#and the second part is still a wip 😔
7official7moose7 · 2 years
The rest is uncolored and under the cut because of length issues đŸ€©đŸ€©
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delphi-shield · 7 months
classified intel // jill valentine
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Jill x GN!Reader Fluff wc: 1,543 suggestive themes bc reader sends jill a tasteful nude, reader implied to be civilian, post-di!Jill.
this almost turned into angst, but i excised the sad parts and it turned into another wip. tbh i should be prepping for my tabletop tomorrow but i miss my wife.
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Jill's on a work trip, but that's never stopped you from texting her before and it sure as hell's not going to stop you now.
also known as:
i am ruminating on a relationship with jill once more. 😔
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Their point remains. You and Jill are apart far more than either of you would like. She’s a busy woman by her own design. Her drive had been something that you had admired about her, even if it was the very same thing that kept her from you. You hadn’t entered this relationship blind to the fact that she would be gone sometimes. You had learned to be okay with it, learned to handle the distance that was often double-edged. 
Technically speaking, your relationship isn’t long distance.
Just because Jill spent a large portion of her time overseas, god-knows-where, doing god-knows-what, did not mean that you were long distance. Yeah, maybe you do have to schedule calls, fighting timezones and your responsibilities to carve out a measly half hour with each other. That doesn’t qualify, technically, as long distance. You tell this to your friends over and over again. Still, they roll their eyes, hum their doubt, and insist that you may as well be long distance.
Texting was usually infrequent when she was away. Her personal cell phone was usually left behind when she went out for assignments - and if she did have it, it was turned off and shoved to the bottom of her pack. You texted her throughout the day, leaving behind a collection of your thoughts for her to come back to. She had taken to responding in one text, a bullet-point list to catch up on everything that she had missed.
 Once, you had gotten anxious about bothering her, about the egregious amount of notifications she would be flooded with when she finally turned her phone back on. You had sent her just one text, telling her to be safe, that you loved her. She had called you the moment she had service, demanding to know what was wrong. Thought something happened to you, I don’t know, she had grumbled, dismissing her paranoia easily over the phone. You had let it go unchallenged, quietly returning to your text spam. The next time she had a chance to talk to you, she had saved her bullet-points for a phone call.
The last time you had heard from her, her plane had landed safely. Her day was going to be packed with intelligence meetings - not really the kind of thing she could be on her phone during. You’ve just gotten home from work when your phone chimes. You take your time checking it, not expecting your girlfriend to be able to chat. She was at least three hours behind you, still in the middle of her work day.
It's a pleasant surprise to see a text from her. Instead of her usual bullet-point reply, she had sent an unflattering picture of a pitbull. Jill’s arm came in from the side of the frame, her hand blurred in the motion of a head pat. The text accompanying it simply read:
5:12 PM: PB&J.
Before you could even ask what that was supposed to mean, Jill sent a second text.
5:29 PM: His name is PB&J.
You grin at your phone, sending her an array of emojis to show how cute that is. You flop back onto your bed, your phone held over your face.
5:31 PM: can you call? just got home lol
5:35 PM: Sorry. Waiting for my next meeting to start.
Shit. You push down your disappointment and look for the silver-lining. At least you could text her for a little bit before she got wrapped up in work again. The dishes in the sink were forgotten in favor of the back and forth between you and Jill. It was hardly the most thrilling conversation. You exchanged the daily monotonies with each other - what sort of coffee she had that morning, how terrible traffic had been for you on your way home, your coat forgotten over the back of your chair at work and Jill’s pen borrowed from an embassy, blue ink, ballpoint and scratchy. It’s easier to superimpose the memory of her alongside you when you have the little details to work with, when you can fill in the gaps in your imagination with the particulars.
Naturally, this devolved into teasing.
5:47 PM: what are you wearing?
5:47 PM: That’s classified.
5:48 PM: tank top and jeans again, huh was kind of hoping for a pantsuit 👀 i know u packed that navy one send pics
You scrolled through your photos, searching for a set of pictures you had taken a few nights ago. If you were going to ask for pics, it was only fair that you send one in return. You had taken them early in the week, consumed by a swell of confidence that had been flushed away the moment you had to scroll through them. You had scrutinized every angle, pinpointed every flaw, every way the light played off of your skin. Your motivation to send them had dwindled quickly. They were filed away into a password protected album, a break in case of emergency stash of photos that may never see the light of day.
Rip the band-aid off, you tell yourself. Send it before you can second guess yourself. You pick your favorite photo, your thumb hesitating over the send button for a fraction of a second before you decide fuck it. She’ll like it. Hopefully.
You drop your phone facedown onto your chest so you don’t stare anxiously at the conversation. It takes all of ten seconds for it to chime again.
5:55 PM: You know the BSAA monitors my texts, right?
Your heart lurches. No way. No fucking way. She’s got to be bluffing. The idea of Jill’s colleague scrolling through your messages with her was mortifying. It wasn’t like this was the first time you had sent her pictures like that. Even if you hadn’t sent those, there were still plenty of texts that you didn’t need anyone else seeing.
She’s bluffing. Has to be.
5:57 PM: bullshit lol 5:57 PM: very funny 6:13 PM: youre not serious right 6:14 PM: ?? 6:14 PM: jill pls 6:24 PM: omg ur not joking are you
Logically, you knew that Jill’s meeting had started. That was why she wasn’t responding. You knew there was no way the BSAA monitored her personal communication 24/7, and you knew that if they did she would have told you about it the first time you had sent her a picture like that, not the hundredth. However, you also knew that she loved keeping you in suspense. No matter what she said to the contrary, you knew that Jill loved to watch you squirm. She found it cute, or so she had confided in you one night, half-asleep and tangled in your sheets.
It took a full hour later for Jill to get back to you. During the course of that hour, you damn near paced a track around your bedroom and filled your google search history with plenty of things to ruin your targeted advertising. Choice examples include ‘employee handbook bsaa north america’ and ‘bsaa employee phone policy’. 
Your phone doesn’t even finish the first ring. You see Jill’s name flash on screen, and you’ve already got your phone up to your ear.
“Please tell me you’re joking,” you blurt out, your thumb wedged between your teeth.
Jill blurts out a confused what, her voice wobbling with a laugh. It clicks for her a moment later.
“Oh - the ‘monitoring my texts’ thing?” She says, voice lighting with amusement. “Yeah, no. They don’t do that. You look good, though. Did I buy that?”
You let out a relieved groan. “You are such an asshole,” you huff. “I was worried the entire United Nations had just seen my ass.”
“Oh, c’mon. I would have told you not to send stuff like that if they were pulling my texts.” You can’t argue with that. She may have liked to see you squirm, but she was well aware of your boundaries.
“Got any other angles? I remember that outfit having more straps.”
You snort. “Maybe. Gonna need some reciprocation first, though.”
You hear Jill hum over the phone. A door opens in the background, a deep voice drifting over the phone, indecipherable. Jill pauses, listening.
“I’ll see what I can do. Gotta go.”
You hurry to say goodbye, squeezing a quick love you in before the call cut off.
The quiet creeps back into your apartment. You’re left staring at Jill’s contact photo. You tap it to view it in full. Jill’s arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head thrown back in a laugh. You were cuddled up on the porch swing of a bed & breakfast, an impromptu weekend trip Jill had taken you on a month ago. You had cropped the photo, centering it on Jill - on the way she looked at you and smiled, her eyes soft in a way that you had never seen before.
Your phone buzzed, and you nearly swiped the notification away out of habit. You caught yourself just in time, catching Jill’s name.
8:53 PM: 1 attachment
Your eyes scoured the picture, grin crinkling the corners of your eyes. Goddamn - you knew she had packed that pantsuit. You’re typing a reply when she sends another text.
8:54 PM: Do not say awooga.
You delete your draft and think of a different way to express your appreciation.
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taegularities · 1 year
colour me in: monochrome (teaser) | jjk (m)
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Summary: The sky and flowers, and even your heart and your mind, have turned oddly colourless since you left the warmth he used to wrap you in.
