#save me 1x03
genvgayby · 10 months
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Jordan Li (femme) played by London Thor | Gen V Season 1 Episode 3
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Thinking about this promo from pre-season one′s release and what it says about Callum’s arc. “His bravery will be tested”—what an interesting way for the writers to introduce us to his character.
His courage, or his ability to do dangerous and frightening things for the people he loves, is definitely such an interesting aspect of his personality.
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mikelogan · 1 year
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Detective Logan has been under a little pressure on this case.
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merlinemrys · 1 year
morgana and arthur teaming up to save gwen those r MY pendragon siblings <3
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bexfangirlforlife · 19 days
Maxton Hall episode 3 (1x03) first watch notes:
Let's continue this.
Don't know how many notes I'll make but I started these so I'm gonna continue
Oh I lowkey forgot it was a german show
I had the same question last time, but he didn't draw in the books, right?
Oh. My. God 😂 I know this place. I know where this is. Love how they just slapped the London skyline behind right behind this place in germany 😆
Sorry but this is so funny to me rn
It's always so long to the title card
Yay Joana again 🤗
(I know her name is Pip or something but I can't not think of her Schloss Einstein character)
Wait that's what she walked in on in the book right?
Boy it's insane how fast my memory of the book details is fading. It's only been a couple of weeks!
A little bit of a weird choice to end the ep there, but ok
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
So it's already been discussed to death by myself and many others that the whole rockstar persona Lestat is going to adopt in season 3 will mostly be to take the heat off Louis. I mean... there are other reasons too. Lestat loves attention and playing music. But as with everything else Lestat in this show, Louis will be his number one motivation.
Anyway. I've been thinking a lot about that and how it has the potential to mirror some of Lestat's past behavior on the show. Namely what he does in 1x03 when he calls out Jelly Roll Morton's playing. On the surface, it looks like he's doing it just to be a brat because he's angry with Louis. But as Louis' narration continues he reveals Lestat actually did it to save Louis the embarrassment of Jelly Roll leaving him high and dry.
What's really interesting about that moment is that Lestat does this in the immediate aftermath of being rejected by Louis. Louis says he doesn't want to kill anymore which means he doesn't want to hunt with Lestat anymore which means he's rejecting his vampirism which means he's rejecting Lestat and the life they promised to build together in the church, on the altar...
And Lestat's immediate reaction is to do something that not only gets him attention and allows him to act out a bit but also allows him to Do Something For Louis. Even though he's just been rejected. Even though he's hurt. Probably even because he's so hurt and because he's been rejected. Louis hurting Lestat, in so many ways, only seems to amplify Lestat's feelings for him?? Makes him love Louis even more? Makes him want to do things for Louis even more than he already did???
This quote from 1x03 is his thesis statement tbh:
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Which leads me back to Rockstar Lestat. Sponging up the adoration and getting to be Lelio again but really doing it all for Louis. Even though he's not with Louis and they're Totally Just Friends Right Now Guys. Even though Louis has maybe rejected him??? Or at least he perceives it that way? We'll have to wait and see how they play their dynamic when the season starts to be sure. But even if an outright rejection isn't the case...
The book is going to be a factor. Not just what Louis said about Lestat that's on those pages, but what the Talamasca made Daniel edit out. I think it's a definite possibility Lestat is going to come off much less nuanced than he appeared even in season one tbh. And even if he knows about the edits (or if the edits end up not mattering at all) the very idea of Louis sitting down to do an interview that led to their story being exploited in such a way is going to hurt.
And then for his reaction to be putting on this dramatic rock star spectacle that on the surface looks like a shallow bid for attention when in reality it's going to be... Lestat protecting Louis from the vampires who want to skin him alive. Doing everything for Louis. Even when he's hurt. And maybe even because of that...
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Save Me, Brother
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, bit of Sam Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: instead of the little boy, it’s you who almost drowns in 1x03
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“Stay in the car, alright?”
You nodded at your oldest brother.
Dean lingered by the car to let Sam get ahead, before turning to look at you.
“Hey, you alright?”
You gave him a small smile in return, and he glanced back at Sam, torn between finishing the job and staying with you.
“Yeah, ok,” he said finally. “Well I’m gonna be back soon, ok? Just stay right here.”
You nodded again, and he sighed and turned to follow Sam.
You hadn’t been speaking much since John left, and Dean had just rolled with it thus far, but it was starting to worry him more and more.
You still spoke occasionally, but you’d been withdrawn lately, and Dean was struggling to figure out what to do about it.
When you saw the little boy heading down the path towards the lake, you couldn’t stay put. You wanted nothing more than to listen to Dean’s instructions and stay in the car, but you also knew what could happen if that boy went to the lake.
You reached the dock just in time to see him stick his arm out towards the water, straining to reach something. You ran across the dock, reaching down to pull his arm back when it happened.
A cold hand exploded out of the water and latched onto yours, which had just gotten in the way of the little boy’s.
“Y/N, no!” You heard Dean’s desperate cry as you were pulled under, the spirit going deeper and deeper until your ears popped, and your lungs began to strain.
You saw a dark figure appear above you—Dean!—and despite your better judgment, your panicked instinct to call out to him won out, and you let out what little breath you had in desperate cry, which only resulted in a cluster of silent bubbles escaping in front of your eyes.
You kept your eyes on the dark shape as it inched closer to you.
Not fast enough, was your last thought before the darkness pooling at the edge of your vision took over completely.
“No, no no, come on Y/N!” Dean panicked when he saw how still your form was when he laid you down on the dock. “Come on, breathe,” he began the process of CPR, and within several seconds you let out a hacking cough that released the water that had gotten into your system, before taking short, shallow breaths.
“Hey, hey it’s ok,” Dean sighed in relief, pulling you up to a sitting position and leaning you against his chest. “Breathe slowly, take a deep breath.”
Your hands clutched at him as you hyperventilated, tears springing to your eyes. The sobs that wracked your body only made breathing even harder, and the desperate wheezing that escaped your lips made Dean’s stomach knot with worry.
“Baby come on, you need to calm down. You need to breathe, ok?”
Your breathing began to slow gradually, but it was several long minutes before your sobs subsided. When they did, and you began to breathe evenly, Dean noticed that you were shivering. He immediately tugged off his coat and placed it around your shoulders, and you pulled it tightly around you.
Dean lifted you carefully into his arms and carried you to the Impala, Sam following behind him.
When he set you down in the back seat, you grabbed onto his arms to keep him from moving away.
“Hey,” he knelt down in front of your hunched form and placed a hand on your knee. “Baby, you’re safe now.”
You kept your grip on his arms, eyes locked on his.
“Ok,” he turned to look at Sam, “Would you drive? I’m gonna stay back here.”
Sam took Dean’s usual position in the drivers’ seat while Dean climbed into the back with you. You continued to shiver, huddling in on yourself.
“We’re gonna be there soon, and you can get warmed up,” Dean promised.
The rest of the ride was dead silent the whole way to the motel, and the silence continued on into the night. Eventually, you crawled into the bed you and Dean were sharing and settled down to sleep. You’d tugged on Dean’s arm, trying to get him to go with you, but he’d remained in his chair.
“I’m coming in a little bit, ok? Get some rest.”
You were drowning again. Water entered your nose and mouth, stinging your eyes and burning your lungs. You tried to swim up, but the cold iron grip on your leg pulled you lower, lower…
It was worse this time, because there was no dark figure reaching out for you. No Dean to save you.
He was gone; he left you. Like Sam. Like John.
And you were drowning.
“Y/N! Come on baby, I need you to wake up. Wake up!”
You jerked upright, gasping for air. The water was gone, the pain in your lungs with it.
“Hey, hey,” strong arms pulled you close, and the familiar scent of Dean’s cologne washed over you. You relaxed completely, breathing deeply to try to slow your racing heart. “You’re ok baby, it was just a dream.”
“Don’t go,” you fisted Dean’s shirt in your hands, leaning against him.
“What? I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Don’t go, don’t go…”
Dean pulled you into his lap, hugging you against him while you repeated the phrase over and over.
“Don’t go.”
“Dean?” Dean looked up at the sound of Sam’s voice.
“We’re ok,” Dean told him. “Just a nightmare.”
Sam swung his legs off his bed and came over to stand by Dean’s, leaning down to be closer to you.
“You ok sweetheart?”
You’d stopped your mantra, falling silent as you clung to your big brother. You nodded in response to Sam’s question.
“Do you wanna talk about your nightmare?” He asked. You shook your head.
“I think we’ll just stay like this for a little bit,” Dean directed this at both of his siblings, before looking at Sam. “I’m sure she’ll go back to sleep, we’re fine here.”
“Alright, well wake me if anything changes,” Sam relented, going back to his bed.
