#sanders sides supernatural au
naminethewriter · 7 months
One's Hometown, One's New Home - Masterpost
Welcome to my first contribution to the wonderful ship that is Anxceit! It is Anxceit Week, run by @tss-anxceit-week and I have a story for you about them meeting in a quiet town Janus has spend most of his life in and that he adores, while Virgil is new there and might be there to hide from... something. It a mostly fluffy story, with them getting to know each other and getting together but also has some supernatural elements! I hope you enjoy what I've come up with 💛💜
Summary: Janus' hometown is a usually quiet place where everyone knows everyone. So when someone new moves in, they're usually the hottest topic of local gossip. The newcomer then comes by the library Janus works at, he can't help but chat with him a little. Doesn't hurt that he's good looking as well.
Potential Content Warnings will be added to the appropriate chapters.
Read here on Ao3
Chapter One: Quiet Meeting
Chapter Two: Coffee and Mothman
Chapter Three: Curious Encounter
Chapter Four: Interrupted Shopping Trip
Chapter Five: A Home Full Of Memories
Chapter Six: Complicated Families
Chapter Seven: Learning About Each Other
My writing Masterpost
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In which Virgil is a teenager and Roman answers some long awaited questions.
The stars gleamed in the sky as a dark clad figure laid on the roof to stair, but not to admire the beauty.
He was deep in thought, and this concerned his vampiric father. His little Moonbeam was worrying himself about something, but trying desperately to hide it.
"Virgil?" The figure jumped, nearly rolling off the roof but was stopped by chilled strong hands, "I didn't mean to scare you Moonbeam, are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
Virgil stared at him with alarmed confusion, "No pops, I'm fine..."
Roman sat next to his youngest, "I'm sensing a but in there."
Virgil inhaled and looked away, "Why did you and Dad adopt me? I'm noone special, I understand Patton. He was everyone's dream kid, but they'd drop him if he mentioned a brother..."
Roman tilted his head, something Virgil learned was a habit of his thinking the right words.
"Well I'll be honest, we wanted a child. Patton wouldn't come with us without you, so we decided to check you out first. Werewolves and Vampires have a sense of longing for family, but we're extremely picky." Roman paused again before finding the right words, "When we met you, we felt complete. We basically had Patton, but you completed the family."
Virgil felt a small smile, it seemed that he had asked Logan and both gave the same answer.
"Pops?" This was the timid question.
"Were...was there a time...did you-"
"You want to know if I ever wanted to drink you two's blood?" Roman answered with an amused look.
At his son's nod he chuckled, "Virgil, I have never allowed myself to get that thirsty. I would never hurt you or your brother."
Roman hugged his human Child as gently as possible, mentally reminding himself that he was small and fragile.
Goodness did he want to give his children a big bearhug.
"Now come inside, we have a lake to visit tomorrow." With that, Roman led his child to his room. Despite knowing full well he wasn't going to go to sleep immediately.
"Pops, you didn't answer my question though."
Roman flinched, "Well, Moonbeam, yes. There were a few instances. Not to hurt you or anything, mostly just marking."
Roman helped his son through the window, "Marking?"
Roman made a noise that Virgil has dubbed the "Wasn't ready to explain this" sound, "I... I'm what you call, a Count."
"Like Dracula?"
"Kind of like Dracula, when a Count takes a human into the family they tend to Mark them to keep track of them. Like-" Roman wracked his brain for an explanation.
Virgil seemed to catch on, "Like a chip in pets?"
Roman nodded then frowned, "You are our sons, not pets."
Virgil nodded as Roman continued, "I never completely satisfy myself and I never let myself get too thirsty, a satisfied Count is a dangerous Count. The way I use to be...it scared me. I hunted for sport, I've killed for no reason, I never saw my actions as wrong until the day a Hunter attempted to kill me. All I could think was, is this how they felt?"
Roman slid to the ground and Virgil sat next to him, knowing that his Papa goes through memory lane and sometimes needs a presence of someone to calm himself down.
By the time Roman calmed, Virgil was dozing in and out.
Roman lifted him up and carried him to his bed, slightly brushing his hair from his face.
Swearing not for the first time to never harm his family.
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It's late and I had a bad idea so naturally I have to make it everyone else's problem.
Sanders Sides/Supernatural AU
Disclaimer, I haven't watched the whole series, I've seen like a 1/3 of it, but I did say at the start that this was a bad idea so with that we have:
Patton as Garth. I will be taking no further suggestions or criticism on this. Also I feel like this needs no explanation, but I can provide it if asked for.
Next we have Logan as Cas. Yes, this partial due to the blue tie, but also the "done with your crap" attitude, and misunderstanding of modern slang. This one will also remain unchanged.
Continuing on in the category of "No, I will not be taking criticism." We have Roman as Dean. This is by and large due to the self worth issues, being blind to his own mistreatment, and being loyal to fault to what he has been raised to believe is right, without question.
Now to Remus. Remus has two options. One is obviously Sam because of the brother role, but also the fitting of being the outcast brother, who refused to follow the "family buisness" and at least made an attempt to get out and do his own thing.
The other option for Remus is Gabriel. Because that's just hilarious to me.
Next we come to Janus. Now hear me out on this one. I'm going to put Janus as Bobby. Yes, this is partially due the iconic hat looks, but also the sheer amounts of sass and ridiculous amounts on knowledge.
The other option for Janus is Bela. And that's more the aesthetic than anything.
Now Virgil is a tough one in all this. One the one hand if I cast Remus as Gabriel I could put Virgil in as Sam and play into the tense relationship Roman and Virgil have at the start, and Virgil struggling to feel like he fits in, like Sam and feeling like the black sheep of the family.
The other three I considered for Virgil were Jodie, Rufus, and Kevin. And yes, I realize Kevin makes more sense with Logan, but I do love the idea of Virgil shooting the king of hell with a super soaker full of holy water. (And on that note, yes, I did consider Janus as Crowley, I like him better as Bobby though, fight me.)
Thomas is Charlie just because I think that's hilarious.
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lunafandoms · 2 years
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I drew virgil from the plasmo au by sortofabigdeal on Ao3
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I should be going to bed... but I feel like indulgently blabbing about the Creativitwins again...
So like. The version of them that have the best and closest relationship is the Begotten!AU. Born emotionally/psychologically conjoined at the hip. Them sharing experiences as Beasts only strengthened that bond. But they aren’t alone - with very supportive parents and a growing support network from there... (it’s mostly exterior forces that want to ruin a good thing.)
