#scum villain is on another level
lizzzardwizard · 1 year
Fine. I'm about to say it.
svsss is mxtx's best work.
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sunderwight · 3 months
Been thinking about the potential of a Luo Binghe transmigration fic where he has a similar experience to Shen Yuan's -- meaning, he transmigrates into a story that didn't originally have a "Luo Binghe", but rather a different character with a similar name, and Bingmei himself still has his canonical personality and broad strokes modern version of his backstory (i.e. abandoned, adopted, orphaned, struggling with the foster system, etc), whereas the character he transmigrates into has a different background and personality.
So, concept: Luo Binghe transmigrates into Su Binghe, the spoiled prince of the demon realms, son of Tianlang Jun and Su Xiyan and scum villain of the novel he read.
In said novel, Su Binghe was driven by a perpetual lack of satisfaction with things. He had almost everything handed to him on a silver platter, but none of it seemed to actually matter to him. His parents were powerful and loving, but also extremely busy and somewhat distant. His sibling relationships were soured by the fact that they were all basically raised separately by different groups of servants and expected to compete with one another for the supreme throne of the demon realms one day. The servants who raised him also had only limited authority over him, thanks to his rank, so he was encouraged to be self-centered and tyrannical from an early age because behaving that way helped him get whatever he wanted. Yet he felt ultimately purposeless and lonely, lacking any actual friends or companions.
Shen Yuan, the main character, was the third son of a wealthy noble house and was stolen by demons during a raid on his family's properties. He was rescued by Tianlang Jun's people, who officially disapprove of attacks on humans (special cases like Huan Hua Palace being an exception), but not before the rest of his family was killed or else sold off into less friendly territories. Shen Yuan himself was subsequently taken on as a ward of the emperor, as a sort of apology for the whole deal, and inserted into the somewhat younger Su Binghe's household as a companion and tutor to try and curb the prince's loneliness. The empress also took Shen Yuan on as a personal disciple, as the only person able to teach him human-style cultivation.
This worked about as well as anyone expected, which was to say that the spoiled prince treated his weakling human tutor like his own personal chew toy, blowing hot and cold, manipulating and mistreating, jealously resenting Shen Yuan's attention from his mother while also taking every opportunity to insert himself into the additional lessons as well.
Eventually the situation came to a head, with Shen Yuan lashing back after being pushed to the limits, and Su Binghe using the "attack" as an excuse to exile him in the midst of hostile demon territory. Thus began the protagonist's power-up montage segment, where he was forced to fight and survive, leveling up his skills until he came across Xiu Ya.
Xiu Ya was a legendary sword that had been wielded by an equally legendary human cultivator, an actual secret ancestor of Shen Yuan's, long ago. It was sealed away by a past Heavenly Demon emperor, after its wielder managed to use it to successfully kill one of their kind (a difficult feat). By sealing the blade deep within the demonic realms, the past emperors had assured themselves that no human cultivator would successfully venture so deep into their territories nor uncover its hiding place, and so they mostly warded it against other demons (who might want to return it to the humans in order to sabotage the Heavenly Demons). Thus, Shen Yuan successfully liberated the blade, and after winning a harrowing battle against an ancient evil (boss fight!) with it, he ascended to godhood.
But, even the heavens weren't merciful in this story, and Shen Yuan was tasked with using Xiu Ya to end the threat of the Heavenly Demon race once and for all before he could claim his rightful place among them. If he failed, his soul would be forfeit and Xiu Ya would shatter, eternally condemning the mortal plane to the tyranny of demonic rule.
Luo Binghe absolutely loved the character of Shen Yuan, even though his story was kind of trash, and he did not want to transmigrate into Su Binghe, especially not with a mandate hanging over his head that he had to one day cast his favorite protagonist out into the wilds, and then let him kill Binghe in order to fulfill a mandate from the heavens!
-Modern day culinary student Bingmei, absolutely revolutionizing food prep in the demon realms and desperately wishing he could change the genre to one of those slice-of-life cozy escapist novels instead.
-Bingmei being actually a thousand times sneakier and more self-aware than his predecessor, taking Su Binghe's absolutely pathetic attempts at politics and making it work for him instead (between the foster care system and the food service industry, Bingmei takes no prisoners).
-Su Binghe originally had a sprawling harem by the time Shen Yuan reunited with him. Luo Binghe wants nothing to do with it, so he has to just keep on dodging his parents attempts to set him up in political matches.
-Some of Shen Yuan's original household and family actually did survive, so Luo Binghe dedicates himself to rescuing the rest of them to try and farm points with the protagonist. This results in him retrieving Shen Yuan's brother, Shen Jiu (asshole rat bastard feral cat of a guy, Luo Binghe almost wishes he'd failed), Shen Yuan's personal companions the Liu siblings (terrible decision, Shen Yuan's always waxing poetically about how beautiful they are), Shen Yuan's younger sister Yingying (annoying but nice), Shen Jiu's situationship Yue Qi (there is something deeply wrong with that guy), and the son of the family's head servant, Shang Qinghua (weird rodent man, somehow has evil advisor vibes despite also looking sort of like the designated non-threatening one in an idol group).
-Bingmei identifies Mobei Jun as a fellow transmigrator pretty early on, when he absently whistles the notification sound for a smart phone and Mobei reaches for his pocket. Mobei Jun's approach to transmigrating is basically to say and do as little as possible. Bingmei subsequently doesn't find out that he is in fact the author of the original book until some time after the main plot has passed.
-Despite not wanting to, Bingmei is fully prepared to die in order to secure Shen Yuan's eventual destiny as a god. He only hopes he might go out cleanly and with more sympathy than the original goods got. Imagine his horror when Shen Yuan decides he's going to fight the gods instead of wiping out the Heavenly Demons.
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Canonicals Tournament FINAL
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The final is between Luo Binghe from The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (shizun: Shen Qingqiu) and Mo Ran from The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun (shizun: Chu Wanning)
Propaganda under the cut! (Warning: Propaganda may include spoilers about the characters and their media)
Luo Binghe:
Luo Binghe's shizun Shen Qingqiu caused his sexual awakening and they lived together with Luo Binghe acting similar to a housewife.
Even after being betayed, stabbed, and pushed into the Endless Abyss, Luo Binghe still loved Shen Qingqiu and wanted answers instead of revenge. Instead he had to repeatedly suffer his shizun dying in his arms and assumed abandonment. Which makes him absolutely lose it, made even worse by his evil sword Xin Mo which worsens all of his negative emotions and destroys its hosts, along with additional trauma over the course of the story.
He reused the sword that his shizun sacrificed himself to free him from, cuddles the corpse every night for five years to preserve it, he creates dreams of their happy years together but never made a Shen Qingqiu that would speak to him, he kidnapped and destroyed cultivators' cores so he could feed xin mo and preserve sqq's corpse, he rebuilds their house in his demonic palace, he spent years fixing sqq's destroyed cultivation and trying to revive him, he forces Shen Qingqiu live in that new house, he rescues and repeatedly puts himself in harms way to protect sqq, he tries to destroy the world so Shen Qingqiu can only love him (due to being driven mad by Xin Mo and his believed abandonment by sqq). He tries to kill himself after Shen Qingqiu dies for him again. He would do absolutely ANYTHING for Shen Qingqiu! He's increadibly jealous of everyone Shen Qingqiu gives attention to, including stairsweeps he smiles at. Luo Binghe has sooo much wrong with him and it makes him so lovable. He's so incredibly traumatized, driven by love and desperation for a majority of the story. He loves Shen Qingqiu so much and can't bear to live without him.
After everything? He lets Shen Qingqiu go, wanting him to be happy even if it means sqq won't stay with him. But sqq wanted to stay together! He gets his man! There is in world porn written about them, they have weird kinky sex inspired by the porn, they get married! Luo Binghe cries regularly for sqq, so sqq can dote on him despite his thin face. Luo Binghe is shameless and adores sqq. Lbh got so nervous that he fell flat on his face when proposing! Lbh loves sqq so much and wants him to be happy more than anything else!
More on disciple era:
Luo Binghe's sexual awakening was his shizun tied up and shirtless. He fell in love after Shen Qingqiu got poisoned protecting him. He moved into his shizun's house and handled all of the cooking and cleaning, would regularly fake fall into Shen Qingqiu during training to get hugs. He got a boner from being forcibly cuddled to heal his injuries. And ran to jump into a lake after being spanked for struggling too much during the forced cuddling. Sqq still never noticed lbh's affections.
It took him like 3(three) interactions with nice shizun (transmigrator who replaced his old one) to fall irrevocably in love. baby boy was ready he had mommy issues daddy issues and honestly by that time shizun issues too... luckily his new shizun can fill all those roles and more!
#lbh is THE shizunfucker
#binghe calling him shizun is a kink at some point its definitely him
#vote binghe!!#he wanted to fuck shizun so much that shizun died twice for him
#... i mean. luo binghe is a satire of the shizun fuckers character trope. hes an exageration of it so hes Very It
#luo binghe#again its basically a kink for him as well that puts it on another level
#cmon man#binghe is THE shizun fucker#activily has to be told to not call his husband shizun during sex
#binghe is THE shizunfucker supreme. no competition.
Mo Ran:
*gestures helplessly at the whole damn book*
#Mo 'I died and went into the past after the teacher I hated died in my arms and I dream of him every night' Ran???#of course its him
#vote for Mo ran I’m sorry but he is the emperor shizunfucker of all the shizunfuckers#he is the man the myth the legend#he’s the one you think of immediately when someone says shizunfucker
Extra Propaganda here. There are 3 versions of Mo Ran throughout Erha and every single one of them either wants to or did fuck their Shizun. Even in the darkest timeline when he thought he hated CWN more than anyone he fucked him. This boy is obsessed.
