#sarah rants
makethiscanon · 1 year
TW: grief comfort/venting. || words: 300
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Ojiro knew as soon as you knocked on his door. He knew before he opened it, before he saw the tear stains blotching your cheeks, before he heard you try to speak, try to ask, try to tell him what had happened. He knew.
He opened his arms to you and let you come to him, pulling you tight against his chest once you did, his tail knocking the door closed behind you for privacy.
"Want to talk about it?" He asked, not wishing to push you into anything before you were ready.
You shook your head, so instead he guided you to his bed. He sat himself down, put you across his lap, then his hand came to stroke your hair as you pressed your face into the crook of his neck.
He held you close, hoping his embrace was some kind of solace.
You didn't speak. You didn't sob. But the shake of your shoulders made him pull you tighter still.
"I've got you. You're not alone."
His voice came as quiet as a whisper, but a promise nonetheless. You would get through this, and he would stay at your side.
Ojiro was powerless to protect you from life's inevitabilities. But he would always be there to pick you up and dust you off.
Once you were ready.
And until then, you would always have his comforting warmth to rely on as you cried.
Hopefully you won't see me do another of these for a long time. I lost my nan last night. The last of my grandparents. Losing a loved one is devastating and I just hope all of you have someone like Ojiro to give you comfort when you need it most. Grief takes many forms. Don't be afraid to release yours however you need to.
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durnesque-esque · 1 year
Spent my weekend feeling like one of the old gods in American Gods sitting at a table with the Gods of Progress
My dear friend and roommate for the con is friends with very cool and current creators, meanwhile I'm like this Eldritch Horror of the Old Days, literally wearing my Tumblr crab socks and feeling like a cryptid dragged out of forgotten lore. 🤣
Don't get me wrong, it was insanely fun and everyone I met was genuinely kind, but still a weird and kind of hilarious feeling.
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lcandothisallday · 4 months
someone help me manifest finding a job away from toronto and my hometown so i can move out without my mom’s feelings getting hurt🤩🤠🫶🏼
cos fr no one talks about the stunt in growth a child of immigrants goes through when they move out for college then have to move back home post graduation cos the lack of freedom im feeling right now is sending me like 5 years back in my personal growth development😃 and like i LOVEEE my parents and they’re considerably very open to my lifestyle and all that, however comma, it’s just weird. like i cant just leave the house without them knowing where I’m going and it’s just hsksnksks i used to be out and about till like 3 am if i wanted to and now all my outings are with my mom💀 can’t go clubbing or on dates or be out to late cos it’s just too weird cos of my respect for them😩
does anyone else relate?😔
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parfumgirlgirl3 · 2 years
i wanna talk about my love life because i’ve absolutely fallen for my coworker who vows to never date and he used to be so romantic till he realized we both fell so now he’s cold to me. but have you ever been loved by someone who doesn’t show it? it’s beautiful. it’s soft and sweet and all i want is him. i’ve developed this crush on a hard ass manwhore who can love so sweetly but doesn’t until he forgets that he has an act to keep up. i want him to know i care for him unconditionally but FUCK. yknow. he’s wonderful and caring and deserves to be loved but god damn why does he have to be like THIS
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localdiscountgoth · 8 months
haha, i might not have access to my meds by end of next week which will put me in the hospital because my pcp is being a giant turd and i guess would rather me be hospitalized than just GIVING ME MY DAMN MEDS
i dont want to go to the hospital. the psych ward fucking sucks and my dad will drag my ass back to my hometown. which maybe i shouldnt have left anyway cause shits hitting the fan and im tired
i just want things to be okay.
