#school project that i wanted to post online as well
7official7moose7 · 2 years
The rest is uncolored and under the cut because of length issues 🤩🤩
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art · 2 months
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Creator Spotlight: @chaaistheanswer
Hi everyone! I am Clara, but you can also call me chaa! I am a digital artist based in Auckland, New Zealand, with a bachelor’s degree in Creative Media Production. After graduating from uni, I moved out to pursue my art career and I’ve been a freelance digital artist ever since. I love concept art, especially character design! Creating characters influenced by my love for fantasy is what I live for. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed my art! And thank you, Tumblr, for this opportunity!
Check out our interview with Clara below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I specialized in art in high school and have a bachelor’s degree in Creative Media Production from Massey University with an animation pathway. For our thesis film, which I worked on with several of my classmates, I took on the role of producer, art director, and concept artist. Our short film was featured in the Wellington Film Festival Terror-Fi in 2020. After graduating, I went on to become a freelance artist, but my goal is to work for the gaming industry as a character concept artist. Ever since I first picked up a pencil, I knew I wanted to become an artist!
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
Art block is quite common among artists, and unfortunately, I too have fallen prey to the affliction. I have several ways of overcoming art block: watching movies, playing games, reading, or going out for a drive with my sister. These are just a few things I love to do to help keep my creative juices flowing!
What is one habit you find yourself doing a lot as an artist?
I tend to obsessively research about completely unrelated topics while I draw. I find learning new things helps improve my concept designs, especially in creating backgrounds for my characters.
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Video games and anime were my biggest inspirations! Anything with a captivating story that’ll send me to the edge of my seat, and loveable characters. I’m particularly drawn to high and dark fantasy.
How has technology changed the way you approach your work?
Technology has made a huge impact on us artists over the last few years. I used to draw a lot on paper, but since getting a tablet, I find myself searching for the undo and redo buttons and even trying to zoom constantly while I draw on paper. I used to only draw for myself as well, but after posting my art online, I now have an audience to whom I can share my art. Because of this, I am able to earn a living doing what I love by creating illustrations for clients.
What is a recent creative project that you are proud of?
I am very proud of this recent commission I’ve done for a client! Fortunately, the piece turned out exactly how I wanted it to look, and my client was very happy with the result. I am also in the process of working on a Webtoon, which is going as smoothly as I hoped it would be before its re-release!
What advice would you give to younger you about making art that's personal or truthful to your own experiences?
The best advice I would give my younger self is to never hold back! Try not to think about the negatives of creating and sharing art that you believe in. Embrace vulnerability, and don’t be afraid to dig deep into your own emotions and experiences. Always explore, and don’t limit yourself to your own bubble. And most important of all, stay true to yourself! Stay true to your values and beliefs, and never compromise your own authenticity for the sake of pleasing others. Your art is a reflection of you as a person.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@yuumei-art has been an inspiration to me since my early Deviantart days. I admire how she uses her skills to focus on environmentalism and cyber activism. @nipuni is another inspiration of mine. I found her when I was in the process of recovering from Dragon Age Solavellan hell. I admire how she manages to capture faces well while also sticking to her style. Her paintings are so beautiful and very pleasing to my eyes!
Thanks for stopping by, Clara! If you haven't seen her Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here. For more of Clara's work, follow her Tumblr, @chaaistheanswer!
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maythearo · 11 months
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" Welcome back to Night Raven College's 'Ghostly Gossip'! The school's unofficial main online source for the latest news, articles and trending topics circulating around campus! "
" Your eyes don't deceive you. He really is real. And an actual monster too, not just a 'weird looking dog', as those funny human legends say... "
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R. Rosehearts - T. Clover - C. Diamond - A. Trappola - D. Spade - L. Kingscholar - R. Bucchi - J. Howl - A. Ashengrotto - J. Leech - F. Leech - K. Al Asim - J. Viper - V. Schoenheit - R. Hunt - E. Felmier - I. Shroud - O. Shroud - M. Draconia - L. Vanrouge - S. Zigvolt - Silver
Messy design notes:
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I have mixed feelings over his design. On one hand, the outfit itself looks cool... and on the other hand it turned out to be nothing like what I had envisioned in the beggining 😭 I wanted to stick with muted colors, in the vibes of that pic next to howleen's I guess, but it's like Ruggie's design had a mind of its own, and would always lean to more punk-looking no matter how hard I tried to avoid it, which don't get me wrong- punk style does fit him well, the problem is that I had it reserved for another character already, and I wanted to repeat themes as little as possible between entries of this project.. that just may be my perfectionist side speaking though, and there is no reason why I shouldn't post this version here for the time being! If I don't get tired of working on this series by the time I finish all the main cast's designs, then I suppose I could try to make an alternative version of Ruggie with a slightly different theme! I'd do the same with Jamil's entry since he is yet another character I have mixed feelings about the design lol
Aaaanyway, the mood for chupacabra Ruggie is grunge/thrifted fashion with diy details he would add to make his looks feel unique to him I think? The spikes on his skin, although he can partially control (?) them, still get stuck on cloth every now and then. Nearly all items of his closet are a bit torn from it, but he doesn't mind all that much. I got no particular designs for the pins and badges he wears, maybe except for the brazilian flag and the trans pin which I rlly wanted to include somewhere on his clothes whsdbdshewbdi
The chupacabra's appearance vary from place to place, but for this, I based his looks on how I personally grew up hearing and imagining this creature to be like! Baisically a fucked up looking dog, sometimes with spikes and scales on its body? Yeah 👍
And he remains the same personality-wise in the AU, pretty much! At the moment I can't think of many fun facts or character quirks for him, aside from how impossible it is to take a selfie with him, much to Cater's dismay. He swears he doesn't do it on purpose! The moment the camera clicks his body moves on its own to be out of frame. Ruggie's entire instagram (or whatever the monster high equivalent of that may be) account are either pictures of a moving blur or a vaguely distinguishable sillouette of him, taken from far away and zoomed in 10x
I think that's all I remembered to say? Here's a Ruggie core meme I found on reels as extra content lol
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waltzingwithspirit · 8 months
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Top Left: 111 ; Top Right: 222; Bottom: 333
Take what resonates and leave the rest.
The disclaimer in pinned post applies here too.
No one is allowed to copy my work under any circumstances.
DM for personal readings.
You could meet your partner through a woman, (be it a mother, friend) an expressive and creative woman. She could be a  neighbour, married women or someone who has light within them and the ability to spread light, a woman in love with life, could paint or do arts and crafts, could like sewing too. You guys could meet in some class/workshop you both are taking. One of you may not want to be here. You could meet at an art exhibition, museums, while shopping etc. Another possible location is at the park, where you run or jog. Either or both of you are into fitness, if not you will be at the time you meet them and will be taking care of yourself. Definitely at a public place, could be party where they are your friend’s friends, there is dancing, food and things fun, people will be taking among themselves. Happy positive energy, one of you likes to talk. Yes, I am seeing you’ll meet them when you are satisfied and fulfilled with how your life is going, could be 9 months from now. You could also meet them in march or May next year. You are confident, vibing, and they will show up suddenly when you least expect it. First meeting, they’ll notice you for a while before approaching you, they come across flirty, graceful, and put their best foot forward. Definitely a pleasant meeting. The meeting could end up being open-ended, like you may not have set a time to meet again, no one’s asked anyone out on a date, simply exchanged numbers/social media’s. You two might also end up going at the same bakery and meet again. They do have an offer for you but it will take some time before things become official. Don’t be disheartened, this is your future spouse so you guys definitely do end up together. 
Comment ‘111’ to claim.
In class, a learning institution, could have meet in school, colleges, coaching centres, any hobby classes you take etc, but you are definitely here to learn and practice. These could be online workshops/certificate classes as well. It took you blood sweat and tears to pay for this course, it is something you have wanted to do for a long time, you know you are good, naturally talented. I am getting Annabeth from Percy Jackson, those vibes. You could meet at a martial arts academy, or even the gym. He is the new guy. Again, someone struggled to get where they are today(at the point you meet them). I am getting the same messages again, learning centre, through teachers too. You might be in the same group/team for projects, paired up together every time. You both will learn together, grow together. You will learn giving people benefit of the doubt, and becoming soft, not always having your guard up. You will be passionate about what you are doing, love is not even on your mind and you’d rather just focus on something else but it will creep up on you slowly, like the sea touches the shore take a step back before merging again, during the course of time the lines will get blurry, from I had dinner with them because practice ran late to ‘Hey, you want to get dinner together?’ With no compulsion of any situation. Slowly you will reach out to them, it will morph into a friendship with a small crush to your partner for life, it’s a slow burn but it’s worth it. 
Comment ‘222’ to claim.
It will take a way for your union. Right now you need to develop into your authentic self, become more of yourself and express that. You feel unfulfilled and incomplete, you think finding a partner will solve all things, some of you are up and down the curve, on one day you literally can’t live without your soulmate and are dying for them to magically appear in your life to who cares? I just want to focus on me, my career, and money. There is  loneliness in your heart. I hear that your future spouse is not currently decided which is a good thing, the more you evolve, the more evolved person you will attract as your future spouse. You could meet them during grocery shopping, buy plants, getting your salary, when you are living the life you want to life like in an apartment with many plants, some art, mainly white with pops of color all around. I am seeing Europe for some of you. You could meet them after a life changing decision you took, it could be pack up your bags and move across the world. You will not be staying where you are right now that’s for sure. You are taking a chance on life and loving it. After this everything will start to get better, feel better. You are buying flowers for no reason and getting your chai/coffee, dressing up everyday. Everything is so colourful suddenly, that’s when you meet them. This is a new person, no toxic exes here. You literally are living your best life, laughing, hanging out with friends, genuine happiness, good bed time, someone who can’t wait to wake up to their new life, that is when you’ll know your future spouse is ready to come into your life and they ARE MATCHING YOUR ENERGY.  
