#sapphire dearest
silky-silks · 3 months
They got lost a little
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Working on something else today so this is really just a sketch.
Was trying to practice more emotions and funny poses so i gave Nina some cat like vibes.
Anyway its been a while since i really touched on my universe again.
So erm...Sapphire and Nina just exploring around the place before they gotten themselves only a tad lost. Nina reassures Sapphire they will head back until some random "creature" spawns from the sky and screams "SUGARCUBES??? WHERE??" ( it loves sugarcubes)
Cant spend one day in my world without something totally randomn happening.
Moonelle!Nina belongs to @ericvelseb666
Sapphire Dearest (I miss drawing her) belongs to @eve-pie
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✦ When someone tries to imitate you or take your place 
Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Pantalone 
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(tw: general mentions of violence and intimacy, swf. Old ask suggested by the lovely @pandaquick, better late than never)
Your position in the Fatui is a much more personal and delicate matter. You are not just some high-rank advisor or soldier idling within the Zapolyarny Palace, nor can you be defined as another Fatuus. You are someone of a different echelon - a Harbinger’s beloved, safeguarded with the utmost honor conferred by Her Majesty the Tsaritsa. It is no secret your significant other would utilize a whole army to protect you, but what happens when someone, in their foolishness, forgets that?
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✧ Pierro was the first to notice that someone tried to imitate you. An individual of high status endeavored to emulate your work and areas of expertise. Subsequently, this individual began to adopt aspects of your appearance, from hairstyle to clothing. However, the breaking point occurred when this foolish person attempted to purchase an identical jewelry brooch to the one you frequently wore. It was a similar piece, one gifted to you by Pierro.
Except that imitator missed one important clue - Pierro orders you custom-made silver adorned with deep-cut sapphires that would put the Tsaritsa’s crown into shame. A one of a kind piece.
This cheap attempt to imitate you and usurp your spot was what forced The Jester to abandon his silent observation. His gaze has long caught the envious glances directed towards you whenever you accompanied him on meetings, whenever he linked his arm with yours, whenever he generously kneeled beside you to put his coat over your shoulder and keep you warm from Snezhnaya’s cold - the same individual, always seething with resentment. Thus, it was time for the Director to silently act. 
He kept tabs on this person via a network of spies, gathering intel on their behavior and intentions. And with the most skilled spies raised from the House of the Hearth, it didn't take long to have a whole pile of evidence right on his desk. And with the simple snap of his fingers, he effortlessly orchestrated the apprehension and subsequent banishment of the culprit, sparing no unnecessary words. Hearsay will not be tolerated in the Fatui, but to see some lowly scum tarnish your reputation by cheap mimicry then it’ll be his responsibility to weed out. 
“Pierro, dearest, What's wrong? You seem so deep in thought.” - Your gentle murmur broke The Jester's train of thought. As he lay in bed, your head resting on his chest and his arm draped over you, he reminded himself that he was in the comfort of your love. He doesn't have to mull over the bloodied ordinances when he feels the warmth of your skin underneath the covers.
“Apologize, my divine. It seems my mind was drifting to troubling thoughts. But it no longer matters when you're here.” - Thus, he gently planted a kiss on your forehead and tucked the covers around your body which harbored marks of his devotion earlier that night.
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✧ Il Capitano clutched the hilt of his sword in resolution. Something was wrong and he could see it. The Harbinger was in the middle of his morning spar with you, a regular training session where you and the Captain warm up as a routine. He stood in a defensive stance, his movements fluid yet measured as his sword received blow after blow from your weapon. You, on the other hand, moved like a silent tempest, your strikes precise yet frustratingly urgent.
It was unlike you to be so unsteady, noted Capitano to himself, especially when fighting. Despite the unspoken patience, an undercurrent of concealed despondency and anger laced your body language. 
“Alright, my dear, I can feel your unease. What troubles your heart?” 
You shook your head, panting as you almost faltered. You insisted on continuing the training session, but it was clear your brave facade was almost crumbling. 
“It would be foolish to continue. And I care about your well-being. Please, confide in me, my beloved.”
You tried, you really did. But before you know it, your lips pursed into a thin line and a flood of tears escaped the moment you shakily lowered your weapon. Now the Captain was on full alert, rushing towards you and gently supporting you before you could hide your tearful face in shame. With an arm around your trembling form and much persuasion - you relented and shared the source of your frustration. A newly enlisted soldier had undergone thorough training under the tutelage of Il Capitano, and their impressive advancement was unmistakably evident in their unwavering dedication. However, this individual began to devote more time to the Captain, delving into military intelligence and climbing the ranks. You genuinely felt joy for the new recruit, truly. Yet in timid humiliation, you had to confess you felt obsolete as if your power alone wasn’t enough for a harbinger of his caliber and ranks.
“Ah, my dear, you are far from weak. My time with the trainees is merely a duty, a part of my job as the 1st Harbinger. But when it comes to you, my dear, your might and wisdom are incomparable. You don’t deserve my ranks, you deserve my life laid before you.”
But whatever gentle words of affection were coming out of the Captain, your next words of truth made him halt at once. “... At least, that’s what the recruit told me when we spoke. That I'm weak.” 
“...What did you say?” 
The gentle armored hand on your shoulder now tightened in restrained anger, fury flaring within his chest. Capitano now understood: your tears, your sudden insecurity, your doubt, your silence… It wasn’t coincidental. This recruit who was so conveniently rising in the ranks made sure to aim not just for the Harbinger. Specifically, you; to sow self-doubt onto you and hinder your precious relationship. Someone was deliberately bullying you.
You looked up at Capitano’s dreadful silence, asking him what was wrong.
“It… seems, my dear, someone has crossed an unforgivable line. One that would cost them their life dearly. And I am to blame for not noticing when harm and doubt came your way. I must amend this transgression for your forgiveness.”
You blinked in response, not having time to comprehend the severity of his words; It’s hard to respond when your beloved suddenly kneels and bows like a knight on duty. In the end, Capitano ushered you to take a day off and let your mind rest easy.
The next day, Capitano returned home early but was eerily silent once more. He stayed with you the whole day, like a hawk overlooking his nest, his arms crossed but his touch gentle. Although he claimed nothing was wrong, you received news that certain recruits were gone, and any upcoming soldiers that would come into his care would receive even stricter training from now on. That day, you wondered why some Fatui soldiers feared talking to you. Not to mention the armor around Capitano’s knuckles seemed faintly red-tinted.
The Fatui organization was a constant battle of powers and ranks. But to climb the ladder and meddle with the life of The Captain was a personal offense, one that would result in quick and unapologetic bloodshed. Nevertheless, he made sure to remind his soldiers about that. 
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✧ When one of the folks working under Il Dottore as a lab analyst approached you, you didn’t expect them to call you names so suddenly. You stood there, confused and apprehensive at the sudden barrage of insults from the stranger. But they explained:
“You don’t do anything when helping during research, you know! I don’t even know how The 2nd tolerates you when you’re this useless. I’ll tell you what, quit your special-treatment act, and don’t come back to the lab. The Doctor is better off with someone of his level of intellect.”
You didn’t fight or defend yourself, you didn’t even insult the assistant. Instead, you smiled simply  - “Very well, I won’t. Good luck.”
That day, you turned and left. The frustrated lab analyst was left in confusion but thought they succeeded in eliminating the only obstacle left to get closer to the elusive yet powerful Harbinger. After all, what the hell do you even do at his lab? You exchange a few words with Dottore, maybe sporadically point at what to do, and remain seated in the back, resting as if you were the Tsaritsa herself. The audacity. How come Il Dottore never kicked you out?
Well, it didn't take long for this person to find out.
The next day, naturally, Dottore couldn’t find you when he proceeded with work. You were neither at his study, nor at the lab, nor at your favorite corner of the library. It was barely noon, and receiving your warm greetings was his routine. And the Doctor always follows the agenda.
“Where are they?” 
His question was brief but pointed, and his subordinates knew exactly who he was referring to. They could sense the tension in his voice. The only individual privy to the reason for your absence smirked smugly and responded.
“Hmph. It seems they decided not to come, Lord Harbinger Dottore.”
That was their first mistake because The Doctor caught on to the haughty smirk coming from his new analyst.
“And you know so certainly how?” - he quickly gestured to a nearby Fatui servant with a flick of his wrist. “Send in servants to check in on my behalf. I wasn’t informed. If my darling is feeling tired or unwell, bring their preferred refreshment immediately, and ensure it is warm.”
However, this displeased the new lab assistant, as even while you were away, Dottore was still dotting on you as if it was his second nature to do so while he was busy with work. Thus, they cleared their throat and spoke up:
“They… barely accomplished anything in your presence, doctor. So I advised them to leave, to which they agreed. Pretty straightforward, s-sir.” 
“Oh? Did you, now” - A burning rage, like never before, flared up within Il Dottore. With clenched teeth and a rigid jaw, his voice oozed with venom. But any seasoned lackey working under Dottore knew that this was the calm before the storm. Because soon, an echo of shattering vials and slammed objects would ring out from the laboratory. And in your absence, nothing would prevent the doctor from showing a bit of despotism. 
Much later that evening, after everything was set and done, the servants informed him of your whereabouts. Il Dottore briskly made his way through the Zapolyarny Palace to find you. Spotting you tucked away in a secluded nook of the palace, he hastened over, anxious to ensure your well-being, fearing you might’ve withdrawn due to the influence of some blabbering lowlife. 
“Dear! There you are… No one has the right to speak to you like that ever. Are you alright? My dearest, why did you not tell me immediately?! I would’ve-”
Dottore’s frustrated rambles come to a halt when you place a finger on his lips to shush him. You didn’t look despaired, in fact, you looked calm - “Zandik? Did you have another tantrum in your lab while I was absent?”
The doctor gulped, remembering his place. Calming his senses, he placed his hands on your waist and ushered you closer to his arms.
“... Perhaps. But I had to. How could I be certain that no one had harmed you? Why did you comply with that impudent fool? You should’ve gone to me first.”
“Well, it was unpleasant to hear the insults, sure. But…" - you glanced apologetically and a knowing smile returned to your lips. "I knew you'd find out and deal with the issue very quickly." 
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✧ You and Pantalone were an odd couple. You didn't hail from a rich background, nor were you well-versed in the art of business and finance. You were more proficient in adventuring, your travels taking you to all sorts of journeys and commissions, a polar opposite from your beloved Pantalone. This led to raised eyebrows among the aristocrats of Snezhnaya. How can the richest man of Teyvat, who lives and works in prestige, be associated with such a simple person as you? For some, this gave the impression that they had a better chance of winning him over.
Thus, once upon a night, Pantalone was invited to a luxurious soirée. Here he was, clad in his finest suit, silver rings complementing his equally expensive optics. But to the Regrator, the jewelry adorning him was the least of his concerns - because you were the most precious gem in this gala. You accompanied him, although reluctantly, feeling out of place amidst the grand assembly of extravagant guests and the languid orchestra.
“Pantalone, do we have to…? I know you said this is not a business party, but there are so many guests already lining up to talk to you.” 
“Oh do not fret, my sweet. Evening galas like these are where the real negotiation and connections entail. But I know the details bore you, so I promise we won't stick here for too long. Besides, I get to introduce you as my one and only!”
That's exactly what you were afraid of. As a company of some esteemed noble ladies adorning elegant gowns, you had difficulties matching Pantalone’s polite smile. Overwhelmed by the scrutinizing gazes of some guests, you politely excused yourself to the bathroom. Pantalone was concerned, thinking of following you, but that was exactly what the guests wanted. 
You spent a long while by the hallway alone, trying to stabilize your breathing. The muttering of guests enjoying drinks and strolling was faint, but you could hear some people nearby:
“How can the 9th be with someone like them…? Surely it’s a joke.”
“A charming, rich man like him, and he can have anyone he desires. Yet he wastes his time on a simpleton?”
“Someone was definitely in it for the Mora, maybe he hasn’t seen real class. Quick, let’s go talk to him while he is alone.”
You stood with your back to a wall, and for the first time, uncertainty crept in. With fists clenched by your side, you reprimanded yourself that you are not alone. You came here with your significant other - and he, above all else, knows that gossip has no place in your shared private life. Hence, gathering up your courage, you raise your head high and strode back into the gala.
Pantalone, unfortunately yet expectedly, was surrounded by the same foul-mouthed nobles who wished to impress him. They prattled on about his financial success, while ladies fanned their folding fans and stood too close for his comfort. While they humored him, The Regrator cast hurried glances around the gala in search of you. Where are you?
“Lord Harbinger, may we offer you more champagne? I am sure this expensive bottle is up to your taste.”
The 9th attempted to hide his frown at the woman's tone, his stomach unwilling to ingest any drink some excessively elaborate name. “No thank you, I’d rather decline. I am waiting for my dear. I promised her a dance later this evening.”
“Oh, please sir, I insist. The night is young and there is plenty more for-” 
Before the woman could continue, your voice cut through the air; calm, yet unmistakably firm. “He said no. Simple enough to understand.”  