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comicallyonline · 2 years
this is really random but i need to get this off my chest.
doctor strange is one of my favorite characters of all time. but the second movie? garbage.
it’s so bad.
i tried to like it. i really did. but it was just. so bad.
i don’t understand how writers can fuck up a character so badly. how did they manage to fuck up strange so badly. hundreds of comics, DECADES worth of material and yet they somehow managed to still fuck it up.
there is not another mcu character that is as inconsistent as strange is. is he the sorcerer supreme or not? well, no, it went to wong while strange was dusted. so that means he was never actually the sorcerer supreme. then why do people keep thinking that he was?
how does strange remember what happened to spider-man?
why was strange so weak against wanda? he didn’t even put up a fight, he just ran away. in the comics, they’re nearly at the same power level. i don’t understand why marvel nerfed him so bad.
and apparently the mcu is 616? are you fucking kidding me?
i really fucking hope that the writers for the third movie do a better job. i hope the people who make the third movie actually understand strange’s character.
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harasharaved · 1 year
The fact that Judaism is trending because of both the wave of bomb threats on synagogues and Bradley Cooper's Antisemitism Adventure (his huge fake prosthetic nose, and him basically stealing the story from a Jewish man) is so infuriating and so exhaustingly typical.
The fact that I see Judaism trending on Tumblr and immediately think "oh no. Something Bad is happening to us." We're never trending cause it's fucking good. I never get to be excited, it's just cold dread.
The fact that Antisemitism is getting worse everyday and the only ones who ever talk about it are other Jews. The fact that no one else fucking cares. The only ones who support us are other Jews. Even when gentiles talk about Nazis or white supremacists they don't want to help us. We're just their prop, the canary in the coal mine and the perfect victim.
The fact that everyone's uncomfortable with Jews still being here. Reminding them of things they'd rather forget.
The fact that it'd be easier for them if we were all dead. Then they could tell stories about our people, dressed in offensive caricatures, without us making a fuss.
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sobbingeternally · 2 years
Reminding myself why I either leave campus at 3 or wait til post 6
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gaykarstaagforever · 10 months
I think Todd in the Shadows is also a good example of how long it can take to put out videos, if you're researching / writing / producing them yourselves:
One a month? One every three months? It takes time to do all this.
If someone is dropping a weekly hour-long commentary video that isn't just them podcast-ranting about too many gays, they either work with a team, or are stealing.
And if they work with a team, they should credit them, so we know whose art or words are a part of this.
Sarah Z does it like this.
Jenny Nicholson does two huge videos a year, because I'm pretty sure she does them all herself. This content takes MONTHS to put together.
If you like a non-corporate channel and they're dropping slick videos daily or weekly, that's a red flag. You should probably narrow your eyes at where this content is coming from.
...Or they just don't sleep and use hard stimulants. But that also makes the content suspect, in its own ways.
You're not an unsupervised 11 year old. Be more mindful about what you're consuming. Stop generating revenue for dipshits who don't want real jobs.
You can either stand against the dystopia, or get eaten by it. Grow the fuck up.
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rache1auren · 5 months
I will always defend the sisters over the inner court. The Inner Court are rulers within their court, they are 500+ years old. They have a higher duty to take care in their words an actions. They cannot be compared to early 20 year olds who have had a lesser education as well as far less life experience.
I’m tired of people holding Nesta/Feyre/Elain to the same standard as these people, and especially tired of the reverse. The IC is made up of a High Lord, 15,000+ year old alien fae, court coordinator/stand in ruler for the night court/Velaris, commanding general of the army, and Spymaster. They are of the highest command within their respective territory. They literally have a higher duty to act rationally and morally.
Yet at EVERY TURN they are expected to be given the benefit of the doubt. That even though they are fae, that they have committed atrocities FAR worse than the sisters could ever dream of, they are held to the same standard or even a LOWER standard than the sisters.
Compare that to human girls who have known nothing but abuse, neglect, trauma, death. And then are expected to deal with it better than 500 year old fae.
Fae who when they were dealing with trauma and anger destroyed an ENTIRE city block, slaughtered a whole village in revenge. Did such unspeakable things that their friend can hardly bare to think of it. Who have fucked around for 500 years, drinking their pain away. Fae who have made far worse mistakes than setting up a court to fall, far worse than letting your sister go hunt at 14, far worse than being mean, far worse than drinking and fucking in order to cope with this power thrust upon you—to cope with the trauma of being violated and tortured, of having to witness your father die JUST as he finally showed up for them.
