#seal team rick
vexaris · 4 months
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D-99 appreciation post. i adore him.
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d33pwithinmys0ul · 3 months
it’s finally finished dammit. sorry i take forever to write shit (fic masterpost and announcement coming soon)
per request: seal team rick D99 & Headband Rick smut x reader, two chapters & complete
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oso-nan · 2 years
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rick sanchez drawing requests for my sweet cheese friend nara
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starrbitez · 5 months
Guys i just noticed a rick sacrificing hammer morty in s3e1… and using him was a weapon im so sad ://
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
drunk on you (part one) || Rick Grimes (TWD) × gn!reader (no apocalypse!AU)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
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Summary: You'd known Rick forever, as far back as freshman year. He was a guy you (if you were honest) had a crush on; there was just something in his stance and the low drawl of his voice. You'd say that feeling only got worse from there. Before you could blink, he was married and had a kid; and suddenly, despite your best efforts, you felt very out of place. You faded out of his life, and he yours. So when Rick shows up at your door (drunk out of his mind) about 5 years after the last time you spoke to him, you have a lot of questions.
TWs: mentioned infidelity (Shane and Lori), strained relationships, loss of friendship, mentioned pregnancy (Judith), divorce, alcohol, mention of gunshot wounds, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: y'all remember when he was drunk that one time? this is built off of that. also no apocalypse, just normal life. Enjoy :))]]
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A long time ago, you met Rick Grimes.
He wasn't the kind of teen that was awkward, like maybe his arms were too long for his body -no. Rick Grimes was broad-shouldered and built like he was on the football team -even though you weren't exactly sure he was. Shane Walsh, his best friend, was the same -both unbelievably picturesque. You were a human then, so you'd had a thing for Rick, but then again, every single person in that school did.
And one day, he approached you with a grin, "Apparently you're really good at this?"
You tutored him, and your friendship just spiraled from there. The two of them became a trio, and despite insistent Shane's flirting (not that he meant any of it), your heart stayed consistent.
Even throughout college (or the police academy for them), they would come onto your campus for lunch -always stealing bits and pieces of yours. You could clearly remember meeting Rick's eyes over the table and your heart flipping in your chest; before he could notice though, you'd flick a piece of your lunch at him. He'd laugh then, and you'd move on.
They were there with you through life, boyfriends (who they often threatened to 'take care of'), heartbreaks, and failures.
You weren't there when he met Lori, but you were there when he introduced her to the group. She was picturesque beauty, just like him and Shane were picturesque handsome -they suited each other really well.
That day, you'd been strained and Shane could tell -he kicked up the flirting to a hundred, and you spent the whole time pushing him off and cussing him out. You didn't tell him, not verbally, but you knew he knew. And you trusted him not to tell.
Even when they got married, your lips stayed sealed. You were at the wedding actually, it had been a day you couldn't decide on. Half the day you were happy for your friend, and the other half, you felt like your heart had been stomped into the ground. You cried in the bathroom a few times, and Shane hovered close by.
He seemed to understand your pain a little too much, but you never got the courage to ask.
You were still trying, though, and had honestly become friends with Lori but you still felt your grasp on the group loosen. They were leaps ahead of you, both Shane and Rick in stable jobs -making their way up, and Rick and Lori married-
You just weren't there yet. And you didn't know how long it would take. Especially since all you could see in your head about the future was Rick. And that wasn't fair to Lori and you knew that but you couldn't stop-
And then, Lori was pregnant.
That was probably the last straw for you.
It wasn't that you stopped showing up, not really. You still came to the baby shower with cute, little baby booties and a bet on a boy. You even met Carl, and he helped. You could distract yourself with him, and every time you visited, you did just that. Lori and Rick would talk to Shane, and you would be lost in playing with Carl.
You stayed until he was three.
Rick had suddenly got the notion -you always knew he was attentive, but you'd never dreamed of this.
"I can tell somethin' is wrong with ya," he had said, hands sturdily on your arms, "-I'm 'ere if ya need me, you know that, right?"
You stopped being as vocal when you met up -trying to hide it all away, all it did was make Rick watch you more. So, you started leaving early and being busy -working yourself to the bone.
As time passed, naturally, they stopped inviting you. Your life shifted, and you moved out of town for your dream job -a fresh start. None of them knew that, and even though you could've said something, you were eager for a do-over.
Maybe this time you wouldn't fall in love with a married man, you thought to yourself.
And even though it was a joke, it hurt. You weren't sure that it ever wouldn't.
That brings you to now, at your apartment in a different city -eating some food you randomly pulled out of your pantry. It was late, and realistically, you should've been sleeping but the show that was on actually caught your attention. You'd let it slide and probably hate yourself in the morning.
Just as another revelation made its way onto your screen (might've been someone cheating on someone else? you weren't really following), you heard a noise.
You stiffened, raising an eyebrow -what the hell?
Patiently waiting, you heard it again -more incessant.
Knocks, you realize, someone was knocking at your door.
Flashing the time on your phone, 1:06 am, you frowned. There was no way anyone you knew was at your door at this hour; it was probably just some weirdo-
The knock came back and this time it was much louder, a pounding even.
You startled for a minute, before standing and making your way to the door -slowly, and keeping a foot propped against it, just in case. You lived in the city, this could really be anybody.
Instead, when you opened the door, you were met with a familiar face -your neighbor a few doors down. She was an older lady, sweet, but she certainly did not look sweet then.
"Do you know him?"
You hadn't even noticed at first, but her fist was clutching hard against the white t-shirt of someone -you shifted slightly to try and see them better.
And when you did...
"Rick?" You asked with disbelief layered in your tone -this could not be real.
"So, you do," she exhaled, letting him go.
He promptly turned to you, and you could just immediately tell he was wasted. He had that flush on his face, and the gleam in his eye you'd seen before at college parties.
Rick's blue eyes fell on you and he grinned real bright, mumbling out, "Y/N! 'S good to see you. I was lookin' for ya-"
"He's been knocking on every door on this floor for 30 minutes," she all but seethed, "-apparently, I'm the only one who answered."
With a breath, your mind spinning -you grabbed Rick's shoulder and pulled him inside.
"Thank you, Beatrice, really," you smiled, apologeticly, "-I'm so sorry he woke you up."
She waved you off, disappearing down the hall.
At that, you locked the door behind you and spun on your heel -determined to make sure this was real. That Rick Grimes was in your living room.
Sure enough, he stood by your couch -a little wobbly. He actually nearly fell but caught himself on the back of the couch.
"Alright, cowboy," you sighed, rushing over to move him to sit, "-Let's get you settled, yeah?"
Rick was putty in your hands as you pulled him onto the couch -body moving only when you forced it to. He smiled at you, big and beautiful, when you stepped back -and you hate to say it made your heart flutter. It was all coming back now, you needed to focus-
"Where 'ave you been?" He asked, and it was slurred, "-Haven't seen you in forever, ya know?"
"Rick, hey," you sat across from him on the coffee table, "-Why are you here? How do you even know where I live?"