#mo ran 100%#he truly has the shizunfucker mentality
#mo ran#HAS TO WIN#he wants to fuck his Shizun so bad
#but it's gotta be mo ran#the all-time shizunfucker in this world that world and beyond
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piosplayhouse · 4 months
To be quite honest I think every mxtx main character would probably be into armpits in one way or another but as usual the scale would be determined by scum villain characters from lowest to highest level of kink
sqq - honestly thinks armpits are gross but binghe's are perfect so
sqh and mbj and probably most other characters - into pits in a baseline kink attracted to masculinity way as is common for gay men
binghe - into pits because he wants to become a parasitic tick and burrow his way into all of sqq's sweat glands and drink from them forever
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idlebeks · 9 months
Fresh SVSSS Fic Recs
Lotus Seeds by Anonymous
Upon transmigrating into the body of a xianxia antagonist destined to die after being gruesomely tortured, Shen Yuan decides he won't give in to the demands of the System to meekly accept his fate. Instead, he runs away. (WIP)
High Mountain, How I Long by Minimalistless
Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
Tarnished Gold by Prim_the_Amazing
Becoming emperor of the cultivation world will start with a first step as small and basic as becoming Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace. For that, he must steal the position away from the current Head Disciple. Luo Binghe will sabotage, upstage, and completely and utterly best him.
The road to destroying everything and everyone who has ever wronged him, to becoming the highest ruler so that no one will ever have the right to control him ever again - it will start as simply as ruining Gongyi Xiao’s life.
Compared to everything else he’s already done, this should be easy.
Luo Binghe brings all his skills of cunning and brutality to bear on Gongyi Xiao, Head Disciple of Huan Hua Palace Sect. It… doesn’t go too well for him.
prophets on hold by nex_et_nox
Luo Binghe led the charge in the trial against Shen Qingqiu in < Proud Immortal Demon Way >. By all rights, the concept of a trial shouldn’t even be a glimmer in anyone’s eye until Shen Qingqiu’s blackened lotus has crawled his way out of the hell Shen Qingqiu tossed him in.
So why is Shen Qingqiu wrapped in immortal binding cables and locked away in the Huan Hua Water Prison?! 
[or: Luo Binghe is precisely one (1) year late getting out of the Abyss. This does not put a halt on anyone else's plans.]
Starstruck by Camorra
His phone buzzes again and Shen Yuan scoops it up irritably. It’s another message from DemonHeart. DemonHeart: you seem to be a Luo Binghe fan DemonHeart: we can get you access to him Shen Yuan scowls. PeerlessCucumber: do I look like I was born yesterday? The response is instantaneous. A picture pops up on screen. Shen Yuan vaguely recognizes the woman that plays the drums, still in full stage makeup. Next to her, arm slung around her waist, is a face Shen Yuan would know anywhere. Luo Binghe, giving a wry smile to the camera. DemonHeart: he’s a fan, you know PeerlessCucumber: where exactly would we be meeting
Immortal Lamb Crusader Way by Mikkeneko Shen Yuan finds himself transmigrated into the last video game he played before his death -- the dungeon-delving, cult-building anthro hit game of the year, Immortal Lamb Crusader Way. Much to his dismay he finds himself in the role of the BBEG, the God of Death, He Who Waits -- Shen Qingqiu! Is there any way he can guide the protagonist, Luo Binghe, to level-up and victory without falling victim himself to the Lamb Crusader's blade? And why does he want to pet the Lamb's fleecy head so badly? He's not a furry, okay! He's not!
The Scum Villain's Second Save File by the-night-gods-moon (HelloMyNameIsAlias)
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua's shroom scheme falls through in a big way, and Shen Yuan is forced to re-transmigrate into another world that revolves around half-demons and messy, convoluted romances. Good thing he's an expert!
Can't we just skip to the end? by chaoticgoodlawyer When it was all said and done, Shen Qingqiu comforted himself that the end of the plot meant that, surely, all major events were out of the way. They were firmly in HEA territory and he could relax a little. Right? Right. A year and a half into his marriage to the protagonist, he cursed himself for a fool when he woke next to a Luo Binghe from ten years in the past. Meanwhile, a recently transmigrated Shen Yuan struggled to retain what little face he had when confronted with an overgrown, disturbingly gorgeous demon lord claiming to be his husband. Which is impossible, because he’s straight, the most hetero heterosexual to exist. System? A little help here?? Series
Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pamShang Qinghua, also known as Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, stared flatly at what had once been a field boasting near sect-level Feng Shui alignment, and the drowned, bloated remains of the Sun and Moon Dew Flower cuttings that had sprouted within it. Their plan was now quite literally a wash. If only he could consult Cucumber Bro on how to save Cucumber Bro! But in the absence of Cucumber Bro, he could but rely on the one plot coupon the infamous Peerless Cucumber had ever applauded.
Tongfang by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Shen Yuan is reincarnated as a cannon fodder character and eventual murder victim in one of the whodunnit arcs in Proud Immortal Demon Way. Things escalate quickly. Or: that one where young Luo Binghe’s career goal is ‘Bride’. --- Shen Yuan shut his eyes as a young man waiting to die in a hospital and opened them again as a wrinkly infant covered in substances best left unimagined. [Welcome to the System! The System is based on the concept ‘YOU CAN YOU UP. NO CAN NO BB.’ We hope to provide you with a rewarding experience. It is our sincere hope that during the course of your adventure, you can achieve your desire to transform a ‘Stupid Novel’ into a high-end and impressive classic. We pray for your happiness,] a mechanical and inflectionless voice announced over the general hubbub of the group of women handling him. Then it added, somewhat more worryingly, [Error.]
In Service by x_los
Emperor Luo Binghe goes looking for a Shen Yuan of his own. The one he finds has yet to fully ripen, but Luo Binghe is used to turning adversity into advantage.
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creadigol · 11 months
*This one also contains and bit of a creepy villain. Mentions of stalking.
Detective knew they had made a wrong turn the moment the light overhead went out. 
There was something initially creepy about an alleyway in the middle of the night, but when the one and only light source burned out…that was another level. Perhaps they should call the city planners about having dark allies…not that they thought they would have the chance now. 
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” came the ice cold voice from behind them. “You’ve been annoyingly persistent my dear detective.” 
Detective knew that voice, it haunted the dreams of almost everyone in the city…but Supervillain wasn’t supposed to be here. Detective had only been following a small lead…an informant who said they had information about the drug ring. God, they should have known it was too easy; Police-Partner was going to be so mad when he heard about this!
“Supervillain,” Detective said it conversationally despite the fear in their soul. “What brings scum like you out on a beautiful night like this?” 
Detective tried to be discrete as they placed their hand on their holster and turned. 
Well, attempted to turn. 
Supervillian was on them in an instant. Not allowing them to turn all the way before a strong arm was cinched around their neck and a super powered hand was squeezing their wrist, making it impossible to control their hand as it went limp.
“Now, now, there’s no need for name calling; and after all the attention I’ve graced you will too.” Detective felt the air pulse with each word against their ear. 
“Attention?” they gasped, he had tried to sound strong, but with Supervillain holding them like this they knew their death could come at any second, they also knew Supervillain felt every fearful shake of their body. 
Supervillain practically purred into their hair. 
“Of course attention!” Supervillain spoke. “Afterall, I make a habit of keeping tabs on the smart ones. And you, my dear, are the most intelligent of them all. I must say, watching your day to day, everyday, has been most entertaining.” 
Detective felt themself drain of all color. Everyday? Oh god, had Supervillain been stalking them and they never knew?
“But alas, all good things must come to an end.” 
Detective jerked against Supervillain to no success. “What’s coming to an end?” They asked. Was Supervillain going to kill them? Here? Now? In a dark ally? Who would find their mutilated body? Some bum? An innocent bystander? Or worst of all…Police-Partner? 
“Why, your day to day routine. Not that I wish to cause Police-Partner worry, I know he’s the more responsible of the two of you; but detective, you personally have got a bit too close my dear. Can’t have you going back on the track you were on,” Supervillain squeezed Detective's wrist harder, earning a cry of pain. 
“So..” Detective hated how their voice shook. Honestly, it wasn’t death itself that they feared, it was death by Supervillain. They had seen what Supervillain does to someone they don’t like…it was…there wasn’t a word for the horror Supervillain produced when they decided to kill someone. 
“That’s it then?” Detective spoke. “I got too close so now I’m destined to be smeared across the bricks?” 
Supervillain chuckled. 
“Of course not Detective!” 
 “I already said you’re one of the smart ones. I can’t have my best form of entertainment die in such a pathetic way.” 
Supervillain let go of their neck just long enough to reach over and dispose of Detective's gun and cell phone. 
“You’ll love your new place. It’s beautiful. I set it all up just for you!”
“At least it will be beautiful as long as you answer my questions…if not…well I can convert your stay from five stars to hell in an instant.” 
“You’re…You’re..” Detective searched for the words as they were manhandled, arms wrenched behind their back, tied, and Supervillain’s arm wrapped around their torso. “You’re..Kidnapping me?” 
“An archaic term, but yes.” Supervillain picked up their own phone in their other hand and texted something. 
“You..” You what? Detective thought. What were they going to say? You can’t do that? How could you? Supervillain could essentially do whatever they wanted. That’s the whole reason Detective was so active in trying to stop them. “Hero will find out,” they blurted.
“Hah!” Supervillain seemed legitly amused at that. They started walking toward the entrance of the alleyway, taking Detective easily with them.
Curse their damn superpowers! And curse Detective’s lack of them!
“Hero’s too busy with Villain at the moment.” 
They arrived at the street and were waiting for a car, Detective assumed. 
“You could say that Police-Partner will find out, because that would be a more accurate statement,” Supervillain continued. 
