#saying this is funny bc. we talked about what we would be the avatars of and simon told me I would be spiral or hunt
its-no-biggie · 9 months
thinking about. yoohankim body swap......
mild novel spoilers ahead but no big story moments or anything just. brief mentions of skills they get later and such
okay so weve got 2 options here, right (well technically theres 6 ways to arrange 3 objects but. if we assume each of them swaps into someone else. theres 2). first one. kdj -> yjh, yjh -> hsy, hsy -> kdj. right off the bat - extremely funny. kdj in yjhs body having the time of his life (i am the protagonist!!), but also adjusts fairly quickly bc like. hes done this before. hsy in kdjs body is a menace. immediately rummaging through his pockets. everyone is unsettled by unreadable normalguy kdj making hsys evil little gremlin expressions. and yjh in hsys body is like. immediately getting bullied because his menacing aura does not work at all in hsys 5 foot frame. kdj-as-yjh is picking him up by the scruff of the neck and all he can do is glare murderously
second arrangement. kdj -> hsy, hsy -> yjh, yjh -> kdj. i think i like this one less but lets see. yjh as kdj is pretty good, i think yjh would be disgruntled no matter who he swaps bodies with but since the 2 of them are on such even footing in the narrative, i think actually spending time in kdjs weak pathetic body would make him lose some respect for him lmfao. like "what have you been doing all this time that your body is in such poor shape. pathetic." hsy as yjh is extremely salty about how op he is. muttering about cliches under her breath. definitely uses her new power to relentlessly bully kdj (omg wait that means hsys body is getting harassed by yjhs body in both scenarios..... what can i say. shes the perfect size to be bothered. the only reason she isnt bothered more in canon is because of her sharp teeth - i stand by this). kdj as hsy is. unremarkable i think. loudly complains about how much shorter he is now just to piss her off. finds an unholy amount of candy in her pockets and publicly shames her about it until she points yjhs sword at him and he shuts up real quick.
honestly i think both of these scenarios have great potential for physical comedy though. they all have such different mannerisms and such different appearances that reshuffling them is always gonna be striking. i need to draw it.....
okay lets talk logistics. do they keep all their skills or do the skills stay with the body? they probably keep them, although it might be more interesting to have like. physical skills like swordfighting and whatnot stay with the body. so if they get stuck like that for a while and end up fighting in each others bodies they kinda have to adapt to the bodies skills and fighting style. could be fun! hmmm that kinda leaves whoevers in kdjs body in the lurch though, since all his skills are mental..... and then kdj has a massive advantage, because surely the bookmark skill gets a boost if hes literally in the body of the person hes copying. so perhaps they keep all their skills - hsys avatar skill in yjhs protagonist body would be pretty op. and yjh has so many skills that he could make anything work - he might end up ripping kdjs body to shreds though lmfao. also im not sure if we get much of kdj using hsy as a bookmark in the novel? i actually dont remember an instance of it, although i can see him wanting to steal predictive plagiarism so it may have happened and i just forgot. but anyway kdj as hsy using bookmark + avatar, and then hsy as yjh also using avatar is an INSANE combo. two man army. and then theres kdjs body there like *struggling to hold up a sword* "i am yoo joonghyuk......" *passes out* LMAO sorry kdj i know youre not that pathetic its just so funny to imagine the protagonists sheer power literally destroying your fragile salaryman body from the inside out.
omg also. if the swap lasts more than a few minutes theyre DEFINITELY getting their weapons and coats back from their bodies. black coat hsy...... wait omg. okay i know kdjs coat is like a high grade magic item that changes size with him. not sure if yjhs is the same but allow me for a moment - yjh-as-hsy trying to look menacing (already failing) but his coat is way too big. its dragging on the floor. the sleeves cover his hands. 😭😭😭😭 its so ridiculous...... other notable combos - white coat hsy (head in hands). hsy-as-yjh gets yjhs coat stolen from her which means the protagonist physique is on full display - she makes a comment about how WoS should have made more use of this kind of fanservice and now she and kdj are arguing. black coat kdj..... i am yoo joonghyuk......
okay i think thats all i got for now. i hope its in character because i really havent read orv in a while..... anyway i think this has a lot of potential so i wanna try drawing it - maybe ill have more thoughts on specific character interactions once i can like,, put personalities to faces lmao
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
how closely would you say your trollsona represents/resembles you? i'm trying to make one and i'm not sure where to draw the line between them being their own character and being a representation of me. i'm asking you bc yours seems well thought-out and also i really like the design :D
I thinks it resembles me a lot in personality, tho not that much in appearance anymore since my hair has grown longer since i made her.
It's funny you mention it, the first trollsona i made ended up evolving into an oc, because it became more and more of a character of it's own, with a backstory, oc friends, etc. at some point it was no longer me and I grew out of it. the same happened to some friend's first sonas, they evolved into characters because we builded this whole world around them and detached from us.
Whit Meraki,l she represents me as a troll, she is to me like what "orange skin homestuck hussie" is to actual andrew hussie. When people say Meraki, they are talking about me, it's my internet name by now. The character Meraki is like an avatar, so i can insert myself in the internet, roleplays and in comics. my trollsona can jump through diferent scenarios and situations but in the end she is me if i was in those scenarions. it think that's what diferenciates a sona from an OC. For an oc you create everything about it, from design to backstory to relationships with other ocs. they exist in fantasy, while the sona, even as an alien or moster or wizard, it's you at it's core.
I personaly think of it kinda like reality shifting, as if i woke up in a diferent body or like in avatar (the blue aliens) where you jump into a diferent body to go to another planet. To me the character should look like you to some extent, and be like you in personality, react like you to situations, break the forth wall ever now and then. They can be an idealized version of you. maybe a little more extroverted, or composed, or brave, or have the hair you would like to have. At the same time maybe they have the same neclace you use every day, or dress like you do in real life, or like the foods you like, etc. Meraki is like me when i'm with friends, a little loud and bubbly, trying to make people laugh, while in regular everyday life i'm more introverted.
Meraki looks like me when i first made her, short sunflower hair and wears long skirts, and i never changed her design because i feel like that's still me even if i no longer look like that (i'm planing on cuting my hair short again at some point, i just like it how it is now)
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In the end it's all up to you. you might change and grow and your sona might change with you. you might outgrow it and create a new one and that's normal. With sonas you mix yourself with ficcion. To me they're like avatars in a videogame and it makes sence they won't always be or look like you
So to answer your question shorlty, if you don't know where to draw the line between you and character, try for it to be more you than a character, for it to be you in another scenario, in another world.
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bl00dw1tch · 1 year
One thing this fandom tends to gloss over that i Really wish we didnt is like... the entire notion of how its Decades into the future, but ppl who Act and Talk and Think like Quaritch are still out n about.
Like We (20-30 y/os Today) would be his Great grandparents generation, BARE minimum. Like if all his family waited till their thirties to have kids (unlikely). And we know how fuckin Goofy the youngest generations are already turning out rn, getting weirder and weirder the younger they are.
So like i just. I wish ppl Speculated abt it more. Like my Theory is that bc time is a flat circle, that sort of mentality circles back as just. Almost a convoluted Twist on the absurdism we're all Already leaning into?
The Earth during the time of Avatar (2150-2170) is EXTREMELY capitalist and consumerism driven in what we see in the directors cut of A1, like the ad space is fucking everywhere. Like an actual hellscape, like we all fear! And, to me at least, it feels like a lot of our behaviours as younger generations is bent on adapting to Resisting that excessive shit, and also leaning into actually becoming Unique individuals so that We ourselves can become too niche to market towards. And i can see that sort of self-caricaturism Continuing, and blending with that grass is greener Nostalgia all of us get sometimes when we think about how "better" things were in the past.
So like... i don't think Quaritch was *raised* like that, aesthetically. Ideologically unfortunately Maybe, but like the old school hardass marine thing? 100% he watched too many movies growing up n was like "yeah i could pull that off." And then he Did. Commitment to the Bit so strong that it eventually stopped being a Bit, alongside a good chunk of his peers most likely.
All of this is to say. Quaritch has not been living under a rock. He grew up on the internet. Worse--internet in the early 2100's. He absolutely knows what a Good fuckin meme is and you're kidding yourself if you think he doesn't, or that he wouldn't find them funny At All. I ontologically Refuse to believe that, it Just doesn't make sense. Just bc his sense of humor is 'old school' doesn't mean its OUR old school, i reiterate; he was born and raised in the 2100's.
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bibatbrat · 1 year
TMA Season 4
I did take a hiatus for several months three episodes before the finale for unknown (depressed) reasons 🥲 But nonetheless, I stay silly
Oliver Banks relatable as hell for stealing a dead man’s identity to sneak aboard a scientific research vessel so that he can get some damn sleep
But also him laying out for John what’s happening and why and the choice he needs to make… and then John starting to breathe again…. God
Tim being the first one John asks about when he wakes up. Screaming and crying and throwing up.
And Basira immediately adding Daisy 🥲
He’s The Archivist now huh
I love Melanie so much, queen of having emotions that no one else will fucking acknowledge
Chelicerae and the story-spinner are so good, I’m 100% stealing them for DnD or something
John saying he wishes he could talk to his team and then acknowledging that he’s nostalgic for something that never really happened 🥺
Simon Fairchild is so funny, man just loves being spooky dooky
Civilian Casualties is very good. I don’t normally care that much for the Slaughter statements, but this one was tasty
Performing non-consensual surgery on your unconscious co-worker = hostile work environment?