“Ok baby,” Dean spoke quietly to you, trying not to disturb Sam. He leaned back on the bed, taking you with him so that you were resting with your head on his chest. “Why don’t we try and get some sleep?”
“Don’t go away,” you whimpered, your eyes closed tightly. “Don’t leave me, don’t let-let me drown.”
“What?” Dean’s arms tightened subconsciously around you as he brought his hand up to cradle your head. “Baby I’m never gonna let anything happen to you, ever.”
“Don’t go,” you repeated.
“I won’t,” Dean accompanied his words with a gentle kiss to the side of your head. “Baby I’m not going anywhere, ever.”
“I promise.”
You fell asleep not long after that, resting in your brother’s arms and trusting in his promise.
You didn’t have any more nightmares.
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raayllum · 7 days
Why is Clauderry together / why is Terry with Claudia?
This is a question I've seen posed more than a few times in the fandom, of people feeling confused with why Claudia is with Terry (despite her dislike of elves) and more so why Terry is with Claudia despite her being a walking collection of red flags. This has, admittedly, always questions I felt the show answered quite well and obviously, but if it's still being probed, then... why not?
Let's talk about it.
Why is Claudia with Terry?
The only prior examples we have with Claudia having any kind of romantic connection is with Callum, which never came to fruition; I've also gone on record saying myself that the show made it clear Callum's feelings for Claudia were a lot stronger than whatever, if any, she held for him. However, in her interactions with Callum even just as a friend, we can see what she appreciates in her free time. For starters, we see that Claudia enjoys being a goofball:
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We see that a shared sense of humour is something that Claudia cares about, as one of the only compliments she gives to Callum is "You always make me laugh" and "That was very confident Callum" as he was able to go with the flow while asserting himself.
Words of affirmation is also something she clearly enjoys. Appreciation, acknowledgement, and gratitude are very important to her.
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(Side note: This is also part of why she spirals into "I did all THIS FOR YOU" on the beach in a "You owe me your life" kind of way, because she was prepared and sacrificed and saved you, and doesn't that deserve acknowledgement? Doesn't that mean getting what she wants? What she's owed? But I digress.)
We also see early fracturing in Callum not trusting her (1x03, 2x03), a subsequent breakdown in honest communication on both sides, and that Claudia reads Callum as being judgemental of her dark magic use, which is also something that frustrates her about Soren:
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(Part of this is because Claudia has gone from seeing dark magic as just an amazing beautiful tool to a terrible but necessary one, so necessary that it overrules any other reservations... because she's attached to seeing herself as a Good Person—"But I'm not evil, it's me"—but again, I digress.)
Conversely, Terry has all of those things in spades. He admires and relies upon her dark magic use, he's someone she can be reciprocally goofy with, he's extremely attentive and loyal (and loyalty/devotion is something that is also extremely important to her), and perhaps most importantly, he's helpful and non-judgemental.
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Terry also explains that one of the things Claudia likes about him is his smarts / creative thinking ("Goofy and glorious, just like you" / "You saved the day Ter-Bear") and his thoughtfulness:
Claudia says I think too much about everything, and that makes me weird, and wonderful, so...
This makes sense as Claudia values being prepared in her own day-to-day life curtesy of being a dark mage, and that Soren's tendency to being impatient when they were growing up together (lying about Harrow without consulting her, picking the fight with the dragon, etc) was something that got on her nerves.
As for the Elf 'elephant' in the room... Claudia also doesn't have an issue trusting Aaravos for one simple reason: he's helping her save her dad.
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Even while she's warning Soren against trusting or forming friendships with other elves and dragons because they might "take advantage" of him and be fake friends, she can't see that's precisely what Aaravos is doing to her. In a similar vein, Terry also believes in her (as he says directly in 4x09) and is helping her save her father, so why would she have a problem with him even if he's an elf?
That doesn't mean there aren't problems in Claudia's worldview, or that exceptionalizing people is a Good thing to do, particularly to your partner, but it's a clearly defined and realistic cognitive dissonance. Claudia has moved past seeing all elves as Bad™ to "these ones are good" because they're helping her, and not getting in her way, and that's all she really personally cares about.
However, I think most people can understand why Claudia's with Terry, given how sweet and routinely supportive she is. The bigger thornier question then is the opposite. So let's talk about that too.
Why is Terry with Claudia?
One of the most common things people say when it comes to Terry and Claudia is that they wish we could see how they met (and presumably whether that initial attraction was there from the start or how it developed). This usually leans into an underpinning idea (and I could be wrong) that seeing their beginning would help indicate why Terry fell for her (and thereby why he stays). And I would definitely be interested in how they met, and am open to seeing it, whether in a show, graphic novel, or novelization mention.
That said, I think the show has also answered these accordingly. In a lot of ways, there's really only two reasons why Terry is with Claudia as she is in arc 2:
1) He doesn't have an Issue with dark magic.
He admires Claudia's use of it ("And your daughter's amazing, she brought you back from the dead, wow!"), is open and receptive to using it ("Dark magic has a tingly aftertaste, nobody ever tells you that"), and doesn't see anything fundamentally wrong with it ("Should I give up dark magic? Terry, tell me what to do" "Claudia, I can't"). On the one hand, this makes sense; there are spell ingredients of dark magic that aren't that different from hunting and given that Terry grew up near the Drakeriders, I'd find it hard to believe if the Drake riders don't hunt and eat meat, so even if Terry's village didn't, he was at least somewhat close to societies that did.
That doesn't mean he has zero reservations about dark magic ("I've seen you do some awful things, dark magic things" / "Are you mixing the pentapus ink with your own blood?") but that to him, it's not any different from how Claudia thinks about it. She also thinks she's done terrible things in the name of saving her father:
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But I'm not evil. It's me. You know me.
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I had to do things... [starts crying] I never imagined I would be able to do. (4x01)
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This is also how Terry copes with murdering Ibis, citing "I had to, I couldn't let him hurt you," "and he was going to take Claudia's life, I had no choice," and "I'm going to be strong enough to do whatever I need to do and still have feelings." To Terry what matters most is exactly what he says in 4x09: why are you doing these things? Are they actually necessary?
Terry loves Claudia (and Viren by extension) above anything else. Everything he does is for them, good or bad. That devotional loyalty is something that Claudia also lives by, and is arguably her and Terry's biggest shared life value.
Doing terrible things is okay if it's in the name of love, and if it's not, then you shouldn't do them. This is why when he talks about his grief/guilt with Ibis, Terry always scaffolds it alongside the reason why he did it.
This is also why Terry steps in exclusively when what Claudia is doing is unnecessary. She didn't need to trick Rayla in order to get away. She doesn't need to kill the dragon ("It won't follow us anymore, it's trapped") as it's already helpless. They're actions without good reasons, which is also why Terry distrusts Aaravos, because he realizes:
Maybe this story started out as a story of love, but along the way it got twisted. [...] He isn't doing anything for love. He's doing it out of revenge.
So long as Claudia is doing things out of love, Terry will stick by her. And if she stops doing it out of love, then she stops being the Claudia he knows.
Which, I'll also note, is fundamentally different from the Claudia that everyone else knows, because
2) He didn't know Claudia beforehand.
Terry doesn't know Claudia as a semi sheltered girl growing up in the palace who did dark magic solely for fun, nor how most of her close personal relationships (Soren, Callum, Ezran) got destroyed in the span of 3ish weeks. He only knows Claudia who uses dark magic (seemingly) 90% out of complete necessity for flight, safety, and bringing her father back. He seemingly doesn't really know how Soren and Claudia had their falling out, nor does he have any real clue who Callum or Ezran are.
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Because Claudia was his only way to know these things rather than knowing multiple people involved, or even living through experiences, Terry would've gotten sparse details or the version that is how Claudia experienced them, and he has no reason to doubt her.
To be clear, I'm not saying that their set up is perfect or that their relationships is perfectly healthy. It's not. Claudia's singular control over how Terry knows the experiences of her life when we as an audience know it's very different is an issue, but is not that dissimilar from when you meet / date new people to begin with (i.e. was their ex really that bad, or were they the problem is sometimes something that can only be known in time). Terry's passivity and mirrored worldview helps enable Claudia's even when she's being destructive to herself and others, and her treating Terry as an exception for his people is also not good in the long run. Clauderry walks this line of being incredibly sweet and uncomfortable, and I think that's one of the things that makes it interesting and with spades of tragedy, particularly going into S7. Terry may not yet have a deep seated issue with dark magic (which enables Claudia but also frees her up to grow on her own terms), but it is the reason they may be torn apart in the future for a time.
I do think they'll find their way back together eventually (even if they'll always be Divorced Eventually in my head). To me, it's clear why they love each other, and while TDP could say that's not enough (and I think that'd be a very interesting valid route to take), I don't think that they will. This scene exists, after all:
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fireladybuckley · 7 months
Note: This is specifically for calls - either ones that were just heard by a dispatcher, or ones that the 118 showed up to - not just horrible events (which is why Buck/Chris getting lost in the tsunami, Eddie's getting buried underground, Hen accidentally hitting that young woman with the ambulance, etc is not included).
