#scond age
mysteriousbp · 4 months
Clover can't be the only one feeling guilt. How does Lila feel about her own geno run. How does she feel around the canine unit knowing she killed them all?
Lila doesn't feel guilty. At least not anymore. That's because when Tom joined her in the limbo void, he was able to convince her that her first run (Which was a pacifist run) was her only run.
What happened was that when Lila was alone in the void, she thought that it was where people who did bad things went. So she was treating it as her punishment. A place with no one because she didn't deserve to be loved after what she did. Then Tom comes along and finds her. She begins to freak out because she thinks Tom did bad things just to find her. But Tom reassures her that he didn't do anything bad; he then asks why she thought that, and she explains what happened and her runs. After that, Tom tells her that she didn't do those things because he knew she wouldn't hurt anyone. But then she tries to prove it by showing her Reset button, but she can't summon it (because Tom has a higher Determination) then she begins questioning if the Reset button was real or not. Then Tom tells her that every run after the first was just her brain creating scenarios from all her stress from being killed by Asgore and being alone from sometime that got all together. After a while, she believes it, and she now thinks that all other runs never happen. But Tom is aware that she was telling the truth—that she did those things. But he also knows that she hated doing those things and that she felt guilty even at the start of the geno run. Lila is just a 7-year-old child; she shouldn't be telling herself that she doesn't deserve to be loved. So Tom convinces her that it was all in her head. And much later, he tells Clover and later Frisk to never talk about saves and resets in front of Lila. They all already have trauma from dying; Tom doesn't want the others to have more trauma if he can stop it.
Here's the thing about Tom: He's the oldest of the children, at the age of 14. He takes it upon himself to take care of the others's in the orphanage, because if you guys couldn't tell, that place wasn't great. Fun fact: He and Hope are actually blood related; that's why he has older brother instincts to take care of the others; that's why he was the one to go find Lila after she disappeared. That's also why you see him in some posts in front of Lila or helping her, since she's the youngest. Another thing about Tom is that he would use the very small allowance that he got to get things for the others; that's why he's the only one with ripped clothes. Tom also tries to think of the positive to help those around him because of how bad the orphanage is. So he tries to be the positive light in the dark, which is the orphanage. Another thing you guys probably notice is that Tom has bandages on his legs and in his hands when he isn't wearing his gloves. No,  it isn't from the coffins; it's actually to cover scars from the most demanding work that he did in the orphanage to spare the others from doing it. That's why in my AU he's the soul with the scond most amount of Determination, because he would do anything for the others.
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The sky was clear and beautiful, very few clouds in sight as far as you could see. And you could see extremely far, perched as you were upon Caraxes. Daemon had convinced you to ab​scond from your lessons with your septa. When you were finally free of the Keep, he had dragged you towards the Dragonpit. You had been convinced it was just for a regular visit to the blood wyrm, acclimating the both of you to each other but instead Daemon had continued to drag you up the dragon's back.
He had settled you in front of him and been kind enough to allow you time to calm your racing heart and bellowing lungs. The run from the Keep had been more of a sprint and climbing up a dragon wasn’t easy either. You were equally sure that the brief rest was also to allow Caraxes to get used to having Daemon bring a second rider with him.
When you nodded your head however, Daemon had given the command and Caraxes had taken off, the forceful movement slamming you back into Daemon’s chest. He had chained you down into the saddle but at the small shout you let out, he reached past you more securely and wrapped his whole torso around you. It was a wonderful feeling, Daemon being almost as warm behind you as Caraxes was below you — a much needed counter to the bitingly cold wind that ruffled your hair the minute the three of you cleared the Dragonpit.
With Daemon securing you to him and the saddle, you were free to spread your arms to grasp at the sky. You had shared with him the desperate want of freedom that was growing within you the older you got. With age came more expectations and rules and guidelines. It was suffocating. You had told him, late at night when the two of you had snuck out to the gardens, away from some ball or another, that you were jealous of him and the absolute freedom that Caraxes gave him.
The very next day, he had taken you out to meet his scarlet mount and now you were flying high above the Capital.
“Is it everything you thought it would be, ñuha jorrāelan (my love)?” Daemon spoke the words directly to your ears and the warm rasp of it was enough to send a shiver down your spine. You had only just begun your lessons in High Valyrian, so many of his various nicknames were beyond you. But that one seemed to be his favorite for you yet it was one he only spoke when the two of you were alone.
“It’s even better,” you spun in your position, better to face him, wanting to make sure he could see the truth in your face. “Thank you. This is beyond what I had imagined.”
“Anything for you, ñuha jorrāelan,” the soft look on Daemon’s face was both new and not, something that you’d seen glimpses of in the past. Never in its entirety though, not the full expression that painted its way over his beautiful features.
The way he spoke just now silenced your words but sent your pulse galloping, a flush of embarrassment and pleasure seeking to gain dominance over the red of the cold wind. You whipped back around but settled more softly against him, your hands moving down to lay upon his in front of you.
The rest of the day was spent in laughter and glee, flying over the Capital and the Keep in an act of freedom you didn’t think you’d ever get again.
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atanes-universe · 4 years
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Sav`s Universe/ Chapter 2: Ikarus
First page Chapter 1: Prelude
First page Chapter 2/ <previous/ next>
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uozlulu · 5 years
So I found out the guy who wrote Dr. Stone is the same guy who wrote Eyeshield 21, which makes me feel a little more optimistic because I really REALLY enjoyed ES21 especially the characters. I still have a sneaking suspicion with Dr. Stone that the make or break with it for me will be its world building
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The Betrothal Pt. 1
• Sabine Cheng grew up in the League of Assassins. She left when she was 17 after meeting Tom on a mission in Paris. In order to leave she beat Talia in a fight.
• Talia and Sabine are best friends, and though Talia is pretty heartless she has a soft spot for Sabine's family and holds them in high regards. The last time they saw each other in person before their children's birth was Sabine's wedding.
• When Marinette is born Talia visits and is named her Godmother, she stays until they open the bakery in celebration of her birth.
• When Damian is born Sabine and Marinette visit Infinity Island to see him. Sabine is named Godmother, and Talia proposes the idea of them being betrothed.
• Sabine agrees however she does not want her daughter or godson stuck in a loveless marriage. She and Talia agree on conditions.
1. Every summer they spend it with each other starting when they turn four. Alternating between Infinity Island and Paris.
2. They will be told of the betrothal the summer of their ninth birthday.
3. If either one of them is not in love with the other the betrothal will be broken.
• When they turn four Marinette spends her frist summer with Damian on Infinity Island. They summer consists heavily of training from sun up till four in the afternoon, at which time Talia allows them to be kids. Talia deems that Marinette would fight best with a style similar to the first Robin's. She immediately brings two teaches to the island in order to teach Marinette Gymnastics and ariel arts. Marinette and Damian get along quickly, Talia is pleased to see her usually serious son smile and laugh with her goddaughter. They both have small parties for their birthdays, they turn five.
• When summer is over Marinette and Damian are sad to say goodbye to each other. Talia assures both of them they will see each other next year in Paris. Marinette's gymnastic and ariel arts teachers follow her back and forth between Paris and the Island.
• The next year Talia drops Damian of in Paris. Their summer still consists of training, however Sabine focuses more on letting them have fun. She does take their training seriously she just shortens their sessions and gives them every Friday off. Marinette develops a love for drawing over the summer and drags Damian into it with her. Their birthdays are a bigger celebration this year and they have a joint party when Sabine and Tom take them to Disneyland Paris, they turn six. This time when they part Marinette is crying and Damian refuses to stop hugging her until she stops. Talia promises to visit for Christmas and New Year to cheer Marinette up.
• Talia decides to stay with the family for the holidays and catch up more with Sabine. She even helps out in the bakery during the holiday rush. Everyone that comes to the bakery leaves talking about the beautiful women that comands your attention without saying anything. When leaving Talia agrees to spend the Christmas and New years with them again next year.
• When the next summer comes Marinette and Damian spend their free time exploring Infinity Island. During one of their explanations Marinette stumbles upon Ra. At first Ra wants to get rid of the Mari, deeming her a brat, but he quickly realizes that she was Sabine's child. Instead he decides to indulge their curiosity to learn more of his best students child and his grandson. The next day he shows up and takes over their training session. Talia is worried and panicking even though she is calm on the outside, she is relieved when she sees her father pulling his punches during their spars.
• By the end of the summer Talia and Ra trade off the days they train the kids. Talia's sessions focus on them fighting by themselves, while Ra makes them the perfect duo. Ra even attends their small birthday party giving them both sketch books and pencils. Then he gives Marinette a beautiful necklace.
• And gives Damian a a leather band bracelet with a matching gem fastened on it. They turn eight.
• Ra is there with Talia and Damian when Sabine arrives to pick up Marinette. Sabine is surprised when Marinette extendes andmn invite to Ra to spend the holidays with them. And is shocked when Ra agrees to come.
• That Christmas Talia and Damian stay with the Dupain-Chengs while Ra stays at Le Grand Paris. He decides to begin teaching Marinette and Damian other languages. By the next year it is clear they are fast learners when they are already having shaky conversations together in English. Ra finds it amusing that the bakery's regulars find both him and his daughter to be charming. When Damian, Talia, and Ra are leaving Marinette promises Ra that the next time they meet she'll be speaking to him in English without an accent.
• Before the end of the school year the school conducts a IQ test and are surprised when Marinette's score is 187. The teachers are surprised they knew Marinette was smart, she was the top student in the school and never scored below 100. They gain permission for more tests and discover that Marinette has eidetic memory. After discovering this the school tries to convince Sabine and Tom to let Marinette skip grades. They refuse wanting to keep her with her age group, but agree to allow the school to give her more advanced work compared to the other students.
• When Damian arrives in Paris Talia and Sabine pull them aside and tell them of the betrothal. At first Damian and Marinette are upset and refuse to talk to their mothers, instead they retreat up to Marinette's room curled together on her chase chair. After half an hour Damian breaks the silence teasing her about her room still being almost entirely pink. Marinette pushes him of the chase huffing, claiming pink was her scond favorite color and that none of the paints matched his eyes. They burst into laughter smiling at each other, before deciding that being betrothed wasnt so bad because whats better than marrying your best friend.
• They spend the summer heavily training, Sabine training them more than she usually does out of slight worry. She Talia and Ra have agreed to announce Marinette and Damian's betrothal to the League of Assassins. While she know it is unlike Marinette will become a target she does not want to take any precautions. This year for their birthday they have a small celebration because Tom and Sabine have a big catering order. Ra sends them two engagement rings with a letter say this will do for now until they buy the rings themselves.
• Marinette puts it on her necklace and grabs a necklace chain so that Damian can do that same.
• When the end of summer comes they are sad to part ways and spend their last day together playing video games in Mari's room.
• After that summer Talia takes Damian to make his first kill. Slowly escalating till he is taking missions on his own. He is also told more about his father. When Marinette find out about him killing she isnt happy but she accepts it as long as Damian promises not to kill innocents. She is more upset to see how he becomes obsessed with the fact that he is the blood son of Batman. She is angry with Talia and Ra who are making him see himself as more important, because of it. Marinette spends the school year excelling in class and pulling pranks on Chloe never getting caught once.
• When the next summer arrives Marinette and Damian are excited to see each other. Marinette makes it clear that she doesnt want him to go on any missions while shes there and Damian agrees. They spend the summer learning more about Bruce Wayne together. Marinette panics slightly when Damian closes in on himself becoming angry when he realizes his father adopted three sons and two girls. At first he is insistent that he want to kill them, but Marinette quickly stops that idea pointing out how upset Bruce would be if he did. At the end of the summer Ra holds a meeting calling back almost every Assassin. He announces the betrothal of his heir Damian and Marinette, after this everyone in th League begins to refer to Marinette as Princess or Mistress much to her annoyance. Ra finds it amusing and for their tenth birthday gifts them both crowns.
• Once Marinette returns to Paris Talia announces that Damian is going to Gotham to learn from his father. Marinette is excited for him and encourages him to try to get to know his brothers and sisters as well. His first meeting does not go well when Tim makes a comment about Bruce already having sons. Causing a fight that quickly gets physical. This causes more distance between Damian amd his family. After a month with no changes except for Dick, Damian is considering leaving and joining Mari in Paris. Mari and her parents are more than happy to let him stay in his room at their house but encourage him to stay a little while longer. Damian starts spending more time with Dick, knowing the eldest was actually trying to know him. He grows closer to Dick actually enjoying his company, and the small gymnastics lessons he teaches Damian. He also talks to Dick about killing and although he still believes some people deserve to die he understands most of the family's standings.
• Damian attempts to get closer to his father but he can pretty much feel the wall that Bruce is putting between them. He only admits to Marinette how much it hurts to see his father hug and smile at his siblings, but not him.
• One morning Tim overnhears the conversation, at first he is curious on who Damian was talking to, but then he actually listens to the conversation. He felt bad for the comment he made when they first met. Tim goes to Dick in order to learn more about Damian, then he begins to pay more attention to Damian. He notices Damian has a hidden love for animals. With Alfred's help they find a fiesty little black and white cat for Damian. Alfred convinces Tim to give the cat to Damian, he does it at breakfast infront of the family. Damian is a little hostile at first until the cat swipes at him. He takes the cat nodding at Tim in thanks not able to bring himself to say it.
