#science song
voca-song-a-day · 2 years
Today’s featured song is: “Science” by Setsuna-P feat. KAITO!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
Eminem was my science teacher.
He rapped throughout the entire lesson and dropped the whole thing on Spotify.
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cha-mij · 7 months
NERDS: A Manifesto | A Capella Science
I got a lyrical proclivity
Special like relativity
General knack of physics
Incredible rap ability
Feeling me? Don't tell me these glasses lack in virility
I'm physically intimate yo
Cause physics is into me
The cold open
Nerds from CERN to Hoboken
The soft spoken
When talking openly
Gets your nose broken
It's no joke and I'm
Not hoping to make light
Just throwing a rope
If you got no hope
To hang tight
Dang right
I know what high school life is like
Can't fight
When every bully is twice your height
Turning the pages fascinated up late nights
But stay bright little nerdling
Cause when the hard part's done you got the world on a string
Leaving home as a hobbit you'll return as a king
Cause modern life is brain boxing and you're lord of the ring
It goes
Our name since junior high
But now we're Doctor Last Name saving juniors' lives
It goes
We got pushed at the front of the class
But now we running banks pushing fat stacks of cash
It goes
Ears burnin but we never let it catch fire
Stayed calm built a dot com empire
So keep your pride with your face in the dirt
Cause it's no secret that the geek shall inherit the earth
I'm repping nerd rights
Because we're hotter than thermite
Sharper that any pencil
At the start of the term
Might I suggest
That next to any text a nerd writes
That Hollywood gossip whoring
Is boring like a termite
Cause we're the greats
From Shakespeare to Cape Fear
Oscar nom dot com bubbles in your great beer
Engineers need a mention here
For turning tension and stress
Into a professional career
Yeah we've learned to be relentless
So whether you're a chemist
Inventor of medicines
Or a dental hygienist
Apprentice in theoretical dietetics of lettuce
Just get up and represent;
You know the world has got a nerd fetish
So all my geeks in the closet living secretly
I see you sneaking nature docs on the BBC
No time to hide, take pride in our legacy
Cause it's a brand new world; 51 Pegasi
You say we're lame; are you kidding me?
You think great techs can't have great sex?
We study Wikipedia pages and type in LaTeX
Kept you blind, under cover like a peregrine
Sly enough to leave you Hufflepuffin' while we Slytherin
I never got to be fly as a kid
But my vocabulary gave me sick rhymes to spit
I studied science
Grew up to be a rhyme sayer
No Minnesota connection, one of a kind
Say you're pumping iron?
I'm pumping ions through this bilayer
You can't abide this myelin if you try, player
Mind greater than a giant Ghana land snail
Sign "theta" when I'm answering my fan mail
Rhymes get under your skin just like a hang nail
Wits make you dizzy better hold on to the handrail
I know my limits,
So don't you try to limit me
Won't be derivative
Spitting back what you're giving me
What matters is understanding patterns and symmetry
So I'll be integrating your factual data lyrically
OMG so OP These NERDs
Got the ATP to defeat all you NPCs
LCD to your CRT
TNG to your TMZ
ICBM to your TNT
Cause we're explosive like caesium
Bright like burning magnesium
Swallow you like amoebas
Enveloping paramecium
Fighters right in our element
Like a knight in Elysium
When we bridle the elements
Hell we make it look easy hon.
You think it looks easy? Umm.
Well how bout we face off?
Ignoring laboratory procedure?
You'll blow your face off
So keep your He-Man stats in your grey skull
Cause grey matter is power
That's the power of Grayskull
They called us ADHD, made us take pills
Now we're rippin 88 keys, rocking great skills
If you ever took band or theatre
Take a bow to the haters
And say "Calc-u-later!"
You don't appreciate this high tone
Tell me again how you would die without your iPhone
Music, science and art, the trifecta
Kneel before the mighty pocket protector
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fleetn-crab85 · 2 months
I hope other people have been in this same scenario because this song has been keeping me up at night
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jjadmanii · 11 months
snow saying “it’s the thing we love the most that destroy us” like katniss didnt just take the song that holds his fondest memories with the one girl he loved and turned it into the soundtrack of his downfall 😭😭 gurl
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hellsite-proteins · 3 months
I love this idea.
