#samy: ''it goes something like this...''
theflyingfeeling · 7 months
Samy getting excited about someone breaking a glass during their cover of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell 😂 (a rough translation in the tags)
@ Revolution, Jyväskylä, 5.12.2023
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chronicowboy · 1 year
okay calling it now the body builder call is the catalyst for eddie to start dating again but not in the way you'd think. its a normal call, eddie's a little flustered he wonders why but at the end of the day he can lock it down to do his job, and so nothing really comes of it until they're doing their final checks and eddie gets talking to just a normal looking guy in the bg (depending on what the call is, he might have a little scratch or be shaken up or eddie's just talking to him whilst hen and chim finish up and buck and bobby deal with the equipment) and then they're about to leave and the guy gives eddie his number like "sorry ik ur working and its really inappropriate but i just had to try" and eddie takes it, a little confused, because cap's calling him and everyone's teasing him about it in the enegine/back at the firehouse (but not buck for the jealousy points) and the episode is my dear beloved queer eddie arc
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i’ve been so unmotivated to make gifs to actually post. i’ve basically spent the last two days making potential headers for myself
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shirecorn · 6 months
At first I had thought that Rudolph was strapped in to the front of the sleigh, but then I noticed his hind legs were being supported. It's a mobility aid! So clever!
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That's right! This is rudolph's self contained unit that allows him to move around on the snow. When he visits sunny climates, he switches the sled out for wheels.
The front part of the harness and the wooden sled shape is based on traditional sami sled gear, with the supports carefully based off goat wheelchairs.
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Here's a breakdown of how it works engineering-wise. The goal was to make something that he could get in and out of on his own, like most people who use wheelchairs. The only hand-wave is to give his mouth magic knot-tying abilities that typical cartoon animals tend to have.
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While most goat chairs use dog harnesses (including a connection between collar and cinch like a horse breastcollar) reindeer's main point of pulling is the collar. There are two straps on either side of a somewhat stiff collar that serves the same purpose as a yoke for draft animals. They can push forward with their shoulders into the collar and drag their burden without putting weight on their trachea, nor pulling too much with the cinch.
Rudolph simply slips into the collar and buckles his cinch around his ribs, then he is ready for the chair.
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Here's what the sled looks like without Rudolph in it. He puts his legs through the two leg support straps, and rests his hocks on the padded bar. His belly is supported by a wide, soft strap that bears the weight of his back end. There is an optional seatbelt that goes over his rump if he knows he's going to be going at high speeds. For short walks, he can leave it off. This makes getting in and out of his sleigh easier.
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Here's all the pieces assembled together! I'll probably add some crossbeams under his back legs for stability. It was really challenging to blend modern animal wheelchairs with traditional sleigh construction (including rope ties rather than buckles) but in the end we have a cute, believable mobility aid for the most famous reindeer of all.
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Here's Little Ru, ready for a casual walk in the snow.
Don't get sunburned!
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retro-rezz-the-est · 1 year
Don't Leave - Roman Reigns/Female!Reader
Summary: Immediately after his devastating loss to his cousins Jimmy and Jey at Money In The Bank, Roman finds you in the back as he looks for an outlet for all of this newfound pent-up energy…but this may lead to something else as well.
Word Count: 14,197 (jfc that's more than I expected)
Warnings: degradation, choking/throat squeezing, biting/marking, hair pulling, spanking, oral (male receiving), fingering (female receiving), edging (for both parties involved), unprotected P in V action (please be safe and wrap it before you tap it irl tho), Roman being his Tribal Chief self (because that’s a warning all on its own), a bit of manhandling here and there as well….y’know, the works :3
A/N: All of this comes from three connecting factors: 1) Roman being the sexy ass WHORE that he is, 2) my own brain finally starting to work in tandem with my damn writing fingers, and 3) an all-caps DM from @stargazerofgoldenwords demanding that I write this so full partial blame goes to her. So here y’all go…for the bitches and the bros and for all the non-binary hoes ^3^ (I also haven’t written a full-fledged smut in I believe over three years so….I hope I did good lol)
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Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
This…This can not be happening.
How is this even possible? What’s going to happen now?
These thoughts and more rush through your mind as you stand board stiff in the back, your eyes seeming to be permanently glued to the large monitor in front of you while gasps and cheers from the remainder of the locker room fill your ears alongside the blaring bass of The Usos’ theme.
Roman told you to stay in the back for a reason, to only come out after he’d won and embarrassed the hell out of his cousins for ever turning their backs on him, so he could make examples out of them as a reason to never and not turn your back on the Tribal Chief.
He wanted them to remember this night, to remember the ache in their bones, the wear and tear of their joints as he slammed them against the mat over and over again, the blood and sweat staining their skin as he and Solo dug into the twins with everything they had left within them.
They would learn their lesson tonight, and they would learn it well: you do not mess with the Tribal Chief because if you do, you will feel a pain that you have never known before.
He was going to show everyone why he and he alone was the head of the table, why he was unstoppable, and why only those who followed him and his lead would prosper in the end.
But, none of that actually mattered in the end, not as you stand staring at the monitor, hands covering your mouth in shock.
They…They did it.
They actually managed to do it.
Jey pinned Roman, pinned him for the first time in over three fucking years.
Blow after blow to the foundation of The Bloodline, week after week from the cracks being exposed to Sami’s turn at the Royal Rumble that set everything in motion to the goddamn explosion that occurred during Roman and Solo’s Night of Champions match.
After all this time, The Usos finally got one over on the Tribal Chief, they won the Bloodline civil war.
They beat the Tribal Chief, destroyed his so-called “Island of Relevancy”, showed the world that he is still just a man and can be beaten just like the rest of them. Roman Reigns is not as invincible as he claims to be!...
….but Roman?
Roman is pissed.
You can see it all processing in his eyes in real time, all of the noise around you fading into the background along with the roaring cheers from the London crowd: his loss, being pinned, the fact that despite being a champion he has lost his stance, his placement at the head of the table.
Because what use is there of an Island of Relevancy if you’re the only one standing on it?
Your hands drop from your mouth and fall to your sides; how the hell…? What the hell is happening? Your heart beats rapidly in your chest as those around you celebrate his demise, hands clapping shoulders and drinks beginning to be passed around as the show draws to a close.
You can practically see the floor falling out beneath Roman’s feet as he slides out of the ring, dejected and defeated with a raging inferno blazing bright and hot behind those fierce eyes of his; his entire world, perfectly constructed with seemingly no flaws whatsoever, has shattered in front of his very eyes.
Rage twisted and contorted Roman’s facial features into something unrecognizable as he sat on the floor ringside, kicking his feet and screaming his anger out into the universe like a temperamental child. Baring his teeth, hissing and gnashing his jaw like an uncaged animal…
Frankly, it scared the shit out of you to see live.
He’s shaking, actually shaking with all of the hate and virtiol that courses through his very veins. The bright lights of the arena, hot and beaming down on his skin? The way his hair sticks to the sides of his face and the heavy furrow in his brow? The way his entire body aches from the brutal punishment of the match?
None of that matters now. None of it will ever matter now.
His anger, his regret, his disappointment with himself as he comes to terms with the true loss of yet another faction of his, people who he loved and cared for turning their backs on him again…his mind was a maelstrom as he gripped his face and pulled at his temple, and not even the pain from that could distract him from the truth in front of his very eyes.
His own family, his own blood, has betrayed him, the image of Jimmy and Jey standing above him displaying on every and all of the large screens inside the arena. His heart pounds in his chest and hs blood boils; they can’t just get away with this. They will pay for their crimes against him, against their family, against their Bloodline!
The blood, the sweat, the tears and the pain he had poured into their family, all the work that he had put in to make sure that they all ate, that they all got opportunity after opportunity after opportunity….all for nothing.
You watch as Solo picks himself up from the floor and stumbles his way over to Roman, Paul’s face a complete mess and whirlwind of emotions as he rushes over with Roman’s smorgasbord of titles cradled like infants within his arms. You can barely hear what the latter is saying to the Tribal Chief over the cheers of The Usos’ celebrating and their theme blaring through the speakers, but it’s most likely some sort of consolation and a promise of revenge due to the bright red of the shorter man’s face.
Even after all of this, after everything that these men have just gone through, Jimmy still attempts to reach out to comfort Roman as he sits ringside on the floor, you watching as Jey pulls him back to his own side; Roman is a lost cause to them now. In their eyes, they’ve destroyed his corrupted faction, they’ve cut off the hydra’s heads, and now?
Now, they’re done with him, with all things Bloodline-related as the descend back into being “the ones”.
They are the new Tribal Chiefs around these parts, not Roman.
Not anymore.
After what feels like an eternity of the fallen party sitting in stasis outside of the ring, they all stand, Roman wrapping an arm around his midsection and another hand around his shoulder as they all walk backwards back up the long runway.
His eyes stay locked onto his cousins as the camera pans from him to them and back again, Solo’s eyes filled with an incoming storm and Paul’s lips seeming to move at a mile a minute with how quickly he seems to throw insults the way of The Usos.
But the two in the ring just smile.
They smile and embrace each other after a hard won victory as the entire WWE Universe embraces them as well, and all that does is piss Roman off even more.
Your body somehow finds the will to move, your feet ungluing themselves from the floor beheath them before you begin to move your way through the small crowd of those watching from the back.
You tear your eyes away from the monitor you were watching and beeline it straight to the guerilla position where they’re set to return, and you can still hear the thunderous cheers coming from the fans as Jimmy and Jey continue to celebrate the fall of the Tribal Chief. Maneuvering your way through throngs of people, past production, past *everything*...you have to find him.
You have to find him, and fast.
It’s like your feet barely even graze the ground with how fast you walk, the light tapping of your heels echoing off the walls around you as you make your way closer and closer to Roman and…oh.
You can just barely see him over the heads and past the shoulders of the cameramen, the interviewers waving their mics in their faces, over the glinting bald heads of Pearce and Hunter that’re shining with sweat as they attempt to get a word in with Roman before they try to rush him in the direction of where the press conference is being held…but it’s as though he doesn’t see any of them, his eyes dark and filled to the brim with something nasty.
You’re not even the prime target of his glare, steel-cut and piercing all that come across it, and even you feel the brunt of it, shivering where you stand behind the cloud of people vying for his attention as he moves his way through them. For the reporters and the interviewers, their mics in shaking hands as cameras flash in his face, all of their questions die on their tongues the second his eyes sweep over them.
“Roman. Roman!” you hear Pearce call out to him, Hunter, Solo, and Heyman in tow close to his heels. “Damn it, Roman, listen to me!”
“We need to get you out there, Reigns. Just give a quick statement about the match, about The Usos, and then-”
Pearce and Hunter’s requests fall on deaf ears as you move to the side, the crowd of people following Roman’s path as he walks down one of the arena’s large halls.
“Excuse you, Hunter? Did you not just see the utter and complete farce that was the match our Tribal Chief just had?! There will be no statement to be made, and no appearance at any press conference shall be had unless it involves the absolute dismissal of what was clearly a farce of a loss!”
Paul’s demands make his face grow a bright red as he follows Roman, clutching his titles as his head seems to grow three sizes from the fury written across his face. “Jimmy and Jey, they’re cheaters! Conmen who have embarrassed your Tribal Chief in front of millions of people time and time again! We demand retribution! A rematch to set things right again! Do you know how much Roman Reigns has brought to this company? How much prestige he’s brought to these titles, to these championships?”
Paul jostles the titles in question in his arms, brows furrowed and steam practically pouring out of his ears. “This is an outrage! This is a scam! You two should be ashamed of yourselves for even allowing this to happen to a force like Roman Reigns-”
His incessant, constant stream of words and potential curses are paused by Solo’s hand slamming into his chest, Heyman’s eyes going wide as his mouth falls open before quickly closing it and stepping back to Roman’s side.
Roman pauses his stride, eyeing Hunter and Pearce so viciously that you yourself are shrinking into your own skin; he very clearly doesn’t want to be bothered right now, so why even try to ask him of anything at all?
The look he gives both men, the silent communications that occur between them seems to be more than enough for them to back off in their pursuits, stepping out of his way as their phones begin to ring constantly.
“We have to get some sort of response out of him, right? I mean, he’s the champion right now, we can’t just let him leave-”
“Let him cool off for a second, Pearce,” Hunter tells him, running a hand over his own stressed face. “He’s in no mood for any of that right about now.”
Roman continues to shove past and maneuver around those in his way, his steps as loud and threatening as his demeanor. Through and through, seconds by seconds that seem to stretch on forever until his eyes finally, finally gloss over your figure leaning on a nearby wall, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as your mind begins to turn.
And the very second that his gaze locks onto yours, time slows to a screeching halt.
There’s something in there that you rarely saw in him before, but that you’ve been seeing a lot more of recently.
That anger, that frustration, all of that adrenaline mixed all that hate and vitriol coursing through his veins…he needed to get all of it out, every last drop before he makes another misstep.
He needs you.
Shouldering his way past various sports reporters and camera people, he quickly makes his way across the hallway to you, his large figure towering over you as you begin to shrink further and further against the wall. He’s panting, partly from the resulting emotions following his match and partly from how rough the match in question ran his body.
His hand finds your wrist, gripping it tightly and without a single word from him, he pulls you from the wall and begins to walk away again, Solo and Heyman striding behind him while the media frenzy behind you all follows along.
“Roman, wait-”
He turns his head to the side and makes eye contact with you again, the look in his eyes telling you everything you need to know.
Not now.
All the words you were going to say fall right back down your throat and you gulp, the intensity in his eyes making your knees weak as you try your best to keep up with his pace. It doesn’t take long for your group to head back to his larger-than-anyone-else’s locker room, Solo being the last one inside as he shuts everyone else out besides himself, Heyman, you and Roman.
Paul quickly sets the championship belts aside on a nearby table while Roman runs a hand through his hair, running a hand over his face before taking a seat on one of the benches.
It’s quiet in here, all too quiet albeit for the clamoring noise outside…and this silence does not make you feel hopeful at all.
You all just…sit in that silence for a few minutes, stewing in it as the reality of what had just occurred mere moments ago finally sinks in for all parties involved.
“Wise man…”
All eyes fall to Roman as he stands to his full height, the sound of his voice booming like a lightning strike. This is the first time he’s spoken anything since initially leaving that ring. “Yes, my Tribal Chief?” Paul asks, somewhat shaken still.
“Leave us.”
That seems to garner a reaction from Heyman, the shorter man wringing his hands in front of him before clasping them together. “But…But, my Tribal Chief, we need to deliberate, come up with a plan for this Friday night on Smackdown! We need to strategize, to concoct a plan for how we’re going to deal with those nuisances that are The Usos…we cannot just-”
“I said, leave us. Or do I have to ask you again, Paul?”
His words send a stream of ice down Heyman’s spine, causing the man to stand upright as Roman turns to face him. His aura, what he radiates from within…you do not want to find yourself on the other end of that; it feels like a wall slamming into you at mach 10, wrapping its edges around you until you’re damn near suffocating in it.
“I…I understand, my Tribal Chief. I will leave you two to yourselves.” Paul bows out when he says this, his eyes flickering to the ground and away from Roman’s face before standing and quickly waddling back towards the locker room door, opening it to a barrage of sports media and cameras all vying for the chance to ask Roman even one question.
“The Tribal Chief will not be taking anymore of your unimportant questions at this time as he begins to take his rest after his extraordinary showing in tonight’s match. All questions, comments, and concerns shall only go through the Tribal Chief’s wise man - that being myself - and I shall relay them back to the Tribal Chief in due time. Thank you, and good evening to you all.”
Heyman’s words just spark another wave of noise from the now growing crowd of individuals at Roman’s door while Roman looks on at Solo who stands in the corner by the door, looking on at the onslaught with a scowl permanently tattooed onto his face and his arms crossed over his chest.
Roman nods at Solo, jutting his chin towards the door in a silent request for him to leave and luckily, the other man follows his order without another word, though you doubt he would have spoken otherwise. He throws a look in your direction, but not one of malice; this one has more…hurt lingering within it, a nature of distraught that you’ve never seen within him before he takes his leave after Heyman and slams the locker room door behind him…
…which leaves you alone, finally alone, with the unhinged beast that is Roman Reigns.
Being in a space with Roman Reigns, you can feel how much of himself fills it: his aura, his stance, his voice, his demeanor…no matter how big or small a room, you can damn well tell that Roman’s in there. You could practically sense it in the air when he arrives, hairs rising on your firearms as all around you grow silent. However, as long as you are not his prime target, you will most likely walk out of that room unscathed - emphasis on most likely.
But being alone in a space with Roman Reigns?
All of those feelings? All of those senses get hiked up to an eleven, the very room that the person is in feeling as though it’s shrinking around them as it seemingly pushes them closer and closer together.
And you, right now, are that poor soul in question.
Your hands grip the hem of the shirt you’re wearing - his shirt, the one that he gave to you and told you to wear once you were supposed to come out after the match was over…after he was supposed to win - nervously, your eyes falling to the floor and sticking to the shoes that you wear.
You see Roman’s feet walking towards you before they pause, then moving in the opposite direction as they head towards the locker room door as well…only this time, your heart rate rockets straight to the moon once you hear the sharp clicking of the door’s lock turning, that noise bouncing off the walls of your mind like an echoing cavern.
The silence in the room is unbearable with a tension so thick, you can cut right through it with Roman’s steely gaze. It’s all too warm, too stuffy, too suffocating while you stand there, your teeth making a home in your bottom lip as you shift from foot to foot.
What do you say to him? What do you say at all? Do you commend him on a match well performed? Do you take Heyman’s route and curse Jimmy and Jey’s names until the breath runs clean from your lungs and you’re all hot in the face as well? Do you take Solo’s approach to things and just say…nothing? Nothing at all?
What can you possibly do to even try to rectify things for him? Make things any better than they are at this moment in time?
All of these questions and more surround your brain and hold it hostage, unable to think of anything else. Is there anything that you can do to make him feel better? You’re supposed to be his, his girl…but with something as monumentally damaging to him as tonight was, so is there anything that you can do?
You don’t even notice him making his way towards you until he’s almost directly in front of you, watching your every movement like an unbound predator stalking its oblivious prey. The room around you grows way too hot way too fast as he continues to move your way, his footsteps soft yet booming as loudly in your ears as your own heartbeat.
As he takes one step forward towards you, you take an equal one back. One step forward, one step back.
One forward, one back, and this little game of yours goes on and on and on until you’re cornered up against the furthest wall, Roman’s hands pressing against the wall at the sides of your face. His chest nearly touches yours in the process and its rise and fall nearly matches the way your own does but you hold your breath and pray to the gods.