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myownwholewildworld · 3 months
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» The Last of Us - 1x03 - "Long, long time"
August 29, 2023 If you find this, please do not come into the bedroom. We left a window open so that the house wouldn’t smell, but it will probably be a sight. I’m guessing you found this, Joel, because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps heh heh heh. Take anything you need. The bunker code is the same as the gate code but in reverse, do not make a mistake or you will also get blown to shit. I am not joking. Don’t fuck that up heh heh heh. Anyway, I never liked you, but still, it’s like we’re friends. Almost. And I respect you. So I’m gonna tell you something because you’re probably the only person who’ll understand. I used to hate the world, and I was happy when everyone died. But I was wrong because was one person worth saving. And that’s what I did, I saved him, and then I protected him. That’s why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do, and god help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. I leave you all of my weapons and equipment. Use them to keep Tess safe, until such time as you and she decide you’ve had enough. At that point, I recommend pairing 40 Vicodins with a nice Brunello. Bill
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Mentalist Trivia - Improvised Scenes
For @katebeckets and @whydoyouhavetobefictional.
All the improvised scenes (that I know about) in the show. If you know anymore, please let me know. If I remember any more, I will add them to the list.
ADDED 1x03 - Lisbon's fall down the steps was scripted but the show used the one take when Robin Tunney actually fell
1x14 - 'There's no business like Cho business' is an adlib from Simon Baker
S1 - the conversation between Wayne and Grace about carrots and the bloopers of this scene is hilarious.
ADDED 4x03 - all the Jisbon banter was improvised in this episode by Robin and Simon including the famous 'I'll save you a seat by the fire. Oh I'm not going there' convo
5x02 - when Charlotte (Dove Cameron) rolls her eyes at Jane (Simon) and he says don't roll your eyes at me
5x04 - Jane's handshake with the mob boss
EDIT 5x14 - the poker scene that was gifed by @tmsource and @katebeckets. Robin dealt those cards to Simon on their second take and Jimmy Gadd (our lovely editor) decided to use the scene in the show.
EDIT 5x21 - when Robin hits Simon on the arm as she's driving when he says he hoped she learned from her anger management classes. Her smile immediately afterwards is Robin's reaction to getting away with the hit. Jimmy Gadd kept this scene in as he wanted to show how close the actors and the characters were.
ADDED 5x22 - Robin had a hand injury which is why she is wearing a cast on her wrist so the dialogue between her and Simon about it was improvised.
ADDED 6x22 - according to a tweet by Emily Swallow, Simon actually hurt his ankle when filming the airport scene so Jane limping and sitting with his leg propped up is not scripted!
7x05 - the final scene when Jisbon are talking about their future plans. You can tell as Simon's accent slips into Aussie and he directed the episode so kept it in.
7x13 - the crazy dancing of the cast was scripted but the selfie between Cho, Rigsby and Van Pelt was an improv.
ADDED 7x13 - most of the party filmed after the wedding was the cast's actual wrap party so a lot of the moments between Van Pelt, Rigsby, Abbott, Cho and Wylie are actually the actor's geniune reactions.
ADDED 7x13 - the triple kiss between Jane and Lisbon was an improv according to a tweet by Robin Tunney as she stated she had 'never seen a lip wipe in a script'.
@magicandmaybe, @backgroundagent3, @feministjane, @lightningzombie and @adder24
@catnuns, @jisbonsaga, @renegadesstuff, @21-roses-a-day
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dwreader · 8 months
Actual incidents in the book that are in dispute btwn Louis and Lestat since you fuckers can't seem to read:
-Lestat wanted Louis for his plantation vs. he is in fact already rich: not really relevant to the show since show Lestat is flaunting the fact that he's extremely wealthy from the start. Louis is not under any illusion that this guy is after his wealth, HE moves into Lestat's house in fact and accepts Lestat's money/gifts/etc. Lestat is a captial p PROVIDER. He said do NOT take that away from me and it's one thing he's 100% right about.
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-A cold loveless relationship depicted in IWTV vs. a more loving though still troubled "marriage" according to TVL: again, more or less moot for the show since season 1 depicts Lestat's version of their relationship more so than Louis's. They are clearly in a romantic relationship, had some good times (that were maybe glossed over quickly by Louis but are still clearly depicted through Claudia's diaries) and yet even in TVL, Lestat agrees that Louis's account was an accurate representation of the atomsphere of their decades together and that he deserved all the punishment he got.
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-Lestat torturing + killing people for fun according to Louis vs. Lestat's claim that he only killed people who were "bad" and deserved it: kind of already played out on the show when Louis suggests the idea in 1x03, but ultimately it doesn't significantly alter our perception of Lestat cause does anyone actually care that prostitutes stole money from their clients and think that's a valid reason to torture and kill them? Hope not! It's just a good insight into Lestat's mind and how he justifies killing.
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-The events after Lestat's murder and Paris: these parts we have to take from Lestat's POV simply because Louis is unaware of things happening when he's not present. Obviously will be a major part of Season 2.
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-The scene at the end of IWTV happening or not: the most direct contradiction between the two accounts but this has not happened yet on the show so it has no bearing on anything in season 1.
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As you can see, most of these contradictions involve Louis's omissions in IWTV rather than "made up" events. Save for the final scene in NOLA that doesn't actually mean anything to season 1, absolutely nothing about Louis's depiction of events in IWTV is really disputed by Lestat. Louis's turning, Claudia's turning, the "atomsphere" under which they lived leading up to Lestat's murder and Lestat's murder itself are all indisputable. Lestat is revealing more of his motivations and giving us further vampire context/knowledge that Louis didn't have (because Lestat kept it from him btw and he forgives Louis his errors because he knew it was out of enforced ignorance), but that only slightly changes our perception of his actions. It does not throw them into the trash.
It's also very clear that Season 1 is already an amalgamation of the two versions. If they were taking IWTV literally, the show wouldn't even be a romance and it clearly is. It uses Claudia's diaries (a device revealed only much later in the books) to fill in some scenes that Louis may not have been present for like the kidanpping on the train but the two perspectives make the story kind of bulletproof? The reliability or lack thereof of Louis as a narrator is made possible by Claudia's diary being there as a secondary source and when he's at his most unreliable, it's the diary that provides the contradictions. WE see something's off when the diary's pages are excised. BUT you really don't have any basis in the books for a major lifechanging event like episode 5 to be retconned, let alone an event with two people as sources and involved a prolonged recovery period that's also described in painstaking detail by said two people. Like this woman was a lazy writer most of the time but even SHE wouldn't do that cause its like a basic writing tenant not to feed your reader horseshit??
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caliphoria17 · 1 year
Hi, can you upload more videos of Aaliyah and Cruz? I don't know but for some reason their scenes aren't available in YT.
Hello! Someone actually did upload a compilation of Aaliyah x Cruz scenes on YouTube, but it was unfortunately removed due to copyright issues from Paramount+.
I’ll see what I can do. Might take time, so bear with me. I try to limit the duration of the videos because anything longer than, say, 3-4mins, the file is too large, and I try to avoid compromising the quality of the videos by compressing them.
Save this ask, should you like to, of course ☺️ I’ll link them all back here.
UPDATE | Complete list of Aaliyah x Cruz scenes:
1x01 First meeting
1x02 You have a bathing suit?
1x03 This is my friend Zara.
1x03 My great fantasy is to be ravaged on that beach.
1x04 Let’s swim back before the sharks get us.
1x04 I can make all that bruise go away.
1x05 New bathing suit. For making you the boys crazy.
1x06 I find you a dreamer with money (me).
1x06 I am the one who stands up for you.
1x06 For me to choose love would be the death of me.
1x06 First kiss
1x07 But there is a world inside the world.
1x07 But I do know a place. If you want me to take you there.
1x07 Just the “Come here” scene.
1x07 Look at me.
1x07 I think it’s worse to feel love just once.
1x08 You can see where I get my charm.
1x08 I bet that’s the last of New York I’ve seen for a while.
1x08 Just the “You’re gonna be pretty hard to forget” scene.
1x08 I just want to feel loved one last time.
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best-iwtv-scene · 14 days
Best IWTV Scene Poll Tournament Breakdown:
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Submissions are in! All submissions have been collected, along with scenes I have added myself and I have here the final list of scenes appearing in the tournament. There are 64 total scenes, broken down into 4 different groups for the first round. Really looking forward to getting this started!