➳ pairing: Jungkook x reader ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ genre: fwb/f2l, fake dating; angst, fluff?, smut ➳ warnings: lovesickness, crying, coping, tension, a hospital scene but nothing too major, mention of a small accident, MORE tension, pov changes, guest appearance, someone flirts with oc đŸ€·â€â™€ïž, jk’s attitude is painful, kissing... đŸ€, arguments, pining/yearning, masturbation..., the ending x100 – more in the full post! ➳ wc: 992 (teaser); around 20k for the full chapter! ➳ a/n: HELLO. summary is subject to change, as always hehe. also, why does it feel like it’s been ages since cmi6? 😔 but here we are, and that’s just a smol piece of the full shitshow :’) thank you so much for supporting me and loving cmi so far; never stop, and lemme know what you think !! đŸ€Â 
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At some point as you bask in the distraction, blurring out your surroundings and the stinging scent of hospitals and disinfectant, it becomes easy to giggle the afternoon away.
 those surroundings change.
Until a body walks over the threshold; the first step reverberates in your ears.
You barely need to look up to feel his presence. Like he’s supposed to breathe side by side with you anyway; like your souls are connected, needing to co-exist in near proximity.
An invisible needle pricks different parts of your body, pulling you out of your daydream and into the harsh reality.
A reality where the shiver he elicits doesn’t have to do with affection anymore, but with fear.
Where your heart hammers against your ribcage violently, in the most malevolent way.
Where he isn’t supposed to stand in the same room as you, but ends up doing so anyway.
Fucking cruel.
You blink once, and look up from the cast; the motions of your fingers still momentarily.
It’s not like you didn’t know. After all, Yoongi’s their friend first and foremost — you’re more an intruder who would never see the injured man’s face ever again if it wasn’t for Jimin.
Of course you knew. You expected it.
But facing him facing you, with utmost surprise in his eyes and a tense torso, still hits you with a far worse and vicious pang than you anticipated.
Maybe, somewhere inside, you hoped for it.
But looking at the pain spreading on his face and the hesitant movements, like he wants to run away, makes you want to wish for today’s end.
A butter knife could cut the tension in the room. All eyes flit from him to you and back, then land amongst each other; but yours never divert from his.
And he holds your stare just as well.
One of his hands curls to a fist and releases just as fast. Your eyes witness the tiny movement before they wander up his arm, rushing past the tiger lily, the damn forget-me-nots, and halt when they’re back on his face.
You think that several minutes pass, that your heartbeat stops for an eternity that it’s not supposed to give out for.
But when Taehyung, having arrived with Jungkook, throws a timid greeting into the room, everything becomes alive again.
The slow-motion stops, and the few seconds you lost yourself in give way to casual chatter.
You avert your eyes from him the moment he does, not bothering for a single hello, a friendly how are you.
Instead, you watch Eun walk to the men, only nodding towards Jungkook before she lets Taehyung’s embrace surround her for a moment.
He plants a gentle kiss on her hair. Taehyung’s shy denial that he showcased at the last party has been disappearing bit by bit; he looks comfortable with her now.
You don’t know what they are to each other, but the affection is clear. The way his lips touched her hair
 Jungkook would do the same whenever the two of you met—
“Nah, we just came like, fifteen minutes ago,” Eun says, answering a question you didn’t hear. “Rushed here, because he,” she gestures to Jimin, “wouldn’t stop whining.”
“You wouldn’t do the same if, I don’t know, I got hurt?” Jimin defends.
“Oh, absolutely. I’d break your other leg, too.”
Whoever’s in the mood to laugh, chuckles quietly. Jimin complains playfully, “I feel like everyone here just hates me.”
And so on. And so on.
On and on, easy conversations, friends chatting like nothing’s wrong.
And on the other side, him.
The lightning striking between the two of you, even when you’re not looking at each other.
You feel too dizzy to find his eyes anyway; though you can tell that, for at least the first two minutes, his gaze darts back to you every now and then.
You don’t dare to steal a glance until he opens his mouth for the first time, answering a question Yoongi asked and you, once again, didn’t register.
He sounds soft. As though he coated his voice in honey, speaking patiently and soberly. Not with the same enthusiasm you’re used to, and the lack of happiness breaks something in you.
God, of all the ways you had to meet again

“But, there’s a bell for a reason, right? That woman could’ve used it, and then I wouldn’t be here,” you hear Yoongi complain from a faraway distance; nevermind that his leg is mere inches from your fingertips.
 pro-tip,” Taehyung says, “you put your phone away just once. Just while crossing a street at least.”
Jimin scoffs, and you move your eyes to him, feigning focus with an expression that you’re sure must be transparent. “Oh, he wasn’t crossing any street.”
Yoongi shrugs his shoulders, lowering his eyes in embarrassment as he adds with a pout, “I was walking on the bicycle lane
Your lips curl to a weak smile when your friends laugh, barely there, distracted by a chuckle’s sound that obliterates any other snicker. The brief, sneaky glance you finally pluck up some courage for falls on his lopsided smirk.
An ever-constant Jeon-Jungkook-feature.
It makes your chest burn.
It’s been so long since you heard him laugh.
The genuine sound of it brings back all familiarity that the prior silence eliminated. Of when you were the reason for it, a source of happiness, the firmest anchor for him

Hard to believe he’s the same man who danced with you just a little while ago. Who looked at you like you were the centre of the universe, the oasis to save him from a drought rather than the rain.
Now, he’s not even talking to you.
And you, pathetic and heartbroken, can only reminisce and drown in flashing memories; trapped in the near past without knowing how he’s faring. Repeating the same wish in your head over and over again.

You want him back. All of him.
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HELLO okay so... how do we feel? where does it hurt (or not)? 🧐 
for some reason, this chapter has been easier to write than the last? angst really comes to me just like that 😭 nevertheless... do let me know what you think. new or old reader, your enthusiasm, theories and support encourage and motivate me like nothing else, so please do reblog and drop by to talk to meeee đŸ„ș💕 
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hibernationsuit · 11 days
wip whenever
tagged by @devilbrakers THANK U SM AAAAA <3
tagging @ruvviks @reapersynth @reapersynth @the-lastcall @spaceratprodigy
@rosenfey @edgepunk @aeducanthaig and @dekarios (once fray returns from hiatus. love tagging fray in these)
these first ones r toby & klara (no one is surprised). the first one is klara flirting w him at work (she gets to visit different projects where her corporation is doing collabs w others, and the last project toby worked on was one of them. imagine her saying something like "who let someone this cute work in a lab, how do u guys even concentrate". she's leaning on a shelf or smth and toby's standing on an elevated part of the floor.
second one is a drawing i was supposed to do for this fic, but never did it bc i was impatient. still trying to figure out the anatomy
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next we have some ref sheet wips. i'm mostly working on toby's bc i found my old sketches and decided to just use those. still not sure about the middle one in this pic, might change it to other outfit. i also have finished the base pic (aka underwear pic bc what is an outfit ref without those. gotta show his tattoos somehow 😔) AND started doing lineart for the first outfit (not shown in this one). you can see both under the cut.
then we have a dana ref sheet bc i love her despite never talking about them here and also completely changing their story. toby brainrot real. anyway, my fav unhinged robot who wreacks havoc to piss off mars authorities. i'm debating whether i want to also make a ref for her as a human, too.
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immortalbutterflycos · 2 months
hi!! 5 and 21 for regulus please <3
Aye Yooo!! (Thank you~)
Those are really good ones too!
5- I actually have a few songs that come to mind for Regulus because I am low-key (high-key) obsessed with making playlists for my various WIPs. So here's just my top 5 (because I have to limit myself here...) and why:
Regulus - ONEWE First of all, the title obviously XD. But aside from that, it's so pretty too! and I looked up the English translation and there's this one line that kills me,
"I'm withering, but you don't be withering Remember me even when I'm gone, yeah, just a little selfishly This star is precious a living and breathing memory Even if it's far away from the earth"
2. Reckless Driving - Lizzy McAlpine & Ben Kessler The StarChaser vibes are simply immaculate in this song.
3. Lonely Star - Oh Wonder Honestly, this one kind of speaks for itself (ToT) 4. Hymne a l'amour - Edith Piaf What can I say? Solmussa's Only the Brave rewired my brain. I listen to this song all the time.
5. Stay - Phemiec This one also have fantastic Starchaser vibes and honestly Phemiec's songs from this album are all in my playlist for The Art of Running for Our Lives. The lyrics, "She made it okay to not be okay. She made me believe that someone would, that someone could Stay" just really hit hardest with a pleasant mix of Black Brothers angst and StarChaser <3 21- I think that my favorite thing to do while writing Regulus is to give him some sort of obsession with the stars.
