#secondary may move up idk
lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
/dsmp /rp
cuddling with dream and the many possibilities, scenarios, and obstacles you may encounter. don't let him read this. a guide by technoblade.
i'm about to blow your minds with how complex this is. i'm a master at my art (sleeping), alright? i'm an experienced craftsman (at sleeping), i perform at my best in all locations (with naps, mostly) (yes, even in the obsidian box), and i'm very good at cuddling. i'm practically built for it. i would never, ever think about writing a guide about how to cuddle with philza minecraft (or anyone else, really), but this squirmy little guy is different.
-the best approach is the Sudden Drop. walk over to him, no matter what he's doin, and just drop onto him and stay there. spare no body weight. he'll probably think it's a bit funny, and that's why it's the best one. he's more likely to humor something if it's a good bit, and having a giant piglin treat you like a sofa cushion is a GREAT bit. he'll laugh.
-(the second best approach is when he's upset or panicking or crying, and you can see him grabbing onto himself. normally that means... idk, that he wants held? Or he wants to hold something? i'll sit down, slowly, and wrap 'im up. he'll latch onto me. hard. fingers twisting my fur-- the whole nine yards)
-otherwise, he's shy with his hands. a few times now, i've grabbed his hands and put them somewhere on me because he was just, like, hovering them awkwardly. like, cmon, man. i'm laying my whole body on you, what part of your hands do you think is gonna bother me.
-but, come to think of it, sometimes he's afraid of my hands, too. if i move them in the middle of the night. if i lay them somewhere sensitive, like his sides or the small of his back.
-another scenario: he might approach me, too. i thought it'd never happen. you know that feeling with the stray dog is finally close enough to sniff your hand and you stay super still so you don't scare it? That's how i felt. he normally just walks over and leans on my shoulder, and i still can't tell if that's all he wants or if he's asking me for a better cuddle. more experimentation is needed here.
-location is key! in all scenarios, near the wall is best. i think of myself as a secondary wall and kinda close him in- if sam were lookin', he'd only see me.
-(he's so little. he's SO little. was he always this thin? i'm gonna crush the kid.)
-expect the unexpected. sometimes he'll hit you. sometimes he'll start to cry, and sometimes that means you need to let him go, and sometimes that means you need to hold tighter. it's complicated. but everyone needs it, especially dudes bein tortured in a box, so it's worth the effort.
-(sometimes i need it, too. i'll admit it, i'm scared.)
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roxxie-wolf · 4 months
𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒪𝓇𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓈 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒
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Pairing: Human!Alastor x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your parents want you to marry someone of their choice, but you already have eyes on someone else. Will you follow what your parents think is best for you or will you go with what your heart desires.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: human!alastor x fem!reader, slow burn, this story may contain mature sexual content. Your in your late 20's, Alastor is in his early 30's, you still live with your parents idk. If I forgot anything else please let me know.
Note: Sorry for not posting last week. I have been very busy lately but I’ll try my best to keep up. Next Chapter and Previous Chapter will now be at the bottom of each chapter. Hope y’all enjoy this one^^
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟫
The early morning light filtered through your curtains, casting a soft glow across the room as you stood there, emotions swirled within you like leaves caught in a gentle breeze. A week had passed since your last encounter with Alastor. The absence of his presence was a silent echo in your heart. *He knew where you lived; why hadn’t he come by?* The memory of his smile, the warmth of his touch—it all felt like a fragile dream now. But today was different. Today, you were preparing to visit Cindy’s house, a task that brought a familiar sense of frustration.
Meeting yet another suitor, James, was not something you looked forward to. The very thought of it made you feel like you were being paraded in a market, your feelings and desires secondary to the transaction at hand. You couldn't help but wonder if your mother only saw you as a piece to be moved in the grand chessboard of societal expectations.
As she adjusted the fabric of your dress, her hands were gentle, but her presence was a reminder of the expectations placed upon you. Your reflection in the mirror showed a figure of elegance and grace, yet your mind was miles away, lost in the memory of Alastor's kiss.
"Alright, you look beautiful, sweetheart," your mother's voice brought you back to the present, her tone filled with pride and affection.
"Thanks, mom," managing a smile as you met your own gaze in the mirror. You took in the sight of yourself, dressed up for someone else, while your heart ached for Alastor. The longing was a silent whisper, a contrast to the outward image of readiness.
Today, you would meet James, but your soul was already entwined with another. As you followed your mother downstairs, each step felt like a small betrayal to the love that had begun to bloom within you. Yet, you knew that no matter the outcome of today's meeting, Alastor had already claimed a piece of your heart that no one else could touch.
"First, we need to head to town; I gotta stop by Samantha's shop," your mother's words floated through the air, a prelude to the day's errands. You nodded in response, a gesture that belied the flutter of excitement at the thought of possibly encountering Alastor.
With each step towards the heart of town, the anticipation grew. The familiar streets held a new promise, and the mundane journey transformed into a path of potential encounters.
As you entered Samantha's shop, the bell above the door chimed, announcing your arrival. The scent of fresh flowers and the subtle fragrance of incense filled the air, a sensory embrace that was both welcoming and calming.
"Hello and welcome!" Samantha's voice, bright and cheerful, cut through the quiet hum of the shop. She emerged from behind a display of colorful trinkets, her arms open wide as she enveloped your mother in a warm hug.
Then, turning towards you, her smile was a beam of sunlight on a cloudy day. "It's so good to see you," her greeting carrying the weight of genuine affection.
You returned the smile, feeling a sense of belonging in this small corner of the world. Yet, beneath the pleasantries, your heart raced with the hope that today might just be the day you'd see Alastor again, even if just for a fleeting moment.
The murmur of conversation between your mother and Samantha became a distant hum as you stepped outside, the door closing softly behind you. The outside world greeted you with a gentle breeze and the soft bustle of the town's daily life. Your eyes scanned the surroundings, a silent wish in your heart to catch a glimpse of Alastor.
And then, as if summoned by your silent pleas, you spotted him. Alastor was there, just across the street, engaged in conversation with a woman whose laughter seemed to echo in your chest. A pang of jealousy struck you, sharp and unexpected. *Who is she?* The question gnawed at you, but the answer was clear: you were nothing to him, and yet, he was everything to you.
You couldn't help but watch Alastor from afar, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed. The woman with him was laughing too, touching his arm in a familiar way that made your heart sink.
Time seemed to stretch and warp as you watched them, the laughter and conversation a silent movie to which you knew all the words yet couldn't bear to hear. Jealousy, a green-eyed monster, whispered in your ear, urging you to cross the street, to confront, to claim what you felt was yours.
But then, a voice, clear and concerned, cut through the fog of your emotions. "Y/N, where are you going?" It was your mother, her intuition like a lighthouse guiding you back from the rocky shores of rash decisions.
You cast a final glance at Alastor, now disappearing into the crowd with the woman, and a heavy sigh escaped your lips. Your heart, once buoyant with the memory of a kiss, now felt like an anchor dragging you down. The questions raced through your mind, a carousel of doubts: *Did the kiss mean nothing to him? Was it all just a game?*
As you turned to face your mother, the mask of composure settled upon your features. The day ahead with James awaited, a script written by expectation and duty. Yet, within the chambers of your heart, a single hope flickered, refusing to be extinguished—that perhaps, just perhaps, there was more to Alastor's story than what your eyes had seen.
The knock on Cindy's door echoed the pounding of your heart, each beat a reminder of the turmoil within. You stood there, your gaze fixed on the ground, as if it held the answers to the questions swirling in your mind about Alastor and the mysterious woman.
The feelings of betrayal, the anger at the possibility of being played—it all churned inside you like a storm. Yet, doubt lingered, a voice whispering that perhaps there was more to the story than you knew.
"Coming," a voice called from within, the sound of approaching footsteps breaking through your reverie. The door swung open, revealing Cindy, her blonde hair and blue eyes a stark contrast to the chaos of your emotions.
"Hello, Cindy," your mother greeted her with an excitement that felt foreign to you at that moment. "I'm here with my daughter, Y/N."
As you lifted your eyes to meet Cindy's, you forced a smile, the mask of politeness firmly in place. But behind that smile, your thoughts were still with Alastor, wondering about the truth of his affections and the identity of the woman.
Cindy invited you inside calling James in the process. The sight of James, emerging with a tentative smile, was a reminder of the day's purpose. His shy demeanor was endearing, yet it paled in comparison to the vivid memory of Alastor's confident gaze.
The meeting unfolded like a well-rehearsed play, each line delivered with polite interest, each smile a courteous gesture. But beneath the surface, your heart remained untouched, unswayed by James's gentle charm. He was kind, yes, but he was not Alastor.
With the meeting behind you, the image of James lingered in your mind—not because of a burgeoning affection, but because of his stark contrast to Alastor. The encounter had been pleasant, yet it lacked the spark that Alastor had ignited within you.
The journey home was quiet, a reflective space where thoughts swirled like leaves in the wind. The decision to return to town was not made lightly; it was driven by a need for closure, for answers, for something that would either soothe the ache in your heart or confirm your worst fears.
