#sapphic saturdays
teabiscs · 7 months
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First Sapphic Saturday: Julia/Mathilda
Their height difference makes my brain go mushy. I hc Julia as like 5’10-6ft. She TALL. And then Mathilda is pretty short. Under 5ft but she rounds up because it’s not fair!
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rhfffas · 6 months
two ends of sapphic spectrum:
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tranquilbird · 4 months
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socialdisease609 · 5 months
Renee saw that Rachel was present, so she went to shoot her shot and had those tiddies out lmfao
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mimikyuno · 5 days
not to be dramatic but what’s the point once yorukura and girls band cry stop airing.
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cami-stuffs · 3 months
Pushing Towards You
Chapter 22: Rave'N
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There was Larissa. Sitting in her armchair, in her masculine form, panting. Since Rebeca's visit, that scene had become commonplace. She needed to become intimate with her own body before she could introduce it to Calista. Truth be told, her male body. Years had passed since the last time Larissa had transformed into her male self. She didn't feel comfortable, but the desire to have a child with Calista was greater.
Sighing, she looked at the clock; it was almost time for her meeting with Gaia. They would start planning Rave'N. Getting up from the chair, Larissa went to her quarters to clean up. It was getting more complex every day to do it alone; Larissa was not a teenager who got turned on for any reason, and time was passing for her and Calista.
As she washed, she wondered why she hadn't included Calista initially. The answer was simple: shame and fear. She was ashamed of Calista seeing her male form and afraid that this new form would be more attractive than the original. She spent years perfecting her masculine self, trying to modify every feature of her body that she didn't like, creating an entirely new person. It was still possible to recognize Larissa, but the insecurity was evident when she transformed.
Larissa looked in the mirror, undressed and still in her male form. Would Calista like it? She wondered. Would she like me more as a man? Sighing deeply, she returned to her original form, dressed, and returned to her room. She had just decided that it was time for Calista to meet her male self when there was a knock on the door. Gaia arrived for the meeting with Larissa.
Patiently, Calista waited for Larissa.
A few weeks had passed since she and Larissa learned to conceive a child together. Despite not putting pressure on her loved one, Calista felt frustrated for not participating in the initial project. She knew that Larissa was insecure about herself, and that wouldn't change even if she were in her male form. In this way, she avoided bringing up the subject to give the principal more space but lived in anticipation of the day things would change.
When the idea of having a child was suggested, Calista was not prepared to get pregnant again after years. She and Larissa had resumed their relationship not long ago; the city was new, the routine was new, and the work was new. With the number of changes Calista had gone through, pregnancy was not part of her plans. But now everything has changed. Now, she finds herself planning the arrival of this child. But before Calista could say anything to Larissa, she found a package of condoms in a shared drawer.
"Honey, I thought the intention was for me to get pregnant," Calista said, showing the newly found package.
Larissa was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, and had to turn around to see what Calista was talking about when she saw the package of condoms hanging in the air.
"That's the intention." She said. "But I don't want you to get pregnant while I'm in my male form."
Calista left the package on the counter and went to Larissa, hugging her from behind. She felt Larissa's body relaxing slightly on top of hers.
"Does this mean you're ready to include me?" Calista asked with a smile.
"Yes, darling. Let's do this." Larissa kissed Calista's forehead and turned her attention to the stove.
Calista remained there, hugging Larissa for a few more seconds before turning around and returning to the bedroom to put the condoms back in the drawer.
After dinner, Calista was sitting on the sofa with her legs on Larissa's lap, reading a book, when she noticed the director looking around the apartment, lost in thought.
"What are you looking for, Riss?" Calista asked.
"We need to buy a house," Larissa replied distractedly.
Calista frowned, marked the page she had stopped on, and left the book on the coffee table. Crawling onto Larissa's lap, she made herself comfortable and wrapped the hands around her neck.
"Tell me what's on your mind, love," Calista said, resting her head on Larissa's shoulder.
"The apartment is cozy. But it's not ours and not big enough for the two of us, Artemis and another child." Larissa pondered, hugging Calista around the waist.