For what, you wonder?
For solace? For comfort? For a way out from his grasp, or a way to sink further beneath it? Space to breathe or to suffocate in all that is Roman Reigns? Entirely everything from him and absolutely nothing of him all at once? You don’t even know for sure but unfortunately, those prayers are left unheard and unanswered.
You hear him call your name, the syllables he speaks wrapped in a depth that twists and turns your very core. He doesn’t have to say much to grab your attention, after all.
“Look at me.”
But, can you? Can you really?
You can’t even bring yourself to do that, lest you wish to crumble beneath his unwavering gaze.
However, Roman is not one to take no for an answer; he never really has, especially nowadays. So when he speaks to you again, the very atmosphere of the locker room seems to shift and change under his words, underneath the dominance that is just solely and utterly him.
“I said, look at me.”
His fingers are suddenly underneath your chin, thumb and forefinger gripping it with just enough force to pull a strained noise from the back of your throat as he forcefully tilts your chin up so that you have to look up at him.
The soft gasp that you let out when you finally look up at him, into those dangerous eyes of his…you can see what it does to him by the roll of his shoulders as he stands to his full height, towering above you so much so that the too-bright lights that illuminate the locker room get blocked out.
You didn’t really get the chance to truly look at him through the monitor you were watching the match from and not even as he stampeded his way through the throngs of people all vying for his attention…but now?
Right here, in this moment, any and all words you could have possibly said to him evaporate on your tongue as your feet remain glued to the floor, your pulse thrumming through your entire body.
The wide panes of his chest stretch with each and every deep breath that he takes, his heart beating so damn loud that it fills the room and suffocates all other noise besides it. You feel the leather of his glove brushing against your chin where it wraps around his fingers, the force behind his grip being just strong enough to let you know not to mess with him.
Roman’s entire form from the waist up glistens with sweat and you can already see the soon-to-be bruises on his shoulders, his arms, his chest, his abdomen already begin to show.
His eyes are dark, darker than they have ever been before as he towers above you, slightly panting while his aura threatens to swallow you whole. There’s an obvious anger lingering within them, the deep-set betrayal and agony over losing his family and his undefeated streak finally sinking in along with the newfound uncertainty of the future to come…but there’s something else there in those eyes of him, something that makes sweat bead out along your brow and has your thighs clenching together as you dig your teeth into your lip so hair that it nearly bleeds.
Something more.
Roman sees this, what he does to you, and has to resist the urge to crack a smirk; you’re so easy to toy with. He can barely say a word to you, can just look at you only to have you a trembling, whimpering mess before him.
It’s reasons like these that drives his need for you so through the roof, and tonight means no different to him at all.
Just as he thought, you let out a whimper when you meet his eyes, your body threatening to go limp in his hold. His presence is just so much and it does so much more to you than you’re ever willing to say, but you absolutely love it either way.
You don’t notice him beginning to lean in closer to your own face, too stunned to even think of moving before he’s all that you can possibly see, his hair almost framing your own face as he tilts his head slightly to the side.
You can feel the warmth of his breath as it fans out over your face, spicy and hot and smelling of the cinnamon gum you saw him chewing earlier in the day. He tilts your face in the opposite direction, sighing as his eyes leave yours before he leans forward to press his face against the crook of your neck, burying his nose against the skin while the hand that remains on the wall curls into a fist.
Another gasp leaves your throat when he steps forward again, your hands unchelching themselves from where they rest at the hem of your - his - shirt as his chest presses against yours, warm and built and smothering in all the right places. When you raise your arms up from your sides to run your fingertips up his chest, over his shoulders, over his forearms, you can feel him just barely shiver beneath your touch.
His body calls out for you just as yours does him, and you can feel the buzz of all the energy still coursing through him, driving him up the wall as he leans further into your touch. And when you flatten your hands against his skin, the groan that he lets out rolls through our entire body, his chest vibrating against yours.
You feel him moving against your neck and you stretch further to the side to give him room, his lips forming into words that he wouldn’t dare say aloud with others nearby as his gloved hand moves from your chin to grip the base of your neck.
You know what this is, you know what this means; you’ve been here in this position before with him, especially much more recently with all of this newfound familial drama that’s dropped itself at the other end of his table.
With the seemingly endless amounts of adrenaline crawling beneath his skin, the cinching, tight feeling of his skin and the burning sensation that bubbles deep within his core, it’s no wonder why he’s cornered you like this, why he’s closing in on you, why he’s so bent on draping you in him.
I need you, baby, please.
Those spoken yet unspoken words he uttered into your skin make your eyes widen as a similar heat begins to spark within your own core, Roman trapping your leg between his own and pressing his cock against your thigh. It makes your skin crawl in the best ways possible, what he does to you, the anticipation mixed with everything that he just is making your mind hazy.
Your hands rise from his shoulders up the base of his neck, curving further up towards his hair before wrapping your fingers through it and gently pulling his head back up to face you, your eyes meeting his once more (how the hell did they manage to get even darker?).
Despite the fear that runs through your veins, despite your hands being in his hair and on his skin as you lead him towards you, he’s still the boss around here.
Roman still calls all the shots, no matter who or what stands before him - including you.
And even despite that as well, your body still wants him just as much as he wants yours.
It’s not even a want anymore; your body needs him, it desires him.
As for Roman, your body, your comfort calls out to him like a siren’s song, wanting him to pull you deeper and deeper into whatever’s going on within his own head until your entire body knows nothing but him, nothing but your Tribal Chief.
The fatigue that you know he feels is beginning to set into his bones, into his soul, but he doesn’t care.
He doesn’t care because he needs you, more so than he ever has in the past.
The sparks are beginning to show between the two of you; there’s nothing in this world like spending a night with someone like Roman Reigns, and you’re about to experience that firsthand once again.
You see the slight raise of his brow as he scans your face, that miniscule action asking you for permission, for your go-ahead, for you to allow him to lose himself within you and to use you as he sees fit for the time being…
…and the nod that you give him right back is all that he needs to see.
It’s the only thing that he needs to see before surging forward to plant a searing kiss to your lips, the fist that’s curled against the wall, moving down to grip your waist as tightly as the hold he has on your neck, digging his fingers into the soft material of his shirt that adorns your figure.
You only get about half a second of realization before you notice that he’s on you, completely covering you with his body as he presses you up against the wall even more. Your hands move from his hair down his neck, grazing his jaw lightly before your nails begin to dig into the exposed meat of his shoulders.
He’s actively stoking the fire that’s now beginning to blaze within you, and you absolutely love it.
The leg that’s not actively trapped between his now finds itself wrapped around his waist right as Roman’s tongue slides between your lips, curling with and against your own before quickly taking over the kiss. And you let him, of course; he needs this, he needs you, and you’re willing to give him whatever’s necessary to satiate his incessant energy.
The way he knows how to pluck your body like a finely tuned instrument with the way he pulls moans and gasps from you, the drag of fabric on skin, the way his body seems to move perfectly in-sync with your own, pushing and pulling until the two of you radiate more hear than the core of the sun…there’s just something about kissing Roman that makes your toes curl and your cheeks ripe with heat just by thinking about it, let alone actually doing the deed.
It’s all fiery passion and full of the aggression he shows in the ring, the possessive nature he has over you to keep you close and a part of him always, the need to show you exactly who you belong to as he pulls you in so damn close that all you can even think to experience is just him and him alone…it’s a conglomerate mixture of beauty and pain and pleasure and you're drinking in every single drop of it.
You feel his teeth begin to sink into your bottom lip, the contact against the already red and raw flesh making you jump in his arms as he tugs on it harshly before letting go. Your eyes, hooded and blown out, meet his again, and you can practically read the words in his mind as his thumb reaches up to lightly brush over it.
You don’t get to do that, anymore. Only I can do that to you.
You watch as he thumbs over your lip again before coming back in for another kiss, your teeth nearly clashing against each other from how harsh the two of you collide. It’s messy, a battle of tongue and teeth that turns in his favor so damn fast, and you can’t resist the urge to just crumble beneath it.
Your arms loop around his neck and hold him as close to you as possible, not wanting to part from him for even a second until your lungs burn from a lack of oxygen so you’re practically forced to. But even that isn’t enough to stop the contact between the two of you, your nails digging into any piece of his exposed skin that you can possibly reach.
The smell of him fills your brain and flows through your very veins, hands holding onto you for dear life while his kiss steals all sense from your mind. Roman has always been able to do this but tonight, you lower your guards and have him take the reins (no pun intended), have him lead the way, follow his motions.
And his motions lead him to start moving backwards, pulling you away from the wall as your leg falls from his waist. Lips still furiously locked with yours, he effortlessly maneuvers the two of you away from the corner and towards a nearby bench, wrapping his arms around your waist before pulling you down harshly onto his lap.
You thought you could feel him before while he captured you in his stare against the wall, helpless to anything but exactly what he wanted to do with you?
Well, think again.
Your pelvis presses right up against his and the two of you let out a combined moan, your breaths mixing together before he shifts you over his thighs to press you against him even more. You start rocking yourself back and forth on his cock through the dark cargo pants that he wears, feeling it throb and jump with every pass. And your desire for his grows as well, the space between your thighs growing more damp by the second with your juices beginning to now stain your inner thighs.
The small shorts that you wear underneath Roman’s large shirt soon grow more uncomfortable than you’re willing to bear and Roman seemingly notices this as well, running his thumbs over the skin above your ass before not so gently pulling them down your legs. The second you feel the hit your ankles you kick them to the floor below, not giving a damn where they land as your lips remain slotted with his own.
Your hands run down the planes of his chest and circle your fingertip over the space above Roman’s heart, feeling the thrum of energy coursing through his being. His own hands run over your thighs, over the curve of your ass and up your spine as you shift even closer to him, the feeling of your soaked panties as they rub against the bulge in his pants making you pant against his mouth.
You feel his hands drift under the hem of your shirt, the mix of his skin and the leather of the glove he still wears making sparks fly. His lips move from your own down your jaw, the force behind the action making you gasp. Across your skin and over the curve of your ear, down the expanse of your neck and over your collarbone; there’s nowhere that’s left untouched by his eager mouth while his hands roam the heated skin beneath your top.
His teeth graze your skin lightly, causing your entire body to tremble with anticipation right before you feel the sharp stinging of his teeth digging into your flesh, a moan much louder than you should have let out escaping you. Roman’s tongue joins the fray as well, soothing the sting of his bite with each one that he gives you.
One by one, one after another he lays claim to your skin, a reminder to the entire world that despite everything, that despite everyone in his life…he still has you.
He still has you and you’ve let him have you.
The need to feel him, to feel his body even more so consumes your entire mind, your soul, your being, so you take the initiative and grip the hem of your shirt and raise it up your body, pulling it over your head and tossing that to the floor alongside your discarded shorts.
The bra that covers your chest is a lacy one, the same shade of bright red that adorns the glove on his right hand that matches right along with the panties that just barely cover your ass. ‘Figured that you might need a distraction in hindsight. I hope you like it…”
Your voice is small in volume but loud in its tone as you speak, quickly glancing down at his chest where your nails dig into the meat of his pectorals as he raises his head from the crook of your neck, your skin alight and buzzing from him marking it.
Oh, he likes it, alright. He fucking loves it.
Roman’s hands reach up to trace the details in the fabric, his thumb brushing over your nipple and making you arch into his touch. His brows slightly raise with intrigue; this was probably a surprise for him later, for when he won his match…well, not anymore.
Now, the sight of you in this number, one that you had put on just for him, mixed with the need lacing your voice and the lust swimming within your vision…it’s all so much, damn near too much for him to bear, his cock now actively throbbing and throbbing in the confines of his pants.
He needs you now.
“On your knees.”
His low tone shakes you right out of your lust-fueled haze, your eyes snapping open as you pant on his lap.The darkness swirling around within his eyes shows he means business and what Roman wants, Roman gets in spades.
You try your best to move from him, to escape the warmth and desire he’s so graciously provided for you in his own time of need but your methods of moving prove too slow for his tastes, Roman’s non-gloved hand reaching up to yank your head back by your roots, you yelping at the sudden pain.
“What is with you all not fucking listening to me today? I said, I want you on your goddamn knees, now.”
You try your best to nod with his hand in your hair, swallowing down the pathetic noise that threatens to break free before scrambling off his lap and sinking to your knees on the locker room floor, never once breaking eye contact with him as you begin to watch him tear his glove off. The sharp ripping of the velcro cuts through the thick fog that’s filled the air , leather being pulled between his teeth until finally, the damned thing is off and is tossed aside as well, his hand returning to the back of your neck.
Spreading his legs for you as slowly as he possibly can, he keeps your head solely directed at the intimidating bulge that lies within his pants, watching as your eyes flicker back and forth between his own eyes and what lies ahead for your future.
Roman’s nothing if not a beast, both in and out of the ring, and you can’t help but shudder when you gently plant your palms on the outsides of his thighs, looking up at him with the widest eyes you can possibly muster up.
You lick your lips nervously, your heart beating even faster in your chest as he literally talks down to you, your hands beginning to nervously run up his covered thighs as they make their way to his zipper.
And with each notch of its teeth that come undone, with every second that passes that turns into a minute and then to an hour, you manage to push past the nerves that run wild through your veins and undo his pants, slipping your fingers beneath the dark boxer briefs he has on and tugging them down along with his pants to reveal the true monster that lies before you.
Roman’s cock falls from its confines with a dull thud as the head connects with his stomach, leaving a clear splotch of pre-cum where it lands. 
The shape of his cock, thick as a tree trunk and just as heavy and absolutely perfect as it is…the space between your thighs aches with the countless memories you have of him fucking you senseless with it,pounding into you and making you see stars over and over again-
“I’m not gonna tell you what to do here, princess. Or, are you too much of a dumb whore to even think for yourself now?”
You blink once, twice, three times as heat rises to your face, wiping the spit that threatens to fall from the corner of your mouth before you move forward, dragging your nails along the smooth skin of his upper thigh.
And as much as he loves to mark you and lay his claim to you, you love doing the exact same thing to him as well.
You live for the hiss he lets out from the pain of your nails, your teeth on his skin and grazing his pelvis as you move closer to his cock.
Such a man, such a being before your very eyes, and he’s all yours tonight, just as you are all his.
You let your nails and the tips of your fingers drag up the sides of his shaft, the length almost as long as your entire forearm. It’s a beautiful thing to see first hand as you admire him, your touches light and fleeting as your wide eyes continue to pierce his. You watch his abdomen clench and ripple when you catch his more sensitive spots, his hips bucking when you run your hand over the large vein that runs up the side.
A smile begins to grow along your lips as you watch him, his other hand running over his face and jaw. You can’t help but to admire him like this, slowly but surely as though you have all the time in the world to do so.
But, based on the absolute storm lingering within Roman’s eyes, you can tell that he’s in no teasing mood, the hand at the back of your neck squeezing threateningly before you finally get the hint to keep fucking going.
So, you do, tightening your grip around the base of his cock and stretching your lips around the head, letting the warmth of your breath wash over it before slowly beginning to sink your mouth down on him.
And, oh, what a sight he becomes before you.
“Fuck, that’s it…” he moans, watching through hooded eyes as you manage to slide the first few inches down your throat. With your smaller hands, you can barely wrap one of them around him fully - let alone two - but you try your best anyway, making sure to jerk the parts you can’t quite reach yet.
The ache between your legs becomes too much to bear as you begin to bob your head up and down, lustily taking him in while your eyes begin to close. With skin sensitive and hot to the touch, you take one hand off of him and begin to run it down your body. Over the curves of your breasts and as they threaten to spill from your bra, down the line of your abdomen, over your pubic bone and thumbing the lining of your panties, you let out another moan when you start to grind your clit against your fingers.
You don’t think that Roman notices it, the shift in your demeanor and the way your shoulders tighten up when you slip your fingers beneath your panties, the way your breath catches and your hips jump as you tease yourself…but he does.
He always does.
“Aww, are you that desperate, baby? You couldn’t help but touch that needy little pussy of yours? I can hear it all the way up here, you’re so wet for me.”
You can practically hear his smirk while he talks, but it still makes you hot all over. Spreading your wetness over your lower lips, you spread them and rub the pad of your finger over your bare clit, your body jolting at the pleasure it spikes through you.
“You want to touch yourself, fuck yourself with those tiny fingers of yours?” he asks, seething at the feeling of your teeth grazing the vein along his shaft. “Then, go ahead. Get yourself nice and ready for me…”
“..and don’t forget about me either, sweetheart,” Roman chides, briefly pulling you from the head with a soft pop before thumbing your lower lip. “Don’t make your Tribal Chief play second best to your needy fucking cunt.”
Your thighs clench and close in around your hand, a soft “yes” falling from your open lips before he presses your face right back against his cock as you begin to take more than you did before. You try to make your mouth as slick with your own saliva as possible, stroking his shaft in tandem with the swirling of your tongue around the head.
His hand lightly connects with your cheek. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, my-”
“And don’t speak with your mouth full, baby. You’re better than that.”
He glares at you as you rise from his cock again, panting softly. “Yes, my Tribal Chief.”
“There she is, that’s my good girl,” he tells you, patting your cheek condescendingly. “Now, get back to work.”
The copious amounts of spit from your mouth mix with his pre-cum as your hand glides along the warm skin, the sound just as loud and slick as the ones coming from between your legs. It doesn’t take long for him to take back control, roughly guiding your lips back to his cock before letting you do what you do best.
As your throat grows accustomed to his girth, you shift yourself on your knees and slip a finger between your folds, circling your hole with it and gingerly slide it in, choking around Roman’s length in the process.
A bright flush begins to run wild under his skin as he tilts his head back, the soft sounds of his huffs and groans making the space between your thighs almost uncomfortably wet as you continue to touch yourself. His other hand runs through his hair, pulling at the roots while his face scrunches up in pleasure when you twist your fist around the head just right.
It fills you with a feeling that you can’t describe, seeing what you do to him in moments like these.
“Shit, princess, keep going…” Roman’s near breathless now, his chest rising and falling more rapidly as his hips buck into your eager mouth. Eyes hooded, his attention stays on you while your own remain closed, focusing all of your energy on making sure your Tribal Chief is as primed and ready to go as you are.
You ease another finger in between your folds along with the first one and curl them as they drag along your inner walls; it’s not enough, it’s never enough when it’s just you because your fingers aren't his, your touch isn’t the same as his. Roman’s fingers fill you twice as much as your own do, the phantom feeling of them stretching you to the brim as they graze along that one spot wracking your body with shivers.