The decision was made before you fully realized it; you needed to see Alastor, to seek the truth that would either calm the storm within you or unleash it.
"Mom, I gotta go to town. I need to visit Samantha; I got something to ask her," your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside.
Your mother's smile was one of encouragement, her thoughts on a different track, believing you sought advice from Samantha about Anthony. "Sure sweetheart, go right ahead," her words a gentle push towards what she perceived as a budding romance.
"Be careful, sweetie," her voice followed you as you walked away, a reminder of the safety net that was always there, no matter where your heart led you.
With a wave and a deep breath, you set off, the image of Alastor and the unknown woman replaying in your mind. The need for answers propelled you forward, a mix of dread and determination fueling your steps. Today, you would confront the man who had stirred such profound feelings within you, seeking clarity amidst the confusion of a kiss that felt like both a beginning and an end.
The town, once a tapestry of familiar faces and places, had transformed into a labyrinth in your quest to find Alastor. Each glance, each turn of your head was fueled by the hope of spotting him, the man who had unwittingly become the compass of your heart.
Standing in front of Samantha's shop, you paused, scanning the crowd for any sign of him. The sight of Samantha inside the shop was a reminder of the pretense you had given your mother, but the urgency of your mission left no room for distractions.
As the day bled into evening, the golden hues of sunset casting long shadows on the cobblestones, a creeping sense of despair began to take hold. The possibility of not finding Alastor loomed over you, a cloud threatening to burst.
But then, a voice that called out to you was unmistakable, a sound you'd come to associate with a myriad of emotions. "Hello darling, looking for something?" Alastor's voice was as smooth and gentle as you remembered, a stark contrast to the frantic beating of your heart.
You turned to face him, and there he was, the man who had been the cause of both elation and distress. His smile was disarming, and as he lowered himself to your level, the world around you seemed to fade into the background. His hands were casually placed behind his back, and his glasses slid just slightly down the bridge of his nose, giving him an air of casual elegance.
For a moment, you were speechless, caught in the whirlwind of emotions his presence evoked. The questions, the doubts, the jealousy—all of it was pushed aside by the sheer force of his charm. You were reminded once again of just how handsome he was, and how easily he could stir your soul.
"Everything alright, dear?" His voice brought you back to the present, to the reality of the situation.
"Yes, I... I was looking for you," you managed to say.
“For me?” a hint of surprise in his voice.
“Yes for you”you affirmed, the words barely a whisper but laden with meaning.
He stepped back fixing his glasses, his eyes never leaving yours, and in them, you found yourself lost, unable to voice the doubts and fears that had led you here. "Well here I am, what is it that you need, ma cherie?" Alastor's voice was gentle, his French endearment a soft touch amidst the tension.
"I just wanted to see you, I haven't seen you in days," choosing to keep the storm of your emotions at bay. His response was casual, as if the charged moment shared between you had been nothing but a fleeting instance. "Yes indeed, how are things?" he inquired, his demeanor nonchalant.
The frustration within you grew, a silent scream against his apparent indifference. "Everything's fine," the facade of composure intact. Yet, beneath that surface, a whirlwind of confusion and hurt raged, leaving you to wonder if the connection you felt was merely a figment of your desires. Alastor stood there, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil he'd caused.
“Would you like to come with me, dear”
The invitation hung in the air, Alastor's calm and gentle voice offering a reprieve from the storm of emotions within you. Despite the tension that clenched your fists, you found yourself unable to resist. His presence was magnetic, pulling you in with an invisible force that your heart couldn't deny.
He extended his arm, a silent gesture of companionship, and with a nod that carried the weight of your unspoken feelings, you accepted. Your arms wrapped around his, a physical manifestation of the connection that seemed to defy explanation.
"Where are we going?" The question was a whisper of curiosity, a desire to know more than just the destination.
"A jazz club, I promise you will enjoy it, darling," he assured you, his smile a constant, comforting presence.
The jazz club greeted you with an embrace of shadows and melodies. The dim lighting set the stage for an evening of intimacy. Alastor led you to a secluded table, a private world within the public domain, where the ambiance wrapped around you like a velvet cloak.
Your heart danced to the beat of the music. The jazz club, with its cocoon of melodies and whispers, became a haven where the outside world faded away, leaving only the two of you, and the music.
The waiter's question was a brief interruption to the enchanting atmosphere of the jazz club. "Would you like something to drink?" his voice almost blending into the background music.
Alastor's choice of whiskey was made with an air of certainty, a testament to his assured nature. You, seeking to add your own touch to the evening, opted for a martini.
When the waiter returned, the clink of the glasses as he set them down was a prelude to a new experience. The martini, with its clear elegance, stood as a symbol of the night's sophistication. You lifted the glass, the cool surface against your fingers a contrast to the warmth of the club.
With a sip, the crispness of the martini washed over you, a perfect blend of strength and subtlety. It was a dance of flavors on your tongue, a companion to the night's unfolding narrative. And there, in the secluded corner of the jazz club, with Alastor by your side, the evening continued to weave its magic around you.
The evening had unfolded like a melody, each moment with Alastor a note that resonated within you. The dance, the conversation, the shared laughter—all of it had woven a tapestry of connection that was hard to step away from. But as the night drew to a close, reality beckoned.
"I have to go now, Alastor," you whispered, leaning in close enough to be enveloped by the scent of his cologne. It was a fragrance that spoke of warmth and mystery, a fitting accompaniment to the man himself.
Alastor's concern was evident as he offered to walk you home. "Would you like me to walk you home? It's pretty late; I wouldn't want anything happening to you." His words were a gentle reminder of the care that had begun to blossom between you.
After a brief hesitation, where the desire to stay clashed with the need to leave, you accepted his offer. "Yes, that would be greatly appreciated." His arm extended towards you, a bridge over the threshold of the evening's end.
As you wrapped your arms in his, the simple act felt significant. Together, you stepped out of the jazz club, leaving behind the cocoon of music and dim lights, stepping into the cool embrace of the night.
“You know, you’re a great dancer,” your voice barely above a whisper. The words slipped out, fueled by the heady mix of martini and Alastor’s intoxicating presence.
He chuckled, the sound like velvet. “Thank you darling, you’re not bad yourself”
The walk home with Alastor was a continuation of the evening's enchantment, each step accompanied by laughter and the easy flow of conversation. But as the familiar silhouette of your house appeared, a sense of reality set in. You chose to part ways with Alastor, not wanting to risk the chance of your parents seeing him.
"I'll go alone from here, thank you again, Alastor, it was fun," offering him a smile that carried the warmth of the night's memories. His response was gracious, a reflection of the care he had shown throughout the evening. "It was my pleasure, darling. Now I'll wait here until you enter your home safely."
With a final smile and a fleeting kiss you turned towards your home. Alastor's figure remained, a silent guardian watching over your safe return. Once inside, you made your way to the window, the gesture of waving back to him a silent conversation across the distance. He acknowledged your signal, a nod and a wave that sealed the night's experience.
As he disappeared into the embrace of the night, you were left with a heart full of questions and a hope that the story between you and Alastor was far from over.
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🌸𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈🌸 🌸𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉🌸
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so you be updated every time. I do try to proofread but if I missed something please let me know.
Also I sometimes tend to make minor changes to the chapters.
Thank you! For reading I hope you enjoyed it.💖
TAGLIST: @magictoebean @little-slyvixen @bitchywitchygardener @diffidentphantom @catticora @cloverresin20 @phoenix666stuff @minamilinaqueen
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eggingtontoast · 3 months
Hi there! I have not interacted much in the Hatchetfield fandom, but I've talked endlessly about Hatchetfield in the @blinkysrewatchparty discord server. My name is Egg and I have a problem. I'm obsessed with a side character. A side character named Karen Chasity.
Below is most of the contents of what is a five page document about how I interpret her as a character. A lot of it is headcanon, because we simply don't have enough information about her. Again, I have a problem. Enjoy.
My Karen Chasity Problem: How I approach Karen as a character. (SFW EDITION kinda.)
[Disclaimer: Within this document I discuss Karen’s interaction with characters such as Girl Jeri(from now on referred to as Jeri), Detective Shapiro (NPMD), and Doug(Mariah’s cop from TGWDLM). At the time of writing, I’ve written Karen in ships with these three, so there will be mention of each briefly, though it is not the main focus.]
Karen's main theme is first and foremost restraint.
To lesser extent there is also repression and control.
 She is the most uptight/serious of all the Chasity household. (As evidenced in NPMD, she does not make jokes like Mark, nor does she fly off the handle like Grace) 
This is not to say she is completely stone faced, she does have instances where she emotes quite a bit, but (in my opinion) it feels exaggerated for comedic effect (because it's a comedy musical/scene where her dang daughter is breaking apart)
Her conversation with just Mark about her concerns with Grace not acting her usual self says a lot here
She is obviously someone who cares for her loved ones, though she may not bring up those concerns with the person in question. She is caring, in a quiet way. In NPMD there is a time skip between Dirty Girl to Max's death to Grace waking up after Richie's death. We know that Grace has been acting off for at least that amount of time. This gives Karen a time frame to notice that change in behavior.