• The family is shocked to see Tim do something nice for Damian, and even more shocked when Damian softens just holding the cat. Dick snorts when Damian announces the cats name is Alfred. Slowly Tim and Damian become closer, they acknowledge each other more, Damian begins calling him Tim and Tim stops calling him Demon spawn.
• Damian grows closer with Cass both able to easily read each others body language. They prefer to sit in the library together, either reading or Cass watching Damian draw.
• Jason decides to bond with Damian by teaching him how to shoot with Alfred. He is a little jealous at how fast Damian picks it up, he then convinces Damian to spar with him.
• Damian and Stephenie have and unspoken prank war going on. Neither truely acknowledges it, and no one in the family knows, but they both know whos attacking who.
• The only person Damian hasnt bonded with is Bruce.
• One night Damian is sent an emergency message from Talia demanding his presence at the docks immediately. Damian pulls on a hoodie pulling the hood up and puts a mask on sneaking out of the manor. In his haste he accidentally triggers an alarm. Unknown to him he now has the Batfamily following him. His mother is easy to spot on the docks the moment he land he launches into her arms hugging her demanding to know whats wrong.
• Talia frowns softly pulling back looking at his face. She gently takes his mask off brushing his bangs back. She stares at him for a while looking lost, causing Damian to panic.
• "Little Prince, your grandfather is dead, and I am afraid the pits wont bring him back this time."
• Damian is shocked he pulls his arm to his chest rubbing the bracelet his grandfather got him, thinking about the silly crown his grandfather got him, now knowing that its the last present he'll ever receive from him. As Talia explained that she and his Aunt are taking over the League. Damian nods thinking to himself before voicing his thoughts.
• "Mother-Mom" he corrected himself softly signifying that he wanted to speak to the softer side of his mother. "I wish to remain here in Gotham. While father and I arent close I have gotten closer to my new siblings. I also-" Damian stops hesitant to voice what he wants. "Mom, I don't want to kill. I know Im supposed to be the prince of the League and the perfect assassin, but I don't want to kill."
• Talia grabs his face stroking his cheeks gently and kisses his forehead. When their eyes meet the tension in Damian's posture disappears as he melts into his mom's embrace.
• " You will still be the Prince, Beloved. That is a title that I will never let be taken from you. However I will allow you to stay here and no longer kill. Just as father and I did for Sabine all those years ago."
• Damiam nods before asking if Marinette and Sabine know about grandfathers passing. Talia hugs her son tightly telling him that his Aunt is on her way to tell them now. She runs her fingers through Damian's hair as she makes eye contact with Batman her eyes hardening as she glares at him. Her eyes soften when she meets the rests eyes nodding to them, in her own way of thanks. She releases him straightening out pushing her soft side down once again. Telling Damian to return to the manor, before he leaves she reminds him that he'll always have a place on the Island.
• Once he was gone she turned her glare on Batman demanding that he act like a father. Before turning and leaving to the boat where her men were waiting.
• When the family gets home Bruce decides to have a heart to heart with Damian. He knocks on the door before opening it to find Damian laying on his bed Alfred the cat on his chest.
• Bruce sits down on the edge of the bed and apologizes. Promising to actually try to get to know him instead of ignoring him. He even agrees to train with him, and think about bringing him into the loop. A few days later Bruce comes home with a great dane. Dick smiles and tells the story of Ace the first Bat-Hound.
• That stops a month later when Darkseid kills Bruce. After a few weeks with no Batman, Gotham is being over run, so Dick takes up the cowl. He talks to Tim who is convinced that Bruce is still alive, while Dick doesnt believe he decides to support Tim in his research. He also asks him to allow Damian to become Robin.
• When Tim tries to fight him Dick quickly puts and end to it explaining his reasoning to Tim.
• "Tim, Im not doing this because I dont think your good enough. Tim I see you as my equal, yes Batman and Robin are supposed to be partners. However their roles are also as mentor and protégé. Since Damian has been here I took him as my protégé, I want to give him the chance Tim. Just like Bruce gave Jason, you, and me. Not only that, Timmy your ready to step out of the shadow, you've been ready for a while. I didnt want to say anything because I wanted you to realize on your own. I see now that I have to give you a little push, Its time to leave the nest and fly Tim."
• Tim is silent for a while before agreeing to find his own hero persona, and pass Robin on to another. Damian is ecstatic when Tim gives him the mantle, and it makes Tim feel better when he sees Damian actually brighten up. A few weeks later the dynamic duo hits the streets. While people can tell its not the first Batman, they quickly realize he is just as good if not better than the old.
• Stephanie helps Tim in his research both of them switch to online schooling as Tim and Dick take over as Co-Ceos of Wayne Enterprises. Dick is sad when he puts in his resignation to the police chief but he knows he has too. After a while the family moves from the manor to the Wayne penthouse, everyone unable to be there without Bruce.
• On their first big mission Batman and Robin take a cow from a slaughter house that they believe may have been poisoned. It is clear to everyone in the family that Damian has become incredibly attached to the cow. Dick lets him keep it and Damian, he names her Batcow.
• One night the family walks down into their current 'cave' at the hotel, and find the original Justice Leaguers sans Batman yelling at Dick for taking up the mantel. They demand to hold a funeral for Batman and have his title put away for good.
• Dick refuses, he refuses to let them do that and he refuses to give up the cowl.
• "I know my father didnt want me to take up the cowl!! But I will not let Gotham fall while he is gone, and I will not let Batman!! Gotham needs Batman and I will make sure this city has him. No matter what you say, this isn't your city. It mine now and I am keeping the same rules. No metas in Gotham, leave. Now."
• After they leave Dick bursts into tears as Alfred pulls him into a hug comforting him as he accepts the fact that he just got into a huge fight with people he considered family.
• The rest of the night his siblings make sure there isnt a moment of silence, knowing that Dick misses being able to chatter on and on, but wont because he took up Batman.
• Dick slowly changes some rules in the family and Gotham. Everyone now has one night off each week that is mandatory. They also have mandatory family nights once a week before patrol. Dick also allows a few metas into the city, under the condition that they only fight if asked to. He is not surprised when he finds Connor encouraging Tim out of his bedroom to eat breakfast. Instead of staying in the city Kori visits every other day before returning to the Titans.
• The family decides together to announce Jasons return and use a cover up story that in the explosion he lost his memory and only got it back a few months ago. Together the family is taking Gotham over, all of them earning the Titles of Gotham's new Princes and Princesses. Dick and Tim are the faces of Wayne Enterprises, opening new devisions and building and hiring more people. Jason begins working to help street kids opening and sponsoring multiple Orphanages. He makes sure only the best people are working at them, and that no kids are used as meal tickets. Tim focuses heavily on Wayne Enterprises and merges Drake Industries into the company, every news article is about how incrediblly smart he is at 17. Stephanie is working as Tim amd Dick's 'secretary' and organizes all of the Wayne families charities, become the face of their Charity organizations. Cass organizes charities for children and teens with disabilities and for hospitals within three months Gotham's hospitals have beeter tech, more works and programs where heros visit every week. Damian is already all over the news since he is Bruce's blood son but now they are talking about his work towards helping animals and the environment. He opens a few parks and animal sanctuaries in Gotham. And even dedicates one to Poison Ivy stating that while she is radical, she wasnt always and the person she was before that deserved acknowledgment.
• When the summer arrives the family find Damian in his room packing his bags, and they panic thinking that he is leaving and returning to his mother. Stephanie bursts into tears in the door way surprising the family as she rushes in hugging Damian. Begging him not to leave him and saying she'll stop the prank war that she just wants him to stay. Soon Dick is crying and hugging them to begging Damian not to leave them. Soon everyone is in the hug even Alfred and Cass. Talia finds the family like this ten minutes later after she arrives, she is heavily amused and makes sure to comment startling everyone that didnt notice her.
• "Honestly all these tears? He'll be back at the end of the summer, you all were always so emotional, especially you Richard."
• Dick sniffs not meeting her eyes as Tim questions Talia. She quickly realizes that she forgot to tell the family about the summer agreement. Damian notices his mother's shift and tells the family of his trips between Paris and Infinity Island every summer. The family is surprised to find out that Damian is engaged. They all want to meet Marinette but Damian refuses saying they'll meet her when she comes to Gotham next summer. Before Talia leaves Dick asks for permission to adopt Damian, telling her how he had began to think of him as a son, and that he is worried that if Bruce really is dead that CPS will try and take him. Talia gives him her blessing as she fixes his tie looking him in the eye.
• "Although he didn't want you to take up the cowl, Bruce would be incredibly proud of you. As Batman and as Richard Grayson-Wayne."
• Marinette was sad that Damian and Talia didnt come to Paris for Christmas but she understands why. She is there for Damian supporting his in his distress of his fathers passing and in his distress of starting to see Richard as a father. When he becomes Robin she starts training harder determined to join him one day. She also discovers a love for fashion and begins teaching herself how to sew and make clothes.
• When the school years ends Marinette is ecstatic for Damian's arrival. She can't wait to spend the entire summer with him. His arrival is emotional for the two, they stand together hugging for thirty minutes only letting go when Talia announces that she is leaving.
• Damian spends the summer teaching Marinette everything he has learned from Dick. Marinette is slightly jealous that Damian is learning from the hero that her entire style is based off of. He is more than happy to tell Marinette about Dick. He also becomes Marinette's mannequin and model, he smiles watching Mari quickly excel he clothes coming out better and better.
• Before the summer ends they have a heart to heart about their engagement a few days before their eleventh birthday party. They both decide to start dating when they turn fourteen, both feeling that it would be the best time for them to start.
• Damian and Marinette kiss each others cheeks goodbye while Damian promises to show her everything Gotham has to offer next summer when she comes. She also makes him promise to tell his siblings about her so that it wont be akward when she arrives.
• When the school year starts Damian enters Gotham academy and quickly excels becoming the top student with no problems. Meanwhile Marinette has joined the art club at school and began entering Fashion competitions slowly making a name for herself as MDC. Half way through the school year Damian convinces Dick to help him start training Titus as the next Bat-Hound.
• Soon after Batman and Robin have a breakout at Arkham, they ready themselves for a big fight after Scarecrow, Riddler, Penguin, and Ivy escape. They are able to take Riddler down quickly when he gets frustrated and attempts to attack Robin. After he got all the Riddles without missing a beat. Hood and Red Robin take Penguin down a week after he escapes. Batgirl and BlackBat have no luck for two weeks trying to find Ivy, until she shows up at the Wayne penthouse and personally thanks Damian for the park in her honor. She tells the entire family that she is going to be working towards bettering herself, and now longer being known as radical. The entire family decide to leave her be as long as she doesn't commit any crimes. Batman and Robin's worst fight is with Scarecrow, after Robin gets exposed to Fear gas for the first time. Batman calls in the rest of the family to finish things with Scarecrow while he rushes Robin to Agent A after administratering the cure.
• After that night Dick brings up adopting Damian the next day at dinner while explaining to the family that he doesn't want to take the chance of CPS taking Damian away. Everyone is surprised when Damian quickly agrees but everyone knows better than to voice it knowing that Damian would close on himself and storm out.
• A month the family is celebrating Tim amd Stephanie graduating and Dick successfully adopting Damian. However the entire family is also excited to finally meet Damian's betrothed. Wondering if she'll be just like him. They are incredibly surprised by the sunshine that they meet at the airport.
• They love seeing how fast she can get Damian to smile and act his age. Soon every news paper in Gotham is talking about the Newest 'Wayne'. Damian and Marinette do an interview together to stop speculation that shes an actual Wayne. They announce that they have been best friends since they were four and every summer they alternate between their homes.
• Marinette greets Dick with stars in her eyes and pretty much refuses to leave the hug when Dick offers one. When asked Damian tells the family that Talia based Marinette's fighting schedule off of Richard's and that he became one of her favorite heros because of it. Dick is quick to take her under his wing training her in his style personally and teaching her trapeze.
• She is quickly made a part of the family and even helps Alfred cook and clean becoming one of the only people he actually lets help. She soon joins them helping their various organizations, and also designing clothes for them.
• Gotham is taken with her and she is once again given the title of princess. Their next joint charity is for Orphans and foster families. Commercial and interviews are all about how they found their family thanks to Bruce adopting them, however their favorite is the Billboard with the entire family together. Each wearing fancy clothing and crowns, Marinette, Stephanie, Cass, and Barbara are sitting on a couch. With the boys leaning on the couch behind them smiling mischievously with Bruce photoshopped stand behind them smiling with his own crown.
• When asked about the billboard they family bursts out into giggles and Dick is the only one able to answer. Explaining that they felt like playing into their titles given to them by their fellow Gothamites as Princes and Princesses.
• Before the end of summer they hold a Gala at Wayne Enterprises celebrating Marinette and Damian's twelfth birthday
• By the time summer ends Marinette is practically famous in the states she is verified on both Twitter and Instagram. People absolutely love her designs and he upbeat and happy posts. She leaves with promises of showing the family around Paris next summer when they bring Damian, all of them planning to stay for a week.
• A week later Tim finds away to bring Bruce back and in his rush he forgets to tell his family. Until he shows up at the penthouse with Bruce, the entire family is in shock. They walk in at the start of family night and find Dick sitting on his and Damian's couch with Damian ontop of him arms around his waist and half asleep listening to Dick's heartbeat. Jason is in the kitchen with Alfred making food and Cass and Stephanie are picking the movies.