Round 1A
Louis’ turning (1x01) vs. Loumand meeting (2x02)
Lestat's backstory monologue (1x06) vs. "You asked me to do it" (2x06)
"Picked another one over me" argument (2x04) vs. Alice interrogation (2x02)
Recovery/Apologies montage (1x06) vs. Louis chasing down the coven (2x08)
Introduction to the theatre (2x02) vs. Madeleine fits Claudia's yellow dress (2x04)
"I stayed a journalist" (2x05) vs. Claudia’s first kill (1x04)
Introducing Louis to vampirism (1x02) vs. Armand's backstory monologue (2x04)
"Hey sis, you don't need me" (1x06) vs. Police come to the Rue Royale (1x05)
Round 1B
The five great laws (2x03) vs. Killing Lestat (1x07)
First Dreamstat appearance (2x01) vs. Happy trio montage (1x04)
Daniel vampire reveal (2x08) vs. Claudia end of episode monologue (1x04)
Armand betrayal reveal (2x08) vs. "Rest" (2x05)
Pre-abduction drinks (2x06) vs. "Can I cry and say that I’m sorry, too" (2x07)
Claudia killing in front of Madeleine (2x06) vs. Insecure open relationship negotiation (1x03)
Louis saves Claudia from the fire (1x03) vs. "You and Me, Me and You" (2x01)
Dreamstat Letter scene (2x02) vs. Claudia’s turning revisited (2x07)
Round 1C
Armand grills Madeleine (2x06) vs. Loustat dance (1x07)
Loustat fight revisited (2x07) vs. Threesome scene (1x01)
Louis kills white businessman (1x02) vs. Tower scene (2x08)
But the suit changes nothing monologue (2x08) vs. Louis swims the Mississippi to Lestat (1x06)
Charlie (1x04) vs. Claudeleine execution (2x07)
Did you eat the baby (1x02) vs. Louis’ mother’s funeral (1x04)
Louis drinks from “Rashid” (1x05) vs. Walking by the Seine (2x03)
Claudia/Lestat chess scene (1x07) vs. Lestat drags Louis into the sky (1x05)
Round 1D
Lestat humbles homophobic soldier (2x07) vs. Meeting Daciana (2x01)
Armandstat flashback (2x03) vs. "I heard your hearts dancing" argument (1x03)
Grace’s wedding (1x01) vs. "Kill me again" hallucination (2x03)
Loustat reunion (2x08) vs. "You sure about that, Arun?" (2x04)
Loumand argument (2x05) vs. I don’t like windows (2x03)
"Who are you Louis?" (2x02) vs. Louis kills the alderman (1x03)
Grace buries Louis (1x05) vs. Louis questions Claudia and Madeleine's relationship (2x06)
Madeleine's turning (2x06) vs. Loustat mardi gras balcony scene (1x07)
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x03 - Art of the Swoon
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Welcome back, Gentle Readers, to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I’m taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton’s character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
So... are you guys excited for this one? Because there's so much I can't even contain myself. No, I'm kidding. This episode might win for most boring Polin episode, and yes, I'm including 2x01, which doesn't even have Colin in it.
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We open with Pen looking very anxiously out a window. What is she looking at? Is it Colin? Are the Bridgertons being bold in broad daylight again?? No, she's just waiting for the mail.
She is super cute when she finds there aren't any letters for Marina and she throws her little hands up in the air exasperated.
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Marina is growing depressed waiting to hear from her love, George. But Penelope is full of hope and optimism. She is so into what's going on with Marina. The romantic in her is thrilled with all this letter writing (hmmm, wonder if that'll come back) and she's encouraging Marina not to give up hope.
She is so smiley and engaged while talking to Marina. This is a real, live love story happening in front of her, that she gets to engage with, and she gets to help out with. It's fun for her, being on the outside of it, like reading one of her stories.
And, I mean, the fact that Colin is one of Marina's suitors just isn't even a factor yet. Pen genuinely cares for Marina, and cares for wanting this love story to play out into a happily ever after.
The romanticism really becomes apparent when she suggests that maybe the reason George isn't writing is that he's on his way back to her that very moment. It's sweet, and a little naive, but Pen really just wants Marina to be happy and in love. Just like Pen wants it for herself. But Pen saves only her cynicism for herself.
Portia barges in right then and scolds her for spending time with Marina. The way Nicola Coughlan stomps her foot and throws a tantrum like a child is really quite brilliant. It adds to the fact that Season 1 Penelope is very much still a child in a lot of ways.
Drawing Room
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Colin is looking for food -- take a shot!
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Okay, so this shot is really kind of cool when you look at it. And I mean, indulge me, there's barely any Colin in this episode...
I love the blocking of it, as you can see so much characterization of the family just from this single shot. Daphne is sitting tall and really center, as she is the main character. Violet is in her 'mother' chair doing sewing. Anthony is off to the side, reading the paper, drinking tea, being very much a father-ish figure. Benedict, seated low, carefree and more irresponsible than his somewhat more serious-minded brother. Eloise is there, reading indignantly. Hyacinth and Gregory are on the floor playing, much like Pen was in the first episode, signifying their youth and childishness.
And then there's Colin. Just... kind of there. Because it's a family scene. A blank slate ready to be written on. He's watching his younger siblings, but not really there with them anymore. But he's not yet fully in the adult world of Anthony, Benedict, or Daphne.
But it's interesting (and important?) that he's sitting next to Violet here. Because while Colin doesn't say a thing here, Violet's words Daphne are incredibly important. She tells Daphne that it's integral that she should marry her dearest friend. And that love is simple when you're in love with your dearest friend. And Colin is sitting right there! The message is one that I'm sure Violet hammers into her children all the time, though Colin is definitely going to be one to internalize it pretty deeply.
The Prince
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[Just an aside, the scene where Daphne snorts at the prince and where Daphne and Anthony have no idea how to heat up milk are really two nice moments in this episode.]
Just Portia Featherington whoring out her daughters to the Prince, and little Penelope falling behind and getting pushed out because who would take her seriously as a contender? But there's Lady Whistledown gossip narrating this moment, and while it's mostly expositional, it's also telling that while Pen can't be front and center, she's still very there and aware.
Somerset House
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Just in case you were wondering - Colin is in this scene! Being amused that Violet is trying to get Anthony to find a wife.
I love that he and Benedict have a good laugh over it (I have a mind to think that Colin and Benedict are always having a laugh about Anthony) -- until Violet literally pushes them out into society as well.
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Hey, they cut from Colin over to Penelope. Cute.
So, I'm always happy when we get a scene where Eloise and Penelope seem to be on the same page. And this small moment of them looking at the art, critiquing it in a modern way, is super fun. They do both share the viewpoint that women should be more than the objects men think of them as. And they laugh about it here, but it's really quite profound.
Pen's attention strays, though, when Marina calls out for her help.
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Portia is trying to set Marina up with some old bachelor, and Penelope swoops in to interrupt. See, and that's the thing. Penelope does have a big heart. She loves love and she wants Marina to be happy with George, and not stuck marrying some old guy where love wouldn't bloom. So she intervenes. And of course, Portia tries to push back against her. Penelope doesn't have much power (as herself) but just the act of cutting in is enough to disrupt the encounter.
Portia calls Penelope a 'meddlesome little wench'. Which is really quite horrible of a mother to call her daughter. But I will say there's truth the the meddlesome part. She does like to be meddlesome, and even the LW persona speaks to that.
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Some time later, Cressida is going to fake a swoon so the Prince can catch her. And look who has a front row seat to that. I love that Eloise is like - wtf, while Penelope is openly laughing at her. Should note that this won't be the only time Cressida pulls this kind of stunt.
Letters II
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Twenty minutes of screen time later, and Penelope's still waiting by the window, staving off suitors as she waits for her husband to come back from going to war and being lost at sea...
No. Sorry. That's the plot of The Odyssey. We will be coming back to that, though...
Penelope's still waiting for letters to bring up to Marina, but her enthusiasm waning.
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She's so excited when she sees the letter from George!
Which makes me wonder - does she always intercept the mail? I love that the servants mostly do not care. Also, no one knows she's writing to Colin between seasons, so she must be diligent about mail time.
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She is so ready to hear what George has written to Marina. It makes me wonder - has Marina let Pen read all her letters? Or has Marina only shared what was in them? And did Pen help Marina write him back? It's clear that Pen's living a little vicariously through Marina in this moment. And it's just as devastating to her when they find out that George (seemingly) has rejected Marina.
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This is really a key moment in that it sets up Marina's trajectory for the rest of the season. Her heartbreak and her fear (enhanced because earlier in the episode - Portia threatened Marina with living like a beggar on the streets) are what lead her to do what she feels is best and safest for her future.
But Penelope is just confused. This is not how romance stories work. He isn't supposed to reject her. He's supposed to come rescue her and her child and they all live happily ever after. It's like she can't quite comprehend what is going on.
Of course, we learn next that this is a fake letter brought on by Portia (and Varley) ever the villain.
