tails-boogie-board · 1 year
plot twist: 8bit Bad End Sonic becomes the main villain when he kidnaps the first Classic Tails he can find #& refuses to give him up for anything #including the Classic Sonic who would rly like his lil bro back thanks
I know that's not primarily what the post was about but man that's what I fixated on
It was weird and kinda easy to forget. He was just as fast and had the same cockiness, but something in his eyes was different. But it was still Sonic.
Though he was older and that helped more than Tails wanted to admit. This new world was confusing and he was glad he wasn't completely on his own.
"Watcha thinkin' about lil' bro?" Sonic ran a hand through Tails' fur and ruffled his bangs.
He was really touchy too and truthfully, Tails didn't mind. His Sonic was his brother and a hero, well this one was too technically, but the most he normally got was a high five.
"Uhh, nothing big, but am I keeping you here?"
"I dunno, that sounds pretty big."  Sonic countered. He found a spot behind his ears and Tails leaned forward, just a bit.
"I mean it. I know I haven't been here for too long, but you haven't gone anywhere and even your runs are short.
Sonic humed in agreement and Tails pulled away. This was serious and he needed all his brain for it.
"I know you don't like staying in one place and we've been here for days! Is your Eggman not planning anything new or something?"
Sonic froze, something in his eyes shifted, and it was the same unknown meaness that Tails knew from Westside Island. But Tails didn't look away because this was Sonic, or a version of him, and Tails had promised himself to always be by his side.
His thoughts scattered as Sonic pulled him into a side hug, a hand fiddling with a tail.
"You're safe Tails, don't even think about it. Especially not on him."
"Yea but..."  Tails started, not sure where to go. That didn't make sense, Eggman wouldn't retire or something just like that.
"Drop it, Tails." Sonic snapped and the kit flinched, even though Sonic's hug was as nice as before.
Sonic sighed and crouched down to meet his eyes.
"Didn't mean to snap, lil' bro." He apologized. "But you don't have to worry about him anymore."
Sonic pulled him into a full hug, even wrapping his arms around his tails.
"And for me, I'm right where I'm meant to be."
There are two rules: One, Tails will always see Sonic in a positive light and knows he will never hurt him; and two, Sonic would burn the world for Tails.
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Jounouchi for the character bingo! :)
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thank u for reviving a decades old love my friend
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scrawler-jay · 7 days
oooh new comic!!!
Hey! Long time no see!
It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything on this blog, but I have been drawing. I have a fair few comic ideas in the works, but currently my attention is preoccupied with the Queer Wrath game/art jam being hosted by @titanrpg on itch.io - go check it out!
I initially thought I didn’t have anything I could contribute, since I’m not a very wrathful person most of the time… but my resentment as an asexual person of having to live in a heavily sexualized, amatonormative world has recently been grating on me more than usual… which leads to the comic that I will hopefully finish in time to submit to the jam!
The comic is about reclaiming acephobic slurs (please bear that in mind if you are sensitive to interacting with hurtful language). The hero is a genderless, asexual, humanoid fighter who is armed with a glaive (type of polearm) and whose armor and clothing is loosely inspired by the German landsknecht mercenaries of 14th-century Europe.
My character design drawing is here:
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I'm still learning to draw from imagination (and learning to draw in general, tbh). This is my first time drawing armor, but I think it went pretty well! I'm proud of myself.
The comic's "plot" is... not very much. It's basically one giant fight scene, which will stretch my figure drawing muscles quite a bit! Our nameless asexual hero is fighting against a hydra-esque demon of acephobia... every time the hero cuts off a tentacle-y appendage, more sprout from the bloody stump. Our hero is growing tired, and their injuries are accumulating. When they stumble and fall, the demon can sense that victory is near and begins taunting the hero...
But queer wrath will see us all through to victory.
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edgeyberzerker · 2 years
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Final artwork for the Scrawler Box June 2022 box!  Turns out they're not called Sheepie... It's Mareep, Flaaffy and Ampharos. Look when you name all your Pokemon, you forget what they’re actually called okay!  :P   See the process and my thoughts here: https://youtu.be/OCCesv4yp60   (also see the orange actually be orange in the video form.  Scanning neons ya'll...)
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peatmosses · 9 months
Just spent so long trying to find like. Worm soundscape asmr. Or make my own. I can only make peaceful forest floor scapes. The torture never ends.