"Shane told me," he hiccups, whole body jolting, "-told me ta come find ya. And I-"
He paused for a second, like he couldn't remember.
"I came to see you," he answered, before flashing another smile. He was always a happy drunk.
"Right," you said -not buying it. Had Shane just ditched him in the city? If so, why were they here?
And why did he ditch him in the first place?
You huffed out a breath and pulled out your phone -darting through your contacts. Your finger hovered over it for a second (just a moment of doubt), and pressed it.
It rang for a few minutes, before just going to voicemail.
Frowning, you scrolled back up, skimming again for a different name: Lori. You hoped she would answer, and she should. Her husband has gone missing, assumedly? Yeah, she should be concerned.
And again, it rang for a few minutes and then went to voicemail. ('Hey, this is Lori. Sorry I'm busy right now, but I'll get back to you.')
You huffed out a breath, what the hell?
You knew it was late, but her husband had just shown up at your door -blackout drunk. Did she even know he was out? Was Shane even the one who brought him here?
Rick leaned forward and you placed a hand to keep him upright instinctively. You pursed your lips, debating on how exactly to handle this.
"Rick?" He perked up at your voice, "-Where are Lori and Carl? Are they close?"
He frowned for a moment, before throwing himself back against the couch -you made sure he stayed sat up, "Carl goes wit' Lori on the weekends."
"Goes?" You questioned, you knew you hadn't been present for five years, but it seemed like his whole life had changed -you didn't dare assume, "Rick, are you and Lori not married anymore?"
"No," he scoffed, almost in defense, "-broke up a long time ago. You didn't kno' 'at?"
You swallowed, some sort of mix of shock and disbelief brewed up your throat: so her drunk ex-husband showed up at your door.
There was something in your chest, a little flame in your heart. You were ridiculous, happy about a divorce between some of your previously close friends? God, you were reaching new lows.
Well, wasn't like you could do anything else, so you stood up -grabbing a cup from your kitchen and filling it with water. Rick, thankfully, stayed in his spot on the couch -eyes following you as you walked back over to him.
"You're pretty," he slurred, "-always thought 'at, never said it."
Your heart jumped in your throat, focus, Y/N. He's drunk.
You shook your head, and found your place on the coffee table again, holding out the cup. When his hand extended, he wobbled a bit more and you let out a long sigh.
"Okay, fine," you muttered, scooting closer, "-open up."
He was still surprisingly obedient, sipping the water as you held it to his lips. His eyes, though, stayed focused on you -blue eyes barely blinking. It made you want to fidget in your seat, but you decidedly ignored it. Focus, focus.
With half the glass gone, you were satisfied. Pulling the cup back and sitting it beside you, his eyes did not waver -you were starting to get a little flustered now. Standing to go get a blanket and container (for any... accidents), you were stalled in place.
His fingers wrapped around your wrist -calloused and long, your brain short circuited a bit.
"Rick, why-"
"Even prettier now," he laughed out, grinning, "-thought ya was pretty th'n, but you're even prettier now! How did ya do 'at?"
Swallowing the skip of your heart, you pulled your hand out of his grasp and continued your walk. Shaking out your hands and exhaling a big breath, you stepped out of the closet with the goods and back toward the couch.
"Look," you started, shaking the container in your hand, "-this is where you throw up, okay? Not on my floor."
"Aye, aye," he grinned.
You rolled your eyes, but something you had missed him -even just as a friend. You'd lost him as a friend too, and that probably hurt more than anything. He was your rock and then, he was gone.
Blinking back the fog of your eyes, you set him up in the recliner -pulling his feet up and throwing the blanket over him. It was your extra one, a soft throw blanket, and wasn't long enough to cover his feet. Which, now that you noticed still had his shoes on them.
You let out another long sigh, before beginning to untie the laces.
"Shane told me 'at ya loved me," he said suddenly as if it was a realization and you stilled where you sat. Your breath stuttering in your chest, you focused on the laces for a moment.
"Why did he tell you that?"
Rick sighed, tilting his chin up to look at the ceiling, "Asked 'im 'bout ya, why ya left. If he knew anythin'."
You flinched, something in your chest sinking. He would've been sober then, that wasn't something you just brought up drunk. But, why were they even talking about you? Did they still do that? After all these years?
Feeling guilty, you stayed silent.
Rick didn't say anything else, oddly quiet, and when you looked up, you saw him fast asleep. Eyes fallen shut and head tilted all the way to the left, he looked like quite the picture. You laughed, a tiny one just to yourself.
Maybe, if he woke up and left tomorrow without saying a word -this visual could hold you over for a while. It reminded you of when you guys were the closest, before you started... drifting away.
You swallowed, tears burning the backs of your eyes -not letting them fall. You'd cried over this too many times.
Taking a deep breath in and one last look at Rick, you disappeared to your room. The comfort and familiarity of it made you feel a lot better, but if you focused you could hear the gentle hum of Rick's breathing. A reminder that he was there, that this wasn't all some bizarre dream.
Changing into pajamas, your eyes flickered over some old photos up on your walls -your friends, all smiling and happy. You, Rick, and Shane -sometimes even Lori. It was filled with other things like your diploma and degree, family photos, little souvenirs, and just pictures you'd taken of places you'd been.
Rick looked the same as then, just a little more built. A little sturdier, and more confident in himself; kind of like he knew his place or had found it.
He didn't need you.
You shook the thought from your head and headed to bed -flicking out the lamp on your nightstand and forcing everything within you to sleep.
Waking up the next morning, you realized you forgot to get the Tylenol out for Rick. So with reluctance (it was your day off), you pulled yourself out and dug through your drawers to find it. It was quiet, so you assumed, he was still asleep. You would be if you could've.
Instead, however, when you roamed to your bedroom door -you were stalled still. Rick was up, silently looking at your wall with intense focus. Those pictures were of you, some with new work friends, with your family, with just pretty sights you'd seen; it was all you. He was staring a bit like he was in an art museum and your photos were the most fascinating piece he'd ever seen.
Your heart sped up in your chest.
Clearing your throat, he spun to you and you for a second forgot how to speak because those eyes were very clearly aware -skipping all over you like he couldn't believe you were real. You were a little embarrassed you were in your pajamas, suddenly.
Blinking and clearing your head, you spoke -a little awkwardly, "I got you some medicine to help with the... the headache."
Rick pushed his lips together, almost like he wasn't sure what to do -hands grabbing at each other, and rocking a little on his feet. It was like he wanted to say something or do something, but he just couldn't find the words or maybe the will.
He laughed, a little nervously, "Thanks, I... I'm not sure what to say."
You swallowed, before deciding to say, "You don't have to say anything, I get it. You were stranded, you were drunk out of your mind. I'm glad to help. Really."
"Stranded?" He questioned, and you wordlessly handed him the medicine -hands brushing against his. You ignored it.
"Well, yeah," you said, now a little uncertain, "-I can't imagine your visit was planned. I... You said Shane told you to come here, so I assumed he ditched you somewhere. Because he would, if given the chance."