Comment ‘333’ to claim.
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larkingame · 2 months
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hello all! been a moment since we last discussed some things, so I'm coming online to discuss the progress of Larkin's development and make a few announcements :)
over the last ten months, larkin has gone through a lot of changes, some of which I've documented here--but most of it I've kept pretty private. I realized that over the few short years I've been developing the game, I sort of grew an unhealthy dependence on my presence within the 'interactive fiction' community that I really, really needed to take a step back from and break, all in order to ensure that I could enjoy working on what originally started out as a passion project for me.
since july of last year, I've completely reshaped and rewritten how larkin exists as a project, shifted it's genre and started collaborating with a few others to ensure it can be of the highest quality it can possibly be. uptop, i'd like to mention @tapeworrmart who's taken on the immense task of putting together most of the game art for me, @khiita and @ann1a-1 who have both taken on the roles of my editors (and also sounding boards for when I am being absolutely insane) and my production manager phillip, who without his assistance, larkin would barely exist. with that, let's do a progress report. the intended demo of larkin, or what i've taken to calling 'episode one' (yes, i said, 'episode,' more on that in a minute) has stretched to just over 200k words worth of content. it stretches all the way from the earliest versions of larkin's original prologue, to the end of the original chapter two. so far, we've completed 3 out of the intended 20 character portraits, as well as some more art that's slowly been in development.
now, on to the announcements. probably the biggest, and the one I am most ashamed of is--due to the fact that I've been slammed with graduate school work and some other external factors, Larkin as it currently exists is not the best that I think it can be. I'm deeply sorry for this, but I want to ensure that you all are getting the highest quality game you could get from me--and right now, I know it's just not that. Which is why I am unfortunately, pushing the release of the demo back until Friday, June 14th, 2024. Patrons will be granted access to the most recent edit of the demo two weeks earlier on Friday, May 31st 2024. In the meantime, I will be working day and night (quite literally) to get what I'm dropping on you up to par and something that I'm happy with.
To make up for this disappointment, I'm planning on repopulating the blog with a lot of content over the coming months, rewriting new versions of old asks, posting art and short stories.
Next on the agenda and also an equally important announcement. I'm changing the rating of Larkin to Mature or 18+ As I've been writing these past few months, working through a lot of themes and figuring out the story I want to tell, I've found that I think the change in rating is entirely necessary. While I don't think I've ever had that big of a minor fanbase--I think that this is just what I am most comfortable doing. There has consistently grown a little bit more of gore, and trauma exploration, which is the main reason for this change in rating, but, this does allow for the inclusion of something that I've been toying with since the intial release of the game. There is going to be explicit sex scenes in this new version of Larkin--all of which, you the player are able to opt out of, or completely avoid if that's something you want--but I just thought a little announcement would be warranted. This does not mean however, I am comfortable with answering thoroughly explicit asks or getting unsolicited sexual messages. The goal is to keep this game blog mainly tame.
Please respect this boundary of mine.
Third thing to be announced. I've also changed the format in which Larkin will be released. Rather than around the twenty-five chapters in one of a series of 'Books'/'Games', Larkin will be released episodically over four 'seasons' with eight-ten episodes of around 200k-250k words each (though, this is just an early estimate--they could grow longer, as I'm basing this purely off the demo/Episode One)
Finally and a little bit of a fun note: there are now twelve romance options throughout larkin, five male, three female, one non-binary and three gender-selectable. With those upcoming asks, you'll hear more about each in the coming days :)
With all that being said, I wanted to lastly thank all of you for supporting me over the years and putting faith and your interest in this project. truly, the support of all of you means the world to me and I can't wait to share more of larkin with you all.
thank you 💖
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WIBTA if I send in screen shots to someone that made a callout post about a former friend?
Please read this entire thing before your decision. I understand the "blurb" may make me seem like a backstabber and someone you wouldn't trust, but I have my reasons I'll detail why this person is a former friend.
I'm a former friend of someone we'll call Marie. Marie, idk how to explain it, but she kind of didn't care about anyone but herself. Anytime someone would talk about something she'd make it about herself and it was very annoying. Marie also would make a lot of us uncomfortable at times. She said some racial slurs to us various times and claimed it wasn't racist. One was towards me and I asked her not to, basically I told her she can't call me a slur because she's white and made me feel uncomfortable. The other was some Irish thing I had to google because our friend who is Irish was uncomfortable and I'm still horrified with what I saw.
Marie would reblog my vent posts on tumblr a lot. None was ever to console me. One was where she reblogged and said "this would be a good ice breaker for a date." I did go off on her since at the time I had such a nasty break up and my vent had absolutely nothing to do with that. Now here's the issue, besides reblogging my vent posts, someone archived her reblog of my vent posts on the wayback. Multiple ones. I contacted wayback, but they said they only delete archives if the blog owner makes a statement on their blog. For reference, i have had multiple chronic stalkers and Marie was very well aware of it. So I already had wayback not allow archives of my blog because one stalker was using it to archive everything on me online. So a stalker found a loophole in the form of Marie. Now, this was before Tumblr had allowed us to disable reblogs. So no jumping to the comments saying it's my fault when this was years ago before that function was available. So, Marie refused and told me its whatever and if anything they were probably archiving her edits despite all of the archives on her blog had my vents she reblogged, like every single time she reblogged it got archived.
Now lastly, Marie was one of those people who would never celebrate anyone's victories. It was so weird, someone could say "oh, I got a new camera for my photography" and she'd say something like "in 3rd grade someone shat on my camera, so I never got a new camera". It would make stuff so awkward and make us not want to talk in our discord. I got a scholarship one year she decided to go to school (she was 12 years out of highschool) and she lost her financial aid in one semester because she didn't do any of her school work! Yet somehow "the government picks favorites and doesn't want to pay people that deserve it". Her words, I was very offended since she knew I worked full time, was a POC, and was not eligible for financial aid. Let me have the scholarship win without making it about you!
So one day I just blocked her everywhere after I deleted the friend discord we had. It wasn't right after, I waited over a year and became more and more distant. She did contact me again, but surprise surprise, she wanted me to help build her a website for her "oni-sona". I declined and we haven't spoken since.
Now the callout part. She has a callout under her new alias and it has her previous too. In this callout it's talking a lot about how she treats people like shit and uses them for her own gain. It details as well to not support her or any of her projects because she steals (idk about that, I've personally never witnessed it, but I'm believing OP because everything else is true.)
Now, would I be the AH if I submit stuff to add to the callout? I was just going to send in how she reblogged my vents and someone archived them on wayback and she refused to contact way back to delete them despite knowing I had stalkers. Maybe I'll submit more stuff, but not caring I had stalkers is my biggest gripe and something I think should be added since she allowed my stalkers to do that.
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sunsetkerr · 3 months
SAMMY'S GIRL (ii) | s.kerr
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summary: MORE headcanons on your relationship with sam, read part one here.
pairing: fem!reader x sam kerr
notes: getting out lots of little headcanons because they're just so much fun to do. sammy's girl is my favourite of all my girls (completely bias, sorry) but if you want to see what other 'wags' are in my lil universes, check out my masterlists!! each 'wag' is also going to get their own tag, so check those out for little file facts, or ask questions/send thoughts so we can add to them all!! lots of love
as previously established, you’ve grown up with sam right
you’ve known her through every little phase and every weird obsession she’s ever had
you know her deepest secrets and she knows yours
its honestly quite jarring because you both know each other better than you know yourselves
you’re not at sporty as sam, only relaly dabbling in school netball for carnivals and stuff when they needed extra girls
but sam would try and include you as much as she could in all aspects of her career
if she was having a solo gym day, or just going on a walk
guess whos coming with!?!!!
its you!!!!!!
if she wants a swim at the beach for recovery
she is making sure that you tag along
(not just to see you in your bathers, its for recovery, have some professionalism please)
sam has spent half of her life without you and having to settle for seeing you through a screen
so once you’re in london with her permanently, she is making the most of that
she needs to shower? you’re passing her body wash
she’s hungry? shes making two servings and you’re eating with her
she wants a coffee? youre heading to your favourite spot
you are always around
and sam isn’t having it if you’re not
when she does have to go away?