Larissa wanted to buy a house in Jericho because it was well located for both her and Calista to go to work. For her, the house should have at least three bedrooms and a backyard; she insisted on a backyard. Artemis should have her room on school holidays or whenever she wants to sleep at home.
Larissa described in detail the type of house she would like to have. It seemed like she had been planning this all her life, even though she wasn't sure if she would ever start a family. Calista listened in amazement and could imagine their house just by listening to Larissa speak.
"You look sexy when you behave like a head of the family." Calista joked.
"You think?" Larissa smiled, straightening up.
Calista laughed and nodded, biting her lip. Slowly, she adjusted herself on Larissa's lap, placing one leg on each side of her hips, straddling her. Larissa's hands were already smoothing Calista's back underneath her t-shirt, and her mouth was already moving towards Calista's.
Larissa got up, carrying Calista in her arms without breaking the kiss, and took her to the bedroom. Calista lay down in the middle of the bed and leaned on her elbows to watch Larissa slowly take off her clothes in front of the bed. She wanted to shift in front of Calista so as not to be awkward when entering the room as a completely different person.
Calista watched in silence a naked Larissa who, in a sigh, gave way to a man who was also blond with blue eyes but considerably shorter. Larissa has always had a problem with her height, so it was natural that she wanted to change this feature. The male version had narrow hips and broad shoulders, discreetly muscular but tending towards a leaner profile. Larissa also had a problem with her weight.
The scar on his lips was still there. The thin and long fingers were also present, now without nail polish. The male version of Larissa was just as beautiful as her original form. Calista probably let that thought show because Larissa quickly started trying to cover herself with her hands, blushing slightly.
Calista walked on her knees to the edge of the bed and reached out to Larissa, pulling her close. Calista smoothed Larissa's body, running her hands over her chest and abdomen. Larissa instinctively let her arms fall to her sides and closed her eyes, feeling Calista's touch travel through her body. A shiver ran down her spine when Calista's lips touched her collarbone.
"You are beautiful, my love." Calista whispered repeatedly as she kissed Larissa's body, moving up her neck and ending at her mouth.
Calista kissed Larissa intensely, closing her fingers in the other woman's short platinum blonde hair. Larissa grunted into the kiss and pulled Calista by the waist. Calista could feel Larissa's erection in her lower parts now that the heights were compatible.
Slowly, Larissa undressed Calista without letting their mouths move apart. Before getting into bed, Larissa took a condom from the dresser drawer. She found that extremely strange; they never needed it. But now the purpose was different, so Larissa sighed and climbed onto the bed, crawling over to Calista, who kept her eyes on Larissa the whole time.
Calista woke up the next day next to Larissa in her original form. The woman was fast asleep. Shifting just one part of the body was tiring; doing it with the entire body and combining it with aerobic physical activity was exhausting. Before bed, Calista made a cup of hot chocolate for a panting and sweaty Larissa.
Sneaking out of bed, Calista picked up the remains of the previous night from the floor and headed sleepily to the bathroom to shower. She was a little more sore than usual. Shifting to a man increased Larissa's strength and body mass, as well as her sexual drive. Thus, Calista had to adapt to the new style.
Larissa was still sleeping when Calista got out of the shower, indicating that the energy expenditure was more significant than intended. Not hungry, Calista lay on the couch and flipped between television channels without paying attention, letting time pass and waiting until Larissa woke up.
It wasn't long until Larissa appeared in the room, still in her pajamas and messy hair—a very peculiar image for Calista. Larissa was always tidy. But not this time. She looked tired and unconcerned about her appearance but, at the same time, relaxed. She got under Calista, letting the other lie on top of her, kissed the crown of her head, and dozed off. Calista stayed there. She was lying on top of Larissa, watching something on television and listening to her low, calm breathing.
It took another forty minutes until Larissa was fully awake. It was still early for Calista, but by Larissa's standards, it was already late. It wasn't a work day, but she still liked getting up early. However, that day, she was lazy, and Calista wanted to take the opportunity to spend a peaceful and relaxing day with Larissa.
