#save me im laughing my ahh off
sunrizef1 · 2 months
Milk and Sugar
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Not edited, cursing maybe, the ex gf isn’t anyone specific don’t @ me
Summary: Max is tired of his persistent ex girlfriend and friends that are maybe a little too empathetic about his breakup. What better way to scare them off than getting a new girlfriend? But he doesn’t actually want a new relationship. Enter: you. The perfect (fake) new girlfriend.
Word Count: 9.6k
Authors Note: this fic was kicking my ass im gonna be so fr. It took forever and I just couldn’t write the ending for some reason. Hopefully now that this is up, I can do something else lmfao
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You were just doing a favor for a friend.
Or that’s what you had told yourself when Max had originally asked you to go along with his stupid idea. You hadn’t even really wanted to agree, by the way. He had just needed your help so badly and that’s what friends are for, right?
So that’s how you’d ended up in his garage, Red Bull hat pulled tightly over your head as you watched his car sail around the track in Brazil, the season well under way.
You’d met Max a few years back. You’d moved into the apartment next to his, not even blinking as your eyes scanned over the future world champion, too focused on your dog trying his best to distract you from the heavy box in your hands.
“Apollo! Stop!” You sighed at the dog as he jumped at your legs, trying his hardest to knock the box full of dog food and treats out of your arms. The dog, not knowing English, didn’t listen, of course, continuing his assault on your calves.
The box tilts in your grasp, coming dangerously close to falling out of your arms. But suddenly, the weight is lifted away and Apollo seems to turn his attention to whatever had relieved you from your struggle, giving you the opportunity to pull the small dog into your grasp, trying your best to calm his rowdiness down.
Once you’ve gotten the dog to calm down a significant amount, you look up to see who’d saved you from hours of cleaning loose dog food off the floor during your first day in your new apartment. You’re met with bright blue eyes staring back at you, a concerned look on the strangers face.
You’re too worried about the pretty man in front of you to even worry about Apollo as he starts to nibble lightly on your jacket.
“Are you okay?” And then he speaks for the first time and you’re captivated. Not in a love-at-first-sight way, of course. More of a this-guy-might-be-perfect kind of way.
You nod, gently separating your dogs mouth off your hoodie string, petting his, most-likely, empty head warmly, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. This little guy just really wanted that food, I guess.”
The stranger laughs, moving the box in his arms to rest against his hip, “I’m more of a cat person, anyway.”
You fake a wince, shaking your head with a frown, “Ahh, guess we can’t be friends then, mysterious stranger. Im a dog person all the way.”
He laughs again, grinning warmly, “Any way I could help you with this? Can’t imagine it’s easy moving in with a dog running around.”
Your eyes widen at his words, your hand fumbling to fish the key to your new apartment out of your pocket, “Only if you’re free! I wouldn’t want to bother my new neighbor on my first day.”
Your neighbor shakes his head, light brown hair falling down on his forehead, “It’s no big deal, I’m surprisingly free today.”
You smile, pushing the door to your apartment open, setting Apollo down as you enter. The dog immediately starts to scope out the area, bounding up and down the halls, his collar jangling loudly as he does. You hear the man enter behind you, watching as he walks over and places the box of dog food on the counter in the kitchen.
“Usually I learn a man’s name before I invite him into my apartment,” you smirk, laughing as a blush coats your neighbors face. He takes the few steps back over to close the gap between you, sticking out a calloused hand toward you.
“I’m Max.”
You smile, repeating his name before reciting your own, clasping your hand in his much rougher one, tilting your head up at him as you shake, letting go after a few moments.
“It’s nice to meet you max,” you say, smiling as you see Max’s face light up happily, “How inclined would you be to helping me get the rest of my boxes?”
Max laughs as he sees the sweet grin on your face, shaking his head as he moves toward the door, “I’d love to help, y/n. Can’t have my new favorite neighbor moving in alone, can I?”
Your face splits into a grin as you follow him toward the exit, turning to make sure Apollo was comfortably inside the apartment so he wouldn’t try and run away before closing the door behind you.
Max did help you that day, the moving in process going substantially quicker with the help of the athlete. He even invited you over to his place for dinner, explaining that it’d be too much of a hassle for you to make dinner after moving in all day. You didn’t bring up the fact he’d been moving all day as well, simply following him next door instead.
That had been three years ago and you’d been friends ever since. It was a casual friendship, more moved by the proximity than anything else.
He’d had to explain f1 to you, you being completely unfamiliar with the sport despite having moved to Monaco, probably the place with the most connection to it. Now, you’d casually watch his races as you worked or ate dinner, not entirely sure what was going on but supporting your friend anyway.
He’d also eventually asked you to watch his cats for him, Jimmy and Sassy being surprisingly friendly with your puppy. Max had been scared about introducing them, prefacing with many statements about how much the cats hated dogs and that it really wouldnt be a problem if you couldn’t watch them if they hated each other.
All that talk went out the window when the first thing the pets did when they met each other was take a nap.
It was January when it happened. You had been sitting calmly in your apartment, watching Bridgerton and eating pasta, your work computer abandoned to the side of the couch. You had a blanket pulled over your lap, a hot mug of tea sitting on the coffee table in front of you. Rare snow fell softly outside your window, albeit not very much snow but snow nonetheless.
You were very content.
This, of course, all came crashing down when you heard the sound of your apartment door banging open, heavy footsteps signaling the arrival of your neighbor. You’d given him a key for emergencies, although you couldn’t possibly imagine what could warrant an emergency at this time.
You roll your eyes as you hear him approach, setting your pasta down on the table and grabbing the remote to pause your show, turning as Max throws himself down on the couch next to you.
“Hello, Max. Can I help you?” You sigh, trying to force a smile onto your face. Max seems to catch your discontent and grimaces, wincing away slightly.
“Bad time?”
You let out a breath, not able to stay mad at the Dutch man for very long, “Maybe a little, but it’s fine, really. Did you need something?”
Max nods, sitting up straighter, “I may or may not have a formal request. Neighbor to neighbor.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his response, noting his slightly nervous behavior, “Okay?”
He takes a deep breath before speaking, his eyes trailing over toward where your tv was currently paused, “You know how I just went through that breakup, right?”
You hum, all too familiar with the aforementioned breakup, having had Max barge into your apartment for comfort food and movie marathons more than a few nights in the wake of his, now ex, girlfriends departure.
“Well,” Max starts and you can sense the hesitation in his tone but considering he had interrupted your night, you opted to let him flounder, “It’s been weird on the grid since then.”
“Okay,” you hum, eyes glancing over his face and catching the way he grimaces.
“Ever since the break-up, all the guys have been looking at me like I’m a child, you know? Like I might fall apart any second. Even though I’m completely fine!”
You stare, knowing more than anyone else, that he wasn’t very fine for a while, although he’d miraculously recovered over the past few months. You also stared in hopes he’d soon get to the point of the conversation.
“They also keep trying to set me up with their friends as if I need a rebound when I would really rather stay single,” Max groans, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. Your furrow your eyebrows, wondering where this could be going.
Max glances up, eyes avoiding yours at all costs, “I was wondering if you could, maybe..”
Max trails off, wincing slightly. You stare straight ahead at him blankly, waiting for him to finish his request. He does eventually mumble something under his breath and you lean forward, eyebrows raised.
Max grumbles, annoyed and you roll your eyes at the attitude of the man disrupting your own night.
“Could you pretend to be my girlfriend for a while?” Max rushes out, hands carding through his hair nervously, “Just long enough for the guys to leave me alone, you don’t even have to do anything, maybe just come to Brazil and Monaco-“
Max continues to ramble on for a few seconds, words seeming to fall out of his mouth unceremoniously before he’s cut off by you interrupting him.
“Max!” You raise your voice slightly in an attempt to talk to over him. Max freezes, looking at your face for the first time since he’s crashed through your front door, “I’ll do it.”
He stares at you blankly for a few moments, trying to process your words, “Really?”
You shrug, teeth digging into your lip as you turn your head toward the large window across the room that overlooked the darkened city of Monte Carlo, “Why not? You’re my friend. Plus I work remotely and who doesn’t want to travel around the world to all those different cities?”
Max’s face lights up at your response, his lips forming a huge grin. He rolls over into a lying position, practically star-fishing on your couch, “Thank you so much! I owe you one.”
You hum, fighting the smile on your lips as you watch him close his eyes calmly. You slip up from the couch quietly, padding over to the kitchen to grab something.
“Where are you going? Did I scare you off already?” You hear Max call as you walk away. As you walk back over, his eyes are still closed though, signaling that he didn’t really think he’d scared you off.
He does open his eyes as you set the bowl of leftover pasta and a fork on his chest before grabbing your own and sitting down, grabbing the remote to press play. He glances over as you settle into the couch and move your blanket over your lap before he sits up. You take a bite of your pasta as you continue to watch your show. Max takes a second but he eventually digs in as well, sitting up in order to grasp the bowl better.
Even after the pastas finished, you both sit back on the couch in order to finish the show. You glance over at Max, his eyes still locked onto the screen.
What had you gotten yourself into?
“Are you ready?”
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you sit in the passengers seat of Max’s car, the hoards outside having no idea what was waiting for them inside. You slide your sunglasses onto your nose, hoping they’d hide at least a little bit of the anxiety flowing through you.
You nod, turning your head toward Max in the drivers seat, “Yeah, I’m good.”
Max hums, not entirely convinced but also aware he had no other option but to believe you considering he’s the one who’d asked you to do this. He opens his door, stepping out and sliding his own sunglasses on. You watch as he walks around the front of the car before stopping in front of your door and pulling it open. You pause for a moment but eventually step out, trying not to wince as the bright sun hits you.
You immediately step into his path, falling into stride next to him as you both walk toward the entrance. You hear the car lock behind you and watch Max pocket the keys.
The bright Miami sun beats down on your skin, causing you to wish you’d opted for a thinner shirt. Max had originally proposed for your first race to be Monaco but you had decided it was better to appear earlier than later for his sake. Plus, you’d always enjoyed Miami and were up for the idea of traveling there. You’d also originally planned to buy your own plane tickets but Max was quick to shut that one down.
As you both approached the turnstiles, Max pulls his lanyard out of his pocket. You don’t even notice as he pulls you inside the paddock, too busy trying not to notice the cameras surrounding you. Flashes come from all around you, the incessant clicks echoing through your head.
You finally do notice that Max hasn’t let go of your hand after he pulled you into the paddock. You grasp his hand a little tighter and he pulls you closer into his side as a response. When heat starts to rise to your face, you decide to blame it on the Miami sun.
As you both walk toward the Red Bull hospitality, heads turn to watch you walk by. You can feel people’s eyes trailing after you, locked on your unfamiliar form. Everything new in the paddock very quickly became a spectacle. Especially when it involved the current world champion.
You’re sure you’ll see pictures of yourself splashed all across the internet when you wake up in Max’s hotel room the next day. You’re sure your mom will send you whatever article they’ll attach your name to, no doubt hounding you for information about your new celebrity “boyfriend”.
You’d been curled up in Max’s hotel room the whole weekend, occasionally dipping out to get food with him between events. He’d wanted you to come to the track since Thursday but you weren’t entirely sure you were ready to step out as “Max Verstappens new girlfriend” until you’d woken up Sunday morning.
You’d woken up before Max, somehow. As you laid in your plush hotel room bed, you could hear Max’s soft breathing from the other bed filtering through the silence of the morning. Just outside the window, the city of Miami was waking up. At least, the early birds were.
You and Max had slept in the same room enough over the years, Max randomly crashing at your place pretty often, that when he suggested you getting a different room, you’d immediately turned him down. You were telling yourself it was just because it was nice to have the comfort of a friend but something deep down knew that that wasn’t the only reason.
You let the only sounds be his breathing and the light hum of the air on unit for a few more minutes while you woke up. You slid out of the bed as silently as possible, your feet padding quietly against the carpeted floor. You pull the door open to the balcony slowly, stepping out before closing it behind you. The sun is still pretty low in the sky but it still makes you flinch as it seeps into your eyes.
You sink into one of the two chairs out on the balcony, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your chin on top, letting your thoughts run wild.
You watch Miami move below you, the sun slowly shining down brighter and brighter, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink.
You weren’t entirely sure why you’d agreed to this idea so quickly. With every day that passed, you wished more and more that you hadn’t. Doubt seeped through you with every second you watched Max from the hotel television. He was just so good at his job and such a cool, wonderful person and athlete. How could you keep up with him? The press would be insistent and non-stop invasive. Fans would, no doubt, dogpile on you as well, both warning to know everything about you as well as rip you apart. You start to wonder if there was a single positive of this for you.
The door slides open behind you and you can hear Max moving onto the balcony beside you. You don’t glance over, only moving your gaze away from the skyline as a mug is held in front of your face. You glance down at it, spotting the coffee inside before you grasp the mug out of his hands gently. The ceramic warms your hands, the steam from the liquid splaying across your face.
“There was only those little creamer pods,” Max hums as he takes a sip of his own mug, leaning against the bannister in front of you, “Hope that’s okay.”
You chew at your lip, taking a sip of your own mug, humming lightly as your gaze locks on his back, “That’s fine, thanks.”
You’d usually take your coffee with milk and a spoonful of sugar but you’d had enough gas station or hotel room coffee that you’d be able to survive with just the creamer pods.
You watch Max’s side profile as he stares out at the city, the sun bouncing off the edges and planes of his face and perfectly lighting up his eyes. You bask in quiet that settles between you, sipping at your coffee periodically. You don’t quickly forget the kindness of his gesture. Actually, the action stays in your head for longer than it probably should, mind running wild as you think about his motives.
You dismiss it, though, not wanting to linger on something that probably meant nothing.
“You coming to the race today?” Max turns around to face you, his back leaning against the rail he’d just been looking out over.
Your eyes trace him as he turns, evaluating his early morning form. As you look at this man, your friend, you think about the coffee in your hands. You think about the times he’d dogsat Apollo despite hating dogs, the days he’d come over just to keep you company when you were homesick, when he’d attempted to cook you soup when you’d been sick despite his complete inability to cook soup, you even think back to the first day you’d met when he’d helped you move in despite having known you for all of thirty seconds.
As all those memories passed through your mind, you suddenly remember why you’d agreed to do this in the first place.
“Yeah, I am,” you reply, taking a long sip of your coffee and hiding your grin as one of his own makes its way onto his lips.
That had been earlier that morning and know you were sat in Red Bull, watching as Max’s car passes the finish line in second. You’d been biting your nails the whole time, worry seeping through you. You weren’t the biggest formula 1 nerd but Max had forced you to watch enough old races for you to get what was going on. You’d even started watching his races when he was gone, something that had taken you months to admit.
Because of Max’s insistence, you knew enough to grimace as the safety car came out. You were right to grimace, of course, as Lando was quick to pass your friend, taking the lead and the win. Max, for what it’s worth, didn’t seem too angry about the result. You were aware of Landos lack of wins, seeing why his winning would make everyone happy, even the losers. Not that you were too happy, you’d only ever and only ever would cheer for Max, even if Lando was deserving of a win of his own.
Max doesn’t get asked about you during interviews. At least, not directly. He gets asked how life had been and he answers with a vague answer about love and how great life has been. You know he’s talking out of his ass but you’re grinning anyway, not able to hold back you mind from thinking about a world where everything he was saying was true.
“Landos gonna have a big celebration,” Max starts as he gets back to you after the podium, walking you both back toward his room so he can change, “He’ll probably be awake for the next 72 hours.”
You smile lightly, resting a tired head against his sweaty shoulder, “Good for him, seems like he really deserves it.”