The room is brimming with the wet sounds of your motions, your juices dripping down the hand that remains at your core while your eager lips and tongue schlick up and down his throbbing cock, the noises coming from the both of you getting swamped in the mess of it.
The sight and sound of you struggling to take his length seems to light a fire under his ass and his grip at the back of your neck grows tighter, Roman starting to force the visible stretch of him taking over your mouth and throat even more so, bucking his hips against your face and making sure that you take what you’re given.
“Oh, you wanna please your Tribal Chief, baby? Well, then, take all of it.”
With that, you feel him wrench your head further down his shaft, your throat closing in around him and squeezing as you choke on him. The hand in your hair tightens the further down his shaft you go, your throat tightening with each and every inch you take, your gag reflex fighting for dear life as you struggle to take him fully.
The few inches you have left to go get wrapped in your fist, your fingers shiny with your spit and noisily stroking him until he presses down on the back of your head just that much more for you to 
He needs this, he needs you, and you’re going to take everything he has to give you, just like he asked.
So you brave through it, tears in your eyes with your lungs burning and begging for air, you bare through it for Roman, and the loud moan that you get from him in response makes the fire licking within your core burn all the more brighter.
You try to speak with his cock in your mouth, your garbled attempts at calling his name making him shove you further down. “Do that again, princess. Moan for me again while you get that pussy nice and ready for me.”
And moan for him you do, hearing your blood rushing through your ears as the sensing the heavy press of his hand on your neck squeeze tighter and tighter, Roman intently watching and feeling the length of his cock stretch against the walls of your throat.
It’s not long at all before you feel the telltale signs of your own orgasm approaching: the tightness coiling within your core, the curling of your toes and the pulsing in your abdomen, the sweat beginning to bead on your brow, the way that the pace of your hand around his cock and the hand between your legs seems to uptick bit by bit as the seconds go by…
You’re not at all shocked that Roman catches whiff of this too, hearing the now sped-up sounds of your fingers thrusting in and out, in and out, over and over again as you soak your panties clean through. “Don’t you dare cum, don’t you dare fucking cum. Only I can make you do that, you got that? Me, not those pathetic fucking fingers of yours.”
“I won’t, I promise.” Your voice is muffled and your throat strains while you attempt to speak as you try your best to breathe through your nose, feeling lightheaded the more you try.
But his words make you feel not and sensitive all over, the hairs on your arms raising as your heart beats rapidly in your chest, gasping when he lifts your head from the base to tightly wrap his fist around it.
“Fuck!” you hear Roman yell before his hand tightens around your hair again, yanking your mouth clean off his cock, drops of spit and his pre-cum dripping down his shaft and catching the too-bright lights of the locker room. You sit before him panting and wheezing, taking in precious breaths of air as you cough and open your now tear-filled and blurry eyes for him.
Your throat and your chest burn from the abuse they’ve taken, the back of your head and neck sore from all of his manhandling while your knees ache from the carpet on the floor of the locker room digging into your skin…but you know that he still needs you, because he’s not done with you yet.
You try to wipe your mouth clean of the mess, your makeup now completely smudged and running down your face as the mix of your saliva and his cum drips from your chin and stains the bra you wear but he doesn’t allow it, taking your chin in his hands and leaning forward off the bench to steal your precious breath away once more with a kiss so fiery that it ignites a fire within you from the inside out.
“Get on your back,” he growls, hand creeping up the sides of your neck and giving it a tight squeeze. “I need to see how ready for me you are.”
Slowly, you pull your hand from your ruined panties and tug them off your legs, kicking the damp scrap of fabric to the side where the remainder of your clothes lie just as he stands from the bench, towering over you and staring down at you menacingly. You reach around your back to unclasp your bra and shimmy it down over your arms, the nearly ruined item soon following all of the other clothes you’ve discarded until you’re finally exposed to his wandering, hungry eyes.
That’s the push that he needs to trail after you as you spread your legs for him, the sounds of him languidly stroking his cock to the sight of you teasing yourself with the wetness that stains your hand.
And what lies in front of you is just as godly, the sight of him shuffling his pants down his thighs and exposing the beautiful tanned skin that you just had your palms running over, stroking himself to the sight and sound of you pleasing yourself with flushed cheeks and the marks from your nails covering his chest and shoulders…the whine you let out cuts through the air and you can’t resist the urge to reach out to him, to call to him and bring him to you-
“You get what I give you, baby, when I want to give it to you and how I want to give it to you. Not when and how you want.”
Roman kneels to your height, his knees hitting the locker room floor with a dull thud and begins to stalk towards you, sirens wailing off inside your mind right as he crawls over your body looking every inch the beast that he claims to be.
“Roman,” you mewl, feeling him run his palms up the flushed skin of your legs. His hand latches onto your wrist and pulls it from between your thighs, holding it up to the light and watching your juices drip from your fingers before slipping them into his own mouth.
You watch as his lips close in over them, his tongue swirling around them to catch every last drop of your essence before slipping them from his mouth with a dark grin. Your aroma, now more potent than ever, fills his lungs with every single breath he takes, even more now with the taste of your arousal staining his tongue.
Every nerve and thought in his body roars at him, screams and demands for him to bend you over and fill you with his cum, to take you over and over again until everyone in this entire goddamn arena knows exactly who the hell you’re with, you’re spending your time with and who’s dealing with you.
Paul, Solo, Jimmy, Jey…they’ll all know exactly who the fuck runs things in this little circle of theirs, this fight for true and utter control.
And it will happen, you just have to wait a tad bit longer for it.
You’re so warm as you lie beneath him, your nails digging into the meat of your thighs as you wait in ample anticipation for his next move. Brushing his hair back with one hand, he slowly runs them up your body, over your plush thighs and past your dripping core that beckons him in closer.
Over your waist and up your chest until he takes your breasts in his hands and rolls your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, pulling on them and twisting them until you cry out his name.  The pain makes sparks ignite in your core and Roman refuses to let up on his hold despite the noise, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and biting down on it as he plays with the other one.
Those hands of his, the same ones that bring you pleasure are the  same ones that have brought his own family pain, and that thought is not lost on Roman as he continues to play with you, reveling in the litany of pitiful noises leaking from your trembling lips.
He will not show you the same pain that his cousins brought onto him, nor that he had brought to them.
For you, things are…different.
You’ll never leave his side at the head of the table, never abandon him for some other, higher purpose; you’ve said so yourself before tonight many a time.
Your legs wrap around his waist and lock him in as you dig your nails into the carpet you lay on, it already starting to dig into your skin. But you need more from him; more of him on you, around you, more of his touch and his mouth and his cock, just more.
With your feet, you try your best to shove his pants down further over his ass and down his legs, only managing to get so far before he stops you with a firm yet quick slap to your ass.
He doesn’t even have to remove his mouth from your breast to tell you anything, glaring up at you while his tongue laves away at your nipple before moving away from it and suctioning his mouth onto the other.
Your entire body trembles; what does he have planned next for you? What more could he possibly pull from you as he manhandles your body, squeezing and grasping at you like you’re going to somehow sink into the floor if he removes himself from you?
And then all of your questions are answered when you see him rise from your chest, his lips plush and a shade of bright red as a thin line of his saliva connects them to your breast before it snaps. You feel him press down on your waist, making you relax further against the floor until he wraps his hands around your ankles and begins to fold your legs into your chest, your knees grazing your face just so.
“Hold them,” you hear Roman say damn near under his breath, the depth in his voice making you whine as you wrap your hands under your knees to keep your legs raised. The trembling of your body increases as your anticipation grows and everything in your body tells you to close your eyes and look away from him, but you just can’t.
He’s beautiful in the way he gazes down at you, zeroing in on the way the walls of your cunt clench around nothing and shine with your arousal under the light, licking his lips like a caged animal. He might as well be one anyway with the possessive nature that consumes him when he has you, when he’s with you.
A hitch in your breath comes and goes when he moves even closer, gripping his cock firmly with one hand before using the other to spread your lower lips, the sound of him spitting on them reaching your ears before you feel it. It’s slick, it’s obscenely nasty as he swipes his cock head through the glistening mess, spreading the wetness around even more so as to get you as well as possible before you feel the hefty warmth of the head slapping against your folds.
The weights of it, and the thought of what’s to come have you arching your back into the sensation, desperate to reach your hands up to grip him and pull him into you, to have them just get it over with already and to make you see stars. And you do flex your fingers in his direction, squeezing the space beneath your knees and spreading your legs further for him to tease and prod at you while he just stares on with a smirk slowly beginning to grow along his face.
“Patience, baby, patience,“ Roman murmurs, sliding the head of his cock through your folds and nudging your button with it. The action sends a bolt of lightning jolting up your spine, causing you to dig your fingers into the flush of your lower thighs, and toss your head to the side with a small whine.
“Please, Roman, I need it. I need you, just fuck me, please –“
He shushes you, placing a finger to your lips before slipping his thumb between them. You instinctively wrap them around the digit and pull it in deeper with your tongue, swirling the muscle around it before he slowly but surely post it out. “I said to have patience, baby girl, so don’t be greedy. Just lay back, be a good girl, and take what your Tribal Chief gives you.“
He ends his sentence by dragging that wet thumb over your lips, down your chin, and rests harshly against your clit, grinding his shaft against your folds as he plays with you. You feel like your heart is about to fly out of your chest with how fast it’s beating, watching as he moves even closer to you and presses himself even harder against you.
“Nice and wet for me, princess…you did good for me back there.” You revel in the small bit of praise, a ghost of a smile floating over your lips until you feel the blunt head of his cock brushing up against your entrance. “You still ready for me?”
You can’t nod your head fast enough. “Yes, please. Roman, I’m ready for you, I’m ready-”
At the feeling of him finally stuffing you full of his cock, his chest keeping pressure on the backs of your legs and folding further into yourself, tears begin to prick the corner of your eyes at the newfound pressure.
The familiar burn of Roman pushing into you but by bit, inch by gloriously thick inch, has you itching to latch onto him in any way that you possibly can - and you eventually do, removing your hands from holding your legs to placing them on Roman’s shoulders as soon as he gets close enough.
That fire he had stoked inside of you now grows to an inferno the more of himself he bullies into you, stretching you out to fit his cock just right is making your mind hazy. The quick and constant fluttering of your walls around him makes him groan, dropping his head to your knee.
Your nerves fry and your eyes cross as he continues to move, every single wall within you absolutely crumbling because of it. And It feels like forever and a day has passed before he eventually bottoms out inside you for the first time tonight as you nearly lose your mind on his cock, your toes starting to curl and your thighs flexing.
The guttural moan that leaves Roman’s chest rocks you to your very core, the sound of the wetness between your legs and the pressing of him against your ass turning your insides to mush. One of his hands rests at your waist and keeps you close, his body leaning on your own so much that his nose just barely brushes against yours.
You whine his name, the shrill noise and the desperate look in your eyes turning all dials up to eleven. The huffs and small moans leaving your throat, your body already run ragged before he’s really gotten the chance to fuck you senseless yet…it all just makes him want to ruin you even more.
He can’t figure out where to keep his eyes; he wants to look at all of you, from the way your chest heaves and your breasts move from your breaths to the way your pulse jumps at the vein in your neck to the apex of your thighs where your arousal stains and sticks to the skin of his pelvis, there’s almost too many options for him.
But when you squeeze down his shoulders and bring his attention back to the feeble look in your eyes, he can’t help but toss his head back and sigh because look at you, with your lip quivering just as much as your cunt is and the way you gently thump your head against the carpeted floor as his hand runs over your abdomen and presses against the outline his cock made inside you.
His ears fill with the sounds of your sex, your legs seemingly permanently glued to his chest while he wraps an arm around them, keeping you right where he wants you as his hips begin to move.
And the slide of him moving back and forth along your walls, his hips pulling back from your ass and dragging the head of his cock back towards your clit before moving back in just as slowly causes your entire lower body to twitch.
“Roman…Roman, please,” you beg him. You don’t even know what you’re even begging him for anymore: for more? For him to pick up his achingly slow pace? For him to close the distance between his mouth and yours so you can taste him all over again?
But he doesn’t appeal to your cries nor does he break when you seem to grow even wetter for him as he begins to thrust in and out, back and forth, dragging your hips higher into the air and folding you even further into yourself.
He still, however, refuses to look anywhere else other than at your face, in your eyes as he rolls his hips into you, dead set on ever single noise and jerking movement your body gives him.
His brow furrows; how could he not look at you when you’re like this, mouth wide open with your tongue lolling out of your mouth, pointed in the air as it tries to lick at his lips while you fan the flames of the fire you’re sparked inside of him?
You try your best to rock your hips in tandem with his own, bucking them as best you can whenever his pelvis meets your own and he bottoms out inside you. You can feel the head of his cock grazing that sweet spot along your walls, almost kissing your cervix every single time he bears down on you. His weight strains the muscles at the back of your legs when he pulls forward every time but you don’t care, you don’t care because all that matters is him and how well he fills you.
Roman doesn’t speak a word to you, only letting out groans and grunts with the occasional low-toned moan for your ears only, but everything that you hear makes your entire body vibrate with a deeper need. 
Eventually, his pace does begin to increase, the erotic melody of his hips tap, tap, tapping against yours growing into him beginning to use his true power to make you cry out. And cry out you do, your brain now clouded with innsense waves of pleasure as your screams for more grow in volume.
You don’t even attempt to lower your volume and neither does he, not caring about whoever may be listening in from outside the no-that-far-away locker room door - and in the back of your mind, your last shred of sentience thanks Roman for preemptively locking it when everyone else had left.
The force behind his thrusts leaves you absolutely breathless as you stare helplessly into his eyes, moans and huffs flowing from your lips like a waterfall while the pleasure in your core ticks up bit by bit.
The faster he pounds into you and the longer he goes on, the more your walls close in around him like a warm, silken vice, your cunt tightening in around him and not letting him go at all. Your pleasure spikes when he moves his hand down slightly to pinch your clit, making you jolt as you arch your back as best you can.
The rug beneath you scratches against your skin as he runs you ragged on top of it, your shoulder blades and the top of your back taking the brunt of the burn. Tears leak from the corners of your eyes when you squeeze them closed, but the sharp sting of Roman’s hand coming down on your clit snaps them right back open again.
You hiss at the pain but it all just melts right back into pleasure all over again and it doesn’t escape his keen eyes, his flat of his hand coming down on the button over and over again. And you can’t resist the urge to rake your nails down his arms as your nerves flare all through your body.
The telltale signs of your impending orgasm are clear to you both: the dilation in your eyes, the way your thighs stretch and quake as he presses down on them and how quickly you begin to pant.
“Fu-uck, Roman, I need…I need-”
The feeling of Roman’s hand sliding up your chest and around your neck cuts you off, your breath hitching and your eyes widening. “You need what, baby? Don’t go all shy on me now? Or have I fucked all the sense out of you already?”
He sneers and squeezes the sides of your throat, making you gasp. “You get to cum when I say that you can, when I give you the go ahead…you understand me? Hmm? Nod your head for me, baby girl.”
You follow his orders to a tee, staving off your looming orgasm by trying to focus on something, anything that’s not the pulsating feeling between your legs or the way he drives his cock into you, the build-up in his pace doing absolutely nothing to stop it.
“R-Roman…” Your voice is weak behind the grip of his hand, his thumb brushing along the front of your throat and pressing down.
“Not yet, baby girl. I didn’t say you could cum yet.” Each word he speaks is enunciated by a powerful thrust of his hips, the head of his cock kissing your cervix with each one. “Don’t you want to be good for me? Don’t you want to please your Tribal Chief?”
Your voice is soft when you attempt to answer him, crying out “yes, yes I do” as he plows into you harder than before, your back now actively rubbing against the coarse carpet every time Roman’s pelvis connects with yours.
He groans when he looks into your watery eyes, your cheeks stained with your tears and spit leaking from the corners of your mouth. Your face is a mess, your entire body is flushed right with heat, you look a mess, and it’s all because of him.
Your blubbering and the tears that flow from your eyes do something fierce to him as his own orgasm begins to crest, the way your walls grip his shaft driving him absolutely mad with desire. He has to bite down on his tongue to keep from letting go, the sharp pain making him curse as his hips begin to stutter.
“Shit!” he yells, abruptly tearing his cock from you with a wet squelch, your arousal dripping from the head and staining the carpet. Wrapping his hand around the base of his cock, he grips the base of his cock in his fist again before leaning in to plant a furious kiss to his lips, stealing what little breath you have left away once more.
It’s all teeth and tongue and fiery passion that stokes the already blazing inferno within your soul and when he sinks his teeth into your bottom lip and tugs on it, it hurts so good that you whine against his lips and arch into his touch when he pulls away.
Your voice is weak and slightly hoarse when you ask, “Roman?”
“Over the bench, baby. I want you on your hands and knees when I cum inside you.”
That steely gaze from before makes its return and you visibly cower beneath it, standing on shaky legs as you make your way over to one of the nearby benches before draping your weary and sensitive body over it. You feel exposed in this position - even more so due to the fact that you can’t even see him when he pulls the globes of your ass apart to gaze at how slick and messy you’ve become due to his actions.
His hand comes down on the skin and you jolt, scrambling to grab the cold wood of the bench before he does it again…and again.
And again and again as the sharp, stinging pain rings proud and true all over the meat of your ass, heat blooming beneath the skin and radiating off of it. Roman’s hand comes down on one, then the other, and then spreads them with one hand to deliver another blow right to your sensitive folds, causing you to let out a high-pitched scream that has you nearly bolting off the bench.
“Stay still,” he tells you, his chest rumbling as he lays a more firm slap on your ass, another whimper slipping from you. “You only move when I tell you to move, baby girl.”
Roman continues to lay blow after blow to your ass and now to your achingly wet folds, rutting his cock against you as you grind back against him, More tears leak from your eyes as the stinging pain begins to melt into aching pleasure, a litany of broken moans and sobs passing through your lips right before he slides his cock right back inside you.
He meets no resistance and his hips meet yours damn near instantly, picking up his brutal pace right where he left off while you gasp for air. It’s like you can feel his cock all the way in your lungs with how deep he’s pounding into you, the sound of skin hitting sticky skin bouncing off the walls of the locker room.
Your chest presses firmly against the bench, your breasts aching from how firmly he holds your hips against it while his pace goes into overtime. Everyone outside be damned, the noises leaving your mouth couldn’t be silenced even if the damn door was broken down.
