#sasori fanfiction
labradoriteprince · 3 years
Locket (Crumb)
  Y’all be nice i haven’t written in like 3 years but this is just an intro to the au I am working on
“Okay Mr.Iwa, you're all good to go. Remember, physical therapy starts next Tuesday and you’ll be attending two days a week until your physical therapist decides you’ve come far enough to move down to once a week, then biweekly, and so on.” The doctor went down the checklist. 
Deidara nodded along, staring down at the black and silver replacement for his left arm. He had lost the appendage in an accident at work in which his coworker had dropped a pallet from the sky shelves. Not that it was actually Gaara’s fault. The pallet was old anyways and the bottom planks decided to give. Deidara was lucky enough that only his arm was irreparable. His chest and ribs had recovered with minimal scarring. He had gotten a permanent leave, along with worker’s compensation and a lawsuit on the company for the faulty and dangerous work setting.  
“Thank you” Deidara smiled as he got up. “See you next week, Dr.Senju.” He smiled as he headed out. He could already tell it was going to be weird trying to get used to his new arm.
Deidara stood outside the coffee shop, his nerves a little out of hand… Literally. Today was his first full day with his prosthetic arm. He had been without his left arm for almost a year, but he had to wait until he could actually invest in the device, given how expensive it was. He always came to this shop. And every Monday through Thursday the same red head was always working. A short, stoic man with bored brown eyes and… well, quite frankly, no visible personality. With a heavy sigh, Deidara headed through the door and into the line. They weren’t super busy today, given it was nine am on a Tuesday, but there was a lady ahead of him in line with her son holding tightly to her hand, ogling and drooling over the brownies and muffins.
The kid quickly let go of his mom’s hand, to run up and shove his hands up against the glass. The barista’s gaze moved to the kid, his lip curling the slightest bit at the greasy hand prints being dragged down the glass case. Oh boy, Deidara was definitely going to annoy him today. He was already having a morning. The blonde could tell.
Once the woman ordered and stepped aside, it was Deidara’s turn. He stepped up to the counter, looking over the menu to buy time, like he didn’t always order the same thing. 
“Are you not ordering the usual?” The  barista asked. Deidara looked over at him.
“No- I am, I just wasn’t sure” He assured the man. “Latte with four shots espresso.” He assured him.
“I know what you take.” The redhead turned around to the machines in the back. “I’ll make it. Last time Konan left out the extra shots.” Sasori grabbed the Styrofoam cup. Deidara noticed he had upsized the drink, a sweet gesture though it made him more nervous. 
Once the barista finished the drink, he held it out for Deidara to take. "Its on the house. Congratulations on your arm." 
Deidara smiled, carefully reaching for the cup. All was going well so far.. he just had to grip the cup. 
By now, Sasori could see where this was going, locked in eye contact with Deidara, almost daring him to-
The cup broke when Deidara went to grab it, spewing scalding hot coffee all over the counter and floor. The redhead's eyes narrowed. "Konan, can I get your help cleaning this up. I need to remake a drink. " he sighed, grumbling to himself as he turned around to remake Deidara's latte. 
"Sorry" The blonde apologized, embarrassed by the mess he had made. "I just wanted to practice grabbing things." He explained.
"Well, practice outside of my store." The redhead countered. 
"Sasori-" Konan shot her coworker a glare. So that was his name.
"Well, he made a mess." Sasori muttered. He came back to the counter, handing the blonde a new cup. "Use your right hand this time." 
“Yes sir, sorry again.” Deidara quickly apologized as he headed out of the cafe. Well, that was humiliating. He took a sip of coffee and scrunched up his nose. Oh that petty bitch, this was so much more than 4 espresso shots. He couldn’t be too upset. It was a free coffee, and he did just make a mess. 
He was just desperate to be back to his full potential again. The past year he’s just felt like a burden, not able to move his own furniture when he moved into his new apartment, or having to relearn how to drive, cook, and everything. For a while there, he had to have his old roommate help him put his hair up. Neji always did, though. Even though they both knew he had better things to do. 
Once Deidara got home, he sat his cup on the coffee table, before pulling out his phone. Sasori… hmm. That was an uncommon enough name. He should be able to find him. He logged onto Facebook, typing the redhead’s name into the search bar. It wasn’t long before he found the barista. Sasori Akasuna. The blonde clicked on his profile, scrolling through. He only had a handful of friends, including the coworker from earlier. Though, the only person who seemed to be tagging him in anything was a little old woman who, obviously, was newer to Facebook. Sasori’s entire timeline was full of outdated memes, posts about tagging loved ones, and random ‘I love my grandson’ posts, all of which were from this same woman, Chiyo Akasuna.
Huh, well, it was safe to assume Chiyo was his Grandmother. It was also probably safe to say they were close. Or at least seemed to be. Deidara scrolled all the way back to the top of the page, sending a friend request. He plopped his phone down on the coffee table as well, before looking at his arm. He slowly opened and closed his prosthetic hand, watching the fingers curl up, then open, then repeat. He smiled faintly, before laying back onto the couch. It wasn’t long before he closed his eyes and started to fall asleep. It was a good thing he hadn’t really drank his latte after discovering how bitter it was. Otherwise he’d be too awake to nap.  
Once the blonde did wake up, he picked up his phone to check the time. It was about a quarter to five and he’d been sleeping since almost eleven. “Way to go, Deidara. Way to waste a day” He lectured himself as he got up. He noticed he had a Facebook notification and opened it. It was a message. 
“How in the hell did you find me?
Why did you find me?”
How was Deidara supposed to respond? Lie? Yeah- lying is good. 
“You were in my suggested friends list.”
It was almost an immediate reply.
“Right, with no mutuals and no idea what my name was before now. 
This is almost obsessive. You come in everyday at the same time, 
Constantly you're in my shop to just kill time, and now coincidentally, “
“You’ve found my Facebook.”
Oh man, this was taking a bad turn, and fast. 
“No, look, really. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just wanted to see 
Who you were. Not in a creepy way, though. Really.” 
I’m blocking you.”
Oh shit. Deidara messed up. Now how was he supposed to show his face at the cafe? He groaned and tossed the phone down. 
Well... Fuck.
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sleepysnk · 2 years
Just some basic Sasori headcanons? Maybe his forms of affection, both giving and receiving. SFW/NSFW, either way is fine.
a/n: i love how sasori is like the underrated character of my blog. he’s such a cutie, so i loved writing these! ❤️ i hope you enjoy!
characters: sasori
warnings: canonverse, fluff, sasori isn’t a puppet here, established relationship, brief naruto shippuden spoilers, nsfw, smut, oral sex f!receiving, fingering, overstimulation, light bdsm, choking, after care.
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- sasori is extremely underrated, you cannot change my mind.
- now, sasori isn’t the most romantic guy in the akatsuki. most of the members were surprised when they found out you two were together. he seems like such a grumpy guy. what did you see in a guy like him?
- he may seem grumpy, but behind closed doors, he is the only person you want.
- like i said, sasori isn’t a romantic, but he’s trying.
- i see him being an acts of service kind of guy. he loves to bring you little gifts that remind him of you. occasionally, he’ll come back from a mission and give you something he got along the way. the gifts usually consist of something small like a cute little plant, or a mini cactus.
- sasori is definitely protective over you. he always thinks about you whenever he leaves the hideout, and you’re always on his mind whenever you leave. his worst fear is losing you, so make sure to be careful with this guy.
- he’s the type of boyfriend to ramble on and on, and if you fall asleep, he’ll grumble and place a blanket over you. he wouldn’t want to risk you catching a cold <3.
- sasori likes to lay his head on your lap and talk about his day or his puppets. nothing is more comforting than you running your fingers through his hair while he speaks.
- i don’t really see sasori as a jealous or possessive type. he knows at the end of the day, you’re his, and he never worries about anyone trying to come between that. he keeps his eye out on deidara, but it’s nothing too excessive. plus, he has a lot of trust in you, so he rarely gets jealous.
- kisses are a must with this guy. he loves when you peck his lips randomly.
- he’s not really into pda. he feels really awkward if you try and hold his hand in front of everyone, so his affection is more for behind closed doors.
- this guy has lost a lot. his parents died, and he feels extremely lonely because of that. this guy needs lots of loving, so please give it to him.
- now.. let’s get a bit spicy, shall we?
- sasori doesn’t have an insanely high sex drive unlike some of the akatsuki members. he can be pretty content without sex, and it isn’t something he needs all the time. though, there are times where he’s very needy for you, so the sex you have is very random and never really planned if that makes sense.
- his favorite thing to do is to eat you out 😩.
- sasori loves seeing the look of pleasure on your face while his tongue buries itself into your pussy. he loves the way you taste too, so expect this man to know what he’s doing. he always watches you, and the eye contact makes him very hard.
- he is also really good at fingering. i’m talking like god level.
- he knows exactly where to twist and turn his fingers to make you feel like you’re on cloud 9. he is a puppet master after all, so all those years of training his fingers really pay off in the bedroom. he’s probably the type to make you squirt from how good he is.
- speaking of chakra strings, sasori is into light bdsm.
- nothing turns him on more than seeing your wrists tied against the bed frame. he likes to tie you up and fuck you into oblivion. don’t even think about reaching for him, because if you do, the pleasure you feel will only burn brighter.
- he’s also very much into overstimulation ;).
- sasori loves to see how good he can make you feel, and he likes it whenever it feels too good for you. he often makes you cum two or three times during sex, and he doesn’t stop until he’s satisfied.
- “s-sasori! it’s t-too much!”
- “aww.. can’t handle it, hm? be a good girl and take it for me..”
- sasori likes to choke you too. he doesn’t do it aggressively, but sometimes he’ll put his hand around your throat to have more control. he also likes when your pussy quivers around his cock whenever he chokes you.
- he is a dominant, but i also see him being slightly a switch?
- sasori is really good with after care. he’s never the type to leave you alone after sex, so he’d definitely cuddle you and make you feel good about yourself.
- such a sweetheart, he deserved much more love <3.
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uchiha-slut-fiction · 2 years
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Can someone make a request? I’m bored and I want to write but I want someone to tell me what they’d like to read. I write:
Angst (usually with absolutely no fluff but I will write with fluff if you need)
Modern AU
Straight up fluff
Headcanons of all sorts
I do have characters I’m good at writing for and those I am not that great with.
