like he knows a thing or two about the band in question (but he can't because this particular bands music is super fucking queer and they're not popular, certainly not in goddamn Hawkins), or she'll start in on one of the popular girls from school once the girl leaves the shop and Steve will tell Robin fucking secrets about all the dumb shit his old crew used to get up to and he'll whisper all the embarrassing stories he has about them like she's a good buddy and he's always secretly wanted to gossip about those dickheads.
And, like, the one thing they do actually have in common is their attraction to girls, not that she's ever telling him that, only - only once, some dude from the jazzercise class came in and Robin is seventy-three percent sure she caught Steve checking out the guys ass when he left, which - no way. Right? He'd just zoned out, or something.
As it turns out she actually kind of enjoys being around Steve, who seems to have a few working braincells beneath all that hair and is surprisingly funny when he's not thinking too hard about it and hangs out with the weirdest people, like - Robin could have tossed the names of the entire population of Hawkins into a bowl and pulled out names at random and still wouldn't have chosen a weirder group of people for The Hair Harrington.
She can't decide if the more inexplicable is the revolving door of children who come to visit him nearly daily and often charm a free cone or a sneak through the backdoor to the theater - or the trio of metalheads here nearly as often. Eddie Munson buys them all cups of ice cream and then they sit in the corner booth menacing terrified suburban moms and hounding Steve until his break and then Steve saunters over with a dopey little grin on his face and argues with Gareth E for five full minutes about something that makes Munson boom in laughter.
And - okay, so Robin is firmly in the closet where she's safe and so is everyone else queer in Hawkins but Munson's never actually denied all the snide comments that get tossed his way and you can't ever assume but like - he doesn't exactly hide the way he ogles Steve Harrington in his stupid uniform and Steve - notices? She thinks he notices. He'd have to be an idiot not to notice, she thinks, but then - well, he's definitely an idiot because sometimes when he gets up at the end of his break Munson shoots a pining look his way and gets an elbow in the ribs from Jeff or Gareth and Robin is actually like a little desperate to know how the hell that particular dynamic was struck up but there's no way she's letting Harrington know he intrigues her.
Eddie learns about the You Rule You Suck board and has a minor freak out about it while pacing a hole into Jeff's bedroom carpet because "He's bi, Jeff, and Buckley's totally his fucking type, they spend literally all day together, Jeff, he's going to leave me for a band nerd, Jeff." and Jeff has to remind Eddie that Steve is ass over tits in love with Eddie and spends every moment not at his literal job either carting around his merry band of kiddos or with Eddie.
Eddie demands secrecy from Jeff about the freakout and Jeff crosses the fingers of one hand behind his back as he runs his fingers over his lips like a zipper, so the moment Eddie leaves, Jeff calls Steve to give him the scoop, and maybe Steve lays it on a little extra thick and does some stupidly romantic shit but it's not like that's far out of his wheelhouse, he romances the fuck out of Eddie whenever he can and Eddie totally knows Jeff spilled his secrets but actually this is sort of okay too.
Eddie picks Henderson up the day he gets back from camp, drives him over to the mall and gets caught by Buckley making cow eyes at Steve when Steve and Henderson get to the lightsaber part of their little handshake.
And. Okay. Sure, Eddie's always kinda figured there was more to the story behind Steve's journey into Being A Better Person but he didn't expect the Russians.
So, when it all goes to hell in a hand basket Eddie's tucked in the backroom of Scoops with the rest of them listening to a Russian recording and handing a coin off to Steve so he can listen to the sound of the Indiana Flyer and -
Fucking. Russians?
And then they're sneaking into a secret base because they got trapped in a secret elevator, and they're sneaking through an underground lab and the Russians are boring a hole into the inside of the world and "Babe, we don't really have time for Twenty Questions when RUSSIANS ARE CHASING US but I promise I'll tell you all about it if I make it outta here alive." and it's the sort of ridiculous bullshit he'd throw into a campaign if the players were really pissing him off so of course, of course they get separated, and Eddie nearly bites Dustin's head off trying to figure out how they're gonna fucking save Steve and Robin.
Steve goads the torture guy into fucking him up so he lays off Robin and Robin is high as shit but like, she knows, okay, she knows what he did for her and that's.
"Have you ever been in love?" Robin asks later, after she's already sort of laid her heart out hoping he won't stomp on it and Steve doesn't hesitate.
"Yep. Nancy Wheeler," and he mimes a gunshot to the heart, makes the sound effect because even though he's found something different and heartstoppingly epic, sometimes that still stings. "And-" but Robin's scoffing and calling Nancy a priss so Steve gets sidetracked from telling Robin he's head over fucking heels for Eddie goddamn Munson. For a second, anyway.
"Are you still in love with Nancy?"
"Why not?"
Because - because the sun shines out of Eddie Munson's ass and Eddie looks at him like Steve hung the moon and the stars and because somewhere along his journey of self discovery he realized how very much he wanted to love and be loved in return and that Nancy probably was never gonna be the person to share that with him the way he wanted, and damn the world and his parents and his former shitty friends for thinking there's anything wrong with that but also - shit, he likes Robin, thinks she's great, thinks maybe if things were different he'd probably be harboring a terrible fucking crush on her but that doesn't mean she's gonna want to stick around once she finds out he's already planning out the rest of his life with the metalhead she barely tolerates hanging out in the store until closing time three nights a week.