The Diamond
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Back in the main plot, Daphne is bringing her a-game hotness as a way to get back at Simon for being a jerk. And... once again, Penelope has a front row seat to it. It's interesting how she manages to get into frame a bunch of times, to show that she is aware and paying attention to what's going on.
It is kind of funny that the LW narration kicks into gear, having lots of critiques over Daphne and Simon's love story -- when Penelope, never even speaks of it as herself. I'll have to keep notice as to whether or not Penelope ever brings up Daphne or Simon as herself.
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This moment I find a little interesting though. Everyone's attention is on Daphne and the Prince, but Penelope is watching Simon. It's another love story that Pen doesn't quite understand. They seemed so together just a short while ago, and not a sudden shift in events. And Pen is once again perplexed by love and all its confounding complexities.
Alright, on to more interesting things -- the next episode actually has a Polin scene in it. A thing rarer in this season than actual diamonds. (Maybe, idk. I'm not really counting.) ;)
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mepuppy · 27 days
Let It Ride - Supernatural rewrite
A.N.: I do not own the characters, nor the storylines. I'm simply adding a twist to the episodes. Please feel free to help me out with constructive criticism on the story or the writing. Sorry for the mistakes, not proofread and english is not my first language. Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a little moving day because I'll be spending the next 3 months in another state for work. But here it is, I hope you like it!
1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04
Word Count: 7.1k
1x05 - Bloody Mary
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“Sam, wake up.” Sam jolts awake and looks at his brother on the driver seat of the Impala looking at him concerned. Y/n is on his window with a hand still on his shoulder, from trying to wake him up. The large building in front of the parked car tells him they arrived in the hospital in Toledo, Ohio, where they found a possible next case.
“I take it I was having a nightmare.” Sam looks between the two older hunters.
Y/n nods “Yeah, another one.”
“Hey, at least I got some sleep.” He gives Dean a small smile.
“You know, sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this.” his brother replied sternly
“Are we here?” Sam tries to change the subject.
“Yup. Welcome to Toledo, Ohio.” Dean tells him and gets out of the car. Y/n gives Sam space to do the same. He grabs the newspaper with the obituary they circled earlier  from his pocket.
Shoemaker, Steven
The Shoemaker family is sad to announce the sudden death of their beloved husband and father Steven Shoemaker. Steven was 46. A short service will be held on Wednesday, [...] 31 at 2:00 p.m. at the Toledo [...] and cherish you [...] Your [...]
“So what do you think really happened to this guy?” Sam looks at the two in front of him.
“That's what we're gonna find out.” Dean says turning around and heading inside. “Let's go.”
The trio walks into room 144, marked Morgue. There's two desks. The empty one has a nameplate that says Dr. D. Fejklowicz and y/n tries to memorize the name. The table has the morgue technician. “Hey.” the man looks up at them.
“Hey.” Dean replies and smiles at him.
“Can I help you?” he asks when noone says anything.
“Yeah. We're the, uh… med students.” Dean replies after a quick glance at Sam and y/n.
“Sorry?” the technician asks, frowning.
“Oh, Doctor…” y/n tries to save but the name was complicated “...Figlavitch didn't tell you?” she tries knowing she got it wrong, but keeps going “We talked to him on the phone. He, uh, we're from Ohio State.” she smiles fondly at the man sitting down “He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper.”
“Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch.” the man tights his lip in a false smile and points with his thumb to the other desk.
“Oh well he said, uh...” she looks quickly at her best friends and back at him
“Oh, well, you know, it doesn't matter. You don't mind just showing us the body, do you?” Dean tries.
“Sorry, I can't.” he simply says and looks down at the magazine he is reading. “Doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want.”
“An hour? Ooh. We gotta be heading back to Columbus by then.” Dean looks at y/n with a concerned expression.
“Yeah.” she agrees.
“Uh, look, man, this paper's like half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us out…” Dean tries one more time looking back to the man.
“Uh, look, man...no.” the technician sits up, putting the magazine down, and stares at Dean.
Dean laughs a little, turning around and mumbles to Sam and y/n. “I'm gonna hit him in his face I swear.” 
Y/n puts her hand on Dean’s arm and pushes him out of the way a little. Sam steps in front of them and opens his wallet pulling out some twenties. He lays a few of them, at least five, down on the technician's desk. He picks up the money and gets up. “Follow me.”
 Dean grabs Sam when he tries to follow. “Dude, I earned that money.”
“You won it in a poker game.” y/n retorts and passes between the two following the morgue technician.
“Yeah.” he replies but Sam already followed her and Dean is alone. He goes after the rest of the group.
“Now the newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding.” Sam states when the man pulls back the sheet over Steven's face.
“More than that. They practically liquefied.” he tells Sam and the trio looks at the corpse’s face.
“Any sign of a struggle? Maybe somebody did it to him?” Dean asks, going to the side of  the table.
“Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone.” the man answers.
“What's the official cause of death?” y/n looks at him with curiosity.
“Ah, Doc's not sure. He's thinking massive stroke, maybe an aneurysm? Something burst up in there, that's for sure.” the guy says as he motions to Steven’s head.
“What do you mean?” Sam looks back at the dead man.
“Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen.”
“The eyes. What would cause something like that?” y/n asks him with her eyebrows knitted.
“Capillaries can burst. See a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victims.” 
“Yeah? You ever see exploding eyeballs?” Dean looks at the man.
“That's a first for me, but hey, I'm not the doctor.” he laughs humorlessly.
“Hey, think we could take a look at that police report? You know for, uh… our paper.” Dean asks him.
“I'm not really supposed to show you that.” the guy looks back at Sam who  pulls out his wallet again looking annoyed.
The man takes them back and shuffles through his desk pulling one folder out and hands it to Sam. He opens it while the man sits back down and reopens his magazine. Dean and y/n go to each side of Sam and look at the papers with him.
After some time, they give the folder back to the technician and head out. “Might not be one of ours. Might just be some freak medical thing.” Sam says as they start climbing down the stairs.
“Yeah, but how many times in John’s long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?” y/n looks over her shoulder at him without stopping.
“Uh, almost never.” he replies.
“Exactly.” Dean agrees and they head out of the door going to the vehicles.
“All right, let's go talk to the daughter.” Sam says entering the Impala when Dean and y/n go to their respectives driving seats.
When they arrive at the house the funeral is still happening. There is a picture of Steven on the desk. The attendees are all men in black suits and women in black dresses, except the trio.
“Feel like we're underdressed.” Dean jokes when they walk in looking around. They keep going through the house towards the back. They ask a man about Donna and Lilly, Steven’s daughters, they are sitting with their friends.
“You must be Donna, right?” Dean asks when they get close enough. Dean and Sam get to the circle first and y/n see one of the friends eyeing the two hunters with interest, making the woman roll her eyes.
“Yeah.” The girl with the shorter hair says.
“Hi, uh… we're really sorry.” Y/n tells her making the 
“Thank you.” she replies.
“I'm Sam, this is Dean and that's y/n. We worked with your dad.” As Sam tells the girls look at each other and Donna looks back at Sam.
“You did?” she asks incredulously.
“Yeah. This whole thing. I mean, a stroke.” Dean cuts in quickly.
“I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now” one of their friends says.
“It's okay. I'm okay.” she replies looking at her friend and smile.
“Were there any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?” y/n questions the girl and she shakes her head.
“No.” the little girl by her side turns around facing them. 
“That's because it wasn't a stroke.” she states. The trio frowns.
“Lily, don't say that.” the older sister looks at her.
“What?” Sam asks.
“I'm sorry, she's just upset.” Donna tells them.
“No, it happened because of me.” the girl looks back at the hunters.
“Sweetie, it didn't.” her sister tries one more time. Y/n goes around the group and crouches in front of the girl.
“Lily. Why would you say something like that?” she asks worried.
“Right before he died, I said it.” the girl looks sadly at the hunter.
“You said what?” she questions looking in the girl’s eyes.
“Bloody Mary, three times in the bathroom mirror.” she says. Y/n pauses and looks at the boys “She took his eyes, that's what she does.” 
“That's not why Dad died. This isn't your fault.” her sister puts her hand in Lilly’s shoulder.
“I think your sister's right, Lily. There's no way it could have been Bloody Mary. Your dad didn't say it, did he?” Dean goes close to her as well and stops behind y/n.
“No, I don't think so.” The girl looks up at him. Y/n gets up and turns around, realizing Dean is much closer than she expected.
“I’m sorry for your loss, again.” Sam says and turns to leave. Y/n and Dean stare at each other for a heartbeat and then follow him. Her heart is running a marathon, but she keeps her face straight as they enter the house and go up the stairs.
“The Bloody Mary legend… Dad ever find any evidence that it was a real thing?” Sam pushes the bathroom door open. There is still some dried blood on the floor.