❤️‍🔥=I am great at it PLEASE REQUEST THEM
🍄= I’m okay with them but I sometimes struggle
🥀= I’m not great at writing them please don’t bully me for it😭
Leaf Nin:
Inoichi 🥀
Sasori❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥(only in modern AU) otherwise:🥀
Obito ❤️‍🔥
Jugo 🍄
Killer B🍄
Omoi 🥀
Of course if there is anyone I didn’t list, still feel free to request them.
Also, feel free to give me a writing prompt or an idea you want me to bounce off of. I can’t always promise perfection, but I can promise maximum effort.
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Come with me down memory lane. The year is 2008 and you’re browsing deviantart/FanFiction.Net for some sakura x akatsuki fanfics.
Sakura is kidnapped by the akatsuki because they either need her healing or she’s friend with kyuubi. When she is kidnapped all the akatsuki just live in a frat house together. She become their friend because ‘’everyone in Konoha treated her bad and she hated them.’’
The main ships are sasosaku, deisaku and itasaku. There’s a love triangle somewhere. Also Hidan cursed alot and Tobi is a good boy. The leader is not revealed so it’s either Minato or just a gray blob. Zetsu is an aloe vera.
Perhaps the fanfic had an Evanescensce, Linkin Park og Green day song inserted. Also Sakura used black eyeliner because she was emo.
(Nsfw): badly written sex scenes where (whoever akatsuki member) do 3 pumps in and done, and the clit never mentioned.
The fanfic ended with either akatsuki all turning good guys and join Sakura in Konoha, or Sakura joining akatsuki. Then she meets Naruto and Sasuke and she’s super powerful and strong and easily defeat them.
Thanks for coming with me on this journey. If anyone want to add something pls do
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qissu · 2 years
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Charcters: Gaara x Hinata x Iruka x Sasori x Itachi
Prompt: Sick y/n
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☸  He is infatuated with you, and he neglects his own responsibilities just to be by your side
☸  Gaara becomes more protective, as if he is about to lose his lover, and he would even contact a medic from the hidden leaf village to double check and make sure you are okay
"Gaara, it's only a little cold. I swear I'll be fine." With a smile, you reassure him.
He exits the room after checking your vitals. "Send a message to the leaf village; I need a healer." He addressed the nearest guard on duty.
☸  Even if your heart rate changes slightly, he will notice it and become irritated with himself for not detecting it sooner
"What if something happens to you? I can't take that chance, y/n, and I wish you could see where I'm coming from."
☸  And even after you've recovered, he'll continue to discreetly monitor you, even your movements, because he wants to make sure his beautiful husband/wife is doing well
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☸  She despises the fact that she doesn't see you as often when she's out and about; if she has a chance, you're her top priority!
“You shouldn’t worry so much about me, your mission is important and you need a clear mind for it.”
“I know, but you barley get sick, it could be serious.” Her eyebrows frown at the thought of it being something serious.”
You reach out for her hands, rubbing back and forth on the palm of her hand.
“I will recover and I show you I’m fine, so please don’t worry.” You force a smile, your smile gave her all the reassurance she needed.
☸ Your health began to deteriorate as a result of the illness taking hold; it wasn't a common cold, but something more serious; you tried to conceal it from Hinata, but she soon discovered it.
"Look what happened the last time I left your side," she says. She was offended that you wouldn't be honest with her, but you knew it would hurt her.
☸ Hinata uses her own family remedy, aiding you in eating your soup and making sure you're comfortable; occasionally, you'll wake up to find her passed out on the side of your bed, having stayed up all night watching over you
You know you shouldn't be out of bed, but she was so cute when she slept that you grabbed another blanket and draped it over her before returning to your bed.
☸ She'll be the first person to show up once you've fully recovered.  Glad you're no longer in the hospital.
 "Please don't argue with me about taking a little extra time off; I just want to spend the rest of the day with you." You could not be happier. Hinata stayed by your side, occasionally preventing you from lifting heavy objects.
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☸ He tries to stay strong for you, but his facial expressions reveal that a part of him has died
"Stop pouting! It's not like I'm dying!"
"It isn't that... It's like being single all over again because I have to go home alone and sleep by myself."
"Are you in pain or am I?"
☸  He knows you can't eat solids and can only drink liquids, so he goes out to eat ramen after he visits you so you don't smell it on him.
"It's not fair that I have to eat this soup for the rest of the time." Your brows  furrowed.
 “If it makes you feel better I’ll eat it with you.”
“For real?!”
“Mhm.” He nods his head up and down, later that same day he went out to eat ramen. 
“I’m sorry y/n! Soup isn’t my thing, please forgive me!” He sulks while he enjoys a warm bowl of ramen. 
“You can eat as much as you want! Don’t worry about paying, it’s all on me.” He smiles as you dig into your third bowl of ramen. Hungry for the sweet taste of it. 
☸  Once you have completely recover he takes you out to eat ramen, fitting the bill
“You can eat as much as you want! Don’t worry about paying, it’s all on me.” He smiles as you dig into your third bowl of ramen. Hungry for the sweet taste of it.
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☸ Sasori isn't easily agitated, so the fact that you're sick pushes him over the edge. He won't let anyone see you, and he'll be arguing with the nurse because he believes she isn't providing you with the best care possible.
"You can't go around causing a ruckus; I understand it's difficult for you, but it's even more difficult for me; I'm trapped inside and don't know how long I'll be here."
Your words pierced his heart, and you sulk in bed. It may have appeared that he was overprotective, but he was only trying to avoid losing you; the thought of being alone again terrifies him.
To clear his mind, he walked out of the room and stood next to the door. He won't abandon you, even if it appears difficult, because he doesn't want you to experience what he went through as a child.
☸ He would bring his puppets and put on a puppet show for you on days when you are bored; he normally wouldn't do it, but he noticed how your mood has been changing and wants to lighten it up
"Oh my god, Sasori...you're going to make me pee my pants!" You laugh as you fall back into bed, holding your stomach.
Sasori observed you, trying to figure out what was so amusing. When you realize he's not laughing, you nervously rub the back of your head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I swear I won't do it again... "Could you please continue?"
He gets rid of the puppets. He walked out of the room once more, but returned seconds later, unfazed. He'll still look after you, but he'll do so in silence.
☸ Your heart rate became out of control during the night, and you became unstable, requiring surgery. As they wheeled you away, Sasori froze in place, terrified of being alone again.
He stood by the door for hours, waiting for your surgery to be completed; once you were clear, you were wheeled back into your room, knocked out by the medicine. 
"You gave me a scare; I thought you were getting better the whole time, and all I did was joke around."
He stood over your bed, tears streaming down his cheek and onto your hand, his head tilted.
"I can't bear the thought of turning you into a puppet, so please y/n recover for my sake..."
“I'm never going to be alone again...I'm not going to be." Sasori keeps a close eye on everything you do after you've fully recovered in order to prevent it from happening again. Aw, you want to go train? Sad to say, you must return home and rest before Sasori discovers and becomes upset.
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☸ When you get sick, he doesn't show it; instead, he works behind the scenes to figure out a way to help you get over your cold
 "I'll see you later tonight, sleep and don't stay up late," he says. Your body is in desperate need of rest." As he walks out of the room, he doesn't allow you to speak.
☸ He'll leave a sticky note on top of a soup container he brought in if he isn't there when you're awake. He only wants you to eat his food, not the hospital's
"I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up; make sure you drink everything. I'd like it to be completely empty."
You sulk over his sticky note remark. "Who died and put him in charge.”
You only drink half of the soup to spite him, and when he comes back later that night and sees you awake, he notices.
"If you don't finish your food, I'm not coming back until they let you out."
"It doesn't matter because I don't see you anyway."
"What's the matter?"
"When I got sick, you became so distant from me that I don't feel important to you." It isn't contagious in any way. I just have the feeling that I'm dealing with this on my own."
You fight back the tears that have been bottled up inside of you. "I've been acting this way just to get your attention."
He hovered over you, wrapping his arms around you, as you look down at your hands.
Itachi was holding back tears as well; seeing you in this position stressed him out, and he needed a clear mind, so he did his best to make it appear as if everything was fine, even though he was hurting as well.
"I only wanted to protect you, and I apologize for being so blind to your needs."
You spent so much time crying that you fell asleep in his arms. Itachi was passed out on the side of the bed when you awoke; keeping a grip on your hand while he slept.
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therantingfangirl · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 Day 12 - Creampie with Sasori
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Kinktober 2021 day 12 - Creampie
Fandom: Naruto
Sasori x female reader
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Your boyfriend had an interesting idea of what "research" should be, and if he can further his knowledge and be able to spend time with his favorite doll, then why shouldn't he?
Content Warning: smut, sex in the name of "research," creampie, unprotected sex, modern times, college AU
Author Notes: One of these days I'll be on time with these...This is not that day.
My kinktober masterlist
Minors do not interact! If you do not have your age in your bio, or if your age is under 18, I will block you.
Your boyfriend had the oddest fascination with the human body. Granted, you shouldn’t have expected anything different when you started dating a biology major—especially one as anti-social as Sasori.
“It’s fascinating,” he informed you, trying to defend himself.
“It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s completely natural.”
“Just say that you want to have sex with me like a normal boyfriend.”
“I do want to have sex with you—”
“But only because you want to study my reactions.”
“The promise of an orgasm wouldn’t be bad either,” he admitted with a simple shrug.
You let out a grunt, falling back against your lofted bed. He was sitting at your desk, one leg propped against his knee as casually as if you were discussing what you were going to be eating for dinner, not how he wanted to document your sex life in the name of science.
“Sasori, I just don’t know how I feel about you running back to your professor to share every intimate detail—”
“I wouldn’t share it with anyone else. You’re my little doll, and mine only.”
You tugged harshly at your hair, thinking over his proposal. If it was only for his own interest, then why should you care? It’s not as if he wouldn’t be able to recall your reactions anytime he wanted to if you said no. At least, this way you’d be able to be an active participant.
“Fine,” you huffed out.
“Excellent.” He nodded, again as if you had just agreed to pick up Thai after you were done studying. His face remained impassive, completely neutral to your decision. He set down the biology textbook that he had used to explain his research on the human body, pointing out the chapters that went into details about the natural responses vaginal walls endure during intercourse.
Which had to be the worst foreplay you had ever experienced.
But when he stood up and ran his fingers through the mop of red hair falling onto his forehead and affixed his brown eyes into your own eyes, a chill overtook your body so violently that you could see the goosebumps spreading over your arms.