"Eat, my love. You need to replenish your energy." Calista prepared breakfast with more food than usual—eggs, bacon, bread, butter, hot chocolate - of course - and many other things.
"I thought you didn't like cooking." Larissa's eyes widened as she took her first bite of bacon and eggs. It was delicious, and she felt her body reinvigorate.
"Not liking to cook doesn't mean I don't know how." She smiled and received a smile and a nod in response as Larissa helped herself to hot chocolate. "How are you feeling?"
Larissa shrugged. "Exhausted. I didn't expect to have my energy drained like this."
"Have you ever done this before?" Calista asked casually but with a hint of jealousy.
"Shifting for sex?" Larissa's eyes widened. "At university, those who didn't stay away from me because I was an outcast approached me to do personal experiments with me. At first, I gave in, of course. Then, it became too depressing. It's been a while since I tried that."
Jealousy gave way to anger. Calista became extremely angry when she found out people were approaching Larissa to use her in some way. She couldn't understand or imagine how people didn't appreciate her like Calista did.
"Riss, we don't need to do it this way if it brings back bad memories or makes you feel out of place." Calista held Larissa's hand and looked into her eyes. "You can keep trying on your own. I can wait as long as it takes."
Larissa shook her head, took Calista's hand to her mouth, and kissed her knuckles. "You're not abusing me or using me, Lis. Don't worry. Last night was wonderful—just a little more exhausting than I imagined." She smiled.
"Do you think it worked?" Calista didn't understand shapeshifting, but Larissa and Artemis have said several times that they simply know because they are always aware of their bodies.
"I believe so." Larissa bent her head thoughtfully as if trying to access her body's deepest parts. "It was a new feeling. Maybe a few more tries before I need to test it."
"Test it?" Calista frowned, confused.
"Yes... Well." Larissa seemed slightly annoyed at the idea. "Rebeca sent me a message a few days ago and said that the best way to make sure the shift was complete was to do a spermogram. So that we don't live in anticipation of your pregnancy."
Calista laughed. "So, you're going to have to march into a lab and just jerk off into a cup?" She was clearly having fun with the idea.
Larissa pursed her lips. "Well, that's not a delicate way of putting it, but yes, that's exactly what I need to do."
"Oh, honey. I'm sorry you had to put yourself through this." Calista was having fun. She tried to hide her smirk. "But I can give you a hand if you want." She winked.
Larissa narrowed her eyes and squeezed her lips, trying to hide her smile due to Calista's sarcasm. "I think I can handle it, thank you. But I shall give you a call if I need to." She finally smiled.
Over the months, Larissa took turns spending the night with Calista in her male form and taking care of business alone during the day at the office. This way, she got a few free nights in her original form.
Organizing Rave'N was on the back burner on her agenda. Gaia was excited about the planning. She and Professor Mitchell would chaperone the dance that year, leaving Larissa free to enjoy the night. Thus, the principal's participation was only to authorize the purchase of supplies and materials according to the established budget.
"You are doing an excellent job, Gaia." Larissa was at her desk, signing some papers at the end of another meeting for the Rave'N organization.
"I appreciate the trust." Gaia smiled when she received the compliment.
"You should ask Miss Micthell to the ball." Larissa suggested returning the documents.
"Perhaps." Gaia looked thoughtful. "We're going to chaperone; I don't know if that would be appropriate."
"I don't see what the problem would be, but it's up to you," Larissa smiled.
Larissa could enjoy the ball for the first time since she was a student, so she would invite Calista to accompany her. Their last Rave'N as students did not end as expected, with the murder charge against Gomez Addams and a fight between her and Calista.
"I imagine you'll be coming with Calista, right?" Gaia was getting up from her seat to leave.
"I believe so. For some reason, I'm nervous about asking her to be my date." Larissa leaned back in her chair and raised her eyebrows.
"I think it's the memories of the past," Gaia suggested. "But don't worry. She agreed to marry you. Rave'N is nothing close to that." Winking, she left, closing the door behind her.
She has a point. Larissa thought. I'm going to talk to Calista tonight.