A hush fell over the gathered guests, the weight of your words settling like a sudden gust. Only Pantalone beamed with a genuine smile. “Ah, dear! There you are,”. The Harbinger was about to step back towards you, when the same lady suddenly blocked his path, her back facing him while her tone edged with defiance.
“I beg your pardon, but I’m afraid the question is directed towards Lord Harbinger Pantalone. I am sure you wouldn't know the pleasure of tasting a 500,000 Mora champagne from Fontaine.”
You recognized the snark in her tone directed towards you, and you couldn’t deny the anxiety twisting in your gut as eyes narrowed in your direction. However, with a shake of your head, you reminded yourself who you truly are and simply said: “Sheesh, lady, you spend that much on a drink that tastes worse than sparkling water? To each their own, I presume”
Her smile vanished. The guests stared in stunned silence, but it was Pantalone’s genuine laughter that pierced the tension. The sound was rich and real—because only he knew how adept you were at humbling an overconfident aristocrat with a dose of blunt truth. That’s how Pantalone managed to push through the crowd and circle his arm back around your waist, leaving the astonished onlookers behind.
“Ah dear, you’re a savior. I apologize I dragged us into this unpleasant company…” - he confined to you apologetically as you two walked away. “You always knew how to be sincere in your honest way.”
“It’s not like I meant to pick up a fight…" - you sighed. "I simply couldn't bear the humiliation, Pantalone. I'm aware that some people give me strange looks when I'm with you. They regard me as if I'm some peasant standing next to a powerful Fatui harbinger. That I'm nothing. That's why I couldn’t just hide, I had to step up to defend myself.”
“Oh, darling… My sweet, precious darling.” - The two of you left the manor that hosted the soiree, the chill night breeze muting the faint sound of guests and replacing it with a symphony of cricket noise from the garden nearby. Pantalone's fingers intertwined with yours.
"You are not just 'nothing' - you're my everything. You did not come from riches, and neither did I. You of all people know that. Would I really hold respect for some rich fool who didn't know an ounce of hardship when Mora was all they had since birth? No, dear, I wouldn't."
With a tender hand, he rested his palm on your waist, gently guiding you along the cobblestone path as if leading you into a slow waltz by garden roses in the night.
"Besides, you should never be ashamed to seek out my help. Although I must admit... Your tone earlier - oh my. Use it on me more often, darling. I wouldn't mind." 
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merakiui · 7 months
it’s my first time ordering for lunar love hotel 🥺🥺🥺 i’m not sure if i’m doing it right but i’d like to order a flower bouquet with chamomile tea and lemon squares from the midnight menu and a fruit smoothie from the morning menu for ceo azul and afab reader (maybe either his secretary or just an employee working under him, whichever you prefer!)
thank u so much! 🥰
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yandere!azul ashengrotto x (female) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, dub-con, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, somnophilia, obsession, power imbalance, abuse of authority, mention of pregnancy, implied alcohol use/inebriation, ceo!azul, secretary!reader note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
You wake to a dull pressure between your legs, roused from dead, dreamless slumber like a reanimated corpse. Groggily, you blink bleariness away and search through the dimming light for the body propped up above you. Your fingers, clumsy and numb, brush against his chest, climbing up to drag across his collarbone and, ultimately, reaching his face. He’s without his glasses; twin pools of the deepest sapphire flick over your form, assessing the state of your sentience.
“Mmh… Mr. A-Ashengrotto?” you mumble, still so out of it. His hips stutter to a halt. Your eyes shut once more, and this time he takes care to move slower. Softer. You arch up into his touch, breathing heavy. “Ooh…”
What happened? How did you get here? If your spotty memory is to be trusted, you arrived late to the company party, got into a drinking competition with Floyd Leech, and stumbled out into the chilly night, hanging onto the arm of the one and only CEO of Mostro. Your benevolent boss—Azul Ashengrotto.
And now here you are, lying beneath him on a plush bed, your legs wrapped limply around his waist while he rocks into you with a gentleness rivaling that of the smoothest sea. Just beyond the rain-spattered windows, a gloomy cityscape sprawls. You’re not sure where you are or what floor you’re on. Exhausted, your mind a muddled wreck, you force your eyes open.
“Mr. Ashengrotto, what are you…” You swallow dryly. Hangover sticks to you like wet socks on soles. “What’re you doing?”
The hand that had been previously rubbing circles into your hip slides away to grasp at your breast. He rolls your perky nipple between two fingers, marveling at the way it sinks in when he presses down. It springs back with ease, still just as pebbled as before.
“You should know—” he starts, only to break off with a low moan— “that it’s impossible to out-drink Floyd.”
“No… No, that’s not—” You suck in a shaky breath through your teeth. His cock curves up inside you, hitting all the right places. “Can’t… We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Why not?”
“Not right and—it’s wrong… You’re my boss and it’s not…gonna look good.”
“My dear, is that all you ever think of? Even now, your mind is on work. Won’t you relax?”
“Because…” You squirm beneath him, deeply unsettled and yet unable to phrase your protests in sharper terms. “Mr. Ashengrotto—”
“Azul,” he murmurs, running his knuckles over your cheek. Sickeningly fond, he has the gall to smile at you like an angel. “It would make me happy if you called me that in private.”
You try to shake your head. “I can’t—”
“We offer paid maternity leave,” he reminds you, punctuating that point with a sharp, sudden thrust. Your legs tighten around him out of some bodily instinct.
“Don’t want that,” you babble, grabbing at his shoulders. “Don’t want a baby. I can’t—need money to live. It’s expensive… Please, Mr. Ashengrotto…”
He tuts, a frown flickering on his handsome face. “You look so tired. Rest, my dear. I’m here for you.”
Azul lifts you from the bed, angling his hips down to ensure his seed will find its rightful home in snug, gummy depths. He’s borderlining the edge of the end, teetering on a pleasurable precipice. You feel yourself falling. In spite of everything—the situation and the intention in every thrust—it feels good. Mindless. Intrinsic. Strangely meant to be.
“You work so hard on my behalf. Such a diligent secretary, always knowing just what I want when I need it.” Azul takes your hand in his, squeezing reassuringly. You shiver at the contact—whether in revulsion or reverence, he can’t say. “Ah, but your eating habits are abysmal. You work late and arrive early. You come into the office on the verge of death, and then you lie to my face when I ask if all is well.” He peers down at you, eyes shimmering with an odd emotion. “Why do you run from me, my dear?”
“A-Azu—ooh… Azul…”
“Was that so difficult? My name isn’t a mouthful. If you say it enough, it may stick permanently. Mrs. (Name) Ashengrotto—what a precious title. So musical.”
You follow his hand as it moves to press down against your stomach. You can’t be with him. He’s your boss and you’re his secretary. It wouldn’t look right. The rumors that would spread… You couldn’t handle that sort of pressure—of having all eyes glued to your figure whenever you walk into a room.
“I wanna go home…”
“You are home.”
“My home.”
His expression sours. “I wouldn’t call that hovel a home.”
Your head falls back against the pillows. What’s the point in debating? Sleep claws at you, dragging you back with greedy fingers. Bile rises in your throat, so you swallow it down. You have to say something. You can’t let him have his way. You can’t be a mother. Not now. You can’t. You can’t. You can’t.
But it’s so easy to float along and succumb. It’s so easy to be lazy. It’s so easy to agree. It’s what your boss wants. As his dutiful secretary, you must listen and do just as he asks.
“Get some sleep. You need it. I’ll be here when you wake.”
You don’t intend to, but your eyes fall shut. His voice is soothing like the sweetest song. With your consciousness now waning, you slip away just as he bottoms out and releases with a groan. Your insides are flooded with cum, but that’s the last thing you concern yourself with. It’s what he says next that follows you into your dreams. An ominous omen. A confession.
“I love you, (Name)… And soon—quite soon—you’ll love me, too.”
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sapphire-hearted (part one)
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
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The start to an angst-ridden little story, wherein the reader, Aemond's dearest friend (and clandestine love) learns of his apparent new paramour, Alys.
themes/warnings: angst, jealousy, fwb type situation, Aemond is kind of a clueless twat
series masterlist ▪︎ main masterlist
edit(!): this oneshot seems to have taken a life of its own, like most of my fics, quite unexpectedly! I've changed the title from (sapphire) blue heart to sapphire-hearted, and part two will be out in a few hours! is out now!
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"Why do you not look at me?" He gently pries your face towards him with his free hand, as you both lie naked on his sheets, his arm wrapped around you. "Have I done something wrong?" he asks.
"Nothing, Aem." You shake your head, letting his hand fall.
He takes one deep breath. He knows you like the back of his hand; he knows something isn't right.
"You're not fooling me, gevie." Beautiful, he calls you, as you sit up and bring your knees to your chest. You feel the cold air on your back, and then, his fingers tracing patterns on your bare skin.
Gevie. You wonder if he calls Alys the same. After their rumoured trysts. After she is seen leaving his bedchambers. Has she lain among these very sheets herself, where you are now?
You and Aemond were not together, no. You were not betrothed. Your House was too lowly to allow you to wed a Targaryen prince. But he had said he was yours. Just yours.
How has that changed so quickly?
"Speak to me," he pleads. He sits up behind you, kissing the back of your neck. "You know I have my methods of making you do so. Shall I employ them?" You can hear the amusement in his voice, the assuredness.
You thought you loved it more than anything, but now it feels like some cruel jest.
You turn to face him directly. "Is she better than me?"
He leans back, fully aware of who you mean. "Hmm," he purses his lips. "Jealousy does not become you, it seems."
"I'm glad you think me amusing." You bite back, looking away.
"This is amusing. How can you be jealous of her?"
You aren't sure what to make of that question. Is he mocking you, and the justification of your envy? Who are you to him anyway? Just a friend, no?
"Aemond. I thought... that we..."
"You know what we are. How we are. Isn't it enough?"
"Not if I have to share you with some witch!" you rise from his bed, and wrap your cloak around yourself. "I've turned down the finest suitors, simply because you wished me to. Simply because you were jealous. Don't you think you owe me the same courtesy?"
His voice is colder when he responds, "What do you think I am doing with Alys, hmm? Do you think I enjoy having her grace my bedchambers, and have her clawing at me?" He stands too, towering over your stature. "I have never wanted to bed anyone other than you. What I am doing with her... what I have to do with her... It is for the good of the Seven Kingdoms."
"Spare me, Aemond." You swat his hands away, when he reaches for your arms. "Don't..." He tries again, much quicker this time, and he holds your forearms tightly against his bare chest.
"She has magic." There is a wild look in his eye when he says this, and it makes you uneasy. "She sees things, Alys. She can predict what the enemy's next move is, where they'll be. What I am doing with her, lying with her, is but a small price to pay."
"What if you don't lie with her? You don't have to..."
"She asks me to."
"You don't have to. You're the prince! She answers to you, not the other way around."
"I refused, of course, in the beginning." He holds your face gently in his hands now, trying to make you understand. "That did no good. She gave me nothing. I could have her tortured. But this will only serve to distance her even more from our cause."
"So, to get what you want... to hear her incredible visions and benefit from her magical spells, you have to fuck her? Very astute of you, Aemond."
"Careful, my love." He tilts his head, trying to work through your anger.
You use your palms on his chest to push him away. He only stumbles a little, the faint sound of his low growl reaching your ears.
"You know what I'll do?" you threaten, your cloak falling back to the floor as you wave your arms dramatically. "The next dashing Lord that asks for my hand, I'll take. It could be Lord Manderly's son or... Lord Beesbury's eldest boy has made an offer, too. I'll wed him, whoever he is, why not? Even if I don't love him, it will only be a small price to pay," you sneer, mirroring his words from before. "It is what's expected of me, after all. It is for the good of my House."
Aemond's jaw clenches in his rage. "Then I shall have him captured and quartered to pieces in the dungeons before he can even get the chance to - "
"No," you shake your head at his nonsense. "No, you would not. You would not do something like that to me. How would that be fair? You and I, we'll never marry. As it stands, you'd sooner wed your witch than I."
"I would marry you in a heartbeat." He moves closer now, desperation creeping in his voice. His lips meet yours in a haste. Wet and demanding. When you turn your head, he only continues kissing the side of your face. Then he stops, pressing his forehead to your temple. "You know this, my love. You have to know this. Alys is nothing compared to you. Without her, I might lose the war. But without you... I lose myself."
You nearly cave in at that, as you always do when it comes to Aemond. But now, you remind yourself to stand your ground.
"Then prove it to me," you whisper, and a stray tear falls down your cheek. "Do as I ask. Stop being with her."
Seconds pass. Aemond's mind races at the possible outcomes. His heart aches at the sight of your sadness, but he feels compelled to think of other things too.
The war. Defeating the Blacks. Easily gaining the upper hand through dark magic.
At the end of it all - and if he does what he does, it should all end very soon - he will still have you. He's sure of it.
You will always come back to him. You will understand.
"I cannot," he says, his words striking through your heart.
You feel numb all over, but you force yourself to step away from him, and hurriedly put your dress back on.