The next best would probably be the Gymrat!AU. They’re not always doing right by each other, having both similar and different experiences growing up queer and twice exceptional - with some differences in their needs and communication. But, they were constants to each other through various shitty childhood experiences. For several formative years, all they really had were each other.
Then we have the iZombie!AU... their relationship was great as small children. Then their parents started to impose a wedge between them as they grew up - the classic golden child vs. black sheep sort of dynamic was fostered. Leading to alienation and estrangement... but not forever (spoilers from then on).
I think the weirdest one would be the Promethean!AU. They share material/bodies of humans that were once twins. But when resurrected as undead abominations - there was a several decade “age difference“ and a lot of (mostly unrecoverable) amnesia about their prior lives. They’re related but also kind of not.
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does uh
does anyone lnow of like
some good supernatual au(as in show) for sanders sides
i saw some art and now i really want it loo
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moonlit-flowerfield · 2 years
SO, I once again made and au and I'm feeling hella insecure but I wanna show the art thing I did for it before shooting out the post about the whole au thing just know it's an AU version of Patton as a Yōkai (specifically Kitsune) and it's a subspecies I made up because most Kitsune are just separated into nice and mischievous so I made a subspecies called Zenku Shiyugi for him:
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He is bby and floofy as fuck.
The text on the page says:
Zenku Shiyugi form
Supernatural AU
Height: 4 foot (122 cm)
Weight: 85 pounds (35.8 kg) [5 lbs is fur][2.26 kg is fur]
Notes: fluff; hypoallergenic fur; thin; sencitive ((supposed to be sensitive)) tail + ears; can speak english + Japanese in this form, but tends to use the Shiyugi language; hates the feeling of wet fur.
And then this is a zoom in of the art part:
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While colouring it in, I realized he kinda had similar colours to Zeraora from Pokémon and that was a good laugh.
Also, no, he isn't actually sad in the picture. He just... Has a sad face kinda? It's the eyes.
But yeah, go off with ideas if you want. I have a vision. And once the big bang is done, I'll probably go back to making bunches of random AO3 stories and posting parts or them here. This AU will be among them.
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sasiaucompetition · 1 month
Round 1 Side B
2. Plea for my New Self -@/VoidDragons (ao3) vs. 35. Pick A Side (i love you and everything is beautiful) - @/arealsword (ao3)
Plea for my New Self:
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Image ID: A screenshot that reads: Gay Vampires. In collage. And only one has a braincells and he uses it for evil. OP Virgil and it's relatable and hella fun to read. I recommend it to everyone who loves goofy stuff and the supernatural
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Pick A Side (i love you and everything is beautiful):
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Image ID: A screenshot that reads: okay so, i'm sure and i hope this author's amazing long fics are gonna be recommended to hell and back (hey, they wrote a fic about thomas going to hell, too!). but. BUT. I need to highlight the one shot collection. And one specific part of it in particular. Pick a Side has some amazing one shots, but there's an underrated three-parter in there that grabs you by the chin, looks deep into your eyes, and anakin-memes you while there's blood pouring from its mouth. you go 'this is just a normal coffee shop au, right?' and the story winks at you with three eyes and goes 'yeah. don't worry about.' 'don't worry about what?' you ask, while thomas spends the entire first chapter freaking out and the entire second chapter gaslighting himself into being a functional pawn of customer service while the universe unravels around him and he refuses to acknowledge it. it's also a queer coffee shop they all work at, and roman's and virgil's dynamic is particularly wholesome in this one. there's a super funny bit where they try to fix a coffee machine in which a nokia got stuck and virgil suggests finding out if it's actually indestructible. there's like, fifteen other items also jamming that machine. don't worry about it.
okay, i'm just rambling, so in short: the prose is absolutely fucking excellent. it's a funny and creative take on a coffee shop au with underlying and not really subtle existential horror thrown in the mix, because the fluffiest coffee shop au in the world won't keep thomas sanders from having a mental health crisis in the middle of his living room. it's an amazing fic and i love it and everyone should read it.
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @rngaredead :)
For simplicity's sake I'm going to go with just my biDEMONium/trentcrimminallybeautiful ao3 and not try to combine it with my thesorrowoflizards one (why do i have more than one? because i was, among other things, an idiot who didn't know how pseuds worked next question) even though that would probably double some of these numbers lkfjgh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Again, just on this account? 171 (some of those are oneshot compilations though)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
661,851 for now
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The House on the Cerulean Sea, House MD, Death by Dying, Instinct, King Falls AM. Also, sort of Gravity Falls. Mostly those first two though, tbh. This one I think I will include other fandoms I've written and posted for on other accounts because it's fun and less about math. So also Shadowhunters, The Librarians, The Mentalist, The Dresden Files (TV), Roswell New Mexico, The Sandman, Star Trek, Professor Layton, Sanders Sides, Miraculous Ladybug, and sort of The Legend of Zelda. Also see, for unposted or posted a very long time ago and no longer something I would willingly share, Supernatural, Dirk Gently (both 2016 and 2010), Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, SurrealEstate, Person of Interest, Haven, Leverage, Bones. Psych, and probably more
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (Trent/Ted - 1,157 kudos)
semaphore (Trent/Ted; Trent & Colin - 997 kudos)
off the handle (Trent/Ted - 736 kudos)
linger (Trent/Ted - 709 kudos)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (Trent/Ted; Diamond Dogs - 673 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to but I always get really busy/tired and then it's been so long it feels like it would be weird if I did. Plus, sometimes my answers by nature of the comments can get repetitive and then even though I'm being sincere I feel insincere which sucks. However, if a comment has a direct question or something I actually have like, something unique to say about, I'm much more likely to respond sooner rather than later/never. I appreciate every single comment soooo much though literally my motivation to get through the day like 80 percent of the time
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to stick with Ted Lasso fics here since I have so many fics posted and this is my Ted Lasso sideblog and say... well, most of the time I have a bittersweet ending and then some sort of hopeful epilogue (such as with ink sunset and make a mess of you) but I guess betrayal's sting / absolution's balm or something to get off my chest may qualify?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhh, honestly, most of them are happy endings. I think trick & treat and matters of the heart end on particularly high notes?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in this fandom! Yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, yeah, baby. So much. Not sure what "kind" means in this context. It sure is explicit smut. I have tended almost exclusively towards hot transgender sex the last few years because. yknow. hi. but somehow I don't think that's the intention in the question.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do, but I haven't posted a lot. Only one on this account (a Gravity Falls x The Mysterious Benedict Society crossover that started as a joke because of a shared actress) although I had an interesting Shadowhunters x The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess fusion on my other account. I've written some pretty weird WIPs, though. And I've got some posts about Ted Lasso crossover/AUs, like a Sarah Jane Adventures AU, a Pushing Daisies AU, a Stardust AU... You can find that kind of thing in this tag on my blog.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Not in this fandom, though, as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Again, not in this fandom, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh, man, I don't know if I can decide. Magnus/Alec (TV version only I'll die on this hill) will always hold a special place in my heart, but I've got other "obsessed with this when I was a kid" ships and also recency bias/current hyperfixation means Trent/Ted screams as an immediate answer, and so on and so forth. I'm bad at picking favorites. Overall, I'd probably say one of those two, or both.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sticking to Ted Lasso again (I have. so many MBS WIPs. god.) I'd say lost sight of (who you are) (lost motivation, want to finish, fuck!!) or sweeter than heaven (hotter than hell) (got mad at it), or!! oh!!! ink sunset (stuck) and possibly the next installment of matters of the heart. Yeah, I have a problem