The sounds of his name and cries for more fill his ears and he drifts a hand up your back, trailing his fingers up your spine before wrapping his hand in your hair and yanking your head back against his chest.
“That’s it, scream for me,” you hear him say in your ear, the drop in his voice sending a shiver down your spine. You feel his lips trace the shell of your ear, biting down on it and then moving down to your jaw. His other hand grasps your chin and pulls your head to the side, his teeth grazing the side of your neck before he sinks his teeth into it.
And the yell that you let out because of it almost rattles the very walls that surround you as you weakly reach your arms back behind your head and wrap them around his own neck, keeping his head there as he plows into you. Your hips ache, your ass fucking burns from his pelvis colliding against it, everything on your body stings and aches and hurts but you love it, you love it all.
You can feel the marks and bruises that his hands,his lips, his teeth leave on your body already begin to bruise, and you can already tell that the ones staining your ass are going to make it hard to sit down or even walk for days to come…
But you’ll wear those marks, those bruises, you’ll wear everything with your head held high and with pride in your eyes because despite all that Roman’s faced these past few months, he still has you willingly and wholly and wholeheartedly.
The sweet kiss of your orgasm comes to fruition again and you can feel that wave begin to crest over; you won’t be able to last much longer if he keeps going at the pace he’s at right now, your toes curling as you dig your own nails into his scalp to pull his head from your neck. You instinctively squeeze around his cock, feeling his balls slap against your clit over and over again and making you jump and jolt around.
“R-Roman, please, ’m gonna…, I need to, please-”
He can’t help but groan as he roughly kisses the side of your head, holding your beginning-to-go-limp upper body close to his chest. “Fuck me, baby, you’re gonna cum? You’re gonna soak my cock and stain the floor?”
You feel him smile against your cheek when you nod. “I feel you clenching around me, princess, so why don’t you be a good girl for your Tribal Chief and cum for me? I want this pussy sloppy fucking wet by the time I’m done with you.”
The weight of him against your back side, the way he slips a hand between your legs and begins to play with your clit again, furiously rubbing the bud between his fingers as he pumps his hips even faster…it has your tongue lolling out of your mouth as you pant like a bitch in heat, Roman playing you like a finely tuned instrument and pushing all of the right buttons.
It all comes to a head when he starts to murmur in your ear,words and wishes of how he’s going to fill you up just like how you want and leave you dripping full of his cum all over the floor by the time the night ends, firmly grasping your breast with his other hand and twisting your nipple fiercely.
Blood rushes to your ears so damn fast that you can just barely hear the words that leave his lips but once you do…oh, the reaction that he gets has him cheesing something fierce, those sharp teeth of his bared for the whole world to see.
Your entire body shakes, completely vibrates with the need to cum as you fly closer and closer to that edge, clinging to Roman for dear life - but not before he tilts your head to the side and kisses you so passionately that you fall limp in his hold, his tongue meshing together with yours.
“Don’t hold yourself back anymore, baby girl. Cum for me, cum for me now-”
He speaks against your lips and your inner walls give way to your orgasm, that wave cresting and your body bending along with it as you soak his cock with a cry so loud that it rings louder in your ears than your bloodrush does. Your heart feels as though it’s about to leap through your chest and out of your mouth, your hands drifting from his hair and your arms wrapping around his neck behind you.
You can feel his heartbeat racing in his chest as it presses against your back and it’s just as fast as yours, and a final high pitched moan escapes your mouth as you soak his cock completely, his hips stuttering against yours while his thrusts begin to slow.
You audibly moan at the warmth that fills your core when you feel him jut his hips against yours and stays there, fully inserted within you as his own climax takes the reins.
It feels like a punch square to his gut when his cock throbs against that sweet spot that lines your walls, his resolve crumbling and his mind going blank for a few seconds. “Fuck,” Roman groans, the sound rumbling through your whole body as you feel him paint your walls with his cum, the head of his cock pressing snugly against your cervix while he grips your flesh and digs his fingers in wherever he can put them.
Your thighs, your chest, your waist, your neck, it doesn’t matter; at the end of the night, your entire body is going to be covered in his marks, whether you like it or not.
Your brain is scrambled and he rests his head on top of yours, massaging your clit to get the final jitters of your orgasm out of you before he finally lets you breathe. Your vision remains blurry from a mix of how tightly you squeezed your eyes shut and from the tears that still linger within it, your face remains a stained mess from your destroyed makeup, and you don’t even want to talk about the state that your hair resides in…but in this moment, you’ve never looked more beautiful to him.
But, he’ll tell you that soon enough.
For now, he simply cradles your trembling body to his chest, his cock still snug along your inner walls as he rocks his body against yours; over and over again, calming the rocky waves of your climaxes - both yours and him - as he begins to take his own breath and takes the first seconds of the night to finally think about the events that have occurred.
His blood, his closest family has betrayed him, left him in the dirt and dust and tossed him aside…and now all that he has left is you.
You and the strength, the stability, the everything that’s left of his Bloodline reside within you, and he can’t let you go.
He just can’t.
He won’t let you go, not now and not ever…not after everything tonight.
As time passes and when he doesn’t speak, you take the first steps. “...Roman? Are you okay?” you ask, your voice hoarse and your throat dry from all of your screaming.
“Please…” you hear him whisper against your back, pressing his lips to the back of your neck as he pants, still coming down from the force of his orgasm. “Please…don’t leave.”
Please don’t leave me.
And hearing that, hearing his voice crack slightly as his lips move from the nape of your neck upwards, curving up towards your jawline and around the shell of your ear…it breaks you, it utterly breaks something within your soul.
As you think back to the previous weeks, you could already see the threads of dissension within the eyes of Solo, the traps being laid by The Usos to bring the young man closer to their side and away from Roman’s.
The true and final nail in the coffin of the Bloodline, the removal of the Samoan Enforcer, the last shred of foundation that holds this entire empire of Roman’s together…you can feel it in his every motion, every single press of his fingers against your skin, every pull of his arms as he brings you in further and further to his own body: he’s terrified of losing everything, everything that he has left, everything that he is.
“I won’t, Roman,” you tell him, curling your body against his, allowing him to surround you with everything that he has and everything that he’s willing to give you. “I won’t leave. I’ll never leave, I promise.”
A few moments pass, and what precious moments they are. No words are spoken, barely any movements are made aside from the slight rocking of his hips against your own and the heaving of your chests as you both breathe, just…nothing.
A good nothing.
A good nothing that allows you both to just be in touch with yourselves and with each other.
After those few moments pass, you speak to him again, gently running your fingertips over his forearms. “Look, we’ll forge a new Bloodline, okay? Together. You and me and Paul and Solo-”
Roman buries his face in your hair at the mention of Solo’s name, taking a deep breath in of a scent that’s just entirely you mixed with tinges of him…a perfect combination, the perfect combination.
“If we can’t rely on your family to maintain this faction, this dynasty…then we’ll make a new one of our own. Bigger and better and more powerful than Jimmy and Jey could ever comprehend.”
A tense silence follows your words before Roman finds his own to respond.
You feel his lips curl into a smile against your head, another kiss being pressed to your hair as he thinks. You’re right, after all.
If his own family won’t stand at his side, if he can’t rely on his own bloodline…then you two will create your own dynasty…together.
And together, the two of you will take down and dismantle whatever is left of Jimmy and Jey, for all of the new hell that they’ve now brought upon themselves.
And that’s not a threat, Roman thinks to himself as he curls his body around yours against the cool floor of the locker room, not wanting to get up nor remove himself from the comfort and relief that you provide him.
That’s a fucking promise.
“So..can I get my clothes now? And, are we gonna get up and unlock the door, or…?”
You feel his chest rumble as he chuckles, his smile against your skin growing just that bit wider. “Nah, they can all wait a few more minutes. Besides…”
“...I’m not finished with you just yet.”
Oh, fuck…
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Tag List:
@auraravenora77 @stargazerofgoldenwords @writinglionqueen @axelwolf8109 @adampage @doctorbrittbaker @neversatisfiedgirl @atiny-angel @reci24 @brownblackbeautiful @glowingz @lemonjvicey @moxxieswitchblade @beardedbarba @annoyedkayah2395 @theworldofotps @gold--gucciempress @shanie-is-komania @jazzy-tzw @colesterstrudel @claymorexpunisher @dori-the-rwby-addict @thephoenixreaper @thepalaceofmelanie @mistress-to-the-moon @sassymox @jeffhardyenigmawwefan @lynsrosegarden @thatpanpal @new-zealand-chic @auburnwrites @deepdisireslonging @bigpsychicbagelauthor @shortyiceheart @demonslunacy @snarkandsarcasmftw @thatnerdwriter @scuzmunkie @taryn-dibiase @luciddrreamss @xfirespritex @itsreigns @officialbroski10-blog @new-zealand-chic @rowinathequeenofpersia @roofgeese @p0is0nl0ve @flawlessglamazon @dreamlesswonder86
please please please lmk if i missed anyone (on the tag list) and lmk if you wanna be added to it/removed from it! tysm and have a blessed one 😘✌🏾
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heart4reigns · 1 year
SICK DAYS, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, fainting, pure fluff, domestic-work life!! pet names <3
tags: sick day for u!!!! roman being a teddy bear wuwuwuw, kinda short (sorry)!!
summary: it’s okay to take a break
MAYBE the weather wasn’t really that friendly to you. it was winter and you weren’t prepared for it. or maybe, it was because of that cup of coffee you shared with paul while he had the flu last week. you woke up with a sore throat. you cursed yourself for not bringing water to your room and now you have to get up. as you sat up from your position, you heard your boyfriend’s snores. he was fast asleep and you wished that you were also like him. the creak from your bed woke him up. “baby.” he mumbled. “go back to sleep, i’m just getting water.” you ruffled his hair, telling him to go back to sleep. “okay.”
you turned on the lights, grabbing a glass from the counter. your head was throbbing like crazy. you didn't even realize that you dropped the glass on the floor, waking up your boyfriend. "baby? are you okay?" you heard his footsteps. "yeah, yeah. don't worry, it slipped from the counter." you replied, assuring him that you were okay. he took your hand, to check if you injured yourself or not. "you're burning up." roman placed his hand on your neck, noticing the fever. "i'm okay, baby."
"now, you stay in bed okay?" you shook your head. "baby, i told you i'm okay!" you pouted. "you have a fever and there's no way you're going in the ring today, i'll let everyone know that you're sick." he talked some senses into you, but being the hard-headed person you were, you kept on countering him. "no, no. look, i can stand up perfectly now." you immediately stood up from your position, only causing yourself to fall on your back. "see, you can't even stand properly, silly." roman chuckled. "please just let me go today, the arena is like 10 minutes from our house. i'll let you drive me there!"
after pestering your boyfriend about going to work, he drove you to the arena. "let me know if you wanna go back, okay baby? don't push yourself too hard." you nodded and kissed his forehead. "i can't believe your puppy eyes worked on me." he snickered, getting out of the car. "because you love me." "that's right."
the arena wasn't empty, several staffs were still working. you had to practice some choreography with solo (your tag-team partner) for this week's segment. thankfully, you were partnered up with sami and kevin, the chemistry between the 4 of you was already stable, meaning you didn't have to adapt to a new environment. "damn, (y/n). you look like you've been through some shit." solo commented.
"she's sick as hell but still wants to come." roman sighed in frustration. "go easy on her today." you groaned. "no, don't go easy on me. i'll be okay." you took off your hoodie and hung it inside your locker. “nah, but for real, (y/n). you can watch on the side, i don’t want you to faint or something.” solo continued. “my dude, i’m perfectly fine. i can spear you right here, right now to prove that i’m alright.”
truth be told, you were far from alright. the headache grew stronger and your fever went higher as time went by. even kevin hesitated a bit when he wanted to hit the stunner on you. “are you sure about this?” his arms were on the back of your neck, flaring up by the touch of your heated-skin. “i’m sure.” you smiled at him. “okay, here goes nothing.” you sold the move like usual, but you didn’t get up from your position.
“(y/n)?” solo squatted down, checking up on you. “i’m fine, can you help me get up? i can’t feel my legs.” “come on.” he took your hand and lifted you up. “hey guys, can i take a 10 minute break?” you asked your friends. “i got you, (y/n)!” jimmy slid inside the ring, helping you. “guys, it’s not like i am injured or anything, i just have a fever.” you chuckled, everyone had a concerned look plastered on their faces. “maybe we should all take a break from choreo, let’s run some lines while we wait for (y/n) to rest. wait, never mind, (y/n) take your time okay! we’ll be here all night!” sami gave you a huge smile.
so you were back in the locker room, laying down on the couch. “call me if you need anything. if you wanna go back, call me. i’ll help you out. roman should be back in 15 minutes, he’s dealing with costumes.” you nodded. “sorry practice was a mess because of me. give me 10 minutes and i’ll be okay!” jimmy patted your head. “don’t need to be sorry, you’re our little sister, of course we’ll take care of you.” with that, he closed the door.
“where’s (y/n)?” roman scanned the ring, not seeing your presence. “she’s in the locker room, taking a break. not looking very good, uce.” jey said as he was typing on his phone. “i told her she didn’t have to go today. god, she is so stubborn sometimes.” roman replied, taking off his new gloves. “it’s been half an hour and she’s not back, i think she’s sleeping.” solo added. “i’m gonna check on her, be right back.” roman practically power-walked to the locker room, concerned about your well-being.
and there you were, dozing off on the couch. roman put his hand on your forehead and your fever was worse than before. he gently shook your body, trying to wake you up as he was going to take you back home. “baby?” roman whispered. “(y/n)?” he repeated, not getting an answer. you were out cold.
“what?” you opened your eyes and you were not in the locker room. it took you a couple of seconds to realize that you were back home. “baby, you’re awake.” you saw him carrying a bottle of water and a bowl of something you couldn’t identify. “why are we back home?” was the first question you asked. “baby, you passed out.” “holy shit, i did?”
you hated being sick. you sent multiple messages to solo, jimmy, jey, sami, and kevin (even paul) apologizing because you missed out on rehearsals. they sent the same ‘get well soon’ messages and it warmed your heart. your boyfriend, on the other hand, was panicking over your health. every 5 minutes he would ask if you needed anything to drink or if you wanted anything from downstairs. “baby please stop worrying about me, i’ll be fine in like a day!” you said, trying your best to convince him that you were going to be alright.
“no! of course i’m worried, you’re sick.” he stood up once again, checking your temperature. “it’s still the same, wait, let me get you some cool pads downstairs.” he walked downstairs, carrying the entire medicine compartment. you heard his footsteps but you couldn’t even sit up straight. this fever was taking every single energy you had inside your body. it was quite comical, for a wrestler with your achievements to lose in a fight with this fever. you smiled as your boyfriend entered the room once again.
as he pressed the cooling pad on your forehead, you couldn’t help but to notice that he had a very concerned look on his face. “why are you smiling?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “i don’t know.” after giving you your medicine, he laid right next to you, feeling the warmth coming from your fever. the room was quiet, leaving the two of you in a comfortable silence.
“i think this is all paul’s fault.” you blurted out, gaining his attention. “why is that?” he furrowed his brows. “old people.” you chuckled at your own joke, causing you to cough your lungs out. “okay, that’s karma, don’t blame the man though, he loves you like you’re his own daughter.” he added. “i think it was the coffee from last week, you know, the ‘(y/n) this coffee is so good, you have to try it’ that coffee.” roman let out a laugh at your paul impression as he caressed your hair, taking the time to study your features.
you were rarely sick. the last time you were sick was months ago when you ate a bad hotdog from the street fair somewhere in chicago. you ended up in the emergency room with jey and the two of you couldn’t stop laughing the pain away. “i swear if my fever doesn’t die down by friday, i’m gonna lose my shit.” you admitted. roman only nodded in response, still trying his best to not panic at the touch of your skin.
“i’m scared.” you confessed, gaining his attention “of what, baby?” “what if i fuck up next friday?” you were worried. “baby, it’s going to be okay. now all you need is some rest, you’ve been working your ass off for months. it’s not a big fight, you just need to deliver your promos, let kev hit the stunner, and solo will do the rest, just like the script. you’re not gonna fight until next week, i’m sure you’ll be healthy and ready to spear some people.” he always knew how to cheer you up. “you’re right, sorry. the fever is talking.”
and the silence came in again. it was just the two of you, not doing anything. although your head was still pounding, you couldn’t help but to appreciate the moment. your boyfriend knew that you were a hard-headed person when it comes to work-related things, but this time he was thankful you complied with him. roman was still brushing your hair with his fingers, admiring your features like there was no tomorrow. it broke his heart seeing you being in pain because of a stupid fever. maybe he was being overly dramatic, but he just wanted to take care of you. “this is a very weird request,” you paused for a second. “but can you hug me? your skin feels so cold.”
roman grinned as he gently pulled you closer in his arms. “okay, you’re actually not as hot as before.” he sighed in relief. “are you calling me ugly?” he didn’t really understand why you still had the energy to joke around, but at least you were responding better than before. “oh, shut up. just close your eyes and get some rest.” roman replied. “thank you for taking care of me, i’m sorry i don’t think we can go to that date tomorrow night.” you apologized. “don’t apologize, baby. i love you too and i will always take care of you, okay?”
“you know, this is nice.” you admitted. “what is nice?” he turned around, moving closer to you. “just the two of us, here. i like this silence, we should stay home for our day off next time.” once again, he nodded in agreement. “but let’s make sure you’re not practically bed-ridden, that would be great. and now that you’ve mentioned it, i like this silence.” as soon as roman finished his sentence, you heard a knock coming from downstairs.
“YO, OPEN UP THE DOOR! WE BROUGHT SOUP AND TYLENOLS FOR (Y/N)!” it was none other than his damn cousins. you smiled at him, while roman was groaning in the despair. “god, i’m going to beat their asses for disturbing our peace.” he rolled his eyes, getting up from the bed. truthfully, maybe because of this fever, you got a chance to take a break from your fast-paced work. you took a mental note to thank paul for giving you the flu. “god bless paul heyman.”
a/n: quick sweet domestic life for you (i’m sick as well but why don’t i have any roman reigns taking care of me!!!! i want him)!! anyways like usual, requests are always open!! hope y’all enjoyed this short fic!