Sasori stood up and crossed the expanse of your room. He lifted himself up onto the loft with ease. He tugged your dress further up your thighs, never taking his own gaze off of your face. There was something in the look that he gave you, something that mimicked the way he stared down at his textbooks whenever there was a new concept that he was trying to understand.
“Do you need that off?” you squeaked out. You gripped your bedding in your hands, hesitant to dig your hands into him.
“Just above your hips.” He shoved the dress up to your hips unceremoniously. He brushed two fingers down your center, feeling for himself how wet you had already become through your panties. “I’ve hardly done anything,” he mused.
“You turn me on,” you informed him. Despite your ability to keep your voice even, your cheeks became incredibly warm and your hands clammy. Your stomach flipped under his scrutiny.
“Your body is recognizing me as a potential mate and in its attempt to successfully procreate it—”
“Sasori,” you said quickly, taking his chin between two of your fingers. “I am completely okay with you recording your research, but please don’t try to simplify my attraction to you to my body trying to get itself pregnant.”
A slow smile appeared on his pale face. “I’ll keep the commentary to myself.”
“Thank you.”
Sasori tugged your panties down your legs and set them neatly down at the foot of your bed.
Always so particular.
His hands slid down his own body and unbuttoned his pants and undid his zipper. His cock sprung free from his pants, long and demanding. He wouldn’t admit it, but even just the thought of being able to touch your naked form or fucking you to gain knowledge was incredibly sexy to him.
He straddled your hips, slowly rubbing the tip of his cock against your entrance. You whined beneath him, hips bucking up towards him in response. He teased your entrance, coating his cockhead with your slick.
Usually, he took more time with the foreplay. Usually, he found pleasure discovering what different things he could do to make you soaking for him. Evidently, all it took was the mere insinuation that he was going to fuck you that you got you going.
Maybe you should talk to a Psych major about that.
You thought about how depraved—or maybe, obsessed with the redhead on top of you—that you were, debating on whether or not you should reevaluate why it took so little to make you so eager. You knew that you hadn’t always been like this. In fact, in the past—
Your inner monologue was cut off as he thrust deeply into you. Your breath caught in your throat and your back arched off the bed. And that’s when you realized: it was all him.
Before him, you had faked more orgasms than you had actually experienced. You had to use lube every time any of your exes wanted to have sex. Half of the time you hadn’t even thought that sex could be that good.
But with Sasori everything was different. Dating a man obsessed with the inner workings of the human body paid off in more ways than you had ever imagined.
He slid a pillow underneath your hips and the new angle drew a high-pitched whine from your lips. The mere length of him hit you in places that no other man or toy had been able to reach. He took your legs into his skilled hands and put them over his shoulders. With the new position, every single one of his thrusts had his pelvis rubbing against your clit. His hands tightened on your hips, a beautiful, but restrained groan coming from deep in his chest.
Sasori’s slim, yet toned, body stretched out over you. He rested his forehead against yours, those ever-watchful eyes of his staring into your own. He wasn’t one for many words—you had only heard him actually say “I love you” a handful of times over the last four years, but you knew the meaning behind the look he gave you.
“You too,” you gasped out, sliding your fingers into his hair. His pale skin and red hair were such a beautiful contrast against your own skin, so beautiful in the stream of sunlight coming in through the window.
You stretched out your neck and captured his lips with yours. His kisses were always slow and deep, his tongue only lightly probing at the contours of your lips. In this, you were the impatient one, your tongue darting out to rub against his. Your lips moved desperately as you moaned into his open mouth.
One of his hands slid between the two of you and his thumb began stroking your clit in quick circles. And then his hips picked up in speed, ever-demanding with every thrust and stroke of his body.
Pleasure coursed through your veins, making your toes curl against his back. You threw your head back with a loud yelp of his name as your fingers tugged desperately at his hair. His fingers worked you quickly, expertly digging out every ounce of pleasure that he could.
You had learned long ago that he wanted to take control, wanted to see exactly what would bring you the most pleasure. He had observed your reactions so closely—knew exactly when the coiling in your stomach began to tighten to the breaking point. So when you felt yourself begin to fall over the edge, he was able to stop his fingers just in time to delay your orgasm.
“No!” you gasped out, bucking your hips at him eagerly. “Please?”
“Not without me,” he grunted out.
Your walls fluttered around him angrily, taking more and more pleasure for yourself. Sasori buried his face in your neck, his eyes squeezing shut at the sensations you brought him. He barked out your name and his fingers continued their quick rubbing on your clit. The tip of his pointer finger circled the nub in the opposite direction just as he gave one final, deep thrust within you.
The dam within you burst abruptly and your hips bucked up closer to him, your fingers digging roughly into his hair as his name was ripped from your throat. His own hips stuttered forward and he groaned deeply into your skin. His warmth spilled into your cunt, splattering your walls with his cum.
Slowly, he pulled back from you, his gaze flicking to your slit as he pulled out. He slowly tugged his tip out from you, his fingers quickly sliding down to catch the mixture of your mutual orgasms spilling from your entrance. He watched it with pure fascination, his fingers gathering it and pushing the creamy substance back inside of you.
Your walls were so incredibly sensitive, his touch making your body shake at the invasion. He played with your juices with a soft hum. His other hand slid into his pocket and drew out his phone. Your brain, too hazy in the haze of your climax, couldn’t focus on what exactly he was doing.
Until you heard the sound of his flash.
“Did you just take a picture of my vagina?” you squeaked. You sat up quickly, reaching for his phone.
“It’s for research!” he said, holding his phone right out of your reach.
“My vajay-jay is not for research purposes!”
“But isn’t it so much more fun when it is?”
And you had to think there was something truly fucked up about you when a smirk fell on his lips and he began to lower himself towards the subject of his research. Because when his mouth sucked on your clit, you couldn’t remember why it was that you had felt cross with him to begin with.
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the-moss-project · 3 years
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Illustrations for Part 11 of The Moss!
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coffee confessions
Summary: college/university/café au Sasuke is a barista and Sakura is his most annoying, most beautiful customer. He leaves secret messages in her latte art. NrtCCWeek22 day 1, prompt: floriography/language of flowers
Pairing: SasuSaku
Word count: 4,975
Rated: K
            It is a usual day at the café where Sasuke has worked part-time since his second semester at college. He wouldn’t even need to work if it wasn’t for his idiot of a roommate, Naruto, who got them both kicked out of their dormitory building. Sasuke is sure his parents would happily pay for his share of the rent, maybe even Naruto’s, but he wants to prove to himself that he didn’t need his father’s money or influence to get through life. As humiliating and annoying as this job is most of the time, at least it’s something he managed to get on his own.
            He’s making an extremely annoying order – large, sugar-free, vanilla iced latte with extra vanilla and unsweetened soy milk – for an even more annoying and loud customer when he spots a flash of pink dashing through the door. Sakura. The girl he’s been crushing on since she first ordered a coffee from him. She always smiles at him with such familiarity that it baffles him how someone can be so kind to a stranger.
            Her cheeks are flushed from being in a rush and her eyes gleam prettily as she flashes him a smile. She steps next to his annoying customer and hugs her, telling her she’s sorry for being late but Shizune-sensei wanted to talk to her about her latest assignment after her lecture.
            “It’s alright, Forehead,” her blonde friend shrugs. “I got here not long ago.”
            Sasuke steps to the counter and hands the blonde her order then turns to Sakura. “Hey, what can I get you?”
            “Oh, just a regular latte is fine, Sasuke-kun,” she smiles at him. That familiarity again. Not many – if any – customers call him by his name despite it being displayed on a tag on his shirt. But Sakura always treats him with kindness and respect, like he is a human being like the rest of them, not just a servant. She never orders annoying, over-complicated drinks either. Sasuke rather likes her for that.
            “You can sit down, I’ll bring it around,” he says as he turns his back to her to start preparing her beverage.
            “Thanks,” he hears her say.
            Sasuke doesn’t know much about Sakura. He knows her name, that she’s the same age as him, she’s a med student, she bites the inside of her cheek when she’s concentrating on her assignments, she has the most dazzling green eyes he has ever seen, she always fidgets with a pack of sugar, her pen, or her fingers, and she always kind to everyone, even when she looks like she hasn’t slept in two days and the purplish circles under her eyes make the green of her eyes even brighter. She’s loud but never obnoxious, kind but never superficial, intelligent but never boasting.
            Sasuke wants to know more about her. He draws a carnation in the foam of her latte.
            “Thank you, Sasuke-kun,” she smiles at him as he hands her the cup. “Wow, that looks great!” She says as she looks at the cup. Sasuke just nods and turns away.
            “Huh, kinda looks like a carnation,” Sakura’s friend observes. He hears Sakura ask what carnations mean as he is walking away and he can feel the tips of his ears burning.
            The next time Sasuke sees her, it is pouring outside and she is positively drenched. She still grins at him as she sits down on one of the barstools and takes off her jacket. “Hey, Sasuke-kun.”
            “Hey,” he greets and walks closer to her on the other side of the bar. “Usual latte?” He asks as he grabs a cup.
            “Yes, and one of those blueberry muffins as well, please,” she smiles. She’s trying to put her excessively wet hair into a bun on top of her head, but it’s not cooperating. Sasuke’s gaze lingers for a moment as he observes the strands sticking to her forehead, her neck, her throat. She’s beautiful.
            “Celebrating anything?” Sasuke raises an eyebrow. He has learned that Sakura always orders a blueberry muffin when she’s happy about something. She always orders two triple chocolate chip cookies when she’s sad.
            “Well, I don’t mean to brag,” she starts, a proud smile stretching her lips. “But I got a perfect score on my anatomy exam, which is, like, super rare. My sensei is also really, really strict. I mean she failed about two-thirds of the class. So, to get a perfect score is basically impossible.”
            “Yeah, that really didn’t sound like bragging,” Sasuke puts a small plate in front of her and turns his back to finish up her order. Despite what he said, he’s really happy for her. He’s seen her slaving over assignments while sipping coffee and seen her around the campus library, surrounded by books that probably weighed more than her. He has no doubt that she worked really hard for her score. Sasuke draws an orchid in the foam.
            Sakura has her eyes slightly furrowed and lips in a pout when he hands her the latte.
            “I’m just messing with you,” Sasuke says. Because really, he didn’t mean what he said. “Congratulations on your perfect score.”
            Sakura smiles and breaks off a piece of her muffin. “Why, thank you very much, Sasuke-kun.”