I know it's kind of a cliche answer, but I'm also the type of person who will step out of the house at 3 am to just look at the sky for a second and exist in that space for a little bit. I love the stars so much and my biggest dream is to go to one of those Dark Sky Conservatories and my goal is to project that onto Regulus and Sirius in anyway possible. <3
I also love writing him to be happy. I put this man through absolute hell because the more they hurt, the better the comfort. (and since I'm a slut for happy endings and hurt/comfort, it just makes all the pain so much more worth it! My least favorite thing..? I'm not gonna lie, I actually really love writing Regulus. I find it a lot easier to write from the perspective of a character with a lot of emotional depth and trauma than anything else. Oddly enough, because of this, I actually struggle a bit more with writing James.
I guess if you'd like another answer, it would be smut. Not because I don't like it, but because the last time I wrote a full smut scene was on Wattpad when I was in high school. Which I graduated from in 2016. 😂 (The worst part is that it still exists on the internet forever. 😔)
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setsailslash · 4 months
find a wip-word game
tagged by @meaninglessblah-writes from like eons ago. sadly, i don't have the words collar or sharp so i made sure the snippets were a little bit longer to compensate 😔
Red [Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd, orgasm denial]
It's not for any special occasion, and maybe that's why it is a surprise at all.
Jason likes it when they are just Batman and Robin, but more than that, Jason loves it when they are father and son. It was a perfect time in both of their lives.
Sometimes, they need to be reminded of it.
Jason's face is flushed, burning red and wet with tears he can't hold back. Bruce wonders for a brief second if this makes him a horrible person, to be getting off so hard to the way Jason's orgasm can be ruined in his hands.
Grip [Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, incest AU]
They are lying in bed with Jason allowing Dick to curl around him, serving as the big spoon except infinitely more flexible. Dick drags his hands up and down the show of Jason's stomach from where his shirt rides up. Even relaxed, his abs are ridiculous and Dick runs the tips of his fingertips over the muscles in marvel.
Jason is halfway to deep sleep, his mouth parted gently, breathing getting heavy.
"Lov' you." Dick murmurs, fear gripping his heart in ice as the real confession refuses to come. Stopping short of the fact that they aren’t just brothers in arms but brothers in blood. That he still loves him despite that except— 
"Back at you, dickhead. Now lemme sleep."
Dick holds his tongue, and Jason is asleep in mere minutes.
Bite [Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd, possessive marking]
They come downstairs but never at the same time.
It’s not a particularly good misdirection when the rest of the family has caught them together in various stages of undress (and that one time in a dress). But it’s the thought that counts, they think.
Jason comes down and drops himself into a chair, trying not to reach down and touch where the imprint of Bruce's teeth leaves his inner thighs still throbbing from the bite. He doesn’t look over to Bruce because Jason knows he won’t be able to hold back from making a comment about how Bruce is wearing yet another black turtleneck.
At the head of the table, Bruce is just trying not to recount every single hickey Jason left on him, spanning from his throat to his hips and then even further down still. None of them a claim so much as an ownership made stamped and branded into him when they have settled in so deep.
i’m tagging @stevieraebarnes @wajjs @cadkitten @chekov-in-a-dress @andthensomelion @kieran-granola @braingray and also anyone who sees this because i love seeing everyone’s wips with the words: apron, hands, soft, and uh, cock?
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the-crow-binary · 1 month
Found a WIP in my phone and @beevean wanted me to post it, so 😔 Have it, I guess. 😔 (the context, if I remember correctly, is Mathias bathed Hector in holy water without his knowledge in order to keep Dracula from touching him again. It succeeded in hurting Dracula pretty badly, and Mathias ended up sent to the lowest cell of the Castle to be tortured. :) This is (part of) the aftermath ❀)
No major torture, but there is a little bit because Isaac is really unhappy.
"Aouch! Let go!"
"Will you stop struggling already!? Or do you want me to put the chains back on!?"
Mathias gritted his teeth at the devil forgemaster's grip on his wrists. His legs were too weak and injured to be of any use in his struggles, moving them even slightlt sent jolts of pain through his hips as well.
He froze, and the general waited a second before letting go of one of his wrists to focus back on the bandage he began to put around Mathias' throat. A fairy was working on healing his arms, it's tingling yet warm magic spreading it's curse inside every wound it could get it's little hands on. It could've been soothing, comparable to the touch of an angel... if he had not the knowledge that the little thing was of a much unholier nature.
Hector never would've done this. He would have healed him by classic, normal means all the way through, like he would have ask him. He would have been gentle and cautious, and certainly wouldn't have made the bandage around his throat so tight he struggled to breath.
"This doesn't please me more than it does you. After what you've done... Consider yourself lucky that Lord Dracula only asked me to heal you. Though he didn't say I had to be nice about it."
A knee pressed on his hip and Mathias let out a pained moan. He had no more wound there, but it was still sensitive to pressure.
"You filthy little rat," he spat with venom, "Unworthy of the title of Lord, undeserving of breathing the same air as us cursed creatures..."
"Are you done yet?" Mathias hissed, impressed with his own ability to keep his voice from wavering, "You made your hate for me pretty clear from the start. I am growing tired of your redundant insults."
"Oh, you poor little thing. I sure hate to be a bother to you, your highness..."
Mathias winced and clenched his lips as a thumb pressed against a fresh wound, slowly making it's way inside the flesh. No, he wasn't going to give that beast the pleasure of hearing him moan again, of seeing the pain decorating his face. He had endured much worse since he had been imprisoned... he knew how to handle it.
"Maybe it will make you think twice before trying to harm my real Lord again."
Mathias scoffed, and oh, how great it felt to see the general frown. With an annoyed click of his tongue, Isaac pulled his thumb out and let his fairy do it's work. The lord hoped his small sigh went unnoticed.
"Playing the brave one now, aren't we?"
"I am not interested in playing your games, that is all."
Now it was Isaac's time to scoff, as he brought his thumb to his lips, his eyes piercing through those of his prey. Mathias' stomach raised to his throat as he watched him lick the blood off his finger.
"You will find soon enough that you don't have a choice, Cronqvist."
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eijunes · 1 month
(Hi getting out of lurkerland for a bit) I am really intrigued by operation: only one umbrella xdd and the fyoatsu beast au...I neeed to know moooore
heyy good to see you here too 💛 I'm always ready to ramble about my never-ending pile of wips, thank you for the ask!
operation: only one umbrella is supposed to be a silly comedy where the ADA tries to make dazatsu get together. they orchestrate situations for them to share an umbrella like in shoujo manga because Ranpo said it's the best way to make them confess, but dazatsu are so hopeless they manage to mess it up every time. it's a lot of fun but I haven't been in the right silly mood to finish it yet 😅
and fyoatsu!!! I think they could be sooo interesting if only the fandom was brave enough to think about it. too bad Dazai keeps Fyodor all to himself and they didn't even have a proper interaction in canon 😔 for this wip I have only random lines and half-finished scenes and I can't seem to be able to put it all into a coherent story. the idea is that at the end of beast AU Fyodor finds Atsushi before Mori does. he wants to get information about the Book out of him, but Atsushi is shaken after Dazai's death, so Fyodor needs to spend some time to get Atsushi to trust him and promises Atsushi to free him from the tiger. also, there's some tragic one-sided dazatsu because I am me and I can't not put dzats into everything 😆 I'll put a small excerpt under the read more
"It wasn't your fault."
"You don't know that. If I was stronger, maybe he wouldn't... We'd find a way to protect—" Atsushi stopped, eyes wide.
"Protect what?" Fyodor asked gently. It was a pivotal moment. If he pushed the boy too far now, he could lose him. But if he played his cards right, this could be his win.
He was so close.
"I can't tell you," Atsushi sobbed. "I promised him. I can't disappoint him."
Finally all the pieces Fyodor had been gathering for weeks created a full picture. The depth of the Atsushi's grief could only be explained in one way.
"You loved him."
Atsushi's eyes widened. For a second, he looked like the scared, wounded animal he was when Fyodor had found him in the forest.
"I... I did," Atsushi said. It sounded like a surrender. "He was everything to me."
Fyodor took the boy's tear-streaked face in his hands, caressed his cheeks. Violence was an easy method, but the smallest acts of tenderness seemed to melt Atsushi in to a puddle so easily under Fyodor’s fingers.
"He knew that and he still left you. You don't owe him anything. He didn't free you, only put you from one cage into another."
Death thrummed beneath Fyodor's skin, just like beneath Atsushi's. They were both cursed with an ability that repulsed them. Maybe no one else in the world could understand Fyodor's goal as much as Atsushi.