NPMD is a blip in the rest of their lives, time wise. I’m interested in the Karen Chasity that isn’t worrying over her daughter, the Karen Chasity that isn’t rife with paranoia during a townwide lockdown.
Karen’s secondary theme is devotion.
She is literally religious.
There is an argument for this if we do take into account the dinner scene with the Chasity household and how she nods along with Mark talking about the Holy Ghost, as well as how quick she checks Grace’s temperature. This is all also said by the above section. 
While I choose not to use a character’s… characterization in musical numbers too much, it’s clear that Karen, without her restraint (In Hatchet Town), still cares deeply about her loved ones. Sure, she may be rife with paranoia in that song but she still emphasizes the safety of the children in her part. She still cares, even if in that song it’s far too much.
She gives to others far more than she gets back.
Maybe this entire thing is rendered moot by the above section. This isn’t a formal document, fuck it.
Karen's slight mid-west(?) accent popping out when she talks to Grace
This is more prominent when she tells Grace she's gonna be late to being early for school (emphasis on "oo" noises, elongation and shortening of syllables. Monophthongal [e:] and [o:] present in both minnesota and michigan among other places) 
It’s probably because Hatchetfield is placed in Michigan, but no one else does this in the Hatchetfield universe. It could be another thing played up for comedy? I choose to see this as Karen playing up her maternal role. I could headcanon this as her drawing from her own mother? 
If we go with this, this could reference back to the headcanon/idea of “Karen’s family was a big influence on herself and despite wanting to move away from that connection, Karen is someone very much from her background.”
The accent itself makes her sound different than from the initial Chasity household scene, maybe it’s just nothing idk. 
“...beautiful old house” particularly has her pronouncing the “o” in old and house as more round and wide instead of that tighter “o” later on when she says “school”
Potentially trans-atlantic accent during first Chasity scene in NPMD (the fuck am I saying)
Mark kinda does this too, could be just vocal direction being older film for that more “classic nuclear family” feel
Consistently speaks kind of sing-songy in the show, though I don’t prescribe to that being her natural speaking tone.
(quick aside: you could probably replace Curt and Kim with muppet versions of themselves as the Chasitys and it wouldn’t change anything about the show, it would be funny)
Okay let’s move on from the fucking voice thing
We know very little about the Chasitys aside from Grace, but that’s because she’s appeared the most out of all of them. 
Therefore, I am playing fast and loose with how I characterize Karen.
I write her as a queer woman, who has been closeted for a very long time.
So Karen is restrained. 
An entire theme with the Chasitys is their repression due to religion. It’s not hard to simply write any of them as extremely closeted because of this. 
Therefore, Karen is uptight. 
The stressors of maintaining the image of a heterosexual, pure, Christian woman on a day to day basis would grate on anyone, especially if they are queer. Any singular slip up in a community like a church the Chasitys go to, could mean social death. 
Karen’s humor is subtle.
She doesn’t outwardly make jokes like Mark, or has unhinged, comedic reactions like Grace. If anything, Karen is the straight man in the comedy of the Chasity household. She is the baseline Mark and Grace work off of, stable and secure.
When writing Karen I tend to make her a little more deadpan than canon. She is such an over the top character in NPMD, it’s hard for me to write that in a believable way. I tend to make characters a little more grounded. If a musical is loud and bright, I’m writing them in a stage play, or a movie.
Because of this, I’m taking that one Smokey the Bear line from Abstinence Camp and saying Karen said that in the most deadpan voice that Grace simply did not realize it was a joke.
Karen has body language tells
We see her wringing her hands together as she walks toward Mark in NPMD, expressing her concern for Grace.
Furthermore, she nods quietly and hums when listening to others(Chasity dinner table conversation, Grace bedroom conversation, etc.)
I like to imagine that while she might be “playing a role” as a mother/church woman/pristine Chasity she still exemplifies some of these bodily tells. Just in a more restrained way. She pulls toward her own body instead of gesturing outward. In NPMD she leans and curls in on herself, to present more demure. 
In my own writing, I contrast this with how she acts outside of the context of her church, or with Grace. Because I see her and Mark as mutual beards, as best friends, she is able to drop that facade of a demure housewife and stand straighter(lol) and taller. Her shoulders are not hunched in on themselves, they are pushed back. What we see in NPMD is a role she plays in her day to day, but is not necessarily her authentic self.
Again this is like heavy headcanon and this is also the SFW version of the document sorry guys you have to be at least 18 to get the full context lmao tough shit
Karen is someone who says a lot with her hands(and to an extent, her eyes), Even as someone who may not gesture overtly. She holds them together, points, accents her speech with them. Karen's hands are the way she interacts with the world when she doesn't verbally talk much.
Karen is controlling.
Maybe this feels a little obvious. She is controlling with herself and how she presents herself. She is caught in a web of her own making, and this can extend to who she associates herself with. If this becomes too much it’s horribly unhealthy. It is the fear of her truths coming out that keep her from going too far. 
This manifests with how she approaches Jeri at first, and how she starts making packed lunches for Doug and Shapiro. It’s a sliding scale of when control is acceptable. 
As well as volunteering for church business and around town. Karen is a busy woman because if she is left idle she doesn’t know what else to do. She does not know how to relax.
Karen is afraid.
Her repression and restraint stem from the fear of ostracization. From her church, her community, and her own family. 
While I’m operating on the idea of her and Mark being mutual beards (their marriage being a lavender one) I imagine she is afraid of the way Grace would react if she found out her mother -someone whom Grace obviously looks toward for guidance and help- is queer.
The same goes for her church. She’s presented herself as a heterosexual woman for so long (due to her and Mark’s safety as two queer people coming from conservative families) that she is stuck in that role. She immerses herself in aforementioned church activities and volunteer work to maintain that label, and that level of safety.
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staybabblingbaby · 2 months
Felix Tinder AU (First Date Part) A2 D3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: You match with what you think is a Stray Kids fan account on Tinder. You get along great with the account's owner, and think it's probably your most successful match to-date. Little do you know who's actually behind the screen...
Word Count: 1,580
Notes: So this will probably be the actual beginning. Maybe. Some version of it, anyways. idk, the formatting for this one is a bit... And I still have to figure out how to make fake Tinder stuff without photoshop. I do not own adobe products. This may actually end up being the first writing part in a hybrid SMAU, so it might not be the first part at all. We'll see. I didn't read this one back for any editing notes bc This entire fic is fighting me rn and I don't wanna look at it lol
Warnings: None as far as I'm aware
Leave me comments or questions or anything! Love hearing from folks <3
Masterlist | Next Part (Coming soon!)
You nervously tap on your steering wheel, anxious gaze glued to the side door you were parallel parked directly in front of. You felt sketchy as hell, but this was the manager-approved pick-up method apparently. Or at least leader-approved. You weren’t really clear on the details.
You were still sort of processing that this was your life, actually. Details were a bit secondary to the big picture here, you thought.
At last, the door creaks open and the blond head you’d been waiting for pops out. After a brief cautious sweep of his gaze, his eyes lock on your car. You roll the window down to offer him an awkward smile and a little wave.
Then, with a bright smile that made your heart do stupid little summersaults, Yongbok Felix Lee is sliding into your beat-up little jeep. You’re shamefully distracted by his (very) pretty face for a solid 10 seconds before you roll up the window and start moving to a proper parking spot.
You may be dazed by his presence, but by all things good in this world you were not carting off a (sort-of) stranger without talking to them first.
“Hi!” He’s the first to break the momentary silence, sunny grin on full, blinding, blast in your passenger seat. Your brain stalls a second time as your (again) realize that Stray Kids’ Felix is in your car. Like right now. Currently.
“Wazzup?” You greet back with a cheeky little smirk. You feel a bit bad for Felix. Making light of things was your one and only coping mechanism. You hoped he hadn’t been expecting a serious candle-lit dinner from you.
Well. Candles, maybe. Depends on how late the two of you ended up staying out.
Luckily Felix seems delighted by your overly-casual demeanor, bumping your arm with gentle playfulness. It almost feels like you’re two close friends meeting up after a long time instead of (sort-of) near-strangers.
You know that if he spends enough time with you the shell of confidence you’re currently wearing will become transparent, but hopefully the façade would carry you through tonight.
“We’re just moving so we can talk without being in the way before we head out.” You explain, pulling into a shaded parking spot in the corner of the lot. You’ve pulled hopefully far enough away to not attract attention from the doors, but also not far enough to be creepy.
Felix nods, tilting his head curiously at you. “Sure, what are we talking about?”
You put the car in park and laugh a bit at his cuteness. “Just expectations and whatnot,” You say, unbuckling so you can turn and face him properly.
“Before all that, though, are you a hugger?” You hold your arms open a bit, not enough to actually touch him, and making sure you’re not leaning forward, letting him take the reigns of contact.
You worry you may be being a bit too forward, but you were trying for normality with all of this, and you really did open most interactions with hugs when you could. You were touchy like that.
Fears once again unfounded, Felix grins widely and quickly reels you in for as tight a hug as the two of you can manage whilst still seated. He reels you in so quickly, if fact, that your arms become trapped between the two of you and you struggle for a moment to wiggle them free and wrap them firmly around his waist.
