#save me anon
xenonmoon · 1 month
Honestly the part of the bemis run you are on is a guilt pleasure of mine. It does my favorite boy Jake dirty, but it’s a fun concept, decent art. It’s like Moon Knight Junk Food. And better than the rest of the Bemishit
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[this ask was sent while I was reading the Collective story]
GASP! No birdseeds for you!
Honestly though, valid. It's weird af in a way that's not my cup of tea but if I had to pick 1 story to salvage from the second Bemis volume it'd be that one.
Thank you for your ask anon!!
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madame-mongoose · 5 months
as a, super far on the “no sexual attraction” spectrum, asexual. it’s so odd to see that yes, sexual attraction really does that to a person. i am studying you. also: wow, sexual attraction really does that to a person
shaky thumbs up it sure... it sure does something alright
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todds-diary · 3 months
i wonder what happened to the anon who asked me if i was single
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months
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#so unserious 😂💖
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batfleshh · 10 days
I’m back with ANOTHER priest!price idea:3
Imagine tm!reader being an altar boy, he’s so obedient and sweet but behind closed doors he’s an absolute whore.
He’s being used by price, price saying “maybe you should offer this dedication to the lord.” As he’s fucking tm!reader.
devil!Reader deciding to fuck with priest!price and gets turned into an absolute cock slut.
- 🔔(if it’s not taken)
Thank u Bell anon ur mind is so great mwah
Secret Temptations
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Priest!Price X FtM!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, altar server reader!!!!, religious stuff and allat so if yall don’t fw that then idk don’t read it, ftm reader bc yeah!!, internalized guilt about a few things but fuck it we ball. , not proof read, two separate thingys (you’ll understand when u read)
You. You were always the role model of your congregation. Always the example mothers would point out to their children, say to them that you’re behavior towards everyone is how they should be acting. You would give everyone a warm smile, be nice, ask questions quietly, and be respectful. Sometimes, it was almost like you were an angel sent down from above.
You worked hard to be at the place you were at, that calm exterior of yours making you glide through your role easily. This whole thing you had going on was a piece of cake. However, a small, kind of big problem seemed to be keeping you from your secure thoughts of heaven. The perverted Priest that seemed to always be needing you. The bearded man that always laid his holy hands on you behind the closed doors of your church.
You and John had built up this strange relationship. It wasn’t all that bad, getting fucked by him wasn’t all that bad. But that guilt that dragged along with it never seemed to go away. Sometimes you would sit and ponder what your lord was thinking about you. You would press your fingers against the necklace dangling from your neck, staring off into space as your skin touched the cool metal of the cross. But then you would feel a heavy hand on your shoulder, and a kiss on your neck. And suddenly, you would feel your skin warm up, sighing as you turn to push your lips against the other mans.
Sometimes, you wonder if you’re addicted to. The way his rough hands glide across your skin, and the way he grabs at your flesh. You think about the times his tip was pressed against your lips, smearing the pre leaking from it across them. Oh, how that familiar feeling would wash over your body when he praises you for taking him in your mouth so eagerly.
When he would have you bent over, slowly pushing his cock into you as you whine and moan. Price knows what sets you off, snaking his arm up to your throat to give it a light squeeze. Praises and encouragement rolling off his tongue, whispering in your ear about how good you’re being, your own whorish noises making you overthink how loud you’re being.
“That’s a good little sheep, boy,” he grunts into your ear as you take him inside you, huffing and biting at your lip as an attempt to keep yourself quiet. “Maybe,” he purrs into your ear, watching you pant and try to stay focused on him. “Just maybe, you should offer this dedication to the lord.”
It didn’t really cross your mind during that what he could’ve been referring to, but after that, you understood. You should be eager to spread the word of your savior, not to be so eager for your priests cock inside you. The thought of being that desperate made you flush in the face, biting at the inside of your cheek to distract yourself from the dirty thoughts plaguing your mind.