Or that they KEEP lying to someone they are supposed to love and respect. But they don’t believe in her enough or respect her enough to give her dominion over her own body and medical situation. Because they DONT think she’s mentally capable of hearing the news of her potential demise. Despite her having faced her own death before time and time again. Feyre has proven she could handle the news (and she DID handle it well), but it was Rhys who didn’t handle it, who flew off the rails and needed to beat up his friend in order to keep his calm, who wanted to kill his mates sister, his best friends Mate because she told a secret he didn’t want out.
How is telling a secret (regardless of intent or approach) in any way deserving of death?
So when I tell you I hate the IC, it is because of how they treat these young females with such little empathy. That they leave them locked in a house with little to no help or company, wasting away because their sister and High Lady is off doing something else. That they AGAIN lock away Nesta because she is embarrassing them and they need to show they can control her. Because if it really was just about helping her, they wouldn’t have given her free reign.l of their money (they went from paying for her rent by check, to her having full access). They would have tried to get her to talk to a counselor (because YES, they have counselors for the priestess’). That maybe the 500 year old Mor who touts herself as a savior and advocate for women, would extend her empathy to two traumatized previously human girls. Because they never help any of them unless it means something for them in return.
TL;DR fuck the IC for how they treat the sisters.
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makethiscanon · 1 year
hi! just saw your post about ojiro comforting reader and i saw the note at the bottom.
I lost my grandfather last year about a month before my finals and he was the person who sent me to school each day leading up to that final year. He also used to live with us (asian families haha) and it was a pretty depressing time since we also all got covid shortly after.
Please take all the time you need to rest and recuperate. Hang out with friends, watch some anime, eat some good food and stay off social media if it gets too draining.
random anon
Thank you, sweet anon. I'm sorry you've been through similar things. And seriously, you reaching out means so much.
Honestly I don't really like writing gloomy stories but it's the only way I know how to take things off my chest.
I hope you have a lovely day, anon. You've made mine brighter 💖
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durnesque-esque · 2 years
Somebody replied to a version of the Wonder Woman spin post with a complaint that I just made the post all about my cosplay. And normally I don't take the time to reply to that kind of stuff - it's the internet, somebody's always going to be mad about something, but I just wanted y'all to know: I keep reposting & adding to it because it's my personal reclamation of it and the cosplay in general.
My first response on that post kind of cemented Wondy as one of my forever characters. But then it became something else - it became this growing duet with a partner who I thought would be my forever partner. And they weren't. And it hurt. That partnership did a lot of damage to me. And for a long time it tainted my love of Wonder Woman and cosplay in general.
Going back to DragonCon on my own in 2021 was healing. Last year was even more so. That's why I keep reblogging solo versions of the big post with newer cosplays. I'm redefining my own identity in relationship to that character, cosplay, and personhood on the internet.
Those earlier moments of my life are going to be frozen in time on the internet probably as long as the internet exists. And there are going to be people who only see that version of the post and take from it a message of hope and love - and that's genuinely great and lovely. I don't want to take that away for anyone who only ever sees that frozen moment.
But it's also not the truth of how that story ended. And that's ok too. I'm genuinely happier now than I've ever been. And I have different kinds of love and people in my life that make me incredibly happy and I have hope that someday there may be another person that wants the same kind of life and adventure as I do now. And thanks to the work I've done on myself, I will be better able to be in the kind of relationship that I want.
All that to say, I'm prepping to go to my first new Con in years and it's brought up a lot of those same feelings so I wanted to get this out there and said. Some stories are just chapters in your life, not the whole tale. And frankly, mine's just getting going.
So if you see me reblog a version of the mega-post, it's the version that's most true to me now. I keep updating it so that my story isn't permanently frozen in all places. I'm updating it for me. You don't have to reblog it, look at it, or like it. That's also the joy of Tumblr, you can reblog whichever version of the post you like best - even going back to the OP and cutting my stuff out entirely.