As you settle in, you rock the two of you to-and-fro, and Felix lets out a content little sigh that has you melting into the embrace.
You sort of feel like giggling madly and tearing up at the same time. You feel a bit like you need to vomit, as well, but you hold all three urges back. It’s just that Felix holds you so warmly and delicately, you feel a bit like you might shatter before the night even begins.
You reluctantly pull back before you cross the bounds of appropriateness for a first meeting, skootching around so you can bring your legs up into your seat in a weird pretzel and start the conversation properly.
You want to coo at Felix as he imitates you and gets himself comfy as well. You’re down bad for this man already, unfortunately. IT’s best that you don’t let on quite how badly if you can help it. You don’t know if you can.
“So!” You start with a clap, “First of all, allow me to welcome you to our humble city.” You do an awkward showman’s bow, gesturing as grandly as you’re able when you’ve crumpled yourself into the world’s cringiest ball.
You’re so damn lucky that Felix seems so charmed by you so far. You’re begging with everything you can that your innate silliness will guide you through tis interaction without you panicking too hard.
“I’ve been here for several days now, first of all,” Felix starts, eyes twinkling with amusement and mischief. You play right into his hands, squawking with offense and playfully swatting at him.
You both dissolve into giggles as he tries to catch your hands to keep them from hitting him, and you loudly begin to complain, “Oh well, I’m sorry someone was too busy playing two fabulous shows to come see little ol’ me before now!”
“Oh, come on now, you wouldn’t let me get you seats, you deserve this ribbing!” He retorts back, finally catching your hands and putting a stop to your flailing. He pauses then, and you can practically see the gears in his head turning.
“Wait.” He tugs you forward by your hands, staring you down with an expression of delighted disbelief. “Fabulous show? Were you there?”
You quickly turn your head to hide the mirthful smirk on your face, replying only with a drawn out “Maaaaaybe.”
Felix gasps loudly, letting go of your hands only to lightly slap your knee, “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have gotten you backstage or something!”
You wave your hands in front of you, both warding off Felix’s playful attacks nd waiving off his words.
“No, no!” You deny him, continuing on to confess, “I actually had the tickets before we even started talking, I got them right as they went on sale.” You pause and duck you head a bit to hide your blush, “Besides, our first real meeting should be our first date, right? That’s how this works.”
To your slight mortification, you can very easily tell that Felix is trying his hardest not to coo at you, so you quickly rush to move on before he can interrogate you further.
“But we’re getting off track!” You exclaim, pointing at him in gentle threat. He holds up his hands in surrender, but you can tell by the smirk on his face that he wouldn’t let it go that easily. Still, he lets you move the conversation forward for now.
“So, I’m a bit paranoid,” You suddenly confess. Felix’s brow creases with concern, but you continue before he can get any weird ideas into his head, “I just wanna make sure we’re on the same page before we actually go anywhere.”
Felix makes a noise of understanding and gestures for you to continue.
“So I just want to make sure we’re both expecting this to be a romantic date and not, like, a platonic one.” You explain. Felix tilts his head a bit in confusion but nods along.
“Yeah, we’re on the same page there.” He agrees. His gentle smile feels a bit like he’s humoring you, but you plough on regardless.
“And I know we’ve already talked about this, but I don’t put out on first dates. I’m not into hookups, so even if you’re leaving tomorrow I’m expecting this to be the first of many or the first and last date.”
Felix seems to be cottoning onto the intended severity of the conversation, despite its relatively light tone. He nods along, seeming pleased about something. You pause to let him interject, but he just gestures you to continue.
You hesitate a moment, but then finish with, “That’s all, really, I just want both of us to be happy with things at the end of tonight.”
Felix smiles so fondly at you that you think you’ll combust, so you quickly reach across him to open your glove box to pull out a couple of papers, to Felix’s utter bafflement.
“Moving on!” You exclaim, pretending that your ears aren’t burning with the force of your blush, “I also have these!”
You present to Felix a paper with an address and your vehicle details as well as a map with a certain area circled.
“Ok, so, keeping as much a secret as I can,” You begin to babble as Felix examines the papers with confusion painted over his delicate features.
“But I was thinking about what we could do that didn’t involve being in public much and wasn’t expensive or anything, and I came up with a plan. A friend of mine owns some forested land with some nice hiking trails, so I thought we’d start there, but it’s a bit rural and I know it’s weird, so I brought both the lot address and coordinates and my car details so you can tell your people exactly where you’ll be and if phone service dies or anything no one freaks out and-”
You cut yourself off, realizing that you’d probably said way more than you needed to
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rfxiii · 1 year
Idk if you’ve done this I’m planning on doing it myself eventually but different gta v characters love languages,
Gift giving, physical touch, spoken ect
Love Languages of the Different GTA Characters:
*ty for the ask! this one honestly made me think so hard, and I loved it!
(Feat. Michael, Trevor, and Franklin. And then Lamar, Brad, and Wade bc they’re my top three fav secondary characters)
Michael De Santa:
-I feel like Michael’s receiving love language would be words of affirmation. He comes off as really self assured and full of himself. But during different dialogs it’s clear that Michael’s self loathing is just as strong as his ego. So, I feel like receiving words of affirmation to confirm that you do love him, and do genuinely enjoy being around him would be incredibly beneficial, and appreciated by him.
-Michael’s love language given to others, I think, would be gift giving or physical touch. I feel like gift giving is probably the easiest for him. He knows what you enjoy, and getting a gift to say ‘I love you’ is far easier for him than sorting out his feelings to say it in words. And, while I feel like physical touch may be a little less frequent and only for certain people, that it could also be one of Michael’s chosen forms of showing love. During that one scene after the Union Depository score, Michael moves to hug Trevor out of excitement. Now, despite how much he tries to deny it, Trevor is Michael’s best friend- and in that particular moment, Michael chose to show his affection toward his best friend through a hug. So, while more rare, if you’re close to him, Michael chooses physical touch to show love.
Trevor Philips:
I believe, both giving and receiving, Trevor’s love language is equally every single love language.
- Receiving, I think he’d take well to every kind of love language because he never received any kind of love as a child, and for most of his life. Touch, words, gifts, acts of service, or quality time- Trevor loves all of it because he’s never been given any of it. He may be a bit hesitant or slow to accept some things- like physical contact or words of affirmation, because he isn’t especially used to them though.
- And giving, if he loves/cares for you he’s going to show it. It’s not going to be traditional in any sense, but it’s all going to be well meaning and heartfelt even if it is weird and unorthodox. When Trevor Philips decides he loves you, there’s no limits to ways he prefers to show you.
Franklin Clinton:
- Receiving, I think Franklin would appreciate acts of service. He’s always had to be the responsible one, the one who took care of everyone else. So, having you care about him by offering to help him do things- even if it’s simple things, really takes the weight off his shoulders.
- And giving, I think Franklin would communicate best through gift giving. Even though it was a bit backhanded, when Lamar was upset and asked for help, Franklin readily gave him the money out of his wallet. So, I feel like Franklin probably likes the reaction he gets seeing you light up when he gets you something he knows you’ll love or something you need.
Lamar Davis:
- Lamar prefers receiving quality time the best. When he cares about someone he wants to do things with them, to talk to them,or to hang out and do nothing at all with them. He just genuinely likes spending free time in the company of his favorite people.
- Giving though, I feel like Lamar likes either words of affirmation or physical contact. If you’re someone he cares for he’s constantly giving out hugs, resting his elbow on your shoulder or atop your head, or leaning up close against you. And, with his words, he’s the biggest hype man. If you’re feeling low, if you’ve just gotten a new haircut or outfit, or if there’s something you’re particularly excited about, Lamar is going to have exactly the right things to say to make you feel better about the situation.
Brad Snider:
- He’s got a big ego and can be narcissistic as hell. That being said, even if he is self assured, he likes it when you reassure him that you like him and tell him about the things you enjoy about him. He likes being told when he’s done a good job or hearing you tell him how much you like him.
- I don’t know why but I feel like he’d best enjoy giving physical affection (but maybe I’m just biased because he looks like he gives good hugs and I want one). He likes being close to you- giving you hugs, shoulder bumps, resting an arm around your shoulder or wrapping you in his jacket with him.
Wade Hebert:
- He would enjoy receiving physical affection the best. He spends most of his time with Trevor- and for Wade, that means being hit at random times with no provocation. So, when he’s with someone he loves, receiving gentle, loving touches after a day full of getting beat up is such a relief for him.
- And giving, I think he shows his love through acts of service. Again, he spends most of his time with Trevor- who’s always ordering him around and yelling at him to do things. But when he comes home and does things for you it makes him feel good. He’s forced to do things for Trevor all day, but with you it’s because he loves you and wants to see you happy even if he’s spent all day doing things for other people.