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knightprincess · 2 months
No Matter What (Crosshair x Reader) - Platonic
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Words: 1.3k Warning: Fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort. Synopsis: After settling on Pabu with Clone Force 99, (Y/N) goes on a self-given mission with Crosshair to bring their lost brother home. Standalone Sequel: Silence
After the assault on Mount Tantis and the death of Hemlock, things had been different for Clone Force 99. Echo had refocused his efforts on helping the build Clone Rebellion, taking with him Emerie and some of the clones rescued from the Advanced Science Division, among them Comet. Omega had seamlessly adjusted to life on Pabu once more, happy to be just another kid, growing up peacefully until she was ready to join the fight once more if she did.
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair would take care of Jax, Bayrn, Eva, and Sami until they could be returned to their families. Each had decided it was time to retire, to discover who they were outside of being soldiers, and to find out what adventures life had in store for them now. However, they’d always be on call if Echo ever needed them.
(Y/N) on the other hand, would use her skills as a bounty hunter to help provide for the people of Pabu and help clones across the galaxy find their way once they were freed from the empire. Although she loved the peace Pabu offered and the small family unit she had gained with Clone Force 99, she wasn’t ready to settle down completely. Not when she still had questions that needed answering. Not when she still needed to find closure.
“I miss him too,” said Crosshair, picking up Tech’s broken goggles from the dashboard of (Y/N)’s ship. Seconds later, a sigh escaped him, hidden within it, regret and grief. The last time he’d spoken to Tech was on Kamino; once again, they’d gone their separate ways. If only he’d chosen differently. “You have to let him go (Y/N). He wouldn’t want you to hold on like this.”
“I can’t,” whispered (Y/N), stopping what she was doing and allowing Crosshair’s words to sink in. “I have to bring him home, even if I have to say goodbye one last time,” she added, admitting she knew there was a chance Tech was truly gone, but she couldn’t allow herself to believe it, not until she found him. “He never gave up on me when I was lost. Neither of you did. I won't give up on him now until he’s home.”
“Then I’m going with you,” said Crosshair, putting the broken goggles back on the dashboard, moving to sleeping racks, and setting another up, if only to make his point clear.
“Omega and the kiddos need you here,” commented (Y/N), attempting to protest. Although she already knew it was pointless. Crosshair was one of the most stubborn people she knew. Once he made up his mind, there was little that could change it.
“Hunter and Wrecker can handle things here until we get back,” declared Crosshair, turning to face (Y/N) before crossing his arms over his chest. “Right now, you need me more,” he added, although he did not admit he’d thought about going out there to look for his brother. Something didn’t sit right with him, leaving Tech out there.
“I’m not going to win, am I?” asked (Y/N), sighing as she walked the length of her ship. Filled with memories of the past, her life as a Jedi Knight that felt like a lifetime ago, and her new life as a bounty hunter and protector.
“Nope,” simply responded Crosshair, “You’re stuck with me this time Shortfire.”
The moment Crosshair entered the cockpit, he pushed the red button, activating the com channel. He spoke to Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega there, informing them of his impromptu decision to join (Y/N) on her journey. Framing it to make sure she had backup and would come home again.
“It wasn’t your fault (Y/N),” said Crosshair when (Y/N) entered the cockpit, following the routine she’d once taught Tech, checking over all the systems. There’s nothing either of us could have done to stop him from using Plan 99.”
“If I was there, I could have stopped him from falling,” admitted (Y/N), finally opening up about the guilt haunting her. When her family needed her most on Eriadu, she was across the galaxy, hiding from her past and the Jedi Hunters that had seemingly appeared overnight.
“You were protecting them. No one could have predicted Saw being on Eriadu, and no one could have predicted Tech sacrificing himself. Blaming ourselves won’t change the past (Y/N). It will only prevent you from finding peace and happiness, whatever that looks like.”
“For what it’s worth, Fortune Cookie, I’m glad you’re coming with me,” admitted (Y/N), bestowing Crosshair with a new nickname, replacing the old one of Snarky Sniper. “I don’t think I could do this alone.”
“We’re family until the end,” Crosshair replied, pulling (Y/N) into himself and wrapping her in a warm embrace that seemed foreign but familiar to them both. “Where do we start?”
“Where our fight ended,” responded (Y/N) with a shakey voice, recalling when she’d gone to Eriadu, risking everything to follow the monorail track in search of Tech. She’d found the car's wreckage but no sign of Tech. If there was any blood, the rain had long since washed it away; there was no body to be found or any trace that he was even there, just what remained of the car.
“Tantis?” questioned Crosshair, confusion evident in his quiet voice as he took up the co-pilot’s seat.
“Hunter said Hemlock was the one to return Tech’s goggles; there’s got to be some trace, a lead to follow somewhere,” replied (Y/N), a slither of hope present in her otherwise whispered voice. She dared not speak louder in case her fears grew stronger and became her cruel reality.
“Setting course for Tantis,” worded Crosshair as (Y/N) piloted the ship safely away from the small island. As per tradition, the people waved goodbye, Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega among them.
“Take good care of them, Gonky,” spoke Omega through her com, receiving a simple gonk! in confirmation.
“We’ll see when you come home,” added Hunter, his voice filled with acceptance as if he knew the day would come when (Y/N) went in search of answers. As if he knew one day she’d go on the self-given mission to bring Tech home. “Stay safe out there.”
“You got it, Havoc #1,” replied (Y/N).
“I’ll make sure she comes home in one piece,” declared Crosshair, resting the stump of his wrist on his lap, grabbing onto the handle beneath his seat as he prepared for the rough climb out of Pabu’s atmosphere, “Our family’s been through enough. None of us can handle another loss.”
“We’re not losing anyone this time. We’re bringing our lost brother home,” replied (Y/N), determination alight in her voice. One way or another, the small family unit was going to be reunited again, no matter how long it took.
“Remind me again,” started Crosshair, fiddling with Tech’s broken goggles; now they’d left Pabu’s atmosphere. A smirk appeared across his lips as he remembered Tech’s hobby of recording everything—even the little things. “What you told us before we went into our first battle.”
“No matter what, I’ve got your back. I’d take a bullet for you if it comes to that. In the bitter end, we’re gonna be the last one standing.”
The holoclip appeared before the two, glowing blue and fuzzy. Of course, Tech had recorded it. They were so young back then, naive to what would happen when the war ended, unprepared for the cruel galaxy they lived in.
“Looks like Tech knew you were going to ask,” commented (Y/N); the smallest of grins appeared across her lips as she launched them into hyperspace. “Do you think Omega knows it?” she asked, curious if the boys would have shared the almost promise with Omega, the brave little girl growing up far too quickly, growing up to be a fighter no less—the best of all of them.
“She knows. Hunter would have made sure of it,” replied Crosshair, hope flooding his voice despite the uncertainty they both faced. “No matter what, Shortfire, I’ve got your back until the end.”
KnightPrincess Masterlist
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justarandombrit · 1 month
Okay well as you may know from looking at my blog for five seconds, I saw the matinee for Starkid Innit. During the interval and after the show I wrote down some notes. I tried to get them in chronological order but my memory is dogshit and I definitely missed some stuff, I hope you appreciate it though.
. IT WAS SO GOOD (except for the high note lmao)
Act 1:
. The Nightmare Time sting punched me in the face
. The shout-out to the confused parents
. High School Is Killing Me, Literal Monster and Nerdy Prudes Must Die all got mashed together!
. Corey!Richie is my Roman Empire
. Jaime in NPMD….
. Jaime had a different line to PJ’s original in Literal Monster. I couldn't hear half of it but it was different
. Jaime singing Sami/Harry ABOUT HER DOG (Nori)
. The audience whipping out the phone cameras
. Joey finally giving the white, male side characters attention
. Joey changing “I know I'm not a star” to “I know I'm not Clark”
. He pointed the mic at the audience for the “DEFINITELY NOT!”
. Joey mistimed his jump 😔😔
. Genuinely his best performance of Sidekick yet
. Joey making fun of Brian for not getting a big solo
. Brian kept pretending to beat him up, it was brilliant
. Not Over Yet is definitely Brian's song, shut up
. Brian accidentally singing the same verse twice (How does he always mess this song up?!?!?)
. My mum took a photo during the “EVIL PLAAAAANSSSS” bit and it was right when Brian was choking Joey
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. “So look alive and don't forget”
. Rogues Are We still goes so hard
. Rogues Medley without Kick It Up A Notch is weird, but Kick It Up A Notch without Dylan would definitely be weirder
. Ice cream :D
Act 2:
. Starting with We Got Work To Do is so iconic
. Joey shouted “Draco, get on the floor!” at Lauren
. I love how it was hyped up like it was going to be Boy Toy, and then just straight up wasn't lmaooo
. Brian finally got the slow, sexy Hideous Creatures (Take that, Nick Lang!)
. Okay I'm trying to remember the order of the underrated songs they did
. Hideous Creatures (Lauren)
. Pays To Be an Animal (Corey) (He didn't sit in the spotlight and someone yelled “TO THE LEFT, COREY”)
. Get In My Mouth (Jeff) (He fully sprawled out on the stage it was hilarious)
. Land of the Dicks (Jaime)
. Hermione Can't Draw (Meredith) (She sung it so well I briefly didn't recognise the song)
. I genuinely cannot remember what Brian sung
. Gotta Find His Dick (Joey, and eventually everyone)
. The entire “Oh you wanna know where I got my shirt?” bit
. Brian, Jaime and Joey got it from Primark, Meredith got it from “Primed-mrak”, Lauren’s was a family heirloom, Corey got it from Gucci and Jeff got it from America, from Pri-mart (He made the guy on the drums do a baddum tsh)
. COREY SINGING SHOW STOPPIN' NUMBER. OH MY GOD. (The entire crowd joined in, also, Jeff and Jaime as Steve and Stu)
. Everyone cheering so loud when Joey and Lauren came on stage, and them claiming we had no idea what they were going to sing, and it was actually a completely new song (it was Granger Danger obviously)
. And them continuing to claim it was new throughout the song
. As I expected, I almost cried during Not Alone. Also apparently Darren thought it was going to be a big hit??? And just begrudgingly let them use it for A Very Potter Musical
. Super Friends!
. So sad Jeff’s mic was so quiet for “I WANNA BE A MODERN DANCER”
. The fakeout of everyone leaving stage, then the band coming back on and playing the start of Goin' Back To Hogwarts
. “Darren's not here”
. JEFF DID DYLAN'S PART (but he didn't do “All of you to [city name] :( )
. Jeff pointed at various parts of the audience for “Welcome hotties, nerds and tools!” and then whispered “I'm so sorry” immediately after
. Singing (/ shouting) Goin' Back To Hogwarts along with hundreds of other Starkid fans was so exhilarating, I loved it and I almost cried (also I'm gonna be so hoarse tomorrow)
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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In the mood for...
1. Thank you fabulous mods for all you do! Itmf wangxian fics where Wei Ying recovers from starvation or struggles with eating.
💖 the absence of hunger by parsnipit (M, 27k, wangxian, angst w/ happy ending, eating disorder, PTSD, food as a metaphor for love)
a kind of emptiness by ScarlettStorm (E, 11k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Eating Disorders, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, featuring WWX's fucked-up relationship with food, and his own body, Eating Disorder Recovery, tricking your brain into better habits, bad choices, followed by good choices, low angst, Happy Ending, Tender smut, Frottage, Praise Kink, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
The Second Hand Unwinds by trulywicked (E, 20k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Time Travel Fix-It, not JC friendly, not Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect friendly, not Jiāng Family friendly, not YZY friendly, Time Travelling LWJ, Protective LWJ, Fluff, Minor Angst, Minor Character Death, JGS is his own warning, Wooing, LWJ is romantic af, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective Gūsū Lán Sect, Supportive LXC, Good Uncle LQR, WIP) It's only 3 chapters in & idk where the author plans to take it, but there's discussion of WWX being starved in the past & he is put on a special diet to make up for that
my eyes got used to the darkness by curiositykilled (M, 4k, JC & WWX, JC & WWX & JYL, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Body Horror, Implied Cannibalism, Dehumanization, Sunshot Campaign, YLLZ WWX, Demonic Cultivation, PTSD, Suicidal Thoughts, Ghosts, Disordered Eating, Referenced Animal Abuse)
2. hi, thanks to the mods and everyone for all the recs! i have a few requests for itmf if i may 🙏🏽
a) could people recommend their fave non-english fics (ao3 or not)? i know mtl isnt that great but i'm hoping it's passable enough to enjoy fics that I've missed (peferably wx/gen but anything's good!)
b) yiling sibs feels? or bm family? even if it's not the focus of the fic! canon or modern (truth will out is one such brilliant example)
c) i saw a fun post that the juniors (or jl and lsz) each experienced canon as a different genre of YA protag. are there similar fics, of like, canon retelling/divergence but as the junior in question Goes Through It? (full quartet is great too of course!) @danmeiireader
【羡忘】落花时节又逢君 by Faywangper (E, 245k, wangxian, ABO, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ) My favourite non-English fic is a very long and delicious AU written in Chinese
so you’ve been robbed by a museum by yukla (M, 5k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, yearning tm, Mild Sexual Content, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, immortal cultivators in a modern world, JC is a good brother, WWX has a couple self-worth issues)
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together)
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst)
3. Are there any fics where Madam Lan's death actually pushes LWJ into being a (secret?) rebel instead of a perfect disciple?? I think I read an SBWY fic (I think it was Pancho's privated fic that someone looked for a few fic finders back) with something vaguely similar, but I would love to read if someone explored that idea! Thank you!
Following the Rules by BegrudginglyTumbling (SarcasticSmiler) (T, 2k, wangxian, gusu lan rules, fluff & humor, LWJ being a little shit) Not quite what the request asked for because it doesn't really delve into the why, but this has LWJ rebelling via malicious compliance
Awaiting Your Return by Karmiya (E, 114k, wangxian, burial mounds settlement days, found family, opposite of slow burn, WIP) has Lan Wanji basically acting as a rogue cultivator only rarely returning to the cloud recesses, though that is a relatively small part of the fic
4. Hello!!! I'm looking for some wangxian (a)stripper aus, and (b) prostitution aus
All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 51k, WangXian, XuanLi, ChengQing, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators) though not quite either A or B, All Old Things Are New Again has Camboy!WWX
Wuji Club Remix by babybeets (E, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, fancy rich prep school flash back, Library Sex, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Deepthroating, Aftercare, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Getting Together, Friendship, lan zhan FUCKS, Dancer LWJ, Addled WWX, WWX & WQ Friendship)
please forgive my most passionate disruptions by pumpkinpaix (E, 65k, WangXian, Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Modern AU, Modern with Magic, Modern: Still Have Powers, stripper!WWX, Graduate School)
little bun by eightroses (E, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Stripper AU, PWP, bunny tail plug, Dirty Talk, Lingerie, Double Penetration, Trans WWX, Sex Work, First Time, Confessions, Trans Male Character)
5. Hiiii!!!
I'm on the mood for a fic where Lz has his hair cut when he's punished with the discipline whip.
All Exits Look The Same by Ahlai (T, 14k, LSZ & LWJ, LXC & LWJ, Madam Lan & LWJ, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Madam Lán Lives, Family Feels, Healing, Grief/Mourning) They cut his hair when he leaves the sect in this one
my life’s journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 148k, wangxian, Modern Cultivation, Canon Divergence, Madam Lán Lives, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Post-Sunshot Campaign, POV WWX, Slow Burn, YLLZ WWX, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Healing Is a Slow Process, therapy is good actually, All women deserve better, mlm/wlw solidarity, the mortifying ordeal of discovering you're into bdsm while you're caught up in political intrigue, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, Not Everyone Dies au, WWX Lives, Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Single Parent WWX, Selectively Mute LWJ, Eventual Smut, Light Dom/sub, Happy Ending)
6. hi, do you know of any royalty wangxian AUs where wwx is the royal instead of lwj? ty!
travelers through the empty gate by stiltonbasket (M, 99k, WIP, WangXian, Royalty, Emperor WWX, Mistaken Identity, Poor LWJ, Bookshop owner LWJ, Intrigue, Court Drama, Forced Marriage, Confused WWX, POV Alternating, Parenthood, Misunderstandings, Empress LWJ, Requited Unrequited Love, Fluff, Humor, Married Life, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Silver & Silk Series by farawayanddreaming (M/E, 55k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, Implied/Referenced Sex, Light Bondage, Devotion, No Plot/Plotless, vibes only, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX)
Conquering the Emperor by catbrainedschemes (E, 21k, WangXian, Historical, Imperial China, Emperor!WWX, General!LWJ, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Historically Inaccurate, Misunderstandings, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, Slow Burn, Happy Ending)
Son of Heaven and Frost General Series by Aki_no_hikari (M/T, 7k, WangXian, Royalty, Historical, Emperor/General, Fade to Black, Romance)
The Last Concubine by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 13k, WangXian, Royalty AU, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, LWJ Whump, Forced Marriage, Starvation, Non-physical spousal abuse, Fluff and Angst, Doing the Wrong Thing for the Right Reasons, Happy Ending, WWX Takes Care of LWJ)
The Most Important Man in the Empire by Marayanna (G, 14k, wangxian, Royalty, Emperor WWX, Secretary/head of state LWJ, overworked WWX, Supportive LWJ, POV WWX, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, competent LWJ, Happy Ending, Inspired by the book The Hands of the Emperor, But you don't need to know it to read the fic, Competent WWX, LWJ Takes Care of WWX, As much as he is politically able to, Is 'working together to make the world a better place' considered flirting, it should be)
7. hello, how are you. For the next itmf
(a). Fics where lan wanji is incredibly inlove with wei ying. Whether is Canon or Au but he is just showering wei ying with love
(b). Fics where wangxian are the shameless couple. People will be finding them kissing in the corner or they are keeping cloud recess awake with their noice. It can also be canon or an Au.
(c). I would also like bamf weiying.
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) kind of answers all three requests
Snow by kuro (M, 38k, wangxian, Modern, Snow, Sick Character, Caretaking, Fluff, Sugar Daddy, only they're like… bad at it, Angst, Rabbits, Food, Sexy Times, occasionally)
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) (also fits 7C) i think they'll enjoy A Matter of Time but heed tags and warnings
Wangxian’s Time-Travelling Shenanigansseries by pupeez4eva (M, 18k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, Humor, Love Confessions, PDA, Wangxian being their shameless selves, Nothing will ruin WWX’s confession, Not even dozens of very confused disciples, or confused family members because LQR and JC are not amused, time travel at the most inconvenient moment, Everyone is just very confused, Wangxian elope with no explanation and leave everyone else to deal with the aftermath, LXC is a very good big brother, JC is probably going to end up killing WWX, Canon Divergence, Featuring: many horrified bystanders, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, AU of Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now, The many moments that Wangxian could have travelled to, POV Outsider) Features WWX & LWJ being shameless throughout & part 3 of the series has them keeping CR awake with their noise
8. Hi friends!! do you know of any fic where Lan Wangji moves into the burial mounds right after Wei Wuxian takes the Wens there? I’m not sure what to even search on ao3 for it but I would owe you my life if you knew any! @spectrelle
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, References to Depression, Happy Ending, I Swear To God I’m Giving Them A Happy Ending, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Well Except WN But He Was Already Dead So, Fix-It of Sorts) WWX doesn't stay in the Burial Mounds in this, but LWJ joins him anyway, so idk if this counts?