Can you render the lyrics of Never Gonna Give You Up?
i’ve gotten this request several times now, so for anyone who asked for this after uniquepickles you can just look at this post.
letter sequence in this ask matching protein-coding amino acids:
protein guy analysis:
i was really interested to see how this one would turn out, as it is made up almost entirely of repeated domains (the chorus). unfortunately, as many of you may be quick to point out, the chorus of Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' is not in fact a protein domain, and the only thing repeated are some terrible looking loops. i've even included a second picture to properly show you how flat this terrible protein is.
i thought i understood Levinthal's paradox before starting this blog, but these structures are giving me a newfound appreciation. for those who are unaware, Levinthal's paradox is based on the fact that any given protein can fold into an enormous number of possible conformations, but cannot test all of these within the seconds or less that it takes for a protein to fold into its stable tertiary structure. correct folding is controlled by the primary structure (or, the sequence of amino acids encoding the protein) as well as complex factors including the presence of any chaperones to assist with folding, and the relative abundance of the tRNAs matching specific codons for each amino acid. running this blog makes me think of all the ways this process can fail along the way, and all of the almost correct places a protein can get stuck. this one certainly looks like it failed, but even then its hard to believe this is the shape that stuck.
for those interested, the one beta sheet goes with the line 'you wouldn't get this from any other guy', which does only occur once in the song.
predicted protein structure:
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outletcrash · 5 months
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i must admit you gave me somethin, momentarily,
in which i could believe
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Singing and Other Noises
If you have to clean the bathroom on a multi-species spaceship, you can at least take the opportunity to annoy your coworkers with some high volume space shanties. The acoustics of most bathrooms I’ve been in are great, and this one was no exception.
“If you find snacks in high places, adhesive eyes making faces…” I sang, passing the sanitation wand over the floor. “Someone gives thanks to the void, and knives to the droid … Then you might have some humans onboard, onboard, you might have some humans onboard!”
Paint laughed in the hallway. “I don’t think anyone would miss the fact that we have a human onboard.” When I leaned out to grin at her, she continued, “You’re very loud.”
“This is the perfect place to sing!” I said, leaning back and switching to a different song. “You’ll hear us singing loud and proud, in halls and hulls and ventilation chutes. You’ll know us by our range and joy, and we sing better than you!” It echoed nicely.
Paint was shaking her lizardy head. “Are there any quiet human songs?”
“Oh sure,” I said, looking for spots I’d missed. “Calm melodies for a relaxing afternoon, lullabies to soothe babies to sleep, plenty of those. They’re just not as fun. I like the ones where you can really feel your lungs vibrate, you know?”
Paint was giving me that cocked-head look that said she wasn’t entirely sure what I was talking about, but didn’t feel like saying so. “Right. I think that one made the floor vibrate too.”
“Oh, you should meet an opera singer. They can shatter glass.”
“What!” Paint stepped closer, switching her tail. “You are making that up.”
“No, really!” I said. “It’s very impressive. A rare talent for sure.” I got to my feet and emptied the sanitation wand into the trash chute. “My voice is nothing special. Pretty good, I like to think, but no kind of superstar. Still, singing is fun.”
Paint seemed to be having trouble coming up with a compliment. “Your voice is very… clear? Low? Is that a good thing?”
“I like to think so.” I put the wand away and washed my hands. “I can sing the low notes easier than high, which is great, because I enjoy them more. I think that makes me an alto? Contralto? Something like that. Not a soprano, at any rate.”
Even with her orange scales, Paint’s expression was a distinct mask of polite blankness. She nodded, hands clasped together.
“Not much for singing, I take it?” I asked.
Paint exhaled and dropped her hands. “I just don’t see the appeal,” she admitted. “It’s only talking! In a distorted voice!”