youre getting texts from guro, erin and millie complaining about her
‘omg she wont shut up about you’
‘if sam doesn’t stop talking im gonna clock her y/n, i won’t be held responsible for my actions’
‘she’s at a new level of pathetic, please come get your girl’
but they understand, they love you too
the entirety of the chelsea squad know you’re at every game
they have a dedicated seat for you in the family and friends section
everyone is away that it’s your seat
millie’s fiancée wards people away from it
he once had to face the consequences of sitting in your seat
he wouldn’t wish an angry emma hayes or sam kerr upon anyone
but its not all about sam
she is just your biggest cheerleader
you were able to finish your degree online and were lucky enough that your credentials in australia carried over to the uk 
so you started working there
im picturing sports journalism???????? you were forced to be around sport your entire life that it kinda just became a natural thing
you were so well-informed on so many different sports it was crazy
sam loved plugging anything you were writing
you posted a new article? she’s sharing that shit on her instagram story
you won an award for a piece? she’s at the ceremony
you’re working overtime to get a project finished? she’s ordering you dinner to the office
as much as sam is a professional and very famous athlete
she’s still just sammy to you
and she’s never forgotten that
but to her, you are the best thing to ever happen to planet earth
and she makes sure that everyone knows
living with sam is lots of fun
you relish in all of the time you get to spend together
call it making up lost time
sure, she leaves her stuff everywhere
but you’re guilty of that too
you still hold each other accountable
‘sam you didn’t do the dishes’
‘okay and you didn’t hang out the laundry’
‘… fair enough’
making dinner together is just chaotic 
sam can only cook breakfast, she excels at smashed avocado
so she really lets you take the reins on dinners 
she succumbs to the sou-chef life
you force her to watch movies with you
she argues and says that tv shows are better
(even though you know she’s completely invested in whatever film you’ve chosen)
you have a little brother who just idolises sam
and he has since the day he was born
he was a classic accident child, a real surprise for your parents
but watching him grow up was just the best
hes the biggest women’s soccer fan you know
he’s up-to-date on all of the woso drama
definitely can tell you the entire timeline and drama of the mcfoord relationship 
so when he’s old enough
sam flies him over to the uk all the time
he just loves sam so much
he wears her jersey to every game, saying he doesn’t want anyone elses
(maybe maccas, but that’s a different story)
and sam is estatic to have him there
definitely walks out with him as her mascot on multiple occasions
sam isn’t super touchy feely in front of others
but when shes drunk, she can’t help it
she just wants to hold you and she doesn’t care who’s around to see it
sam really loves watching men at bars or in clubs try to hit on you
just to go and ruin their fun
it’s her favourite pastime really
sam’s extra sappy and clingy when tired
after a big night or a tiring game, she wants to curl up next to you and have you hold her until she falls asleep
sometimes it’s a foreign feeling for you
sam is almost always the big spoon
so you really drink in the feeling whenever she feels vulnerable enough to let you hold her for a change
sam is also extra attentive when you’re not feeling well
she’s so doting and always checking in on you
if shes around, you’re being waited on hand and foot
‘are you okay? do you have a temp?’
‘let me get you some water’
‘i don’t like the sound of that cough, y/n’
if she’s away for a game, your phone does not stop ringing
she’s always texting when she has a spare minute 
and if she has more than ten minutes to spare, she’s calling you to see how you are
sam just adores you
the fans adore you even more
the amount of tiktok edits of you and sam are crazy
the one of you in the stands after her goal against england in the world cup went viral
the way you jumped out of your seat and almost threw yourself over the barrier was on the news the next day
the clip continuing as sam ran over to your section, as you both shouted in celebration to each other
or the clips in the matildas doco series of the two of you
the lesbians went feral for that shit
everyone wants what you have
everyone wants you
you are that bitch
sam knows it too
and she’s not afraid to let people know just who you are
because you’re hers 
forever and always
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fourswordsannotated · 7 months
akira himekawa are unbelievably cool.
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soooo here's the thing. i was looking at akira himekawa's website on a whim and found a public blog, with posts that go all the way back to 2009. many hours of google translating later, and i've developed an even stronger admiration of these two women and their exceptional career as manga artists. they share so much in these posts about the creative process, their thoughts on social justice, their connections with nature, and their most major original story, gliding reki, which seems to have always been a passion project in the midst of commercial work.
from what i could gather, reki is unique in that they were determined to do it in full color. and they did it, because after reading about their career, it's clear to me that when these women set their mind to an idea, they make it happen. see also: they just recently produced and distributed their own art book, because no publishers were offering to do it in a way that pleased them.
their stated goals for reki were to make something more adult than their previous children's manga, taking place in a city, involving a lot of mechanical art, and featuring stronger romantic and self-described erotic subtext. good for them. before i get into the four swords-related stuff, i'm sharing what i could find on the internet about reki.
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more under the cut, because there's quite a bit to discuss :)
not much that i could find on the blog specifically references four swords, but they have many fascinating insights about nintendo, the zelda fandom, and the franchise as a whole. i can't know for certain because this information was surmised from translated text, but it seems as if their manga with chibi link made them feel a little stifled, which is why they took a long break before returning to do twilight princess. it's not lost on me that even a work like four swords, which they may regard as not their favorite or best, still has inspired and brought together so many passionate, creative, and diverse people. this is especially sweet because it seems as if they met each other, and formed their creative partnership, because of a shared fandom interest of their own.
honda and nagano have shared their thoughts and feelings on this blog for more than a decade, and they have a lot of thoughts and feelings. throughout their entire career they've made commentary on work-life balance, their experiences as women in a male-dominated field, and their desire to create original art while simultaneously enjoying some commercial work as well. they are passionate about social justice, particularly re: women and indigenous people, and offer insights on aspects of culture and history and the state of the world that really could resonate with anyone. and they really seem to appreciate fans of their work, and emphasize repeatedly the care and thought they put into their manga in the hopes it will inspire and bring catharsis to readers. they love animals (especially wolves), being outside in nature, being nerds about art they enjoy, a certain subgenre of romantic manga that appealed to and empowered female readers in the 90's and 2000's, and traveling around the world to partake in activities like horse riding and falconry.
the coolest part is, they're still updating the blog to this day :) in fact they seem to have recently returned to it, reflecting that twitter is not their preferred manner of sharing things online. they seem very familiar with and fond of older-school blogging culture.
there's a lot more i could say here about my findings, some of which do pertain to... certain ships 💜🖤 . but i don't want my genuine appreciation for these authors to be overshadowed by that kind of conversation. in addition to a link to the blog itself, i'm including a few translated posts of interests, which you can interpret and incorporate into your perception of the media however you please. at the end of the day, it's a really cool gift that these artists have chosen to share so much over such a long period of time. by making their personalities, beliefs, and insights more visible to fans of their work, i hope it brings new context to the stories we already love.
a modern-day insight:
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re: the zelda mangas. these are from several points throughout their career. please note that they have so many fond things to say about zelda as a franchise and their work on the mangas, especially regarding the way they've affected fans. i encourage you to look for yourself, on their blog and their other socials!
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re: gliding reki
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re: the creative process (and in the latter two, the fandom that seems to have inspired them!)
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re: their two goofyass adorable tiny dogs that they dress up in outfits while also loving wolves like a lot, they love wolves (both domesticated and wild), they really love wolves
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re: wolf day (every day is wolf day,)
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re: indigenous rights
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re: painting serious works on commission vs their manga. i can't know for sure exactly what it means, but it really does kinda hit
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re: a fan and manga artist in training bringing them art and a note
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and a moment from a twilight princess manga interview i found very sweet :)
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okay. you've made it to the end. i know you're wondering. here you go. please remember that this is and always has been a public blog, and these posts are actually from 2009 and 2010. also please remember that the point of this post is not to cause or fuel fandom discourse, but to appreciate these authors and the things that they choose to express.
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(also, this is the column they were referring to in image 1. it's FASCINATING. give it a read if you'd like!)
the dots are there. you're welcome to connect them.
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thank you for your beautiful work and insights, honda and nagano. please never change.
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okanra · 3 months
So I’m migrating some of the (public version of) pre-production stuff I did in 2021-2023 for THE UNSPOKEN webcomic (back when it still had the old name “Trunks and Goten in High School AU”) here, since X/Twitter apparently annihilated the old Moment feature for real. These are mostly research stuff, some warm up doodles and inspiring sountrack playlists I did before a chapter or a story got made. I usually do a lot of research offline before working on any creative project, that’s why sometimes it feels like there’s so many information gets jammed into one chapter: it was mostly to make do for all the time that I didn’t get to, or wouldn’t be able to work on the comics.
Will add in the chapters along side the information paper for clearer understanding ✌️
1. The warm-up expression practice sheet (or doodles, in my case) of Son Goten and Trunks in my webcomic series (late 2022 or early 2023):
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Since the idea in mind for these two in the webcomic was to be more “mature, human-like” than the original manga version to fit with the narrative I want to tell and aim at the older demographic, practices are needed :p
2. The Martial Arts techniques research information papers - Chapter 2 and 3 aka “The Spar” 1 & “The Spar” 2 (2021-2022):
A. Goten’s techniques:
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B. Trunks’s techniques:
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This research about martial arts techniques was actually very fun to do due to martial arts and cultural aspects are being two of the things I enjoy the most in life. That’s probably parts of the reasons why I went back to Dragon Ball in 2020: motorbikes, martial arts and mixed races culture.
Back then I did plan on sharing my research to everyone in the form of little fun art lessons, so there were interesting tweets like this or this. Later I decided to share this somewhere else more private (like my Patreon community) since I realized pre-production researches (or something akin to visual developments) are not that well-liked for most online viewers even though it’s a very much needed process in a creative project 🤔
This martial art concept is one of the actual main themes throughout the whole webcomic series, not really the (super duper gay) b-romance relationship between Son Goten and Trunks, yes I’m very sorryyyyyyy I like them too but I like worldbuilding more lmaoooo :p
3. The brief character design sheet and Chinese-influenced culture research information papers - Chapter 4: “The Iron Woman” and Chapter 5: “Her Resolution, His Origin” (mid-2022 until now and will be continued):
A. Character Design brief sheet:
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B. Culture research stuff:
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The hilarious thing about researching for these chapters are: Back when “The Iron Woman” was being made, the research limited at reading articles and some books about Chinese cultures, and watching documentaries on Youtube. But when “Her Resolution, His Origin” was being made, the research tuned into a real life trip to China, to take real life reference photos and listening to real legends and stories.
This research for “Her Resolution, His Origin” will be posted to Patreon later, of course ✌️
4. The Original Comic introduction and comeback announcements in mid-2022:
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I must have eaten some edibles while drawing this because the boys look so good here. Goten looks so good, I even made him the profile picture for my Patreon account lmao.
5. Soundtrack playlists for inspirations (2021 - now): always the cherry on top. I listen to these playlists everytime I work on the series.