Martin talking to the tape recorder is so fucking cute
Man, that coffin just fucking loves eating cops huh
John using his powers to track Martin down for a convo…. Gay as hell
Martin telling John that he won’t let him die again…. Gay as hell
The whole concept of “bias of survivorship” is so interesting… I know that John doesn’t want to access that knowledge, but I do
Personally think that the Flesh ritual should have been called “the Munchies” but that’s just me
Helen trapping Jared in a rat maze labyrinth is so funny, I love her
Self-harm in the name of seeking knowledge… yes 😌
Jared’s so funny for being an Avatar and nope-ing out of his Fear’s ritual. He simply did not feel like it.
ngl seems a little disingenuous to leave behind an explanation/apology to your friends for the stupid thing you’re about to do w the rib that you got yanked out of you for some spilled tea (a stupid thing to do)
*uses my evil magic powers to give my friend therapy*
Seriously though, Daisy and John have a… rocky relationship, but it was very nice for them to get some Comfort together in the midst of the Hurt
The Everchase is so good. They got the zoomies
Shoutout to the Web and the End for being the baddest bitches around
I do love the “protag works for the bad guys bc they’ve traded their service for the safety of the people they care about” trope
Martin putting a bunch of tapes on the coffin to help John find his way back 🥺
Very funny that the Dark’s ritual was like “what if we had a sun….. of DARKNESS 😈😈😈”
John being disappointed that he can’t watch the cursed Web horror movies… same, bestie
Gertrude saying that she cares for Gerard and doesn’t want to risk losing him stopping the Unknowing… makes me 🥺 but also lowkey makes everything so much worse
Elias telling Martin that his decision about joining the Lonely is “too important to interfere with” is so funny
Smirke’s statement is so interesting… it’s wild that someone who was so instrumental in the academia of the Fears would have a change of heart so close to the end. It’s also wild that he continues to trust Jonah despite it all. At least he got the quick death he prayed for.
The Desolation’s beef with Gertrude after Agnes is so tasty
And the way they create Agnes is so wonderfully fucked up and terrible
Agnes being destroyed by DOUBT. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
John getting hurt when he tries to use his powers to Know what Peter’s plans are is very good
Can’t believe Mikaele Salesa fell for the old “one last job” trap 😔 we hate to see it
Gertrude intimidating Arthur Nolan…. What a fucking girlboss
V much like Arthur’s notion that the entities understand people as little as people understand them
And him talking about how he thinks they fucked up raising Agnes bc they treated her as their messiah and not as a child 🥺
Annabelle 💜
Basira beating the shit out of Elias is very funny
Cul-de-sac is so fucking good
Daisy saving John from Julia and Trevor… Hunter v Hunter shit is AWESOME
Eric’s statement makes me crazy… I love all of the old Institute drama and it’s so fucked up to hear him being so intensely focused on keeping Gerry safe when we know in the present-day that he’s dead
John going to Martin to suggest that they both blind themselves and run away together… Gay
Cost of Living is also fucking bonkers
Melanie ☹️
Peter thinking that it’s funny to jump out and scare Martin is so fucking funny
Adelard concrete-ing an avatar to death(-ish) is badass as hell
But also very funny to imagine him doused in gasoline and about to light the match when he’s like “oh shit!!!” and runs off to write the email real quick lol
Georgie and Melanie… love wins
I love it when John tries to compel another avatar and they get into a stand-off. I think he loses to Helen because he’s acting out of the very human emotions of fear and love. To do it properly, I bet he needs to lose more of his humanity
Peter mentioning Tim and Martin shutting him down… my heart…
Gertrude challenging Elias to shut the fuck up or actually kill her and him shooting her in the heart before she even finishes the threat is so camp, I love him
Daisy letting the Hunt overtake her so that she can fight Julia and Trevor AGHHHHHHHH
Elias and Peter do have incredibly divorced energies and I love them for it
Peter taunting John in the Lonely while he desperately looks for Martin
Oh god and him coming out with the “you won’t be able to hurt anyone if you stay in here ☺️”
It kills me how readily Peter gives up his statement. Yeah he resists and yeah he’s compelled, but once John gets him started it all comes tumbling out so easily… something something ironic how an avatar of the Lonely jumps so quickly at the chance of being heard and understood, the most human connection of all
Absolutely fascinated by the Lukas family dynamics… need some more statements from those bitches
Gertrude fucking stops his ritual by cancelling him, I’m….
The parallels between John compelling Martin to see him in the Lonely to follow him out versus John compelling Tim to see the truth behind the Unknowing to stop it (by killing himself)
I love Elias so much, what a fucking bitch
What a fantastic villainous monologue 💜
Oh they are so fucking fucked
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whatsnothappening · 2 years
I didnt even finish my last entry bc i got stoned and forgot.
Hi. So, it is currently 3:16 in the morning. Well now its 3:17... dude my fuckin brain will focus on one thing only sometimes. What the fuck type dumb ass would i be if i used this entire entry to tell what time it was every time the clock changed. I could really see myself doing that lol. Well, here i am.. up at now... 3:18 😂 I have to open the store tomorrow at 9am. gotta be there 30 min early. (i tell myself that atleast but never do it.) Ill do it, im currently contimplating whether or not i want to just pull an all nighter in hopes that it will reset my sleep schedule because recently i havent been able to get to sleep like a normal person. I swear i get home and sit on the couch and my brain is dead. i cant move. i cant think of things that i need to get done around the house. BUT as soon as my fat ass head hits the pillow... its a mile a SECOND bro. we arnt going by minutes over here. We are on seconds, WE ARE STRUGGLING. But, i will say... the beginning of this year. i have enjoyed myself. i have told myself that i am going to seperate myself from my married life. GRANIT, i AM very much aware that my official married life is VERY new. Howwwwwever, i feel that i have been "married" to this man for many moons. We are just legal now. but i have seen myself become him, hes a great guy. but i am my own person. Now, one thing i told myself i am not going to do is try to become the person i was when i first met him. that person was 17. she was immature. she was broken. she was feral. this girl is still going to be feral. but she is going to be strong, physically and mentally. she is going to take time for herself. she is going to be selfish. she is going to stop blaming herself for not getting things done in a timely manner. I will say recently i have thought about asking my mother to go to therapy with me. i kind of want couples counseling with her. i dont want to have a horrible relationship with her but i feel that when ever i finally move out i wil make sure i dont call. i will make sure i dont come around. but i fear that if i were to ask her to do that with me she would look at me funny and then make me feel awful for even thinking of the idea. I am quite proud of myself here recently. i have started up going to the gym. now i have been having my life long best friend go with me who has been a social crutch because i feel that i would not be able to push myself easily with out him there. but i will get to that point. dont get me wrong i have times where i think that i am pretty. but lets get this straight, i do not care how many body positivity posts you see on the internet when you are creating your avatar for a game or online profile you are not willingly choosing to make your character fat. nobody willingly chooses to be fat. i am self aware that i am never going to be an instagram model. i dont want to be. i dont want to be stared at or be the center of attention. if i was still 17 it would be a different story, that girl is dead. but i have a goal to be comfortable. and feel a little more confident than i do now. i do have one huge fear about losing weight and that is SKIN. i dont want to have random flaps just flapping everywhere. i am horrified of that. but i guess there is always surgery for that. i am not opposed to cosmetic work, i do have my lips done and plan on getting botox or whatever that more earthy option is called. whatever my cosmetic surgeon recommends i absolutely love her. anyways. i think this one is just to ramble i dont really have anything that i want to try to reason with myself on or vent or explain. im just talking, trying to figure out how i am going to handle tomorrow lol. oh by the way its 3:31😘
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wizardnuke · 2 years
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moemammon · 4 years
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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flufflecat · 2 years
rank the tma entities from favorite to least favorite! that's the first distracting thing I could think of <3
(ive been thinking very hard about my answer for like 3 days now fjkfdlsa thank you so much for this ask. also this is apparently going to be very long, so sorry about this yall)
ok so top to bottom, fav down to least fav:
CORRUPTION - i hate the corruption with my entire being, but i think its legally required to be my fav bc its My entity and i love bugs and fungi and such so very much. this dumb stupid entity just suits me in every possible way, and it makes me soooo mad. its currently stink bug season and ive already found like 4 of them in my house and befriended them. i would definitely be a corruption avatar in TMA and just spend my time terrorizing random people with stink bugs and being like "uhmm, i dont see what you think im doing wrong?? my bugs are just having a good time and i think these people just need to learn to see the benefits of having bugs around??? i think youre being really judgy right now, and need to let me chill" and also i would take jane prentiss out back and bury her in a flower pot because EW stay away from me maggot lady 🤢 (and stop pretending to be worms, youre MAGGOTS!! worms dont deserve this slander) ((dont talk to me about phylogeny and the definition of worm, i do not care. jane prentiss doesnt deserve to be compared to the kind pink creature we most commonly depict as Worm))
STRANGER - theyre the entity i WANT to be an avatar of. would be number 1 if i wasnt forced to pledge loyalty to the corruption. theyve got like the whole aesthetic down perfectly. clowns, taxidermy, weird and offputting creatures, just like a normal guy but you dont want him around, fish i guess, mannequins. its IDEAL. i want to be nikola's friend soooo badly. i think the clown apocalypse wouldve been pretty fun and jon shouldve just let it happen.