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at being funny and also at eloquent but perhaps a little too verbose metaphors. I love me an elaborate metaphor
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It's hard for me to focus and get what I have in my head out sometimes, even when I really want to. Whether it's being unable to organize or just my brain flat-out refusing to cooperate and do anything. Also, I'm way too like. easily discouraged with lack of feedback, and even a little negative feedback can kind of ruin my week and make me never wanna go back to that story ever again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I just realized. The questions seemed familiar but I wasn't sure why and now I know, now that I've gotten to this question. I have done this game before and I remember bc of this question. I was confused bc it was under a different name, I think the questions were in a different order, and it was sometimes slightly differently worded but nope! This is the same one! Weird Anyway, just for this particular question, I'm going to copy-paste my old answer because I'm lazy. I’m extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I’d tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is ‘in another language’ (ie “Where are you going?” she asked in Russian), but that’s admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it’s probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they’re doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you’re clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn’t break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you’ve got to both know what you’re doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you’d have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it’s not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it’s neat :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. And I don't remember the order, but after that I know I wrote some stuff about Star Trek (mostly TNG but I believe also TOS), Supernatural, A:LTA, Marvel, WTNV, and the Stanley Parable? I think I first posted either Supernatural or WTNV
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have no idea. Some of my top ones (for Ted Lasso again) would be matters of the heart and trick & treat I suppose?
Tagging: whoever wants to do this man, I probably tagged everyone I'd normally tag last time so if you see this and you wanna do it, go ahead and tag me and do it!
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sandersea · 2 months
✨ intro/pinned post ✨
about me ⬇️
name: sander (or sasha. don't make your childhood nickname your pen name)
pronouns: he/him
age: over 18. i don’t want to put an exact number because then i’ll have to edit it every year, but i’m the parent of a teenager
other: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ i’m white, i’m a gemini, i’m from oakland (i see u andrew minyard), i cannot be killed in any way that matters. as of writing this (april 21, 2024) it has been 58 days since my last near-death experience 🥳
my writing 📝
i mostly write aus, generally those of the magical or supernatural variety. occasionally i remember that canon exists and i include sports. mostly i drop one novel-length fic and then vanish. i’m trying to be better.
you can find my ao3 here
my favorite fic i’ve ever written is king laugh, tied with ain’t no place like home. the BEST fic i’ve ever written is dangerous magics
i actually mostly write original fiction, which you are more than welcome to ask about (i would be delighted)
the blog 💻
this is a side blog dedicated solely to aftg content, so don't be offended if it never follows you back. follows and most communications come from my main blog here
i was very active in this fandom back in 2016-2018 and then i vanished into the mists. i can absolutely promise it will happen again. in the meantime i’m trying to get back into fandom life so i welcome any and all interactions: tag me, message me, anything you want
i very frequently forget to switch back to my main blog so if you see something weird no you don’t 🤪
s. 🦊🧡
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uglyasswhiteboy · 2 months
i'm writing a sanders sides fanfiction which i'm thinking about posting to ao3. it's a human highschool au where the main 4 solve a murder mystery. there are some supernatural elements like ghosts and necromancy. it isn't really related to the original series' plot. it's just a whole new story with the same characters. i'm probably going to write and post it regardless but i'm just wondering...
i also haven't come up with a name for it yet so i would love any random suggestions
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naminethewriter · 11 months
Enchanting Scales
Here's the second story for @loceitweek, this time with a more mysterious setting. Hope you enjoy 🥰
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2023 Masterpost | Ao3
Summary: Logan disliked masquerade balls but when he's approached by an enchanting stranger, he might just change his mind.
No content warnings
Logan watched the crowd over the rim of his champagne glass. He hated balls in general and adding masks to the mix just made things worse in his opinion, because it led to people doing one of three things:
One: Do an intentionally bad job of hiding who they are so they can brag about being easy to recognize.
Two: Use the anonymity to be the biggest assholes without consequences.
Three: Actually just being decent.
The third category was the one Logan was a part of and sadly in the minority. Even from his spot leaning against the wall in a rather quiet corner, he could clearly hear the gossip being shared, hardly quieter than normal speaking volume because who would ever be able to track the source back to them? From elsewhere he could hear someone declaring that their hairstyle is just too recognizable to be mistaken. As if he couldn’t have styled it differently for the evening if he really didn’t want to be identified.
Logan sighed.
He truly hated being here, but he had to endure for at least another hour. He had promised his parents.
He took another sip of his champagne, eyes wandering over the crowd in the hopes of catching a glimpse of anything or anyone that would relieve him of his boredom.
“You look like you want to murder everyone in this room, darling,” a voice commented directly next to him making Logan flinch. He hadn’t seen – or heard – anyone approach, but there was a man standing by his side, smirking at him.
The man wore a yellow and black suit, immaculately ironed, with gloves covering his hands. His blond hair was tied in a long braid that laid across his shoulder and the right side of his face was covered by a rather simple black mask while the other side was covered in… were those scales?
“I know I look dashing, dear, but don’t you think you’re staring too much?” the stranger asked, still smirking. Logan startled out of his thoughts and looked away, blushing.
“I apologize, you caught me off guard.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” Logan might have not been the best at reading social cues but even he could pick up on the other’s sarcasm. His blush deepened.
“I didn’t hear you approach. And your choice of attire is unusual, so I couldn’t help but… stare,” he justified awkwardly, causing the stranger to laugh.
“Don’t worry, darling, you haven’t been the first one this evening that lost their words from looking at me.” The easy confidence the stranger spoke with somehow worsened Logan’s flush, and he refused to look back at the other’s face.