A. Duo playlist for chapters featuring both main characters: link
B. Character playlist for chapters focusing on single character, or anything related to that character: link
All in all, posts like this are for people who like to see what’s beneath the surface when working on a creative project. I completely guarantee you, what you’ve seen on this blog are just the tips of the ice berg 🤫
Def not a PR, but my Patreon has lots of this lmao. Half joking half serious, there’s even a “non-posted” comic up there too and many other things. I’m just stating facts.
That aside, I’m just really happy to be able to work on this webcomic. THE UNSPOKEN webcomic series has always been a long-term indie project, not a daily content so I hope the readers who like and follow this series would stay tuned for more ✌️
For easier reading, you can either follow the links that are included above, or just read this Tapas updated version.
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babyitsgayoutside · 1 month
I went viral on instagram for being a Pro-shipper
Before I even knew what a pro-shipper was.
Around this time last year I had just gotten back to the states from being in Japan for 3-ish months. I posted a reel jokingly showing off some of the BL Manga that I had bought during my stay.
In the video I showed Volume one of Yarachin Slut club and volume one of Hitorijime, my hero.
If you don’t know these series. Yarachin is about a group of boys who run a high school sex club it also has various degrees of dubcon and gang rape. The other deposits an age gap relationship teacher/student.
The reel where I showed these manga went viral on the wrong side of the internet and In 2 months my instagram received over 80,000,000 views across all my reels and I’m averaging at this current moment 10-20,000,000 views a month.
the comments I was receiving and have been receiving since are beyond words.
Some examples of what the more tame comments
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And if you think the comments are bad (not shown are the hundreds of comments telling me I’m not trans or gay, that I’m a cis woman pretending to be queer to garner support from the queer community, misgendering and deadnaming me, threading to dox me/send my address/personal info to people via DMs. Not to mention the newest group of people who found out I have a dead sibling and are using that as a way to attack me now as well. My DMs are also terrible.
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These people are mad about two volumes of manga. Manga I bought in a brick and mortar store in Japan. Manga that have official anime adaptations.
They are calling a manga you can currently buy at Barnes and Nobel child p*rn and calling me a p*dip hole becuase i own it.
I don’t know what the point of this post is really, I’ve come back to tumblr and realize the entire internet does not in fact hate me, and people on here actually can logically think about things like this not in black and white.
Am I a pro shipper?
I’ve heard if the term, I’ve seen it around and always thought It was for extreme niche interests in fanfic, fictional media and general fictional content that I don’t particularly find myself reading or interacting with ever.
But then I looked into it after being called it 1000000 times a day on my social media and I relaxed it’s not about normalizing incestfics or spreading niche fan art around tags like antis would have you believe. At the end of the day it’s a group of people online with a very punk aligned mentality that censorship is wrong. Fiction is a place for self expression and understand that fiction is fiction. It’s not about individual tags on a03 or black butler ships. It’s about the freedom to express yourself thought fucking fiction. Weather it be to cope with trauma, or to just get some fucking weird feelings you are having out on paper through fanfciton, through projecting into a character from media you like.
I’m not big with labels, so I’m not a “proshipper” but I’m on their side, because it’s the right side.
You can argue all you want it’s not, that they are “horrible people” for the fictional media they consume. But the opposite side is literally telling me to “slit vertically” on a daily basis. You are no better than the people you hate.
Anywho, yeah. Going viral sucks.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Some Light Voyeurism
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you’re mean and Peter likes that, so he stalks you while you’re on a date
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“Did you guys check online and see who your lab partner is yet for Professor Lind’s class?”
“Not yet. Did you?” Peter asked Ned as he opened his laptop.
“Yeah. I’m with some dude named Michael Morbius. He sounds like a total doof wad.”
“Hey. That’s not nice.” Peter chuckled. “It’s says I’m with some girl named Y/n L/n.”
“Oh no. You got Y/n as a lab partner?” Neds eyes widened.
“Is that bad?” Peter worried.
“Dude, she’s like the most popular girl in school.“ MJ told him.
“Really? I didn’t realize popularity was still a thing in college.” Peter said, mostly to himself.
“It is. And she’s the face of it. Good luck man. That girl is gonna eat you alive.” Ned sighed and shook his head.
“What do you mean?”
“I heard that she’s a total bitch. She’s mean to everyone.” Ned whispered as he looked over his shoulder to where you and your group of friends were sitting.
“She’s never been mean to me.” MJ shrugged.
“That’s because you’re a girl. But I’ve seen her make men cry. Even professors.” Ned replied.
“Well I like her. She calls it like she sees it and doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit. I think it’s pretty cool actually.” MJ said in your defense.
“You’ll think it’s less cool when she bullies Peter into doing the whole project. You know how fragile Peter is. She’s gonna destroy him.” Ned whispered loudly.
“Oh no. The first project isn’t due for another two months. That means there’s a lot to do for it. How am I gonna survive two months with this girl?” Peter groaned.
“You’re not.” MJ snorted.
“It’s been nice knowing you, man.” Ned said and patted Peters back. Peter frowned and looked over his shoulder to get a better look at you. He leaned in a little so that he could hear what you and your friends were talking about. One of your friends was talking and he could see you rolling your eyes at her.
“I hate when girls say this but it’s so true for me. I’ve just always gotten along better with boys. You can even ask my mom. Like when I was little, all my friends were boys. It’s the same way now. I’ve always gotten along with them better than girls. Girls are so much drama, you know? And all they talk about is makeup and their clothes and their hair. Like, I would honestly much rather talk about the economic state of the world. But girls never want to talk about that. That’s why I honestly prefer boys.” Your friend, Gretchen, told your friend group. Peter could hear you let out a little groan before throwing on a fake smile.
“Hey Gretchen?” You asked.
“Yeah?” Gretchen answered.
“Can you shut the fuck the up?”
“What?” Gretchen laughed in shock.
“It’s just that nobody cares and you’re lying.” You shrugged. The girls at the table exchanged a look as Gretchen sputtered a few times.
“I’m not lying. You can literally ask my mom.”
“Why the fuck would I ask your mom?” You asked. “I don’t know her like that.”
“I’m not lying.” Gretchen laughed again as her face turned bright red.
“If you hate girls so much, then how come you’re sitting at a table full of girls right now? And how come I’ve never seen you talk to a guy? Name one guy friend you have.”
“Psh. Noah.” Gretchen said like it was obvious.
“Noah? Who’s Noah?” You laughed in surprise.
“He doesn’t go here. He’s my boy best friend. We like grew up together.” Gretchen answered as her eyes darted around.
“Well can I see a picture of this Noah?”
“I don’t have any.” Gretchen said quietly.
“Then pull up his Instagram.” You shrugged.
“He doesn’t have one. And honestly, I want to delete mine. Social media drains me.” Gretchen said and out a hand over her heart.
“How does social media drain you?” You laughed again. “I’ve seen you get kicked out of class three different times because you posted your BeReal during a lecture.”
“I’m different now. That was in the past.” Gretchen stated.
“That was this morning.” You reminded her.
“Whatever. This is why I don’t hang out with girls. Too much drama.” Gretchen scoffed and got up. She brushed past Peter, bumping his shoulder as she went. You made eye contact with Peter when she did this and gave him an apologetic smile. He turned bright red and smiled back, falling for you right then and there.
After school that day, Peter waited by the bus stop with his earbuds in. He noticed someone out of the corner of his eye and looked up just as a man approached him.
“Excuse me, young man. Do you speak Spanish?” The man asked Peter. Peter tensed up, always feeling anxious when he had to talk to strangers.
“Um, no.” Peter gulped.
“Me either.” The man replied. “Would you like to meet the mother of my children?”
“No thank you.” Peter smiled nervously.
“You seem really strong. Can I feel your bicep?” The man asked and reached out to touch Peter. Before the man could touch him, you approached by Peters side.
“Hey. Are you ready to go?” You asked and linked your arm through Peters.
“Yeah. Excuse me, sir. I have to go.” Peter immediately went along with whatever you were doing and walked away with you. You kept your arm linked through his until you made your way to the next bus stop a block away.
“Thanks for that. I never know what to say to strangers.” Peter thanked you once you were at the next stop.
“No problem. Girls have to stick with girls, right?” You said with a kind smile.
“I’m not a girl.” Peter told you, making your smile drop.
“Oh my god. I thought you were a lesbian. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I honestly get that a lot.” Peter admitted, making you laugh.
“I think it’s the jacket. And the haircut.” You told him through a laugh.
“Oh.” Peter laughed in embarrassment and looked down at his jacket.
“Dude, it’s not a bad thing. Lesbians literally rule the world.” You told him with the upmost sincerity.
“Thats true.” He said with a soft smile. You looked at each other for a moment until your eyes drifted behind him.
“Hold that thought. What the fuck are you looking at?” You asked angrily. Peter turned around and saw a guy staring at you like you were something to eat.
“You. Have I see you before?” The man asked as he walked towards you. You wrapped your arm around Peters again and took a step back.
“How would I know who you’ve seen before?”
“I think I would’ve remembered a face like.” The man flirted, making you gag a little.
“So then your original question was pointless and you wasted our time.” You stated, making Peter hold back a laugh.
“You have a little attitude, don’t you? I like that.” The man smiled and took a step closer to you.
“Excuse me for a second. Some men were born without the ability to take a hint.” You said to Peter before turning back to the man.
“Look dude, no one ever fell in love with the balding loser who hit on them at the bus stop. I was standing here, having conversation with someone when you interrupted. Nothing about my body language made it seem like I was open to you coming over here to speaking to me. I’m not interested in or your wispy little mustache. In fact, I could probably grow a better one myself.”