SPIRAL - they're every gay persons dream, and i dont even know why we all love them so much. their category feels so broad and im not quite sure what im supposed to be scared of here. why are people scared of fractals again?? literally no idea. im not afraid of them in the slightest, but also all of my dreams have a really spiral-esque aesthetic and all take place in giant labyrinths of hotels and amusement parks and malls and whatever. i wanna submit an application to join their cause because of how dedicated i am to labyrinths. @ the distortion, please call me
FLESH - i just think jared hopworth is really funny, and the flesh is so hilarious to me because it just feels like the working class of entities. entity thats most likely to work a blue collar job and just be a normal person you can go fishing with. entity voted somehow strangest and also most normal. why do they have a meat pit. they amuse me to no end. like alright, have fun with your meat or whatever. im having a great time.
SLAUGHTER - idk why theyre so high up on the list, but idk i think i just love some good violence. the war aesthetic bores me, but they make up for it with their dedication to knives and stabbing. entity that is easiest to make a playlist for because you just have to pick edgy songs from early 2010s amvs. Grifters Bone was actually just playing "I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters.
END - death is just like kinda fun tbh. simple, straightforward, down to earth kinda entity. people really liked connecting unus annus to the end so they instantly rise in the ranking for me. i would invite an end avatar to my house to bake a pie, which i cant really say is true for any other entity.
VAST - used to be higher on the list, but one of my ex-friends really liked them so now im legally required to form a grudge. their aesthetic is great and every vast avatar just seems like theyre having a genuinely good time! being their avatar would probably be the best option out of all of them, since all you have to do is throw some people off a building every now and then, and you can spend the rest of the time just flying around the upper atmosphere or chilling in the ocean. literally nothing about them scares me. the vast emptiness of unexplored depths/heights? thats cool as hell, and i would LOVE to be stuck at the bottom of the ocean. im obsessed with how large the universe is and how small we are. unfathomably large creatures? give me more!!! whales arent big enough, and i think the vast is right to want creatures so large that you cant even perceive them. i was so disappointed as a child when i found out that dinosaurs werent like 100 stories tall. if a shark the size of mount everest showed up at my house, that would be the greatest day of my life. anyway they would be number 4 but theyre 7 now because that friend ruined them. get rekt.
EYE - tbh i dont have much to say about the eye. theyre just sorta there for me. they get points bc the aesthetic is impeccable and everyone draws dope art, and also i own SO much eye themed clothing, but like. idk. theyre watching, i guess. sure, whatever. bonus points for ben meredith though.
HUNT - im surprised i dont like them more, but to me they just feel like a less edgy version of the slaughter. theyre slaughter's slightly more boring younger sibling. none of their avatars seem like theyre having a fun time, and they just dont seem like people i could get along with. like come onnnnn give it up for a bit and focus less on your stupid job, just go camping without making it about some lame Quest or something UGH. extra credit for having werewolves though, i do love werewolves.
BURIED - every time i take a "what entity are you" quiz it gives me the buried, so i have unfortunately developed a vendetta against them. just bc i like dirt doesnt make me a buried avatar!! i have nothing against them specifically, but they just arent Me. 2nd most down to earth avatar after the end (haha thats ironic ha ha), and i could definitely see myself easily being friends with their avatars bc they all seem like pretty normal people, but eh. just not my fav. they should be, but theyre not. sorry, buried
WEB - now i do love a good edgy manipulative character, but i just dont like the web. they seem soooooo self-aggrandizing and im like GEEEEZ can you chill for a second??? i know youre maaaasters of manipulation, but join the club, i can do that too. they have probably the most solid aesthetic out of the entities, with the puppet and spider thing being super cool, but they just dont do enough with it. every time the web does anything i just wanna roll my eyes and find someone less pompous to monologue at me
DESOLATION - i love fire. i love fire, and burning things, and arson, and you guys let me down. youre a cult and not even a fun one!! get over yourselves and just learn to have a good time!! way too obsessed with their pseudo-religious imagery. they need to take a page out of the vast's book and learn to just have a good time
LONELY - eh, they just dont appeal to me. feels like too genuine of a "fear" to be something i could enjoy. im not like afraid of loneliness, it just annoys and depresses me to experience. and i dont want to be stuck around someone who builds their entire brand on not having friends. go to therapy.
DARK - they take the cult thing that the desolation is so obsessed with, and then do an even worse job at it. was ANYONE in the dark having a good time, ever? you all could be so edgy, yet here you are just being downright depressing to interact with. get some hobbies.
EXTINCTION - i dont like them and they are impossible to make a playlist for. number stations are cool though.
CORRUPTION - theyre on here again. i hate you, corruption. stupid horrible worm maggot loser entity. does nothing useful and is terrible at everything. are any of OUR avatars having a good time? No, theyre not!! i dont wanna be stuck with these maggot idiots!! the big plan for world domination was "worm door"???? dear lord. im so ashamed to be involved with them.
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auramindedd · 4 years
Talent ||
Desc: You and your new friends decide to a drunk Among Us game. You have lots of fun and you’re glad to be able to have amazing friends like them. After ending the stream and sobering up, Corpse asks you something you’d never thought you’d be asked.
Warnings: Cussing, drinking
Notes: i’m using these fake social media apps bc they’re fun &’ i like using them for messaging and twitterrrr! i hope you guys don’t mind them! <3
also, i’m super sorry for not posting in a while. my motivation comes and goes, but right now i have lots of it.
i wanna work on an smau series so, be on the look out for that! :))
“No balls!” Rae shouts, daring you to kill Jack who is trying to get something out of the vending machine, but him being drunk as fuck doesn’t help.
“I have three, actually.” You joke. Both you and Rae burst into a fit of laughter, but not for long since Jack goes up to you two.
“What are you two laughing about?” He asks, laughing with you guys even though he has no idea what he’s laughing about. Gosh, Jack, you’re really making it hard for me to kill you right now, you think to yourself.
“This,” You answer, killing him. You and Rae run away, screaming whenever you see someone. Thank God for everyone being drunk or else you two would be sussed out for being complete maniacs.
“Y/N,” Rae whispers. She gestures towards the green room and you can see Sykkuno watering the plants.
“No!” You whisper-yell. You’ve become Rae’s hitman, Brooke being the other Imposter. You need someone to vouch for you so, you don’t mind being by Rae the whole time.
“Hey, Sykunno!” Rae shouts when Sykkuno walks out. He’s slurring over his words, trying to say ‘hey’ back. Yeah, no way you’re killing him.
“See? Absolutely no fucking balls. Small dick, too.” Rae taunts. You want to kill her, but if you do, you’d immediately get voted off. So, you kill Sykkuno instead. It hurt, but you had to show Rae what’s up.
“How come no bodies have been reported?” You ask to nobody in particular, just wondering out loud.
“I’m good at hiding them.” Corpse jokes from behind you, scaring both you and Rae. Corpse knows how sensitive you are to any sound when it comes down to places that are quiet, and since only you and Rae have been together, his voice was the cause of your overdramatic ass scream. Playing along, Rae starts screaming with you two, the both of you being extremely obnoxious.
You know that he was just joking about hiding the bodies because Brooke is your partner for this round. You’re not even sure how Corpse isn’t dead yet.
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Corpse chuckles. “I won’t sneak up on you like that anymore.” You and Rae stop screaming, relieving Corpse’s poor eardrums of being blown.
Rae starts running around you in circles while you and Corpse are in the middle of a conversation. You know what she’s hinting at, but you decide to ignore her. You’re not going to kill Corpse.
“No balls!” Rae shouts competively.
“What?” Corpse asks, sounding confused.
“I have so many, Rae, you don’t even know, but I’m not gonna- I’m not gonna kill Corpse.” Good going, Y/N, you think to yourself. Well, now you have to kill him.
Corpse starts running away and you do everything your drunk ass can do to catch him and kill him. He’s laughing, running into walls, you doing the same. Finally, you’re able to kill him.
Rae catches up to your avatar, laughing maniacally. She cheers you on, knowing that’s the only way that you’ll continue to be her hitman. Jack, Sykkuno, and Corpse. You’re not even sure if Brooke has killed anyone.
“Brooke! Brooke, have you killed anyone yet?” You try to be quiet, but your shitface drunk and you don’t think that’s working.
“No, have you?” She asks, trying to be quiet, too.
“Yeah, three people. I’m Rae’s hitman.”
“Okay, I’ll do better.” And with that, she’s off to go kill people.
“His body was in the hallway to Decontam... I think, don’t quote me on that.” Dream says, slightly slurring on his words.
“There’s 4 bodies and we’ve only found one? What the fuck?” Charlie sounds exhausted and you can’t help but laugh.
“Sorry,” You try and catch your breath, but once you do, you’re still giggling a bit. “Sorry, that was funny.”
Everybody else starts laughing and eventually, the voting time ends and nobody is voted out.
Wow, a tactic you didn’t even mean to use actually worked. It’s either because of how drunk everyone is or because of how contagious your laugh is - a lot of people call it cute and adorable.
You guys decide to end the game, everyone else ending their streaming while you just close your laptop. You all seemed to sober up towards the end, none of you wanting to drink anymore. Right now, you’d say you’re 85% sober. Taking a shower and drinking lots of water should have you good and all sobered up.
After taking a shower and getting a cold bottle of water, you lay in bed, watching random Minecraft speedbuilds of people building cute cottages.
You get a DM from none other than Corpse Husband. You smile to yourself before answering.
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You wake up with a minor headache. Last night, you’d say that the Minecraft speedbuilds helped sober you up, but right now, you know it was the cold shower and cold water bottle.
You remember the text message Corpse had sent you, about wanting to check up on you. You two have only known each other for about a week or two now, and you two haven’t really talked. It’s nice, though - having someone who wants to check up on you. He’s done it these last three days you’ve played with him and his friends.