• For a while they just stare at each other before the girls quickly hug Bruce as everyone begins crying. Dick hugs Damian tighter crying form their place on the couch. Soon the entire family is in the living room Bruce is sitting on the catch with Dick and Damian, Dick's feet in his laps as he gently rubs Dick's ankle.
• Jason calls Kori Roy and Wally and asks them to patrol for the family for the night. Telling them Bruce was alive. Bruce spends the night explaining what happened on his side, before the family explains what happened on their side.
• " So let me get this straight. Dick left the police force? Dickie, you loved being an officer. Jason has been declared alive and he has been opening Orphanages?Tim and Stephanie both switch to online schoolng and joined Wayne Enterprises? Cass samtarted her own charity for childs and teens with disabilities and to help hospitals? And Damian not only opened parks and animal sanctuaries, you all found out he is betrothed, and the girl has already earned to title of one of Gotham's princesses."
• The only thing they dont tell Bruce is that Dick adopted Damian. They move back into the manor. Bruce is furious to find out that the Justice League turned their backs on his eldest. After talking with Dick and Damian he decides to take up the cowl and let Nightwing return in two weeks after Dick teachs both him and Damian how to work with each other. He takes up Dicks spot as Co-Ceo with Tim. Dick decides to remain at Wayne Enterprises and becomes a security guard with Jason, but he mainly does tours on Wayne Enterprises.
• After a month of being back Bruce finds out that Dick adopted Damian and it causes a screaming match. This fight causes Dick to move back into the penthouse and stop talking to Bruce altogether. Alfred smacks some since into Bruce pointing out that Dick didnt try to take his place as Damian's father. That he only did for Damian what Bruce did for Dick. That night instead of patroling Bruce goes to the penthouse and apologizes to Dick, asking him to forgive him and return to the manor.
• Meanwhile Marinette becomes close friends with two people in the Art club that are in her class, Alix and Nathaniel. The become best friends and do more and more together. Marinette even teaches them how to fight a bit when she discovers they are being bullied. In return Nathaniel teaches them his art style and Alix teaches them how to skate. When they find out how amazing Marinette is at Gymnastics they encourage her to try out for the nationals. Marinette does and she gets in and wins the national title for her age devision. The three celebrate by having a sleepover at Marinette's house.
• Eventually Marinette tells them about Damian and their betrothal, and how she want them to meet him over the summer. They begin to view themselves as siblings and all their parents find it amusing that they suddenly have two more children in their families.
• When summer rolls around Marinette is excited to see the family again. The only person she hugs as long as Damian is Dick. When Bruce points it out she blushes while Dick proudly claims that she is one of his favorite superheros. Soon after they arrive Alix and Nathaniel arrive too. She introduces her best friends to each other happy that Damian makes an effort to get to know them. The Batfamily spends the week with the Dupain-Chengs before returning to Gotham. Damian and Marinette spend the summer training with Alix and Nathaniel.
• The four celebrate Marinette and Damian's 13 birthday together at Disneyland Paris.
• Before the summer ends both Marinette and Damian tell them the truth about their betrothal and Damian being Robin. Marinette tells them that shes going to join him as a hero one day, and that she thinks both of them would be amazing heros. Both Alix and Nathaniel decide they want to join and support their friends. They begin training with Marinette everyday determined to join Damian one day with her.
• They didnt know Marinette would become one of Paris' heros that school year.
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findrahil · 3 years
i'm drunk and just wrote 440 words of finrod/edrahil/mairon smut (look, it's my imaginary fourth age redemption scond chance arc) and now i wanna do something for finweanladieswekek but i have an interview and class otmorrow and then i hvae to finish another midterm assignment and this is cursed
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ivvoosung · 5 years
“I like  y o u !” | YOUNGK Friends to Lovers!AU
A/N: it’s been ages since i last wrote something ;; i have been soooo uninspired, but i’m glad to finally bring this !! i do have other wips that i wanna finish so i hope being able to post this motivates me/inspires me to be able to write more again!! enjoy, mydays!! i’m glad i can finally write for day6 and i hope to make more for them in the future!
i think it’s completely gender-neutral but if you notice something, feel free to let me know!
Word Count: +3k (3810 words)
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—”I like- What?” —You asked him wanting to make sure that you hadn’t misheard anything. Or even worse, that he hadn’t even said anything and what you thought he said had just been part of your imagination.
—”I said, I wouldn’t want to get in between you and Wonpil. I know you like him, so you two should go to the water park together.” —Your expression remained the same since the first time (and now you were sure) you heard him say it.
‘I know you like Wonpil’. Since when was your friendship with Wonpil seen as something beyond platonic? You wanted so much to just say Wonpil isn’t the person you like, that in fact, that person is in front of you and it’s him, Kang Younghyun. But for some reason, you couldn’t get any words out of your already half-opened mouth. Later that day, you decided to blame your silence on how shocked you were.
—”You think I like Wonpil?” —Both you and him knew the answer to that question. ‘I know you like Wonpil’. He didn’t just think it, he was very sure of it, apparently. Sure enough to say it as if it wasn’t the first time he had acknowledged the ‘fact’ in front of you.
And just as you expected, he said yes, but his expression had changed and it showcased a sudden doubt in his assumption. Suddenly he had a feeling he was wrong, and in contrast to that, this time he was right.
—”You don’t like Wonpil?” —He inquired, and when you slowly shook your head in response he cringed at himself for a second and inmediately tried to hide it with an awkward smile and a forced chuckle.— “R-Really? Wow, I thought you did! This is actually so embarrassing.” —He finally admitted, and this time it was you who laughed, clearly more genuinely than he had just done.
Before you could say anything to change the suddenly-uncomfortable atmosphere into something less overwhelming, the ringing of his phone beat you to it and interrupted the scene. When he took his phone out of one of the front pockets of his jeans you briefly managed to read the name ‘Sungjin’ in the screen.
—”They’re probably out there already, let’s go.” —He said, and you nodded and followed him while he picked up the call and talked to Sungjin for less than even half a minute, just to hear what he had already guessed the younger meant to say and ending it with an ‘Okay, we’re walking out of the cinema now’.
You, Younghyun and the little group of friends you had in common which consisted of Jaehyung (or Jae, as you usually called him for short), Sungjin, Dowoon and your best friend Wonpil had gone to the cinema to watch a movie. It had been a long time since most of you had gone there, with the exception of Jae who had recently gone to see some action movie with other friends that you didn’t really know. Therefore, all of you decided to change your usual hangouts at any of your homes or going out for dinner to going to the cinema. Since the six of you didn’t fit in one car, in the ride there you were in Jae’s car with obviously, Jae, and Wonpil. And Dowoon, Sungjin and Younghyun were in Sungjin’s car. Now, judging from who was calling, you guessed this time Sungjin would be the one to drive you and Younghyun home. After the movie was over, you had stayed behind to go to the bathroom while your friends went ahead to get their cars and when you came out Younghyun had been there waiting for you, quickly explaining he waited for you because it’s late and he didn’t want to leave you alone since there wasn’t really anyone around and everyone was inside the movie rooms doing the same thing you guys had been doing a few minutes before that moment.
After listening to him mentioning that any of your friends would give him a call to let you two know they were outside already, you told him that you and Wonpil had started planning a little one-day trip to the water amusement park for the very next day and asked him to come. But it was then when, even though you had mentioned that both you and your best friend were planning everything thinking that not only you two but the whole group would go, he had said he didn’t want to interrupt what could be a date for you and Wonpil since he ‘knew you liked him’.
And that’s how you got to this situation that luckily and thanks to not only Sungjin’s interruption through the phone call and also to quickly walking out of the cinema and getting in the car with Sungjin.
The whole ride back home (though for you it wasn’t exactly ‘home’ since you were staying the night at Wonpil’s to have your weekly sleepover) was pretty normal and basically consisted on talking about the movie you had watched. A little debate sparked up when you and Sungjin commented on how you didn’t exactly love the ending for it, while Younghyun’s opinion was exactly the opposite.
Sooner than you realised, the car stopped and it was time to get off. Jae’s car was parked a few meters ahead of Sungjin’s and judging from how you didn’t see anyone around, you doubted they’d still be in the car and assumed they each already went to their house. They didn’t live together, but they lived in the same building so it was pretty much as if they did.
You bid your goodbyes to both Sungjin and Younghyun, but even as you turned around to knock on Wonpil’s door, you couldn’t get the image of Younghyun smiling at you out of your head. Then, Wonpil opened the door. He saw his friends walking to their own homes behind your back so he said goodbye to them before letting you in and then closing the door.
Why did Younghyun think you and Wonpil liked each other? It’s not like you two were really the kind of best friends who looked like a couple. No one before had ever mistaken you for a couple. Maybe it’s not even about ‘liking each other’. Perhaps there was something about the way you acted that made it look like you liked him.
—”Hey Wonpil,” —You called, and he just hummed to let you know he was listening as he walked to his bedroom with you following him.— “Is there anything I do or say to you that could be seen as something more than platonic?” —The boy suddenly halted his steps, causing you to bump against his back and to then take a few steps back. Then he turned around looking at you with a both confused and slightly cringing expression.
Yup, just seeing that, you felt much better. There was nothing romantic about you and Wonpil’s friendship and neither of you wanted it.
—”Why are you asking that? I’m scared. Are you sending me hints about something?” —You could see he was joking but at the same time, lowkey worried about the meaning behind your question. You laughed and shook your head.
—”Of course not. I asked because apparently, Younghyun was completely sure that I have a crush on you.” —After hearing that Wonpil just stared you in silence with his eyebrows raised and a face that spoke about his incredulous state by itself.— “I know! I was shocked too when he told me.” —
He finally just resumed his walking towards his room and finally went inside it, sitting on his desktop chair and you sitting on his bed after kicking off your shoes. You two still had to take a shower, but this conversation wasn’t really over yet so you two decided to get comfortable.
—”If he really sees something romantic between us but he can’t see that you’re basically whipped for him, then he really is blind!” —Wonpil exclaimed, making you laugh but inmediately tried to defend yourself.
—”Hey! I’m not whipped!” —Wonpil just rolled his eyes and decided not to respond to that, making both of you laugh this time at the scene.
After you both calmed down, Wonpil got up from his chair and sat on the bed next to you before slowly laying down and facing up. You did the same thing and stared at the ceiling silently for a few sconds before Wonpil spoke again.
—”Did you tell him and Sungjin-hyung about going to the water park this weekend?” —You nodded, and although you weren’t looking at each other you knew he noticed thanks to him feeling the movement next to him.— “And well?”—
—”Well, actually I just told Younghyun when we were waiting for Sungjin to pick us up. Then he said that we should go alone because it’s obvious I have a crush on you,” —Wonpil snorted and then couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as you kept talking.— “and then I couldn’t bring it up again because… It was so awkward.” —This time you felt your best friend nod in understatement.
Once again, the room was submerged in an ephemeral silence.
—”Well, I already told Jae-hyung and Dowoon and they said yes. I’m sure Sungjin-hyung will say yes too.” —You nodded again and feeling like the conversation was over, Wonpil got up from the bed and grabbed his pjs to take a shower. You had already left your bag with your clothes there before you went to the cinema so you would take a shower after Wonpil.
And in the meantime as you waited for him, you let out a sigh and replayed some memories inside your head, including the events you had lived today.
You thought about that one time you were sitting in between him and Wonpil while watching a horror movie at Jae’s house and clinged to each other when you got scared. You could have perfectly reached for Wonpil if you liked him, yet you let Younghyun hold you, resting your head on his chest and wondering is his heart was beating as fast as yours.
Then, you thought back about the time you were feeling so stressed during finals season that you started crying hiding behind some bookshelves in the library, away from the tables where everyone was working and trying to find something that would help you with the exam that you had no idea how to tackle. At that moment, you received a message from him saying he was in the library and asking where you were, since you were going to study together. When you didn’t answer even though you had read the messages, he knew something was wrong and found you in less than one minute. He softly placed his hands on your cheeks and dried your tears with his thumbs, whispering calming words of you doing well in not only this but all of your exams and promises of helping you.
Starting to feel a little anxious, you finally thought back to the events of the present day. How while watching the movie sitting next to each other you suddenly turned your heads and made eye contact, him giving you a gentle smile and then reaching for your hand to grasp it in his for a second before slowly letting go.
Were you building false hopes? Were you wrong for thinking that perhaps there was something special for him too and that your feelings weren’t completely one-sided? Would he do the same thing for anyone? Of course, you wouldn’t hate him if he did, since that only showed how caring and kind he was. But you would have never thought that even though he was the person you gave that kind of attention to he’d think that you liked someone else.
Just like when you were in the car going home, time passed too fast and you heard Wonpil walking back into the room, already wearing his pjs. You sat up to look at him and to get up to grab your things before heading to the bathroom.
—”(Y/N), I was thinking, why didn’t you just tell Younghyun-hyung that the one you like is actually him and just confess once and for all-” —You interrupted him with a loud whine as you let yourself fall back on the bed.
—”I know! I should have! But I couldn’t! I was so shocked and it was so awkward!” —You complained and then whined again. Wonpil laughed at your reaction and soon enough you were laughing a little too. What was the point of beating yourself up over it? It was best to laugh at it and do better next time.
