#sasha is hugging marcy while marcy is hugging anne
jaekaicx · 9 months
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maydaysmadness · 2 months
HoLY FUCK Chapter 4 is done, it was about twice as long as it thought it would be.
I needed that Marcanne to start comin through, gotta feed my own crazy.
I'm gonna spend the rest of the night editing it and it should be live tomorrow.
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Lily, Percy, & Maddi: (hanging out in Lily's room)
Marcy: (runs inside and slams the door shut behind her) Who wants to earn fifty bucks?!
Sasha: (from the living room) Oh, my god!
Lily: What'd you do?
Anne: (from the living room) OH, MY GOD!
Marcy: No questions asked! Fifty bucks!
Lily: (glances at Percy & Maddi before standing up) Make it a hundred and you've got a deal.
Marcy: (hugs her) You're a brave, brave girl. And I love you. (acts angry and drags her out of the room) I got her, guys! I got her!
Turns out Marcy ordered a bunch of anime merch while sleep deprived and forgot about it until she saw it when it arrived the next day
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mid-sweettalk · 4 months
Memories (Amphibia - Sashannarcy) Rated M
Summary: Sasha and Marcy come to see Anne for her 23rd birthday, after having lost touch over the past few years. While hanging out together, Anne is bombarded with confusing memories and emotions from their past, but a simple drinking game helps her start to make sense of it all.
Rated: M (for alcohol usage, sexual themes, semi-nudity)
The aquarium had been Anne’s safe space for a few years now. She did an internship here during her last couple years of undergrad, during which she’d demonstrated her true love of frogs and educating everyone she could about them. Once she’d graduated, the director basically handed her a job as a keeper for the herpetology department. 
It always brought her right back to Amphibia, being here, even before she’d gotten the go-ahead to remodel the exhibit. She’d gotten almost all of her coworkers to start using phrases like, “Thank Frog,” and got to make jokes about eating centipede stew without it being (too) weird. Sometimes, if she squinted, she could even pretend that the children running around the building were actually Amphibians. 
All this to say that Anne felt a calmness here that she never truly felt anywhere else on Earth after returning ten years ago. Today, however, that calmness was hard to find. 
Sasha and Marcy were coming to see her. 
They’d all lost touch once college came around. Marcy leaving before high school was kind of the beginning of the end. 
(Flashes ran through Anne’s mind of tears, Marcy and Sasha inches away while they were all in a group hug, a hand in Anne’s hair, Marcy darting forward—)
After that, Anne and Sasha stuck together as long as they could before normal maturation sent them in different directions. Childhood friends rarely lasted through high school, anyways, right? 
(Sasha crying—she never cried—and blushing—even more rare—then yelling, panic, a slamming door, the way Sasha’s eyes would dart away when their gazes would meet in the hallway…)
No, it felt weird, how their friendship had lasted through war, near-death, robot possession, and alien invasion, but it couldn’t handle their teenage years. Anne always felt like there was something she could’ve done to save it, that if she could have kept certain things from happening, then maybe they’d all be fine. Maybe they’d still be best friends. 
That was the thing though: she still thought of both Sasha and Marcy as her best friends. No matter the new bonds she’d made over the years, none of them ever compared to what she shared with the two of them. 
And now she was going to see them, speak to them beyond a “happy birthday” text for the first time in years. Anne’s heart felt like it was going to hop out of her chest. 
Her last tour of the day was coming to an end. She let herself get lost in her presentation a tiny bit. Her little Sprig wowed the kids like he always did. Normally, bringing him out would simply give her a warm-hearted feeling, maybe some flashes of memories or imagining how the real Sprig would be doing now. Today, though, it was hard; her heart felt heavy more than anything else, and she was suddenly fighting back tears so she wouldn’t cry in front of the children and scare them away for life. 
“Thanks, frog lady!” the children chorused as they walked away. Anne waved goodbye and looked down at little Sprig in her hand. 
She sighed. Miss ya, buddy, she thought to herself before putting him back in his enclosure. As she shut the glass door, the reflection caught her attention—Sasha and Marcy were here. She whipped around to face them. 
(Finding Sasha in Amphibia the first time, and the second upon Anne’s return with the Plantars. Finding Marcy in Newtopia, nights spent together laughing with the two of them, then the three of them, all falling asleep together. Andrias’s glowing sword sticking through Marcy’s chest—)
Those tears Anne had been holding back immediately started falling. She ran to the girls— women , now—and swung an arm around each of them. “Hi,” she choked out through her tears. 
“Anne!” Marcy said loudly in her ear. “Happy birthday, oh my gosh! It’s so good to see you!” Her voice started trembling towards the end, just like Anne’s had. 
“God, guys,” came Sasha’s voice, ever confident, “you can’t seriously be crying already. ” But when they pulled back from the hug, Sasha was wiping tears from her own eyes with a smile on her face. 
Anne laughed and lightly shoved Sasha’s shoulder. “Yeah, yeah. I just… didn’t realize how much I really missed you guys until just now. You’re both so grown up!” She reached out and placed a hand on one of each girl’s arms. 
(Leaning on Sasha’s shoulder while they watched movies, Marcy’s head in her lap while she played on her Switch, feeling fingers twirling her hair and swearing that a kiss had been placed upon her head—)
“You’re one to talk!” Marcy almost squealed. “Talk about a big-girl job; this place looks amazing!”
“For real,” Sasha cut in. “You’ll have to give us a tour while we’re in town.”
The reminder that this was only temporary hit Anne like a truck. She tried her best not to let the disappointment show—she didn’t want to spoil the happy reunion—but Sasha definitely noticed, even if Marcy didn’t. 
“Hey,” the blonde said, lifting her right hand to place over Anne’s own, “we’re gonna have a blast. It’s your freakin’ birthday! ” 
“Oh, exactly!” Marcy chirped, catching on that something was getting Anne down. “Plus, we’re totally adults now; we have to be good at the whole communication thing by now, right?”
(Marcy’s voice saying, “I have to tell you…” Sasha’s eyes darting between the two of them, the cold air hitting the chapstick that was suddenly on the corner of her mouth—) 
“R-right, yeah,” Anne said, forcing a chuckle and wiping her eyes. “We’ll be fine. This’ll be great.” With both Marcy and Sasha’s eyes and smiles directed at her, it was a bit too much. “Come on, let’s go get some grubs.”
“Oh, no,” said Sasha, “you totally still say, ‘Oh, my Frog,’ don’t you?”
Dinner went fine. Anne showed Sasha and Marcy her favorite takeout place–aside from her parents’, of course–and then they went to Anne’s apartment to watch War of the Warlocks while they ate. It was honestly just like old times, although instead of Anne and Sasha falling asleep during the movie, they were all talking through it. They spent most of the movie just catching up on what they’d each been up to over the past few years.
Empty takeout boxes now littered the small coffee table Anne had in front of the futon in her living room. The three of them were on the couch together, Marcy in the middle, laughing at a story she was telling.
“I swear, I hyperfixated on that game so hard ; you guys think I was bad as a teenager? Once I got to college, it got, like, ten times worse,” Marcy waved her hand through the air as she spoke. “I pretty much failed my first semester.”
“Aww, Marbles,” Anne said pityingly. 
“No, no, it’s fine now,” Marcy continued, still chipper. “I went to the school psychiatrist and started my ADHD medication. My life has been so different since then, you wouldn’t believe.”
“I get that,” Sasha cut in. “My ex was the same way; she went undiagnosed most of her life. Honestly, I think you were as much of an inspiration to get into psychology as my own issues were, without me even realizing. It kind of just solidified once I went through my own therapy.”
Anne could barely process anything Sasha said after the word “she”. Her heart skipped a beat painfully, making her breath catch in her throat. “Wait, you–you dated a girl?” she said before she could stop herself. 
(Panic in Sasha’s watery eyes, heat in Anne’s face, screaming, Sasha’s ponytail swishing as she left–)
Shock and confusion colored both Sasha’s and Marcy’s faces. “I… honestly can’t tell if you’re being serious, right now,” Sasha said with a forced chuckle. “I’ve dated a few…? Is that… surprising?”
I mean, yeah , Anne thought to herself. She just barely refrained from saying it out loud and instead shook her head. “No, I mean, I just didn’t know… for sure, I mean. But it’s not like it’s a bad thing, pfft.” Anne tried to play it off by waving her hand and rolling her eyes, forcing a smile on her face. “Come on. Just caught me off guard, is all.”
Sasha and Marcy looked at each other for a moment before they both burst into laughter. “Jesus, Anne, really?” Sasha chuckled. “You seriously didn’t know I was gay?”
Marcy wiped a tear from her eye. “Next thing you know, she’ll be saying she thought I was straight, too!”
Sasha and Marcy laughed, and laughed, then noticed that Anne wasn’t laughing with them. Their laughter faded out as they registered the look of bewilderment on Anne’s face. 
“Wait, seriously? ” Marcy said incredulously. 
(“I have to tell you…” A hand in Anne’s hair, chapstick smudged on the corner of her mouth, Sasha’s crying, shocked face with a chapstick smudge of her own as Marcy got into her parents’ car–)
“I don’t know what you want from me!” Anne exclaimed, trying to keep her tone light but failing to keep the panic from edging in. 