“Well, I’m sure none of them expected to see someone with such, um, unique choice of make-up,” he commented after clearing his throat.
“Whatever do you mean?” the stranger asked in a very faux tone that showed his amusement.
“Your- the scales.”
“Oh, those aren’t make-up, darling. They’re real.”
“They’re real,” the stranger repeated after Logan’s head snapped back to his face in surprise. “Would you like to touch them to confirm?”
“I couldn’t possibly… You shouldn’t allow-“
“Oh, I never said I would allow it.”
“But you asked-“
“I asked if you wanted to, not that you could.”
Logan was once again speechless, and the stranger seemed to take great pleasure in that fact. He was smirking at him and despite knowing that it would usually infuriate him to be treated like this, Logan couldn’t help but be enchanted by this man.
“Would you like to dance?”
“Excuse me?” Logan was entirely unable to follow the sudden switch of conversation topic. The stranger didn’t seem to mind, he simply held out his hand for Logan to take.
“A dance. If you would indulge me.”
Logan usually wasn’t much for dancing, and a glance at the other people on the floor enforced this. But he did want to spend more time with this stranger, for reasons he couldn’t – and didn’t really want to – understand. The other man cocked his head at his hesitation before taking a look at the dance floor himself.
“If you would rather we go outside, I wouldn’t mind,” he offered with a smile that still contained his cocky attitude but also held a softness that Logan couldn’t resist. With a nod, he took the strangers hand and let himself be led outside.
The cool breeze outside made Logan breathe a bit easier. The murmur of the crowd inside was cut off as the door behind them closed but the stranger didn’t stop pulling him away until they were in the middle of a flower garden a good distance away from any curious eyes.
“Is this better, darling?” the man asked, pulling Logan closer and moving him into waltzing position effortlessly. It took Logan a moment to regain his voice as he stared into the stranger’s eyes.
“But there’s no music,” he whispered finally. The man chuckled.
“That is quite alright, I am confident in my ability to keep the rhythm. Just let me lead.”
Unwilling to protest, Logan simply nodded and the stranger smiled before starting to waltz. And as he had promised, their rhythm didn’t falter and Logan found it much easier than ever before to follow his footsteps.
“You are quite talented, my dear,” the man commented after a few minutes of silent dancing, once again startling Logan out of his revelry.
“You are doing most of the work,” he reflected, blushing once more.
“And you are keeping up.”
Logan didn’t know how to answer that, so instead he asked, “Why me?”
“What do you mean, darling?”
“Why did you pick me, out of all the people in that room? I’m sure you could have had any partner you wanted.”
“I could have. And I did.”
“But why me?”
“Why not?”
Again, Logan didn’t really know how to answer. Because he was unremarkable? Because he was actively avoiding socializing? Because he usually was a killjoy?
But before he could spiral into self-doubt, the stranger spoke up again.
“You were interesting. You watched the room with eyes – very beautiful ones at that – that looked so bored and I couldn’t help but want to see a spark of something more in them.” Logan hadn’t noticed that they had stopped dancing until the stranger cupped his cheek and leaned in close, causing his breath to catch in his chest.
“I can see there is so much more to you than you show, so much intelligence behind that mask, that is wasted with people like them.”
Logan’s blush had returned tenfold, and the stranger seemed to notice because the smirk returned to his lips.
“I look forward to seeing your destiny unfold, my dear,” the stranger hummed, now so close that Logan could feel his breath ghosting over his lips. He didn’t dare move.
“Let us meet again under the full moon, my love, and then I will show you a world that will truly appreciate your talents.”
Those last words were whispered in Logan’s ear and then he blinked and the stranger was gone. He stood alone amongst the flowers, unsure of what just happened but he knew he wouldn’t be as bored anymore soon.
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omegaverserping · 8 months
Name = You can call me LabRat!!
URL = https://www.tumblr.com/whumpthefuck
Age = 25
Preferred Way of RPing = I mainly use discord; however, I am also okay with using Telegram. ~ Discord = Labratty ~ Telegram = JellyBellyBean
Time Zone = Mountain Time (UTC -7:00)
First, Second-, or Third-Person point of view? = I prefer 3rd or 1st POV. Though I prefer 3rd.
Preferred Role = Omega, Though I wouldn’t be against trying out playing as an Alpha
Preferred Pairing = M/M though I could be convinced to do a F/M pairing. Depending on a bunch of stuff.
Do you prefer to RP with OCs, Fandom, or both? = Original Characters, though I wouldn’t be against trying out a fandom roleplay.
Fandoms = Hannibal, Sherlock, Supernatural, Sander Sides,
OCs = I have a lot to choose from, just let me know what you want and I will figure something out. Though I should note, I much prefer to play as a man, cis or trans, though I am not entirely against playing as a woman (cis or trans), it’s just not preferred.
Favorite Aus = Not Applicable - I don’t have any faves that I can think of.
Hard Limits = Underage, Age play, Diapers, Scat
Preferred length when replying = A paragraph or more
How long would like to RP for? = Long term
Prompt(s) that you would like to share for a potential partner = I have a list of some ideas, but it’s long, so I’d rather just share it with you when you message me.
Would you be willing to brainstorm a prompt? = Yes
Omegaverse tropes that you DO NOT like to use = Not Applicable
Omegaverse tropes that you DO enjoy using often and would like to use in your RP = Yandere, Kidnapping, going into heat, Owner/Slave, Omegaverse Sexism (People thinking Alpha’s are inherently better than Omega’s, to the point where Omega’s have less rights or are even seen as property of the Alpha),
Anything else that you would like to mention or say? = My roleplay partner to be at least 20 years old or older. I don’t care what gender you are. – I am a bisexual (am into any/all genders) and transgender man.
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
Sanders sides gods au but they're from different mythologies.
Janus is the Roman god Janus (god of doorways, time, duality, ect)
Patton is the the Norse god Frey (god of peace, fertility and summer)
Roman is the Greek god Apollo (god of way too many things, we're gonna focus on sun and light)
Remus is the Greek god Artemis (aka romans less popular brother, god of the moon and the hunt)
Virgil is either the Egyptian god Seth (god of war, chaos and storms) or Osiris (god of the underworld, death and resurrection)
The five meet one day by complete accident. They all come to the modern world looking for ways to get society to worship them again. Of course, none of them are exactly pleased with the fact that the others exist.
They end up arguing about which of them are the "real gods" and make a bet. They would all work to make one human worship them, and whichever religion he chooses to follows first wins the right to gloat about their victory.
They end up choosing to try to win over Logan.
An atheist scientist, who refuses to believe in the supernatural.