You sigh as you walk around mindlessly in the church, staring up at the buildings beautiful structure. Oh, how you loved the scenery, but you still felt that it was wrong. You grimace as you stare at a crucifix hanging on the wall, touching at the cross hanging from around your neck. Jesus, you were doomed, but indulging in it more wouldn’t hurt.
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“Father, c- come on,” you try to plead with Price as he moves in and out of you at a slow and agonizing pace, panting as you try to catch your breath. It wasn’t like he was going that fast for you to even need to breathe that much, but you were just so worked up. You lewd noises coming from his cock thrusting into your cunt makes you want to close your ears, the thought of your savior judging you is enough for you to feel antagonized. You feel ashamed, disgusted, and fuck, soo so turned on.
“Shh, boy, just let me do what I need to do,” he coos into your ear, his beard grazing against your face. You never knew such a highly respected man could stoop this low, be this willing to sin. You shudder as you force your face into his nape, trying to control whatever curses could possibly fly out of your mouth. You knew you would have to pray so much when you’re done, repent and try to forget whatever was occurring at the moment. But he made it so difficult, so hard to let go of everything you tried to block out.
“Just let me corrupt you, sweet sheep,” he murmured into your ear, moving his hands down to grab onto your hips, pushing his cock into you and pulling back out, setting a pace with his thrusts. “Let me ruin this body of yours, and I’ll help you regain that pureness back. The lord would want you to be cleansed, cured of your wicked thoughts and be cured of these sinful actions,” some of his words end in grunts, his thrusts becoming much rougher.
It feels like the words melt into your brain as they reach your ears, whining as you push your face further into his nape. “Yes, father,” you mumble, grasping onto his robe. In the back of your mind, you’re sure you feel the cross around your neck grow heavier, but that feeling is soon blocked out as a moan is pulled from you. You had a lot of repenting to do later.
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yayayayyay it’s done goodnight
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calmparticles · 6 months
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?Want a break from the ads? If you tap now to watch a short video you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! Yes, really! If you tap now you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! So what are you waiting for? I'm still waiting.. Why aren't you tapping? Don't you want 30 minutes of ad free music? If you tap now and watch the short video you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! It's that easy! If you want to be free from the ads forever considerIf it doesn't work for you, then you're using it wrong. Make sure you're using EVERY single filter. If you are currently, then de-select them and make sure they're updated and re-enable them. IT WILL WORK. There's no "it won't work" when you do this. It's either a 1 or a 0. Either a yes or no. Either a "it will work" or an "I am not using the adblocker correctly".
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waterghostype · 6 months
what the water gave me by florence + the machine but it's jay and nya
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But oh, my love, don't forget me When I let the water take me
im editing this post to put a fixed version here bc i dont like the one i posted but i kept it up for too long
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jesuistrestriste · 5 days
My challengers brain rot is so bad im ready to break up with my bf (also because he’s never made me cum) and whenever I think about art Donaldson I get wet pretty quick
Send help
okay, first of all, my condolences on the bf situation, my friend ☹️
second of all, this is real as fuck
nsfw below
bf!art would neverrr let his partner go unsatisfied. i just know it.
doesn't matter the time, the place, the occasion; he will get on his knees for you, or use his fingers, or pull out his dick and make sure you are taken care of ! he's basically free use ! he'll give you as many orgasms as you can take/want, and his cock drools the entire time he's pleasing you.
but! he really won't ask for anything in return. maybe just a kiss afterwards, and then he's all good. dopey lil smile on his face like 'mmph, i love making them cum' :)
i picture him doing this stuff at a rest stop on a road trip.. or maybe in your guys' car after a trip to the grocery store..
in bar bathrooms; against the kitchen counter; before a friend's wedding; behind a tent in the middle of an outdoor concert
when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're angry..
he's doing it all the time! whenever you want!
when. ever. you. want.
he's the perfect man.