You text Corpse, telling him you can talk on the phone now. You both have been trying to plan to talk to each other just so you guys can get closer. You and Corpse relate to a lot of things and talking in Among Us with proximity chat and Corpse’s stream, it’s not the best way to have a deep conversation.
“Hi,” You greet him, placing your phone down that way you can make breakfast and talk to him. He wanted to FaceTime, and you’re not sure why because he said he’d be covering his camera. It’s fine with you.
“Good morning, Y/N. What are you up to?” A small yawn escapes his lips.
“Making some chocolate chip pancakes.” You grab your phone, showing him the pan that’s mostly filled with chocolate chips.
“Gosh, Y/N, want some pancakes with your chocolate chips?” He chuckles. You giggle, placing the phone back down and turning the camera to face you.
“I’m an amazing cook, puh-lease. I know what I’m doing.”
“I think we’ll have to test that theory.”
“You live like 2 hours away from me, how are we gonna do that?” You ask him, placing a pancake on your plate. You put more butter on the pan before putting more pancake mix on.
“I’d 100% drive two hours to your apartment just to try out your food.” He says. You smile at him, shaking your head and rolling your eyes playfully. “Speaking of going to each other’s houses, I have a question.”
“What’s up?”
He chuckles nervously, “Do you maybe want to collab?”
You’re caught offguard by this. You quickly put your pancake on your plate before answering.
“I’d love to.” You’re able to contain your excitement, surprisingly. “But Corpse, if you’re not comfortable with meeting me, we can find some way to do it over the phone. I really don’t think it’d be that hard. You could record your parts and I cou-”
Corpse cuts your rant off, chuckling a little bit. You smile sheepishly, taking a bite out of your pancakes.
“I’ll be fine, Y/N.”
“Okay,” You give him a small smile. “We can make plans later.”
“Good,” He says and you can hear a smile in his voice.
You and Corpse talk about anything and everything, alternating from really deep conversations to lighthearted, funny ones. Lots of laughing, but also lots of crying on your end. Corpse telling you that it’s okay and that everything will be okay is your new favorite thing. You never knew how much those two phrases would be changed just by coming from a different person. They never really meant anything when they came from anyone else - as much as you appreciated people reassuring you. But hearing it from Corpse, it really did feel like everything was going to be okay.
You two end the call, both of you being busy today. He promised to call you more often and you did the same.
Taglist:: Updating it tonight, comment or message me if you want to be added!
@bakugonua @emsies-dream @i-love-scott-mccall @anyasthoughts @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @campcampie @happyheartsss @izthefangirl @just-that-bi-girl @fire-heart-raven @tayloryorkscurls
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authorjoydragon · 3 years
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I’ve seen this floating around so I’m stealing it. (Even though I should be doing like anything else rn.)
How many works do you have on AO3?
41, but that’s across five different fandoms.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
214,041 and I’ve got more on FF but too lazy to try to figure that number out lol
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Fairy Tail, Voltron Legendary Defenders, Miraculous Ladybug, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. I’m thinking about writing for My Hero Academia, just haven’t had any good ideas yet. (I have the inklings of a kacchako fic started in my head)
I have written Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon fanfic.... I just never posted those and I have no plans to lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Interruptions (ATLA) at 486 kudos
Accidental Rendezvous (ATLA) at 463 kudos
The Cat’s Out of the Bag (MLB) at 396 kudos
Happily Ever After? (ATLA) at 291 kudos
Tumblr Requests (ATLA/LOK) at 261 kudos
I think my stuff on FF has more likes but I’m too lazy to look.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Uhh I sometimes do? Sometimes I don’t have anything to say back LOL if someone has a really excited or detailed comment I’m more likely to respond.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely any of the prompts from Taangst Week. That shit hurted.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I’ll be honest, most of my fics have happy endings bc I’m a sucker for fluff. The one that sticks out to me most is On The Precipice, that whole fic was just the sweetest thing I have ever written.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers are really not my thing. I’ve had many people ask me to do crossovers, and I just... don’t want to, I’m sorry. They’re fun to think and talk about but actually writing it would be a lot of work and time. And I’m just not really that into it, ya know? Maybe if I collabed, I would do it. But eh.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Lol, yep. Wish people would keep some thoughts to themselves. It’s v easy to go read something else!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah, I think I’m mostly known for my smut writing actually. As for the type? Um, sexy and funny is my niche I guess? People have told me it’s hot as hell and I mix in fluff, realism, and comedy really well. I’ll take it lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It sucks.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so. I’ve had a few people ask if they can at least, and I told them to credit/link me. I’m not sure if they did but I hope so!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@gimmezutara and I talked about collabing on a FRIENDS-esque ATLA fic, if we ever get around to it LMAO
And I’m always down to give people ideas and suggestions! 
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What a hard question wah! Currently I’d say Taang.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh you mean all of them?
Sksksk uhhh probably the first thing I posted for ATLA. A fic titled Almost Lovers. It’s a lot of conflict and angst and I’m not great at writing those so... Not sure if I’ll ever write it the way I want it written.
What are your writing strengths?
I am great at dialogue and actions. And I think I’m pretty good at making people feel what the characters feel.
What are you writing weaknesses?
Hands down any kind of scene setting/world building. Just not my forte.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it’s called for I think it’s fine. I’ve done it before for a bilingual character, and I make sure to translate correctly. (Of course if it’s not, feel free to let me know so I can fix it!) I don’t do complex sentences in hopes it’s not translated wrong.
I’ve read lots of fics with other languages too, and I like it when the author includes the translations at the bottom :)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Fairy Tail! I miss it sometimes.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Ooooh, tough one. I enjoy my writing, I like to go back and read it myself. I’d say my faves are On The Precipice and Happily Ever After. They’re fluffy and sweet and slow burn. I’m really proud of them!
Tagging: @gimmezutara @thesavagedaughter0627 @evergreenonthehorizon
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panel-dreamer · 2 years
Well, how about that Moon Knight!
As a huge fan of the comics (especially the 2014 Ellis run which introduced Mr. Knight and the 2016 Lemire/Smallwood run which dealt with more of the mystical/psychological stuff) I enjoyed this tentative “first season” of Moon Knight more than I expected to. I know at one point there was talk of it being a one-and-done sort of thing but I would like a continuation of the story, especially after the reveal at the end of today’s finale. That being said, I have things to complain about:
 - What was Harrow’s plan exactly? and why did he have to release Ammit to achieve it? he seemed to be able to harvest souls on his own even before he smashed the shabti to release her, and then all she really did once she was released was punch Khonshu a few times
 - Similarly... how does binding Ammit to Harrow neutralize her? I understand it makes her vulnerable because she’s mortal but like... couldn’t Harrow just continue to harvest souls like he originally did?
 - why’d you do Jake Lockley like that. why relegate the answer to one of the show’s more intriguing mysteries for people unfamiliar with the character to a post-credits scene. that’s kinda dumb
 - I get that it’s Disney-fied and thus will always have less impact but Khonshu was not evil enough here. Like he was a manipulative bitch, sure, but that’s baseline Khonshu levels of dickishness instead of the full-on “I am going to make Marc Spector’s life a living hell bc I think it’s funny and what’s he gonna do about it” we see in the Lemire run
 - Circling back to Harrow there were bits in here where they went into his backstory with Khonshu that I think would’ve made for a genuinely compelling adversary for Marc and Steven... buuut since this is an MCU joint no truly sympathetic villains are allowed, except for the raisin man himself and maybe Killmonger
 - Layla becoming Tawaret’s avatar was pretty cool, and so was her costume! but her costume didn’t really make sense to me. I’m no Egyptologist but I think those wings would better suit Horus or Isis or another god or goddess... not Tawaret. just seemed like a generic Egyptian-themed outfit. why not make it fit the goddess she’s hosting?
 - Similarly, I laughed out loud when the girl asked “are you an Egyptian superhero?” I think Layla becoming a superhero is great, and a logical character progression! but having a character acknowledge it in dialogue feels very much like Disney patting itself on the back. just have Layla be a superhero! we know she’s cool no need to have a character practically look at the camera and say “she is the first Egyptian superhero. look how progressive we are!” to distract people as they throw more money at anti-queer legislation. god I hate Disney I want it to burn
 - Speaking of representation the representation of Marc’s Jewish heritage was about as sidelined as I expected it to be. While I don’t necessarily think it needed to be front-and-center since this wasn’t an origin story I think they could’ve handled it better. That being said, the idea of someone grappling with their faith and identity when confronted with the fact that an ancient pantheon of gods exists in their world is way more of an interesting and challenging concept than Disney would ever attempt in a show made to be appealing to as many people as possible.
 - oh yeah and for an action series the action was kinda bad. I don’t think there was a single standout fight from this whole season. I found it far more interesting when Steven or Marc blacked out and then came to with carnage around them. oops
Overall I think the show is a solid 7/10. Perfectly enjoyable. Episode 5 was the best in the season bc let’s face it the main plot is not nearly as interesting as seeing Marc and Steven interacting and grappling with their shared trauma
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missmorosis · 4 years
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welcome to my sleepover!