Rick laughed a little at the private knowledge of your friend but there was something strained there -hidden. You weren't sure if you should ask.
"Look," you exhaled, "-I'm not going to poke and prod. I know I've... missed somethings but that's nobody's fault but mine. So-"
Rick seemed to look at you a type of way then, and your mind chimed that 'he knew'.
"I'm not going to ask you anything," you finished, wringing your hands -keeping them busy, "-you don't... you don't have to tell me anything either. I... Yeah."
"Why not?" He offered, and you could tell somehow he was a little disheartened -it made guilt curl up in your stomach.
"It's been five years," you laughed, incredulously, "-I kind of stopped talking to you, Shane, and Lori without warning."
He seemed to flinch slightly at the names, and you had another worried thought -trying to read him ever-so-slightly, "I didn't reach out to ya either."
"That's not-"
"In fact, I remember we stopped invitin' ya," Rick clarified, stepping closer.
"Only because I wasn't showing up," you countered, "-or I was leaving early, or wasn't really... there."
He hummed a little, and you could tell he was processing it all.
"I just, I'm sorry," you finally said, "-I had a lot going on then, and I felt like... That doesn't matter, I'm just sorry for everything."
Something passed through his eyes then, and you thought maybe it was understanding. He knew of your... thing, and he wasn't stupid. You knew he could connect the dots, you just hoped he wouldn't say anything about them. You couldn't handle that.
"It matters," he responded, slowly, "-Ya know, I tried... I tried to see you after we stopped invitin' ya, and your place was up for rent. Door was locked, but I asked the neighbors and they said you'd been gone for months."
You didn't think that he would come looking for you, any of them really. Your paths in life had just diverted and you thought it was a clean break, but... it wasn't. Rick was worrying about you through it all.
Before you could voice anything more, he continued, "They didn't even know where ya went."
I looked for you went unsaid. Your stomach tossed with guilt, a heavy feeling in your gut. It was for the best, but he didn't quite know that.
Well, he did actually. He knew exactly why you had disappeared, so why was he talking about this? Did he want to... Did he want to hear it from you? Confirm it?
Did he not believe it?
You sighed, clearing your throat, "I just needed a fresh start. I was... I was struggling there, and needed someplace new."
"Why didn't ya talk to me?"
God, you were getting into this now. You really, really did not want to. Maybe you could just-
"I would've," he started, slow, and something in him read as guilty, "-I would've done what I could to help."
"Rick," you exhaled, "-I know that. But what was happening then... couldn't be helped. It was something I had to navigate on my own."
"Look, Rick," you cleared your throat, "-that was a long time ago, and I feel like all we're doing is dredging up old feelings. That I really..."
You trailed off, eyes getting foggy, before centering yourself and clearing your throat, "Just know, I had a reason, a good reason to leave you guys. I maybe didn't do it right, but I did it how I had to."
Rick was looking at you like you were a shining gem, precious; like the world was a storm and he wanted to shelter you, protect you from it. You weren't sure how to process that, so you just decided not to then.
He seemed to pause for a moment, before asking, gently, "What exactly did I tell ya last night?"
"Only a little," you clarified, "-uh, Shane told you to come here, and that you and Lori... um, aren't together anymore."
"Nothing else?"
You sighed, voice catching in your throat, "I really don't want to do this, Rick."
"Do what?" He asked, brow quirked.
"I've already-" you clenched your fingernails into your palms, "Okay, I know what Shane said to you. You told me last night, okay? We don't have to talk about it."
"I want to," he spoke, stepping closer.
You groaned, "Why? Why does it matter?"
"I just want to know-"
"If it's true?" You interrupted, before letting out a long intake of breath, voice shaking -no time better than now, "-Because if that's what you want to know, I can answer it. Yes. Yes, it's true."
Rick seemed to pause for a moment, something smoothing through his eyes.
"I left because of it," you clarified, as well, answering all the questions he could ask, "-and I wasn't... I wasn't ever going to tell you."
The silence was overwhelming then, as you sucked in a breath and kept your eyes trained on the floor. Your heart beating so fast in your chest, it made your head go fuzzy -your legs felt a little weak. You must've wobbled a little, because-
"Woah," he rushed to your side, one hand holding your waist, "-c'mon, let's sit you down, sweetheart."
It was instinctual, the name, and it wasn't like it was the first time you'd heard it from him. But even so, it just confused you. Everything about Rick Grimes calmed you down, but everything about your feelings made you lose it. The balance was strung so tight, you didn't know how to react.
Now, he sat across from you on the coffee table, long legs bumping into your knees -one hand sturdily on your shoulder, trying to meet your eyes. He just wanted to see if you were okay.
"I'm fine," you breathed out -meeting his eyes, "-just. I'm fine."
Rick nodded, and hesitantly pulled his hand back -you could still feel the warmth sprouted there. It made your head swirl, and part of you wanted to scream your lungs out; you can't still feel it now, that's not fair.
"Can I tell ya something?"
"What is..." you pursued, "-something?"
"A story," he clarified, hands fidgeting, "-I told you 'bout me and Lori, I want to be more specific."
"Rick, you don't have to-"
He laid a hand on your knee, ever so slightly touching -it cut the words from your lips, "I want to."
You didn't say a word.
"Few years, after you left," he started, "-I got hurt on the job. Ended up in pursuit unprepared, and the guy got my shoulder."
His hand seemed to move to the shoulder on instinct, though the scar was hidden under the shirt. You wondered for a moment what it would look like, before washing the idea of his skin out of your brain.
"Shane still your partner? Or-" you rambled a little, "-I know you guys planned it like that."
"Yeah," he smiled, "-Shane was there, kept me awake. But I... I ended up in the hospital for about a year. Half in a coma, and the other half making sure I wouldn't go back into one-"
"Jesus Christ," you muttered out, instinctually.
"And that last day," he started, something in his voice tightening, and on instinct, your hand shot to his leg -comforting. His eyes lingered on it a bit too long, before he slowly placed his palm on top of your skin and gently flipped your hand over. Calloused fingertips wrapped around your hand, and suddenly, they were intertwined -out of his own volition.
You swallowed back the flutter of butterflies in your stomach, you're just comforting him, focus.
"Lori was pregnant," Rick sighed out, big and long -something in him hurt, but something far bigger past it. You could tell, he had processed a lot of this.
"But you were-"
Rick just looked at you then, thumb rhythmically rubbing the skin on the back of your hand.
"Shane...?" You offered slowly, carefully.
He exhaled, shakily, and you squeezed his palm -his eyes lingering on it far too long again, "They'd been together for a while. Didn't tell me how long, but I could guess."
You frowned.
"I felt so... so betrayed, and alone-" he started, and there was something heavy in his voice then, "-all I could think about was you."
"Rick," you nearly cooed.
"If," he swallowed, looking up to stop the tears from coming out (you had the thought they weren't for the infidelity, not anymore), "-If you felt like this, and 'at's why you left. I just felt so..."