When he said the next words, they weren't just a part of a calculated plan, years in the making. It was a promise Fyodor truly intended to fulfill.
"But I am different. I promised I would free you from that beast inside of you, didn't I? I will keep that promise. I will free the world of the sin of abilities and I will free you. But for that, I need your help."
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valentinoappreciator · 2 months
Tell me about your WIPs!!!! You're awesome!!
thank you, dear anon!! I'm ALWAYS happy for a chance to blabber about my WIPs, but beware, for they are plentiful, and this will probably be a semi-long post 😅 For the Hazbin WIPs, I'll leave links where available!
Hazbin Hotel WIPs:
I have two (three) Hazbin Hotel WIPs that are sooo so so dear to me. One focuses on Vox x female OC, the other on Valentino x female OC. Yes, I have a type, and so what 😔 anyway - the Vox one actually has Vox as a good guy, although he fumbles a lot with his relationship with female OC. He's VERY new to loving and healthy relationships. Vox and his lover flee to the Hazbin Hotel to seek refuge from Valentino's wrath, and he even forms a semi-sorta-kinda cordial, albeit strained, friendship with Alastor (who will ALSO have a partner!). Character development all-around, yippeeee!! Tonight I'm Saying Goodbye Valentino is the title, and it currently has two chapters up on AO3!
The Valentino x female OC WIP focuses on female OC as being new in Hell and landing in Valentino's clutches. Quickly rising in the ranks of sex work, she eventually becomes a top earning girl, "competing" with Angel Dust although they're actually really good friends. At some point, Valentino becomes so unbearably infatuated with female OC that he accuses her of working succubus magic on him. Eventually, she knocks it into his thick skull that she's not a succubus, and that if he's feeling this way about her, there must be some good fucking reason. Long story short, they become the evil power couple of hell that makes everyone cower <3 This one has the (mouthful) title of As the sun sets on your mortal life, the moon will shine on your afterlife! 3 chapters up so far on AO3!
The third Hazbin Hotel WIP focuses on Vox AND Valentino as they stalk and harass female OC in true staticmoth fashion. I haven't really written a whole lot on this one, but I can already tell I'm gonna LOVE it 😭 Since it's still very new, there's no link for it yet 😔
Original WIPs:
Hitman-inspired novel, my beloved 😭 this one is incredibly dear to me. It focuses on this female straight-A student whose only career wish is to become a hitman. She gets into a crime syndicate where she starts working as a brothel girl, and then steadily "grows" throughout the book. I'm thinking it'll be two books, at least. The first one to kinda explore her background and her relationships with everyone around her, and then the second one to focus on her as an actual assassin / hitman. Eventually, she does reach her goal, and having hitman'ed for a good decade or so, she has accumulated so much money that she can settle down with her partner and their army of dogs in the Swiss alps đŸ„ș It features some LGBT (bisexuality and trans people) and mental illness without outright demonising either. I'm very proud of it so far! It sits at like... 108k words 😅 just for the first book. I plan on getting this published - whether traditionally or self-published, I dunno yet.
I also have this other original WIP that's a sci-fi / romance novel idea. It features a bisexual / pansexual lady who gets gifted a state-of-the-art phone by her work. This phone has some seriously well-developed AI (think Siri from Apple, only far better), and since this leading lady is quite handy with engineering and very crafty, she fixes up a body for her phone's AI, and kinda like takes the AI and installs it into the frame? It's made of scrap and old janky robot parts, but neither of them cares, because now that AI has arms and a body, they can finally hug and kiss each other 😭 ❀ eventually, the AI-turned-android will get upgrades. An important part of this story is the fact that android-human relationships are VERY frowned upon, and our leading lady and her android """friend""" will be the leaders in a revolution, of sorts, to make android-human relationships legal. This story will, maybe obviously, very much be a social commentary, but made to cater to me and the robotfuckers 😎 I do also plan to publish this one, at some point!
Okay I'll cut it here 😅😭
thank you so much for letting me talk about my WIPs đŸ„ș Writing is the passion of all time, and I could talk for HOURS about any and all of my projects
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murachinchi · 8 months
Wait a second, now that you’ve mentioned Nezuko, what of the other cast? The Hashira? The Upper Moon demons and Muzan? What do the two opposing sides think of the relationship?
let's see...
ill put this under read more its pretty lengthy...
Kidoairaku kids AU
in my kidoairaku kids AU they are all humans and Muzan is his boss. I've never thought about the other upper moons but Muzan and Kokushibo knows about Hantengu's family (Tan and the kids). I did planned Kokushibo to be spying on the family but still havent made any reason why he does that.. But Muzan knowing about Hantengu's family played some part on why Hantengu keep abandoning Tan and the kids.. Some.. cause its mostly just Hantengu having problems with the kids lol
I did add some of the others here.. So far i made The Shinazugawa as Tan's neighbour... Mitsuri will show up later as her younger self to be Zou's friend. Zenitsu and Inosuke will be Tanjiro's friends.. in this AU Zenitsu owned a peach farm inherited from his Grandpa, Inosuke works there too.. Both of them met Tanjiro when they r visiting his village to supply peach (?)
I've thought about adding Kanao here too.. When Tanjiro's parents was still alive they arranged him to marry Kanao. Keep in mind this is omegaverse so Kanao is an Alpha and Tan is an Omega lol. They did the arranged meeting several times to get to know each other but when Tanjiro found out that he has to go to the city with her after the marriage he declined the offer. so they got a bittersweet ending lol
Also i did add Kyo here too lol because the story was supposed to end as Rntn in the end but now that i love HanTan too i scrapped this ending..
Kidnap AU
For the Kidnap AU, Tan was basically a "gift" from Muzan for Hantengu cause he brought Nezuko for him. so after absorbing Nezuko and gained immunity from the sunlight he sorta abandoned whats left of the uppermoon and went on his own way... the uppermoons had visit Hantengu's place to see Tanjiro tho, but they dont really do much.. Koku was just staring at him menacingly (cause of the earrings), douma being his annoying self and akaza mocking him i guess.. as for the others on Tan's side welp its not good for them :c Tan used to be optimistic that his friends and the corps will come to save him but his optimism got crushed after a certain event i will not discuss rn
Swap AU
with the Swap AU.. i only swap the hashira and the upper moons.. i didnt swap Muzan and Kagaya.. Kokushibo were also still the same.. currently ive swapped Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, and Gyutaro as hashira.. i did made all the hashira as demons.. but their roles r still wip lol. Daki was also swapped but she's not a Hashira.. she's Gyutaro's tsuguko... she doesn't like the implication but Gyu won't budge. Genya is still a demon slayer and still has his eating demon skill but he's now Hantengu's tsuguko. Zenitsu and Inosuke's faith is still wip.. idk if i should turn them into a demon or not lol im open for suggestions tho.. I've talked about this but Gyokko is Han's Swordsmith.. sorry to Gyokko fans but he's not a Hashira here 😔😔..
also HanTan's relationship in this AU was kept very secret only Han's Crow and Gyokko knew about their relationship. Although Kyojuro and Douma did find out about their relationship later on..
Kyojuro has a soft spot for Tanjiro so he did keep this under Muzan's radar so there haven't been any repercussions on demons side. Also for plot armor (lol) Tanjiro just like Nezuko managed to break their connection to Muzan thats how he managed to stay hidden. as for the Hashiras... i was planning to make Douma tattle to his fellow hashira about this and ambushed both Hantengu and Tanjiro but i haven't thought much about this.. i just wanna see Tan and Han suffer a bit ehehehe
Modern AU
In the modern AU Muzan and the uppermoons are his co-workers.. Muzan owned the company where Han works at.. Tan still has his friends Zenitsu, Inosuke and Genya... there's also Kyojuro, Tan's ex-boyfriend lol
as you can see the AU is pretty barebones.. mostly cause "hey i wanna see HanTan but this" so i focused more on those 2 than the outside factors orz although i will try to polish the AU stories.. in the mean time this is what i can tell to u guys.. leave more ask in my inbox tho it can help me think more about the AUs đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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myreia · 11 months
wip whenever except it's not a line
I got a little too invested in writing Thancred and Urianger banter and now I have +3000 words of it. 😔 I don't know when I will be able to finish this chapter (it's the second in a 5-parter that isn't posted yet), but I want to share what I have been working on so, I'm dropping half of it here and running.