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meownotgood · 1 month
would aki ever consider homewrecking your relationship? in an upstaging sort of way at least? he brings you home-cooked food, drives you often, remembers details about you that make you realise your own bf doesn't?
ooooo imagine he gets drunk and starts being slightly more assertive not caring your bf is also in the room. flat out ignores him as he monopolizes your attention <3
despite his feelings for you, aki is polite, he keeps how he feels to himself and rarely comments on your boyfriend or your relationship. he congratulates you when you first tell him, saying he'd love to meet your boyfriend sometime. he doesn't intend to show your boyfriend up. it isn't aki's fault that he remembers your birthdate when your boyfriend doesn't. it isn't aki's fault that he knows what you like more than your boyfriend does, and so he brings you small gifts and homecooked meals whenever he's available.
boyfriend or not, aki has always shown you the same kindness — you're friends, so of course he does. you're each other's closest friend, in fact.
though, when aki's had a bit too much to drink, that's when the problems start to arise.
a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts, or something or other. aki remembers his mentor telling him as such when he was a teenager. but aki isn't really the talkative type when he's drunk, nor does he tend to get anywhere past slightly tipsy when he's out drinking. normally. tonight is far from normal.
aki is drinking way more than he should, ordering beer after beer until he has an array of empty frothy glasses around him, because tonight, you've brought your boyfriend along. the division's non-specific party had no problem with inviting friends of friends or significant others. but your boyfriend is sitting next to you, when it's usually aki that sits by your side.
he has his arm wrapped lazily around you, your shoulders are stiff as you sip your drink, drowning out the noise of him shouting across the table. he's waving over the waitress, and aki's jaw is clenching so hard it almost hurts, because as your boyfriend is complimenting the waitress' outfit with less-than-appropriate choices of words, his palm is on your thigh, you're shrinking into your seat — and aki is done.
he pushes up from the table so fast it shakes, making glasses clink together, and causing your gaze to dart up to him. unsurprisingly, you follow after him a few moments later. you step outside, goosebumps immediately brushing over your bare arms, to see aki palming a cigarette between clumsy fingers. his brows are knotted with tell-tale annoyance, but when he finishes shoving his lighter back in his pocket, and exhales a puff of grey smoke into the night sky, his voice as he speaks to you is nothing but soft.
"sit next to me when we go back inside," he says, plain and simple. the nicotine settles his growing nerves, and the slight husky slur to his words is the only thing giving his intoxication away.
you hardly have time to think about what he's asking of you — asking, was that even a question? aki takes one more quick drag, before dropping the half-burned cigarette on the pavement, stamping it out with his shoe. you're managing an, are you alright? but it only goes unanswered. aki grasps your wrist, and he starts to tug you back inside.
the atmosphere is much different once you've sat back down; at aki's side, this time. the lack of space has your thighs lightly touching aki's as you shift to get comfortable. yet, it feels like you can finally, truly relax.
aki orders another full beer before your boyfriend even notices your absence — with an annoyed look on his face, he doesn't question why you've moved, just drunkenly rambles about your disrespect for a moment, before turning his attention back towards the people beside him. aki though, he keeps his focus solely on you. he leans close to whisper quiet words into your ear. he doesn't seem to care that your boyfriend is right there, still sitting directly across from you. aki keeps you to himself, and himself alone.
for a moment, your gaze drifts up. aki's adam's apple bobs and his head tips back as he downs the rest of his drink, his face flushed slightly. he turns towards you then, eyes lingering on you for longer than necessary. he gazes at you with such a sense of softness, a look you can't remember anyone else ever giving you.
that's right. it was aki who invited you out tonight, who saved you your favorite seat knowing you would want to sit there, only for your boyfriend to drag you to the opposite end of the table. it was aki who already had your drink of choice ordered for you by the time you arrived. it was aki who leant across the table, trying to ask you how you're doing and how you're liking your new job, while your boyfriend who's never bothered to inquire was busy taking shots with the group a table over.
sighing to yourself, your mind spinning from the alcohol in your system, you let your head lean on aki's shoulder. aki hesitates. then, he snakes a palm behind you to hold the small of your back. when your boyfriend stumbles up from the table to head off somewhere, aki makes sure he sees.
he calls your boyfriend over for a moment to discuss something he already knows, some paperwork he has to fill out tomorrow for the division — aki keeps his arm locked around your waist, your head is leant on his shoulder, and as your boyfriend leaves, you don't even give him so much as a glance. aki keeps the obvious grimace your wasted boyfriend had on his face to himself.