"That's not fair to yourself," you explained, "-you were going through something so different. I-"
"Was I?" He offered, "-Really? 'Cause I think it was the same sort of feelin'-"
"No, no," you responded, "-very different, Rick. You... You hadn't been kicked out of your own will, I... I was. I can't imagine what you went through."
"You kinda can," he hummed out, and you got the impression he was talking about your feelings. Sure, you'd been heartbroken for years but that was nothing compared to the betrayal he'd experienced.
"Rick, we never-" you cleared your throat before starting again, "-I never said anything. There was nothing built up like you were with Lori, the walls didn't crumble. It was just... me."
He seemed like he wanted to say something in particular to you then, but he seemed to swipe it out of his head. Like maybe he was waiting.
"They're gettin' married," he exhaled, and your heart froze, "-'s why I was 'ere. Shane's bachelor party."
"Jesus Christ, Rick, what the hell-"
"Don't worry 'bout me," he looked at you, straight in the eyes, "-I'm past it, really. Just... brings up a lot."
"I know, but still-" you hissed out, a little frustrated, "-maybe I can show up uninvited and spill wine on her dress. Ooh, or stomp on Shane's toes-"
Rick laughed then, and you felt something in your gut warm at the noise, even more, when you saw the smile slip across his lips. There was something in his eyes that was twinkling and warm, you couldn't quite name it but had seen it before.
"Shane told me a few years back," he suddenly spoke, eyes focused on you -you wanted to squirm a little in your seat.
"Told you what? About him and Lori?"
"No, that you..." he clarified, words stuttering to a stop. Something in your gut snapped, and words just started coming out.
"Look, Rick," you echoed, a little distantly, but meaning all the same, "-you don't have to pity me. I know it's been a long fucking time, since we were kids, but-"
His face seemed to slow, something in his mind, "Since we were kids?"
"Forget that I said that," you cleared your throat, mind running a mile a minute and feeling the fluster crawl up your throat (you tried to pull away your hand but he kept it tight), "-please. This is embarrassing enough."
"It's not," he spoke, comforting, "-don't be embarrassed. I'm just... I'm shocked. I never knew 'at... as far as high school?"
You sighed, succumbing, "Before I even met you. I was a member of the school population, about 80 percent of those people were into you so-"
"Yeah, sure," he hummed, a little in disbelief, "-but you?"
You didn't know exactly what that meant or what to say to that. It almost seemed like he was saying that you were leagues above him which was... unbelievable to say the least.
"I didn't know you were an option," he mumbled out, "-at all. I thought..."
"You really can't be this surprised."
"I am!" He offered in response, and you absent-mindedly noticed that he was still holding your hand. You tugged at it but he still didn't let up.
"There were other tutors, ya know," Rick mumbled out, slow and in a barely-there whisper.
"Of course," you laughed, "-it's high school."
"I didn't," he started, fidgeting with your hand, grip still solid but he was playing with your fingers, "-I didn't actually need the tutoring."
"Why would you-"
"'Thought ya were cute," he offered, and you swallowed heavily -trying again to pull your hand away. Focus. What could you even focus on anymore?
"Rick, don't-" your voice shook, and you pulled your hand back finally, "-don't do that."
"Do what?" He questioned, big blue eyes and your stomach was twisted in knots. You couldn't do this, not now.
"There's no," you echoed out, standing up and taking steps away from him, "-there was no us, and it's been five years. You don't even know me anymore."
"I want to," he stood, matching your eyes -something in him nearly pleading, "-I really want to."
You took a shaky breath in, taking some more steps back, "Rick, your mind is not clear. Your ex-wife is marrying the man she had an affair with, you are just lonely. And I will not be wanted because... because you just want to feel loved."
"I'm not," he breathed, desperately like the oxygen was being sucked out of his lungs, "-Y/N, I'm not-"
"I won't," you repeated, your eyes getting foggy and voice shaky, "-I won't, Rick. That's not fair."
"Look at me, sweetheart," he was soft and gentle, stepping forward and tilting your face up with his hands, "-I'm not."
"I've had years to... to process me and Lori," he explained, slow and patient, "-and a few months after 'at Shane told me. I've had years to... to process you."
"I don't-" you exhaled.
"'S all new to me, but-" He dropped his hands to yours -wrapping his around them, "-I know I feel somethin'. Felt somethin' even then, I just didn't... know it."
"Rick, please," you hummed out, "-I can't do this. I really can't. It's been years-"
"I came lookin' for ya for a reason," he continued, moving his head to match your eyes, "-Shane didn't just drop me off. I got drunk for courage, and I don't think either of us knew just how much."
"You were here for me? I thought you said-"
"'Is bachelor party was a few cities over," he explained, "-Shane recognized the city name, and we got a cab."
"That is so stupid," you chastised, "-is Shane still out there? You guys could've-"
"He called Lori," he quickly interrupted, trying to soothe you, "-Think she picked 'im up."
"You think?"
"No, okay, she did," he reassured, his hands coming to rest on your arms, "-I know I wouldn't 'ave left if she didn't."
"Good," your breaths slowed, "-okay."
"Y/N," he started again, and you just couldn't.
"No, don't-" you began, but then you looked at him. Really looked at him. He was looking at you so carefully, like if he said a wrong word, you'd disappear. Or maybe like he could hardly believe you were standing in front of him.
Maybe he really-
You pursed your lips, letting out a long sigh, "Okay, look. I'll make you a deal."
Rick raised an eyebrow but still seemed so very eager. Excited even, you bit back a smile.
"When's the wedding?" You asked, gears turning in your head.
"A few months from now," he answered, and you could tell he was a little confused -the furrow of his brow and quirk of his lip. He was still so much the same.
"If you," you held his hands between the two of you, "-if you still feel the same then, we'll talk."
"'At's-" he opened his mouth.
"Your best friend and ex-wife are getting married, Rick," you reiterated, "-you do not have a clear mind, I can't believe it. But if you, by some miraculous reason, do, your feelings shouldn't change."
He pursed his lips, something shadowing over his face, sighing, "Okay."
"Don't make that face," you groaned, "-what I'm saying is completely sensible."
"It is," he agreed before his features fell into something else, "-just didn't wanna wait anymore, I guess."
"You're not going to guilt me, Grimes."
His eyes twinkled -mischievously, settling into a blinding smile and throwing your hands down in defeat, "'S worth a try."
"Plus," you added, "-we can catch up on what we missed. Might be nice."
"Ya don't 'ave to convince me anymore," he laughed, "-I'm doin' it."
You smiled at that, and his only got brighter because of it. You schooled your racing heart back into place.
"Friends?" You offered your hand for a shake -expectantly.
He smiled then, it reached his eyes and was all crinkly, "Friends."
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starshapedspider · 4 months
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twirls hair hi seal team rick
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Ask List, Rules & Updates - PLEASE READ!
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Please do not solicit me to read your work by tagging me or sending it to me unless I have asked you to.
The Schedule - See what's coming up this month!
Works In Progress - A visual up to date list of what I'm working on currently and their status.