A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind, Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 700k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Getting Together, First Time, Pining while fucking, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Angst with a Happy Ending, CQL Verse, almost everybody lives/almost nobody dies, epistolary-ish, canon-ish side pairings, radishes)
Home and the Heartland by Witch_Nova221 (T, 210k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Burial Mounds, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Discovery, Golden Core Reveal, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, the burial mounds aren't always a happy place, but wangxian do their best)
no one ever said the single-plank bridge had to be walked alone by roserocksrapidly (T, 174k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Fix-It, Not Everyone Dies au, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Fluff, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Slow Burn, LWJ and WWX get to be Dads together, the healing power of homoerotic flute/guqin duets, Happy Ending)
Also re: 8 - Requester might be interested in the tag Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Stays at the Burial Mounds
9. I've got another itmf request. Does anyone know of fics where nhs gets angry or criticizes nmj/the nie sect for their part in what happens to wwx? Or ones where nhs shows that he's protective of wwx to the nie sect/cultivation world whether that's covertly or overtly. Thanks all!
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending)
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) (link in #7A) i think they'll enjoy A Matter of Time but heed tags and warnings
10. Can you find me a fanfic where wei wuxian doesn’t die, instead he goes into a mountain and takes orphans in to take care of them and one day lan wangji stumbles upon his mountain. Kind of like baoshan sanren except there is no immortal thing, but it’s ok if there is ofc. Also it should have a good amount of wangxian with a happy ending
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending) link in #9
11. Hii , are there fics where wei ying becomes the wen sect leader , if so can you please recommend some? 🙏 @karinasnowwwx
assuming this is for the Wen remnants, the user might want to try the Yiling Wei sect tag
uncertain if this is asking for wen zongzhu wwx or yiling wei fic so one of each!
To the Heavens and the Earth by IsilmeLasgalen (E, 77k, WangXian, NingSang, XuanLi, MingXu, ChengYu, WWX is a Wen, POV LWJ, Good Parent LWJ, Marriage of convenience, Accidental Marriage, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, WWX isn't adopted by the Jiang's, CSSR and WCZ Live, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Cultivation Sect Politics, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, POV NHS, Protective LJY, Good Person WRH, Protective LXC, Immortal LWJ and WWX, POV LXC, Mpreg, WangXian in Love, Soft WangXian, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, POV JZX, Emperor WWX, Emperor LWJ, Past WWX/Other(s), Everybody Lives, Fluff, Angst, Smut, LWJ is LJY's Parent) wen sect leader wwx
A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind, Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 700k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Getting Together, First Time, Pining while fucking, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Angst with a Happy Ending, CQL Verse, almost everybody lives/almost nobody dies, epistolary-ish, canon-ish side pairings, radishes) burial mounds settlement becomes a sect
12. Is there a Pacific rim AU for wangxian? I would love to read one. Trying to quit smoking, need a good distraction.
Lightning’s Call, Abyss’ Song by DiamondCrystalInk (T, 37k, WangXian, Pacific Rim Fusion, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, but i guess, Angst with a Happy Ending, Drift Compatibility, but also..., Soulmates, Sword fights but romantic)
The Weight of the World by KouriArashi (T, 67k, WangXian, XiYao, XuanLi, Pacific Rim Fusion, Robots, Monsters, robots fighting monsters, Family, Romance, Developing Relationship, Angst, (but not about the romances), Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Happy Ending)
or for a whole list, including ones I have not read
The 'whole list' link under 12 does not work. The asker might use the shiptag and then use 'Pacific Rim' in the 'Search within Results' box to get that list.
13. Hi, thank you for all your hardwork!!
I come here for "I'm in the mood for", I would like a any good fic with some bickering between Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng like 'Brothers in law', even if it is the main thing of the fic or just a passing scene. Don't have any preferences if it is canon or not.
Thank you once again. @anime-trash-parody
Time Kept Flowing by notoneforreality (T, 201k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, major character death is wwx, who comes back, Family, Autistic LWJ, Kid Fic, JC and LWJ raise the kids, Co-parenting is hard, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
none lives forever, brother, and nothing lasts for long by eena (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ raised at Lotus Pier, JC found him first, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation)
whatever comes of you and me (I’d love to leave my memory with you) by sami (E, 12k, XiCheng, WangXian, references to past emotional manipulation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Recovery, Family, Brotherhood, Correcting for Poor Interfamily Communication, JFM’s A+ parenting, Not MY Friendly, Not JFM Friendly, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending)
A Bell That Tells Us to Rise and Fight by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (T, 120k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Everyone Lives au, Everyone Needs A Hug, Women Being Awesome, WQ is a goddess, content warning for JGS, content warning for XY, content warning for JGY, WWX's terrible awful brilliant plans, Yunmeng Bros, JYL is an angel, BAMF Women, I take it back NMJ still dies, Minor Character Death, NMJ is BACK and he is NOT HAPPY, MM is not paid enough for this shit) has a fun sort of brothers-in-law feeling between lwj and jc
This is our Get-Along Night Hunt by hmc73 (T, 28k, WangXian, Post-Canon, JC & WWX Reconciliation, LWJ has Feelings, canon-typical horror elements, POV LWJ, Canon Compliant, Fluff with Knives, It starts off funny but WATCH OUT, Case Fic, Good Sibling JC, Fluff and Angst)
14. Hi, me again, I have been looking for fics, Modern, with cultivation, conferences and the like, where Wei Wuxian is not treated well, were things similar to cannon happened and he's not recognised as a great cultivator and Lan Wangji and his family, Jiāng Yànlí, Jiāng Chéng or Wen Qíng and Wen Ning aren't ok with this and try to help him deal with reputation and things. they can be long or short. Please help. Be well @monicaop21
Hi, I'm number 14 in the last In the mood for…post!! I just wanted to share the fics that started my obsession with modern fics that speak well of WWX in the cultivation world!! One is My Zhiji's On Broadway by ScarlettStorm and the fic inspired by this beauty Let Her Leave Your by Worldspacewitchbot Both of them in Ao3 So amazing both of them!! More sequels!! ;) Be well and tons of thanks!! You are awesome!!
My Zhiji’s On Broadway by ScarlettStorm (E, 15k, wangxian, modern with cultivation, drunk LWJ, drunk shenanigans, getting together, first time, minor angst, major comedy, smut)
Let Her Leave Your World by spacewitchbot (E, 10k, MM/OFC, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, modern cultivation, Seattle, Conventions, Getting Together, Jet Lag, One Night Stands, Alcohol Breastfeeding in public (not in a sexy way,) Infant Care, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, #metoo movement, Not quite everybody lives but more people do, People listen to Mianmian, That actually fixes a lot of stuff)
15. Hi! For the next ITMF, do you have a recommendation where LQR secretly fond of/have a soft spot for WWX? Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
through the eyes of elders series by Fleetling (T, 13k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & LQR, wangxian, LXC & WWX, LQR & WWX, LQR pov, LQR is a good uncle, LXC recovering from the whole JGY thing is a major part, Wingman LXC)
💖 Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing) LQR goes back in time & learns to appreciate WWX
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) link in #7 LQR recognises WWX talents (& his relationship with LWJ) during CRSA & encourages both
16. For the next ITMF: life of wwx or/with lwj after the revelations at the Guanyin temple. Preferably long fic, around more than 5 or 10 chapters or more than 10k words, and completed. Thank you!
💖 Germination by taotrooper (M, 14k, wangxian, post-canon, honeymoon, domestic fluff, comedy, teaching, character study)
Imprints by Lisa_Telramor (G, 47k, wangxian, post-canon, humor, panic attacks, phobia recovery, poor life choices, JC & WWX reconciliation, dogs)
Between The Lines by Witch_Nova221 (M, 153k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ & LWJ, WWX & OCs, Epistolary, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Angst, Letters, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Love Letters, Long-Distance Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Loss, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, Idiots in Love)
Agapé (home is in your arms) by estel_willow (G, 15k, wangxian, fraternal bonding, Mutual Pining, Post-Canon, Wwx is oblivious, LXC is patient, LSZ remains the best son, Most of these characters could do with a good therapist, Wwx uses his words, Wwx is an unreliable narrator, Light Angst, canon-typical self dislike from our favourite chaotic disaster bi)
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, wangxian, Slow Burn, Mystery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Case Fic, murders, Supernatural, Angst, Fluff, those two are so in love it hurts, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, badass LXC, Canon-Typical Violence, topLWJ, Bottom LWJ)
17. Hii! I saw a lot of tiktok that got me in the mood to read wangxian again! I love canonverse fics, but bc they’re so angsty (tho i do like a bit of it as one should) I wanted to ask for canondivergance fix it fics, prefferably with xicheng too! (*by fix it i mean shijie doesn’t die and a-cheng doesn’t hate his brother bc of it) 🥹 thank you!
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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chronicowboy · 2 years
season 6 season of the biceps and tortured sleeves Will contain a buddie bicker-banter scene that ends with one of them in a headlock and the other losing all impulse control and biting down on the muscle
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kabloswrld · 5 months
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Idk I feel like I been going crazy over this idea ( plus my love for Cody Rhodes growing each day ) ALSO I'm not gifted enough to make this a reality so if anyone is willing to make it I would be so happy
- I was envisioning this as a plus size reader ( maybe black too but I might be pushing it 😓)
But I don't really see a lot of plus size wrestlers reader so 🤷🏾‍♀️🫣
So imma like bullet point it so it's easier for writers to add or take away stuff but this is like the main plot idea(s) I had in mind
Cody and reader have been seen backstage getting close by triple h, getting the idea of a love storyline. So he tested it out by having reader and Cody do a promo (them flirting but like bickering kinda idk) with it getting positive reactions
Triple h asking Cody and reader their thoughts on the idea with both Cody and reader like idk but quickly agreeing to it anyways
They do a couple promos, ringside etc picking up on hints of them getting closer and closer and starting or care for each other on a deeper level ( i want to say that Cody falls in love first but reader starts to quickly after not being as revealing in it as Cody is but reader is more subtle with it )
But it all comes to a head when Rhea picks up on reader and Cody's closeness challenging her to a match ( I want to say that reader as already been butting heads with Rhea ) the match being that if Rhea won reader won't be able to interfere with anything that has to do with judgement day and Cody and his group ( Seth,Sami, jey and Randy ) and if reader does then they can't go for the women's world championship until after wrestlemania.
Reader would lose the fight. But Cody wouldn't know about the stipulation UNTIL Cody had a match with Dominic with Rhea coming out to jump Cody ( causing a DQ ) with reader watching nothing knowing what do it ( a manger would remind user of the stipulation but reader doesn't care if it meant helping Cody and protecting him from a possible injury) so reader goes out there ( maybe with a chair or something) defending Cody, checking on him calling for help.
It won't be until a week ( or more then a week up to y'all ) that Cody would find out about the stipulation when Cody and reader win a match against Rhea and Dominic. Both Cody and reader are heading up the ramp when Rhea is handed a mic as she tells Cody about the stipulation rubbing it in readers face.
Cody he walks off mad, upset, he felt like it was his fault. He wasn't strong enough so you had to go out there to save him and cost you your chance. Reader catches up with him basically telling him that it wasn't his fault and that it was their decision and he shouldn't feel that way and how they hate when he's mad at them. ( I had the idea of Rhea joking calling Cody reader's boyfriend and Cody mentions it and reader plays dumb confusing Cody )
Causing Cody to be in his head it would be until he's in the locker room with Sami, jey, Seth and Randy did they talk to him asking what's up and Cody is like "do yall think reader actually likes me???" And they're like "ofc!!!" With Randy ( who wasn't really speaking comes out of nowhere) "dude she throw away her chance for the championship for you🙄"
OKAY IM YAPPING BUT LIKE. Maybe they get Naomi and bianca involved on how to ask reader out and well the rest is up to y'all I would to see this as a series !!
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
hii! love ur works!! saw u were asking for jey requests so here is one :)
can I request a Jey Uso x reader fic where you guys are best friends who have crushes on each other but never act on it in fear of ruining your friendship. and sami and Kevin try to always make the two of you confess but it never happens. and you get badly injured in a match on raw and have to be taken to an ambulance and jey comforts you and goes with you to the hospital and realizes he doesn't want to lose you without telling you he loves you. and after you guys cuddle on the hospital bed and he takes care of you he just blurts it out and tells you he loves you. and you tell him you love him back and its just really cute :) and when you guys come back from the hospital sami and Kevin are happy you guys finally got together and tease you both about it!
have a great day!! <3
i loved this request 🥹🫶🏻 sorry for not including kevin tho…
jey uso x reader
mention of the judgment day x reader
‼️ a little angst, mention of injury
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don’t leave me
you had the biggest crush on jey us. everyone knew it. well, everyone except jey himself.
in your mind, he saw you like a best friend or a sister, not someone he would date. you saw the type of girls he would date and that didn’t include you.
but it didn’t matter to you. you loved being friend with him and the fact that now you were in the same feud against the judgment day together made the things a little more excited.
it was sami, seth, jey and cody against jd, dominik, damian and finn but who was against rhea? it was jey idea to have you on the team and everyone agreed. in sami’s mind it was easier for you to confess your feelings to jey if you were working together practically every day.
you and rhea were friends in real life and she knew about your crush, so the way she constantly teased you and jey on live tv was something that she was doing just to make you jealous and confess but it never worked.
something went wrong one night on raw. you and rhea were supposed to have a match against each other. you knew you weren’t going to win, not against her anyway but you didn’t care. that’s how things were supposed to be and everyone in your team knew it. you just needed to fight in order to creat a mess between your team and rhea’s.
it was supposed to be everyone against everyone and you already saw the boys walking towards your ring when the judgment day come out of nowhere and attacked your team. just like planned.
except, something went terrible wrong.
you were still in the ring with rhea. you were a little too distracted by the chaos that was coming out, from rhea screaming, the crowd screaming, jey screaming, everyone screaming, that you didn’t hear rhea behind you to finish the match between the two of you when she grabbed you and landed you on the ground.
you were distracted. you weren’t ready for that and so you didn’t prepare for the final move. and when it happened you couldn’t move from the ring.
it wasn’t the first time rhea and you competed against each other and everytime you used to smile at her when she won over you. this time you didn’t. that was when rhea knew something was wrong.
your back and neck were hurting, you felt blood coming over your ears and your head was ringing. your vision was blurry and you couldn’t hear what was happening in the arena in that moment.
rhea was terrified but she couldn’t show it. she couldn’t break character so she just took the win and went to damian who was against jey to let him know that something was wrong with you.
damian stopped beating jey the moment he ran on the ring.
everyone stopped.
the arena was on mute.
you were surrounded by medical stuff that were talking to you but you had no idea of what they were saying.
jey tried to talk to you but you couldn’t focus.
“hey hey y/n…” he panicked a little “can you hear me?” but of course you couldn’t answer “c’mon princess…talk to me…” he was about to cry, he didn’t want to break in front of everyone but he was terrified of the outcome.
everyone was worried about you. the judgment day were too - in the end, you were all great friends and seeing you like that made them hurt.
seth was about to cry when he saw you like that. he was the one who trained you when you first joined wwe, you were like a little sister to him.
jey was the one to bring you backstage and into the ambulance that was already waiting for you. the show had to go on but jey wasn’t going to be there.
the ambu rushed towards the hospital. you fainted in jey’s arms before he could get you on the ambulance and he never being that terrified in his whole life.
“please do something for her!” he kept shouting and the nurse had to move him away from your body so they could work on you.
once inside the hospital, it took a whole stuff to keep jey away from the room you’ve been taken to.
“i need to see her! you-you don’t understand…i need to see her, i need to be with her…” he almost cried. he couldn’t handle being away from you, he couldn’t handle you being hurt and in pain.
the doctors explained him that they needed to run a few more tests before they could let him see you. but it took them almost five hours for all those tests and he swore he was going crazy not knowing what was wrong with you.
seth texted him. cody texted him. basically everyone texted him and he had no idea what to say to them.
“you can see her now, she’s, well…she’s not awake yet” the doctor told jey.
“but she will wake up right?” jey almost panicked
“she hit her head very bad while in the ring…we will keep you updated” was all the doctor said before leaving jey alone.
he was terrified.
he needed you to wake up as soon as possible.
he slowly got into your room and he couldn’t handle it anymore. he started crying. he didn’t care if the doctors saw him like that. all he wanted was to hold you into his arms.
he sat next to you and got your small and fragile hand into his bigger one.
“hey beautiful…” he whispered “i know you can’t hear me right now but i need you to wake up, please, for me…i can’t live without you, i may be a little selfish but i need you in my life and i’m so fucking stupid for not telling you how much i love you…” he confessed “i wish i told you sooner…but i was scared of ruining our friendship and i can’t handle not having you in my life. y/n, you gotta wake up…please” he kept begging and he didn’t realise he fell asleep right in the chair next to you.
he was too tired to go back home and in all honesty he didn’t want to leave you.
“jey…” your raspy voice woke him up. he swore he was dreaming but he immediately sat straight when he felt your cold hand on his arm.
“oh my - hey beautiful…” he whispered “you’re awake…let me call a doctor” and with that he was out of the room.
the doctors visited you.
a few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a concussion. it could have been worse.
it wasn’t a secret that you needed to rest and that you would be away from the ring for a few months.
“you scared the shit out of me y/n…” jey said “you scared everyone in the arena…hunter is still waiting news about you…”
“i’m sorry…i guess” you didn’t know what to say. you knew your job was a dangerous job and injuries were normal.
“it’s not your fault, what matters now is that you’re awake and okay, partially okay” he joked making you laugh.
“i heard you jey…”
“what you said…do you really love me?” you asked him.
“fuck…i mean, i do but i don’t want to fuck up our friendship so if you don’t feel the same it’s okay i promise” he started mumbling when you stopped him.
“i love you too” you confessed.
“what?” he was speechless for the second time in just a few minutes.