Sasha and Marcy looked at each other again. Sasha looked back to her with a light chuckle, “You mean to tell us that you didn’t know we were both pretty much in love with you? In, uh, middle school, I mean.” Sasha tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, and Anne could swear that her cheeks were turning red. 
“Anne, I…” Marcy started, leaning against the back of the couch and crossing her arms over her stomach, “I kissed you goodbye!” (Chapstick smudged on the corner of her mouth–)
“What? But you kissed Sasha, too!” Anne threw her hands in the air.
“Well, duh,” Marcy said, sitting up, “I was obviously in love with her, too!” Immediately after the words left her mouth, she slumped back into the couch, face beet red. “In middle school, I mean,” she tacked on, echoing Sasha. 
“Wait, really?” Sasha asked surprisedly, eyes now turning to Marcy.
Marcy threw her hands up now, exasperated. “ Seriously? ”
Sasha went to throw her own hands into the air, but caught herself and ran a hand through her hair instead. “I thought you just didn’t want me to feel left out when you said goodbye!”
Marcy sighed exaggeratedly. “Well, now you know that I really just wanted to kiss you both, like, all the time. Happy?” She crossed her arms with a pout. 
Sasha’s eyes seemed to glint in the TV light as she smiled softly at Marcy. “I mean… honestly, yeah.”
Anne could hear Marcy’s breath catch at the same time her own did, and she suddenly felt like she was intruding as the two women stared at each other. She was about to make an excuse to leave the couch when Sasha’s grin turned wicked.
“You liiiiked me,” she singsonged teasingly. “You wanted to kissss me!”
Marcy barked out a laugh and grabbed a throw pillow to swing it at Sasha’s face. “Shut up!” 
Anne let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Things were seemingly back to normal, although the pounding heartbeat in her chest would say otherwise. She turned away to look at the TV and noticed that the credits were now rolling. “Welp, the movie’s done,” she announced, grabbing the other women’s attention. “What do we do now?”
That mischievous look was back on Sasha’s face. “Do you have alcohol?”
Anne never did a whole lot of drinking in college, so this was a fairly new experience for her. She didn’t have any beer, to Sasha’s disappointment, but she did have a couple of bottles of tequila and store-bought margarita mix for when her small handful of friends would come over for binge-watching parties. 
Sasha made a drink–a strong one–and placed it on the table. They tried playing Kings first, but none of them could remember all of the rules for each card. They moved on to Ring of Fire, for which Sasha and Marcy had two very different sets of rules–so, obviously, they played both. Marcy’s version involved one of them dealing cards out one-by-one, and if a card was dealt that matched one of its neighbors in suit or number, those players had to drink for a number of seconds determined by the number on their card. Anne didn’t mind this version; they each got surprisingly tipsy by the time the drink was finished.
Then came Sasha’s version, for which she made another whole drink and placed it in the middle of a ring of cards. If you drew your card and broke the circle, you had to chug the entire drink. Of course, Marcy, in her inherent clumsiness, was the first to break the circle. When she almost choked a third of the way through the cup, Sasha changed it to taking a shot instead of chugging a whole drink; she downed the rest of the margarita, herself. 
Anne liked this version significantly less. 
“ Frog , how do you guys do this so easily?” she groaned before pinching her nose and downing her third shot. She could feel her whole body scrunch up in a wince as the tequila burned its way down her throat. Her head was starting to feel hazy, and she had a feeling that, if she were to stand, the room would start spinning a bit. She was definitely approaching drunk, if not already there.
Sasha and Marcy were both smiling widely. “Practice,” they said simultaneously, looking at each other and laughing. Anne got that weird feeling of being left out, again, tightening her chest. 
Sasha ran a hand through her hair, pushing it off of her face and smoothly leaning on her elbow against the back of the couch. “Okay, I think we’ve had enough of this game,” she said with her words spoken slightly slower than usual. “Wanna up the ante?” She wiggled her eyebrows in a way that made Anne scoff and Marcy crack up in laughter. 
“Whatcha thinking?” Marcy asked before Anne could decide on a response. 
“Truth or dare,” Sasha said with another eyebrow wiggle. 
“Oh, yeah? Not a Scare Dare?” Anne said with a smirk. 
“I mean, if you want ,” Sasha said, “but I’ve found Truth or Dare to have more possibilities for drama since we were younger.” Sasha leaned against the back of the couch and crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. “Unless you’re more scared of a little truth ?”
Anne’s heart skipped a beat for unknown reasons. “Pfft, nah, I’m game,” she said, instantly regretting her words. 
“Sweet. Marce?” 
“Let’s do it!” Marcy cheered, throwing her fists in the air.
“Okay,” Sasha continued, “rules: we take turns being in charge.”
Marcy snorted. “‘In charge’? Is that the rules-as-written?” 
“Shut up,” Sasha said with a roll of her eyes, shoving Marcy’s shoulder. “Whoever’s in charge asks the questions or gives the dares, okay? Okay.” She sat up straighter, a familiar, bossy energy protruding from her stance. “Once you pick truth or dare, you can’t switch to the other choice. If you don’t want to answer the question or do the dare, you have to take a shot. Deal?” Sasha poured out said shot of tequila as she spoke.
Marcy nodded firmly, and Anne hesitated only slightly before nodding, herself. 
“Cool. I go first, since I chose the game,” Sasha said with a mischievous smile. Anne rolled her eyes, and Marcy groaned in half-hearted protest. “Hush. Okay. Eenie, meenie,” Sasha singsonged while pointing back and forth between the two of them, “miney, mo!” She landed on Marcy first. “Truth or dare, Marbles.”
Marcy rolled her eyes, but looked utterly relaxed, leaning back into the couch. “Truth. Lay it on me.”
Sasha’s eyes glinted. “Who was your first crush?” Anne’s chest hurt.
Marcy just shrugged. “Henry Warbecker. I was four; he gave me a sucker he didn’t want, and I immediately started planning our wedding. Easy. Is it my turn now?”
Sasha’s jaw dropped open, surprised at how simply Marcy had answered the question. Anne guffawed at how her plan for drama had backfired. 
“Fine, yes, it’s your turn,” Sasha said, mildly grumpy but not truly upset. 
“‘Kay, well, Sasha,” Marcy said, giving her own devious grin, “who was your first crush?”
Sasha immediately turned red, and Anne noticed her eyes looking back and forth between the two of them rapidly. Anne wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the answer, seeing Sasha’s reaction. Had it been someone they knew in school, someone Anne and Marcy didn’t like? Well, there weren’t many people they didn’t like, but still–
“God, you’re really gonna make me say it?” Sasha said, half-groaning. 
“Yes,” Marcy said, planting her chin in her hand and batting her eyelashes. “Yes, I am. You can always, you know, chicken out and take the shot.”
Sasha let out a full groan now and threw her head back. She brought her knees up to her chest as she answered. “Fine, if I had to choose, I guess Anne was first.” She leaned down to mumble into her knees, “She asked if I wanted to swing with you guys and I was pretty much done for. Happy?”
Marcy giggled. “Honestly, yeah,” she said, echoing Sasha’s earlier statement.
Meanwhile, Anne was frozen in disbelief. First, both of her best friends confess to being in love with her as teenagers, and now she finds out that she was Sasha’s very first crush? She didn’t realize how long she was sitting in silence until Sasha and Marcy both turned to look at her. 
“Dude,” Sasha said worriedly, “you okay?” Her face was still red, and Anne could tell that she was worried she’d said the wrong thing. “Did I break you or something?”
Anne forced a laugh and shook her head to snap herself out of the daze she was in. “Ha, no, it’s fine–just… surprising. Again.”
Marcy smirked but kept her tone lighthearted and teasing when she said, “Wow, and I thought I was the naive one.”
Anne’s face heated up as she got defensive. “Well, I bet you didn’t know that you were my first crush, did you?” Wow. Anne didn’t even know that was true, but now that she’d said it, it felt right. She’d probably be embarrassed about admitting that fact later on, but for now, she just wanted to one-up Sasha and Marcy.
Marcy’s cheeks turned red, but she still kept a smile on her face. “I mean… you don’t remember telling me, before we even met Sasha, that boys were stupid and we should get married instead? I’m pretty sure that was your response to finding out I had a crush on Henry.”
Anne froze, embarrassment official. 
Sasha chuckled, sitting up a bit from her hunched-over position. “I wasn’t dreaming about that pretend wedding the three of us had at school one time, right? Like, that happened?”
Marcy barked out a laugh. “You mean when we wore our nicest dresses and picked flowers for each other by the playground?”
“God, I hated that dress! I thought that was just what you were supposed to wear; I wish I’d known women in suits were a thing.”
Anne wanted to join in on the laughter. She did; she wanted all of this to be as lighthearted and joyful for her as it was for Sasha and Marcy. However, a lot of these things they were bringing up Anne had apparently either repressed or just had thought about in a completely different light. Until she’d said it out loud, she’d even forgotten that Marcy had been her first crush, if she’d ever realized it in the first place. Suddenly, she was questioning everything she’d ever felt about anyone. 