Luna Creative Academy
Prompt Lists:
Character Tag List:
I have updated my ask list below so please only pick from the characters below if you want to submit.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
Fandoms & Chars I write for:
The Bear:
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto
Michael "Mikey" Berzatto 
Richie Jerimovich
Blue Bloods:
Jamie Reagan
Joe Hill
Chicago Fire:
Jeff Clarke
Sam Carver
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes
James Lanik
Crockett Marcel
Sam Abrams
Mitch Ripley
Dean Archer
Sean Archer
Cobra Kai:
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Terry Silver
Criminal Minds:
Luke Alvez
Will LaMontagne
CSI Vegas:
Trey Cahill
Josh Folsom
Jubal Valentine
O.A Zidan
Stuart Scola
FBI: Most Wanted:
Remy Scott
Clinton Skye
Fire Country:
Bode Leone
Luke Leone
Manny Perez
Vince Leone
Dwight Hendrickson
Duke Crocker
Nathan Wuornos
Hawaii Five-O:
Danny 'Danno' Williams
Adam Noshimuri
Hudson & Rex:
Charlie Hudson
Mic Brumby
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
AJ Chegwidden
Law & Order:
Nolan Price
Nicholas Baxter
Jalen Shaw
Vince Riley
Cyrus Lupo
Michael Cutter
Ed Green
Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Toronto:
Henry Graff
Law & Order SVU:
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Magnum PI:
Rick Wright
Thomas Magnum
Mayans MC:
Bishop Losa
Taza Romero
Micheal 'Riz' Ariza
Nestor Oceteva
EZ Reyes
Neron 'Creeper' Vargas
Mayor of Kingstown:
Mike McLusky
Robert Sawyer
Frank Castle
The Mentalist:
Kimball Cho
Marcus Pike
Alden Parker
Nick Torres
Gage Winchester
Jimmy Palmer
Vostanik Sabatino
Arlo Turk
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Marty Deeks
AJ Chegwidden
NCIS: New Orleans
Dwayne Pride
Douglas Hamilton
Chris LaSalle
Sebastian Lund
NCIS Sydney:
JD Dempsey
De Shawn Jackson
Michelle Mackey
Ian Egerton
Don Eppes
Carlton Lassiter
Red Dead Redemption 2:
Arthur Morgan
The Rookie:
John Nolan
Wade Grey
Ejiah Vestri
Ryan Caradine
Aaron Thorsen
The Rookie Feds:
Matt Garza
Brendon Acres
SEAL Team:
Sonny Quinn
Brock Reynolds
Trent Sawyer
Eric Blackburn
Silent Witness:
Jack Hodgson
Juan 'Juice' Ortiz
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Alexander 'Tig' Trager
David Hale
Dean Winchester
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent
Top Gun Maverick:
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson 
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Tulsa King:
Mitch Keller
Dwight Manfredi
Tyler Owens
White Collar:
Matt Keller
Will Trent:
Will Trent
Jamie Dutton
Kayce Dutton
Lee Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Travis Wheatley
Feel free to send me prompts if you see anything you like with one of the characters.
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sadiecoocoo · 10 months
Rick & Morty fanfiction - SEAL Shenanigans
Relationships - Rick Sanchez & Morty Smith, Morty Smith/Evil Morty, Morty Smith & Summer Smith
Characters - Morty Smith, Rick Sanchez, Evil Morty, Other Ricks, Other Mortys, SEAL team Ricks, (mentioned) Summer Smith, (mentioned) Beth Smith, (mentioned) Jerry Smith
Warnings & tags - graphic depictions of violence, depressed morty smith, morty smith needs a hug, hurt morty smith, grandpa Rick Sanchez, Episode: s05e10 Rickmurai Jack, sort of, protective Rick Sanchez, jealous Rick Sanchez, no incest, platonic relationships, whump, no beta we die like Prime, out of character, but not horribly so, tags are hard, tags may change, suicide attempt
Summary - Rick abandoned Morty for two pea-brained birds. How is the 14-year-old supposed to cope? He chooses to go to the citadel and join the SEAL team to get his anger out on monsters and gromflomites. He's learned the lay of the land fairly well, but things get confusing when a mysterious, yet somehow familiar, Rick shows up and starts being nice to him.
He's seen countless Ricks not give a shit about whatever Morty they happen to use as a human shield for bullets and blades, so why is this Rick different?
(inspired by RustyChainSnorter's fic, Weird Rick. I highly suggest you go check it out!)
Chapters - 12/?
Current word count - 48,981
Link -
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glitteringcrab · 9 months
Evil Morty's ending
The main reason I wanted the Freaky Mortys Theory to be true is that it could be the start of Evil Morty's healing. Like, if he thought that it is, after all, possible for a Morty to be loved and cared for, and it's just a matter of circumstance if THIS or THAT version of Morty who gets to live in a loving family, and all Mortys are the same, and why should it not be Evil Morty the one who gets to have a happy family life...
...well, then that could have kickstarted his own healing process (after a lot of ups and downs) and led him to find true peace eventually, to be trully understood and appreciated at some point in the future. By surrounding himself with people who loved "him", he could begin getting the help he needs.
Now, that it is apparent that Evil Morty is still all alone in the edges of the universe, doing nothing but adding shield after shield separating himself from everyone else...
there's... there's no one who can help him.
Rick C-137 would be promptly attacked if he approached, because Evil Morty would immediately assume (not unreasonably) he does not have good intentions. Not to mention he is unable to take care not only of his own mental health, but of Morty Prime's. The best things he can offer Evil Morty are respect, understanding and pity, but Evil Morty could NEVER be adequately loved by Rick C-137. Morty Prime would always be the priority. If Rick C-137 ever caught whiff that Evil Morty had been abducted and needed help, would he REALLY attempt a rescue or would he seize the chance to kill Evil Morty to remove the Omega Device threat (like the SEAL Ricks team did)? And if he DID attempt a rescue, it would be out of pity or desire for them to be "even" since Evil Morty allowed him to kill his nemesis. Is this really enough?
Morty Prime might NOT get promptly attacked if HE approached (and if the Freaky Mortys - Unmorticken Edition Theory is true he might have some residual buried memory of Evil Morty's base and therefore theoretically able to teleport himself there). I also think that Evil Morty's offer for him to join him in escaping the Curve was genuine... but Morty Prime can barely take care of HIMSELF. He shouldn't be RICK'S morality pet, nor responsible for Rick's mental well-being, let alone another, even more traumatized Morty's well-being!!! I mean, even if genuine, Evil Morty's offer at escaping together was little better than pointing a gun at Morty Prime's head and saying "you can join me if you like". Evil Morty's best, most genuine attempt at vulnerability was basically coersion under threat of death (and it STILL backfired, OUCH. Talk about unwanted) although Evil Morty might not have done this deliberately. Imagine if Morty Prime had joined him; that would NOT have been a healthy relationship for Morty Prime. No, Evil Morty needs an emotionally mature ADULT. Someone who knows AND understands what he's been through and is willing to stand by his side AND who is able to put up the necessary boundaries that Evil Morty might otherwise consciously or unconsiously trample.