"My love, please..." He watches helplessly as you tie the strings of your skirts, preparing to leave.
"My prince," you cursty, when you've managed to put yourself together. "I am not certain when, but you're invited to honour us with your presence at my coming marriage ceremony."
"I'd sooner command Vhagar to burn Westeros to ashes."
"You mean, you'd sooner bask in the pleasures that only your witch can offer?" you laugh mirthlessly. "Of course."
You start walking away, determinedly. Ice has flooded your veins and your heart, turning you cold and blue. But you press on. The pain will have to wait for later.
"You'll come back to me," he calls after you.
"Oh, I wouldn't hold my breath, if I were you."
You slam the door behind you.
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Angst!!! We all need this sometimes. I swear it riles me up so good, I almost wonder if something's messed up with my romantic ideals ....
.... who are we kidding? Of course there is. Because I would marry our one-eyed Vhagar-riding war terrorist in a heartbeat.
taglist open for an upcoming part!
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
Yandere Aemond threatening his darling— tw: gore, violence
Aemond has a very specific sadistic fantasy that he is waiting to enact upon his darling. He is naturally possessive over you; dragons hoard their dearest possessions, and he always has to protect you from his whore of a brother. Whenever you misbehave, that possessiveness sparks within him once again. Every time he threatens to take a dagger and blind you in the same eye that he is.
It makes a smirk appear on his lips.
Everyone would know that he did it to you. You'd have to rely on him to take care of your recovery and emotional well-being. You'd have an identical eyepatch to him. You would have a sapphire as does he.
Something about it makes him grasp the side of your face. His finger gently pressing into the corner of your eye. His hand itching for the dagger he has hidden at his waist side.
It's only a matter of time before he does it. It's only a matter of time before the both of you match and become one.
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sakkiichi · 1 year
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You meet him under the brightness of ballroom lights and the vibrant colors of his mask. However, is it a good idea to let yourself be lead by infatuation?
feat. Childe, Kaeya, Kaedehara Kazuha, Lyney, Albedo x gn! reader.
cw/genre: romance, fluff, slight angst in kazuha’s and lyney’s, royal masquerade au. reader wears a dress, mildly suggestive allusions on childe’s (very soft).
i would like to dedicate childe, kaeya and albedo’s part to my dearest @bunny-rambles <3 albedo’s part is dedicated to the sweetest @ssilversiren too !
if you enjoy this, reblogs and comments help more than likes !
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Crossed arms over his chest and a sharp edged smile peeking from underneath his mask. The prince is certainly amused, and not precisely by this gathering he himself hosted.
It’s this feeling. Being unknown; just another face amidst the ebb and flow of a sea of profiles.
What would it be like, to converse with others, with them being none the wiser about his royal status?
Running a hand through his ruddy locks, Childe leans off the wall, something, or rather, someone having caught his attention.
The person is standing on the opposite corner of the room, their skirts as if weaved out of seafoam and tides, cascading to the floor in silky waves of sky. They’re alone, the ornamented wall behind them making them look as an extension of it, a painting without frame; for they stare longingly at the swaying crowd, their frame still, anchored, yet without a harbor.
“Fancy a dance?” A voice you swear you have heard somewhere before asks, causing you to turn around.
Striking sapphire eyes lock with yours, the cheeky smile he sports weakening your knees for a second. He’s dressed finely, in white and red, silver accents decorating the lapels and shoulders of his jacket, matching with the scarlet mask partially concealing the constellations of freckles dusting his handsome face.
You swear you know him. But you don’t at the same time; a crystalline pond at night, argent starlight swallowed by the depths of its abyss.
“Quite the bold request, considering you haven’t even introduced yourself, don’t you think?” You prompt, the stranger’s magnetizing grin drawing one of your own from your painted lips.
“Oh, come on, humor me?” He pouts, drops of cobalt glinting in the previously dull ocean patches of his gaze.
“Hm,” you ponder, bringing a finger to your chin. “How about you give me your name first?” You suggest, tone taking on a playful lilt. He watches the light quality of your dress, sweeping around you, tendrils of a spring wrapped around the delicate curves of your figure.
“A name, huh?” He smirks, and no matter how much you know it’s a bad idea, you find yourself hoping to call his name often in the future.
He knows what he’s about to reveal is an equally bad idea as you swimming in the currents of his pull, and still, he finds himself uttering the appellative he hasn’t heard in ages.
“Ajax. My name.” He whispers, those lips that only promise trouble brushing the shell of your ear.
You smile, your stare glinting not unlike the azurite shimmer that decorates your disguise.
“Very well, Ajax,” you draw out the last word, your voice directing the incognito royal’s heart wildly against his ribcage. “Come and find me.” Is the lingering echo of your words, a seashell’s melody, as Childe watches shades of aquamarine mingling with the crowd.
Perhaps this was not a good choice; but maybe you like the rush that comes with wishing he asks your name, with wishing his hand catches yours.
From the corner of your eye, you spot a wisp of red as you turn a corner down the busy corridors of the palace. You certainly wouldn’t mind if you happened to take Ajax’s half cape off later tonight.
Rows upon rows of glinting masks and flashy clothing fill the luxurious room, the space practically painted in molten gold.
If anyone were to ask you, however, you’d reply this place is hell. The palace’s corridors are labyrinthine as it is, twisting endlessly, the frozen images hanging on their walls unchanging to your widened eyes.
And certainly, the shoves and pushes of a too excited crowd are not helping your mood at all. Exasperated, you grunt for the thousandth time, bunching up the skirts of your lacy white dress, determined to elbow and step your way to the damned ballroom.
Alas, the distant stars had other plans for you tonight.
Just as you were going to decidedly advance a particularly rowdy crowd, a force collides with you from behind, sending you and your unstable high heels against the polished tiled floor.
Except when the impact comes, it is not hard at all.
“My, a beauty like you should be more careful to watch where they’re going.”
You rise your gaze to meet the owner of that smooth teasing voice.
Hair weaved of icicles at midnight, braided to one side, falling over the spotless bronze skin of the stranger’s pretty face. His eyes, or rather, his visible eye, is chilly blue, the biting touch of a sunny morning after a snowstorm. And, unlike the rest of the guests, he’s not wearing a mask. He doesn’t need one either, his mystery-exuding aura, paired with the eyepatch on his right eye, somehow disguise enough.
You clear your throat, trying to act as if you hadn’t been blatantly staring at the man in front of you.
“Why, thanks.” You let out, tone crisp. “I was watching, but apparently someone with no manners wasn’t.” You add, with disdain, glaring at the advancing multitude.
“I don’t disagree.” The enigmatic stranger smiles, a sliver of moon, icy eyes following over your figure as you straighten your skirt.
Then he hums, the crescent of his sultry lips morphing into a smirk.
“Why don’t I accompany you for a while?” He offers his arm to you. “I was just leaving, but seems I’ve found a reason to stay, at least for a while…”
You match his smirk, conflicted at how attracted you don’t want to admit you are to this man.
“Oh? Does it outweigh the reason you were planning on leaving for?”
“I’ll take the risk to find out.” He grins, looping his arm with yours.
In silence interrupted by the joyous multitude, you make your way to the ballroom. It’s odd, the way you feel comfortable next to him, despite secrets and starry nights concealing the truth of his nature. You don’t even know his name…
“Call me Kaeya, by the way.” He murmurs, as if reading your thoughts, his tan hand, adorned in gold and midnight, lacing with one of yours, his other around your waist.
“Pleased to meet you, Kaeya.” You find yourself whispering back, entranced by the mysteries frozen in that shady stare of his.
Perhaps this is wrong, to let your heart out in the falling snowflakes around the flickering spark of this igniting infatuation, and yet, maybe just this once, you feel like you can fly with wings made of ice under a blazing sun.
You don’t regret it. Not when you know you’ll dream of Kaeya’s voice for nights on end. Not when he twirls you around the room, a flurry of snowy clouds outlined by gilded twilight. Not when he pulls you aside, hiding both of you into an alcove, his smooth hand pressed against your mouth, as some guards pass asking for “the prince”.
He definitely looks like one, you think. You don’t have time to dwell on iit as you both run off, hands still laced, into a narrow torch-lit corridor, the night air beckoning you towards the exit.
Danger had never felt so right.
You should have known better.
Better than to trust that bastard.
The nobleman that was supposed to be your date tonight.
It’s not like he didn’t show up, oh, he did alright.
You wish he hadn’t.
Seeing that asshole arm in arm with someone else makes your blood boil, a cold, cruel anger seeping into your bones, its chill enough to burn white-hot.
And yes, perhaps stomping out to the too pretty rose garden was a childish decision, but maybe it was you just exercising self control.
Best to brood than let your tempestuous wrath strike the whole place down.
Storms were only beautiful from a distance, after all.
You heavily sigh, removing the bejeweled mask covering the upper half of your face.
No point in keeping it now, you observe, running a thumb over the faux diamonds embedded over the indigo surface.
How ironic, you laugh, humorless, for your mask to look like a bright starry sky, when all you see the moment you rise your gaze heavenward are dark clouds gathering.
“Pardon my intrusion,” a pleasingly gentle voice begins, just as you were plucking the fading petals of a dying rose, “but are you not feeling up to joining the ball?”
Suddenly, the gloomy night dyes moonlit and crimson: twin pools of sunset regard you, a soft flame, soothingly warm in the chill of the inauspicious night; threads of starlight seem to constitute the man’s hair, almost angel-like in the way it frames his candid face, in the tender way the locks fall over his shoulder, tied in a bright red ribbon, akin to a bouquet of lily of the valleys. Like you, it seems he has discarded his mask, a splash of vermillion held in between svelte fingers wrapped in pale silk.
You greet him with a smile, the previous gales of fury receding, replaced little by little by the nurturing caress of an early autumn wind through maple leaves.
“I could ask you the same question.” You offer, turning your body in his direction, the faint touch of moonlit clouds brushing against your skin.
He shakes his head, tendrils of silver swaying with his movement.
“Let’s just say I prefer the peaceful nature of the outdoors.” He chuckles, sincere, the sound almost transparent in its quality, tiny ripples by a dawn breeze over a mirror-like stream. Then, he tilts his head to the side, silken strands caressing the smoothness of his cheek in ways you know you shouldn’t be dreaming of so soon. “However, I do believe it could prove romantically irresponsible of me to deny someone else this dance, no?” He asks, extending a hand to you.
And you know you shouldn’t feel your face heating up at the protruding tendons over the callous softness of his skin.
“My name is Kaedehara Kazuha,” he finally introduces himself.
Kazuha. You can’t quite tell just yet why you somehow wish that to be forever the name on your lips, nor do you know yet why you find your eyes naturally drifting off to every lash and diminutive freckle so temptingly touching his cheeks.
You don’t know if it’s right either, to take this leap of faith. What if the jump ends in you downfall? Again.
But what if you could swim in a pool of starlight instead? Is the voice whispering in verse into your ear, when you find one of your hands entwined with Kazuha’s, the other resting over the shoulder of his black and red suit jacket.
“It is my pleasure to meet you, Kazuha.” You find yourself smiling back, before introducing yourself.
As your dance partner twirls you around, the warmth of his hand lingering on the small of your back, the overcast skies seem to part. Like a wrinkle in the mundanity of human life, endless sparkling stars cast their gaze over you two, even their moon coming out to take a peek into the couple’s hearts yearning for the fated romance to be.
Splashes of cotton candy pink and cherry crimson sweetly bloom under the argent lights of the enchanted night, even the wilting rose you had been tampering with earlier dyeing in shades of life anew.
Though, to you, in this moment, the only life that matters is the one held in Kazuha’s autumn stare, his tenderness tethering you to the gentle comfort of your head resting against his heart.
Maybe it had already started beating for you, much like yours.
Perhaps some charms begun at midnight.
Throngs of people gather around the Opera Epiclese building and yet, you had never felt so alone.
A sinking feeling settles in your heavy heart, as you pat your now lackluster gown, check your purse, only to come up empty handed.
Your ticket for today’s masquerade ball, seemingly vanished.
Defeated, you sigh, turning on your heel.
What use will be lingering around, with no way to get into the opera house anyway? Things couldn’t have turned out worse.
Or so you thought.
For, seconds later, you would find yourself tripping over the hem of your long dress, ripping it in the process, one of your delicate high heeled shoes slipping off, clattering to the concrete ground, a few feet away from you.
The ruby tear embedded on your mask seems like a mockery right now, salty crystalline tracks streaming down your cheeks.
Luckily, no one will pay you any mind and you’ll save yourself the embarrassment, you try to console yourself.
Alas, the fates didn’t even want to concede you that small salvation.
“Are you alright?” a pleasant voice questions, causing for you to turn around.
And when you do, the man standing right before you is not unlike a spell himself. Violet eyes concealing the secrets of a lifetime spent on the edge of light and shadows regard you through his cat mask, the disguise leaving a maroon tear-shaped mark visible on his cheek, similar to the one on your own mask; his top hat is decorated in shades of rose and night, a purple ribbon around it, its hue almost in tune with the magic of his gaze. Silvery strands sweep over the stranger’s pale visage, slightly ruffled in the ebb and flow of the night’s balmy breeze. And in his hand, he’s holding the fine shoe that caused your fall.