            A customer motions for Sasuke that he’d like to pay and he shoots Sakura a look that says I’ll be right back, as if he needs her to excuse him. She happily munches on her muffin as she nods. Sasuke tells the customer that he hopes he enjoyed his drink and that he was satisfied with their services, though his flat voice and blank stare suggest otherwise. The customer leaves a small tip and says his thanks.
            Sasuke returns to his place behind the bar and starts washing the cups he collected on his way back.
            “And guess what the best part is,” Sakura continues as if he didn’t even leave.
            “I said guess! C’mon!” She radiates excitement, Sasuke is sure that if her eyes were any sharper, he could see small waves of energy floating around her.
            “I don’t know,” he says and she frowns. “Okay… you don’t have to retake the exam?”
            Sakura giggles, girlishly, beautifully. “Noooo, Sasuke-kun,” she cocks her head to the side. “My sensei also offered me an apprenticeship once I can start my residency after next year. That’s, like, the biggest compliment you can get. Ever. She’s a very respected and well-known doctor and doesn’t like people very much. I’m actually still not convinced I didn’t just dream up the whole thing, really.”
            “I can pinch you,” Sasuke shrugs. He doesn’t expect Sakura to hold out her arm though, and shake it slightly in front of him when he doesn’t do anything. As if to say: well, go on then. So Sasuke pinches her forearm and he’s surprised by how cold and soft her skin is. Still slightly damps from the downpour.
            “Looks like I’m not dreaming,” Sakura grins at him. “Turns out I really am a genius just like that,” she pops the last piece of muffin into her mouth and can’t seem to stop smiling even as she chews.
            She’s not only beautiful. She’s also smart as hell. Which, in Sasuke’s eyes, makes her even more stunning.
            Sasuke kicks the waste container again and sees he’s formed a dent. He turns around and punches the wall on the opposite side of the alley next to the café. He received a call from his mother earlier. His brother has been hospitalized again, and the doctors aren’t sure what’s wrong with him.
            Apparently, he’s been coughing up blood for weeks no, hiding it from the family. After contracting tuberculosis a few months ago, everyone has been worried about his health. He was sure he was okay, he didn’t want to worry anyone. Until he went to visit Mikoto for lunch but ended up bent over in the bathroom, coughing viciously, gasping for air.
            “Sasuke-kun?” He suddenly hears a familiar voice. He has his eyes closed, forehead leaning against the wall, fists trembling by his sides. He can feel his left hand pulsing as blood trickles down his knuckles and fingers slowly. “Are you okay?” Sakura asks quietly, her voice is now closer.
            Sasuke slowly takes a step away from the wall, eyes still closed. He wishes for the first time since he had met her that she wasn’t here. He didn’t want her to see him like this, or to pity him. He sighs heavily before opening his eyes and turning his gaze toward her.
            “Yeah,” is all he says.
            “Are you sure? You look like you got something troubling you. You want to talk about it?” She offers. There is a weak, uncertain smile on her face, almost tentative and Sasuke decides he prefers her toothy grins to this one.
            “Can I at least take a look at your hand?” She chews the inside of her cheek.
            Sasuke contemplates her for a second before glancing down at his fist. It doesn’t look good. And she is going to be a doctor.
            He shrugs. “Sure.”
            Her face eases up the slightest bit and she takes another step closer to him. “Do you have a first aid kit inside?”
            “Yeah,” Sasuke says and holds the door open for her. She pauses in her steps.
            “Am I allowed in the back?” She asks, surprised.
            “Probably not,” Sasuke admits. “I don’t really care though.” When Sakura doesn’t move, he motions with his head inside like some sort of encouragement. He really can’t offer her anything else right now. All the reassuring words he needs to save for his mother when he goes home to visit Itachi this weekend.
            He leads Sakura to the staff room and points at the couch. She sits down without a word and he rummages through a cabinet, trying to find the first aid kit. When he finds it, he drops it in Sakura’s expectant hands and sits in front of her on the worn-out coffee table. His legs are basically caging hers in as he takes his place.
            She has opened the small box and is searching through it, trying to find the tools she needs. She notices how close they are when she looks up though, and Sasuke notes the light blush gracing the tops of her cheeks. He looks down at his hands. He’s feeling a bit embarrassed about the whole situation. There’s this smart, beautiful, kind girl he likes and she sees him beating the shit out of a wall. Probably not the best impression to leave on someone.
            Sakura clears her throat and Sasuke looks up to see her fidgeting with a bottle of antiseptic. “Can I see your hand?” She asks in a low voice.
            Sasuke lifts his left hand as she dabs antiseptic on a cloth. She takes his hand in one of her palms and suddenly Sasuke can’t even feel the pain in his knuckles anymore. All he can concentrate on is how soft and warm her hand is. Sakura pauses for a moment, but recovers quickly and starts disinfecting the wound. She looks up briefly at Sasuke’s face, probably expecting him to flinch or hiss, but she finds his face completely blank instead.
            She doesn’t know about the turmoil of emotions raging underneath his calm façade.
            “There are some pieces of chipped off paint and rubble I need to pick out. It might hurt a bit,” Sakura says as she picks out a tweezer from the kit. She looks up at him again and he only just shrugs. She starts digging out the pieces, there aren’t really that many and the process only stings for that one second when the pieces disconnect from his wounded flesh. Afterward, Sakura cleans the wound again, then grabs the gauze and slowly and carefully wraps his hand. “Okay. All done, Sasuke-kun,” she smiles a small, uncertain smile at him.
            “Thanks,” Sasuke says and looks at his hand as he clenches and unclenches it. “I’m sorry,” he adds quietly.
            “About what?” She asks, confused.
            Sasuke shrugs. He’s already been feeling embarrassed, but stating the situation out loud… “That you had to see that,” he eventually replies.
            Sakura laughs a little and Sasuke is even more confused but also kind of comforted by the sound. “Sasuke-kun, everyone gets angry sometimes. I, myself, prefer pummeling and kicking the shit out of punching bags, but I guess a wall works too,” she smiles genuinely at him now. “You know, leaves less of a mess, easier to clean up.”
            “Aa,” is all Sasuke manages to stay. He can’t quite fathom the girl sitting in front of him. She is, for lack of a better word, annoying. Because Sasuke can’t figure her out, because she’s a mystery despite being an open book, she’s full of contradictions and it frustrates him beyond belief.
            “Alright, well…” she clasps her hands. “I should probably go,” she stands up and reaches for her bag. She’s still trapped between Sasuke’s legs and Sasuke doesn’t want her to go anyway.
            “Wait,” he says. He stands up and he realizes she’s kind of short, despite seeming bigger than life. “Would you like a coffee?” He asks. “It’s on me.”
            She smiles up at him and nods. Her cheeks are flushed again.
            Sasuke tells her to wait in the back, his shift is over anyway. When he’s back, he gives her a cup with her usual latte while he puts his own cup of green tea down on the table.
            “What flower is this?” Sakura asks.
            Sasuke pauses, considers bullshitting, but eventually admits, “sweet pea.”
            They talk – well, mostly Sakura talks and Sasuke listens – as they drink. She tells him about the gym she goes to, although it’s an all-female gym. She says she got kicked out of her old one after kicking some man’s butt who kept bothering her and trying to correct her form. Turns out Sakura’s form was just fine when she dealt him a right hook to the jaw. She blabbers on about her classes and just university in general, she mentions this and that about her family, her friends. Sasuke finds out that blonde friend of hers with the annoying orders is called Ino. Then, she suddenly stops.
            “Oh, my god! Sasuke-kun I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to talk so much about myself, I swear I’m not an egoist or anything,” she blushes. “Tell me about yourself. I know you only work her part-time, I assume you also go to uni here.”
            “Aa,” he says. When her eyes search his face expectantly, he adds, “I’m studying law.”
            “Wow! That must be difficult. Do you want to work for a fancy firm? I think I can imagine you in a suit with a bunch of hardasses and kicking butt in a courtroom,” Sakura taps her chin as she daydreams.
            “I wanna work for the DA, maybe together with the police,” Sasuke shrugs.
            “Putting away bad guys?”
            “Something like that, yeah.”
            In truth, Sasuke wanted to be a police officer when he was little, follow in his father’s footsteps. But along the way, he realized nothing he could do would please his father. He would always be second in everything, Itachi was always the best, naturally talented at anything and everything. But Sasuke still wanted to help people somehow, to rid the streets of bad guys. His father didn’t approve of him studying law, which made it all the more appealing to Sasuke.
            Sasuke is wiping down tables when Sakura walks in with a guy. He has short, red hair and light brown eyes. He is walking close to Sakura, leaning in as he tells her something that makes her laugh. Sasuke narrows his eyes and scrubs at the table a little harder.
            “Hey, Sasuke-kun,” Sakura greets as she walks by. Sasuke just nods, not really acknowledging her otherwise.
            The pair take a seat at a corner table, Sakura tucks her crossed feet under her chair, while Sasori spreads his out toward her. Sasuke can hear them talking about some chemistry formulas as he finishes cleaning the tables. Sakura is digging through her bag until she fishes out a small notebook.
            “Okay, so I talked to Chiyo-sensei, and apparently, if we do well on this exam, we might not have to take the next one at all,” Sakura says. So they go to the same class, Sasuke deducts. He still doesn’t like the way Sasori sizes her up.
            “That’s great and all, but do we know what’s going to be in the exam?”
            Before Sakura could answer, though, Sasuke stops beside their table. Sakura smiles at him brightly, like she always does.
            “Hey, what can I get you?” Sasuke asks in a tone that’s just a tad bit flatter than how he usually talks to Sakura.
            “I’ll just have my usual latte,” Sakura answers.
            “And I’ll have an espresso,” Sasori says, not even looking up.
            They resume talking as Sasuke walks away. He thinks about making a rose or perhaps a lily of the valley in Sakura’s latte, but for the first time since he’s met her, he doesn’t make any latte art for her. He can tell he’s surprised when he brings them their drinks.
            When she looks up to thank him, her gaze is unfamiliar to him, almost a little sad. She smiles anyway and says, “thank you, Sasuke-kun,” like she always does and Sasuke walks away feeling like an asshole.
            Itachi is diagnosed with lupus a few weeks after Sasuke’s run-in with the wall. Sasuke’s been going home each weekend since the diagnosis, but today he has to work a double shift because his stupid colleague called in sick, but Sasuke knows better. He heard there was a crazy party last night and that Suigetsu probably just got so wasted he couldn’t stand straight still.
            Sasuke puts down the chairs from the tables, places the menus, and opens the door. He puts out the sign with that day’s special offer and on his way back, he accidentally kicks into a concrete flower pot. He curses what he thought was silently, but he hears a giggle. He narrows his eyes and looks back to find Sakura staring back at him.