“you heard that” you smiled.
he felt like he was dreaming “say it again please”
“i love you jey uso” you smiled.
“this is the worst and best day of my life y/n” he said making you laugh.
“you should tell the boys that i’m awake…half broken but awake” you said and jey agreed.
once the news of you being okay came out, everyone was a little calmer.
“you need to rest for a few months and honestly i can’t wait to take care of you baby” jey teased you making you blush.
that night he stayed in the hospital bed with you, afraid that you would sleep and never wake up again. he needed to have you close, he needed to know that you were safe but you knew that his arms were the safest place on earth.
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peachhcs · 4 months
sunday mornings
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
slow mornings with will and samy
word count: 1.7k
warnings: kissing, hickeys, kind of suggestive but not really, samy and will being cutie
fr in my posting era this is a valentine's day post, but the story doesn't center around v-day. i kind of wrote this as if samy goes to bc instead of michigan in this, so yeah just ignore that. i thought this was cutie and wanted to post it in honor of valentine's day :)
au masterlist
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the sun poured through the blinds. rays of light hit will's dorm room at every angle, creating one directly across samy's eye-line. the warmth of the rays and the harsh beams of light in her eye caused a stir. typical morning disorientation caught up to her as she blinked a few times and tried remembering her surroundings. everything fell into place when she felt will's strong hold on her torso and his face buried into the crook of her neck, still fast asleep. no wonder why the sun wasn't in his eyes.
the brunette smiled briefly before stretching as much as will's hold would let her. somewhere was her phone that she tried reaching around for. she finally got ahold of it and the screen lit up displaying the numerous notifications on her lockscreen, but all samy cared about was the time. 10:30?
it was rare having will still asleep beside her at such an hour. more often than not, he'd be long gone at morning practice and probably just getting back as samy woke up. having him in bed still was quite a rarity and one the brunette planned to take full advantage of. sunday mornings were will's off days which meant he was always inviting her over to spend the night so they could wake up together. samy loved mornings with will.
she shut her phone off, forgetting it somewhere on the bed again and turned her body further into her boyfriend's. she reached her arm around to begin gently pulling her fingers through his messy curls. he always looked so peaceful when he slept. samy knew how much he needed the sleep considering how early he was up at every other day of the week.
their limbs were tangled together making it so samy couldn't leave even if she wanted to, but she didn't plan on leaving such a serene moment. if she could, she'd stay in this position forever and she knew will felt the same.
both being student-athletes left little time during the week for them to see one another. the weekend was truly the only time they got it to themselves and it always went by too fast.
will stirred a moment later. he shifted, pulling his face back from samy's neck and blinking like she did to regain his surroundings. once it came back, his sleep-ridden stare met hers.
"good morning," samy whispered softly.
"good morning pretty girl. what time is it?" will mumbled as samy flushed at the nickname. no matter how tired will was, he always had her blushing like a little girl.
"like 10:30," the brunette said, her fingers reaching up to rid the hair from his forehead.
"10:30? been awhile since i've slept that long," will mumbled.
"well, you definitely deserve it. hungry at all?" samy began making a move to get up, but will's hold quickly tightened to keep her in place.
"no, no not yet," the boy said a little too quickly making the girl chuckle.
"not yet?" she raised her eyebrow, fingers still racking through his soft curls.
"i am, but i don't wanna leave this moment. not yet. i wanna savor it some more," will answered honestly making samy flush. she settled herself back down and will shifted around so her head was on his chest instead. his strong arms had her in a tight hold and samy felt a gentle kiss being placed onto her head. 
the girl smiled, enjoying the sound of will's heartbeat and his gentle touch against her skin. his one hand traced little shapes into the exposed area of her waist. as samy listened though, she could feel his heartbeat speeding up and she knew that meant will was getting anxious about something. she placed her hand across his bare chest, starting to rub soothing circles into his skin. 
"you okay?" samy wondered. 
"hmm?" will mumbled and the girl lifted her head up to meet his gaze. 
"you're thinking about something," the brunette said simply. will raised his eyebrow, confused on how she knew that. "your heart starts beating faster when you're thinking about something," she filled in the gaps. 
a tiny blush began spreading across will's cheeks, "sorry, i didn't know you knew that." 
"wanna talk about it?" samy offered, shifting herself around so she could see will better and still lay her head on him. 
the boy was silent for a moment, his fingers still drawing mindless shapes into samy's skin. opening up wasn't easy for will, but he'd gotten better since him and samy started dating. she just patiently waited until he was ready knowing he'd start talking eventually.
"for some reason i can't stop thinking about leaving you for california next year," the blonde finally got out. samy's face softened as she reached up to caress his cheek. 
"any reason why it's been on your mind?" the girl wondered as will leaned into her touch, briefly closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of her hand on him. 
"i don't know. maybe because this time next year we'll be across the country from one another," will mumbled a bit sadly. 
"true, but you'll be doing something you love and have dreamed of doing since we were kids. you'll have so many new friends," samy tried looking on the bright side for him. 
"it won't be the same without you there. i've never done this without you before," will commented making samy flush. it was true that she'd been with will through his entire hockey journey. 
even when they were kids, she was going places with him and cheering him on from the stands. it was hard to think about the fact that next year they wouldn't be together. samy had obligations to finish out school and continue with soccer before she could even think about following will out to san jose. 
"it will only be for two years. it will fly by," samy tried a different approach. the blonde could only shrug though. clearly, this was plaguing his mind much more than samy thought. 
"what if we can't do long distance? what if our relationship can't handle it?" will started rambling his "what if's." the brunette frowned. will didn't get anxious a lot, but when he did, it definitely took a toll on him. 
"i mean..i can't say for certain, but i'd like to think that we can do long distance. there were months that we spent apart when we were younger and didn't see each other until summer," samy rubbed will's arm, trying to ease his now racing thoughts. 
"that was different. that was before i realized i liked you and i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you," his words had samy blushing again as she quickly hid her face in his chest before he saw. 
"i guess it's just that all my life i've been focused on hockey and i never thought i'd have someone that makes me want to stay. i'm scared of being away from you because i've never felt this strongly about someone before until i realized you've been right in front of me all along," will admitted. his words took samy by surprise because she never knew he felt that way about her. 
"will.." the brunette flushed and tugged her arms around her boyfriend. 
"sorry, that was really sentimental," the blonde flushed, but samy shook her head. 
"no, don't apologize. i feel the same way. i've always been so dialed into whatever sport i play i also never thought i'd have someone. i'm glad you're the someone i have though," the girl grinned. will quickly returned her smile, placing little kisses all over her face. 
"i know it's scary, but the two years will fly by. plus, we still have right now. we have another whole year of college to get through before we start thinking about long distance and california and everything," samy said softly. 
"you're right. i gotta get out of my own head," will chuckled. 
"i love you, will." 
"i love you too sweet girl," will smiled and brought his lips down to connect with hers. 
after a moment, will's lips started moving down. he attached them to samy's neck, kissing little marks into her skin before he continued down to her collarbone and chest. the girl flushed as her hands dragged through his hair, occasionally pulling when will kissed particularly hard in a spot. 
"you're gonna make me get chirped at," samy mumbled with a small laugh. she knew her teammates would have a field day when they saw the marks, but she also couldn't get herself to pull will's lips from her skin. 
"is that a problem?" will met her gaze, a smug expression on his face 
"people are gonna stare," not that samy cared if they stared. she just knew the girls would go crazy later. 
"so? let them stare. they'll know you're mine," will almost grumbled the last part. 
will wasn't necessarily the jealous type, but he liked making sure people knew what was his and right now he had a strong urge to make sure everyone would know. samy reached up to start nipping at will's own neck, trying to return the favor. she knew she couldn't leave marks where any skin would be visible on the ice, so she tried pushing her lips further down. 
will let samy flip them over so he was sitting against the headboard. she continued working her way down to his chest where she knew she could suck pretty hickeys into his chest. his skin grew warmer under her touch, face flushing at the affection. 
"you're gonna get me chirped at," the boy mumbled, but a smile sat on his lips which indicated that he didn't care. 
"it's not like it hasn't happened before," samy giggled making will's cheeks blush for probably the 10th time that morning. 
she leaned back, admiring the work and the pretty marks forming across his skin. "maybe we should head downstairs before the guys start wondering," samy laughed, making a move to get up but will held her down again. 
"five more minutes?" the blonde grinned, a pleading look in his eyes. 
samy rolled her eyes, but she gave in. time with will was precious and she didn't care if they spent the entire day in bed as long as it was with him. 
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psych0-str1ngs · 7 months
Wet Dreams- Sami Yaffa x reader
Authors Note: I'm a total slut for Sami, I can't even lie to you, I would bang that man everyday all day if I could.
Warnings: Unprotected Sex, P inV smut, Oral, m receiving, Cussing, very little dialogue
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You stared up at the ceiling, completely and utterly bored, your boyfriend Sami, was fast asleep next you. It was about 2 in the morning, and just a few short hours ago, you and Sami were at a pub with his bandmates.
It was a regular occurrence that Sami would drag you with him to pubs with his band, you loved that he wanted to spend time with you, if even if it was with his bandmates. You'd never admit but sometimes you just wanted to stay home, it wasn't that you didn't like the rest Hanoi rocks, because they were your best friends, it could all just be a little much.
You were broken out of your thoughts when Sami shifted onto his back, letting out little snores. He mumbled something in Finnish, it was something you couldn't understand. You leaned closer
"Sami?" You whispered.
No answer. You shrugged before leaning your head on his chest, his long arms wrapped around you, Sami's body twisting to face yours, he threw his leg over your hip. You giggled softly, he was such a teddy bear, even in his sleep. Your right cheek pressed against his bare chest, you started to get sleepy, your eyes struggling to stay open. Just a few short seconds later, Sami let out a little moan, your eyes shot open.
well there goes all chances of sleeping, you thought to yourself. You moved to your other side, your ass pressed up against Sami. His hand went to your hip. You shifted a little bit, trying to get as close to Sami as possible. You soon realized he was hard, his sleepy form pulling you close against him.
You stared at the wall, wide-eyed. Sami face pressed against your back, his lips pressed against the nape of your neck, you shivered.
"Sami?" You called out again, your nails scratching lightly at his arm.
"Mmm," He mumbled. "Yes love"
"Are you uhm," you paused, thankful that it was dark in the room, otherwise he would more than likely notice your blush. "Having issues?"
He giggled a bit before kissing your shoulder.
"Possibly," His soft voice spoke out. "Help me?"
You turned your face to see his, the moon light provided just enough light for you to see his blue eyes stare at yours lovingly. You planted a soft kiss to his lips before lightly pushing him onto his back. You worked your way down his body, leaving little kisses and bite marks here and there. You pressed your soft, tiny fingers to his bulge, a tent in his boxers. You looked up at him, his eyes screwed shut, his chest heaving up and down somewhat quickly.
You grabbed the hem of his black boxer shorts, his hips lifted up slightly, you pulled them down, his length slapping against his stomach. You grabbed his shaft, your mouth salivating at the sight. You pumped him up and down slowly.
"F-faster please," Sami looking down at you.
You moved your hand faster, his legs starting to shake, you pulled away quickly, giving him a few seconds to process what had happened.
"wha- why'd you sto-" His voice faltered after feeling your warm mouth wrap around him, he let out a soft moan.
His hand reached down, fingers tangling in your hair, pulling lightly. You reached up, using your hands to pump what you couldn't fit in your mouth. You locked eyes with him, his cheeks lightly tinted pink, he smiled at you lovingly. You let off of him, sliding him out of your mouth with a pop. He sat up against the headboard, watching you take off your tank top, leaving you in just your white thong, and bra. You climbed on to him, legs on either side of him. His long fingers gripped your hips softly. You sat right above his length, kissing him gently.
"You look so gorgeous my love," He spoke, pushing his face into your neck, leaving love bites on every inch of skin he could reach.
"I love you Sam," You shifted, your entrance just above his length, you sat down slowly, giving yourself a moment to adjust to his size before rocking slowly. You moaned lightly, taking in the sight of Sami. His half lidded eyes watching you slide up and down on him. He moaned, leaning forward again to unclasp your bra, pulling it off of your arms. His mouth quickly found your left nipple, taking it in his mouth and sucking lightly, his hand twisted your right nipple. You moaned again, moving slightly faster.
"Y/n, I love you so much, so so so so much," He spoke softly, leaning against the headboard, panting.
"I love you too," Your hips moved up and down. You tightened around him.
"Oh god Sam," His tip hitting your g-spot every time. "I'm so close"
"Me too pupu" He moaned, you let him take control, he flipped you both, you were now on your back. He thrusted into you, leaning down to kiss you deeply, your legs wrapped around his waist. His hips started to falter, he moaned, quickly pulling out and letting his seed coat your stomach, before pushing back in and giving you slow, deep thrusts, letting you cum on his length. He pulled out, and leaned his head on your chest, breathing heavily, his long black hair spilled over your body. He kissed your chest, not caring that cum was now coating both of your bodies.
"Shower?" His pale blue eyes looked up at you, full of nothing but love.
"Of course," You kissed his forehead, watching him get up, extending his large hand to you. You scooted off the mattress, grabbing his hand and standing. Your legs shook, Sami smirked down at you.
"what are you smirking at Mr. ?" you smiled at him.
"Oh nothing my love," He took your hand and led you to the bathroom.
The end!!!!!
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punksdoll · 6 months
Hii!! Love your imagines!!
Was wondering if I could request a Kevin Owens x Sami Zayn x reader (platonic) fanfic? Where you are all best friends but ever since you joined the Bloodline in 2020 and started dating Roman you iced them out.
And like how Kevin was tryna convince sami to leave the bloodline, they try to convince you to leave the bloodline in every way possible, but you ignore them cause you think you can’t get the big break in your career without roman, and now that ur womans champ it is because of roman.
And ur notorious for jumping ship when you don’t get ur way, so everyones expecting you to betray roman when he accidentally costs you your womens championship. And Sami and Kevin keep finding you after roman keeps treating you horribly and tryna convince you that roman doesn’t care about you the way they do. And that the way he is treating you, an amazing person, is shitty. But you just give them sad looks that hurt them and brush them off. And Kevin just wants to kill Roman but knows he has to get you away from him first.
But you don’t even think of betraying Roman cause you genuinely think ur not good enough without Roman until you caught him cheating on you. And then you just silently snap and as soon as Roman goes out to cut a promo against Sami and Kevin your music hits and you make ur way to the ring with a kendo stick. And Kevin and Sami think your so far gone that ur gonna attack them with it but you attack a smug roman with it and shockingly attack him and beat him up and sami and kevin are shocked and pull you off of him before he could hurt you. And they are confused when the three of u are backstage and you just break down and cry and tell them everything and they hug you. And kevin wants to tell you i told u so but knows nows not the time. They both tell you that you did the right thing and that you deserve better. And you keep apologizing and they say they forgive you and kevin and sami are sad that ur hurting and happy you are finally back with them, that their best friend is back. and comfort you the rest of the night in the hotel.
Sorry if this is too long, you don’t have to do all this. Have a great day! :)
~~~𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒆~~~
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𝑲𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒙 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒁𝒂𝒚𝒏 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒊𝒕. 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈<𝟑
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒆, 𝒘𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒌𝒆𝒗, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏’𝒕, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔🫶🏼, 𝒚/𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇.
not proofread
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“All you have to say is yes and you’ll be running this division with my tribal chief. Right by his side. He can give you anything that those fools could never give you.” Paul negotiates with y/n.
“Let me…think about it.” Y/n sighs, “I have a lot going on right now dealing with him and those “fools” that are my best friends.” Y/n narrows her eyes.
Paul opens his mouth to say something only to immediately bow his head. Y/n raises an eyebrow and turns around, being met with Roman Reigns himself.
“Me and your fools fight got nothing to do with you, baby. You putting too much energy on something that they are dragging you down with them. Join me? And you won’t even have to worry about that. All you gotta worry about is nothing.” Roman smiles, “Let me do the work for you and you’ll be even bigger than them.”
Y/n knew it was wrong but the idea alone of being able to rise to the top was brainwashing her. Before she even has the chance to answer, two men appear in front of her; blocking her view of Roman.
“Don’t talk to her.” Sami shakes his head, “She has nothing to do with our problems.”
Roman chuckles, “that’s not what I be hearin’ but let me just mind my business.” Roman raises his hands in surrender before making eye contact with y/n who is tryna take a glance at him, “You got 5 days ma, think about it.” With that, Roman and Paul walk away from them.
Kevin immediately looks at Y/n who looks like a kid just got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do. “What is he talking about?”
Y/n looks at both of her best friends before sighing, “He offered me a really nice offer that would make me stupid if I don’t take it into consideration.” Y/n sighs.
“You’ll be stupid even if you do take it into consideration.” Kevin narrows his eyes.
“He’s bad news y/n/n. Do not fall for his tricks.”
“Ok ok…” Y/n nods, “I won’t.”
“You promise? We don’t want you anywhere near him. So promise.” Kevin demands.
“I promise.”
Kevin and Sami stare down at the ramp where The Bloodline are coming down the ramp. It’s been 3 years since that conversation and 3 years since y/n picked their rival over them. When they found out about her decision, they were pissed. Absolutely pissed. They had tried talking to her over and over again to leave the bloodline but when she had told them why she couldn’t, they were even more pissed than before.
“Are you fucking stupid?” Kevin stared at you with betrayal and disappointment, “You took up the offer after everything.”
“You do realize he doesn’t like us right?” Sami asks with a frown, “Which means he’s just going to use you against us.”
“We’re dating.” Y/n blurts out and immediately closes her eyes, knowing she fucked up even more.
Kevin lets out a breathy laugh mixed with a scoff as he stares at her. Out of anger, he walks away. Sami looks at y/n with betrayal as she slowly opens her eyes to stare off at Kevin before looking back at Sami.
“You promised…”
Y/n avoids eye contact with the duo as she gets inside the ring with Roman and his cousins, all holding a finger up high. Y/n holding it down low. Roman notices and raises her hand up higher, taking a glance over Sami and Kevin with a smirk.
“She’s not a dog.” Kevin says out loud towards Roman.
Y/n looks over at Kevin and glares, “Shut up, Kev.” Y/n says harshly.
“Yeah, mind your business.” Roman smirks as he gets in his corner.
“Good luck…” Y/n tells him as she goes through the ropes but is stopped immediately as Roman pulls her face closer and gives her a kiss.
Kevin charges at him but is automatically stopped by Sami and the referee. “Kev! Kev!” Sami pleads as she tries pushing the man away from Roman.