I switched off the light and joined her in the hall with a head bob of agreement. “Yeah, I suppose it is. Some of it’s fast and good to dance to, though.”
She pointed at me in excitement. “The dancing does make sense! That’s fun! But I just cannot understand the noises that go with it.”
I shrugged. “Eh, don’t worry too much about it. There’s bound to be lots of things that any given species does that makes no sense to others.”
“Like those shiny rocks you insisted on keeping?”
“Hey, that’s not just me,” I protested. “Zhee and Trrili both wanted some too. And you’ve still got those smelly seed-things that you liked so much.”
Paint raised her snout in pride. “They remain beautiful. Coals, Eggskin, and Captain Sunlight will agree with me!”
“And those are all the Heatseekers on the ship, which is exactly my point.”
A high-pitched noise that I’d been barely aware of grew louder, drifting down the hallway all faint and screechy. I had no idea what it was, and judging by Paint’s expression, neither did she.
“Is that metal scraping?” I wondered.
“I don’t think so,” Paint said.
The sound continued, changing in tone like an alien violin. I turned in place, trying to locate it. “Is that music?”
Paint rubbed her earhole. “It’s unpleasant.”
“C’mon, let’s make sure it’s not actually a problem of some kind.”
“Yes,” Paint said with a sigh. “Ignoring a mechanical failure because we passed it off as horrible music is not something I want on my record.”
I started off down the hallway. “I think it’s this way.”
Ready as I was for a long and mysterious hunt for the quiet shrieking, I was almost disappointed to find it coming from the third door we reached. This was the door to Coals and Trrili’s translation workroom. It was shut. I hesitated over the opening panel, then knocked instead.
The noise stopped.
When the door slid open, it was to a vision of exoskeletoned nightmares, shiny black and red, with pincher arms, mandibles, and a pair of antennae angled into a very irritated expression.
“Hi Trrili,” I said. “Everything okay in there?”
Paint added, “We heard a noise—”
The door shut in our faces. After a moment, the screechy serenade resumed.
I blinked. “Rude.”
Paint had her hands over her earholes. “What is it??”
“Probably not a machine failure,” I said, wincing as the noise approached nails-on-chalkboard levels. “Let’s go ask Zhee.”
We walked very quickly away, and found Zhee outside the kitchen talking to Eggskin. The sound was faint here, but still audible.
“Hey Zhee,” I said cheerfully. “Can you tell us what in the seven spherical black holes Trrili is doing right now?”
Zhee threw his own purple pincher arms in the air. “Butchering a classic,” he exclaimed. “I’ve told her that she’s got the middle part backwards, but she insists it’s a regional variant!”
I glanced at Eggskin, who was just shaking their scaly head. “So it is music, then.”
Zhee folded his pinchers with a flare of antennae. “There’s a skreeking competition at Basal Station,” he said. “She’s under the impression that the judges there will enjoy regional variants that are wrong.”
“I see,” I said, wondering if I should ask the obvious question.
Paint beat me to it. “What’s skreeking?”
“Leg-singing,” Zhee said. “You know.” He moved a hind leg in a way that made a brief screech.
I knew I was staring, but it was either that or burst out laughing, and that was rarely complimentary. You’d think I’d get used to discovering ways that my alien crewmates resembled Earth animals, but you’d be very wrong.
Paint let out a gusty sigh. “I don’t understand that kind of singing either,” she said. “This makes even less sense than the other one!”
“Remember, there’s always dancing,” I told her. “And if it makes you feel better, I have no idea how to dance to the noise Trrili’s making.”
Zhee hissed quietly. “No one could dance to that. Not without tripping over every other limb.”
Eggskin spoke up. “Well, I’m certainly not going to try. Would you three like to help me settle on the primary meal for tonight’s dinner?”
I smiled. “Oh, I’m sure we won’t disagree on anything there.”
Keen eyes might recognize the shanty lyrics from a couple older posts. I even used one song in The First Time Traveler to Survive, which is a different storyverse entirely, but it's too much fun to leave there. I'm going to say humans invented it twice, and no one's going to stop me!