‘Next time…’
As you got up from the bed and finally went to get your things to shower, you decided.
‘Next time, I’m going to tell him.’ You promised yourself, taking a deep breathe in an attempt to control the sudden nervousness you felt inside your chest.
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Right after you finished getting dressed, your swimwear already under your clothes, Dowoon walked into the room, quickly apologising as he caught you adjusting your shirt and thinking you weren’t done changing.
—”It’s okay, I’m done now.” —You said, smiling at him and grabbing your phone that you had left on top of the dresser. Dowoon opened his mouth to tell you what he had come there for but someone beat him to it.
—”(Y/N)! We’re all ready, let’s go!” —Someone yelled, and you inmediately recognised that voice to be Younghyun’s. Dowoon sighed and let out an awkward laugh, smiling afterwards.
—”Why did they tell me to come tell you if then he’s gonna shout it himself?” —You laughed too and walked out of the room with him, making your way to the living room where everyone was waiting.
Jae and Wonpil were sitting on the couch looking at something on the older’s phone. Sungjin was making sure he had everything he needed, and Youngk was just leaning on the wall right next to the entrance door. When you two made eye contact he gave you a sweet smile, as he always did. However no matter how many times he did it your heart didn’t seem to get used to it.
—”Ah, you’re ready? Then we can leave!” —Jae exclaimed, finally looking up from his phone and at each of you to make sure everyone was ready and then both him and Wonpil finally got up from the couch and made their way to the door.
Everyone walked out involved in different conversations, but everything was cut off when before separating to get inside one of the two cars that would drive them to the water park (which would be once again Sungjin and Jae’s), Wonpil let out a loud gasp, making all of you turn to look at him.
—”What did you forget?” —You asked him with a smirk, knowing him well enough to be sure that was exactly what happened. And as you expected, you were right.
—”My phone!” —He exclaimed, and quickly walked back inside the building to go get it. Some of you laughed at it and Sungjin just let out a sigh.
—”I’ll wait for him, you guys can go ahead.” —After everybody agreed, you, Dowoon and Jae got into the aforementioned’s car and drove off.
The ride there was fun. You were sitting in the passenger seat next to Jae, asking him to let you play the music during the ride. He groaned and acted like he didn’t want you to, even jokingly mocking your music taste. After insisting once, he broke down and answered with an ‘Okay, fine’ as if he really had needed the extra convincing and he wasn’t just teasing you. You heard Dowoon chuckle at the little scene and didn’t really notice how Younghyun just stayed silent through it all, even when you finally started playing the music and Jae started singing dramatically, making you and Dowoon laugh again.
Once again, and like everytime you spent time with your friends, time really seemed to fly and soon you were getting out of the car. Now you just had to wait for Sungjin and Wonpil to arrive.
—”I’m gonna go buy our tickets while we wait for them.” —Jae said, walking away with Dowoon following him.
—”Okay! I’ll stay here!” —You responded.
Younghyun was silent again, and this time you did notice it. It was pretty weird, since he was always so bright. He wasn’t like this when you were still at Wonpil’s, so you wondered if something happened on the way here. Did he receive bad news about something? Or had he already been like this before but you hadn’t noticed or he had done better in hiding it? Maybe he was just feeling under the weather.
When he caught you looking at him he arched his eyebrows for a second  clearly not expecting the eye contact, but he quickly gave you a small smile that you could easily tell was kind of fake.
If only you could guess what he was feeling towards you as well as you could guess with this things. Or even better…
—”Hey, (Yn)?” —You blinked, still looking at him and letting him know you’re listening.
… If only he could be less dense and guess who is actually the person you like.
—”I know it now, the person you like… Is Jae, right?” —
There was silence again. But this was different from the awkward silence from the previous night, different from the peaceful silence in Wonpil’s room, different from Younghyun’s unusual silence in the drive here.
This silence was full of tension.
—”You…” —Younghyun arched his eyebrows at you again. He didn’t hear you well, so he mouthed a ‘what’ and stared at you in confusion.
Finally breaking, you let out a whine and facepalmed almost a little too loudly, startling the guy in front of you and even a person who has just walked by the two of you. You put your hand away from your face and frowned at him, not even paying attention to how his expression slowly changed from curious to almost somewhat scared of not knowing what was going through your mind at that moment. Okay, maybe he got it wrong again, but did it really make you that angry?
—”I don’t like Wonpil! I don’t like Jae! And before you can assume I do, I don’t like Sungjin or Dowoon! I like you! The person I like is you!” —You exclaimed, not even paying attention to how his expression went from curious to shocked with a faint blush starting to color his cheeks.
—”You like me?” —He finally questioned after just opening and closing his mouth for less than a second not knowing exactly what to say or how to react.
You nodded and let out a sigh, still looking at him. You didn’t know where did you find the courage to still keep the eye contact after confessing and without receiving a proper answer. He looked so surprised you were starting to feel scared. Did he really not know? Did he never notice anything? Or… Did he not want to notice because he didn’t like you the same way?
—”Is it so bad that I like you that you never thought of it?” —Your tone of voice was calmer, but it had a tinge of sadness or even disappointment to it. The more you spoke, the closer to a whisper your voice sounded.
You ended up looking away and towards the ground, but quickly looked up again when you saw Younghyun suddenly standing in front of you and saw his hands reaching for yours. He grabbed them and, kind of like the instant where he held your hands the previous day at the cinema, he held them a little too tightly and then softened his grip on them, but this time he didn’t let go.
You looked at his face without saying anything. You didn’t even think there was anything else left to say not only for you but for him too, and even as he held you, the lack of words still made you believe that he probably didn’t feel like you did.
—”(Y/N)…” —
You hummed, once again letting him know you were paying attention. Well, as much as you could while your mind started to drift away because of the feelings starting to overwhelm you.
—”Can you guess who’s the person I like?” —You blinked a few times in a row, so far doing great at trying to keep your tears where they should be and answer Younghyun’s question.
—”Why are you asking me if it’s not me?” —Not expecting you to answer his question with another question, he chuckled for a second and shook his head slightly.
—”That’s it, why would I ask you, if it’s not you? Do you think I’m that mean?” —He asked again, smiling down at you and trying to change the tense atmosphere to something more lighthearted. You felt the heat rushing to your cheeks as you finally understood and almost felt stupid for not noticing from the first question.
You let out a sigh again, this time one of relief because you were already seeing yourself heartbroken and not being able to enjoy the rest of your day (and probably the rest of the following weeks). Younghyun laughed again and let go of one of your hands to softly move your head to look at him again when you looked away after sighing.
—”I like you, too.” —He whispered with that characteristic sweet smile still on his face as he imitated the emphasis on the ‘you’ that you had given when you confessed your feelings. You smiled back at him and slowly both of you closed your eyes as the distance between your lips was reduced to cero.
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—”Yo, what-” —
—”Oh my god-” —Dowoon whispered right after Jae spoke and stopped dead in his tracks, watching the scene unfold from a safe distance.
—”We’re here!” —Wonpil’s familiar voice exclaimed (thankfully not loud enough to disrupt the new couple) with Jae quickly shushing him and pointing to you and Younghyun. Wonpil let out a loud gasp and Jae shushed him again.
—”Finally, you won’t believe the amount of weird questions I had to go through during the whole drive-” —Sungjin started speaking as he got out of his car, this time all the other three guys asking him to remain silent. Confused, Sungjin followed everyone’s gazes and his eyes widened when he saw what was happening.— “Since when do they like- Are they dating!?” —He whisper-yelled.
—”Yes, finally” —The  other three said in unison.
Apparently you and Younghyun weren’t the only dense ones who hadn’t noticed your mutual feelings.
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ekkorn · 5 years
hi there, just saw in the tags that you didn‘t like endgame. would you like to expand on that? i am curious to know other people‘s perspective. personally, i liked it. it has flaws, yes, but to me it was enjoyable. if you don‘t feel like answering, that is fine :) have a great day!
oh wow. you really wanna know? okay, but on your own head be it. :o
i’m just joking, i’ll go easy, or at least give you the digest (a vicious lie) version. if you want to see the full extent of my derision and vitriol, you can go to @lowkeysebastianstan, which is the blog where i’ve tried to limit this too. but to give you the not at all short and not so sweet of it, here goes. (endgame spoilers obviously).
the first thing that really set me off was the ending, more precisely, what steve did. it made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and hit me closer to home than most of my followers here since bucky and steve are my fave characters, and the only ship i really have. now, i never thought stucky would become canon, not even a little, i didn’t even hope for it. sure, the representation would’ve been awesome, but there’s no way marvel could’ve done it justice, so it was just as well it was never gonna happen. what i hadn’t prepared for was to what extreme extent they were terrified of the ship and the effect it would have if they were to let it be even a hint that could be interpreted as some emotional connection between them, for 3 films they’re built bucky up as the most important character in steve’s life, he’s risked his own life to save him, he basically eradicated hydra during wwii fueled by grief for him, he was prepared to die for him in tws, he fought his friends and gave up everything for him in cacw, and then he just? leaves? to be with a woman who died of old age and natural causes after a long fulfilling life with another man and family of her own. who specifically told him to fucking move on in tws? yeah, sure. and do not get me wrong, i adore sam wilson, after bucky, and the real steve rogers, he is by far my fave in the cap verse (saving a few spots for my bp and cm peeps in the mcu, but we’ll get to them), and he is the superior choice to pick up the mantle, no doubt about it. (okay, a little doubt, they teased sebastian with that shield for 8 years, they based bucky on the brubaker storyline where he becomes cap, and so i do feel a little torn bc no matter how happy he must be for his friend, and him and mackie are good friends, he must be a little disappointed? but who knows, maybe they’ll do something with that in the series, which would be stupid af bc that would negate the positive leap in representation, and mackie deserves it too, so who the fuck knows, i’ll probably not be around to keep track anyways, and can you tell im rambling), but for steve’s last words to be to sam? while bucky stands and watch in the background? like??? i could go on in (more excruciating) detail, but that was why i linked the blog, there might be a point or two about this on there.
but that was just the start. all through the movie i felt disconnected and uneasy, they made some really weird choices, but i don’t think it was until nat took the plunge that i knew i had an absolute dud on my hands. 
the mcu has done a lot of things right, but their treatment of women is NOT one of them. and oh boy did they go out with a bang. first is the obvious implication, he got to live bc he had “more to live for”, and she didn’t have a family, and ye gods we know she can’t have kids, so why should she live? 
(see, if the bw movie wasn’t in the books, i’d completely get it, if it was to give scarjo her life back, and she wanted nat to be good and dead, sure. actually, when i first watched it, that’s what i thought tbh, that the bw movie was cancelled, so. but it’s not, so she will return. and since that the case it’s just fucked up that they yeeted her off the roster. and sure, some of the bw movie was always gonna be set in the past, but tbh? i don’t see much point in prequels for dead characters, you know that whatever happens won’t affect the outcome for the character at all, and i usually find them completely void of meaning. that might just be me though). and of course the fact that she died the same way gamora went didn’t help. (gamora’s death was maybe the single worst thing in aiw, she was fridged, not for the advancement of one man, but for two (thanos and quill) and it.just.shouldn’t.have.worked.thanos.cannot.love! again, mcu and women? not a good match.) 
then of course, it comes back to steve and how much he doesn’t give a crap about the people close to him in the present, we never see him care or grieve for anyone but peggy, and he could barely spare two tears for nat before it was all business again. and the rest of the team? i think clint cared a little, and banner threw a chair, but that was it. no memorial, not burial, no nothing, it was like she never existed, and she died saving the world just as much as tony, he couldn’t have done jack shit without the soul stone. 
and speaking of women, shuri and okoye? before the trailer dropped i was sure shuri was in this, that we’d get to see her lead in her brother’s stead. i actually did a short lament on this already, here.
carol was terribly underused, after all the oompf about her being there she was barely a blip. but the haircut was fantastic, and the best part of the movie was when she returned at the end.
then there’s nebula and gamora (again). at first i was actually quite pleased that they sort of found a loophole to bring gamora back, but then i thought about it (yes, sometimes i get seduced by the flashy colours too) and yeah. sure. a gamora is there, but she’s void of all the things that makes her interesting and all her development is just gone, everything “our” gamora achieved and experienced is gone, three films worth of arc is worthless. so what then is the point of getting “her” back? i don’t care about this person, i don’t know her. are we gonna see quill just harass her the next film, bc you know, she’s been with him, so why shouldn’t he expect her to just do that now? tbh i wouldn’t be surprised, but now that gunn is back maybe he can save it? not that i’ll be around to keep track though.
then nebula. nvm that time paradox, that’s a whole other fuckfest i’ll get back to, but we had to get to see her get killed too, didn’t we. by her sister, the only person in the world she loves. fucking fantastic, i cannot control my enthusiasm. 
and no, cool as it was, the a-force surrounding parker is not enough to bring this home. it was a cool sight though. (see? i can see the good.)
then of course it’s peggy. a woman he knew for a few months back during the war. (sure they knew each other longer, but i’d say, even if you’re very generous, they can’t have spent more than a couple of months in each other’s company, and they kissed once). who they stripped of all character development and autonomy so that steve could go back and get his “damce”. everything she achieved, every good thing that happened to her, her husband, her family, her advancement in shield, all gone. bc steve must have his happy ending, no matter that she told him to move the fuck on in tws, who cares. 
and then there’s sharon. yeah, they forgot about her, didn’t they. i mean, i was never really on board with that, the whole aunt/niece thing was a bit too weird for me, and this was way before i shipped stucky, but that doesn’t matter. bc they did that, they had them kiss within days after peggy’s death (oooh, look how he cared for peggy), making it clear that this was the beginning of something. (also marvel and several of the actors treated emily like crap, oh yeah, i remember, doesn’t help either.) 