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about me
feelin like maybe making a little intro into my blog for once!
i mostly rb general stuff here :)
my main blog for the dragon prince is @self-spaghettification !
aka my special interest of 10 months </3
quick content warning for my blog: i sometimes post depression/suicidal ideation based content! there also may be nsfw content, i don't really filter/categorize that!
other than that this blog is pretty much just media i like/wanna watch, things i find interesting, issues i care about, relate, or thirst lol
other stuff is below the cut
Hello there! ✧
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This is me :]
i love:
❤︎the dragon prince
❤︎the magnus archives
❤︎hazbin hotel ish
❤︎goth subculture
❤︎psychedelic rock
currently consuming:
✰Lego Monkie kid
✰death note
✰the magnus protocol
inactively consuming:
✰hollow knight
✰chainsaw man
✰revolutionary girl utena
✰adventure time
✰the bell jar (?)
✰vox machina (at my friend’s behest)
✰what we do in the shadows
things i plan to consume:
➢the case study of vanitas manga
➢dunmeshi (bc @thrandilf )
➢interview with a vampire (⬇️)
➢vampire diaries (⬇️)
➢hannibal (i blame miharin)
➢american psycho
➢tales of arcadia
➢amphibia (bc my sister)
➢the powerpuff girls rewatch <3
➢loki season 2
➢why women kill
➢live action atla
other things i enjoyed/consumed in the past!
❀our flag means death s1 & s2 <3
❀ You
❀hazbin hotel
❀scott pilgrim og movie
❀the magnus archives
❀the adventure zone
❀the penumbra podcast
❀the owl house
❀fionna and cake
❀atla and tlok
❀good omens
❀my little pony (it's been a very long time though)
❀gravity falls
❀dsmp / sleepybois inc (why did like 50% of them end up being pedos/abusers 😭) (I’m also somehow not surprised )
❀sanders sides (when the season 2 finale comes out I’ll drop everything for it RAHH)
❀arcane (when s2 drops I’ll drop everything for it)
❀she-ra reboot
❀castlevania: nocturne
❀glitchtale (&aus, of which i contributed to)
❀undertale (&aus)
things i like to do
♪be chronically online (jk but not really HAH)
♪analyzing media
♪coding (sort of doing it freelance for money right now lol)
♪making playlists
♪making music
♪playing indie video games
♪walks and bike rides
♪doing silly things for the hell of it
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toomuchzozo · 6 months
The Miraculous AU, Season 3
We’ve finally made it to Season 3. I imagined Season 3 of the Miraculous AU being the last, but I’d also like to include every Miraculous being used at least once. This season would be subtitled “Cursed Object War” in reference to “Infinity War.” It would take a few months after A Heist With Ladybug.
I wanted to break this into two posts, but I think putting them all together will be better in the long run. The Season 3 villain is a villainess who was trapped in the Guardians’ tower and escaped during the confusion of the Guardians suddenly coming back.
This season 3 premiere is probably the most fleshed-out plot I’ve written for the Miraculous AU besides the first four chapters. This series premiere features references to Sanders Sides, a webshow by Thomas Sanders.
Thomas arrives in Los Angeles and looks for some props he’ll need for his show (that he couldn’t bring on the plane.) He knows he needs a full-body mirror and finds a thrift shop selling one. The cashier of the thrift shop is the villainess I mentioned earlier (her name will be revealed later.) Thomas buys the mirror and takes it back to his hotel room.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the gayest of them all?” Thomas joked, looking into the prop mirror.
However, after staring into the mirror, Thomas feels some sort of pull to it.
Thomas reached out for the mirror, despite almost everything in his body telling him not to. When he placed his hand on the glass, a bright light filled the room… And six figures stood in his place.
Later, Mark and Jack are walking around Los Angeles. They run into Patton, one of Thomas’s Sides. They get to talking to him and…
I have energy, Jack thought, but this guy has dad energy. His energy level far exceeds even my own!
Even after all his talking, Patton hasn’t introduced himself yet. For Mark and Jack, he seems familiar…
“The name’s Patton!” His eternal smile dropped slightly…to a grin. “I think you have me confused with someone else, but I’m looking for him too. He kind of looks like me, but he might be even more handsome~” Mark didn’t have to guess who Patton was looking for, but he joked, “Does this person have a name starting with ‘T-H’ and ending with ‘Sanders’?” “If you use his full name, yes!” Mark gets away from Jack and Patton for a minute to talk with Tikki. “This feels like an Akuma doing this, but it can’t be!” Tikki exclaimed. “Master Fu would’ve told us if anything happened to the Butterfly Miraculous, so this must be something new. What…did you fight before the Akumas came along?” Mark wondered why he never asked that question before, since once upon a time, all the Miraculous were on the side of good. “Just…threats that required a superhero’s touch whenever they came along.” The Kwami shrugged. “Most of them were supernatural, but we helped with other big threats when we were needed.”
When he gets back to Jack and Patton, Mark asks if Patton or Thomas have met any strange people or found any strange objects. Patton tells Mark and Jack about the mirror.
“I was trying my hardest to tell Thomas not to touch that mirror because it looked spooky, but before I could stop him… I was there, and Thomas wasn’t.” Patton sighed, wishing he could’ve done more.
Mark and Jack decide it’s time for Ladybug and Chat Noir to return, but they can’t just leave Patton here. The two heroes pull Patton into an alleyway to decide whether they can trust Patton with their secret identities.
“Hey, are you good at keepin’ secrets?” Jack asked. Patton frowned for the first time. “Uh…not at all.” “Then cover yer eyes!” Jack told Patton. “I would, but my name doesn’t have any~” Mark groaned and put Patton’s own hands up to his eyes. Mark told him, “Now stay like that until we say you can open your eyes.” Mark and Jack manage to transform by just whispering the activation phrases. Ladybug and Chat Noir ask Patton who they should be looking for next. Patton mentions Virgil first. “Maybe we should start by findin’ this Virgil,” Chat Noir said. “I’m right here,” someone said behind all of them. Chat Noir and Ladybug jumped at the sudden voice and Patton yelped. The two heroes turned to see someone who looked a lot like Patton…if he decided to go completely emo. He had hair in his face and shadows under his eyes. He wore a ragged hoodie with purple patches and had a noticeable slouch.
Ladybug and Chat Noir ask for Virgil’s side of the story, just to make sure Patton and Virgil’s stories are similar. Sure enough, they are: Thomas touched a mirror, and the Sides appeared from it.
“I really wish Thomas listened to me and didn’t touch that mirror.” Virgil sighed. "Things were better when I was just Thomas's habitual worry. No body, no other feelings to deal with..."