Max nods with a pleasant look on his face, “Yeah, I’m not even that mad about losing. Nothing I could’ve done really. Im just glad he got his win.”
You nod, taking a breath in order to hold back the yawn threatening to leave your mouth, “You should go to his party, I’ll just go grab some dinner and head back to get some sleep.”
You both stop as you reach his room, Max facing you as he leans back against the door to open it. You notice the deep furrow in his eyebrows as he locks eyes with you, “What are you talking about?”
You furrow your own eyebrows as a response, tilting your head to the side, “You should go celebrate with your friend? Go have fun, Max!”
He shakes his head as he enters the room, quickly gathering his things to go take a quick shower, “Why would I celebrate a loss with a coworker when I can get some quality time with a friend instead? I’d rather celebrate a win with you instead of a loss without you. Trust me, you’ll be there to see me win.”
You’re already at a loss for words at his response but your rendered speechless as Max pulls his fireproofs off, tossing the shirt to the side passively. He turns away from you and you watch his muscles ripple under his skin, your face hearing greatly. His arms flex as he reaches for something and you have to bite your lip to keep your mouth closed. Your eyes are wide as he turns to glance over his shoulder at you, “That okay?”
At the risk of sounding like an idiot if you attempt to respond with words, you simply nod, eyes moving toward the floor. You don’t notice the smirk that forms on his lips as he catches your stare.
“I’m gonna shower and then we can leave,” he calls out over his shoulder as he walks into his bathroom. Your eyes are still locked onto the floor. You hear the sound of water pattering against the floor just after the door shuts.
You take a large sip of your water bottle, trying to wet your drying throat and keep the heat in your face at bay. You feel like you might be going crazy, the image of Max’s shirtless back etched into your mind.
Jesus Christ.
“What do you wanna watch?” Max mumbles through a mouth full of pizza, his hand coming up to covering it as he speaks.
You shrug, “I don’t know.”
Max shrugs as well, grabbing the remote off the nightstand and passively flickering through the channels as he swallows his bite of pizza, “Come get some food.”
He gestures toward the box of pizza on the edge of his bed with the remote, glancing toward you sitting in your own bed, watching him instead of the tv. You slide off the bed, taking the few steps it takes to get to his own and gently settling on the side he wasn’t currently sitting on.
Max watches you move, humming as you grasp a piece from the pizza box before he turns his attention back to the screen. You don’t notice as he settles on a movie, too busy trying not to absolutely scarf down the food in your hand.
Your eyes do leave the slice to glance over at Max, legs outstretched with his back firmly against the headboard. He’s wearing a Red Bull hoodie, even managing to wear team merch in his own bedroom. He’s also got some old basketball shorts, a faded logo sitting on the upper thigh that, no matter how much you try, you can’t understand.
You look away when you hear the familiar sound of Lightning McQueen echoing out of the television speakers. You quickly catch sight of the Italian formula car, deducing that Max has chosen Cars 2, of all movies.
You try your best not to laugh but a giggle escapes you anyway, causing you to bury your head in your shoulder to try and hide your grin.
“What?” Max asks you and you look forward again, eyes locked onto the movie, “What’s so funny?”
Your head turns toward the driver who’s grin is now matching your own, “You chose probably the only movie on here that uses the words “Grand Prix” can’t even get away from racing in your hotel room.”
He feigns offense for a few moments before reaching forward to grab another piece of pizza and sliding down into more of a lying position, “It’s a good movie.”
You both turn to the screen for a few moments but the second Lewis Hamilton’s voice rings out in the silence, you laugh loudly, Max groaning beside you.
You quickly dissolve into giggles, trying your hardest to reign it in but when you look over and see the amused frown on Max’s face, you’re right back into it again, Max laughing in response.
You both do eventually settle down, watching the movie and eating your food together. Even after the pizza box is empty and max moves to set it on the table, you don’t move from your spot, using the reasoning that it’s just easier to see the screen from his bed.
You try not to notice the proximity between you. You’d been holding hands all day and you’d pressed several kisses to his cheeks and forehead, being near him shouldn’t bother you. But when you shift slightly closer just to get more comfortable and Max’s arm falls down over your shoulder, you freeze, keeping as still as you can.
He doesn’t move his arm through the rest of the movie. Not that you’d know, considering you drift off with about half an hour to go. But Max doesn’t notice that either, considering how he fell asleep just after.
You wake up before him again the next morning, don’t the same thing you’d done the day before and walking out to the balcony. Max does the same thing he did as well, walking out with two mugs grasped gently in his grip.
When you take the mug from him, you try not to think about the fact you’d woken up limbs tangled with his and your face pressed into his chest.
The São Paulo Grand Prix.
It had been 6 months of this charade with Max. That’s right, you’d managed to suffer through 6 whole months of pretending to be his girlfriend. There’s been countless headlines from various news sites, trying their best to figure out every single detail about your life and relationship with Max.
The only thing keeping your mind together was the root of the problem himself and your prolonged roommate, Max.
He was actually really lovely. Every time you suggested a different room for his sake, you’d end up right where you were the week before, in a bed across from his. You’d also kept the same morning routine every day, waking up before Max and sitting out on the balcony until he brought coffee out for both of you.
He’d eventually gotten to a point where he sat in the chair next to you as opposed to standing up and leaning against the railing. There was still little conversation, though, you both enjoying the silence of an early morning instead.
This specific morning, you were watching the city of São Paulo move along below you. Goosebumps raised slightly as the wind-chilled November air nipped at the skin on your arms. The sun hadn’t completely rose yet and the previous nights rain had left the air colder than it should’ve been. You found yourself rubbing your hands over your arms and wishing you’d worn something other than a t-shirt.
The door slides open behind you and you take the mug as it’s placed in your eye line, grateful for the heat of the mug to warm up your cold hands. You lower your face toward the mug, letting the steam warm up your wind-chilled skin. You go to take a sip but it burns at your lips when you tilt the mug, causing you to set it down on the small table in order for it to cool for a few moments.
After you set it down, something lands in your lap. You look down, holding the item up and quickly recognizing it as one of Max’s Red Bull hoodies. You glance over at him but he’s still looking out over the city below, sipping passively at his mug of black coffee.
You look back down at the item of clothing, glancing between it and the owner for a few seconds before deciding to slip it on, your cold skin winning out over any reasonable thought that would tell you not to wear it.
The hoodies too big for you and it smells like Max but you don’t really seem to mind either of those things. Especially as your skin heats as the fabric passes over it.
Once you’ve got the hoodie on, you pick up your coffee again, blowing on it slightly to cool it down. You raise the cup to your lips, letting the warm liquid flow into your mouth.
You hum at the taste, quickly noticing that it tastes different than usual. You furrow your eyebrows, taking another sip. The oh-so wonderful taste that you’d missed so dearly over the past 6 months takes over your tastebuds. The taste of real milk and sugar.
You hum pleasantly, grasping the cup tightly. You glance over toward the man who’d handed you the drink, “Is this milk and sugar?”
Max glances toward you for a split-second before he looks back over the city, taking a sip of his own coffee, “Yeah, that’s how you like it, right? You always drink it like that back home.”
You ignore the jolt in your stomach when Max refers to the Monaco apartments as a shared home. You bite your lip with an affirmative hum, “Where’d you get milk and sugar?”
“Couldn’t sleep last night, went for a walk. There’s a corner store down the block and I picked some up,” Max says it casually, like it’s not the most considerate anyone had been of you, maybe ever.
You stare at him for a few moments, trying to ignore the warm feeling in your chest as you imagine him thinking about you enough to buy coffee ingredients the way you liked them.
As you sat outside, in his hoodie, sipping on the coffee he had made and handed to you, you finally accept what you’d been trying to deny for six months, if not longer.
You were in love with Max Verstappen.
You longed for the domesticity that was so present on mornings like these. You wanted to live this life with him all the time. You didn’t just want to fall asleep beside him after a race but you wanted to be able to press your lips against his when he won instead of the light touches you’d flutter against his cheek. You wanted to wear his hoodies all the time, not just when you were cold and forgot one of your own. You wanted to stop pretending in front of his friends. You wanted the hushed whispers to be sweet nothings instead of scheming and planning.
You wanted this life with him. All the time.
“Max-” you start but you’re quickly cut off by Max as he speaks instead.
“My ex is going to be at this race,” he states and you close your mouth, deflating slightly as you look away, “Just wanted to prepare you in case we run into her. You could also, um, probably stop coming once you scare her off.”
You nod meekly, taking a sip of your coffee. What had once been your idea of a sanctuary with the silence of the morning is now too quiet, allowing your thoughts to be the only noise in your head, images of Max’s ex rolling around aimlessly.
You stand up quickly, taking rushed steps back into the room. You down the last sips of your coffee and slide it onto the table, moving hurriedly around the room to gather your things for a shower. You vaguely notice Max walking back into the room with a confused look but you don’t even look up as you rush into the bathroom, “I’m taking a shower.”
“Okay?” Max says as you close the door behind you. You don’t notice the frown on his face as he disappears from view.
You’re too busy throwing off his hoodie and turning the shower to practically scalding heat, trying your hardest to rid yourself of thoughts about a life with Max, thoughts of his ex-girlfriend or thoughts about the stupid coffee he’d handed you and how stupid you were to be reading so much into it.
For a moment there, you’d thought that Max was enjoying this as much as you were. But his words were quick to remind you that you were only there to do a favour for him. He is only there to get his friends and his ex off his back. After that, you were free to go. It even vaguely sounded like Max didn’t want you to come back around the next weekend.
Why else would he have said that? Why else would he have suggested you stop coming? Especially just after talking about his ex. It was a stark reminder that you were only a tool for him to mess with his ex. She was the one he’d loved, you were just a girl he knew.
You stay under the scalding water long enough for the mirrors to fog and your fingertips to prune. Your cuticles sting from where the hot water had made its way into the raw skin, the cuts still fresh from where you’d been anxiously picking at them.
You only pull yourself from the water when you start to sway from the heat, your head going light and an ache echoing through your skull.
A few hours later, you’re by Max’s side again, although there’s a slightly larger distance between you than usual.
That would change soon, no doubt, when Max spotted his ex, pulling you close to attempt to show his devotion to your fake relationship.
But for now, you're an arms-length away, hoping that pushing him away would also push away your own feelings.
Max can't grasp even an idea as to why you were acting like this. Did you really want this to be over that badly? He knew he'd mentioned the idea of your… situation ending but he didn't think you'd be this eager to get away from him.
At the first camera flash, you take a step closer to Max, knowing how even the smallest hint of discontent between you would be twisted for headlines and it would end with your concerned mother calling you fifty times to check on your relationship after seeing an article on Facebook.
So you step closer, reaching over to intertwine your hands. Max doesn't resist and you try not to read into the gentle squeeze he replies with.
Brazils nice. Or at least, you assume. You'd been too distracted to take much notice. But you do notice the fans yelling from all around. Lively crowds sway and shout in the distance, hues of blue and black and orange all represented amongst the groups.
Max leads you through the paddock, determination clear in his steps. It was most likely just his own determination not to talk to anyone, especially a certain ex-girlfriend.
You both get to Red Bull without an unwanted interaction and the second you're out of the public eye, you're dropping his hand, none the wiser to the confused look on the driver's face.
The tension's palpable in his small room. Awkward conversation flows, your words biting and curt. Neither of you wants to address the obvious undertones your words contain. One of hostility and unshared secrets. But you manage to survive until Max has to leave to get ready for the race and you follow just a few minutes later, making your way to watch said race.
The race is fine. Max wins, but you were never in doubt about that. He was starting from pole, it'd be pretty hard for him to lose. Lando finished just a few seconds behind him, having closed the gap a bit after getting past George.
As the team starts to leave to go greet Max, Christian Horner pulls you along, saying something about Max wanting you at the barrier after the race. You're sure its just so he can put on a show for his ex.
But you follow along anyway, trying not to stumble in your heels as Christian walks along a lot faster than you'd want to.
You pass through other teams and friends and guests or the drivers, waving slightly at people you’d gotten to know over the past six months. The thought of not seeing any of these people again after you and Max faked a breakup made your stomach hurt but you ignore it, trying to tell yourself it was for the better.
When Christian reaches the team, he guides you both through the crowd, smiling politely at the engineers as he slides by.
It seems you both reach the barrier just in time, as Max is parking when you come to a stop. You watch as he pulls himself out of the car, cheering a bit to the fans around as he stands atop it. When he pulls off his helmet and balaclava, you try your hardest not to smile at the pure joy on his face.
He glances over his shoulder at something you can't see before he turns and catches your eye, quickly moving in your direction. Before you can even say a word, he's set his helmet down and wrapped both his hands around the sides of your face, pulling it toward his own. His lips are warm, the heat of the race still emanating off of him. You dismiss the sweat in his hair as you wrap a hand softly around the nape of his neck, tangling your fingers in his locks. Your other hand rests on the side of his face, your thumb tracing the marks his helmet had left around his eyes.
You pull away first, glancing up into his eyes with a gentle smile, “Good job, you did amazing Max.”
His face heats and he glances away with a light chuckle, “Thank you, baby. I'm glad you're here.”
You wish he'd stop calling you that. At least for the sake of your heart jumping in your chest every time he does.
He looks away but your eyes are still firmly locked on the side of his face, tracing the familiar path around his features that they'd forged over the past six months. The same path they took every morning when you watched him look out over whatever city you were in that weekend. The same path they took when he fell asleep first during a movie in hopes of memorizing every detail before you slunk back into your own bed to fall asleep, the image of his face still etched into your mind.
But as you stare up at Max, trying to memorize the puzzle pieces of his face while he talks to Christian, you realize how futile of an endeavour it is. Not matter how hard you try, you'll never get the slope of his nose just right in your memories. You'll never get the right shade of turquoise for his eyes. The sandy-dark-blond of his hair will fade away until it was nothing in your mind but the shade of your coffee in the morning instead of the colour of his hair.
Maybe you should find a different apartment. Surely, Monaco had a different apartment complex that was far enough away from Max to rid yourself of the incessant thoughts of him that constantly plagued your love-adled brain.
Throughout all of that, you’d almost forgotten you were in love with him.
But when Max turns back to you, a glint in his eyes and a bright smile gracing his lips, you're suddenly all too aware of that fact.
“I’ll see you in a minute, yeah?”
You nod, smile slowly drifting as he walks away to get weighed and do all the usual post-race theatrics.
Christian pats his hand on your shoulder firmly, smiling as you turn around, “Let’s get to the podium, kid.”
You let Christian lead you away, yet again making his way through the crowd to get you both to the front.
The podium celebration is cute, Max’s happiness practically contagious. Lando and George are enthralled as well, the Brits both happy to back on the podium once again.
But when Max leans over to spray the champagne on the team, you put your hands over your face as Christian laughs beside you, both of you trying to avoid the sticky liquid as much as possible.
You peel away from the crowd after Max walks off, trying to find your way to wherever Max had gone.
As you'd left, you'd wandered away from Christian, who knew the paddock much better than you did. This was your first time here and you found yourself looking around for any sign of the Red Bull driver or, at least, a familiar face who could point you in the right direction.
It takes you a few minutes to gain your bearings but when you hear the familiar sound of Max’s voice, you go that direction, turning a corner to see his face.
And you do see him, post-race glow and all. But it's not just him you find. Standing entirely too close to him with her hand resting on his shoulder, is Max’s ex-girlfriend. She's smiling warmly, nodding animatedly at whatever it is Max is saying. Which, from constantly talking to him, you know is not worth the reaction she's giving him.