Detective felt ice in their veins, “No! You leave him out of this! I didn’t tell him anything…” 
“Oh calm down!” Supervillain chuckled. “I already know. Your office has been bugged for months. Though, I must say your friendship is simply adorable. He knows what kind of food to order that coincides with your stomach problems, you remember that he likes putting pickles on his pizza, he knows the names of every one of your many cousins, and you remember that his mother likes those silly little ceramic cats…I could go on all night. Simply adorable. ” 
Detective felt like throwing up. 
“I’ll leave him alone of course,” Supervillain said. Detective felt a little lighter at those words. A long black car pulled up next to them on the empty street. 
“But if he proves an inconvenience in all of this, I will have to intervene.” Supervillain forced Detective into the back of the car. On the outside it would have appeared gentle if not for Supervillain’s bruising grip and exceptional strength. 
Supervillian reached over Detective and buckled the seatbelt. “He won’t prove to be an inconvenience will he?” Supervillain was so close Detective had to lean their head back to avoid knocking foreheads. It exposed their throat and left them feeling vulnerable. 
“Of course not. Who could ever prove to be an inconvenience to you?” 
Supervillain laughed and patted their cheek. 
“How right you are, Detective. See? I said you were the smart one.” 
Supervillain shut the door and walked to the other side of car. They got in next to Detective. 
Yes, I am the smart one. Detective thought. But Police-Partner is the determined one and there’s no farce on heaven or earth that will protect you from them now that you’ve crossed the line. 
Supervillain never noticed that Detective had dropped a small silver disk in the alleyway.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 10
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
A shorter but very important update. Finally heading closer to the meat of the story hehe
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access! 
wc: 6.6k
warnings: violence, rage, reaper on the edge of it all
“Good fuckin’ riddance.” Harry spit onto the body, life slowly draining from his veins as he bled out on the floor. “Piece of shit.” 
Since the guy thought it was ok to sell people, to own and control their lives, Harry thought it was fitting that he had no control over what happened to him in the end. Cutting off each finger and toe, beating him, a few levels of torture. It wouldn’t make up for the lives he had stolen, the innocents that he had killed in the process, but it was some sort of revenge.
“Clean this shit up.” He barked at one of his brothers, giving another disgusted glance at the soon to be corpse before stalking out the door. His hands were bloody and bruised but he felt a tiny hint of relief. Getting rid of scum always did feel good in a weird way. One less person who would harm people who didn’t deserve it off of the earth. He liked to think of himself as an exterminator of sorts. 
“Where’s Bunny?” He grunted as he kicked the basement door shut, seeing Viper at the bar playing cards with Wiz. Cigarettes hung from their mouths as they turned to look at him. 
“Kitchen. May want to wash the blood off your hands before you see her. Look like a horror villain.”
Harry was too far gone just fresh off a kill, any consideration he had for his look at the minute was non existent. All he knew was he needed to see his Bunny if he wanted to get out of this headspace anytime soon. 
The past week and a half had been busy to say the least. With no signs of the stalker, he and his brothers buckled down on finding the last of the scum involved in Mia’s case. It took lots of convincing, but Bunny was safe and protected by his brothers. They were all afraid of what would happen to them had she not come home in one piece. 
The Reaper had been all the more violent and impulsive ever since the stalker appeared. His brothers had all noticed. Viper’s solution was to keep him on killing duty, hoping it would take the edge off like it usually did. It seemed that his feelings for Bunny went much deeper than any of them could imagine. 
Harry pushed open the door to the kitchen with his elbow, immediately feeling his muscles relax at the sight of his girl. 
“Okay so, we just want to make sure we gently tap them— so when they lift in the oven they have that little foot.” Bunny was teaching Mia how to make macaroons. Strawberry and cream ones.
His back relaxed slightly when he heard her soft spoken instructions, his body tuning into her voice. He didn’t say anything yet, going to the sink as he felt her eyes on him. 
She didn’t deserve bloody hands on her. She needed clean and soft hands with tender touches right now. His exhale was slow, trying to shift himself out of the rage induced fog. 
There was a reason people called him the Reaper. It wasn’t unknown. He turned off. He turned into someone else when he was there. The red brain space. He turned off a lot of his emotions besides the ones needed to get him through, the ones usually consisting of anger, rage, bitterness, aggression.
Shaking the water off his hands, he grabbed a paper towel and began to wipe his hands free of water, the jerky movements alerting Y/N to his mood. 
“One second, Mia.” She said quietly, patting her back. Mia knew how the score went, nodding as she turned to mind her business. She knew better than to get involved with Reaper’s business. Everyone should.
Approaching with caution, Bunny placed her hand on his lower back first not wanting to startle him in this state. It always seemed off, his energy changed completely and radiated off of him like a thunder cloud looming over his head. 
“Hi Baby,” She turned on her charm, resting her head against his back a little bit to ground him. It was better for her not to look at the blood that was being washed off into the sink, it was hard not to notice the smell though.  
“Mia and I are making macaroons, we already made a batch if you wanna taste one, I can bring it to you.” She wanted to go along with things as normal, try and remind him of how things were when he wasn’t in this headspace. 
“Or if you want we can go to our room and snuggle.”
She was always gentle with him in this headspace. It was a little scary at first but Harry wouldn’t hurt her. That was something she knew without a shadow of a doubt. Especially when she felt him relax a little bit with her hand rubbing over his back. 
Her eyes looked over his shirt and noticed it was fairly clean, except for a few specks of blood on the hem. It was a weird feeling, to think that the man who was so damn tender with her had just moments ago, been violently ending a life. And that his first instinct was to go back to her. 
“Room.” He grumbled, turning around once he was sure his hands were clean and taking her face into his palms. Y/N felt the damp, cool fingers on her skin and gave him a pretty smile, searching his eyes. 
They were dark. Different. It always seemed to happen like this. 3 times this past week and some days, he has sought her out after she pretended to not know what he was doing and found her doing something mundane, peeling her away from the friends she had made here to keep her close and breathe in her scent. 
He ignored Mia’s presence, leaning down to capture her lips in a hard kiss. He wasn’t shy about it, turning her around and tucking her into the corner of the room while he kissed her roughly. Fully. Bunny knew he wasn’t fully out of the weird, almost animalistic face and she was ok with that. She just wanted him to calm down eventually, and she enjoyed that she was the person that had that power. 
He pulled back and kissed her again, sliding his hands under her shirt and caressed the hot skin of her lower back. It was grounding to him, feeling her smooth flesh and the softness of her curves, the sweetness of her mouth and taste testing prior batches. She smelled like the baked good and hints of her shampoo. He wanted to bathe in it. “M’so angry.” He admitted against her lips. “Want to fucking…” He huffed, resting his head against hers. “I don’t regret it, Bunny. I’ll keep killing those fuckers. I’m going to keep doing it and I’m going to keep coming back upstairs to wash my hands and find you after.”
He warned her. “I should terrify you.”
“You don’t.” She wasn’t lying. He didn’t scare her, maybe a little, but only because she could tell it wasn’t him. Was it dangerous for her to believe that she was the only one to get him to calm down? Would her luck run out one day? It was something she tried not to think about too much. She preferred to believe him and their feelings for one another. 
“It’s just what you do… I understand, you aren’t like that with me. Why would I be afraid?” She asked the question that was never really meant to be answered. Instead she moved to press another kiss to his lips, her hands wrapping around his wrists to hold them comfortably. 
“Come on, let’s go. We can watch a documentary about sea lions.” After their little trip to Vegas they’d been watching a lot of animal planet. Something about the animals also calmed him down. 
“Let me just tell Mia.” She would have to fend for herself with the macaroons. She only had to let them bake off and cool off now. The filling was the easy part.
Harry leaned against the doorway as he watched her go to inform Mia when he heard his name being called from the front room. It was Kid, he knew, but he wasn’t sure what the fuck he wanted. 
“What?” He snapped, stalking through the kitchen with irritation obvious on his face until he saw the red envelope he held in his hand. “What the fuck is that?” 
Though in his stomach, he had a sick feeling. He already knew. 
“It’s addressed to you.” He said quietly. “To Reaper. It was stuck in the gate, someone shoved it up between the bars. I saw it on my way in.” The envelope was snatched over quickly, Harry’s anger boiled again heavily in his stomach. 
What the actual fuck?
“Funny, you think you can keep her hidden from me. I see her everyday.”
Harry was just about to snap when he noticed the back of the note felt a lot like a photograph. To his own horror, there were photos of her in the parking lot on a few desperate occasions this week. His Bunny, oblivious and stunning as ever, on her way back to this place this fucker has now made his way to. 
Any ounce of solace he’d found in Y/N’s touch a few moments ago had drained from his body, replaced by a new, much more sinister rage.  Without much thought, Harry slammed his fist against the nearest flat surface which just so happened to be the kitchen door. 
Kid took a step back immediately, trying not to flinch at the flying pieces of wood now scattered across the floor. 
The room went silent, nothing but Harry’s heavy breathing and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. 
“That’s it!” Reaper was here in full force, not even noticing the blood gushing from his knuckles. “I’m going to butcher this rat. I swear to fuck no one better stop me, I will end his entire blood line so help me god.” His breathing was heavy, teeth grinding against one another. 
Bunny stood speechless, not really sure what to do in this situation. She wasn’t even sure what he was yelling about until she noticed the envelope. 
He’d found them?
“Reaper.” Viper barked as he watched Harry go towards the door. “He isn’t out there. He wouldn’t be. Don’t go shooting into the road.” He had watched as Harry took the gun from his back holster and held it in his hand, the rage shaking through him. 
This place wasn’t easy to find. But obviously, whoever the creep was, didn’t just fuck around. It was making Harry angry. Yes- it had been their idea to poke the bull, but it only made him more upset now knowing the lengths he would go. The disregard he had for his life meant that was the same for his thoughts on Bunny’s- he didn’t care. He was insane.