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badragonplays · 1 year
The latest DragonFinds delivery came in today. some clearance items I found online for heroquest and dnd
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lebuc · 3 months
green tea musings
* from my lofty perch on high, lowered onto the landscape - the realm of flora & fauna
precious few things rend a tear of regret
as much as watching the destruction of said 'scape one property contract at a time, brick at a time, excavation by excavation
for ostentatiously austere hovels stacked, not sprawled
with the attendant coffee & noodle - ahem, palaces of baristas, noodlistas young, hip foodies posturing…
against this backdrop walks this - i swear i'm not jealous -
grossly-nostalgic, jaded jackalope of a scrawler, scraping barren boulevards in literary lost cities of angels,
still freshly paved over what once were cobblestones carefully laid by craftsmen, brick by brick by brick.
in them, i keep walking until *we* hit an unending field of green, green grass - me & my two bare feet. * 3/24 - lebuc - green tea musings
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eggskie · 2 years
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[Image ID in alt text]
a quick sketch because I'm a little obsessed with @scrawlers palette edit of amy... I believe in pink and green supremacy
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myemuisemo · 5 months
It's time to learn from Letters from Watson "What John Rance Had to Tell."
But first, Holmes explains some of his deductions. He does not explain what the long fingernails on the right hand mean.
And he comes out with what is for me, as a modern reader, a doozy:
The A [in RACHE], if you noticed, was printed somewhat after the German fashion. Now, a real German invariably prints in the Latin character, so that we may safely say that this was not written by one, but by a clumsy imitator who overdid his part. It was simply a ruse to divert inquiry into a wrong channel.
What? A German fashion of writing?
OKAY. It turns out that, prior to World War II, German was written in different scripts than other European languages, which the University of Wisconsin has documented for us because German immigrants continued to use them.
Here are a snipper of UW's examples of Kurrent and Sütterlin, as well as capital letters from Wikimedia's Fraktur.
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The Fraktur A looks so much like a U that I can't believe Lestrade wouldn't have read the word as "ruche" and decided the victim was a dressmaker.
Calligrascapes gives examples of Spencerian (U.S.) and Copperplate (UK) handwriting of the late Victorian period here. Lower-case A looks almost the same as in Kurrent. I feel like our wall-scrawler must have used Sütterlin.
That our killer is familiar with a German A implies he either reads German comfortably or corresponds regularly with people of German ancestry. Since Holmes says "a real German" would use Latin letters (so he corresponds with Germans or visits Germany), killer is presumably familiar with a German-American community, which is certainly plausible if he's from Ohio (or Pennsylvania, or much of the Upper Midwest).
Holmes' passing mention of going "to Halle's concert to see Norman Neruda" is about seeing Czech violinist Wilma Norman-Neruda perform at an occasion organized by Anglo-German pianist and conductor Sir Charles Hallé (also Norman-Neruda's future second husband).
Finally, we arrive at the home of Constable Rance. Last episode, it was given as Audley Court, Kennington Toll Gate. The latter part is a real place, the site of a toll gate that was demolished about 15 years before the time of the story. Here's an old photo shared by The Underground Map.
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Today the site of the toll gate is a plaza with public art.
The "long succession of dingy streets and dreary by-ways" suggests the cab ride was to somewhere near the old toll gate site (possibly just west of St. Mark's Church, which is the tower in the background), rather than directly to the triangle of land where it sat. There's not a lot of space right there, due to Kennington Park, which has a long history as a public common and site of hangings.
I suspect any police constable trying to live in London today would sympathize with Rance's living in a "sordid dwelling." Rance also takes bribes.
Rance is, of course, astonished by Holmes' powers of deduction. But what was the "drunk" man singing? I was sure in my heart that "Columbine" was "Columbia" (an old-fangled term for the United States) and searching for that made it possible to cheat when I Heard of Sherlock's discussion of this matter came up in my search results. It's "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean." Here's an audio file.
“Had he a whip in his hand?”
Where on earth did a whip come from? We've no such wounds on the victim, and the killer came with him in a cab.
I might not have gone but for you, and so have missed the finest study I ever came across: a study in scarlet, eh? Why shouldn’t we use a little art jargon. There’s the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.
And... title drop! If this is the fates weaving the tapestry of life, surely it says something about Holmes that all the other threads are colorless besides murder.
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lesserknownwaifus · 2 years
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The tiefling from dungeon scrawlers
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I associate you with golden dad au!