Unedited and spoilers for Shadowbringers base game.
untitled chapter two
Thancred exhales a long sigh and folds his arms, shifting idly from foot to foot. Despite the thick layers of his overcoat, he can feel the brick wall pressing uncomfortably into his back. The price to pay for his position. He didn’t arrive at the Wandering Stairs with the intention to lurk in the shadows—if anything, he wanted to ask Glynard for a pint of his finest—but old habits die hard. Even in the midst of what could easily be described as a world-wide celebration, an event the likes of which the Crystarium has never seen, he still found himself seeking out an advantageous spot. From here, he has a full view of the tavern and the markets beyond and can easily pick his friends out in the crowd.
Not that he thinks the others can’t look after themselves. But he has seen festivities go awry before and even here, even now, with the enemy defeated and the night sky returned, he cannot shake the need to stay on guard.
Ryne has already gently chastised him for it. Gods know what Aureia will say when she finds him. Or Urianger—
“I see thou hast returned to thy usual proclivities. Not unlike a moth drawn unto flame.”
Thancred closes his eyes. Well, that didn’t last long.
He opens his eyes and spots Urianger cutting a clear path across the tavern, a head and shoulders above most of the patrons. His pace is even and relaxed, as though a great weight has been lifted from him, and he carries a glass of wine and a tankard in his hands.
“And here I thought tonight’s events would be reason enough to lay off on the undeserved commentary,” Thancred shoots back, eyeing him as he draws up beside him. “I don’t see why it’s necessary to insult my character like this.”
“Insult? Nay, my friend. Tis simple observation. But if thou dost crave stringent lectures from an e’er sharp tongue, Y’shtola’s company will suffice.”
“Oh, daring to bring Y’shtola into this now, are we? Very brave of you. Tell me, have you had much to drink this fine evening? I seem to recall you being something of a lightweight. Perhaps that explains it.”
Urianger chortles. They exchange grins, far too entertained by this simple back-and-forth that has become a permanent part of their camaraderie. Without a word, he thrusts the tankard into Thancred’s hands and tips him his own in a silent salute.
Thancred murmurs his thanks, absently wrapping his fingers around the handle as he searches the tavern for Y’shtola. From the prickle on the back of his neck, he would prefer if she didn’t overhear that last bit of their conversation lest they never hear the end of it. Thankfully, last he saw her, she was deep in a spirited argument with Moren—and he wasn’t entirely sure who was winning.
Urianger sips at his drink, a blissfully content expression on his face. “Ryne hast outdone herself,” he says, nodding to the garlands decorating the windows and wrapped around the wrought-iron railings. “Truthfully, her enthusiasm hath struck me with some surprise. Ne’er did I anticipate such an ardent desire to participate in such things, but mayhap I underestimated the breadth of her interests.”
Thancred smiles. “I daresay she has a talent for it. And for worming her way into others’ hearts.”
The truth of the matter is that neither of them expected Ryne to throw herself so whole-heartedly into the planning stages of the festivities. They had scarcely returned from the Tempest triumphant and she was already tracking down Lyna, demanding to know how she could help. Considering how little time they have spent in the Crystarium on the whole, it took him by surprise at how quickly she found her footing here.
And it’s hard not to wonder whether it would have happened sooner if not for him. The Exarch had given them accommodations, yes, but just as Urianger flocked to Il Mheg and Y’shtola ingratiated herself in Slitherbough, he did not see much reason to remain. His hunt for sin eaters took him clear across Norvrandt, a duty that did not cease even after he spirited Ryne away from Eulmore. He dragged her everywhere. Training her. Protecting her.
And all but suffocating her spirit.
He grimaces at the memory. That Ryne saw fit to forgive him when he can scarcely forgive himself
 It speaks volumes about the kind of person she is. The one she will grow to be.  
“We really should have known better,” he adds after a moment. “Once she sets her sights on a matter, there’s no stopping her.”
Urianger raises an eyebrow. “Indeed,” he says soberly, lowering his wine. “And thy pride in her is more than palpable.”
“Am I proud
?” He chuckles, shaking his head at himself. “Yes. I suppose I am.”
“Then why dost though linger, Thancred? If I may—and no, I must insist thou resist the temptation to interrupt and heed mine words for the duration of this moment—when I didst speak with Ryne earlier this eve, I sensed some disappointment that thou hast withdrawn unto the outskirts. I am uncertain what she envisioned for tonight, but to remain uninvolved and standing on the fringes mayhap communicates to her that thou dost not share in her excitement.”
“It is not that, let me assure you! And you’re one to talk. I haven’t seen you partaking in the festivities either. Have you considered that Ryne may be just as disappointed in you as she is in me—”
“I have been contending with Feo Ul’s most gracious of ambassadors—”
“Of course you have—”
“—who are—it is paramount to note—little scoundrels.”
“Urianger, you do realize that the day will come when you will not have pixies to use as an excuse?”
“Aye. But the day when our massy souls depart the First to return to their vessels upon the Source is not yet upon us. There is much to be done beforehand to ensure safe passage from one world to the next.”
Ugh. Thancred’s shoulders slump. “Please, I am begging you, never use the word massy like that again. Or refer to our bodies as vessels, for that matter.”
Urianger smiles serenely and tips his wine glass to him.
He sighs and scratches the back of his neck, shaking his head. “Perhaps I should clarify. It is not that I have no desire to partake, but rather that my head still spins from all we’ve accomplished. What we bore witness to. As detestable Emet-Selch and his whole rotten ilk are
 I cannot so easily forget what we saw in Amaurot. And—gods damn it, I cannot believe I am saying this about an Ascian—perhaps I do understand something of him after all. That desperation to cling to what you loved
 to what was lost
“The horrors of that bygone era hath given us much to ponder, ‘tis true,” Urianger says gently. “Thou art not alone in thine preoccupation. There are many questions whose answers may be forever beyond our knowing. Mayhap they will haunt us for the remainder of our days—or perchance we will expose their anagogic secrets. For now, that fate remains unknown. But it does not behoove us to indulge in such preoccupations on an eve such as this one, and so it is my turn to beg something of thee. Set aside the temptation to linger on it for the duration of tonight. There will be sufficient time for that anon.”
“I know.”
“Look to thy loved ones. This time is for them and them alone.”
“I am. I do. And you do know you’re included in that, Urianger—”
“I do not speak of myself and thou knowest that plainly.”
Thancred pauses, a lump forming in his throat. Much like Y’shtola, Urianger has a way of striking through to the heart of the matter—even when it takes him twelve sentences to get there when one would suffice.
Beyond the Wandering Stairs, Ryne dashes across the Quadrivium’s lawns, immersing herself in the festivities. Whether it’s youth or enthusiasm or a combination of both, her boundless energy cannot be contained. A remarkable change from the quiet, shy girl she had been when called Minfilia. Thinking back now, perhaps the seeds had always been there—she had merely needed the opportunity to let them grow. There was a time when she would never have dared to go anywhere without him, though it occurs to him now that it may have been out of fear of his reaction rather than any hesitation on her part.
The guilt strikes without warning, a restless, twisting knot at the core of his heart. Some days it’s difficult not to wonder whether he really is all that better than Ran’jit. Aureia had once raked him over the coals for his behaviour, which, thinking back, was wholly deserved. She has never been afraid to speak her mind where he is concerned, something which he is grateful for. Somehow, she is always the one who can knock sense into him when he needs it the most.
He turns, instinctively searching for her. She winds her way through the tavern with her usual quiet intensity. Her unnaturally pale hair shines in the soft lights, making it easy to pick her out of the crowd. She stops here and there, greeting friends and acquaintances, wishing them well. Even from a distance he can see the way her eyes light up, the content smile on her face, the sheer exuberant joy she embodies. She has been through so much these past few months—more than he can even begin to understand—but every trial she has faced has only served to make her stronger.
They still haven’t spoken of what happened that day on the blistering hot sands of Amh Araeng. He remembers all too well the look she gave him when he ordered her to take Ryne and leave him behind. She isn’t a fool; she must have felt the parallels, that sense of dĂ©jĂ  vu, as clearly as he did—back to a day long ago in the waterways beneath Ul’dah.
He had stubbornly insisted on remaining behind, standing his ground, placing his trust in her to protect Minfilia while they made their escape. It was a situation that left them with too little time and far too much was left unspoken. He should have said something then—gods know he should have—but he did not, and that regret has been a constant companion. She changed in those intervening years, moving on and discovering love in places far from him. What could have been, if he had only swallowed his pride and his hesitation?