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ilkkawhat · 11 days
tagged by @room-665 and @judyalvqrez, thank you both!💜💜💜💜
last song: Children of the Elder God by Old Gods of Asgard--in full. After that I was skipping through songs as I pulled into my neighborhood and driveway lol. honestly still seems like AW soundtrack music is like, the one thing I never skip since I got into it last November.
favourite color: Purple!
currently reading: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, have been for a while lol I gotta get back on it. My mom got a bit of a kick out of seeing me moving the book around and flipping to the back and such 😂
currently watching: Series wise, nothing really since I finished Sorjonen...I've been just kinda watching a lot of youtube videos or movies. Been thinking about getting back into Only Murders in the Building (I watched the first two seasons I think? Maybe the 3rd? See I just gotta start over lol) and then watching Poromafia for my next Ilkka series (beyond just skimming), and I'm probably gonna start Interview With a Vampire sooner or later cause it's all over my dash EDIT: FUCK i forgot I'm watching Star Trek Enterprise! very slowly, I watch it while I chill downstairs with my dog when my parents go out shopping (he's got bad separation anxiety and is not allowed to go up the stairs anymore for his safety so I just go to him)
last movie: Rewatched Hell House 2 in full, started watching Butterfly Kisses last night but couldn't stay up to finish it. Trying to get in the mood for spooky season and last year I got really into the found footage sub-genre.
sweet, spicy or savory: Savory...not good with spicy (lol says a woman who works with chipotle peppers. We mill dehydrated pods and it was so strong the other day I legit threw up on my way out) but on a mild level I'm okay with it. Do like sweet stuff but I do have limits with it.
relationship status: Single, probably always gonna be that way and that's fine lol. But if I happen to meet someone maybe I won't be as much of a coward as I have been with other potential relationships I could have had...it also sucks cause I can't say I'm surrounded with the most pleasant relationships (my parents especially)
current obsession: Primarily Alan Wake, secondary Ilkka Villi and really just the Remedy Verse as a whole--I think work's just beating me down too much to enjoy really anything right now but god do I just crave for the atmosphere and aesthetic of Alan Wake 2 right now
tea or coffee: Coffee though I'm not against tea at all and will admit I haven't drank as much coffee as I used to, I stopped during one summer cause it was too hot and I think I may have lost my idk taste? tolerance? for black coffee but I do get iced french vanilla coffee from mcdonalds like once a week lol. (really I just drink a lot of celsius for my daily caffiene fix)
the last thing i googled: Rune Factory 5 cause I saw it's on sale on the Nintendo e-shop and I'm debating getting it even though I have tons of other games I should be playing and let's be real, I'm just gonna continue playing Alan Wake 2 for the tenth time tomorrow instead of even playing the recently bought Star Wars Outlaws 😂😂 but RF5 is like, 20 bucks and that's the cheapest I've ever seen it so it can't hurt just to get it in the library and maybe start it later
breaking the tag chain but if anybody wants to do this, go for it and say I tagged you
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nyababymao · 2 years
How I would write Neteyam ig
I also feel like having lo’ak being the secondary protagonist(the protagonist being jake) and the movie mainly following him is kinda cliche, for lack of a better word. The movie is still great dont get me wrong but the “underdog, rebellious son” storyline is just overdone so much lately that it feels boring and predictable. I feel like they could’ve explored and write a much more compelling plot and arc if they had followed Neteyam instead. These are some ways I would’ve rewritten the movie. I’m gonna bullet point this because it’s really just ideas and some headcanon that are bouncing around in my head rather then one cohesive storyline.
- neteyam’s arc would probably follow him trying to be as good a soldier, eldest brother, and son he could be and while he doesn’t hate it, it does end up making him feel like he has to carry the family on his shoulders and that he’s responsible for his younger siblings
- so then when lo’ak goes missing, he goes ballistic and lashes out against aonung, conveying that even though he has the levelheadedness and quick thinking of his father, he still has his mother’s fierce protectiveness and ferocious anger
- after lo’ak is safely back, Neteyam goes off deep into the forest further into the land so as to find solace in a setting he’s more familiar with to calm down. He climbs further up into the trees the way he’s used to doing and the familiarity brings a comfort to him.
- aonung may somewhat know the area because he lives near it but to traverse the lands and more specifically, the tall trees means to utilize his biology in ways it’s not used too. His slightly bulkier build makes it hard to balance on and move through the trees, his thicker tail is not prehensile like the omatikayan’s and can’t grip the trunks, and his more slippery skin that used to help him glide through water now hinders him and makes him slip on the branch’s. This mirrors how the sully family, and neteyam specifically, had to learn to maneuver through the seas and water with their omatikayan biology.
- but it is his determination to get to neteyam even through terrain he’s not used to and even though he fails multiple times that displays and proves his growth and genuine guilt towards neteyam for putting lo’ak in harm’s way. Eventually neteyam sees this and helps guide him in climbing to a high enough branch for them to look over the lands. This is when aonung properly apologizes to neteyam and they make up. Neteyam also makes a comment on how they share a similarity in being the eldest and future leader of their clans.
- after this, neteyam and aonung has little moments such as doing chores together or mindless chitchats in the background. Maybe neteyam tells aonung about his old home and it’s traditions and culture.
- neteyam’s personal character conflict is really more of an internal self-esteem issue relating to how he needs to stay strong for the family and how he can’t faulter rather then an an open conflict with jake like lo’ak’s is.
- i think if we really need a death in this situation, I think I would choose Jake for it. Maybe Jake dies saving neteyam and he internalizes that as his fault because he was supposed to be the one protecting everyone and now his father is dead because of him(idk this part is kinda weak still working it out). This is more so we still have the scene of when neteyam was young and catching a fish with Jake near the end of the movie but instead of Jake reminiscing his dead son, it’s Neteyam reminiscing his dead father; same scene from a different angle.
- this would probably happen in a third move rather then this one but i like to think about how if neytiri resents and lashes out/hisses at spider because he’s the son of/same species as her mate’s killer, neteyam then in response lashes out/hisses back because he’s lost one of his family, he’s not gonna lose another, even if that means fighting his own mother.
and that’s all I got so far, I might make more posts about this, I just really think neteyam had so much potential that we just never got to see.
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omeletcat · 8 months
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ALRIGHT IT TOOK ME A BIT TO GET MY HEAD STRAIGHT BUT I THINK I'VE FOUND A WAY TO FIX COMBAT IN MY GAME, MAKE IT MORE FUN, MAKE IT MORE ENGAGING, ANDDD MAKE IT MORE UNIQUE!!!! these are the 2 main characters in my game currently named sun and moon (caus i don't have good names yet) they play a big role in the story and until now i have only really been seeing sun as a bonus option for like extra damage in battle, BUT NOW I FOUND A PERFECT SOLUTION at the beginning of the game you start out alone as moon, with 2 main attacks and a dash, attack 1 is a floating hand you can slap and punch people with, the hand follows your mouse and can be used to pick stuff up and solve puzzles. attack 2 will be a bullet or a slash attack that shoots a slash in the air at the mouse. both of these attacks will have "variants" different changes based on certain environmental things like the distance of the mouse from the player when you use the attack, maybe even the movement of the mouse like drawing a circle before attacking. using these different variant sof the same attack will make boring fights less stale and way more engaging!!!! ALSO i got this insane idea: "combo's" what if i make it so using different attacks at the same time will make different effects? that will add even more creativity and intrigue into the game!! this whole revelation came from looking some more into magica 2 and smash, it made me realize the reasons why a single set of moves doesn't get very old very fast in those games, because there aer insane amounts of combo's and ways to use the attacks, that way it doesn't get stale!!!! moon (and sun) will of course get more attacks i already have 1 in mind but i already feel like i am spoiling so much on this blog lol. BUT THATS HTE MAIN PLAN BUT ALSO: SUN, before, i only thought of her as a supporting character, someone you can click on to use for an ultimate battle like (this is gonna be an insanely specific reference) this one inazuma eleven game (a football game imagine fifa but with more anime in it), if you shoot a ball when you are in a certain area and have certain requirements filled you can do a teamup attack that is extra strong. i though tof something like that, BUT THATS SO BORINGGGG, i don't want to make my secondairy character and one of my MAIN CHARACTERS A SECONDARY ACTION!!!! SOOO I LOOKED BACK AGAIN AT THOSE INAZUMA GAMES AND FOUND ANOTHER THING, IN THE FIFA GAMES AND IN INAZUMA YOU CAN SWICH CHARACTERS!!! you see waht i'm getting at??? you will be able to switch from Moon to sun to get a whole different attack pattern and options. sun will be more close combatty and have less distance then moon. soo when you're soulbar( kinda like a mana bar, every spell you cast/attack you use takes off a little bit of that meter, and it slowly fills itself up) is empty you can switch to sun and be forced to go close distance (a percentage of the mana is shared tho just to make it a real threat, or not idk? either i will make it so that mana is smth annoying you have to look after, or it will just be a meter saying " hey you haven't used this other character in a bit! go do that while your main attacks fill up again" but i'l figure that out some other time ANYWAY sun's moveset will look something like this a dash just like moon but instead of some kind of energy surge, sun blasts herself forward with fire or an explosion or smth. the first is a basic punch that blasts an explosion/fire in front of the punch for extra distance but only a little bit, just enough so its reachable, i imagine if you dash and then do this attack, it will make an extra big punch and blast the enemy away. the secondary attack will be a longer distance continuous fireblast that chips away your soulbar slowly, the dahs version may be a big long ass laser beam ish fireblast?