With your face burning in shame, you look to one side, mumbling an affirmative response. You can only be grateful for the crowds starting to dissipate, leaving you and this boy mostly alone.
Kneeling, he carefully slips the shoe on your bare foot.
“Are you sure about that?” He prompts further, helping you up. “You look dressed for today’s ball, however, you were heading in the opposite direction…”
Rubbing at your face, you hang your head low.
“About that… I’m not going anymore…”
“Is that so?” He tilts his head to the side, gaze of iris settling on the torn skirts of your attire.
“I just… it’s embarrassing…” You admit. “I somehow lost my ticket to enter… and well, then I fell, and now besides not having the means to get in, there is no way I look presentable for the occasion anyway…” You chuckle, humorless.
He hums. Then:
“If I may be so bold, I do believe you look lovely.” The mysterious man compliments you, snapping his fingers.
You follow his gaze to your outfit. And when you take it in, your eyes widen. Where there used to be a tear on the fabric, now it’s seamlessly weaved together, sweeping over the nightlit cobblestones. And not only that, but its shade is an even more vibrant shade of carmine now, small sparkly flecks catching the silvery ripples of Fountain of Lucine.
“Wha- Thank you…” You breathe, awestruck, admiring the revived color of your clothes.
“My pleasure.” The magician chirps, with a wink. “Now, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the ball? It’s starting soon, and I would be very happy if you said yes.”
“I mean… I would love to, but my pass is gone…” You answer, regret lacing your tone.
“Hmm…” He muses, holding his chin in between two fingers. “Can I ask you to look closely now?” He pulls out his ticket, and right there, in the blink of an eye, he slides a second pass from behind the first one.
You gasp, eliciting a soft laugh from him.
“How about now? May I, Lyney, have the pleasure to join you for the night?” He proposes, bowing.
Smiling gratefully, you take his arm, wonderstruck still.
Together, you make your way towards the Opera Epliclese, the tickets safely held in Lyney’s free hand.
When you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the clear surface of the fountain’s waters, a Rainbow Rose adorns your hair.
The magician’s doing, no doubt.
You silently thank Lyney with a smile, and he believes no beam of moon could ever hold a candle to the sight of you.
Above the hall’s music, an acute faraway sound pulls you out of the forest of masked faces.
The spacious room is lit in gold, luxurious lamps and chandeliers focused on a crowd disguised in velvets and lace.
But, that melody. You can’t quite get it out of your head. You’ve been hearing it all evening, every now and then.
Akin to a gelid river, cutting through blocks of stone-hard ice, making your every hair stand on end when its notes tantalize you with the promise of the gilded reflections of northern lights over the stream’s surface.
You can’t ignore it any further, the flames dancing from ornate candles against the walls seem to murmur.
And even though the impending rushed beat of your heart may be painting danger red all over this possibility, you decide to ignore it, listening to the unknown song’s voice, beckoning you out of the ballroom.
Flecks of gold seem to hang in the air as you make your way through twisting ample corridors, the otherworldly sound welcoming you through a set of double doors, their wood snow white, their handles, crystal.
When you push them open, frozen air appears to settle all around you. It is not unpleasant, though.
In the same way, even though the music has just stopped, the sight before you is not unpleasant either in the slightest.
Amidst the room, a blonde man stands. His gaze, resembling underwater lights at dawn, is set on you. A white shirt with blue and golden accents falls perfectly against his frame.
You don’t miss the way his sleeves are rolled up, nor the tiny multicolored splashes in them.
Which brings you to take in the space around you.
A multitude of paintings line every wall: landscapes of somewhere you can only dream of stepping into; portraits of people you have never met, or have you, in the distance of sweet sleep?; abstract brushstrokes, constituting colors you had never seen before, that you know you won’t see anywhere else.
“Hello,” a soft voice that can only belong to the man in the room utters. “I am Albedo, the court’s alchemist, how may I be of assistance?”
You clear your throat, stammering an apology. He smiles, that sunny sky gaze never leaving you.
“I-I uh… I just heard music and… it seemed to come from here… I apologize for barging in so rudely.”
He gives you a sweet smile. You wonder whether he’s a prince, instead of an alchemist.
“Not at all. Music, you say?” He asks, bringing close to his lips the flute he had been holding. “Did it sound anything like this, perhaps?” Albedo starts to play, notes filling the chamber, colorful blossoms flourishing along snow-covered plains.
You get lost in the sound. In the ethereal aura the prince-like alchemist exudes. He’s as magnetic and entrancing as the melody he plays. Unconsciously, you’ve started to sway, and perhaps a part of you wishes this song was a gift for your ears alone.
At some point, the symphony stops, notes of it, still lingering in the crispness of the atmosphere, despite the closed windows.
“Beautiful.” He utters, tender, the fall of snowflakes atop your open palms.
Warmth creeps up your neck when he steps closer to you, his elegant hands hovering close to your face, to your silver mask.
“May I?” His lips say, rose-colored in the careful lilt of his tone.
Nodding is all the answer you can manage, Albedo’s cool fingertips grazing the side of your cheek.
“Yes, lovely.” He repeats, studying the lines of your mask-free face, the wave of your hair, the sparkles in your wide eyed gaze.
You wonder if he’s ever looked into a mirror, because if he’s presenting you these compliments, no words could describe how utterly breathtaking you think he is.
“Would you allow me to paint you?” Is the question you find yourself nodding to as well.
Beneath the golden lighting of fabricated starlight and with the paradoxically warm caress of Albedo’s cool touch when his hands position you for his portrait, you enter a labyrinth of emotions you only want to brave deeper.
What lies beneath the sunlit layer of snow clinging to Albedo’s every movement?
Perhaps tonight, as he renders you in watercolors, you have already imprinted yourself in his golden encased heart.
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pooks · 1 month
i just had a very hilarious idea
at the end of the WCI arc, when the Retrieval Squad are safe and heading towards Wano, Nami laments that she had somewhat hoped to get the chance to steal some money from Big Mom
and then Ichiji, the madlad, just untucks his shirt and lifts it up. what happens? sacks with Berry and jewelry falls down on the lawn deck
Ichiji casually reveals that that he, just hours before the Whole Cake Wedding Assasination, decided to sneak and raid so much treasure from his and Sanji's sire.
"child support." he simply says. "with interest, of course."
Nami, of course, get Berry sign in her eyes and just says "Ichiji...you know that you're my best friend, right?" and Ichiji just smiles, a real genuine smile for the first time since Dressrosa, and says "of course, Nami dearest. would you have the honor to keep these safely?"
but it's on one condition; Ichiji wants to keep a specific jewelry box that belonged to his and Sanji's mother Sora.
while Nami is busy counting the money, Sanji and Ichiji sits together and looks in their mother's jewelry box, remembering and admiring the beautiful necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets she used to own. there is also old photographs, hand-written notes and small bottles with perfume from the North Blue.
Sanji wanted Nami to have some, but she declined and said she didn't need it. Nami understood perfectly well that it was Ichiji and Sanji's late mother's things
none of them are sure what to do with the jewelry box and its' contents, but Ichiji simply stole it back because he didn't had the heart to leave it behind
also later
Sanji: *cooking lunch* WAIT you stole all that from the treasury and then fought with sacks of gold and jewels in your clothes?! Ichiji: what, like it's hard? *sips wine like an absolute icon*
also bonus
post-Wano, Zoro absolutely threw himself in the ocean for a swim when he saw Sanji wearing his mother's sapphire and gold earrings. the marimo claimed the weather was hot when they were actually closer to a spring island.
Nami called bullshit on that lol
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huramuna · 7 months
a maid's folly - epilogue. end.
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dark aemond x maid ofc
work is 18+, minors do not interact, lest ye be smited.
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word count: 2k
follow & turn on notifs at @huramuna-fics for my fic postings!
a new maid from the Vale arrives at the Red Keep during a tumultuous time and becomes ensnared in the One-Eyed prince's web.
thank you for sticking with me while i struggled to get through the epilogue. i hope it tickles the itch that chapter 8 left with you and ties up everything with a nice bow. thank you for your patience, as always.
warnings: smut, power imbalance, religious guilt, dark Aemond, canon typical misogyny, canon typical violence, Aemond being a touch starved weirdo, possessiveness, jealousy, this is going to be ANGSTY
am i dreaming of sunflowers - post malone & metro boomin, a$ap rocky, roisee
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“Dracarys, Robyn.” 
“Dwa… caways.”
“No, no. Dracarys!” 
“... good enough for now, little one,” Aemond hummed, picking up the toddler with his good arm and holding him to his hip. “Now, how do we greet mother?” 
“Muña,” Robyn babbled, his chubby arms outstretched as he and Aemond approached Rosemary, who had an apron tied taut around her rounded belly. Her hands were dirtied with flour, which she pat down the front of her dress. 
“Very good, little bird!” Rosemary exclaimed, darting over to her two boys, a gentle hand laid on Aemond’s arm, to which he leaned in slightly.
“What’s for dinner, then, muña?” Aemond purred, pressing his lips to Rosemary’s neck, eliciting a giggle from her. 
“Venison stew and parsnip mash,” she responded. “‘Tis no sea bass, but it will do, shouldn’t it, husband?” 
“I suppose it will.” he responded swiftly, placing Robyn down onto the floor as they walked into the small cottage. He stretched his arm and shoulder before perusing the kitchen table. “More letters?” he asked, thumb flitting over parchment that was strewn across the table.
“... yes. She is begging for your return.” Rosemary avoided his gaze, stirring the mash that was still cooking on the stovetop. 
“I don’t understand why– I am useless to them like this.” he pulled out a chair with one arm, his only arm– the other one was amputated at the elbow, long healed and scarred over. His eye scar was speckled now with burns, the sapphire gone from his socket. He didn’t care to wear an eyepatch these days, his hair shorn short. He looked ghastly to everyone in the village besides his wife and son. He looked like his father now, how his face was sunken and the eye socket unadorned– just… there, with only one arm. When going to town, he wrapped a silken sash over the sullied side of his face, just so he wouldn’t scare the children. It was the least he could do.
“The war has been over for six moons, she says– they… they pray for you to come back to King’s Landing, Aemond.” she pointed out, taking the pot off from the heat.
“I have no dragon, I can’t fight– what use am I?” 
“You don’t have to have a use, husband– you merely need to be alive. Your mother and brother think you dead still.”
“I’m better off to them dead–”
“Don’t,” Rosemary snapped, hands on her hips. “Do not ever say that to me, or around Robyn either. I won’t have talk of that in this house.” 
Aemond bit his lip and tongue, eye lazing over the letter that was pursed between thumb and forefinger. 
Dearest Marigold,
I cannot wait to meet my nephew, he sounds like the most wondrous little boy. But we are still not able to leave the nest. The folk are in uprise at the lack of food and resources.
Mother mourns him. Brother has erected a statue in his honor.
You must convince him. We need him here. 
If you are unable to and do not return before the turn of Spring, I shall saddle up and get you all myself. 
Lady Orbweaver
His brow furrowed as he read it over and over again until his lone eye strained and watered from not blinking. “You should burn these.” 
“I don’t want to speak of it any longer.”
Spring had turned, the coldness of the nights bleeding into warm days as the flowered fields of the Riverlands finally began to recover from the war that had ended two years ago now. It had been two springs since Helaena promised to come visit– but she had not yet.
“Vaelaena, please don’t run so far ahead!” Rosemary called as she tottered down the wooded path towards the lake. Aemond was at her side, arm around her to steady the two of them as they walked. She was once again swollen with child, hoping for an early summer delivery date. 
Robyn was now five years old, helping his sister along the path. Vaelaena, now two, was the spitting image of her mother with wide brown eyes and wonderment at everything. 
“Okay mumma!” Vaelaena squeaked as she continued to do the opposite of what her mother asked.
“Vae, hold my hand!” Robyn smushed his fist into his sister’s, making her slow down. 
They reached the pebbled beach of the God’s Eye lake and Rosemary sat down on a flat rock. Aemond had fishing poles strapped to his back, fiddling with getting them off with only one hand. 
“Robyn, come help your father.” Aemond asked, much to his own chagrin. He hated to ask for help– especially from a five year old, but this was his life now.
Robyn took the fishing poles from Aemond and baited the hook– they had mulled around in the dirt a few hours earlier in the garden for worms. Mostly Robyn and Vaelaena, but Aemond kicked the dirt around, too.
“Now, cast it like I taught you, boy,” he sat down on the shore, knees bundled up in front of him as he watched his son cast the fishing line out into the lake. He blinked, remembering all too well when he had been bleeding out, dying on this very spot– his arm shredded to nothing but muscle and sinew, and his dragon drowning, sinking to the bottom of the lake. He had watched when they fished Vhagar’s corpse out of the lake, now nothing but a host of bones. They were looking for his body, he knew– they found Dark Sister and Caraxes, too. But they did not find Daemon’s body, nor did they find his. When he looked up at the sky above the God’s Eye, he was there again, swirling in a fight to the death against his uncle– it was suicide, it was… stupid. The despair he’d felt seeing them haul up Vhagar’s remains was immense. He was the cause of her death, a dragon who’d survived from the Conquest and beyond. Only to be brought down by an ugly bloodwyrm.  