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ae-neon · 2 months
Going from throne of glass to crown of midnight and realising sjm is not gonna let Celaena face the consequences of her own decisions
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If the main character isn't afraid of the villain, why should the reader be?
sure she almost pisses herself in his presence but clearly she doesn't actually think he'll do anything because she's not even done one single mission for him??
I hate hate hate that sjm introduces these characters as complex and morally gray and then cannot have them do things that are bad with no narrative excuses or greater good justification
Celaena should have killed those nobles because it's her job. Because she prioritises her own freedom above their lives. Above whatever the king has planned
THEN you introduce Archer Finn as the next target and have her hesitate and change tactics
Celaena is an assassin. LET HER KILL PEOPLE
I had to skip the assassin's blade novella because from the very first story she's out here doing the most to free slaves. And it's not the action itself. It's sjms vile writing where Celaena doesn't actually give a fuck about the slaves but as the main character, she must be a white saviour so she'll do this dangerous stupid thing that benefits her or changes the world in no way
And it's not even character development either, Celaena from AB is the same as tog and so far the same in com. She's flat. Perfect except for her allowed flaws. Unchanged by her experiences
Again, you could have easily done this in a different way. A better way. A way that is cohesive with the world and doesn't have the main character be the only moving piece in the world
Have it be that the pirate king is the one smuggling people out of slavery and it's fucking with nobles money so Celaena is sent to kill him. but something happens, maybe someone there is from Terrasen, and without doing a 180 we see an understandable reason she can't keep her cold assassin persona going. She refuses to do her job, leading to her being betrayed or something idk I didn't finish the story
see how easily that then plays into the beginning of tog and makes her even more sympathetic and real without sacrificing the character's flawed morals? Or making her the only active character in the story? Almost like the world is real and exists outside of her?
The Celaena from the end of tog, the one who gave up Dorian because her life and freedom meant more than kissing princes, would have slit those nobles throats.
Mind you she's not even from Ardalan, why does she care enough about these people to risk her life and freedom. If even one of those nobles she let fake their death and escape, tried to get revenge on the king for sending his assassin, she would be hanged at best. How does she know those nobles weren't involved in or benefitted from the fall of Terrasen or slavery in general?? Why are we pretending assassins only kill "bad" people??
She should keep her head down and let Ardalan cannibalise itself until she's hit with a personal connection then have her risk the king's wrath not just for the "greater good", the hope of rebellion but also for herself - for the name Celaena and the life she lived under it
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marykatewiles · 2 years
Don’t Sleep on Headless
Hey everybody. Real talk time. If you want @shipwreckedcomedy to be able to keep making stuff, if you want to support female/POC indie creators, you need to watch Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story. We NEED you to watch and share it. 
Headless is it for us. We pulled out all the stops for this. This show cost us a quarter of a mil to make (thanks to you!). The four of us at Shipwrecked paid ourselves none of that. We’ve worked on this show for three years now. This is what we gambled on.
The response to the show thus far has been so positive, and we’re so happy! But even for the small channel that we are, and even with the INCREDIBLE cast who gave their time to be a part of this project, the views we’ve been getting on this show are fewer than we hoped. 
I remember a few weeks into The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Hank Green made a vlog talking about how the show wouldn’t be sustainable if it didn’t start getting more views. And it really helped! And that’s where we’re at. We can’t keep doing this if we don’t grow. 
Don’t get me wrong, we are going to continue to put out Headless until Halloween and make it the absolute best show we can. But if we can’t grow as a company, we can’t keep making shows like this. It just isn’t sustainable for us. 
We really thought this was gonna be the one to do it. We thought this was gonna be the thing to take us from small creators with less than 50K subscribers and a handful of views to a real, bona-fide channel with reach and influence that pulls the kind of viewership on our projects to match the amount of work we put into them. And I think it can be! It looks good enough to be on any streaming network. It makes me laugh every thirty seconds. But we are a small group and we NEED word of mouth for this show to succeed.