Y/n pulls away, flustered, before getting down from the ring with the help of the twins.
The match starts and Solo is tagged in almost immediately. Roman laughs as he points at Kevin who’s already fuming as it is, “The hell he think this is?” Roman chuckles and gets out of the ring as Solo gets in.
The match is on a roll as Y/n watches anxiously. If she was gonna be honest, she was rooting for Kevin and Sami. She loves Roman, she does, but Kevin and Sami are her best friends and she didn’t want to see them lose.
“Yo y/n/n.” Jimmy walks over to you, “We goin distract the ref, pass this over to uce.” Jimmy hands over some brass knuckles to her.
“No…no i can’t do that.” Y/n immediately shakes her head, pushing his hand away from her.
“He wants you to do it. Don’t disappoint our tribal chief.” Paul snaps at her, pushing them into her hands.
Y/n nibbles her lip nervously before walking around the ring. Sami notices her and sees the brass knuckles in her hand, immediately jumping down the ring and rushing to her. “Don’t do that please.” Sami pleads with her.
“Move.” Y/n sighs trying to get around him only for him to follow her movement, “Sami…” she pleads.
Jimmy jumps on the ring and starts distracting the ref as Jey runs around towards Y/n who quickly moves to the side and sends a kick to Sami’s face.
“Go! Go! Go!” Jey rushes y/n who rushes over to where Roman is waiting.
Y/n walks over and makes eye contact with Kevin who is also yelling at Jimmy to get away.
“Y/n!” Roman shouts, “Give me the dam brass.” He holds his hand out.
Y/n looks at Roman then back at Kevin, “Why can’t you just win normally?” Y/n pleads.
“Give him the dam thing!” Paul shouts and Y/n, with pressure, fumbles around and hands them to Roman who snatches them and puts them on.
Roman turns around and sends a punch to Kevin with the brass knuckles, immediately knocking him down and taking the win. The twins slide in to celebrate with their cousin and brother. Y/n stays outside the ring and stares at Kevin who had rolled out of the ring and is now holding his face. Sami walks over to him and sighs, staring over at y/n.
“Sami…” Y/n goes to walk over but is immediately stopped by Roman who calls for her. Y/n completely forgets about what she was going to do and slides into the ring, walking over to Roman who wraps his arm around her and holds his titles up with a smirk.
Kevin and Sami both look over, “We gotta get her out of there…”
“Y/n!” Y/n immediately picks up her pace as she tries rushing away from the men who are trying to get her attention. All she wanted to do was go to her hotel room and cry. Her body hurt and what she wanted was to have a simple comforting hug from her boyfriend…instead she had gotten told off.
“Here is your winner…Bianca Belair!” The announcer announces after Bianca had just pinned her down.
Y/n stares at the uso twins who look at her with wide eyes then back at Bianca who is celebrating her win.
“NO NO NO!” Y/n shouts as she stands up and attack Bianca from behind. “NO! NO! NO!”
Sami catches her arm and stops her from making anymore movement. Y/n turns around and looks at both of them, annoyance plastered on her face.
“What.” She snaps.
“We heard.” Kevin says and y/n feels her annoyance flair off and instead embarrassment covers her features before she conceals it immediately.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Y/n shakes her head.
She did.
“Yo y/n/n…” Jimmy walks over to where she’s at, packing her clothes. “Uce wants to see you…it ain’t good.”
“Yeah…he pissed.” Jey looks at her with a sympathetic expression.
Y/n nods slowly before walking away from them to go to her boyfriend’s locker room. She was trying to avoid him as much as possible after her match but knowing him, he was going to see her whether she wanted him to or not.
She gets to his locker room and knocks first, trying to waste time. Clearly Thor wasn’t on her side as she hears his voice.
“Open.” Roman says.
Y/n takes in a deep breath before walking in and closing the door behind her. She sees him sitting down on his couch, man spreading with his hand holding his face.
“The twins said you wanted to see me…” she says.
“You disappointed me today, y/n.” Roman says, “You lost your match after you promised you’d win it…”
“Just because I promised something, doesn’t mean it’s always going to be kept.” Y/n rolls her eyes. She was shading herself.
“You getting smart with me?” Roman raises an eyebrow, “She getting smart with me?” Roman looks over at Paul who shakes his head.
“Indeed she is.” Paul tsked.
Roman stands up and walks over to y/n who keeps eye contact with him. “You should remember who even booked you before you get all sappy with me, y/n. I can take away your shine just like this…” he holds his hand up and snaps his finger. “Respect your tribal chief and remember who got you here.”
“I can get here on my own…” y/n narrows her eyes.
Roman laughs, he actually laughs in her face. Y/n is baffled as she watches him look back at Paul while still laughing then looks back at her. “Oh really?” Roman raises an eyebrow.
Y/n feels her confidence falter as she nods slowly, feeling herself wanting to break eye contact.
“Then do it.” Roman snaps, “oh wait? you can’t. wanna know why? because you don’t got the power that i have. you don’t have the voice that i have. you are nothing without me. you are nobody without me.”
“Why don’t you just leave y/n/n?” Sami sighs, “he called you nobody and i bet you he’s making you feel worthless right now.”
Y/n looks at Sami offended, “Seems like you’re the one making me feel worthless. He’s the reason why I am even getting noticed. He’s just trying to remind me who got me here.”
“and you believe that?” Kevin says and when you don’t answer, he scoffs. “Of course you believe that. You believe everything that comes out of his mouth. He doesn’t care about you. He’s using you for his own benefit.” Kevin spats out.
Y/n stares at both of them before slapping Kevin in the face, “Don’t ever disrespect him like that. He can get me where I want to be. I know he will. I trust him.”
“Here is your winner and the new wwe women’s world champion, y/n y/l/n!” the announcer announces as the crowd cheers for y/n.
The usos snatch the title from the ref and slides into the ring to hand it to y/n who raises it up with a big smile. Roman smirks and walks up the steel steps before getting in the ring. He holds his arms open and motions for Y/n to come over.
Y/n smiles and runs over to him, jumping into his arm as she gives his cheek multiple kisses. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuuu!” Y/n gives him a long kiss on the lips.
The moment ends as Sami’s entrance music hits and everyone cheers automatically as Roman snaps his head over towards the ramp where Kevin and Sami are walking down of. Y/n stares at her ex best friends then back at Roman whose hold tightens.
The Bloodline watches as the best friends make their way towards the ring and walks up both of the steel steps. They slowly get in and stare at y/n.
“Got a problem?” Roman asks them as he puts y/n down and gets closer to them.
“Nope, no problem.” Kevin shakes his head as he keeps his eyes targeted at y/n.
Roman takes notice and blocks their view making Kevin chuckle before looking at Sami who holds his hand up in surrender.
“We just wanted to say congrats.” Sami says as he takes a glance over at y/n, “We’re proud of you…” he smiles.
Y/n looks at them and nods slowly, looking away. “We would be even more prouder if you did it by yourself but…” Kevin shrugs and y/n snaps her head towards him with offense.
Roman looks over at his cousins and gives them a look which they automatically understand. The Usos attack Kevin and Sami who saw it coming and knocks them down.
Y/n rushes out the ring and holds her newfound championship close as she watches the men go in a brawl.
“Go.” Paul ushers her away, “Go go go.”
Y/n wraps her championship around as she’s getting ready to defend it against Rhea Ripley, again.
“It looks good on you.” Y/n snaps her head over to see Sami watching her put it on.
“Screw you both.” Y/n says as she puts on her leather jacket.
“He’s sorry for what he said…” Sami says.
“Then why isn’t he apologizing himself?” Y/n raises an eyebrow.
Sami sighs, “We’re worried about you y/n. You could have still made it even without them you know?”
Y/n eyes him and shakes his head, “No…no i wouldn’t. He gave me chances that you and Kevin couldn’t even give me.” Y/n says.
Sami frowns, “We could have given you a chance to prove yourself…and make your work hard to earn stuff.”
“Whatever Sami, i’ll see you around.”
Y/n eyes widened as brass knuckles are pushed into her hand as Roman gives her a look. “Use it and win it.”
Y/n looks over at Rhea then at Roman, “I-I can’t.” Y/n stutters, “Thats cheating.” Y/n shakes her head. She will do anything to win but cheating was not an option for her.
“God damit y/n.” Roman huffs before walking away and rushing over towards the ring and stands on it to distract the ref.
Y/n sees that she has no choice but to use the brass as she stands up and uses them on Rhea. She pins her down and waits for the ref to count.
But it never comes.
Y/n snaps her head up and sees Roman not noticing her pinning Rhea down. Y/n stands up and storms over there and catches the ref’s attention.
“I was pinning her damit!” She shouts at the ref who apologizes before turning towards Roman and forcing him down. Y/n looks down at Roman and gives him a look, “I did it! Why didn’t you stop talking.” Y/n snaps with a frown.
Y/n feels herself getting yanked around and get positioned into a riptide.
“1! 2! 3!” the bell rings as the crowd cheers.
“Here is your winner and the new women’s world champion, Rhea Ripley!”
The Bloodline get’s backstage. Roman is fuming as Y/n follows behind him with her head down and quiet. Everyone parts away to make space for them, not wanting to get in between Roman’s wrath. They get to their locker room and it’s silent for a moment as everyone watches Roman take deep breaths to calm himself down.
“You had one job.” Roman says, “You had one single job. It was to retain what was supposed to be your championship belt. But you can never do anything right. When I tell you to do something? You fucking do it y/n.” Roman looks over at y/n who narrows her eyes as she fights to keep herself from crying.
“I did do it right though…I used the brass knuckles and I pinned her. You were the one that was still distracting the referee…” Y/n frowns.
Roman narrows his eyes, “Are you blaming me right now? You saying it’s my fault that you lost your own dam title?” Roman snaps, “It’s your own dam fault. You were the one that was pinned down by a stupid ass finisher and you were supposed to kick out of the finisher. It’s all your dam fault.” Roman gets closer to her, taking heavy deep breaths.
Y/n closes her eyes and keeps her head down, avoiding any eye contact. Her eyes snap open as she feels her arm get gripped up and herself getting dragged away and towards the door where he opens it and shoves her out, slamming the door in her face. Y/n jumps when the door shuts and she takes in a shaky breath.
“Everything ok?” Y/n hears Kevin’s voice behind her and all she wants to do is curl up and let him comfort her but she already fucked up too many times tonight and she rather not piss Roman off even more.
“Mhm…” Y/n turns towards them and starts walking away, hearing them follow her.
“Do you seriously not see what he’s doing to you y/n? He doesn’t even care about you. We told you countless times how he’s just using you. You seen how he just easily kicked you out of his locker room? Like you were trash? You don’t deserve that.” Kevin shakes his head.
“You’re an amazing person y/n/n who’s getting treated by a self centered piece of shit.” Sami scoffs already sick and tired of the whole ordeal.
Y/n looks at them and feels her eyes gloss over as she shakes her head and walks away completely. They seen your face. You were hurt. Extremely.
“I’m gonna kill him…I swear it.” Kevin seethes as he turns towards where The Bloodline locker room is and goes to charge himself over there but is stopped by Sami who shakes his head.
“We have to get her out first…”
The universe was buzzing. Y/n has been getting multiple notifications from posts she’s been mentioned on or tagged on. They were all talking about her match and how Roman costed it. Rumors were going around saying how she was going to betray him next week but if y/n’s gonna be honest…she doesn’t think she can betray him.
He has done everything for her. He had made her more known, he had given her more opportunities than many, he has had her in matches that she wouldn’t have expected herself to be in if she wasn’t with him.
He has done everything for her and just thinking about a betrayal makes her feel ungrateful. She’s not. She is grateful, she really is.
Until she wasn’t.
Ever since she lost her match and the argument between her and Roman, she had noticed how secretive he’s been. He stopped having an arm around her, he stopped giving her kisses, he stopped being the boyfriend that she used to know and love.
She found out why.
Y/n was laying down in hers and roman’s shared hotel bed as she goes through her phone and looks at all the posts that she’s been tagged in about her match. Roman had left his phone charging on the nightstand next to the hotel phone.
Y/n looks over to Roman’s phone when she hears it vibrates. She grabs it and looks at the new message that he has and frowns.
Yasmin: you’re still coming over right?
Y/n narrows her eyes before looking towards the bathroom, seeing him still in the shower. Y/n opens his phone up and opens up the message, her heart immediately shattering as she goes through the messages. It was all about of lovey text messages that she used to have with Roman before she had lost her match. He was cheating on her…
Y/n quickly closes his phone when she hears the water turn off and Roman getting out. She puts her phone to charge before getting comfortable as possible and closes her eyes
That was the day that she broke. He had been cheating on her since the moment they started dating.
Today she was avoiding Roman. Instead of staying in the bloodline locker room, she was staying in the women’s. Y/n was avoiding everyone actually. She even avoided Kevin and Sami, afraid that she would have a breakdown if she even thinks about talking to them.
Y/n is standing in front of the screen as she watches Sami and Kevin do their promo. They were calling Roman out, not to her surprise.
“There you are…” Y/n hears Roman’s voice and her mood immediately sours as she feels him come up behind her. “I’m gonna go cut their promo, you coming or what?” Roman looks down at Y/n who just shakes her head. Roman narrows his eyes before shrugging and making his way towards the curtains and walking out.
Y/n watches as he makes his way down the ramp with his cousins and Paul. Y/n looks away and feels herself as lonely as ever as she watches her fellow coworkers talk to their work best friend and she starts reminiscing about how she, Sami, and Kev were like before she betrayed them to be with Roman.
Y/n feels her eyes darken as she sets her eyes on a stack of kendo sticks. She makes her way over to them and grabs one out of the stack and makes her way towards the curtain.
The men snap their heads towards the ramp when y/n entrance music hits the arena. The crowd cheers for her as they watch her walk down with a kendo stick in her hand. Sami and Kevin immediately look at Roman who has a smug look on his face as he watches her slide inside the ring and get closer to Sami and Kevin. Y/n stares at both of them, feeling the adrenaline pump through her veins. Kevin shakes his head as he prepares to get hit with the kendo stick.
Y/n raises the kendo stick and the crowd is shocked as you turn around and attack Roman with it. Everyone starts cheering for her as they watch y/n take Roman down with the kendo stick.
The men watch with wide eyes as they watch her lose her shit. The Usos immediately get into action to stop you but Sami and Kevin both attack them first and take them down. Once they get the brothers out of the ring they grab you away before you could lose the upper hand.
Y/n stares at Kevin and Sami who stare at her with shock written all across their faces.
Y/n feels her eyes burn as she swallows thickly. “You were right…” Y/n croaks out. Before they knew it, she was in full blown tears as she starts rambling on about the things he’s done and said to you behind closed doors. “Then I found he HES CHEATING ON ME.” Y/n lets out a choked sob as she covers her face and cries into her hand.
Sami rushes over and pulls her into his arm, letting her cry it out. Y/n wraps her arms around him and cries harder.
Kevin stares and forces himself to bite his tongue as he watches your body rack up with sobs. He’ll say it another time.
“You did the right thing…” Kevin nods, deciding that’s the better way of going about this. “You did right on beating him up and embarrassing him in front of thousands of people. You showed him who really has the power in this division.” Kevin says.
Y/n glances over at him and pulls away from Sami, “Really?” She croaks out.
“Absolutely. You deserve 100% better than him. Whatever he put you through was not ok and you deserve someone else who can give you everything that he couldn’t.” Sami smiles as he wipes away her tears.
“I’m so sorry for what I did to you guys. I’m so sorry for costing your matches, I’m sorry for brushing you off, ignoring you, pretending you guys never existed to me. You guys don’t deserve that…” Y/n sniffs as she feels herself getting pulled into Kevin’s arms.
“We forgive you, we knew you’d come around. We’re just glad to have you back with us.” Kevin gives her head a kiss.
“Why don’t we go on a late night drive like old times? Hmm?” Sami suggests.
Y/n smiles and nods, “Like old times.”
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leahsflwer · 1 day
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Warnings: Smut! Couple stuff, positions, yeet
Requested by: @yrgirlkaila
Jey Uso x Reader
Jey Uso Masterlist || WWE Masterlist || Requests
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: ̗̀➛ Cherishes you more than anything, he will praise you constantly and show you just how much he loves you. Even if it’s little gifts, kisses, anything, he just wants you to know he cares about you, making you flustered
: ̗̀➛ On topic of you being flustered. It’s a turn on for him. He finds you so cute when you’re blushing from something he either did or said
: ̗̀➛ If you wear makeup, he is excited to see you change it up once and a while. But he much prefers your bare face, begging you to not put anything on some days
: ̗̀➛ Goofy gentleman. He will be a complete gentleman and sweet man, still adding in his funny and odd gestures. Jey could pull out an umbrella over you head when it’s raining and you might find it so romantic until he says yeet after it, ruining the moment with you both laughing
: ̗̀➛ Dirty man. He’s a freaky man in bed and there is no denying it.
: ̗̀➛ He has odd turns on, but especially likes being rough and putting you in crazy positions, as long as you’re just as special as him
: ̗̀➛ Wants you to wear yeet or uso merch. Can’t stand you wearing the old uso brothers or bloodline shirts. He wants to see you wearing his new colours.
: ̗̀➛ Has definitely got you in the ring with him doing his iconic dance. Both of you smiling as he throws his arms up and down, chuckling when he sees you trying to keep up. Pat loving it just as much as he goes all out with the dance
: ̗̀➛ Jey isn’t annoyed when he sees you with Jimmy because that’s his brother after all, but he does feel a little jealous when you two weren’t together back in the day
: ̗̀➛ Shows you off like a belt or trophy. He gets surprised every day that he managed to pull you, which shocks you every time as you question how you got him. So he always reminds interviewers, the crowd, anyone that you’re his partner
: ̗̀➛ This man doesn’t know how to keep his tongue in his mouth. So he knows how to use it. Especially on you, leaving yours legs shaking
: ̗̀➛ His favourite position is most likely doggy style. Holding onto you hair as he works from behind, showing off how well he can move his hips, because he can move them perfectly in the ring, so we all know he can move them in this
: ̗̀➛ Jey is the type to have the dangling chain
: ̗̀➛ This Uce loves his at home gym so he probably adores teasing the hell out of you while you’re both in there doing a workout
: ̗̀➛ Does literally anything to make you laugh
: ̗̀➛ If you ask to use his phone or look at it, he won’t even hesitate, he will just pass it to you and continue what he was doing
: ̗̀➛ You better be down to third wheeling with Jey and Sami, because they are inseparable.
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