The irony isn’t lost on him that, years later, they would find themselves in similar circumstances. On another world, in a reflection of Thanalan, protecting another Minfilia. But Ran’jit gave them no time—no time for confessions, no time for final words. He was prepared to die for them. He very nearly did. Had Urianger and Alphinaud not arrived sooner, he would have passed from this world, happy knowing that they made it in the end, that Minfilia—that Ryne—was safe in Aureia’s hands, that he did all he could to protect them both.
And she would never know.  
She would never

You must tell her. No more doubt. No more hesitation.
Aureia laughs, the warmth of her voice carrying over the buzz of a hundred voices. Her head turns, and, for the briefest of moments, her ruby eyes connect with his. She smiles—a tiny, private smile—and his heart melts. He can’t take his eyes off her.  
If you don’t tell her tonight, I will throttle you.  
“Thou hast been swept away on the tides of idle contemplation for nary a minute.”
Thancred blinks, dragging himself out of his thoughts, and finds Urianger watching him with an amused expression on his face. “Am I not allowed a moment to think?” he says sarcastically.
Urianger gives him an uncharacteristic shrug and nurses his wine. “Nay. ‘Tis an observation of mine that thou dost think too much.”
He sighs and passes his tankard to his other hand. By some miracle he hasn’t indulged in it yet. “I must be getting old. I certainly feel the years these days.”
“Aye. Perchance I have spotted a grey hair or two. Or more.”
“Is that so? And here I was hoping you would tell me otherwise. I suppose it was too much to count on you for emotional support.”
Urianger regards him, a serious look in his eye. “Thou knowest the truth of that, my friend.”
He smiles. “Indeed. I do.”
The conversation stills. He pauses, shifting as he adjusts his position against the wall, and allows his gaze to wander. He lingers on Aureia, captivated by the way she lights up the room, and finally raises the tankard to his lips.
The fresh—and noticeably non-alcoholic—taste of water takes him by surprise. He coughs, startled, and nearly spits it out. Urianger watches him, an amused smile on his face, and raises an eyebrow, daring him to say something.
“You really have no faith in me, do you?” Thancred grumbles.
“Just as our souls have transcended time and space, so too has thine reputation for drink and revelry.”
“But I—”
“Does thou require a list to refresh the annals of thine memory? I am happy to oblige. Shalt I commence with an illustrious history from the halcyon days of our youth in Sharlayan? Or mayhap I shouldst direct our collective remembrance to thine era of self-proclaimed bardship. I recall thine attempts to woo many a fair maiden through poetry and song, and remain impressed that thine talents ensnared a number greater than one.”
He splutters. “See, now—”
“Quiet though I may have been in both the Waking Sands and the Rising Stones, reclusive I was not. I remember an assortment of drunken conquests with the likes of Ibrella and Ysera, Joyse and Sigberta, Q’thena, R’zhocri—”
“All right, all right! I see your point. You don’t need to badger on. Gods, Ibrella was years ago. I barely remember her, so how do you?”
“Thou shouldst know better than to underestimate that my mind is of a most eidetic nature.”
“Fine. I don’t deny that I may have indulged in certain
 habits in the past. I won’t excuse myself for ignoring my troubles by distracting myself with
 Well. Let’s not linger on it. But you are wrong on one account. It wasn’t only fair maidens.”  
Urianger catches his eye and chuckles, a knowing smile on his lips. He raises his glass, leaving Thancred to stew in his mortification while he savours his drink.
Thancred sets his water aside and folds his arms. Aureia has worked her way across the tavern, edging ever closer to his position. But for every step she takes, two or more celebrators catch her attention and draw her aside, eager to personally congratulate her. She has never enjoyed attention like this, thinking little of the fame her deeds as the Warrior of Light accrued. But Norvrandt is not the Source. There are no adoring devotees begging for an interaction, no hordes of aggressive reporters seeking the latest gossip, no military officers or government leaders making unwanted demands of her.
It is simpler here. More personal. Perhaps because she recognizes the faces in the crowd, she speaks to them as herself—as Aureia—rather than as a legendary Warrior of Darkness.
“I see you have taken it upon yourself as a personal challenge to embarrass me,” he says finally, his gaze still lingering on her. Her smile brightens as she takes the young adventurer boy—Taynor, was his name?—aside, offering quiet words of guidance. She has always had a connection to young mages. Perhaps it’s because she sees something of herself in them; or perhaps it is out of a need to offer them the guidance and support she so sorely lacked in her own childhood. “Is this what wine does to you now?”  
“Nay? That’s it? Nay?”
Thancred’s eyes narrow. “Who are you and what have you done with Urianger?”
Urianger chuckles. Tilting his head back, he finishes off his glass and sets it on a nearby table. “I simply intended to remind thee that thy priorities lie in a place far different than they once did,” he says gently. “Thou hast grappled with many a dark turn in the past, soothing numbing despair with empty pleasures. I do not envy the journey thou hast partaken since Louisoix’s passing—”
He exhales a faint breath and closes his eyes. It always comes back to that, doesn’t it?
“—and I am proud of thee. For all thou hast accomplished. And for what thou wilt in the future.”
There’s a raw lump in his throat and it’s getting harder to ignore. “If you’re concerned about me backsliding, there is little risk of that now,” he says. “Or
 I hope there isn’t. As you said yourself, my priorities have changed. For the better. And if you wouldn’t mind, I would prefer if we dropped this train of thought. I would rather not have Aureia—or Ryne, for that matter—overhear this conversation. They certainly don’t need to be exposed to a list of my
 conquests, as you so delicately put it.”
Urianger raises an eyebrow.
He flushes. “Oh, don’t look at me that way. Aureia knows my history all too well.”
Gods know she does. Though it has been some nine years—for him, at least, the misaligned time between the Source and the First makes his headache when he thinks about it too much—he can still feel the sharp twist of remorse when he thinks about those months in Ishgard. How easy it was to indulge in drink and sex to hide from truths he couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge. He knew what he was doing when he ended up with Hilda, her closest friend, that night—and many nights afterwards. He knew how it would hurt her.
And, in that moment, he didn’t care.
By rights she should never have forgiven him.
“So, yes. I am certain she remembers how much of a fool I’ve been. How much of one I still am.”  
Across the way, Aureia bids goodbye to Taynor and catches his eye. He shifts his weight as he watches her approach, struck by sudden uncertainty as she moves closer with every step. When he considers what to say to her, somehow there are both a thousand things and absolutely nothing.
Desperately searching for some point of conversation, he latches onto something Urianger said earlier. “What did you mean by self-proclaimed bardship earlier?” he says. “You make it sound like I’m some amateur.”
“And thou art not?”
“I have yet to see thee touch an instrument or pen and perform a song. Thine aptitude for stealth and espionage is not conducive to such merriment.”
“That doesn’t mean anything! Many people have conflicting aspects to their character. Simply because you have framed yourself as a master of prophecy and not much else doesn’t mean we all should subscribe to a singular facet.”
“I did not say as much. I merely implied that thine current capacity for poetry and song dost not harken to the title of bard.”
“You make me sound like the most amateur of amateurs—”
“What’s going on here?”
Aureia draws up before them, dark red eyes passing from Thancred to Urianger and back again. A muscle twitches in her cheek, as if she is holding back a laugh.
“Urianger is of the opinion that I am not a bard,” Thancred says quickly, eyeing his friend.
She blinks and folds her arms, a perplexed expression on her face. “Thancred, I know plenty of bards—”
He raises an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.
“You are not one of them.”
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jaynovz · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @septemberskye đŸ„°
It took me so long to get round to this I think the whole pirate and sunder fam have already done it 🙈😔😭 ummm please take this as invitation to do it if you see it and want to 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
48. Notably, 19 of those are podfic. đŸŽ™ïžđŸ’Ș
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 
380,544 đŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Mostly Black Sails, but have also written for Cobra Kai, OFMD, and Sunder City/The Fetch Phillips Archives. Will probably write OPLA fic here sometime soon.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 
1. some ancient call, 7k, OFMD. A creature rom com I wrote right after s1. Weird, funny, and sweet.
2. Strike Hard, 4k, Cobra Kai/Karate Kid. LawRusso do the classic fighting to fucking. Baby's first porn in like 6 years to that point. Also written right after s1.
3. in over our heads, 13k, Black Sails. The first fic I wrote for Silverflint, called Flogging Verse because the events play out after Silver is flogged post 2.1 for firing on the warship.
4. don't let me in with no intention to keep me, 7k, Black Sails, nicknamed Petplay. Silver and Flint discover some things about themselves mid s2. Still one of like, hmmm four total petplay fics in the fandom.