and then not rly an attack? but a thing she can do, she can make her raccoon flip suck up stuff and make a temporary shield against attacks. so all the bullets gets sucked up in his cute mouth ALSO in non battle scenario's both moon and sun have their own skills they use to progressin puzzle's and exploring levels, moon can huse their hand to do puzzle stuff and pick stuff up easy, and sun can smash big blocks of stone to open new area's (and more but i can't say anything caus that would be boringgg) so a bit of a summary this is what i will add to make the game less boring -attack variants -attack combo's -2 main characters with different movesets -a switch option between the characters -ingame puzzle adn exploration functions different to the 2 charactrs
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happyk44 · 1 year
Having written yet another Percicobeth drabble (or ficlet? Probably? Like the difference is in word count, right? And I'm idk how long that one was but feels long-ish), I'm thinking about comments I've gotten (and ignored) on my other Percicobeth stuff, people complaining that Nico is gay so he can't be in a relationship with Annabeth and ofc my first instinct is to go "I was here long before Nico was gay, and shipped this ship, I'm not gonna abandon it just because the owner of the boats made up something new. I've been in this boat for over a decade. You think I give a shit if the owner suddenly says my boat isn't made for the deep waters I've been taking her into this whole time?"
And that of course is totally valid. I don't think people need to give up ships or headcanons or whatever else they've had for a long time just because something changed or became official in canon. But I also don't think it matters what people ship, irrespective of canon anyway. Like, yeah, in the heydays of fandom, shipping canon gay characters with female characters was really frowned upon because there were so little canon gay characters, it was annoying to see them scrubbed out for a m/f ship, but it's not really like that anymore. But also, tbh, as annoying as it was, I never really gave too much of a shit because fandom is fandom. People like what they like. And most of the time they retconned them to be bi, not straight so who gives a shit 🤷‍♂️ just block that person if you want and move along
But that also reminds me that I did get a comment complaining that by making Nico "bi", other people will feel like it's okay to make him straight, which a) that's not how that works and b) I'm not making him bisexual, I'm saying Annabeth is his exception.
In all my years of being in the PJO fandom, the only two girls I've ever shipped Nico with was Thalia (whooo, go early days PJO!) and Annabeth. And Thalia/Nico was never a big ship to me tbh. I think I may have actively shipped it for like a few months, and even then I didn't really seek it out. If I did read it, it was usually because they were a secondary relationship in a fic with a really fascinating plot. Like the only two fics I can remember reading with them as a pairing was a time travel kidfic, and this fic where the gods faded due to lack of belief so the kids had to take their spot as gods. And both fics had an ensemble cast and a plot I wish I remembered more.
So basically - it's really just Annabeth.
And truly and honestly, and this is just for me, I don't care how you guys approach it, but I never write Percicobeth with intention of Nico being bisexual. Even in the way back, when canon gay Nico was just a dream, I always just saw Percicobeth as "Nico is really gay, but Annabeth is hot so it doesn't matter for her". And I think a lot of people saw the ship that way too.
And for all that people talk about sexuality being fluid, it's really baffling to me that some people can't wrap their minds around a fictional relationship where a gay male character hooks up with a girl he really likes, but otherwise isn't attracted to other girls.
It happens in couples where a person transitions but their partner stays with them because they love them too much. Would they look at that gender on other people with the same vibrant romantic/sexual attraction? No. But on their partner it looks good, and that's all that matters. And all the jokes about gay men kissing twinks that turn out to be lesbians thinking they were kissing another lesbian.
Also I swear when I was, like, thirteen or so, people used to use the label homoflexible/heteroflexible, which basically meant "I'm gay/straight, but if you're hot enough, I might be interested". I wonder what happened to it 🤔 but yeah, anyway - sexuality is fluid, people kiss and date and fuck who they want, and sometimes who they want is not always what their label says, and it's really up to them if they want to change it.
So in summation. Yeah, I know Nico is gay. But I've shipped Percicobeth for over a decade, and I'm gonna keep shipping it because it makes me happy. And when I write the ship, Nico is still gay, but either Annabeth is hot enough that he doesn't care, or they end up having a really deep connection and friendship outside of their relationship to Percy, that they end up hooking up anyway.
Also sometimes I write Percicobeth as "she fucks Percy and he fucks Percy, but they don't fuck each other, they just scheme together different ways to fuck with Percy", because sometimes that's what polyamory is! Sometimes it's "I'm dating X, and X is dating me and Y, but I'm just good friends with Y, and Y is just good friends with me" and that's okay too. It doesn't always have to be everyone is in love and dating each other.
The world contains multitudes.
And at the end of the day, I write what I want.
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vro0m · 7 months
Idk I can’t really see this apparent parallels people are drawing between Vettel and Hamilton. Ferrari saw vettel as some sort of savior irregardless of the fact that Daniel beat him at RB. I guess we’ll have to see how this season goes but Idk imo I don’t really think Lewis is going there to build Ferrari from the ground back to winning days or idk blow them away with his talent. He wanted a long contract, Ferrari offered and Mercedes didn’t. Winning a title may not be the goal but just be a bonus.
I don't know how Ferrari saw Vettel at the time and I don't know how Ferrari sees Lewis now. Clearly they both have multiple titles and both are/were moving there after a more difficult and disappointing period of their career in a team that was previously successful for a number of seasons, to end up facing another already well established Ferrari driver. It's difficult not to draw parallels, whether warranted or not.
I say this every time now but this is multifactorial. It wasn't just the "childhood dream" or just the money or just the apparent belief this might be successful or whatever, it must have been a combination of things.
It's purely my opinion but I find it unlikely that Lewis would do anything without the end goal of winning again somewhere in mind. Would that be just one race or a title. Again : not saying he primarily went there because he thinks they will surely win. But I don't buy the "Lewis is going to chill in a legendary team for a few years before retiring" version of this I've seen some people share. I might be proven wrong, but he spent his entire career being extremely ambitious and successful, and I highly doubt that a couple of rougher years suddenly drove that out of him. I think he's able to be realistic about it so I'm not saying he thinks he's gonna show up there and win it all in 2025 but it's always been his goal, I don't buy that he's able to now see it as only a bonus, a secondary thing.
Whether he will or not win with Ferrari is an entirely different question. I just don't believe he went there 100% to be sure he has a seat for the next few years but without any ambition to really turn it into anything, even though I don't believe he 100% went for the "dream" either.
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beansprean · 1 year
Sucks that you've gotten flagged, friend. Since your posts aren't showing up under their tags (which I follow so I can check for updates every day) are you going to update ao3 every time you post? Or is patreon best for you?
sigh, BIG idk. i'm not even just under a normal flag like my blog is INACCESSIBLE even if you have your privacy settings on low. Queening the Pawn will continue to update as usual on Tuesdays and Thursdays, around 2pm EST this week and next. then it's done and can be posted on AO3! I can also make the patreon posts public as they get released here and will be working on moving the MFG comic to AO3 as well (but its gonna take me a WHILE to get it all lol).
What I recommend - bc I believe my posts still show up in your likes - is to keep my pinned post on your radar. The link here is from my main so you can access it. you can save it in your likes or however you wish. whenever a comic is updated, the masterposts will be updated as well - i may have to again use reblogs from my main rather than the base post. as long as none of the posts get flagged again, you should still be able to see them from there or if they cross your dash. i will probably not be posting too much until this gets resolved - bc 75% of yall wont even see it uuugghhh - but i can also add post links to my pinned post as a way to update anyone checking it. i will also be reblogging anything I post to my main @beandump, so you can follow me there if you can stand all the other garbage i rb. maybe i need a temp secondary to rb to?? lmk what yall think about that bc idk if it will be helpful at all if not everyone is aware of it.
reblogging my stuff when you see it is a great way to help! for those who can contribute monetarily, there is also my patreon which should continue to get updates as normal. no pressure on that one, obvs, but yeah. Hope everyone sticks with me thru this!
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Alpha Alejandro x Alpha Valeria x omega Rudy during the interrogation scene。
Valeria to Rudy: “But you still wear my mark, hermoso”
This was interesting to write. I am curious, in an ABO context, for language, would it still be hermoso? Or would it be hermosa? For omegas that is. English doesn’t really have whole variations of words that would change depending on gender so I would have no idea. I would think it would be hermosa since in ABO Alphas tend to be more masculine and omegas more feminine but then again with the secondary sex, maybe there would be an entirely new gender binary for language? Idk, I think it’s interesting. As usual, italics are in spanish
Rodolfo watched the interrogation with growing annoyance. Alejandro was on edge and Valeria was doing nothing but riling him up. And of course Alejandro growing more and more on edge sent his scent filling the room.
Which meant Valeria had to go and flood her scent right back.
Poor Soap had had to cover his nose already. Rodolfo would admit he felt dizzy from it but being one of the few omegas in a base of mostly alphas had given him a slight ability to ignore it.
Only slight.