(A hand in her hair, smudged chapstick on the corner of her mouth–)
When Marcy had given her and Sasha those kisses goodbye, Anne hadn’t realized that was a confession. Had she wondered why it had made her stomach twist with butterflies? Sure. But she’d been kind of distracted by the sadness at Marcy leaving, as well. Besides, that’s how it would feel if anyone kissed her, right?
Well, no. Joshua Ngam had kissed her once, at the Thai temple, and it hadn’t given Anne butterflies; it had made her feel sick to her stomach, made her feel wrong , so she ran away from him and avoided him for years. 
(Sasha holding her hand, not unfamiliar. Anne turning to look at her and questioning why Sasha was so close. Sasha yanking her hand away, panic and tears in her eyes. “God, why’d you have to make it weird? ” Blonde ponytail swishing as she runs away–)
…Was Sasha going to kiss her back then, on that last day before things were suddenly not the same? Before Sasha could barely meet Anne’s eyes anymore, before the only conversation they’d share was a small smile and wave in the hallways?
Anne was questioning everything, now.
“Anne?” Marcy’s concerned voice broke through her reverie. 
Anne shook her head, snapping out of the daze she’d entered. “Huh, what?” she said dumbly. 
“Are you okay?” Marcy’s eyebrows furrowed. Behind her, Sasha seemed equally as concerned. 
“Look, I know we’re joking a lot about this stuff,” Sasha said in a low, calm tone of voice that Anne assumed came from her counseling work. “If it makes you uncomfortable, we’ll stop.”
“Yeah, honestly,” Marcy cut in, “it’s more like it’s just funny to us, now that we’re older and understand ourselves more. We’re not trying to tease you—not too much, at least.” Marcy gave a soft smile, trying to keep things light. 
Should she talk to them about everything she’d been thinking about? Anne’s instinct was to just bury it all inside (again) and avoid it, but where had that gotten her over the years? Here, panicking with self-realization in front of the two women for whom she was now pretty sure she had feelings . Like, romantic feelings. 
Anne could do nothing but open and close her mouth like a goldfish. Sasha and Marcy looked to each other before Sasha made to stand. 
“Oh- kay , maybe that’s enough of the drinking games—“
“Wait, no,” Anne said, reaching a hand out to grab Sasha’s. “It’s okay, I want to keep playing. Just a lot of… memories , today, is all. Sorry if I’m making it weird.”
(“God, why’d you have to make it weird ?”)
Sasha settled back into the couch and gave a small smile, turning her hand over in Anne’s grip to squeeze it softly. “You’re not, no worries. Anniversaries are a weird thing, and ten years is a lot.” 
“We just want to make sure you’re really okay,” Marcy said, putting her hand on top of Anne’s and Sasha’s. “It’s your birthday, after all. We gotta make sure it’s a good one; that’s our job.” 
Anne smiled, trying to shove down her panic so it didn’t show on her face. “I’m having a great time, guys. I just love spending time with y’all.” That much was true; Anne really did miss hanging out with them like this. She’d known that she missed the girls to some degree, but now that they were here, she wondered how she’d ever lived without them. “Now, whose turn was it?”
Sasha leaned back into the couch again, but she didn’t move her hand away from where it rested with Anne’s and Marcy’s. “Well, technically it’s mine again, since Marcy asked me the question last. But you can have a turn, Anne. You’re in charge.” Sasha winked at her.
Anne was just going to ignore how that made her breath catch in her throat, for now. 
She cleared her throat. “Okay, um… Marcy, truth or dare?”
“Hmm…” Marcy pretended to think hard by scratching her chin with her free hand. “Let’s go with dare, this time.” She grinned at Anne, which somehow made her even more nervous. 
“Uhh, I dare you to… to…” Anne’s eyes darted around her small living room, willing some idea to come forth in her brain. “…wear my clothes for the rest of the night.” 
Marcy and Sasha each raised an eyebrow. “Pff, easy . Like, the clothes you have on right now, or…?” She gestured toward the bedroom. 
Anne choked on her spit a little. “No, like, pick out some clothes from my closet, duh.” She gave a half-hearted chuckle. Why was she regretting this all of a sudden?
Marcy shrugged. “Sure thing.” She hopped up, dislodging their three conjoined hands, and disappeared into Anne’s room. 
Anne looked down at her now-solitary hand. She glanced at Sasha’s own and had the urge to hold it again. But it would be weird to just do it out of the blue, right? 
She was staring for too long; she looked up and saw Sasha staring back at her, eyebrow still raised. “You sure you’re good?” she asked softly. 
It was sweet, how much Sasha cared. She was a lot better at showing it, now that she was older. Anne’s heart melted a bit because of it. 
“Yeah,” she answered with a soft smile. “I’m good.”
Sasha smiled back. “Good.” Then, she reached out her hand and squeezed Anne’s own… and didn’t let go, after. Anne’s heart skipped a beat again. 
Before she could say anything else, Marcy emerged from Anne’s bedroom. “Ta-da!” she announced with her arms in the air. “I thought I’d go ahead and get comfy, since I’m apparently wearing this for the rest of the night. How do I look?”
Anne turned to look at Marcy and felt her brain short-circuit. Marcy was wearing one of Anne’s flannels atop a spaghetti-strapped tank top (sin bra) with some very tiny pajama shorts Anne never even wore because of how they bunched up on her. On Marcy, though, they were perfect. Something about seeing Marcy comfortable in her clothes was making it hard for Anne to form words. 
“Great,” Sasha said, voice cracking. She cleared her throat, and Anne noticed a light blush heating up her ears. “You look great, Marce.” 
Marcy beamed before skipping back to the couch. She vaulted over the back, plopping ungracefully back between Anne and Sasha, which made them unlatch their hands to avoid getting their wrists snapped. Marcy, however, wasted no time in grabbing their hands back and placing them in her lap, under her own hands. 
The feeling of bare thigh against her palm made Anne squirm. Looking at Sasha, it seemed like she was in a similar boat. Instead of pausing to unpack this, of course, Anne chose to blurt out, “Okay, Marcy, you’re in charge now.”
Marcy giggled at the use of the phrase, but started pondering her options. “Okay… Anne! Truth or dare?”
Anne wasn’t sure why she was shocked to be chosen; she was the only one who hadn’t answered a question yet. “Uh, truth?”
“Hmm.” Marcy hummed, narrowing her eyes at Anna and scratching her chin dramatically again. Something flashed in her eyes before her expression fell just the slightest bit—if Anne wasn’t staring dead at her, she probably wouldn’t have noticed. Marcy seemed to kind of shake herself out of it, though, before saying, “How many people have you dated over the years?”
Anne let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She’d been expecting a harder question. “Well, that’s easy: no one.”
Both Sasha’s and Marcy’s eyes went wide. “Wait, seriously?” Sasha said.
“No one, ever ? Like, not even one date?” Marcy jumped in. 
“I mean…” Anne was questioning things again; it was fairly normal for a 23-year-old to have not had a relationship yet, right? “There were kind of… accidental dates? Like, I’d make friends with a guy, and we’d hang out, but it turned out they liked me and I didn’t know, and the ‘hanging out’ was supposed to be a date. Do those count?”
Sasha and Marcy looked at each other, then back at Anne, before simultaneously shouting, “No!”
Anne reared back a bit and brought her free hand up to rub the back of her neck. “Well, then, uh, yeah… none.”
Anne just had never been interested in anybody. She’d had Sasha and Marcy, and again, all the other people she’d met since high school couldn’t hold a candle to either of them. Dating any of them just hadn’t ever crossed her mind. 
Sasha narrowed her eyes at Anne. “We’re fixing this. We need to take you on a date tomorrow.”
Anne’s stomach flipped. “What–what do you mean?” she spluttered. “I mean, if those other ‘dates’ didn’t count, why would this one?” She forced out a light laugh, still rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand.
Now, Sasha was at a loss for words. Marcy looked back and forth between them with raised eyebrows. 
“Because,” Sasha finally said, “it–it just does! You’re aware it’s a date, this time, duh.” Sasha went to curl her knees up again, but Marcy refused to let go of either of their hands, so she stopped herself. “Whatever, it’s stupid, forget it.”
“Whaaaat?” Marcy whined. “Noooo, I wanna go on a date! Please, Anne, just as, like, a continuation of your birthday?”
Anne’s eyes darted between the two girls in front of her–Marcy’s puppy-dog eyes and Sasha’s embarrassed hopefulness made her heart melt. Something about it did sound really nice…“I mean, of course, I’m down! I just wanted to understand your weird logic.” She smiled at Sasha and squeezed her hand beneath Marcy’s in reassurance. 
“Yay!” Marcy squealed, picking up their conjoined hands and waving them around. “I’m excited!” She pressed a light kiss right where Sasha��s and Anne’s hands met. Anne stopped breathing for a second. “Okay, I’m in charge now, right?”
Sasha cleared her throat before speaking. “Uh, yeah, Marce.”
“Okay, then Sasha,” Marcy sat up straight, narrowing her eyes briefly at the aforementioned blonde before dramatically saying, “truth? Or dare?”
Sasha rolled her eyes. “I guess I’ll do a dare this time, but you better make it something exciting. That poor shot is just sitting there, unwanted.”