“Uh, what?” The man laughed in confusion.
“Honestly, I’m not sure why you haven’t walked away yet. Because what do you have to offer me other than the juice stain around your mouth and a low credit score?” You asked with a shrug.
“Damn. You could’ve just said you weren’t interested.” The man grumbled.
“And you could’ve minded your business and never come up to me in the first place. Have you ever noticed that most women stand behind the pillars at the train station or against the wall at bus stops? It’s because they don’t want to be seen by men like you for their own safety. So you staring at me like I’m the next girl you’re gonna skin and eat is not appreciated.”
“I should’ve known you and your lesbian friend were a bunch of crazy feminists.” The man scoffed and looked between you and Peter.
“The craziest. Now fuck off.” Peter stated. The man rolled his eyes at you and finally left you alone.
“Peter Parker. That was unexpectedly awesome.” You turned to him with a smile once the man was gone.
“You know my name?” Peter smiled in surprise.
“Of course I do, lab partner.” You said with a wink. Before Peter could respond, the bus pulled up. Peter sighed a little in disappointment as the doors to the bus opened.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Peter.” You called as Peter went up the steps of the bus.
“See you tomorrow.” Peter smiled as the doors shut.
When tomorrow came, Peter spent his lunch period staring at you with a dreamy smile on his face.
“You were wrong about Y/n. She’s really cool.” Peter sighed happily and rested his chin on his hand. Ned turned around to see what Peter was looking at, which was you on the phone with your manager.
“I need you to come in tonight to cover Brian’s shift.” You manger said over the phone.
“Can’t. I have plans.” You told him.
“You have to. We have no one else working. Jenny was gonna do it but she pulled out.”
“Your dad should’ve pulled out.” You said before hanging up.
“Is she?” Ned asked sarcastically.
“Yes. Shut up. I love her.” Peter stated.
“Love her? You spoke to her for the first time yesterday.” Ned reminded him.
“Yes, and that was all it took.” Peter said simply.
“I don’t know dude. She’s mean.” Ned pointed out.
“Yeah, but in a hot way.” Peter insisted and went back to staring at you. He didn’t mean to, but he could hear your conversation and with his enhanced hearing.
“You’re meeting Danny’s parents tonight, right?” One of your friends asked you, making Peter frown.
“Yep. It’s my first time meeting them. I’m kinda nervous.” You told your friends.
“Who’s Danny?” Peter asked Ned.
“You mean Danny Fenton? Her boyfriend?” Ned asked.
“What? She has a boyfriend?” Peters face crumpled as he looked at you again.
“I don’t think they’ve been together long. Just a few weeks maybe. But he’s super popular.”
“He’s popular too? Since when are people popular in college?” Peter grumbled. He got an idea suddenly and his expression went from upset to intrigued.
“Oh no. What are you thinking about?” Ned asked him.
“I was just thinking that I don’t know much about this Danny guy. Maybe Spiderman should visit her on her date to make sure he’s safe.” Peter shrugged.
“Peter. No. No more stalking. We’re still not allowed back on the street Taylor Swift lives on.” Ned reminded him.
“This won’t be like that time. And we were barely stalking Taylor.” Peter insisted.
“Peter, no.” Ned whined. Peter looked at you again and felt his heart ache with how much he wanted you.
“Peter yes.” Peter decided.
That night, Peter found himself perched in a tree outside of Daniel Fenton’s house. He was dressed in his suit and watching you through Danny’s window. You were sitting down at the dinning room table with Danny’s parents and Peter could hear your heart beating with anxiety. Peter pulled his mask off so that he could get a better look but already didn’t like was he was seeing.
“Who the hell is this guy?” Peter grumbled as he got comfortable in the tree.
“Well.” Danny’s mother smiled sweetly as you and gestured to the casserole sitting in a dish in the center of the table.
“Well?” You repeated in confusion.
“Sweetheart, Danny is waiting.” She said and looked at the casserole again.
“For what?”
“For you to make him a plate.” She said like it was obvious. Peter saw your face go from a polite smile to having murder behind your eyes.
“The food is on the table in front is us. I think he can make himself a plate.” You laughed awkwardly and looked around for support. To your surprise, everyone was looking at like you were the crazy one.
“Yes. But you’re his girlfriend. It’s what girlfriends do.” The mother repeated as her smile shifted to a stern look.
“It’s not what I do.” You smiled sweetly in return as your eyes shot daggers at her.
“It is now.” She said sternly. “Make Danny a plate of food. Now, please. He’s hungry.”
“Yeah, babe. Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Can you just get me some food? It’s not that hard. Damn.” Danny mumbled. Your head slowly turned to look at him as you sickly sweet smile never dropped. Peter let out an excited laugh and watched closer to see what your reaction would be.
“If it’s not that hard, do it yourself.” You’re said, batting your eyelashes at him while maintaining your poise.
“I just sat down. Come on. I’m starving.” Danny whined and held his plate out to you. You looked at the mom again, who was looking at you with disproval.
“He’s starving.” His mom repeated and handed you the spoon for the casserole. Your smile dropped as you took the spoon from her.
“So why don’t you get off your ass and go get some food?” You said loudly and looked at Danny.
“Do not raise your voice at my son.” The mother snapped at you.
“Don’t raise your voice at me. Or we’re gonna have a problem Debby.” You snapped back and pointed the spoon at her. Debby looked down at the spoon before slowly looking up at you.
“Sweetheart, please. Don’t be difficult. Can you just go make my baby a plate?” Debby asked with a falsely calm voice.
“Your “baby” is a grown ass man. If he’s hungry, he can get food himself.”
“You are his girlfriend. It is your job now.”
“He’s not a helpless little baby. He can is perfectly capable and picking up the spoon and serving himself some food.”
“Make him a plate or get out of this house.” Debby said in a low voice. You stared at her for a long time as every else at the table sat in silence. Peter was on the edge of his branch, eager to see how this would play out. Finally, you held out the spoon in front of you and dropped it as if it were a microphone. Debby and the rest of his family gasped as a smile tugged at your lips.
“All right, bye.” You smiled at them all before turning to leave.
“I’ll call you!” Danny called after you.
“Don’t!” You called back in a cheery tone. Peter couldn’t see you as you walked through the house but suddenly saw the front door open.
“Oh shit. She’s coming.” Peter whispered in fear. He went to scoot back, forgetting he was in a tree. He fell out of the tree with a loud thud, landing directly in front of you. You stopped walking and gasped as Peter rolled over with a loud groan.
“Oh my God. Are you okay?” You asked and helped Peter get off the ground. He had landed face down, so you had only seen the Spiderman suit and the back of his head so far.
“What? Me? Yeah. I’m fine.” Peter shrugged it off like he wasn’t aching in pain all over his body. Your expression when from concerned to shocked when you looked into his eyes.
“Peter?” You whispered in disbelief. Peters eyes widened as he reached up and touched his bare face.
“No. Not Peter. I’m his cousin. Pe…nis.” Peter stammered weakly.
“Oh, okay.” You cracked a smile. “Hey Penis. What’s up?”
Peter shut his eyes in embarrassment and shook his head, knowing he just messed up big time. Meanwhile, you bent down and picked up his mask before handing it to him.
“Thanks.” He smiled weakly.
“You’re welcome.” You smiled back. “Come on. Walk me to my car.”
Peter slipped his mask back on and walked beside you as the two of you made your way towards your car. You were being oddly normal about finding out his identity and it made Peter even more anxious. You reached your car and your gestured for him to get in the passenger seat, which Peter complied.
“This is a really nice Prius.” Peter said once you were inside.
“I know.” You deadpanned, making Peter gulp in fear.
“You can take your mask off. No one can see you in here.” You said in a soft tone. Peter nodded his head before tugging his mask off again. You looked him up and down for a second before smiling.
“Were you up in that tree?” You asked him and pointed to the tree outside Danny’s house.
“No.” Peter lied quickly.
“There’s a branch in your hair.” You pointed out.
“It’s to keep my bangs off my forehead.”
“Oh. I usually use a headband for that.”
“I lost mine so.” Peter shrugged and looked away, making you laugh. He relaxed a little when he heard you laughing and settled into your passenger seat.
“So you used a branch from the tree outside my boyfriends house? Makes sense.” You nodded.
“Yeah. He has really good branches for that type of thing.” Peter said, knowing you didn’t believe him.
“I’m sure he does. But I also saw you fall out of said tree, so I’m thinking maybe you’re not telling me the whole truth.” You smiled teasingly, making Peter shrink down in his seat and covered his face.
“Right. Forgot about that.” Peter mumbled in embarrassment.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Were you stalking me?” You asked in a casual tone. Peter knew he was already caught and had no use lying.
“A little.” He admitted.
“Just a little? So not fully stalking?” You asked sarcastically, making him groan.
“No. Not fully stalking. Just some light voyeurism.”
“Aw. Peter.” You chuckled. “You don’t know what that word means, do you?”
“Yes I do. It means to watch somebody through their window.” Peter insisted.
“No, honey. It doesn’t.” You smiled sympathetically and shook your head.
“Yes it does.” Peter frowned and pulled out his phone. He googled the word quickly and felt his stomach drop when he read what it actually meant.
“So it turns out I didn’t know what that word meant.” Peter said simply, making you laugh again.
“I figured.” You shrugged. Peter looked at you for a minute, wondering why you weren’t more freaking out about what was happening. You just caught him stalking your date in his Spiderman suit and yet you seemed completely unfazed.
“So, you probably have a lot of questions.” Peter said and looked down at his suit.