"I'm sorry," aki mumbles after a few minutes, rubbing your back with his palm in slow circles. you chuckle, replying with a half-hearted, what for?
"I'm sorry for getting so drunk," he explains, "but your boyfriend was being an asshole. it pissed me off. I don't get why he acts like that, I could-"
aki swallows, stopping himself, stifling the words he almost said. I could treat you so much better.
sighing, he rubs his knotted temple with his fingers, and he turns to you as you're propping up next to him.
"don't apologize." you stretch, bringing your arms above your head, then rolling your shoulders back. your heart patters in your chest. aki is so close; you can see all the details of his face, you can smell the hints of cologne clinging to his jacket. his arm around you feels like it belongs there. "shouldn't have had so much to drink too."
"I'll take you home," aki says in response. "we should leave soon. the trains won't run for much longer."
you hum, eyes fluttering, gazing up at him with a look that causes his breath to get caught in his weary lungs. "can I come with you back to your place, aki?"
your boyfriend wouldn't like it. aki imagines how he'd react once he came to. if he'd call you, the phone ringing thrice before you pick up, only for him to hear aki's voice on the other line. there's grumbling, the sound of sheets rustling, and then aki murmuring supposedly in your ear, telling you to go back to sleep.
perhaps that's exactly why aki leans in closer to you, close enough to have his breath fan over your cheek, and inevitably answers with a warm, earnest, of course.
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atthebell · 7 months
*shakes can* long hair cellbit? Long hair cellbit to spare please? Please
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order up
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Liquid TSP Substitute, Kelly-Moore Paints
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penwrythe · 7 months
What's stopping the possibility of a ceasefire is pretty simple. Hamas is holding 239 Israeli civilians hostage including children and the elderly. What's happening in Palestine is a travesty and horrendous. But Israel can't initiate a ceasefire from the position they're in, so we need to be agitating for Hamas to release the hostages and call for a ceasefire instead.
@sarroora @fairuzfan @palipunk @wearenotjustnumbers2
You know more about this than I do.
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nessieartss · 6 months
Your yuji and sukuna au is really fun! I got q question:
How would todo and sukuna in this au would interact? since the former more or less considers himself yuji"s brother
oh I just thought about this hours ago lol. I actually made sukuna joined a student exchange program to kyoto in my au, so to answer your question regarding his interaction with todo, guess what, they’re friends! Well, at least todo does, while sukuna just considers he is a great classmate of his. All I can say, they respect each other.
Sukuna is closer to the Kyoto students more than the Tokyo students and todo would even casually call him his lifelong rival (just another one of todo’s imagination, and of course sukuna disapproves of this). Later when he met yuuji, he then proceeds to call him bro number 2, while bro number 1 falls to sukuna. Yuuji is all confused but nevertheless went along with it.
And later yuuji would tease sukuna, saying things like “good morning, bro number 1” or “don’t forget your key, bro number 1” every damn day in the dorm. Sukuna might have to have a word with todo after this lol.
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deefighter2739 · 1 year
I got an adorable question for you, Do you think the waddle dees would draw pictures of king dedede or meta knight because of how both meta knight and king dedede love and adore waddle dees. I'm sorry if I didn't phrase this correctly. I just think it's a cute idea
Yes, definitely! Oh my heart…
Waddle Dees would love to make gifts for their caring hero king and his loyal brave knight. Specially after what they did on Forgotten Land! Did you know Meta Knight fought Gorimondo over 30 times just to keep Waddle Dee town safe?
Sure, Kirby may be the one who saves the world. But these two deserve to be someone else's favorite too…
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heynhay · 1 year
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anon. we are on the same page.
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cookierunauprompts · 5 months
Okay, okay hear me out.
This is an idea me and onesies thought of..