(gods i said this would be short, didn’t i? imagine if i could’ve spent all the words i’ve spent ranting about endgame on my latest chapter? good grief.)
then there’s their so called lgbt representation. 30 seconds of a character that had a total of 60 sconds of screentime in tws lamenting his dead lover? well. i. they wanted credit for that. i just.
then there’s thor. they negated every ounce of development he had in ragnarok, this also goes for aiw, wasn’t happy about that, and made him completely ooc, he just spends his time drinking ab\nd playing fortnite of all things? bold of them to assume that will still be a thing in 5 years, but also? thor? THOR? neglecting his people? his friends? the world? thor? then they of course made him fat, haha, so they could add fat-shaming to the list while they make light and fun of his drinking problems, his grief and his ptsd. awesome. the funniest. 
then there’s clint. that they just randomly made a killer? just, like a straight up murderer? okay then. and still nat deserved to die. excellent.
then there’s banner. okay, i don’t think they fucked him up as bad as the others, but it’s still strange he would risk his intelligence to become hulk full time, but you do you.  
rocket and rhodey were the best things about this damn disaster, just putting it out there.
then there’s tony. i mean, we knew he was the main protagonist, and im not objecting that, (even if i think it’s really strange he’d be born in 1970) but idk. that was strange’s plan? all that for that? and pepper just went, eh what the hell, just die, i can raise this kid you wanted. (i know, i know, she’s her mom, she cares), but it was just so flat. and idk. i mean, rdj wanted his life back, just as evans, but i’d want to see that switched, that tony get to retire and steve sacrifice himself to save the world. tony could still be the deciding factor in strange’s plan even if steve delivered the coup de grace. at least he cared enough to show an emotion™when peter came back, which was more than steve bothered with. jfc they fucked up steve.
then there’s the time travel. okay, a few things about the 2012 thing. they put him in the elevator, and then, instead of having him just kick the crap out of the agents, they reference hydra!cap? the biggest shitstorm in the comics in the last two decades? like what the actual fuck? then of course there’s the americas ass thing, which, again, that’s steve, cares about his ass but not his friends! (but at least 2012 steve cares about bucky, maybe he’ll save him a couple of years early, back to the future steve will just live out his life knowing bucky is getting tortured somewhere in siberia, good times.) oh! and i guess they have their loophole to get loki back too, great, they’ll probably just forget that he’s not in the main timeline, bc who cares. 
and the fun just keeps coming with the time travel. oh they tried with some crap explanation that no one can make sense of, but here’s the kicker. they can’t either, they don’t even want to try, they don’t even agree with each other. 
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how did they know to meet up in wakanda or wherever, the dustees? did strange send a memo? not just the ppl in the soul realm or wherever they were, but all the others too, like valkyrie and hope. time and place just magically popped into their heads? and what happened when they all came back? or some came back, bc obviously a shit ton of ppl died at the dusting, like the pilot of a 747 gone? plane goes down and such, ppl really dead. and where do they reappear? where they disappeared? aka those passengers that got dusted comes back mid flight? fun! and what about the ones that moved on in their absence? what happens to the ones that come back when their wives and husbands are remarried, when there’s no place for them in their old lives. did all of peter’s classmates get dusted, or did the rest of the class graduate without him, i must assume that all of those in s:ffh did, otherwise some would be in college by now, yeah?
and that’s another reason their watertight time travel is leaky af, there’s no way to get the logistics to work. the only option as such would have been to go back to 2018 and fix it, to reset time, bc otherwise there are just too many holes, it’s just not possible. but they can’t do that bc then they’ll undo all the things that happen in the future that the characters don’t want to lose, like tony’s kid. 
oh, i know, it’s a superhero movie, but im strange like that, i expect a modicum of internal logic in all my movies, the bitch that i am. 
okay, im gonna leave it there, ive run out of steam, and i want to gif a set. there’s a few things more, but i think you’ve gotten the gist, that i’m not a fan of this movie and a short (lol, so sorry, nothing is ever digest with me, i should’ve warned you) list of reasons why. honestly this is the first time i’ve really don’t a more general account, ive pretty much stuck to steve and that crapshute, there’s a lot of other blogs that concentrate on the other characters, i’d list a few, but i don’t have it in me rn, pop me a msg if you’re interested, also if you’re interested in some real meta, this rambling rant isn’t something that people should be exposed to honestly. 
avengers: endgame was a shit movie and no amount of “he’s worthy” and “avengers assemble” is going to fix that, BUT if you enjoyed it, i don’t think less of you, obviously everyone is different, and i envy the hell out of you, i sorely wish i could’ve liked it too. the russos directed what is by far the best movie in the mcu imo, tws, and they had us all fooled, even if we probably should’ve seen it coming after iron man 4: civil war.
hope you’re having a spectacular day, sorry you had to read this if you did, and and thank you for making mine better, i really had a rant in me needing out. (you’d think i’d run out of hate for this by now, but nah.)
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thank you for the ask :) 
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psychedelicharrie · 5 years
Behavior Exercise
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Hi girls, guys and non-binary pals <3 
This is the scond fanfic i write, this one is inspired in a movie called The Road Within and hopefully my first series so please let me know if you want me to keep posting it, maybe is not as good as i think it is haha i’d really appretiate some feedback, also, english is not my first lenguage so please be nice i’m trying :( 
WARNINGS: 4k+ mentions of drugs, alcohol and mental illness. This fanfic contains sensitive topics like anorexia, OCD and drug addictions if you feel triggered by any of this topics please do not read it. 
“Nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three” You could hear Robert whispering a number for each mug whilst cleaning one per one with an anti-bacterial microfiber cloth he just bought yesterday. You take another sip of your non sugared coffee already cold keeping your gaze in your roommate who was onto an old baby blue wooden chair, his favorite, because it was easier to clean than the other ones “Twenty four, twenty five…twenty fiv-five” he stutters with a low voice almost like a secret he can only hear.  You put your mug down on the table knowing what is coming next, like every other morning, he just hated odds numbers.
“Five- twenty fiv-five” He keeps repeating walking back and forth all over the kitchen with his hand scratching his head pulling his blonde curls. “Hey, good morning” A deep British accent stops you from standing up and walking towards Robert making him stop as well. He looked at both of you just to switch his gaze feeling the pressure in the air as he continues to grab an empty plastic cup from the kitchen bar assuming he could get in trouble if he gets anywhere near the mugs shelf.
“Morning, did you have a good rest?” You greet with an awkward smile on your face. Harry moved in just a week ago so it is understandable he’s not fully used to Rob’s breakdowns as you are after nine years. You know Rob since secondary school; a catholic schoolhouse in Portlaoise where special and difficult teenagers were sent by his parents to make them better, doesn’t work pretty well if they ask you.  Robert and you shared some classes and weekly group’s therapy meetings, however, you only knew him as the schizo boy just to find out, years later, he does not suffer from schizophrenia but a severe ODC and constants paranoid episodes, it all got worst four years ago when he came home to find out his mom had left a day before the graduation  night, all she left was a note saying how sorry she was, a load of cash, a blue tuxedo he was supposed to be wearing at the dance and an empty home.
Four years ago
You lost count of how many minutes, maybe hours, you have been staring at the old pink dress your dad had bought you for tonight’s dance, it would be better if he could actually share the evening with you but it was too much to ask, you thought. It had stopped raining some hours ago but a loud splash outside your window snaps you from your deep thoughts about tonight, a rowdy cry followed the splash “SHE LEFT ME, WHY DOES EVERYBODY BLODY LEFT ME?” You ran to your window to see what was happening, and then, you saw Rob on a puddle wearing anything but his underpants and his navy blue tuxedo in his hands all covered in mud, just as him. He was  crying and screaming while Miss Gillen held him helping him for hurting himself  “MY DAD IS DEAD AND MOM HATES ME, I-I ‘AVE NO ONE, NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT ME” He yelled at the sky escaping from Miss Gillen’s arms slapping mercilessly his face and pulling his blonde hair roughly.
You have spent almost a decade in that hypocrite househole where religious people pretended to know what was good and bad, and even worst, pretending they care about all of you. You knew people were lonely back there, after all, most of you were abandoned by your families, they just gave up on most of you and you were aware of that. You knew everyone there was ill, was broken and alone, new people came and then they left, some people have been taken to the hospital after a breakdown and they have never returned, it was hard to live in a place like that were you could share breakfast with someone just to wake up the next day with their bed empty and another casket full, that’s why you decided to not make any friends, carrying with other person’s problems could destroyed you just as much as losing another loved one, but when you saw him all covered in mire when just yesterday he cried in the middle of the cafeteria because he spilled a drop of tea in his pants something changed in you. You almost didn’t recognize him; it was the same guy who couldn’t even walk outside his bedroom without latex gloves, however he was there outside your room, broken and scared. He had no one and you knew that feeling.
“Rumor has it you have your own place now” You said having a sit next to him in cafeteria two days after the dance. He looked strange at you “do yo-do you eat?” He answered you sharply but those comments didn’t bother you anymore. You smiled at him taking a sip of your water bottle “so, is it true?” You insisted “‘s not mine, ‘s me mums” he mumbled cleaning the spot of the table you just removed your hand from. “But she left” you say abruptly making him look at you, finally getting some strong eye contact, he kept silence trying not to cry, you leaned closer to him and whispered “when are we escaping this hole then?”.
It’s been four years since you convinced Rob to leave that place, four years since you’ve been living together in that house his mom had left for him, and four years of the only caring human interaction you both have; you take care for each other and you could say it was the first time in ages that you haven’t feel lonely.
“Could been better if I’m honest” Harry replies with a cheeky smile “Of course it could have been better, it could have been better if you just would stop yourself from snoring the whole night” Robert cuts Harry off “Did you know he goes to sleep without taking a shower? and WE have to share room it’s just unacceptable, unaccepta- unacceptable” You can see Rob’s face turning red and his eyes looking at you almost popping out at the memory of last night.
“Oh I’m sorry, did my snoring muffle that boring music you sleep with?” Harry says without looking at him as he pours some orange juice to his cup “It’s not my fault you don’t appreciate quiet music you cheap ass Mick Jagger” Robert spits roughly making Harry giggle as he decides to stop the argue blowing him a kiss. He was cheeky and irreverent and you like that, Harry was like a new specimen like a new world you wish to explore, it was something you have never seen before, neither you or Rob haven’t met anyone like Harry, you feel excited about this new experience even though now and then you feel guiltiness for making Rob go through this, you know he’s not looking forward this as much as you are, in fact since Harry is living with you Rob’s stress levels has been higher than usual.
When you left the clinic you decided come up with a plan to keep both of you sane, you knew Rob’s money it wasn’t going to last more than a few months and his disability allowance was not enough for both of you, so you decided to get a job and attend to some free therapy session at a community center near Rob’s house, and that’s how Harry came into your life.
One month ago
What it seemed like a normal summer rain predicting its end becomes a dreadful storm within minutes. You make you steps larger covering your head with your old jacked which is completely useless as you try to rush Rob who is a couple steps behind you freaking out because his boots and the bottom of his pants are all covered in mud. There’s only a couple of blocks left to the community center where both of you attend to the weekly sessions that keep yourself sort of sane. You arrive to the center soaking wet and just in time to the session, however, you spend a few minutes taking care of Rob helping him to clean himself.
Both of you take a seat in the circle in the middle of the huge cold room; the therapist, Arthur welcomes you with a big smile understanding the weather was not something you could control or change. “So now that we’re complete…” he stand up and says looking at Rob and you “Are you okay, Robert?” he asks kindly to what Rob just nods “great, now I want to start this meeting introducing our new member, he comes all the way from London so I ask you to be nice and make him feel welcome”.
You were too busy taking care of your friend and cursing at the wind that you haven’t notice the new member of the group; a tall white guy with silky curls, they seem recently wet as well even tho he doesn’t look bother about it. Your gaze travels his figure from bottom to top; he’s wearing some old used boots, a pair of blue jeans and a grey hoodie. You notice his big and strong hands as he says hi to the group with one of them; both decorated with multiple rings, It’s not until your glance meets his big emerald eyes ornamented with some bags under them that you realized you are probably staring too much, as you try to look somewhere else you see he offers a smile at you; not yet a malicious one, not yet a kindly one, it was more like something in between; a cheeky lovely but arrogant smile.
“Hi, I’m Harry, Nice to meet you all” He says briefly without taking his eyes off of you he looks at the rest of the group smiling still just to sit down again. You could hear some distant and slow claps, probably your partners are just as confused as you; most of the introductions were followed by a whole crazy story of why are they there and even some tears and breakdowns but never just a cheeky smile and a breathtaking glance. “You probably want to tell us why you’re here Harry” Arthur says looking at him.