If he wasn’t sure Alejandro would kill Valeria the moment he was out of the room, he’d consider seeing if Soap wanted to just leave. No one would care, he was sure. But, no. He needed to stay so Alejandro wouldn’t murder Valeria. 
Of course, Rodolfo may have considered doing the same. No, this was important, they needed the missiles.
“How do you two know each other?” Graves gestured between Alejandro and Valeria. Rodolfo shook his head.
“Know is a strong word.” Alejandro growled.
“Words are important, no? All we have is our word.” Valeria said as she glanced from Alejandro to Rodolfo. Rodolfo narrowed his eyes at her.
Alejandro followed her eyes and growled again, lunging for her. “Go to hell, you fucking- I am going to kill you. Don’t fucking look at him.” Rodolfo and Soap both grabbed him before he could get to her and Rodolfo scented him, praying it would calm Alejandro a little. 
“Commander,” Rodolfo pleaded. Alejandro avoided his eyes but backed up. Rodolfo looked away from Soap’s questioning glance. He’d definitely picked that up.
Rodolfo sighed as he turned back to Valeria, noticing the way Graves seemed to pick up Alejandro’s shoulders tensing with possession.
“Go on. Tell them.” Alejandro gestured, giving her a fake smile that Rodolfo knew said that he wanted away from her as soon as possible.
Valeria smiled, leaning back in her chair. “I don’t take orders, anymore. Even the dogs in Las Almas know not to bark at me.”
Rodolfo hid a shiver at the way she glanced at him. She seemed to frown for a moment, and Rodolfo puffed in pride. She couldn’t affect him anymore.
She didn’t have to know that wasn’t true.
Alejandro smiled, clearly pleased at her confusion as well. “She’s ex military. We served together.”
“Different squads, same unit.” Valeria confirmed, putting her elbow over the back of the chair. “You were the wild ones.” She gestured to Alejandro, but Rodolfo didn’t miss the way she did not gesture to him as well. “Los Vaqueros.” 
Rodolfo shook his head, watching the way Alejandro grinned with pride. He had never been wild. He’d been contained. It was a joke on base that Rodolfo was Alejandro’s impulse control. Alejandro was the forest fire and Rodolfo was the rain. What had Valeria been, then?
“My unit was clean cut.” Valeria continued. If she glanced at him one more time, Rodolfo was going to snap.
“Until the raid.” Alejandro raised an eyebrow, laughing. “Do you remember?” 
“I remember perfectly.” Valeria smiled, clearly amused. This time, though, she avoided Rodolfo’s eyes. Rodolfo knew why, too. He rubbed at his shoulder, able to feel the gunshot scar through his hoodie.
“Her team was told to cordon off the city.” Alejandro glanced at Rodolfo and seemed to tense even more. “Take out his enforcers and prevent the bloodshed!” He moved closer to Rodolfo.
Rodolfo scented him again, on instinct. He knew Alejandro enough by now to know when he needed something. He had no doubt Alejandro would find his way into his bed later, as well. 
Valeria frowned, watching them. But, she smiled again, a moment later. “That’s exactly what we did.”
Rodolfo knew that was bullshit. Even if he’d gotten shot shortly before this.
“You kept out his enforcers because you were his enforcers.” Alejandro mocked, his confidence regaining, likely from Rodolfo’s scent.
Valeria clenched her hands into fists, glaring at them both. Rodolfo straightened a little, reaching and touching Alejandro’s sleeve. Valeria’s eyes followed the movement and a soft growl came from her chest.
Finally, she continued. “He was escorted up to the mountains. Without incident. Also to prevent bloodshed.” She smiled, fluttering her eyes lashes at Rodolfo, something she used to do when she wanted something. Rodolfo’s touch on Alejandro’s sleeve turned to gripping it and Rodolfo met Alejandro’s eyes when he glanced behind.
Rodolfo didn’t want to be in there, anymore. Alejandro seemed to see it in his eyes and gave him a sympathetic expression but it was clear. Alejandro was telling him to stay.
“He was supposed to be arrested.” Rodolfo finally said, hoping he could push as much irritation as possible into his tone.
Graves grabbed Valeria’s shoulder, but he was glancing between all three of them. Rodolfo didn’t like the expression he gave. It was cold, calculated. He didn’t trust it. But Alejandro did, so he kept it to himself.
“So you killed him?” Graves phrased it as a question but it was clear it wasn’t. “And you took over.”
Valeria looked smug. “I created a power vacuum in Las Almas. So, I filled it. Las Almas needs me.” She glanced over Rodolfo and then to Alejandro, who was immediately on edge again.
“Las Almas needs soldiers. Not sicarios.” Alejandro growled. Rodolfo could hear the hidden implication there. Rodolfo didn’t need Valeria either. How true that was was... a mystery. “And you... you disgrace the army.”
Valeria narrowed her eyes at him, but didn’t respond. Alejandro continued, moving closer to get in her face. “And what about him? He doesn’t need you either.”
Valeria didn’t look convinced. She smiled right in his face. “I can still smell myself on him. Did he ever burn it off? Or could he just not bring himself to do it?”
“Enough.” Rodolfo hissed. She’d hit too close to home.
Alejandro backed off, finally, letting Graves take over. 
“Why are you doing this?” Graves questioned. 
Valeria turned to Graves, now smug. She was winning. “You tell me, no? You’re the contractor. What you don’t do, your competitors will.”
“You’re a narco, harboring a terrorist.” Ghost spoke up from behind Rodolfo. Rodolfo almost jumped but he was too focused on keeping Alejandro calm.
Valeria shrugged, straightening in her seat. “Terrorism is good for business. It’s insurance.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Alejandro snorted.
Valeria snapped. “Would you get your head out of your ass, Alejandro?! For fuck’s sake!” Rodolfo flinched back and then he saw her look smug again. Rodolfo’s shoulders slowly dropped and he closed his eyes. He’d given her exactly what she wanted. Proof she could still get a reaction out of him.
Alejandro’s scent immediately flooded the container again and Rodolfo felt dizzy once more. He wanted out of here.
Valeria leaned forward again. “As long as there is a war on terror. There will be no true war on drugs.”
Alejandro and her glared at each other for a moment before she looked away. “To find your so called terrorist and your missiles, you need me... To prevent bloodshed.” She mocked.
Alejandro shook his head, moving past Rodolfo to grab his gun. Rodolfo made eye contact with him, trying to again scent him but it was clear Alejandro had hit his limit. Rodolfo looked away, preparing for the explosion.
“I’m not doing this.” Alejandro shook his head again.
“It doesn’t change anything.” Soap tried, but Alejandro just glared at him.
“It changes fucking everything!” Alejandro snarled. Rodolfo flinched back again and Alejandro softened before sighing. “Do not make a deal with her, it will not end well.”
Rodolfo went to follow him, but stopped, hearing Valeria laugh behind him. He didn’t hesitate to round on her. “You fucking ruin everything, you snake!” He hissed at her.
“Aw, poor Rodolfo.” She cooed, crossing her arms.
Soap seemed to pick up on Rodolfo’s distress and interrupted them. “Looks like it’s your turn to tell the truth.”
Graves gave Rodolfo a long glance before leaning down, close to Valeria. “I want Hassan. I want the missiles. And I want the targets. You’ve got ten seconds before I show you the difference between Military and Me.”
Valeria didn’t break eye contact with Rodolfo. “I don’t have the targets. But I do have the locations. When you come back, I’ll give you Hassan.”
Rodolfo shook his head. “Alejandro is right. She can’t be trusted.” He stopped at seeing Graves raise his hand. Even Valeria seemed surprised at Rodolfo stopping.
Alejandro had asked him to get along with the American. So he would get along. But if he got the chance, Graves would learn the difference between the Vaqueros and Rodolfo.
Graves moved away to talk into his comms and Valeria chuckled. “He keeps you on a tight leash, no? You do anything at his beck and call.”
Rodolfo glared at her. “He’s my mate. It’s loyalty. Something you wouldn’t know about.”
“You still wear my mark, hermoso. Is that loyalty or something else?”
“You’re a snake. Every time you come around, you poison everything.” Rodolfo hated her. She made everything worse. She’d abandoned them and destroyed Alejandro.
Valeria spoke up again. “He stays with me when you go and find Hassan.” She chuckled, addressing Graves.
“Done.” Graves told her, glancing to Rodolfo.
Rodolfo cursed under his breath. Alejandro was going to be pissed. “You’re gonna stay in that chair.”
“Oh of course, Rudy.” Valeria cooed.