He's glancing around, clearly not comfortable with the situation. You huff, looking around before conceding and walking over to the pair. Were you maybe taking your time a little bit? Yeah, but you really didn't want to do this.
You roll your eyes when you catch Max’s eye and a relieved look rolls over his face, “Hey, baby.”
Max uses your arrival as an excuse to take a step back, swinging his arm around your shoulder. He's still covered in champagne and sweat but you ignore it, “Hey, Max.”
You finally glance up to meet the eye of the woman in front of you, her eyes narrowed as she looks between you, “Oh my god, hi! You must be Max’s ex!”
She rolls her eyes before smiling tightly with a nod of her head, “Yeah, I am. You must be his new girlfriend.”
You hum affirmatively, smiling wide as you glance over to the man beside you, “I am, yeah. He's just so perfect. We’re so happy together!”
She narrows her eyes again, glancing you up and down before her eyes stop on your face. You roll your head to the side to rest your temple on his shoulder, resting one of your hands against his chest.
“Well, I’m happy you moved on, Max,” She says, turning her entire attention to the man in question, “You seem… perfect together.”
Max gleams, nodding as he leans in to kiss your cheek, “Yeah, I’m really happy.”
His ex chews on her bottom lip for a few moments before huffing and moving away, turning to shout over her shoulder as she walks away, “Have a great life, Max!”
“Thanks, I guess!” Max replies, laughing as soon as the woman is out of earshot. He pulls away from your side, turning to fully face you.
“Thank you!” Max cheers, grasping your shoulders with his hands, “Did you see her face? She was so pissed that I'd moved on.”
You hum, letting him be happy by himself while you stood quietly, “Yeah, you're welcome.”
You peel away from Max, turning to go back to the car park so you can leave. You don't say anything to Max before you walk away, leaving him to jog to catch up to you.
“You okay?” He asks once he's by your side again. You glance over, catching the concerned look on his face.
“Yeah,” you nod curtly, looking back ahead, “Yeah, I'm fine.”
He doesn't seem convinced but he leaves it be, turning away as well.
He pretends not to notice when you coincidentally step away after he tries to grab your hand.
While Max debriefs, you text one of your friends to ask if you could stay with her for a few days when you got back to Monaco. After this fake relationship was over, you needed to get away from Max for a while just to try and push away the growing feelings you have for the Dutch man.
And with the departure of Max’s ex, you'd served your purpose and you could finally get out of Max’s life and give him the solitude he so longed for.
The ride back to the hotel is quiet, the only noise being the sound of your nails tapping against the screen of your phone. Max glances over periodically but you eventually set your phone down, choosing to stare out the window as the dark streets of Brazil pass by quickly.
When you get back to the hotel, you open the car door before Max can get it for you like he usually does. He sends you another glance, trailing passively behind as you walk in front of him. You both pass through the lobby and the elevator, your steps determined and much quicker than Max really wanted to be walking.
He's still riding the high of his win and the defeat of his ex-girlfriend but you're in your own mind, too sick to your stomach to be happy for him.
You pull out the spare room key when you arrive at the room, pressing it against the sensor before shoving the door open roughly, letting it fall against Max behind you who catches it.
You toss the key on the table by the door and set your phone down beside it. You still don't turn around as you throw the jacket he had let you borrow down on his bed.
"What is your problem?" You hear Max’s voice ring out in the otherwise quiet room. Annoyance paints his words, causing you to pause for a split-second.
"I don't have a problem." You say, cringing when you catch how much of a lie it sounds. You move on, though, pulling your suitcase out from under the bed and unzipping it.
Max scoffs, raising a disbelieving eyebrow, "Are you sure? Because it really feels like you do."
"It's nothing, Max." You reply sharply, walking into the attached bathroom, grateful to get away from his gaze for a second.
You come back out, your toiletry bag in hand. You set it down in your suitcase and stand up, walking over to the closet and pulling your clothes off the rack. The sound of the hangers hitting together echoes through your head, only contributing to the headache that had been growing since your revelation that morning.
Max finally catches onto what you're doing and speaks, his voice almost panicked, "What are you doing?"
"What, already? Why?" You try not to be swayed by the hurt in his voice, turning around and walking past him to set your clothes down in your case.
He follows you over, stepping closer as you stand up. You try and step past him but he puts his arm out, stopping you in your tracks. You concede with a sigh, finally looking him in his eyes.
"It doesn't matter, Max.”
"But it does! What's wrong?" You finally step past him, on your way to go gather the rest of your things but his question makes you turn your head as you walk away.
"Max! It doesn't matter!" You immediately regret how loud your voice is but this wasn't exactly the time to be thinking about the people next door.
Max shakes his head, following you as you walk toward the doot in order to grab your shoes, "No, no, no. You've been like this all day and I can't think of a reason why. Do you really want to get away from me that badly?"
Your face twists, causing you to shake your head as you walk away, praying he wont follow you this time, "No, Max, that's not-"
He doesn't completely follow you but he does step a bit closer, shaking his head with a loud groan, "Then enlighten me! What could possibly happened in the past day that's making you act like this? Why are you leaving? Why won't you tell me? I thought we were supposed to be in this together! Why are you-"
"Because I'm in love with you, Max!" You shout, finally turning to face him as you say it, making eye contact with him for the first time since you'd walked in.
Silence falls between you and you toss your shoes down, covering your face with one of your hands. For a second, you think that Max might never respond, your stomach turning at the thought.
How hard could it be to find a different apartment in Monaco?
"What?" Max’s voice is soft and you look back to him, trying to will your frustrated tears not to fall.
"I'm in love with you! I fell in love with you and I know you don't feel the same. You only wanted me to do this to placate your friends and scare away your ex and now im getting out of your hair. I'm leaving you alone like you wanted in the first place,” Tears finally drip down your face and you don't bother to wipe them away, knowing there was only more where they came from. You look away as you explain, eyes locked onto the carpet beneath you, not wanting to face your embarrassment head-on.
"What are you talking about?" At Max’s purely confused tone, you look back to his face, teeth digging sharply into your bottom lip.
His face is soft, confusion etched into the furrow between his brows. Your stomach flips and you swallow, trying to rebuild the confidence you’d had at the start of your outburst.
The hotel room suddenly feels too cold, the air causing you to rub your hands over your shoulders in order to suppress the goosebumps that had started to rise. When you do speak again, your voice is soft, volume just above a whisper.
"This morning. You said I could stop coming after this race. And I did my job, I scared away your ex. You don't need me,” you trail off at the end of your statement, your voice breaking slightly as you shake your head, tears streaming out of your closed eyes and down your cheeks.
You expect Max to agree, to send you away, to end your friendship out of pure embarrassment after your decleration.
But he doesn't.
His voice is soft, just as yours was. His words are hushed but the emotion behind them seeps through every single word.
"I do, though. I do need you."
You look up, eyes widening at his statement. You can do nothing but stare as he steps closer, his hands grasping the sides of your face. Your own hands reach up to hold his wrists, just wanting to hold him someway.
He raises an eyebrow gently, quirking his head to ask for silent permission. You nod and its only a split-second before he's leaning down, pressing his lips against yours.
His hands cradle the back of your head, pulling you impossibly closer. Your heart threatens to beat out of your chest, his kiss causing your brain to practically melt. You mold together, leaning as close to him as you can as your hold conveys months and months of pent-up and hidden emotions.
As he pulls away, your lips want to chase his but you hold back, your eyes flickering open as he leans his forehead against yours. Neither of your speak for a few moments, silence settling between the two of you ask you bask in the adoration between you.
Max’s hand drifts back to your jaw, his thumb drifting across your cheekbone passively. You see his eyes look up and you glance up as well, catching his sparkling gaze in yours.
“I love you,” the words tumble out of his mouth, falling smoothly out of the lips you oh-so wished he would press against your own once again, “I'm in love with you. I fell for you during this whole thing, everything about you.”
You go to respond but he cuts you off, shaking his head lightly.
“I only told you that you could stop coming because I thought you'd grown tired of all this,” he takes a deep breath before continuing, leaning slightly into your hand that had drifted into his hair, “But I'm kind of glad I did.”
You furrow your eyebrows, quirking your head. Max pauses, allowing you the chance to admire every feature of his face, turning his freckles into constellations that you'd willingly stargaze in for hours. His hair is tousled from where your fingers had tangled in it and his lips are red from being pressed against yours. His teeth dig into said lip as he thinks before responding. You'd honestly be fine if he never finished his thought and you got to just look at him forever.
But he does finish his thought, the look in his eyes making your heart jump, "Because I don't want to pretend anymore."
You wait a moment, giving him the chance to take it back in case this was a joke, in case he didn't really mean it. But he doesn't take it back, he doesn't laugh.
And so you nod, "I want to do this with you for real, Max. I don't want to lie to anyone anymore, I want to celebrate with you after a race, not because people expect me to, but because I love you."
Max lights up, his face splitting into a wide grin at your words. Before you can react, his arms are around you and your feet are lifted off the ground as Max basically throws you onto the bed beside you.
Your laugh echoes through the hotel room, punctuated by the sound of Max flopping down next to you. You continue to giggle, glancing down to meet Max’s eyes, a special glint shining through.
You calm down after a few seconds as Max continures to gaze at you. When silence finally comes over you, Max leans up to rest on his elbows as you sit up slightly to look down at him.
“I love you too, by the way,” He says softly, “Dont know if you noticed.”
You hum, biting your lip to hold back your laugh, “I assumed so, yeah.”
You laugh as Max huffs, reaching a hand up to pull you down beside him, “Shut up.”
And you do, going quiet as your lips meet his. Later that night, as your both lying in bed, together this time, you fall asleep with your head against his chest, basking in the long-lastint but newly-confessed love between you.
The next morning, you wake up before Max, as you'd done so often. You slip out of his hold and pad over softly to the balcony, sliding on one of his hoodies before you open the sliding door.
You sink into one of the two chairs, looking out over the city of Sao Paulo as it slowly wakes up. The sun peeks out over the horizon, adding light to the previously dark morning.
Eventually, the door slides open behind you and you don’t even have to look to know it’s Max. But you look anyway, happy to take any chance to observe the man.
You take the mug from his offering hand, grasping the warm ceramic tightly. Max doesn’t walk over to the railing, instead moving toward the chair next to you. Before he sits down, he slides it over, pushing it as close to your chair as it could go. He sits down and you twist to sit sideways, leaning your legs over the arm of the chair. Max gently pulls your ankles over his chair to rest in his lap before he takes a long sip of his coffee.
You take a long sip of your own mug as well, letting the taste of the coffee coat your throat and warm your heart.
Milk and sugar, just the way you like it.
Tags: @evie-119 @casperlikej
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satoruhour · 1 year
the racer toji smut won’t leave me alone so here is my additional brainrot bc my sister in christ we must suffer together <3
what about fem!reader who’s bf is a total ass bc he dragged her to the races but ignores her for the whole night bc he’s too busy showing off to the other guys and makes fun of her for not knowing shit about cars. she went to support him but he’s being so shitty and she goes to sulk alone near some quiet part.
a little boy comes to join her and he introduces himself as megumi, he hates crowds and loud noises so he sits with reader for a while, until his daddy comes along and his daddy is hot. toji introduces himself, asking what a pretty girl is doing alone in these parts and offers to show her his car but out from nowhere comes slimy bf who just embarrases himself trying to kiss toji’s ass and reader is like i need to break up with him
but ofc toji puts him in his place and tells him his gf is way out his league, and a real man would never leave his girl alone the entire night. it shuts him up fr and toji, megumi and reader leave to go check out some cars bc it’s nice to actually have someone tell you all about the cars instead of being made fun of for not knowing
the rest is obvs history bc megumi loves hanging out with reader and toji can’t keep his eyes off her. and vice versa hehe
a/n: jelly ur mind >>>>> also how did i write a whole FIC about this omfg im sick. i claim i dont like toji then write like this 💀💀 + can u tell how much i love making fun of incompetent men by the way i talk about reader’s shitty boyfriend cause youd be right. i hate men. ✶ / 2.2k
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the stuffy parking lot had been a routine place for you at this point, taking the familiar route past shibuya 109 and into miyamasu-zaka avenue. you’re not entirely pumped to be in the car beside your boyfriend right now, who’s talking loudly and obnoxiously into his phone, but that isn’t what is irking you right now. you’re more worried when you reach there, sure to come face to face with his equally obnoxious friends who just can’t shut up about their cars.
it would be fine if they were being cocky and could back up their modifications and NOS with proper results from racing, but they were all losers, both figuratively and literally. you sigh for the umpteenth time when daisuke asks if you cancelled the dinner with your friends because he was going to celebrate his ‘sure’ win and you stifle the urge to laugh. sometimes you wonder why you’re still here.
“we’re here babe, c’mon, get out. i’ll go park the car and come back to get you,” as daisuke tells you this, he’s patting your thigh like you’re a dog, smiling his stupid smile and your brows knit together.
“can’t you just drive to wherever you’re parking?”
“ahh… no can do, baby — my parking’s somehow better when you’re not stressin’ me out in the passenger seat.” what were you doing dating a man who couldn’t even park? you groan into your hands, picking up your bag and exiting the vehicle, making sure to slam the door extra hard even if you’ll be getting a lecture later about harming his ‘baby’.
he’s perfectly fine watching your tantrum and doesn’t say anything except for continuing to smile, driving off without a care as he looks for a parking spot. thankfully you could save your face a little, since you were still early to the meet, a minimal amount of people lingering around the abandoned parking lot in their miniskirts and tights and tramp stamps — a look you definitely would’ve loved to try out if not for your boyfriend telling you you can’t show off your legs.
it’s like he has some personal vendetta against you, but really you think it’s just because he saved you from an unfavourable situation before and while at the time you expressed mutual feelings for him, he just might be holding you hostage with that favour he did for you, unconsciously feeling terrible if you were to leave him.
a few minutes pass, and then ten, and you’re waiting for a full fifteen minutes against a wall, all the while the classic crowd of tokyo is trickling into the car park, cars driving in slowly and you’re dreading every time someone enters, sure that you’re being judged for being daisuke’s significant other. and when the waiting time finally hits twenty, you’re taking matters into your own hands and turning the corner where he drove.
just to see him conversing with his loser friends who were already somehow there, showing off their own cars which they spent money on for nothing and laughing up a storm. you lug your body over, because while you were still somehow okay with daisuke, you couldn’t stand his friends.
“babe! ah, my bad, should’ve texted you that the boys were already here and that i was with ’em,” his affection was limited to just a hand on your waist, not wanting to look like a softie in front of them, “we were just talking about our updated NOS, or ‘nitrous oxide system’ for my cute baby who couldn’t remember it the first time.”
all you can do is burn in embarrassment as they laughed, ridiculing you for the mistake you made ages ago about the terminology of street racing that sometimes you couldn’t exactly grasp. you did your best each time, sometimes googling things about racing that you wouldn’t know otherwise, but because it was still pretty illegal in japan, it was difficult to find the specific terms they used. but with how much your boyfriend teaches you (as condescending as it was), you probably could’ve written an essay.
and it wasn’t a one-time thing either, from smacking your hand off the stick shift to pestering you about closing the car door more gently, you’re soon to reach your limit.