Ladybug and Chat Noir are about to ask Patton and Virgil about the others when suddenly:
“Virgil! Patton!” Someone ran up to the two and grabbed them around the shoulders. Virgil and Patton both looked a little frightened by him. He looked like Virgil and Patton but distinctly “normal.” He wore a brown leather jacket and a white shirt with a black collar. “Thank goodness you’re okay. I’ve been looking all over for you!” “You must be Thomas,” Ladybug assumed. Thomas nodded, smirking. “That’s my name - don’t wear it out.” Then he took notice of the heroes’ appearance. “You know, I’d heard stories about superheroes around LA, but I didn’t think they were real.” “I’m Ladybug, and this is Chat Noir,” Ladybug greeted. “We, uh, thought this problem was Akuma-related since we haven’t seen an Akuma in a while. Patton mentioned something about a mirror?” Thomas nodded, frowning. “Yeah. I touched this mirror I got from this thrift shop and then I felt…empty. Before I could stop them, my Sides just…ran off. I think the mirror was gonna split me up according to my personality, but I already do that for my show, heh.” “Sorry, but we haven’t seen your show. How many Sides are there?” Ladybug asked. “Six so far. Morality, Logic, Creativity, Dark Creativity, Anxiety, and Deceit. I think Deceit might be the hardest one to catch, though. In the show, he disguises himself as my other Sides sometimes.” “That could be a problem, but let’s find the others first,” Chat Noir suggested. Thomas also suggested, “I can take Patton and Virgil back to my hotel room if you think they won’t help with--” “We can help Ladybug and Chat Noir,” Virgil interrupted Thomas, looking slightly ticked off. “You can go back to your hotel room and rest until we find the others.” “Wow, okay, no need to get snappy with me, Virgil.” Thomas looked defensive. “But then again, I’m not sure how helpful I’ll be anyway. I’ll go back to my room and try to get ready for the show. Just be back before then.”
Thomas leaves for the hotel room. Ladybug and Chat Noir wonder which Side to look for next. Patton chooses Logic.
Virgil explained, “That’s Logan. He kind of looks like a teacher with his nerdy glasses and tie, likes Crofter’s jam, and he sometimes yells—" “FALSEHOOD!” Virgil clicked his tongue and pointed in the direction of the noise. “That.”
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Patton, and Virgil follow the noise and find Logan in a heated debate with someone. The four either help Logan win the debate or “help” Logan lose the debate, depending on where they stand. After the debate is over, they get Logan to focus on the matter at hand. They ask Logan where the other Sides might be.
Chat Noir realized, “Hey, you’re a smart guy. Do you know where Deceit might be?” “Actually, he goes by Janus,” Logan clarified. “I don’t know why Thomas would tell you otherwise…”
None of the Sides can think of where Janus could be, so they go after Roman and Remus next. As “twin brother” Sides, there’s a likelihood they will be together. They find them prepared to spar in the park.
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at the two combatants: one was dressed in a white prince outfit with a red sash across his left shoulder. He had gold shoulder pads and a shield symbol on both arms. He held a katana tightly in his right hand. The other looked like a distorted mirror of the first. There was a white streak through his hair and a curled moustache the first lacked. His “prince” outfit was black and green, perfectly contrasting the first. He also wielded a mace in his left hand. Logan explained, “The one in white is Roman, and the one in black is Remus.” Virgil looked at Roman and Remus, and then at Ladybug and Chat Noir. He commented, “You know, if Chat Noir was evil, you guys would look a lot like Princey and the Duke over there.” Ladybug frowned as he watched the “brothers” fight. “I don’t see it.” But Chat Noir did - it didn’t help he’d been Akumatized and fought Ladybug before, even though those memories were a blur. Chat said, “That doesn’t help. We need to turn the fight in Roman’s favor and snatch Remus while he’s distracted.” “It should be easy. We outnumber the Duke five to one,” Logan pointed out.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, Patton, Logan, and Virgil help Roman fight against Remus. Chat manages to hit Remus’s middle.
“GAH! SON OF A B*TCH!” Remus shouted. Chat looked confused at the strange bleep noise. “Did you just…censor yourself?” Remus’s eyes widened and he smiled as he realized where he was. “Wait, I’m in the real world now! I can swear for real! SON OF A—” Patton covered his ears from the string of curses coming from Remus’s mouth. All the Sides were fazed, but Ladybug and Chat Noir weren’t. I mean, they cursed in their videos all the time.
Then, Chat pins Remus with his staff.
Remus groaned as Chat pinned him down with his staff. Wait…now the Duke was moaning. Then he moaned out, “Harder, daddy~” Chat made a face of disgust, and a groan followed.
Soon, Remus is captured. The Sides, Ladybug, and Chat Noir go back to Thomas’s hotel room. It’s getting close to showtime, and they still haven’t found Janus.
“Where do you think this Janus would be?” Ladybug asked. "If you know where to look, Janus isn't that hard to find." Then, Virgil glowered at Thomas. "Isn't that right, 'Thomas'?" Thomas put on a knowing, evil smirk, and everyone reacted: Virgil just seethed, Patton and Roman looked spooked, Logan’s eyes widened, Remus giggled, (add other Dark Sides?) but Ladybug and Chat looked confused. “Thomas” chuckled, “Oh, Virgil, I didn’t expect you’d be the first one to figure it out again.” “Um…I’m lost. Figure out what?” Chat asked. Virgil answered, “That’s not Thomas.” Before the Sides, Ladybug, and Chat Noir’s eyes, the air around Thomas blurred, like a blur effect being used in real life. When their view sharpened again, a figure who looked like Thomas stood. His face almost resembled Thomas’s, if you could overlook the left half was covered in snake scales and had a slitted eye. He wore a bowler hat with clothes that probably wouldn’t look out of place in 19th-century London. Almost all of what he wore was yellow, giving him a clear motif. Now able to see clearly, Ladybug said the truth: “So you’re Janus.” “Who’s she? Never heard of her~” he quipped. Roman groaned, “Can’t you at least get new material? Then again, Creativity’s someone else’s job.” “What was your plan, anyway?” Virgil asked. “Get everyone in this hotel room together, and when we least expect it…kill us?” “You would kill us, Janus!?” Patton looked shocked, even though he knew Janus wasn’t the most moral Side. “HA!” Remus blurted out. “He wasn’t gonna kill all of us, idiots- just you, Roman, and Logan. You know, ‘the good guys.’” Chat asked, “Is that true?” After trying so hard to keep his plans under wraps, Janus could only look at everyone in the room awkwardly as he tried to come up with an answer. “…No…?” “He doesn’t usually tell the truth,” Logan told Ladybug and Chat Noir. “So he was going to kill us, to leave Thomas’s remaining personality at its very worst.”