            “You alright, Sasuke-kun?”
            “Hn,” he shrugs and continues back inside. Sakura follows behind him. “You’re earlier than usual,” he notes. She never ever came in before ten in the morning. To see her when he’s barely just opened is weird.
            “Yeah, my roommate got home from some party not long ago and she woke me up on her way in. Then she passed out and started snoring so loud I couldn’t fall back asleep,” she shrugged as she set down at the bar. “What are you doing here? You haven’t worked a weekend shift in a while.”
            Sasuke raises an eyebrow at her. “Stalker much?” He tries to avert the conversation.
            Sakura blushed deeply. “No… I just come here often, you know? And I notice things,” she shrugs. Notice things… sure, except for the very obvious feelings I have for you, Sasuke thinks. Then a thought occurs to him that maybe he’s a coward and he should ask her out, instead of making her stupid latte art she probably doesn’t even understand. Besides, he’s seen her turn down people before, she’s always annoyingly kind about it and he doesn’t want her pity and that look in her eyes that makes her look like she’s just kicked a puppy. He’s content with being a coward.
            “I’ve been visiting my family on weekends,” he decides to say.
            “Oh,” Sakura says. “I hope they are okay.”
            “Why wouldn’t they be?” Sasuke furrows his brows.
            Sakura looks alarmed and Sasuke relaxes his features a bit. “Well, um… Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry or anything. It’s just… I don’t know, one doesn’t usually visit his family weekly when they are miles away at uni, right? Like, I only go during holidays and breaks, because it’s so damn far away.”
            Sasuke looks at her for a few seconds, she’s biting the inside of her cheek again and she keeps twirling her thumbs. “My brother is ill,” he blurts out. He doesn’t know why, but her big, beautiful green irises seemed to just compel him.
            Her eyes widen even more and she says, “I’m so sorry, Sasuke-kun.” And Sasuke believes her. “Do you… do you know what it is?”
            “Oh, well. You know Sasuke-kun, although it’s not curable, most people with lupus actually live quite long lives. I’m sure they will find the right treatment for him,” she puts a hand on his that is resting on the bar. He feels warmth spread over his whole arm and he looks down at his hand.
            “Thank you,” he whispers.
            That day he paints a sunflower into the foam of her latte.
            “Hey, Sasuke-kun, Naruto,” Sakura smiles at them as she plops down on the barstool next to Naruto’s.
            Sasuke glances between them, confused, while Naruto greets enthusiastically, “hey Sakura-chan!”
            “You two know each other?” Sasuke asks as he wipes some cups dry.
            “Yeah, we had this stupid anatomy class together,” Naruto says. “I don’t even know why I needed it. Like obviously I know what a leg or a bicep is.”
            Sakura laughs. “I really don’t know how you passed that class.”
            “He’s distantly related to the professor,” Sasuke shrugs.
            “What!” Sakura exclaims. Sasuke shoots her a look that tells her she’s a bit too loud. “Sorry,” she mumbles and turns to Naruto. “You’re really related to Tsunade-shishou? How did I not know that?”
            “We’re not really related. Or, well, I guess not that closely? Like, she’s my mom’s great-great aunt’s something’s something? I don’t even know,” he scratches the back of his neck.
            “Yeah, you’re not closely related by you spend every Oumisoka together,” Sasuke points out.
            “Okay, now I can kinda see how you passed the test,” Sakura teases Naruto.
            “And how do you two know each other anyway?” Naruto asks. He, of course, knows of Sasuke’s little crush on Sakura, being his roommate and best friend and all.
            “Sakura comes here for coffee every day.”
            “I don’t come that often! Do I?”
            “Who could blame you, really? With such a handsome barista, I’d come here every day too if it wasn’t this bastard,” Naruto snickers and rubs the tip of his nose with his index finger.
            Sakura blushes deeply and Sasuke can’t seem to avert his gaze from her flushed face. She doesn’t deny nor confirm anything but her silence gives Sasuke some sort of hope that maybe his crush is not as hopeless as he thought it was. Sasuke turns his back to start preparing her usual order, even though she didn’t actually ask for anything yet. He draws an iris on the foam and turns back to give it to her.
            The redness to her face has slightly faded, but the highest points of her cheeks are still rosy. Sasuke hands her the cup. “Thanks, Sasuke-kun,” her fingers graze his and it takes a moment too long to take the cup from his hand.
            Naruto looks at them suspiciously, eyes narrowed. Then, he exclaims, “hey! How come I didn’t get some fancy art on my coffee!”
            “Stop screaming or I’m going to kick you out,” Sasuke hisses at him.
            Sakura sips her drink quietly as Naruto chats their ears off with one exaggerated story after the other. As Sasuke prepares drinks while they sit there, Sakura notes that he seems to be doing the same basic leafy design on all of them, instead of the intricate flowers he always seems to be drawing in her foam.
            Sakura leaves sometime later, telling them she’s meeting up with a friend to study. She thanks Sasuke for the coffee and says she’ll see them around. Sasuke has noticed the weird looks she keeps shooting at all the cups he’s been handling but doesn’t think much of it.
            “You should grow a pair and ask her out,” Naruto tells him as they are walking home.
            “Seriously, teme! I’m, like, totally sure she likes you too,” Naruto pushes.
            “Leave me alone,” Sasuke says and put in his earbuds. Naruto has other plans, though, and he yanks them right out.
            “Come on, man! Don’t be like that. What is your problem?”
            “I don’t have a problem. I just don’t have time for this right now,” Sasuke growls and takes his earphones back, ready to place them in his ears again.
            “Don’t have time for this conversation or don’t have time to ask out an amazing girl?” Naruto challenges. “I know you’re on this mission to prove to your father I-don’t-even-know what, but Mikoto-san worries about you. She called me the other week after you left home. She said you were gloomy, which is like your natural state anyway and she’s your mother so for her to say that, you really had to be in a sour mood.”
            “Itachi’s ill, how the hell am I supposed to feel?” Sasuke puts his earphones away and sighs frustratedly.
            “Yeah, he’s ill, I know. And I’m sorry about that. But he’s your brother, and he loves you and he doesn’t want you to slave away over law books and behind a bar serving people and at home taking care of him. And your mom doesn’t want that either. You’re young, they want you to have fun and live. They aren’t saying you should give up your ambitions, just that you should sometimes take a break. Take a cute, pink-haired girl on a date or something, I don’t know,” Naruto shrugs, pretending to be nonchalant.
            Sasuke has half the mind to punch him for meddling. He can’t admit out loud that he is making some sense, though. Eventually, he only says, “hn.”
            Naruto grins.
            The next day, Sasuke wipes down the tables at the end of his shift. He already took the sign with that day’s specials to the back and put up the closed sign, though the door remains unlocked.
            Suddenly he sees a flash of pink dashing down the street and toward the entrance. Sakura spots the closed sign but sees him moving about inside and pushes the door open. She seems kind of surprised that it’s actually open.  She shakes her head and steps inside.
            “Sakura?” Sasuke straightens from one of the tables and wipes his hands on his jeans. “What are you doing here?”
            “A carnation,” she starts but has to stop to take a couple of deep breaths. Sasuke is sure she has been running. “A carnation can symbolize fascination,” she starts again. “Orchids can mean deep admiration, sweet pea is a way of saying thanks, sunflowers mean adoration, intelligence, vitality, loyalty, and irises symbolize hope,” she takes another deep breath.
            Sasuke feels like a deer caught in headlights. He never thought she’d actually realize the little messages he’s been sending her. He’s not all that great with words and people aren’t usually all that great at reading him. This is why he mostly keeps to himself. It’s easier. But he didn’t expect this brilliant, annoying girl with hair as pink as her namesake and eyes as green as his favorite sour apples, to take the time to read him, to learn his language.
            She takes a few steps closer when he doesn’t reply. Her movement shakes her from his frozen state.
            “Aa,” he says.
            “Sasuke-kun, do you…,” she bites the inside of her cheek. Her courage only wavers for a moment, though. She takes another step, she’s almost right in front of him. “Do you like me?”
            Sasuke gazes into her big, bright eyes and before he realizes it, he says, “aa.”
            Sakura’s lips curl into a smile so big, so beautiful, that it mesmerizes Sasuke. She put her hands on his neck, pulling his face towards hers. She is still smiling as she kisses him, and when he puts his arms around her waist, she giggles happily into the kiss. When they pull apart the smile is still etched onto her lips.
            “Good. I like you too,” she says.
            “Good morning, anata,” Sakura almost sings as she steps into the kitchen where Sasuke is preparing breakfast. “Hmmm, that smells wonderful,” she says and stands behind Sasuke. She wraps her arms around his waist and kisses his left shoulder blade, then rests her cheek against it.
            “Are you hungry?” Sasuke asks. He’s made some miso soup, tamagoyaki, and cut-up fruit for dessert.
            “Sasuke-kun, you really didn’t have to do all this,” she smiles at him as he faces her.
            “You don’t graduate med school every day,” he points out. With the highest scores ever, even surpassing your master,” he pokes her in the forehead and her smile widens.
            “Thank you,” she kisses the corner of her mouth.
            “Sit down, I’ll make you some coffee.”
            Sakura sits and does as she’s told. She keeps complimenting the food because really, Sasuke-kun is such a great cook and she loves breakfast now and she doesn’t know how she managed to live off of cereal or no breakfast at all before meeting him. She talks about the graduation ceremony and how nervous she is that she’s going to trip on the podium, and that she’s nervous about lunch afterward because both of their parents are coming to lunch and their fathers are so different and she can feel a disaster just waiting to happen.          
            Sasuke places a cup in front of her. She looks down and traces the cup with a delicate finger. “A tulip?” She asks, not looking up.
            “Aa,” Sasuke never stopped making her latte art, even after they moved in together, or after he stopped working at the café and took up an apprenticeship at a firm.
            She looks up at him, features soft, eyes glistening. “I love you too, anata.”
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chanfictions · 3 years
Since the holidays are fast approaching, I was wondering if maybe you could write something around how the Akatsuki might celebrate Christmas? They are their own dysfunctional family, after all. XD
Lord have mercy, Christmas with the Akatsuki would undoubtedly be chaos. I’m so in.
Kisame x Reader if you squint
All Akatsuki members featured
No warnings, only crackish, holiday spirit and fluff.