So he tells her about this person he's super into and how weird and cool and so not the type of person he would have gone for in high school they are, and she goes quiet, and he slides under the stall and settles his weight across from her and she's looking at him like she's terrified and - yeah, okay, yep, this fucking sucks. Anyone else who already knows had learned how to not be shitheads about it from Eddie long before Steve had his revelation, or they'd never been the type of people to judge that kind of thing anyway and - and he'd told Gareth that Eddie was worth the hassle and he is but this sucks.
And then she's telling him about how she'd hated him because Tammy Thompson was obsessed with him and - and it takes more time than he's proud of for everything to sort of click in his head but he's got at least a few broken ribs and he's pretty sure that stinging feeling in the side of his skull is gonna amount to another fucking concussion so at least he's got a hookup for good weed - "But Tammy Thompson's a girl," comes out of his mouth anyway and he blinks half a second later because - holy shit. Holy shit.
Because if she - and he - and Steve laughs and calls Tammy Thompson a muppet but then he's laughing harder and pointing to himself and saying "Listen, okay listen, Eddie - Eddie Munson, yeah, I didn't say it earlier because - I didn't mean you, Buckley, I meant Eddie."
And - he'd called Eddie babe and Robin hadn't really noticed it at the time because, like, running away from Russians but - god she's been an idiot because if she'd paid a lick of attention she probably could have put two and two together, like Steve eying the lines on the You Suck board with a secret smile and Steve leaping over the counter like a showoff every time he took his break with Eddie right there across the way, like Eddie leaning across the counter and pressing a finger against the skin and hair on display above the line of Steve's uniform shirt , like Steve blowing off a cute girl to lean across the counter and call Eddie a nerd wasn't the gayest shit imaginable.
And then Eddie and Dustin and Erica are pushing through the bathroom door and Robin is cackling and the comedown from Russian truth drugs is gonna suck but maybe Eddie will smoke them both up if they survive the rest of the night.
Eddie doesn't call him out on attempting vehicular manslaughter because he'd seen how fucking long it took Steve to actually recover from the last go 'round with Billy Hargrove, and when the dust settles and they're all sort of reeling because - because Hopper was like a superhero, alright, and they've got an actual superhero in their midst but Hopper-
Eddie and Robin sit across from each other on the end of Steve's bed and Steve drinks his water and tries not to whine too much about the fact that Eddie is taking Robin at her word that they should at least make sure he's not gonna die of a brain bleed before they get him high and then they're laughing about the fact that Eddie was fully fucking convinced Robin was gonna steal Steve out from under his nose and it's - they wake him up once an hour as soon as he starts to nap and Steve's pretty sure they're just gossiping about Steve half the time but he doesn't mind that much.
Because Robin's, like, the best, the best person and the best friend and just the best thing, and she's gonna hate it so much that Steve trusts her because she's going to hear so many truly horrible things about how stupid in love with Eddie Munson Steve is but it's important to Steve that Eddie and Robin give a shit about one another and if they've gotta bond over his ability to injure the shit out of himself any time he's given the chance then he'll nurse his bruised ribs and grin dopily every time Eddie leans over to place a fresh pack of frozen peas on his eye.
Robin isn't sure she's ready for anyone else to know and Steve gets that, he totally does, because the few minutes he'd thought she'd judge him for the person he's given his whole heart to were the worst minutes of his life. Gareth clocks her in about two days anyway, keeps it to himself until he can't stand the awkward silences every time Robin and Steve get handsy and they realize it and leap away from one another but it's the same kind of handsy Eddie gets with the band when he's feeling a little lonely and he knows he can trust them to not be total fucking dickheads about it.
"How is it that the only totally hetero one is the only one with a fucking gaydar?" Jeff asks and - okay, so the thing is maybe watching Eddie and Steve fall in love made him realize a few things and he's - well, Hawkins is small and close minded and until Steve he hadn't realized that liking both was a thing you could do.
At the end of the summer Steve arranges a trip up to Indy and Robin has to make up a ridiculous lie to her parents about a camping trip with a few of the band kids because there's zero fucking way they're letting her go up to the city with four fucking dudes but she pulls it off and only has like, two freak outs about being in a club full of women who are also into women.
Babyfaced Gareth is a hit and Jeff definitely maybe makes out with a dude in the alley when he steps out for a cigarette and Steve makes Eddie dance with him until Eddie complains his toes are bleeding and it's actually kind of a perfect night, a perfect trip, a perfect way to end the summer.
Steve and Eddie take turns driving Robin to school in the mornings and Robin couldn't explain to a single soul how they've become the most important people she's ever had in her corner but the thing is she doesn't really have to, because that noise is for people who haven't seen Russians try to jumpstart the apocalypse, haven't been administered torture drugs by horror-movie looking 'doctors', haven't gotten their asses handed to them to protect one another.
By mid November Steve calls a meeting of Gareth and the Gays because Robin's crushing hard on a redhead from band and as previously established only one of them has a working gaydar. Gareth takes all of thirty seconds watching Robin and Vickie interact before he's giving her a thumbs up from across the gym.
Gareth fucking hates how catchy Gareth and the Gays is.
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