DO YOU KNOW HOW TEMPTED I AM TO ACTUALLY WRITE stuff for it???? it's been five million years And Yet
anyways here, have alan's section of the golden dad au family chart where i basically jot down notes about the legendary fam
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scrawler-jay · 4 months
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DAY THREE COMPLETE... at 1:45am, ugh.
This is a Dimetrodon grandis whose sail is a turkey tail mushroom. I used this picture of a 3D model as a reference. As my boyfriend reminded me, Dimetrodon is NOT a dinosaur; they are actually synapsids, i.e. "mammal-like reptiles," and went extinct prior to the dinosaurs' rise to prominence.
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thesoniclibrary · 2 years
Tails has everything he needs to start his solo journey across the world. Well—just about, anyway. There's just one more thing he needs to do, and Sonic's not about to let him forget it.
Words: 2k+
Rating: Gen
By: @scrawlers
Remember to leave kudos, comment and reblog! 📚🦔
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sage-nebula · 4 months
a long long time ago, I followed you on deviantart when you had the username scrawlers, and I remember I loved your writing so so much. I think you were in college, and you were the only person who had ever written the pokemon protag characters in ways that spoke to me. you more or less single handedly got me to read everything you wrote: your black/white novelization, your crossover aus, and you got me into the tales of series with your writing about tales of the abyss (there was some piece you had that took the five stages of grief for five characters, and that lives in my heart even now.) I just came across you again and wanted to say how much all that I read from you really meant so much to me. thank you ♡
Oh wow, thank you so much! (And sorry for taking so long to reply; it's been a tiring couple of weeks.) I remember that fic you referenced; I think Guy was denial, Anise was anger, Natalia was bargaining, Tear was depression, and Jade was acceptance. I'm really touched it has stuck with you for so long! I don't have any of those fics up anymore, but I do have an AO3 with other stuff if you ever want to check it out:
Once again, thank you for such a sweet message; it really made me smile!
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chaoxfix · 2 years
just so y’all can see my plans as i’m thinking these through. YES they’re all sonic & tails. it’s fine i’m fine.
rapunzel: i’m way too inspired by @scrawlers ‘s au right now bc All I Can Think About is tails being raised by an abusive eggman and sonic helping him escape.
beauty and the beast: tails, a curious young scientist researching a strange false chaos energy, meets dark sonic, trapped in this form until positive energy can set him free.
little mermaid: classic sonic losing his voice in order to save tails, who will never know the truth about what happened — and/or ….. a magical little kitsune saves a strange blue hedgehog from drowning, then wants to follow him back to the material world. but by doing so he loses most of his nine tails and his memory
aladdin: street rat tails has never had friends before but suddenly meets the triplet prince sonic
cinderella: celebrity hero sonic is holding auditions for a sidekick best friend partner. bullied orphan tails tries to audition with a shoe that resists friction. he manages to arrive with the help of a fairy god amy, who helps him fly. sonic loves the shoes — he’s ready to hire this lil inventor. but at midnight tails runs away. bullies smash one shoe, but tails stands up to them and shows sonic the other shoe just in time. i think i’ll call this one ‘when the other shoe drops’
sleeping beauty: head injury / magic / poison leads to one of them not being able to wake up for a long time. 2 days later, a hug does the trick. plotless but i expect by this point i’ll have lost steam and need a very short fluff fic to get me through.
princess and the frog: this one’s mainly meant to be funny. tails’s invention turns sonic into a frog (or so he thinks?). sonics actually just on a non material plane and spends all day just watching him and his friends. in the end, the frog tails has been looking after all day is Froggy, and Big helps tails realize that sonics actually right there. (something something, big will at some point say, “i’m sorry you lost your friend today too. but you helped me find mine, let’s find yours now too”)
good thing i’ve got til february eh?
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bakedtarot · 11 months
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no shade at all to the hardcore planners out there, the boss babes who use pre-made journal layouts, the bullet journal beauties, the sticker wielding scrawlers of monumental task lists. i've tried every system out there and made up some of my own and not one of them work for me in any lasting fashion. honestly, i'm jealous. i wish i could make a more functional planner or journal that i could stick with but alas, it's the crow's life for me. Shiny, saved, scavenged (hoarded), often for years, until now. #stripped down was oddly relaxing right up until I had to come up with task lists and goals!
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