Something glinted in Marcy’s eyes, and Anne got nervous again. “Fine! I dare you… to kiss me.” Marcy got a wicked grin on her face. Sasha’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping slightly open. Anne wasn’t sure how she hadn’t had a heart attack yet, with the way this night was going. “And it can’t be just a peck, either; I mean a real –mmf!”
Sasha leaned forward and used her free hand to pull Marcy in by the neck for a kiss. A serious kiss. Anne stared in awe as Marcy’s eyes fluttered shut, one of her hands leaving her lap to cup Sasha’s cheek. Anne watched as their lips moved together smoothly–was that Sasha’s tongue darting out into Marcy’s mouth?
Anne’s underwear suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She got that “intruding” feeling, again, but couldn’t make herself stop watching. Strangely, she didn’t feel jealous like she would have expected to with all of her newly discovered emotions tonight, but instead just insanely turned on. 
Anne’s hand twitched in the pile on Marcy’s lap, and Sasha quickly pulled back from the kiss with a pop . Marcy’s and Sasha’s lips shone in the TV light–wow, that was still on?--and they were both breathing a bit heavily. (Anne was, too, if she were to be completely honest.)
“Wow,” Marcy breathed. “I wasn’t expecting you to actually… do that.”
Sasha blushed brightly and tried to deflect by rolling her eyes. “Like kissing you is such a hard thing?” She chuckled half-heartedly before shaking her head. “Screw it, I’m taking the shot anyway.” She removed her left hand from the pile and downed the shot quickly, wincing only slightly. She poured another immediately after and replaced her hand in the pile on Marcy’s lap. “Alright, my turn. Anne, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” Anne said before even thinking about it. Marcy and Sasha raised their eyebrows, surprised at her quick answer. “I mean… well, yeah, dare.” She couldn’t really take it back, now, or she’d have to take the shot. Her heart thumped in her chest. “Don’t go easy on me, either.” Frog, what was she trying to do? Where were these words coming from? 
“Okay…” Sasha looked at her suspiciously but continued. “I dare you to dance on the table to a song of my choosing.” She used her free hand to pull out her phone. 
Anne scoffed and stood up, slightly relieved. “I thought I said not to go easy on me?”
Sasha grinned deviously. “You haven’t heard the song, yet.”
Anne’s heart thumped wildly as she stood on the coffee table, careful to avoid the shot glass sitting there. Hopefully, the table doesn’t break , she thought. “Alright, play it, then.”
Sasha smirked as she pressed play. When the first notes to a slow, sultry Rihanna song started playing, Anne’s face started burning. “Seriously?” she said, suddenly regretting all of her life choices. 
Sasha shrugged. “You can always just take the shot,” she sang. Marcy was leaning back with wide eyes and pursed lips as she glanced between the two of them.
Anne took a deep breath and actually contemplated just taking the L for this one. But then, she noticed Marcy’s eyes moving down her body before darting back up to her face. Suddenly, this seemed fun. 
Anne started moving her hips to the slow beat, still feeling a bit awkward at first. After a moment, though, she started moving her arms as her whole body got more into it. She was sure that the alcohol was helping her, here. She glanced up and saw Marcy and Sasha staring, riveted, and felt confident enough to go a little further. 
As she danced, Anne played with the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it up higher and higher over her stomach. Seeing the girls’ wide eyes fixated on her, Anne got the urge to take the whole thing off–so, she did. She tossed it at the girls before twirling around, and they didn’t even seem to notice, since they weren’t taking their eyes off of Anne. She ran her hands over her body as they watched. Anne had never felt more confident, more wanted, in her life. 
This is what Anne wanted, she realized. She wanted both of them: their attention, their affection, their love. She had probably wanted this since middle school, if not earlier. 
(Chapstick smudge on her mouth, Sasha’s face inches from hers–)
Frog, she could’ve had this all along, if she’d just opened her eyes and not been so close-minded. Sasha and Marcy had both given her chances, and she’d failed them, made them feel unloved and unwanted–when the complete opposite was true, and Anne hadn’t even realized. 
The song ended, and Anne hopped down from the table. Both girls still stared at her topless form, bolstering her forward to do what she now knew she had to. “I’m in charge, now, right?” she clarified.
Marcy slowly nodded, while Sasha cleared her throat and choked out, “Uh, yeah?”
Anne took a deep breath. “I dare you both to kiss me.”
Both girls’ jaws dropped open. Marcy let out a squeak. 
“Anne,” Sasha said, bewildered, “are you… sure?”
Anne laughed, mostly at herself. “I’ve never been more sure in my life. I want you; I want both of you, and I’m so sorry that it took me so long to realize–mmf!”
Mimicking Sasha’s actions from earlier, Marcy jumped up and quickly pulled Anne down by the neck into a hard kiss. Anne’s hands hovered for a moment before settling on Marcy’s waist. The kiss started out simply as lips pressing against each other, but the boldness from Anne’s dance carried over and gave her the courage to press her tongue forward. She lightly ran it over Marcy’s bottom lip, and when Marcy gasped, she pushed inside. Their tongues pressed against each other, Anne’s grip on Marcy’s hips tightening and pulling her close. 
(Chapstick smudge–)
When Marcy let out a moan, Anne pulled away, breathing hard. She glanced over at Sasha to see the blonde death-gripping Anne’s shirt and staring with a mad blush on her face. 
“Is this real?” Sasha breathed.
Anne chuckled and reached a hand out to her. “If you want it to be.”
Sasha slowly took Anne’s offered hand and stood up next to Marcy. “Okay, I see why you were so quiet when I kissed Marcy; I’m kind of at a loss for words, right now.”
“Pfft, who needs words?” Anne said before bringing a hand up to the back of Sasha’s neck. She was shocked to feel the buzzed-short hairs of an undercut and couldn’t help but run her fingers over the softness there for a second. “It’s your turn.”
Anne could’ve sworn she saw tears in Sasha’s eyes before the blonde leaned down to kiss her. It was a much softer kiss than Anne and Marcy’s, brimming with all the emotion Anne had bottled up over the years. 
(Ponytail swishing–)
When Sasha pressed her tongue into Anne’s mouth, Anne couldn’t hold back a moan of her own. Sasha pulled her in by the waist, making her press against both herself and Marcy, since the three of them were still right next to each other. One of Anne’s hands remained on Marcy’s waist and squeezed there, to which Marcy responded by reaching up to play with Anne’s hair, all while Sasha kissed her breath away. 
It was perfect.
Anne pulled away from Sasha’s kiss and pressed their foreheads together. She smiled, and Sasha chuckled. 
Marcy cleared her throat. “Soooo, that date tomorrow is definitely a real date now, right?”
They all laughed, and Anne pulled Marcy in close until all of their heads were touching. “I love you both so much,” she whispered. Tears were definitely streaming down Sasha’s face now, and she felt her own eyes well up with emotion. 
“We love you, too,” Sasha and Marcy replied in unison, giggling like school girls afterward. 
There were so many possibilities for new memories, now. Anne couldn’t wait to start making them.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think here, or leave kudos and comments on Ao3 here!
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ghoulinfuschia · 6 months
Hi there, follower since your Amphibia themed days. May I ask, are there any connections you could make between Amphibia and Murder Drones in plot, structure, characters, etc. that you love?
I think a common thread that appeals to me in both stories has to be the element of finding love when you feel lost. And I don’t mean romantic love. Uzi and Anne as characters are both incredibly flawed. Anne started off as selfish, dismissive, pushy, and overall rude. Uzi starts off being abrasive, standoffish, and it’s made very clear that she has zero friends. While both shows have very different storylines and plots, both have a protagonist who has a lot of growing to do and a lack of bonds.
Anne’s a bit better off since she had Sasha and Marcy. She wasn’t straight up alone, and she had family that loved her, but her friendship was very toxic. It felt like it wasn’t until she landed in Amphibia that she was able to find a community to flourish in. She became kind and understanding because of that, and she learned to stand up for herself. She found family when she was scared and struggling to find herself.
Uzi’s case is like on the complete opposite end of the spectrum in regards of severity. Though we don’t know much about her life before the beginning of the series, we can infer that she’s been isolated for a long time. She doesn’t have a friend group, her teacher doesn’t want to deal with her, her mom died but not really, and her dad might as well not even be there. Khan tries, but with his track record he could be categorized as an absent father. The show plays up her angsty teen bit for comedy, but in reality she’s kind of a tragic character. She doesn’t know how to make connections because no one bothered to give her the time of day. She’s also awful with dealing with her emotions since she was never taught how. Once again this is all speculation but I’m pretty confident that p much everyone in her life failed her in one way or another.
It wasn’t until Uzi became friends with the disassembly drones that she found people to connect with. I mean, moreso N than V since V seems to have her own walls up (which she wouldn’t fucking explain because HHHHHHH LIAAAAAAAAM).
N seems like one of, if not THE ONLY person in Uzi’s life who’s genuine and actually gives a shit about her. He’s patient with her and incredibly caring. In turn he was the key to helping her make a real connection and open up. She’s still um. Kind of emotionally janked but she’s getting better WAHAHA
Also this is less of a “I can fix her” situation and more of a “finally I’m not alone” sorta thing I feel.