But it had won the war, in short. Rhaenyra had surrendered after she heard of her husband’s untimely death and fled to Essos with her remaining children. Aegon and Helaena remained in the Keep and Jaehaerys was named heir. It seemed things were finally as they should be– and to them, Aemond was dead. At least, to everyone but his wife, children and sister. Helaena knew the entire time that Rosemary was alive and did not say a thing, and mayhaps Aemond was still cross about that. He had been furious at Rosemary for weeks after she saved his life. He was a terrible patient, in truth. All the while being angry at Helaena and Rosemary, he couldn’t be mad at Robyn, who aided in his recovery, the best a toddler could, of course. He didn’t even have to ask if he was his son, the boy was a spitting image of himself, of the portraits that had been done of him as a child, still hung in his mother’s rooms, he guessed. 
Rosemary and Aemond had wed shortly after he regained most mobility, about six months after he arrived in her cottage. They had paid a septon in the town in fifteen copper stars to wed them in the Sept– the Sept of the small village just being a one-room hut with a dirt floor. 
In town, they were known as Marigold Rivers and Torrhen Waters. They were nameless, just two bastards in love– and Aemond wished for it to stay that way. Despite his love being alive, his son– he couldn’t help but feel this was his punishment. To lurk in the shadows as a nameless bastard cripple while his mother and brother thought him dead. It was his punishment for starting the war, for being a Kinslayer– 
“Papa, look!” Robyn squealed, hauling up a small trout from the lake. “Papa!” 
“Good job, son,” Aemond hummed. “Bring it here, let’s see.” he gestured with his one hand as his son wrestled the tiny trout with two hands to bring it over. Despite it all, despite his despair he felt at his current state of being, he still wanted to be a good father. Better than his father was, at least. He had to be. He made every effort to be there, to teach, to nurture, to do what his own father never did. His son would never know that his father was a prince and he wouldn’t know he had the blood of the dragon in his veins– but he would be loved. 
Rosemary had Vaelaena on her lap, combing her fingers through her unruly blonde curls, wrestling them into a braid, humming a tune. Her tune was muted, suddenly, as the sound of wing flaps echoed through the air. 
Aemond’s chest bubbled in panic and elation, half expecting to see Vhagar from over the horizon. ‘Twas not Vhagar– of course.
It was a giant blue dragon– Dreamfyre. Atop her was Queen Helaena. She landed gracefully upon the pebbled beach. Robyn was frozen in fear or amazement, Aemond could not tell– Vaelaena had her face buried in her mother’s bosom, sniffling. 
Aemond rose to his feet, legs shaky like a newborn fawn’s. His sister was here, as she had promised– two years late, perhaps but… 
“Aemond!” Helaena called, trotting across the beach in her blue and black riding leathers. She looked radiant, hair windswept from the ride. Her face was plastered in the biggest, dumbest smile ever. 
“Hel…” Aemond echoed softly, trudging across the rocky terrain and meeting Helaena in the middle, wrapping his one arm around her. “Hel…”
“I’ve missed you so– my dear brother,” she sniffled. “We’ve all missed you terribly.”
“... how is mother?” 
“As well as she can be, considering the circumstances…” 
“Aegon? The twins? Maelor?” 
“All very good.” 
“... Helaena?” 
“Yes, brother?” 
“Why are you here?” 
“To ask you to come back. And I will not take no for an answer.” 
Aemond opened his mouth to speak, but saw a flash of white go past him as Robyn walked towards Dreamfyre. “Robyn, don’t!” 
Dreamfyre trilled a soft noise at the tiny human coming towards her, who stopped about three feet in front of her snout. Robyn reached out his hand, offering the fish he had just caught. The dragon looked at the little boy, letting out a huge sniff (which almost knocked over the poor boy) and opened her maw, slurping up the fish in a fell swoop. Robyn giggled and was thrilled, despite his hand now dripping in dragon slobber. He trotted back to his father, clinging to his pant leg. “Who’s this, papa?” 
“This is… your aunt. Helaena. She is my sister, just like Vaelaena is your sister.” 
“Vaelaena?” Helaena asked softly, brow perked. 
“... Mayhaps named after you and Vhagar.” 
Rosemary approached with the aforementioned toddler on her hip, already teary eyed from seeing Helaena. “Vae, this is your aunty Helaena– this is Lady Orbweaver I talked about.” 
“Lady… Owbweaber…” Vaelaena repeated, astonished. “Like in… my stories?” 
“The very same!” Helaena exclaimed. “I see that you haven’t given up your talent as a storyteller, Rosemary?” 
“Rosemary? … I thought mumma’s name was Marigold.” 
Fifteen years after the war between brother and sister had ended, the infamous feud dubbed by historians as the ‘Dance of the Dragons’, the realm was peaceful and quaint, still ruled by King Aegon II Targaryen, and his wife, Queen Helaena Targaryen.
By his royal decree, Aegon had bestowed the ancestral island of Dragonstone upon his brother Aemond Targaryen, who had returned five years after the war, thought to be dead after the battle over God’s Eye. 
Dragonstone is resided by the prince, Aemond Targaryen, his wife, Rosemary Targaryen, and their five children. Robyn Targaryen, Vaelaena Targaryen, Baelon Targaryen, Daehaerys Targaryen, and Mheya Targaryen, the last of whom was supposedly named for Rosemary’s late mother, who had ancestral roots in the Mountain clans of the Eyrie. 
The lamb survived the dragon– the lamb, in fact, saved the dragon.
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myladysapphire · 2 years
His Sapphire Princess (I)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,866
CW: mummy issues, childish teasing, incest
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and fire charecters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all charecters are his except for my OC                     
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Her mother was once again in labour. Visenya was the eldest of three. With two brothers and two uncles, she often found herself surrounded by boys. Her Aunt Heleana was often her only escape and even then, bugs seemed more interesting to her. She had longed for a baby sister and loved the idea of dressing her up like a doll and teaching her everything she knew. She often felt lonely,  her brothers were often off with their eldest Uncle Aegon, trying their hardest to impress him. She missed the days when they longed for her satisfaction or happiness over any task, she asked them to do. And now they focused their attention on tormenting her other Uncle Aemond.
Aemond was her dearest friend, having both had eggs that didn't hatch in the cradle they found a way to bond through that. And later their love for the histories of old Valyria and learning High Valyrian.
One was never without the other, that was until she finally claimed her dragon.
When she was six, she went to Dragonstone for the first time. There she made it her mission to claim a dragon. She did not mind which, but she was determined to do so. Having given up much sooner than Aemond on her egg ever hatching, she concluded that she would claim a dragon, and if Aemond wished, she would happily share a dragon with him.
It was no easy feat, she snuck off in the dead of night and rode on horseback (a horse double her size, barely hanging on for dear life) to the dragon mount. Nine dragons resided on Dragonstone, her mother's; Syrax, her brothers; Vermax and Arrax, her father's; Seasmoke, the three wild dragons; Sheepstealer, Greyghost and the cannibal (though she would never think of attempting to claim them), and then there was Vermithor and Silverwing. She believed her best bets were lied with one of them, wild dragons being far too risky for a mere child. There were also several hatchlings and young dragons, but she wanted a grown one. A dragon to strike fear and build her respect.
She was a princess and the heir to the iron throne, after her mother. And riding a dragon fit for a king or a queen is a sure-fire way to build her some support, if not fear to stop any usurpation.
So, when she came face to face with Vermithor, she knew he would be hers.
She sang him a Valyrian lullaby, A song her mother often sang to one of her brothers. She almost giggled at the motion, the bronze fury, wooed by a lullaby. But she had heard stories of dragons being lulled into submission by a song, she hoped it would attract his attention, and lure him out.
It did.
Though she did not anticipate him letting a monstrous roar into her face, a fire built in his throat.
"Umbagon, gīda"
Wait, calm.
He stopped, his head lowered, sniffing her. She refused to show her fear, refused to cry. "Dohaerās" she stuttered.
His head lowered further, edging closer to her face. He sniffed her, letting out a grumble. "Dohaerās" she let out again, this time her voice firm.
His body lowered; his face approached hers. She reached her hand out to stroke him, rubbing at his nose.
"kessa ao ivestragī nyke kipagon ao?" she questioned, hand still stroking him.
will you let me ride you?
His eyes homed in on her, taking in her every movement. Assessing her.
He moved his head forward gently, softly nuzzling her, or at least as much as a dragon could. She took that as a yes and moved forward slowly. Her hand not leaving him. whether to reassure her or him, she did not know. She stoked along his side gently. Moving forward to the ladder to his saddle.
"ok" she muttered to herself, reaching forward to grab the ladder "don't fall, don't fall" she moved up slowly, holding her breath. Making it onto the saddle, he let out a slight shake. Not enough to throw her off, but enough to hurry up. It seemed as if Vermithor was eager to let his new mount fly him.
She sat down slowly, grabbing the reins, "sōvegon".
His ascension was fast, somewhat graceful. Unlike her mother's dragon, he did not glide into the air, sweet and graceful. No Vermithor flew. He flapped his wings to their full length, showing off his size and power. Vermithor wanted to dominate the sky and show his power. He was loud, roaring as if to announce his presence. At first, she thought it was to strike fear and warn other dragons off, but by the quick company of Silverwing, she knew it was a call.
The mated dragons roared upon each other's presence. And then they began to sing. They moved around each other, their voices echoing their movements.
They flew and moved around each other.
She realised then that with one came the other. Much like she and Aemond, perhaps he could claim Silverwing. And they could be like their first riders, she hoped.
She wasn't sure how long they flew, by the time she had even claimed Vermithor the sun had begun to rise, and her parents must be starting to worry. But she could not find it in her to care. They landed outside the entrances to the castle and were quickly greeted by her parents.
"Muña, Kepa" she shouted in greeting. "I claimed him, Muña" she let out excitedly.
"I saw, my love." Her mother spoke, her tone wavering between stern and happy. She knew her mother could not stay mad at her for long, especially with how happy she was.
Her father let out a laugh, "We saw, sweetheart, but you can't keep sneaking out" he tried to say sternly, though his pride shone through his eyes.
"I know, it won't happen again" she muttered, lying.
"hmm" her mother spoke, clearly not believing it "you know, when you lie you look at your feet"
"sorry" she squeaked out, before seeing Jace, her younger brother (by ten moons) run out.
"Senya!" he shouted.
"Did you see? Did you see?" she asked excitedly, as Jace ran up to her and hugged her.
"Yes! Can you take me riding?" he questioned excitedly, Vermax being only four was nowhere near large enough to ride.
"of course," she spoke quickly wrapping her arms around him and spinning in a circle.
Her mother cleared her throat "not until you are older" she spoke " and you missy, will have to hold off on the riding until the dragon masters deem you ready".
Shouts of discontent rang between the two children, "but you claimed Syrax was around my age, and you were allowed to ride her!"
"Yes, but Syrax was much smaller, and Vermithor is much bigger" her mother spoke, pride in her tone when speaking of her dragon.
Visenya only hoped for a bond like her mother and her dragon had.
Ever since claiming her dragon Aemond had tried to distance himself from her. His jealousy strong and their relationship. But she refused to put up with Aemonds actions. Dragging him along with her to meet Vermithor, trying to get Silverwing to bond with him. She did not, but the notion alone made all jealousy he felt disappear. She continued in her efforts to find him a dragon to claim, and whenever he wanted, she would take him out on Vermithor.
If the people of KingsLanding thought, they were close before, then this was a whole new thing.
Alicent, her grandmother, had always liked her. Found her sweet and adored how she cared for Aemond.
Everyone in KingsLanding enjoyed the young princess.
They did not however like her brothers.
At first, she didn't understand, still believing that Ser Laenor was their father. That was until she met Ser Harwin strong. Seeing the way her mother looked at him, the way he looked towards Jace and Luke. The way he had taken her under his wing also and treated her as if she were his own. She knew he was her brother's father, not hers. But neither was Laenor. But she still loved him like he was and treated him as if he was. She was his favourite (another reason for the court to believe she was his) and she was always by his side, and always felt such sorrow when he went off to battle in the steppestones.
She did feel some envy of her brothers, though Ser Harwin loved her as much as he did her brothers, even sneaking off to teach her how to defend herself and swordplay, she could not shake the feeling of jealousy.
Her mother, as much as she loved her, always had a look of resentment when she saw her. She assumed it was because she looked like her father. A man she had no idea who he was a man she could only assume her mother loved. Her mother favoured her brothers, she knew it, lived with it, and resented it. All because she looked like a man whom she had never met. Though being named her mother's heir did quench some of the envy she felt, it still wasn't enough.
Her mother may always be there for her, that was no lie. But unlike with her brothers, there was a hesitance to it.