“’kay, if you want me to” He says rubbing his palms on his thighs looking at the ground until he speaks again “…I’m a sex addict” he looks up staring challenging at Arthur chuckling. Arthur looks quite annoyed he probably knows what the newbie’s here for, you’ve shared these sessions with some sex addicts they only last two or three weeks top, but you are pretty sure he’s just joking. “Probably just another junkie” Rob speaks up louder than he expected. The whole room is filled with silence for a couple seconds even you fell Harry deep gaze on Rob “Wanna bet pretty boy? can show you”
“Harry is here because he’s trying to keep himself sober and we’re to help him, okay?” Arthur interrupts quickly “He’s new in town so if you know about some apartment available for him would be a great favor”. The rest of the session keeps going pretty normal even though you can’t focus on any of your partners, you are too confused yet intrigued about the whole new guy situation; after that interaction you can tell Rob has been tense since then, on the other side Harry seems cool about it, you were expecting him being an asshole with the rest of the group as they share their week with you, but instead he listens carefully, looking attentive to each person who stands up, he even shares some advices with them, good advices. Robs is kind of right, he is a junkie, still he is not just another junkie, there was something different about him and you want it to find out.
“Hey, so the new guy is looking for somewhere to live” You say to Rob who was cleaning the snack table of the therapy room. “There are a lot of bridges he can live under” He replies without looking at you, he was too focused stacking some water bottles carefully. You take a piece of fruit and a bottle of water as you feel Arthur Gaze on you “I was thinking he can live with us, we have a spare room” Robert stops abruptly his stacking process just to give you a perplexed look “are you seriously suggesting me to offer my house to a bloody drug addict we just literally met just because he’s hot?”
“C’mon… I never said he was hot” Rob turns his face back to the table cleaning something else you don’t even see “That’s not the point, I’m not letting a stranger sleeping under my roof”  “You let me sleep under your roof, beside, we can actually use some extra money” you say looking for the new guy in the room “and he seems fun” Robert grunts rolling his eyes at the sight of you looking for him. “Robert, Y/N, we’re about to the closure would you please join us?” Arthur says from a distance. “take it as behavior exercise” You insist Rob with a begging look with both of your hands together “I’ll think about it” He cuts the conversation walking away from you.
One week ago
You make your way into de kitchen to find Rob finishing his cleaning routine; you overslept this morning understandable after keeping yourself with almost anything but water for the last three days. “Morning babe” You said weakly to your friend as he quickly reach a chair for you to sit “Hey, I made you some breakfast” He says as he opens the fridge taking out a plate with fruit and oats “There’s no need Rob, I’m going to be late to work” You say as you try to stand up  but he grabs your arm in order to stop you from getting up, you look at his hand wrapped around your arm and look back at him in shock; his germophobia doesn’t let him have any physical interaction with other people, he never touches anybody and freaks out when somebody touches him. Is the first time in years you’ve feel his touch; even though he’s wearing latex gloves as usual you can feel the warm emanating from his big and soft hand.
“You might take care of me most of the time but I’m not stupid Y/N, I know you haven’t eaten a full meal in four days, so please, sit down and eat your breakfast” He finally releases your arm as he walks to his room to probably change his gloves. The whole situation leaves so speechless that you don’t have any other choice to do what you’ve been told. You can’t remember a time when Robert has ever touched you or at least without having a crisis, definitely your relationship has grown a lot in those couple years and now it seems like he cares about you more every day and part of you couldn’t just let him down.  
As you keep eating your meal and thinking about your relationship with Rob a knock on the door snaps you out to reality and you hear Rob rushing to the door “no, no, you can’t leave the table until you finish”. He reaches to the door and takes a big breathe before open it just to find a pair of emerald eyes looking at him “Oh Hi, nice to see you again Pretty boy” Harry says after finishing his cigarette and stepping on it “Oh it’s you, what do you want?” he asks hiding half of his body behind the door. Harry smirks and shows him the black suitcase he was holding. Robert knew what he was there for he just forgot about it when he looked into his eyes. Today is the day that Harry moves into the house; after a couple endless nights convincing Rob of letting him stay today you got yourself a new roommate.
“Oh, right, come on in, I guess” Rob says opening the door wider for Harry to come in. “Take your shoes off” Robert adds without looking at him walking towards the kitchen “Normally I only accept to take my clothes off after a couple of drinks but for you pretty b..” “We don’t use shoes inside the house, that’s the first rule, it’s not a joke” Rob cuts Harry off abruptly facing him again “Okay, take it easy they’re off” Harry says without erasing his cheeky smile of his face “I think we didn’t even say hi properly ” Harry adds offering his hand to Rob, he has heard that he’s quite special to interact with but there’s no person in the world that Harry can’t just win over, he’s irrelevant and funny and just full of natural charm, everybody likes him and he’s aware of that but there is something in Rob Harry just feels attracted to, he likes to push his buttons it’s like a challenge and he has always loved a good challenge.
Robert stares at Harry’s Hand for a moment “I don’t do that” he adds looking back into Harry’s eyes “you don’t do handshakes?” Harry replies chuckling at Rob’s weird affirmation; who doesn’t do handshakes? “I don’t touch people” Robert replies almost yelling at Harry; his face started to turn red and his breathe is getting harder to catch. Harry’s afraid maybe he went too far but it was not his intention at all, he like to mess with people but not like that. “Hey, it’s fine, hi Harry”
You rushed to finish your plate as soon as you heard Harry’s deep voice coming from the door not because you feel excited but because you’re worried about Rob’s reaction, after all they didn’t have a great first meeting. You follow their voices that lead you to the living room; Harry was wearing some regular skinnies and a black t-shirt somehow on him that simple outfit looks like the most complex combination of clothing, a bunch of tattoos covered his arms making him look cooler than the junkie you see every Friday night. Robert raising his voice makes you stop staring at your new roommate and actually talk to him.
“Hey, N/Y, morning” Harry answers with a big smile on his face, you don’t remember his skins glowing as much as it does today it is hard not to stare at him. “Are you ready to move in?” You ask nicely as Robert tries to calm down adjusting his gloves and taking deep breathes “Yep, pretty much” Harry says pointing at his suitcase. You show him the place; is not too big it’s only a small one floor house with three bedrooms but it’s a way to make him feel comfortable. As you show him around Robert starts telling him the most important rules of the house and Harry only nods at both of you.
“So this would be your room” you say finishing the house tour opening the door between Rob’s bedroom and yours “As we told you before It’s not habitable right now, we need to fix the roof and most of the walls they’re almost ruined by humidity, we were thinking maybe with the deposit and probably your first payment we can like fix it meanwhile you can share room with Robert if that’s okay with you” You say showing him where the humidity has damage the roof “Sure, it’s going to be a pleasure” Harry winks at Robert who seems bothered enough already. You can see how annoyed Rob is by this new roommate situation, however, you know if he wouldn’t agree with this he would tell you, besides somehow it seems like he’s more anxious that bothered about it; he thinks you didn’t realize but you saw him cleaning his room twice last night a strange way to say he’s excited about the next day. Maybe both of you are excited about sharing your life with someone new, someone as special as Harry seems to be, maybe it’s just attraction, maybe it’s just Harry’s aura that makes everyone go a little bit crazy about him or maybe it’s only your mind playing tricks on you but at that moment you realized something in your life is about to change drastically and you quite like that.
“C’mon Y/N you have to finish it” Robert says with his elbows on the table resting his head on both of his hands, you’ve been struggling to finish your meal for almost an hour now and Robert is more than exhausted now, you can see it and you feel bad of seeing those lovely green eyes so tired because of you but you just can´t finish it. “I can´t Robert I promise” You say pouting your mouth on a failed attempt of leaving the table. Harry just appears on the kitchen and watches the scene grabbing an apple “take it as a behavior exercise” Rob adds with an exhausted voice. “Behavior exercise? what’s that? Harry asks with his mouth full of the bite he just took.
“Back in the schoolhouse we had exercises to learn how to deal with our illnesses; they made us do things to get tour limits and they just acted like nothing was happening at all” you say playing with the food on your plate. “Once they made me walk with dirty trousers for a whole day!” Robert continues giving Harry an indignant look. Robs turns back at you pushing your plate closer to you.
“Interesting” Harry responds taking the seat in front of you; he search for your gaze and looks right into your eyes getting your full attention as he usually does whenever he’s near you. “C’mon Y/N you’re better than a plate of food, are you gonna let a couple of vegetables defeat you?” the room is filled with silence as he smiles at you and leaves the kitchen making his way out to the porch. If anyone else would say that to you you would throw the plate at them with no hesitation, but the way those words left his mouth like he knew everything about yourself plus the way he looked at you just made you believe every single of them. You look back at Robert who was already falling asleep on the table and continue to finish your meal.
Once your plate is empty you help Robert to go to bed and clean your dishes as you always do. You remember Harry’s outside and decide to make him company smoking your nightly cigarette as usual. He was laying half of his body on the wooden bench of the porch. He looks so lost in his thoughts you almost feel guilty about interrupting because as soon as you step outside he turns and smiles widely at you “How was your behavior exercise?” he say probably joking or probably actually concerned you never know what his intentions are, that man was a complete enigma to you. “Beat the fuck out if it” you say quietly as you stand beside him lighting the last cigarette of the pack. He chuckles loudly in responds.
After that you just stay there enjoying the silence and the smoke coming out of both of your cigarettes; the night is particularly quiet, the stars are shinier and the wind juts take the bunch of your thoughts and concerns with it. It’s nice to spend time with someone who’s not constantly asking if you have washed your hands already or telling you how disgusting is the habit of smoking. None of you feel the need to fill the lack of conversation at that moment; you are so focused on enjoying the moment that you almost don’t realize that out of nowhere Harry decides to break the silence with a question.
“Why did you let me stay in here?” He asks with a husky voice keeping his eyes on his cigarette “Robert thinks you’re hot” you respond after a couple of seconds and even though you are looking at the sky you can feel Harry smiling at your answer. “yeah, well, I don’t blame him” he says annoyingly turning his body towards you “but I’m sure that’s not the only reason why you guys let a good-looking junkie staying at your place, and if you do I’m quite concerned, I must reckon” you face him narrowing your eyes at his smart ass answer.
“Robert and I have this weird dream of make a sheltered for people in need, people who have been abandoned by their families like us, we saw a chance on you” you say letting the smoke of you cigarette fill your lungs and letting it out. “It’s like the biggest behavior exercise you ever had then?” Harry says with an adorable voice, one you’ve never heard before “You might say” You say smiling at him just to continue enjoying the clear sky above you.
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chicagomu · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Elizabeth Andrea Anders
AGE: 27
TYPE: Triplet
GENDER: CisFemale
ORIENTATION(S): Bisexual/Biromatic
JOB: Firefighter
FACE CLAIM: Ester Exposito.
Lizzie has always being the problematic Anders. Out of the three girls, it was always her who had problems at school and was always in the middle of any fight, just because she had to protect someone or prove a point. It was very early on that her parents picked something wasn’t entirely too usual in her behavior, and after some tests, she was diagnosed as bipolar. Far from making her parents control her in any way, it gave her a reason to basically being a tornado in human form, with no direction whatsoever. She never had plans for the future and after Felicia found her big fame, it seemed less and less like what she did mattered in any way. Very early on, she started to pick that sex was her way of connecting with people. Mostly everyone put away from her when she proved too much, but they never did when she provides them with a good time. For her, sex is her value, the best thing she can give someone else. That doesn’t mean she isn’t always smiling, always helping whenever she can, trying to fill the blanks her personality can leave in her relationships. Being a firefighter has given her life a meaning, but it has become her whole identity. She is a firefighter before she is a person, what makes her be reckless on the job, always putting everyone’s life before her own, under the assumption they are more important.
0 notes
Duck face and other new words added to
 Duck face and other new words added to
Duck face and other new words added to OxfordDictionaries.com
Try not to be jel, but some xlnt new words have gone into OxfordDictionaries.com in December’s mahoosive update. Whether you’re a shiny bum reading this while eating al desko or taking a break while you respawn, don’t be a keyboard warrior or say IDC – just sit back and enjoy the new words. Simples.
Slang and abbreviations
As usual, popular culture and slang have seen plenty of new additions in the Oxford Dictionaries update, including duck face, simples, choon, fone, handsy, xlnt, and Canadian tuxedo.
Want to describe how attractive you think someone is? This update sees the inclusion of the antonyms hawt (an informal respelling of hot). That person may even be your man crush (a ‘typically non-sexual liking or admiration felt by one man for another’) or someone who is your catnip; the word has long been another name for the catmint, but its effect on cats has led to the figurative sense ‘someone or something that is very attractive or appealing to a particular person or group’.
Several abbreviations have also been added, with their popularity growing partly due to the space-saving demands of social media. These include tomoz (‘tomorrow’), jel (‘jealous’), IDC (I don’t care), PMSL (p–ing myself laughing), WRT (with reference to), PMQs (Prime Minister’s Questions), and MAMIL (middle-aged man in Lycra, said of certain keen road cyclists). On the other hand, the term mahoosive offers an aptly longer version of the existing word massive, perhaps blended with a phonetic respelling of the first letters of huge.
The language of food is always a fruitful area for vocabulary, and additions include arancini, cavatelli, cappellacci, trofie, parm, queso, guanciale, izakaya, and food diary.