Beths... I do not think they have the neccessary emotional maturity. The domestic one does love her family, but would definitely put her "real" son's health and safety first. The space one seems unwilling to parent anymore and even if she took him with her in her rebel base, I think Evil Morty would believe that she wants him for his tech and intellect and not out of any genuine appreciation.
Jerry is really nice and I think he would be a positive influence, but... I'm not sure he could keep up with Evil Morty. I mean sure, he can, like, cook for him, take him for ice-cream, play videogames with him, listen to him rant, give hugs freely... but would he really be able to understand what was going on in the Citadel, or not be nervous about the fact that this version of his son is capable of killing him at a whim? If they got attacked, Evil Morty would be the one to protect Jerry and not the other way round. Not to mention Jerry already has his own life and family.
Summer is only a teenager, NOPE.
Then... who remains? Doofus Rick? Birdperson? Dr. Wong? These are all capable, mature adults who also all have a life of their own and little connection to everything that goes on. Letting one of them take upon this burden honestly feels cheap.
This is Rick's mess really, Rick should be the one to clean it up. Rick is the only one who could keep up with Evil Morty without needing anything from him, the only one who could both protect and respect him... But Rick fails to do all that with the version of his grandson that he loves. How could he possibly do this with Evil Morty?
And this all becomes more relevant now that we know for sure that Morty's maxed intelligence and charisma stats that we saw in the atribute slider (that would definitely fit Evil Morty) are Morty Prime's default stats. This means (among many things) that there's nothing special about Evil Morty. He's not more intelligent. He's not more capable. He is not, as Rick Prime put it, "an evil Morty; a clever one". He's a regular Morty.
Our Morty could be the one building forcefield shields to protect himself from getting shot, our Morty could be the one torturing other Mortys, our Morty could be the one exploding the Citadel in his way out in a desperate bid to escape.
Likewise at some point in the past Evil Morty would also have cried had he been abandoned all alone in the cronenberged remains of his home. He has the exact same emotional needs as Morty Prime does...
...only his remained extremely unfullfilled.
I can't see a way out.
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imaginationiskeyy · 2 years
I thought some of you may enjoy my list of Father/sons and bromances whether it be by blood or not so I thought I’d share some of my favs! :D (Please feel free to add to it)
All shows are in alphabetical order.
🎥 = Movie 📚 = Book 📺 = TV series
Father and son
Shawn Davis and Vic Davis (The 2nd 🎥)
Christopher Diaz and Eddie Diaz (911 📺)
Harry Grant and Michael Grant (911 📺)
Judd Ryder and Stuart Ryder (911 Lone Star 📺)
TK Strand and Owen Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Bill Standall (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Jack McClane and John McClane (A Good Day to Die Hard 🎥)
Lee Adama and Bill Adama (Battlestar Galactica 📺)
Jamie, Danny and Frank Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Chris Halliwell and Leo Wyatt (Charmed 📺)
Josh, Brody & Bruce Murakami (Crossroads a Story to Forgiveness 🎥)
Scott Norris and Mike Norris (Crush 🎥)
Kyle Harmon and Horatio Caine (CSI Miami 📺)
Pacey Witter and John Witter (Dawson’s Creek 📺)
Jason Dixon and Mike Dixon (Disconnect 🎥)
Bradley Branning and Max Branning (Eastenders 📺)
Ben Mitchell and Phil Mitchell (Eastenders 📺)
Ephram Brown and Andrew Brown (Everwood 📺)
Bode Donovan and Vince Leone (Fire Country 📺)
Hal, Ben, Matt and Tom Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Peter Bishop and Walter Bishop (Fringe 📺)
Indiana Jones and Henry Jones, Sr. (Indiana Jones 🎥)
Tom Garvey and Kevin Garvey (The Leftovers 📺)
Sam Monroe and George Monroe (Life as a House 🎥)
Nathaniel Bazile and Jack Bazile (Life Unexpected 📺)
Ryan Mitchell and Captain Mitchell (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue📺)
Shawn Spencer and Henry Spencer (Psych 📺)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow Sr. (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Max Kenton and Charlie Kenton (Real Steel 🎥)
Jughead Jones and FP Jones (Riverdale 📺)
Duval Pritchard and Jimmy Pritchard (Second Chance 📺)
Clark Kent and Jonathan Kent (Smallville 📺)
Finn Scott and Damien Scott (Strike Back 📺)
Jonathan, Jordon and Clark Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean, Sam and John Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Stiles Stilinski and Noah Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Josh Shannon and Jim Shannon (Terra Nova 📺)
Kevin, Randall and Jack Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Stephen Jameson and Roger Price (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Cordell, Liam and Bonham Walker (Walker 📺)
August Walker and Cordell Walker (Walker 📺)
Carl Grimes and Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead 📺)
Like father and son
Evan Buckley and Bobby Nash (911 📺)
Jake Peralta and Captain (Ray) Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Spencer Reid and Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Gil Grissom (CSI 📺)
Sky and Saul Silva (Fate: The Winx Saga 📺)
Bode Donovan and Manny Perez (Fire Country 📺)
Matt Saracen and Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Jess Mariano and Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls 📺)
Harry Potter and Sirius Black (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Joe White (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Peter Parker and Tony Stark (Marvel 🎥)
Timothy McGee and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Leroy Jethro Gibbs (NCIS 📺)
Christopher Lasalle and Dwayne Pride (NCIS New Orleans 📺)
Darius Tanz and Liam Cole (Salvation 📺)
Walter O’Brien and Cabe Gallo (Scorpion 📺)
Jason Hayes and Clay Spenser (SEAL Team 📺)
Sam and Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer (Supernatural 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke (White Collar 📺)
Brax Wolff and Christian Wolff (The Accountant 🎥)
Luke Matthews and Holden Matthews (Beyond 📺)
Jamie Reagan and Danny Reagan (Blue Bloods 📺)
Jared Booth and Seeley Booth (Bones 📺)
Colin, Benedict and Anthony Bridgerton (Bridgerton 📺)   
Wyatt Halliwell and Chris Halliwell (Charmed 📺)
Jay Halstead and Will Halstead (Chicago PD/Med 📺)
Mike Leighton and Angus Leighton (Code Black 📺)
Robert Sugden and Andy Sugden (Emmerdale 📺)
Hal Mason, Ben Mason and Matt Mason (Falling Skies 📺)
Newt Scamander and Theseus Scamander (Fantastic beasts + where to find them 🎥)
Troy Otto and Jake Otto (Fear the Walking Dead 📺)
Tim Riggins and Billy Riggins (Friday Night Lights 📺)
Seth Gecko and Richard Gecko (From Dusk Till Dawn 📺)
Max Lawson and Jake Lawson (Geostorm 🎥)
Brad Land and Brett Land (Goat 🎥)
Peter Petrelli and Nathan Petrelli (Heroes 📺)
Brax, Heath and Casey Braxton (Home and Away 📺)
Gray Mitchell and Zach Mitchell (Jurassic World 🎥)
Amenadiel and Lucifer (Lucifer 📺)
Joey Cassidy and Nick Cassidy (Man on a Ledge 🎥)
Loki Odison and Thor Odison (Marvel 📺+🎥)
Lorenzo de’ Medici and Giuliano de’ Medici (Medici 📺)