That was another reason why she wanted a sister, perhaps a sister would understand why she felt the way she did and be treated the same as she was.
But she understood she wouldn't be, no her siblings would all come from a man who loved her mother, and her mother loved back. A man who stuck around.
So, when she overheard, she had a brother, no surprise was seen on her face as she understood nothing would change. That she would be fourth on her mother's list of priorities.
Loved just as much as her brothers, but a hesitance to it.
"Muña" she called, walking down the hallway, towards her mother's chambers.
She had promised her mother she would be there for the birth, wanting to act as support and learn one day what would be a part of her own life (a fact her mother never let her forget).
She ran up to her, quick to greet her new baby brother, her brothers will be very pleased. Her father quickly appeared from another entrance, causing her to run straight into him "ugh, Kepa! Watch where you are going" she groaned, rubbing her nose
He chuckled softly "sorry, little love"
"My, my what happened to you!" her mother exclaimed, "if memory, serves you'd said you'd be her for the birth of the babe?"
She offered a sheepish smile, "Sorry mother, Vermithor wanted to go flying, ask him yourself" nodding her head, it was true to some degree, she wanted to go flying and Vermithor was more than eager to comply.
Her mother hummed in response.
"A boy! I've just heard" her father finally spoke, happily.
"Yes," mother said through pained breaths.
"Can I name him, this time mama?" she said begged. She had a very long list of names and was more than prepared to give her brother a fitting name. as much as she loved Jace and Luke, she hated their names.
Her father patted her head and said "it's up to you mother, love" before turning to her "well done, where are you going?"
"She wants to see him." Her mother hissed, walking shakily up the stairs.
She Shook her head, Alicent had four babes of her own, surely she understands how painful birth is. She rolled her eyes. Perhaps she was getting too old. She was a grandmother after all!
"Now? I'm coming with you"
"Me too!"
"I should hope so," her mother remarked, bitterly.
"Can I hold him, Muña?" she asked, seeing her mother struggling.
Her mother looked down at her and nodded, grateful for the small rest it gave her "of course, my sweet girl"
Her father quickly offered her his arm, which was taken gratefully.
She looked down at her brother, he had the same nose as Luke, brown hair and what she could make out brown eyes. A shame. She had hoped for at least one silver-haired sibling. She was starting to feel like the odd one out.
"Was it terribly painful"
Both mother and daughter turned to look at the other and rolled their eyes.
"I took a lance through the shoulder once," he remarked, unaware of his wife and daughter's actions.
"My deepest sympathies" her mother hissed.
She was completely enchanted with her newest brother, despite his plain features, and simply choose to ignore her father and his attempts at comforting her mother, giving the babe forehead kisses, and cooing at how cute he was, but stopped upon realising he was covered in blood let out a disgusted snort. Her mother chuckled thinking it was directed at her father.
The halls were crowded with court members. Awaiting to see the newest prince. some to see if her mother had had another child sired by her father or another bastard.
Stopping for several members of the court to offer their congratulations to her mother before reaching the queen's chambers. She handed over her brother before bidding her parents farewell.
Whatever was about to happen, she had no desire to see.
And spotting Aemond walking through the corridors meant she didn't want to stick around for much longer.
"AEMOND!" she shouted, running up to him "I have another brother!"
He rolled his eyes, an action he tried to keep from her "hmmm" he said, not caring too much. She and he were walking down the corridor heading towards her family chambers.
"Congratulations Visenya! Oh, that's great news Visenya!" she mocked, putting on a deeper voice.
"Ha Ha, very funny" he spoke, unamused. Arms crossed.
"What does it even matter? Aren't they just another bas-"
"Do NOT-" she interrupted him; a stern look on her face. "They are my brothers, and that is all that matters" she spoke, tone hard, tired of Aemond's attitude. "If you're going to speak about this is will take my leave" she stared him down. Not at wanting to leave. Aemond always apologised, he hated it when he received the silent treatment from her and was often quick to apologise to prevent it.
"Sorry, Senya" he looked down. "what's his name?"
"I don't know, I have ideas, but mother probably won't listen to them!" she let out frustrated "it'll probably be some stupid name like Rhacearys or something!"
They had come up to her family chambers now, the door opened as Ser Harwin and her brothers walked in placing a dragon egg in a fire hearth inside.
"Brothers!" she exclaimed, walking in. Aemond stood by the doorway hesitant to enter.
"princess" Harwin greeted with a warm smile.
"Hello Harwin" she replied, hugging him.
"Senya" both her brothers exclaimed, before moving their eyes to Aemond "uncle," they said curtly, before looking at each other and giggling. Oh, they were up to something!
"Perhaps I should go" Aemond mumbled, moving to leave.
"I – but" she stuttered out, sad, he wanted to leave "I'll see you later? In our secret spot" she whispered the last part, winking terribly as she did so.
Aemond went to laugh but stopped after seeing something over her shoulder. Her brothers most likely. "of course," he mumbled.
"WAIT!" she ran up to him, giving him a quick hug. "BYE!"
Not long after his exit her mother and father entered the room, stopping her from confronting her brothers about whatever their plans with Aemond were.
"Mother look, we choose an egg for the baby" Jace spoke, as their mother moved to sit.
"That looks like the perfect one" she agreed, finally sitting in the chair to rest, as the cover on the eggs pot was lifted.
"We let Luke choose" Jace admitted, as Luke grew a proud smile and thanked him.
"Not every day an egg leaves the dragon pit, princess. I thought it best to escort the lads" Harwin spoke up, his eyes drawn to the babe in her father's arms.
"Laenor and I thank you, commander".
"Another boy, I heard. What a fine knight you are going to make, yes?" Harwin spoke towards the babe.
She stood by her father, looking down at the babe. He had been cleaned up since she last saw him. Much less blood.
"Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey"
"Joffrey?" she questioned, looking between her mother and father "my list had much better names!"
"shush, now," her father whispered, patting her head and moving the babe into ser Harwin's arms.
"wasn't that your friend's name?" she questioned, looking at her father.
He gulped and nodded "Oh! Ok, it's fine then. I forgive you!" she exclaimed. Though she still hoped for a chance to rename him to something much better.
"Father, please may I hold Joffrey?" Luke spoke, trying to grab Joffrey out of Harwin's arms.
Their father tutted, moving her brothers and herself away, dismissing them to their dragon pit lessons.
next chapter
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silky-silks · 4 months
FlipaClip animation! (Wow I actually colored something? It’s tweeted by the way)
Wanted to practice animation again as I was getting bored with still drawing. I am going to do one with Minty but it will be a YCH here.
Now…which one of you upset Geneieve?
(The two humans on the rock are Nina and Sapphirre [Ericvelseb666 and Eve-pie]. Geneieve has rather dark intentions now or she clearly just despise the duo)
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brokenheartsrecords · 2 months
track one: oranges and lemonade and stuffy ballrooms words: 1.44K tw: none
YOU DO NOT REALLY WANT to attend a ball filled with pompous aristocrats and people your mother considers eligible bachelors. And you certainly do not want to spend time dancing with men who would rather talk about themselves and cotton rather than ask you about your interests.
A sorrowful situation, your mother says, shaking her head with that matchmaking smile on her face. You know what she’s planning as you pull on your gloves and adjust the neckline of your gown—wasn’t it a bit too low for a ball?—and play with the wings of your feather-braided fan. 
The mask on your face, however, doesn’t require much adjustment, partially because it was already fixed in place, with the strings intertwined in your elaborate hairstyle, and partially because there were teardrop-shaped sapphires hanging from the edge of the mask. It would be a shame if you shifted the entire visor and ended up having the sapphires hang over your ears instead of where they lay upon your cheek.
The irony of your costume was not lost on you—the spinster wearing a weeping widow’s gown. Your mother and the dressmaker had a sense of humour.
“Look at him over there—Lord Castor. He’s a fine man, but has a love for gambling. If you marry him, you might have to live in a house that slowly loses all the decorations because of it.”
“Mama, I am not marrying him. I heard his years at Oxford only led to his skill at arithmetic being diminished rather than enriched.”
Your mother hits the back of your hand with her fan. “You mustn't say such things in public, darling.” She purses her lips, and then lowers her voice. “I heard he mistook his father’s new bride for his illegitimate daughter.”
You snort. “She’s young enough to look like a daughter more than that old man’s bride.”
“Oh, I pity her.” Mama says, sigh apparent in her voice. “I do not want you to end up the same way, which is why I push you towards the eligible men who are nearest to your age. Like that Mr. Richards.”
“I danced with almost everyone here at every single ball, Mama. And you know that Mr. Richards has a difficult mother.”
“How about Sir Adams?”
“His spoken English is abysmal at best.”
“You cannot expect to find a scholar in every individual.”
“I should hope that my husband should at least be able to carry an intelligent conversation with me, no, Mama?”
She sighs, her eyes catching on the rapidly approaching host of the ball. “There she comes, Ms. Skye. I’ve always disliked her— Ms. Skye! What a lovely ball you’ve put together.”
Ms. Skye laughs. “I did not expect you to accept my invitation, dearest Lady. I can only assume you’re here to hunt for your son-in-law.”
“If you would’ve assumed anything else, you would be sorely mistaken, Ms. Skye. I never asked, how are your grandchildren?”
The woman flicks her hand. “They’re being difficult, like every child is.”
“I would’ve understood that, of course, but I must say, my daughter was an angel when she was a baby.”
You hide your face behind your fan. Angel, of course you were one. You definitely weren’t like satan’s spawn at birth and in your childhood.
Mama continues. “How are your other sons?”
“Jamie is courting the daughter of a second son, can you believe it? I always pushed him towards girls with a better background, but what’s happened has happened. She’s a pain sometimes—no, often. Xander is still working under that physicist at Oxford, and Gray is yet unmarried. I tell him all the time that I might not live too long, and that I would love to see him married, but he seems rather fixed upon remaining a bachelor for the rest of his life.”
“My daughter is almost the same way, Ms. Skye. Every man I show her, she finds a way to reject him! He either wasted his years at Oxford, smells like fish, or has a fondness for the drink. I doubt I will be finding her a husband any time soon.”
The two women giggle, and you are starting to get tired of the conversation. 
“Mama? May I be excused? I promise I shall be right by the refreshments.” You say, hoping your mother will let you go.
With a nod, she says she’ll come find you later, and you walk towards the lemonade. The neckline feels lower than usual, and it feels exceedingly hot in this room filled with stuffy aristocrats.
And the lemonade is warming. Just your luck. 
You take a sip out of it anyway, and take a look at the dancers in front of you. Happy couples and then couples who dance just for show.
And then you, standing at the side, with not even one man you wish you could dance with.
Bored, you take a look at the doors, thinking if it would be so bad if you decided to take your carriage home right now, without waiting for your mother.
She’d be furious, of course, but could she fault you?
A figure stalks towards the doors, and you straighten your back, putting the lemonade down on the table. They seem to be in a hurry, either to get away from someone…
Or to meet someone.
Curiosity ignited, you walk to the doors and walk out of the doors.
Briefly, you consider the consequences of this action of yours. If that figure was a male, and it looked like it was, with the waistcoat and breeches, and if someone discovered the two of you together, it would mean one of two things.
One, a forced marriage to save your reputation. Your mother would turn it into a sign, saying that God sent you this opportunity so that you don’t have to resort to spinsterhood for the coming years of your life. Two, blackmail the witness before they manage to bring anyone else to multiply the number of witnesses.
You stop by the gates of the orangery, asking yourself if this is really worth it.
Three seconds later, you’re opening the doors of the orangery and stepping inside.
There’s a man at the corner of the room, holding shears in his hands and slowly removing oranges from the tree, later placing them in a basket.
He pauses in his movements, and you notice that he’s abandoned his coat as it hangs from a coat rack at the doors.
“Jamie, I do not wish to speak with you at the moment. And if Skye is looking for me, tell her to bother Nash instead.”
You walk towards the man with the shears. Your footsteps resonate throughout the orangery, and the man pauses in his movements again. 
“Did you not hear me?”
You take a breath. “I am not your brother, or your mother for that matter. I just wanted to know who you are.”
You see a peek of blond hair as the man puts the shears down on the table. “I beg your pardon, madam?”
He steps out from behind the tree, eyebrows furrowed, his eyes an icy grey. He is, quite possibly, the most beautiful man you’ve ever looked at. 
“I’ve never seen you before.” You say, ignoring him.
“I rarely go to dances. Who are you?”
You almost give him your name, before you decide against it. It’s inappropriate to give an introduction without your mother present.
Nearly as inappropriate as being alone with a man of a marriageable age without a chaperone.
As if coming to the same realisation, his eyebrows furrow even more. “You shouldn't be here, not without a chaperone.”
You shrug and go to the table, picking up the shears. “I doubt anyone will wish to come to an orangery when there’s a ball inside the house.”
“But you came. Someone might’ve followed you.”
“If they did, they did. I know almost everyone’s secrets, and blackmail always works.”
His eyebrows relax, and you see a faint glimmer of humor in his eyes. “Any reason you sought to escape to the orangery?”