Anyways, this is the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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stbot · 1 year
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til death do us part: think pink!
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science-bastard · 4 months
cute date ideas
grave robbing under the stars
reactor hall waltz
arts and crafts (build a simulacrum together)
getting drunk on the weird glowing goos we left under the fume hood
escape room (secret evil vault door malfunctioned) (again) (i’m sorry) (do you still think i’m hot)
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cheeryp · 1 month
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"What a disgusting story."
8.15.2024 • Outer Science
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hannahmcgill · 6 months
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The caterpillar
It destroyed its egg
The caterpillar is out
[img id] Digital art of a newly-hatched monarch butterfly caterpillar crawling out of its shell for the first time. The shell is translucent, covered with dimples and ridges, with a slight sheen on top. It has a huge ripped hole in one side where the caterpillar exited. The caterpillar is a pale peach color with lines of black spines running down its body. Its legs and face are black as well. It crawls over an extrem closeup view of leaf fuzz, from a milkweed leaf. Where is our little friend headed? Text in the corner is a watermark: http://hmcgill.art [/id]
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littleplantfreak · 22 days
Dreamcatcher (sfw)
(or who has dreams, nightmares, and anything in between)
Sakura has dreams and nightmares, although most of the time he only remembers snippets. Prone to gasping awake or shooting up into sitting position during nightmares. The type to have dreams about his friends and feel like they’re at fault for what happened. Once he had a dream Nirei stole his food and he wouldn’t let Nirei sit next to him during lunch the next day without telling him specifically he better back off his sandwiches.
Whenever Hiragi has a nightmare, stomach cramping follows. Whether it’s his stomach causing them or them causing further stomach distress, he’ll never know, but he has tea and medicine to settle down before trying again. Mumbles in his sleep on occasion, and it’s really kind of cute.
It’s no surprise Umemiya is a dreamer. Sure maybe once in a blue moon he’ll have a bad one, but for the most part they’re really weird and silly. Loves to talk about them at breakfast the next morning, recounting his time flying with a penguin, or being chased by trolls. He remembers the whole thing usually, though he’s such a deep sleeper that once he’s worn himself out enough and has one of those big, drool inducing rests, he just sleeps with no dreams to be had.
Suo is vague, beats around the bush, and generally likes to joke around. When he tells his friends he dreams in black and white? He’s actually telling the truth! He doesn't have good or bad dreams often, but when he does, he likes to laugh about them in the morning. Something about them looking like he’s watching an old movie makes them all the more funny.
Kaji has nightmares more than dreams, but mostly he sleeps without either. He’ll be in a shit mood the next day though, because the nightmare will have him tossing and turning, trying to find the comfiest spot on the bed that seems to have disappeared in the hour or so it took him to be woken by it. Another sleep mumbler. He can actually sleep with his music blasting in his ears pretty easily too!
Kotoha dreams most of the time. She’ll exchange sleep stories with Ume, but hers always seem to be a little tamer than his. Has a diffuser that cycles through colored lights she’ll put on if she has a dream she deems ‘not great’ and a stuffed dragon her siblings got her that guards her dreams on the nightstand next to her bed. Sometimes she’ll have it on the pillow next to her for no particular reason; it’s just soothing (and so soft and cute.)
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wolfram-but-art · 8 months
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a love so pure you could call it violent
rb > likes <|:3
in reference to this song!!! (and also personal rp :3) vvvvv
i'm sorry to anyone and everyone who ships Engie and Medic together umm fsiegfysgye
also something something fighting and violence and manipulation being a sort of dance and also power imbalance with the leading partner being a mataphor for an abuser
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I made a song, a really good song for a science final, but Eggman (the Piss on the Moon version, specifically) stole it somehow so I failed my final. He then put it on the Barbie movie under his name and got all the credit. >:[ The song was also my DNA? 
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earthyknit-sweater · 2 months
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Finally, he isn't crying!
(alternative 1920s version under the cut)
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