If he had any clue what Harry belonged to, what his name meant, the rumors and whispers, he would know better. Obviously he lacked sanity for the fact he was stalking someone to begin with but after all the warnings, after all the attempted scare offs… he was still at it. 
“He’s watching her. He’s at her school. He’s insane.” He shook his hand in the air, the gun waving around. The safety was on- Bunny was in the room. “I’m going to lose it.”
“I know, brother. I know.” 
“No! None of you caught someone taking photos?” He hissed, looking around the room as he raised the weapon. “None of you saw a fucking camera?”
“Obviously not. Put down the gun.” Viper ordered. “Your girl is in the room. Put it down.” He said it lowly, the twitch in his hand and the reminder making him listen. 
“I’m taking her away from here for a while. We’re fucking leaving. Make sure someone is at her mom’s place. Nowhere is fucking safe around here.” He hissed, turning to Bunny. “Go get your stuff. We’re going somewhere away from here. Wiz- get us on a fucking plane and someone go get me fakes to get out of here. I just-” He ran his bloodied hand through his hair, not even feeling the pain with the anger that made him burn. “How the fuck did he find us here? There’s a gate inside a gate.”
Bunny took this time to approach him once again, setting her hand on his back as she always did and tried her best to stay calm. She needed to be calm for him. All she wanted was for him to come with her, but it seemed like Viper wasn’t going to let that happen. 
“Let me clean up your hand and I’ll go pack.” She spoke in a gentle and level tone, reaching for his bloodied hand without hesitation. It hurt her to see him like this, so angry and distraught because he couldn’t do anything about it. He was trying his hardest, she could see it. She wished she was able to help more. 
Viper looked at her in warning, obviously worried about her safety. He didn’t know how they were in private, she felt like he had no right to command her. She knew what she was getting herself into. Bunny looked from Harry’s hand to Viper with a small pout, hoping he would let her do this. 
“Follow me.” Viper let out a sigh, leading Bunny towards their in house infirmary. She made sure to keep an eye on Harry, rubbing his skin to soothe him the best that she could. He was still heaving, she could see the cogs turning in his head.
He was like a live wire. 
Bunny watched his face carefully, not afraid of him but afraid of what he may do. It felt like the last few days he had been like a dog pacing in its cage, but this was a whole other level.
His jaw was clenched and his breathing was heavy, but his face had turned stone cold. His eyes? They were dark. Hot. Livid. She was treading with caution. 
He was on another planet right now. He was in protector and killer mode at the same time and it was killing him. Reaper wasn’t one to run away from conflict in any capacity. Harry, however? He just wanted to keep Bunny safe. That was his goal, always. Her safety. 
“You okay to be alone?” Viper asked Bunny. He didn’t want to offend Reaper but he also took her safety seriously.
“Yes, I’m okay. He won’t hurt me.” Bunny repeated once again, knowing it would only be worse if they were to separate the two of them. If they wanted Harry to calm down in any capacity, removing her was the worst they could do. 
Viper eyed the two of them for a moment, facing an internal battle. He couldn’t live with himself if he let Reaper hurt her, but for some reason, he trusted her. 
“I’m going to help Wiz sort out your trip. When you’re done here just meet me in my office.” Viper spoke calmly, giving her a look as if to say ‘be careful’. The metal door made a quiet crashing sound as he left, leaving the two of them alone. 
The bright overhead lighting of the infirmary wasn't creating the most soothing atmosphere, but Bunny tried her best to be the softness Harry needed as she guided him to sit on the bed. 
Her hands delicately pushed his hair away from his face and behind his ears, watching his snarling expression carefully. 
“Can I get the first aid kit?” Her words were gentle, not wanting to leave her stop from between his legs if he wasn’t ready. She knew her body was something that kept him grounded and she didn’t want to irritate him.
He simply nodded. 
It felt better in the quiet. No music, no nothing but the gentle touch of Bunny.
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny. 
He had to keep her safe. The rage bubbled again before it ebbed, her hand stroking over his arm as she returned with the kit. He wasn’t worried about the split knuckles or the throbbing he felt in his hand. He had a high pain tolerance for as long as he could remember, but he felt a bit bad under all the anger about her life being disrupted. That he couldn’t just be… a normal protector. That he had to worry about snapping. 
He’d always had a bad temper, but this sort of anger was new. He hadn’t cared too much about anything else for a long time. Now that he cared so much for her that it felt like she was injected into his damn blood, he felt out of control. Not having control over finding this guy was making him  feel certifiably crazy. He’d never been sane, mind you, but he even knew it was bad now. 
His thoughts lingered on how he had never wanted to take someone out more. The person who caused all of this shit, who made it unsafe for her to even be alone in the places she had grown and loved. The places she learned.
“Baby?” She whispered softly in an attempt to get his attention, gently starting to wipe off the dried blood as she disinfected the open wound. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t wanna,” Bunny cooed, “just come back to me.” 
She let the hand holding his caress his skin in a form of comfort, using tweezers to get the splinters out from under his skin.
“You’re very angry, I know… I can imagine how frustrating it is— you are doing everything you can.” She wasn’t sure if her words would be of any help, but she wanted to say them anyway. “You’ll get him, I know you will. But for now, we are here.” 
A small hiss came from her as she watched the peroxide bubbling over the wound. He didn’t even blink. It made her heartache seeing him so empty and drained. 
Harry watched as she began to wrap his hand with gauze, turning it a bit to make things easier for her. He’d never had someone handle him with such care in this state. It baffled him to think she wasn’t afraid. How could she be so brave? To trust him when he didn’t trust himself. 
“All done.” Bunny smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to the bandaged hand. She didn’t expect him to speak, she was waiting patiently till he was ready.
He sighed, looking over her face. She was so fucking good. A little damn angel plopped into hell and he had to be the one to protect her. He’s never experienced such a panic in his life. Self doubt that he would be able to keep her safe. 
It fucked him up considering this was supposed to be the safest place.  That someone could get by without being noticed was a tell to some sort of skill. Wiz was an incredible guy when it came to security and electronics. He had either blocked the alarms or there was some sort of rat. 
He couldn’t trust most of these people right now. While he definitely felt guilt for that considering he knew 99% of them were on his side, there was a possibility someone wasn’t. And he wouldn’t chance that.
“Damn it.” He snarled. “You… I should be taking care of you.” His face showed irritation and instead of backing up, she repeated the soft action of brushing his long hair back out of his face that had fallen out of his low bun. “I’m supposed to take care of you and you’re here… fucking bandaging me up. Being so fucking sweet. “
“Is that so wrong?” She asked confused, “Think I wouldn’t be taking care of you if this wasn’t happening?” Of course she would be. Bunny enjoyed caring for him and providing a little bit of peace in his very rough and heavy lifestyle. 
To think he’d ever imagine it as a burden, as if life wouldn’t have thrown something else wretched and horrid her way had it not been this. 
“You are taking care of me. I’m here and I’m safe.” Bunny tried her shot at getting him to see things from her perspective. “You need me right now, that’s okay… I’m right here.” It had almost become natural for her to tend to his anger before she began to process her own feelings. She didn’t think it would help to dwell on the idea of someone watching her, she was already paranoid enough as it was. 
“I want to help this feeling, I know I can’t, but please… you have to let me.”
He growled in frustration. It was almost infuriating how sweet and understanding she was because it was his problem. He felt like he was making shit even harder.
“I just… I feel like all I fucking do is drag you down. This was supposed to scare him away.” He stood up, walking away from her. He needed to breathe, to pace for a minute. “This shit was supposed to protect you. And I made it worse.” 
He tugged at his hair, his bad hand throbbing at the action. He really was wanting to pull his hair out. A woman like Bunny didn’t belong in this decrepit, dangerous place and yet he had dragged her down. There was no  way out of it either, not without the guy being dead.
All he knew was that he had access to the school area, was good at technology, was lanky and tall and was a little bitch. A creep. He hated him more than he had hated anyone else because he had no regard for Bunny. It was obvious at this point. 
“I need to take you away; like a fucking coward. I’m running away but I don’t give a fuck. We need a break. You need to be somewhere you feel safe. You think I don’t see it?” He asked, approaching her again. 
“You think I don’t see when you disappear inside your head and you try your best to just pretend like you’re fine? I see right through it. You’re not processing any of this shit of whatever it is you’re supposed to do. And I’m worried. I’m worried about you, mentally, physically, emotionally.”
He was right. 
She hadn’t been processing it properly, but she was in distress and though he was blaming himself for making it worse, who knows what would have happened if he continued? It was just like Bunny to divert the conversation though. It seems Harry wasn’t having it today. He stopped her before she could speak. 
“You know I’m right about that. Bun, listen, I’m not in a good fucking space right now. I don’t even know how I’m talking to you cause I’m my head I just want to tear this place to shreds. I need you to tell me if I’m stepping over the line, cause you’re being so fucking sweet— I don’t deserve that!” He shook his head, the last line coming out a bit louder than he’d anticipated. She could only shake her head at him. 
“Harry— I’m trying to deal with it how I can. We both are. It hasn’t really hit me these past few times, I haven’t been letting it. I just know I won’t be able to keep going on with my life if I think about it too much. You know I’m in my head because I’m trying to self soothe… there is no answer to these feelings, they fucking suck. I know. This guy is fucking crazy. He could have done worse if you didn’t get involved. Who knows? The what ifs are killing me. Please don’t blame yourself for any of this. It’s not your fault.”
He swallowed thickly, his heavy breathing the only sound in the room before he dropped his hands, letting them smack against his sides. 
He didn’t mean to explode on her. It’s the last thing she needed. She didn’t need his shit on top of everything else but he was so… so fucking scared. He didn’t like the idea of her getting hurt. He didn’t like that she wasn’t communicating it with him. 