I think overall what hooked me into these series was how both of the protags fall under the category of “People who seem insufferable but really just needed a hug”. Watching someone become a better person is just v tasty to me.
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kiwibirb1 · 6 months
My favorite thing is when a character tucks their head into another's neck. Like it can be platonic, romantic, in a move of betrayal, I will eat that shit up. Ooooooh wait that betrayal thing gives me and idea for like evil marcy or really just darcy with some marcanne thrown in like
Marcy falling asleep at one of their sleepovers pre amphibia cuddling Anne. Marcy embarrassedly burying her face in Anne's shoulder after first kiss. Darcy pretending that Marcy managed to break free, hugging anne, turning thier head away to look at Sasha who's eyes widen in shock and realization as the orange eyes grin madly and anne stumbles away, flaming knife in her stomach, coughing, looking up, betrayed, because the core let marcy go for just a moment then a moment long enough for Anne to see those brown eyes fill with tears at what theyd done before she's down, collapsed on the ground, sobbing sasha picking her up and cursing the core, all while marcy breaks from deep, deep inside her mind.
Hehe I should post a better version of this on ao3 ima do it
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randoms-fandoms · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could perhaps write a calamity trio x reader? More specifically, what would happen if all of the girls had a crush on the same person?
Omg yes this is such a cute idea :0 (sorry the reader won’t really be the focus 😅 it’s an Anne pov, and Marcy and Sash are still very much in it)
Warnings: none
Relationships: they have a crush on you👀
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Anne, Sasha, and Marcy had grown more after returning from Amphibia— they had at least another year until Marcy had to move, as her disappearance had prompted her parents to put their plans on hold for a few months, meaning she could stay in California the time being— but even though the three of them were no longer geographically torn apart, conflicting schedules meant that they hardly had time to spend together.
However, now that the trio had begun the new school year, life had been going pretty well. The pestering questions from other students and even teachers were annoying, but easy to get used to. Things felt normal again.
Anne loved her friends a lot, but she also wanted to expand her circle a bit. That was kind of hard when everyone knew her as the superhero girl who defended the city from robots last summer, but her adventures in Amphibia had given her nothing if not tenacity.
Finally, after a month or so of having no one to hang out with during school, she met someone new. Someone who hadn’t seen her destroy a fleet of robots on live television over the summer.
Anne only had two classes with you, and you had separate lunch periods, but that was perfectly fine. You had sat together in class every day since you first started school there, and Anne had quickly made a habit of texting you often. Photos of Domino, memes, random thoughts— she found every excuse to text you. She even took a few cute selfies with you! Overall, your fast friendship was wonderful.
Weeks into this new friendship, however, Anne was beginning to realize something. Her feelings for you were… changing. She didn’t used to struggle with eye contact when you complimented her. She had never before turned into a blushing mess just from a hug. Suddenly, your every action had her overthinking.
“Anne? Are you listening?” An amused voice broke through her thoughts.
Anne looked up to see you staring at her, confused. “Oh, haha— sorry I was just zoning out.” Anne said, face burning. “What did you say?”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the library after school to work on our group project.” You asked.
“Yeah totally!” Anne answered quickly. This is the first time they’ve invited me to hang out outside of school!
“Wait— I mean, I’d love to… but I have plans already. Sorry.” Anne said, frowning. She had forgotten that she and her other two friends were going to be hanging out all afternoon, and even sleeping over at Marcy’s house.
“That’s alright. how about Sunday? It’s due on Monday, you know.” You said with a little laugh.
Anne groaned. “I know, sorry. That sounds good, you can come to my place.”
“I’ll text you, okay?” You smiled as you stood up to put away your notebook and pencil. Anne hid her face; you thought it was funny, but really she was hiding how your sweet smile always made her blush.
Anne needed advice.
Marcy and Sasha were engrossed in conversation (something about a manga they both read; Anne didn’t quite know), but Anne was distracted. She sat on Marcy’s bed, scrolling through her album of selfies with you.
“Anyway, I’m going to get some snacks and change into my pajamas. You guys get comfy too!” Marcy said, plugging her phone into the charger by her bedside table.
Anne waited for Marcy to close the door before she unzipped her backpack and pulled out her overnight stuff.
“So how are you doing? It’s been a while since we’ve hung out.” Sasha made conversation while she walked into the adjoining bathroom to change.
Anne sighed. “Nothing bad,” she started, quickly pulling on her pajamas. It was just a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt, nothing like Sasha’s cute matching sweatsuit. Anne wondered if you would think she looked cute if she dressed up. “…I’m just a little… I don’t know. I feel kind of weird.”
“Well what’s up, girl? Having bad dreams again?” Sasha re-entered the room, taking out her ponytail, and lie down on Marcy’s queen sized bed.
Anne smiled softly to herself, getting lost in thought for a moment. She loved how Sasha was always so worried about her. Back when they had just barely gotten home from Amphibia, Sasha would stay up on the phone with Anne all night while she cried. Sometimes she was missing the Plantars, sometimes she was convinced one of Andrias’s robots was after her again, sometimes she was having a panic attack thinking about her own inevitable death— no matter how long it took, Sasha was always there.
“No, I’m fine.” Anne said, a little embarrassed. She sat back against the headboard. “Just normal teenager things.”
“Great,” Sasha said, smiling and closing her eyes. “Can’t get enough of that. Lay it on me.” She said, getting comfy.
Anne laughed. Marcy walked back in the room, making her jump. Her heart was already in her throat, beating hard from the nerves of talking about her feelings (however roundabout).
“Hey guys! Sorry it took me a minute, I accidentally spilled the first bowl of chips.” Marcy said, shrugging. Sasha stood up and took a bag of candy from her arms, which were full of snack food.
“I’m surprised you didn’t drop more, with how much you’re carrying.” She replied, kicking a pillow out of the way so she could sit down on the plush carpet.
Marcy laughed. “Anyway, what are you guys talking about?” She said, relaxing on the beanbag chair next to the outlet where her phone was charging. She put the arm full of snacks on the ground between her and Sasha.
Sasha looked at Anne, waiting for her to answer.
“Oh, haha, I just wanted some advice.” She blushed. “I think I might… have a crush on someone.” She looked away, laughing awkwardly while Sasha and Marcy freaked out.
“Oh my god, that’s great!” Sasha smiled widely.
“Are you gonna ask them out?” Marcy asked, gasping. “You have to tell us everything!”
Anne grinned self consciously, thinking about you. Asking you out. “Well, we met at school, and I really like them…”
“Is it someone we know?” Sasha asked teasingly.
Anne shrugged. With how new they are to the school, what are the odds that they’ve met my two only friends? “Maybe. Anyway, we’ve been friends for a while, and suddenly I just can’t think straight when I’m around them… I’m worried that if I don’t say something and get it off my chest, they’ll notice, and— I don’t know, it would just be embarrassing.” Anne ranted.
Sasha nodded seriously. “Classic story. Not to worry, though, Marce and I have tons of experience with crushes.”
Marcy laughed nervously. “Sasha, you said you wouldn’t tell!” She lightly punched Sasha, who ignored her.
“Anyway, who is it?” The blonde asked. She took a handful of chips and ate them, casually relaxing against the pillows on the floor.
Anne, still sitting on the bed, leaned down to whisper in Sasha’s ear. She was pretty confident that she wouldn’t even recognize your name, but the other girl gasped as soon as she said it.
“No. Freaking. Way. Marcy you would not believe this— Anne likes the same person you do!”
Anne’s heart dropped. “What?” She distantly registered that Marcy said the exact same thing at the exact same time. She would have laughed if she didn’t feel so… weird.
“We eat lunch together like every day.” Sasha explained to Anne. “Marcy has a huge crush on them.”
“You do too!” Marcy accused, embarrassed, making Sasha blush.
“Whatever, at least I can act normal about it!” Sasha argued.
Anne felt an unfamiliar twist in her stomach. Jealousy. They hang out every day? She frowned. She wondered if Sasha was as confident and flirty with you as she was with her sometimes.
“So we all like the same person?” Marcy clarified, after a moment of tense silence. “I didn’t really think they would be your type,” she said to Anne.
“I didn’t even know I had a type!” Anne said, a little exasperated. She had never felt so strongly about a crush before. She thought about your laugh, how you teased her sometimes, how she had picked out a nickname for her…
Sasha for once didn’t really have any advice. “Well who do they like?”
Marcy shrugged. “They always avoid the question. I’ve tried asking.”
Anne was shocked. “Really? You guys talk about that stuff?”
Sasha giggled. “Yeah, some of us are better at hiding our feelings.“
Anne rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She paused for a moment. “…Are you guys going to ask them out?”
Sasha shrugged. “Maybe. Should I?”
Anne thought about that. Now that the initial surprise had worn off, she found that she wasn’t upset that Marcy and Sasha liked you. She wondered if you would be interested in dating all of them. The trio had shared everything with each other ever since they had first become friends… come to think of it, Anne found that she liked the idea of all of them dating you.
“I think we all should.” Marcy said, smiling. “How should we do it?”
“Let’s FaceTime them,” Sasha suggested. “I want to see how they react.”