"Artemis texted me earlier." Calista was cuddling with Larissa on the sofa after dinner with a glass of wine in her hand. "She wants to go shopping on Saturday to buy her Rave'N dress."
That was Larissa's cue. She sought to talk about the ball without being too casual or clingy. For some reason, she could feel butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought about mentioning it. 
"Talking about that..." Larissa looked down at Calista and scratched her scalp. I won't chaperone the ball this year, so I was wondering if you would like to go on a date. Our last Rave'N didn't end as planned." She was feeling eager. Why was she feeling eager? It was just a school ball, for God's sake!
A bright smile was forming on Calista's face. "Of course I would, Riss." She could already imagine both of them together, finally, at the Rave'N.
Larissa breathed a sigh of relief and only then realized she was holding her breath, waiting for Calista's response. She knew she would get a yes answer, but that didn't lessen her anxiety when asking the question. "I think I'm going to need a dress, too," she heard Calista say as she imagined what it would be like their night. "Artemis will like to help you choose it." She finally responded by returning to reality and smiling at Calista.
That was one of many topics on Larissa's mind. Another was making a silent noise in her mind. The next day, Larissa would go to a laboratory to check if the shifting worked. She didn't want to comment with Calista so that expectations wouldn't be generated, and she was eventually frustrated. But simultaneously, she felt terrible about hiding this moment from the most important person in her life.
"If it's not you, who will chaperone the ball this year?" Calista asked, breaking Larissa out of her thoughts.
"Gaia and Miss Mitchell." Larissa left the other topic aside and enjoyed the day with Calista.
"Gaia is well involved in Nevermore's affairs." Calista adjusted herself, lifting her head to look at Larissa.
"She is extremely competent and interested," Larissa commented. "For me, that's great. I don't intend to be a director for the rest of my life. Who knows, maybe she can take on that role later on."
"Do you intend to leave the directorship of the Academy?" This was news to Calista and surprised her on several levels. She knew how much Larissa loved school. "But you love that place."
"Indeed, my darling." Larissa agreed, looking into Calista's eyes. "I can go back to teaching. I'll have more free time for our family."
Calista didn't respond to it but wrapped her arms around Larissa and hugged her tight. Knowing that Larissa was willing to give up this position to dedicate herself to this new life gave Calista more certainty that the choice to get married and have a child was right.
"Thank you for that," Calista whispered in Larissa's ear, tickling her.
"For what, my love?" Larissa flinched briefly and closed her eyes as she felt the warm air in her ear.
"Giving up so much for us." She rested her head on Larissa's neck.
"I appreciate you allowing me to choose to do this," Larissa replied softly.
"The pleasure is mine." Calista giggled and gently kissed Larissa's lips.
Larissa reacted to the kiss, intensifying it and wrapping her arms around Calista's waist, pulling her close to her body. Calista happily consented to the tug.
"Bed. Now. No shifting today." Calista said between kisses.
"Yes, ma'am." Larissa laughed, jumping up and carrying Calista in her arms.
"You still haven't told me who you're going to the dance with," Calista asked Artemis as they walked through the aisles of a clothing store, looking for suitable dresses.
"Xavier," Artemis replied almost in a whisper, avoiding her mother's eyes. The girl was blushing heavily.
"No need to be shy!" Calista smiled, putting her arm around her daughter's waist. "He seems to be nice."
"It's not shyness." Artemis put her arm around her mother's shoulder. Now, they were walking side by side, synchronized. "It's nerves. I don't know. It's the first time someone has asked me to a dance. It's actually my first dance."
The girl's uneasiness was palpable. Before Nevermore, Artemis had no friends and, as such, was always absent from school gatherings. Calista wanted her daughter's first dance to be unforgettable, so she did her best to find the most beautiful dress. Furthermore, she wanted to know a little more about Xavier; after all, the boy's behavior would be decisive for a pleasant and memorable experience.
"So, tell me more about this boy, Xavier, what he's like?"
"He's fine." And the blush on Artemis's cheek was back. "He's quiet, he doesn't talk much, but he's curious. He likes to know what my life was like before school."
"What else?" Calista thought it was a good start for Xavier to be interested in Artemis.