Don Eppes and Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs 📺)
Nathan Scott and Lucas Scott (One Tree Hill 📺)
Elijah Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals 📺)
Bailey Salinger and Charlie Salinger (Party of Five 📺)
Beto Acosta and Emilio Acosta (Party of Five [2020] 📺)
Leo Corbett and Mike Corbett (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 📺)
Brody Romero and Levi Weston (Power Rangers Ninja Steel 📺)
Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows (Prison Break 📺)
Thomas Peaceful and Charlie Peaceful (Private Peaceful 📚)
Luke Morrow and Jacob Morrow (Purple Hearts 🎥)
Ronan Lynch and Declan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Sebastian and Francis (Reign 📺)
Lip Gallagher and Ian Gallagher (Shameless US 📺)
Will Byers and Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things 📺)
Jeremiah Fisher and Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty 📚📺)
Jordan Kent and Jonathan Kent (Superman and Lois 📺)
Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester (Supernatural 📺)
Jack Pearson and Nicky Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Kevin Pearson and Randall Pearson (This is Us 📺)
Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan Tracy (Thunderbirds 📺+🎥)
Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Cordell Walker and Liam Walker (Walker 📺)
Jamie and Kayce Dutton (Yellowstone 📺)
Like Brothers
Judd Ryder and TK Strand (911 Lone Star 📺)
Alex Standall and Zach Dempsey (13 Reasons Why 📺)
Oliver Queen and John Diggle (Arrow 📺)
Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn (Arrow 📺)
Matty McKibben and Jake Rosati (Awkward 📺)
Seeley Booth and Lance Sweets (Bones 📺)
Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (Boy Meets World 📺)
Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle (Brooklyn Nine-Nine 📺)
Angel and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel 📺)
Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito (Castle 📺)
Matt Casey and Kelly Severide (Chicago Fire 📺)
Jay Halstead and Greg Gerwitz (Chicago PD 📺)
John Casey and Chuck Bartowski (Chuck 📺)
Angus Leighton and Mario Savetti (Code Black📺)
Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds 📺)
Nick Stokes and Warrick Brown (CSI 📺)
Zeke Pedrad and Four (Divergent 📚)
Ephram Brown and Bright Abbott (Everwood 📺)
Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon (The Flash 📺)
Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing (FRIENDS 📺)
Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan (Greys Anatomy 📺)
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (Harry Potter 🎥+📚)
Steve McGarrett and Chin Ho Kelly (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Steve McGarrett and Lou Grover (Hawaii Five-O 📺)
Caleb Odell and Ty Borden (Heartland 📺)
Colby Thorne and Dean Thompson (Home and Away 📺)
Gregory House and James Wilson (House 📺)
Eliot Spencer and Alec Hardison (Leverage 📺)
Lucifer and Dan Espinoza (Lucifer 📺)
Angus MacGyver and Jack Dalton (MacGyver 📺)
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥+📺)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (Marvel 🎥)
Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson (Marvel 🎥)
Newt and Thomas (The Maze Runner 🎥+📚)
Merlin and Arthur Pendragon (Merlin 📺)
Will Lexington and Gunnar Scott (Nashville 📺)
Tony DiNozzo and Timothy McGee (NCIS 📺)
Sam Hanna and G Callen (NCIS LA 📺)
Nick Miller and Winston Schmidt (New Girl 📺)
Michael Bishop and Seymour Birkhoff (Nikita 📺)
Seth Cohen and Ryan Atwood (The OC 📺)
Prince Charming and Captain Hook (Once Upon a Time 📺)
JJ and John B (Outerbanks 📺)
Daniel Pierce and Max Lewicki (Perception 📺)
Michael Scofield and Fernando Sucre (Prison Break 📺)
Shawn Spencer and Burton (Gus) Guster (Psych 📺)
Richard Gansey and Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle 📚)
Nolan Ross and Aiden Mathis (Revenge 📺)
Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews (Riverdale 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell 📺)
Alex Manes and Kyle Valenti (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Michael Guerin and Max Evans (Roswell New Mexico 📺)
Liam Henstridge and Jasper Frost (The Royals 📺)
Bravo team (SEAL Team 📺)
Clay Spenser and Sonny Quinn (SEAL Team 📺)
Jason Hayes and Ray Perry (SEAL Team 📺)
Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters 📺)
Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (Sherlock 📺)
Jax Teller and Opie Winston (Sons of Anarchy 📺)
Kirk and Bones (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Spock and Kirk (Star Trek 📺+🎥)
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (Star Wars 🎥)
Poe Dameron and Finn (Star Wars 🎥)
Damien Scott and Michael Stonebridge (Strike Back 📺)
Mike Ross and Harvey Specter (Suits 📺)
Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf 📺)
Stephen Jameson and John Young (The Tomorrow People 📺)
Alaric Saltzman and Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries 📺)
Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead 📺)
Neal Caffrey and Mozzie (White Collar 📺)
Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr (X-Men 🎥)
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skippyv20 · 11 months
Do the Seals have to pay at the new gym?
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here again with more questions about this state of the art, new 20,000 sq ft gym being promoted by the Navy SEAL Foundation called Warrior Fitness Program. There are other gyms with that name that charge each person monthly rates. I can’t find out how much Seal participants will have to pay or if they will be covered by the foundation that raises millions on their behalf.They say: On average, NSF currently invests over $1.9M per year in WFP. As we expand the program to the West Coast, we anticipate an increase of over $1M annually to our budget. East Coast attendees cost roughly $12K each. That amount will be around $16K for participants on the West Coast. Hundreds will attend the program annually. Warrior Fitness Program - Navy SEAL Foundation
Their website is filled with advertising products for sale. As a person learning more and more with Mr. Pilgrim, a Marine and Vietnam Vet, finding resources for him now, we know there are many many support programs for our veterans free of charge with in-house teams reaching out to us to hear what is available. Perhaps the facilities are not as new or glamourous, but the programs are not riding on their tired, sick shoulders, using them to make money. To see this foundation’s CEO, willingly team up with the infamous, worldwide notorious Harkle’s, screams some level of desperation. On their own site they say they are rated in the top 100% for foundations, showing lots of charts, fancy logos and numbers. Their slick page presence is not part of the USA Veterans group. This is outside the military and US government it seems to me as there is no US flag shown.
Why aren’t they worried about being Markled? Just Harry and his ILBW’s recent awful antics at other military events has been plastered all over the news. Something is off here…Rick Berman from Charities for Veterans in a recorded interview on their site, reports there are 63 charities using “Wounded Warrior” terminology. Check it out as he pretty much describes the Farchwell method to earn money. Over and out from a dreary Cape Cod.