“Eh. Not really.” You shrugged. “I’m assuming you developed a crush on me after our encounter at the bus stop and wanted to see what I was doing.”
“Well, yeah. But the suit and the tree? That doesn’t concern you?”
“I’m not really shocked by that either. I’ve seen you scale fences without touching them. And the only times Spiderman has been spotted outside New York was Washington DC during the decathlon tournament, a team which you or a part of. And in Europe while we were on a school trip there. A school trip you were always mysteriously missing from.”
“Damn. You peeled the onion all the way to the middle didn’t you?” Peter mumbled when he realized you had him completely figured out.
“It’s okay. Don’t feel bad. It was only a hunch that you were Spiderman until I watched you fall out of a tree in front of my boyfriends house dressed in the literal Spiderman suit.”
“That’s pretty much a dead giveaway, huh?” Peter laughed a little.
“Pretty much.” You scrunched your nose and nodded. You gave one last look at Danny’s house before starting your car and driving away.
“So did you hear any of that back there?” You asked Peter.
“Yes. All of it. I was up there for a while.” Peter admitted.
“I’m worried about what you constitute as full stalking.” You laughed when you remembered Peter had told you he was only doing some “light voyeurism”.
“Okay, maybe I was fully stalking you. Maybe. But you’ve been on my mind ever since the bus stop and I wanted to see what your stupid boyfriend looked like.” Peter shrugged, making you laugh again. You liked the chemistry between you and Peter and took the long way home just to spend more time with him.
“And what did you think now that you’ve seen him?”
“I think that your stupid boyfriend is also your stupid ugly boyfriend.” Peter mumbled.
“Well after tonight, I can assure you that he’s not my boyfriend anymore.” You looked over your shoulder at him with a smile.
“Well that’s good news.” Peter returned the smile. You looked back at the road again but kept your smile on. You stopped at a red light and Peter looked over at you just to admire the way you looked under the street lights.
“Just so you know, my mom is super dead. So she would never ask you to make me a plate of food.” Peter told you. You burst out laughing and playfully hit him in the chest.
“Good. Because I would never make you one. And I would fight your dead mom if she tried to make me.” You deadpanned, making Peter smile at your shared sense of humor.
“I bet she’d really enjoy that fight. In fact, I know she’d really like you. She was a bitch too.” Peter told you, smile instantly dropping when he realized what he had said.
“You think I’m a bitch?” You gasped playfully but looked honored.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” Peter said quickly. “I mean, I did. But I didn’t mean for it to sound mean. I just mean you speak your mind and stand up for yourself and I really like that. My mom was the same way. She didn’t take shit from anybody. You reminded me of her back there at Danny’s house. At the bus stop too. I think….I think she would’ve loved you.”
You pulled in front of your apartment building just then and unbuckled your seatbelt so that you could turn to look at Peter. He was worried he had just said way too much, after all he did just compare a girl he barely knew to his dead mother, but you were once again unfazed. You gave him a soft smile before reaching over to take his hand.
“Thanks for saying all of that. Sounds like it’s an honor to be compared to her.” You said and gave his hand a squeeze.
“Yeah. She was a pretty cool lady.” Peter smiled sadly and looked down at your intertwined hands.
“So you like that I’m mean to people and I remind you of your mom? Sounds like you’ve got some kinks just begging to be discovered.” You said and clicked your tongue.
“Don’t forget the light voyeurism.” Peter sighed.
“Who could forget that?” You chuckled. You looked at each other for moment until Peter frowned.
“If you have a car, why were you at the bus stop?” He wondered.
“I wasn’t at the bus stop. I was walking past the bus stop when I saw you needed help. Did you see me get on the bus, dumbass?” You asked him angrily before cracking a smile. Peter smiled too when he realized you were just joking.
“Do you think I could take you on a date? To make up for the one you just walked out of?” Peter used all his courage to ask.
“I mean, I never actually ate tonight. And unless you had snacks up in that tree, I’m guessing you didn’t either. We could go somewhere now.” You suggested, surprisingly looking just as vulnerable as Peter did.
“Want to go get pizza or something? There’s a place a few blocks from here that makes really good pineapple pizza.”
“Pineapple pizza is an abhorrent crime against humanity.” You said calmly.
“That’s just not true.”
“You can’t put a sweet fruit on something savory like a hot pizza.”
“Yes you can. People do it all the time.”
“They should stop.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“You need to open your heart to the wonderful world of pineapple on pizza. Have you ever even tried it?”
“I don’t need to try it to know that it’s disgusting.”
“Yes you do!” Peter laughed. “You can’t say it’s gross if you’ve never even tried it.”
“Okay. Well sorry for having great tits and a right opinion.” You mumbled and went to start your car again. You pulled the keys out of the ignition suddenly and looked over at Peter.
“I don’t want to drive to the pizza place.” You told him.
“Oh, okay. We could get something else.”
“No, I mean I want to walk there.”
“Oh. Why?” Peter wondered.
“Because you can’t hold my hand if we drive there.” You said through a shy smile.
“I mean, I technically could. You could just hold my hand with the hand that isn’t on the steering wheel.” Peter explained, causing you to stare at him for a long time.
“Hey Peter?” You asked after a minute.
“Do you want to shut the fuck up and hold my hand?” You asked sweetly.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “I really do.”
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maythearo · 1 year
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" Welcome to Night Raven College's "Ghostly Gossip"! The school's unofficial main online source for the latest news, articles and trending topics circulating around campus! "
" A new ghoul here, are you? Well then, don't worry. Let this blog be your guide from the hallways to the catacombs! I'll let you in for some personal notes and tips to gurantee your high school survival, so don't you get lost on me now! "
There are plenty of monster students yet to be introduced to you, but for today let's start with...
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Navigation (to be linked) :
R. Rosehearts - T. Clover - C. Diamond - A. Trappola - D. Spade - L. Kingscholar - R. Bucchi - J. Howl - A. Ashengrotto - J. Leech - F. Leech - K. Al Asim - J. Viper - V. Schoenheit - R. Hunt - E. Felmier - I. Shroud - O. Shroud - M. Draconia - L. Vanrouge - S. Zigvolt - Silver
(Messy) Design notes:
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Give me strength to complete this project with every character. Just Jamil's took me days because I kept getting stuck with that first scraped design ⚰️ of course I had to start with him since AHEM AHEM I hate him sm (lying)
The only thing I forgor to add in the pic above is that the reason I made his hair half green/blue/(?) Is bcs I wanted something to contrast with the red clothes. For the first half of the process I thought his color pallette was too boring in general, so I slapped a gradient over his Rapunzel hair and called it a day tbh 💪
I'm still not 100% sure if I nailed it the way I originally wanted to, buy hey, It's a start. Can't let my perfectionism hold be back and keep me from sharing my art til the end of times. So here it is. First entry. I'm posting this at 22:20 right after I got home from class so I hope my exhaustion didn't sneak in some typos in the post 😫😫 oh and by the way the snake names were all ideas I asked for on my instagram stories. I absolutely love Steve. The person who sent the idea said that it was Kalim who named it that way and I can totally see it happening
But in a final note, I wanted a cooler layout for me to post the series, so I took the name Ghostly Gossip from Spectra's original name for her blog before it became The Gory Gazette, I believe? I'm having fun with this idea that everyone would be introduced by a in-universe blog post just like the original monster high website used to do. So I'm creating a tag for the navigation purposes too! At #.the ghostly gossip hehe, but that's kinda all! Um,, stay tuned? (Runs away)
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kindlingkeen · 2 months
Hi! I absolutely adore your Asymmetrical Warfare series on AO3 (it’s got me back on a competent Jason Todd kick, which, there’s honestly too little of so if you have any recs pls fire away)!
I did have a curiosity that I hope you don’t mind answering though: are there specific reason why you’re not a Tim fan? And does that extend to other members of the batfam as well?
Hi, anon! I’m so glad you’re enjoying Asymmetrical Warfare (competent Jason ftw!). 🙌
Re: Tim. I should probably be more conscientious with my wording around Tim. A lot of what I say in ao3 comments or here tends toward facetious, and tone doesn’t really come across well online.
Which is not to say there aren’t things about Tim that bug me. For example—canon Tim, there are more than few instances of him being downright shitty to Jay’s memory. Case in point, from Batman #456, Tim imagines Jason’s ghost giving him a pep talk about becoming a hero and Jason says he killed himself because he didn’t listen to Batman.
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Ah, no sir, the responsible party was the psychopathic clown with a crowbar and some explosives, not the 15 year old trying to save his newly discovered biological mother.
But is this really Tim the character’s fault? Or is it dc’s fault for creating a narrative that brutally murdered a child and then spent decades trashing his memory and blatantly victim-blaming him for it?
It’s really more fanon depictions of Tim that I have a problem with. In particular, the tendency to project Jason’s trauma onto Tim. Trying to spin the white boy who came from an affluent two-parent household as somehow more neglected than the kid whose parents are dead/incarcerated and was literally homeless is just ??? Jason’s backstory touches on so many important societal issues (the gutting of the social safety net, the industrial prison complex, the opioid epidemic, the criminalization of poverty, the stigmatization of sex work), and this approach sweeps all of that under the rug.
It also really gets my goat how many fics masquerade as being about Jason, but are actually just a vehicle for Tim time. These stories tend to dramatize Tim’s character, whether it’s woobie, touch-starved little Timmy who needs constant reassurance and protection, or smarter than everyone ever, can not be out thought or out fought, is actually a CEO while he should be in high school Tim. My problem with this type of narrative is usually two-fold. 1) It dumbs down Jason’s characterization (which should be so rich and complex) to ridiculously oversimplified motivations and actions. And 2) it turns Tim into a caricature of himself, instead of a compelling character with a balance of strengths and weaknesses and a normal amount of teenaged self-esteem.