“Not that I know of.” Dean looks at y/n wondering if she remembers something, but she shakes her head denying it as well.
Sam stoops to the floor and touches the dried blood. “I mean, everywhere else all over the country, kids will play Bloody Mary, and as far as we know, nobody dies from it.” he looks up at the other two.
“Yeah, well, maybe everywhere it's just a story, but here it's actually happening.” Dean says looking around the bathroom. 
“The place where the legend began?” Sam wonders out loud and gets up. Dean shrugs and y/n opens the medicine cabinet. “But according to the legend, the person who says B…” he stops short when he notices the medicine cabinet mirror is now facing him, and closes it “The person who says you know what gets it. But here…”
“Shoemaker gets it instead, yeah.” y/n finishes for him.
“Never heard anything like that before. Still, the guy did die right in front of the mirror, and the daughter's right. The way the legend goes, you know who scratches your eyes out.” she eyes the mirror too.
“It's worth checking in to.” Sam says as they start going out of the bathroom.
“What are you doing up here?” One of Donna’s friends asks, stopping in front of them.
“We… we had to go to the bathroom.” Dean says and the other two look at him with slightly widened eyes in disbelief with the lie.
“Who are you?” the girl questions them.
“Like we said downstairs, we worked with Donna's dad.” Dean explains.
“He was a day trader or something. He worked by himself.” the girl retorts with both hands on her hips.
“No, I know, I meant…” he starts.
“And all those weird questions downstairs, what was that? So you tell me what's going on, or I start screaming.” she looks at them, specifically to the two men, threatening..
“All right, all right. We think something happened to Donna's dad.” Sam raises his hands.
“Yeah, a stroke.” she adds.
“That's not a sign of a typical stroke. We think it might be something else.” y/n tells her.
“Like what?” 
“Honestly? We don't know yet. But we don't want it to happen to anyone else. That's the truth.” Sam tells her.
“So, if you're gonna scream, go right ahead.” Dean tells her, narrowing his eyes a little.
“Who are you, cops?” she asks them. The look at each other.
“Something like that.” Dean tells her.
“I'll tell you what. Here.” Sam reaches into his pocket, pulls out a paper and pen, and starts writing down his cell number  “If you think of anything, you or your friends notice anything strange, out of the ordinary… just give us a call.” he hands her the paper as they walk down the hallway.
“All right, say Bloody Mary really is haunting this town. There's gonna be some sort of proof… Like a local woman who died nasty.” Dean says as they walk into a building.
“Yeah but a legend this widespread it's hard. I mean, there's like 50 versions of who she actually is. One story says she's a witch, another says she's a mutilated bride, there's a lot more.” y/n turns to enter the library.
“All right, so what are we supposed to be looking for?” Dean looks down at her.
“Every version has a few things in common. It's always a woman named Mary, and she always dies right in front of a mirror. So we've gotta search for local newspapers… public records as far back as they go. See if we can find a Mary who fits the bill.” she adds.
“Well that sounds annoying.” Dean looks back ahead.
“No it won't be so bad, as long as we…” Sam starts but he then sees the computers which all say ‘Out of Order’ on them and stops giving a light chuckle “I take it back. This will be very annoying.”
They check some files out and head back to the motel. At the motel, Dean went to check in and y/n hopped off the Harley grabbed her duffel, unbuckling it from the passenger seat, and went to Sam and the Impala. 
“202” Dean announced and motioned in the direction with his head. The two followed him. The room was simple, it only had two beds, no pull-out. So they would be sharing.
Growing up the way they did, sharing beds wasn’t something new. They would sleep in the same bed more often than not, as a matter of fact. They would alternate pairs (and sometimes, when John was away, one would have a bed for themselves). They even slept all three on the same bed when they were kids, but soon enough Dean was too big to share with other two, so they went back to pairs.
Dean entered first and dropped his papers on the table by the window. Y/n and Sam followed, each dropping a bag on one bed. “I’m going to grab some snacks, want anything?” Y/n asked the two brothers. 
“Mm-hmm” Dean answers but Sam only shakes his head. She leaves the room and follows the hallways until she finds a vending machine. Grabbing a turkey sandwich for Dean and cookies for herself she heads back to the room. They accommodate themselves, each on a different spot, and start reading different obituaries to try and find a Mary who was killed in front of a mirror.
“This is imp…” Dean starts but the woman shushes him.
She lowers the finger she had put in front of her lips. “Sam’s asleep.” She whispers. 
He looks past the bed she’s crossed legged on and spots a laying Sam with his eyes closed. “Good.” He whispers back.
“Yeah. How can he function so well with the amount of sleep he’s been getting is beyond me.” She turns back to look at Dean “18 years having a bad sleep routine and I’m still not used to it.” She rolls her eyes chuckling a little.
“At least you’re not too grumpy when you’re tired. Otherwise I would’ve murdered you and blamed on a werewolf.” He gives her an amused smile and she rolls her eyes, going back to read more obituaries.
After 20 minutes Sam jolts awake and looks around. The other two look at him “Why'd you let me fall asleep?” He asks passing his hands through his hair.
“‘Cause I'm an awesome brother. So what did you dream about?” He asks putting te file down.
“Lollipops and candy canes.” The youngest say sarcastically.
“Yeah, sure.” Y/n disapproves his scorn.
“Did you find anything?” He asks them
“Oh besides a whole new level of frustration?” Dean starts and Sam sits back up on his bed “No. we’ve looked at everything.”
“A few local women, a Laura and a Catherine committed suicide in front of a mirror, and a giant mirror fell on a guy named Dave, but uh, no Mary.” Y/n says as she reads through the files on the side.
“Maybe we just haven't found it yet.” Sam falls back into the bed
“I've also been searching for strange deaths in the area, you know...eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing. There's nothing. Whatever's happening here, maybe it just ain't Mary.” Dean says looking over all the papers spread through the bed and table.
Sam’s phone rings and he answers it. “Hello?” He says and a concerned look crosses his face before he speaks again “okay, try to calm down we’re coming to you. Stay there!” He hangs up and looks up to Dean and y/n “It was Charlie, Donna’s friend. She’s at the park waiting for us. Their other friend is dead.” He explains getting up and the the other two already started putting their shoes back on to leave.
Already at the park Charlie is telling them about the phone call she had with Jill, the friend who died, right before her death “And they found her on the bathroom floor. And her… her eyes. They were gone.” She chokes.
“I'm sorry.” Sam says sitting by her side.
“And she said it.” Sam looks up at the two “I heard her say it. But it couldn't be because of that. I'm insane, right?” She looks between the three hunters.
“No, you're not insane.” Y/n reassures her
“Oh God, that makes me feel so much worse.” The girls looks back down.
“Look. We think something's happening here. Something that can't be explained.” Sam starts trying to catch her attention back.
“And we're gonna stop it but we could use your help.” Dean tells her.
“Do you think you can get us to Jill’s bedroom?” Y/n asked hopeful.
“I think so. Can you guys get to a second floor window?” She looks at the woman.
“We’ll manage.” Dean reassures her.
The three hunters climbed to the roof from a tree and are waiting Charlie by the window she pointed at Jill's. She comes in from the bedroom door and locks it. Going over to the window and opening it. Sam enters first and Dean throws him a duffel bag, giving space for y/n to enter and following right after. Sam sets it on the bed and starts going through it.
“What did you tell Jill's mom?” Sam asks as he ruffles through the bag.
“Just that I needed some time alone with Jill's pictures and things.” She answers as Sam pulls something out of the bag and Dean shuts the curtains. “I hate lying to her.”
“Trust us, this is for the greater good.” Y/n tells her and Dean goes to the interruptor and turns the lights off.
“What are you guys looking for?”
“We'll let you know as soon as we find it.” Dean answers her at the same time Sam stretched a digital camera to y/n.
“Hey, night vision.” He says and she turns the thing on for him and he hands her the camera.
She grabs the digital camera and it is aimed at Dean. He looks up and sees the camera. “Do I look like Paris Hilton?” Dean asks, turning a little and looking over his shoulder. She snorts and walks away slowly with the camera. She opens Jill’s closet door and begins filming around the mirror.
“So I don't get it. I mean… the first victim didn't summon Mary, and the second victim did. How's she choosing them?” Sam turns to Dean and Charlie.
“Beats me.” Dean answers when y/n closes the closet door. “I want to know why Jill said it in the first place.” He turns to Charlie.
“It's just a joke.” Charlie looks up at him.
“Yeah well somebody's gonna say it again, it's just a matter of time.” He says again and looks over at y/n who is in the bathroom filming around the mirror when she stops and sees trickles of something running out from behind the mirror.
“Hey.” She says and Sam and Charlie also turn to look at her “There's a black light in the trunk, right?”