Thank you for doing the research on this.  Very interesting, and much appreciated dear Pilgrim❤️
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theyellowshirts · 2 months
meet the yellow shirts.
im morty j-678, but my friends call me jay. he/they pronouns. my original rick taught me to play guitar before he and the rest of my family got fucking murdered by another rick. i refused to be assigned to another rick, so i was forced onto the streets. now im rhythm guitar and lead singer for the yellow shirts.
fate. he/him. f835. i was raised by the members of the flesh curtains. we were all on the run from the federation ever since i was little. eventually they caught up to us and imprisoned rick. i tried to rescue him, but when i got there, the citadels seal team had already killed him. i got kicked out of the morty school for being a delinquent, so now im lead guitar for the yellow shirts.
call me marrow. they/them. I'm a clone morty, i don't have an original dimension. i've been passed around from rick to rick. some were decent, some were abusive pieces of shit. eventually I had enough of being with rick, so i ran away from the morty adoption center. now i play bass for the yellow shirts.
i'm v-17ψ, my name is morticia but i go by maia, and i use she/her. when i was six my rick ran off to miami and took me with him. he had me under his thumb for years, right up until he died. i refused to go to the morty school, so they threw me into mortytown. now i drum for the yellow shirts.
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d33pwithinmys0ul · 3 months
Intro & Fic Masterpost!
Hi, my irl name is too unique, so feel free to refer to me as Lyric. I use she/they, I'm 21. I write fanfic mostly, and I'm pretty open to requests/prompts for writing inspo and fanfic trades for other fic or art!
My Jane Austen side blog is @aust3nland
All my fics are attached below, from ao3 and Tumblr.
Rick and Morty (Rick Sanchez x reader)
I Only Have Eyes For U-137 (Part 1 of the U137 series, 50k+ words, complete)
Lovegod U137A (One Ending for the U137 series, incomplete)
Welcome to Feeling U137B (Other Ending for the U137 series, incomplete)
Bunker Fuck (3.8k words, Multi, smut, SEAL team Ricks, complete)
Rickplicity (6.6k words, Multi, smut, complete)
Pondhue’s Rick fic -art trade, complete
Attack on Titan
2 Shingeki 2 Kyojin (Street Racing AU, Jean Kirschtein x Reader X Eren Yeager, incomplete)
Hush (Eren Yeager x Reader smut, 3.2k words, complete)
Public Display of Affection (Stalker Eren Yeager x Anxious Reader modern AU, incomplete)
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rustychainsnorter · 1 year
R&M headcanons and story ideas I plan to write soon.
Adventure of a Morttime: For this story, I want to write about Morty meeting Miami Morty and becoming really good friends with him. Miami Morty enjoys seeing Morty's personality bloom when he comes out of his shell and let's go of his insecurities. However, C-137 Rick keeps butting in to ruin their fun so that he can take Morty on sucky adventures. Miami Morty sees how badly Morty is treated by his Rick, and what does he do? He tells Miami Rick, and of course Miami Rick would do anything to make sure his Morty is happy (Probably drugs C-137 or puts him in a cage). I just want a friendly story of Morty making friends and having fun with another Morty- he deserves it. Maybe the example will open up Rick's eyes.
Untitled: After the central finite curve was destroyed, literally NO EPISODE went over all of the new possibilities universes without Rick could bring. Like, perse, a reality where Morty was the smartest man in the universe? I want to write a story where our Morty ventures into one of these new realities and meets a version of himself that opens his mind to the truth and possibilities of his own life. He let Rick control him his whole life. Why not try to make some decisions for himself for a change? This story would basically just be about Morty growing and moving forward while Rick sulks like a toddler in the background who needs his diaper changed.
The Weird Rick (Prime addition): I already have a fic called "The Weird Rick" where Morty joins the Citadel SEAL Team and gets abused by Ricks' until one day a weird Rick (who is actually C-137) joins the team and protects him. Bbbuuuuttttt, I've been having thoughts, and I've decided that I want to write a different fic with the same concept, but instead of C-137 as the weird Rick, it would be Rick Prime. Morty has no idea.
Rickoletto: In my story "The Broken Star Dies" Morty uses a fortune cookie to erase time and change fate to make it to where his life and Rick's life were happier. It's kind of sad, but it's one of my favorite stories I've ever written. And I wanted to recreate this concept but with Rick. Instead of a fortune cookie, Rick stumbles across a lamp with a genie inside that pressures him to make a wish, and he does so on accident because he doesn't believe it could work. But the wish does happen, time is erased and his life is rewritten to perfection. Rick's memories won't come back until he is seventy and then it's all chaos from there. His biggest concern? Is Morty alright....
And that's all for now. I wanna try to get these written before the new season comes out. Hopefully I can make the time :')
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Do you have any shows with a soldier/veteran?Preferably NOT military shows, but any other shows where one of the characters is/was a soldier.
Like Steve from Hawaii 5-0, Sam from Flashpoint, Jay from Chicago PD.
I’m in the mood for some PTSD, nightmare, panic attack, etc type whump.
Oooh that's a good request. Finding shows that are not focused on the military but have characters who were in the military. I like it. Here are some other good ones:
9-1-1 - Eddie Diaz was an Army medic
Bones - Booth was in the Army
Lethal Weapon - Riggs was a Navy SEAL
NCIS - Gibbs was in the Marines
MacGyver (2016) - both Mac and Jack were in the Army (I still can't believe the reboot took the OG MacGyver who was a pacifist and massively anti-gun and had the reboot version join the military. Crazy.)
BBC Sherlock - Watson was an Army Doctor
The A-Team - all the members are former Army
Leverage - Eliot served in the Army
Magnum P.I. (both the original and the reboot) - Magnum, Rick, and TC all served in the military
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ragingphantom666 · 5 months
DC Dimensions project plan - L.A.W.: Living Assault Weapons (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
King Faraday sends Rick Flag and his new team to investigate a source of strange energy. They are pulled through a tear in the multiverse to an alternate dimension where an ancient druid awoke from his long slumber to rule the world. Now the Living Assault Weapons must stop Blackbriar Thorn before he spreads his roots to other worlds.
Rick Flag - An A.R.G.U.S. operative who is placed as the leader of the Living Assault Weapons.
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan/Ghost-Maker - A vigilante who trained with Bruce Wayne. He is a master of martial arts. He is not opposed to killing criminals.
Ted Carson/Firefly - A supervillain who was put in Belle Reve following his defeat at the hands of Batman. For combat, he is armed with wrist-mounted flamethrower.
Drury Walker/Charaxes - A villain formerly known as Killer Moth. His armor is full of high-tech gadgets.
Mitchell Black/Peacemaker - A veteran who took the mantle of Peacemaker. He wears armor that is full of hidden weapons. Not only is her weapons expert and heavy artillery part of the team, but he is also the brains.
Andre Sinclair/Destroyer - A former Navy SEAL turned terrorist who was defeated by Batman. He is an expert with explosives.
Blackbriar Thorn - An ancient druid with great power over nature.
King Faraday - A British intelligence officer who is currently the acting director of A.R.G.U.S.. He tasked Colonel Rick Flag with reactivating the "Living Assault Weapons" program.
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