Anne shook her head. She knew she was far too shy and awkward about the whole situation for that to end well. “How about just texting? We could create a groupchat.”
The other girls nodded. “Alright, sounds good!”
Marcy inviter you, her, and Sasha to join a groupchat. Anne snorted a laugh when Marcy renamed the chat to an emoji: 🫣
“Who wants to go first?” Asked Sasha, feeling nervous.
Anne just wanted to get it over with, wanted to know what you thought. “I will.” She quickly typed out a simple message and sent it.
You replied quickly, much to Anne’s relief.
I like you.
Why are you saying it in a gc?
Worrying that this was too weird, that you hated her now, Anne was already typing her apology when Sasha and Marcy replied.
Because I do too :D
Me too
Marcy squealed, dropping her phone and hiding her face. “Ah, this is crazy!”
Sasha laughed. Anne knew she was trying to play it cool, but secretly cared just as much. Anne herself felt sick to her stomach from nerves. Her heart nearly stopped when the notification that you replied came in.
Do you all wanna go on a date tmrw? We can talk abt it over lunch
I didn’t know u were friends :)
Anne sighed in relief, laughing. Friends is an understatement. She grinned, excited, hearing Marcy and Sasha celebrating around her. Her heart swelled with joy, glad that her two best friends would be there with her in this new relationship.
She was so caught up in her own emotions that she didn’t notice Sasha taking a selfie of the room, including all three of the girls in it. It popped up in the groupchat.
Anne clicked on the picture, seeing Sasha in the corner of the screen, Marcy waving with one hand and holding her phone in the other, and herself distracted and staring at her screen. Her face was absolutely glowing with happiness, cheeks darkened with a blush, staring fondly at your messages.
“Sash, that’s such an embarrassing picture of me!” Anne looked up, not really upset.
Sasha stuck her tongue out. “It’s cute. I bet our new lover thinks so too.” She said teasingly. Anne looked down at her phone again, still smiling.
Marcy came in for a hug. “First date tomorrow, Anne! Are you excited?”
Anne laughed, hugging Marcy back. “Heck yeah!”
“We should do a spa night!” Sasha said, standing up. “Marcy, do you still have those face masks I got for you? We’ll be absolutely glowing tomorrow.” She posed, making Anne and Marcy laugh.
“Of course!” Marcy replied excitedly. “I even have some nail polish; our signature colors!”
Anne couldn’t stop smiling as she followed Marcy and Sasha into the bathroom. She felt great. Despite things changing for her after she returned from Amphibia, the love she shared with her friends stayed the same. And now, they could all open their hearts up more, expanding that love, growing exponentially closer.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading about these dorks crushing on you :P have a nice day!
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rechicken-and-waffles · 3 months
You know what time it is! Chaotix Member Tangle headcanons PT 4. Warning: There's a lot of angst
-In an alternate version of the Metal Virus arc, Tangle encounters Charmy slowly being infected, Charmy was scared and constantly begged his sister to help him. Tangle, being obviously horrified, told Charmy to not say anything else anymore and let her deal with it. However, the Metal Virus started to infect her, the most horrific part, it began to fuse body with Charmy's. After they we're infected, they were grotesquely fused together, like Amalgamate from Undertale level of grotesque
-While Tangle and Espio were doing a training session, Espio was noticeably more down and a lot more monotone that day. Tangle and Espio had a talk and Espio confessed that despite his cool demeanor and hardworking nature, he secretly suffered from major depression. Espio's depression was greatly more frequent after the Metal Virus arc, I'm which he had voices in his head to end it and violent thoughts towards himself and his family. Tangle, obviously heartbroken by this, hugged her big bro and became his personal therapist from that day forward.
-Tangle and Charmy's favorite show to watch together is Amphibia, mainly pointing out how their dynamic is similar to that of Anne and Sprig, they would also tease Vector by calling him Hop Pop. They also both had a 1 hour cry session after watching True Colors and The Season 3 finale. Tangle's favorite is Marcy and Charmy's favorite is Ivy, they both despised Sasha at first, but grew to like her during Season 3
-Charmy doesn't like Lanolin mainly because of the way she treats Tangle and the other's. Whenever he visits Restoration HQ, he always sticks his tounge out at her and whenever she tries to talk to Tangle or anyone else, he immediately leaves and would sometimes drag Tangle away. Tangle would notice this and said that it's sometimes her own fault because she sometimes wouldn't take things seriously, but Charmy obviously dismissed her and tells Tangle that Lanolin is the way she is is because she never does things to fix herself and always pour more work onto herself.
-Charmy may be attached to Tangle, but he surprisingly isn't that clingy, whenever she needs to go on a mission alone, Charmy would accept and tell her to do her best to come back home in one piece.
Yayyy more of these!!!
-I would have never thought about an amalgamation between zombots, and omg that would be terrifying to see. Imagine if Espio got to see them like that... more trauma for him 😭
-Ngl, I too headcanon that Espio has some sort of depression and became worse after MV, so I am glad I am not the only one who thought this. AND YES TANGLE BEST THERAPIST
-Omg Charmy and Tangle have amazing taste it seems (Amphibia is my favorite animated show lol). And yeah, I too cried with True Colors and The Hardest Thing so I get them dfghgfds
-I love this one. Lanolin and Charmy may be some of my favorite characters but yeah they would not like each other. Charmy would think she's too bossy and Lanolin would think he's annoying and why is a 6 year-old part of a detective agency dfghjkjhgf (This reminds me I have a whole idea of throwing Lanolin into the Chaotix for a day and see what happens, but that's a story for another day)
-Charmy may not be(e) that clingy, but I feel there would be days where he sits in front of the door waiting for Tangle to arrive XD
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mdhwrites · 8 months
When I watched Amphibia, I kinda had a hard time understanding how certain headcanons were developed in the fandom. Especially Grime being Sasha's 'toad dad' and Olivia and Yunan being Marcy's 'newt moms.'
Like...by the end of the series, I totally bought Sasha and Grime as close friends (heck, they sold me as friends partway through season two), but Grime never gave 'adoptive dad' vibes to me. Putting aside the fact Grime's the reason Sasha spent her first month in Amphibia in a cell, he's also a pretty toxic influence on her, indulging her worst traits and only really improving as a person when he and Sasha form the resistance in season three.
And I'm confident viewers only started the 'newt moms' headcanon because of the episode Olivia & Yunan. Which is pretty ironic, since in that episode, Yunan initially objects to saving Marcy (she didn't even refer to Marcy by her name, just 'the human' XD), and like you said, Olivia explicitly states she's motivated to save Marcy because she trusts her and thinks her intelligence will help them defeat Andrias, not because Marcy is someone she's emotionally attached to.
Sure, in The Hardest Thing, Olivia and Yunan hug Marcy goodbye, so there was clearly some fondness for her by the end, but nowhere near familial feelings. And yeah, maybe you could argue Olivia cared for Marcy since she insisted on being 'gentle' when Marcy was being pulled out of the tank, but that's just basic decency; hardly 'adoptive mother' behaviour.
With all that in mind, why do you think so many got so hooked on the idea of these people being found families for Sasha and Marcy? Did they think Sasha and Marcy both 'deserved' a found family just because Anne got that with the Plantars? Did they just like the idea, even if canon did almost nothing to validate it?
I personally think it's because a lot of people thought Sasha and Marcy's parents were abusive (another headcanon I can't get behind), and believed they deserved to find 'better' families in Amphibia. But that's my take; what's yours?
So there's a LOT here to potentially discuss because you're not wrong in saying that it's a dubious claim. Let's start with just my thoughts on them being found families: I like Grime as Sasha's father figure in works but it is much more a mentor and student relationship but where who is doing which is very dubious. The two need each other but how much one or the other need each other is constantly shifting and it's part of what makes their dynamic interesting. Trying to place a specific label on them is rough and I'd agree that saying that Grime is Sasha's first healthy friendship would be accurate because of the push and pull there.
Yunan and Olivia are great in fanworks as having had a real relationship with Marcy but the show just doesn't support it. Yunan seems to look down on her and barely know her while Olivia is a very normal archtype of the proper, Victorian woman who has to deal with childish antics. Neither are bad characters for it but it does mean that the moment in the end with her hugging Yunan and Olivia is more for the sake of a curtain call than it is a big relationship being wrapped up. They honestly symbolize Newtopia, which Marcy definitely should still love, rather than their actual characters in that hug and I think that works.
Now, why are they called found families?
Well, the first reading for why is honestly what I'd probably put my money on: It's a popular trope and people liked the dynamics enough to want to push it into the box they wanted it to be. Like how TOH is praised for its found family despite the family doing so little together, it's a trope with poor definitions, is hard to disprove and is just roaring through fiction right now so its overuse as a term isn't surprising. The fact that it gets used to describe so many people with just dynamics in general (frankly, it feels like it's becoming harder to write best friends in fiction partially from this) makes me unsurprised that it is getting used here since Anne does absolutely get a found family with the Plantars.