You open your mouth, but you hear the doors slam open.
And that is when you register just how close you and the blond man are. Two more steps and your chests would be touching.
The new arrival looks at the two of you, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 
You know him, at least. From all those balls he attends where he dances with the girl Skye had dismissed as the daughter of a second son.
Jameson Hawthorne.
And he’s a witness to what looks like a secret rendevous between two lovers.
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darkestspring · 2 years
Hi. I’m new to this and just read the rules and hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable
Can I ask for a Aemond x aunt Hightower reader? Like Alicent, she would harm herself but she would either dig her nails into her arms or would just gaze out of space and sometimes accidentally slice her hands or fingers. Otto never married her off because she was like Heleana in a way. She would learn high valyrian with Aemond and would always feel appreciated and happy whenever he praises his aunt for getting a wording right since Otto was never there for her
Aemond is obsessed with his aunt and whispers in his fathers ear (sickly Viserys) of his wish to marry his aunt so he can keep her happy
Cut to the dinner scene, Aemond makes a second toast: “I would like to make one more toast… I am to marry my dearest aunt. She is to be my wife”
Aunt Hightower was once again zoning out, all she heard was her nephew marrying and taking a wife, so she just begins clapping
You had always been an absentminded child, always daydreaming and zoning out, consumed by your own mind. Your father had loved you in a different way than your sister and your sister had loved you like you were her own child.
With your father forcing his ambition of making his daughter queen onto your older sister, he did not have a reason to marry you off, content to listen to alicent's demand that you stay with her in king's landing.
You were still a child, content to pick flowers and live inside your own world. He was content to let you remain like that. For now.
Alicent was a different matter, there was a decade age gap between the two of you, she had always found it cute when you toddled after her, holding flowers for her.
it went without saying that growing up as the queen's younger sister in king's landing meant that you also grew up with your nephews and niece. Your time was mostly spent with Helaena, being that you both were mostly cut from the same cloth.
you both spoke in riddles that no one really understood.
You had never understood the point of fearing bugs so you let your niece place bugs in your hand as she explained about them to you and you did the same to her when it came to flowers, your interest in them almost obsessive.
But the times where you weren't with helaena or even alicent, you were more than often not found with aemond. aegon avoided you as much as he count apart from the rare times when he came to you jsut to hear your praise directed towards him, he wanted just one person to be proud of him and you were.
aemond always seemed to be around whenever you were walking, a basket in your hands with the intent to pick flowers and fruits from the garden that alicent had set up for you, to indulge in your hobby.
He would insist on hold the basket, on helping you as he tried so hard to decipher your muttered riddles.
"the dove can never escape the sapphire cage," you had muttered in your sleep one day as you rested with your head in aemond's lap, per his request and he took that as a prophecy that you were both meant to be married, to be husband and wife.
It didn't matter his mother's protectiveness, nor his grandfather's nor even his elder sisters protectiveness over you. You would be his.
Dragons did not ask permission, they simply took.
and that's what he did.
he remained close to you, patient even as his unrelenting obsession over you got worse as years went on, he had been moved by your tears over the wretched state his bastard nephew pushed onto him, stealing his eye.
Aemond never trailed far from your side, even as questions of why you remained unmarried arose.
'I will marry you.' He was convinced of it, holding your hand gently to keep your from drawing more blood to your slowly healing marks.
The dinner had been the perfect place to announce it. He had taken such care to convince his slowly dying father, whispering his wishes to marry his aunt.
"A toast to my beloved aunt... I will make you the happiest bride, my love."
You had been zoning out at that point and everyone knew by your out of focus eyes but you still clapped along with helaena absentmindedly, not seeing the horrified look on your older sister's face.
ah, but your fate was already sealed.... Targaryen's always get what they want.
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Husband and Father
Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Summary: Nikolai Lantsov...husband and father...
Part 2 to Heir
You groaned softly as you stretched, reaching across the bed for your husband.  But when your hand met cool, empty sheets, you opened your eyes.  It was nearly 10 bells, but you’d given birth three weeks ago, and no one expected the Queen to be attending to her duties right now.  Slowly, you sat up and rose from bed, pulling on your robe–the sapphire blue silk robe embroidered with golden thread that had been imported from the Shu Han–that Nikolai had gifted you.
Since the birth of your daughter, Rosala, your husband had showered you with gifts: gowns, jewels, books, furs, delicacies from Kerch and the Wandering Isle.  All completely unnecessary, you said, but Nikolai was having none of it.  “You have given me the greatest gift I could ever want.  Let me try to repay you.”  It was pointless to argue, so you accepted his gifts gratefully.
Nikolai had taken to fatherhood well.  He refused to let servants raise his daughter, refused to let you do all the parenting.  When Rosala cried in the middle of the night because she was hungry or needed changed, Nikolai got up as often as you, more than happy to rock her to sleep or give her a bottle.  He would attend council meetings with his daughter swaddled in his arms when you needed to rest, and his council found it so endearing when the King would coo at the Princess when she stirred, or asked for her opinion on a trade deal.
Rubbing sleep from your eyes, you made your way into the nursery that adjoined your sitting room to find your husband in the rocking chair, Rosala cradled in his arms.  You lingered in the doorway so you could watch Nikolai and your daughter, and what you observed made your heart melt.  “And then, the beautiful maiden denied the Prince’s request for courtship for the second time.  But the Prince didn’t mind.  For the maiden was so very beautiful and so very kind, that the Prince was willing to wait forever for her.  And the third time he asked for her hand, she accepted.”
You stepped into the nursery, and Nikolai’s eyes lit up.  “My love,” he greeted, torn between looking at his beautiful bride and his precious daughter.  “I thought you were still asleep.”  “I was,” you responded.  “But I woke up and found my darling husband missing.”  Nikolai smiled.  “I see.  Well, someone wanted her breakfast, and we wanted to let Mommy rest.”
It was almost too much, the love you felt for your family; the love of your life and the child you’d wanted for so long.  Nikolai gently shifted Rosala to one side and held out his other arm. “Come here, lovely,” he said, and you carefully settled yourself in his lap, careful not to jostle your daughter.  When you rested your head on his shoulder, Nikolai sighed happily, tightening his hold on you.
“You know, the Royal Astrologers say the world is quite large, but I’ll have to write to them and tell them they’re wrong.”  “Nikolai, have you lost your mind?”  “Quite the opposite, my darling.  You see, I have the entire world in my arms.  You and Rosala, you’re my entire world.  There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, my girls.”  You felt tears pricking at your eyes, but before they could dall, Nikolai wiped them away.
“What did I do to deserve someone like you?” you asked, and your husband kissed you sweetly.  “You are you, my dearest.  That’s all you ever have to do.”  You kissed him again, and a few moments later, Rosala stirred, crying just a bit.  “Oh, is someone jealous?” Nikolai cooed, soothing your daughter.  “I know you love your Mommy, but I love her too, and someone’s been stealing all of her attention lately.  You wouldn’t know who that is, would you, sweetheart?”
You laughed, kissing your husband’s cheek.  “You are too much,” you said, and he laughed as well.  “I am a gem, and you know it.”  After a few more minutes, you extricated yourself from his lap, lifting your daughter from his arms.  “As much as I love having both of you to myself, your council will have your head if you’re late to the meeting.”  Nikolai sighed, standing and kissing your forehead.
“You’re right.  Can’t I just tell them to fuck off?  I’m the King.”  “You could, but then they might not sign your legislation if you do that.”  Your husband groaned, kissing your forehead again and pressing a delicate kiss to Rosala’s forehead.  “I’ll see you later, my loves.  Don’t miss me too much.”  You smiled, accepting Nikolai’s kisses.  “I’ll do my best.”  Nikolai kissed Rosala’s forehead once more before leaving, knowing if he didn’t, he’d be with you and your little girl all day.
You stood before the floor length mirror, staring critically at your reflection.  There was a ball tonight being thrown in your honor, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get ready.  Your body didn’t look the same as it had nine months ago, and while reasonably you knew that was normal, natural, you couldn’t help but dislike what you saw.  You were a Queen; regal and graceful, and Queens did not have an extra pouch of skin on their bellies.  
Nikolai entered the room, wearing his military dress uniform, his medals and sashes adorning him, and your heart twisted.  He was so beautiful, he always had been, and you envied him.  His body hadn’t been forever changed, his stomach didn’t bear angry red stretch marks.  “My darling, why aren’t you ready?”  You slowly turned to face him, and Nikolai saw your upset at once.
“Y/N, my love, what’s the matter?”  “I don’t look the same,” you said, and your husband came to stand before you, taking your hands in his.  “My…stomach is flabby, I have stretch marks, I don’t look the same as I did before, Nikolai, and I don’t like it.”  He took a deep breath, wishing he could take your insecurities away.  “No, you don’t look the same,” he agreed, but before you could go too far down a rabbit hole, he went on.
“You carried our daughter in your body for nine months, Y/N.  You created an entirely new person,  you kept our little Princess safe and warm until she was ready to meet us, and you did a beautiful job.  Yes, your body is different, but you are by no means ugly or undesirable or any less of my beautiful, perfect, darling bride than you were before Rosala was born.  Y/N Lantsov, there is absolutely nothing that could ever make me love you less or want you less, and if I ever say otherwise, please slap me, because that means I’ve lost my mind.”
There were no words to describe the overwhelming love you felt for your husband, and you buried your face in his chest, arms around his waist.  “You are a force of nature, my love,” Nikolai said.  “A beautiful, perfect force of nature.  And I won’t let anyone say or think anything negative about you–even you.  Now, shall we get our radiant Queen ready for her party?”
You lifted your face from his chest, smiling through tears.  “I love you so much, Nikolai.  Thank you.”  “Of course, my lovely.  I love you too.  Should we do the pink silk or the blue?”  You laughed, watching as Nikolai rifled through your wardrobe.  Your maids entered to dress you, and when they were done, you felt nearly as beautiful as your husband always said you were.  A pink silk gown, your hair curled and tumbling down your back, a tiara pinned in your hair.
Nikolai found you in the nursery, leaning over the edge of the bassinet, watching Rosala sleep.  “And here I thought you couldn’t get more beautiful,” he said, catching your attention.  You smiled at him over your shoulder.  “One day you’ll run out of compliments.”  “Never.  I always have a few ready.  Ready to go?”  “I’m afraid to leave her,” you admitted, and Nikolai nodded, coming to stand behind you.
“I know.  But we have her nannies here, and three Healers on standby.  If anything happens–which it won’t–they’ll come get us.  I promise you, everything will be fine.  Now let us celebrate you.”  You squeezed Rosala’s hand and turned, facing your husband.  “Alright.  But if I get even the barest hint that something’s the matter, I’m high-tailing it back here.”  Nikolai laughed as he took your arm.  “If that happens, I’ll race you back here.”
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sakkiichi · 1 year
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“Tell me you will live through this and I will die for you.”
You can imagine any of your favorite characters for this, but I was specifically thinking of Scaramouche/Wanderer, Albedo, Xiao, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Kaeya x fem! reader.
genre/cw: very soft spice, angst to comfort, fluff, some slight aftercare.
word count: 1.4 k.
To someone I cherish, this is for you. If you ever see it, I hope it brings you some semblance of comfort on nights that feel lonely. Even if I’m asleep, I’m on the other side of the screen, dearest 🩵
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The rain falls.
Your palm rests against the cold window glass, drops splattered on the other side.
Looking up at them, you could feel like flying to the grey heavens; you always liked the weather better when it was gloomy.
Shades of light blue seem contained in the still free falling rain, before it shatters against the dull concrete.
You could relate to that, one amongst millions, forgotten afterwards.
Only so many loved to splash in muddy puddles, after all.
With a sigh, you pull away from the blurry glass, the imprint of your hand outlined against the indigo hues of the approaching night.
Is that all the world will have to remember you by?
Are you really that… ephemeral? Impermanent?
Unimportant? Is the word that lodges into your heart, freezing it, each beat painting in dark blue your lips that used to smile, the fingers that used to caress him, so lovingly.
Wrapping your soft blue blanket around your form, you step towards your room’s balcony, the curtains an eerie muted cyan in the dim light. Knuckles white, you pull the crystal doors open, frigid rain almost piercing when it touches your skin.
And yet, it feels peaceful, it feels good.
Perhaps you just missed hurting in ways that were not emotional, and maybe the cold drops in the night provided that.
“I knew you’d be here.” A familiar voice pulls you out of your daze.
Startled, you turn around. Your hands tremble around you, your rumpled up blanket falling off your shoulder, your yellow sweater akin to a blue sun, the water splatters over it, storm clouds. Your hair is plastered against your face, its vibrant shade, ashen in the faint moonlight through decaying skies.
Sighing, his hand wraps softly around yours.
Warm. Loving.
Not his usual chill; not his dominant or fearing for you hold; not his usual teasing; not his trembling hold in twilights when he begged you to please not go.
Permanent. Grounding.
Your lover pulls you into him, under the awning, freezing cobalt bleeding into smaller sapphires when it hits the canvas.