Of more interest to students everywhere, there is now an entry in OxfordDictionaries.com for the five-second rule: ‘a notional rule stating that food which has been dropped on the ground will still be uncontaminated with bacteria and therefore safe to eat if it is retrieved within five seconds’. Sadly the operative word in that definition is notional (‘existing as or based on a suggestion, estimate, or theory; not existing in reality’). A caution worth heeding is demonstrated by another addition: food-borne. The adjective is used of a disease, meaning ‘carried by or transmitted through contaminated food’.
More pleasantly, the term al desko has also been added – a play on al fresco (for food eaten outside, literally ‘in the fresh (air)’ in Italian), it is an adjective and adverb denoting food eaten ‘while working at one’s desk in an office’.
Games and technology
The world of technology has, unsurprisingly, provided new vocabulary for this quarter’s update – including camel case, SD card, soft key, digital footprint, keyboard warrior, and a new sense of fire hose (or firehose): no longer simply a hosepipe used to extinguish fires, this word also refers (in computing) to ‘an unfiltered, real-time stream of data produced by a social media website or other online service’.
Outdoor, indoor, and virtual games have all contributed terms to this update. Tiki-taka, total football, and pickleball have taken their place in OxfordDictionaries.com, as have respawn (of a character in a video game, ‘reappear after having been killed’), and permadeath (‘a situation in which a character in a video game cannot reappear after having been killed’). Then there’s park the bus in football (that is, soccer), meaning to ‘play in a very defensive way’. It is typically said of an away team, and comes from the metaphor of parking the team bus in front of the goal.
Perhaps the most amusing addition, and one indicative of the spirit of certain parts of the Internet, is lolcat (or LOLcat): ‘a photograph of a cat accompanied by a humorous caption written typically in a misspelled and grammatically incorrect version of English’ – from a combination of lol (‘laugh out loud’ or ‘laughing out loud’) and cat.
The opinions and other information contained in OxfordWords blog posts and comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions or positions of Oxford University Press.
December 3 / 2014
What do we love about new words?
The lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries keep watch on our collective .
The Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2014 is ‘vape’
As 2014 draws to a close, it’s time to announce the Oxford .
You are far to quick to include words that you consider to be the latest ‘buzzwords’.
These will come and go and when they have gone you will look foolish.
The man on the ‘Clapham omnibus’ isn’t using them and hasn’t even heard of them.
You are simply clogging up the language with rubbish.
We can all get along by using basic simple English.
It’s time that we had an Academy like the French and Spanish to protect our language and prevent dross creeping in.
I agree; we really need to get back to basics. Let’s start with learning the difference between to, too and two.
All I can say is how thankful I am that Oxford Dictionaries waited until we had a mature, responsible, disciplined, perceptive, open-minded, and understanding population before what would otherwise be a cheap attempt to gain relevance among young, naive, reckless, irresponsible, self-absorbed and arrogant young people who may not grow to adulthood until well into their thirties (sadly, they think this is automatic at age 18, but this only has legal significance regarding what is expected; a well-known expression with a slight tweak does a good job showing the difference: if you call a child an adult, does that make him so? I’ll mention the chair, too: A chair has four legs. A dog has four legs. If I call a chair a dog, does that make it a dog? Similarly, if nation chooses a person to be president, but this person chooses to symbolically urinate on the document that defines this country, its government, and is the sole source of a president’s authority, thereby choosing to NOT fulfill the role of president, which is well-defined should any of this country’s “as long as I get what I want, who cares how” believers learn to read – and hopefully NOT using a dictionary from Oxford Dictionaries that has been amended with non-sensical words that, should these people use them in, say, a rational debate as opposed to an hysterical frenzy of insecurity, would be cause to postpone the debate until the group that cannot effectively communicate can find a representative who would likely teach this group new words like specious, spurious, and self-centered before telling the group that what it’s feeling is called humiliation, which can be avoided by the process named by another new word, thinking (specifically, of others, of one’s nation, of why a nation, a government should be made weaker or irrelevant and almost half of its population sentenced to 8 years of being ignored, insulted, and taunted by the person who was elected to be president but, since a president does not do the things this person does and – more importantly, this person deliberately or carelessly does not do the things that are defined as the duties and responsibilities of any person who is president
That’s just some brilliant satire right there.
Way to assist in the dumbing down of America. I weep for the future.
I wonder if Oxford Dictionaries has an entry for “drama queen.”
To stellabystarlite. It was just a hasty typo.(too hasty)
Looking at the other two posts, it would appear that the opinion was well received.
What a bag of weirdness. I read and use the Internet a lot and I’ve never even run across 2/3rds of these. I’m guessing that many of these are ephemera used in tweeting or similar special, informal use. And shabby chic is a trademark.
Scientists have asserted that there is some actual truth to the five-second rule that Oxford calls “notional”: Wikipedia mentions a 2006 study that showed that minute-long contact between food and floor increased contamination over a five-scond contact, about tenfold with tile and carpet surfaces (only).
0 notes
brsoule · 8 years
Tumblr media
OC Week 02: First Fandom OC Technically Cyrin was my first fandom OC so here’s the scond for @draw247‘s OC week. 
Yeah so... Remember that Invader Zim OC I said I’d never show anyone? Yeah. Yeah.  13135 is a Xernikan convict from the planet Xer where people are numbers and not names. The rings on their legs and the markings on their faces determine their age and they have three belly buttons. She broke free from prison, jacked a ship, and ran into a patrol ship on her way out of the galaxy, knocking her headlong into a wormhole. She’s an incredibly smart engineer but only cares for herself. Her wristbands can produce/store nearly anything and turn all laws of physics into gelatin.  Zim uses her for new technology while blackmailing to turn her in to her home planet’s authorities.  Dib generally suspects nothing because she’s infinitely better at hiding herself than Zim.  Ugh...  Please don’t tell Jhonen about this. He’d be so disappointed.
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uozlulu · 5 years
I suppose if this week is that episode for paid users, we only have like 41 chapters of Veno Aureo left to adapt or thereabouts. It's going to go fast
6 notes · View notes
Little Known And Odd Horse Racing Facts
Car Games Com
Online games take you to a fantasy world where there is only fun and entertainment. The free online games can be enjoyed by anyone anytime. The popular online game, Car games are all about speed, timing and tactics. There is no doubt they have many advantages other than having fun. Free online games are the newest rage in entertainment. Among the various games car games are very popular with all ages of people. The interesting and involving games keeps you at the edge of your seat from start to end. Once the vehicle is on move you have to encounter many obstacles and compete with excellent drivers to reach your destination. Driving your vehicle amid speeding vehicles and unanticipated hurdles is no joke. You learn lessons from this game which will help you in life. Good concentration and eye-coordination are needed to win the game. Playing online games improve both. Your car will have to race through the streets at a great speed and take sharp corners. To keep the car on street you need to learn good steering control and be very observant. No distractions are tolerated in car games. A person who plays these games online learns rules and tactics necessary to make a good driver in real life. Free online games are a good way to relax after a tedious day. Car games with their lively and energetic nature put the player in a pleasant mood. The involvement of your hands and eyes naturally leads to the involvement of your brain. These games are good exercise for your eyes, hands and brain. Driving calls for fast decisions. Car games make you capable to take appropriate and fast decisions in unexpected circumstances. The amount of confidence you gain while playing free online games, especially car games is very high. The goal is set and the controls are in your hand. Nothing should stop you from reaching your goal. The obstacles are to be met with confidence, skill and right decisions. Hands, eyes and brain should work together to take you to the winning point. Finally, when you reach your goal, you feel like a real hero. You don't feel it was just a game. The experience is so refreshing to body and mind; it fills you with positive energy. Car games entertain you so much without causing harm to anyone or anything. There is no fear of getting hurt or hurting others. You can perform heroic feats which only heroes of films do. There are no speed limits, no checking from police or other rules to meet in an online car game. Speed and time are the only things that count. Everyone in this world has problems to deal with on day to day basis. Like some famous person once said, every man fights a battle of his own! We need some fun to keep our cool and refresh our minds. Online games are harmless ways to give us a boost of energy without harming anyone. However, nothing should go beyond limit. The game should not make you addicted to it.
Car Games Com
Oh my current! She said yes. And I didn't even need bribe her! Those, of course, are the thoughts that explain to you the head of any male provides a girl say yes to out there on a day. Then the scond thought, is, of course, "I can't eat to obtain week", because, quite frankly, dates are expensive! So now the question becomes, what how do i do which is to be fun, and romantic, but won't require me to pay my future child's college fund? Well, the email address details are simple. And they come in "Frugal" and "Cheap" . These dates are from my own individual expierence only, and for a college aged male, correctly taken and so. If you're forty and reading this, and feel like dating your date for "MC Lars" Show, be my visitor parking area. But the results will vary. There can be the added feature of online gameplay where down the road . play against players from all of the over the planet. Usually these servers are never empty and you also almost always find customers to play with making it a involving fun playing against individuals with the same skill a beachside lounge chair than you really.
Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup: This can be a fun game for Harry Potter supporters. You can only have two players from a time, anyone can homework . kind of championship construct for a tournament. A proficient prize for that winner end up being some of the people Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans that is caused by Jelly Belly or a Harry Potter TCG booster pack. As you use this racing wheel, it will allow in order to definitely have a great moment from your such car racing games. In short, you will feel as if you are really on the genuine arena of racing, hoping to beat that close-to-finish-line race car. Just one the inside game play, the leader and the pedals could make you feel delicious while you take absolute control of the car you in order to be driving. Game Play: Yet another simple concept that is very addictive. This game relies on timing; you see yourself dinking in and out of traffic, and quite often going thin air. The graphics are poor, requirements is terrible, but the adrenalin really pumps as you try to stop that very fast car, or go with the snake much more hunting you down! Today, car plays could be played on PC, consoles like Xbox 360 console and play station or online for flash programs. These are very well-liked by people, people of all ages group would rather play this item. These are like motocross and speed racers are a handful of the popular games. You simply need to register to online game portal to start. Car video games are very enjoyable and enhanced with new multimedia methods. Car-game is very anxious and gives hurry for the player through it more fascinating. Video is really stress busters. People like to play car video plays mainly on play station as provides the best feeling of completion while playing using your friends. This is why racing games grow to be very popular these the days. When playing these games, players can have identical thrilling feeling without putting themselves in chance. All the risky elements have been removed appropriately. People do not need to pay for the to own pricey cars or even spend time training now days. You can turn perfectly into a professional racer quickly. Even when you are not able to drive a car, way . enjoy the games.
Car Games Com
Online games take you to a fantasy world where there is only fun and entertainment. The free online games can be enjoyed by anyone anytime. The popular online game, Car games are all about speed, timing and tactics. There is no doubt they have many advantages other than having fun. Free online games are the newest rage in entertainment. Among the various games car games are very popular with all ages of people. The interesting and involving games keeps you at the edge of your seat from start to end. Once the vehicle is on move you have to encounter many obstacles and compete with excellent drivers to reach your destination. Driving your vehicle amid speeding vehicles and unanticipated hurdles is no joke. You learn lessons from this game which will help you in life. Good concentration and eye-coordination are needed to win the game. Playing online games improve both. Your car will have to race through the streets at a great speed and take sharp corners. To keep the car on street you need to learn good steering control and be very observant. No distractions are tolerated in car games. A person who plays these games online learns rules and tactics necessary to make a good driver in real life. Free online games are a good way to relax after a tedious day. Car games with their lively and energetic nature put the player in a pleasant mood. The involvement of your hands and eyes naturally leads to the involvement of your brain. These games are good exercise for your eyes, hands and brain. Driving calls for fast decisions. Car games make you capable to take appropriate and fast decisions in unexpected circumstances. The amount of confidence you gain while playing free online games, especially car games is very high. The goal is set and the controls are in your hand. Nothing should stop you from reaching your goal. The obstacles are to be met with confidence, skill and right decisions. Hands, eyes and brain should work together to take you to the winning point. Finally, when you reach your goal, you feel like a real hero. You don't feel it was just a game. The experience is so refreshing to body and mind; it fills you with positive energy. Car games entertain you so much without causing harm to anyone or anything. There is no fear of getting hurt or hurting others. You can perform heroic feats which only heroes of films do. There are no speed limits, no checking from police or other rules to meet in an online car game. Speed and time are the only things that count. Everyone in this world has problems to deal with on day to day basis. Like some famous person once said, every man fights a battle of his own! We need some fun to keep our cool and refresh our minds. Online games are harmless ways to give us a boost of energy without harming anyone. However, nothing should go beyond limit. The game should not make you addicted to it.