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gimmethatagustd · 4 months
I love seeing you back 😭 (and as someone also going on interviews and all that atm, I feel you, it's so stressful 😫)
I want to know if the names are fic titles or just file names? (like how do you all have titles so easily? It's such a struggle for me, it's the last thing I have always 😭)
Then please tell me about baby fangs 😇🩸
i almost always make the file names also the fic titles! i have to have a title before i can write a fic usually
when gods bleed - based on the song "the gods can bleed" by dpr ian; the fic is about religion i always thought we could be perfect - idk how i came up with it tbh, but it's a break up fic baby fangs - in the fic, jimin is a vampire and his kid is a dhampir (half vampire, half human) and the kids at school make fun of him for being half, and they call him "baby fangs" cuz his fangs are smol 😔 artist's choice - it's literally just a drabble about a tattoo artist randomly choosing which tattoo to give his client lol ascetical - "practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline; abstention from pleasure, comfort, and self-indulgence as a spiritual discipline." it's a fic about a detective who is searching for the serial killer he thinks killed his wife and he's really fucked up over it obviously faeries don't kiss - another simple one, it's a peter pan au where jimin is tinker bell and tae is peter pan, and tae's talking about learning how to kiss from humans and jimin is annoyed cuz he doesn't understand what that means
ANYWAY !!!!!!!!!! under the cut is a lil snippet of baby fangs 👀 i was supposed to finish it weeks ago but alas. jimin's kid is actually really funny and i lowkey love writing bratty teenagers
What’s strange, though, is that despite having a heartbeat, there’s something wrong with Insoo. Jungkook doesn’t know what it is, but he can smell it on him. Below the smell of the average fourteen-year-old teenage boy, there’s the musky smell of death — nothing acrid like one may expect, but something… musty and ancient, like the brittle wrappings of a mummy locked in a tomb or moldy books left out to dry yet still unsalvageable. Jungkook smells it on Jimin and himself, too. It’s distinctly vampire, nothing Jungkook would have been able to pick up on while he was still human. Now, though, his senses are heightened, and he can tell that Insoo isn’t right. Jungkook just doesn’t know what it is that’s making him smell like death when he’s very much alive.
It doesn’t matter. Jungkook shouldn’t even be here. There’s no point in solving mysteries about people he’ll never see again once he gets everything figured out.
Jungkook sits on the floor in the middle of the living room while he sorts through a small black suitcase. Since Jungkook isn't allowed to leave Jimin's apartment, Jimin had to go to Jungkook's to pick up some essentials — clothes, shoes, hygiene products, and his Nintendo Switch. Jungkook can't remember the state of his apartment when he left it, but judging by the solemn look on Jimin's face when he returned, Jungkook is sure it wasn't pretty.
"I'm from Busan," Jungkook answers quietly.
"By the beach?" Insoo asks.
Jungkook nods.
"Then why the fuck did you move to Seoul?"
"Insoo!" Jimin's voice booms through the apartment and rattles Jungkook's bones.
Rolling his eyes, Insoo finishes chewing his last few bites before saluting Jungkook with his chopsticks and mumbling around the rice in his mouth, "See you around, Jungkook-ssi. Wish me luck as I survive the perils of secondary education."
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aibouart · 1 year
So I’ve had an anon in my drafts for like a year now asking how to get better at being fast at art since I can be a bit speedy (I used to be faster but I’ve slowed down in some areas to take my time BDBDS)
Anyways, I have been thinking abt it constantly since then and decided to just make a video about it, but Vegas cONSTANTLY crashes on me and when I was doing it, I couldn’t upload it anyways due to my terrible internet and the length
SO I’ve decided to just say a summary of it, cuz like, ultimately it’s a lot of things but the primary thing is:
Keyboard shortcuts (and tools)
Fr, you can get super fast at digital art just by navigating your program efficiently. You don’t even need to be fast at the art thing itself (that part is just practice unfortunately). If you learn and apply shortcuts in your program (sorry mobile users I can’t help u there rn) then you can easily become a LOT faster without even needing to get better at art itself.
For example:
We already know ctrl-Z, ctrl-Y (or ctrl-shift-z for some programs), ctl-X, ctrl-v, ctrl-c
But some other shortcuts I use (this is in Paint Tool SAI, so you can look up your program’s as it might overlap!) are:
Holding space: bro this shit works for like every single program i swear. hold space and click and drag to move the canvas around, a lot faster than going to the scroll bars or using the preview (unless you want a large movement)
Ctrl A: this will select everything on your canvas, it won’t select all layers though but in conjunction with ctrl-x, ctrl-c, or your fill shortcut (ctrl-f for me) it means you’re lightning fast to do what you’re doing without having to use magic wand tool or selection tool. ctrl-a + ctrl-c + ctrl-v is super fast to just, select it all, copy it, and paste it. 
ctrl-alt: idk abt other programs, but holding ctrl-alt on SAI brings up the brush size wherever your mouse is. you can adjust the size on the spot itself without going to brush tab 
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ctrl f: i don’t even use the bucket tool i just use this. it’ll fill anything in your selection (or the entire screen if u don’t have anything selected)
alt: holding this down while using a selection tool will make it deselect. no need to use a deselection tool or anything if u just hold this down (really good in conjunction w magic wand tool). I use this to go even faster by being sloppy with my selection tool, going to my lineart, holding alt and deselecting the areas that go out of the lines. a lot faster for me than trying to get the perfect selection right away.
ctrl d: deselects
c: this auto selects the invisible/eraser setting for any tool you’re using, so I just use this when using a pen or something to erase instead of the actual eraser tool
v: this swaps between the primary colour selected and the secondary one
ctrl-e: merges selected layer w layer below it
ctrl-shift-e: merges all layers (can get funky w folders, but if you select the very top layer it should work) this is esp useful if you’re sharing art by pasting it into stuff like discord, ctrl-shift-e, ctrl-a, ctrl-c, all copied, no need to screenshot it at all.
right click: eyedropper tool, you can hold alt as well but i use right click
there’s even more than these (pretty sure there’s one u can hold to rotate the canvas for example but i never use it). honestly, half the battle w digital art is getting used to your program. if u have access to keyboard shortcuts, using them will allow u to just go ham once u have them memorised (note that these took years for me to figure them all out, i def didn’t memorise them all in one week or anything. over steady application to my habits i got them down)
here’s a fast tutorial on filling in lineart stupid quickly!: https://aibouart.tumblr.com/post/182793937136/using-the-magic-wand-tool-to-try-and-fill-every
filling in ur colour now becomes as easy as click, click, click, invert, ctrl-f. u may need to clean some corners but otherwise it’s basically instantly filled. if ur program has magic wand tool it’ll prolly do this
https://gyazo.com/a5efd8695e7e0bda6667063168612823 (really quick example of selection tool, magic wand tool, alt, ctrl-f)
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ecto-hazard · 2 years
(TW for brief spider physiology mention)
How do objects get around or manipulate objects with those noodle stick limbs? Are object limbs powered by water pressure like spider legs?
Specbio gets a little suspend your disbeliefy here
Since I’ve established they came from insects, it primarily works like insect legs in that there’s a segmented carapace thing and it’s moved by muscles, similar to humans sans internal bones. However, this carapace has some flexibility to it. Not as much so in like the legs with have to hold a whole body up, but more in the arms. So theyve got a secondary muscular system kinda like octopi that allows for more flexing of their limbs but it takes a lot more effort. This development may have adapted as part of their mimicry thing they got going on where having more flexibility to their limbs would make it easier to hide the fact that they’re there. Does that make any sense? Idk if that makes sense but I have to go to work soon so I’ll figure out why that would never work later
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mossymultiverse · 10 months
mossy log #13
so.... it's been a while.
i prommy im ok, just gonna start with that. i may have disappeared from the online world and from society a little bit, but no one in eterna really knew i "lived there" anyway, so im sure they didnt worry too much. and i certainly didnt disappear from the outside world, my companions have assured me of that.
we haven't quite finished construction, mainly bc we're goin as slow as we can On Purpose, but structurally, we're getting close. i.... i know i shouldnt try to move here full time. it wont work. it never does. but.... well, of my "secondary" homes, i think.... i think this one might be one of the closest. for one thing, it will (hopefully) stick around long after i leave, which is.... pretty unique among my homes. i do try to build them to last, but when im one of the only links holding it up.... but here, i know that there are so many different lines, a beautiful colorful web of strings crisscrossing all over the place, and even if they aren't directly connected to this base, the base still rests comfortably nestled in its silk. i.... that makes me happy, in a way im not sure i can properly describe.
anyway. i wont be changing my blog name, and i wont be fully vacating the old chateau either. the refuge might have been my idea, but its honestly more for zuko than me. and, of course, the other pokemon who live nearby.
speaking of zuko, and my other companions actually, theyve been.... really really happy to see me again. and, like. it makes sense. but it still always catches me off guard, for some reason. well, i know the reason. and its a frustratingly illogical one. but.... still.
and and. i dont think i mentioned this previously, or if i have i dont rember, because its been a long freakin time, but! the ghosties here are all so so nice. they play so carefully with zuko and phantump, and theyve definitely gotten rougher over time, but thats because theyve seen that my companions can take it. theyve learned how rough and how gentle they need to be and it just. idk. im Feeling abt it.
also, i should mention. i wasnt here The Whole Time i was offline. like, mentally, that is. physically, ive been here - tee was usually the one watching me, and ofc as the oldest the one who told the others i was ok - but mentally ive been wandering. i think one of the reasons im Feeling so much is. i wasnt just wandering to new places. i was wandering to old ones. *very* old ones, ones so old i didnt even use the same.... anyway.
if you want to hear any of these wandering stories, feel free to pester me. i cant guarantee you'll get an answer, but. youll never know if you dont ask.
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