“Can you please just tell me… tell me about it when it does come up? When you feel like it’s too much?” Harry was well fucking aware he wasn’t the easiest to talk to. He wasn’t. He was  intimidating and easily irritated and he had tried to build a wall between them in the past. It would be understandable why she would be hesitant before but now? Now he was doting on her. 
He wished she trusted him. 
“It is my fault. You shouldn’t even be in this position. I wish you had been able to fucking trust me enough when it first started happening so you could have told me. I know that it’s my fault you didn’t. It isn’t your fault at all.” He huffed, walking back to her. “I don’t deserve your sweetness . I was supposed to look out for you when Sterling left and now look at this shit.” 
He felt like he had failed. He had failed her.
She was trying her best to stay level headed, trying not to blame things on herself for not telling him sooner. Seeing him like this was making her emotional, she didn’t want him to be so stressed. 
“I’ll try, I promise.” Bunny said with a small sigh, “It’s hard for me in general. It's not that I don’t want to tell you these things, it’s just hard for me.” Y/N swallowed thickly, looking up at him with glossy eyes. “I didn’t think not telling you would come to this… I would have told you right away.” 
Bunny snaked her arms around him in a hug, squeezing his body to hers, listening closely to his heart beat. She kept her head there for a few moments, relaxing as she felt the weight on his hand cradling the back of her head.
They were a mess. The both of them. Harry knew that this wasn’t exactly healthy- nothing with him probably would be- but he didn’t have it in him to stop his indulgence for her comfort.
He couldn’t keep himself from pulling her as tightly as he could to her body, exhaling heavily as he pressed a few kisses to her head. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m fucking sorry for all of this shit.” 
The hoarseness of his voice caught her off guard. His anger was still there but he was still being soft with her. That was the difference. He never lifted a hand meant to harm her. Never. He never would. 
“It’s okay. We’re going on a trip and we can just… we can try and forget about this for a little bit.” She whispered against his shirt. “Just pretend to be normal for a bit. I don’t even know where we’re going but I’m going to be safe with you. Maybe we can feel ok when we get away.” Her choice was muffled against the fabric but he heard it. 
“I will do my best, baby.” He mumbled against her hair. “Don’t think it’ll ever be normal with us again.”
“Okay everything you need is here. For the time being, you are Ryder and Kitty Davidson.” Wiz spoke as he placed the documents on the table. “I got you rings as well, congratulations.” He winked trying to make light of the situation. 
“You’re flying First class to London. Your flight is in about 4 hours so you should get heading to the airport as soon as possible.” He continued, looking up at Viper to confirm the details. The two of them thoroughly planned this trip to ensure their safety. 
“I’ve booked you in indefinitely at the Londoner hotel. It’s very central with high security. They know you want your privacy and for their reputations sake they won’t fuck up. If you want to change locations, I trust Reaper knows his way around better than me.” Wiz let himself trail off as he tried to remember anything else he might be missing. 
“I’ve arranged to have a car pick you up under the name Davidson. It’s one of our own so no need to worry. He’s returning a small favor.” Viper added, checking his phone for any other updates before looking at the two of them. 
“We’re going to have some decoy cars leave first. One is going to Reaper’s place, one will be going to your Mom’s, and the third out of town.” Viper explained the plan, “We’re leaving through the underground exit in a completely different vehicle. All you have to do is finish up with packing and we’ll be on our way.”
Bunny was still amazed at some of the things the club was able to do. There were a lot of whispers about the things they were a part of from the normal people, the people around the town. But based on their assumptions, no one would have realized they had this sort of money. 
Harry had explained they had eggs in a bunch of baskets, some legal and some… not so much. That meant an influx of cash and places to launder it through.
She knew if this was any other time,she would be asking tons of questions. Why? How? What? But right now she was putting her trust in Harry and the guys of the Devil’s Keepers. Viper and Wiz had always shown up for her since she met them and it was a welcome thing to have. 
“Thanks for putting this together.” He nodded at Wiz, taking the folder from him. “We will call you when we land with the burners.” 
“I’ll be prepared for a thick cockney accent.” Wiz joked, making him snort. Yeah, right. He was more of a Manchester and London hybrid but that wouldn’t make sense to him. Harry’s accent had thinned since being here as a teenager but he knew that it would thicken the moment he stepped back there. It usually got stronger when he talked to his mum on the phone, so he could imagine how easily he was going to fall into it later.
Bunny had never been out of the country before, this was something completely new. The thought of it was actually exciting if she ignored the whole point of the trip. The running away from a stalker bit. 
Harry had always talked about his life in London, with a fondness she really saw in him elsewhere. It was as if he wondered what his life could have been had he been dealt a different hand. It seemed like his life there wasn’t that fruitful, but his returns to the country had always been pleasant.
“You packed warm, yeah baby?” He asked quietly, his Reaper persona taking a step back now that they had a plan. In all honesty, he was relaxed because he knew his way around London better than any man. He swore it. No one would want to willingly go to his ends. That he was sure of. 
“We’ll get you more clothes.” He spoke without even listening to her response, he had a feeling there was nothing warm in her duffle here in Vegas. Poor girl was in for wind and rain and clouds.
“We will?” She quirked her brow. “And just how will I do that?” 
“M’gonna buy you some. You need jumpers and jackets. The only one you packed was one of mine.” He gave her a slight look but it was in jest. He liked her in his clothes. The black jumper with slightly frayed sleeves tended to be her favorite and he wasn’t going to tell her no. Thankfully he had been able to grab some warmer clothes but not too much. He’d need to shop as well. 
“Well, I did want to buy some stuff.” She admitted, leaning her head against his arm while she looked into his duffel bag. “You know the cool shopping places in London? Not the designer ones but hole in the wall shops?” She liked to buy stuff that was unique, but she didn’t have the chance too often here. Her slip dresses were a staple but she did want to get some good jeans in London. 
It was definitely a way of coping. Y/N knew that eventually she wouldn’t be able to push the fact that this trip was to evade danger from the back of her mind anymore. She would have to accept it at some point. But god damn, did she want to pretend it was just a trip with her… boyfriend? Lover? Whatever they actually were. 
“I think so.” It’s been a few years since I’ve been there.” The last time he had traveled back was 3 years ago, briefly. Only 2 weeks to get some things settled. He hadn’t been back since. “We’ll have to see. Things change rather quickly, but I found a place last time when I ruined my trousers.” He replied, zipping up the duffle bag.
“All right, Sniper say we are all set to go. If you have everything, let’s get to the car. No time to waste.” Viper was a bit on edge himself, not having expected someone to find the clubhouse. Nonetheless, he had no intention of letting Harry know he was worried. He needed Reaper to have a break. As much as they needed him, for all of their sakes, it was better he went. 
The sound of their footsteps against wet cement echoed as the four of them descended down to the tunnels. They had a few for safety reasons. They had a bunker, a few rooms where most of their dodgy business took place. Killing and disposal and what not. Towards the end though was a garage full of three cars with the exact same plates. One was red, one was black, and one was white. 
“Take your pick bun.” Viper decided to make light of the situation. These cars were all clean. For the most part. They were mostly used for situations like these, getaways for safety. The plates changed after every use so they couldn’t be tracked. They cycled through wrapping them in different colors. It was all to keep things as anonymous as possible.
Bunny went for the white one. The red would get attention, the black was an obvious inconspicuous choice, but the white was a medium level. Harry was quiet for the most part now, helping her in and waving to Mia. She was playing decoy. Her hood was up and it was obvious she was a woman but the tinted windows would hide some of her features, making it easy to confuse the both of them. 
“Thank you.” He said quietly to her. Despite not talking to her much he appreciated even the slightly risk she put herself in for Y/N’s sake.
He got into the car with her, placing his hand on her thigh immediately. Y/N noticed this was something he did subconsciously. He didn’t even really seem to think about it. Every time he sat down next to her or drove with her, his hand would rest on her leg. Squeeze or rub or just rest still, he liked having a hand on her.
Her hand rested on top of his with a sigh, fiddling with his anatomical heart ring. He had a few he switched around but he rarely took this one off lately. It was chunky and large but it suited his hand, bruised knuckles and all. Her cheek rested against his arm, trying to let go of her nerves. 
“S’okay.” He comforted quietly. “We’re getting a break from this. Maybe the guy will get tired of it. If he doesn’t… we’ll come back rested enough to finally get him.”
Harry was exceedingly exhausted. His eyes were heavy all day but he couldn’t sleep. Nervous about her, about the freak breaking in somehow, someway, and hurting her. It plagued him like a nasty sore that wouldn’t heal.
Wanting to keep the stalker off their trail meant that Viper and Wiz had to stay low profile. The guy would recognize the two of them and they didn’t want to risk it. Instead, he had other members who had not been seen with Bunny to drive all three cars. 
“Be safe, yeah?” Viper nodded at the two of them from outside the window. “Have fun, little rabbit. Enjoy it.” The words were tender as they fell from his mouth. He wanted nothing more than for her to enjoy her time away from all of this. To have a bit of freedom again. 
Bunny gave him a small smile and nod, watching as he gave Harry a small fist bump before their window was rolled back up. The sound of roaring engines soon filled the space, each car making their way out. They had a few come out the front as well, this creepy wouldn’t know what was coming.
She didn’t dare to speak up as they traveled down through the long, narrow, and dark tunnel. It seemed like it kept going and going. She wasn’t sure how it got there, but she was starting to think she shouldn’t ask. 
Instead she snuggled further against Harry in the back seat, continuing to dig her face fully into him. It seemed his scent was able to do something to keep her calm since she couldn’t exactly wrap herself in his bedsheets anymore.