Shipwrecked is primarily female-run, making narrative content in a space where other (more successful) creators are predominantly male. I’m sorry to harp on this, but I can’t help but feel like we have to work so much harder to get the same amount (or a fraction) of attention. 
The episodes we have yet to come in this show are so wild, so wacky, so Intense, and so heartfelt. SO many people put their hearts and souls into this show. I believe it can catch fire and become one of the most successful digital series out there. But WE NEED YOU TO WATCH IT. 
The story we have playing out over the next few weeks is Shipwrecked at its most Shipwrecked. We have some surprises and reveals up our sleeves that I think you are really going to love. More than anything, we love unfolding a big story over a period of time and bringing people along for the ride. I’m so excited for you all to see what we have in store, and I promise you are going to want to do what you can to experience it in real time.  
It’s free. It’s fun. It’s spooky. It’s funny. If you want Shipwrecked to be able to continue to make shows like this - original content, inspired by literature, with a mysterious twist and fresh humor - help us make Headless a success. We need you to take us there - we can’t do it on our own. ♥️💀🎃
Subscribe to Shipwrecked Comedy - support female driven literary inspired cinematic narrative content!
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jemdeserveslove · 8 months
My favorite scenes in hofas, by far, were all of Lidia’s scenes!!
SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER!! Like, literally everything about her is perfect ✨ the layers, the flaws, how we know she actually did some terrible things, but is now trying to be better, HOW SHE’S A MOTHEEER too!! And her being a mother worked so well with character and everything we knew about her. She was already really complex and that added one more layer and it was just *chef’s kiss*
Her scenes with Ruhn (my favorite) were amazing to me! I liked how Ruhn was mad at her at the beginning and how she just expected him to understand her, but he was reluctant … all of that was necessary in my opinion and it just made their whole arc better. They’re my favorite couple in Crescent City and I just want them to happy!!! I could read a whole book about them just living together 😭 (with Lidia’s children too)
- The attack on The Spine and freeing Ruhn, Hunt and Baxian >>>>>>> THIS WAS EVERYTHING!!!!!!! I seriously felt like I was watching a movie. The tension? Amazing. The planning? Excellent. The vibes? Immaculate ✨
Lidia is just so amazing! And seeing her pov on her process to plan the whole thing was everything I needed (and I didn’t know I needed). Her tricking Pollux, making a deal with Queen Irithys, burning the witch, HER TALKING WITH RIGELUS TO GET THE QUEEN!!! HER CARRYING RUHN!!!!!!!! It was awesome. And the way the scene grew to the point she was jumping from that cliff into her death…
- My other favorite scene is when she and Ruhn were rescuing her children 🥲 I loved that whole segment! The way it contrasted with the Lidia from the previous scene, who was so scheming and in control of herself and, by consequence, the situation. I loved how she was a huge mess and couldn’t pull herself together, because we don’t expect people to be calm in a situation like that and liked that she wasn’t. She was very human. I mean, how FERAL she got with Ruhn, that was >>>>>
There is a rawness and an ugliness to that. And it’s so human and so filled with different emotions. The fear for her children, the anger towards Pollux, the anger towards herself for not being able to do more. And there were so many things on the line that day, but she was about to throw everything to hell just so she could save her children. I MEAN, WHEN SHE PULLED THE GUN ON RUHN I WAS SCREAMING (in a good way)
Thanks Sarah for making Lidia 🤧
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foxcort · 8 months
listen its not that tamlin locking feyre in a manor is ‘not a big deal’. its that sjm parallels tamlin and rhysand way too much for rhysand to be a viable, healthy option for feyre.
rhys put a whole city under a lockdown so severe people forgot about its existence (and from what the wiki says, the city was kept hidden for centuries even before, for the safety of its citizens) but tamlin locking feyre in a manor, so she wouldn’t follow him into an unsafe situation was crossing a line?
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