HI GUYS!! JUST WANT TO START OFF BY SAYING TY FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!! 357 of you guys?? its so crazy THAT YALL ARE ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS THAT CHOSE TO FOLLOW ME 😭😭 thank you all so much~ i don't know what i did to deserve all of it!! ITS STILL UNREAL TO ME
and hehe so i know i said i would do a 200 event, then a 300 event, but I NEVER DID ANY OF THOSE BAHAH- so im combining the two but WHILE I WAS DOING THAT, I GOT TO 357 FOLLOWERS 😭❤ i love you all so much it's not funny
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so!! welcome to my sleepover!! send in some emojis and LETS VIBE TOGETHER FOR A WEEK OR SO HEHE!!
sleepover ends march 18th, 11:59pm pst hehe (THE NUMBERS 11:59 MAKE ME THINK ABOUT ALL OF MY ASSIGNMENT DUE DATES HELP)
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this sleepover works with Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Haikyuu!
for haikyuu, im not super familiar with all the characters, so here’s the breakdown: im pretty good with most of karasuno, oikawa, kenma, bokuto, kuroo, and THE REST IM NOT TOO SURE?? so if you choose someone other than them, there's a chance i wont do it, just bc idk who yall are talking about BAHAHA
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🎶- jam with me!! send in a song and a character, and ill try to give some of mine that match with the vibe!! on top of that, ill make a mini blurb inspired by that song!!
🍵- spill the tea sis!! send in any question and ill answer it hehehe~ it could be something deep like "biggest insecurity" or something fun, like "thoughts on kuroo?" HOWEVER!! you have to answer the question too, that way i can get to know you better as well!!
💬- let's text!! give me a possible text (ex: "i- how'd you even get stuck there") and a character!! ill finish the texts and make a teeny tiny smau for it! here's an example!
💖- "you like him?" send me a character and ill give some relationship headcanons that i have of them!! on top of that, ill make a moodboard of what i feel the relationship will be heheh~
📷- "bestie say cheese!" APPEARANCE MATCHUPS!! im not doing written matchups but i thought i should try appearance ones!! just send me a cute selfie (dw you always look cute), send me a fandom, gender preference, and whether or not you're okay with me posting your picture! here’s an example!
💅- advice time!! you can ask for advice, just chat, or rant about anything- just a safe space for anything in case you need it! that's what a sleepover is for!! here’s an example!
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just send the emoji you want along with the criteria heheh
the sleepover is open to everyone, anon or not!! non-anon is encouraged though, so we can get to know each other better heheh!!
everything for this event will be tagged as "morosis's 200-350 friends sleepover!"
LOVE YOU AS ALWAYS!! SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS- if this flops, no it didnt <3
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sleepover ends march 18th, 11:59pm pst!! (maybe ill change this date later LMAOO)
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missturtleduck · 4 years
hi i saw ur requests were open and i would love if u could do a sokka x reader :) where reader is really shy and he likes to tease her and flirt with her to see her all flustered but she denies him actually liking her bc she thinks it’s just his personality to be funny like that. but then there’s the classic oh no there’s only one bed thing? thank you!
Ooooh I loved writing this! Tropes? Love them. Fluff? So fun, so sweet. I hope you enjoy, anon, and have a very happy holiday! <3
Sokka x shy!Reader
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It was a well-known fact that Sokka was a tease.
Now, he wasn’t a tease in the common sense, more that he took some joy in being a so-called comedian. Y/N seemed to be the person in their gang that got the brunt of his teasing. Every time he came up with some sarcastic quip, she would laugh along with everyone else – though most of the time she was the only one who found him funny – but then there were the other times.
She had been sparring with Zuko, who was surprisingly adept with swords for a bender, when Sokka had come by whistling with faux innocence. As he took a seat on the floor, his eyes were trained on the fight. Feeling his blue-eyed gaze boring into her, she felt her entire body flush. Steadying her breathing, Y/N pushed down the flustered flutter bats inhabiting her stomach. A frustrated cry escaped her lips as she pinned Zuko’s blades to the floor with her own.
“Sokka,” She breathed out, hating how hot she felt. “Sokka, w-what are you doing?”
He grinned. “Just enjoying the view. You know, I always thought red was Zuko’s colour, but you are boasting a lovely shade today.”
Absently, Y/N put a palm to her face, only becoming more flustered as she realised her skin had in fact became darker. As the blood rushed faster through her body, she looked desperately at Zuko for some reprieve.
“Sokka, are you here for any reason other than being a complete clown?” Zuko said, sighing in pure exasperation even as Y/N had him pinned.
The boy ignored him completely. “Has anyone ever told just how adorable you are? Because you really are.”
“Sokka,” Zuko said again, his voice less patient. “Go away before we make you.”
“Alright, alright,” He tutted, hands in the air as if in surrender. “I’ll leave you two to your dance lessons. Call me if you fall; I’ll come and catch you.”
Waiting for him to be out of earshot, Y/N groaned, dropping her sword and freeing Zuko. Her entire face was on fire. Sure, it was a metaphor, a hyperbolic one at that, but if Zuko decided to shove his ignited palm in her face, it would not manage to be as hot as she was feeling now. It might be slightly less sweaty. Ew.
Lowering herself to the ground, she sat, stretching out her aching limbs, pouring water over her roasting head. Y/N, needless to say, was mortified by Sokka’s teasing, but when was she not? She was somewhat shyer than her female friends; Katara had this maternal instinct about her that kicked into overdrive as soon as someone seemed needy. It was honestly scarier than the Avatar State. Toph was just... Toph. The girl was at least four years younger than Y/N and utterly terrifying, approaching people and situations with no fear. Then there was Suki. Suki had a knack of getting people to like her, being the loveable, charismatic leader, she was.
And that left Y/N.
Y/N struggled being heard in many a conversation. Ask her to take a compliment? No. No. Not happening. No thank you. Her shy demeanour was labelled cute by a few different people, though they all seemed to be joking – especially Sokka.
“Do you want me to sort him out for you?”
Y/N looked up, meeting Zuko’s very serious gaze for just a moment before staring at the ground. “No, it’s okay. He’s like that with everyone.”
“What?” Zuko frowned, slumping to the ground too. “What are you on about? He doesn’t flirt with everyone!”
“That wasn’t flirting!” She insisted, feeling that bashful flush creeping in again. 
“He was just teasing, like he does with everyone!”
Zuko’s lips quirked. “He called you adorable.”
“Yesterday, he called Momo adorable.”
“He said you flushed was your colour.”
“And he said that red was yours, sunshine.”
“Oh, Y/N, I’ll catch you if you fall!”
Y/N stammered. “He could have been talking to either of us!”
There was some silence between them. Y/N didn’t usually mind sitting in silence with Zuko, who was just as awkward as her most of the time. However, the wide, toothy grin like a catgator’s was highly disconcerting.
“Zuko, I don’t know what you’re seeing, but he wasn’t flirting,” Y/N said finally, quietly commanding. “He’s just messing around like he usually does.”
The prince sighed, suppressing his mischievous grin. Raising his swords, the pair charged each other again.
In the midst of a war, there wasn’t much space for fun. With the constant movement between the Western Air Temple and many significant locations to build their defences after the Day of Black Sun, Y/N found she hardly had time for anything other than training and strategizing. Sure, she may be considered meek when compared to her peers, but her mind was sharper than her blade.
After watching Aang master firebending, Sokka masterminding a prison break, and Katara nearly murdering a man – all with Zuko’s help – she had some whiplash. She might even say that she had been somewhat blindsided by them, but she didn’t particularly mind. It was when they moved onto Ember Island, however, that Y/N found there to be an issue. In all the excitement, or terror, of being separated from Haru and the others, and possibly murdering Sparky Sparky Boom Man, the gang ended up hiding out on Ember Island.
Spirits, did Y/N love the sunshine. The sand? Not so much, nor the swimsuits. Nevertheless, she much preferred it to Aang’s beloved ancestral temple.
“Okay,” Zuko said as they all collected together in the house, “So there’s a bit of an issue.”
“Fire Nation?” Katara asked, eyes narrowing.
“Worse,” Zuko said, voice grave. “There are seven of us, and only six beds.”
The teenagers all looked between each other with varying looks of embarrassment and disgust. It was Toph who spoke first.
“Well, I for one do not want to share a room,” She scoffed, stomping her foot – a reminder of her power. “I can already hear all of you when we sleep on the ground. I am not missing out on my chance for a quiet night of sleep.”
“That seems fair,” Zuko hummed as he pulled a hat off of a dresser. “Everyone else, unless they have some reason why not, will put their name in here.”
Sokka whined, pointing his finger at the heir of the Fire Nation. “Fine! But they should get the biggest bedroom.”
Y/N swore Zuko smirked. “Done.”
Sat on the floor watching him write names, the group waited anxiously to see who would be sharing a room at least for that night. Mixing up bits of paper, he seemed to be building up some bravado, akin to a showman about to pull a jackalope out of a hat.
The boy cursed under his breath as Zuko continued on with his little show, the piece of paper disintegrating as easily as a leaf floating in a breeze.
“And Y/N!”
She met Zuko’s eye, entire body hot, sending a psychic message along the lines of sprits, no, Zuko, no, please, Zuko, don’t do this.
Despite the fact that Y/N knew Sokka was only joking with his teasing, somewhere along the line she had ended up falling for it – for him. It was sudden and violent, the way a meteor crashed through the atmosphere, roaring, brilliant, and completely obliterating anything in its path. Currently, Y/N was that metaphorical meteorite, burning up and crashing into the earth.
Since Zuko apparently couldn’t read minds, she chanced a glance at Sokka. She expected some sort of joke, a quip, anything. Instead, he was deadly silent, stony in his face, staring too at Zuko. Was he blushing, or was she making it up in her head? This question soon slipped from her brain as she those baby blue eyes were staring straight at her.
Tui and La, Agni, spirits above; he hated her.
“Cool!” She said, though it came out more like a squeak. “I’ll see you tonight, I guess.”