"Hmm...let me see," Artemis pondered as she looked among the hangers and mannequins. He has psychic abilities, practices archery, and fencing, and is an artist. He is very good at painting and sketching. Enid often says he is a solitary artist."
"Artist? Interesting." Calista kept this information; an idea was already forming in her head. "But what about how he is with you? Besides being curious, how does he treat you?"
"He's always asking me how things are going and if I'm adapting. He offers me help with my studies. So, I think he treats me well, right?" Artemis looked for a response from Calista with a doubtful and anxious look.
"It's a good start," Calista reassured. "The important thing is that he respects who you are and that you feel good about him. And if you need anything, your mother and I will always be here."
"I know that. I appreciate it..." The girl stopped suddenly in front of a mannequin. Calista immediately knew this would be the perfect dress for a perfect night.
Larissa sat in an armchair in a small, dimly lit room with a small plastic pot in her right hand. A television was waiting to be turned on on the wall in front of her, and below it was a shelf with magazines to be leafed through. She had been led to this room minutes before by a male nurse with clear instructions on how to collect the sample for a spermogram. She was shifted into her masculine self, so it didn't even occur to the nurse that she was the school's principal for outcasts.
Alone in the small room of the clinical laboratory, Larissa returned to her natural shape, keeping only the complete male reproductive system shifted. It was a strange and slightly embarrassing feeling, but no one else knew she was there, so she grabbed the remote control, turned on the television, and flipped through the erotic channels until she found something that could help her. It would have been easier if Calista had been with her.
Finally, Rave'N night arrived. Calista had been anxious ever since Larissa asked her to the dance. Their last Rave'N had ended very badly, culminating in years of separation. But this time, everything was different. She and Larissa were back together, getting married, and even planning to have a child. Still, the memory of her adolescence caused her anxiety.
Even though Larissa didn't chaperone the dance, she and Calista decided to get ready in their rooms in Nevermore so they could be among the first to arrive. This way, Larissa could be available if Gaia and Samantha needed help. Deep down, she wishes they didn't need her because she would like to dedicate the night to Calista. However, as a principal, she must make herself ready to take action for setbacks.
Calista waited in Larissa's office while she waited for the other woman to finish getting ready. She was always faster than the future wife. That night, Calista, in fact, chose a dress, put on makeup, and did her hair. Larissa could simply shift into her party outfit, but keeping it shifted all night would take energy—energy that Larissa planned to spend otherwise. Therefore, Calista had to wait for Larissa almost 30 minutes after finishing getting ready. But the wait was worth it. Larissa looked beautiful in a blue dress that matched her eyes.
It was as if they were back in their teens, and this was their first Rave'N. Calista and Larissa arrived at the ballroom with a small group of students just as the dance began. Before they even looked for a table to sit down, Larissa went to Gaia and Samantha, praised the organization of the dance, and told them not to hesitate to call her if they needed it. Meanwhile, Calista awaited Larissa's return and looked around the hall, admiring the work done by Gaia and looking for Artemis.
The girl arrived arm in arm with Xavier. She was radiant. As soon as her eyes met his mother's, she poked the boy in the ribs and whispered something in his ear. The boy then nodded with a smile, and the two went towards Calista and Larissa.
"Hi, Mom. Hi, Director Weems." Artemis was visibly embarrassed and wanted to make that conversation as short as possible.
"Artemis! You look beautiful, darling." Larissa said with a smile. "And you look very elegant, Mr. Thorpe."
"Xavier, we haven't been properly introduced." Calista held out her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Calista, mother of Artemis."
"Hello, Mrs. Cos'Anto. It's my pleasure to meet you." The boy smiled at Calista.
"Artemis told me that you are an artist who paints pictures. Do you take orders?" This question surprised Artemis and Larissa, who looked at each other, looking for an explanation.
"Sure, why not?" The boy was restless about pleasing his prom date's mother.
"Great! So, we'll talk another time. You'll have fun." Calista smiled at an increasingly confused Artemis and dismissed them both.
"What are you up to, Lis?" Larissa asked, hugging Calista from behind and resting her cheek on the other's head.