Harry didn’t like not being the one driving but he has to make that sort of sacrifice today. It wasn’t too big of a deal though, considering Bunny was nearly burrowed into him.
Harry, before her, wasn’t a fan of physical touch at all. He took his partners from behind, making them hold whatever was in front of them so they didn’t touch him. He barely kissed, barely allowed them to do a thing besides suck him off or spread their legs for him. It was very willing people, too, but still. He wasn’t a warm and fuzzy person. He would peels hands off of him and step back to avoid hugs or touches, keeping it hand handshakes for most, or a back pat or two. 
That’s partially why it was so weird for him that he felt so grounded when Bunny touched him. The comfort that he felt when she would brush his fingers with her own or press a tiny kiss to his hand, leaning against him. His own body seeking her out for it. That had shocked him and made him feel incredibly out of place once he stepped back from it. The good thing though, was he didn’t hate it. 
If anything he fell into it more and more each day. Initiating more and more like a nosy little puppy, chaste and gentle touches like fingers under shirts playing with her bracelets or adjusting the hair in her face . It felt a bit pathetic he wanted to touch her every day, if he was being honest. He’d also never felt so good with it. Her fingers tangled with his own little kisses that didn’t lead to anything other than a smile. 
He was fucked. A goner. He had become well and truly soft, obsessed, possessive, enamored with the girl he definitely shouldn’t. Sterling is still going to beat his ass, and Harry is going to let him. 
It was worth it.
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im-ovulating · 1 year
Can I request yandere Simeon with an oblivious reader?
(A/n: I'm still new to writing yandere stuff, so forgive if it's not the best 😅)
Word Count: 494
Summary: You're just too innocent for your own good...
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, Simeon in his villain era
Age Rating: None
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Yandere! Simeon x Oblivious! GN! Reader
'There he goes. Thinking he can weasel his way into their pants. Not if I can help it. Why can't they get it through their thick skulls that Y/n belongs to me?'
Simeon sits on the other side of the classroom, watching as a lower demon leans against your desk with a greasy smirk, probably throwing dumb one liners your way.
To say he's furious would be an understatement. Not at you. No, he could never be mad at you, his sweet, impressionable darling. No, his anger is aimed at the vermin that thinks he can speak to you.
He watches as you smile at something the demon says. You probably think he's just being friendly, but Simeon knows what he's really doing. He knows that he just wants to butter you up so he can use and then leave you in the dust.
He breaks when the demon fixes a lock of your hair, standing up and striding over to you. Coming up behind you, the demon sees him first -sees the murderous glare aimed at him.
You turn to see what he's looking at and Simeon quickly puts on an ever-friendly smile.
"HI Simeon!" You chirp in that sugary sweet voice of yours.
"Hey! So, I was thinking of stopping by Madam Scream's after class; Care to join me? It'd be on me of course~"
"Free food? Count me in!" You turn to the scum that has the nerve to still be here, "Do you wanna tag along? It's been fun chatting!"
Simeon takes a step forward as he levels him with another glare. "I don't think he wants to. Do you?"
The demon can hear the hidden threat if the way he gulps is any indicator. He may be an angel, but Simeon knows he can be scary. Just like he knows the demon knows better than to test an Archangel, much less challenge one.
"N-no- Sorry Y/n, I've got something to do..."
Simeon keeps his glare on the demon, though he knows your face drops. He hates it when you're upset and would do anything to keep you from being it. Anything but let another get close, that is. He's the only one you need; he's made sure of that.
He's perfected being a chameleon. Perfected the art of molding himself to be anything and anyone you could need. From a study partner to a gaming buddy, from a friend to a lover, from a shoulder to cry on to a protector. Heavy emphasis on the last one -even if you don't know you need it.
"Oh..." You only take a second to perk back up. "That's okay! Maybe next time, then?"
He keeps his eyes on Simeon as he answers, "Maybe... I gotta go. Bye Y/n."
He scurries away just as the bell rings.
Simeon pasters another smile on as he turns back to you, a real one this time. "Let's go get those treats, hm?"
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zorosbeau33 · 5 months
Behind the Curtain~ Shinso Hitoshi BNHA/MHA Drabble
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❖ MHA/BNHA, Shinso x gender neutral reader
❖ Timestamp/drabble, fluff
❖ No trigger warnings other than if mentions of alcohol and gambling
❖ wc: 421
❖ @atiny-piratequeen ❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
All characters and people in this au are aged up college or more~
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Hitoshi was not expecting it, not just a concert…they wanted more than just a concert? A whole casino bar and lounge?! Wasn’t this ridiculous? What villain would fall for this? The answer surprised him, it was entirely a surprise but it seemed the scum could not resist the dark vibes and a supposed house-losing streak for the gambling tables on the second floor. What he was not anticipating was how gorgeous you looked decked out in harajuku-style clothes and mask. Standing off stage as your safety guard Hitoshi could hardly believe the level of criminals that filtered in and out of the doors that night to catch a glimpse of your stellar musical performance and have a crack at the delicious drinks and gambling. Some after night two were even comfortable enough to start cracking deals in the VIP lounge. And the cops were lapping up the information they were getting every night. 
Though he would if possible have had you safely behind the stage and behind the scenes with him then upfront twice a night. It didn’t matter how beautiful your voice was, or how easily the crooks played into your hands begging for dates. Knowing the person he had been in love with since school days was being fawned over and nearly, (they’d foiled two plots already) taken away by these dangerous entrepreneurs of darkness made his blood pressure almost unmanageably rise. Even now as you leapt back and darted towards him, Hitoshi’s heart beat didn’t slow. Using his voice modifier he was able to trick the drunk patron into answering him and freezing on stage, giving security-the cops undercover-catch him and take him down. Hitoshi didn’t pause to watch, rather following you backstage to your changing room. “You okay?” He asked, watching you shed your disguise and take deep calming breaths. Your triumphant smile and nod made him sigh and lean on the doorframe, a rueful smile sliding across his lips. Happy to listen to you babble about this helping you guys catch another villain! Honestly he wasn’t sure how many more nights of this his sanity could take, watching you play to a crowd that would kill you if they knew you were a hero. Besides how long before your wit and charm made someone fall as crazy in love with you as he was? Toying with his voice modulator, Hitoshi watched you, and wondered if tonight would be the night he’d finally ask you to go to that new cat cafe…but as a date at last.
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tcfactory · 4 months
A little sneak peak from my daemon AU fic.
I think I'm doing an okay job keeping it on track so far, so it won't turn into another overly long monster of a story. :D
“See to it that this little beast is properly situated and cleaned up. I want to see neither hair nor hide of him until he can behave befitting of my peak!” “Understood, Shizun!” Ming Fan swiftly pulls Luo Binghe to his feet and half-pushes half-herds him out the door, but he stays lingering behind. “Asking for Shizun’s forgiveness, but the seniors at the library couldn’t provide Luo-shidi with a manual. They wondered if Shizun might spare one from his own library until they can rectify this shortcoming.” Shen Qingqiu doesn’t even deem that statement worthy of a verbal comment. Like a vengeful god on a warpath, he storms to his bookshelf and without even really looking pulls out a manual at random from a cluster of similar books. “Don’t bother returning it,” he says as he throws the book to Ming Fan. “Now, get out of my sight!” Clearly sensing that his master is one wrong word away from a temper tantrum, Ming Fan makes himself scarce with impressive speed. (...) When Shen Yuan arrives back at the bamboo house, he finds the front door ajar; likely the result of Ming Fan’s hasty retreat not much earlier. He’s just about to knock when he realizes that he can hear the scum villain pacing and muttering angrily inside. “...Of course it had to be that book. What else would it be?! This has to be karma, or-” He falls silent all of a sudden. There’s no other voice that Shen Yuan, but the way he goes on makes it clear that he’s talking to someone. “You are right. Let’s not lose our heads. Somebody will notice it eventually and Ming Fan is smart, he will help us cover for it if it comes to that. And if not-” He falls silent again, listening. He must be speaking to his daemon, Shen Yuan realizes. The daemons of high level cultivators can speak aloud, but in their natural state they communicate through a telepathic bond with their human and their family. It was always a huge party (ending in papapa, of course) in PIDW when Binghe could first hear a new wife’s daemon, because Xin Mo could draw upon these bonds to become even more OP.  Shen Yuan’s musing is interrupted by a brittle, chilling burst of laughter. “'What if he dies?' Who cares?! He won’t be the first or the last. Who am I to try and fight fate?” Shen Yuan stares at the door, his hand frozen halfway to a knock. So it was a mistake - Shen Qingqiu didn’t mean to give Binghe the false manual - but he noticed and he’s just going to… leave it be? Let Binghe ruin his cultivation - let him die rather than correct his mistake?? What kind of Shizun are you?! And the worst of it is that he doesn’t sound malicious or gleeful, oh no. Shen Qingqiu sounds upset and resigned. Like this really is some divine act of fate that he couldn’t possibly fight. Well, tough luck, because Shen Yuan won’t stand for this!
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 11 months
Mortal Kombat Isekai Au: Jonshi Edition
Open to further information in case of requests
John Carlton is an actor on the verge of bankruptcy, divorced and desperately in need of a well-paying job to pay off at least some of his debts. A friend suggests that he audition for a film based on a well-known video game. John does so and, surprisingly, gets a role.
There's one problem: the role is that of Johnny Cage, a minor villain with little screen time.
Not in a position to retreat, John complains to his agent, who forces him to play the game to learn as much as he can about his character. Needless to say, it's a disaster.
John plays, but discovers that not only is Johnny a minor villain, but a scum villain, betraying the champions out of greed. He understands that if he plays Johnny's role, the internet will tear him apart, and it will be even harder for him afterward. If the film is successful, the role will stick with him and everyone will hate him. If it goes badly, the blame will somehow be placed on him and his decline.