Kakuzu’s stitched face knotted into a firm scowl as his narrowed eyes fell upon the heap of sticky, crumpled receipts piled haphazardly atop his meticulously organized ledgers and logs. With a low growl rolling in his chest, he carefully unfolded the mess, twisting his face in annoyance as what felt like wet, melted candy stuck to his fingers when he flattened the papers. As he scanned item after item listed upon the ridiculous number of rumpled ribbons, the throbbing vein in his temple began to pulse rapidly with growing irritation. Ornaments, candycanes, wrapping paper, sprinkles, sugar, scissors –
“What the hell is this?” he snarled in disbelief as the collection of inane, expensive things seemed to ladder on endlessly down the crinkled lengths of white. He thumbed past line after line of this and that until he reached the signature scrawled at the bottom.
Of course it was Tobi.
Gathering the collection of sweet-smelling papers in a shaking fist, Kakuzu growled under his breath as he stomped his way out of his office and down the hall, projecting an aura of steaming malice as he approached the shared living space situated centrally in their base.
Perched precariously upon Kisame’s shoulders and cradling a glittery star in your hands as the giant leaned around the limbs of a fir tree much too large for a room of this size, you turned your head upon feeling the force of thunderous steps trudging ominously closer.
Zetsu’s face popped out from between rustling branches, contorted in curiosity. “What’s that?”
Uh oh.
“Uh, Tobi? Did you talk to Kakuzu about all of this before you went shopping?” you called out with a nervous tilt to your voice as you searched for the owner of the spikey hair and orange mask who had magically procured the plethora of objects littering the room.
“No, why?” his bright voice sang from the kitchen.
“This ought to be good,” Deidara snickered to Sasori, standing off to the side of the tree together with glasses of eggnog in hand as he flicked a bit of blond hair out of his face with a knowing hum.
From his perch on the couch behind you, Hidan howled with laughter, the rough motion nearly shaking the fluffy santa hat from his head. He clutched his sides and nearly lost his drink as he cackled maniacally. “Oh, buddy. You fucked up.”
Konan just blinked quietly as her origami figurines danced upon the coffee table at which she sat, slowly turning her attention to the mountain of rage approaching the group.
“TOBI.” Kakuzu’s voice boomed through the room, rattling the paper decorations that hung from the ceiling. Little stars and cartoon reindeer spun from their strings and shook from the force of the roar escaping the Akatsuki’s grouchiest member. “What the hell is all of this shit?” Kakuzu snapped, shaking the fistful of crumpled receipts in the object of his rage’s direction.
“Christmas decorations, silly! I went shopping,” Tobi declared with a smile in his voice as he peeked out from around a pillar separating the kitchen from the living room. He watched with an unflappable air of cheer about him while the bounty hunter stalked ever closer to where he stood, clearly flaring with growing anger.
“C’mon, Kakuzu. Don’t be such a grinch,” Hidan taunted with a mischievous smirk, choking back laughter as he climbed from his seat on the couch. In a daring display, he placed his own santa hat on his partner’s head. “Show a little holiday spirit.” Kakuzu’s eyebrow twitched as the little white poof on the end of the hat swung forward and bonked his nose, causing his eyes to laser dangerously onto Hidan’s grinning mug. “Now, all you need is the beard.”
“But Kakuzu, we had to decorate,” Tobi insisted cheerfully. “Y/N-chan would have been so sad if we didn’t do anything again this year!”
You swallowed hard, eyes widening as Kakuzu’s intense gaze snapped onto your face. Kisame’s stifled laughter below shook through your body as he helped you down from his shoulders and set you on the floor, knowing what you very much wanted to do next. Words escaped you momentarily until you managed to squeak out a reply as you ducked behind Kisame, clutching the glittery star to your chest. “I–Konan was just going to make some paper decorations… I didn’t think–”
“You didn’t think that Tobi was foolish enough to steal the company card and go on a goddamn shopping spree?” Kakuzu snapped.
“It’s just a little harmless fun, Kakuzu,” Itachi’s calm, smooth voice drifted in from the kitchen where he was in the midst of baking his third batch of cookies with Tobi. “Pein said there was room in the budget for a little celebration.”
“Here, try one of these!” Tobi chirped, interrupting the swelling sea of perturbed energy radiating from the testy bookkeeper. He plucked a smiling gingerbread man from the cooling rack on the counter and bounced over to present it to a frighteningly quiet Kakuzu.
With a snarl, Kakuzu snatched the cookie from Tobi’s gloved hand, eyeing it suspiciously for a beat before biting off its head and chewing angrily. To his surprise, it was actually delicious. He grunted in annoyance, stuffing the receipts back into his pocket as he stalked over to the couch and sat in Hidan’s seat, continuing to silently dismember the hapless confection in stewing silence.
“What’s in those cookies, Itachi?” Kisame cackled.
Itachi just hummed with a slight smirk, adjusting his apron as he turned back to the oven without another word. The room devolved into fits of giggles and roaring laughter as Kakuzu made a quiet demand for a second sugary sacrifice. Stifling your own laughter and secure in the notion that Christmas was saved, you tapped Kisame’s arm to get his attention, prompting him to hoist you back onto his shoulders to place the crowning gem atop the Akatsuki’s tree as Pein watched on from the hallway with a bag of gifts slung carefully over his shoulder and a quiet smile playing on his lips.
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itsamebubza · 2 years
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WIP inspired on a narration of the Sakura fight against Sasori. I don't know when I'll have time to finish it, so I wanted to share the work so far. I try to avoid unfinished fanfics because I'm an impatient fuckᵀᴹ, but a TikTok challenged me to read the most wild sounding one in page 5 of my favorite AO3 tag - and, lo and behold, @thinknicht won with "The Sixth Shadow". I've read different iterations of this fight between Sasori and Sakura many times before, and I'm sure everyone agrees that when you read anything a couple of times, it's hard to be entranced by it when it appears again. Thinknicht did something on this fight that just clicked something in my brain - I think it was the attention to the black sand that did it for me, and it was enough to get the juice going. I'm looking forward to the continuation of the fanfic!
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bakapandy · 3 years
Btw last night I wrote a little twitter thread about Sasori and Third Kazekage and posted it on AO3
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sleepysnk · 3 years
I love the Sasori thing you did about him wanting to taste the reader! Can I beg you for another with the prompts ‘I’ve never done this before’ and ‘You’re more than a one night stand’? 🥺
a/n: oh my god of course you can! i feel like these prompts are perfect for one another, so thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoy ❤️
pairings: sasori x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, smut, modern au, praising, soft dom!sasori, fingering, mentions of alcohol, tooth rotting fluff.
prompt #51: “i’ve never done this before”
prompt #53: “you’re more than just a one night stand”
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God, you hated this party you were at.
It had been almost two hours since you arrived at this party your friend, Naruto, invited you to; along with your roommate, Ino.
It was an absolute shit show, and you didn’t want to be there anymore.
You thought it would have been an amazing night with your friends. You figured you would all get a little drunk, or get high with some of Shikamaru’s marijuana, but it was the total opposite.
The party got a little crazy after ten o’clock. People began pouring in from all over campus to the party, and there were so many occasions when the cops were called on you guys due to loud noise. Naruto got it under control, but everyone just kept at it.
While someone was running away to hide, they knocked into you and spilled their drink all over your top. It left a brown stain, and you had to change your nice tube top for one of Sasuke’ t-shirts. It was kind of embarrassing to ask him, but he totally understood your situation which you were thankful about.
Then, Ino decided to go up the stairs with some guy she had been eyeing the whole night. He wasn’t exactly your type considering how odd and out of place the guy seemed, but you weren’t about to judge her for it.
Your night also turned extremely sour when you saw your ex-boyfriend, Obito, talking with another girl. You weren’t sure why Naruto thought it was a good idea to invite him knowing your situation, but nobody else said a word about it.
You kept seeing Obito’s eyes flickering at you every so often, but you never looked for too long. You were over this party. You were over what the fuck he was doing, and you were over this night as a whole.
Going up the stairs, you decided to use the bathroom and wait for an Uber. You had no intention of staying tonight, and you just wanted to go back home.
You opened the bathroom door and shut the door with your back. The loud music was thumping below you, and your ears had a slight ring to them from how noisy it had been all night. It practically made you go deaf.
You finished your business quite quickly. You were somewhat in a rush because you wanted to get out of here as fast as you could.
Grabbing your things off of the counter, you opened the door to leave the bathroom. You were faced with a few people who were either going to have a good time, or those who wanted to join in on one of the smoke circles in the bedrooms. You weren’t exactly interested in getting high tonight. Maybe Shikamaru could stop by tomorrow and smoke with you.
You weren’t paying very much attention, because of this, your body collided with someone’s chest.
Fuck you thought to yourself.
You knew how some people could be. Some people were assholes while others would have brushed something like this off.
“Oh, gosh! I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed, finally meeting the person in front of you.
Your mouth suddenly went dry when you saw his face.
Oh, how pretty he was.
“No worries, are you alright? I think it was my fault as well,” he asked, nodding his head to the side.
His voice was so smooth, almost calming. He had to be one of the prettiest looking men you’ve laid your eyes on. He had the cleanest features, and it was difficult for you not to stare at him.
He had red hair that reminded you of flowers. His eyes were chocolate brown with these long eyelashes you swore could make any girl jealous, and his skin was like silk. There wasn’t a single blemish in sight. He almost reminded you of a doll with those features.
You blinked, shaking your head. “Y-Yeah! Don’t worry, it wasn’t your fault at all. I wasn’t paying attention,” you replied, nervously laughing.
The red head’s look of concern soon faded to a smile. “That’s great to hear, I didn’t want a beautiful girl like you getting the wrong idea,” he said, looking down at you.
Your cheeks burned from his comment. He thought you were beautiful? The last time you heard something like that was from Obito almost a month or two ago. That break up had you feeling insecure, and it pushed you away from the dating scene for a while.
“O-Oh.. thank you! You’re quite cute too,” you said, playing with your fingers.
He laughed softly at your statement. “Thank you.. what’s your name?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“(Y/N),” you replied, “You?”
“It’s Sasori, you have a lovely name. It’s not as pretty as you though,” he said, putting his hands into his pockets.
Again, that same flustered feeling washed over you. They were basic compliments and flirts, but it was so sweet. It made your heart swell inside of your chest. Something you haven’t felt in such a long time.
Your eyes finally met his. You felt as if Sasori was trying to read you. He was searching for something in your eyes, and you could sense it with every inch of your body.
“Is something wrong?” you asked, concern filling your voice. You wondered if you did something that set him off.