5. the sweetest devotion, hitting me like an explosion, 39k, Black Sails, nicknamed Cupcakes AU. A bakery-street performer romcom, the only time I've give the boys a no strings attached happy ending.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
Religiously, lol. And it's because I want to talk about my story! I spent a lot of time on it so I take any chance to ramble more with someone who did me the compliment of reading it.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely hand in unlovable hand aka The Worst Ending. Second place is Hanahaki.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Cupcakes AU 🧁 Generally speaking, if you're looking for unambiguously happy endings, you've come to the wrong place lol. However, if you want a fluff cheat sheet--besides Cupcakes, you can also check out the Soft Verse, Milkingfic, Bellyfic, and the Halloween Corn Maze fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
 Thankfully no 💜
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Lmao indeed. It's part of my Brand at this point. Love to use sex and kink as tools to dissect characters. Altered states my beloved.
What kind is a mix of if something tickles my brain/what the story needs, though you will most always find some amount of powerplay dynamics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? 
Ummm, back in middle school I wrote some crossovers, but none recently.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yep. Many of my early offerings to the Black Sails fandom were collabs.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh You Know... (It's Silverflint)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Black Sails post canon Fix It Fic that started it all. It's just very complex, which is why it was abandoned in the first place. And there are some other factors that just make it untouchable.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Overarching structure/plot beats, poetic language, characterization, conveying emotion, searing hot smut and kink.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing full stop. Historical/period accuracy type details. I have to do buckets of research for that kind of stuff. External pressures on the characters. I'm very very good at the zoomed in relationship view, but expanding/getting outside of their heads is not something I've done a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? 
It's fine, as long as there's a story reason for it to be there.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
InuYasha when I was about twelve years old. Those stories have since fallen into the void.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Break Up AU of course :)))) My baby, my masterpiece, my heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears. I was definitely possessed the year it took to write it.
Thanks for tagging me <3
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candyskiez · 7 months
20 questions for fic authors
thank you to my lovely mutual @zyrafowe-sny for the tag! for my no pressure tagging, only if you wanna, @phantasmaltrain @thousand-winters @kolapon @msbadatnamingthings @violet-prism-creatively @sir-ballister-boldheart @bleezebrew and anyone else who wants to join in!
how many fics do you have on ao3?
18! most are shoved to pseuds because I do not want them associated w me anymore but I don't want to make it so people who like the fics can't find more by me because that shit drives me insane.
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
the owl house, mostly. I'm planning on expanding to more, writing for several more fandoms now in fact. but I mean if you've seen one of my fics somewhere, it's probably from owl house.
what are your top five fics by kudos?
an open book (with a torn out page) is very much in the lead still, stubborn is in second, loyal is in third, eggwart salad in fourth, and identity in fifth. I do think most of that is the toh fics being that popular because hunter + they were made during the show being super !!!!!, so when I post more fics the rating will probably change more. one day I'll actually finish more lmao I'm sorry guys I'm busy as shit.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I try to! because when I'm commenting I'm always worried I'm being annoying andbtoo much about the fic and bugging the author so me replying is me trying to say "hey!!! I really appreciate this!!!!", although sometimes I just don't know what to say and ghost (sorry!!!!)
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ohhh god I gotta talk about my old fics great /lh, cold probably. I think it's the only FULLY hurt no comfort I've ever written? it and settle for a ghost. I'm leaning towards cold because
A. I hate settle for a ghost /lh
B. cold is literally about Pure Pain. there is no silver lining there is no "this character in canon gets a happy ending", it's just "this character is gonna die horribly in a few days, here's some angst"
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, eggwart salad is entirely father son fluff. it's just darius loving his weird son for several thousand words. but if we're talking fics with some sadder parts with a happier ending, probably happy new year, dear, or maybbbeeeee roses and lilies? I used to write a lot of that shit. man I need to write more of it.
do you get hate on fics?
not yet
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
none published no. that is all I'm gonna say and y'all can mind your business on everything else /lh
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
nope! never been my forte besides shit like in the setting of another media. ex, what if [x] character was a pokemon trainer and that shit.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge but they've probably been gobbled up by an ai at least once 😔
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever cowriten a fic before?
that depends on your definition! I've done a lot of things where me and a group will brainstorm an idea together, make into a fully fledged thing and we'll all suggest dialogue. some of those conversations have become fics, sometimes even with my dialogue and a lot of my ideas. so I guess...yeah, I've cowriten fics! if that's your definition.
what's your all-time favorite ship?
hmmm, I'm not as much of a shipper anymore. but I did love twohina back in 2020-2021-2022 (ifykyk) and I do have a soft spot for raeda. goldenheart is currently blorboing though and I do love huntlow. and oh I love zukka! I don't know if I really have a favorite ship, though.
what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I really really really REALLY wanna finish dadrius week and am trying so hard. but ohhh my god my life is on fucking fire lately July just kind of exploded and it's been downhill from there lmao. but I'm slowly getting back up again so hopefully I do finish it. sorry gang my life's been on fire. as y'all have probably noticed lmao.
what's your writing strengths?
INTROSPECTION!!!! ohhh my god. character studies I like to think I can do pretty well! character analysis is my special interest. give me a character and I will find a way to give them depth so help me god.
what's your writing weaknesses?
ohhhh god. describing actions. like hand motions, fight motions, movements, expressions, visual shit, or anything descriptive, or just! shit like that! it's insane!! I don't fuckin know how!!!!
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have no fucking clue how and considering I want to write more luz stuff I really should learn. the problem is I Have No Fucking Clue How. do you see the issue.
first fandom you wrote for?
warriors, not on ao3. first fandom bb.
favorite fic you've ever written?
open book! I think it holds up pretty well, although I do wish I focused more on how the secret effects gus. one day I really want to sit down and write something with him , I just need to get in his head more. I do think my hunter characterization was pretty good there? I think? I hope so. I need to work on him again, he's tough to nail down.
thanks for the tag, and I hope you enjoyed seeing my thoughts :D
for anyone curious, my ao3 is here! mind the spoilers!
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downinthehull · 1 year
I love your fics sm, do you have any wipes or hcs you'd be willing to share?
aw, thank you friend! i'm very glad you like them! xx <3
and so sorry this took so long-but yes! i have a few things i'm willing to share!!! :>
here's a small snippet of a small stede fic i'm workin on!
->->-> Stede turns around quickly at the sound of his name, still holding onto the {trinket} tightly. At the sight of his friend, he quickly dons a smile that is only the tiniest bit exaggerated. 
“Edward!” he calls back, trying to keep his usual cheery tone but finding it becoming increasingly difficult. “Need something?”
Ed just shakes his head and brings his hand up to scratch at the back of his head where his hair is tied up. “No-no, just wanted to check in.” He chuckles, <-<-<-
i can't think of any particular trinket he might be holding, so excuse the {trinket} bit lmao. maybe someone has an idea? the trinket is sort of an important piece of the fic.
the working title is 'small stede and a very clueless ed' :> it's a canon era fic that i sorta imagine set between ep. 5 and 6? if i had to put it somewhere.
here's another small bit of a fic that i honestly haven't worked on in a while-
->->-> Izzy is sitting on his bed, his back leaning against the wall while he plays with one of the ties that are usually wrapped above his elbow. That Lucius had been so kind to untie when Izzy had fussed about them. 
There hasn’t been much talking from Izzy yet. Just a few short sentences in the beginning, that turned into single words, and eventually evolved to babbles. 
Lucius didn’t mind really. He actually found it quite cute. 
“Look at you,” He finds himself cooing. “having fun?”
Izzy just makes a soft noise that sounds like an affirmation. Quickly returning to chewing on one of the ties. <-<-<-
this is from (what is supposed to be) the next fic in my MIHISHAA series-and i apparently haven't edited the doc since september-whoops
here's a couple ideas i have!
stede pretending to be a doctor and taking care of ed (partially written)
the next part of my little izzy w/ cg lucius series (partially written)
the second chapter for Don't Cry, My Dear (partially written)
ed and little izzy wrapping up presents (which i posted on here as an unfinished fic, but i do plan on finishing it!) (halfway written)
mod au jack and little izzy (because jack is soft for izzy and no one can change my mind)
and i actually have an idea for a new series but i'm still not so sure about it- the working title for it is 'Baby Steps'. i'd love to talk about it more if anyone would like to hear more about it!!! there's still plenty of things i'm still trying to plan out for it :3
i have so many WIPs but i have such a hard time finishing them 😔
i know there is literally no pressure to finish them by a certain time, but it stresses me out nonetheless. i honestly dunno why i've been having such a tough time trying to finish a fic-
but maybe writing for a few other fandoms would help? i had started to write about other fandoms but that quickly stopped lmao-but i think i'll be trying to do more of that!
still, how much i post about these pirates shall go unaffected!!! they're my lil guys <3
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gliyerabaa · 11 months
4, 23, 29 for the writer asks :)
hehehehehehe thank you Carson I love doing these <3
4. How many WIP's do you have right now?
Oh jeez, the actual number is not one I'm willing to count... But WIP's with the intention to finish and post... I think I'm sitting at around 4 right now?