Which does bring a second part in: It makes Sasha and Marcy more important. If they're going on similar journeys as Anne than they totally aren't there to help with the themes and the like, the journey is about them too! It brings them closer to being the focus of the story and as narratively important as Anne which, as we've seen, was a big deal to the fandom. I won't even call this bad, fandom will do as it does, but it does also end up diminishing just how big a deal it was for the Plantars to so thoroughly integrate Anne into their family and then how the Boonchuys recognize that work and accept them readily too. If it's as easy as it had to have been for Marcy, Yunan and Olivia, it kind of cheapens the core thrust of the show, almost like it focused on Anne for a reason.
The last one is... KIND OF what you brought up but I think it's a lot deeper than you frame it. I recognize that nowadays I am an outlier. I literally go and take a walk with my mom every morning, or I'm supposed to, to try and help her be more physically active. My problems with my parents are mostly due to my brain not being able to accept anyone actually approves of me, let alone people who's approval I care about. I am so very lucky to have good parents who I am happy to call my parents and who I am glad to have the support of.
All too many kids, even those not in the LGBTQIA+ but ESPECIALLY if they are, have bad family homes. They dream of being able to escape to a new world that's better than theirs, meet people who accept them for them and let them do cool things and be themselves. Escapism, especially isekai, is EXTREMELY popular for a reason, especially as just the world in general sucks, regardless of your relationship with your family.
So then we get Marcy and Sasha still going back. Them ALL going back because sometimes change is inevitable and not always can you bring the ones you care about with you. It's a powerful message that spits in the eye of that escapism and for a lot of people, that HURTS. Like for as much as I defend the choice, I do understand why so many in the fandom reacted negatively to it. For as much as they potentially didn't care about the Amphibians, they don't want to lose the froggy world that they wanted to live in themselves.
And so we get the projection of abusive parents. We get the toads and newts also being found families because it's so much worse to give those people up in your life than just saying bye to your friends. We get reasons why they should have stayed or at least been allowed to travel between worlds. This isn't even all inherently wrong, especially if you are willing to admit that there was a reason why the show chose the ending it did, even if you wish you could have the one that makes you happier.
Hell, we even see some of that with how people treat angst right here. They want Sasha and Marcy to have abusive parents... Because then they can be told it's okay to reject reality, be given a hug and then move on. Not to explore that abuse but to be given the wish fulfillment of that abuse being met with kindness which is admittedly how you should meet that stuff, please take abuse victims seriously and help them, but life is more complicated than that most of the time.
These are arguments I can understand and sympathize with though. I wish I could see someone using mental illness as now their superpower to be something that makes me happy because it WOULD be nice if my depression made me better than others. I just... don't quite engage with media that way though. It's actually part of what I think makes scripted content harder for me because I engage too genuinely and don't just want a pat on the head and a juice box.
And that isn't to say people who do want that are wrong. I still don't want to be actively hurt by the media I consume. I am still there to be entertained and happy and how that happens will be different for each person. That's part of the joy of life.
So I won't tell people who want Yunan and Olivia to be Marcy's lesbian moms they're bad for wanting that. Just don't tell me that's objectively what happened in the story since analysis and headcanon are genuinely different.
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wren-writes-things · 5 months
Questiono about DatD: are Darcy, Anne, and Sasha tiny? Like actual devil and angels and Marcy's shoulder? Because I can't get tiny Sasha out of my head-
Yes, though I’ve debated them being capable of growing larger under specific circumstances connected to Marcy’s emotional state. So far the motivation behind this is entirely Marcy deserves a hug from a full sized version of Anne and Sasha. So I'm still messing around with the lore on that one.
Though actually certain emotions causing Darcy to grow in scale and basically overwhelm anything Anne and Sasha say would be interesting. I'll have to think over that.
I should note though even if they grow larger Marcy is the only one that can see and interact with any of them.
Tiny Sasha is an absolute menace though (formerly a dignified angel). Like the two things she has definitely done is a.) tried to help Marcy become more confident in her artistic skills through vandalistic street art much to Anne’s horror and b.) repeatedly tried to stop Darcy’s advice by just beat them up.
Actually funny background behind this AU. The first content of it was a half finished comic of them watching The Owl House when King says “always trust a shoulder demon” and then Darcy getting really excited. Also Sasha while this was happening was about ready to murder Darcy (despite the whole they’re immortal and she can’t do that). Like that’s the lore.
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tea-plantz · 2 years
helloo!! can i request sasha waybright with an s/o that’s short and feisty, like is kinda like one of those chihuahuas that thinks they’re a pit bull?? peas and thank you 🫶🫶
Pls that is hilarious! Definitely one of my favorite requests.
She/her for Sasha
They/them for the reader
~Sasha Waybright x reader with chihuahua energy~
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Ok so first of all, Sasha finds you really funny. She thinks it’s so amusing when you get all snarly and jump around, thinking you look scary, when in reality you just look like a stubborn fourth grader.
When you guys first met, Sasha definitely thought of you as one of those little ratdogs that was like two feet tall and just barked at EVERYTHING. But she found it cute, regardless.
I feel like you and Sasha have sort of matching energies, which also makes you two fit together even more! You both got that sort of intensity and overhyped energy, if you know what I mean. Even though Sasha tends to be the more mature and chill person in the relationship, while your kinda like the feisty little kid.
You guys definitely scare people, and are known as the “scary couple”.
A really cute thing you do is when you try to “protect” Sasha from other people. Like, for example, Sasha was sort of fighting with this one kid at school, because they said something that she didn’t approve of. So while they are peacefully standing there, arguing back and forth, you suddenly jumped up right in the other person’s face. You continue by holding your arms out (to sort of hide Sasha behind you) while aggressively screaming at them and jumping up and down, thinking you look super threatening, when you really just you looked like a rabid rat. Sasha found it extremely funny, looking at you “defending” her, while the person she was beefing with is kinda just standing there like: ._.
A sentence you often hear from your girlfriend on a daily basis is something along the lines of “hey babe, chill” while she placing her hands on her hips and looking down at you with those judgy eyes, meanwhile you’re standing there all like: >:(
You and Sasha do tend to get into arguments, and boy they can get quite heated. The main reason for this is probably because neither of you back down easily, and you’re both pretty aggressive arguers. The arguments are usually over some stupid thing too like “cheese is way better than ham, face it Waybright!” “No, you listen here L/n, HAM IS SUPERIOR!!”
Sasha loves to just randomly pick you up, especially since you squeal and frantically shake around when she does it. It’s also a pretty easy task for her to do since the blond is a whole lot taller then you, and she finds it super enjoyable.
Another thing the cheerleader does a LOT is to simply hug you close to her while kissing your face, while you’re kicking and screaming for her to let you go. She does this whenever you get to intense and keeps you there until you run out of energy (which usually doesn’t take that long), and you just give into it with a grumpy look on your face. (Though, inside you actually feel quite happy cuz y’know, free cuddles!)
Sasha also leans on you almost half of the time I swear. “Sashy, honey stop leaning on my head!” “Hmm, lemme think about it.. no” “>:O”
When it comes to Marcy and Anne, they’re… honestly kinda scared of you. Now, don’t take this the wrong way! They absolutely love to have you as a friend and they think you and Sasha are such a cute couple! However, you have quite a strong and unpredictable personality. Nothing wrong with that though, you just make them a bit nervous sometimes, especially Marcy.
In the end, you and Sasha Gaybright Waybright are such a great but chaotic couple. We have Sasha, the cool, laid back and dominant girlfriend, and then there’s you.. the gremlin! Match made in heaven fr.
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Please feel free to leave more Amphibia requests, I love getting em!
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
Ten favorite Sapphic ships?
You know them, you love them, Lumity. They were always there for me and I love them. Also Amity tall strong gf canon.
The best goth x pastel, Bubbline. They were my first ship and I have so many terrible fanarts of them from 2019. Also, I spent an hour in the dark pretending to be both PB and Marcy in a fic. Yesterday.
The girls that invented polyamory, Sashannarcy. Do I need an explanation? Autism energy x angry energy x no energy. Sasha stops Marcy from doing stupid shit, but Anne has to stop Sasha and Marcy from doing stupid shit together.
Heart of gold x heart of gold, an underrated ship dynamic, Scorpfuma. Yes, this is substantially higher than Catradora. I just think Scorpia's progression in s4 was so sweet and mainly down to Perfuma's acceptance.
Dipping my toes into more mature audiences with Harlivy. They are just very cute and anarchist, which I adore. Also, the comics are so sweet. And Harley is so in love with Ivy.
The perfect ship name, Juletheif. You're telling me that when an international criminal that you have been aiding leaves a large bouquet of roses at your doorstep and you hug them whispering "Thank you" while wearing her signature clothes, it's not gay??
Moving into live action, Ronance. They just have so much more chemistry than the other ships both girls have (Except for Vickie and Robin, they have vague chemistry but Vickie spent three minutes with Robin whereas Nancy lit a molotov cocktail for Robin to throw)
The queen herself, Garnet. She meant so much to so many people watching Steven Universe and the wedding will always be monumental in cartoon and queer history. Besides, Stronger Than You slaps.
Yes, this is quite low - Catradora. I just think Catra didn't have enough redemption time, but I like it none the less. It's so hard to rewatch the seasons tho, watching all the shit Catra did and just yelling "NO STOP THAT'S YOUR WIFE."
Bit random but Mabeficia. When we were watching the golf episode my brother said "They're like Lumity" (meaning enemies to friends) and it stuck in my head.