“Y/N, we have the entire day before- “
She cut Suki off. “Yep, busy today! Busy, busy, busy. Plenty of strategic planning to do before the big day!”
And she was gone. Even Aang, renowned creator of the air scooter, had never seen a person move so fast, and Y/N wasn’t even a bender. In her haste, she didn’t catch the sly looks, nor the disapproving one courtesy of Katara. She definitely didn’t catch the shy grin on Sokka’s face, muddled with complete embarrassment. Getting as far away from the house as possible was her current goal, and she achieved it with insane speed – and longevity.
For an entire day, Y/N managed to see none of her friends, excluding Appa and Momo. Her animal friends seemed very concerned and very interested in her noughts and crosses diagrams in the black volcanic sand of Ember Island. It was only when Yue began to rise above the horizon that she thought it would be safe to come out. With what felt like a walk of shame, she trekked back to the beach house, a sleeping Momo cradled in her arms like a baby. Even Appa, who had been occupied with all sorts of made-up games throughout the day, was beginning to sway, eyes drooping, weighed down by sleep. Settling them down in the warm sand, Y/N climbed the wooden stairs.
Being quiet used to get her everywhere unseen; it didn’t work that night. Wordless, her friends’ good night wishes falling on deaf ears, she entered the biggest bedroom, alone. Falling face first onto the bed, she muffled a frustrated scream into one of the too many decadent pillows adorning it. Heaving herself onto her back, Y/N groaned dramatically with the effort it took. This bed was so soft. She tried to think of a more comfy, luxurious bed she had ever been on – and failed. The four-poster frame was casting odd shadows across the dark room. It felt especially lonely.
She felt especially lonely.
Sitting up, a low rumble filled the silence. Her stomach was apparently rather unhappy with the distinct lack of food during the day. Y/N had forgotten about that. She weighed up the options; go out and face embarrassment, or skip dinner for the first time in her life. Fortunately, she needn’t think long.
“So, everyone’s going to bed, and I remembered you hadn’t eaten.”
Of course.
“Oh,” Was all she could manage, mentally kicking herself for her utter lack of articulation. “Th-thanks, Sokka.”
Flicking on the light, the shadows no longer seemed odd, nor did the room feel lonely. There, in the doorway, stood Sokka. He was pretty – something that always took Y/N by surprise even though she saw him every day. Sure, he hadn’t grown into his gangly limbs yet, but he was getting there. His shoulders had gotten broader, his arms larger from training. She couldn’t help but imagine how comfy he’d be to lie against, how warm his hold would be.
“I brought snacks?”
Opening her mouth only to close it again, Y/N felt like a fish thrown mercilessly out of water. Instead, she managed a timid pat on the bed. He was slow to react, slower to move, and she only felt more inadequate. Whatever Zuko thought he saw at the temple was wrong.
“Wow, this bed is soft,” Sokka gasped, bouncing lightly on it like a small child. “It’s like sitting on a cloud!”
Y/N couldn’t stop the giggle that passed her lips as she took a slice of fruit from the platter he had brought in. For the briefest moment, infinitesimally small, Sokka ceased with his childish antics and just looked. Brightening, he seemed to thrive – delight – in her laughter, continuing to goof about with the numerous pillows and posh looking decor.
Y/N looked up at him from her laughing, stomach aching with joy. “What?”
“I didn’t know you could get prettier,” He said, brows furrowed, eyes sparkling.
She turned mute in an instant, feeling that all too familiar flush again, only this time it was close – more intense. Silent, she took another piece of fruit, eating it in moments, anything to give her time. “You’re teasing me again, aren’t you?”
He frowned. “What? No. I’m not- “
“It’s okay if you are!” Y/N insisted, her smile plastered on and her heart aching. “I know you joke about with us all, and it’s just how you are. It’s not a bad thing, and I know you’re just joking and- “
“Y/N,” Sokka said, almost incredulous. “I’m not joking. I have never joked about that kind of thing with you.”
She stopped dead. “What?”
It wasn’t a question – well, not to Sokka at least. That one word was her address to the universe. It was astonishment, frustration, incredulity, sheer joy, so many emotions all wrapped into one simple word. The moments that passed between that word and their locked gaze spoke a thousand more words, sang a hundred more emotions.  
“You didn’t know?”
Her head was empty. “Prettier?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Sokka chuckled weakly, moving the platter to the side.
“Prettier,” Y/N repeated slowly, looking up at him, “As in I was already pretty?”
“Erm, yes?”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Tui and La, yes.”
“Okay,” She said, testing the waters, “And you like it when I blush?”
“Yeah, you look cute,” He admitted, sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Looking down, bashful, she recalled training with Zuko. “The word you used was adorable.”
No words came in response to that, only a gentle hand on her cheek. Guiding her face up, Sokka looked at her and saw her. Y/N could see him reaching for words that danced in his mind and away from his grasp, so many more pretty, teasing words he could say. But he wasn’t teasing, not really. He certainly wasn’t when he pressed his lips to hers. It was sweet and easy to melt into; she didn’t need to be shy, not with him.
They shared more sweet kisses, laughing under the moonlight in that fancy bed they got to share. Fruit, a bed, kisses; they shared them all, drifting into an easy sleep as the moon began to slip away into daylight. Basking in the prospect of a lazy morning, they made the most of it.
They weren’t even mad when they found out Zuko rigged the entire thing.
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solitvdcs · 3 years
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* kathryn newton, cis female + she/her | you know zoey simon-archer, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, eight years? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to a little wicked by valerie broussard like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole black clothes and black coffee, dark under eye circles barely covered with concealer, might put a hex on you thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 10, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
basic info
full name: zoey tallulah simon-archer
birth date: august 10, 1997
pronouns: she/her
hometown: boston, massachusetts
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5’1”
eye color: blue
hair color: blonde
build: slim
tattoos: one of her younger siblings doodled on her arm and she said ok i see u and made it permanent
piercings: basically every piercing you can get on your ears split between both (no piercing is in the same spot except maybe the earlobes, she thrives on the chaos), septum
style: if it’s black and shapeless then yes
favorite color: black
favorite food: whatever she can find in the house while scavenging at 3am
zodiac: leo sun, scorpio moon, capricorn rising
mbti: istp
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
enneagram: type 4 wing 5
temperament: choleric/sanguine
alignment: chaotic neutral
bio bullet points
CHILD ABANDONEMENT TW it’s unclear how zoey came into this world, but what we do know is that she was dropped off on the doorstep of a fire station before her birth mom disappeared into the night. no note, no keepsakes, just two week old zoey wrapped in a nondescript blanket that was probably the one the hospital wrapped her in. the rest of her childhood was a blur of failed adoptions and shitty foster homes across the country (east coast especially), leaving her with no ability to fully connect with anyone and, okay, maybe a mild anger problem. rage blackouts weren’t uncommon, but in one foster home they had an old nintendo 64 and she learned to channel her anger through video games instead END TW
along came the archers, a lesbian couple that already had twelve other children. zoey was fifteen already and had fully expected to age out of the system and end up another statistic. for a good year after the adoption was finalized, zoey still didn’t trust that they wouldn’t send her back, so she acted out. she wanted to give them an excuse and get it over with, but her tactics went unnoticed in a cheaper by the dozen-esque household. her new moms couldn’t give her the attention she craved with so many bodies, but her older siblings stepped up and tried to make her comfortable. it sort of worked, but being smack dab in the middle of so many kids meant she faded into the background more often than not
at school, she thrived without trying, a natural aptitude for math and science and mechanics landing her a place on the robotics team, but because her many siblings had already made names for themselves, the archer name was almost like a curse for her. she didn’t want to be known as another archer adoptee, so she went by the name she’d carried with her from birth: simon. zoey simon could be her own person, whoever the fuck that was
one day, the robotics coach brought in their old computer for anyone who wanted to tinker around with it, and wanting an excuse to stay out as long as possible, zoey jumped on the opportunity. over the course of the semester (with the coach’s guidance) she took apart and put it back together again, upgrading it with some donated parts from a local electronics store. the best part? coach let her keep the computer after she was done
obligatory at some point she cheated on frankie with both sutter and ziggy ✌️😗
anyway we’re onto college, where she got hella scholarships and grants for being a girlboss and ended up at university of michigan, studying mechanical engineering. money was still tight, though, so she spent her first year trying to balance studies and a part time job at the local superstore, but her mental health and grades started suffering to the point that she almost lost her scholarships for her second semester. Between semesters, over a night of video games with her roommate, she offhandedly suggested zoey start live streaming her playthroughs. it may not make all that much, but a few viewers and subs would be better than nothing
but oh boy did she do better than a few viewers and subs
using a digital rendering of a random avatar and a voice modulator, psychozomatic was born, and they blew up. popular streamers started inviting her to their servers, and she made enough to cover all of her extra costs and then some — she graduated summa cum laude because of streaming, but she couldn’t stop after graduation; she was doing something she loved and getting paid for it. that’s what people always hoped for in a job, right? so after graduation, she fabricated a job to her friends and family to explain the income, moved into her own apartment with a soundproofed second bedroom (that she kept under lock and key for whenever anyone came over) and kept up the facade. it’s been five years and nobody even knows she’s a girl — female streamers get so much shit, she’s not sure she ever wants to do a face reveal. she’s perfectly content for the time being having everyone think “zo” stands for “lorenzo” or “vincenzo” or whatever, and being a faceless streamer means she gets the weird blend of notoriety and anonymity that she craved her whole life
personality wise, zoey is a mash-up of deadpan humor and snark. she’s never been good at face-to-face communication, which is why streaming works so well for her. she’s never known how to flirt and has been known to tie someone’s shoelaces together in an attempt to get their attention, which has obviously not worked out for her. once showed a person she thought was cute the computer she built and well...they were impressed but nothing came out of it. she’s probably a lost cause, but she can just play a dating simulator if she’s that lonely
is big on first person shooter games — the main reason she keeps her identity hidden, because people get nasty in those lobbies. also absolutely loves horror games, currently doing a playthrough of resident evil village on her stream
wanted connections
fans of her stream !!! obviously they wouldn’t know it’s her but it’ll still give her a lil smile and maybe even a blush if she hears someone talking about “zo”
other gamers she’s played with ???