Per Aspera ch. 24
angsty one-shot (the premise of this is actually really cool- an AU where Glinda goes with Elphaba after DG, becomes a healer on the front lines of the fight)
smutfic sequel, currently at nearly 6k words and still more to go 😔😔😔😔😔 (not actually *sad* about this necessarily, just like... all these words, going to smut...)
WIP that I may finish, it's more just a few sentences of ideas than anything, based off of this song
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter in multichapter works?
Ok so in my years writing, I've gotten a lot better at 1. writing outlines and 2. actually sticking to the outlines. Take Per Aspera for example, I have the overarching plot written down in a 13 page bare bones outline, and then I flesh each chapter out with its own outline more.
The only times I break in unplanned places is if the word count is getting to be Too Much. Chapters 13 and 14 of Per Aspera were supposed to be 1 chapter, but I decided to break it into two for readability's sake. Might wind up doing the same with the second part of the smutfic. We'll see.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
I've decided to share the unfinished doc that was the very root of the inspiration for Per Aspera Ad Astra. It's the beginnings of a short scene about the summer heat that I wrote in the dead of the coldest winter I've ever experienced. A lot of it is just scenario and context, but this unfinished doc is literally what started it all
It was a particularly hot summer afternoon, and Glinda was absolutely overcome with boredom.  Her parents were out of town yet again, and all her popular friends were on vacation- without her. They had all practically abandoned her the second she even mentioned the possibility that she might not be straight.  Small town life as a mostly-closeted lesbian wasn’t easy. Nearly everyone in the tiny Kansas town of Shiz had made their stance on ‘them strange city folk’ very clear.  And by ‘strange city folk’, they meant anyone who wasn’t straight, white, or Christian.  Her phone buzzed twice.  2 new messages from Elphaba Speaking of not straight, white, or Christian
. -hey.  -bored as hell, wanna hang out? Glinda sighed. Elphaba was her best friend and, to put it nicely, the town freak. She was the atheist daughter of the pastor of the only church in town, she was inexplicably green and unashamedly queer.  And Glinda was stupid enough to catch feelings for her.  She was bored out of her mind and needed something to do, but the very thought of spending time with Elphaba made her stomach flip in the best possible way.  She decided to type an ambiguous response. -idk. it’s sooo hot out and there’s nothing to do here anyway The response was almost instantaneous.  -we could drive to Wichita, do some shopping. I know how much you love shopping Wichita was almost two and a half hours away. There was no way she’d survive that long in such close quarters with the girl of her dreams. She needed an excuse. -ugh that’s so far away, besides, my parents just got me a bunch of new clothes for my birthday, I don’t really need anything -besides, you hate shopping -yes, I do. but it makes you happy and that makes me happy  Glinda blushed. Why did Elphaba have to be so infuriatingly nice? Before she could recollect her thoughts, her phone buzzed again. -we could go to Nanny’s. then figure out if we want to do anything else from there? -ooh, I’m starving. Nanny’s it is then.  -great, I’ll be right over Glinda’s heart was racing. She knew that she had no right to be crushing on her best friend this hard.  But her mind would always wander to Elphaba’s emerald green skin, her dark, captivating eyes, her gentle smile that she usually kept hidden from the rest of the world, that sweet, sweet smile that she wanted nothing more than to kiss- no, she banished the thought.  Needing to refocus her mind, Glinda rolled out of bed and decided she’d better get ready. She checked the weather on her phone: 90 degrees with 55% humidity, basically ridiculously hot.  She switched out of her t-shirt to a pink tank top and shorts. She heard Elphaba’s truck pulling into the driveway, so she kicked on her sandals, grabbed her purse, and hurried out the door.  The heat outside was oppressive. Glinda didn’t realize how much she relied on air conditioning until the few seconds she was forced to go without it. 
And that was all I had written in the doc. This is from February of 2019 so the style and characterization is a little outdated by my current standards. But, there it is. What would have happened, had this played out more:
they get lunch at Nanny's
they drive around in Elphie's truck, stop somewhere for ice cream
drive to a lake, unrestrained summer fun ensues
a first kiss in the back of her truck in the night, surrounded by fireflies
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brainshock-alpha · 11 months
For the fanfic writing asks: 7, 18, 26, 29, 78
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
so here's a short one that i haven't shown you before; after the readmore i'll add a longer one that you've already seen but i still wanna post lol
"Nice outfit." [Raihan turns and sees Piers coming around the corner.] "I didn't fool you for a second, did I?" [they say, grinning.] "You kiddin'? I'd clock those mako eyes of yours anywhere." [The reference gets a good chortle out of them.] "Hahaha! I'm a first-class SOLDIER, don't you know? Macro Cosmos enhanced me with Eternatus cells." "Oh my god, can you imagine?" [They share a good laugh together.]
(the brackets are supposed to indicate like, placeholder text or stage directions that i wanna edit later but in practice i end up bracketing most non-dialogue text on the first pass LOL,,,, it's fine,)
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
most of the time i do! it's fun to learn new things, of course. but sometimes, man, i feel like i'm trying to roll a boulder up a mountain (labeled "executive dysfunction" like in a freaking political cartoon) and just not getting anywhere with it. as for which fics need the most research, uh, probably any of the ones where i have to write in a language i don't speak ^-^;;; which so far is just Merlin's Bairns and The Day To End All Days. and really the former was entirely in scots whereas the latter just has scots dialogue, so you might think the former unequivocally needed more research. but here's the thing... end all days has a single line of scottish gaelic... and having to come up with that seriously tipped the scales the other way i think. lmao
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
proooobably coming up with the first draft of anything... the process of putting ideas down on paper for the first time is always so strenuous for me. for some people, being able to just stream-of-conscious that shit into the text editor is a legitimate skill that needs to be developed, and i'm one of them 😔 not that doing the editing afterwards is always a breeze either... ahhhh
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
i've gotten this question a couple times in the past, and let's see, i've already talked about my dialogue writing... and i think i've mentioned my fluff fics too... so how about something else? i like what i can come up with when i put a word limit on myself! i feel like i can convey a fair bit even when i don't have a lot of words to work with.
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
........... divine providence mostly LMAO. uhhh in general i have trouble staying motivated throughout a personal project, or any protracted endeavor. when it comes to creative works, though, i can usually get some fuel out of wanting to see something fairly-to-extremely specific come to life. if i wait for someone else to make things that cater to my niche interests i'll be waiting basically forever, so it's up to me to write about leon trapped in a time loop, or hop trying charcuterie with his new brother raihan, or an autistic grad student falling in love with an autistic himbo jock in a surreal post-post-apocalyptic world... well, you get the point! not to mention it's fun to see people's reactions to my fairly-to-extremely specific ideas :)
the longer wip excerpt that i said i'd post:
[context: gloria and victor just got their gym challenge uniforms, before the motostoke opening ceremony]
"Glo! Get a load'a this. Did you know that numbers with leading zeroes count as different to numbers without?" [he informs her, holding up the top to show off what's printed on the back: Victor 001.] "What!" is her first, honest reaction. But she recovers quick enough to jab at him, "That just makes you a discount Leon, y'know." "Shut up," Victor retorts cheerfully, taking the locker next to hers. "You're just mad you didn't think of it first." [It's a funny move, so she is a little jealous. But she's also pretty happy with her own number, 102, even if no one but Victor and Hop is allowed to know why she picked it.] "Positively fuming, aye. So is it pronounced 'zero-zero-one' or 'oh-oh-one'?" "Uhhh, it's just, 'one'. The zeroes are, uh, silent." He can't even finish his sentence without laughing. "Okay, sure. Whatever. You gonna catch a foongus and start saying 'let's have a champignon time' too?" [cackling] "No, you git! Hop's gonna think I'm a freak!!"
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