“yeah, i know what a NOS is, bitch.” you mumble under your breath, turning away from him as he continued joking with his boys before one of them shouted out someone else’s name, hiroshi, you heard and they all pile over each other like excited dogs, seeing his new and improved Mitsubishi Eclipse, a bright, striking green and your boyfriend follows them easily.
throughout the different races of the evening and the excitement, you’re left chasing after your boyfriend who can’t help but sidle up to different racers and their cars, and the dreaded situation you hoped wouldn’t arise, did. daisuke loved asking you questions with confusing numbers and letters, and then laughed in your face when you picked the wrong option.
so when he asked you whether a L72 or a 327 small-block was better for his sorry excuse of a Camaro from 1981, you answered that you knew they had used 327s for Yenko Camaros, but without the knowledge they had discontinued it since it wasn’t optimal performance for the car. “yeah, no, darlin’, they already stopped it and switched to big-blocks after ’69… i thought i taught you this!”
with lips pressed tightly together, you find that you hardly want to be here any longer, body turning hot with shame and tears prickling at your eyes. you don’t chase after daisuke when he walks off and nudges hiroshi about your limited knowledge about cars, hands clenching and unclenching into fists before you’re tugged gently on your jacket sleeve.
in front of you is a young boy, playing with his fingers shyly with a head full of messy black hair and strong features that scrunch up into an anxious expression and you’re squatting and wondering what business a young boy like him had in scenes like this before he’s explaining how he hates the loud music and noises of metal against metal and the sound of tires.
you frown, understanding him immediately as you ask if you can hold his hand to which he nods, “what’s your name, sweetheart?”
“fushiguro… megumi,” he mumbles, flinching when there’s an erupt of cheers from the concluding race.
“oh, honey, let’s go,” you squeeze his hand in solidarity, “let’s sit far away from the action, okay? you like music?”
megumi sniffles a little and nods again, calming down the further he is from all the cars, sitting down on the curb in an area where there’s fewer racers, it being a deadend for the route. soon, you’re fishing out your earphones to insert into his ears, playing a few favourites of yours at a softer volume to drown out the noise of the cars. you’re content to find someone as clueless as you in this whole thing, even if the other was a child, and you almost want to chastise his parents for leaving him so vulnerable in a place like this when said parent is looking left and right, jogging while looking for his son.
“that’s my dad…” megumi mumbles with hope in his voice as the man starts to call out for him, expression morphed into worry from the moment he looked down from his car to find megumi gone. the boy’s hands you back your earphones with a slight smile and a ‘thank you’ before running off, and you’re lunging forward just to make sure he’s safe, running a little behind him while he navigates his father’s voice. it seems like he doesn’t have much care for the loud noises when his dad is finally in view because he speeds immediately into his arms before a tall man comes into view, and you’re blessed with seeing this hot-ass dad in a baggy long-sleeved top.
“hey… thank you for lookin’ out for the kid. i’m fushiguro toji,” toji nods towards you in acknowledgement, looking past your face after appreciating it before glancing down to your figure. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”
megumi who was propped up against his shoulder opts to cling to his father’s neck, hiding from the rest of the world while you walk slowly alongside the man, fingers thumbing the strap of your bag to keep your grounded. you were quick to explain that you were here because of your boyfriend, and you swear a glint of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but you don’t give it much thought because soon the man himself is running up to you with a renewed sense of confidence.
it was probably because toji was here; and sure, you knew about fushiguro toji and how much your boyfriend loved him, but you didn’t know how popular he could get, drawing countless pairs of eyes to your interaction. 
“hi! hi, fushiguro toji right?” and you’re already ready for the clownery to start when he opens his mouth, “i’m wakashita daisuke, big fan! any chance you’ll get back into racing?” daisuke is spouting so much shit you can’t even bear to look up but there’s one sentence that has got toji riled up, using just one hand to threaten your boyfriend who looks scared out of his mind. “you’d look so good with a Ford Mustang too, why don’t you sell off that old Corvette you’ve got—”
and soon toji is clutching onto the collar of his shirt, easily pulling him off the ground as the people surrounding you laugh and whoop. seems like you weren’t the only one who hated him.
“that Corvette means something to me, not like that piece of junk you call your Camaro. and at least i treat my car better than how you treat your girlfriend,” he spits the word like it’s venom, “who you can’t even respect as a person.”
daisuke is plopped onto the floor, but toji easily backs him up with a finger to his chest, “laughing like an idiot when she doesn’t know about engines and then saying you taught her — that would reflect your efforts as a teacher, wouldn’t it?” the man smirks when your boyfriend stutters out his answer, the crowd oooh-ing like it’s a free show.
“and then you leave her stranded for the whole night to hang with your boys, in a place where she’s uncomfortable and vulnerable. but you couldn’t give a shit, can’t you? you’re too busy sucking your friends’ cocks to notice.” there’s howls of laughter now (you can’t help but let out a giggle too) with how ruthless toji is being, all the while having a kid on his shoulder, but you imagine megumi is used to these types of altercations by now.
toji leans down to spit in his face, “you disrespect a woman in my eyes, you’re a joke to me.”
he just rolls your eyes, heading off from your stupid boyfriend and toji fully expects you to follow, beckoning you to go with him when you stay rooted. “c’mon, don’t mind him. he didn’t deserve you.” toji mutters, pressing a kiss to megumi’s temple as he leads you away from the scene silently, and you leap at the opportunity to thank him immediately.
“to be fair… i did all the research for my boyfriend,” toji interrupts with ex-, and you laugh, “yeah, ex-. but i’m not entirely opposed to learning about cars. they seem kinda cool.”
“is this your way of telling me you want me to teach you?” what’s a little flirting with a guy, anyway? even the other said it himself, daisuke didn’t deserve you. you nod with a sheepish smile, petting megumi’s head when he rouses from his dad’s shoulder, heart warming at how the young boy shoots you a gleaming smile.
toji shrugs with a little chuckle, “sure.” he’s keen on showing you his Chevrolet Corvette at the other end of the parking lot first, telling you about the specifications and the modifications he made for it to be suitable for drifting. he explains how his Corvette had to be converted to a rear-wheel-drive car, or a RWD to support the heavy stress on the back wheels to make a successful drift turn.
toji tells you the differences between a clutch kick and a shift lock and how to sustain a drift on a sharp turn, excited at finally finding someone who didn’t have a clue about racing. he even offers to show you, but you’re a little too intimidated by being in the passenger seat with him, especially when it’s going at high speeds.
“maybe another day,” you offer and toji picks up on your insinuation, trying to stifle at grin that maybe this attraction wasn’t one-sided. he liked the way you talked to megumi, he liked the way you intently listened about his love for cars, and he couldn’t wait to get you in his car with a hand to your thigh.
“i’ll hold you to your offer, darlin’.” the name sounded so much better coming from his mouth, an attractive smile lining his face before he offered his free arm for you to hang on, gasping silently when you felt how toned his arm was. oh, the late night thoughts you already knew you were gonna have…
“i’ll tell you about the other cars here, let’s go.”
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thirsts and drabble requests are open!
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booquip · 5 months
Hiii uhmm im still super new to tumblr so sorry if the format is wonky. This is kind of my first dabble into fan fiction but I had this idea for quite a while so enjoy!! ( feed back & constructive criticism is always appreciated 😋)
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x fem!Reader x Geto Suguru
Summary: (Set in Highschool) Although looking back on it they realize both had fallen for you the moment they had met you. ( ik this seems pretty Suguru centric right now but trust me we get our moment with Satoru during the hangout)
Word Count: 710
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The boys had fallen for you ever since you walked… well ran into the classroom doors.
The fast paced stomping of your feet could be heard from a mile away as you slammed the door open and ever so rudely interrupted Yaga Sensei’s class. “Excuse me, young la-!” You huffed each word you spoke trying and failing to catch your breath. “ Ahh… my.. a-apologies Yaga Sensei.. Ah sir! You see I was …initially going to arrive early but saw a stray cat and I … just had to feed it. Again apologies sir! ”You bow while still huffing. Yaga sensei sighs before speaking “The least you could do is introduce yourself before so rudely barging in.” You smile before going on your breath finally stabilizing “Oh my apologies sir! My name is L/N Y/N pleasure to meet you all!” As you look back at the three pairs of eyes before you, it’s only then you feel utterly embarrassed blood streaming right up to your face as you notice a boy with sparkling blue eyes and hair that rivaled the color of the clouds (not the ones you’d see on a thunder storm but those that appear biggest and brightest on a beautiful sunny day), along with a beautiful brunette woman.
Both were laughing making no attempts at all to mask their amusement at the spectacle bestowed upon them. While the raven haired boy tried to spare you some dignity by hiding his horrible kept chuckles in his hand ( it had no effect but you appreciated the effort nonetheless).
You sit in the farthest seat possible trying to make yourself unnoticeable for the duration of the class, you look outside the widow and get lost in the breathtaking view of the trees blowing in the beautiful summer wind. The months had just begun to get warmer and the world was looking so bright.
As you were so engrossed in the view Suguru however couldn’t help but spare glances at you all throughout the duration of class. He noticed your lack of attention to the lesson but also the way the sun had hugged your face, highlighting you in such a sensational way, you had looked so peaceful as if the world was crafted with you and you alone in mind. Suguru felt like you were drawing him in, he just had to talk to you, get to know you. So when the bell rang he all but sprinted to your desk, leaving Satoru a bit dazed. He felt bad for interrupting your thoughts but class did end so maybe he was doing you a favor, he tried to reason with himself.
Captivated by the view you didn’t hear the ring of the bell and were nudged by someone. Turning to look you noticed it was the raven haired man, he was much more handsome up close it’s difficult to describe as you think not even the highest quality camera could begin to compose the essence of his beauty. You notice his lips move to speak but your to engrossed in his presence to really notice that he had said something. It’s not until he nudges you again that you finally come back to earth. “ oh my apologies is there something you needed…” It’s only then when you realize you hadn’t captured his- He cuts your thought off.
“ Suguru. Suguru Geto.”
The name suits him you think as beautiful and elegant as the setting sun, ending the day and welcoming the next. He continues his sentence with a hearty chuckle “ I just wanted to inform you class ended about 10 minutes ago, what is it that you are so intensely thinking about?” He hadn’t realized what he blurted out before he quickly tried to save himself. Heat rose to your cheeks once again. How did you not notice? You don’t have time to internally beat yourself up for your lack of awareness before he goes on. “ If you’re not doing anything would you like to come have lunch with us? It’s not everyday we get a transfer student especially so late.”
Who would have thought that a simple invitation such as this one would lead to such a strong and beautiful bond amongst you four…
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
So I was gonna ask for another Angela Giarratana x reader but your request are closed 🥲🥲🥲 but I think we can talk this out *slides you the 1.04$ left in my bank account* but fr if you feel up to it or wanna save this for later feel free to and you don’t have to do it but I was thinking maybe Angela gets jealous when someone from the cast flirts with reader but it’s part of a bit Angela doesn’t know about and maybe they were playing legacy, betrayal or something idk that’s up to you and I know you don’t write smut so maybe like Angela gets jealous and leave hickeys and bite marks on readers neck when there having a water break or something 💁‍♀️ idk just a lil something or write what you want bae it’s up to you not me ❤️❤️ remember 1.04$ has your name on it 😉
Jealousy, Jealousy || Angela Giarratana x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: oneshot where angela finds herself jealous when another member of the cast flirts with you and she decides to let you know that you’re hers
word count: 1.3k
warnings: hickeys
a/n: ahh sorry this took so long babes but i’m so happy to get this request out for you. this is a little bit out of my comfort zone so keep that in mind but i hope you enjoy this!! also im ashamed to admit my smosh games lore is a little rusty so i didn’t include legacy betrayal hope that’s ok!! also i wouldn’t dream of making anyone pay for a fic so forget about it 💋🎀 enjoy!!
“Ok, I’m working on a character,” Amanda said to you as you waited on set for filming to start. 
     “You? A character? Never!” You teased her, feigning shock. You’d been at Smosh since long before Amanda and ever since you’d known her she was always working on one character or another. 
     “Her name’s Annabelle Charlemagne,” she said, already adopting an accent, “and you are absolutely stunning darling, can I buy you a beverage?”
     She was fully in character now, so you played along.
     “I’d be honored,” you batted your eyelashes at her.”
     “I just have never seen such exceptional beauty. I am charmed.” She grabbed your hand and kissed it. 
     You glanced over and saw Angela watching you from afar. Catching you staring  at her she quickly looked away. But not before giving you a wink and a smile. 
     Angela. You two had been dating for a few weeks now, and you couldn’t be happier. But you hadn’t exactly told the rest of the cast yet. You were planning on waiting for the right time, but you hadn’t found it yet. 
     You knew it was killing Angela. You had no problem keeping your relationship a secret. It was easy and safe and you didn’t want to deal with your friends’ thousands of questions just yet. 
      But Angela was not as great at keeping her mouth shut about everything. You knew she wanted to let the cat out of the bag. Or rather, couldn’t help herself from accidentally giving everyone a sneak peek at a paw or whiskers. More than once you’d had to cover for her calling you ‘babe’ or her absentmindedly reaching over to touch you.
     Not that you two didn’t have your hidden moments. Sneaking off in between shows or volunteering to go work on something together. You couldn’t stop a blush from forming on your cheeks at the thought of all the things the walls had seen here that all of your friends hadn’t. 
     Now, Amanda’s voice brought you out of your thoughts.
     “Anyways darling, I’d love to get your number but—oh, I’ve forgot my cellular, one moment, let me fetch my husband’s.”
     She stared at you, losing the accent. “Get it, cause I’m flirting with you… but I’m married? And British!”
     You laughed, “Right. Well I’m still waiting on that beverage.”
     She fluffed her hair, “In due time.”
     “Alright everyone, quiet on set.”
     You shifted away from Amanda, preparing to start filming. You looked around at the rest of the cast—you loved your job here. Glancing over at Angela, you tried to catch her eye, but she wasn’t looking at you. She was looking down, a troubled expression on her face. You’d talk to her after this shoot, you told yourself. Maybe you two could even get lunch together later. It seemed like forever ago since you’d done that last. And you hadn’t even been dating a month yet! The director’s booming voice brought your attention back to the present. 
     “Rolling…and action!”
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     “Alright everyone, take 10,” the director called. Everyone in the cast began filing out of the studio, taking a break before they had to finish filming this show. You joined them, heading to the next room for water.
     You had just stepped towards your bag and began to rifle through it when you felt someone behind you.
     “Guess who?”
     You didn’t turn around right away. You knew who. 
     “Try again,” she said, quieter this time with a hint of amusement in her voice.
     “Chris Kattan?”
     “Ok, if one more person tells me that—” she started incredulously.
     You turned around, smiling at her “Kidding.”
     She reached out and brushed a strand of hair back from your face. “Hey beautiful, I haven’t had time alone with you all day.” 
     It was true. It felt like you spent less and less time together—what between filming and trying to not seem like you were dating.  You leaned into her touch, and she stepped towards you. 
      You remembered yourself and spun back around, “Angela, not here.”
      You felt her breath on your hair as she leaned towards you and said, “I don’t see anyone here.”
     “Angela, what are you—”
     Without warning, you felt her mouth on your neck. She began trailing kisses down your shoulder and you suppressed a shudder, leaning into her. 
     “Ange, what if someone sees us?” You whispered, glancing around nervously.
     She kept her lips on you, biting down softly as she sucked at the skin on your neck.
     You closed your eyes, savoring this stolen moment despite yourself. 
     “(Y/n)? You want me to stop?” she looked up at you.
     “No, definitely no.”
     She continued, bringing her lips to your ear. She was silent for a while, and then—
     “Still thinking about Amanda?” She breathed, her voice hoarse.
     “What?” You managed. That was the last thing you’d expected her to say. 
     “I saw you…earlier,” for the first time, you detected a hint of uncertainly in her voice.
      You tried to recall what she was talking about. 