Ladybug and Chat Noir get ready to fight Janus and Remus, when suddenly:
Janus sprouted another pair of arms, then a third pair of arms. It was now his six arms against the six of them...until Remus managed to escape his binds. He snapped right through them with the four black octopus tentacles sticking out from his back. He said to Chat and Ladybug, “Looks like someone forgot to mention to you guys we’re shapeshifters. Until I saw Janus doing it, I kinda forgot myself~!” Roman said, “We can defeat Janus and Remus together! We outnumber them by headcount, and you have my sword!” He drew his katana from his belt. “And my positivity!” Patton added. “And my strategy,” Logan added. Then, the Sides and the heroes looked at Virgil. He groaned, “Okay, I guess I contribute something to the team, but I’ve been put on the spot and can’t think of it!” “And I guess you guys can shapeshift like the Dark Sides?” Ladybug asked. “You’re all Sides, so…” “I think Ladybug has a point.” Patton grunted as his body convulsed.
Patton transforms into his frog form from "Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux."
Lily Pad-ton: “No more Mr. Nice Sides!”
The Light Sides, Ladybug, and Chat Noir fight against the Dark Sides. Someone manages to push Remus into the mirror.
“HEY!” Chat shouted, getting Janus’s attention. “BILL CIPHER KNOCK-OFF!”
Chat Noir pushes Janus into the mirror, but not before Janus gives a cryptic warning:
“Remember Mark: snakes have a way of shedding their sk—” Chat pushed Janus through the mirror before he could finish his warning. Chat Noir looked to Ladybug and said, “What? Look, that was an ominous message, but do you really believe th’ lying Side knows what’s goin’ on?”
The Light Sides go into the mirror. Ladybug and Chat Noir pull Thomas out. The heroes consider breaking the mirror, but Thomas doesn’t want to make a mess of shards in his hotel room. Then Ladybug remembers he has to purify the mirror, and does so. The next day, Thomas tries to return the mirror, but he finds the thrift shop is gone. He leaves the mirror at the empty storefront, but as soon as he leaves, someone else grabs it…
Episode 2 starts with a more detailed explanation of the Cursed.
Master Fu: “Cursed Objects are much stronger than Akumas. They can create emotions where there are none, and drive a sane person mad.” Mark: “Thomas didn’t have an emotional response to the mirror, though. However, he did say he felt a pull to it. So the Cursed Objects manipulate thoughts and feelings.”
Episode 3, Gang of Grumps – the Grumps are re-Akumatized (or rather, Cursed) into their previous forms after Suzy tries to do something nice for Mark, since she knows he’s trying to maintain work-life balance as Ladybug. The other Grumps don’t know what’s going on, but Suzy insists on helping him. A mysterious woman (the villainess) gives all the Grumps matching friendship bracelets after insisting it’ll help them – she even gives a spare for Mark to wear.
After Mark rejects them, they turn into their Akumatized forms: KittyKatGaming, Starbomber, Weathidor, Animator, and the Music Master.
Ladybug manages to convince KittyKatGaming to de-Akumatize/throw off the curse, and she throws the bracelet away. Ladybug purifies it and then asks for Suzy’s help as Queen Bee.
Once Queen Bee uses Venom on Weathidor, Ladybug purifies Brian. Without their most powerful Akuma/Cursed, the Gang of Grumps quickly dissolves. Back to normal, the Grumps console Mark. Then Suzy talks to Mark alone about what’s really going on. She says she hates to keep secrets from the rest of the Grumps – especially her husband – but hopes that they’ll get alter egos soon too. The episode ends on Mark and Suzy hugging.
Episode 4, Detective Abe – This episode takes place during the filming of In Space with Markiplier. They are filming the noir scenes when Mick Lauer comes in dressed as Detective Abe. However, he’s supposed to not be wearing a hat in this scene. Mark and the rest of the cast and crew start to hear a film noir monologue. Mark realizes somehow, Mick’s hat has become a Cursed Object.
Mark screamed, “Everyone scatter!” and the crew obeyed. He ran with them. Behind them, with a FWOOM, a bubble of monochrome-colored energy appeared.
The Cursed Object turns everything in a certain area film-noir-themed. Mark transforms into Ladybug and calls Master Fu. Master Fu arrives with the additional Miraculous. Ladybug chooses the Monkey Miraculous and gives it to Amy. She uses Confusion to screw with Detective Abe; suddenly the world is covered in polka dots and everyone’s wearing Ladybug’s mask. Ladybug uses this distraction to grab Abe’s hat and purifies the Cursed Object.
Mark asks Mick what happened. Mick says he was given a new outfit by a wardrobe assistant he’d never seen before. Mark wonders if this is the same person who gave Thomas the mirror and the Grumps the friendship bracelets.
Episode 5, Furious Fu – This episode is like the original “Furious Fu” episode. However, instead of involving an amnesiac Fu being Akumatized, a still-Miraculous-Master Fu buys a cursed paintbrush from the villainess. Su-Han still shows up and brings Fu’s status into question, especially when he finds out the Miraculous are spending a long time away from the Mother Box. Fu stands up to Su-Han when he comes looking for him. However, this allows Fu to become Cursed, channeling his anger into his transformation into Furious Fu.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and maybe some of the other Miraculous users help to save the day. This helps to convince Su-Han that Fu made the right choice in picking Miraculous users. However, he still doubts if Fu should keep the Mother Box. He’ll be keeping an eye on Fu and the Los Angeles Miraculous users.
At the end of the (or beginning of the next) episode, Fu has a conversation with Su-Han. He tells him he thinks someone is targeting the Miraculous with cursed objects. He describes the woman who gave him the paintbrush and Su-Han can think of only one person: a woman called Huli, the Fox. She was a former student to the Celestial Guardians, much like Fu, but the Guardians saw her lust for the Miraculous’s power. They banished her from the temple, but she managed to sneak her way back in, bringing cursed objects with her. After defeating her, they sealed her in a prison cell she could not escape from. When the temple came back in “A Heist with Ladybug,” she escaped during the chaos. Su-Han warns Fu that she will be hard to defeat, even with the Miraculous’s help, so he will do all he can to get the other Celestial Guardians to come here.
Before Su-Han leaves, Fu asks his opinion: because he’s worried Huli may find out he’s the current Guardian, he asks if Su-Han thinks Mark would make a good guardian. The episode/scene ends before we hear Su-Han’s response.