It probably doesn’t sound like it from this blog post, but I do really try hard in life not to yuck other people’s yum. Just because I don’t care for how Tim is portrayed, it doesn’t make it inherently bad or wrong. And all of this aside, I’ve read plenty of fics where I enjoyed Tim just fine. For example, I love how @bonerot19 writes Tim in their Something in the Static series. And Tim and Jay’s dynamic in WFA is often amusing.
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So, yeah, bottom line. Tim is … fine. I’m just not a fan, per se. I try to at least write him fairly in Asymmetrical Warfare, with both the realistic shortcoming of a teenage boy and the awesomeness of Robin. He’s never going to get the same amount of page time as the rest of the crew is, though.
Re: the rest of the batfam. I mean, I often want to bop Bruce on the nose. Especially canon Bruce who beats up his kids and is completely unrepentant about it. But, honestly, that’s not my Bruce. My Bruce, who I love and love to hate in turn, would never do that. (Compartmentalization, the key to happy fic reading and writing.)
I love Babs and Dick. I want to be besties with Steph, but in reality she’s way too cool for me. Duke and Cass I’m less familiar with, but have no problems with. Damian is growing on me, and if dc would just give up the game and admit that Dami and Jay met in the LoA and are actually super special murder brothers at heart, that would be great. Selina is a queen and someday I will write that Selina + Jay and Dami meet in the LoA fic I’ve been dreaming about.
Re: competent Jason fic recs. One of my favorites is butcherbird, fly away home by e_va @e-vasong. Bonus rec, the same author put out a new fic recently, another way to make it to ten, and it not only features competent Jason, it’s Jason & Tim, and I like Tim in it.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon! Really great questions. Kudos if you made it through the whole post. 💙
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trungles · 2 years
Hello, long time follower just on other platforms and I love your work. I am currently getting my Masters in Comics and Graphic Novels, and do tell me if this an inappropriate question but how much do you make? Like a month doing comics and art? Also what do you do on a day to day basis? I'm worried about my future after I graduate.
Thank you so much! This is a great question, and I wish more people would be candid about answering it because I'd like creators to demand more money. This will be a very long post! Keep reading if you're interested. MASSIVE info dump below.
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I think earnings in comics and books can look wildly different for almost every creator, and it depends on a lot of things. With that in mind, I make a slightly different amount every year. I view my finances mostly through page rates, contracted projects, and passive-ish income. Because I'm terrible at math, I'm just going to tell you how much I make per contracted projects, plus some relevant information in terms of Life Stuff. This will be very long, and I will highlight some important details that people maybe don't like to talk about very much.
Please also bear in mind that I live in Minnesota, away from all my major publishers and editors who are situated on the coasts, so my cost of living is much more manageable.
Background: Building a Foundation (2012-2018)
I graduated from college in 2012 and lived with my parents until 2018. I did not have to pay rent or worry about food, so I got to save up a lot of money to invest in developing as an artist–paying for printing zines, making merch, travel to conventions, table costs, and secure hotel accommodations. This helped enormously, and I would not have been able to spend six years developing my portfolio and connecting with comics peers and professionals without my parents. They were very supportive, even if they had no idea that I was developing professionally as an artist (LOL, they're very proud of me now, but they truly just thought I was being a weird internet gremlin the whole time). They're also not wealthy people by any means. My parents immigrated to the US in their 20s as refugees with absolutely no money and one baby (it me, I am the baby), but they each became pretty successful small-business owners in their own right and were able to help put me through school with minimal debt, even through the financial crisis in the late aughts.
I started making art in 2012-ish as well, but only semi-professionally, and barely on purpose. I was employed full-time in a non-art job between 2013 and 2018 at a local non-profit that specialized in pediatric therapy. I occupied a role as their front office person/corporate assistant. I made about 40k a year at that job, with benefits, and I made a negligible amount of money doing art and making comics. I should also note that throughout this time, I was working 40 hours a week at my day job, commuting between 2-4 hours a day depending on the weather (my commute was an hour for each direction in good weather and up to three hours if it snowed), and then working on comics for 3-4 hours in the evening, every evening. This meant that I would frequently be working anywhere between 65-85 hours a week for five years, and I do not recommend this! I burned out pretty bad! I didn't go to art school or learn about comics, either, so I felt like I had to spend time building my portfolio to make up for lost time. I didn't even know I wanted to make comics until maybe two years after I graduated from undergrad.
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I did manage to build a nice portfolio and connect with people who were making the sort of work I liked to make, so the portfolio-building did help. I posted regularly online in different platforms and steadily grew an audience over the years via Tumblr (heyyy!) Instagram (which I personally loathe), Patreon (stressful, but necessary and also getting more comfortable to use!), and Twitter (which I have very mixed feelings about, but I'll miss it if it dies). I did a few short comics with writers whose work I admired. The Fresh Romance Anthology in 2015 was my first major published work, and it was with writer Marguerite Bennett, who remains one of my absolute favorite people. I was so inexperienced at the time, and she would check in with me to make sure I got paid for my work, and then she would follow up with everyone responsible if I was not properly compensated. Not everybody is this on-the-ball about making sure their colleagues are treated well, and she absolutely set the bar for me going forward.
Doing It For Real + Some Numbers (2018-2021)
In 2018, I put together a pitch document for The Magic Fish (if you'd like to see my pitch document, here is a Dropbox link to it! It's just a book report for a book that doesn't exist yet, and I hope you find it helpful if you need it), shopped around for an agent, and found one I'm very happy with (Kate McKean at Morhaim! She's amazing! She runs a newsletter where she gives you the lowdown on how the publishing industry works, so if you're interested in Books, you can check out her writing over at Agents and Books). Then my agent shopped the pitch around to editors and publishers, and Random House Graphic won out. Also, every time she negotiates a contract for me in my home market (the US), she gets 15% cut, which is entirely worth it to me. She does so much. It's incredible.
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Random House Graphic's offer wound up being for two books at $45k each, with pretty standard royalty rates, I think around 10% in general, though there are stipulations around royalties that I can't remember off the top of my head (and also bear in mind that you do not earn royalties until your book sales have earned out your advance, and not all published books earn out). To me, this is a lot of money! BUT the graphic novel took two full years to make, so that $45k needed to last me until 2020, which is not livable if you're on you're own. Also, the advance is paid out in chunks at certain milestones of project completion. I'd get a few thousand at a time for the script, another few for the thumbnails, more for the inks, and on and on until the book is done. I would not start to get paid for the second book until I started working on it.
Earlier in 2018, I'd moved in with my partner, so we managed paying the bills and groceries together. Luckily for me, I had also completed a full tarot deck as a separate personal art project to help build my confidence as an illustrator, and my agent sold the tarot deck project (The Star Spinner Tarot) to a different publisher for a $15k advance, so I had some extra wiggle room in 2018. I quit my day job because this was a rare instance in which a book deal provided me with enough money to live on making art, with the caveat that I shared financial responsibilities with my partner. By this time, my Patreon, which I started back in 2015 I think, was also earning anywhere between $800-$1000 a month, which was really great semi-passive income. I'd post process shots and WIPs a couple times a week, and that really helped from month to month.
In 2020, The Magic Fish was published and got a lot of really lovely press. It debuted on the Indie Best-Seller list, and it got pretty popular in schools and libraries. Suddenly, my responsibilities expanded to also being a public speaker (side note: if you make a book about topics of some academic interest, make a generic powerpoint presentation about it now! I'm so serious!). I stopped tabling at conventions (the pandemic), but I would also be paid for speaking gigs in between. I'm not an enormously in-demand public speaker, so I usually asked for an honorarium of about $500 from schools and institutions for online appearances, though I'm about to ask for a lot more because it's cutting into a lot of the time I need to make comics and hit my deadlines. As people are more comfortable meeting in person, I usually ask for a speaking fee of at least $1500, and it must be after they've already taken care of my travel and accommodations. I'm not very well versed in the standards for speaking fees for debut authors, so this might not be standard! It's just my best estimation of the value of my time and effort for that instance.
Speaking of comics and deadlines, I sometimes take on smaller projects for DC (you might have seen these) and Marvel (shhh it's not been announced yet), and the page rates for those, as they've paid me, are usually as follows: $90 per page for writing ($45 for plotting and $45 for scripting), $160 for pencils per page, and $90 for inking per page. I've never colored or lettered, so I don't know those rates. I do regularly talk to other writers and artists, and the rates for writers are all over the place and seem to depend on whether you've signed an exclusive contract with either of those companies. I don't know what a contracted penciller or inker is paid by them, or if that's even a thing that happens? I also sometimes do comics cover work, and I usually charge between $1200 and $1500. I tend to charge a bit more for covers these days because I personally don't like doing covers all that much.
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Starting to Reap the Benefits Maybe? (2021-2022)
In 2021, I started getting royalty checks for both Star Spinner Tarot and The Magic Fish. These payments will vary wildly, and I think they will naturally peter off as time goes on, and I'll need to make more books and projects. In both cases, I was surprised. I think at one point a random check hit my bank account for like $20k and I nearly fainted, but some of the other royalty checks will be much more modest. This process of getting paid is also immensely eased by having a good agent! I cannot stress this enough!
Then both the Star Spinner Tarot and The Magic Fish got foreign language licenses, and those come with small advances of their own, each between $2k and $3k, from what I can recall, with varying royalty rates depending on the publisher who acquired those rights. Those royalty rates are, in my limited experience, more modest than my American publisher's, come to around 7% or 8%. The Star Spinner Tarot got an official French edition, and The Magic Fish has been licensed for publication in Italian, French, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, and Spanish so far.