     “You know, with the ‘oh you’re gorgeous darling’ and ‘why thank you take me home with you’,” You could tell she was trying to keep her tone light. You tried not to smile at her dedication to the character, even in a situation like this. 
     “That? Angela, she was showing me a bit,” you couldn’t help but smile now. “I—Wait, is that what this is about?”
     “What a girl can’t kiss her girlfriend without having ulterior motives!” You raised an eyebrow at her and she looked down sheepishly. “Ok, fine maybe I was a little jealous.”
     You marveled at the fact that Angela Giarratana was jealous. Because of you. You’d made her jealous. “Well, you don’t have to worry about anything. I love you, remember.”
     “Yeah you do,” Angela waggled her eyebrows and leaned her head against your shoulder. You rolled your eyes at her—she was impossible—but you realized you were grinning.
     “I love you more.”
      You looked at her against you, this beautiful woman who cared so much about you, and kissed her. She kissed you back wrapping her hands around your neck. 
     “Thought you were afraid people will see us?” Angela mumbled against your lips. 
     “I don’t care,” and as you said it, you realized it was true. You didn’t need to wait for a “right time” to tell your friends about your relationship. “I don’t care if they find out.”
     “Glad you felt that way, because if we didn’t tell them that hickey sure will.”
     You looked down at your neck where a mark was already starting to form, evidence of Angela’s jealousy. 
     “Good, let them know I’m yours.”
     “I like the sound of that,” Angela said, “Shall we?” She gestured to the doorway.
     You nodded, taking her hand and walking into the next room and over to the center  where all of the cast was mingling, taking advantage of the break.
     When you towards them, all eyes eventually turned to you and Angela, settling on your interlocked fingers. Your friends traded looks. 
     Amanda spoke up first, “(Y/n)? Angela? You, and you?” 
     “And is that a hickey?”
     “You wanna take this or should I?” Angela asked you, her eyes twinkling. Everyone stared at you and Angela, awaiting an explanation.
      “Nothing much to tell, other than you all should know Angela’s a possessive, jealous—”
     “Well if you’re not going to tell it right—” she interrupted loudly. 
     You looked at her, letting her know you were only teasing. 
     “Well, they always say actions speak louder than words,” you said before kissing her again. This time in front of everyone else. “Besides,” you whispered, only to her, your lips trailing down her jawline “it’s only fair if I return the favor and make you mine.”
     “Oh, (Y/n), I’ve been yours for a while now.”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this!! i have another angela x reader in the works so keep your eye out for that and as always feedback is always appreciated even negative i swear <3
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crippling-pages · 4 months
So there's this girl in my grade; I've known her since last year, but I've never really talked to her that much, not more than a few sentences.
BUT today!! today me and my friend were talking about kotlc and then she (the girl, let's call her K), overheard and K's like "wait r you talking about keeper of the lost cities??" and then my friends like "yep!" (btw K and my friend, lets call Z, are friends already), and then she says "I LOVE that series!"
and so me being obsessed with the series goes "AHH YES ANOTHER FAN" (mostly internally... mostly-) we 3 talk a little bit and stuff, etc etc. but I have so many questions i need to ask, and the first one is "what are your ships??" and she says "sokeefe, obvisouly"
thats good. Take note.
Then we take a pause(we were in the lunch line so there was a pause + the principal was there soo), and then me and Z go back to her and I ask her if she likes Tam
She hesitates for a little bit. Not for like, a second, but like for 5. She starts to say "he's okay, i guess" and stuff like that So I get the logical reaction and am about to have a heart attack,
The reason I'm not in the hospital right now is because she said ONE THING that literally saved everything (for me at least)
"I do like Tiana though!!"
and I literally fall to my knees and i cheer silently to Z (she's just laughing her butt off inside lol)
but anyways
lets go to my history cuz K's in my history class, and i'm just waiting for her, so i speed walk to her, trying not to look too eager (i think i failed tbh- no defo failed) and i'm trying to make conversation and not look to eager
eventually i go back to keeper and i ask her again to be sure that she likes tam and this time, no hesitation, she says YES with a confident nod, "i like tam, yes :D"
so im like 'okay good thats really good'' and then i say "so what about dex?"
(TW for any dex lovers i am so sorry.)
then she hesitates. not for a second, not for 5, but like for 15. FIFTHTEEN. and she says "...not really??"
and im like... i might have another heart attack-
next she says "he's okay, but i don't really like how he and sophie interacted in the first book..." and i nod, because respectfully, it was a bit awkward there (and because im trying not to scream)
BUT she does agree that Dex needs more page time.
And then the teacher is like 'time to get started' and that ends the conversation etc etc
I just needed to get this out somewhere, but yeah.
And for anyone who skipped all that because... yeah- here's a summary:
Summary: Found kotlc fan. She ships sokeefe. Likes Tam. Ships Tiana. Doesn't really like Dex though, but agrees that he needs more page time.
What are your guys thoughts on this?
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lesbicosmos · 10 months
the giggle spoilers!!
my thoughts while watching
seeing david and catherine's names in the credits is making me cry this can't be the last time
shirley!!! kate!!!
mel!!! haven't seen classic but ahh i love that they're bringing classic characters back
that laugh is actually terrifying
donnas right they need to just stop and TALK
"i don't know if i can save your life this time" YOU FUCKING BETTER
oh god evil doctor puppet
damn these last two specials are taking the uncanny valley thing and running with it huh
why was donna smacking a puppet on a wall so badass
the HUG 🫶
the toy maker's constant changing accent is rly unnerving
"im already running!" icon
sudden spice girls musical moment???
this is utter chaos. i love it.
this is giving the "you could be beautiful" moment with the master from the end of time
okay what is happening
i love him already
it's giving balloon games at a kid's bday party
the doctor hugging himself must be so therapeutic
david went so scottish when he said wheelchair accessible
tardis jukebox??? umm yes!??
14 being part of donnas family 😭😭
david being weird with his eyebrows i love him
"you don't have to stay forever" "we'll see"
actually crying
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spamtoon · 3 months
DCRC week 4.. in week 5. paperinik
i am behind. you know this by now. let's read paperinik
love the cross hatching in these first few panels something's gonna happen for sure!
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JFEAJFOIEAJFIEAJ ill be so real the walt disney logo and OMBRE SU VENERE caught me off guard so hard. the way its in the corner and yellow and Not Fitting At All. the word art ahh look of the text (though i understand why they couldnt replace it in a way that looks good) im so. what a beautiful panel
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donald is so sad.... the way that theres so many screens and they're all donald. duckblr user (not that angus fangus would be allowed on duckblr. he doesnt even deserve to call lyla luv)
great to learn that this donald is computer generated. he doesnt have five hands though so this clearly isnt the ai art issue. also ever since last issue learning that lyla is a robot whos become so acclimated to her environment she loves playing the part of the reporter and is still passionate despite technically being made to literally call the time police whenever things go wrong she ough. ohohoh. i appreciate her so much more
i think uno deserves to spy on people. as a treat
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one's face... he's so silly....... he's so insanely silly....
the evronians should get angus fangus i think. destroy him agron of evron. i know they're trying to team up to make duck avenger look bad or something but please
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the action panels in this comic are also lovely but maybe thats because i havent read a superhero comic before. that isnt darkwing duck
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JOIFEAOIFJ THE WAY DONALD LOOKS UP LIKE Xadhoom! (: haha glad to see you here! and then she just. comes down in a firey rage its beautiful.
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excellent wisdom donald. im so glad he smokes weed (I AM JOKING I EDITED THIS AS A JOKE)
okay hello for context i am writing this almost a full week later. my ahh did not wanna do this but cog it. we ball. i think i need to just like. stop treating this as an obligation because like it's literally fine spam. you dont have school rn you deserve to chill.
ughhghghg donald loves uno so much already. he's so glad for uno dude... dudeeeeee... artificial or not you're a genius
oguhghh. donald's determination to save angus despite everything because nobody deserves to have Them sucked out of them. ough
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this whole page is so cool but i love how they visualize the search okay. sorry i'm just appreciating the Comic-ness. of this comic. you know? when the comic play with panels...
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he's so tired.... you're so right uno. i should go to bed after this. oughhghgh he's so silly when he's tired.
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i think uno deserves to be done with people's crap more often
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oughoghgnghng seeing uno happy again and laughing at donald im so. uno... hi uno... little uno...
im so happy we're four issues in and already donald and xadhoom are going to space to take down aliens. its beautiful... sorry if my commentary gets worse i may just be tired but i know if i dont do it now i'll never do it
hi camera 9... i do not care one bit about this red hair character so far but hello camera 9 you're just little (unaware of the camera 9 lore)
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the way that all three of them are slouching here. nobody is stnaidng their ahh up straight when they got incomprehensible angus to worry about
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good for him he got on megavolt's good side. bribed him with a lightbulb (SORRY i like making darkwing duck references. i know its not) UFOEAIJFOIEAJ lyla being in the shadow i'm so. she's so silly here ough
the fight scenes in this comic are so.. maybe thats just because i havent read a non-darkwing comic before but like. i dont know im admiring the art and the art style and the time period and the medium and such you know
i dont know what they wanna do with angus fangus other than just like. set him up against the duck avenger and make the earth go against him but like. i suppose he knows he cant kill paperinik here which alright. fair
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xadhoom... gnngngnng she's so distressed in these panels
HELP IM SO MAD he really is just a hateful guy. okay they're candace flynning him i see
luckily for us, the universe sucks so much lots of people hate life
xadhoom............................... she deserves so much
glad even angus fangus hates this guy. like great. i wanted that crime to happen and you just. messed it up.
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uno with party hat... they really decided y'know what? he's aiing us? let's just ai him back. okay thats the end of the comic maybe next time i'll be more coherent but i hope this satisfies puffy i'm tired man. i was procrastinating on this so hard but this comic... good...
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mais-nerdy-corner · 2 years
Okay so I have a kinda interesting request. Okay so say the traveler (whichever sibling youd like. Im pretty sure you write for them. If not you can write for a character that hates the fatui) has a s/o who was a secret harbinger but that are in so deep they don't know how to tell traveler. But one day the traveler finds out and is forced to defeat their s/o. I want it to be horribly sad. I love your writing BTW. You are incredibly talented. *smiles softly and dies*
❝𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖆𝖗❞ | 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖇𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗! 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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Synopsis: From assisting an ambush to fighting to the death, Y/n had hidden their true identity from the Traveler because of love. But when the Traveler found out, they felt like they had been stabbed in the back.
Pairing: Traveler x Harbinger! Reader
Genre: Angst
💮 — Author Answered: Ahh, my first request! I've been waiting for one for so long (or is it because the anonymous asks has been off this whole time and I've just enabled it? Oops silly me :P) Anyways, thank you for the request Anon!
Note: Since the Fatui Harbingers' titles are based on commedia dell'arte, I spent some time doing research and referencing. It is safe to say that I know nothing about theater, so if there's any mistake(s), please forgive me :')
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The sounds of swords clashing echoed in the night sky of Liyue, very contrary to the atmosphere around. Paimon watched the fierce fight from the sidelines, her partner confronted their significant other, who they now know is a Fatui Harbinger.
"Why did you have to lie to me, Y/n?!"
"It was for your own good, Lumine/Aether."
The Traveler has lunged themselves at the Harbinger over and over, yet they haven't managed to land a single scratch on them. Both of them are experienced in combat, but one of them seems to be holding back.
"Fight me, Y/n! Or should I say, Brighella!"
"Lumine/Aether, please don't use that name against me..."
"So what? Isn't that who you really are? You've already lost my trust in you with that name, why do you care about it now?!"
The Harbinger displayed a face of regret, reminiscing about the good times with the Traveler before this incident.
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The first time they met was when Y/n was in charge of collecting debts for the Northland Bank. Even though they're surrounded by Treasure Hoarders, they still maintained their composure.
"You clearly know how loan funds work. You borrow, then you pay the debt according to a predetermined date. Why do you refuse to follow such simple steps?"
They already have their weapons in hand, but you still hope to settle this matter peacefully. But suddenly, someone flew over you and landed in front of you, defeating every single one of them.
"We're sorry, we're sorry! We promise we will pay our debts soon. Just please stop beating us."
The Treasure Hoarders went running wild. Then came a small "floating elf companion" who flew straight to you.
"Umm, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Why did they surround-- Hey, you have a Vision! Why didn't you fight them?"
At first, you came off as aloof and somewhat unfriendly because of the awkward silence and intense stare you gave them. But then, they don't seem too distressed by the aura of your presence.
" *sigh* I just want to resolve this matter in a peaceful way. Fighting them is easy but I find fighting to be quite bothersome."
"Uhh... okay! Well, Paimon feels like it's rude not to introduce ourselves. This here is the Tra--"
"The Traveler who had saved Liyue from the raging waves of the Overlord of the Vortex and the Avenger of the Vortex recently, and their floating companion. Who doesn't recognize you?"
"O-oh, so we ARE famous... Hehe, in that case, Paimon also finds it bothersome to have to repeatedly introduce ourselves..."
The Traveler laughed at Paimon imitating your way of speaking, and maybe that laugh is what attracted you to them.
"Anyways, since you already know who we are, it is your turn to be known to us. Ooohh, Paimon feels like a detective...! State your name and the reasoning behind the ambush!"
"Paimon, you're way into this..."
You think for a moment on how to introduce yourself. The Traveler has a bad impression on the Fatui, so it's better not to reveal your real identity.
"My name is Y/n, I'm a lender, kind of an investor. The Treasure Hoarders had borrowed money from me and refused to pay their debts, until you came and beat them up. I really want to thank you for helping me earlier."
"Aww, it's nothing really... The Traveler here feels that you are in trouble so that's why they helped you. Hmm, collecting debts... Where has Paimon heard this from...? Oh yeah, it was when we babysat Childe's brother Teucer. He's done that before. Wait a minute, could it be that you also have something to do with the Fatui?" Paimon said.
"Hm? So you two have met Childe?"
"Huh, so you know him too, Y/n?" Paimon asked.
"Honestly, who doesn't? The Fatui Harbinger who got the blame for the Overlord of the Vortex incident. And believe me, I have absolutely nothing to do with the Fatui. I'm just a merchant from Snezhnaya that the Treasure Hoarder just happened to find out about my fortune."
The Traveler and Paimon were silent, a little confused about what else to say. "Huh..."
Not wanting to make things more awkward, you offered to treat them to lunch.
"As a token of my gratitude, I shall treat you to a meal."
"Now this, Paimon like!"
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The next day, the Traveler and Paimon were at the Wangshu Inn after staying there last night. They were making small talk on the upper balcony after eating breakfast cooked by Smiley Yanxiao.
"Huh, Paimon's surprised Xiao isn't hanging around here..."
Suddenly, the owner of the Wangshu Inn Verr Goldet came over. "Traveler, there's someone looking for you. They asked you to meet them on the ground floor," she informed.
"Oh, right. Paimon wonders who wants to meet them... Okay, thank you boss lady!" Paimon said.
Verr Goldet even had the time to reply as she descended the stairs. "It's not 'boss lady', it's just boss."
"Huh, whatever. Let's quickly meet this person on the ground floor."
Arriving at the ground floor, the Traveler was greeted with a pile of gifts on a table.
"Woah, what in the-- What on Teyvat is all this?!" Paimon exclaimed.
"Like I said yesterday, I really want to thank you for helping me. So I decided to give you a present, but I don't know what you like, so I bought a lot for you to choose."
You were waiting for them behind the pile of gifts and when you come out of hiding, for some reason their surprised faces you can't seem to forget.