Car Games Com
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sergiobinney82-blog · 7 years
Birthday Party Games And Activities For Six YearOld Boys
Fast Car Games
With these choices you can get the game titles that you need for substantially cheaper charges. This outcomes in immense cost savings, enough to make heading by means of this route, perfectly really worth it. Santeria was launched in Cuba alongside with the enormous migrations of African slaves, in particular the ones of congo, carabal&iacute, and yoruba origin, whose beliefs blended with the mandatory Christian religions of the Spanish Crown. Right now, this syncretism is aspect of the Cuban people's cultural heritage and it really is existing in distinctive literary and aesthetic techniques of expression. It seems to be the Cuban result of the integration and cultural continuity of ethnic and religious factors of Spanish and African participants. Worships to Orishas or other African deities, predominantly Yoruba, are even now alive beneath worships to images of catholic saints. Along with Santeria, other components had been launched such as the myths, legends, traditions, chants, dances, recipes, and rituals that make up the Cuban lifestyle nowadays. Apart from the very well-recognised cult to the Orishas or "Regla de Ocha", Africans introduced to Cuba a new way of religious organization: the Key Abak&uacutea Society (created in the vicinity of the harbor and the piers, in particular in Havana, Matanzas and C&aacuterdenas, in the Northern coast of Western Cuba, integrated only by adult men), the only a single of its kind in America, representing a frequent phenomenon in Western Africa. An additional 1 was "Las firmas de los santos en el Palo Monte" or "Regla Conga", a religious cult of Bant&uacute origin practiced in the Island. Amid the Abak&uacuteas, there are a collection of organizing traits and they consist of small groups identified as "juegos" o "potencias". Solidarity is requested amongst the people (ekobios) of just about every "juego", as properly as the rivalry between various "juegos" which have developed bloody events. To the Abak&uacutea or "&Ntilde&aacute&ntildeigo", the feeling of honor manifests itself as manliness. Other game titles attribute heroes like Tarzan or Hercules. Popular Disney Channel stars like Hannah Montana and Zack and Cody can also be found on the website. All of the capabilities and game titles on the web site are exclusively in Spanish for people who converse this as their native language. Other things you can come across on the Disney Latino web page aside from game titles are informational pages about distinctive Disney exhibits and movies. Discover out all the historical details about each and every classic motion picture that Disney has set out or understand about the cast of the newest displays that are showcased on the Disney Channel this 12 months. Everything you want to know about Disney animation, as properly as the best Disney Latino games are appropriate right here waiting. You can even program a trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland while surfing all over the site ebook a hotel and prepare your flights from wherever in the planet. You can order tickets for the parks at a discounted price from all those that are uncovered at the gate. You can even get a jump on your souvenir procuring on this great webpage. All of this is in Spanish, as a result generating it even easier for you to have an understanding of precisely what you are booking or purchasing.
Fast Car Games
Oh my! She said yes. And I didn't even must bribe your spouse! Those, of course, are the thoughts that run through the head of any male which a girl say yes to going out on to start a date. Then the scond thought, is, of course, "I can't eat to get a week", because, quite frankly, dates are costly! So now the question becomes, what how do i do that will be fun, and romantic, but won't require me to pay my future child's college fund? Well, the email address particulars are simple. And in addition they come in "Frugal" and "Cheap" is. These dates are from my own personal expierence only, and like a college aged male, carried out taken for this reason. If you're forty and reading this, and feel like dating your date to an "MC Lars" Show, be my wedding. But the results will vary. It is easy to racing. After choosing the opponent difficulty level, you will be lead for the racing track. You have to hit the gas pedal on the suitable side from the screen begin racing. After starting the racing you need to shift the gears appropriately to attain maximum performance. You can win the race by reaching the finishing point as the opponent to get money points. Also you can get bonus points for shifting gears with perfect timing. By using the money points you can upgrade engine and turbo intercooler, add nitrous boost, improve tire grip high blood pressure weight. By upgrading hand calculators improve the power of your car and also improve speeding. On upgrading, the level of one's car will increase.
Speaking of early indications, many individuals have most likely seen the initial release teaser clip called "Secrets" from the Cars 2 video game that may be floating on the internet. Kind of allows you to be want more right? Well, sadly underestimation . that is all we may have until the making date. Origin: This game was released in 1985 and was developed by Sega. It was one for this first '3D' racing games 1 of the first person to introduce a 'realistic' aid to playing the sport - that running without shoes a larger replica motorcycle style cabinet, with speedo, brakes rrncluding a throttle. This app became the benchmark for future car racing games and resulted in highly praised Out Run series. The cleverly used 'billboards' and trees on-line the imagine that you were moving at high acceleration. For instance, the game called Unreal tournament. It is totally a 'arena' business. There are two teams in this particular game. Is actually 'bot team' and this band are brilliant 'human team', though there are many races even. The player can choose any team he wants. After this, a combat will take place between the human and also the robots. The winner is chosen by following different winning policies. Speaker volume and top quality have recently been improved. A camera is included, although it has only a 3.3 megapixel resolution the DSi Camera software includes 11 involving special lenses. This means the DSi can take pictures by way of a variety of special effects on a real-time good reason. There is not any end for the variety of free games that have your disposal on the online world. You will find arcade games, puzzles to an individual wrack your brains, online shooting games, strategy games to test out your intellect with this of your machine, racing, games of sports, games of battle, games specially meant for boys, girls and kids, and games strictly for adults. Each game ranges from easy to tough, allowing you to choose are anticipated to grow your capacity.
Fast Car Games
With these choices you can get the game titles that you need for substantially cheaper charges. This outcomes in immense cost savings, enough to make heading by means of this route, perfectly really worth it. Santeria was launched in Cuba alongside with the enormous migrations of African slaves, in particular the ones of congo, carabal&iacute, and yoruba origin, whose beliefs blended with the mandatory Christian religions of the Spanish Crown. Right now, this syncretism is aspect of the Cuban people's cultural heritage and it really is existing in distinctive literary and aesthetic techniques of expression. It seems to be the Cuban result of the integration and cultural continuity of ethnic and religious factors of Spanish and African participants. Worships to Orishas or other African deities, predominantly Yoruba, are even now alive beneath worships to images of catholic saints. Along with Santeria, other components had been launched such as the myths, legends, traditions, chants, dances, recipes, and rituals that make up the Cuban lifestyle nowadays. Apart from the very well-recognised cult to the Orishas or "Regla de Ocha", Africans introduced to Cuba a new way of religious organization: the Key Abak&uacutea Society (created in the vicinity of the harbor and the piers, in particular in Havana, Matanzas and C&aacuterdenas, in the Northern coast of Western Cuba, integrated only by adult men), the only a single of its kind in America, representing a frequent phenomenon in Western Africa. An additional 1 was "Las firmas de los santos en el Palo Monte" or "Regla Conga", a religious cult of Bant&uacute origin practiced in the Island. Amid the Abak&uacuteas, there are a collection of organizing traits and they consist of small groups identified as "juegos" o "potencias". Solidarity is requested amongst the people (ekobios) of just about every "juego", as properly as the rivalry between various "juegos" which have developed bloody events. To the Abak&uacutea or "&Ntilde&aacute&ntildeigo", the feeling of honor manifests itself as manliness. Other game titles attribute heroes like Tarzan or Hercules. Popular Disney Channel stars like Hannah Montana and Zack and Cody can also be found on the website. All of the capabilities and game titles on the web site are exclusively in Spanish for people who converse this as their native language. Other things you can come across on the Disney Latino web page aside from game titles are informational pages about distinctive Disney exhibits and movies. Discover out all the historical details about each and every classic motion picture that Disney has set out or understand about the cast of the newest displays that are showcased on the Disney Channel this 12 months. Everything you want to know about Disney animation, as properly as the best Disney Latino games are appropriate right here waiting. You can even program a trip to Walt Disney World or Disneyland while surfing all over the site ebook a hotel and prepare your flights from wherever in the planet. You can order tickets for the parks at a discounted price from all those that are uncovered at the gate. You can even get a jump on your souvenir procuring on this great webpage. All of this is in Spanish, as a result generating it even easier for you to have an understanding of precisely what you are booking or purchasing.
Fast Car Games
0 notes
The Coolest Nintendo Wii Games For Teenagers
Car Games For Boys Online
Playing a car game in now days is maybe the most way to amuse our restless mind. We get so much attracted to the it as it completes our straightforward requirement that is speed and thrill. Most with the men and women love driving car at a very good speed but they are able to not do so as a result of some site visitors rules but they can enjoy a small though driving really fast in car games. This game is usually performed by numerous car riders together of the exact same motive that may be to complete the specified area as fast as possible. These games aren't only played by the little ones where as the adults and also the senior citizens also appreciate significantly though playing them. A good deal of quantity of car games is accessible in the marketplace and over a web. Every game has different instructions. Several kinds of stages and tracks that's deserts, mountains etc. are there. The issue level also goes on increasing with each growing stage. There are some effortless games which are ideal for young children and over an exact same time the hard ones are liked by the mature players. One from the most well-liked car games which are most liked by the adults is mountain car racing. In this the rider has to pass via incredibly thin mountain roads which include some obstacles also. The dilemma level can also be adjusted which makes this game correct each for, the kids as well as their parents and elder brother and sisters. Another most well-known game is car parking game. In this the driver has to park a car in a really congested parking lot with out hitting any other car. Both the games are won by the players who perform the specific tasks as fast as possible. There are numerous other car-games also obtainable like gorillas final driving, highway crash etc and every one has its own rules. Car games are also added with fast and loud music, as kids are fond of listening music specially fast and loud, this attract the customers a lot more towards the it. They're now offered in 2D and 3D which creates it appears additional genuine and creates it safer for ones customers to play since it doesn't affect the health. All in all technology is on fire and had occupied a major space in human's life.
Car Games For Boys Online
Oh the organization! She said yes. And I didn't even must bribe your spouse! Those, of course, are the thoughts that tell you the head of any male provides a girl say yes to out there on a day. Then the scond thought, is, of course, "I can't eat to order week", because, quite frankly, dates are costly! So now the question becomes, what intend to do that will be fun, and romantic, but won't require me to pay my future child's college fund? Well, the outcomes are simple. And in addition they come in "Frugal" and "Cheap" is. These dates are from my own private expierence only, and like a college aged male, they ought to be taken so ,. If you're forty and reading this, and feel like dating your date to an "MC Lars" Show, be my invitees. But the results will vary. Concept: Most of the shoot-em-up games of the era were horizontal shote-em-ups. This game changed the playing field by to be a vertical shooter. Yet again aliens are intent of doing nasty things to earth - this time they attempt kidnap 10 humans. You are in charge of your sole defender and must kill the aliens before they kidnap the humans. You fly over a 'landscape' and could see your humans mulling around on the surface. The aliens appear and drop toward the humans - you can kill them at this point, but should they grab an alien, you've got to shoot the alien, and catch man's before the alien reaches the the most notable screen.
The remaining season that year however witnessed far more aggressive Skip Away seizing the field with his breath-taking sets. Skip Away comeback was marked by his win your market Haskell Invitational and the Jockey Club Gold Cup, of that your latter was a milestone in Skip Away's career defeating Cigar, a success of 17 out of 18 starts. Most boys play your game group course car games that provides. In this category, car racing games, truck games, car and truck parking games, such as has a lot of computer games. Among these games essentially the most played that provides truck gaming applications. Truck games types of for the boys play an indispensable, drawn the interest of young children with big bodies and massive wheels. So the first rank among the most played game categories. As expected this means we are playing only truck table games. Is not the case in general if functioning at sorting truck games are played only place to say that they is in first place. War games and adventure games are games in the men give up their child. Are want to trying to back for Christmas this year? Look no further than the Wii's '07 comes out! Several great games are merely waiting for you at really prices! Speaker volume and top quality have ended up improved. A camera is included, while it only has a 8.3 megapixel resolution the DSi Camera software includes 11 types of special lenses. This means the DSi can take pictures with the aid of a variety of special effects on a real-time basis. Girl spice up games has been popular amongst online gamers in the past few decades. One really fun and addicting girl game Observed is called Candy the Cheerleader. In this free online game, you might be to score a date with Candy who will be the hottest cheerleader in their educaton. All Candy does is tease you best in type. You must solve mini-puzzles to be able to get some alone time with the Candy and make out the woman's! Try not to spend all night playing this game as there are limitless fun free games to use!
Car Games For Boys Online
Playing a car game in now days is maybe the most way to amuse our restless mind. We get so much attracted to the it as it completes our straightforward requirement that is speed and thrill. Most with the men and women love driving car at a very good speed but they are able to not do so as a result of some site visitors rules but they can enjoy a small though driving really fast in car games. This game is usually performed by numerous car riders together of the exact same motive that may be to complete the specified area as fast as possible. These games aren't only played by the little ones where as the adults and also the senior citizens also appreciate significantly though playing them. A good deal of quantity of car games is accessible in the marketplace and over a web. Every game has different instructions. Several kinds of stages and tracks that's deserts, mountains etc. are there. The issue level also goes on increasing with each growing stage. There are some effortless games which are ideal for young children and over an exact same time the hard ones are liked by the mature players. One from the most well-liked car games which are most liked by the adults is mountain car racing. In this the rider has to pass via incredibly thin mountain roads which include some obstacles also. The dilemma level can also be adjusted which makes this game correct each for, the kids as well as their parents and elder brother and sisters. Another most well-known game is car parking game. In this the driver has to park a car in a really congested parking lot with out hitting any other car. Both the games are won by the players who perform the specific tasks as fast as possible. There are numerous other car-games also obtainable like gorillas final driving, highway crash etc and every one has its own rules. Car games are also added with fast and loud music, as kids are fond of listening music specially fast and loud, this attract the customers a lot more towards the it. They're now offered in 2D and 3D which creates it appears additional genuine and creates it safer for ones customers to play since it doesn't affect the health. All in all technology is on fire and had occupied a major space in human's life.
Car Games For Boys Online
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