"Me? Nothing! I'm just testing the boy's skills." Calista dodged the question, turned on her feet, faced Larissa, and passed her hand behind her neck. "Shall we dance, Miss Weems?"
Larissa decided not to press any further and smiled. "Let's dance, Mrs. Cos'Anto!"
After a traumatizing first, Rave'N, Calista, and Larissa were finally able to have fun even though they were no longer students, they danced all night, and Larissa forgot for a few hours about her responsibilities towards the Academy, even though many students greeted her warmly when they passed her. Before the night ended, Larissa thanked Gaia again for her efforts in organizing the event. Everything had gone very well. The students and teachers had fun, and there were no incidents like the previous year.
"Why don't you take advantage of the room's emptiness and ask Miss Mitchell for the last dance?" Larissa suggested before leaving.
"Would she accept?" Gaia asked, biting her lip in uncertainty.
"Something tells me yes." Larissa looked towards the corner of the room and saw Samantha looking at the two of them expectantly. Gaia followed Larissa's gaze and met Samantha's.
"Have a great end to the night, professors." Larissa smiled and went to join Calista, who was waiting for her at the room's exit.
Larissa and Calista walked through the halls of Nevermore hand in hand towards Larissa's quarters, talking about Rave'N.
"Thanks for the night, Riss," Calista said, sitting on the edge of the bed and removing her heels. "I am exhausted."
"Oh yeah? I was wondering if we could start our little project tonight." Larissa insinuated, starting to take off her dress.
"Project? Are you talking about having a baby?" A smile appeared at the corner of Calista's mouth as she understood what Larissa meant. "Don't you need to do the test first? To check if the shifting worked."
"It turns out I already did." Larissa let her dress fall to the floor, revealing her feminine body with only her sex entirely shifted. "The results came back today, and we are ready to try to have a baby."
"So, it looks like we won't be sleeping tonight." Calista stretched out her arms to welcome Larissa, kissing her passionately and taking her to bed.
Chapter 21 | Chapter 23
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The Rampant Success of boygenius
Finishing a sold out tour dressed as the literal Holy Trinity and now coming up to an SNL performance, it’s safe to say boygenius isn’t the underground indie supergroup that they once were. Due to the status of indie royalty that Phoebe Bridgers has acquired the past few years, the group grew in popularity with her.
I have to be honest, my introduction to them wasn’t successful. I first listened to their first project boygenius when I was doing a deep dive into Phoebe’s discography. I had no idea who the other two were and didn’t care much, since I didn’t love the ep. I have changed my mind on a good portion of these opinions.
Everyone on TikTok freaks out about Phoebe (and Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo, etc.) so obviously when the new songs came out, it was all I was getting on my fyp. It appealed to my curiosity. So when the record came out, I listened to it. I could give you a detailed list of thoughts on each song, since I wrote them down (just let me know if you’d like something like that for a post), but I won’t. What I will tell you is that after 7 months since the album came out, I sit here with a “always an angel, never a god” tattoo on my leg. How did this happen?
First, I fell in love with certain songs in the record, one of them being Not Strong Enough. I usually don’t listen to lyrics on the first listen but the lines I have tattooed resonated with me. Secondly, they’re sung by Lucy Dacus. A year ago, I wouldn’t be able to tell you who she was. But that’s the beauty of boygenius: I discovered a beautiful soul, singer, songwriter, woman, etc. and usually the gateway for boygenius is Phoebe, as I mentioned, but you end up falling in love with Lucy and Julien. I fell harder for Lucy, since she’s my favourite artist at the moment (and I shamefully haven't listened to Julien’s music).
I think the appeal of boygenius to the main public, even if it’s mostly lesbians in love with the singers in the group, is that they each have their own fanbase, sound, unique voice, and they all bring something different to the table. Every boygenius fan has a favourite “boy” (as with everything) but they support the band because they see how much love and respect the boys have for each other. If you’re wondering why I’m calling them “boys”, you’re just not in the fandom and that’s okay.