"Sheesh, Paimon knows that you are a rich merchant! But there's also no need to show off your wealth like this either!"
"I did this with good intentions, you know."
The Traveler looked at the gifts on the table, and their eyes fell on a flower brooch.
"Oh, do you like this brooch? It was crafted by a skillful craftsman here in Liyue. You can have it, as well as the rest."
"No thanks, I'm good with just the brooch," the Traveler said.
"Alright then, you can come to my estate at anytime if you want to pick another gift."
"Ooohh, if the Traveler isn't going to take the rest, can Paimon choose a gift for herself?" Paimon asked.
"Hm, very well then."
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"Woah, Paimon couldn't believe that Y/n asked you out on a date! They even prepared new clothes for Paimon to wear!"
The Traveler and Paimon were getting ready for dinner at Xinyue Kiosk. As Paimon said, Y/n has asked the Traveler out on a date. They also prepared clothes for them to wear.
"What do you think, Paimon? Does it look good?"
"Hehe, you look amazing Traveler! Are we ready to go?"
The Traveler and Paimon came out of their hotel room in Liyue Harbor which Y/n also paid for, and in front of the hotel Y/n was waiting for them.
"You look stunning, my princess/prince."
The Traveler blushed at the compliment, followed by Paimon nudging them.
"How are you liking your clothes, Paimon?"
"Oh, Paimon's liking her new clothes very much. It's strangely comfortable and just so poofy!"
"I'm glad to hear that. Shall we go, my princess/prince?"
You extended your hand and took their hand in yours. As you walk down the streets of Liyue Harbor, you earned stares and whispers from the people.
"They look great together, don't they?"
"Huh, isn't that the Traveler?"
"How romantic!"
When you arrived at the Xinyue Kiosk, Yueshu recognized you immediately and smiled.
"Reservation under the name Y/n, correct? For three people?" Yueshu asked.
"The food is served on the table a few minutes before you arrive. Enjoy your evening."
You nodded at her before entering. Paimon had already rushed over to the dining table.
"Wow, look at all this food! Where does Paimon want to start?" Paimon mumbled as she picked up a small plate.
"I've rented this place for tonight only. If we ran out of food, just say so."
"Hehe, thanks Y/n! Paimon will really use this opportunity to the max."
You took the food of your choice from the all-you-can-eat style buffet and brought it to the table. You remembered the Traveler's sigh the moment they saw the food that Paimon piled on her plate.
"Paimon, you have to make sure that you can finish all that food..." said the Traveler.
"Oh, don't worry. Paimon will finish all this food 'till the very last crumb."
You chuckled at Paimon as she starts to devour her food. "Apologies if you don't fancy Yue style food, eating seafood just reminds me of my homeland."
"Don't worry to much! Paimon and the Traveler have eaten here before, and we love it!"
"More like you love it..." The Traveler muttered.
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"You are going to Inazuma? Isn't the Sakoku Decree being enforced?"
The Traveler and Paimon went to your estate to inform you of their upcoming trip to the Land of Eternity. To be honest, you were worried. The situation in Inazuma was really chaotic, and you didn't want anything to happen to them.
"How are you even going to get there?"
"Well, Beidou already promised us to take us there for winning The Crux Clash a few days ago. Atsuko said that she can help us get there."
You were silent for a moment. The Traveler and Paimon could feel the aura of feelings you felt at that moment. A little disappointed mixed with sad and worried. You let out a long sigh before telling them your final say.
"I guess there's nothing really stopping you from leaving, huh... Then, I wish you nothing else but the best on your journey. Please be careful."
"I will. Take care, Y/n."
The Traveler and Paimon who was floating by the door left your estate, you still stare at your closed door after their departure. Suddenly, you heard someone's voice from behind you.
"Did you hear that, my Lady/Lord? The Traveler is now heading to Inazuma."
"Yes, I heard that, Igor. I directly talked to them."
Igor is one of your subordinates, but the one you trust the most. You often share your thoughts and your plans of doing things with him.
"I had been close to the Traveler just so that I could report their position to Her Majesty the Tsaritsa. Should I go to Inazuma just to do the same thing?"
"That's entirely up to you, my Lady/Lord. I'm only here to loyally follow you and orders. Though, I think maybe we should go to Inazuma, just to see how things are going."
"I don't think that's a great idea. Too many Fatui Harbingers in Inazuma can make the people there be wary and suspicious of us. I'm pretty sure the Balladeer and the Fair Lady are already there."
"Right, my Lady/Lord."
"We'll see how it will go..."
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Some time has passed and the people of Liyue are celebrating the Lantern Rite. The Traveler hasn't given any news regarding their return to Liyue or their trip to Inazuma, so you decided to relax and enjoy the festival. After buying food from the street vendors on the streets of Liyue Harbor, you returned to your home with the intention of eating it with Igor. But before you could go inside, you heard some hurried footsteps and someone's voice calling for you.
"My Lady/Lord! My Lady/Lord!"
"Oh, Igor, Alexei, and Nikolai. Why are you in such a hurry?"
"We... we received some news... about..." Alexei tried to say as he catches his breath.
"About what?"
"About... Ugh, my legs are tired..." Nikolai complained.
"My Lady/Lord, we were recently informed that the Balladeer has ran off with the Electro Archon's Gnosis. And the Fair Lady was slain by the Shogun's Musou no Hitotachi. As a Harbinger, you are asked to return to the motherland to attend her burial," Igor explained.
" *sigh* I see... You were right, Igor. We should've gone to Inazuma to oversee the situation. I'm sorry. Search far and wide for the Balladeer's whereabouts, also take this food that I bought."
"Yes, my Lady/Lord."
"T-thank you, my Lady/Lord."
They quickly left, leaving you enraged and frustrated. You went into your estate for further planning. What you don't realize is that someone has overheard your conversation earlier.
"Paimon couldn't believe what Paimon's ears had heard. The person named Igor earlier said... that Y/n is a Harbinger!? Ahh, w-what?! Oh, should we run after him or... Wait, Traveler! Wait for Paimon!"
Igor, Alexei, and Nikolai ran to the nearest Fatui camp. Just as Igor was about to give their superior's orders, the Traveler came with their weapon in hand. They beat them down one by one, each attack filled with fury. After taking them down, the Traveler was just about to go and confront their so-called significant other but was stopped by some words from the Fatui.
"What is the meaning of this? What do you want from us?"
"Why did you attack us?"
"Ms. Lumine/ Mr. Aether! I'm sure there must be some sort of misunderstanding. My Lady/Lord would never do something without good intentions. They truly love you, Ms. Lumine/ Mr. Aether!" Igor expressed.
The Traveler listened to what he has to say and left to confront you.
Arriving at your house, they slowly knocked on the door. When you go to open it, you were tackled to the ground.
"How dare you lie to me this whole time?! You absolute jerk!"
"Lumine/Aether, please get off of me. I have a reason to lie to you."
"Fine! Meet me at Bishui Plain and make sure to be there."
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Your daydreaming gave the Traveler a chance to attack you and...
The Traveler's sword pierced through your body, protruding out of your back. It was truly a sight to see. Lovers fighting each other to the death as fireworks from Qingce Village can be seen in the background.
"Gah...! Oh, that... hurts. But it doesn't hurt as much as getting your heart broken by a jerk like me... Huh, I deserved this... I truly deserved this... Thank you for giving me the chance to love you, Lumine/Aether... I hope one day you can forgive me..."
And just like that, the Fatui Harbinger Brighella died because of blood loss and internal bleeding. The Traveler's face showed no remorse at first, until they heard something hitting the ground.
"Oh, isn't this the necklace you gave to Y-- er Paimon mean Brighella back then? Looks like they added a pendant to the necklace."
The Traveler took the necklace and opened the pendant. What they saw inside might have made them regret their actions.
Inside was a picture of them together with words engraved onto one side of pendant written in the common tongue saying "My Princess/Prince, Forever in My Heart".
The Traveler who previously has not shown a single sign of remorse was now sobbing. What Igor said turned out to be true. Y/n truly loves them.
The Traveler cried over their dead body as the fireworks continue to light up the night sky. What a tragic ending for the Liar.
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[Author's Note]: What's this? Two fully written fics in a month? Done in just three days? What has gotten into me? :v
Publication date: October 10th 2022
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Do you think you could do a oneshot where Flint is raiding a ship and he comes across the reader; the reader is a servant on the ship, (maybe working for a wealthy noble), and got caught trying to escape the crossfire?
Ahh i see what I can do with this! :D
Hope you enjoy it and sorry if the gammers are wonky.
Flint X Reader: Servant and a Pirate.
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You were caught in the middle of the crossfire between the navy and pirate that were raiding the ship you were on.
It all happened so fast. One minute you were out to fetch something for your master and all of sudden, as if you were in an unexpected war, a cannon start shooting at the merchant ship.
And your instinct now is to stay alive much as you can.
Many pirates begin invading the deck and the soldiers use all they’re strength to push them back. Straight ahead you saw a door that leads to down below deck where the longboats are at.
You took a deep breath and splint across while avoiding on getting shot. But you bumped into someone since you were too focus on the door you barely known your surrounding.
You perk up to see who it was and your face grew pale. The person who you crash into was no other than Captain Nathaniel Flint, the leader of his pirate crew. You heard stories about him. About how he was cruel and bloodthristy towards his victims and the last thing you want to do is to meet with this monster.
Shaking off your frozen with fear, you pass him and ran towards your only escape. Running down the stairs towards the hallway you make your way towards the longboat room and saw people up ahead running to that room.
But you felt a sudden chill making you stop. You feel as if someone was watching you. Your head made a slight turn and you let out a fright scream to see the Captain staring down at you. Before you can make a run, he snatch your arm and you scream more and struggle to break his grip.
"Let go of me!" You cried and pray someone hears you. "Help somebody! Help me!"
"Shut up," He sneered which made you stop in fright. "I only want your gold."
You breathed heavily and shook your head. "But I don't have any.." He silence you by pointing your free wrist, which has two golden bracelets. "Those. now."
At this point it was your wise chose on giving them to him so he can let you go. But you cant right now, you needed them for purpose. With much courage you refused.
"I..I'm sorry I cant give them to you,"
You watch him roll all his eyes," Save your pathetic excuse about it belongs to your family members."
"No its not that!" You cut him. "I need to sell them for good money."
Flint gives you now a puzzle look. He slowly let your wrist free and asks,
You quickly explained to him while rubbing your wrist. "I dont have enough money to buy more food. I barely have any even though I work for the wealthy family. After you were done he gives you a long look.
About a few second he forms a fang grin and starts to howl with laughter. You stood there, with much confusing on him sudden find this amusing.
He slowly ceased his laugh and spoke. "These rich pigs cant share they're riches with you? After you work with them so much?"
'They only give me a small payment," You answered almost wanting to defend them since they given you shelter and let you voyage with them.
"But its never enough to satisfy your need," He reminded you. This you cant find anything to defend with since he was mostly right. Then he got on his knee to look at you straight. You gulped to glance at his many pale yellow eyes and waited for him to say something.
"im offering you a choice lass," You almost gasp to hear this and let him finished.
"A choice if you join my crew, I can let you steal all riches from other wealthy where you'll never be worry about feeling hungry." His offering was tempting, even more with a thought on this act of revenge on these wealthy family you worked for many years.
But stealing wasn't your thing. You feel it was wrong to do since your life you were a good person. Before you can have a second thought Flint added with a dark tone.
"If not, you will die in flames like others boarded this ship," He held his hand out to you. "What is going to be?"
You stare at his hand as you in this situation of life and death. Thinking on if you join piracy maybe this was an easy way out of your stress on saving money. And thinking on how much food and other thing you can buy without worrying.
Finally decide on choosing, you nervously reach your hand out and took in his large bony hand. "As long as you let me steal riches, Captain.
Flint smiles at your decision holding your hand.
"Welcome to The Walrus lass,"
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drottni · 2 years
LBFAD rewatch observations part 5
1. Shangque is so pure and straightforward.
2. The way DFQC immediately latches onto any explanation of XLH's behavior of saving him. When Shangque says "she had an opportunity to escape but she gave it up to save you. It shows that..." and DFQC eagerly turns to him and says "shows that?" like yesss please?!?! tell me what does this mean?!?!? someone! anyone! And then immediately rejects the idea of "she's becoming a loyal subject like me!"
3. No words for how beautifully soft that petal shower scene is. Her joy and his smile. 🥺
4. The great Dongfang Qincang and his weakness for Flower Cakes made by his wife.
5. "Damutou is more intimate" !! 🤝🏼 "You can call me whatever you want" !! 🙃🙃🙃🥺
6. Man. Dylan Wang's acting in that "high on XLH's emotions" scene was soooo goood. The tortured joy where he is laughing but you also see his frustration. The angry sadness where you can see him crying but also the rage. His shaking hands as he grabs the Jade Ring and the deep breaths to ground himself. Oof. *Chefs kisses*
7. Also can we just talk about the multiple times he has made a fool of himself in front of his advisors because of her shenanigans but like....it never impacted his reign. They just figured out logical explanations and kind of just went with it... (excluding Xunfeng ofcourse because he actually can and does question DFQC). Like his advisors must be having headaches from the whiplash of emotions he gave them 😆
8. Sulking DFQC and coaxing XLH are the cutest. Ignoring her as they leave the pond illusion. The way he is shaking as he tells her she could have died if he didn't come on time and that she has to stay within his sight always. Her offering up the Destiny Book to please him. His disgruntled "oh so you fixed it right away for Changheng, I see how it is" her "ah but you know what saved me! This little inside thing that only you and I know!". And then finally him easing off and telling her "I would find you anywhere" and her teary eyed "My master who was the dearest person to me said the same thing and you...." All the little ways these two say "I love you I love you" without yet realizing that they do.
9. HIS HANDS. When she passes out and he catches her. His hands just rubbing her shoulder out of affection, concern, the need to feel she is still here alive with him. Ahh. That subtle movement 👌. (Also. Her just passing out from the exertion of her powers and maybeee from the almost realization that this menace of a king, the great Moon Supreme, might also be someone very dear to her. Like yes gurl I too would just pass out on the brink of such a realization)
10. "Are you still angry?" *cute little smile* "No" *sulk* "Yes you are" *pout*... "Damutou, I'm soooryy" *big puppy eyes* "Eat." *melted under the ray of her sunshine*. THE CUTEST BABIESS. (I love that she apologizes. Despite the fact that her intentions had never been to run but she acknowledges that she put him in a bad situation. That she sees how much this upset him and she is sorry for that.)
11. "You can't just come into my heart" 🤝🏼 "I can go wherever I want" 💀💀
12. "Why was I allowed to in the past? What's the difference now?" XLH: UHM SIR I WASN'T IN LOVE WITH YOU THEN. DO YOU MIND IM TRYNA HANDLE THESE NEW FEELINGS.
13. DFQC is such a heavy full of depth and compelling character and I just love Dylan Wang's portrayal and I just--- gahhh! *muffled screams*
14. I don't think I can express in words how much I love the scene of DFQC turning away from XLH while he weeps and then turning and collapsing into her. It is art. It is poetry. It is EVERYTHING. Dylan Wang's acting my god. The pain the sorrow the need for comfort its all so beautifully expressed on his face. XLH's tears and pain for him. The hands. Ofcourse the hands 😭😭 Also. XLH refusing to give up until she found the thorn pricking at him and pulled it out so he could heal. I love her. For seeing the pain and anger buried in him and saying "something here is not right. His reputation as a terrible monster who slaughters his family is wrong. I will figure this out and I will help him however I can" and then doing it! Refusing to back down even at the last minute when he says it isn't her place to ask! Being there for him as he goes through the grieiving process. Fiercely defending him against everyone who dares to say he is heartless. God. I love them both.