Lmao I hope you weren't expecting a simple short list bossman <3
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Just imagine when they’re older.
Sasha: Dang I need to shave my legs.
Anne: -Rushes in to find any hidden daggers-
Marcy: -Holding Sasha-
Sasha: -Confused but hugs Marcy thinking Marcy just wanted a hug-
Sasha then remembers the dagger thing from years ago and instead of letting her girls know that she doesn't do that anymore (unless she's out of razors), she lets them do this hug and search just so she gets to hug one of her girls for a while.
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valentines-luna · 8 months
hellooo thereee how are you doing
Will you do a Lee sasha and ler marcy and Anne whenever you can? I really wanna see how you write a tickle fic for these three !
Hi! I'm sorry it took me 100 years to answer, I hope you like it!
(This takes place a few months after they leave amphibia)
Sasha laid on her bed, it looked like she was missing something, not something, but someone.
She had been missing Grime. She wasn't used to this feeling at all, “Marcy's in town.” She thought, “Hopefully that'll get my mind off things”. She got to the place where her, Anne, and Marcy planned to meet. Anne and Marcy thought Sasha seemed..off. “Hey, Sash?” Anne asked, “Are you okay?” She said, “I'm fine” Sasha responded in a monotone-like voice “Do you wanna go back to your apartment?” Marcy asked, “Sure” Sasha responded. When they got to Sasha's apartment, Anne immediately asked what was wrong, “Nothings wrong Anne.” Sasha said, “Sasha.” “Anne.”. If you don't tell us what's wrong, me and Anne are gonna have to use drastic measures~.” Anne and Marcy pushed Sasha down onto her bed in the blink of an eye and started gently tickling her, “C'mon guhuys thihis is chihildish!” Sasha said, giggling. “This is most certainly not!” Anne said and then bumped the tickles up a notch, “WhAhahAy aHare yohouho doHohoHoing thiHihis!” Sasha said, “We're doing this because you won't tell me and Anne what's wrong”, Marcy said “HAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUYS!”
“STAHAHAHAP!”, Sasha said through her laughter, “If your going to tell us what's wrong, then we will stop.” Anne said calmly, “FIHIHIHINE!, as soon as Sasha said that the wiggling fingers stopped. “So, what's wrong Sash?” Marcy asked, “I miss Grime.”
“Everything feels different without him.” Sasha said, “It's ok to miss people, I miss the Plantars and Marcy misses Yunan and Lady Olivia.”, “Thanks guys.” Sasha said while in the group hug,
“You know I'm so gonna get you back, right?” After she said that Anne and Marcy ran as far as they could.
Legends say that night was full of laughter.
the gods came to me at 2 in the morning with a vision for this fic, sorry for spelling errors my first language is spanish
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discet · 1 year
I know Anne has made her feelings on Marcy asking her to steal the box clear, but has she called her out for never standing up to Sasha and allowing her to walk all over them? Because while the former was a onetime thing, the latter is a much more recurring trend.
Anne didn't, but Marcy did call herself out on it. Marcy becomes cognizant of this failing in herself back before their reunion. Specifically in Chapter 9: Peacekeeper. Then in chapter 15 (in the same scene where Anne is confronted about stealing the Ice Honey and the first truth about the box comes out) Marcy apologizes for standing idly by while Anne got pushed around.
I'll post the relevant section down below and bold the part I'm talking about.
"Anne... I'm sorry." Marcy said the words and Anne's face fully dropped its broken mask. Marcy held out her hands and Anne cautiously let go of herself, allowing Marcy to hold her hands. "I should never have asked you to take the music box..."
Anne shook her head "I.. it's okay, you didn't know-" she tried to excuse.
"I knew you were uncomfortable." Marcy interjected. "I knew you didn't want to do it, but I pressured you anyways." Marcy dropped her gaze, unable to maintain eye contact any longer.  "I'm not your friend because of what you're willing to do for me... you're my friend because you’re brave, and funny, and kind..." Marcy rubbed at Anne's hand with her thumb, "because you always try to make me smile and look out for me... you shouldn't have to push yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable for my sake."
Marcy felt Anne's hands shake in her grasp, "b-but Sasha..." she croaked out.
"Not for her either," Marcy said firmly, "and I... I shouldn't have stood by and let her push you around either," she admitted. She looked up. Anne was full on crying now, "When we reunite with Sasha... we'll talk it out. I'll take your side, like I always should have..." her eyes drifted to Anne's abdomen where she knew a scar lay hidden. Guilty tears prickled at the corners of Marcy’s eyes as she gave a sad smile to Anne, "I've been a bad friend to you, Anne."
Anne let go of Marcy's hands so that she could pull her in for a bone crushing hug. Her body was hunched over slightly to cry into Marcy's shoulders, "y-you're not a bad friend." Anne insisted between choking sobs, "you're my best friend in the world Marcy."
Marcy returned the hug, heart gladdened by the words, "Okay," Marcy allowed, "but I could be a better one." she said, patting Anne on the back. 
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kiwibirb1 · 5 months
Okay here to create an entire au based on just one song lyric but:
"What if the protagonists just died in the first scene?"
Anne did NOT survive that first week. But the guardian is like "shit didnt think this far ahead ummm ghost?" So Anne is this visible but *mostly intanglibe spirit. she panics at first bc "OMF I DIED" but gets used to it. shes visible, can still interact with people. she has cool ghost powers now. aint all that bad, aint it?
*If she focuses reallyyyyy hard than she can get like. half an hour of tangibleness. MAX
anyway now to over exlpain stuff as it pops into my head but ill put it under the cut dont worry. got the basic stuff anyway alwaredy
So: Reunion. Anne of the year happens and stuff and Toadie is like "some one says their a friend" yada yada yada stuff so anne is still ghost when she goes up to sasha. BUT she has learned that its best to pretend to be alive at least when approaching someone so she float walks up (looks like shes walking but is actaully floating) and then realizes its sasha and goes "Oh shit" and tangibles herself just before the hug. during the ride she lets herself go untangible but still trys to keep herself not see through so sasha doesnt know whats up. anyway while theyre at toad tower she tangibles but is really fucking tired most of the time. fight happens and anne is holding on with everything shes got. except she can feel herself losing focus. Sasha says the whole 'better off without me" line but right before she can let herself go Anne goes intangible again so sasha drops but she knows she was still holding on and she could feel anne so what happened? sasha has a lot of questions. Anne has extra grief bc she was the one who dropped sash. yeah...
Marcy at the gates! Anne is fully prepared to float over the wall and stuff but doesnt bc fam is in danger and oh hey theyre saved and thats a weird looking newt let me float over and help them but- oh. that is a human. who has just seen me be very much not alive. shit.
Anne pretends that nothing happened for a bit and goes tangible and all that while theyre doing the barbirant quest thing. Marcy is like "well, since she's not mentioning it, I must have imagined it!" Until that one bit where Marcy like shoves Anne out of the way. And just goes straight through her. Both girls eyes widen as they process what just happened but Anne takes control and is like "I'LL EXPLAIN LATER LETS FOCUS ON THE FIGHT RN" so yada yada yada thing happens except Anne kinda hides ghostyness a little less bc the secret is already out, not much you can do now. After fight she explains and marcy is broken. She brought her best friend here and now shes dead. She killed her best friend. Breaks so hard in fact that she spills the secret to Anne who is like "what. i- i need time to think" so they dont talk for multiple days besides the king andrias meeting**. Anne eventually lets Marcy explain why and friendship is very strained but Anne learns to move on. Not forgive, not yet, maybe not even ever, but move on. It happened, and all she can do now is deal with the consequences.
**CORE LORE HEHEHE. So actaully gonna slightly change some core lore and shit. Anne takes one look at the crown and it like "that thing is evil and I dont know why" bc she has some extra spirit senses now. She tries to focus in on it and her eyes flash blue for a second and she catches a glimpse of thousands of orange spirits, all with to many eyes, floating around the crown and whispering in Andrias's ears. She cant see them again, but is very suspicious of Andrias now. Thankfully, the core didn't see her. Or did it?
One little spirit, mostly ignored by the rest, saw her looking. For some reason, it doesn't feel compelled to tell the rest of the hivemind. It knows they wont look in it's mind, it has long lost all usefullness, only around because it was forgotten. It itself can't connect with the rest, and has no reason to want to. It follows Anne, leaving the core behind. It watches, silent. Until one day, Anne catches a glimpse of it following her. She doesnt day anything until she is alone. She calls out, "I know you're there." It is surprised, but becomes visible to her. (only her. thats important. but yeah the core ghosts have more control over theyre visiblity and shit.) She is surprised. It seems... so small. "Who are you?" It seems to think. It does not know. It's name has long faded from memory. It tells her so, and she softens just a bit more. "What are you?" It perks up. This it knows the answer to! It tells her of the Core, the collection of Amphibia's greatest minds. She understands why she dislikes the crown now, and what she saw that day. But she also knows that this little fellow wont hurt her.
Anne has a little ghost buddy now. She names it Clementine. (It's faintly orange, just like all the other Core ghosts, but slightly less as it is nearly entirely removed from the hivemind.)
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