Throughout this season, there are gaps in the episode numbers. Currently, there are no episodes 6-11, 14-18, 20, 22, and 24.
Episode 12, Plant-themed Cursed VS Plastic-themed Cursed - This episode is a mix of “Crocoduel” and “King Plastic.” Not only does it borrow the dueling Akumas/Cursed from “Crocoduel,” but this AU’s version of Purple Tigress makes her debut here.
Episode 13 – Suzy is captured by a Cursed, and her twin sister Jean must take Queen Bee’s place. Huli suspects Suzy is Queen Bee from the encounter with her during "Gang of Grumps," so she sends a Cursed to target her specifically. Luckily, she doesn’t have the Bee Miraculous on her at the time. Ladybug retrieves the Miraculous and gives it to Jean. He explains what she needs to do to protect Suzy’s identity. Jean accepts and becomes Queen Bee for the rest of the episode.
Episode 19 – A Cursed that can multiply shows up. Would probably be less like “Megaleech” and more like “Sapotis.” Ladybug gives Ross the Mouse Miraculous, thinking his ability to focus on multiple projects at once will be a benefit to him using it. Ross insists on the name Rat King, despite Mullo’s insistence that she is a mouse.
Ladybug: “Why do you want to be known as ‘Rat King’?” Rat King: “Look, Ladybug, you came to me. You know who I am. So you must know I give off rat energy.”
Episode 21 – A Cursed captures Mark, so Ethan takes up the Ladybug Miraculous. He gives himself the name Scarab Boy. When he meets up with Chat Noir, he assures him that Mark is still alive, just captured.
Episode 23, Party Crasher – Remember the previous episode, Gang of Grumps, and how it ended with the foreshadowing that more Grumps would become heroes? And then they become heroes in the following episodes? Well, it all comes to a head in this episode.
This version of “Party Crasher” is a party hosted by the Grumps, to be a little more gender-neutral. I haven’t pinned down who Party Crasher is, but probably someone with a tie to the Grumps.
The Grumps all become heroes: Suzy becomes Queen Bee, Barry becomes Storm Dragon, Brian becomes Ninja Viper, Ross becomes Rat King, and Danny becomes Bunnyx. But Arin doesn’t have a Miraculous yet. Master Fu, who has managed to sneak into the party, gives Arin the Pig Miraculous. He uses Gift to show Party Crasher what he really wants: to enjoy a party with the rest of the Grumps. Mister Pig promises Party Crasher will get what he wants if he rejects the Curse and lets everyone go. Party Crasher does so, and he enjoys the party with the rest of the Grumps.
Episode 25, Heart Hunter - As the name implies, I would like to do my own take on the “Heart Hunter” episode, based on an early synopsis that stated Heart Hunter would be a two-headed dog. Of course, this serves as a distraction for the real threat Huli is about to unleash. Ladybug tries to meet up with Master Fu, but Huli and the Ladybug copy she made in Episode 21 capture the real Ladybug.
Huli traps Mark in the cursed mirror. Ladybug, Darkiplier, Warfstache and “The Engineer” (from In Space With Markiplier) come out of the mirror. Basing this off Sanders Sides, Ladybug represents Mark’s morality, Warfstache represents Mark’s creativity, “The Engineer” represents Mark’s logic, and Darkiplier represents the parts of Mark’s personality that he’s tried to hide. Huli and the Ladybug copy leave Mark’s Sides alone, but not before trapping all of them in the mirror.
Mark: “Well, do you have any ideas, guys…?” The other Sides looked at each other. None of them looked confident; not the smug Darkiplier, nor the heroic Ladybug, nor the bombastic Warfstache. And the Engineer… Mark didn’t even know that Side of himself existed until today, so he had no way to read him.
The Ladybug copy strings the other Miraculous Heroes along somehow. Master Fu becomes Jade Turtle to defend himself and the Mother Box.
At some point, Chat Noir sees the truth and realizes Mark’s been replaced with a Ladybug imposter. First, the Ladybug copy can’t purify Cursed items, and the Ladybug copy ONLY copies Ladybug – he can’t de-transform into Mark. Master Fu gives Chat a choice of Miraculous, and he chooses the Rooster Miraculous. Chat Noir finds the real Mark trapped in the cursed mirror and forms a plan to get him out. Meanwhile, Huli takes the Fox and Bee Miraculouses for herself.
Episode 26, Queen Fox - Chat Noir figures out what’s going on and finds the mirror. He feels he can’t just destroy it, lest he destroy Mark. So, he decides to give Jesse Cox the Rooster Miraculous.
Chat Noir: “Ya can’t give yerself a power a Kwami has, or something that’s a ‘wish.’ Ya can’t just say ‘I wish Mark and his Sides were out of the mirror.’”
Jesse gives himself the power to get people out of places they’re permanently stuck. He uses this power to get Mark and his Sides from the mirror safely.
Chat Noir: “We need all the help we can get to defeat Queen Fox.”
Mark, his Sides, Jesse, and Chat Noir join the fight against Queen Fox and the Ladybug copy. Side!Ladybug gives Mark a copy of his yo-yo to fight with. The Engineer fights with his tools. Warfstache fights with a (relatively harmless confetti-launching) gun and a butterfly knife. Darkiplier uses his powers, cane, and hand-to-hand combat to fight.
During the fight, Master Fu gives control of the Mother Box to Mark, to keep it out of Queen Fox’s hands. With all of them working together, they beat Queen Fox and the Ladybug copy. After the battle, Mark’s Sides must go back to the mirror.
“Please, Mark, before I go back…” The Engineer took Mark’s hand. “I want a name.” Mark thought hard. What would be a good name for an Engineer, besides his own? He could only think of the Engineer from Team Fortress 2. He had a name, right? What was his name…? “Dell,” Mark finally answered. “Dell…” The Engineer smiled. “I like that.”
Due to the battle, Mark’s identity is exposed through his Sides. It would be hard not to link him to the Ladybug Miraculous now. Tearfully, everyone has their Miraculous taken back, and Su-Han takes back the Mother Box.
Su-Han: “This may have been Fu’s last wish, but your identity has been exposed, as both a Holder and a Guardian.”
“That’s true…” Mark sighed. “I respect your authority, Su-Han. Take the Miraculous back to the Guardians, where they’ll be safe.” Mark allows Su-Han to take his memories, but Su-Han allows Mark to keep his memories. He also offers Mark the chance to study under the Guardians. Mark decides that maybe it would best to go back to a normal life…for now. However, Su-Han leaves the offer open to all the Los Angeles heroes.
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