15. Head empty no thoughts just DFQC's little hand gesture stopping XLH in her tracks before she can come to stop him from taking the lightening strikes.
16. DFQC asking her to teach him how to be warm towards people because no one ever taught him that 😭😭
17. Her teaching him how to smile by showing it to him and then suggesting to also "hug" Xunfeng and his love adled brain IMMEDIATELY going "How?" *puppy eyes* and her immediately almost folding him into a hug but just barely stopping herself! You cannot tell me he did not know that would happen. He definitely knew she would "show" not "tell" and most definitely wanted her to hug him. We already seen him be sneaky as heck when telling her "No I am still weak I neeeeed you to help me walk" when it was straight up nonsense 😄 Even adding little fake coughs to convince her. I love me a sneaky husband who tries to coax more love out of his wife.
18. "This is the first time I have ever thanked a person. Don't refuse me." 😭🥲
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That entire interaction of theirs is so giggle inducingly cute like omg the smiles they can barely contain the teasing "are my flower cakes ready?" "did you finish your medicine" "its too bitter *pout* but I did it, not a single drop left! *satisfied smirk*" AAHAHHHHHHHH but this line !! "Don't refuse me" !! Don't take this moment from me! Just let me adore youuuuuuuuu!!!!
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snurtle · 2 years
Please I need more of the 'Gin and Tousen survive' AU im starving for themTM content
It’s been a hot minute since I got this ask! Care for a drabble? I wrote this a while ago but I just never got around to posting it. I’m always starving for more AU content of them too my dude ! 😭
840ish words of questionable decisions and research acquisitions ft! Yoruichi and Kisuke. Gin is not technically in this one except as the object of conversation, but it does set up the scenario I like to imagine for Gin’s half of the “los stinky boys survive” AU, so good enough in my books.
"What in the world compelled you to save him? Do you have any idea the consequences it could bring down on our heads?” Yoruichi demands with the imperiosity of a lord, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Ichimaru Gin is not exactly an obscure persona non grata. Urahara!"
"I don't know...." Kisuke stalls. Reclined on the floor as he was, his head leaned back, the late afternoon light radiating through the paper doors made his dark eyes gleam gold. Up until the unfortunate discovery of a makeshift ICU in the basement, he’d been trying (and mostly succeeding) to sneak in a nap. Even given the impossible, ridiculous powers of Benihime, to stitch back together what remained of the former traitor captain had been no easy task... and he could not remember the last time he had ever considered himself a healer. To excise the pernicious reiatsu from the wound, to modify just enough of his soul chain and soul sleep that Ichimaru could survive a continued intrusion from it while Urahara figured out another stop-gap... It was a lot.
Finally, Kisuke hits on the string of words he was after, just as a black Tabi sock starts to insistently probe the soft space under his floating rib for weak organs.
"Ahh, ah-! I suppose I feel responsible for him!"
Yoruichi's eyebrows lift a fraction of an inch. She pulls her foot back for a kick.
"In a way! He's a bit like Jinta and Ururu, or even little Nemu...” Kisuke half whines, half explains, squidging hurriedly away from the imminent contact. “The product of being raised with monsters, or- ahaha- something like that."
"Oho! That's a good explanation Kisuke.” Yoruichi says. Her foot continues to hover just a centimeter above the floor mat, but the promise of an explanation stalls her ire.
“I might even believe it, if I were anyone else. But that’s a hell of an evasion. Something more concrete, please."
At this, Urahara laughs, a silly man caught in an easy deflection. He pulls his hat further down over his face.
"You're a little too good at reading me, Miss Yoruichi..." he says, mock mournful.
"A good lord must know his vassal and source of wet food like the back of his hand."
"Mouse. The actual reason." She crooks her hand as if waiting for Kisuke to place something in it. When his head turns a fraction of an inch and only the glint of his eyes return from the deep shadows of his hat, Yoruichi knows that he's obliged.
"... Mister Ichimaru was exposed to Aizen's reiatsu for a very long time. Not only his, but that of the Hogyoku.. And their combined form, as well, which I think merits a distinction. And seeing as how the actual Aizen is now both locked up and /fantastically/ unhelpful by personality... any other samples of the effect it has on a soul are.. ah. hm. Off limits."
"So an experiment." She offers. Was that so hard.
"Uncharitable. I could take offense to such a clinical explanation for saving another being-"
Yoruichi snorts. Charitable, she would not call Kisuke Urahara. Not the one she knew. But his insistence on a non-threatening appearance had always amused and been handy in equal measure.
"I’m waiting for an alternative.”
"Why, insurance!" He replies musically.
"Your insurance is more likely to injure you than the thing you're keeping it against."
At that, Urahara just smiles. Yoruichi didn't sound un-supportive. Far from it, though she tried to sound otherwise. Through her cautious, callous pawing around the edges, she was just as interested in what Urahara might do as he was in /doing/ it. It had always been this way. But it was her self-appointed job to at least sound like she hadn't already jumped onto the bandwagon with him. Call it part of the vetting process. Part of keeping them both safe.
That was what he was doing too. At least partly.
“Are you sure?” He asks. And then, after a pause,
“Are you willing to risk the alternative?”
A shiver runs up Yoruichi’s spine. Her gold eyes turn to slits. The exiled head of the Shihoin clan couldn't think of a better way to describe Ichimaru Gin, peacefully sedated and hooked up to a half-dozen life support machines, than a risk. The alternative Kisuke was talking about-- some unmarked day in the future where Mugen was no longer the air-tight private hell that it always had been-- that was supposed to be weighed against the immediate possibility that the strange, conditional goodwill they had earned for themselves over the course of Aizen’s betrayal and subsequent capture could be stripped away by sheltering a traitor less charming than the Visored, and useful to no one but, possibly, themselves. Possibly. If he didn’t kill them on a lark, or get them killed in any number of other ways.
"Besides...! With a one-of-a-kind material, one should take risks in acquisition!" Kisuke just had to add, damning any charitable interpretation of his schemes to the realm of wistful imagination.
Risks, risks. Risks indeed. Yoruichi’s face scrunches up- and then deflates, all at once. An enormous sigh escapes her.
“I just wish you’d tell me before you show up with more strays!”
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st0ckholm-syndrome · 4 months
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i just got extremely anxious out of nowhere and now i feel dissociated, intense panic mode🤠 maybe i hit the nic too hard agsjsjsks live laugh labotomy
i am so not excited for my psych appt tmrw🤪 pretty sure my meds make me clench my jaw more than usual to the point where it’s painful by the end of the day (not just bc my teeth just came out but that doesn’t help)
also super stressed about my essay that’s in two weeks and all i have is an outline. and my math test this week and im stressing so hard and i feel so so so stupid whenever im in school and ahh after i finish next week im already half way through school which means exams soon and i-
andddd i’m still waiting for my transcript to get sent to me so i can get accepted into my program for sept and i need it before the deadline so i can save my spot in the program AHHHHH
gotta figure out if i’m gonna get kicked off my social assistance if i get a loan for school (if i even get accepted) and how that’s gonna affect me and my housing so probably gonna have to get a job while im school full time YAY gonna start selling my feet or used underwear🤪
i love everything right now
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a-complex-joke · 6 months
The Angel and The Assassin Chapter 4
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I thought that was the last time I'd see her, I mean I wasn't planning on seeing her in the first place, but I still saved her number on my phone. I continued to work but felt so unfocused, it bothered me that one girl could throw me off so much.
My target that night was eliminated, some rich guy, I don't really remember. That's when it started to rain, I walked back to my apartment soaking wet when I heard someone yell out "Ash" I looked in that direction and saw Amelia, but she wasn't alone there was a guy in front of her and another behind her.
"Hey, What's going on here!" I yelled at them, and they looked at me,
"Nothing man is just escorting this little lady home, so how about you scatter off before somebody gets hurt?" the one in front turned pulling a knife out. "Amelia are you ok," I said to her not giving him a second glance, she laughed slightly
"a little roughed up but could be worse," even now as she is scared for her life, she still tries to make jokes.
"Listen, man, I tried to warn you," the first guy said, going in for a jab with the knife, but stopped staring down the barrel of my gun. "Now how's this, give me the girl and I won't pull the trigger." but They didn't, two bullets later and I was carrying Amelia on my back to my apartment.
"You don't have to carry me, I can walk," she said, trying to convince me.
"I told you it's fine plus I need to work on my weight lifting" I joked with her,
"You smiled! it the first time you've smiled," she said ecstatic,
"I smile just not often," I said.
she laughed, "you should smile more if it works on you".
"So what were you doing around here?" I asked.
"Definitely not trying to find where you live," she answered coyly.
"You really shouldn't get involved with me, You're just a kid"
"Im 17, and I can handle myself fine, thank you very much"
We got back to my apartment not long after, I let her shower, then took mine, when I was dried and dressed I came out to see her staring out the big window at the rain.
she wore some of my old boxers and a large t-shirt, seeing as her clothing was soaked and currently in the dryer." it's coming down now, huh" I say, spooking her. "oh yeah I was just thinking about how I'm going to keep myself dry on my way back to the hotel" she laughed nervously.
"back to the hotel? not in this weather. stay here for the night. I've got one of those couch beds so it's not like I'll be sleeping on some uncomfy couch" I said to her. She sighed looking at me. "you've saved me two times and now you're letting me stay at your place for the night, to say I feel guilty would not fully show my feelings" she laughed a bit upset sounding. "meh it nothing much, id just feel guilty if you were out in the rain more than anything" we sat there quiet for a while "so those guys give you those bruises" I asked "some of them, others are just from banging myself on things, and then anytime my family sees me I might get hit a bit" she said looking down on them.
"your family... you mentioned you not living with them before why did you run away?" She sat there and thought about you for a long time. "one of my brothers has serious anger issues and one day tried to choke me out and my parent literally watching him do it and I had marks on my neck, but they took his side and said I was overreacting, so I packed my bags and left, They live in this town so we run into each other and they're mad that I left so they don't have there little slave" she rolled her eyes.
"Ahh the classic oldest child is only an adult without any of the powerful mindset, so just a maid pretty much," I said.
She laughed "Yup I raised your kids and risked my health and you repay me like this" she half-joked, leaning on me. "Your place is nice, this big window, the bathroom. And the whole aesthetics of it. Feels homey" She just kind of stared up at me, for the first time since we met it seemed like she had no clue what to say.
"You know this totally like one of those badly written lemon fanfics, "i'm in your boxers and the whole there's only one bed trope" she said trying to cut through the awkward silence.
"And what exactly does that mean?"
"Well Lemon is usually meaning smut, the boxers thing is just a common thing the female character ends up wearing for pajamas due to not have any of their own clothes, and the only one bed trope is a way to force the two characters to be close which eventually results in the two confessing their feeling and some time sleeping together in the sexual way"
"Are you saying you want that to happen?"
"What no! I'm just saying if we were two fictional story characters this would be the time when the like 12 year old author would do the forced proximity thing" she said growing red faced.
I laughed.
"Well what would you have said if I said I did want that to happen huh?" she said, getting up in my face.
"Id, say... your way in over your head hun" I pushed her back.
"Fair, so what do we do now, it not even close to a reasonable time to sleep"
"Oh well. I usually just watch tv till I get tired so i guess we could do that"
So we did, episodes after episode of those police and firefighter shows, cuddled up till she fell asleep.
I carried her over to my bed and tucked her in but even half asleep she forced me to craw into bed with her, cuddling up to me.
It didn't feel wrong, it was nice to be snuggled up to someone like that.
The next morning she was gone, left a note saying she had to be at work early. Took her clothes and even started a new load of laundry for me.
I think that's when I knew she'd be a constant part of my life.
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odetolove · 1 year
heheh ill keep complimenting you cus your response is so cute plssss im !! hehe maybe i just laugh cus i think you're cute and fun to talk to who knows hehehehe
ITS OKIE ! i did adult thing now but even more adult things :( trying to get ready for this trip is so sldkfjsf LONG pls but its okieee two more weeks till im on vacation :D
NO NO SAMEE my friend and i were so ready to just full send it but we genuinely had to think it over bc we were already going to see txt and to see yoongi we would need to take a flight and plane tickets cost so much money AND we want to see svt when they do go on tour (which i hope is later in the year cus i need to make more money) so we had to say no :( LMFAO PLS SAME i would even watch some of the live streams so i didnt feel too abd LDSKJF and YES TAEE gosh i saw him perform singularity live with the choreo and the one with the bed and ive never been the same,, THE HARNESS. omg,, don;t even we both will just lose our livesldjf that era was so amazing i want to experience it all over again. YES SCOUPS. as a couprang, we are very insane i get it LSDKFJ truly a whole ass man idk how i live my life in peace (i dont). AND YESS they're all so !!! tbh even these jeonghan has been bias wrecking me like that man just keeps getting finer every year like he WOW im so downldfj
ahh thank you !! im glad you also have been feeling better about writing yourself <3 but it is like seeing an old friend: comfortable and inviting. and i also just like to rp since i enjoy just bouncing off of other people and just making people smile :D actually writing something just scares me too much sdlkfj i can just never get it done and with rp it just continues until the other person no longer wants to ya know
-- samu mod :]
AAHHHH PLS IM ROLLING OVER IN MY BED!!! i can’t take the compliments (KEEP SENDING THEM! jk… or am i) im happy you think im fun to talk to!! I RLY TRY LOL, i feel like i’m the most awkward person in the world sometimes i just stand there like 👁️👁️ pls laugh at what i say or i’ll die, so i’m happy!!! and especially with the compliments;;; LET ME KISS U <3
!! i didn’t know you were going on a trip!! are you excited for it?? n wahh 2 weeks is basically nothing !! it’ll go by soooo fast n then you can come and talk to me all you want >:) hehehe
GOD I FEEL YOU ON HOPING TOURS COME LATER IN THE YEAR TO SAVE MONEY,,, i already splurge on jewelry and other things so by the time tours come i’m always caught off guard and broke lollll, but wahh,, a svt concert would b so fun!! i’ve been to bts and monsta x n had a blasssttt!! i’m laughing so hard at both of us vibrating in excitement over the boys !!! AND AAAHHH JEONGHAN… he’s so pretty n a little feral which i love!!
WAHHH well i’m in it for the long run cause i’m annoying and get attached to people so easy and i will let you know i already consider you a friend !!! i always get so happy when you send me asks rp or not!! and ughhh your characterization of osamu makes me wanna curl up and yell!! (in a good way lolol) you’re EXCELLENT AT WRITNG and that’s saying something bc i’m kinda snobby and picky when it comes to reading things HEHEH <3 SO YOURE AMAZING!!!
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Clinging Onto You
Request: “HIII idk if your taking requests rn but I thought id put in an idea for a peter parker x stark!daughter fic where theyre in a secret relationship and they get exposed somehow? im thinking kinda angsty like he walks in to the compound all bloody or something AHH IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but thats pretty much it but yeah! i love your stuff btw!!”
Summary: The Avengers unexpectedly find out that Tony’s daughter Y/N and Peter are dating.
Authors Note: Set during No Way Home, in an AU that everyone survived Endgame.
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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Peter felt his heart practically lurch out of his body when saw Y/N falling. In a snap, he forgot about his mission, he forgot about the other Peters, he forgot about everything. The only thing concerning him was his girlfriend’s safety. It was so high up his priority list that it consumed him, and to see her safety be threatened lit a fuel he didn’t know he had.