She takes the mirror off the wall and carries it out to Jill's bed and lays it on the bed upside down. Dean comes over with a black light. Y/n peels off the brown paper that is on the back of the mirror. And Dean shines the black light over the back of the mirror and they see a handprint, and the words ‘Gary Bryman’.
“Gary Bryman?” Charlie asks the trio, making all heads snap at her.
“You know who that is?” Sam asks
“No.” She shakes her head.
“Okay. Let’s get out of here.” Y/n says taking the mirror again and putting it back in its place. Sam turned the light back on and Dean puts the camera and the light away on the duffel. They head to the window and get out again. Charlie closes it behind them and goes to the door. They walk slowly to the tree. Sam goes back first. Dean gives him the duffel and climbs down and then turns to help y/n down. “Oh. Thank you” she says smiling when she notices what he’s trying to do.
They go back to the bench. Dean and Charlie are sitting on it, y/n is standing up in front of them and Sam comes up behind her.
“So, Gary Bryman was an 8-year-old boy.” Y/n turns around startled with a hand on her chest “Sorry.” He smiles “Two years ago he was killed in a hit and run. The car was described as a black Toyota Camry. But nobody got the plates or saw the driver.”
“Oh my God.” Charlie half whispers.
“What?” Sam asked at the same time y/n did:
“Did Jill drive one of those?”
“Yeah.” She looks to the woman.
“We need to get back to your friend Donna’s house.” Dean looks at Charlie.
“Linda Shoemaker.” Sam says as he turns the light off and stands up, putting the mirror back on the wall. 
“Let’s go talk to Donna.” Dean states and leaves the bathroom.
They all follow him downstairs where they found Donna in the kitchen.
“Hey, we need to ask you a couple of questions. Is that alright?” Y/n asks from behind Dean.
“I guess, sure.” She shrugs.
“Is Linda Shoemaker your mother?” The woman questions Donna
“Uhm, yeah. Why” she answers frowning.
“She died right? How was her relationship with your father?” Did they get in fights a lot?” Dean looks at her. 
“Why are you asking me this?” She inquiries.
“Look, we're sorry, but it's important.” Sam tells her
“Yeah. Linda's my mom okay? She overdosed on sleeping pills, it was an accident, and that's it. I think you should leave.” She looks distressed.
“Now Donna, just listen.” Dean starts, trying to talk to her.
“Get out of my house!” She runs upstairs.
“Oh my God. Do you really think her dad could've killed her mom?” Charlie asks the three hunters with a concerned expression.
“Maybe.” Sam replies.
“I think I should stick around.” She tells them
“All right. Whatever you do, don't…” but Charlie cuts Dean off before he can finish.
“Believe me, I won't say it.” She gives them a tight half smile and turns around to go after Donna. The three hunters leave the house. 
Dean’s sitting in front of a computer with Sam and y/n behind him. “Wait, wait, wait, you're doing a nationwide search?” Sam asks him when he sees what Dean is typing.
“Yep. The NCIC, the FBI database… at this point any Mary who died in front of a mirror is good enough for me.” Dean answers as he scrolls.
“But if she's haunting the town, she should have died in the town.” He arguments looking between the back of Dean’s head and the screen.
“I'm telling you there's nothing local, we’ve checked. So unless you got a better idea…” he replies to his brother looking STV the screen.
“The way Mary's choosing her victims, it seems like there's a pattern.” Y/n tells them, standing behind Dean with her hands on his chair.
“I know, I was thinking the same thing.” Dean glances over his shoulder quickly.
“With mister Shoemaker and Jill's hit and run.” Sam thinks it over.
Y/n looks at Sam “Both had secrets where people died.”
“Right. I mean there's a lot of folklore about mirrors… that they reveal all your lies, all your secrets, that they're a true reflection of your soul, which is why it's bad luck to break them.” Sam keeps going.
“Right, right. So maybe if you've got a secret, I mean like a really nasty one where someone died, then Mary sees it, and punishes you for it.” Y/n tilts her head raising her eyebrows.
“Whether you're the one that summoned her or not.” Sam finishes.
Dean calls their attention to the screen “Take a look at this.”  He points to a picture of a woman lying by a mirror in a puddle of blood. He prints out another picture and hands it to y/n over his shoulder it is of a handprint and the letters ‘Tre’.
“Looks like the same handprint.” Y/n says looking at the picture.
“Her name was Mary Worthington… an unsolved murder in Fort Wayne, Indiana.” Dean skimmed through the article.
The trio of hunters decided to go to Fort Wayne and try to talk to the detective that worked on Mary’s case. After an hour and 30 minutes with Dean on the wheel, they arrived at the city. 
 After some research they went to the detective’s house to talk to him.
“I was on the job for 35 years… detective for most of that. Now everybody packs it in with a few loose ends, but the Mary Worthington murder…” he pauses and looks at Dean, who’s in front of him “that one still gets me.”
“What exactly happened?” The oldest hunter asks.
“You kids said you were reporters?” He asks, looking up and down at the three, one at a time.
“We know Mary was 19, lived by herself. We know she won a few local beauty contests, dreamt of getting out of Indiana, being an actress.” Y/n starts by leaving the bookcase behind and joining Dean.
“And we know the night of March 29th someone broke into her apartment and murdered her, cut out her eyes with a knife.” Sam continued.
“That's right.” the detective answered.
“See sir, when we asked you what happened, we wanted to know what you think happened.” Y/n explained to him and the older man went to a file cabinet and pulled some files from it.
“Technically I'm not supposed to have a copy of this.” He opens a file to the picture Sam and Dean found on the computer. “Now see that there? T-R-E?”
“Yeah.” Dean agrees.
“I think Mary was trying to spell out the name of her killer.” He tells them.
“You know who it was?” Sam asks him getting closer.
“Not for sure. But there was a local man, a surgeon… Trevor Sampson.” He pulls out a picture of a man and hands it to the hunters. “And I think he cut her up good.”
“Now why would he do something like that?” Sam questions.
“Her diary mentioned a man that she was seeing. She called him by his initial, ‘T’. Well, her last entry, she was gonna tell ‘T’’s wife about their affair.” He tells them looking up form the papers on the table.
“Yeah but how do you know it was Sampson who killed her?” Dean looks from the mirror picture to the detective.
“It's hard to say, but the way her eyes were cut out… it was almost professional.”
“But you could never prove it?” Y/n half guesses.
“No. No prints, no witnesses. He was meticulous.” The man explains and drops his eyes.
“Is he still alive?” Dean drops the picture on the table.
“Nope.” He sits down and sighs “If you ask me, Mary spent her last living moments trying to expose this guy's secret. But she never could.” He looks up at the hunters who are side by side.
“Where's she buried?” Sam asks.
“She wasn't. She was cremated.” He frowns a little.
“What about that mirror” y/n nods at the one in the picture “It's not in some evidence lockup somewhere is it?” 
“Ah, no. It was returned to Mary's family a long time ago.” 
“You have the names of her family by any chance?” Dean wonders. The detective pauses for a while and then started looking through the papers on the file handing them one.
They are heading back, after a while with the detective, and y/n is on her cell while Dean is driving and Sam is on the backseat, close to her phone “Oh really? Ah that's too bad Mr. Worthington. I would have paid a lot for that mirror. Okay, well maybe next time. All right, thanks.” She finishes and hangs up.
“So?” Dean asks glancing at her.
“So that was Mary's brother. The mirror was in the family for years, until he sold it one week ago to a store called Estate Antiques. A store in Toledo.” She looks at him
“So wherever the mirror goes, that's where Mary goes?” He question again.
“Her spirit's definitely tied up with it somehow.” Sam leans back.
“Isn't there an old superstition that says mirrors can capture spirits?” She looks over her shoulder.
“Yeah there is. Yeah, when someone would die in a house people would cover up the mirrors so the ghost wouldn't get trapped.” He answers her.
“So Mary dies in front of a mirror, and it draws in her spirit.” Dean complements.
“Yeah but how could she move through like a hundred different mirrors?” Sam wonders looking at his brother through the rear view mirror.
“I don't know, but if the mirror is the source, I say we find it and smash it.” He replies
“Yeah, I don't know, maybe.” Y/n looks over to the front.
Sam’s cell starts to rings. “Hello.” The look of concern comes across his face “Charlie?” He pauses “Okay don’t look at anything that has a reflection and go to 5335 Heatherdowns Blvd and wait for us. We’ll be right there.” He hangs up and looks at Dean “It was Charlie, apparently Donna called bloody Mary on the school restroom and now Charlie is seeing her.”
“Why are adolescents so stupid?” Dea rolls his eyes and starts going faster.
Arriving at  the hotel they find Charlie sitting in front of their door with her hands around her knees and face deep on them. The get to her and Sam helps her get up guiding her to his bed,where she sits and Dean and y/n start covering every window and mirror on the room. After  covering, what they think is everything they look at each other and around, both spotting their reflections on the TV at the same time. Dean gabs anoter sheet and hands the woman one ennd and they cover the TV.