Since 2021, I've also signed on to draw two more graphic novels for other people, and my agent is able to demand higher advances for me, even when I'm only doing the drawing part.
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My Day-to-Day
I think that's about as comprehensive as I can be about numbers. On a daily basis, my schedule depends on whether I'm writing or drawing. Graphic novels are long projects. I'll be writing for months at a time and then drawing for even more months or even years after. I spend a lot of time answering emails for speaking requests, and my agent will sometimes pass along emails about legitimate project requests (another advantage of having an agent is I don't have to sift through scam emails or shady collaborators). I spend way more time answering emails and trying to iron out my calendar than I'd like.
I'm currently working on my second graphic novel for Random House Graphic, and I'm extremely excited about it.
Another thing I've learned is that I like to bounce between projects, but they have to be between a paid project and a personal project. If I'm juggling paid projects, I get overwhelmed and stressed. If I can work on a paid project and then also make personal art, I can feel some relief and maintain a positive relationship with my work. If you can ever get to a point where you can manage to do this, I highly recommend it. I never want to hate making comics, and this balance of personal-to-paid projects helps me keep loving the work.
Closing Thoughts
My only hesitation in talking candidly about all this is that I'm not sure my professional trajectory is applicable for most people. I think I've had a uniquely positive experience once I got off the ground, and I know most people's journeys are very much not this smooth. In a lot of ways, I got very lucky. And along the way I had help, especially before I got my foot firmly in the door. I don't think I make stratospherically high amounts of money, but I know this is still an atypically stable amount for a lot of artists and authors. And even so, I anticipate that some years will be better or worse than others.
Obviously, I couldn’t cover absolutely everything, but my hope is that this will be a good starting point for you to figure out what you need to plan for the future. Best of luck! Thank you for your question! I’m sorry it’s so long.
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randombookposts · 6 months
Canaan University Au
Ok I thought of a college au for the locked tomb a awhile ago but I never bothered to write it down until now. Anyways I think they would all go to this imaginary university in New Zealand and it’s like the first book but with a lot less murder. Here’s what I think each house would study
Judith- Criminal justice major. Huge stickler for rules and doing homework. If she’s not in the gym reading a textbook while doing push-ups, she’s in the library getting into a heated debate with a Corona. Had a huge crush on Marta and went to the same college as her to hangout, just getting over it, may or may not have feelings for Corona, maybe.
Marta- In law school, was a mentor to Judith when she was in high school and that’s how they know each other. Gently turned Judith down but they’re still friends and study together sometime. Is the DD at every party.
Corona: Majoring in marketing with a minor in fashion merchandising. Doesn’t do great on tests but aces every presentation. President of her sorority. Can and will gaslight frat boys. Everyone wants her but she only has eyes for the stuck up criminal justice major.
Ianthe- Management major with a minor in maybe finance. Commits tax fraud and gets away with it. Sometimes does Corona’s homework for her. Doxxes people online (mostly Babs), smokes in the dorm hallways. Flirts with Harrow during their study sessions, which Harrow ignores.
Naberius- Economics major, and major fuck boy. Makes thirst traps and is doxxed. Hangs out with the twins even though they bully him. Doesn’t do shit during group projects. Will get a job at his dads company post graduation.
Jeannemary and Isaac don’t go to college but are tutored by Abigail at her house. They just silly teens who experiment with makeup and clothes to find their look. Talk loudly about anime in the school hallways. A little cringe but they’re doing their best.
Abigail- Anthropology professor and is really cool. Tough grader but genuinely loves her students and shares trivia with them. Brings donuts to test days. Will accidentally derail class to talk about books or her husband. If one of her students brings up one of the incredibly niche topics she likes, she will talk about it for hours.
Magnus- Not a teacher but visits Abigail's classes often. Nice guy, helps look after Jeannemary and Isaac. I'm not sure what he would do as a job, maybe chef or stay at home husband lol. Regardless, he's the one making all the meals.
Palamedes- Pre-med, wants to become a doctor so he can save Dulcinea save people. Smartest guy in the room always, a go to for anyone struggling with their biology homework. Has a friendly rivalry with Harrow (it's more rivalry than friendly for Harrow but she grows fond of him over time). Is the one derailing class with philosophical debates.
Camilla- Physics major, too cool for you. Really into sports, just not sure which, like gymnastics or soccer or rugby or fencing. Works hard but actually remembers to eat and sleep too. Probably in student government as well. Her and Palamedes are attached at the hip, they later get an apartment together and that's where all the main hangouts with the other characters happen.
Dulcinea- Suffers from chronic illness and focuses her life on learning and traveling rather than getting a traditional job. She's got multiple degrees in stuff like literature, philosophy, and art history. She is active on social media and has a blog, and sells crocheted animals on Etsy. Became mutuals with Pal and Camilla on social media and they met up later when they went off to college.
Protesilaus- Dulcie's caretaker, helps her with her medical stuff. Becomes like a cool uncle figure to her and her friends. Hangs out a lot with Ortus and they share poetry.
Silas- Double major in theology and philosophy. Freaky teen prodigy who graduated high school early and attends university. Little shit who people are either freaked out by or straight up just don't like him. Will snitch on anyone for anything he doesn't like. Really only friends with Colum.
Colum- Silas' nephew, but way older than him, weird dynamic. Not in school but drives Silas to his classes and Silas lives with him during the school year instead of in the dorms. Nice guy, looks out for Silas' well being the best he can but tries to keep him from being too nasty to others.
Harrow- Double major in theology and archeology. Studies at all hours and forgets to eat and sleep. Local cryptid. Autistic with special interests in religion and burial rituals. Went to Catholic school and had a suffocating home life. Trying to grapple with that as she starts to navigate adult life. Also trying to mend her relationship with Gideon after being so harsh in her younger years.
Gideon- Kinesiology major, butch vibes to the max. Does swordfighting and weight training in her down time. Has kissed both Ianthe and Corona at some point, though it never went anywhere after that. Wears her sunglasses at all times even in class. Finds the worst fashions from thrift stores and wears them to piss Harrow off. Grew up with Harrow in a foster home Harrow's parents ran and also attended Catholic school with her but they rarely interacted beyond antagonizing each other. Reconnected after being randomly assigned roommates. Now they're buddies and hang out alongside the 3rd and 6th, (also the 2nd and Dulcie sometimes too). They all do stupid shit together like sing karoke off key and hit up Taco Bell at 2am after binge watching movies.
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Am I the asshole for not stopping to hang out with my ex-friend's little brother? 🫠 ← so I can see it later
So, I (19M) have been friends with Z(20M) for about 3 years at this point. However, about 2 months ago we had a fight, mostly caused by his unwillingness to work on his anger issues and my unwillingness to be vulnerable and other problems in our personalities that ended up clashing with eachother in the worst way possible. Both parties are responsible for the falling out here.
Now, we are both in the same friend circle, and when the fight happened I made it clear to all our mutual friends that I didn't want anyone taking sides, neither did I want people to stop talking to him because of said fight, and I thought he did the same since his younger brother J (15M) didn't stop talking to me.
I know the kid since he was 12, even baby sat him a few times over the three years I was friends with his brother. We don't talk regularly, but I do try to hang out with him here and there (usually playing video games or taking him and some of his school friends to whatever movie they wanna to watch).
I thought Z knew I still hung out with his brother because J sometimes posts stuff on social media when we go out, but since I don't have any other social media aside from tumblr, I don't know if these posts have me in it or not.
Yesterday, I went to pick him up so I could take him and his friend to this robotics/technology event my uni was doing, he begged me for almost a whole two weeks to take him when I mentioned it was going to happen and that I was gonna be presenting stuff (I'm part of a project that builds a race car and he Loves cars). When I got there, Z had just arrived as well and got Really pissed to see me there, he got even more pissed when I told him I was just there to pick J up.
He told me to stop talking to his brother and that I should stop being obsessed with him and that we were done. Now, I'm like a Really avoidant person when it comes to fights, like, to the point of if someone came to punch me I would just let them in hopes of the fight ending quicker (it has happened before, not exactly a pleasant experience I must say).
So all I did was say "ok" and got into my car to leave. However, since J was really excited about the event, I sent him a message asking him and his friend to come to my apartment cause "stuff" that I had to deal with had come up and I wouldn't be able to get them in time, and then sent him some money so they could grab an uber.
I get home and like, 20-30 minutes later J and his friend get there as well, but J is crying really hard, just bawling his eyes out. He was really really upset cause Z had yelled at him of me and threatened to tell their parents that he was "associating with his stalker" (I haven't seen nor talked to Z since the fight) and he was scared that his parents would make him stop hanging out with me (which I doubt they will since I'm the only reason the kid wants to go to uni, he Will regret that decision the moment he steps foot in the mechanical engineering building of my uni, so rip).
We got him to calm down and we went to the event, which went terribly but in a funny way (the car caught on fire when we turned it one, nobody was hurt physically, emotionally however is another story) and we had a lot of fun.
I gave him more money so he and his friend could go home, I didn't know if his brother was still there but I didn't wanna take any chances.
Today I woke up to a message from Z, again telling me to stay the hell away from his brother or else he would punch me in the face (he wouldn't, I know that for a fact, he would rather die than hurt me or anyone physically, emotionally again is another story). I didn't reply and blocked his number. I asked some of my other friends about it and the opinions are a bit divided, some say it's weird to still hang out with J, others say it's fine, so the most logical conclusion is to obviously ask strangers online what they think about it (which, it kinda of is, since no one knows either of the parties involved which means less bias or whatever)
Anyway, what's the verdict
What are these acronyms?
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