So you can go where ever direction you want with this prompt
But I give you
Shadow milk with hypnotism
Anon how does it feel to have the biggest brain I've ever seen?/pos
Requested Prompts #3 - 💓
You had gotten separated from your friends when the beast had escaped, the blast of energy knocking you a decent way out of the fairy kingdom and into Beast Yeast... Thank God that White Lily Cookie had managed to seal up the rift before the other four could get out beforehand. One gigantic cookie to fight against was enough after all. It was rather unfortunate that you got blasted into a rather dark part of the forest, you felt like there were eyes watching your every single movement. You wandered around, a chill seeping into your dough as you remembered Shadow Milk Cookie's words before you all got blasted away... " Ready or not, here I come! Ehe he he ha ha hah~!" Was this all like a game to the giant beast? The thought terrified you, you should hide, and quick. So you looked around for a hiding place, any kind would be good so long as it was a good one. Was it just you, or could you hear his laughter echoing through the trees? it was totally just you, right? Apparently the universe loves to prove you wrong, seeing as two giant cookie hands slam down onto the ground at both your sides as a humongous shadow is cast over you. " Peek-a-boo~ I see you~!" You could hear Shadow Milk Cookie almost mockingly coo as you turned around and fell on your backside out of fear. How'd he find you so quickly?! " Oh my dear, there's no need to be scared!" He chuckled, scooping you up in one giant hand. If there was a chance you could escape unscathed before, then it was certainly gone by now. " After all, you've got me here!" " Wh-what do you want from me?!" You stammer out, voice catching in your throat one he stared down at you with those absolutely humongous heterochromatic blue eyes of his. You felt like a new piece of candy in a candy store being examined by at kid to determine if it's worth eating or not. The overgrown jester sighed, putting a hand to his head in an exasperated manner. " Oh, woe is me! The rare moment I find kindness in my heart to bestow upon another cookie, they be ever so rude about it!" He dramatically sulked, you almost felt bad for the guy... almost. " But! Such a small little treat like you shouldn't be wandering the forests of Beast-Yeast alone! No no no no no! That wouldn't do at all!" He proclaimed, suddenly a lot more cheerful that it almost gave your emotional whiplash. With his other hand, he tilted your head up so you'd be staring right into his vibrant gaze. Was it just you, or were his eyes swirling? " So just trust in me alone, and I'll get you somewhere safe~" You can feel something worming it's way into your head. Why shouldn't you trust Shadow Milk Cookie? Maybe he's just a huge softie under all that malice and mischief. No, no, he definitely tried to crumble your friends earlier. But he's so strong, and you're just a weak little cookie who can barely fight off the monsters of Beast-Yeast on their own- Wait. " Gah! No! Get out.... of my head!" You squirmed away from his grasp, shutting your eyes as you buried your face into his hand. You refused to be mind controlled by this... this giant clown! You could hear him laughing again, a sound that haunted your ears as you felt him tenderly stroke your back in a way that made your shiver. " Eheh he heh~ It's really cute when you try to resist," He purred, flipping you onto your back with a simple maneuver. Then, to your absolute shock, he lent down and kissed your forehead...? " I like you, Reader Cookie!" He chirped. What.... what even was that?! He kissed you!? That- what- That's certainly not a normal thing to happen! Your guard had been lowered into the ground and buried, allowing Shadow Milk Cookie to worm his way into your mind without any issues whatsoever. Your vision felt hazy, what were you doing again? Oh, right, staring into Shadow Milk Cookie's eyes... They really were pretty eyes, so many pretty shades of blue swirling around in them. But before that? ... Does it really matter? Shadow Milk laughed from above, his voice echoing all around the forest.
" There we go~! That wasn't so hard now, wasn't it Little Star?" He cooed, stroking your face gently with his hand. It was an almost tender motion, you weren't really sure what to make of it. " Now, why don't we go and find your friends? I'm sure that they're dying to reunite with you!" You slowly nodded, right, your friends… Your friends? You… don't quite remember their faces, but it'll come to you eventually… you hope. " Eheh he he he he~! One down, five to go~" Shadow milk cackled to himself as he began walking through the forests of Beast-Yeast with you in hand.
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