Sam, then, sitsnext to Charlie and says “Hey, hey it's ok. Hey, you can open up your eyes Charlie. It's okay, all right?” the girl lifts her head from her knees slowly “Now listen. You're gonna stay right here on this bed, and you're not gonna look at glass, or anything else that has a reflection, okay? And as long as you do that, she cannot get you.”
“But I can't keep that up forever. I'm gonna die, aren't I?” shhe looks at Sam, her eyes filled with tears.
“No. No. Not anytime soon.” y/n tells her while putting a hand on her shouder while sitting on the end of the bed by thhe one Charlie is.
Dean sits next to y/n and looks at Charlie “All right Charlie. We need to know what happened.” 
“We were in the bathroom. Donna said it.” The girl starts but y/n cuts her off.
“That's not what we're talking about. Something happened, didn't it? In your life… a secret… where someone got hurt. Can you tell us about it?” she asks drpping her hand back to her own lap.
“I had this boyfriend. I loved him. But he kind of scared me too, you know? And one night, at his house, we got in this fight. Then I broke up with him, and he got upset, and he said he needed me and he loved me, and he said ‘Charlie, if you walk out that door right now, I'm gonna kill myself.’ And you know what I said? I said ‘Go ahead.’ And I left. How could I say that? How could I leave him like that? I just… I didn't believe him, you know? I should have.” She puts her face back on her knees and starts crying again.
The three  hunters look at each other and then back to the girl.
Dean is driving the Impala, with Sam in shotgun and y/n on the backseat. “You know her boyfriend killing himself, that's not really Charlie's fault.” he says looking at the road.
“You know as well as I do spirits don't exactly see shades of gray, Dean. Charlie had a secret, someone died, that's good enough for Mary.” Sam looks at his brother.
“I guess.”
“You know, I've been thinking. It might not be enough to just smash that mirror.” Sam continues.
“Why, what do you mean?” he asks quickly at the youngest.
“Well Mary's hard to pin down, right? I mean she moves around from mirror to mirror so who's to say that she's not just gonna keep hiding in them forever? So maybe we should try to pin her down, you know, summon her to her mirror and then smash it.” he tells them.
“Well how do you know that's going to work?” y/n questions.
“I don't, not for sure.” 
“Well who's gonna summon her?” Dean wonders as soon asSam finishes.
“I will. She'll come after me.” Sam looks bac to the road.
“You know what, that's it.” Dean says and pulls the car over. “This is about Jessica, isn't it? You think that's your dirty little secret that you killed her somehow?” he turns his body to half face his brother.
“Sam, this has got to stop.” y/n looks at him concernedd coming closer. “I mean, the nightmares and calling her name out in the middle of the night.. it's gonna kill you. Now listen to me… It wasn't your fault.” she puts a hand on his shoulder to make her look at him but he doesn't.
“Exactly. If you wanna blame something, then blame the thing that killed her. Or hell, why don't you take a swing at me? I mean I'm the one that dragged you away from her in the first place.” Dean tells looking up and shaking his head.
“I don't blame you.” he then looks at his brother.
“Well you shouldn't blame yourself, because there's nothing you could've done.” y/n tells him.
“I could've warned her.” he looks back at her.
“About what? You didn't know what was gonna happen! And besides, all of this isn't a secret, I mean I know all about it. It's not gonna work with Mary anyway.” Dean says, but as he starts to turn back to the wheel Sam speaks.
“No you don't.” 
“I don't what?” Dean and y/n frown.
“You don't know all about it. I haven't told you everything.” Sam looks at his hands.
“What are you talking about?” the woman with an anxious voice.
“Well it wouldn't really be a secret if I told you, would it?” Sam half smiles looking at them without turning his face.
The two expressions shift to surprise. “No. I don't like it. It's not gonna happen, forget it.” Dean tells and finally turns back to the steering wheel.
“Dean, that girl back there is going to die unless we do something about it. And you know what? Who knows how many more people are gonna die after that? Now we're doing this. You've got to let me do this.” he looks  at his brother, determined and shoots a glance to y/n on the backseat to make sure she doesn't try to argue too.
Dean huffs and starts driving again, mumbling complaints every now and then. Y/n spends the rest of the way looking at Sam with her eyebrows together, trying to come up with a plan where his life won't be at risk. The youngest hunter ignores them. When they arrive at the shop no one has  a better idea, so the plan remains the same. They get out of the car and grab a couple of crowbars, going to the entrance, where Sam gets down to pick the lock. 
Once Sam succeeds they enter and start looking around. At the back of the store they see many mirrors. “Well...that's just great.” Dean moans  as he pulls out the picture of Mary's dead body to look at the mirror “All right let's start looking.” he shows the other two the picture, holding a lantern over it so they can see it better. They split up and walk around the store “Maybe they've already sold it.” as Dean is finishing his sentence y/n's flashlight tops on the mirror.
“I don't think so.” she says and calls them over. Deann walks over to her and pulls out the picture again to compare. 
“That's it.” he sighs and looks at Sam “You sure about this?” Sam hands Dean his flashlight.
He sighs “Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary.” he looks at the other two who give him an unsure look back. Sam picks up the crowbar and holds it over his shoulder “Bloody Mary.”
Dean turns to see a light coming through the store windows and nudges y/n. “We'll go check that out. Stay here, be careful.” she instructs Sam who rearranges his shoulders and readies the crowbar again.
“Smash anything that moves.”  Dean and y/n go silently towards the front door. They see a headlight “Crap.” He puts the crowbar down and they begin to walk to the door.
The two leave the store together to talk to the police. “Hold it.” one officer says and they stop.
“Whoa guys, false alarm, I tripped the system.” Dean chuckles lightly but the police men remain unimpressed.
“Who are you?” another officer asks.
“I'm the boss's kid.” he smiles politely.
“You're Mister Yamashiro's kid?” the first cop questions. 
“I was  adopted.”Dean answers without hesitation, as he has been saying this his entire life. 
“And who are you?” one of them looks at y/n and shifts the gun a little.
“I'm his fiancé.” She smiles lovingly and holds Dean's hand.
“What do you guys need here?” the cop questions.
“My father asked me to grab some stuff for him.” Dean tells him.
“Can I see some ID?” the officer said and Dean grabs his wallet on the back pocket, handing the man his id.
“You're not Yamashiro.” the man raises an eyebrow.
“Like I said, I was adopted.” He lifts his hand asking for the id back.
“Yeah.” one officer says as another walks around to be on the two hunter’s back.
“You know, we just… I really don't have time for this right now.” Dean punches the cop in front of them and y/n turns and kicks the other on the stomach. They are now on the ground.
The two hunters  run back inside and as they getting closer they seeSam on the floor looking at the mirror. Dean grabbed the crowbar on the way in and goes through the mirror  as y/n goes to Sam.”Sam, Sammy!”
“It's Sam.” Sam tells her as Dean squats down by her side to look at him.
“God, are you okay?” “God, are you okay?” Dean asks and puts one arm on y/n back to steady himself as he cleans one side of the blood that came out of his eyes.
“Uh, yeah.” he answers, starting to get up.
“Come on, come on.” Dean and y/n pull Sam up. They begin to walk out, supporting Sam, until they hear some glass noise. They turn around to see Mary coming ou of the frame and crawling over the broken glass. Mary walks towards them and they fall to the ground. They all start bleeding from the face, but Dean reaches up and pulls over a mirror so that Mary is forced to see her own reflection. Mary starts choking to death and melts into a pile of blood. Dean throws down the mirror he held and it shatters.
“Hey Sam?” y/n calls him relaxing on the floor.
“Yeah?” he turns his head to look at her.
“This has got to be like… what? 600 years of bad luck?” she asks, looking at the ceiling and Sam chuckles weakly.
They went back to the motel and explained to Charlie she is safe, and Mary's gone. They grabbed all their stuff and Dean and Sam drove Charlie back to her house, with y/n following the car with her Harley. Arriving there Charlie gets out of the car and y/n opens  her helmet visor. “Charlie?” the girl turns around looking at thee hunter “Your boyfriend's death… it really wasn’t your fault. You should try to forgive yourself. No matter what you did, you probably couldn't have stopped it.” Charlie smiles faintly, then turns around to go into the house.
The bike pulls up to the driver's window, that is rolled down. Dean looks at her “That's good advice.”she smiles at him and he turns and lightly hits Sam “Hey SAM?”
“Now that this is all over, I want you to tell me what that secret is.” as Dean says it the woman on the bike lowers her head a little to look at the man too.
“Look… you're my brother and my best friend and I'd die for you, but there are some things I need to keep to myself.” Sam looks out the window and the other two look at each other, with concern in their eyes, and then back at the road. Dean drives off and y/n follows.
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