Also, the music is good. I haven’t talked much about it, but you put three talented songwriters together and you’ll obviously get good music. The instrumentations are also beautiful and so well put together with the lyrics and harmonies. One of my favourite songs is Without You Without Them and that’s an acapella opening to the record, starring stunning vocals and harmonies from the boys. I’d recommend it.
I’m excited about their performance on Saturday Night Live, since Phoebe’s sparked so much controversy last time. There’s also been a request for “real musicians” to perform on SNL again, whatever that means, but if there is such a thing as real musicians, the boys are it.
I will make a separate post on Lucy someday, maybe focusing on my favourite songs and lyrics, and maybe report to you when I listen to Julien’s music. For now, I leave you with another beautiful lyric that makes me hopeful to fall in love, if not in this life, in the next one. “If you rewrite your life, may I still play a part?”
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teabiscs · 6 months
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Third Sapphic Sunday: Emily/Mao
Another Pink&Orange wlw ship. These two were the first wlw ship i ever drew for the fandom over a year ago in november. (I need to do a redraw of that. i drew that piece traditionally scanned it and then manually lined it with a mouse in Sai. and my art is better now)
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lbodraws · 2 months
‼cw: suggestive, heavy kissing, yuri‼
the following contains (toxic) yuri and heavy kissing.
‼proceed with caution‼
happy Cephaloyuri Saturday sapphics 🦑🦑
unstoppable force vs. immovable object.
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the tumblr image quality wizard has harmed me once again.
‼cw: suggestive, heavy kissing, yuri‼
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ariaofsasha · 1 year
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A little sapphic sparring with @selnyam
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socialdisease609 · 5 months
Omg Rachel McAdams introducing Reneé during SNL was such a heartlifting moment lol
I really hope Reneé got to have her starstruck moment yesterday, she deserves it.
Wish I could see that interaction, and how Rachel feels about Reneé's fervent attraction lol
I'd pay to see that age-gap movie lmfao
Make it so, Hollywood! 👏🎬
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mirclealignr · 2 years
Robin and roller skating <3
the roller rink | robin buckley.
“i can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” robin huffed, gripping the side of the roller rink. “i can barely walk on a good day.”
“that’s half the fun!” you giggled, struggling to keep upright, but not having quite as hard of a time as robin.
“yeah,” you laughed. “you’ll fit right in here, i promise,” you winked.
robin gave you a suspicious eye, looking around at the rest of the crowd. everywhere around the two of you were people skating around, some falling, some spinning, but everyone was smiling. she realised then that no one was watching her but you—they didn’t care, for once.
she took a deep breath and reached for your hand, letting go of the flimsy, wooden structure that was keeping her upright and put her trust in you. at first, she felt as if she was flying, feeling a breeze against her hair and not the floor against her face. but all good things must come to an end, as robin began to realise when she started to lose her balance.
“help!” she squealed, the wheels of her skates lunging forward without her control, leaving her to fall straight on her bottom.
“are you okay?” you said between laughs, but it didn’t matter, for robin was laughing too.
“i think i bruised my tail bone,” she winced, giggling.
“here,” you held out your hand.
robin took it, trying to steady the wheels beneath her feet enough so that she could stand up without falling again. she strained and struggled but kept a tight hold of your steady hand.
“thanks,” her hand lingered, and she hesitated a moment before asking: “would it be weird if we held hands?”
there were others holding hands too, and you could see that at least one of the people in these couples were finding it difficult to stay upright. surely you’d simply blend in.
“i don’t think so,” you shook your head.
robin nodded, squeezing your hand. she didn’t let go as the two of you skated off again. and though the two of you were usually more cautious, to outside perspectives there was nothing strange about you two. it was a perfect setting to hold onto each other physically, much like you did emotionally. but no one else knew that intimate detail but you.
sapphic saturday!
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delistravaganza · 7 months
just wanna let you and other My Brilliant Friend fans know that there's a movie set in the 60s coming out where Gaia plays the main character and has a love story with another woman!
Oh, I'm sure most people know by now! We are a bunch of thirsty knowledgeable sapphics! 😁
The movie is called Girasoli and it's Catrinel Marlon's opera prima. I don't know her, she seems to be an actress and model of Romanian origin. It stars our dear Gaia Girace alongside Mariarosaria Mingione. Watch the trailer here.