people she met in the foster system
someone who has a crush on her and she has no idea bc she can’t read people (and vice versa)
friends of her siblings that had no idea she was one of them (i’m mean to her bt i think it wld be funny)
i’ve been working on this intro for like a week this is all i got pls take it and run <3
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red-i-mean-blue · 4 years
A:TLA romantic ships part 1
yes, no one asked for my opinions, yes I will give them anyway, yes because I have decided making a bunch of meaningless decisions and arguing for them will improve my mental state, yes I watched the show all in one very sleep deprived go and i’m not interested in rewatching it so yes I have absolutely no sources, yes this is a really long grammatical nightmare because I don’ t know how to be succinct and i use way more words than necessary at any opportunity because if my point doesn’ t come across exactly like i intend it will greatly upset me, no I have not yet watched Korra or read the comics because i’m tired now let’s do this.
includes Kataang, Zutara, Jetkara, Jinko, Maiko, Sukka, Taang, Tokka, Toko Ty Lokka, Tyzula, Yukka bc these were on the Avatar wiki ship list, part two will go into gay ships more
from 0 I despise people who ship this immediately to 10 I will read absolutely anything with this, I love it and could draw it for hours on how much I think the relationship would be good and how happy it makes me
Kataang (looks like a comic book sound effect so plus points)
very clearly built up over the series
cute kid crushes also ngl did not know katara was 14 and not older 12 or 13 so didn’t care about age when watching
now I know she’s 14 and he’s 12 it’s a little weird but still
haters say katara was just the avatar’s trophy girl, as if aang didnt kiss the ground she walked on and wouldnt stop telling anyone how amazing she is. Katara was the first face he saw from the new world and they immediately became friends. she was so excited to meet another bender, he clearly is trying to impress her and it is working, he listens to her about bending and offers to take her to the other side of the world to master water, TELL ME at this moment she is not ride or die and she doesn’t even know he’s the avatar, he lets her feel like a kid again, which is a feeling she’s forgotten after years of being a mother to sokka and the children. he literally sweeps her off her feet to save her from the fire nations ship i-. rewatched boy in the iceberg and hoo boy had canon not messed it up, this ship could have been legendary
hard to imagine older them working out what with the whole last airbender, preserve air nomad culture, let’s travel the world bc nomadic lifestyle, what’s marriage i’m a monk without biological family values vs last southern waterbender, preserve southern water tribe culture, I believe in the power of family and am ridiculously dedicated to my tribe,  let me go home to my father and tribe shtick, but I don’t care for after the show finishes much except for following the gang fix the world so I don’t really care about the marriage issue
canon was good until that Mess in season 3, WHY did he kiss her after that speech, wish they talked that out properly, wish he learned letting go of her to open the 7th chakra was the only right decision, wish the ending was a little more vague in ships and just left things open but yk whatever
that finale kiss was sweet, they hugged foremost as friends, no blushing, and then got the fuzzies, that moment standing alone? a+ but without any talking about what happened on ember island, a little unsatisfying
overall, fine ship, not my favourite nor do I actively ship it, but I see a kataang moment, i’m like, sweet so I give it a 6
Zutara (apparently fans are zutarians which looks like an alien race, plus points)
latter half of the show had quite a lot of Zutara potential, but idk about Zutara actual
katara was so ready to drop his ass, no way at the start
there is only one dynamic between them in which I can see Zutara working and that is as in the Stalking Zuko by emletish series where katara is so distrusting over zuko she takes to stalking him to make sure he isn’t doing anything to hurt Aang or about to betray them (her) again but he is just such a sweet dork who keeps trying to apologise to her even while she’s apologising to him for being a bitch that she can’t help but start to trust him, i’m a third into the third book in the series not stalking firelord zuko and I am thriving and tbh this is the only situation where I accept zutara, read the series I love it
age gap is weird, I know it’s the same difference between kataang but they made a point of zuko being older in the show also he’s so much taller and I don’t like 16 year old boys with 14 year old girlfriends in real life and so would katara because jet
katara has a bad experience with bad boy sword weilders (jet) but I guess you could see it as the start of her type idk
they are both the moms of the Gaang. sokka is the fun dad.
there is a parallel between their families, with the leader of their people dad, mom who left the picture when they were young, an older brother who is not a prodigy at/can’ t bend their respective element so they become proficient at swords instead, prodigy at bending younger sister with a violent streak. this is why I see zutara as potentially a really close friendship, almost siblings, but not a romance because to me katara is a little too like azula for comfort...
tbh I think a lot of folk shipped it because ooh fire boy and water girl (not the game) that’ s perfect, and bam army of zutarians
overall, kind of weird but ok and good grounds for humour so I give it a 4
Jetkara (bad ship name, why would you like this, minus points)
Jet is bad. yes Katara really liked him, yes he was definitely her first kiss and she would definitely consider him her first boyfriend but they would not define it because it’s easier to manipulate someone when it’s unclear what your relationship is and Jet is bad, with his weird fricking eyebrows and not even real swords those hook swords
Not wasting my time, 2
Jinko (cool name, reminds me of Hong Jinkyung, plus points) 
short but so sweet. not the first thing people remember from watching the tales of ba sing se (brb going to rewatch and cry) but really cute, so here’s a running commentary
his first thought was she knew they were fire nation rather than a pretty girl sat in a teashop giving him looks because she had a crush omg
that honest surprise when his uncle suggested she liked her and then she walked up and asked him on a date, adorable
anyone who looked at that god-awful hairstyle and still thought he looked cute has it bad also aww that hair ruffle and the little grab onto his arm
he’s pushing his food around and she’s trying out ice breaker questions and recieving one word responses he has no idea what he’s doing
“she is not my GIRLFRIEND” he’s not over Mai, clearly but he still is trying his best to be a good date even if he’s terrible at making conversation
anyone who sat through that date and the bad lying and the stilted conversation and still thought he was cute has it bad 
he is So Bad At Lying he just told the truth very vaguely and then bam travelling circus
jin so knows the two are fire nation, the whole date she just politely ignores the clear lies and doesn’t react to the obvious firebending, what an icon we love jin
honestly I was really expecting the show to reveal that jin knew he was a firebender if not from the start then from the lights but eh I guess she can keep a secret, good for her
that being said I can’t see anything more happening but this date but omg imagine fire lord zuko coming back to visit and they become friends I-
overwhelming support for pre-date jin flirting to an oblivious zuko and the date Jinko, 8
Maiko (name would be a good name for a cat idk why)
childhood sweethearts before the banishment i think
she crushed because he saved her hair from getting burnt by tackling her into a fountain? adorable
I love mai she’s so funny but I think not the best match for zuko? he has a lot of trauma to get over and she doesn’t seem like the let all your feelings out and let’s talk about it until you feel better kind of person.  it was deeply ingrained in her to keep all of her feelings and emotions strongly hidden because she got what she wanted from her politician parents so long as she was quiet, well-mannered, and perfectly behaved according to avatar wiki so I get why she’s that way, until I was 11 I was that way too all the time, I understand freezing your face so you don’t look afraid or upset or angry and risk annoying adults, but I don’t think that that would fit zuko with his social ineptness
they literally broke up twice but are just assumed back together? she just surprised him and said they were back together and I think he forgot she existed
the deadpan firelady and the fire lord would be hilarious together tho she got the ruthlessness he lacks
post coronation I can see it happening, 6 but under Kataang
Sukka (terrible name lmao)
the cutest, sokka very excitedly says “Suki!! :DDD” every time he sees her
she didn’t give him the time of day until HE changed, incredible
just the best canon ship, the two nonbenders in the Gaang but very clearly shown to be important key members.
suki is sneaky and badass, rivalling zuko for position on the team as the sneaky badass one (they tie and bond over being sneaky and badass)
sokka is a great dad, he is the dad of the Gaang and he clearly loves suki and suki loves him back
sokka ships are ELITE, 9
Taang (a delicious orange drink mix that reminds me of home, nostalgia)
foreshadowing from the swamp where someone aang loved in the future really made me think taang was endgame yk
opposite elements ideology that I guess is what zutarians like also leaves everyone in the gang dating a Gaang member if zutara happens
actually the same age but not much else going for it
best friends, 4 but under Zutara
Tokka (great name of a small pet fight me)
sokka ships are elite, childhood crush turned adult strong friendship
I really like seeing the rough, tough, greatest earthbender in  the world have a crush, adorable
sokka is a great friend and his and toph’s canon relationship is so sweet, I wouldn’t change it
toph was fully going to give sokka a kiss on the cheek for saving her life i’m melting
age difference is too weird for a romance he’s like 16 or 17 by the end I think and she’s 12
best friends, 10 as a relationship in the show, 2, but in their 20s after the show... 4 but under Taang
Toko (very forgettable name but both characters have 4 letters so I guess it’s hard to come up with something memorable but every time I read it as Toph because same shape ish so minus points for being annoying)
even weirder age gap than Tokka 
not many moments that could be considered romantic? 