He calls his agent to say he has second thoughts, but someone enters the house and hits him. He hears the intruders arguing and realizes that they were sent by his ex to pocket his life insurance. Jock on her, she won't get a dime, it will all go to his daughter, Cassie, born from his first college girlfriend.
John dies. The end? No, beceuse he wakes up in MK world as Johnny Cage. Needless to say, he doesn't take it well
In the game, Johnny betrays the protagonists, blinds one of them, messes up and then dies like an idiot. John doesn't want die again. The first time was painful, the second time would be worse.
John doesn't have time to come up with a plan to avoid his destiny : immediately gets involved in the first level of the game, the fight between him and Kenshi.
Surprisingly, he wins the fight, and Kenshi is at his mercy. John doesn't want anything to do with the other man, and wants to hand over Sento to him. Too bad Liu Kang arrives and decrees that they have been chosen as champions.
John is in the shit
If he follows Lui Kang, he will end up killed. If he refuses, he will be sought by the god's enemies and will never be safe. He chooses the lesser evil and follows the god.
Another thing he hadn't foreseen: Kenshi always with him for Sento. Kenshi has to beat Johnny to have the right to have the sword, but he never wins, you want bad luck, you want that world's defaults.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Now he hates me! Forget Sub Zero, Kenshi will kill me.
What John doesn't know is that Kenshi doesn't hate him. On the contrary, he is very attracted to the actor. In his clan the strength is highly respected and all of his ancestors married strong people.
So, John fears he's in a revenge story, Kenshi and everyone else are in an epic story, but for them it's also a rom com. John is oblivuous, Kenshi is extra hocked by him.
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1.) The term “fridging” is literally based on Alex and what happened to her. She was killed off violently by a bad guy trying to get at her boyfriend only a couple issues after she was introduced (making it obvious they only brought her in to kill her off for shock value). Her death did very little to the narrative other than hurt her boyfriend Kyle and was done in an exceedingly horrifying and violent way. (Bad guy came to the door with flowers and threatening note, broke in and attacked her, choking her to death, before [off panel] chopping her body up and sticking it in the refrigerator as a “surprise” for her boyfriend. This obviously is really fucked up and she deserves better and should win this actually (a vote for Alex is a vote for all fridging victims [in spirit])
2.) It doesn’t get much worse than being the character whose death originated the “fridging” trope. In Green Lantern Vol. 3 #54, Kyle Rayner comes home to find that Alexandra, his girlfriend, has been killed by the villain Major Force and stuffed into the refrigerator.
Alexandra DeWitt is the character whose misogynistic treatment coined the term where a character, usually female, is killed off purely to make the main character, usually male, feel bad. Even if there are other characters who have been subjected to similar levels of misogyny, Alexandra DeWitt’s treatment has been essentially immortalized.
3.) I know she’s not going to win but shout out to my home girl, literally the trope namer for women shoved in fridges. All anyone ever knows about her is that she was Kyle’s girlfriend and got murdered for his character development, even though she had plenty of potential to be her own character.
1.) For context, she’s a medicine cat, which is essentially the priest/healer of an ancestor-worshipping religion called StarClan, and there’s a rule in the living Clans prohibiting anyone from dating outside their Clan, and also prohibiting medicine cats from dating/having kits.
So she’s breaking the law by seeing a cat named Crowfeather in another Clan, and eventually gets pregnant. She secretly gives the children to her sister to raise instead, because the kits would’ve grown up in misery if their true parentage was known. When the secret gets out that they’re her kits, Leafpool became demonized to hell and back.
Crowfeather, who ALSO broke the law and fathered the kits, only got a slap on the wrist, and he’s almost certainly going to become leader. But Leafpool was demoted from her role as medicine cat (by her FATHER), treated like scum by her whole community (aside from her sister and best friend), and her children despise her for lying to them (one even tries to get her to kill herself). The narrative constantly paints her as a liar that’s getting what she deserves, and even has her children insult her at HER FUNERAL, years after the secret got out. She’s a main character and she dies OFF SCREEN between books!
It’s not even over when she dies. StarClan decides to hold a trial for her when she dies to see if she deserves to join them, or if she’s banished to cat hell for eternity. War criminals who abetted in genocide never got a trial, they were just let in. An incel who tried to kill 4 people because he was mad his ex dumped him got let in without question. But the cat whose only crime was dating someone in another Clan and having kids gets a full trial? Keep in mind their sire gets a whole book about StarClan coming down to help him, because clearly only she deserved to be punished.
Leafpool’s life is nonstop suffering because of misogynistic double standards. Treated like the devil for getting pregnant and wanting to give her kids a better life, while all the men involved get excused, coddled, and placed into positions of power.
2.) she went through So much bullshit. squirrelflight (her sister) too. i’m sure she’ll also get submitted. Cat God (starclan) vaguely told her to run away with the man she liked and then got mad at her when she did it. and then she was punished for it the rest of her life. She had kids with him and those kids were like Incredibly Important and wouldn’t exist if not for her but she’s still punished for it. BY STARCLAN. Who told her to have those kids in the first place . and of course the books just treat this like it’s pretty much normal and fair
3.) just like her sister squirrelflight, she does many things that male characters do and faces drastically different consequences. she and another cat, named crowfeather, run away from their clans to get cat married. this is illegal because they’re from different clans. when they get home, leafpool is pregnant. when all of this is revealed(years later) their punishments could not be more different. when they first come back, leafpool is suspected, talked poorly about, and outlasted. we aren’t shown any consequences towards crowfeather at all. after the grand reveal of leafpool having kids(and giving them away to her sister since she’s a doctor and doctors can’t gave kids) leafpool is forced to give up her position as doctor, is disowned as her kids aunt figure, and completely outcasted by the whole clan(mostly the same happens to her sister). crowfeather is just minorly treated poorly and gets a cat divorce.
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greenflamedwriter · 1 year
Roleplay to a whole new level
Pairings: Airplane/Cucumber
Cumplane AU: What happens if...Shang Qinghua transmigrated as Luo Binghe and became the protagonist, and then ends up going through PIDW but changing it up and ends up sticking a middle finger because "Fuck you I'm the protagonist!" to the system. Although it's not that great, Luo Binghe goes through so much pain and harship and gets beaten up all the time especially by Elder hammer! This sucks!
And Shen Qingqiu is such a Sadist! And yet, Luo Binghe [Qinghua] Can't even get mad, he wrote the scum villain and may have accidently made it worse, he tends to speak outloud when he goes in his daze.
So Shen Qingqiu just see's this usualy smiley annoying disciple look at him with a strange expression on his face, as if he's possesed it freaked Shen Qingqiu out for a moment.
"I feel sorry for you. Nothing has been fair and you fought so hard and it feels as if you havn't progressed at all..."
Shen Qingqiu stiffened, that hit a bit too close to home so of course, he ended up punishing Luo Binghe for 'speaking out of term' But by ignoring Ning Yingying, and forced to follow the rules of the system couldn't do anything. But learned he CAN remove OC protocal so thats great! And by stealing a better manual and hid it in his crappy one, he ended up stealing Ming Fans and swapping it with another disciples and stole theirs.
So now Ming Fan was yelling at them wondering why they had his manual and they denied it but with theirs missing ended up getting in trouble. Luo Binghe snickered flipping through the better manual and ended up improving in his cultivation!
Of course he was doxed points for course correction god dammit!
So when he fell into the abyss, he figured it can't get any worse. But he had one thing to keep him going.
Mobei-Jun, after this protocal maybe he can go by his draft! Mobei-Jun and Luo Binghe had a slow burn romance while Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu were supposed to be their parralell of two broken men along with the quiet men who encourage their crappy behaviour.
Mobei-Jun was supposed to call Binghe out on his bullshit eventually and be his most harshest critic but he only did it because he cared he loved Luo Binghe and wanted what was best for him and disaproved of his actions. And Luo Binghe hated it at first not seeing it for the what it was. Just assuming he was like Shen Qingqiu just another one to tell him what to do.
But after all the times Mobei-Jun saves him and vice versa, Luo Binghe see's the love this cold beauty has and sometimes its hard to understand him especially as the Northern demons look down on love and theres some denial in there. God so much stuff- but his happy ending was coming all those plots for the 'wives' were actually adventures of Binghe and Mobei-Jun! He was so excited, to finally have this happy ending after all the suffering he's been through the pain and torment he was going to be gifted his own himbo male wife and it was going to be amazing!
So...imagining his horror when he beats up Mobei-Jun as the syste wants to complete the story, of Mobei-Jun swearing his allegiance to Luo Binghe and be his right hand man.
And after beating up Mobei-Jun and having his loyalty Luo Binghe realised something was off...then it was revealed that Mobei-Jun was a transmigrator!
He...he didn't get his cold beauty who was devoted to Luo Binghe insead a sneering man- Cucumber bro, the anti-fan who despises Airplane but adores Luo Binghe? He's getting whiplash from this fellow transmigrator who has his own system.
He beats Binghe up, abuses him because of his garbage story but then he grabs his tear streaked face and bruised cheeks and scowls, how dare the man be beautiful even when he was angry!?
"Luo Binghe is too handsome and pitiful and has suffered so much but knowing your the author makes me want to bully you more!"
Why!?!?! This was too pitiful for someone like airplane! He didn't want to make a trash story! he just wanted his happy ending!
And to think it couldn't get any worse.
It was strange that Cucumber loved Luo Binghe and was obessed with him, but he was in such denial! Their happy ever after was just a pipe dream...
Or was it?
When Luo Binghe forget during a mission that Xin Mo needed dual cultivation receives a backlash and almost dies, when he woke up, memory foggy he sat up naked and grimaced feeling a sharp pain up his backside. "What?"