He didn’t think, or hear, or speak when he ran and leapt, diving after her with his arm outstretched. Faster, he thought to himself, as the image of complete terror overwhelming Y/N was burned into his mind, her bone-shattering scream sure to leave his ears ringing for days.
The tips of their fingers were inches away, he was nearly there, just about to lock his tight grip on her shaky hand when bam—the wind was knocked out of him as he was thrown off to the side, too far away from Y/N for his liking.
Recovering quickly, Peter’s spider sense directed his fingers to scrape at and clutch the edge of the construction site. Using all his upper body strength, he pulled himself up and scrambled across. His eyes were wide as a bug’s as he searched the abyss of construction for his falling girlfriend, about to send a thwip of webs in her direction when he didn’t see her.
He panted. Had she fallen? Was she—?
From his position, Peter didn’t spot that the other Peter had caught Y/N with tears in his eyes about the girl he wish he could’ve caught. On the tip of a spiral of hatred and despair, his saving grace was found when Peter 3’s voice came over their shared comm system.
“Peter, Peter 1, I caught Y/N. She’s okay, just a little shaken up.”
After the initial shock were off, Peter’s influx of grief was replaced with waves of relief. His ability to breathe became easier and he felt his muscles lose their tension. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he croaked in response.
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Later on, when Peter saw the back of Green Goblin standing mere feet away from him, a desire for vengeance flashed through his eyes. He narrowed in on his target and walked towards him, arms outstretched to do something—anything—when he was stopped.
“Eh eh eh, don’t do anything too quickly,” his sneaky, drawling voice came.
Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, watching as the man slowly turned around. Then, his eyes widened, seeing the person who was with the villain. None other than the love of his life, his girlfriend Y/N, the daughter of one of the most famous heroes ever. Green Goblin had an arm around her, tightly holding her back. Fear was in her eyes as she struggled in vain.
“Let her go, Goblin,” Peter ordered in a low voice, slowing down his movements. In the back of his mind, he wondered where the other Peters were. This was very inconvenient.
He had the nerve to laugh a sick laugh and it made Peter’s blood boil with anger. “I said, let her go!” He repeated, raising his voice to yell.
Green Goblin ignored this and took a step forward, dragging Y/N along with him. “I observed your reaction when she fell, Parker. Quite distraught you were when you didn’t catch her, hmm? I’ll let her go . . . when you admit, in front of the cameras, who the daughter of Stark is to you and why you hid her from the public like your identity!” He said.
For the first time, Peter’s eyes flickered up and he noticed the cameras circling the air above them from helicopters. All news stations, most likely, broadcasting the footage to the entire globe. And, if the entire globe was seeing it, that meant the Avengers were watching, too.
(And, back at the Avengers tower, the team was watching in half-shock, half-fear. They had known that this was a fight Peter needed to do by himself, so they refrained from suiting up, but the involvement of Y/N changed it at all.)
His eyes flickered over to Y/N anxiously, who was still determined and not giving up in her fight for freedom. He couldn’t trust that Green Goblin would stay true to his word. “Why do you want me to say this?” Peter questioned.
Green Goblin pursed his lips. “Oh, Peter, I thought you were smarter than this,” he began condescendingly. “Don’t you know that my goal is to cause you as much pain as possible? You’re hiding something. You’re hiding her. And I will force it out of you, one way or another.”
When Peter hesitated, still not trusting him, Green Goblin took it a step forward. Reaching into a pocket, the young hero only saw a flash of what it was in his hand before he injected it into Y/N’s neck. Gasping, Y/N began to fight even harder, although it didn’t do anything.
“This, son, is a poison I developed. It’s quick-acting. She gets the antidote when you tell me what I want to know,” the villain threatened.
Peter’s eyes went wide. He opened his mouth, prepared to spill it all, when he caught sight of the other Peters stealthily approaching from behind Green Goblin. Within a split second, they attacked. Peter 3 pulled the man back with his webs while Peter 2 administered the cure.
At the sudden loss of his grip on her, Y/N stumbled forward. Peter leapt to catch her, wrapping his arms wound her protectively and pulling her close. “The antidote!” He yelled to Peter 2. “It’s somewhere in his pocket!”
Peter 2 jumped into action, reaching into Green Goblin’s pocket. When he grabbed the antidote, he tossed it to Peter. Peter caught it and injected into Y/N. For a split second, her eyes widened, but she soon relaxed. “Thank you,” she murmured into her boyfriend’s shoulder.
Peter squeezed his eyes shut, relishing in the comfort that Y/N just being safe was bringing to him. He only opened his eyes when he felt the wind hit his face, blinking and making out the Avengers’ Quinjet arriving before all the team members stepped out. While the other Peters returned to their own universes, Tony led the team towards the embracing teenagers.
“Y/N, Peter, are you guys alright?” He asked worthily, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
Turning around, Y/N gladly fell into her father’s arms. Meanwhile, Peter blinked at the sudden loss of her touch. It felt like he was missing something. “I’m—I’m fine. Just cuts and bruises. But Y/N—” he began to say, as the rest of the Avengers crowded around them.
Y/N shook her head, melting back into the safety next that was her boyfriend, leaning against him. “I feel—I feel . . . I’m fine, okay? Don’t worry about me,” she mumbled into Peter’s shoulder. No one was convinced.
Before Tony could start an argument with his daughter out of concern, Natasha stepped in. “Let’s get you guys on the Quinjet. Bruce will have to check you both over just in case,” she directed softly, leading them onto the Quinjet.
Peter and Y/N stayed to the back, away from everyone else. Although Tony had wanted to join his daughter, Steve had steered him away, whispering about how they needed some space with each other to process everything. On the Quinjet, everyone took their seats. Normally Natasha and Clint would pilot, but this time they put it on autopilot. Peter and Y/N settled into seats next to each other, with Y/N wrapping both arms around one of Peter’s.
Bruce was able to clean and disinfect Peter’s cuts, but then he had to switch to Y/N. “I want to have F.R.I.D.A.Y do a medical scan and take a sample of blood just to be sure. We couldn’t really tell what happened with Goblin from the T.V, but it was obviously something,” he said.
At that, Peter looked around. Everyone — except for Tony that is, who was looking at the teens intently — averted their gaze at Bruce’s words. He had wondered if they heard what Green Goblin had said, and it was obvious by now that they had. He silently thanked them for not bringing it up, even though they wanted to.
“He poisoned me, but Peter gave me the antidote. ‘M fine,” she mumbled tiredly.
“P-poison?” Tony coughed out, his eyes wide. He wasn’t the only one shocked and concerned, but the others hid it better.
“Let’s go over to somewhere where there’s more light so we can make sure,” Bruce instructed softly, before standing up and moving to the center of the ship, where the light from the ceiling was shining down.
Y/N went to to follow him, her grip on Peter never lessening. Peter didn’t mind, he was more than happy to hold onto her. He joined them both, and thankfully FRIDAY was intelligent enough to be able to scan Y/N without needing Peter to step aside. He patiently waited for Bruce to take Y/N’s finger prick, and the couple watched as he analyzed the incoming scan.
“You seem okay, the antidote worked quickly . . . But the poison and antidote has some side effects and has weakened you. You’ll need to rest like Peter,” Bruce concluded. “I’ll analyze your blood just to make sure.”
As soon as she was given the green light, Y/N wasted no time in during around and plopping herself in her seat. Peter gladly joined her.
When the Quinjet reached the compound, everyone began organizing themselves. Natasha took it upon herself to wake the now-sleeping teenagers, who had wrapped themselves around each other. Y/N’s legs were thrown over Peter’s lap, her head resting in the crook of his neck. Peter had his arms wrapped around her, his head resting against her own.
Everyone had noticed — except Tony, that was, who was too worried about his daughter to notice anything else. However, no one said a word, wanting them to sleep. 
When Natasha approached the teens, she reached her hand out to shake Peter’s shoulder, when Y/N shifted. After a moment, she settled, but her mumbling came not long after. Natasha didn’t catch what she said, but when she moved around more, it woke Peter up.
“Wha—” Peter started to mumble himself, blinking a couple times before turning to Y/N. Recognizing the situation, he shifted, pulling Y/N closer. In response, Y/N kept moving around, but couldn’t go anywhere in Peter’s arms.
“Catch me, please,” she whispered in her sleep, making Peter’s and Natasha’s eyes widen.
“Y/N, Y/N, you’re having a nightmare. Wake up,” Peter said, his voice loud but still kind, wasting no time in gently shaking her shoulder. This got everyone’s attention, stopping what they were doing to turn to the teenagers and the Widow.
“Pe—ter, catch me!” Y/N yelled, kicking her leg out and hitting the air. She tossed and turned and Peter had to tighten his grip on her so she didn’t accidentally fall onto the ground.
“Y/N, wake up,” he repeated, pausing before ultimately cupping her cheek in his hand. The comforting touch instantly drew her from her restless sleep, and as soon as she became aware, she was looking around hurriedly. “Hey, hey, you’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”
Y/N relaxed, wrapping her arms around Peter and pulling herself closer to him — if that was even possible. He adjusted himself so she was sitting in his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist, head nestled into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her back, his chin on his shoulder, glancing at the other Avengers.
After a few minutes of small mumblings from Peter about how he was here for her and how she was safe, Steve cleaned his throat. “We’re ready,” he announced to the team, although it was clear who his intended target was. Everyone but Peter and Y/N had their stuff.
The team stood up, Tony and Natasha grabbing Y/N and Peter’s belongings, while Peter stood up, carrying his girlfriend. No one said a word about it until they reached the compound’s living room, where Y/N had fallen asleep and Peter had laid her carefully on the couch.
“What was that?” Tony asked, coughing. His voice was thick with emotion and hoarse.
When Peter turned around, wearing a tired, concerned, and sad expression, Tony opened his mouth to retract the question. He was about to say that it was fine, he could hear about it another time, but Peter already started talking.
“During the fight, she-she fell. I dived after her but was knocked out of the way. I assumed the worst, but one of the other Peters caught her,” he explained, averting his gaze and ultimately squeezing his eyes shut as he recalled the utter fear that ran through his blood. He let the team adjust to this for a couple seconds, since he wasn’t done speaking. “Then, Goblin must’ve grabbed her. He wanted me to . . . to admit who she is to me because he wanted to hurt me. I was reluctant, how could I trust him? So he poisoned her, but the other Peters arrived and we got the antidote for her and cured him.”
Tony’s gaze fell to his daughter. “Oh my god,” he whispered, gravitating towards her and kneeling down. Reaching out to brush the hair away from her face, he looked up at Peter as he pieced the puzzle together. “Are you two in a relationship with each other?” He asked.
Peter slowly looked around at everyone in the room, all still processing what he had just revealed. “We were going to tell you,” he admitted. It was the truth.
Tony nodded, taking a deep breath before standing up. He turned to Peter and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Get some rest, Pete. You did great today,” he said.
Blinking, Peter nodded a little numbly. However, he couldn’t hide his tired, goofy smile as he let himself flop on the couch next to Y/N. He pulled his girlfriend closer to himself, knowing that it wouldn’t wake her up. Steve threw a blanket over them and the team all took their seats, beginning a quiet conversation. Closing his eyes, Peter continued to smile as he was holding Y/N and feeling her warmth, letting his team’s soft and low voices lull him to sleep.
It would take a while for them to be okay again, but they worked through it together. And now, at least, they didn’t need to hide it from the Avengers anymore. (Although they did have to deal with Sam and Bucky’s constant teasing).
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chubbygirlfics · 2 years
Arcane headcanons
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Arcane characters x !plus size reader
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Two words, No boundaries. She does not care if you are in the bathroom taking a shower she will walk in.
You have just gotten lucky every-time because she hasn’t seen you naked. Yet.
But today your luck went out the door, you were in your bedroom of YOUR house
You had to change your shirt because some dick of a man poured his drink on you for telling him off, you didn’t want to start anymore drama so you just went home
Jinx heard what happened and wanted to see how you were
Just as soon as you slipped your shirt off, jinx walked in. She stopped as soon as she seen you
You didn’t know if that was good or bad
She started skipping towards you “oh wowza!, who new you had boobs under all those baggy clothes” she joked
You playfully rolled your eyes “okay haha, now can I get dressed?” You questioned “not without me watching foxy” she smirked
You weren’t going to argue with her because you knew she was gonna get her way, and she’s too cute to say no too
“Fine, but only this one time” you stated
“Pftt, you wish” she joked, she actually watched you the whole time you put back on your shirt, because she thought you were sexy and she couldn’t take her eyes off your body
Don’t ever try to cover yourself up around her because she won’t like it, she loves your tummy and every curve, roll, you have
She really didn’t mean too, although she doesn’t regret it
It was the first time she fully seen you with a bra, considering she has walked in on you in one but never got the full picture
“Oh shit sorry sorry” she says frantically turning to face to door
You didn’t hear her walk in, and it’s sacred the shit out of you when you heard her yell
“Oh god, I’m sorry you had to see that” you said pulling back on your shirt “what do you mean that? Why do you sound so insulting to yourself”
“Because it wasn’t a pretty view” you exclaimed
“Well I thought it was a pretty view..not in weird way…but in a weird way” she reassured
You let out a small laugh “good to know someone thinks that” you sit down on you bed and vi sits next you
“You know I’d definitely walk in many more times if I new you were without a shirt on cupcake” she said looking at you straight in the eyes, you swallowed hard
She showed you how beautiful you were by kissing you everywhere she could and whispering sweet nothings to you
She made you feel loved every-time she seen you without a shirt or any clothes at that
She thought she heard you fall so she rushed into your room to make sure you were okay
“Oh no! Sorry y/n I thought you feel and I just wanted to make sure you were okay I didn’t know that your were-”
“Catilyn! Hey! It’s okay I’m okay” you cute her off and reassured her that it was okay
“Okay okay, good I just didn’t want you too think I’m weird” she said turned to the door “well your in luck because I don’t think your weird” you joked “at least I know you would try to save me if I was hurt” you say and smile
“Of course y/n you’ll always be my first priority” she smiles
God that smile always made you fall in love with her more and more…only if she knew
But lucky for you, she definitely like what she saw and before you guys know it you making out like to animals in heat
Was checking up on you because he heard you were sick
Didn’t expect to see you with any sort of top on
He froze for a whole minute just staring at you before you realized he was there
“Ahh! Jayce what are you doing” you yelled quickly covering your chest, he snapped out of his staring state “IM SORRY! I froze I didn’t mean to look for so long” he said leaving the room
After you got dressed you came out and seen him sitting beside your door “hey..” you said kneeling beside him , he felt so ashamed he couldn’t look at you “hey” he replied
“Jayce I know you didn’t mean too and it’s okay I mean if I walked in and see you with any clothes on I’d probably freeze two” you laughed
“So you don’t think I’m a stalker creep” he asked “no Jayce I don’t think your a stalker creep, but as long as you stared I hope you got a good show”you said , “ I did” he joked and you slapped him on the arm playfully
Fell down…literally
When he seen you, he tried getting out the door really fast but his cane fell underneath him and there was just a loud bang
It’s shocked you the loud noise, but him on the ground shocked you even more
“Viktor! What happened” you questioned putting on a shirt and running to help him up
“I- uh I walked in and uhm seen you changing- I’m sorry, very sorry miss y/n I didn’t know” he said looking away
“Viktor it’s okay, I’m more shocked that you fell down, but please let me help you up”
he grapped onto you arm and you lifted him up and gave him his cane “thank you miss y/n he said still looking away
“Please call me y/n” you smiled “okay y/n” he smiled back
Still a little awkward between you two but eventually you guys get over it and maybe even start dating:)
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