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The film, which I believe has just premiered in the Torino Film Festival, is set in the 60's and tells the story of Lucia (Gaia), a supposedly schizophrenic intern in a mental institution, and Anna (Mariarosaria), who arrives there as the new nurse. The marketing texts I've read already call it an impossible love story, so I guess that the girls aren't going to flee together, escape the patriarchal power structure and live happily on this one either.
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In fact, the trailer is very reminiscent of MBF in the sense that every scene of the girls together is stuff that Lenù and Lila already kind of did in the show, from the bath to the dancing and even the hand touching in the back of the car. I guess it's... a coincidence? Not?
This has also reminded me of this wonderful sketch from Saturday Night Live called Lesbian Period Drama. I love all the movies referenced, but "featuring Academy Award Glance Choreography and best supporting actress nominee: The Wind" has me cackling with laughter every time.
Anyway: Sure, I mean, I'm gonna see it. 🤷‍♀️
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merp-blerp · 4 months
I know I'll sound kooky for saying this, but I suspect that Barbie & the Diamond Castle was queer-coded on purpose. I mean this so seriously. There were probably hundreds of people working on this movie. You're telling me none of them were queer? So many queer people have worked for Mattel. Maybe a person (or people) working on this film wanted to make a queer Barbie movie as a form of self-expression or what have you, but couldn't explicitly do so because it was 2008 and that would've been seen as inappropriate for a family film (still could be seen that way 🙄). So they got as close as they could with Diamond Castle.
Just the essence of this film is so sapphic. Alexa and Liana live alone together, away from whatever town might be nearby. They see nothing more important than their relationship with one another and Liana says that Alexa "knows me better than anyone else in the entire universe" (it's almost like no one else in this medieval world could know Liana that well, maybe because she's gay and the only person who could safely know that is Alexa) and "I feel like a part of me is gone" after they fight and she believes their relationship might be over.
They get what looks like male "love interests" on the surface, but they don't actually behave like couples. The girls butt-heads with them a lot as if it'll be an enemies-to-lovers type of romance like Annika and Aidan from Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, but it never really becomes romantic. They don't even imply a happily ever after with the twins (whatever their names were, no one cares), they go back home together without them in their lives, at least not majorly. I think the fact that they don't have male love interests is the crux of this whole theory. The boys' existence is enough for kids and even adults watching to believe there's a straight romance in this film, especially if you've seen other Barbie films and know the formula, but there isn't. The movie just has male characters who take interest in the girls in a completely one-sided infatuation, heteronormativity does the rest when it comes to the audience thinking there's a romance with the boys.
Alexa and Liana's relationship is the most important aspect of the movie; the entire story is about their relationship, not their relationship with the boys at all, which separates Barbie & the Diamond Castle from other Barbie movies from this time, which all had hetero-romances in one way or another. This is probably why so many sapphic kids who grew up with it, like myself, loved it so much.
All these factors together just make me wonder if the queerness was intentional on someone's part.
Even if you bypass the queer interpretation, it's really refreshing to have a story that's about female friendship and that's it. No forced or unforced romance, just a story about girls and their friendship(s). There's no issue with romance, but also there's no issue with a lack of romance as well. That kind of message is hard to come by, even in more "adult" media.
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(As a bit of a sidebar, the only queer aspect to this film that is surely coincidental to me is Alexa and Liana's dresses looking like the lesbian and bi pride flags. Liana's dresses do share a color scheme with the Emily Gwen lesbian flag, but that particular lesbian flag wasn't in existence till 2018, ten years after this movie was released. By association, I assume Alexa's dresses having the colors of the bi flag is also a coincidence, even though that flag was created in 1998 before this film. It is very cute how that turned out, though.)
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skeletalhorse · 4 months
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I'm gay and cute 😘
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squirting-sub · 4 months
Haven't had a properly long and rough session in a minute, so the plan is to have one this week finallyyy. Can't wait to be in sub space again (hopefully)!!
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