He froze as he felt someone shift beside him and saw Mobei-Jun lying on the bed next to him...naked. Did they- did they just-!?
"Shut up, this King wouldn't just let you die."
Luo Binghe was oddly touched his mouth repressing a smile as tears streamed down his face "My king!" He leapt onto the larger men peppering his face with kisses, and Mobei-Juns face flushed blue "Get off!" He slapped his arm but instead moved his body to hold Luo Binghe more secure against him.
It wasn't what he expected but he got that happy ending after all!
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
do you think pipravi are toxic?
There are multiple answers for this question if you mean their . . .
age gap: no, I do not think it’s toxic at all. The thing that people misunderstand about age gaps and their problems is it’s not about the age difference itself, but the maturity and power imbalance that comes with it. For example: let’s say that a 17 yo is dating a 13 yo, both of them are underaged, however, it’s problematic because a person at the age of 17 and another at the age of 13 have completely different worldviews, experiences and maturity levels, giving the older person an advantage to exploit the younger one. In Pip’s and Ravi’s case, she’s 17 and he “just turned 20”, she’s underaged and he’s an adult, however, they don’t have that maturity/power imbalance that would give Ravi a weakness point to exploit/manipulate Pip. Also we can see that they’re both equal on the maturity level and I say this as a 19yo turning 20 in a few months, whose maturity/worldviews hadn’t changed drastically since I was 17.
dynamic: First, I would love to state that this is my own interpretation of their relationship and if you disagree please feel free to comment because I would love to discuss it. Pip and Ravi are both very traumatized which makes their dynamic slightly toxic, but how? For Pip, she has a fucked up self-image, leading to mental/emotional instability. This instability makes her completely dependent on Ravi for mental/emotional support to the degree that she imagines him in her head, when she’s most distressed. At other times, when even Ravi’s support isn’t enough to pull her up from the pit of her self-hatred, she starts pushing him and all the people who love her away because she thinks she’s undeserving of them and will only hurt them. What about Ravi? I think Ravi has a savior complex where he needs to be needed, which is why he’s always there for Pip, saving her and supporting her, apologizing even when he is not at fault. Ravi lost his older brother whom he was very close to when he was very young and on top of that he lost the ability to grieve him because the entire town turned him into a villain. It broke his home literally (the painting of ‘scum family’, the windows) and figuratively (his older brother’s room sealed and frozen in time, his parents becoming colder & the way the entire town treated him and his family). I haven’t seen anyone talk about the time Ravi said to Pip “Sal was their golden boy and now they’re left with just me.” about his parents. “Just me” is so heartbreaking because it shows how little he thinks of himself and how his parents made him feel about himself (they were grieving so it’s understandable). He became his parents’ support system and it was the only times in which he didn’t feel like he was Sal 2.0 to them. They actually needed him and depended on him. This developed his savior complex making him prioritize his loved ones over himself because deep inside he feels like he would be useless/unlovable unless they can relay on him.
in conclusion: Yes, PipRavi have a toxic dynamic, but not in an unredeemable way. Their relationship is beautiful and they love and respect each other so much. They just need to get a therapist and work on their self-image. (And I still love them so so so so much!)
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ectoodle · 4 months
Hello! I wanted to ask what made you fall in love with bingqiu?
Hey there!
Ah hmm that's an interesting question, I've never thought about it actually. I like bingqiu a lot, but I never considered it as falling in love with the ship? They're a fun ship to play with and they have a wide range that's pretty flexible so I'm always in my comfort zone drawing them.
I suppose most of the art I draw for bingqiu are a love letter to them, though. And I think that's pretty telling of my brain rot for them 😂
I think the food the fandom cooked up really helped a lot. SV fic writers are on a whole other plane of existence when it comes to analyzing binghe's character and filling in on his journey of healing with sqq by his side. I'm the annoying type of audience that gets bored when the main couple gets together at the end...so when scum villain ended the way it did, mxtx may as well have german suplexed me on the concrete. scum villain is a story that subverts its tropes left and right and the ending was no exception! I love that bingqiu getting together at the end was not an automatic happily ever after, but rather, they still are putting in the work and effort to understand and stay in each other's lives. The glimpse of that path we get in the extras really did solidify my desire to see how bingqiu will continue to stay together--bingmei vs bingge extra was probably the finishing blow for me tho lmao. I couldn't stop thinking about what the heck happened to bingge after he left the sv world that I read a bunch of fics about him and needed to soothe the angst with sv bingqiu
on a side tangent, bingqiu parallels another of my all time ship, nozomizo from liz and the blue bird. mild spoilers if you haven't seen liz, but nozomizo had a similar codependent relationship that needed them both to grow apart as individuals in order to stay together. bingqiu separated unwillingly and binghe's growth as an individual was fueled by betrayal, despair, and that dying glimmer of hope that maybe, maybe shizun could accept him now that they're equals. but they don't. because binghe still hasn't emotionally grown to get past his temper tantrums (thanks xin mo) and sqq is still failing binghe by constantly misunderstanding him. but bingqiu still choose each other, choose to love and support each other, and they refuse to be separated again. whereas nozomizo was a healthy separation with a promise of reunion, bingqiu was fighting through the muddy trenches with a vague hope that the other is reaching out their hands too. i thought it was neat how differently both ships handled their codependency that still guarantees a happy ending, no matter how dirty and bruised they got along the way.
I also think sqq's compassionate narration in regards to binghe's suffering got to me lmao. He truly does care for binghe, and even if naysayers argue it's not romantic, it's undeniable that binghe is special to sqq. although not the best choices, most if not all of his choices were for binghe's best interest (thanks system). sqq had so much heart for binghe that it affected me through the screen too. binghe's abandonment issues and fake wet tears have captivated me. his gap moe as a chuuni emo demonic overlord and wife with a maidenly glass heart has bewitched me body and soul. i want luo binghe to be happy so badly!!
i think that's why bingqiu fascinates me. most of the bingqiu arts i draw are like slice of life vignettes, so without the meat and bones of fanfic diving into bingqiu's messiness, i would not have ascended to this level of brain rot for them...
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jaebeomsbitch · 1 year
Eddie Munson's Mixtape Vol 1.
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Little Stars
Summary: Confronting your Cheating Boyfriend, Eddie. You realize you are better than staying with him just because you've been together for so long.
Inspired by user @starlightsearches
A collection of fics where every chapter is based on a song. The first Little Stars by She Wants Revenge. All my works are posted on my AO3! There's way more on there.
“Are you here just to fight with me or are you here just to waste my time?” Eddie says, hands on his hips, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. You had slammed the door open to his trailer, clearly pissed at something or… someone. He could see how tense you were, arms crossed, hips slanted as you placed most of your weight on one side.
“Like I said, I know what you did,” you sigh, anger turning into defeat. You’d spent an hour fighting with him already.
“Jesus fucking Christ what did I do? You came here to fucking start an argument and you can’t even tell me what I did wrong,” He sighs, arms waving in frustration.
“Is this what you want? You get one shred of fucking happiness and it’s too much? Huh? You gotta fucking sabotage everything so you still feel in control?” He questions, slowly approaching you.
“You know what, I can’t do this anymore,” You say, trying to leave the room.
“No,” He says, blocking you from leaving.
“No?” You challenge.
“No, I see you’re trying to hate me. I see the cogs in your head working at a thousand miles an hour to make me the fucking villain in your story because you can’t stand being happy,” He says, lowering to meet your gaze but you look away. He was right, of course he was right.
You weren’t allowed to be happy. You were a piece of fucking scum at the bottom of his shoe. You didn’t deserve Eddie and his kindness nor his friends. You deserved to be fucking miserable just like your mother. You were worthless, just a stain on Eddie’s history so you had to leave. You needed to leave him before you held him back.
Corroded Coffin was already starting to gain traction, they were garnering more fans than they knew how to handle. You saw the groupies hanging from Eddie’s side, how could they not? He was gorgeous. You had tried to break up with him before but he convinced you to stay just like he was now.
“Eddie, just– stop it. I know you cheated on me okay!” You finally yell.
“W-what?” He asks, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
“Oh don’t fucking pretend with me. I knew this would happen, I told you we should've broken up. Y-you fucking promised me, Eddie! You promised you’d be faithful,” You say, voice cracking as you begin to cry, finger pressing into his chest.
“I-it was a mistake. I was drunk, I thought it was you!” He tries to defend himself but the damage has been done.
“You broke your promise, y-you fucking lied to me. You had Gareth, my best fucking friend lie to me for months. You destroyed us, you destroyed my friendship with him, and most importantly you destroyed me. We’re done, done for good,” You say pushing past him.
“You can leave, try all you want but I’m on your mind. Despite what you say you’re still holding onto me. I know you’ll come crawling back,” He whispers, it almost sounds like a threat.
“How are you so sure? You’re the one that fucked up, I fucking tried to be supportive. I-I am so fucking tired,” You say, grabbing the handle.
“I know you think you can shake me. I’m wishing you luck, tell me how it goes but kicking is hard when you need a fix. You’ll try to find another schmuck, someone the opposite of me. A goody two shoes who brings you home on time and takes you on ‘romantic’ dates but it’ll never be enough. I know you, I know who you are. Isn’t that why we’ve been together for so long? You’ll try to pretend like he fulfills you, like he’s enough for you but deep down you’ll know he’s not. He’ll never make you feel like I do…did,” He says, taking short steps toward you.
“But at least it’ll be my fucking choice,” You say, voice level as you’ve made your decision. You couldn’t stay with him. You had to explore the world without him and let him soar. You turn the knob, refusing to look back as he yells your name. The tears spill from your eyes with every step, the refuse to stop as you sit in your car, Eddie banging on your window. You sob the entire way home, you’ll miss his eyes. They shone like a thousand little stars plucked from the sky just for him. You were done, you finally let him go.
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