toph first accepted zuko despite him burning her feet, how she sees, which was big and they resolved problems between them quickly
toph clinging to his arm and asking for a life changing field trip caused him to blush, but I see that as him being like oh someone wants to spend time with me?? she’s hugging me??? what is this 
convenient ship for kataangers because the Gaang could be paired off as Kataang, Sukka, Toko
her crush on sokka seemed to go away or calm down when he showed up and she punched him and teased him a lot, her way of bonding
similar strict teaching styles and bonding over secret identities as Blue Spirit and Blind Bandit and parental issues and being the children of important families who made them run away to enjoy not having anything to do with politics and being nobility with impaired vision who have never stepped into a kitchen in their lives and being used to servants and then being on the run
I really see them as siblings with her helping him relax from his duties as fire lord because you already know this boy’s sense of honour is going to make him work tirelessly to fix the world and him helping her relax from the whole i’m not a fragile, weak little blind girl, i’m the greatest earthbender in the world shtick and reminding her she can be both a blind 12 year old girl and the most powerful earthbender in the world, she can accept help without being weak or lesser than anyone, people want to help because they care not that they pity you
best friends 10, relationship in show 1, after show 3
Ty Lokka (I don’t like this name looks like a place but can think of nothing better)
yeah I guess ty lee’s obvious flirting is grounds for a ship but in every interaction he’s involved with someone else and doesn’t seem to like her as a person
do they even interact while on the same side?
friendly aquaintances at best, don’ t understand, 2 but above Jetkara
Tyzula (don’t like this name, like a mineral water?)
canon I don’t care it is canonically a possessive relationship
azula’s only genuine apology goes to ty lee after hurting her feelings
Azula clearly loves ty lee, her betrayal sends her mad
after a lot of therapy for azula and apologies, maybe a healthy relationship could form after the show, 8 above Jinko
Yukka (looks like a childish insult, surely someone could have thought of a better name)
Sokka’s love for Yue stays with him for the rest of his life, she was the first person to die in front of him and he sees the moon as her facing the earth
love this forbidden lovers content, sokka ships stay elite
Sokka and Yue spend as much time together as possible with secret midnight dates flirting (“you wanna do an...activity together?”)  Sokka’s reaction to Yue’s engagement shows that he wants to have a serious relationship with her, and also he thinks Hahn is a bad person for Yue, which he is. 
Yue dying devastated him and he never falls out of love with Yue. her last words “[she] will always be with him” are true. swamp visions show Yue as one of the most important people in his life like a season or so after he last saw her. he wouldn’t kiss suki in front of the moon, and cries when Yue appears on stage, ignoring Suki. he talks about the moon as if it is directly Princess Yue in that cactus juice scene.
she died in his arms oh my god don’t look i crying, he feels personally responsible and guilty
yue was great even though she was the indigenous or black girl with light hair and eyes character and I wish she could have helped aang in the spirit world 
despite her arranged engagement she clearly really likes sokka even though she knows nothing can happen, 9
Kataang, Zutara, Jetkara, Jinko, Maiko, Sukka, Taang, Tokka, Toko, Ty Lokka, Tyzula, Yukka
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
AU Chris is Paige and Richard’s son. What would his power be? What about Chris’ relationships with his parents?
chris being paige and richard’s son would like totally explain why he’s Like That actually that would be a great au so once again i’m gonna bring up my conspiracy theory that richard was dosed with the blood of some greater being as a baby by his parents in the hopes of making some superwitch but as we all know from dr curtis williamson of astral monkey fame receiving the blood of someone more powerful than u can create some disastrous consequences, which i believe is exactly what we see with richard and his fucked up relationship to magic given richards advanced powers (namely conjuration) and also the fact that the montana family probably didn't want it to be obvious that they y'know experimented on their kid imma say richard was somehow infused with avatar blood, seeing as they were basically unknown beings until s7, so no one would really be able to id his powers. i also think that explains how we saw richard get so insanely powerful towards the end like in i dream of phoebe he was even able to manifest a teleportation power through conjuration bc as we learned, avatars draw their power from a collective, so i’m positing that having a relationship with paige especially like y'know it's physical there's an intense emotional element that we see she even lives with him so like. it's a Relationship™. yeah that whole relationship only added to his own powers as paige sorta became his collective (i don't think this takes away from paige's powers at all more like if you shine a flashlight into a mirror it bounces back that light it's not taking away any light from the flashlight it's simply using what it was given to create more if that makes sense like in the abstract we don’t need to talk the physics of how light is reflected think of this in vague terms) so uh yeah that’s what’s up i think if richard did not have avatar blood he would just be a normal telekinetic which is a power we see him display at various points at just sort of a normal level couple that with the fact that paige is also a telekinetic and i think it is very safe to say that their child would have telekinesis i think telekinesis is the brown eyes of the magical world the dominant gene in the punnett square or whatever 7th grade was a long time ago i also think they are bound to some sort of teleportation power as both paige and richard can teleport i’d love to see it me some hybrid between fading and orbing as they are the first witchlightvatar i feel like they should have something wholly unique to show for it for another active power projection is an option as it is very close to conjuration while simultaneously being a power in the warren line but i wouldn’t want to give chris the same power as wyatt tho seeing as chris is a family name from leo’s side it wouldn’t quite make sense whenever i write about a paige/richard child i always call them bennie named after richard’s father which i think still works as chris is also named after his paternal grandfather but yeah the point i was making is having bennie travel through time and like exist in like this juxtaposition with wyatt idk i feel like it’s not as fun if they have the same power set so maybe i’ll take richards conjuring and modify it to match paige’s past life and say conjuring the elements? the entire montana family line seems to have energy balls as a power so like . that could add to that theory maybe. like the evil enchantress could conjuring lightning i think the avatars also had lightning powers but i think that was purely a leo addition and an elder power and paige has no ties to an elder status so. idk. i sorta like the conjuring the elements power i do think richard is the firstborn of his generation and paige is technically sam’s firstborn so i think they both get Legacy Points there and then bennie would go on to be the first born in the montana line so i think that could justify very op power like conjuring the elements i think that they would inherit some of richard’s mania to some degree i mean as we know there is a genetic component to addiction and both paige and richard have suffered from it but i think since the foreign blood is a) diluted and b) in a host with a greater power capacity (as we know, witches get stronger with every generation and adding a charmed one into the mix is definitely an added boost) i don’t think those genes would manifest themselves in the way they did with like richards obsession with magic however i think substance abuse and also probably and anxiety disorder are very much on the table if we’re talking bennie replaces chris as the one to come from the dark future quite frankly this kid’s gonna be more that a little fucked up bc lord knows nothing stable ever happened there i also think they wouldn’t be nearly as good of a liar as chris as i think they’re gonna have ten times more impulsivity i also think they wouldn’t tip toe around the truth so much like i know chris is really anxious about like negatively impacting the future i do not think bennie would give nearly as much of a shit like the future already sucks that’s why i’m here so Sit Down bc i have some Very Bad News for y’all i think like within the first ten episodes of season six bennie would have already made it very obvious that wyatt goes full dark no stars due to something that’s about to happen i do think they would wanna keep it under wraps about their specific lineage bc like they’re here to change a whole lot of things but i think they’d still like to exist at the end of the day but i do think that phoebe would find out and the news would spread i think in the light future without an evil wyatt bennie would not end up remotely as fucked up as they also probz wouldn’t be an orphan which i imagine is really likely in their dark future i think richard would strip his magic and live as a mortal but still teach bennie what he knows about magic and potion making bc like. he’s well verse. there are also a lot of montana traditions and secret recipes i think he would want to pass down but like not for one second i think richard would regret stripping his powers i think he would be making a potion with his kid and just be like yeah i’m so glad i’m not actually magical anymore this is just like making weird soup i’m not getting weird vibes and strange jolts of magic and funny voice in my head there’s no pressure to get it right if it’ll work or not i’m just here throwing ingredients in a cauldron w my kid : ) i also think richard would get like hella into tai chi or something very focused on medicine and alternative healing styles oh richard like paige was definitely also a pothead in high school but the point is bennie would be like very well versed in meditation and what’s it called not aromatherapy but like. apothecary? herbaltherapy? plantohealing? you know that thing people are into like teas and herbs that fuckin uhh help with colds and stuff basically like the non magical properties of the world in fact i think they’d be the most knowledgeable out of anyone from gen2 on like nonmagical uses for things like there are mortal ways to solve problems that can work just fine and i think yeah bennie does know richard’s past and the issues with magic i think that that’s something that personally scares them not enough to like not practice but like enough that they don’t ever like use magic for unnecessary purposes like they will Not be telekinetically closing the manor door shut at the end of the season they will be closing the door like a normal person that type of thing. in regards to a relationship with paige i think in the trying to fix the future part of this au bennie would get really close to paige bc like again paige probably was murdered in the dark future but i don’t think bennie would be like chris like she’s just gonna die so why get close i think bennie would really utilized the time that they do have to just like. be with their mom. i think paige would definitely be freaked to like be a mom bc she’s like woah i’m not that old and like have a 22 year old call you mom like definitely ages you but like i do think paige would see a lot of herself in her kid especially as this version of bennie like grew up really without parents and like this that and the other they’d also really remind paige of the kids she saw at social services and i do think paige would be very like mom-y around her kid like i would not describe paige as a motherly woman i would never call her the mom friend but like around bennie she like goes full mom like cuts crusts off sandwiches and everything mode (piper and phoebe find it fucking hilarious)
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