He doesn’t care how you’re dampening his clothes, his hair, arctic hues spreading like watercolors to his core.
Carefully, he guides you inside, the warmth of your room welcome to your shivering form.
The wet blanket is lifted from you, hung on a low chair before the balcony’s doors, the dripping water pooling in a mirrored image of the half concealed moon.
Your partner’s arms hook under your legs, cradling you close, walking towards the bed.
He lays down by your side, svelte hands slipping your ochre sweater off of you. His hands caress your hips, the skin right above your black pants, and the skin under, when slightly calloused fingers slip beneath the turquoise silk of your underwear.
His own shirt meets the same fate as your discarded sweater, both yours and his trousers following after.
Scarred hands travel up and down your sides, his gem-like eyes reflected in your dilated pupils.
Tears shine like colorless emeralds in your lash line.
You want him. You need him. So bad.
But do you deserve him?
As if he was the only one privy to your thoughts, your lover’s hand laces with yours.
His gaze is comfortably piercing, completely set on your pretty face.
A gentle squeeze, before his hand slips delicately under your sports bra, unclasping it, alice blue fabric slipping off your frame.
“Beautiful.” He breathes, his stare dilating, his hands fondling with your breasts, gently pinching your nipples. He relishes in the little moans you let out.
Even if he never liked to see you cry, you were still perfect with teal eyeshadow running down your cheeks.
“My love…” you utter, a choked out sound. You want him to go on, but you want him to find better than you too.
And yet, he doesn’t think there’s anyone better, not here, not on any of the seven nations, not in another world.
“What is it, my bunny?” He whispers, kissing down your jawline, your neck, your collarbones.
You let out a shaky sigh.
“Are you sure? That I’m the one you want to do this with?” You ask, not meeting his gaze, head lowered.
“My dearest, look at me.” His tone is mellow when he takes your chin in between his fingers, gaze haloed in night and starlight, magnetized by you. “You’re the only one I want this with, the only one I’ll ever want. Do you understand?” The shadow of a smirk crosses his perfectly sculpted features when his lips brush the shell of your ear, feeling your frame shiver at his every touch.
All you can do is nod, throbbing and wetness starting to pool in your core, shades of pink and amber merging into the blue lighting of the night when his fingers brush your hipbone.
Skilled digits prod at your needy nub, thumb circling it, pearlescent juices leaking out of you.
You were always so perfect, and right now, you’re ethereal.
Reflected moonlight paints your skin azure, the city lights fiery against your hair, splayed out around the pillows.
Lips that have smiled, smirked, bitten and brought you endless pleasure envelop yours, his tongue swirling over the rosé of your parted mouth, asking for an entrance that was and would forever remain his.
His hardened tip teases your hole, as his arms wrap around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer, two colliding meteors, so bright, the sun would never need to rise again.
He enters you, in a melody of skin against skin and moans of yours and his name mingling in a million colors in the dark.
You can feel him. Deeply. Every vein and drag of his length spreading you out, taking you higher with every kiss of his tip on your sweet spot, to a vantage point from where you can see the skies end.
“I love you…” your boyfriend groans, pushing deeper inside you, one of his hands intertwining fingers with yours, the other, firm on your hip. “I love you, my darling… I’ll repeat it until you believe it… you feel so good, archons, you’re perfect.”
With one last forceful thrust, you feel your walls clamp around him, ribbons in a myriad of bright lights you only see after the nebula you and him create, painting your walls in every little detail that constitutes him and all the sheer adoration he holds for you.
Perhaps he once was a fallen god, now wandering in search of his own identity; or a broken angel, casting everyone in light, except for himself, donning a mask, kept in the shadows; maybe he is a crafted alchemist, still wondering about what it means to be alive; he could have been a silent scribe, caring more than his hardened stare let on, always peering from behind a book or another; at times you swore he was an artist, the architect that designed your very soul. Or maybe you’ve dreamed of him as a suave knight, his heart concealed behind a wall of spiky ice.
But what never changed is that his heart was always yours, in every version of the world, in every chapter of the story you still write, in the hours you dream away.
And so, you let go.
Liquid starlight coats him in your burning desire, as his nails dig into your skin, claw-like marks in his wake.
You’re a star, him, the moon, or the sun, that will forever orbit around the shine you don’t always see. Together, you meet the zenith of more than just entangled bodies, his lips descending upon yours once again tonight, feather-like this time.
With breaths mixed and labored, he pulls out, his arms not letting go, never letting go, for the gravity of you will forever tie him to your heart; even if his is hollow, icy, corrupted, or hard and gold, the threads of your sweetness are all he needs to feel alive.
Gently, your lover pulls the covers snug around you.
Summer sky blue, he sewed them himself. Or was it just his design? You can’t recall, but they are coated in him, his scent, his goodnight kisses.
Tender fingertips brush sweaty strands of hair away from your face. ‘So that I dream of you’, are his unspoken words, before his eyes close and his lips meet the tip of your nose.
In his arms, your lashes flutter closed too, in tandem with his.
Will you find wine and warm light on the other side? Lanterns to guide your night? Perhaps vast expanses of greenery with paths to find yourself and libraries to lose yourself in. Whatever the case, you hope for clear skies.
When dawn approaches, the baby blue of your now dry blanket matches the heart shaped rays expanding in the horizon.
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dragon-ascent · 2 years
Mora For Your Thoughts?
Zhongli is always interested in what you have to say, no matter what it is.
★彡penny for your thoughts, zhongli edition.
"Mora for your thoughts?"
You smile up at your husband, whose question has pulled you out of your midday reverie. Zhongli sets the tea tray he’s been holding on the table, settles beside you on the couch with a tender smile and kisses your cheek, eagerly awaiting your answer.
"Well," you begin, "I was wondering why cats get nine lives, but dogs don't."
Zhongli rubs his chin thoughtfully. "A fascinating question. In fact, I seem to recall a story from centuries past that tells the story of a cat and his dog companion, and how they once compete for immortality." He pauses, knowing that the story will take all evening to narrate - which he will only do if you're fine with it.
You rest your head on his shoulder, knowing full well that any story from Zhongli's internal archives is bound to be a treat. "Go on." There is tea, and there is time.
"Mora for your thoughts?"
Sitting by the windowsill, you keep your gaze upon the clear sapphire sky up above. "I was just wondering what it would feel like to soar in the sky, unfettered by the troubles of the world below."
Zhongli hums. "If I weren't living strictly as a mortal, I would love to let you ride on my back across the skies."
You turn to him, a big smile on your face. "Wow, really? In your dragon form?"
"Of course, dearest. Though I doubt that would be possible at present, but perhaps one day." He, too, now looks up into the blue, blue sky.
You shake your head. "It's the thought that counts! Just imagining it makes my heart race! I've always wanted to ride you - I...I mean ride on your back while you're in dragon form..."
Zhongli throws his head back and laughs, a pleasant, rumbling baritone that never fails to make butterflies erupt within you. With golden eyes full of mirth, he says, "For now, I shall regale you with descriptions of the sky and clouds from my own experiences. Would you like that?"
"Yes please! Tell me all there is to see and experience alongside the loftiest birds!"
And thus, your husband kisses your forehead and begins to narrate his skyward anecdotes, each description more vivid than the last, until it feels like you are up there in the skies atop a draconic Zhongli, feeling the wind race across your face and the clouds split into tendrils like cotton.
You narrow your eyes down at the book you're reading, utterly displeased with the direction the author's taking. Though you suppose it's to be expected of a run-of-the-mill romance... still, you sigh and look up from the novel, finding Zhongli's own inquisitive gaze upon you. He is reading a book as well, but for now chooses instead to focus on his beloved.
"Mora for your thoughts?"
You smile at the fondly familiar question. "I just find it frustrating how, in the novel I'm reading, the main character is more attracted to the man with anger issues and a drinking problem, rather than the level-headed and genuinely kind man."
"Ah, a case of second-lead syndrome, hm?"
"Yup," you affirm, and then sigh again, "it wouldn't be so bad if the romance scenes were at least well-written. None of them seem romantically-charged at all. It's frustrating. There's so many things the author could have done..."
"Is that so?" Zhongli sets aside his book, his eyes carefully trained on you. "Have you any suggestions?"
It's an innocuous question, so you answer without hesitating. "They could've had a scene where they were pressed together in a tight space, or had to share a single bed at a busy inn...and their kissing scenes are drier than the Desert of Hadramaveth! I would've liked it if their kisses had both passion and tenderness."
A soft chuckle, and Zhongli is now cupping your cheek. You lean into his touch contentedly as his thumb draws soothing circles along your cheek. "Shall we enact your romantic fantasies and make them a reality?"
Saying this, your husband kisses you, equal parts tender and passionate. What follows makes sure you know firsthand that what you two have is miles more powerful than words in the pages of a book.
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tj-dragonblade · 7 months
Rated: M Word Count: 756 Tags: Fluffbruary, Fluffbruary 2024, fluff with added heat, human AU, photographer-model roleplay
For my dearest @staroftheendless - happy birthday! The stars aligned and I managed to bang out this little scene, built on today's Fluffbruary prompt and featuring not-a-shaved-panther human!Dream just for you ❤️
Fluffbruary Prompts: Day 21: photography pepper truffles Day 22: key silly quest
Summary: Dream comes home and Hob greets him with a camera
On AO3
"There he is!" Hob exclaims, and whisper-yells to simulate crowd noise, camera flashing as the door to the flat opens. Dream pauses on the threshold, caught off guard, keys still in hand, and then his expression shifts as he takes in Hob, shirtless, snapping photo after photo. He smiles, slow and sultry, tosses his head and runs a hand through his hair, shakes it out as he shuts the door and sets his keys aside. He pauses briefly on each move, posing, letting Hob get every shot like they're on the red carpet, and Hob plays it up, crooning directions in between.
"Yeah, that's it, give me lips—" Dream pouts, full and rosy pink, framed by his three-day stubble, and the camera flashes. "Beautiful, gorgeous, yes. Give me flirty, playful—" Dream hooks a finger under the knot of his tie and tugs it loose, flicks open the buttons on his collar, smile coy, eyes a simmering sapphire blue under his lashes. "Love it, sweetheart, you're a natural," Hob praises, clicking away. They've gone from imaginary red carpet to imaginary private studio in two seconds flat but that's really not the point here, is it. "Lose some layers, let's relax a bit, yeah?"
Dream, bless him, manages to make the process of removing his shoes and socks while still standing look sexy, somehow; Hob makes sure to catch his bare feet with their ebony toenails in at least of couple of shots. Dream shrugs out of his neat slate-grey blazer next, turning and giving a coy come-hither gaze over his shoulder as he tugs it off his arms and casts it aside.
"That's right baby keep going, you're doing great," Hob offers, halfway between his photographer-with-questionable-ethics persona and genuine praise. It's harder to keep up the role the further they get into it, but he knows Dream has fun with these silly little games and so he does his best. "Show me something dirty, now, something sexy." He's backing down the hall as Dream advances, heading inevitably for the bedroom.
"Hmmm," Dream purrs, thoughtful; then, eyes never leaving the camera, he brings his wrist to his mouth and unbuttons the cuff of his sleeve with his teeth. His other hand is busy with the buttons down his front; he switches and continues, repeats the cuff-unbuttoning on the other arm.
"Perfect," Hob leers, backing into the bedroom, snapping pic after pic, "keep it coming, make me, uh, make me forget my own name here—"
Dream lifts his arms, shirt hanging open, cuffs undone, and rakes both hands back through his hair with a moan. His eyes are closed, lips parted, head tilted back; the loose tie around his throat is a slash of deep burgundy against the black of his chest hair and the white of his skin and Hob loses his breath for half an instant at the sheer compositional beauty of the sight, grateful that he's already got his camera in action.
He is so fucking blessed, to get to call Dream his.
Dream lifts his head, rolls his shoulders, drops his hands to his belt and meets Hob's gaze through the camera lens again. He undoes the buckle and pulls the slim leather free in one swift motion, drops it lazily behind him as he enters the bedroom. He flicks open the clasps on his trousers, draws the zipper down just enough to tease, then palms himself in one hand while the other snakes up to pull his tie completely free. He gives Hob another second to take photos while he's gripping his crotch and then he turns, steps over to the bed and falls gracefully back onto it. His hands are above his head; he winds the tie loosely about both wrists and then holds the ends in his fist, a token show of restraint. His shirt is wide open around him, dusky pink nipples on display, the dark hair on his chest trailing beautifully down his abdomen into the open fly of his trousers, where he is visibly aroused.
Hob stares, lifting his gaze from the viewscreen on the camera, achingly hard himself and losing the thread of his character entirely. "Fuck me, you're gorgeous," he breathes, snapping a few more photos. He can't help himself.
Dream smiles, sultry, decadent, and arches invitingly against the sheets. "Put the camera down, Hob," he purrs, flexing his fingers where his hands are 'bound' above his head. "Your model has worked hard, and would like to be ravished, now."
Hob is only too happy to comply.
= Drafted: 2/20/24 - 2/21/24 Posted: 2/21/24
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