Sasori stepped a bit closer towards you. You now noticed he was a few inches taller than you, and you now had to look up at him.
“You seem.. off,” he said, “Is there something on your mind? Or something bothering you?”
Your heart leaped inside of your chest. Was it really that obvious something was bothering you? It was almost like he could sense all of your energy. It wasn’t weird, but it definitely was his talent. He read you like an open book.
You shifted around where you stood. “I mean.. I’m not going to say no, but it isn’t very important. Trust me on that,” you replied, giving him a reassuring smile.
He pursed his lips, part of him didn’t seem satisfied with your response to his question. It seemed like he was searching for something to say.
“Can I help you somehow? It may not be a lot, but I want to make you feel better.” he asked, nodding his head.
You raised an eyebrow at that. What did he mean by ‘feel better’? That could mean a number of things in this situation, and it wasn’t like you were interested in getting drunk or high at the moment.
“I just want to forget about everything, you know?” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest.
Sasori averted his gaze down towards the floor then back towards you. His brown eyes locking with yours.
“I can help you forget everything,” he replied, “Maybe just for a little while.. but I’d love to be of some help, (Y/N).”
You were now growing curious. Was he suggesting having sex?
“Do you mean..” you trailed off.
Sasori noticed your sudden understanding of his statement. He was quick to try and ease you.
“I mean it like that, but trust me, I’m not some type of weirdo who does this with every girl I meet. You can trust me,” he said, looking down at you with serious eyes.
You rocked on your heels. You wondered if this would be a good idea. You hadn’t ever hooked up with a guy you just met. You didn’t even meet Obito like this!
But part of you wanted to do this. Obito wasn’t your boyfriend anymore. He was messing around, and you had so much shit on your mind.
You needed to forget about all of your issues.
Maybe if it was only for a few moments.
“Sure,” you replied, “Why not?”
Sasori’s eyebrows raised in surprise, but he then smiled. “Alright.. follow me,” he replied, taking your hand into his.
You were a bit amazed at how smooth his fingers were. It felt so.. right when his hand touched yours. He was so gentle as well, and he didn’t seem very pushy with you at all.
He led you to one of the open rooms. You could feel your heart thumping against your chest. Why were you so nervous? He was just some random guy! It wasn’t like he’d remember you after this.
Ouch.. that thought hurt.
You paused in your thoughts when you felt Sasori’s hand cup your cheek. It was so warm against your cold ones. His thumb caressed the smooth skin, and you just couldn’t help but lean into him.
Your lips connected to one another. This kiss was slow, and raw. It took your breath away the second they touched. You swore you felt electricity sparking inside of your body during that moment.
Sasori felt it too.
You began to back your body towards the bed behind you. The two of you never letting each other go.
Once your ankles hit the mattress, you fell backwards. The mattress was now beneath you, and Sasori was hovering over your body. You could feel his breath fanning on your face. It smelled like a faint hint of mint.
“So beautiful..” he said, running his finger along your cheek.
You placed your hands on his shoulders. “Sasori..” you whispered, looking into his brown eyes.
He leaned down towards the skin of your neck. “Shh.. just let me take care of you..” he replied, nipping at your flesh.
Shivers danced down your spine from the contact. His kisses were so soft on your neck, and it was making you more and more eager for him.
Fuck, how you yearned for someone like him.
He took care of your body. He was cherishing it like it was porcelain. His fingers explored every inch of your skin, and his touches were driving you insane.
You arched your back off of the bed. You were desperate to get some kind of friction between you both.
Sasori was quick to notice your persistence. His hand traveled towards your inner thigh. He smirked in against your skin when he felt the heat that radiated between your legs. You were growing more aroused as he kissed your neck.
“So warm.. do I turn you on?” he asked, playing with the hem of your leggings.
You let out a shaky breath. “Y-Yes..” you managed to reply.
He sat up so his face was now hovering over yours. “I want to feel you.. if you’d let me,” he said, staring into your eyes.
You nodded your head eagerly. “I want you feel you too, Sasori, please..” you replied, taking his hand and placing it against your clothed cunt.
Sasori had a look of satisfaction on his face at your desperation. “Alright.. let’s begin then,” he said, kissing your lips one last time.
You watched him get between your thighs. He looked up at you as he pulled your leggings off of your legs. The cooler air hit your skin, causing you to shiver.
His eyes landed on the soaked fabric covering your pussy. His cock twitched inside of his pants at the sight. He couldn’t wait to get inside of you. He was almost growing as desperate as you were to fulfill this moment.
Goosebumps flared on your skin when you felt him take off your underwear. Your pussy was now on full display for him. You could feel his eyes staring directly at you, and it made you feel slightly shy.
“Don’t be shy.. you’re very beautiful,” he said, kissing at your thighs.
The praise made your cheeks warm, and your heart race inside your chest. He had such a way with words that you’ve never heard before. It made you wonder how a guy like him was single.
A gasp came from your throat when you felt his finger slide inside of you. It felt so good, and you couldn’t help but buck your hips from the sensation.
“F-Fuck..” you stuttered, squeezing the sheets beneath you.
Sasori twisted and curled his finger inside of your wet cunt. He knew all of the places inside of you that made you melt beneath him like putty. His pace wasn’t fast either. It was slow, and you enjoyed feeling his finger in you.
He sat up so his face was hovering over yours again. His lips were ghosting over your plump ones.
“I want to hear your pretty voice,” he said, “You don’t have to be quiet..”
You felt his lips connect with yours. He then added another finger into your soaking pussy. This time his pace was a bit quicker. It made you see stars, and it caused you to moan into the kiss with Sasori.
Sasori could feel your walls beginning to tighten around his fingers. That familiar knot inside of your stomach was slowly catching up to you.
“Ah! Sasori.. right there!” you cried, squeezing your eyes shut from the pleasure.
His thumb pressed against your clit to double the pleasure. “Cum for me.. I know you have it in you, princess,” he said, kissing at your neck.
Your vision went white and your thighs trembled as your orgasm washed over you. Your arousal covered Sasori’s fingers, and your body felt such pure euphoria from your climax.
Sasori pulled his fingers out of you. He raised them to his mouth where his tongue darted out to taste your slick.
“You taste lovely..” he said, looking down at you with lust filled eyes.
You panted from your orgasm. Sasori took the opportunity to remove his clothes. You couldn’t help but watch him. He seemed like he was eager to have you.
Your eyes grew slightly wide seeing his cock become released from his boxers. Pre-cum leaked from the tip which made you rub your thighs together in anticipation. Your core heating up once again from the sight.
Sasori hovered over you, his eyes searching for any signs of discomfort. You reached for his red hair that now laid over his eyes.
“I’ve never done something like this before..” you whispered, looking up at him.
He nodded his head, his eyebrows furrowing by your statement. “What do you mean by that?” he asked.
You shifted around beneath him. “I’ve never had a one night stand..” you replied, avoiding his eyes.
Sasori could feel his chest tighten at the sound of that. He couldn’t believe that you thought this was a hit it and quit it type of thing. He wasn’t the type to play or mess around with girls and leave them.
He wanted the exact opposite.
He brushed your hair away from your face. “You’re more than a one night stand,” he said, kissing your cheek.
Your mouth fell agape at the sound of that. He thought of you more than just a hook up? It was strange.. you hadn’t felt something like this in such a long time.
“Sasori..” you said, placing your hands on his shoulders.
His eyes were now softened. “Can I?” he asked, positioning himself at your entrance.
You nodded, “Yes.. please,”
Sasori looked down for a quick moment before sliding his cock inside of you. You let out a loud moan from the feeling of his dick filling you up. A groan rumbled inside of Sasori’s throat as your walls sucked him in. It was so warm and wet. He couldn’t get enough of you.
“Oh fuck..” he said, slowing thrusting into you.
You let your head fall back against the pillows. “Oh god! Yes!” you whispered, letting the pleasure surround you.
Sasori began to pick up the pace. You felt so full with his cock inside of you. His tip was kissing at your cervix, and you could barely keep up with him.
The sound of your wet pussy filled the room. Your slick covered the base of Sasori’s dick, and he couldn’t help but feel even more turned on from the sound and the sight of it. He didn’t know he could get you this wet for him.
He wondered how long it’s been since you’ve had sex with someone.
But, God, was he glad to be able to be fucking you like this.
He stared at your fucked out face as he thrusted into you. You looked so gorgeous under him. Your glossy lips, parted mouth with moans pouring from them, messy hair.
“Sasori.. right there!” you moaned, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He smirked at you, “Do you like that..? Fuck, you’re such a pretty girl..”
He could feel your walls clench slightly from the praise. He noted it before leaning down to kiss you on the lips. It was kind of rough, but he couldn’t get enough of how addicting you were. Your pussy sucked him in perfectly, and he enjoyed every second of you.
Heat boiled inside of your stomach. Your orgasm was slowly approaching, and you could feel your thighs beginning to shake.
Sasori practically twitched inside of you when he felt your walls slowly closing in around him. It only encouraged him to keep going. He wanted to feel you cum around him, and only him.
“Sasori! I’m gonna cum!” you cried, tossing your head from side to side.
He leaned down towards your ear. “Cum around my fucking dick..” he ordered, his voice low and rough.
As if on queue, your second orgasm washed over you. Your head turned cloudy, and all you could do was cry Sasori’s name as your climax took over. You never felt this much pleasure before.
“You’re such a good girl..” he said, kissing your cheek.
Sasori continued thrusting into you. You noticed his thrusts were becoming a bit sloppy, and several grunts were falling from his mouth. He was getting close to his high.
“Sasori..” you whimpered from the overstimulation.
He placed his hand beside your head. “I’m gonna cum all over your pretty belly, okay?” he said, looking down at you.
You nodded your head vigorously and watched him pull his cock out of you. His cum suddenly shot out onto your stomach. A loud groan came from Sasori as he felt his orgasm taking over him.
He laid down beside you. You both lied there trying to recover from your orgasms. Your body was practically thanking you for it.
You then felt an arm drape around your waist. You turned your head to see Sasori looking at you. You leaned into his touch, and buried your face into his warm chest. A feeling of comfort and happiness mixing around your body.
“Are you going to go?” you asked, looking up at him.
“No.. let’s just stay here for a while.”
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m-jeevas · 2 years
Pairing: SasorixDeidara
Word Count: 1322
Rating: NSFW (language/mentions of violence)
I’ve been itching to do some canon SasoDei content so here’s a quick peek of something I’m working on for SasoDei week! 
Full under the cut
Sasori has a distinctive face when he’s stopped paying attention. A neutral face with wide doe eyes and pretty lashes, with smooth, full lips carved to a perpetual pout. The swell of his lower lip always juts out just a little bit more and he always looks…aloof, almost. That’s how Deidara can tell he’s finished listening to his stories. Goes into his shell, as he often calls it. He thinks it’s funnier when he’s in Hiruko, but the puppet is too bulky to make its way across the forest floor without issue.
There are breaks in the foliage, but nothing near enough to make it worth the hassle of sealing him and unsealing him how many dozens of times until they make it back to base. Their way towards the Land of Waves? They’d been able to hit the skies easy. Not so much on their trek back.
Deidara doesn’t mind a pretty face to stare at, paying attention or not. He uses chakra strings brush and twigs out of the way, while his partner chooses to just walk through it. He gets scrapes up his arms and leaves in his hair but he doesn’t mind. Growing up in Iwagakure taught him to savor the outdoors.
Under his cloak, Sasori wears a turtleneck and wrapped limbs. Without Hiruko around, he likes to conceal his ultimate weapon. Especially around here, where civilians are more plentiful than enemy nin. Deidara, absolutely smitten, has a hard time keeping his peeks subtle. He trails just beside his partner to steal wanton glances. Half his time he spends keeping an ear out, the other half he spends stealing glances of his love whilst he has the chance.
What he believes in is a haphazard life full of explosive little moments. And who knows, if he’s lucky? One of those explosions will land him and Sasori in the right place at the right time.
“Which border are we by, hn?” he has to ask, both in favor of striking up conversation and keeping him from having to dig for their map. And hey, maybe Sasori’s just not that type of guy?
Either way, Deidara’s fine sticking around to see what happens. The summer air is thick with a humidity that frizzes his blond hair and clings sweat to his hairline. Summer storms are better off seen than experienced. “The Land of Fire. You haven’t been following the map?” Sasori clicks in distaste.
His partner does have eyes for some things. His favorite, always, the Third Kazekage. Talks to it more often than he talks to his partner. Deidara hates its yellowed eyes, always seeming to follow him when it’s out. The dusty old son of a bitch couldn’t have been anything special if he got himself killed, but Sasori seems to adore him.
He clicks his tongue. “My man, fuck the map, hn. I didn’t join the Akatsuki to go to some dinky old—oh shit, did you hear that?” he drops his voice to a whisper, and Sasori’s already going for the Third’s summoning scroll. “We’re in Anbu territory, then, hn?”
“And probably bounty hunters,” Sasori adds. He’s been irritated the storm clouds have come rolling in. The Third comes clicking out of its summoning smoke and he’s ready to kill a fly with a sledgehammer. “Where’re the rats?” he drawls.
Fuck, it really looks like rain. His clay will be useless if there’s a downpour, and Sasori’s not going to have too easy a time, either. They need to work quick.
“This is insulting,” Sasori seethes. “Six Anbu and they haven’t sent me even the slightest thing to work with? These are supposed to be specialized shinobi. Hand picked and there’s nothing salvageable,” he’s repeating in disbelief.
Poor sons of bitches didn’t stand a chance. Once they caught wind of them they were easy enough to bomb out and subsequently gas. Deidara will pick any fight that allows them to get a better look at his art. “People have been poisoning each other since the dawn of time and these dipshits still got jammed up? You’re right, this is a disgrace, hn,” he agrees.
Even in death, a disgrace—eyes stained yellow from poison and their skin tainted a mottled, purpled blue. Deidara kicks at a young woman’s head and it lolls lifelessly to the side. She could have been pretty.
Rigor mortis will set in soon. It’s only been a few minutes but already the smell of death clings to them. Deidara will have to wash his clothes once they get back to their safehouse. After working with each other for the better part of a year, they have their routine down to a science. No need to scrounge around on the minimalist budget Kakuzu’s given them. They’re two criminals--they make it work. They strip the bodies down to nothing. Deidara goes for cash and military pills while Sasori or clothing and weaponry.
Hey, he’s got to keep up with Sasori’s sleepless schedule somehow. And besides, does a true artist ever slumber? Deidara thinks not.
One more pit stop and they can check in at home base. Still a few days on foot to trek themselves back. They have points set up along the way they can stop and if they’re not in the mood? Deidara has no problem spending a night or two in the woods. With Sasori’s lack of human limitations, they always have someone to keep watch.
Storm clouds rolling in makes it too risky to fly. They’re half a day out and Deidara can tell he’s still brooding. “You’re still stewing over your trash, hn?” he taunts.
“You’ve been stewing over Itachi kicking your ass for years.”
“That’s—” he’s about to shout, then coughs into his fist. He’s been trying to keep his cool around Sasori lately. “That’s different, hn.” He gets eyes rolled at him, but he doesn’t relent. “What, you want to turn around?”
Sasori’s eyes widen and the way his eyes glisten amber, honeyed brown is nothing short of ethereal. His almost flesh like lips purse to a thin line. Glancing down, he watches Deidara’s hand mouth nibble at the hem of his sleeve. Damp, drooly fabric is left behind. “I do.”
“Does this mean I get to play a little, hn?”
“Yeah,” Sasori sighs. “If you have to.” He then swallows. “After I finish. You get clean up.”
“I got to take the reins last time, didn’t I, hn?” Deidara hums. Fine by him, so long as he gets to show off at least a little of his work. And he’s a little low on chakra, anyway. “Fine, I’ll take the scraps.”
And so, after a day, they’re right back where they started from. He can’t handle slights like this and when he gets into moods like this his patience is even less so. Times like these Deidara hardly wants his partner’s full attention on him. Death threats become not more frequent but more serious, with poison dipped weapons dangerously close to clipping his flesh.
Sasori likes to remind him he can put him in a grave in seconds.
Deidara needs to show off that same flair every once in a while. These are always the opportunities. After a lifetime of being told to tone it down, he follows doggedly behind Sasori who so freely embraces his inner demon. He’s not afraid to slaughter, harm, kill. They prefer long distance but on the rare days where bloodlust crackles between them like summer cicadas, Deidara expects him to go close combat.
Destruction is second nature to them. Is what it means to be born and raised as a shinobi. Sunagakure has brutal teachings and Iwagakure wild ones, breeding two monsters trained disastrously past control. Sasori’s amber, glassy eyes catch the sunlight. Deidara admires them with bated breath and a live wire.
They’re gods of destruction, the two of them.
For the Anbu’s sins, they punish their villages. On their heels, they head back through the Land of Waves.
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sentinelpri · 2 years
Naruto Oneshots Masterlist
Hello, everyone! This is the masterlist for all of my Naruto oneshots. If you’re interested in seeing my other works or making a commission, check out my pinned post.
My Naruto series can be found here.
Character x Reader:
Truth Or Dare (Shikamaru x Reader) (NSFW)
Waiting Game (Neji x Reader)
The Diary (Lee x Reader)
Rain (Iruka x Reader)
When I Wake (Kakashi x Reader)
Cat & Mouse (Kakashi x Reader)
Terrible, Terrible (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Hair (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Pink Bubblegum (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Exes (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Jealous (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Too Good To Be True (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Fresh (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Comfortable (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
To Be Selfish (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
Self Conscious (Kakashi x Reader) (NSFW)
My Queen (Yamato/Tenzou x Reader)
Who? (Guy x Reader)
Moonlight (Gaara x Reader)
Scary (Temari x Reader)
Bloody Valentine (Obito x Reader) (NSFW)
An Ideal Date (Itachi x Reader)
Bloodborne (Sasori x Reader)
Character x Character:
Still Missing (Sakura x Sasuke)
Perfume (Shikamaru x Temari)
Memento Mori (Shikamaru x Temari)
Love Strategist (Shikamaru x Ino)
Rising Action (Shikamaru x Naruto)
Teardrops (Kakashi x Iruka)
Like Lovers Do (Kakashi x Iruka)
The Moth And The Flame (Kakashi x Iruka)
Under The Mask (Kakashi x Iruka)
Then, There’s You (Kakashi x Iruka)
Monster (Kakashi x Iruka)
Hush Hush (Kakashi x Iruka)
Antagonistic (Kakashi x Iruka) (NSFW)
Plus One (Kakashi x Iruka) (NSFW)
Teachers (Kakashi x Iruka) (NSFW)
Friday Nights (Kakashi x Iruka) (NSFW)
Wanted (Kakashi x Guy)
Cracks (Kakashi x Guy)
Always (Kakashi x Guy)
Rainy Days (Kakashi x Guy)
Ruin My Life (Kakashi x Guy) (NSFW)
Slow Dancing In The Dark (Kakashi x Guy) (NSFW)
First Times (Kakashi x Guy) (NSFW)
Take Care (Kakashi x Guy) (NSFW)
Lovesick (Kakashi x Guy) (NSFW)
Like This (Kakashi x Guy) (NSFW)
Snowfall (Kakashi x Yamato/Tenzou) + (Ino Yamanaka/Sai)
Home (Kakashi x Yamato/Tenzou)
Polaroid (Kakashi x Yamato/Tenzou)
Control (Kakashi x Yamato/Tenzou) (NSFW)
Us (Kakashi x Yamato/Tenzou) (NSFW)
Groomsmen (Yamato/Tenzou x Iruka Umino)
Stupid (Kakashi x Anko)
Obvious (Kakashi x Anko)
Casual (Kakashi x Mei) (NSFW)
Against His Better Judgment (Kakashi x Obito)
Twilight (Kakashi x Obito) (NSFW)
Not Anymore (Kakashi x Obito) (NSFW)
Break-Ups (Kakashi x Minato)
When The Smoke Clears (Deidara x Sasori)
Complications (Deidara x Itachi)
Sapphire & Gold (Kisame x Itachi)
Ten Years (Gaara x Rock Lee)
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vesperlionheart · 3 years
In a dark world where Sakura has no home, no hope, and no lineage, Tsunade picks her up from the muck and makes her into an heir for more than just the territory. For the first time in a long time, Tsunade believes someone will be able to do something no one else has done in centuries.
"You're going to bring this whole damn world to its knees."
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renaerys · 2 years
*checks calendar* It’s 2022 and I’m still here shipping this perfect pairing? You bet I am! Check out this new multichpater fic on AO3 if you’re still paying rent in this dumpster with me. 
Rating: T
Summary: Akasuna no Sasori wakes up in a dingy cell across from a woman who either may be the key to their escape, or the shovel that digs his early grave.
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